The Straits Times, 20 May 1965

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 145,000 The Straits Times Estd. 1845. THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1965 if 15 CENTS KDN 1189 1005
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  • 870 1 Jayakan Bahasa Kebangsaan >-..... ■IIIIHlllll lllllliiii Sibu meeting cancelled KUALA LUMPUR, Wed §ARAWAK'S Chief Minister, Dato Stephen Kalong Ningkan, and the Minister of Sarawak Affairs, Dato Temenggong Jugah, have agreed to fly here for talks with the Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, on the
    Lim Yaw Chong  -  870 words
  • 555 1 Crisis nerves bring a rally From G. GELDARD K ETCHING, Wed. There were indications today that Dato Ninukan is gaining support throughout the country and that members of political parties, alarmed by the events of the past week, are inrnasingly urging a reconciliation to ensure a return to a strong
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  • 92 1 Shave off moustache order to boxer >riW YORK. Wed. American middleweight Rubin "Hurricane" Carter has bern told to share off his moustache before he fights Dick Tiuer. of Nigeria, here tomorrow night. The ruling was madp by the New York Slate Athletic Com mission after a protest by Tiber's handlers.
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 41 1 MANILA. Wed. More than 200,000 people or one-half of TarUc Town's 426.547 Inhabitants are undernourished, according to the provincial health officer The officer said that the inhabitants In that Northern Philippine town were also suffering from malnutrition.— Reuler
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 91 1 EXTENSION TO SEA FOR AIRPORT SYDNEY. Wed. Sydney's Kingsford Bmlth Airport Is going to sea. Work on a £4.750.000 project to extend the airport's North-South runway out Into Botany Bay. Increasing Its length from 5.500 to 8.500 feet, is gradually taking shape. The peninsula on which the runway will be
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 24 1 gINGAPORE, Wed. Police lotto? detained ;i 24-year-old man in connection with a bomb Ih>;i\ cafl at a school in Whampoa Road.
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  • 272 1 Two reporters barred from Assembly JOHORE BAHRU. Wednesday. yHE Johore State Government has banned two Utusan Melayu staff reporters from covering State Assembly meetings. They are Syed Omar bin Ali and Inche Ikhwan Nasser. Both have been covering Johore for many years. The ban. which applies only to Assem- bly
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  • 624 1 TENGKU: I WOULD HAVE SAID 'NO' TO WINNEBA MISSION PUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Tengku Abdul Rahman today expressed regret that a Malaysian delegation had gone to Accra to attend the Afro-Asian Peoples' Solidarity Organisation conference without his knowledge. Had he known he was in Tokyo at the time he would have
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  • 195 1 'Peace talks only after Algiers' JAKARTA, Wed.— The Indonesian Foreign Minister. Dr. Subandrio, id today there was no possibility of talks between Indonesia and Malaysia before the end of June. Before leaving lor Tokyo, he said the quarrel was "too complex to be solved in a short time, and delinitely
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  • Article, Illustration
    34 1 JOINT CALL FOR END OF RAIDS MOSCOW. Wed. India and Russia today jointly called for in end to bombing raids on North Vietnam, and said border disputes should be settled peacefully— Reuter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 79 1 jytr J imhiciV -J Newest Trifocal lenses Supplied exclusively by: DAH SIN OPTICAL HOUSE, 325, North Bride* Rd Spore -7. Next door ODEON Phon« *****. Branch Office: The Pcnong Optical Co., It Farquhor St., Ponang. STOKVIS REFRIGERATORS n^sass^^Bß jA |n Jj" ■C a *oclH«» from s 4 4 I* II
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    • 131 2 A threat by frontline Ayub pANN OF KUTCH. R Wed. President Ayub Khan, making a surprise visit yesterday to his frontline troops in this disputed territory told them: "Pakistan wants peace especially with its neighbours." But he warned: "Should the Indian leaders carry out their threat of aggression, Pakistan will
      AP  -  131 words
    • 28 2 DAMASCUS, wed.— Syria yesterday reported four gunfire clashes with Israel near the Galilee Sea area and lodged a complaint with the U.N. observation organisation. A.P.
      AP  -  28 words
    • 129 2 Bien Hoa blast: 'We caused it-Reds PARIS, Wed. The South Vietnam National Liberation front (FLN) last night claimed responsibility for Sunday's exploi sion at the Bien Hoa air base, near Saigon, in which 28 people were killed, according to a message received b-re. The American lommander of Bien Hoa has
      Reuter  -  129 words
    • 41 2 TOKYO. Wed.— A light earthquake shook Central Tokyo today for 15 seconds, but there were no immediate reports of damage. In south Formosa, an earth tremor damaged 42 houses In the < counties of Pingtunß and Tainan.
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    • 206 2 AMERICAN PEACE BID GETS NO RESPONSE FROM HANOI REDS WASHINGTON, Wednesday. THE United States yesterday resumed its air attacks on North Vietnam after a five-day lull. Authoritative sources in Washington said that during the lull, the Johnson Administration made a peace move to Hanoi through a third party
      Reuter  -  206 words
    • 55 2 NEW YORK, Wed— The General Assembly's special committee on colonialism has adopted a resolution calling for the early removal of the British military base In Aden, where the situation "is threatenting international peace and security." Britain voted against the resolution which was passed by 19 to
      Reuter  -  55 words
    • 38 2 JAKARTA. Wed- The assistant director of a State-owned company In Bandoeng has been arrested and charged with "insulting" President Soekarno. Antara said the prosecution Is asking two years' Jail for WiUhelmus Diffelen. 35. UPI-
      UPI  -  38 words
    • 91 2 SAIGON, Wed. VA. Navy planes destroyed 90 per cent of the military barracks surrounding Phu Qui fuel depot, and damaged all of tha storage tanks in yesterday's strikes against Communist North Vietnam, it was officially announced here today. An American military spokesman said solidfuel Bullpup
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    • 50 2 HONO KONG. Wed.— Britlah Oversea* Airways Corporation yesterday announced the withdrawal of VC-lOs from Its Tokyo-Hong Kong-Bangkok route. Mr. A. D. Bennett. Its manager for the Far East, said BOAC had now adopted an all B-707 pattern of operation to and through the three cities. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  50 words
    • 34 2 MADRID, Wed.— Alan Cheswortth. a British naval rating from Liverpool, appeared In court here yesterday charged with insulting General Franco and resisting Spanish police. Hearing is expected in several days. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 34 2 VIENTIANE. Wed— Twelve people were killed and nine Injured in the royal capital of Lumn« Prabang at the weekend when grenade on a soldiers belt exploded during a temple fair. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 203 2 NZ troops for Vietnam? Opposition warning WELLINGTON, Wed. New Zealand's integrity among newly emergent nations depends on not sending New Zealand troops to Vietnam, the leader of the New Zealand opposition Labour Party. Mr. Arnold Nordmeyer, said here last night. He wa<; speaking at the Labour Party's annual conference In
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    • 347 2 REDS SHOOT DOWN A SOUTH KOREAN SPOTTER PLANE SEOUL, Wed. A SOUTH Korean L-19 light spotter aircraft is missing, believed shot down over North Korea, the United Nations Command in Seoul said early today. Earlier Pyongyang Radio monitored in Tokyo reported that ground fire had shot down an American L-19
      Reuter  -  347 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 213 2 WHAT JAPANESE BANK IS OLDER THAN THE BANK OF ENGLAND? The 282-year old Mitsui Bank. The first Mitsui Exchange House was founded in 1683. From it has grown a vast complex of industries, embracing every aspect of modern business life. Because the Mitsui Bank still occupies a central position in
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 31 2 THE GAMBOLS by Barry Appleby /WHILE I BUY TUE BUTTEB /Stress rT TO MAKh") vyOU GO AND PIND A NICE I 6URE IT* SOPT V -^gIPE *\ELON^_— —Vf m^^ r js
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    • 219 3 UNITED NATIONS. Wrd. A move was UK closed last night to have the 114 -nation IV Disarmament Commission take a first step toward getting China into disarmament negotiations. Key non-aligned countries w-re reported studying a Canadian paper for a resolution by
      AP  -  219 words
    • 44 3 AMSTERDAM. Wed. Lord ftiowdon. hu&band of Princess Margaret, is getting absent-mind-ad He visited a local diamond cutting firm on Monday and walked off with a magnifying glass lent him by the manager. The glass was returned later after discreet inquiries UPI
      UPI  -  44 words
    • 293 3 COALITION GOVT PLAN BY U.S. REJECTED Santo Domingo, Wed JUNTA leader Maj.-Gen. Antonio Imbert Barreras yesterday rejected a reported United States plan to get him to resign in favour of a coalition Government. ''I am on the side of democracy." he said. Bitter fighting
      UPI  -  293 words
    • 77 3 T ONDON. Wed. The cost of living in Britain in April showed its greatest one-month jump for 10 years, according to figures issued here today Increases in the prices m cigarettes and liquui' win am r..z reasons quoted (or thr rise. Th« cost of
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    • 45 3 WASHINGTON. Wed lrTr Johnson Administration yesterday opened its Merit for a Bill to curb mail order traffic in ram with a charge by Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach that the National R;fle Association has uafd misleading and prepoMeroai ments against the measure AP
      AP  -  45 words
    • 180 3 IZVESTIA: THE MAN WITH ALL THE BAD WORDS VIOSCOW, Wod. t iT Canada's military attache in Moscow was yesterday accused of hooliganism in a Russian restaurant and "a brilliant knowledge of the dictionary of swear words." The Soviet Government newspaper Izvestia said tha incident occurred in Tambov, southern Russia. Th»
      Reuter  -  180 words
    • 33 3 NEW YORK. Wed. The World's Fair will reduce it* evenIng admission price for adults to US*l.5O June 1, the New York Herald Tribune said. The present price is USS2.SO.— A.P.
      AP  -  33 words
    • 189 3 Factories under guard in paralysed Bolivia I A PAZ. Wed. Factories were under heavy police guard here today as most of Bolivia was paralysed by the general strike caused by the weekend banishment of the miners' leader, Juan Lechin Oquendo. About 60 people were yesterday reported to have been arrested
      Reuter  -  189 words
    • 71 3 RIO-DE-JANEIRO. Wed. Brazilian police making a routine check found a time bomb In the grounds of the United States Embassy here yesterday A United States Embassy spokesman said: "It was a pretty considerable charge 10 sticks of dynamite in a shoe box and a
      Reuter  -  71 words
    • 51 3 LONDON. Wed.— Sir Winston Churchill's widow, who was made a life peeress two weeks ago. has chosen the title Baroness SpencerChurchill of Chartwell In the country of Kent, it was announced In today's London Gazette. Soencer-Churchill is the family name, but Sir Winston dropped the hyphen.
      Reuter  -  51 words
    • 167 3 ROME. Wed. An anonymous telephone call last night led police to a church where they recovered a £46.000 painting stolen from a Rome palace or. Sunday. The painting, a sixteenth century Jan van Scorel portrait of Agatha van Schoonhoven. was found in a cake-box after
      Reuter  -  167 words
    • 141 3 CAMBRIDGE. Wed Brlv tains master jail breaker Alfred Hinds last night won a Cambridge University debate on the motion: "The law Is an ass." He escaped from Jail three times while serving a 12--year sentence on a £38.000 robbery charge but finally had
      Reuter  -  141 words
    • 87 3 NEW YORK. Wed— A Stute Supreme Court jury has awardec T.S. $1,172,000 to the family of a financier killed in a plane crash. It was believed the lamest death award ever made by a New York State court. Th« award. Including intrri'st. wont to the family
      AP  -  87 words
    • 200 3 The lost Cabinet papers: Row in Commons ONDON, Wed. The Prime Minister, Mr. Wilson, rebuked a company director yesterday for taking a Cabinet Minister's mislaid confidential papers to the press for "political purposes." He assumed the finder. Mr. Geoffrey BlundellBrown. was a supporter of the Opposition, he told th» House
      Reuter  -  200 words
    • 107 3 Bomb Liberty Statue plot: Negroes accused TWEW YORK, Wed. Three 1 Negroes, members of an extremist group called the Black Liberation Front, ap- peared in court yesterday on conspiracy charges connected with a plot to blow up the Statue of Liberty. They were arrested last February and accused of plotting
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 184 3 NO COAXING NEEDED! NO BRIBING REQUIRED! Wonder Tonic "j£ K3 IJL with Candy Taste KmWNff* Eoch Hicee Swcerlet is *Vf I equivalent to 10 oranges ftM^ HP.M ijj^s HICEE BWEETLETS will ke«p AS^l L vfcZf\ your child free from colds (~r VTv r and common ailments. It will Li y
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  • 101 4 Poly students to donate blood today SINGAPORE. Wed— Singapore Polytechnic Students' Union (both freshmen and seniors) will be donating blood between 9.30 and 11 a.m. tomorrow at the Polytechnic exhibition hall as part of their Orientation activities. There will be a political talk at 2.3 i p.m. in the main
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  • 418 4 JOHORE BAHRU, Wednesday THK Deputy Public Prosecutor, Inche Hamzah bin Mohammed Salleh, today withdrew all charges against three men charged in the Johore Bahru magistrate's court with raping a former bar waitress in January this year. The dramatic end to the case came late
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  • 132 4 TIMETABLE SET FOR HEARING OF 12 TRADE DISPUTES SINGAPORE, Wed. The Industrial Arbitration Court has fixed a timetable for the hearing of 12 trade disputes for the rest of this month and the first half of June. The major disputes listed for hearing are as follows: May 24: Port of
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  • 92 4 SINGAPORE, Wed. —A. Athanan, 22, was today acquitted and discharged by the Second Criminal District Court for having carnal connection with a girl under 16, without his defence being called. The District Judge, Mr. K.T. Alexander, acquitted Athanan after defence counsel, Mr. R.
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  • 41 4 SINGAPORE. Wed.— The Singapore Government Public Works Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society Ltd. will award study scholarships of $50 each to 14 of its members' children at the Public Works Department's Club at Kallang at 4 p.m. on Saturday.
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  • 466 4 THK following li today's schedule of civil aircraft movement* at Paya Lebar airport Singapore: ARRIVALS BO AC: From London, L)am*»cui. Karachi. Bombay iBA 702) 5.20 p.m. from London, Zurich. Tel Aviv, Teheran, New Delhi <BA 71S) 6.45 p.m.; from Melbourne Darwin IBA 703) Q. 20
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 250 4 "OPENS "TOMORROW -SIMULTANEOUSLY. J (s pore) CAPITOL FEDERAL (kl.) JOHN STUR6ES who gave you "The MAGNIFICENT 7" and "THE 6REAT ESCAPE" now brings you •THE ULTIMATE IN SUSPENSE!-->oooooooooooB iboOoooOvOOoc I I 1 1 ai ■a OOOOOOyStxVVV^ BaVVVvvVVVvOON I A mtifnJjfM II pj The price (or uncovering the secret of The
      250 words
    • 22 4 ZEB-REHMAN *M m %3 UHIBUM.WRIYdDV^^ OEU9OSE Uio\id&&*m) With Ena. Rom Malay Sub> Tomorrow: Daro Singh Ni*hi "BADSHAI" (H) Partly in Eostmon Color.
      22 words
    • 80 4 jfjl^; a«r^. Stratght irem lOIMWS famous Pgatfe Starrm* JAM A KELLY ana 1 P€TBt DIXON 3 Brought lack by POPULAR REQUEST for 4 a short season Only. JKn nightly at CAIUAV RESTAURANT and Q<**Uodi fIRUNDEL ROOM DEFINITELY LAST PERFORMANCE TONIGHT. 1 singapura Sf The Four Lions Restaurant will be closed
      80 words
    • 290 4 TTrrrgrfTTTr daily a shows at slbms^b*2LsCLsUULLs4 100, 3.45, 6.30 9.15 p.m. 2 ND WONDERFUL WEEK!! THE MOST WONDROUS EXPERIENCE OF YOUR LIFE 4 -acclaimed as "ENTERTAINMENT FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY" \Vf ffTROGOLDWYNimR^ ZSa am -^to^.iSs. HARVEY-BLOOM JH^^w THE •~a J /My WDRID < 11 .jP BROTHERS^^r \f^atc-7^ J CIHi»JA«COs»« iNWONDtRFUkCOLORI
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    • 524 4 JAYAKAN BAHABA KEBANGSAAN OIM>S TOIIAY Horn, 1.30. 4.00, 6.30 I 9.30 pm PALACE: Opens Tomorrow! FAILSAFE DAN O'HERLIHY HENRY FONDA SATURDAY MYSTERY MIDNIGHT Of An Outstanding Holl,wcod Production OPENS TODAY 11am, 1.30, 4.00, 6.30 t 9.30 pm rUxtJo-gFiUKiSMkolSxKAHsntflSDktf A Rank Organisation Releose Plus "Bc-nta Singopura" No. 6/65 Saturday Midnight! Technicolor
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  • 154 5 TOH: DON'T DEPEND ENTIRELY ON THE POLICE (SINGAPORE. Wed. The acting Prime Minister. Dr. Toh Chin Chye, has called on the people not to depend entirely on the police to keep a look-out for Indonesian saboteurs and their agents. This was because the police could not patrol every streel and
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  • 29 5 KL'A! A II'MPUR \V» Abdul Jamil bin Abdul Rals. Permanent Secretary to the Prime Minis'er's Department, lias been re-elected president of the Government Services Welfare and Recreational Council.
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  • 167 5 The girls who are acting their age again MNANG. Wed.— the i pervi>-or of the St. Nicholas Onup.iiion Centre, Miss Molly Loh. last night told Penang I. ions of tlm suilt'en transformation of tw i blind women admitted to the ceiit'e. "Although thry were, still in their twenties." she said,
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  • 22 5 KUALA LJPIS. Wed— The Pahang police will hold their annual dance at the Pahang Club here on June 5.
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  • 355 5 THANKS TO BERITA HARIAN they all say BERITA HARIAN, the romamsed Malay language daily published by the Straits Times Group, came in for high praise for its usefulness in helping to promote the study and use of the national language at a forum at the National Library
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  • 61 5 CINGAPORE. Wfd. The police early today received several reports from residents in (he Katowr. area about a mysterious rxplosi o n somewhere in the sea oft* Siglap. The police believe that the 2.15 a.m. blast came from the Indonesian island of Pulau Samboe. There were no reports
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  • 154 5 IPOH. Wednesday. A WAGON in a southbound goods train jumped the rails and landed on its side near Bukit Berapit. between Taiping and Kuala Kangsar. about 10 o'clock last night. The accident disrupted train services between Ipoh and Penang till 2 p.m. today when
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  • 188 5 Five days left for girl-in-hiding Jackie KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Jacqueline Fleming, the New Zealand secretary who featured in a court case last week, has Just five days left to stay in Malaysia. This was confirmed by an official of the Immigration Department here who said: "She can be in this
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  • 69 5 SINGAPORE. Wed.— The e\u*mural studies department of Up University of Singapore will hoin a series of six lecturer in tne national language thus week in conjunction witli the Nations! Language Month The nrst two will be held toMM at the new lecturp theatre No. 2. from
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 206 5 «ADELPHB HOTEL F\mJ IbLI 111 TEL: 2810 FAREWELL PERFORMANCE MARIA MORENO and the Show Band LOS CASTELLANOS entertainment you with Exciting Spanish Dance Music and Songs Nightly in the GRILL. SUPERB FOOD WINES Table Reservation: Phone 2810. OPEN AIR SNACK CORNER' open dairy 6 to 12 p.m. j Entertainment by
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    • 276 5 T ssirr CAN'T I* AFFORD wmmh-^ %M r\ SEZ Mr W j^^^i 1 YOU The MCIS Officer has heard this over and r»ver again. The first reaction of any one Is "I can't afford life assurance." The MCIS Officer, however, has convinced thousands who thought they could not afford. The
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 46 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Malaysia yesterday signed an air service agreement with Belgium the 12th sucn agreement to be entered into by Malaysia in preparation lor ihe new international airport near here. The negotiation* for this agreement which bcßun yesterday were completed today
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  • 269 6 Tengku to lawyers: We will consider your views KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. •JENGKU Abdul Rahman today assured lawyers that they would be consulted on the Bill to disallow certain appeals being taken to the Privy Council. "The Government is not going to steamroll the Bill through," he said after the weekly
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  • 34 6 KLUANO. Wed— An X-ray mobile unit will be at the District Hospital here on June 15 and 16 and July 20 and 21 to give Tree chest X-rays to the public.
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  • 149 6 \f UAL A LUMPUR. Wed. JV The Minister of Labour, i Mr. V. Manickavasagarn will leave here on Saturday for a two-week goodwill tour of five West African countries. While in Nigeria, Ghana, the Ivory Coast. Guinea and Mall, Mr. I Manickavasagam will
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  • 58 6 SINGAPORE, Wed.— The Aus- I tnan Amba.ssador to Malaysia. Dr. R. Baumann. today called on the Yang di-Pertuan Negara. Tun Yusof bin Ishak. and his wife at the Istana Negara. where he was entertained to a luncheon. He will visit the Deputy Prime Minister. Dr.
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  • 34 6 SINGAPORE. Wed— The director of the Junior Red Cross Society in Canada. Mr. Ralph Wendebom, will arrive here by air on May 26. He leaves for Kuala' Lumpur the next evening.
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  • 202 6 yiENTIANE. Wed. Malaysia has good chances of survival despite racial and external problems, according to the Singapore Prime Minister. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, who left here today after a three-day stay. Mr. Lee said: "Malaysia's prospects are fair, certainly not bleak. I
    Reuter  -  202 words
  • 103 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The income Tax Laws j (Singapore and the States of Malaya) (Amendment i Pll. whlrh gives effect to the tax proposals in the White Paper, will be tabled at next Tuesday's session of Parliament Also to be tabled are the Cinematograph Film
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  • 315 6 NUJ: Law heavily weighted against unions VUALA LUMPUR. Wed. ±v —The Malayan National Union of Journalists today charged that the emergency laws regarding the sotting up of an Industrial Arbitration Court for disputes in the essential services, announced by the Government recer.tly, were "heavily weighted" against labour. The setting up
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  • 42 6 SINGAPORE, Wed.— Teo Clier Hwee, 45. a cashier of the Housing; and Development Board, vas jailed for nine months fcr criminal breach of tru.H at $16,610 belonging to the Board. Teo. a father of five, pleaded gui'iy.
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  • 118 6 PENANG. W«d. THE Penang branch ol the Customs Services Union ljust night decided to ask the Customs Department to plan a new insignia for the badges worn by Customs officers. The union, at Its annual meeting, agreed unanimously that the present design was not
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 295 6 fM? fil '*^H ?5* I jK» En&*- "^^'i^i^ittn hi v: 'v>S3SBEf f ksK^%. JM Ofi^ S;^i^BUl^iH Hi -ii £^^^^"sCs^_ **mF^-- THE /^Gn WOOd CHEF does your work for you the mixer that does so much more than mix! With its special attachments it can liquidise, mince, chop, slice, grind and
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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  • 82 7 Fairest of them all in Negri MISS Joyce Lint, 19 (right), who won the "Miss Nerri Sembilan" title at a dance organised by the Seremban Junior Chamber of Commerce here during the weekend. Miss Urn. who is a ronmetics demonstrator, won the title from nine other girls. The runner-op was
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  • 247 7 SINGAPORE. Wed. A 12-year-old pupil of the Tanjong Katong Girls' School made a bomb hoax call to her own school causing its evacuation on Monday, the Juvenile Court was <old today. The girl admitted making the telephone call from her next-door
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  • 55 7 Singapore, wvd. Polio- ban I arc investigating tin- ih.s..pi> of .some ST. OOO worth of engineering equipment from the Housing and Development Board I wurkahop m Queenstown. Tin- then ■M discovered on Monday. Ihe equipment two electric motors, electric cables, six reinforced concrete counterweight*,
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  • 57 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed— Four ;ouni.«:i.-:s tvom Sabah. Sarawak and Singapore left here I for a one-month .study turn Britain. They arc Mr, Km Marti be Sabah TIMM Desmond Leong. 1 th Sa: [uard. Mr. Chee Gum Ho.* of -h>- Bet Hu.i D..i Sibu mid Mr. Paul
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  • 298 7 Straits Trading chief: Why tie up cash in tin buffer stock? SINGAPORE. Wed. The terms for producers of the new international tin agreement weve criticised by the chairman of the Straits Trading Co. Ltd.. Sir Ewen Fergusson, at the annual meeting here today. Under the agreement the producing countries accepted
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  • 46 7 SINGAPORE. Wed. The second Malaysian Championship Dog Show to be held at the Gay World Stadium on Sunday at B m. has drawn 113 entries so All entries are Irom Malaysia, bui tnotH <->f th> for the >how have been Imported from ovr:
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  • 53 7 Sir Omar All Saifucldm. the BuIUUI <>f BninM. .•.lest of honour today I luni-h eivpn by the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. The Sultan, herp for talks with •he Cnmmonv ralth Rei. Secretory Mr. Arthur Bottomirv. teglnning today, i <t<*r vi.sited the. Stock Exchange to see operation*
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  • 142 7 MALACCA, Wednesday. GOODWILL get-togethers will be held shortly in all the towns and villages in Malacca to bring about better understanding among the various races. The Chief Minister of Malacca, Inche Abdul Ghafar bin Baba, announced this yesterday when he opened a mosque at Kampong Gadek
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  • 62 7 KUCHING, Wed.— A Security Forces spokesman today denied a report that RAF jets took part in operations yesterday against about 70 Indonesian guerillas in the Balai Ringing area of Sarawak's First Division. He said the guerillas crossed the border back into Indonesia on Sunday. But
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  • 123 7 Soldiers learn to run railways KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Army volunteers' In the Malaysian Engineers (Lines of Communication) are now being taught how to run the railway system. They are undergoing basic training in locomotive driving railway signalling and track maintenance so that they may operate the railways In an emergency.
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  • 31 7 PENANG. Wed— The lecretarygeneral of Umno, D«to Syed Ja'afar Albar, will speak on "Th 19 years' struggle of Umno" at a get-together party at Umno hall on Sunday.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 160 7 FOR VALUE Compare Valiant with any other car in its class and you! prove why Valiant is unmatched in value, performance and safety. Only Valiant has the power packed 225 cv. in. "Slant-Six" engine Brilliant performance to match outstanding safety and stability Biggest brakes Exclusive torsion-bar suspension Widest front and
      160 words

  • 71 8 M Wmml Sl» I Minimum) MR. TAN CEOK CIM, axed 3«. >«f niddenlv on 1 iv beloved wife. Irene. i mother Mrs Tan Poh mnura his loia. Kuneral corteee leavirc 1«^ Ifoulmeln Road on Saturday •.':'-.,-6:> at 2 p.m ANC TECK CHENG, v», pained away peacrrullr on IPS-«:> leaving
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  • 97 8 N Wnrit SIS (Minimum) a KUMARASAMY and family Thank rvlottvaa, friends for their condolenret. wrea'hn and attendance at funeral of natbaaaby THE FAMILY OF the late Madam thanki friend* and •.<reath«. loan of ears. donatlona and attendance '•ineral. MRS. LEE TECK CHANG and V:iiacca thank relative! and r their
    97 words
  • 35 8 :n Words SIS (Minimum) IN LOVING MEMORY of Mr. N« I Xi n Choy who departed from ua oo ZOtk May lf»«0 neeplv min«ed hut ver remembered by his loving wtfa ami childrer.
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  • 112 8 ■ii H:riit S.U (Minimum) FEDERAL PUBLICATIONS LTD. In. lie all teachers and book addicta to browae In their ahou room at Tlmaa Uouae, River Valley Road, Singapore. ALL PUBLIC SCHOOLS and t'nlvermy mem 1 in (orminc a nool anrt rnlversity Club with I '^:ipore. Write Box I lore. LAOIES:::
    112 words
  • The Straits Times Thursday, May 20, 1965.
    • 633 8 The ill-starred expedition to attend the Winneba conference of the Afro-Asian Peoples' Solidarity Organisation is suffering the odium of failure. It played, of course, against loaded dice. It is surprising, however, to learn that it went not only without the Prime Minister's approval, but without his knowledge.
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    • 300 8 East Pakistan lies devastated by one of the worst natural disasters in recent times. The I cyclone which struck last week has caused death and damage on a scale unmatched since the great Yangtse and Hwang Ho floods. Already, the known toll of dead and missing exceeds 10,000.
      300 words
    • 222 8 Australia did not cross any Rubicon in reaching its pre- sent stance of full military support for Malaysia. Rather it tried nobly for a long time to maintain good relations with Indonesia while leaving no doubt aggression can never be excused. As a result the despatch of Australian
      222 words
  • Ipostbagl
    • 528 8 ABOLISHING APPEALS TO THE PRIVY COUNCIL A WIND of change is the announcement by the Government of its intention to virtually abolish all aDpeals to the Privy Council. It la to be hODed that the legal profession of this country will not accept these proposals without, at least, asking some
      528 words
    • 281 8 THE Orientation Week *is an excellent opportunity for seniors to get to know the freshles and vice versa. But It is also an opportunity for some frustrated reniors to Cive vent to their frustrations. "Super-freshles" (thosp exempted from the Ist. year) were ridiculed, humiliated and abused by second
      281 words
    • 29 8 ON May 13. the Straits Times reported tr Prime Minister as saying 'First the railway workers wanted Government status. We agreed to it. Now they want to enjoy
      29 words
    • 277 8 ITH reference to "PerplexedV letter «ST. May 7) on the subject of Polytechnic Students and the H.S.C this Ministry accepts private candidates for H.S.C science subjects Involving practical tests only if such candidates can satisfy the Chief Examinations Officer that they have undergone a proper course of
      277 words
    • 110 8 I REFER to the news item in the Straits Times of April 22. under the heading "Victim of Four Extortion Bids Police Did Nothing." The statement by a Telok Kurau housewife" alleging that the Police did nothing after she had reported that a gang had demanded protection money
      110 words
  • 662 8  -  LOUIS B. FLEMING The Sea* domination by militants and the Communists. The embarrassment— Vietnam and Santo Domingo By United Nation*, W«d MO D ERATE Asian and African powers, caught in a quandary over the problem of international intervention, have been privately considering a boycott of
    662 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 561 8 Straits Times Malay Mail RtaMM *dvertl«em*nt» B* »*n4*4 to: COLO BTORAOB (UPIMMARKKT Orchard Road (Rec«|XfcMit*< O***) COLD •TORAOJaT IHANCMS At Holland Road Kataaa. Naval Ba*a. AotkorlMd Ag*«t>: CITY BOOK BTOail LTD Winchester Mouse, Colly** Qvajr TMK NEWS FRONT FiupstrlcK i SuoarmaraM M. M. ISMAIL J Admiralty Rosd. Naval HAMIEM STORK
      561 words
    • 42 8 "ftee^ou) The Renowned CUSTOM TAILORS Styles Cut to the Latest Fashions Hand Tailored Best Workmanship Alto Importers I Exporttn of Hiojh Clm Wonted. Woollant. SINGAPORE: 21, Chulia Street, Tel: ***** HONGKONG: Mirodor Mansion, lit Floor, Room No. 8. 54-64, Nathan Road. Kowloon.
      42 words
    • 133 8 At Raffles Hotel the choice is... FRIGIDAIRE agSSS AIR-CONDITIONERS Uiii World famous RAFFLES HOTEL, the aBM| foremost hotel in Singapore, has JH" changed completely to FRIGIDAIRE >OLDENSO air conditioning! Raffles Hotel, like ANNIVKR.SARY other wise users of air conditioners in the Tropics, knows that only FRIGIDAIRE AIR CONDITIONERS give you
      133 words

  • 191 9 SINGAPORE. Wed. The Malayan Undergrad, official organ of the Students Union of the University of Singapore, has explained why an invitation to Singapore's Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, to address freshmen at the university's orientation ceremony last Saturday was withdrawn. The publication
    191 words
  • 627 9 Hasluck: We are determined Malaysia will not be crushed THE Australian Minister of External Affairs, Mr. Paul Hasluck, arrived here today and spoke in unmistakable terms of his Government's and people's determination to ensure Malaysia's survival against external aggression. "I want to make it perfectly clear that
    Ng Eng Khean  -  627 words
  • 60 9 I SINGAPORE. Wed- Five hard-core secret society 'fighters" were arrested by police yesterday and detained under the Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions) Ordinance. Pour of them, of the Loh Kuan secret society. Group 34, were arrested in Kirn Keat Road their operational ground and the fifth, a fighter
    60 words
  • 59 9 SINGAPORE. Wed. The City Book Store in Collyer Quay was today fined SlO on each of 30 charges of falling to pay contributions amounting to over $3,000 to the Central Provident Fund for five of Its employees. The company pleaded guilty. The offences were committed
    59 words
  • 264 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The Ministry of Transport is considering issuing special licences to pirate taxi operators in Selangor to take children to and from schools. Before It takes a decision, however. It wants pirate taxlmen to form an association so the Government can
    264 words
  • 32 9 KANOAR. Wed. Malay teachers' unions in Perlis have [set up a committee to raise funds for the Tengku'a Foundation to assist Malay students planning to go for higher studies.
    32 words
  • 71 9 Big break stills telecoms system KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. All teleprinter and telephonic communications throughout the country ceased doe to a major breakdown of the microwave system from 4.10 p.m. today. Communication between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore was restored after an hoar, bat common icatlons with the eastern and northern parts
    71 words
  • 83 9 SINGAPORE, Wed. A woman, who said that she had been married for 25 years, today applied for a court maintenance order against her estranged husband, Loh Slang Loh an airlines company employee. Madam Woon Juat Jaun. of East Coast Road, said that she was
    83 words
  • 51 9 SINGAPORE. Wed. A large lunchtime crowd In North B^ t Quay yesterday saw an un- J :dentifled man dive Into the Sin- gaporr river -o rescue a woman who hnd f;i!len in The ttomaii. Teo Sip-.v Whenn. i 40. was later sem 'o Woodbridsp Hospital for
    51 words
  • 26 9 I TANGKAK. Wed Tne third and last batch of 67 umil'.p.i hnvp movpd into thr> Bukit Serampanp Federal Land Development Authority scheme near here
    26 words
  • 165 9 I^UALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Malaysian Trades Union Congress today wrote to 11 international labour and trade union organisations urging them to bring: pressure on the Central Government against its ban on strikes by civil servants and workers in essential industries. These are the: International Labour
    165 words
  • 112 9 l/UALA LUMPUR. Wed Plans to form an Aus-tralian-Malaysian Business Co operation Committee will be discussed here to--1 morrow by leading business- men of the two countries. I This was disclosed today by Sir Edward Warren, a lending industrially and director of several companies in
    112 words
  • 231 9 SINGAPORE ALLIANCE HITS AT U.K. OVER TEXTILES QUOTA OINGAPORE, Wed. The Alliance Party Singapura today criticised the British Government for their "prejudice" against Malaysia in their textile import quota offer and urged the Central Government to start negotiations for next year's quota as early as possible with a view to
    231 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
      234 words
    • 89 9 GMiSi JEWELRY THEFT-FIRE INSTALL IN YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS SAFES MANY SIZES AND MODELS FROM $150 (SINGAPORE) 'flßl wfl AM modelt hive CONCEALED easily in concrete .J0~"; or wood floors or in corner ins- A tallation for above ground level y THREE super-tough locking bolts. XX~?cK These bolts require over
      89 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 814 9 TV MALAYSIA {Malaya) tHANXELS in Tamil: 6.10 Family Corner; 5 Kuala Lumpur and Penanf 134,.I 34 PL 1 10 8 "Missing 6 Ipoh and Malacca Bus j '00 National 3 Johore Bahru Language; 7.10 Shlnding po--4 Taininr pular songs: 7.35 Beverly Hili--7 Batu Pahat billies No plac Lt e 9
      814 words

  • Esme Baptlsta presenting a page Mainly for women
    • 212 10 What ud you "aye me use? TAKE a look at any of the beauty counters and you can easily be tempted into buying cosmetics which come in beautiful cases studded with glittering stones or encased in gold. For example, lipstick Apart from the quality
      212 words
    • 210 10 Now a big hit in beach wear and casuals gI'ACH wear and casual clothes rate high in Singapore's fashion world and there's no denying that anyone can wear the most daring colours and be a terrific hit. For the girl who likes the bikini there are scanty styles in brilliant
      210 words
    • Article, Illustration
      47 10 MAKE coasters for beverage glasses from leftover scraps 01 floor tile or linoleum. paper bag fastened to the sewing machine with tape will make a good disposable container for sewing scraps To preserve fluffiness, blanket* should be soaked and agitated as little as possible when washed.
      47 words
    • 706 10 Judge her by the bag she carries EVERY year around 15 million suits, around 35 million coats, and over 50 million dresses are bought by the women of Britain. And what does this mean to you? It means what was once the rag-trade has become a booming rags-to-riches industry producing
      706 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 319 10 GO AHEAD! SOAKIfOP! Tan Deep Without Suntan Dry-Out' SUN BATH VREVLON AIT'S MOISTURIZED! The penetrating moisturizers in 'SUN BrtTH' by Revlon silken and soften your skin let you tan really deep without burning, peeling or suntan dry-out. 'Sun Bath' for skin that tans easily in new squeeze bottle! 4-0z5..8-0z5., 'Sun
      319 words
    • 382 10 SKIN ITCH, PRICKLY HEAT f— \f 4> Wl 4 DERMIC ERUPTIONS. N M A 2s Be happy... (%*J K7 Kfce the fman who uses aO^v I AGNESIA MEDICATED DUSTING POWDER GRAFTON LABORATORIES LTD. 1 Start your baby on a solid food spec- ially made for babies and he is less
      382 words
    • 343 10 Advertisement POSTBAG answering some of your beauty problems Party Problem 7 likt t» UMrtltmUss irttm hd Tm Jmtft bothmih nderarm bmr. It Hurt mjtb*t httttrttm Amngt Vc, a pood cream depUarorr it nradt easier ro use, and more efficient. Tmrnac* JHair Kcrnovin? (ream it particnlarlf good; ie melnawaf hair jus:
      343 words

  • 226 11 Rape bid on nanny case: Man pleads an alibi CINGAPORE, Wed. Tan Beng Chye, 21, charged with the attempted rape of a 16--year-old nanny, off a track at Serangoon Garden Estate, pleaded an alibi in his defence before Mr. Justice Ambrose at the Assizes here today. Tan, a sales delivery
    226 words
  • 180 11 5 YOUTHS JAILED FOR ARMED ROBBERY SINGAPORE. Wed. Fiveyouths were today given jail terms, ranging from two to two-and-a-half years in the Third Criminal District Court on a charge of armed robbery In a side lane off Tanjong Katong Road on May 12 at 1.55 a.m. Three of them— Sardi
    180 words
  • 92 11 Youth who had cop's stolen motorbike gets year's jail SINGAPORE. Wed. Yap Poh San, 18. was today iailed for a year by the Third District JudN.A. D'Rozario on a charge of receiving a stolen motorcycle worth $400 belonging to a policeman. Lee Thiam Seng on Tuesday at 11 J m.s.
    92 words
  • 47 11 SINGAPORE. Wrd.— The University of Smßapores extia-mural studies department will liolc public lectures In :he national language Ht the tlty's new lecture theatre No. 2 from 1 .30 p.m. to 9 p.m. tomorrow. Friday and Saturday. This is in conjunction with National Language Monih.
    47 words
  • 550 11 You can progress with Govt help, says Minister gINGAPORE, Wed. Singapore's Minister for Social Affairs, Inche Othman Wok, tonight called for a change in outlook among Malays, and their will to compete with non-Malays to uplift their relatively dire economy. In a
    550 words
  • 146 11 SINGAPORE, Wednesday. THE Automobile Association of Singapore has called a meeting of interested organisations to discuss the formation of a "Singapore Traffic Advisory Board" on June 25 at 5.15 p.m. at the Shell theatrette. The association's chairman, Mr. Milton Tan, in a statement today said: "Singapore
    146 words
  • 110 11 Imported sausages: $1,600 fine SINGAPORE. Wed. A Customs party, which boarded the vessel Side in the Inner "toads of Singapore Harbour on May 18 found 5721 b. of prohibited preserved meat preparation (Chinese sausages) worth $800, the Third District Court was told today. Charged for importing the prohibited goods
    110 words
  • 107 11 NEW SWOOP ON PIRATE TAXIMEN SINGAPORE. Wed. Another 13 motor car drivers have been arrested by the Traffic Police and <har«eil in court for usins their vehicles for hire without licences and without proper insurance cover. According to a statement today by the Police Secretary, Mr. T. helliah, they were
    107 words
  • 100 11 SINGAPORE. Wed. Wellknown British actor and playwright Mr. Emlyn Williams will portray Charles Dickens in scenes from the famous author's novels at the Victoria Theatre at 8.45 p.m. on May 31. I Described as one of !hr Englishspeaking world's mast distinguished actors with an adroit-nr.-.s
    100 words
  • 184 11 MANCHESTER NOW UPSET AT TEXTILE ACCORD MANCHESTER. Wed. Leaders of the textile industry here announced today they were hoping to have an early meeting with the President of the Board of Trade on the new textile quota agreement between Malaysia and Britain. The Cotton Board, the Lancashire industry's central "voice."
    Reuter  -  184 words
  • 124 11 SINGAPORE. Wed. The Registrar of the Singapore Polytechnic, Mr. B. R. Marks, today advised this year's freshmen to take an equal interest In extra-curricular activities as well as in their studies to enable them to have an allround education. He was giving them an address
    124 words
  • 153 11 SINGAPORE. Wed. The Subordinate Police Officers' Federated Association, representing about 5.000 rank and file police in Singapore, will meet on Friday to discuss new salary scales which have been offered to the association by the Ministry of Home Affairs in Kuala Lumpur. The
    153 words
  • 31 11 SINGAPORE, Wed. International Advertising will rive a party for some 500 underprivileged children from five homes at the Singapore Military Forces headquarters this Sunday at 2 p.m.
    31 words
  • 21 11 SINGAPORE. Wed.— Singapore's Minister for Social Affairs, Inche Othman Wok this morning visited the Cheshire Home in Telok Paku
    21 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 368 11 I K||t~ ~E IB IHJ»^— II I ffP^H I pP'JB Pye quality gives a IlKTsf world of pleasure I Model 4436. 23" TV with I automatic brain which x'yj.I remembers top picture c- rl&'y I clarity every time you r r^Z^K3&_^I switch on or change chan- wt S^ B BW£§TV^
      368 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 610 12 *^^Vf^^f9i^Hs^s^^^^^^ai^^^^^^^^^^s' (Continued Irom Pace 81 SITUATIONS VACANT IS Word* St (Min.)— Box SO ct*. txtrm AMAH for General Housework. No cooking, live In. Tanftlin Koad area. Apply Box A4IVI ST. Spore WANTED TWO EXPERIENCED supervisor and Six SalesKirla, good term*. Apply r>34 Macpherson Road. Tel: (Spore) M ACCOUNTANTS' PIRM Requires
      610 words
    • 515 12 ■■MM— SITUATIONS VACANT IS Word* tt (Min.)— Box St rls txtrm VACANCY FOR KnKliab l-anxua*« and Literature Teacher (or Korms IV and V on Ist June. 1065. Apply Secretary, Board of Governors. Methodist Olrl*' Secondary School Ipoh. EUROPIAN COMPANY requires immediately English speaking Clerk/ Driver age 20 30 preferably with
      515 words
    • 1028 12 ACCOMMODATION VACANT 1 Word, ,Mm.)-H-x i« r»a esfro FULLY FUKNISHLU etUNUALOW .>rici'[ione<i uitb iovel> WUdmm, ITM I'ink Cnilong Road. SEA-FRONT FLAT r*Ulh -i-m»h.-<1 Including telephone -ix-rtrooins. 2bathroom- ou. available 1-6-60 I UNAVAILABLE NOW t ill y tnrni!>hm J ssaaMa* 3 room tut m in.Mi'R'i is $350/- rental p.m Coin. (Spore)
      1,028 words
    • 921 12 TUITION i W'.rrfi j Mm.>—Bt,x St eta. txtm NATIONAL LANCUAGE evenings your home*, easy ways speak, write six months Foreigner." only Moderate c v Box 'J4-U spore. TRAIN IN ENGLAND to be a Professional Airlin* Pilot. Details of courses and Ke'e* I rum the London School of Klying. fciMree Aerodrome.
      921 words
    • 953 12 DOGS PETS ETC. IS Hero's M iMln.)—Bmx St rt*. txtrm PEDIGREE ALSATIAN 000 lor sale 4 years old Excellent bouso-tfog Owner posted King Spore SMM. LOST SMALL DOQ 7 MONTHS OLD Plump witb Long Silk? Hair Kace like a Koi Ught Brown Colour LAST SKK.N' AROUND CABLK ROAD HANDSOME REWARD
      953 words
    • 825 12 FOR SALE IS Wmrd* tt (Min.)— Box St ct* tmtrm LATEST I9M Q.K.t. rt«m««l aloi Various Siza Trade-in Accepted Cm irai Kefn«i*-rmtloo .Hti-aio Joo emu Ko*<t. avpor*. «:'...vV4«»uO CLEARING! Boys' Hawaiian Sport *hirtr Sl/rj '.'6 to SO Now Jl 40. SIMS :i« Now $1 »v. Ksncy Cotton Blankrta MaghMtM Now
      825 words
      793 words
    • 746 12 PAN MALAYAN FINANCE LIMITED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Second Interim Dividend of 5Ci, le.v» 4ir; Income Tax. haa been declared by the Directors m respect of the lm;\ncial >ear ending 30th June, 1065, payable ob 15th June. 1965. The Dividend Is payable to Members registered on Bth June.
      746 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1317 13 TB LIVERPOOL t WEST COAST U.K.: Out Sport Sana P S'riam Henang tM PII. C .H. Li f M»I. Glasgow EM. 15 May 22 May 21/25 May 21 AUTOLYCUS LiverpMl, OuDlin. A'moutn... May i* May 2t May 27/ 2 laaal AUTOMEOON Liverpool, Dublin M*y 21 June 2 j* lc "j|J"
      1,317 words
    • 2507 13 LaaT jHV aT L m m mmim JjbTA tat Aaßaaßßai L^Lt' JBaJa JJaf mm m a J^&^bm 1 T//ff.l\\jl//VfS to I UitU. .:ea m D*rmvm EXPRESS SAILINGS TO NEAR EAST, CONTINENT AND SCANDINAVIA: Spore p Sham Penang Arr: Genoa Ha. re H'burg Ream Anta Coph EM 31 32 POONA a)
      2,507 words
    • 1261 13 feELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO.. LTD. U.K./Confinent Siogapora P. ratai Pmmi Cm Of UPON .onaon. Hamburf, KotUrdaat Hivro. Hall 21/21 May a Mar CITT OF COLOMBO lundoft, Htntrarg Rottordaa Ml.'t Hill imanniham U/ll JaM IB HIM CITY OF WINNIPEI London, Hamburg. Rotterdam, A'werp. Hull 14 Illy CiTT OF •HLiiNSiun .onuua na*Durg,
      1,261 words

  • 26 14 Malayan Stock Indirrs May 18 May 19 'Industrials: 76.12 T.V'MI Tins: 9G.37 97.01 rubbers: 103.81 103.81 •Dec. 30. 1963 111" Dec. 29, 1962 100
    26 words
  • 918 14 Prom Our Market Correspondent WHILE tin shares are a little better on the Stock Exchange now as a result of a rise of over S5O in the metal price in just under 10 trading days the gains expressed in terms of percentages
    918 words
  • 939 14 OUSINESS In and reported to the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Stock Exchange of Malaysia yesterday, with the number of the shares traded in brackets: INDUSTRIALS: Boustaad U.OUO) <1 Cold Sttrt (2.000) BS.ll! Dun. lorn (3.000) $1.43, (2.000) $1.42; E»o (1.000) SI. Sit
    939 words
  • 53 14 THE prrvnt of the MaUvan x dollar against the pound sterling- fl ;ed on November 24 last year is Selling TT or OD 2s. 3 15/IM. Buyinjj TT 2s. 1/16. Buying OD 2s 4<4d. The dollar is at IU tUtutory middle position in relation to its range
    53 words
  • 395 14 Another big rise in tin price of over $14 rIKRE was another big rls* in the Straits tin price yesterday of $14,124 to $781.75. the highest level since November 5. In the continuous rise since May 8 the price has now appreciated by $53.37 i. The Bolivian situation i* proving
    395 words
  • 147 14 MELBOUHNE. Wed. INDUSTRIALS traded narrowly with move* about in balance in today's \ery quiet market. M.L.C. highlighted with a drop Of 9s. to 84s. following news that its subsidiary. H.G. Palmer had ■j ten off four million In bad debts. MLC. shares have fallen 345. this year. Base
    147 words
  • 228 14 May 19. Tnre« months. iNUUkfKIALt) Bouttead u> cia. M. Boa lOctsv City Uev. 1 eta. M. Invt 10 eta. C.B. iluidiasa N. Iron \t eta. 14 eta. 0.C.8.C. 10 eta. Ounlops 12 eta. Rothmana 10 eta. fed. Uisp. 12 eta. San 0 eta. Kiupatrtckt IS eta. Set. Prop.
    228 words
  • 122 14 SHIPS lying alongside tin Singapore Harbour wharves tr exptcttd t»day: Yumajiana Maru 6/7, UuKbcvemt 8/9, Bencruachan 10/16, Captayannla 19, Naxato Maru 23/24, Tjlbantjet 27/2 S. Poona 31/32, Demooocua 33/34. Neder I'.ijn 33/36, Madagatcar Maru :t-/:t«. HalldorlO/41. Kalmky 42,43, Star Antareg 44, Krannojc Znamja 44. Ueoel Maru 47
    122 words
  • 64 14 I'ME Malayan ■JtaatSStft) Bank*' ciation n.1,1. HHH rnariK't In itt to S1OO): Nik Vtrk: buylnK T 32|. atrreall OD 321. MJ d/st. 33i credit btlU. 331 trade bllla. Canada: buymx TT 351. airmail OD 38 1. MJ d/tt 36 crtdit bllU. 36 1/16 trade bills. 32e: Ctntdlan dtlltrt
    64 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1149 14 fit 11 1^ I y^^ mm ~\K\\vik>iA.Kt RISEN KAISHA LTD^yj East Canada and U.S.A. Great Lakes B«rvie« H>mg Yo<n-jma Montreal loronto Detroit Chicato "Kimitstra Mara" It'll Jsss 2t Jist 21 <uly 1 Auf I Aif 11 Asf "flsrida Mara 21 24 July Aui 4 Sept I Sept 11 Stpt 11
      1,149 words
    • 979 14 AUSTRaIU SERVICE/NEW ZEUsNO IND'n. P*KIST*N *ND P. SULF SERVICE It: Frtaiastlt. sfelnft. Militant. S*ttt> Ta: Mains at* Napfattiaaai tenant P. S'rism Spore S'jwra P. Sham Ptnint t-sRPtU >»■■ T/IJaaa 11/12 Jit* RJUUU M/SJsat I JtM I laat •OMBUI J Jyl» 1/11 Jal? 11/11 laly N-JUL* 13 71 jut a last
      979 words
    • 160 14 Potsenger Cargo Service, STR A ITS/ NAGAPATTI NAM /MADRAS. Singapore P. Sham Penang TSS. "STATE OF MADRAS" Voy. 152 Gdn. 3/4/21 Mar 22 May 23 May Chief Agents: R. JUMABHOY SONS LTD., Singapore. Phone ***** *****. National Shipping Corporation of Pakistan Spore •a "HUknA" 17/18 iur* LOADING FOR CHITTAGONG, CHALNA.
      160 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 782 15 1 r*l E<j j>^M at^C 1 i ill 1A *m NOTICE NEWS.'ItINT STRIPPING!! AND REEL ENDS Tne Straits Times Press (Malaya) Limited 111 Jalan Pudu. Kuala Lumpur offers lor sale a quantity of newsprint stripping* and reel ends. Further details may oe obtained trom the office manhver Tel: XL 8991)
      782 words
    • 1499 15 NOTICES IN THE HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT KOTA BHARU CIVIL SUIT NO. 15 OF 196S BETWEEN Kwong Gal Hlng Engineering Co., Ltd Plaintlfl AND Eastern Minerals Trading (1959) Ltd Defendant To: Eastern Minerals Trading (1959) Ltd., No. 42/335, Jalan P.WX).. Pasir Mas, Kelantan. TAKE NOTICE that an action has
      1,499 words
    • 1223 15 STATE OF BRUNEI VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates to Oil the following vacancies in the Public Works Department. Brunei. 1) ARCHITECT (1 vacancy) QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE: Must possess a degree or diploma In architecture of a recognised university or college exempting from
      1,223 words
    • 382 15 TENDERS JABATAN PARIT DAN TALIAYER. JOHOR KENYATA'AN TAWARAN rawaran2 akan di-terlma diPejabat Jurutera Parlt dan Tallayer Net?ri Johor. Johor Bahn. hingga jam 12.00 tengah harl pada 7.6.65 dart PemborongS Jabatan Parlt dan Tallayer yang berdaftar Kelas D 1 ka-atas. Iterana: "Memblna sabuah Plntu Kawal Pasang-surut (Tidal Control Gate) dl-Parlt Rabu.
      382 words
    • 262 15 J.K.R. NEGRI SEMBILAN TENDER NOTICE Tenders will oe received from Registered PWD Contractors In Class and above up to 12 noon on 25.5.65 at the office of Jurutera Negeri. Negri Sembiian. Sen-moan lor: Metalling of one mile road lrom 4th m.s. to sth m.s. Pelangaw Padang Lebar Road in Kuala
      262 words
    • 93 15 Fight backache and Rhuematism I\oUilnK can make you feel so old. tired, and depressed as loslnr sleep and energy brcauno of (letting Up Ni 9 hta op Burning, Smarting, Itching Acidity. And if your back aches and Rheumatism Tains In Jolnta and mini. cles make you miserable, you can't work
      93 words

    • 219 16 VAIROBI. Wed. An a1 angry President Jomo Kenyatta said yesterday that Kenya's territorial integrity had been seriously violated by the unauthorised movement of arms through the country in 11 trucks intercepted on Saturday in the Kissii district of Western Kenya. The President
      Reuter  -  219 words
    • 53 16 A fro- Asia talks on science CAIRO, Wed. The first scientific conference will be held in New Delhi lrom Feb. 20 to 28 next year, it h^.s been decided by the preparatory i-ommittee meeting here The commit ir includes repre-M-iitatives lrom India. Tunkia, the United Arab Republic. Soviet I'nion and
      53 words
    • 116 16 I ONDON. Wed.— The Burmah Oil Company la^t week oltered to withdraw its claim for compensation for wartime destruction of uil installations In Burma In return for a £25 million credit agreement for development In the British Commonwealth. Mr. R. P Smith. the
      Reuter  -  116 words
    • 82 16 ONLY QUALIFICATION FOR ADMISSION— MONEY KORINA Sterry (the girl in the black dress) receives a lesson in gambling: at London's new school for gamblers the Knightsbridgc Sporting Club. Her teachers are Messrs. Odo Ingelbrecht and Archie Taylor, and the Irsson is free. The pupils only need money
      82 words
    • 670 16 Ramani advises Portugal: It's time to join the modern world SENEGAL UPHELD ITNITED NATIONS, Wed. Malaysia warned yesterday that Portugal would "burn its fingers' if it attempted to put down the nationalist movements in its territories in Africa. Mr. Radhakrishna Ramani. chief delegate of Malaysia and this month's president of
      Reuter  -  670 words
    • 27 16 LONDON. Wed.— The Commoiwealth Memorial in the United Nations Cemetery in ftaMO. Korea, will be dedicated on May the Ministry of Defence announced here. U.PI,
      UPI  -  27 words
    • 51 16  -  Johnson by WASHINGTON. Wed.— President Johnson yesterday announced United States support for an International programme to eradicate smallpox completely from the earth within the next decade He said he had instructed the United State* delegation at the World Health Assembi-. niec.inß In Geneva, to pleder thus support. U.P
      UP  -  51 words
    • 118 16 One-third limit on immigrant school children LONDON. Wed— The <.n\ ernmenl is to urge local authorities that the number of immigrant children in schools should be limited to no more than a third of total enrolment, officials said here yesterday. The advice to local authorities who run Britain's schools is
      Reuter  -  118 words
    • 127 16 LONDON, Wed— Mr. Evan Campbell, the Rhodesian High Commissioner here, said yesterday he believed his government would seize independence if Britain did not grant it before the end of this year. He told a Press luncheon: "I pray myself that we will
      Reuter  -  127 words
    • 67 16 VANCOUVER. Wed. Dr. Dietrich Maltzahn. a Ww German member of the European Common Market's directorategeneral, told the Canadian Press news agency here he would be surprised to see Britain even considered for membership of the E-E.C. in the next five years. Dr. Maltzahn. here for
      67 words
    • 33 16 NEW DELHI. Wed.— The Ini diun Vice President. Dr. Zakir ■naln, 68. left today on a threewrrk tour of the middle East and Greece. *he Forcigr- Ministry announced- A P.
      33 words
    • 265 16 Crowds hold up Queen's car OONN. Wed. Er.thu- siastic crowds last night delayed Queen Elizabeth for 20 minutes on her drive to Bruehl Castle for a state dinner and the most glittering social occasion in post-war German history. The normally immaculate Royal timetable was thrown Into total disarray i on
      Reuter  -  265 words
    • 37 16 BRUSSELS. Wed— A wven-year ■tmggta by Japanese trade unions has brought about ratification of the International Labour Convention on Freedom of Association by their country, the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions stated yesterday.— UPl
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 186 16 We/come to TANCHO NITE at the NEW WORLD CABARET Tonight. Valuable Prizes to be given away to Lucky Winners. ,j| %?k Apply Tancho Hair Tonic to the hair j| Hlk and rul) it into the scalp with your Ml fingers. Dandruff and itchy feeling imsM |L mediately vanish, and you
      186 words
    • 287 16 okamura okamura okamura okamura okamura okamura Ik I OFFICE EQUIPMENT OF DISTINCTION 0 CLERICAL LINE o Model 2218 ZZ 1 1 Made by Japan's 1 0 leading 1 manufacturers of C *Jj 1 office equipment. v^^SH|||oP^ O k Jl O tt ft c Stockists: tOM P^pfe C PLECO LTD. j/T'^?
      287 words

  • 276 17  - Jega decides: No Seap Games ERNEST FRIDA By SINGAPORE, Wed. Mani Jegatriesan. who ran brilliantly to set a new Malaysian All-comers record of 48sec. in the 400 metres event in Sunday's SAAA triangular meet, has definitely decided not to compete in this year's Seap Games at Kuala Lumpur. Jega told
    276 words
  • 121 17 DARIS, Wed. Unseeded 800 Hewitt of Australia provided the highlight of the second day of the French hard court tennis championships here. Hewitt survived two match points before going on to beat German Joint No. 5 Harald Elschembrokh 6-0, 5-7. 7-9. 6-1, 8-6. Watching the Oerman/s defeat
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 494 17  -  MANSOOR RAHMAN By Kuala Lumpur, Wed. WIGLEY'S 7-53 IN UNCHANGED SPELL WRECKS COMBINED FORCES-POLICE XI ]£RIAN WIGLEY, claiming seven wickets for 53 runs with his medium-pace off-cutters, helped the Hong Kong cricket team to beat Combined Malaysian Armed Forces-Police at Gurney Road today to register
    494 words
  • 179 17 Hone Konr Ist inns I*7. Forces-Police Ist inns 195. HONG KONG 2nd INNS Kelly b Kurugnanam 9 Roberts b Lakhbir SI Gosano c Stevens b Kurugnanam 6 Hal! c Stevens b Lakhblr 8 Daniel lbw Lakhbir 29 Hammett c Baljit b Lakhbir 6 Dhabher c Doraisamy b Lakhbir 29
    179 words
  • 47 17 CHICOPEE (Massachusetts), Wed. Heavyweight champion Casslus Clay was pronounced "100 per cent ready" for his title fight next Tuesday night against challenger Sonny Liston. Dr. L. Lemleux made the pronouncement after giving Clay a pre-fight physical examination on behalf of the Maine Boxing Commission. TJPI.
    47 words
  • 308 17  - SAFA's new boys to test state team tomorrow JOE DORAI By Singapore, Wednesday SINGAPORE'S flrst batch of Malaya Cul trainees the players to replace ageing and off -form regular state players will go into action or Friday when they play the Singapore Malays Cup team at Jalan Besar stadium (kick-off
    308 words
  • 101 17 ■oocn Spore Bill A Uiv Coia Storage 3. Chartered Bank 2 Div 2: Malaysian Airways 7 Jardine Waugh 1. Naafl 4. Shell 0. F&N 3. Mercantile Bank 2. Div S: Pect 6. Harper Gilflllan 3 Perak Div 2 Changkat Kunding Est w.o. NDCW Div Borneo Motors 3 PCRC 0
    101 words
  • 399 17 CRICKET T ONDON, Wed.— A bright stand of 71 in 37 minutes by Stan Jayasinghe and dive Inman, their two player* from Ceylon, enabled Leicestershire to beat the flock and keep their unbeaten county championship record yesterday. Leicestershire, who are now In second place
    399 words
  • 491 17 I RACING witlT]—' Epsom Jeep i SINGAPORE, Wed. Melbourne jockey Des Coleman is oddson to set up a new riding record on the Malaysian turf. He may become the flrst Jockey to ride more than 50 winners at the season's half-way mark. With four winners
    491 words
  • 127 17 TENNIS DATO JAMIL, GRUT TO ATTEND MEETINGS KUALA T JMPUR, Wed. LTAM president Dato Jamil bin vbdul Rais and Mr. R. L. G.ul, the vice president, will represent Malaysia at the Davis Cup nation* annual meeting at London on July l and the International Lawn Tennis Federation conference at Munich
    127 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 18 17 M *imZ# Kg H^^ x? r if 1 1 ii nLw l\ 0 AmmJ *M >**. jm ym Kppr
      18 words
    • 267 17 nnlv I Just ask an Asahi Pentax g, J^**-* -i ?SiJB owner what he thinks of j/A his camera. He will enthuse u^^m^ mmm with that under-statement W^^^tfm so typical of the man who runs the best motor car, keeps a fine cellar, goes to a good tailor— and owns
      267 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 134 17 1 1 DIARY SOCCER— Spore Div. 20: Kesenian v Sukaramai < Parrer Pk i Marines v T. Rovers; (St. Georges I Rd.). Div. SA: Mt Emily v GymI khana. Div. 3B: Indian Youngsters v R. Course (Doth matches at Farrer Pk.). Div. 3C Radln Mas Ramblers v Arsenal 'A' (Geyiang)
      134 words

  • 49 18 CRIMBERC SUNNY MRS SITMAMPARAPILLA r Kcsparan and thr Ml Ml Mutliuoimaru MBt mothrr ol Mr prithnran of Kuala Lumimr. pawd away pr«ee»ully at ;i-B Jalan Dapal. Johorr ll.ihn i.n Jalan Dapat to the Hindu Cremation Orouod a< I .'to r W on 20-5-66. K L p«p«r« plom copy.
    49 words
  • 63 18 JAKARTA. Ved.— Bata's the shoemakers have been placed under Indonesian Government control and supervision, a company spokesman said today. Bata Indonesia is CanadianSwiss owned and has two shoe factories in Indonesia one in Jakarta and the other in Medan, North Sumatra. It also has several shops
    AP  -  63 words
  • 46 18 SINGAPORE. Wed.— The Minister tor Social Aflairs. Inche Othman Wok. today visited the Singapore Children's Society's convalescent Home in Chang i. At the end of his visit. Inche Wok congratulated the matron and the voluntary workers for looking after the children so well.
    46 words
  • 28 18 SINGAPORE. Wed— The Malay Youth Association's National Language Month committee will hold a cultural night at the Monk's Hill Secondary School on Saturday at 7.30 p.m.
    28 words
  • 288 18 Two saved after raft drift for 35 days MANILA. Wed. A 1 former aviation stuntman and his son, given up for lost after their raft drifted from Guam, have been rescued 1.400 miles away after 35 days at sea. Frank H. Cushing. 63, and his son Frank. 20. were sighted
    AP  -  288 words
  • 124 18 Prize-giving at the Cultural Centre SINGAPORE. Wed— The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry ol Education. Inche Abdul Rahim bin Ishak. will distribute petal at the Cultural Centre theatre- at 7.30 on May 24 to 48 winners in the various contests organised by the Adult Education Board and to 65 winners
    124 words
  • 75 18 MELBOURNE WED. A world-wide diet craze has caused an alarming decline in butter consumption according to Mr. G. Waye. advertising manager of the Australian Dairy Produce Board. He told a meeting of dairy farmers: "Butter is the innocent victim of the diet craze. "In 1939. the per
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 358 18 LONDON. Wed— lt has been a quirt and generally uninten-ntm clhv in the stock market with prices drilling lower in nous due to luck of support. U\\[>. howcwi maintained their recent flrmnos ..head ol tomorrow's bank rate announcenu in and scored further scattered pJM ol
    358 words
  • 47 18 LONDON. Wed. Spot 22d June 22d July 21 "yd., Aug 21 \d July Sept 21 7 sd.. Oct. Dec 21 ,d' Jan. March 21 \d. April June 2P-..d.. July Sept. 217 16d Oct Dec. 21 '«d.. c.i.f. June 21 «d July 21 l d. Tone: Quiet
    47 words
  • 24 18 LONDON Wed— Buyers £1600 sellers £1607Vj, Forward buyers £1571. sellers £1573. Settlement £1585 Turnover a.m 495 tons pm I 250 tons Tone: Strong.
    24 words
  • 239 18 MANILA, Wednesday. A MANILA columnist today urged the Government to tell the Malaysians to get out and stay out of this country if they insisted on waging a newspaper battle over the alleged indignities they received at the hands of Filipino immigration officials here.
    Reuter  -  239 words
  • 116 18 Siamese twins now out of oxygen tents TIRIN. Wed. Six-vcar-olil BkUMM twins Santina and (•iiiM-ppina Foulia were removed from uwm-n tents last night for the first time since their surgical separation a week ago. The twins iKn have been introdiu-ed to a solid diet of Italian pasta, treated chicken and
    UPI  -  116 words
  • 95 18 CANBERRA, Wed. The journey of Welshman Brian Robson. who air freighted him.seir In a crate out of Australia because he was homesick. was unnecessary, Mr. Leslie Bury, acting Immigration Minister, told Parliament yesterday. The Government already had plans to offer him repatriation
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 51 18 KUCHING. Wed.— The names of the two Australian soldiers who were killed by an enemy mine in the First Division on Monday were announced by a security forces spokesman tod.iy. They are Sgt. V. P. Vella. whose wife is in Malacca, and Pto. L. R. Downs ol Bell.
    51 words
  • 99 18 CAMBODIA PREMIER WELCOMES KUAN YEW PHNOM PKNH. Wed Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's Prime Minister, arrived here this morning from Bangkok to a welcome from the Prime Minister. Prince Norodom Kantol. and the Foreign Minister, Mr. Koun Wick Speaking about his visit to Cambodia, he said: "I wish to meet Prince
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 44 18 SINGAPORE. Wert. -Water will be cut off in the following areaa tomorrow from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.: Pillai Road off Upper Paya Lebar Road; Jalan KembanKan. Len<;kong Titja and Lenukong Satu. and Tanglln Halt industrial sit* and Tiiimlm Halt Close.
    44 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 6 18 Late CLASSIFIEDS •f Wor4t Hi 'Mimlmuml
      6 words
    • 52 18 If 3 m^^^^^P?&/ > xlrS^S^l 35Stty^ Bi^WP^^T^^B^^^MfA^ > J FRESH %O^ FROM THE jy Come to where the flavor is Come to Marlboro Country If you figure flavor and filters are strangers, reach for Mariboro. Richmond Recipe tobaccos deliver all you want. The Selectrate Filter rounds it out You get
      52 words