The Straits Times, 19 May 1965

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 fUBUjjAVIRAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 145,000 The Straits Times Notion^ Estd. 1845. WEDNESDAY, IVIAY 19, 1965 15 CENTS KILN 1189 IDfi:.
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  • 1074 1  -  GEOFFREY GELDARD: First a 'no' by Jugah then he changes his mind... now... I From KUCHING, Tues §ARAWAK'S Chief Minister, Dato Stephen Kalong Ningkan, is "not submitting to pressure from Kuala Lumpur to take part in a conference with Tengku Abdul Rahman and Tun
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  • 622 1 Sunny found guilty, to hang JURY RETIRES FOR TWO HOURS...THEN GIVES UNANIMOUS VERDICT SINGAPORE, Tuesday FORMER Singapore Grand Prix driver Sunny Ang, 27, was sentenced to death in the High Court here this afternoon for the insurance-mur-der-at-sea of one-time bar girl Jenny Cheok Cheng Kid, 21 months ago. The jury
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  • 57 1 KUALA LUMPOS, Tims The Vane di-Pertnan Agoni: has approved the re designation of the Singapore Infantry Reuimrnt as the Malaysia Infantry Keuhm-nt. The regiment wus formed in March I!>s* in Singapore. The SIR won distinction when tlw> killed seven Indonesians and captured another in a
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  • 39 1 THE HAGUE. Tues.— KLM President Dr. H. Albajda. 61. his wife, and' two pilots were killed yesterday when their two-engined Swi.v, private plane crashed on the Fluela Pass. KLM headquarters here reported AP.
    AP  -  39 words
  • 32 1 SINGAPORE Tuea. The Ist. Bn. ihc Royal New Zealand Inlantry RrKiment. part ol the 28 Commonwealth Inl.uitiy Brigade Group, today began moving to Eas: Malaysia on a routine relief.
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  • 392 1 Politics decision by unions on Sunday KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The Malaysian Trades Union Congress will hold an emergency meeting of its 89 affiliated unions on Sunday to review its "no politics" stand and consider entering the political arena. More than :J2O ci<i' will consider those proposals, recommended to them by
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  • 27 1 U.S. AIR STRIKES RESUME S A ICi O N Tu. nited States resumed air trikes against North Vi<«nam this afternoon, first in six days— A.P.
    AP  -  27 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 119 1 111 /NORT^BRIOGt &> fe £3 I AVAIL AtU IN MODfL Sft-UEGH *^^B W «t^ MODELS AND 5-7 PERSONS S'PORI S4S-00 SIZES FOR FED. $55.00 3 to 12 >.fi.m NATIONAL FULLY AUTOMATIC [gg»] RICE COOKERS iJICjTrioSE WHO KNOW BUVEEQXEI! A Free Demonstration will be *i\cm upon your ri-qucst M M NATIONAI
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    • 10 1 Full report on the Judge's summing-up begins in Page 9
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    • 83 1 HOLLAND GARDEN 6 m.s. Holland Rd., Spore. V JJ[> TWO-STORIY MODERN SEMI-DETACHED BUNGALOWS for Cool and Healthy Living. sin chTw Realty ltd. 132, Rochorc Read, Sport 7 Ttl: *****. £^5f \^s d r ORANGE CRUSH //3p\ for lively /fa^^if satisfying refreshment! AJM^ Stop anytime... any place, and treat yourself y^HLL!!^*
      83 words

    • 178 2 Cyclone relief plea to world (GENEVA, Tues. All Red Cross societies in the world have been asked to help the five million homeless and thousands of injured victims of East Pakistan's cyclone. The League of Red Cross Societies here .sent the appeal out to the world's 104 Red Cross, Red
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    • 146 2 KENYA RAPS TALK OF A RED PLOT LONDON, Tv esday. |)R. J.N. Karanja, Kenya's High Commissioner here, told a Press conference yesterday that recent reports in some British newspapers of an attempted Communist coup in Kenya were irresponsible and mischievous. "There has been no attempted Communist coup and such attempts
      Reuter  -  146 words
    • 98 2 JAKARTA, Tues.— The Fore- ign Minister, Dr. Subandrlo. has said that all assistants of the President i 1 should understand they I could be replaced or given a new assignment at any time for the sake or ac- complishlng the Indonesian revolution. Only one person
      Reuter  -  98 words
    • 158 2 Jakarta Red takeover possible: Nasution 4 MSTERDAM, Tues. J\ Gen, Nasntion, Indonesian Defence Minister, said yesterday that the theoretical possibility of a Communist takeover in Indonesia should not be ruled out but Indonesia did not intend to become Commurist. He expressed this view after arriving here from Poland. In answer
      Reuter  -  158 words
    • 26 2 LUCKNOW. Tues. A crowd stopped a train near here yester- day. dragged out four people and I killed three and injured one.
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    • 109 2 COURT TOLD OF CHIANG SPIES IN HONG KONG HONG KONG. Tues.—lllegal arms, ammunition, and explosives with documents relating to an underground movement on the China mainland were uncovered last March by police during a routine investlgagation into a deportation, a Judge was told yesterday. Fung Chung-kl, 34, an electrician,
      UPI  -  109 words
    • 206 2 Vietcong suffer big blow near Danang RANANG, Tues. South Vietnamese re g i o nal forces, smashing down hundreds of houses, fox holes, hideouts and fences, have dealt a severe blow to Communist Vietcong guerillas operating to the South of the huge American airbase here. A Vieti amese military spokesman
      Reuter  -  206 words
    • 152 2 TORTURE PROTEST BY LEFT-WINGER IN COMMONS TONDON. Tues. Mr- Michael Foot, a leftwing member of the Labour Party, yesterday urged the Government to bring home from South Vietnam six British police advisers who were reported to have objected to the torture of prisoners In an interview in the Daily Mirror,
      Reuter  -  152 words
    • 175 2 WASHINGTON, Tues. President Chung Hee Park of South Korea conferred with President Johnson last night on developments in the Vietnam war and the general security picture in the Far East. The Korean leader, accompanied by his chief advisers, returned to the White
      Reuter  -  175 words
    • 159 2 Israel offers to talk peace with Arabs JERUSALEM (Israeli J Sector), Tues Israel yesterday offered to negotiate a peace settlement directly with neighbouring Arab countries but not at the price of truncating Israeli territory. Addressing the Knesset (Parliament). Mr. Levl Eshkol. the Prime Minister, said in a policy .statement that
      Reuter  -  159 words
    • 86 2 Israeli spy is publicly hanged in Damascus ■DAMASCUS, Tues.— lsraeli spy Eliaho Cohen was publicly hanged in the city's main square before dawn today. His execution was witnessed by security police. newsmen and the flve-man military court which sentenced him to death 10 days ago Cohen died calmly after reciting
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    • 20 2 DAR-ES-SALAAM. Tues Famine threatens 10.000 peopl* In the Kilimanjaro region of Northern Tanzania, it was r^ ported today.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 196 2 Royal Horse Cuard's Stafe Sword— Made by Wilkirwon Sword Limited I rf«'* i; _l_^L'-':- V:V:V '^i ?J B»ff^Lv^_^ _LM KwM II WM ___&S?_i m. J^3_P asjfcv _B Bfii' ]^m» jjpnp~~^ E^&^ 'F^"~'_^_i S™3k""sJhjM __^__n___^r_H_B^M_^__7^__V^___^_^_3 Wm I _i_R__«M_jfl *l o*^^% I 1 111 LwJl n J^_^_M __li_^9B_!s9^_^D__B_^_^_^_^_^_H I >^il\ \i liiiiiiil
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    • 29 2 7 QANTAS MB AWEEK ID LONDON All flights offer you stop overs in India, the Middle East and Europe en route. Qanta* In association with Air India and BOAC.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 156 3 T ONDON, Tucs. The world's nrst specially trained police commando unit for general c r i m e-busting went into operation yesterday in London. Superintendent John Gerrard, officer in charge of the 100-strong patrol group, said: "The aim is to beat outbreaks of
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    • 51 3 SYDNEY. Tues. Small punter Ted Edwards won AJ12.560 lor a ss. bet in a double at Canterbury race track He was the only Investor In the Hewman (33-1) and Balto (16-1' doubllle. and said he picked tlm horses because they were boUi numbered 12 m the
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    • 188 3 Rebel chief Caamano expects final victory soon <y\NTO DOMINGO. Turv Col. Francisco t -i.i ma nn. chief of the Dominican insurgent forces, said last night that he expected "linal victory" soon. 'I .mi very optimistic at this time." he told a I'ri-sN conference. "I hopethat in a few hours lo
      Reuter  -  188 words
    • 388 3 WASHINGTON, Tuesday. y\R J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, said, in testimony issued here yesterday that virtually every Soviet delegation visiting the United States includes spies. Mr. Hoover told a House of Representatives Appropriations Sub-committee on March
      Reuter; Agencies  -  388 words
    • 167 3 And they find secrets so easy to get... "YEW YORK. Tues. A Mr. J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, acknowledges that Russia has developed in tbe United States "one of the best industrial spying systems in the world." A book on espionage to be published here
      Reuter  -  167 words
    • 79 3 PARIS, Tues.— Frame's counter espionage bureau, the DST. has sent out 9.000 copies of an illustrated p a m p h let w:irninc industrialists and factory managers throughout th«- country of the danger from spies. It says the Soviet Secret Service employ a total
      Reuter  -  79 words
    • 170 3 LA PAZ, (Bolivia), Tuesday. r pHE military government declared a "state of siege" following riots by striking miners and students here yesterday during which at least one man was reported killed and 15 injured Six thousand people storm- ed through the streets of La Paz
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    • 64 3 PARIt:. Tues. A young French soldier was in hospital in critical condition todaj Ufter trying to commit suicide by blowing himself up with dynamite Police said that Bernard Marrani. 20. a National Servicemen, apparently lit a stick of dynamite which he was holding in his left-hand.
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    • 125 3 Unesco talks ban on Portugal pARIS. Tues. The, Unesco executive board las* night barred Portugal from two international conferences this summer and order- i ed an inquiry into edu-l cation in Mozambique and Angola. The 30-nation board adopted a resolution to thia effect by a 19 to six vote j
      Reuter  -  125 words
    • 54 3 i ROME. Tucs— Some 220 elect- orh representing the world "s 36.000 Jesuits will choose a new General of ttie Order, the so-called "Black I Pope." on Saturday. It was announced today He will succeed Fathei Jan Baptist Jan&sens. of Belgium who I died last
      Reuter  -  54 words
    • 50 3 DALLAS (Texas), Tues. Vice President Hubert Humphrey was protected by hundreds of policemen, many carving shotguns and wearing riot helmets, on a visit here yesterday. In Forth Worth. 30 miles away. police placed Mrs. Marguerite Oswald, mother of Lee Harvey Oswald. assassin of President Kennedy, under surveillance.
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    • 76 3 (COPENHAGEN. Tues— The Danish Navy has rescued two stranded yachtsmen who spent 20 hours on a sandbank .and wrote farewell letters to their wives fearing they might perish. I The navy added that had they known, the pair could have paddled three miles to shore on Moen
      Reuter  -  76 words
    • 216 3 Mystery blast kills 31 in Welsh mine TONYPANDY (South A Wales), Tues. A mystery explosion ripped through the depths of a 70-year-old colliery here yesterday, killing 31 miners and injuring 13 others. It was first believed that 28 men had lost their lives, but rescue workers crawling through the rubble
      Reuter  -  216 words
    • 45 3 Barry predicts new gang-up PHOENIX < Arizona). Tucs Mr. Barry Goldwaier says he expects to see the day when Russia and the United States will be allies in ;i ni witfi Communist China. The 1964 Republican Presidential candidate wa.s speaking to Maricopa County Bar Association. AP.
      AP  -  45 words
    • 205 3 PARIS. Tuesday. JTRANCE greeted foreign tourists yesterday with free champagne and a welcome from a Government Minister to launch "Operation Smile" for overseas visi*^ 0 First guests of the "smile" campaign designed to reverse a downward trend in tourist revenue, were 11 arrivals by air
      Reuter  -  205 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 224 3 1 1 W«•* ti W *CJ J Hi 4 i^E T*r\ ■i *M HE r^^ |J 4 1 P" 1 •So you know it is Kodak Tape which, you will quickly learn, means highly superior tape* So you always know the type of Kodak Sound Recording Tape you're using important
      224 words
    • 239 3 9KotJv&u NO COAXING NEEDED! NO BRIBING REQUIRED! Wonder Tonic "^j£ fi^H J[L with Candy Taste 4%? ffj M $glJ«{ Eoch Hicee Sweetlet is r^Q JfJIW "/■Stf > equivalent to 10 oranges f/Z_i/i KjUmM 'jf^. HIC Xt SWEETLETS will keep f Mfc-^/^ your child free from colds ry f~ and common
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 43 4 where do Falcons liveP up with the lively people Wy*""^w Jb W^B Wm wm?*2*&—>«- h^B l^..,^_ 1 WnKm. 'WSmk how do Falcons lookP stylish, not stylized \l fresh, fleet lines spacious, not sparing what do Falcons sayP go almost asks to be driven
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    • 61 4 what do Falcons eatP roads, not petrol up to 3O miles per gallon Jff SSs*ia^ what do Falcons wear P well, not out last tf l^ I IE £3 i 13 R I V I= Tl-lli NEW I=ALC:[]IM and £51=1= FOR YC3UR£3I=LI= Falcon by Ford nothing on the road can
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  • 221 5 BRITISH TEXTILES OFFER GENEROUS, SAYS LORD HEAD SINGAPORE. Tues. 0 The British High Commissioner in Malaysia. Lord Head, today described as "generous the new British textiles offer accepted under protest by the Malaysian Government. Before flying to London this morning for consultations with his Government. Lord Head said: T do
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  • 56 5 PENANG. Tue.v The Penang National Language Action Front today suggested that foreign diplomatic missions should use ins national language as their medium of contact with Ma'.aysiana. They can thus contribute to thn success of our national language campaign." the chairman of the Front. Inche Mohamed Noor
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  • 45 5 SUNGEI PATANI. Tues. Mr. Albert Hoe Soo Chong has been elected chairman of the United Democratic Party in Kedah. Mr. Ore Boon SeonK and Inche Mastan bin Ibramsa are vicechairmen; Mr. Ong Chow Song i :md Mr. Geh Teng I Khene. treasurer.
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  • 72 5 DROFESSOR Lim Tay Boh. 1 Vice-Chancellor of the I nhrrsity of Singapore. in a gay mood chats with a group of freshmen who attended a tea party he gave them on Monday. 'I hi- oartv. at EusofT College. ■M in informal affair with senior members
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  • 16 5 KUANTAN. Tues.— The Sultan of Pahann will celebrate his 61st birthday on May 29.
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  • 287 5 IPOH, Tuesday THE Perak, Kedah and Perlis Bar Committee is strongly opposed to any curtailment of the existing rights of appeal to the Privy Council in London in respect of civil, criminal and constitutional matters. This was unanimously decid'-u yesterday
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  • 98 5 A chase drama outside court DENANG, Tues.— Three x men acquitted of a charge of attempted extortion were re-arrested after a short chase outside the second magistrate's court this afternoon. M. Sundram. 21. R. Siva- nathan. 24, and N. Francis 25 j had been acquitted by the Magistrate. Mr. T.
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  • 59 5 PENANG. Tues. The Penang Junior Chamber of Commerce w;li WOOBBOi an elocution contest at the city hall among stuoent.s of English. Chinese and Malay secondary schools on May 27. 28 and 29 on the subject -The pro- <•..■- towards racial harmony." Winners ;n the three Metioni will represent
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  • 132 5 VIENTIANE. Tuesday. THE Singapore Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. today rebuked Malay "extremists" who call for i the arrest of opposition leaders. Speaking at Vietlane airport before departing for Bangkok and Phnom Penh. he said: "If they sat down and did a little
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  • 44 5 SINGAPORE. Tues. Three secret society gangsters were «r- rested under the Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions! OrdiMUM by detectives yesterday. The detectives also recovered an assortment of gang \te.\pons. including three daggers and two .screwdrivers, in a hideout in Buku Ho Swee.
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  • 244 5 Ragging? 'Isolated cases' only: Student leader— SINGAPORE. Tues. The president of th« University of Singapore Students' Union, Mr. Herbert Morais, said today that the ragging incidents at Saturday's orientation ceremony were only "isolated cases They were not repiesentatlve of the attitude of seniors generally towards freshmen on the campus, he
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  • 120 5 TAIPING. Tues. Two 1 youths were drowned as tragedy struck a picnic party on the banks of the Makau Tieong River near here on Sunday afternoon. Sit youths, \limid Ludin bin HuMwin. 17. Shafeie bin Ismail. 16. Tajul Arifln bin Abas. 13. Omar bin
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  • 29 5 MALACCA. Tues. Seventyfive men will leave tor Sabah nn Thursday to work there. This is the first group of Malayan workers to be recruited for Sabah.
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  • 289 5 Physician stabbed to death by two youths in clinic By K. SUGUMARAN pENANG. Toes.— One of Penang's best-known Chinese physicians. Mr. Yip Keng Yen, was brutally murdered in bis clinic in busy Burmah Road today. Mr. Yip. alias Yap l-ee Mm. 49. was stabbed eight times. He collapsed In a
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  • 46 5 IPOH. Tues. The Chief Education Officer. Perak. Mr. J. E. B. Ambrose, opened an exhibition of American handiirafu at the public library htre yesterday. The exhibition Is open to the public daily fmm 10 am tn ft p.m. except Mondays until May 30
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 116 5 HoarROLEX/s^Every Rolex owner has this guarantee: When you send your Rolex in for routine oiling or a general overhaul, you are assured that your watch is in the hands of expert technicians who are aided by the most modern scientific instruments in watch repairing and servicing. Only Swiss trained technicians
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 116 5 EPiok Tra*n Hy i hvstor I.<ml t l B*/i IT CATERS (TMEREt S£E?\/WmAT BEAUTY! yES, IT*S RiOWtT oh. BOY! ae me ,.,'N \JO N^VVL-ytVEPS.^ DOWN AND IS THAT ACROSS FROM I I CAN M 1^ at hddco V LtWERE! J ONE OP TWOS 6 OUR HOTEL. >/ WATCH Lii Abnvr
      116 words

  • 139 6 STATEMENT BY POLICE 'FRIVOLOUS,' SAYS UNION SINGAPORE. Tues. The Secretary of the Singapore Medical Workers' Union. Mr. M. Nadarajah. today described as "Irresponsible and frivolous" a statement made by the Police Secretary, Mr. T. Chelliah. on why the police dispersed the union's meeting held in the Tan Tock Seng Hospital
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  • 349 6 TOH TO POLY STUDENTS: WE DON'T WANT ZOMDIES SINGAPORE, Thurs. The acting Prime Minister, Dr. Toh Chin Chye today told Singapore Polytechnic students that they should have an intellectual purpose in their studies and not train to become pure technicians. 1 Speaking at an Initiation ceremony at the National Theatre,
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  • 42 6 1 SINGAPORE. Tues— The Field Section of the Ministry of Culture will give free film shows at 7.30 p.m. tomorrow at the Nam Chong School. Gulega Road; Kampong Kubor, off Kheam Hock Road, and Pet Teclt School. Jurong Road.
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  • 26 6 SINGAPORE. Tues— The Pasir Panjang community centre tonight celebrated last day of the National Language Month with a school quiz, debate and reading contest.
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  • 74 6 SINGAPORE. Tups. A Singapore science teacher. Miss Lini Ai W.ili. (above) will leave for Australia soon on a postgraduate scholarship offered by Hume Industries (Far East) Ltd. of Bukit Timah Road. Miss Lim, an honours graduate from the tniversity of Singapore will study for hrr Master's
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  • 232 6 SINGAPORE, Monday. THE acting President of the Industrial Arbitration Court, Mr. Tan Boon Chiang, today dismissed an application by the Industrial Workers' Union against K.K. Mohamed Abdullah Ltd., piling contractors, accusing it of "contempt of court" for allegedly not re-employing 84 former employees in compliance
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  • 75 6 SINGAPORE. Tues— Television Malaysia (Singapuraj will tomorrow feature a new programme called "What Others Say." It will be the first of a series of weekly reviews of editorial opinion and news reports in the Malaysian Press. The programme will be telecast In four languages over
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  • 278 6 '...DON'T BRAND PEOPLE ANTULANGUAGE* SINGAPORE. Tuesday NON-MALAYS who found it difficult to understand the national language now should not be branded as "antinational language" or "disloyal to the country." This point was stressed tonight by the Minister for Social affairs. Inche Othman Wok, when he spoke
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  • 250 6 SINGAPORE, Tuesday. THE Singapore Cotton Products Manufacturers' Association today warned that other developed countries might follow Britain in blocking imports of Malaysian textiles. The association president, Mr. Lam Thian. said: "We are greatly disappointed with the outcome of the textile talks with the British Government.
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  • 57 6 SINGAPORE. Tues.— Water will be &hut off in Fife House. Lothian House, Ayr House, NAAFI House Nos. from 115 A-D to House Nos. 117 A-D, Grange Road and House No. 106 Somerset Road tomorrow, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and also Buklt Chermln Road and Buklt Ayam
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 356 6 $1.00 TO ANY SEAT FROM TODAY FiVmU'ltl 1 00 6V 3.45 p.m. SHOWS ONLY AJS^MiSLfaUalAlial A SPECIAL CONCESSION for SCHOOL CHILDREN f 1 TO ENJOY ONE OF THE MOST WONDROUS EXPERIENCES OF THEIR LIFETIME. v r ~^t-Xljii mwim.aitiu i ny s*d* jL 1 ofthe BROTHERS GRlMM > Jfe >t 3R
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    • 77 6 QGflrtß?CtCi3 TODAY 3 SHOWS: 3-*-9 p.m. ZEB-ftEHMAN %$-*\l UHUSUM.. ASHOK Uc Ft shvlihl BEU9OSE (u-do*£4*m> With Eng. Rom. Malay Subl ■-'mm .l>MHfrflrrm» Today: 3.30 t 7.30 p.m. Sivaii Gartesan Oevika in "ANBUKKARANGAL" No f'f List .MARCO Decorator ft Bmldmo. Contractor. I. Nutmef Road, Sport. Tal: ***** (Opp Nflc* Ann BgildinaJ
      77 words
    • 53 6 Old <£v^-J^ v Restaurant THE ONLY ONE OF THIS "l^^^ KINO IN THE FAR EAST jjl J RUSSIAN SPECIALITIES ONLY \A" >^ (Prepared by the Russian-born owner) v Advance booking strongly recommended Ttl: JB 3149 Lounge suit 7.30 p.m. to Midnight Closed en Sunday 2, Jolon Yahya Awal (continuation of
      53 words
    • 259 6 -DPWADEf A TOP "PROFESSIONAL DEI If /IIYL.: Safecracker"lSlNTOWN Patrons attending the 9.30pm show of "TOPKAPI" Tonight at the CAPITOL (Singapore) will have the privilege to watch him work on a CHUBB SAFE ON STAGE "LIDO (Singapore) OPENS TOMORROW Sheriff: "YOU LOOK VERY YOUNG" He replied: "YOUNG? A MAN'S AS OLD
      259 words
    • 663 6 ■ORGANISATION, i»»i:i:t«T«Vlr!Egß?Bin^:M.i LAST DAY!!! fj 11am. I JO, 4, 6.30 ft T.JOpm. Meiina Mercuuri, Maximilian Pencil pj ft Peter Ustinov— Academy Awara Winner BEST supporting Actor BJ 1 "TOPKAPI" color (UA) a "PLUS! AT ALL SHOWS! m your last chance to try ft™ op«n lh« combination lock sf CHUBB SAFE—
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  • 347 7 Micro link will bring TV to Trengganu PRIORITY TO EAST COAST SCHEME DUNGUN, Tuesday. A MICRO- WAVE link is to be established in three east coast capitals Kuantan, Kota Bharu and Kuala Trengganu -to bring television to homes in Trengganu and improve communications with the west coast and the rest
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  • 31 7 SINGAPORE. Tues The chairman of the Economic Development Board. Mr. Hon Sui Sen. will open the Khiam Kee Sawmill Co. at Jurong industrial estate ai 5 p.m. on Sunday.
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  • 42 7 StNGAPORE. Tiles. The Singapore Minister for Social AfTair.s. Inche Othman Wok. and the Parliamentary Secretary tn the Ministry of Education. Inche Rahim Ishak. will .-.oenk at the I National Language MoiUh prizcgivmg cfipmony .it Sigiap community centrr at 730 p.m. tomorrow.
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  • 160 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday. SINGAPORE police have been asked to join in the hunt for two wanted men who are believed to have gone into hiding in Singapore. All police stations and eonting en t headquarters have been issued with descriptions of the two men. They
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  • 188 7 Gangland hunt MUM* after detective is shot SINGAPORE, Tues. Police this morning searched known garg hideouts in the Paya Lebar district as orders went out last night to all divisions for the capture of a notorious gangster involved in the shooting of a detective constable yesterday. But the manhunt did
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  • 83 7 PENANG. Tues. St. Nicholas Home and School for the Blind received the first donation in it* present appeal from Shaw Brothers today. A cheque for 1500 was handed to the chairman of the board of managers, the Yen. A.C.H. Peaifleld. by Mr. Chow Deh Kong.
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  • 375 7 OINGAPORE. Tues. Singapore's Minis- i ter for Health, Mr. Yong Nyuk Lin, said today that the Philippine Immigration Commissioner. Mr. Martirdano Vivo, could easily find evidence of bribery in his department if he tried. In a statement answering Mr. Vivo b challenge to provide
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  • 123 7 Call to urban people to join civil defence MALACCA. Tues. The JTE civil defence divisional I staff officer here. Mr. B S. Gill, today appealed to people in urban areas, especially those working in commercial firms and banks, to register for civil defence. He said most of the 500 whn
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  • 117 7 SINGAPORE. Tues. —An amah in a house 'n Telok Kurau Road got the shock of her life last night when a stranger dropped from the ceiling into a bedroom right in front of her. Too stunned to move or shout, she heard
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 46 7 HOME DIRECT I WE \WI LJLnJLe LUJLkX r +*A H|bßHß' *^&j£ FULLY LICENSED ''■■■>■ *^Bb P^bl .Bj^ i Bf B^tk& v i it 9 L^^^^sfßl Bfl r ~4irii Wl t B% H B^B v B s^m B Br* L^sßa Bb Bt i '"*****?DAILY BY BOAC ROUS-ROYCE JET
      46 words
    • 77 7 BOAC GETS YOU HE V h. HbV^^^^^^bbl b^^^ _fl Bp^ Bak^w Quickly "^BJB mm W (i W mm a. I BIT f w ■^^Jm w Khb^s7 Comfortably ijSyß Mflßl nil ir f i Directly For more details of BOAC'S services, consult your local BOAC Appointed Travel Agent or Malaysian Airways
      77 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 335 7 Straits Times Crossword I wri m* mm wmmr- a ACROSS fellow's support, but gains hit Bchool eggs given to college M.P.'s a warning ilgn! (3 head perhaps (7). 4 8. Girl crow with editor when S. Unsettled In the public eye pinched! (7). <in. 10. Was In the van following
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  • 85 8 it Words SIS (Minimum) MRS. WEE BAN CUAN nee Taa I tiwe* Neo. 61 yr», passed away peacelully on 18-0-63, leaving behind her loved nuaband, a alster, one son leek Poh. 4 daughter* Suan Neo. Oln :.eo. Serena, Teck Neo, 2 sons-in-law Si-ocr Wee Lee and Robert Urn, 8
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  • 1431 8  -  DR. A. LIM SIEW MING In an age of specialisation expansion without planning, lack of promotion opportunities, wastage of specialists and the problem of posting the right man to the right job. A LETTER FROM President, Singapore Government Medical and Dental Officers' Association WE refer to the
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  • The Straits Times
    • 748 8 The British textile off er I having been accepted "under i i protest", perhaps "satisfactory" lis not quite the right word for J 1 the solution of the textile quota dispute. But at least the end of this three way rippet is very welcome. It is exactly
      748 words
    • 307 8 The suspension of air (strikes against North Vietnam is a further contribution by Washington towards the creation of conditions for peace talks. The Americans themselves have refrained from placing such a construction i upon the aerial truce, pre- f erring to talk vaguely of their wish to evaluate
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    • 220 8 Hawker policy in the Federal Capitul is becoming increasingly divorced from reality. The over-riding problem is control of the thousands of unlicensed pedlars who. because no new licences are being issued, have no chance even to get on the right side of the law. Then there is the
      220 words
  • 560 8  -  YUNUS MARIS, by M.A. University of Malaya VOCABULARY: Rawat. merawat (vt— to nurse; Jam rawat (N> A nurse; tamat ivi to complete, terminate; latch. mrLaXrh (v) to train someone i; berlateh <v) to go Into traliiuig; pereksa, memrreksa (vi to examine; prperrk«un (in examination; lulus (vi to succeed,
    560 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 769 8 Straits Tiaet k Malay Ctootftad adverttoMßMlte »»*y ■>• handed le: COLD ITORAai •UPKRMARKET Orchard Road (*.ec*»tlea«tt Oeea) COLO 9TOWAOI »N«NOHII At Holland Hoed Kstene Neval BSs*. AathorUee- Agent*: CITY BOOK ITOMI LTD Wlncri*«t*r Hout*. Canyer Qsjaw TM« NIWS FRONT ritipstrlck'* Sepsrmerat M. M. ISMAIL J Admiralty Road. New** Sea* HAMICM
      769 words
    • 91 8 HOHNER SYMPHONIC 30 Portable Electronic Organ Transist or is«d, Fully Polyphonic The Hafcim Sympho»K Mho wrtotila muwcoJ ma*ru»n«nt for solo or orchestral work, in combo*, light orchestrot, mwic in the home, and all group*. Pioniits in partKiAor will favour rh« SymMkMk 30 for doubting up. becaute of the de*ghtfu» ton*
      91 words
    • 106 8 KONICA I EYE USUAL LIST PRICE S* PORE -$l9O SPECIAL NETT PRICE SINGAPORE $120 FED. $138 mOAI NITT MMCIS All VALID UNTIL 30th Jun«*6S ONLY K.OHICA I J| L, mSSn\W/SSs9m^m\\SSn^ KONICA EYE FEATURES 1. Supr«m« economy :om roll of 34 axpoturw— 72 p«rf«cc pictures 2. Lijhtw«i|ht. miniature In iti» it
      106 words

  • 2529 9 Reporters: CHIA POTEIK, JACKIE SAM. T.F. HWANG 'Half-sister said that Jenny had no property, no poultry farm, was always short of money ...Ang even had to pay her share of the rent 9 IN HIS summing up today, Mr. Justice
    2,529 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 113 9 [IN TAIPEI the I BMIUiMIFT HOTEL IS TAIWAN'S NEWEST. MO.sT U'XURKK'S AND LARGEST HOTEL. a* m Ff P IE Sf If PJJJJ p. < I Gracious Oriental bmpitelily *nd impeccable aervice await you at Tbe President. I 330 Luxurious, air-condiiioned rooms and suites range from U. 5.18.75 per night. Nicht-club
      113 words
    • 166 9 r New! exciting ideas JS for outdoor living with jUs^ fllCi table lispß Glamorous gold coloured table lamps made of brass f* and aluminium. Refillable... windproof.. .burn for a 10 hours. ..come in pairs. ..$8. 95 per pair. j> OWL table lights M^jL Cute, yet practical. filling lasts up
      166 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 789 9 TV MALAYSIA (Malaya) CHANNELS guage; 5.53 National Mines. 6 5 Kuala Lumpur and Penan* News in Tamil; 6.10 Women's 6 Ipoh and Malacca World; 6.34 A.stro Boy; 7 News 3 Johore Bahru In English; 7.10 Showtime: 7.35 4 Taiping Tom Ewell Show; 8 News in 7 Batu Pahat the national
      789 words

  • 2835 10 First of the 16 links: A powerful motive Less than 24 hours after the tragedy, he made claims against insurance firms... CONT'O FROM PAGE B waft swept aw ay. 'That W the evidence of the experience o». a veteran campaigner in these waters." the judge said. Towards the end of
    2,835 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 421 10 ©EARN What you're really worth! tetlCS training develop your ability and help you to a better job With ICS you learn at home, at your own pace. Your progress is sure.'.as instruction 'is thorough and.easy-io-follow. the coupon below today! Moderate fees/no books. to. buy wmm* TAKE THE RIGHT COURSE
      421 words
    • 132 10 Will the refrigerator you buy keep ice cream frozen? Jtaw/LtmWaWaW "J^3«HK3e^B It will if it's a Kelvinator! You can be sure of proper foodkeeping temperatures with a Kelvinator refrigerator. It's built to keep your foods safer and better— and ice cream solidly frozen— even in hot tropical climates. There's extra
      132 words

  • 185 11 CHILLI POWDER GANG SNATCH $4,000 KLANG, Tuesday 1^1 1 REE robbers flung chilli powder into the eyes of a Central Electricity Board van j driver travelling along Kampong Jawa Road here today and robbed a cashier sitting by his side of $14,000. I As tho gang was escaping with the
    185 words
  • 25 11 \POKE. Tues. Three I flyi No. 5 alard due to arrive at r for a three-day \u>it the final appeartlv.ns boats
    25 words
  • 19 11 ilet of the Pederasty will hold 1 inspection at the esplanade on May 30 at 6 p.m.
    19 words
  • 65 11 KUAI A LUMPUR. lues. Cwenty-five men oi the Malaysian Dngineers (Communirntionsi Teritorial Army, are attending tlw irst of a serins of course on r.tilray operation at the Malayan lallway here. A Ministry of Defence statencnt said today: "The purpose of he course is to tram
    65 words
  • 112 11 j^LALA LUMPUR. Tucs. Five hundred pwrti will see the ceremonial opening of the second M-sbioo. of Parliament by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong at 10 a.m. next Tuesday. A 21-gun salute will be fired by the Ist Regiment, .Malaysian Artillery, to mark the opening. The King
    112 words
  • 225 11 I^UANTAN, Tues.— A traditional welcome complete with yellow rice awaits Tengku Abdul Rahman when he arrives here on Saturday for a two-day visit. The Prime Minister will be accompanied by his deputy. Tun Abdul Razak. and the Minister of Home Affairs. Dato (Dr.)
    225 words
  • 26 11 ALOR 6TAR. Tuea. An early morning fire today destroyed an attap house in Lorong Bakar Sampan Lama, making a family of seven homeless.
    26 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 241 11 EXCELLENT RETURNS FOR YOUR INVESTMENTS in LOW COST HOUSES at LAM KONG ESTATE (Neor PANDAN Army Camp) Situated at Jolon Pondon (oH Koto Tinggi Rd.) 6 m.«. JOHORE BAHRU ASSURED RENTAL 9 WITH LONG LEASE CONTRACT SINGLE STOREY BUNGALOW J Area: Approx. 6000 sq. ft. PRICE: $16,000/Of 229 units, only
      241 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 53 11 Alloy Onp By V. T. Ram tin Buys Bunny By BalpH Hcimdahl 1 I I'D LIKE TO SIGN I WHERe'sYsTEpN |"T Jl'V S .f f CWkt M I /C3T\ fhtms>/g UP TOR YOUR MILK y w p^ s this n^*A AAr rUW W' J [HOOM fc MRY 7 PELIVEKV 1>
      53 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 631 12 (Continued from Pare 81 SITUATIONS VACANT IS Word* ft (Mtn.)— Box SO ttM. extn WANTED DENTAL SURGEON as Assistant with view, in large practice Kuala LAimpur Box Ai'o49 S.T, K.L. TEACHERS WANTED for Science Ma'hem.l I Language, a an Independent KnKhsh School. Talplng Apply immediately tiox &2, Talplng. HOUSE-AMAH should
      631 words
    • 343 12 SITUATIONS VACANT IS Word* St (Min.)— Box St tt*. extra MARKET RESEARCH ASSISTANT 1 required by expanding International Advertising Agency. Candidate* with 1 H.S.C. preferred or minimum Grade I Senior Cambridge Certificate, with at least credits In Entdi-'h and Maths. Ability to type an advantage. Salary commensurate with ability. Write
      343 words
    • 750 12 SITUATIONS VACANT JUNIOR CLERKS A tars* commercial and lodustrta employer In Singapore sreks tbe aer vices of Junior Clerk* witb good Semoi Cambridge results. Knowledge of typing desirable, aalary $160 p.m. 01 three months' probation tVn $IK p.m. for applicants with aggregate 2( or better, ruing to $390 p.m. Annua
      750 words
    • 1149 12 ACCOMMODATION VACANT IS Word* tt (Min.)— Box St rt*. extra 4 SEASIOE BUNCALOWS at Paslr Panjaog Road available from June 1965 Fully furnished, 2 alr-condition-ers Rental from $1,200 p.m. Apply Box A 4147 S.T. Spore. LUXURIOUSLY. FULLY FURNISHED 2 Storey House. Two alrcondltloned bedrooms, garden, garage. Steven/ Mamolloutb Roads. Rent
      1,149 words
    • 798 12 EDUCATION IS Word* St (Mtn.) Box St tU. mxtra JUNE sessions: secretarial. Stenography. Bookkeeping. Shorthand. Typewriting. Correspondence, English, Malay Register early: Kaja's College: MM! Spore. BOOKS PUBLICATIONS STUDENT AIDS MONTHLY A monthly Budget of classroom topics for secondary school md post school certificate, students, designed to widen their mental horizons
      798 words
    • 912 12 LOST IS Words ft (Min.)— Box SO tt*. exfra LARCE ORANGE CRESTED white cockatoo. Very uune. Reward Phone XL sns»o. j BOATS, YACHTS FOR SALE If Woril* St (Min.)— Box St rt*. extra NEAR NEW ISFT Halt Cabin Boat «uh 14hp Soott outboard motor. Can be seen Paalr Panjang, by
      912 words
    • 849 12 VEHICLES FOR SALE S Hurrfj S« < Min.)— Box SO rt. -rl- 1956 SIMCA, Kxcellent condition, lust general overhaul with many nrw 2 jarts changed, newly painted (Vice 11.300. Inspection Ring Spore *****. ORCHARD MOTORS L'urd Car Dept. I9M Chevy II 4 cylinder 57.200.- ,i. 1963 Austin 1100 S4.JSO.--1963 Chevrolet
      849 words
    • 663 12 AT YOUR SERVICE S Word. (Min.)— Box SO r/.v rxtrm KWOK'I PHOTOCOPY bEHVIUt., "J m« Arcade. Ist i- loor Tel: Kiolo, 1 pore. UHINI. TOUH UOOUMENTS o* iotion Smith Wo will maa« good ten i copies at lair prlcea. CERTIFICATES. IIUUUMBNTS >HOTOCOPT instantly O.D.C. L2st I pOfB. BRING YOUR PLAN
      663 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1312 13 TO LIVERPOOL t WEST COAST U.K.: Out Sport Stilt P. Sham Ptnant Sn^n.i'Sli 5 l-i»eraaal, Giajgw- Sit 1J May 21 May 22/2J May 20 {"ISi.VIH.'L H? 1 Oublin »'«iout»... »»ay /4 May 28 May 27/ 2 JaM 1 AUTOMEOON Liverpool. Dublin May 28 Juie 2 MACHAON Liierpotl lune 5 Juie
      1,312 words
    • 1274 13 •«y H ay W>«iaa M aaaaaaaaaaiaa M HHM W£L A \J///VfS -**>■ THE EAST ASIATIC! COMPANY Ll Ir.MyzuMl in O« :;.i.«i EXPRESS SAILINGS 10 NEAR EASI, CONTINEHI ANO tCANUINA»I«. >'pui« i^m renang Airi iiioaa natia rt'Durg rota asm *m* Ua. 11-12 POONA I) II Pt/21 May 22/24 25 2t
      1,274 words
    • 1143 13 I Benuljne I EXPRESS SERVICE^! O LONOON, LIVERPOOL CONTINENIAL fIHI BENCRUACHAN ,'Si smgaourt P S'tiaa Ptnang Ream Inly i. 1i May 28 A'werp Jiiy BENHOPE For l^ve'p'ool JIM 2 Havre Jily .j^-u'. j naw •>»na"i Artr**m Jilt I May 21/21 May 27/38 May 25.20 SSltero?- liily 1 SinuOOTV S'ASNI lajflf
      1,143 words
    • 1301 13 toiw ELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO., LTD. \r**^^ U.K./Contincnt Siogapori p. S'haai Ptwnt CITY OF ..IPON Hamburg, Nature**. Havra, Hull 20/28 May 28 May CITY OF COLOMBO lundOß, Marburg. Rotttrdin mi... Hull immlnfUMi U/21 Jim 2A Im CITY OF WINNIPEG London, Hamburg, Rotterdam, A«erp, Hull 14 Jily Cllt OF 4ELUNGION .un^un
      1,301 words

  • 363 14 Another rise of $10.50 in Straits tin price 'pin id mm sharp rise of I Mil Ml in Hit- Straits tin 111 Iff in rni.tiiK yrstrrday Hhlrh look It to |Tfl Atlilril to uriirritl kooil allrtniiiil ilriu.inil luis now come Ilir iiiir<»t la Ihr Kollvlan liKhislrv wlilcli tliri-.itciis a slopp.iK)'
    363 words
  • 679 14 From Our Market Correspondent QL'IET conditions again ruled on the Stock Exchange of Malaysia yesterday and in the industrial section the afternoon sentiment appeared to be slightly easier. Guinness, Shell, Steamers I'niteers. Motor Investments. Wearnes, Veneer were all fractionally off at the close. Surprisingly
    679 words
  • 27 14 Malayan Stock Indices May 17 May 18 •Industrials: 76.50 76.12 Tins: 95.67 96.37 S rubbers: 103.73 103.81 •Dec. 30, 1963=100 Dec. 29, 1962=100 r Sime
    27 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1021 14 \X T "*TKAWAStAKt KISEN KAISHA LTLX. i East Canada and U.S.A. Great Lakes Service Yo^C-ama Vont'fji Toronto Detroit Chicago -.kawa Mara" 11/13 Jilt 2S >uly 1 Aug I Aug 11 Aag •Mania Marti" 21/24 Jily 1 Aig Stpt I Sept U Stpt 17 Sept West Coast ot Central/South America
      1,021 words
    • 917 14 ROUND VOYAGE TO MANILA HONG KONG S.S. "CHITRAL' Depart*: Penang 7 June 1965 P. Swettcnham 9 Juna 196S Singapore 11 Juno 1965 For Manila 15/16 June, Hong Kong 18/22 June Returns:— Singapore 26 June 1965 P. Swettenhom 29 June 1965 Penang 30 June 1965 Fare From:— Penang or P. Swertcnham
      917 words
    • 598 14 MALAYAN RUBBER PRICES TUNE first trade rubber f.o.b. 63?;. sellers 64% N. bUyerb J !I Sr ied *i 5 pJn ln 6 K^S- Unquoted. Siniraporr and Kuala Lumpur yes- KubbCT Association of Sln K »pore trrda> at 73', «nts per Ib. down Frderation of Malaya Knbbtr iSt-^TS £J-T% SET nooD
      598 words
    • 485 14 SOUTHERN SHIPPING LINES FROM BRISBANE, SYDNEY, MELBOURNE ADELAIDE VIA BANGKOK Spore P. Sham Penano M.S. Martin Thore 14/16 July 17/19 July 20/23 July M.S. Broholm 23/2S Aug 26/28 Aug 29/ 1 S«p FOR BRISBANE, SYDNEY, MELBOURNE AND ADELAIDE VIA SARAWAK AND SABAH Spore P. S'hom Penong Spore M.S. Mortin Thore
      485 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 935 15 CLOSING PRICES May 18. MALAYAN RUBBER PRICE: 731 cents (down a quarter of a cent). TIN: $767.62* (up $10.50). Unofficial estimated offer ins 250 tons( up 15 tons). BUSINESS DONE BUSINESS In and reported to the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Stock Exchange of Malaysia yesterday, with
      935 words
    • 868 15 NOTICE ESTATE OF ELIZABETH HIMIK DECEASED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and other persons Interested In or having claims against the Estate of the abovenamed deceased, late of No. 8 Merino Crescent, Singapore, who died on the 28th day of August, 1964. at the address aforesaid, are required
      868 words
    • 751 15 IN THE HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT KUALA LUMPUR IN BANKRUPTCY NO. 114 OF 1964 Re: Teck Weng trading as Teck Weng Construction, No. 32 Jalan Angsana. Setapak, Kuala Lumpur. Ex-par te: The China Engineers Ltd.. No. 40, Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur. PetltlonlngCreditors. To: Teck Weng trading as Teck Weng
      751 words
    • 651 15 TENDERS TENDER PEMBEKALAN PERABOT SEKOLAH 1965 Tawaran akan dl-terlma daripada pemohon2 tender yang berdaftar di-Jabatan Kerja Raya. Trengganu sa-hingga Jam 3.00 pctang tepat pada 31.5.1965 untok membekalkan perabot sekolah2. 2. Butir2 Jenls perabot yang dlkehendakl tlap2 sekolah boleh disemak di-Pejabat Pelajaran. Kuala Trengganu, pada masa bekerja. 3. Tiap2 tawaran mistl-lah
      651 words
    • 683 15 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS LEMBAGA PERUSAHAAN GETAH (TANAM SAMULA) APPLICATIONS are Invited from Federal Citizens for the post of Regional Publicity Officers. Applicants must be Federal Citizens and not below 25 years of age and should have experience In publicity and public relations work. They should be proficient In the National Language.
      683 words
    • 344 15 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS LEMBAGA PERUSAHAAN GETAH (TANAM SAMULA) Publicity Propaganda Officer. APPLICATIONS are Invited from Federal Citizens for the post of Publicity and Propaganda Officer in the Board's service. Applicants must not be below 30 years of age and must be proficient In the National Language. They should have wide experience
      344 words
    • 597 15 JAWATAN2 KOSONG PAHANG Permohonan2 ada-lah dl-pelawa dsxlpada Ra'ayat Negerl Pahan? dan Warga Negara Persekutuan. dan pegawal Kerajaan yang sedans? berkhidmat, terrna. ok mereka yang cU-dalam pcrchubaan bugi memenohi Jawatan2 benkut: 1. PENTEKJt:M.\H MELAYU: dl-dalam JabaUn Oerakan Pel»ks..naan Bahasa Kebangsaan Pahang. (Bahagian III). Tingkatan Gaji: 5152.50x7.50-167.50/224x14-336/366x14-422/448xU-504. Elaun Belanja Hidup mengikut kadar
      597 words

    • 216 16 THE Singapore International Chamber of Commerce has made a significant and important contribution to the National Language Month by producing a booklet called an "Introduction to business correspondence in the National Language." The booklet is a further step forward in the campaign to promote the use
      216 words
    • 85 16 Two Qantas employees. Mr. Robert Tan ot the Singapore cC.ce and Mr. Ho Yit Chong of Kuala Lumpur, have returned after a WMfc'i st-idy tour in Perth. Mcl- bourne and Sydney. Travelling with them were several Malaysian tra\el agents i including Mr. S. P. Cheung
      85 words
    • 414 16 INTERNATIONAL Textile Mills Ltd., one of the three new cloth weaving mills at Singapore's Jurong industrial estate, will be embarking on an expansion programme in the next tew months. The company, with an authorised capital of $10 million is a joint venture between Hong
      414 words
    • 168 16 Sulzer names new S.E.A. delegate TIM Sul/t-r group of companies has appointed a new delegate to South-East Asia. He is Mr. Hans Naegeli, B.Sc. (above), who replaces Dr. AJ. Stoeckicht. D.Sc. now managing director of Sulzer do Brazil S.A. at Rio de Janeiro. Mr. Naisrli, who Is stationed in Singapore,
      168 words
    • 87 16 AGENCY PACT TO BOOST INDIAN HANDICRAFTS A SINGAPORE firm of Im2 porters, exporters, stockists and wholesalers, hare been appointed agents for the Handicrafts and Handlooms Exports Corporation of India Ltd of New Delhi The firm. Kumra Commercial Co.. will undertake to 'joost further the wholesale. retail and export trade ot
      87 words
    • 58 16 The general manager, Mr. D. N. Saraf was in Singapore last week to finalise the new agency arrangement with Mr. D. P. Kumra, proprietor of the Singapore firm. Mr. Saraf said Malaysia was the biireest buyer of Indian handicrafts during 1963-64. accounting for 29 per cent of the
      58 words
    • 60 16 Au--triH > iiiiiiiniiium uiduMry had h tuccesxtul |x>riori <h.-.\ vpgr production oi r;uv aluniiniuni irom alum I M increasinK oy 1 .227 tout at 77 691 tor on the 1963 output and production ot ak.nnnium from scrap by 3.940 tons, at 35.512 tons Output ol srcondary products
      60 words
    • 274 16 Thailand, Penang trade improves 'THE entrepot trade be- tween Penang and Thailand last year increased substantially, but that with Burma decreased sharply, states the Penang Chamber of Commerce report for 1964. Overall trade with Thailand was worth $186.5 million against $148.7 million in 1963. Of this, imports accounted for $164.2
      274 words
    • 62 16 Mr. D. L. Creedy. sales manager for South-East Asia of 8.0.A.C. hao announced that the VC 10 "lngapore services will be increassed to three a week later this year. At present, there are two VC 10 services from Singapore which offer the fastest -ervice to
      62 words
    • 111 16 gKN LINK'S new cargo lnrr. Btnledi, will sail on her maiden voyage to Japan in July, it is announced. The sixth Ben Line snip to carry the name, Bcnledi is the first of a new class of 21-knot vessels which will operate on the company's fast
      111 words
    • 128 16 Ford-Australia introduces new Falcon FORD Australia bM made a hi* :ep forward in the bir, car with the Introduction of the j new-design Ford Falcon. > Introduced into Malaysia last week, the car hah a longer bonnet, i improve*, perlornmnce while reng thr Fiilion economy, regned grllic md liot.t-irndrrs, vi
      128 words
    • 248 16 SONY NOW WORKING ON SOUNDLESS DESK CALCULATOR A SOUNDLESS electronic desk calculator which will make for a more congenial working atmosphere in the office is being developed by Sony Corporation of Japan. The president. Mr. M. i Ibuka. said during h visit to Singapore last week that research towards its
      248 words
    • 205 16 Business up so company sets up bigger plant A WOODWORK Joinery and prefabricated furniture factory Meng Cheong Furniture Construction Company has begun operations at Singapore's Bendemeer industrial Estate. Opened last week by Mr. Hon Sul Sen. chairman of the Economic Development Board, the venture Is the result of the achievement
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 160 16 NEW SERVICE HELPS LOCATE SUPPLIERS INew York State is the leading source of quality products in the U.S.A. 50,000 firms here make 197% of all categories of manufactured products. To obtain sources of supply in New York at no I cost or obligation, fill out the coupon below or write
      160 words
    • 47 16 rl^Qiß FUEL INJECTION I EQUIPMENT Our workshops are fully X^Gh^ f equipped to service and *9Y J^AffStP \w^ 'f^ maintain your Fuel Injec- A r\Y^djf^^ tion System for Diesel I^P^ V T Cars and Trucks under >^Talrlr ytfv wfe^» the supervision of our fllL^^^ll BOSCH Engineer. fiLjJMMr
      47 words

  • 425 17 Racing with Epsom Jeep DECORDER, winner over time, and Hovercraft, in last year's Irish Der batch of new arrivals o: Since the MRA lifted the registration ban at the end of last season, leading stables have been replenishing their strings
    425 words
  • 174 17 TEKN AH DOES BEST 3FON TRACK CINGAPORE. Tues. Teknah, with Alan Trevena astride, did the fastest time this morning when he galloped attractively over 3f In 39 2/5 on a good track at Buklt Timah. Golden Master (Lyall H ar bridge) and Prrtama (Kevin Mitchell) were matched In a good
    174 words
  • 109 17 SINGAPORE. Tues. The NonU brothers of State hockey feme Lenny and Douglas turned footballers today and each scored a goal to help SRC upset Dlv. two champions Darul Aflah "A by 2-1 In their SAFA Div. 2B match on the padang. Darul led with a 12th
    109 words
  • 22 17 MALACCA. Tn«5...The Malacca Amateur Athletic Association will hold their annual open relays meet on June 6 at the Kubu Stadium
    22 words
  • 682 17 CING APORE. I Tues.— Weights for all seven races for Saturday, third day of the four-day Singapore Turf Cluti meeting, are: CL. 2. DIV. 4— 7 F Dreamboat 9.00 Joey Ban 8.12 Tee Up 811 Brave Chevalier 8.10 Prninjau 8.09 Witte de With 8.09 Trrbang 8.08 Miss Delaware
    682 words
  • 230 17 CRICKET lONDON. Tues J gained first innings lead ol i 105 runs yesterday and are in a I handy position to bea' County champions Worcestershire at Leeds At the close ves'erday Yorkshire had cap'.ured one of Were* second Innings wicket* for 12 of olav
    230 words
  • 452 17 Bowlers dominate on lively wicket By r. EMMANUEL JTUALA LUMPUR, Tues The touring Hong Kong cricketers took a two-run first innings lead over the combined Malaysian Armed Forces Royal Malaysian Police team in a thrilling finish to the first day's play at Gurney Road today.
    SOONG HONG SIN  -  452 words
  • 554 17 AUSTRALIA RECOVER LOST PRESTIGE WITH 10-WICKET WIN By Jack Finglaton: Port of Spain, Tues. ftARELY the locals tell me has there been such a quick finish to a Test in the West Indies where over the years the batsmen have gone on and on making centuries on perfect Ditches. This
    554 words
  • 145 17 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues.—A 6elangor football referee, tvaaiasingam Ramallngam, was assulted by a player in today's PAS league division three matcn between UMNO and SCRC ai Taylcr Road after he had abandoned It In the 31st minute as a result of being abused by a player. Mr. Ramallngam,
    145 words
  • 227 17 HONG KONG Ist. Inns Kelly run out 12 buuiru v Kurugnanam 16 Daniels lbw Kurugnanam 10 Hall c Lakhbir b Baljlt 19 Coffey b Kurugnanam 9 Dhabber c Doraisaniy b B»!Jlt 0 Hammett lbw Kurugnanam" 13 Gosano b Kurugnanam 12 Myatt not out 7 Wigley st Stevens b da
    Reuter  -  227 words
  • 470 17 Track for MAAU meet near completion SINGAPORE, Tues. Farrer Park's athletic cinder track will be ready for competition at the end of thia month, it was stated by the Singapore AAA organising council. for the second Malaysian A.A.U. Championships here from July 29-31 It was stated that due to the
    470 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 108 17 what a way ;j| Hhg^Hr v- 4*aamu*~ «ft to go! Europa... l taliano style! Bombay, Karachi*, Naples and Genoa make up the Italian way to Europe. Lloyd Triestino makes the fabulous difference. At least two sw :n ming pools and acres el deck space for games, dancing or just plain
      108 words
      69 words

  • 44 18 SINGAPORE, Tues. Police last night raided a seaside house in Telok Mata Ikan and seized six sertble hand-urenadrs of Indonesian origin. A man has been detained. The grenades were found in .i burird in the grounds of the honor
    44 words
  • 20 18 BONN. Tues Queen Elizabeth arrived here today by air for an M-day \isit to West Oermany Reuter.
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 61 18 VALLIPILLAV, slstrr of late 8. Kandlah contractor Itatutii. paiaad ■way In Mallakam. Ceylon on 11-6-66. CABLE RECEIVED FROM Thin:ik:mpp!ll:n. father-in-law of 8. Sinnathamliy. Eda Park. Ipotl pasMd CABLE RECEIVED K sivaumboo r.n.iinv. hospital Kijnni:. Dial rift I CABLE RECEIVED LAZER hakuttam i»i. Outkrla CABLE RECEIVED Kandlah fonm r I
    61 words
  • 71 18 KUCHINO. Tues. RAP jet fighters flew low level patrols today over the Balai Rißgin area of Sarawak as operations to track down a band of Indonesian guerillas in the remote border area continued. The Indonesians being hunted were among the 70 involved in a clash
    AP  -  71 words
  • 166 18 SINGAPORE. Tues.-Po-lice today lifted the security dragnet on Pulau Bajau. off Jurong as further inquiries into the reported presence of at least five heavily-armed Indonesian guerillas there revealed that the report "might not be true." The Police Secretary, Mr. T. Chelliah. said this
    166 words
  • 437 18 LONDON. Tues Firmness In eilt edged and dullness in industrials again provided the main features of the stock market today Gilts continued to attract small buying on hopes of a Bank Rate reduction and of concessions in the Finance Bill to close with further Improvements
    437 words
  • 171 18 Cheers as Maher is cleared in exposure —case SYDNEY. Tues. The former Speaker of the New south IfalM Legislative Assembly. Mr. Kay Septimus Maher. m today found not guilty of charge of indecent exposure. A jury here returned the verdict after deliberating for 27 minutes. When the verdict was announced,
    Reuter  -  171 words
  • 60 18 KUCHING. Tues— Two Australians were killed when they set off a concealed enemy mine while on patrol along the SarawakIndonesian border yesterday afternoon. Army sources said here today. This brought the Australian death toll to three since the 3rd Bi Royal Australian Regiment moved here last
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 359 18 AN INSULT TO MALAYSIA BY WINNEBA CONFERENCE From SAMAD ISMAIL: yHE Malaysian ap- plication for membership of the AfroAsian Peoples' Solid- ari t y Organisation I was not even discussed by the Winneba conference. Member* ot the organls- i ational committee set up by the conference to deal with applications
    359 words
  • 31 18 SINGAPORE. Tim F Leslie Wong of the Business Administration Department. University of Singapore will speak at the Jaycees monthly him neon meeting at the Mandarin Room on May 29.
    31 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 36 18 Late CLASSIFIEDS 20 Word. Hi I Minimum I THE ENGAGEMENT IS announced Of Mr. Cllvv R. Jonra of the Geological Survey, states of Malaya to Mii» Elaine V, Daviea of the liritl«h High Commission, Kuala Lumpur.
      36 words
    • 297 18 '3rd. MALAYAN FUND' GROSS DIVIDEND 8r26% GROSS DIVIDEND PER ANNUM AT THE CURRENT SELLING PRICE OF $1.09 0 GOOD NEWS FOR PRESENT AND FUTURE INVESTORS IN 9 :f£s I '3rd. MALAYAN FUND, Here is positive proof of the soundness, solidity and security of investment in funds managed by M.U.T. Ltd..
      297 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 47 18 THE WEATHER i Hltihi'st DM) in Malaysia lor tIM period 8 p.m. Monday to 8 p.m. yesterday: Highest LawMl Kuala Lumpur 91 73 Kota Bharu 90 75 Penang 90 73 Ipoh 91 70 Malacca 88 73 Singapore 90 73 C. Highlands Jesselton 88 72 Kuching 90 7a
      47 words