The Straits Times, 10 May 1965

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 23 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS* Ifa. 5,000 The Straits Times Nat*" 10 Kstci 1845. MONDAY. MAY 10, 1965 13 CENTS KDN 1189 1005
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  • 1268 1 'Grand' Opposition discuss 'grave trends...' SINGAPORE, Sunday Declaration calls for change of political styles... IN THE PICTURE On thr right hand side of th. tablr arr Mr. D. R. >crni\asai;ani (PPF). nearrst to tin- camera. Mr. Ong I'ariK Boon iIAI'i. Dr. Toll (hin C'hyr iI'AIV Inchr Otliman Wok. Mr. B.W.
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  • 325 1 SHOCK AT COMMUNISM'S BIGGEST-EVER SHOW MOSCOW, Sunday THE Soviet Union today unveiled two huge "orbital" missiles, claimed to have an unlimited range, at the biggest military show in Communist history. The cigar-shaped missiles with off-white nose cones and an estimated length of 11 7 ft. brought up
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  • 106 1 WASHINGTON. Sun President i Johnson yesterday laid down a .strict rode of ethics for civil .servant*, and called for key officials to file a full statement of their financial Interests In a seven-page executive order, which replaces a number of i previous orders dealing with the same matter,-
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  • 61 1 PEKING. Sun— China is tn--1 creasing the choice of tours open to foreign visitors this year as part of the gradual expansion of her still small tourist Industry More cities will be "on view". I The 52-page China Travel Gazei te for the 1965 holiday season
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  • 49 1 SINGAPORE. Sun —A seven- year-old boy. Tan Ser Chlanp. lound drowned in the River J Valley Road swimming pool at I about 6.30 p.m. today. A life-^uard. who found the body at the bottom of the pool, gave the boy artificial respiration I but failed.
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  • 190 1 rKYO, Sun. Tengku Abdul Rahman said here tonight he doubted if there could be a settlement of his country's dispute with Indonesia, as long as President Soekarno ruled Indonesia. He told reporters at a Malaysian Embassy reception: "I have gone out of my way
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  • 36 1 LONDON. Sun— James Bonds' London home is for sale. Price £38.000. The home or the late lan Fleming, author of the Bond books, has been put up for sale by his widow. UPI.
    UPI  -  36 words
  • 274 1 EMERGENCY CONSULTATION WITH JAPANESE DOCTOR FOR TESTS JOKYO, Sun —Tengku Abdul Rahman disclosed today that he is suffering from glaucoma, on eye disease and has been consulting Japanese specialists during his current visit here. The Tengku appeared at an informal press conference at the
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  • 97 1 Soekarno sacks Chief of Police JAKARTA. Sun. President Soekarno today sacked his Police Chief, Sutjipto Daniikusomo, in an apparent move to eliminate reported dissatisfaction in the police ranks. He named Sutjipto to roplu< c Danukusomo. The President announced the change from his week-end retreat at Honor. In miles south
    AP  -  97 words
  • 29 1 LONDON. Sun— British aircraft engineers will be urged to boycott job offers from South Africa because of the Republic's apartheid policies, a union leader announced today— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 87 1 RIO DE JANEIRO, Sun.— A special stamp commemorating the visit of the Shah of Iran to Brazil was issue*! with three major errors the Brazilian Post Office Department admitted yesterday. j The 120 cruzeiros (about I eight cents i stamp bear- I ing the picture of the
    AP  -  87 words
  • 181 1 Korea cracks army revolt plot TKDKYO. Sun. Seven army officers have tx'en arrested or are being sought by South Korean military Intelligence for involvement in a suspected plot against President Chung Hee Park's Government, according to usually reliable diplomatic sources. At hast one Colonel I ready been arrested in Seoul,
    Reuter  -  181 words
  • 32 1 VIETNAM BOMBING SAIGON, <mi" Amcrii;tn Md South Vietnamese Air Forte pl.nn s ■track largeti in North VieUi.nn tod.iN poundinumilitjr> tamekl -"Mil ro.iri and rail target* two separate '"r >tnl Reuter.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 124 1 Cigarette Cases t Soxes Ladies Gents Brush Sets Bobu, Spoons Pushers Tea Sets Salvers Condiment Sets Etc S-CP-St. d*Sllva£td. SINGAPORE IPOM ASSO CO SPH OC SUVA (H.KJ LTD. For the best- §53SS?^r3S go for MgUiZSSSS&I T 500 H 19" Grey picture tube I 0 Cabinet of selected I g wood.
      124 words
    • 56 1 1 patek phiuppe] Mtttvi World s Finest Watch-Hand Finished j iiii ii«r H. Sena Ltd. Jewellers "j 14. Itigb Vt:'. jipp'tl fenn -Sii|tit £&S¥:: t: mf^o the man's beer. .Men know whatthey want... the golden strength of Tiger beer., .freshly brewed. ..served cold in a man-sized glass. When men get
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    • 272 2 Vietnam's February coup leaders sentenced to death OAIGON, Sun. The South Vietnamese military tribunal on Friday sentenced to death two military and one civilian leaders in last February's abortive coup d'etat. The court also passed sentences on 36 other officers and one civilian ranging from life imprisonment to three months
      Reuter  -  272 words
    • 35 2 HONG KONG. Sun— Cholera is likely to break out again in Hong Kong this summer. Health Department officials warned yes- terday. There nad been outbreaks of the disease each summer since 1961.— Reuter.
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    • 27 2 JAKARTA. Sun.— About 400 Indonesians yrMrici.iy .staged an orderly demonstration outside the United States Embassy here protesting against "American intervention" in the Dominican Republic. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 34 2 RANGOON, Sun. Burmese Army troops killed seven and injured four Kachin rebels :n clashes last week in the Myitkyina area in Kachin State, the official News Agency of Burma reported —Reuter.
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 44 2 PKI thesis— in 30 chapters JAKARTA. Sun.— The strong Indonesian Communist Parly has issued a thesis in connection \uih its 45th anniversary on M;iv 23 The thesis, which consists of 30 chapters, explains the party's history, views, plan and policy on general problems.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  44 words
    • 190 2 1 8-di vision threat by India, says Pakistan KARACHI, Sunday PAKIS TAN yesterday accused India of massing 18 of its total of 20 divisions, plus all its armour and a tactical air headquarters, in offensive formations against the West and East Pakistan borders. An official spokesman said 12 divisions were
      Reuter  -  190 words
    • 182 2 TifOSCOW. Sun. ITI The Soviet In ion yesterday appealed to India and Pakistan to settle the Raini of Kutch disp v t c peacefully around the conference table. The appeal came in a statement issued by the Soviet news agency Tass. which said only that
      Reuter  -  182 words
    • 278 2 SRINAGAR, (Kashmir). Sunday. 'PEN thousand people staged a massive protest here A last night against the Indian Government's restrictions on Sheikh Abdullah, former Kashmir Prime Minister, after disturbances in which several people were killed by police fire. They gathered at Srinauar s Great Mosque to condemn
      Reuter  -  278 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 399 2 NATIONAL Pn* vA/urt v |H^ 111 [I ■I MODEL TF-30LE WITH II II MEMO TUNER II I This NEW exciting 23" NATIONAL Modern, Delux with "Memo I I Tuner" for continuous optimum picture reception. Soft greytinted screen gives Dynamic pictures. No reflections. No glare. The double oval speakers give rich
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 327 3 KREMLIN CHEERS FOR HIS 'GUIDANCE' EVEN THE DISGRACED MARSHAL ZHUKOV APPEARS AT V-E DAY CELEBRATIONS MOSCOW, Sunday name of Stalin was cheered at a .Kremlin rally yesterday in the first show of public praise since Mr. Khrushchev's attack in 1956 signalled the massive campaign of de-Stalinisation More
      Reuter  -  327 words
    • 109 3 Reds show off rockets in Berlin I IST BERLIN. Sun East (irrman troops yesterday paraded with Soviet-type missiles In their most massive show of military strength ret held in East Berlin. The joint Soviet-East German parade commemorated the "JOth anniversary of the surrender of Nazi (ierrnany. Informed quarters said the
      Reuter  -  109 words
    • 40 3 COLOMBO. Sun. Monsoon flood* have driven about 2a. 000 people from their homes in lowlying parts of Colombo and disrupted operations at the port. Heavy rain is falling in the southwest coast areas and the central hills. Reutrr.
      Reuter  -  40 words
    • 140 3 DArtlS. Sun. Three thou- 1 sand French troops, many of them unborn when peace descended on Europe alter World War 11 marched down the Champ* Ely.«»ees yesterday to celebrate the 20th anniversary of victory in j Europe. President Charles de Gaulle, sur- rounded
      UPI  -  140 words
    • 17 3 KANSAS CITY. San- -Former President Harry S. Truman celebrated his 81st birthday yesterday. —UPI
      UPI  -  17 words
    • 91 3 UAYNEVILLE, (Alabama). "Sun. The State of Alabama MJi it will M»ek to retry Ku Klux Klan>man Collie Leroy Wilkins for the murder of white civil rights worker. Mrs. Viola Lluzzo. The first hearing ended in a mistrial on Friday with the jury deadlocked
      Reuter  -  91 words
    • 267 3 You're looking well, Ike'-Monty greets his old chief LONDON, Sun— Former IS. President Eisenhower and Field Marshal Lord Montgomery, two old soldiers who have not always seen eve to eve. greeted each other warmly yesterday in a live transatlantic television programme marking the 20th anniversary of tb* end or fighting
      AP  -  267 words
    • 205 3 NEW YORK. Sunday. A FEDERAL court jury has found an advertising firm ynd two other defendants guilty in a multi-million dollar diet pill fraud, involving Regimen tablets that rriade some people put on weight. i It was the first Known 1 case in
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    • 18 3 OTTAWA. Sun. Canada us organising .i "Peace Corps" for serli overseas and at homr. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  18 words
    • 43 3 JERUSALEM I.m.u.i .tcviort. Sun Mordecai Luk. the ninn rescued lrom ;i Cairo-bound "ui'Jlomatic trunk in R* I November, goes on trKi. j May 16 charged wttb sovinn ior Egyptian intelligence Luk. 31. faces a maximum lite sentence. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  43 words
    • 37 3 NEW ORLEANS. Sun.— Three white teenagers arrested here have been charged with hurling (irebombs at Negro homes. Only minor damage was caused in the I Incidents and no one whs iii'urPd j 1 Renter
      Reuter  -  37 words
    • 34 3 WASHINGTON. Sun The Defence Dcoartment announced I ye.steniav that it will call up I 17.000 men for service in the army In June— the highest monthly total since November. H'63 —Muter.
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    • 24 3 CHICAGO. Sun.- Two teenage 1 gangs invaded separate beaches on the weekend here and slashed ami beat up eight people— UPl.
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    • 43 3 LONDON bun— Lord Mo.vmay. premier Baron oi Eugluii.l and a leading Roman Catholic peer, died in :i nursing home :n Hurrogute on Friday. He was 70. Hr and his wife were wpantod In 1901 after 40 years of m Reuter
      Reuter  -  43 words
    • 252 3 Kennedy strains relations with Johnson VyASHINGTON. Sun. TT The often-delicate relatior<ship between President Johnson and Senator Robert Kennedy appears to be undergoing further strains. For the first time Senator Kennedy, brother of the late President, has publicly criticised Mr. Johnson over unilateral U.S. action In the Dominican Republic. His belief
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 139 3 ULTRft-RICHr^T In Vitamin C WW ULTRA-LOW II price for this A^B t\ double-size OSBL^ bottle IfelSt Your body nerds a rich supply of 4SI2L *^3aj§g 3&" VITAVSN C to tiri-dncs*. MM hod v iNmh- and fight infection. |«ASC A D E j Kosure nidinnl health nnd \i(!«>rous 1 j^yyVy
      139 words
    • 321 3 NO COAXING NEEDED! NO BRIBING REQUIRED! Wonder Tonic ]J3 yjl with Candy Taste fz- ?•#s? Each Hicee Sweetlet it rfr > t: r > J/jll i 7-j^W-equivalent to 10 oranges \y~Y |K'/VrM >U HU'KK SWEETLETS will keep A/ti^^^^^ L^V''your child free lrom colds I mi' r and common ailments. It
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  • 86 4 SINGAPORE, Sat -The second annual inter-secondary school science quiz, organised by the Gan Eng Seng School Science and Mathematics Society, will be held at Shell theatrette here next week. The quiz is being sponsored by Shell Malaysia Limited and the winning school will receive the Shell
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  • 40 4 SINGAPORE, Sun— The Yang di-Pertuan Negara, Tun Yusof bin I.shak. will open the 16th Singapore International salon of photography organised by the Photographic Society of Singapore at the Victoria Memorial Hall at 5 30 p.m. on May 14.
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  • 312 4 A plea to PAP and Lee from Alliance party SINGAPORE. Sun THE Alliance Party Singapura today appealed to PAP leaders, particularly the Singapore Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, to "refrain from making use of communalism as a divisive political weapon to achieve their own selfish political ends." The party
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  • 241 4 SINGAPORE, Sunday •FHE Assemblywoman for Delta, Madam Chan x Choy Siong, last night hit out at "malicious" critics of community centres, who purposely ignored the fact that community centres were set up for the benefit of the people. She classified these wild critics into
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  • 161 4 MINISTRY URGED TO STOP BALLOT SINGAPORE. Sun— The Singapore Medical Workers Union today requested the Ministry of He*lth to stop its move to hold a secret ballot between May 19 and 21 to determine whether the rival Amalgamated Union of Public Employees represents the majority of its monthly-rated Division IV
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  • 41 4 SINGAPORE. Sun— Mr. C.F.J. Ess has been appointed chairman of the Singapore Bar Committee. Other members of the committee are: Messrs. C.C. Tan. Lee Kirn Yew, Tann Wee Tiong, Wee Tin Teck, P. Coomaraswamy, and M. Coomaraswamy.
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  • 37 4 SINGAPORE. Sun— Water will be shut off between Jalan Jentera and Loronp Tukantf Lima from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. tomorrow to enable the laying of a new pipeline to a factory in the area.
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  • 126 4 .Mr and Mrs. Tan Chee Liat ifter their weddi: g in Vntrapore yesterday. Mr Tan is a staff reporter of the Sin Chew Jit Poh and the youngest son of Madam Ng Huee Chor. The bride, former Miss Chua Hwee Sian, is the eldest daughter of
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  • 248 4 CINGAPORE. Sun. The Assemblyman for Farrer Park. Mr. S. Rajoo, last night said that the study and use of the national language would not only promote national unity but foster friendship and goodwill among the various races. Speaking at the Pek Kio community centre
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  • 123 4 VIVIENNE WINS FIRST PRIZE IN PIANO CONTEST SINGAPORE, Sun. Miss Vivienne Wee, 13, a Secondary Two student of the Methodist Girls' School, who won the first prize in the recent Singapore Musical Society's open section piano competition, adjudged by world famous Chinese pianist, Mr. Fou Tsong. She was awarded the
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  • 24 4 SINGAPORE. Sun. Singapore Buddhists will celebrate Vesak for three days beginning May 14, at the Mangala Vihara, No. 38 Jalan Eunos. Singapore.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 349 4 I r ORCHARD^ GALA PREMIERE -P A L AC E t theatre < WEDNESDAY. 12th MAY WONDERFUL THRILLS! WONDERFUL ACTION! The Most Wondrous Experience Of Your Lifeacclaimed as a/ "ENTERTAINMENT FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY!" V3ff >r 9 i&*ffioii»& jcv Y^^^*V jTciNlnmScoPE COLOR' CHILDREN'S FASHION SHOW THURSDAY, 13th MAY AT 4.30
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    • 204 4 EXTRA!!! Patrons at all shows 1 during the entire season of "TOPKAPI" J a XOn SMiOWMXG jjH iSM ■it CAPITOL (Spore) h t FEDERAL (K. l.) will have a chance to try and I open the combination lock of a CHUBB SAFE O.V STAGE THE PERSON WHO SUCCEEDS WILL RECEIVE
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  • 363 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday A RALLY of mure haii 50,000. including: schoolchildren, Government and commercial workers, members of the armed forces and voluntary organisations at the Stadium Merdeka here on Thursday will highlight the National Language Month in the Federal capital. The Minister of
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  • 513 5 'Remember Majapahit and Malacca...' PENANG, Sunday A RESOLUTION urging Umno Malaya to call on the Central Government to i refute the claim by the Singapore Primp Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, that Malays were not the j indigenous people of j
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  • 100 5 15 girls in Miss Selangor contest LTUALA LUMPUR. Sun. So far 15 girls have entered the Miss Selangor beauty contest to be held at the Chinese Assembly Hall here on May 22. The contest. which is being organised by the Kuala Lumpur Junior Chamber of Commerce, is to select a
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  • 54 5 PENANG. Sun— An American pianist. Mr. Jacob Feuerrmg, will I give a recital at the Methodist 1 Girls' School hall at 8 p.m. on Mm 22. The performance will be in aid of the National Defence Fund and the American Field Service International Students Exchange
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  • 33 5 SINGAPORE. Sun.— The Singapore Government has banned the importation, sale and circulation of nil issues and editions of the English-language weekly "Peking Review." published in Pekingunder the Undesirable Publications Ordinance.
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  • 200 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The University of Malaya has announced that 40 candidates have passed the final examination for the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering held in January this year. Two students. Chan Sin F;itt and Ooi Ewe Jin. have obtained Class One Honours in
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  • 144 5 Kedah plans big contests for N-Language Month A LOR STAR, Sun. A wide range of contests including uantun. debating, elocution, essay and oratorial comDetitions has been arranged for the National Language Month campaign in Kedah. Inche Shaari bin Haii Mohamed Daud. chairman of the Alor Star District National Language Month
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  • 204 5 Mohsein attacks clubs for neglect of Malay UUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Voluntary youth organisations in Malaya came under sharp criticism today lor not co-operating with the Government to encourage the use of the national language. The attack was made by the Assistant Minister of Culture. Youth and Sports. Engku Mohsein bin
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 88 5 Noo) frnd out oohaf luvupy (Dash'n'tfear ;s! DOCOMA 6 MADACO shirts of 80% Dacronf 20% cotton There's more to washandwear shirts than mere convenience, when you discover Docoma Madaco. the Manhattan" luxury blending of Dacron poly ester and the finest cotton 80 c i Dacron gives this superb shirt silky,
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    • 245 5 EAUX DE TOILETTE ac I^nristian Dior ji^J r.i) v Jtc't \HJ f 1 J lAcbama i, v __/Jtcn.y>f mmassssk J Protect the pedigree with EPIVAXPLUS' the sure, safe vaccination against canine distemper. A WELLCOME PRODUCT Obtainable through your qualified veterinary surgeon. NOW! EVERYBODY CAN AFFORD PHILIPS DIRECTViSION Don't delay! Get
      245 words
    • 55 5 Advertisement ITeep your skin smooth and pliant by using vitalizing cream every nigijt. Smooth over the skin In a grTrilt upward and outward movement o feed vitalizing elements to skin cells and replenish a dwindling natural supply. Dry wrinkles wiil be eased a\v;iv as the Ulan vitalizing night cream brings
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  • 139 6 Survey to improve health services in city DENANG. Sun.— A sur- vey is being carried out in George Town to find out what measures ratepayers prefer to educate the public on health matters. " you in favour of: Health campaigns, talks, demonstrations or cinema shows?" asks a questionnaire sent out
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  • 29 6 IPOH, Sun. A mcc seller, Wong Kirn Pah. 27. reported to th* police that his $900 motorcycle, parked near the Lido Thearr* here was stolen last night.
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  • 109 6 Singapore ban a gain for Hong Kong UONG KONG. Sun. im Hong Kong stands to gain from Singapore's import ban on South African goods, according to trade sources here today. They suggested the colony could become a "staging post" for South African products. not only to Singapore but to other
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  • 56 6 j KUALA LUMPUR Sun. Se--1 nior Inspector Abdul Aziz bin Karim, 28. left here today for Aus- tralia to attend a six-month course on crime detection. I Inspector Aziz from the Special Crimes Section in Malacca, will serve with the Melbourne Criminal Investigation Department. He i»
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  • 132 6 MALAYSIA INDIA CHEMICAL PLANT PLANNED I^UALA LUMPUR, Sun.— A seven-man Indian chemical industry trade mission arrived here last night —confident that the first Malaysian-Indian chemical industry joint venture would be set up in Singapore in about two years' time. The Joint ventures are for producing cosmetics. Pharmaceuticals and Insecticides. Mission
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  • 488 6 Fish catches up despite confrontasi Kuala Trengganu Sunday FISH catches In Malaya had INCREASED despite Indonesian confrontation, the Minister of Agriculture and Co-ope-ratives, Haji Mnhamed Ghazali bin Haji Jawi, said here yesterday. He announced that the Government was now working on a scheme to enable fishermen to give up primitive
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  • 266 6 Seng Fong's 70 per cent chance of life IPOH, Sun. The Ju--1 nior Chamber of Commerce here is linalising preparations to send Wong Seng Fong, 13. Pcraks "hoi e-in-the-heart" boy, to Australia before May 17 for an operation which will give him a 70 per cent chance of recovery Seng
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  • 87 6 ITUALA LUMPUR. Sun.— The Minister of Information and BroadcastIng. Inche Senu bin Abdul Rahman, flew to Sarawak today to step up his Mm- I lstry's activities In coun- terine Indonesian propa- ganda. He will be In Sarawak for i two days. Inche Senu
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 293 6 Perma-Sharp stainless steel shaving is here X Br X v ,<t* Stall w/ 1 W/ JT% times W/ *bL more r W/ g| j| smooth m: W/ %JF shaves If/ guaranteed from every Perma-Sharp stainless mk To most men, a first shave with a new blade causes Steel blade JS
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 326 6 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS with superb modelling and SSkK Sf lns Bd f 5 WvS well provided quarrelling <B>. for some mJght (3 5) 8. Understand one's to get about 6 p u t the rope In a coll as *oon a month to retire and with- as possible (5).
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  • 168 7 pENANG, Sun. An 1 association to popu- larise a new style of joget dancing called "Joget Baharu" is to be formed here. A musician and singer, Inche Yusoff plans to convene a meeting soon of local joget enthusiasts to inaugurate the "Peran
    168 words
  • 51 7 SEREMBAN. Sun— The Seremban International Golf Club here last mulii presented a cheque for $5,100 to the Negri Sembilan Mentri Be.sar. Dato <Dr.> M<v hammed Said bin Mohammed, for the National Defence Fund. The money was raised by the members throush rafTles. golf competitions and
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  • 173 7 Assistant Minister hits out at 'shock tactics' TKI.I K ANSON, Sun Thi- shock tactics of tlir Singapore brand of politicians are. not applicable to Malaya, the \nsistant »lini-.tcr j( Education. .Mr. Lee Siok Yew >aid here tod-.iy. "Over here, we work in harmony with all rMM in accordance with democratic
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  • 46 7 PARIT BUNTAR. Sun.— Throe branches of the Malaysian Indian Congress have oeen awarded cold mrd.iLs by the party's Slate headquarters for hii?h membership. They are the Chersonese Estate branch near here, the Baui O-.i .luh branch and the Kuh.j Kanesar branch.
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  • 44 7 KUALA KANGSAR, Sun— The R;i.iu Perempuan of Perak and members of the royal family v ere amonc the large gathering who attended a charity dance at the Idn.s Club here la.-t ripht to raise fund* tor the Abdul Ati? Children's Home
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  • 371 7 Drop all disputes and work like ants Nara KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. A CALL to all politicians and unionists to sink their differences and "work like ants" to find solutions to economic problems was made here today by Mr. P. P. Narayanan, general secretary of the National Union of Plantation Workers.
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  • 207 7 SINGAPORE. Sun.— The Amalgamated Union I of Public: Employees today hit out at Ministry i of Health officials for i refusing to release about. 150 nursing staff to--1 morrow at 2 p.m. to en- > able them to donate
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  • 49 7 i NIBONG TEBAL. Sun. Nik I Mohamed Zain bin Haji Hassan, District Officpr of Province South, has been admitted into the Bukit Mertaiam District Hospital. Ho was injured when he slipped and fell on the steps of his house i in Sungei Bakap last week
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  • 75 7 ALOR STAR. Sun. KPriah nolice have offered Kedah police nave onerea a $2,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the murder of a housewife. Yu Ah Tai. at Padang Serai, south i Kedah. last Thursday. yu 59
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 56 7 w fe ifanMi^ -m. l»u i% Colofnt m another creation of MARCEL ROCHAS Please get your free samples at our counter personally. ?<B MEI R U .f SIH6APORE Malay Mail Word Puzzle Contest 4 EJ' JACKPOT OF $10,000 Awaits The Outright Winner. You may be the only one to win
      56 words
    • 285 7 rTS^^ Why break your |HKH H /^J^^*! V /I |L arm lifting an old- m%^l m\^ I v/" s fashioned heavy H^t B^^ I weight iron when I there s a better way of ironing? WM I JL M^^Cr^^ With a Philips lightweight. Just set m Jrml the dial at
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • 1201 8 A $40 million promise takes shape by A STAFF WRITER AS MALAYA'S BIGGEST CHEMICAL PLANT GOES UP AT PADANG JAWA, JUST OUTSIDE KLANG... A $40 million factory being built near Klang holds for Malaysia great promise from the importance of its products and from its likely role as the hub
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 193 8 PHIr 11 1 ill KUALA LULU lUluivipur rKtRUHMAY3I7 COMMERCIAL FORTfGHT SINGAPORE 11 MAY 10-24 J 1 SEE Ihe attractna trl-cataup Window duplayS The French film (gala) The CAKVtN Faihien S«e« with in Kua.a lumpur and in Singapore Kuala Lumpur pa»ilioi» Thaatra mannequins trem Pan the Industrial Exhibition at the Chinwoo
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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  • 1948 9  -  ADAM HALL STARTING TODAY. the spy thriller that is faster than Fleming, hotter than the 'Spy who came in from the cold' by IHD thr Nazi dream rrally die with Hitler in thr prtrolvoakcl Kuhrerbunker v thr Kiissinn issault troop* storm cd thr Kates? Revenge for Ui-\cir-old
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 4 9 TOMORROW The Killer Car
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    • 459 9 onceajolly sMZ^k,^ j swagman... *$o^Qj f lew by AIRHNDIA^^^^^ h He raved about the delicious meals, no need to carry your own tucker bac with you. mate. He was overjoyed with my famous Maharajah service the same service that has thrilled Air-India passengers for over 32 years (nothing like it
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  • 37 10 .■n Mora's S/.I (Minimum) MR. AND MRS. Ravlndra Daaa • all rrl.itives. friends for their kind attendance conitratulatory me»iai<t-«. v.ilu.ihle iitftn on their marn..i:e ir. Singapore and for tbeir attendance nt their reception in Kuala Wltnpiir
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  • 112 10 Hnro\ S/j minimum) IN LOVINC MEMORY of dear Relna Soh Loon Kirn departed 10-3- 1««4. sadly mis-erl by parents and brothers IN LOVINC MEMORY of our b.-ni---1..1 iincl- William Samuel .:.,,ili on May 10th ltd hro»i;ht deepest sorrow to our ives hut whose memory is still loved and
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  • The Straits Times
    • 747 10 How austere is the Government's austerity drive to be? No-one will envy the unnamed but high level committee, including Ministers and Permanent Secretaries, whose task lit will be to reduce Govern- merit spending this year by i "at least ten per cent." The approved total expenditure is
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    • 400 10 Two convictions appear to dominate the Thai Govern- ment's thinking on internal security. The first is that it will shortly have a Com- munist insurrection on its i hands: and the second is that it can cope. Both convictions i seem well based. Peking has I made clear
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    • 115 10 Mr. P. P. Narayanan's recommendation that "we adopt the ant as our national insect. as a symbol of hard work," makes a useful point but lies in advance of an essential preliminary issue: Why have national insects? This is an entirely new concept. It is not I difficult
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    • 461 10 No pay yet after two months' work MY husband, a dentist, joined the Government Health Service on March 1. Up till now. he has not received a single cent in pay. Our limited savings are dwindling rapidly. Three weeks after he started work, he was told he would not be
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    • 37 10 A LOCAL letter posted on April 26 reached me on May 4— eight days to get from one part of Singapore to another: The letter was an important business letter. V. N. MAHTANI Changi. Singapore
      37 words
    • 100 10 TWO different rate.a ol housing allowance are being paid to employees of the Territorial Army Training Centre. Siputeh. i about 14 miles from Ipoh on the way to Parit). Nine or ten men are getting the Ipoh Town rate— double the standard rate Daid to the others. The
      100 words
    • 87 10 IT is very heartening to see that a foreign film company nab chosen our lovely country as one of their scenes in their film 'That Man irom Hong Kong. A few days ago they chose a location up at the border of Perils and Thailand at a place
      87 words
    • 50 10 I IMITINU overtime to 20 per cent ol a worker's wages is only Dart of what tbe Government can do to reduce unemployment in Slnganore. A.s an educated and unemployed youth. I ask the government to also ban part-time employment for people who already have full-time lobs. UNEMPLOYED Singapore
      50 words
  • 491 10  -  YUNUS MARIS by M.A. University of Malaya \O< ABl LAKY: KaU, berfcaU. mrnxatakan (V) to say. utter; kata2 (ni utterance*. laying (ulso. statement); tahu (v) to know: tahu menari (v) to know dancing (or to know to dance). TIDAK. BI'KAN (contdi. TIDAK has a coloquial variant, TA'
    491 words
  • 823 10  -  HALCRO FERGUSON by VIOLENCE BOILS OVER IN A TRAGIC AATION FOUR YEARS AFTER THE END OF A NIGHTMARE DICTATORSHIP WHATEVER the outcome of the present upheaval in the Dominican Republic, its eruption represents part of the continuing aftermath of the 30--year dictatorship of Rafael Leonidas
    823 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 725 10 Straits Tines k Malar Mail ChMIMM advartltefnwita may b« handad to COLD STOSIACe «UP«SI. MARKET Orchard Road (■acapttoftlst D««*) COLO STONAdt BRANCMIia Naval Baa*. Avthorlxd A|«nta CITY BOOK STORE LTO Wlnchatlec Moua*. fo'lyar Ov«y THC NKW« FRONT Fltzpatni-k'a Supermarkat M. M. ISMAIL J Admit. ll, Koad Naval Im HAMIEM STORK
      725 words
      41 words
    • 293 10 built-in self-cleaning action boosts power-saves petrol «aW i buill-in double-cleaning ■t ™aI action which gives >out t l^" peak performance IQ' I AND petrol economy. hot tip \m J SPARK PLUGS Tt» far Mirawn Tfc» f*w t>«tr» timnj n*xt>r» r«irv*ed ifcin hpilrhesu Qu»rii* lo »*u"t T»t> mort M» AC kHPH
      293 words

  • 275 11 I^ULIM, Sun. The Minister of Education, Inche Mohamed Khir Johari, today called on all primary school teachers to forget their differences and regard themselves as members of one big family. "It does not matter where a teacher is trained. The responsibility of
    275 words
  • 49 11 ttINGAPOHL. Mm trian. Chu;i Ngum Blah, 70. died in the General Hospital last night after he was knocked down at 6 a.m. in Balestiar Road, j Police today appealed to eye- 1 witnesses to contact Inspector Loh I Boon TecK of Senov I.mrs police Million.
    49 words
  • 36 11 SINGAPORE Sun The one- month ban on night and early morning toning and on craft movement in certain part? of SinßHporr'.s territorial waters will be extended for another month until June 5
    36 words
  • 242 11 .•iUAR, Sunday. A MOTHER of three children hit her 10-year-old son on the head with a piece of wood because she found him watching television instead of looking after the younger children when she returned home from shopping, the High Court was told
    242 words
  • 39 11 Xl ALA M'MPI'R. Sun. A ilerk. Mr. Sow C'hinis M, collapsed and died in a cinema here this afternoon. He was watching a comedy, "The Square Peg", at the Golden City theatre in Ipoh Road.
    39 words
  • 215 11 Mine union now out of MTUC ITU ALA LUMPUR. Sun. xv The withdrawal of the 1 4.000 strong National Mining Workers' Union from the Malaysian Trades Union Congress was confirmed by the MTUC general council today. The MTUC general secretary, Mr. S.J.H. Zaldl, said after a general couni cil meeting
    215 words
  • 30 11 SINGAPORE. Sun. The annual corps inspection of the Fifth Corps west central area of the St. John Ambulance Brteade, was held at it-s Beach Road heartquarters thin afternoon.
    30 words
  • 22 11 IPOH. Sun. The annual meeting of the Technical Association of Malaya will be held at the YMCA here "on Friday.
    22 words
  • 82 11 That jackpot is now $100,000! THIS week's prize for Malay Mail Word Puzzle Contest EJ can very well be yours if you are the only outright winner! Don't miss this opportunity! It takes years to save up $10,000! Cut out those coupons of Word Puzzle Ej daily from the Malay
    82 words
  • 68 11 PARIT BUNTAR. Sun. The deputy Assistant District Officer. Krian, Inche Abdul Razak bin Mohamed Nordin who was al.-o the deputy chairman of the town board, has beer, transferred to thr Land Office, Batu Gajah. and Ml place here taken by Inche Awang bin Ya'acob. The aeput.- Assistant
    68 words
  • 329 11 Razak hits Lee: 'Dangerous and mischievous' *SPORE MUST FIND N€W LEADER, KANGAR. Sunday JHE Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, tonight described as "mischievous and dangerous" a statement by Singapore's Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, concerning indigenous people. "Mr. Lee's utterances should not be the concern of only the
    329 words
  • 334 11 Govt unions urged to take on more responsibilities KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. THE Minister of Labour, Mr. V. Manickavasagam, said today that Government unions "in these challenging times" must have a willingness to discuss issues, to appreciate all points of view, and to compromise. He was speaking to members of the
    334 words
  • 81 11 The native capitalists: By Lee DOMBAY, Sun. Singa- pore Premier, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. said yesterday that though "the imperialists have left Asian countries, the masses there continue to be exploited by native capitalists." He was speaking at a reception given by the Transport and Dock Workers Union. "Genuine socialists
    AP  -  81 words
  • 253 11 SINGAPORE. Sun. FurJ ther donations, totalling I $648.80, for the five children of Madam Lim Ah Hua. who I was killed in a road accident recently, have been received by the Straits Times, boosting the fund to $1,605.30 The donations were from: Tan
    253 words
  • 261 11 TPOH, Sun. The shabby- treatment given by Manila immigration authorities to Malaysians arriving by ship was not confined to i Malaysians of Chinese origin alone, a music teacher. Miss Matilda Remedios, said here today. Miss Remedios. who with her elder sister, was on
    261 words
  • 59 11 I SINGAPORE. Sun There wen '811 more cais in Singapore roads hist month, bringing the total number of enrs in the State to P8.924. according to the monthly statistics of the Registrar of YeI hides. Motor cycle., increased by TOR to 52.412. motor scooters by
    59 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 100 11 1 w\ 9 L" r «fefl il MODEL N-231S STEREOPHONIC Radiogram a^ fc; 2 Speakers 4"x 6" Stereo Sound- ~i?~ e^»^^ vm 3 Band MW/SWI/SW2 tt 4 speed Sapphire needle M Consolette wooden cabinet m with detachable legs. Mm S'pore/Penang $400 Federation $510 I 1 £|\I-231S 1 J Nivico SIGN
      100 words
    • 281 11 V )/m PER ANNUM I from your deposit account with Pan Malayan Finance gives you a steady and safe income. Write today for our booklet "A SAFE AND SOUND DEPOSIT" giving full details of how easy it is to open a Deposit Account. i%PAN MALAYAN ™IFINANCE1 FINANCE LTDa VVvV^^/Cy (Incorporated
      281 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 800 11 TV MALAYSIA (Malaya) CHAXNKLS: Kuala Adventure Theatre: 7.00 News Lumpur and Ponan B; 6 in English; 7.10 We Wish To Ipoh and Malacca. n Know; 734 Robln Kood 00 News in Mandarin: 8.10 Marl Johorc Bharu: 7 Uatu Berbual; 8.15 Popular 6oncs Pahat; 9 Kluane. znd m vs c; g34
      800 words

    • 148 12 THE LADY WITH THE 'L' IS BANNED AGAIN... I IVERPOOL. Sun. Mrs. Margaret Hunter. 67. England's most famous woman "L" driver— has again been disqualified from driving for driving while disqualified. She was also fined €25 and another for driving an uninsured car. Background on Mrs. Hunter's motoring career: AN
      AP  -  148 words
    • 132 12 Canada expels spying Russians OTTAWA. Sun. Un officials of the Soviet Embassy have be»n expelled from Canada for espionage. They were identified as I I Bytchkov. of the embassy s commercial section, and V. N. Poluckin. a chancery clerk. They were declared personae non rratae in a (.i>\ eminent note
      132 words
    • 348 12 Up go the 'keep out 9 signs to protect Beatrix SUITOR'S MOTHER IS AMAZED AT REPORTED ROMANCE THE HAGUE, Sunday. REINFORCED police guards and "keep out" notices today protected the country home of Crown Princess Beatrix and its surrounding woods. Photographs of the 27-year-old Princess walking through the woods with
      Reuter; UPI  -  348 words
    • 117 12 A Nazi? Oh, no, not Claus, says his uncle HITZACKER. (W. Germany). Sun.— A German nobleman romantically linked to Dutch Crown Princess Beatrix has no Nazi past, his uncle said yesterday. Baron Julius Von BusscheHattenhausen told reporters that Claus Von Amiberg was a mere child in the days of the
      117 words
    • 33 12 PHNOMPENH. Sun —The United SUt»s has decided to end consular relations with Cambodia, which Cambodia wanted to continue after she broke diplomatic relations with the VJS. on May 3. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  33 words
    • 22 12 NEW YORK. Sun. Jacques Kate!. Russian-born Journalist. author, and expert on Communist affairs, died here today, aged 48. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  22 words
    • 21 12 WASHINGTON. Sun Toe Senate commerce committee unanimously Hpproved a Bill to place "health taard" warnings on all cigarette packet*
      21 words
    • 227 12 MADRID: BATTERED CORPSE WAS DELGADO'S MADRID, sun. The Spanish Justice Ministry last night confirmed ihi- drath nf ( Humbrrto Drlgado. exiled Portuguese opposition leader. Hi body and that of I woman belirvrd to hr his 30-yeur-old secretary, Mi>s Ar.t.jprir Campos, were found in a shallow firave in Badajoz. near the
      Reuter  -  227 words
    • 40 12 NEW YORK. Sun.— Mr Edward R. Murrow. broadcaster and former head of the U.S. Information Aerncy. who died last month aitecl 57. left ;in rotate estimated *l U*****.000. according to his will which wa.s filed for probate yetterday—Reuter.
      40 words
    • 222 12 Mr Leung's 'lucky red' made royal town blush UTNDSOR. Sun A Chinese restaurant near Queen Elizabeth s castle here has charged its colour scheme at royal request. Officials of thp R'»*l Borough <■>: Windsor appoa cd to Mr. Hu Leung to lone down the colour scheme of his Yangtze Restaurant,
      Reuter  -  222 words
    • 28 12 JAKARTA. Sun. Inrtnnffll— Tir.xi Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Subandrfo on Friday lormally r».sumed oil duties following hw recovery from h minor surgery foe hemorrhoids.— A.P.
      AP  -  28 words
    • 28 12 LONDON. Sun. -Earl MounW batten returned here lrom New Delhi yetiterday after talks witn Indian Government leaders oa problems arising from immi(rrart;oo into Britain. -Rpuier.
      28 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
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    • 114 12 i FLORAL ART 203 Black and White Plates $35/- POST FREE! 175 Drawings and Figures FEDERAL PUBLICATIONS LTD., 30 Arrangements in Colour mail order dept., 13 Vignettes times house, 9 RIVER VALLEY ROAD, j SINGAPORE 9. This is a unique guide one of the few in English -which Please send
      114 words

    • 1029 13  -  Allington Kennard THE WORLD OF THE FmST AUSTRALIANS, by R.M. and C.H. Berndt. (Ure Smith, Sydney. 855.) A text book that goes beyond facile exoticism and sentimental half-truths By Til lilt K was at one time a respectable theory that Australia's aborigines represented a distinct type
      1,029 words
    • 406 13 THE FORGOTTEN MEN. By lain Adamson. (Bell and Sons. 215.) THERE are forgotten men in every war. The entire British army in Burma once claimed this label and then, as the Forgotten Army, got almost as much publicity in its day as the Desert
      406 words
    • 204 13 Cultural background to S.-E. Asia FIGURES OP SPEECH. By D. J. Enright. Hetnemann, 215.) MR. Enright, the publisher reminds us, has had a long and close experience of the cultural and teaching world of South-East Asia. Which no one can deny. And if this amasinj •tory of in English professor
      204 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 371 13 TO-DAY'S DESIGN is the LYNX i This modern cistern fs handsome, hygrienlc. and efficient Jn opera' lon It flushes at a touch, wl th aqulet yet powerful action. The shell Is made or black Duranlte and the f Kinsrilshersiphon mcrhanismof polythene— non-corrodlnf. rustless, non-at'lnsj and unbreakable. Conforming: to BS3 1125,
      371 words
    • 240 13 RENT 18 lIIPUPASE redPusion ligli^i— minim— p^':^^W:-v": Bfi|.;:;:;;'::;:', .jll Aj^^lW I.' mm Am m■! A m. Kw mi II LOW RENTALS t EASY 24 MONTHS HP ■■■■■^■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■^■■■IBnilUllllHH! 1 LOW NET CASH PRICES TOP QUALITY TV RECEIVERS FROM ONE OF THE LEADING MANUFACTURERS IN ENGLAND. CALL US FOR MORE DETAILS TODAY.
      240 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 837 14 FNlfr'WfalMililr. Continued from Pace 1*) SITUATIONS VACANT Words St (Min.)— Box tt eU. axtra BOX A4OOO S.T. position Oiled. Applicants thanked. WANTED PEON with some knowurrn. Apply P.O. Box 2193, Spore. FIELO STAFFS ACENTS Required horr Singapore. Apply Box A 4065 S.T. B'pore. EXPERIENCED TUTOR Required for Secondary Two Student.
      837 words
    • 982 14 SITUATIONS VACANT II Word* SS (Min.)— Box St ets. extra IF YOU ARE Well-educated, sole to speak well, ot good appearance, and possessed a real drive and determination, we can show you bow to earn really big money at a book aalesmao or saleswoman in your own uome-towo Wherever you
      982 words
    • 1064 14 ACCOMMODATION VACANT ii Ward* St (Min.)— Box St el*, axtrm 3 BEDROOM SEMI-DETACHED Bouse fully-furnished with fans longbath phone. Modern sanitation quiet locality 6tm.s Buklt Timah Road servant available. Japanese or European Civilians only. Ring Mr. Wong (Spore) UOl3l. LEAVE BUNGALOW fully furcubed district lU. Two bedrooms with bathrooms attached,
      1,064 words
    • 776 14 EDUCATION IS Words St (Min.)— Box tt ets. txlro MOW IS YOUR Malay progressing? Improve your knowledge of tbe National Language by reading Bertta Harlan dally, tbe only roraaoised National Language newspaper. rOOHMAN'I kUHOOk OP MUSIC t.nrolmenis accepted dally stuoenu for Piano, fiano-accordlon. Vlolia. Uuttar. Hawailana Uuitar. frumpcL aaxoi.noo* Clarinet.
      776 words
      962 words
    • 874 14 FOR SALE IS Words U (Min.)— Box it eU. oxtr rON >[TUN iikvic. m «ji Pdiupa Droducta. Kadkw, lapamooroara. Hbooocrmpo MO. PMtM esAi at BaoUot pnuio* •no-room. Itu Clnrnwu Avaou*. H'pora. BIG CLEARANCC SAL! of Stork. ct American Children totton Shorts. Trouners. Childran/Ladleii Limcmr ft Kmsaieret. 60 WlnchrMer House. Spore.
      874 words
    • 1277 14 ASSOCI/ TED MINES Malaya) LIMITED announce outputs of tin concentrate?, for the month of April 1965 a.< follows: Pieub AVER HITAM TIN DREDGING LTD 1.605 THE SUNGEI BESI MINES LTD 2.300 I SUNGEI WAY DREDGING LTD. 1.436 SOUTHERN TRONOH TIN DREDGING LTD. 408 TRONOH MINES LTD 910 No. 1 Dredge
      1,277 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1248 15 10 UVFRPOOL t WI.ST COASI U.K.. Oue Spore rSM P. S'naa Ptnaai aCHILIES Liverpnl la Ptrt/Talay May 11 CYCLOPS li.trpnl, O'i't'K Gil. 15 Talay May 11/11 May 17 HtosiuS LivertMl, Glasgow May ll May M Oi:<ODOCUS iKCrftll, Glasgow May 11 May 21 May 22/25 Mat 21 AUTOLYCUS LivertMl, Dublin. A'mouth...
      1,248 words
    • 1270 15 mnmp^nuuuwmMuinp^ T//fL A h£//V£S rili 1 in n THt tAil ASIATIC COMPANY U4 tawpgmlaiaOciMßk EJgRESS SAILINGS 10 NEAR EASI, CBHTIHENT ANS SCANIINAVIO. m Perung Airi Genoa Havra H burg rtoaa 4ata Cat* PSONA a) May 11/21 May 22/24 U/2a Hie ll 2» J»m a Jaly I IS BASRA II May
      1,270 words
    • 1206 15 1 B£NWLIN£\ EXPRESS SERVICE 10 LONDON. LIVERPOOL > CONTINENTAL PORIS TQtr'TkjrrkvrAT For London JaM 1 IILNLUIAL Hamburg Jaae II !>ini{aDor« v S'nam -"eninj C. I/May 11 Ma> 12/14 May 15, 15 For london Juie 15 BENCRUACHAN &*i May il/2l m brough July I Singapori r Shan ••eaaag lENHOPE l'pool, Havre,
      1,206 words
    • 1290 15 tog^ ELLERMAN BUCKNALLS.S. CO.. LTD. r*M U.K./Conrinent iingapon t. S'haa PtMng CITY OF RIPON .onoon, MamDurg, Notli'oam. Havre. Hull 27/21 May 1* May CITY OF COLOMBO Lundon, Hamburg, Rotttrdta Havre, Hull, immiognaa 25/2) JaM 21 imi CITY OF WELLINGTON .ciaon. Hamburg. AottirMa. Havrt, Hull, imininghaa 25/27 laly II Mil Cm
      1,290 words

  • 1136 16 -jMlr. table of shares on the Malayan Stork Exchange shows last business to April 30 A I and last business since that date iISi with 11 and I, standing lor Highest and Lower business for l!»t.J and this paM to dale. k A. »a.-x me* eiiktt o.ju 2.11
    1,136 words
  • 42 16 THE Malayan Eichanxi Bank!' Alt.. cution made these cbangea la IU laM to mcrrhanta on Saturday (all ratw to »luo> Selllnit TT or OD ready: Dcutiche Markt I9J I/S; Holland Ctnlrlert 117: MM Francs UHi Italian *****; Bwedtth Kroner 1671.
    42 words
  • 38 16 ON the tree exchange market Im Hong Kong on Saturday thn U.S. dollar wua 'quoted at 5.75 for T.T. and S.T3I lor eaih. Sterling was quotM at 16.02 and one tael et geld at 259).
    38 words
  • 17 16 The British bank rate is unchanged at 7 per cent, it wai announced on Thursday.
    17 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1132 16 Y\*^^!^KA\VASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. V J Bast Onatdaa and U.S.A. Great Lakes Sarvtaa H'kong Yokonama Montical loronto Oetioit CNcage ■Xaaikava Mam" 11/13 May 21 Mai 21 Jaaa laae tMy II laly "Kiaikawa Mara" 11/13 laae 21 leer 21 laty 1 Aat I Aai 11 Aai Wa*t Coast off Central/South America
      1,132 words
    • 983 16 [EJ°IoRIENTl LJNE s] ROUND VOYAGE TO MANILA 8c HONG KONG S.S. "CATHAY" Departs: P. Swettenham 11 May 1965 Singopore 13 May 1965 For Manila 17/18 May. Hong Kong 20/24 May Returns:— Singopore 28 May 1965 P. Swettenham 30 May 1965 Penang 31 Moy 1965 Fare From:-— Penang or P. Swettenham
      983 words
    • 762 16 LLOYD TRIESTINO TRAVEL TO EUROPE 4V THE U.K. VIA ITALIAN PORTS m.v. "VICTORIA" Soiling from Singapore 21st June, 1965 m.v. "ASIA" Sailing Irom Singopore 27th July, 1965 for BRINDISI, VENICE TRIESTE via Bombay, Karachi, Aden P. Said Special Concessional Rail Sleeper Tickets from Italian Ports to Main European Cities London
      762 words
    • 294 16 MALAYAN STOCK INDICES May 3. May 4. May 5. May 6. May 7. May 8. Industrials: 76.30 76.14 75.97 76.01 76.52 76.69 Tins 96.48 95.77 95.09 94.98 94.83 94.88 ii rubbers: 103.63 103.73 103.73 103.73 103.73 103.71 •Dec. 30, 1963 100. Dec. 29. 1962 100. DIVIDENDS \\\(H\(l» nrrrnt Date of
      294 words

    • 684 17 'ptib following is a complete 1 list of revised quotations for the week ended on Friday. May 7: INDUSTRIALS Alex Bricks IS.SO Boustefcd 1.21 C.B. Holding! 2.09 C.T.B. o/di 38/ b Djnlop 1.45 Krso I.SB tuo 1.00 Kan 4.10 K. 2.36 Ked. Dv 1.20 Fltzpa;n a
      684 words
    • 1688 17 From Our Market Correspondent rpilK mild rally in industrial shares on the Stock Exchange on Friday was generally regarded as more of a technical corrective operation than any sudden burst of confidence. Some may have associated this with rather more optimistic reports emanating from
      1,688 words
    • 194 17 gROKEN Hill Proprietary Co. Ltd. plans to begin production of commercial quantities of double reduced tlnplate by mid--1966. when a new plant comes into operation. BHP announced the plan in a statement to the Australian Tariff Board In support of the company's claim for Increased
      194 words
    • 30 17 KUBBEK TIN iprrlb). (per plcul). May S. 74. cts. $729.87} 4. 731 cts. $728.75 5. 74 cts. $736.50 6. 741 cts. 5731.123 7. 741 cts. $728.25 8. 5731.25
      30 words
    • 43 17 U.S. auto makers plan to build 212.242 cars this week, up from 205.020 last week and 177,893 cars a year earlier. Dow Jones reported. General Motors Corporation scheduled 115.537 assemblies this week, against 110.213 last week and 98.441 a year ago.
      43 words
    • 13 17 Sungei Tukanf produced 6.476 lb. in April and Temerloh 83.000 lb.
      13 words
    • 837 17 rpHE price of Straits tin on 1 Saturday was declared at $731.25. up $3 on the day and represented a net gain on balance on the week of $1.75. Once again it was an erratic week with a gain of 374 cents on
      837 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 640 17 Companies under the general management of Messrs. Osborne and Chappel, Ipoh. Tin ore outputs for April. 1965. PicnU Chenderlang Tin Dredging Ltd. 280 Gopeiig Consolidated Ltd. and Its subsidiaries 3,348 Hongkong Tin Ltd. 250 Idris Hydraulic Tin Ltd 572 Kent (FMS) Tin Dredging Ltd.— Dredge 465 Do. —Opencast 260 Kllllnghall
      640 words
    • 630 17 LEMBAGA LETRIK PUSAT NOTICE INTERRUPTION OF SITPLY TELUK ANSON Electricity consumers In Langkap, Hutan Mellntang and Teluk Anson are requested to note that the supply will be Interrupted on Tuesday 11th May 1965 between 9.00 a.m. lo 4.00 p.m. Thi. shutdown Is required to connect the new substation at Kampong
      630 words
    • 672 17 TENDER JOHORE J.K.R. TENDER NOTICE Tenders from Class "E' 1 and above registered J.K.R. Contractors will ue received by the Jurutera Negeri, J.K.R., Johor, up to Noon of the 18th May, 1965 for: CONSTRUCTION OF ONE (1 NO). SETOR BAHRU UNTOK J.K.R. WORKSHOP, JALAN KEBON TEH, JOHORE BAHRU. Full particulars
      672 words
    • 21 17 EXECUTIVE Extensive Sales, Marketing Manager, 15 years Commercial Experience throughout Far East Seeks New Post. Reply Box A 2025 ST., X.L
      21 words

    • 1521 18  -  Epsom Jeep Racing with 1 pENANG, Sun.—Triangle Stable's Malapin, with Alan Tr_j vena astride, scored a 1 smashing win in today's main event here, slamming his Summer Cup opposition by three lengths. Malapin. who completed a double for this meeting by taking this Cl
      1,521 words
    • 854 18  -  Jack Fingleton says i: Barbados, Sun. SCOREBOARD \l>lK.u.i\ Isl Inns —C.IU-b dre WEST INDIES Ist Inns llunlc not out .1 li.«vis MiKen/ic S Kunliai c Haw.:e b McKmzie 120 Rutrher c Sinifxson b O Neill 9 Nurse not out 183 l.xtras 24 Total
      854 words
    • 117 18 SYDNEY. Sun. Results oj Australian Association football matches played todays'S Wales North Mr. l 2 Cardiff 0: West on I auarie 3: Newcastle 4 Cessnock 2: W Wnllsend i Maawtown NS Wales Federation l)iv I: Yugal 2 Prague b ,u'ii Hakoah 1: Pan Hellenic 3 Budapes, 4
      Reuter  -  117 words
    • 44 18 TOTAL POOL: 5.A089 Ul No. *****1 <$30.0«3l 2nd No. *****6 ($7,515) 3rd No. *****1 ($3 757) Starters (5556 each). Now *****8 *****1 *****4 *****7 "...IS *****3 *****1 *****0 IMSM. Consolation ($375) \<m--*****2 *****1 *****8 *****4 *****3 *****5 *****8 *****5 *****3 *****7.
      44 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 959 18 LS_ I ANGLO-ORIENTAL (MALAYA) LIMITED KUALA LUMPUR Outputs of tin concentrates lor the undermentioned Companies under the Management ol AngloOriental 'Malaya' Limited lor the < month of April, 1965, are as follow*:- Pirn I* AMTAT TIN DREDGING LIMITED !174 BKRJUNTAI TIN DREDOING LIMITED (ICtnc strike bound from 7th to 20lh
      959 words
    • 783 18 NOTICES THE BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 11) NOTICE OF INTENDED DIVIDEND Bankruptcy Nos. 127 53 Nathan Jo-sepli. 47. Short Street. Singapore, i Clerk). 542 57 Ibranim bin Tahir. 17. Lun Tua Tow Road, Spore. (Binder i 673 57 Stephen Clarence Mosbergen. 994-10. Upper Thorn.son Road. Spore. (Clerk). 106 58 Wan Ishak
      783 words
    • 881 18 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS MINISTRY OF EDUCATION KUALA LUMPUR TEACHING SCHOLARSHIP IN MlSir APPLICATIONS are invited for Federal Scholarship in Music tenable at one of the Royal Schools of Music, or other recojrniFed College of Music in the United Kingdom. The three-year course which leads to the Diploma G.R.SM. (London) in the
      881 words
    • 55 18 BERITA HARIAN SPOT THE BALL Contest "T" Use your judgment and win $1,000/-. Enter Spot The Ball Contest "T". Just mark where you think the Centre of the Ball is, and you may win $1,000/-. Cut out the coupons daily from the Berita Harian, and send in your entry by
      55 words

    • 413 19  -  JOE DORAI MALAYA CUP SOCCER By I: Johore Bahru, Sunday ILL-TEMPERED JOHORE LOSE 4-0 AT HOME JOHORE paid the penalty today for adopting over-robust tactics in a hectic 10-minute period, during which they injured four Singapore players and conceded two penalties, and were soundly beaten 4-8
      413 words
    • 227 19 Dolby gets winner for Malacca SINGAPORE, Sun. Malacca, 4-1 conquerors of Johore last week, overcame tough opposi- tion in the second half to beat I Singapore Joint Services 3-2 in their Malaya Cup match at Jalan BM*r Stadium tonight. Malacca started well with Robert Choc taking a good shot at
      227 words
    • 88 19 IPOH, Sun.— Selanßor schoolboy Zainon Mat performed a hattrick for Selangor Malays in their Rulers' Shield match against Kedah here today. Owing to time lost to rain, the two-day match was decided on the first innings. Selangor winning by 118 runs. Belangor, 117 lor three over- 1
      88 words
    • 270 19 Graveney hits his 104th century LONDON. Sun.— Worcestershire County cricket champions, made a satisfactory start to their defence of the title yesterday when they scored 278 for eight wickets in their first innings against Essex on a rain-affected pitch. tenhirei baraej were former England batsman Tom Graveney. who followed his
      Reuter  -  270 words
    • 693 19 S'GOR WIN BY INNS MCA TOURNEY KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. PERAK, trailing 123 runs behind on first innings yesterday, failed to force Selangor to bat a second time today and were beaten by an innings and 25 runs before lunch in their MCA League match on the Padang here. Final scorts
      693 words
    • 1215 19  -  ERNEST FRIOA SCA TOURNEY By CINGAPORt. aun Singapo.i Recreation Club, the leaders, consolidated their position in the Singapore Cricket Association senior tournament when they beat University of Singapore by seven wickels on the padang today SRC skipper John Martens made •i big contribution to SRC's win.
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 16 19 V&ihcJk Golden Symphony Verkuuc oibcuits <r-LJ-^ delicious! agent* G. Hoppenstedt Ltd. 127. Cecil Street, Singapore, I
      16 words
    • 236 19 QIMSI-ARC MljfD STEe^XE^t^ODES Zi%^^''d&^ JjT M A OW p ce<^ 9'""* 1 pu f po» j^p J JW m trode, giving maximum «conomy m 'V/j, jfir Mf B welded mild jteel constructional wofk. j^r Jv b RADIAN j^T ft A high quality, general purpose elecjCr ft B trode available in
      236 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 72 19 SPORTS DIARY SOCCEK— Ipoh Div. 2 Shaw Bros- A' v Ramblers 'A' (Jn A. Jali!): Div. 3: Ipoh Yg'sters v La Sallians (Coronation grd): Police v Malaysian Rangers (Lower Coronation grd) Kampar Div. 2: ACS C v SEX (padan(t» HOCKEY— Ipoh Div 2: MES v Andersonians C; ACS v Municipality
      72 words

  • 307 20 Sun. Singapore's Minister for Health, Mr. Yong Nyuk Lin, is to raise the issue of "scandalous ill-treatment" of! Malaysians arriving at Manila by ship in Parliament when it sits on May 25. Mr Yong said in a statement: '"It is my Intention
    307 words
  • 57 20 MR VEOH CHEANC BOON ftgadM Klembam; KechU. Malacca If*, .i con. :i DM ral t.xiriv at I'.OO p.m. MR. TAN CHIN BO' R I 111] children Rosalind, LIMBS, William. Annie, i.imny: thrv cons-ln-lau one dau^'h-!>-r-in-!aw Molly: and alx Krandchlldr«n to mourn hlx lons. IVej. i'-d Funeral on U. 6.65:
    57 words
  • 81 20 MR. COH HONG BENC. aged 64, passed away peacefully on s. :,->,:, Kiunral on Wednesday. 12-J-63 at 11 am from 1.'15-B Argyll Road for .r. million at Batu U:nitotiK Crematorium AVITHAB 8 PEREIRA formerly of the <;.!•. O. Sint;a|*r.-. pao^d w.-iy peacefully at the General Hospital M Sunday 9th
    81 words
  • 23 20 IN TREASURED MEMORY .f Sainnil William Pwtl railed to rent 10-.VIPU3 v ho will llvi- for ever in my heart Norn
    23 words
  • 112 20 NO MAILS DELIVERY ON SATURDAY SINGAPORE. Sun.— There will i be no delivery ol correspondence or parcels on Wesak day which tall- on May 15. but most ol the States post offices will be open (or one and a half hours. The General Post Office and the Dempsey Road i
    112 words
  • 37 20 SINGAPORE. Sun— Tbe Postgraduate committee of the Kandang Kerbuu Hospital will hold a lecture on "the General practioner's role in female genital cancer detection" at the hospital lecture theatre at 5 p.m on May 14.
    37 words
  • 143 20 BANGKOK, Sun. A British family of Ivi «itn f«, o nve. stranded for a month here with no money, was too excited to talk coherentlv today as scores i of Thais donated inais aonaiea money to keep them from going to jail. Terence Whelan. his
    AP  -  143 words
  • 135 20 US CUTS CONSULAR RELATIONS WITH CAMBODIA PHNOM PENH. Sun. The United States has decided to end Consular relations with Cambodia, which Cambodia wanted to continue after she broke diplomatic relations with the U.S. The Cambodia Press Agency today published a letter from Mr. Dean Rusk, the Secretary of State, to
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  • 33 20 SINGAPORE. Sun— Prof. K Shanmugaratnam. Dean of Medicine. University of Singapore, will speak on "Medicine as a Career" at 5.30 p.m. tomorrow at the lecture hall. Chinese Chamber of Commerce.
    33 words
  • 431 20 Victorious Smith to press Britain for freedom SALISBURY. Sun. TNK Southern Rhodesian Prime Minister, Mr. hin Smith, hacked by an overwhelming mandate from the white electorate, yes terday announced plans to step up the colony's independence negotiations with Britain. He was not yet prepared to go to London for talks
    Reuter  -  431 words
  • 45 20 SINGAPORE. Sun— Free Film shows organised by the field tlon of the Ministry of Culture I will be held at the following places at 7 p.m. tomorrow: Kampong Tengah. Ponggol Road: Bukit Mandai Village: and Jalan Beseri. Chua Chu Kang Road
    45 words
  • 228 20 Are Mao's soldiers fighting in Vietnam DION BAB (South Vietnam), Sun. Communist V i c t cons:, aided by Chinese speaking soldiers, seized control of this village and a nearby strategic highway and then ambushed a Government relief force sent to drive them out. it was reported today. Capt. Vance
    228 words
  • 79 20 Man tries to jump out of plane PARIS, Sun. A Pole expelled from the United States tried to open the exit door on a Paris bound airliner carrying 122 passengers over the Atlantic during the night, airport police said here yesterday after the plane landed |Januz Wasniewski, 31, was overcome
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 427 20 Matson sets world shot put record BACK PAGE WORLD SPORT ROUND-UP COLLEGE STATION. Texas. Sun. Randy Mats on (US). the Olympic Games silver medalist, broke his own world shot put record with 70ft. Tin. with his second effort at the southwest conference meet here yesterday. Last .vi rk Mat.son threw
    427 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 269 20 Late classified advertisements BETWEEN ROBIN. I/O Mi A Ml> I. in Jin Sim and Pearly, d o Mr. «t •i Tok Kon^ on U BETWEEN CHANDRASHEKRAN, !iii'»l so Mr. Bad Mr- K. ricli.i .iinan. K 1... in.l i MrMukundun. IYkoH Batata, IT'S SAFE TO ENJOY PHILATELY AT HOME! START NOW!
      269 words
    • 21 20 MISSING 12-WEEK-OLD whit. tmxer imply. Male brown npot on h»»ii<l Vicinity JLN. s^langor P.J. chlld'n pic call K L. i>727 reward.
      21 words
    • 130 20 STUDY AT HOME POSTAL \p/T TUITION Wf\ (^K X ENSURE BETTER GRADES, CREDITS AND DISTINCTIONS BY FOLLOWING OUR HOME-STUDY COURSES IN ANY SUBJECT FOR THE FOLLOWING -1965/1966 EXAMINATIONS 1. Higher School Certificate 6. Qualifying Test 2. School Certificate 7. Lower Cert, of Education 3. General Certificate 8. Primary VI 4.
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 48 20 TNE WEATHER Highest and lowest temperatures In Malaysia :or the period 8 p.m. Saturday to 8 p.m yesterday: Iliuhrst Lowest Kuala Lumpur 91 75 Kota Bharu 73 Penan? 88 75 Ipoh 73 liftSMCa 88 73 Singapore 88 73 C Hii-hlands «a 59 Jesselton 90 73 Kurhlnt: 86 73
      48 words