The Straits Times, 9 May 1965

Total Pages: 52
1 32 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 HettScM In NO. 1,522 SUNDAY, MAT 9, 1965. M CENTS KDN 1191 1006
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  • 368 1 Impatient Lee— by Senu 'HIS LUST FOR POWER CAN RUIN COUNTRY' TVXJANG (Kedah), Sat. The Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Inche Senu bin Abdul Rahman, said today that Mr. Lee Kuan V c w's ambition to be Prime Minister of Malaysia could ruin the coun-ft-y. Addressing members of the I
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  • 708 1  -  PADMANA KRISHNAN By Kuala Lumpur. Sat PACKAGE DEAL REJECTED: STATUS ROW STARTS AGAIN THE Railwaymen's Union of Malaya today rejected the Government's "package deal." This revived the row over the question of Government status for 14,000 railwaymen —settled in the High Court last August. The unions
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  • 91 1 "JAYAKAN Bahasa Kebangsaan Kita" says the banner. Fifty balloons sent it up. The Perak Mentri Besar. Dato Ahmad bin Said, released it to mark the formal opening of the National Language Month in Perak at a rally on the Municipal Padang in
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  • 29 1 SINGAPORE. Sat.—A schoolboy. Tan Ah Bee. 16. died on his way to the General Hospital after falling from a tree near his house at Changl Road yesterday.
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  • 203 1 Tengku still has hopes for summit rKYO. Sat. Tengku Abdul Rahman said here last night he was "hopeful, always hopeful'" of a meeting in Tokyo with President Soekarno to dlseuM the dispute between their two countries. But he Bald at a reception in his honour hi the MaLiy.-Kin Embassy, that
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  • 155 1 Razak explains that austerity drive KANGAR, Sat i rpHE Deputy Prime A Minister. Tun Abdul Razak. today explained that the Central Government had to cut down administrat ion costs to ensure continuance of other development projects. He was speaking to heads of department In the State Operations Room after being
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  • 91 1 LOS ANGELES Sat. Federal marshals seized an Indonesian -hip vosterclav in response to I a suit filed by a Mono lnlu-b;»^ed MHHWI with property in Indonesia Ttif suit filed on behalf of American Hawaiian ventures Incorporated. acainst Jakarta Lloyd Lines, an Indonesian corporation, also asked for sri7urr
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  • 40 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. Two youths on a motor-scooter last night snatched a gold chain with a Iccket worth $170 from a housewife. M:<dam Btva Paki:<m I-etchml. 40. as she was walking along Jalan Sen t v 1 Pn.,..r.
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  • 34 1 LONDON. Sat Mr. John Snagge. 61. one of tlie BBC's best ki,->«n voices ha.s retired nftor more than 40 years. H« announced the allied virtnry la ■uropt 20 yeara ago.— Reutar
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 69 1 SALISBURY. S Minister Ihh Smith's R: i Front, won the two-thirdl j he wanted In the Rhode eral elections las; night, 1 inn all 50 seats on tb) white "A" roll in the 65-seat i Parli.iment. The re.sults appeared to h.ue greatly strengthened Mr. Smith's band
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 30 1 MANILA. Sat— The I i said today that Filipino Miiueglers m the south were Up- plyina their Indonesian counteri part'- With nuns In exchange for Indonesia ropm
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  • 80 1 That Jackpot now $10,000 THIS weeks prize fo: Malay Mail Word Puzzle Contest, EJ can very well be yours if you are the only outright winner! Don't miss this opportunity! It takes years to save up $10,000! Cut out those coupons of Word Puzzle EJ daily from the Malay Mail,
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  • 61 1 COLOMBO n 100 young men of Nuwara Eliya. the hill country holiday reaorl In Central Ceylon, are to I pin- 01 blood eai h to th tal blood bank as a thanknglvinc to the di v.i the victory of their candidate at ihe March mi.riai election
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  • 29 1 BI.ANTYRE (II Hooligans, claiming to or .tctr me on orders from the Malawi Women's League are molesting I tlghi-.skinrd Malawi if.. undressing ilicm m m.nket places.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
    • 53 1 M(i>( <•«. Sal. Indonesia's Dcfenrr Minister, (irnrral Abdul Haiti Nasution. visit) (I the Sourt Army Musrum today whilr top Soviet defence officials were too busy to t»re him An Indonesian Kmbawy ftpokenmun >.«icl the (ieneral was not yet <.<hrduled to see any leading Soviet military men during
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    • 59 1 H<)\(. Kt>\(. ».«t. The Hone Konc <.oternmenl is still holding a cargo of 34 American-made marine die«el engines which were to have been fitted onto landing craft orderrd b\ Indonesian agents In Macao. Reports from the PortnI {MM i-oloin s.nd MM »t the biftest ship>ard^ there had completed 10
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 89 1 SBL-O-ETfC MADE IN O s SPORTS PANTV- FEATURES I PERFECT FREEDOM. K SATISFACTION 6 LOVKLY COLOURS I BLACK, PINK. BLUE. it WHITE. YELLOW* 1 1 In Sues S. M. L A XL. [[Mobil] MOTORING SERVICE Gets you on your way fester! Soon you will see many more of these new
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    • 158 1 SS \*w flip 9 I r This is not an ordinary ballpoint 1 that you might toss in a desk I drawer and torget. This is a pre- I cisely engineered writing instru- I ment The ball is made or tungsten I carbide— one of the hardest metals I kno^n-and
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    • 15 1 Exquisite ENGAGEMENT RINGS U.S. de SUVA SONS, THE JEWELLERS 25, Pafflea Place. Singapore-l. Tel: *****
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  • The News
    • 373 2 FIRST BATCH OF 38 LEAVES TODAY FOR DUTY AFTER PASSING 8-MONTH COURSE I^UALA LUMPUR, A Sat. Sarawak's iirst batch of 38 women police constables was today given 1 a s t-minute tips on how to deal with the public and women. criminals after their graduation at the
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    • 136 2 I I/UALA LUMPUR. Sat. The man who was stripped of his datoshlp will tomorrow tell on Television Malaysia how he conspired with President Soekarno to overthrow the Malaysian Government. He Ls Inche Mohamed Hanifah bin Abdul Ghani. vice-president of the PanMalayan Islamic Party.
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    • 47 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. A second "Made-in-Malaysia" trade fnir is to be held at the Bukii Bintang park here from July 23 to Aug. 8- Prospective exhibitors are invited to apply for space to the Controller. Trade Division. Ministry of Commerce and Industry-
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    • 24 2 PENANG. Sat.— Two motorcycles were stolen yesterday one of them within ten minutes of the owner parking it on the esplanade here.
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    • 16 2 PENANG. Sat— The Francis Light School will hold iv annual sports on May 20
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    • 299 2 'SILENT ONES' OF 50s HAVE SO MUCH TO SAY TODAY NEW YORK, Saturday. students, regarded in the 1950*8 as the "silent generation," have become the noisy supporters of a wide variety of causes, from civil rights in the Deep South to United States withdrawal from South Vietnam. A few years
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    • 118 2 $58,000 grant to temples PARIT BUNTAR. Sat. The Perak Mentri Besar. Dato Ahmad bin Said, today handed cheques for 5.~>8.000 to the manas;ement committees of three temples in Kri.m at the Sin Wah Chinese School here. "Though Islam is the State religion," said the Mentri Bcs^r, "we believe in religious
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    • 31 2 SINGAPORE, Stt. Singapore's Finance Minister, Dr. Goh Kong Swee. will attend a celebration by 800 members of the Kreta Aver Vigilante Corps at the Tanah Merah holiday camp tomorrow.
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    • 27 2 PENANQ. Sat. Burßhirs broke into the Bukit Dumbar house of a tpnrher. Kenneth Theseira, last night nntl made off with $550 in cash and jewellery.
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    • 297 3 JJUALA LUMPUR, Sat.— The Malaysian Consul in the Philippines. Inche Ali bin Abdullah, returned home today to discuss possible counter-measures against Manila's discrimination of Malaysians visiting that country. Inche Ali was called back urgently yesterday while officials of the Ministry
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    • 54 3 HONO KONO. Sat. Two forged Malaysian passports involved in the Malaysia-PhlUp- < pines dispute over visas did not i originate in Hong Kong, accordin? to the English language Star. Th*> Star today said the passports were more likely forged in Macao, the tiny Portuguese colony
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    • 40 3 LONDON. Sat. Cambridge University voted yesterday to I drop the centuries-old rule that undergraduates must wear frowns if they go out after dusk. Students had faced a fine of 6s Bd. for violating the rule. Reutpr.
      Reuter  -  40 words
    • 178 3 TOKYO. Sat. -Tengku Abdul Rahman today left Tokyo to lunch with Mr. Shigeru Yoshida, former Japanese Prime Minister, at the elder statesman's seaside villa in Oiso, 30 miles west of the capital. The Tengku was accompanied by Mr. Shiina, the Japanese Foreign Minister, Mr.
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    • 116 3 $9,000 haul for armed men PKNANG. Sat Five men. two armrri with revolvers. robbed Mr. Peh Hock Klir in m;ini err of .Moinc Coiiipe ;in>l Co.. of Sft.4oo in i.i^h .jewellery and watchr> today. Mr. Peh said his lt> year-old son. Thai llonu. HI t.ilkinu to his elanmate at home
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    • 226 3 BOMBAY, Saturday. MR. LEE KUAN YEW^ Singapore's Prime Minister, yesterday expressed disappointment over the •'unimaginative response" of the South and North Vietnamese leaders to what he described as an "imaginative proposal'" of the Indian President. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan. for an Afro-Asian force for,
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    • 41 3 TAWAU. Siit. Chan* Soon Yam. 21. of ihe 2nd Recce "C" Squadron. Federation Armed Forces. was ac"tenced to six months' jail tn the Hifth Court here for an extortion bid at a lodgine house m Tawau.
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    • 25 3 Kl/AI A I.UMPL'R. Sat urla lnve entered for irnor bc.iilty enntos' to be hrki it the Chines* As*emb.v Hal! hore on May 22
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    • 3 3 g jhw|
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    • 210 3 Miners' union breaks with MTUC I^UALA LUMPUR. Sat. ■"■Malaya's second largest union the 18.000-strong National Mining Workers' Union has severed all relations with the Malaysian Trade Union Congress. This was the reason given by union officials for not sending any reorcsentatlve to the MTUCorganlsed May Day tea party last Saturday.
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    • 40 3 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. Thirty-seven farmers from Sarawak, now on a two-week tour of agricultural projects in Ma- lava, todny visited the Federal Experimental Stntion and the College of Agriculture at Srrdang. about 14 miles from here.
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    • 35 3 SINOAPORE. S«t.— The Archbishop ol Malacca and Singapore. Men Ie unendy. mis 1 afternoon pertnrmcd 'he solemn Kesfttng and opening 01 the an 5200.000 Church of the Blessed Sacrament at Commonwealth I Drive.
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    • 21 3 SINGAPORE. Bat~ Pnlir* 7«st«rday arrested the headman of the Kirn Leng Her of 1M troup ia Jaia* "inn
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    • 278 4  -  CHEW LOY KHOON I By Kuala Lumpur, Sat REPORT OF SILIWANGI TROOPS TO BE SENT THERE IS 'PROPAGANDA' MALAYSIAN military circles said today they have received reports that Indonesia is reinforcing the Rhio Islands near Singapore with regulars to
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    • 185 4 'Willingness to talk no weakness' IPOH, Sat.— Teugku Abdul Rahman's willingness to have talks with President Soekarno without any preconditions should not be construed as a weakness on the part of Malaysia, the istant Minister of Education, Mr. Lee Siok Yew. said here tonight. Mr. Lee was speaking at a
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    • 40 4 BATU GAJAH. Sat. Foo Soolc Four. 44. manager ol th( I Foonn Lee Timber Company In Tanjong Tuanlang near hero was today fined $500 for failing 1 to supply particulars asked for by the Income Tax Department
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    • 61 4 INCHE Abdul Razak bin Hitatn (left), first assistant State Secretary, Perak, receiving the trophy from the Mentri Besar, Dato Ahmad bin Said, after the Perak State Secretariat's banner-slogan was adjudged the best in the adult section at a rally to mark the formal opening of the National
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    • 724 4 IPOH, Saturday AN APPEAL to all commercial firms, issociations, and other ron Government bodies in Perak to start National Language classes of their own, was made by the Mentri Besar, Dato Ahmad bin Said, here today. The Mentri Besar was addressing
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    • 348 4 PENANG, Saturday. J^EE Siew Ngock, 61, proprietor of Lee and Co., manufacturers of canned foods, was today acquitted on the alternative charge of giving incorrect information on a matter affecting his liability to tax in 1955. Yesterday, he was acquitted on the principal charge
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    • 190 4 $231 million for good health f/"ANGAR, Sat. The Mentri Besar of Perils, Dato Sheikh Ahmad bin Mohamed Hashlm. today announced the Central Government would spend i $231 million on medical and health services throughout Malaysia this year, despite confrontation by Indonesia. Dato Sheikh Ahmad, in urging the people to make
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    • 206 5 J£UALA LUMPUR, Sat.— A Chinese can always make a good living in France as a cook, according to Mr. Nello Decamp, reputed to be one of the world's best chefs. "Any Chinese who comes to France is bound to be taken into
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    • 282 5  -  ARTHUR RICHARDS From LONDON. Saturday JYj ALAYSIA's Miss lav Kuo Chia is fast win- ning fame and friends in the classical world of music here. Her friends have told me: "Watch Rabbit. She is an up-and-coming concert pianist." "Rabbit" or Miss
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    • 145 5 Annigoni to paint Sharmini again I ON'DON. Sat. For the third time In 10 years Annigonl is to paint a portrait of Sharminl Tiruchelvam. the 29-year-old Malayan Ceylones*. woman whom the wellknown Italian painter once declared to be "the most beautiful woman I nave ever painted." She leaves soon for
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    • 31 5 ri;i tom sat. Richard Mason's novel '•Suzie Wong" —on which the musical "The world <>l Suzie Hunj" was based —has liern banned as undesirable in South \frica. No reason was given.
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    • 26 5 LONDON, Sat.—senators ltobert and Edward Kennedy will accompany Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy and her children to England next week for the inauguration of Britain's national Kennedy Memorial.
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    • 137 5 A million up: 'Oscar' for Alan LONDON. Sat. Alan Sillitoe has come a lon* way since, in his spare time while on Service duties durine the Emergency. he wrote scripts for Radio Malaya. He has become one of Britain's most successful youru? writers, famous. If for no other reason, as
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    • 95 5 SINGAPORE, Sat —S. H. Benson (Singapore) Ltd. and S. H. Benson (Maayat Ltd. together won 18 awards, the highest number, in the annual competition organised by the Singapore Creative Circle, for advertising agencies in MalayThe Singapore office won the Creative Circle Award of the Year
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    • 320 5 Chihuahuas meet the Pr ess... SINGAPORE. Sat Three prize Chihuahuas, the first to come to stay in this country, met the Press today in their new home at Chatswortb Mansion The pedigrees of Mexico, wearing; special Rhinestone studded collars with matching leashes, immediately won the hearts of the reporters. And
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 170 2 k flPSgffff 7'"] M 4B Cathay Pacific has the finest 111^^ J FJHSTESTJETS W//ffFJ ///4 aRB between r^^SSvdl Now you can jet to Hong Kong in just 3 hours 10 minutes with W Itm Wl l I I'm J| Cathay Pacific's new direct flights. In addition, you can fly from
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 95 3 I Compare FRIGIDAIRE'S Golden Anniversary Refrigerators! Dttring FRENCH COMMERCIAL FORTNIGHT in SingaporekfFom May 10-24 FRIGIDAIRE PRODUCT OF AL MOTORS 111 1 I *mmm I f -IL.J i— i hi y Model RD-210 I V*W 7.5 cv. ft Wk Made in France. We invite you tn compare the four big areas
      95 words
    • 560 3 mm -^i a I J mm A 9E TIME IS MONEY MAKE THE MOST OF BOTH BY HAVING A II 67 DEPOSIT ACCOUNT I Your money earns the maximum safe and *ure rate of f>*. m\<em >ou place il in a Deposit Account with LOMBARD BANKING. I No U.K. Income
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 152 4 WORLDS MOST SECURED INVESTMENT RESIDENTIAL LAND IN AUSTRALIA ASSURED RETURNS FOR SMALL CAPITAL OUTLAY Situated on main highway, linking Sydney and Melbourne. Adjacent to established township of Lakes Entrance, Victoria, the fastest grow ing State in Australia. Minutes only to shops and schools etc. High elevation with good panoramic views.
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    • 547 4 BE A QUALIFIED ACCOUNTANT: Then you will enioy the esteem and respect of your fnendi a* well as increased opportunities for promotion to executive positions. It i> now possible for Asian students to obtain the highly prized degree of the Austrolian Society of Accountonts or th« National Institute of Accountants,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 143 5 f AMAZING LEARN" CHROMATIC HARMONICA pLAY the first doy on this fos- emoting instrument. Learn quickly, cosily, AT HOME from "Read Then Ploy" Lessons. Ploy a variety of your favourite pieces In o few weeks. Be in demand as never before. Delight yourself, Impress your family and friends NO DEPOSIT
      143 words
    • 94 5 I Whether it's ahorse or a house ENJOY BRIGHTER MjJL if AJLi\M*%* B /*N fl t ifl fl i *^-^^H No hort« carries betUr colour* ti' i /fl and no hous« •ith.r W/ M/ ft f* l\ wh.n th. paint it by ICI. TkTTT J¥V S* S I |vl 1
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  • Leader Page
    • 374 6  -  BEACHCOMBER BY Spread it out rE call for more motorways Is reasonable enough Very soon the existing motorways will be so overcrowded with escaping criminals, police breakdown-gangs wardens, statisticians, and collectors of breath, that the traffic will be Immobilised and there will be no space for officials in
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      • 297 6 IN LONDON, the representatives of SEATO have just finished considering the most serious threat their alliance has ever faced. And It would seem that, faced with Communist belligerance. Prance and Pakistan have temporarily taken leave of their sense of strategic purpose. France has dissociated herself from
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    • 968 6 Delivering the goods MALAYSIA l IC MiI mm \i\ EVERYONE CONCERNED IS FULLY ALIVE TO THE NEED FOR SUSTAINED EFFORT: MR. HOPE THE problem of capturing, retaining ana expanding overseas markets is one which increasingly captures the attention of more and more countries and of none in the modern world
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    • 646 6 thanks to the medical machines that make no mistakes MACHINES with built-in "intelligence" are improving hospital care in the United States and many other countries. One machine recently saved a life when the heart of a convalescing surgery patient unexpectedly stopped. Though the patient was alone
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 772 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. RELIGIOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS IS Word* S3 (Minimum) PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, in Singapore. Orchard Road. Sunday Samoa 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. All welcome. FILM SHOW on Keswlck Convention V K. at YMCA Hall Orchard Road, spore 7.45 p.m. Saturday 15th May. Adralulon free. All welcome. WESLEY METHOOIST CHURCH. S. Port
      772 words
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    • 107 6 Educators recommend STAMFORD ft^^l* COLLEGE g^^fflP because its Jij jfe^fl^^ Home Study A BwkjgL courses are li^mQT^k Eosy Competent irNsT^vYlL n^^ Recognised eEE&J"!^^^ J^^ by educationists j of world repute. gll Join the STAMFORD COLLEGE~| Whether: You seek further education. You are still in school. You want a better job:ENSURE
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 38 6 rZj -tvhole families orernpicyM&it wes in Jm <z^ o^£ sweaty avsn in so-e r -e... mai i&&£t I ri rk\ ScMtfof^^ squaiict hovel. -Bra nier pttze ma^m^^ +nese -pwvsfrs mine I t*-s fine ths>v nerv!if and despair.
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  • The News
      • 68 7 BLIND girl, Mathniucl.i binte Mohammed, seven, presenting a bouquet to Toh Puan Noor Aishab, wife of the Yang di-Pertuan Negara, at the Singapore Association for the Blind international bazaar at the Victoria Memorial Hall yesterday. After making her curtsy. Mathmuda, took her
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      • 82 7 Opening the bazaar, Tun Yusof bin Ishak said the annual event had now become a tradition of Singapore society. The 13th international bazaar was organised by the Singapore Association for the Blind. Diplomatic representatives from 15 countries and other voluntary organisations had stalls at the bazaar. Tun Yusof said the
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      • 85 7 He said the remarkable success of the bazaar had been largely due to the organisation task, undertaken by a team of selfless men and women. Also firms, factories and other commercial institutions had been very generous to tbe worthy cause. The other reason, he said, was that the people of
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    • 69 7 MALACCA. Bat.— The Malacca Chief Minister, Inche Abdul Ghaffar bin Baba. yesterday opened an $8,000 community hall at Lendu in the Alor Oalah district, 17 miles from here- In his speech, he said that the Central and the State Governments had allocated $400,000 for minor projects
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    • 130 7 Govt. to probe that 'no' by nurse *POH. Sat. The Chief Medical and Health Officer. Perak. Dr. s. Appudurai. said today he will investigate a report that an assistant nurse In an ambulance had refused to help a man injured in a three-car collision on Thursday night. The acefdent occurred
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    • 37 7 SINGAPORE, Sat. The Mansfield Local Employees' Union has signed a new collective agreement with Mansfield and Straits Steamship companies, providing for more pay and better conditions of servico for 760 employees in the two firms.
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    • 227 7 CINGAPORE. Sat.— A coupie who tried to smuggle $10,720 worth of raw opium out of the Port of Singapore by hiding It on their persons and Inside a car were today fined $2,000 each. Senior Customs Officer L. O. Pestana, prosecuting, said the
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    • 35 7 $1 35,000 projects SEOAMAT. Sat.— The Mentn Besar of Johore. Dato Haji Hassan bin Haji Yunos, will open rural development projects amounting to more than $135.--000 in the district during nis visit here on Monday.
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    • 19 7 LABUAN, Sat— Mr K. Azad has been elected president of Labuan branch of the Sabah Indian Congress.
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    • 175 7 May Day: Bail for one man— for 'special reasons' SINGAPORE, Saturday. 4N ALLEGED May Day demonstrator was allow A ed bail today because of "extenuating circumstances" in his case. Chua See Ka. who was allowed bail of $500 in two sureties, was among 83 people including 20 girls —who appeared
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    • 102 7 Third man in biscuit holdup jailed SEREMBAN, Sat. Girubai Raj, 19, was today jailed for one year by the Sessions Court president. Haji Tengku Ya'acob. for breaking into a biscuit factory and stealing $6,000. Oirubai. who pleaded guilty to the charge, committed the offence with two others at the Khong
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    • 111 7 Chess contest starts in S'pore SINGAPORE. Sat. Singapore's top chess players today met for the first day of the 17th Singapore Chess Championship held at the King Edward VII hall. The contestants included Tan Lian Ann, the Malaysian champion. Tan Lian Seng and Professor Lim Kok. Ann, both former holders
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    • 374 7 Tun Razak opens a road— 'to stop thugs...' KANGAR, Sat. The De- puty Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak. today opened a new road built primarily to help police suppress crime at Kampong Jejawl, near here. "The Government had given top priority to the construction of this road because this area
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    • 76 7 IPOH. Sat. The police were summoned to the Capitol Cinema here this morning when a large crowd jammed the box office for tickets for a Chinese film The film "To Ask Is to Obtain" was screened simultaneously at the Capttol and Grand theatres with the personal appearances by
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    • 62 7 MR. AND MRS. LEE LEAN KEONG after their weddinr at the GtyUng Gospel Hall. Loronr 29. Singapore The bridegroom, a businessman and a staff officer of St John Ambulance Brigade, is the third son of Mr and Mrs. Lee Char Tab. The bride, a nurse
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    • 26 7 SEREMBAN. Sat. Yeong San Wan was today fined $80 for speeding at the 10th milestone Kuala Lumpur-Mantin Road on Sept- 27 last year.
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    • 522 7 TWENTY YEARS AFTER V-E DAY, WE STILL HAVE A DIVIDED EUROPE LONDON, Sat RATIONS that fought the Second World War paused today to remember the dramatic end of the long European conflict 20 years ago, but it was a Europe still divided that celebrated V-E Day. President Jolinson spoke of
      Reuter; AP  -  522 words
    • 137 8 DENANG. Sat.— A housewife. Ong Lai Haw. told the Second Magistrate's Court today how a youth snatched her necklace and pendant and escaped on a motor-cycle. Wong Sool Cheng. 23, and Ong Kheng Beng. 19. were jointly charged with stealing the jewellery in Selangor
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    • 37 8 SINGAPORE. Sat.— Tc relieve flooding in Kamponß Bahru Road near Spooner Road, the Public Works Department will build two culverts and a stretch of open drain cost about $40.000—between Kampong Bahru Road and Spooner Road.
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    • 27 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Sal A five-year-old boy. Chone Choi Yin. was yesterday drowned la a seven-foot deep well behind his house in Serdang Bharu. near here.
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    • 124 8 rpHE Minister of Commerce 1 and Industry, Dr. Urn Swee Aun, spent more than an hour visiting the Goh Ban Huat Pottery Works in Segambut. the only one of its kind in Malaysia, yesterday afternoon. The factory, started in 1911, employs about 200 workers and
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    • 422 8 KUAN YEW MUST NOT DREAM OF REPLACING TENGKU, SAYS UMNO MAN DENANG, Sat. The president of the Penang Umno division. Syed Hassan Aidid, said today that as long as the Alliance remained in existence, there was no hope for other parties to govern the country. Addressing 195 officials and delegates
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    • 279 8 Lim, Head discuss the counter plan JJUALA LUMPUR, Sat. The Minister of Commerce and Industry, Dr. Lim Swee Aun, this morning met the British High Commissioner, Lord Head, to explain the Malaysian coun-ter-proposals on the cotton textile dispute. After the meeting, Dr. Lim told reporters: "I hope the British Government
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    • 59 8 SINGAPORE. Sat. In its ninth operation this year against pirate taxi operators, the Traffic Police arrested six of them last month. They were charged in court on April 29 the day of their arrest. Four of them were disqualified from driving ail classes of vehicles for
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    • 317 8 Business on the Stock Exchange CINGAPORE. Sat. Business m and reported to the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Stock Exchange of Malaysia yesterday with the number of the shares traded in brackets: INDCSTBIALS: Boustead (1.000) $1.26; Cold Store i5.000> 2.09; Dunlops U.OOOi $1.46 Esm> (* $1.61: P.
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    • 72 8 Jailed— now he'll lose pension TELUK ANSON. Sat.— A crlrjpled. former jungle tighter. Mohamed Ali bin Abdullah Sani. 31. wept in the Sessions Court here yesterday when he was sentenced to six months' mil Cor abetting a housebreaking and theft by night by four others. He said he would lose
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    • 33 8 SINGAPORE. Sat. Another group of about 90 officers aim men of the Ist. Battalion. Singapore Infantry Regiment, returned this evening after m\months' duty watching over th# Indonesians at Sebatik Island. Sabah.
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    • 42 8 SINGAPORE, Sat. The Enelish Service of Radio Singapiu.i will at 10 nm tomorrow the speech made by the Prime Minister. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. when he opened the conference of Young Asian Socialists m Bombay last Thursday.
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    • 480 8 SINGAPORE. Saturday THE University of Singapore today announced results of the Ist sessional (supplementary) exam for the degree of 8.A.. intermediate (supplementary) exam for the degree of B.Sc.. and the sessional (supplementary) exam for the degree of B.Sc. held here in April/ May. The
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    • 298 8 BANGKOK. Sat. A British family of five, stranded here enroute to Australia, yesterday refused repatriation to England and said: "We'll take the consequences." The decision by Terrence Whelan, his wife and three young children meant an almost certain sentence to Bangkok's dark, dirty jails
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    • 96 8 Galbraith sick: No lecture VINGAPORE, Sat. The United States Information Service here announced today that the well-known American economist and former American Ambassador to India. Prof. J, Kenneth Galbraith. has had to cancel a three-day scheduled visit to Singapore on Monday, because of Illness. Prof. Galbraith. who is now in
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 58 7 Applications are invited for the post of MEDICAL REPRESENTATIVE IN SINGAPORE and JOHORE. Candidates should be aged 24 to 28 years, have Senior Cambridge Certificate in Science subjects. Previous experience whilst of benefit is not essential as full training will be given. Applications should be made in writing to:GLAXO ALLENBURYS
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    • 491 7 rMY FAIR LADY is coming back to town (Fashion House) She will be making her debut j on 9th May, 1965 at 260 A ORCHARD ROAD, Singapore 9. (opposite Jackie's Bowl) Telephone: ***** Milady invites you to come in and grow accustom not only to her looks but also her
      491 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 392 7 MALAYA programme summary; 1 Twentieth Century; 1.25 Bela.lar-lah (If VVNEL 5 K.L. Penang; Bahasa Kcbangsaan; 1.30 Mr. i. Ipoh Malacca; 3 Johore Ed. The Talking Horse: 1.55 is.ihru; 7 Batu Pahat; and Malacca Mosiac (repeat broad--9 Milan*. CMS); 2.45 Chinese cinema— Tan PM- 2 Test Dattern and N B jr
      392 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 241 8 there's only one watch and it's made by Tudor. Delicate flawless beauty resting on your wrist, keeping time with the matchless accuracy of its precise Swiss movement. And Tudor Watches have a ladylike modesty about price. Until you sc-e the Tudor range of Watches, you'll never believe that such precious
      241 words
    • 141 8 STILLMAN'S FRECKLE CREAM, whitens your skin secretly and quickly. I No longer need you admire others wish that your skla I was as light and attractive as theirs. One jar of Stlllman's will make you equally charming. Apply the special-made _^r4 l stillm an s c mplexloQ HjP^r Soap first
      141 words

  • For Your Pleasure
    • show page
      • 465 9 THE THEATRE ttHE leading practitioners of the musical stage, the Y.M.C.A's "Sceneshifters," are proud to announce the forthcoming presentation of Johann Strauss' famous operetta "Gay Rosalinda at the Victoria Theatre from June 7 to 12. Every theatre-lover In Singapore regards the Sceneshifters with affection, for their productions are always splendidly
        465 words
      • 103 9 MR. JASON ROBAKDS JIN. who starred In Arthur Miller's play "Alter the Fail" on Broadway has been saying some rather rude things about the playwright. "After the Fall," says Robards, "is pretentious and ponderous. Some of the things I had to say I couldn't wait to get out
        103 words
      • 32 9 yi. VIS PRESLEY has this re- view stuck up in his study, I am told: "Elvis doesn't sing very pretty but there are compensations. When he starts singing he stops acting.
        32 words
      • 39 9 QUOTE from David Nlven: "Any time I wake up depressed I He In bed and force myself to laugh aloud. You feel a bit of an Idiot doin It. but I promise you it cheers you up."
        39 words
      • 500 9 MR. QUINN, is finding that I really am American Excitement, says AT the age of 53 Mr. Anthony Quinn found himself recently in the unique position of being the only American star nominated for an Oscar. All his rivals in the leading actor category for the cinema's most prestigious award
        500 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 485 9 ffHOw GANISATION \ow miowix.: 11am, 1 30, 4, 630 t 9.30pm. NO FREE LIST) Melina Mctcouri, Maximilian ScheliH Peter Ustinov Acodemy Award— Winner BEST supporting Actor Q I ll»/ierel*tftw»litrtjl 1 PLUS! AT ALL SHOWS! I You will have th« chance to try ft' open the combination lock of Ob CHUBB
      485 words
    • 258 9 tJ\ i V\'A\ OPENS TODAY! I Ilf 1M TEL: ***** SINGAPORE DAILY 4 SHOWS: 1 1 a.m. 2.30 6.1 5 9.1 5 p.m. GREAT GUY! GREAT LOVE STORY! BROUGHT BACK BECAUSE YOU ASKED FOR IT!! His talent was the talk of the town. His romance was the talk of the
      258 words
    • 42 9 FRENCH FORTNIBHT fif* ZEINA AMARA AT THE FOUR LIONS M^ Exotic Egyptian L > Dancer The Four Lions enjoyment a special ljP* mt French Cuisine by B*l Showtime: 9.30 p.m. and _riSLj JhHP ißk^ 1100 p.m. Tel: 2404. Singapura H s^ Auk ows
      42 words
    • 105 9 lHnfp| Air BAR RESTAURANT Locnted in Me 6boppin» B ceotr* \n air-condltionrd txtdroomi witb prl"at« tialha v A Ked'ffusion. Superb ■ervic* ">^ bhanxhainejc jrf^-' 1^» Weii-itockad M "\^»ltt3 Armenian St., '~.W£J2tQ_Jf 'Per*. T*l: J1575/7. Todoy 3 Show. J.«. 0 M.WQi »nt* '7ti^r r ''in iJTOi m*Tmm" usna xmnm TodoyJioTm. Scop«/
      105 words
    • 481 9 LIDO "p" OPENS TODAY"; 1 I f-— The Wild Wests Biggest s over "^v. M K^ for a mean eyed bronc. BL JBull B and Some a Sue Ane Langdon Hope Holiday PAN4VISION METROCfII.OR M i EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA! m m PATRONS at ALL SHOWS during the entire season if
      481 words

  • Sport
    • 120 10 t I'SOM JEEP CAIX BOT POINTER lUe» 1 PB.OFGRUCI H.\SH TIMJ PELOR MAS Flash TUrn Pride of Greoea Royal Meadow Redear Kedear Star Km Bare 2 S( ORPIO SCORPIO AI.ANCIA Marry Premier Motukorra Singing Rot MightT Mi«wl Kambolina Merry Premier Bmw S Bm» 4 MIOFRRIDGE KHOEBRIDGE SHOEBRIDGE Otaro Sprincfield
      120 words
    • 983 10  - Malapin— a confident tip to win Summer Cup Epsom Jeep RACING with BEST BETS Kpsom Jeep* hr>t bets are Pride of (Jroece (Kate 1). Shnebrirlgr (Race 3> and Malapin iKace 4). The coing is soft. TIIALAPIN Is a confident tip to win the BJf iTI Summer Cup (Race 4) at
      983 words
    • 1106 10 Race 1—2.30 Cl 1 Div l ($1O,OOO) 5t I ***** Royal Mradow a .Mr Sc Mrs SC Law) R. Breuk.. 91 (Fi Colrman 7 3 ***** rYM« W Ore*** a (Taurus Bt> F Breuk 4 86 (SF) TreTena 1 3 ***** "tar Era (Lucky Sti Donnelly 7
      1,106 words
    • 347 10 LOB ANGELES, Sat Vlcent* Saldivar. of Mexico, retained his world featherweight title when he knocked out Paul Rojas < California > in the last round of their scheduled 15--round bout here last night. Rojas. undefeated In 24 previous bouts, was taktne a *avasc
      347 words
    • 253 10 CINGAPORE. Sat— Singa- pore Joint Services, who play Malacca at Jalan stadium tomorrow at 7. 30 p.m. hope to make the best of home-ground advantage. Fit Lt Malcolm Shaw. secretary of the Services team, said: "Our players dictated the pace against Johore but the forwards
      253 words
    • 259 10 ROME, Sat. Martin Mulligan, the Australian tennis player and No. 2 seed at the Italian championships, is considering applying for Italian citizenship so that he can play for Italy in the Davis Cup. Mulligan has lived and worked in Italy for
      259 words
    • 152 10 SINGAPORE. Saturday. 4 S a move to prepare leading Singapore boxers for the Seap Games at Kuala Lumpur in December and to provide them with as much competition as possible, Singapore Amateur Boxing Association will be staging once-a-month all-star programmes. The ilrst of these programmes,
      152 words
    • 133 10 BIG FIGHT SHIFTS TO LEWISTON DOSTON. Sat. The world heavyweight title fight between Cassius Clay and challenger Sonny Liston has been transferred to Lewiston. in Maine, on i May 25. Originally the fight was scheduled to take place in Boston Lewiston is the smallest 1 city to stage a heavyweight*
      133 words
    • 61 10 SAN FRANCISCO. Sat. A $300,000 N.-w Zealand racehorse In a cargo plane over the Pacific early yesterday and had to be axed to death before it broke into the cockpit. The horse, six-year-old Vanderford. which was expected to win about $750,000 was one of six
      Reuter  -  61 words
    • 203 10 PENANG, Sat. Penan* Cricket Association president Jagjlt Singh today took "strong exception" to a statement by the president of the Malayan Cricket Association, Dr. Ong Swee Law, saying Penang had upset the itinerary of the Hong Kong cricket teams Malayan tour by not
      203 words
    • 126 10 LONDON. Sat.— Rain and wet conditions prevented any play today on the tirat day of the match at Manchester between Lancashire and the New Zealand touring team. Tea scores In today's matches: At Oxtord: Oxiord U. 106-3 (R. Gillian 49) v Hampshire. At Cambridge: Cambridge
      Reuter  -  126 words
    • 52 10 LONDON. Sat. Results at Scottish Summer Cup football matches played today: Aberdeen 1 Dundee U. a. Alrdrieonians 3 Third Lanark 1, Dundee 2 St. Johnstone 1, Dunlermline 1 Hearts 2. Hibernian 3 Falkirk 2. Kilmarnock 1 Motherwell 1. Morton 1 Clyde 0, Partirk 1 St. Ittrren
      Reuter  -  52 words
    • 41 10 BKIIMIKTOWN, Sat. The West Indies had made 237 for two wickets in reply to Australia's first innings total of b5O-l declared at lunch on thr fourth day of the fourth cricket teat here today. (See also Page 12).
      41 words
      • 351 11 Sinjapore St. Joseph's Institution annual athletic meet: BOYS "A" DIVISION 100 m: 1 Patrick Teo 2 Van Khoo 3 Peter Tan 12secs; 2»0m: Patrick Teo 2 Van Khoo 3 Peter Tan 25.1secs: 400 m: 1 Tony Tan 2 Patrick Teo 3 Peter Gan 60 lsecs; 800 m: 1 Tan
        351 words
      • 247 11 Singapore youth championships t-finals: Boys' MiiKies: Bobby Koh bt Omar Sal.m 18--13. 15-4; Teo Miang Heng bt Arthur Urn 16-17, 15-13. 18-17. Boys doubles: Andrew Sim and Teo Ban Seng bt Bobby Koh and James Tan 15-13. 15-9: Lee Ah Kan and Hang Tong bt Andrew Ong and Joseph
        247 words
      • 380 11 Killers Shield match it looh: Selangor Malays scored 117 for three against Kedah Malays on the opening day of the two-day match hereThe match which started at 215 p.m- stopped two hours later for tea. Then heavy rain prevented further play Selangor started badly losing two wickets for 13
        380 words
      • 22 11 Sembanang Lge: Skyvers bt Rakes 7-5. Oriental bt Oriental B 1 9-3. Mull bt Mull B 8-4. Terrorist bt Johnsnn 7-5
        22 words
      • 361 11 Annual goll competltloi between Penang Oolf Club and Perak Turf Club Sports Club at Ipoh tomorrow Ist tee: 8 a.m. K O. Khoo and H V Loh v Too Joon Pook and K. Kasl; 8.06 C T Tan and C. B Lim vR. Langdale and R Porteous; 8.12 H.
        361 words
      • 161 11 Spore State Day meet: State Express trophy: 1 Lim C;hln Choon 2 Collln Chan 3 W. Shanks. Class III: 1 Joseph 2 J. Waugh 3 B. Armstrong. Ladles/Juniors: 1 G. Haycraft 2 Jean Hardy 3 Hilda Bacon. Yap Fon Fook trophy: 1 W Shanks 2 Harry Lim 3 Leong
        161 words
      • 1117 11 0 E PRESENTATIVES ft from Singapore, Penang and Ipoh will meet next weekend, in Ipoh to form the Malaysian Tenpin Bowling Congress. The congress plans to seek affiliation with the FIQ, the world governing body of tenpin bowling. This step will bring Malaysian bowlers Into International competition. An Important
        1,117 words
      • 289 11 Spore hard court championships: Paul Choo, favourite to win the singles crown, beat Wee Toon Hee 6-2, 8-6. 6-4 in the semi-final at Tessensohn Road yesterday. Choo's opponent in the final will be Phay Yew Jan, who beat Stephen Chong 8-6, 6-2 In the other semi-final. Other results: Boy's
        289 words
      • 62 11 Club match (Penang): TanJcmg Youth Club bt Mm Sin Scan 4-1; (Osman Kadir b: Yew Say Kam 21-17. 19-21, 21-19. 21--16: Hussatn Idris bt Tan Kok Huat 21-11. 20-22. 21-13, 21-18; Mohamed Rahmathuilah lost to Chong Cheng Khoon 15-21, 6-21, 7-21; Mydin Ahmad bt Kok Boon Chew 21-17.
        62 words
      • 246 11 Fourteen goals were shared in the Penang first division match between the Port Commission and Butterworth Rangers at the City Stadium here today. Rangers had two fine spells which enabled them to share points while the Portmen played good soccer throughout. After the Portmen had taken a 1-0 lead
        246 words
      • 64 11 Taiplng Lite: Federation Engineers are the league leaders with 14 points from seven wins snd one defeat. Their closest rivals are Chinese Recreation Club with 13 •ert. Engrs P 70 1 20 6 14 RC 9 6 1 2 36 15 13 ■elecoms 10 5 1 ***** 11 IMH
        64 words
    • 25 11 IN EVER LOVINO memory fi Joseph Henry Wlckramasinha wh left us on 9 5/62 Sadly missed b wife, children, son-in-law an grand daughters.
      25 words
    • 360 11 SYDNEY, Sat. Results ot Australian Association football matches played today were: Representative match: New South Wales 0 Chelsea 5. NSW North Un. 1 Mayfleld 0 Wallsend 3, Mayfield versus Weston cancelled. VICTORIA STATE Triestina 1 Slavia 3. Juventus 4 Lion 0. Croatia 4 Just 2. VICTORIA DIV.
      360 words
    • 336 11 Kiwis show batting weakness WORCESTER, Saturday. THE New Zealand cricket team created a favourable impression when they opened their England tour by drawing with Worcestershire, the county champions, here yesterday. Rain caused an hour's play to be ldst In midafternoon and there never seemed any probability of a result. Final
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    • 239 11 Yorks thrash Gloucester by innings and 52 runs LONDON, Sat. Yorkshires mixture of speed and spin sent Gloucestershire reeling to defeat by an innings and 62 runs at Harrogate yesterday. Results: At Newport: Match abandoned as a draw (rain). Glamorgan 155 and 4-0. Warwick 254. Warvtck two pts. At Harrogate:
      239 words
    • 272 12  -  PREM KUMAR KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. 1V There is a need to revolutionise our thinking for the tuture selection of players representing Malaysia in basketball, the president of the Malaysian A m a t c v r Basketball Association, Mr. Khaw Kai Boh,
      272 words
    • 503 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. 4 grand fourth-wicket stand of 135 runs be- tween Mike Shepherdson (89) and K. Sivanasan (57) pulled Selangor out of trouble and put them in a strong position on the first day against Perak in their MCA league
      503 words
    • 83 12 PENANG. Sit. gama races will be run at the Penang Turf Ciiii) s amateur meeting at Batu Gantong on Saturday. June 12 Entriea will dun on June 3 lo- t hi- following eventsMARA ClawM 1 and 2 handicap! over BJI (D.vs 1 and 2>: Cl
      83 words
    • 72 12 rKYO, Sat— Five nation* will compete In the second Asian amateur golf championship in Japan May 18-21, tb* Japan Amateur Golf Association announced yesterday. Pour golfers from each country will tee-off in the 72-hol* team championship at the 6.875 yard par 72 Nlkko Country Club
      72 words
    • 26 12 ROME. Sat— ltaly will stage tl.e Federation Cup. the women's world teom tennis championship, next year, the Italian Ten- nis Federation announced yesi terdav.
      26 words
    • 192 12 Perak lose interest in goals after leading Perlis 6-0 at interval KANGAK. Saturday. I>ru \K. lust year's north zone finalists, beat Perlis 7-2 in their Malaya Cup football match played on the public padang here today. Dominating the exchanges. Perak scored six times without reply in the first half and
      192 words
    • 204 12 EARLY GOAL GIVES CSC DOUBLE SINGAPORE, Sat. Ceylon Sports Club, the current Singapore Hockey Association league champions scored a notable double for the season when they beat 19 Signals 1-0 In the SHA League and Cup final on the padang today. CSC scored their winning goal in the third minute
      204 words
    • 82 12 DENANO, Sat. Record en- tries for the men's singles and doubles have been received for the Penang Junior badminton championships starting next Friday at the Penang Chinese Girls' High School Seventy-three contestants will compete for the men's singles and 60 pair for the doubles Entries from the
      82 words
    • Article, Illustration
      37 12 K. Sivanason who made a splendid debut for Selangor with a patient 57 in yesterday's inter-state match against Perak on the Selangor Club padang yesterday. Selangor had scored 196 for 5 declared in reply to Perak's 73.
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    • 25 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat— The annual meeting of the Selangor Club rugby section will be held on Tuesday (5.30 p.m.) in the committee room.
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    • 417 12 By Mansoot Rahman K"UALA LUMPUR, Sat.— This year's Malaysian Schools' Athletic championships will combine grandeur with economy, Mr. D. K. Dutt, delegate of the Negri Sembilan Combined Schools' Sports Association, declared at a meeting of the executive committee of the Schools' Sports Council of
      417 words
    • 156 12 SEREMBAN, Sat. Negri Sembilan. making five changes from the side who were held to a one-all draw by Per.\v% yesterday, showed great improvement to beat Johore 4-0 In a quadrangular hoekej match on tt)e NS Club padang today H< iry sjta MariH
      156 words
    • 477 12 BRIDGETOWN, Saturday. YY'EST Indies, racing Australia's mammoth first Inntngi score of 650 for six declared, made a spirited reply on the third day of the fourth Test here yesterday and had made 165 for two wickets at the close. Early in their
      477 words
    • 39 12 MALACCA. Sat— All sporu fixtures scheduled to have been played here today were cancelled because of heavy rain. Th« inter-state cricket match between Malacca and Johore will now be a ore-day affair starting at 10 a./n. tomorrow.
      39 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 364 10 CLASSIFIED ADS. AT YOUR SERVICE REQUIRE MICROFILM SERVILE t f.'Mtti) IS ;K>rc I. 123 Mnrkf THE HAIR CLINIC. 10. Hr'r.-rr hir..-. ■'pore, I'hoD.. MNi For Danrtrnrr. Kihlne*-. ThinnioK. Pallinf OrrymK BaSlp I ri-a'mant. Ba> cluxnp H»jr Restor.. DOCUMENTS A PLANS copied while M Win* •■oinmnnder Blai'ki Pholostnt Sfniif. Sole
      364 words
    • 182 10 «^p|l IS SHE DEAD OR ALIVE jBUr y Movies have been made about J|| her. Books have written about her. <v. H| Courts have argued over her. And j. wj- yet she remains a mystery^TKe final act in this astonishing dram* was played in a Hamburg Courtroom last week, and
      182 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 45 11 Late CLASSIFIEDS JO U'orW. M« iMiW") NOTM I < I ik|\i. itY t Mlil KKRKV THE ENDAU FERRY will to to all Traffic from 10 0 am on Monday, the 10th of Mai to 400 p m. on Tuesday, the lit of May. for major repairs.
      45 words
    • 101 11 El I*l 1 l-c TXT t Ps» the superb prise if bis great HISTORT H X H^ flfiai JJiHJ "d for the first time ttis incomparablt wLm B narrative is matched by a iniqoe pageant i. mT"ft&l^HPflß^K testament te the noble spirit if ti* B(l jdtf^T^E^B greatest Islander if them
      101 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 110 12 ujl SAIL AWAY FROM i -i aboard the luxurious, completely air-conditioned SS PRESIDENT CLEVELAND, 1 SS PRESIDENT WILSON or I SS PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT. Sail from Hong Kong or Manila v.-'a -^M i 0 Yokohama, Honolulu and on K to the United States. Relax in American comfort. Enjoy the finest food.
      110 words
    • 206 12 4^ f 5 Free of rheumatic pains *f* r < Full of joy of living '/xl Rld yourself of oches ond poms thot mok« llfe ml er V- V»inoids first oct on kidney*, W^te-^i^iP^^^^*^*''" bladder ond bloodstream to purify your -t~*~ system of poisonous toxins cau .ing your ill M^.
      206 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 136 12 SOCCER Malay* Cup: Jt. Services v Malacca iJn Besar. 7.30 p.m.) Johore v S'pore (Sri Gelam. 5.15). L. Perak Div. 2: Persatuan Sukan Pemuda v SebraiiR (T. Ansont. CRICKET MCA L*e: S'gor v Perak <KL padang. 10.30); Malacca v Johore (Malacca pdg). Rulers' Shield: S'cor Malays v Kednli Malavs dpoh
      136 words

  • Magazine Section
    • 4091 1 Was Jackson seeking a cine— or concea ting one? MACAZINE SECTION AS QUIET MISS MARPLE PICKS UP MORE CLUES IN HER LONG HUNT TO TRAP A KILLER... The solution to Agatha Christie'* fascinating murder jigsaw will be in next week's instalment. But here's one final clue: someone thought to be
      4,091 words
    • 159 1 THE ie«mg: Young Molly and Tim Kendol's Caribbean hotel. Victim No. 1: Major Palgrave. Motive: To* obtain his photo of a wife-killer which he'd been about to show little Miss Marple when he'd seen the man himself over her right shoulder! Standing there were Greg Dvson
      159 words
    • 457 2 Wooing wedded women back to work HIS NAME: ELMER WINTER HIS MISSION: HIS name is Elmer L Winter. He is a 48--year-old American businessman. His mission to bring married women brick to their careers. "On a part-time basis, of course," Mr. Winter said in his hotel room recently. "They should
      457 words
    • 483 2 DROP us a line. Our address: The Know Alls, Sunday Times, Times House, Singapore 9. IKNOW of a certain gentleman who rents a flat and runs it as an illegal casino to wealthy towkays. He charges a commission of between $50 to $150 or more depending on
      483 words
    • 829 2 This fiction hero is big business today- and not only his books and films. Top-selling goods, from toys to ladies underwear, now carry the famous 007 sign JAMES BOND —or perhaps you know him as 007, the British agent licensed to kill has captured the imaginations of
      829 words
    • Article, Illustration
      985 3 By a STAFF WRITER THE most expensive car in Malaysia today is the newly-arrived MercedesBelli 000 Pullman limousine, a ■even-to-eight-seater better known among the motoring elite as "The Grand .Mercedes." With radio and air-conditioning, the car Is listed at $72,475. It belongs to the Tengku Mahkota of Johore,
      985 words
    • 631 4 WHAT'S your problem? Write to Miss Jone Lee, Tne Sundoy Times, Singapore 9. VITHEN my two-year-old tV son falls down and bruises himself badly he Insists that It doesn't hurt him He won't cry a bit. Yet If his twin-sister should push him down, he howls as
      631 words
    • ALEX LEE
      • 504 4 Don t tie yourself to the cradle... SO YOU'RE a young mother and your hands are full with a young toddler. He's your pride and joy and you can't keep your eyes off him. But does that excuse you for being a virtual hermit? Perhaps you don't realise it but
        504 words
      • 189 4 WHEN IN ROM E (OR ASYWRERE ELSE) THEY WAEM THE ROMAS WAY rE "Roman look" In foot fashions Is a fad with stay -on power. Judging by its popularity, I suspect that designers may even launch toga fashions to complement the Roman sandals which are now a must with most
        189 words
      • 433 4 pABBLESH was walking \Jlils dog along the street one day when a stranger came up to him. "You know," this guy said, "you've got a very fine dog there. I'll buy him from you for five bucks." Gabblesh shook his head. "I couldn't do It." he
        433 words
      • 56 4 WHAT THE WITH-IT GIRLS ARE WEARING F OR THEIR SWEET SLUMBER HERE'S a delightful negligee for sweet slumber. It's frilly. It's flirtatious. It's feminine. Hot from the fashion press, it is made from white broderie anglaise and is decorated with a baby blue ribbon bow. It should be seen in
        56 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1065 1 TODAY IN AUSTRALIA What's new in this land of rapid growth and huge potential '>: J //BiSSSSSSS^ I' 1/ w i f sssssl If B «P^ wflU BSSW f I* J D d H But* w IH^H mmWi ssk£^**' -^H"l I JB mfi T jr^^ 9m mr Jsr ■^Ci^iPrnil la
      1,065 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 318 2 w^^^^ iHuMaal iHa^BVaatatatM H^aaßaaa^aatiatiattHaafl I' l ~J& m'n^F*' fftr% 1. Only by driving a Mercedes-Benz can you appreciate the technical superiority of Mercedes-Benz design and engineering. 2. Only a test drive can demonstrate the flexibility of the unique Mercedes-Benz automatic gearbox and power steering systems. 3. Only Mercedes-Benz offers you
      318 words
    • 666 2 For quick promotion, better pay, and a career you could put your heart into OBLIGATION OF ANY KIND!* IF YOU are ambitious, forward-looking and keen to j w^..«, make the most of today's opportunities, here is a WHICH IS TOUR Pel SUBJECT chance for you to find out (1) how
      666 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 355 3 HL _y* m£ 1 ____H___. r-ncc C^ H DRESS If Cr-jr «M»r_-< _l rrttt L\m I* 20 PAGES W S^— I.» K^l vra»kmc 4r knitting book r?f*** m i^L--, 41 I FR EE KRAFT K V >___P^' /^•'^'flMl COOKERY BOOK •y_' jUr /<-<^__V^ffl Price: $1.30 IPBH ■BPW pw ■-3A vi
      355 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 330 3 Radio Malaysia... KUALA LUMPUR Rrammes For lTie Evening; lotm Jet Speed Kecords; 10 30 r\UA-.M -.UWIKUn 6u3 Fe )ture corner; 6.18 On Stagt: 11.00 National LanA.M.: 6.00 Pro«. Summarr: Bncht Orchestral; 6.C3 The kuaw Lesson; 1 1 02 io Each AO2 Mornmc Melodies; 700 Ncus; 640 Interludes; 6.50 Hi^ own
      330 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 130 4 Lets admit it money has never A Ik f{Y§~\ played as big a part a jt does today M A V f f*\ Everyone is money-conscious and if m m IAVr-^ keeping -up with the Wongs started |^?V^^ people who are in dead earnest about 1 ..Jjjy^ the whole thing,
      130 words
    • 440 4 Ir'vrVw! SKIN ITCH, PRICKLY HEAT A~^^^ W ffl DERMIC ERUPTIONS. N Be happy... (y^jT Smart who uses /M^JV AGNESIA MEDICATED DUSTING POWDER GRAFTON LABORATORIES LTD. cooling skin cream [jj_i^^ J^ kiil£» every one needs. Look for this jar. v^ j^ S A WILLCOMI PRODUCT Start your baby or, a solid
      440 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 144 5 SOMETHING! V» h\ he an onlooker, a b> slander, when you can be in the thick of things No matter what time of the month it is! Tampax internal sanitary protection should be part of your active lite! It ne\er hampers you— you can't even feel it once it's in
      144 words
    • 148 5 BELAJAR-LAH BAH ASA KEBANGSA'AN LEARN THE NATIONAL LANGUAGE Language Record Course j > a *^fl HFjml HaW I rnNTFNTS LESSON VilfaWaV CO "I 2: LANGUAGE COURSE W Wflm •\T High Fidelity Long Pli)(m| Record WIWrA. I :^7:Z instruction W KUaW Mi-mi' *sfo. k3 w9tfwW§*9 The fastest, simplest, most enjoyable
      148 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 717 6 xs?=ix 3^* 12^ j jajai»k»aß»jFl[ H^l L— -^^B BMta^saMMal Stctiw «f compontnti is IH^^ ..^bJß thi big kit*. You can start your own Radio-Television business without capital. The A.R.T.C. Practical Radio and Television Course gives you training and your tools of trade at tha same time. A.R.T.C. will train you,
      717 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 262 6 POPULAR CROSSWORD^) JO B^l P" I ACROSS: 1. Sleep during 41 Flee (3). 42. Without flavour winter (9>. 9. Gratuity (I). 11. <%*,,, clasp (4) 2 Em Plant (6), 12. Shore (5), 13. He t»dy (11), 3 Prejudice (4), 4. takes blame for another <9>. 14. Particular (8), 5. Pipe
      262 words
      1,564 words
    • 181 6 I ,<" HI V 8 i'inct'nt Licw Ch.e Kong (Serembuu teacher) burn in May. It it is YOUR birthday today Im M'ir mil bring you prospenl.v, lax in.iluu < hMgaj and atnan contacts. It could also sec you make a lug derision and rearrange your para—l lile in most ionstriutivi-
      181 words

    • 1 1 JAPAN-MALAYA
      1 words
    • 2 1
      2 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 99 2 1 i mrti^^ iMw'ni 'ftR Sfl Kb bfl Bebl &&&j&xs »i t v -^"l*'sl.-' 1 ii^* l? „.vv*:-,,...- fSjjf^T ""'"''i'W fl 1 1 8 Rfl ■Bj ,rj| f I ■MBfAmaT' -t''^ ""'^^BBfJ «nc -^WfBJBJ HBK^^Bflß' wBbJ ■■■i'"i^" jl* -v? '■■V? Hrn Bflfli **R^P S^Bflflfl* v it i. hu *Vflflflt Bflflflflflflß^H
        99 words
    • Japan-Malaysia Supplement
      • 139 3 TOR ay was the only synthetic manufacturing firm visited by Their Majesties; the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the Raja Permaisun Agong (right) during the Royal state tour of Japan in June last year In this photograph, Toray's Chairman of the Board, Mr Mori, shows
        139 words
      • 1145 3  -  P. ABSALOM Japan's economy continues to boom, and this is reflected in... By JN the complex economic pattern of SouthEast Asia, one trend becomes more and more firmly established the growing economic dominance of Japan. The Japanese economy continues to boom,
        1,145 words
      • 219 3 This partnership for progress, prosperity.. MESSAGE from His Excellency. DATO FUMIHIKO KAI. Japanese Ambassador in Malaysia i am extremely happy to extend to the Government and people of Malaysia my sincere greetings and good wishes, through this message to The Sunday Times, on the occasion of the publication of a
        219 words
      • 610 3 Most-favoured- nation treatment written into Japan- Malaya trade pact Extracts from the Agreement of Commerce between Japan and the Federation o1 Malaya signed in Kuala Lumpur on 10-5-1960. THE Government of Japan and the (io\rrntnrn| of the federation of Malaya, desirintj to strengthen and develop the commercial relation^ existing between
        610 words
      • 399 3 Japan plays active role in new economic order in Malaysia MESSAGE from MR. IWAO OJIMA. Commercial Secretary, Embassy of Japan. Kuala Lumpur: JAPAN. M you perhaps know is the largest market for ."Malaysian products Her imports of tin. rubber, iron ore. timber and other goods, vitally needed for the expanding
        399 words
      • 709 4 Japan and Malaysia— forces of stability in sensitive regions JAPAN and Malaysia each in its own way have set a hallmark for economic achievement with few parallels in Asia. They enjoy a level of prosperity higher than what has been achieved by other nations in Asia. Largely for this reason,
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      • 31 4 A busy world- ranking shipyard Partial view of a shipyard industry in Japan, said to be one of the world's topranking in 1962 and 19M in terms of ship tonnage launched.
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      • 1666 4 Two-way trade flourishes to mutual benefit Plans under way to set up more joint ventures lopment and industrial programmes. Trade statistics covering ail-Malaysian States, show the balance in favour of Malaysia as follows: (tin mil) 1961 Exports 724.51 Imports 460.52 263 99 1962 Exports 685^39 Imports 516.31 109 08 1963
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      • 214 5 rIE Japan External Trade Organisation (Jetro) held a Japan Industrial Light Machinery Special Show at its Japan Trade Centres' Hong Kini; Machinery Ex 111 hit on Room (Shaw's Building. Nathan Road, Mongkok. Kowloon. Ilium Kong) for si\ days from February IS to February 20.
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      • 219 6 Japan world's No. 2 fibre producer JAPAN continued to rank second in the world's production of artificial fibres after the U.S last year as in the preceding year. But. the Japanese manmade fibre industry needs closer co-operation in production among rival producers especially in view of evergrowing production of competitive
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      • 405 6 JAPANESE JOINT-VENTURES IN MALAYA AND SINGAPORE pOLLOWING are details of Japanese joint-venture industrial projects in Malaysia MALAYA AJlnomoto (Malaysia) Ltd.. 6th Floor. Lee Wan Bank Bldg.. Kuala Lumpur. Tel: ***** Spices Federal Iron Works Ltd.. —14 Jalan Tandang. PetalIng Jaya. Kuala Lumpur. Tel: ***** Galvanised iron sheets. Malayan Nozawa Asbestos
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      • 261 6 JAPANESE trade with Malaya has made a steady advance in the postwar years so that in 1963 she sold $550 million worth of sroods to Malaya and took |5M million worth of Malayan products. But her interest is far from being confined to trade; she is playing
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      • 4034 6 'J'HE significance of international trade for economic development is an old theme which is unlikely to attract new attention under normal circumstances. However, questions relating to the importance of interna- tional trade and steps required for its expansion have recently come into
        4,034 words
      • 124 6 MALAYSIAN 1KADK WITH JAPAN (IN MILLION DOLLAR* I 19 £1 Malaya Singapore Sabah Sarawak Total Import* 91.6? 338.97 16.07 13.81 4B0.52 Exports 370.89 175.24 105.07 73.37 724.51 Balance (In favour of Malaysia) 263.99 1962 Import* 116.99 366.73 18.42 14.17 516.31 Exports 356.67 160.55 116.28 61.89 685.39
        124 words
      • 67 7 REPAIR JOR FOR TH E U.S NAV Y The Japan Aircraft Mil Co. of Yokohama ha* received am i>rcl«T from the I J N.ivy's Patiiit Flirt to overhaul .">!) K4B jet aircraft The S ordrr. <le.spit«- American dollar savin:; mo\rv U regarded to have resulted from thi- I s defence
        67 words
      • Textiles industry
        • 2278 8 AT the end <>i 1963, Ihe total spinning capacity <>1 cotton and allied textile industries in Japan including cotton, rayon and synthetic fibres was \< X'A'M thousand spindles, owned by 245 firms; an average of approximately 55 thousand spindles per
          2,278 words
        • 146 8 4 LEADING Japanese Aplcftricil appliance I manufacturer has produced an electronic microscope for the first time in Japan on a commercial basis Hitachi. Ltd.. are one of Japan's largest makers of electrical machines and appliances. The product was the joint effort of the electron
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      • 855 9 Joint ventures sought abroad for exploiting new fields THK increasing need for reliance on overseas ore supplies has caused the Japanese metal mining and refining industry to form close co operative relations with foreign mining interests. This stems from the fact that Japan's
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      • 251 9 Machinery big item in Japan's foreign trade f\F Japans total export \J for 1962. valued at about US$5,OOO million. U551,270 million was taken up by macl inery. Within this category, heavy Items amounted to US$76O million w'.th the developing countries taking up US$53O million or 75 per cent of the
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      • 401 9 Increased Japanese exports to Latin American nations JAPANESE exports to Latin American nations rose by 1.9 per cent over the previous year to US$36O million while imports from them increased by 18 per cent to US$564 million, thus leaving an import excess of USS2O4 million, against US$l23 million in the
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      • 60 10 Togetherness FAMILY GET-TOGETHER AFTER DINNER FOR RELAXATION The Japanese are a very enterprising nation. They also enjoy happy family life as seen in this picture above showing an after dinner happiest hour taking and relax- ing together in the living room, a typical setting in i Japanese home today. The
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      • 113 10 i-iONSTRI TTION of a plywood mill in Johore. Malaysia, is planned by Senju Plywood Co Ltd. of Tokyo as a joint venturr with local Malaysian lumber interests The project is supported by MftMihishi Shoji of Tokyo The mill will be capitalised at YlBO
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      • 763 11 Japanese medical aid for 17 countries of South-East Asia 'J'HK prevalence of contagious as well as endemic diseases in SouthEast Asia, the Middle and Near East, and Africa is one of the major obstacles to the development of countries in these regions. Needless to say, all of these nations are
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      • 387 11 TIE year 1964 saw a big about-face In world Interest on the international scene. This is not to say that tne ever-recurrent East- West confrontations had been pushed into the background but rather that the "North South Problem" cam*' to occupy the minds of the world
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      • 220 11 Russia takes more metal products JAPAN'S exports to the Soviet Union in 1963 increased by 5.9 per cent to US$l5B million and imports from the country by 9.9 per cent to US$l62 million. Exports of machinery and instruments, which recorded a substantial increase in the previous year, drooned by 5.8
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      • 59 11 Japan claims to have the largest commercially operated mono rail system in the world Above line is located within the Ueno Zoo. This was started in November 1957. Below is a picture of Japan's biggest dry dock at a shipyard in Kawasaki. It is 721 feet
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      • 210 11 47 P.C. RISE IN EXPORTS TO EGYPT JAPAN'S exports to Ejypt in 1963 totalled US$24 million, a 47 per cent increase compared with the previous year while imports from that country amounted to US$l7 million, a 58 per cent increase. In exports, machinery and instruments, representing 70 per cent of
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        • 1498 12  - 50 per cent increase in financial aid to developing countries AKIRA NISHIYAMA By Director, Economic Co-Operation Bureau Ministry of Foreign Affairs THE term, "North x South Problem" needs no explaining today, since it is now a familiar journalistic expression and is the focus of great concern among international economic us
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        • 400 12 JAPAN LAUNCHED DEVELOP AND IMPORT' SCHEME Middle and Near East and Africa In spite of all this, it is an undeniable fact that Japan is confronted with the domestic problems of capital and human resources shortage which hinder the nation from accelerating her overseas assistance programmes. Although Japan's economic growth
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      • 2578 13 30,000 primary schools in the last years of Tokugawa Period A BIG TAKE-OFF' FOR INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT —and the emergence of a modern capitalist state CENTURY has passed since Japan embarked upon a course of building a modern state following the Meiji Restoration of IKHS, The tempo
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      • 817 15 Labour, after all, is not 'so cheap' in Japan Many firms outdo each other by offering some fringe benefits IX prewar days \v hen Japanese products made great inroads into foreign markets, tariff walls were hastily erected. .Justification for such action was usually "dumping". Whether the madein Japan goods actually
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      • 50 15 Although the takehome paypacket is comparatively small for skilled and semi-skilled workers in Japan, > employers are trying to outdo each other by offering their workers all sorts of frtafC htiutits in fact the workers are being pampered. ;j Abo\e: cherry viewing holiday makers, among then
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      • 2592 16 Japan now world's third biggest producer of steel Since World War 2 no nation has reached bigger steel status than Japan, says U.S. magazine Very bright future along these lines COVER PIX: | ...old and new. The modern Tokyo Tower and the ancient main gale of Zojoji Temple meet together
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      • 1176 18 l^S international alumni association, composed of students and technical trainees who have come from various foreign countries to study the various sciences and technology in Japan, was inaugurated with ceremonies in Yokohama, last June. Moreover, national chapters of the new organisation have
        1,176 words
      • 352 18 JETRO participated as the first-ever guest nation at the 13th Orange National Field Days Australia's and posssibly the world's largest farm machinery show. This was the first time that a foreign country had displayed products at the Field Days. The Japanese exhibit proved
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      • 353 19  -  SHIGERU FUJISHIMA, By Latest techniques, equipment offered to developing countries Dr. Eng. Japanese National Railways JAPAN is a country of railways. Contrarv to the general declining tendency of railway enterprises throughout the world. Japanese railways are prospering steadily. The fact that a new Tokaido trunk line was Just
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      • 914 19 tain. Franc and West Germany. For Instance, about 800.--000 passe gers pass through Tokyo Central Station every day. and if the number who change trains are induced tribunal would rise to 1.200.000. This horde is being carried on a total of 2.400
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      • 682 19 JU'Ws hr.ny electrical machinery industry has .< history of about 'M years On display t the National Scirn.-r Museum in Tokyo is perpetual" rlock said hay been made in ian This (00-cla> astronomical i link uilh six dial faces which can tell, at
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      • 31 20 The modern Trtoron manufacturing plant of Tokyo Rayon Co. located at the foot of scenic Mount Fuji. It is Japan's largest producer of chemical fibres.
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      • 1431 20 World-wide acclaim for made-in-Japan textiles machinery TUTTING more ground out from under her British counterpart, Japan's textile industry, especially cotton spinning, had attained flourishing development in prewar days. Similarly, in woollen and and chemical fibres, the scale of production had grown at a
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      • 905 21 JAPANS textile industry which depends on imports for the greater part of the raw materials has to obtain profits only from processing. Accordingly. Japanese industrialists in this field have been exerting great efforts to make high-class products and to raise the degree of processing, bringing
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      • 1503 22 Year of gradual pick-up for Japans cotton industry IN the first six months of 1964 which is under review, the general picture of ihe Japanese cotton industry was moderately satisfactory. Production of cotton yarn gradually rose reflecting relaxed curtailment on production which was effected three times since the latter half
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      • 76 22 A tentative contract for the establishment of a joint venture to produce galvanized iron sheets in Singapore has been signed between the Economic Development Board of the Singapore Government and Japan's steel makers, Nippon Kokan K.K., Yauati Iron Steel Co., Ltd., and Fuji Iron Steel
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      • 428 23 fpHK Shipbuilders Association of Japan has announced the orders received for new ships during the January-Novem-ber period of 1964. According: to the report. Japan's share in the world total of 11.--126.000 gross tons of orders placed was 4.299.000 gross tons. This is 38.5 per
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      • 135 23 Imv. Ishikawa.iima Hari--111:1 Heavy Industries Co. exported a !(Mlton overhead travelling crane to the I'nited States in December last year. This is Japan's first export nf its kind to that country. Ishikawajima won th. order for the crane as a result of an international
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      • 1163 24  -  KUNITAKE MUROGA by Chairman, Japan Spinner* Association IN greeting the New Year of 1965, first of all, I would like to pay high tribute with deep appreciation to the members of our association for tremendous efforts made and co-operation given by them in dealing
        1,163 words
      • 301 24 JAPANS 1963 trade with the United Kingdom was made up of US$l56 million ot exports, a 19 per cent fall from 1962. and US$l49 million of imports, an increase of 2.3 per cent. Decreased shipments of canned salmon were largely responsible for the export slump. Canned
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      • 965 25 THE fascination that Japan holds over the rest of the world is partly due to her widespread reputation for being the home of beautiful women. In the past two decades, the old-style Japanese woman with her stocky build and broad features, forever
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      • 1126 26 Export of ships a near billion business in Japan ON August N last year, two mammoth tankers were launched at shipyards in Kobe. One was the 66.200---ton S.S. Mermaid constructed by the Kawasaki Dockyard Co. and the other the Esso Barcelona of 65,000 dead weight ton completed at the dockyard
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      • 1868 27 BOTH exports and imports reached record figures in 1964, according to customs clearances statistics published by the Finance Ministry on January 13. Major points of the report follow: The 1964 exports totalled U556,678.32 million, exceeding for the first time the US$6,OOO million level, to mark
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      • 467 27 Mining, manufacture Another leap forward foreseen YIINING and manuA facturing productivity in fiscal 1965 is expected to increase by some 10.5 per cent over that of the previous year, according to a January 25 report by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI). The report Is based on the
        467 words
      • 767 27 Another high in production of vehicles a UTOMOBILE production A In 1964 totalled l."02--330 units, an increase of 326 per cent over that of 1963, according to the Automotive Industrial Association and the Midget Motor Manufacturers Association of Japan. This was a new annual high. Production of automobiles In 1963
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      • 825 27 Continued rise in technical co-operation with newly developing nations /WER the years, Japan has been extending technical cooperation to many newly emerging nations with a viow to developing human resources and elevating technical standards in those countries as a means of contributing to their economic and social advancement. These nations,
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      • 51 29 Sukiyabashi Tokyo's Piccadilly Circus. The building nearest to camera is a newspaper building. The circular building behind it is modern theatre The last tall building further down is a hotel one of the most expensive in Tokyo. This building h;is five basement floors underground. The balloons carry
        51 words
      • 175 29 Steel rolling mill in S'pore THE Fuji Iron Steel Co. and the Japan Steel Tube Corporation have signed a preliminary agreement with the Government of Singapore to help build a plant in the Jurong district of Singapore for manufacture of cold rolled sheets. The accord was signed by a delegation
        175 words
      • 1142 31 JAPAN'S trade with South East Asian countries in 1963 registered increase* both in export and import. Exports, amounting to US$l,6lO million, showed a 9.8 per cent vain over the preceding year, while imports advanced by 25 per cent to US$l,2lO million. The
        1,142 words
      • 575 31 By SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT SINCE 1956 production capacity in Japan's textile industry has been regulated under the Textile Industry Equipment Temporary Adjustment Law, by way of the official registration of the machinery (spinning frame and cloth tenter) and restriction on new
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      • 459 32 AN OL YMPICS FIRST FOR ASIA AND JAPAN rpHE biggest Olympic Games of all time, which were held in Tokyo in October last year were also the first ever held in Asia. The success of this great event was a matter of considerable concern to the Japanese Government and people.
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      • 461 32 Malaya and Singapore take mote capital goods JAPANS trade with Malaysia in 1963 was made up of USSI6B million in exports, or up 13 per cent over 1962. and USS Z million in imports, a decline of 3.7 per cent. Item wise. remarkable gains were witnessed in exports of machinery
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 83 4 W kzk ftp MAKE CERTAIN THAT THIS K FAMOUS DOUBLE LION LABEL W* «L APPEARS ON PRODUCTS 1 P^fl Feel the cool and luxurious touch of Teijin Tetoron See the wide range of beautiful dHHamiHHaHMaHBaBMBk colours and designs. Teijin Tetoron is Wrinkle-free, Colour-fast and Durable you'll i f nn TLJICo
        83 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 724 5 T Inhi KONICA FMI.4 KONICA AUTO S2 USUAL LIST PRICE SPORE-5590 USUAL LIST PRICE SPORE-5275 SPECIAL NETT PRICE SPECIAL NETT PRICE Singapore $3so fed $437 SINGAPORE $160 I FED. $184 c —^i^oJ-t-iD Ql 3^ f j«^^f Z" l^ JiS *-»*^-g4.— j^ t^ mJ KONI CA L—^^l KON ICA 'SHhU %2__^__^^^^^^
        724 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 195 6 Enjoy Airline Service in the Japanese Manner on JAL's "Silk Road" to Europe Through India and the Middle East along the JAL Hostess will pamper you with the hospitality "Silk Road" to Europe let the kimono-clad that has made JAL famous the world around, hostesses of Japan Air Lines brighten
        195 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 117 7 BETTER LIVING Since 1857 the name MITSUBISHI and its trusted sign of guaranteed quality Three Diamonds has been prominent in <b v? the field of engineering and electronics. Since 1921 the Mitsubishi Electric Corporation has built up its present world wide reputation for home appliances of the top quality which
        117 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 135 8 V^ A ■■ftje X* Versatile indeed, this extraordinary fabric. Order it thick, I Jj§ IT 1 soft and fluffy, you'll have the hand, the feel, the ruggedness of Ijttfr wool plus the easy-care advantages of a synthetic. Order it i^ '^^m jF^.^^-^E th* n anc lustrous, you'll have a textile
        135 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 75 9 THE MOST ECONOMICAL "\V^ ////s WAY TO BUILD YOUR 1 Ax^l >iP^ s s XX s l^fe 73 HOUSE-FACTORY- GODOWN -SCHOOL made in Malaysia ATTRACTIVE DURABLE LIGHT COOL A\K I- ICHPI" M QHCI- TQ v?* 1 i 8 hig > ly re istant to *ock, Malex can be supplied in
        75 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 119 10 Magnificent Fusion of Beauty and Function- r-fofalT) TeT&tX, The refined sheen of rxoraiT] TET&EX, brings out the beauty of the fresh prints in a great variety of sophisticated colors and patterns. The elegance and comfort of this fabric match that of the finest silks. The practical side has not been
        119 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
        241 words
      • 69 11 FROM THE MAKERS OF THE WORLD'S TINIEST RADIOS ip >...■»• Sik... :?»~r».*»<i*%»*«'«»»*»<\ ■■■■■■■■■■Hgj r^ ;.<»«»*««■*. is^B I 'S|E>\ 4 STAN DAR D RADIO corf» mrrmh" PRESENT WITH PRIDE RibVSj THE LATEST EXQUISITE tS/A 'MiCRONIC RUBY RANGE WSM SRH43B SRH«36 SR G430 SRH437 mSS, WO KEE HONG (Malaysia) LTD., Room 203
        69 words
    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 271 12 J; J; 5: <: :J; :v: i :J>'>'■ I ,i |> J» ;> J VHk M wtl m I; 5; l| E WMim^j^otU 1 L Beautiful Functional LATEST STYLING IN 5 BEAUTIFUL *EASY TO CLEAN WITH REVOLVING COLOURS. OF -WHITE -LIGHT BLUE- TURNTABLE FOR EASY ACCESS IN GRAY YELLOW AND
        271 words
    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 218 13 jf* flk. 6.30 a.m. at Singapore International Airport... A wet Sunday morning, a big jet, a pretty girl and fifty thousand dollais worth of to the world of photography and the Minolta range of fine cameras covers every photographic perfection. Photographed within forty-eight hours of leaving the phase of the
        218 words
    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 306 14 r, MEET RICOH-SAMA 3 very wise, efficient genie who comes wrth every ricom flex camera he sets the shutter speed joes all tHe work.automaticaiiy. and lensopemnq tor perfect pictures every time J I J tells you rf you have enouqn light and operates ail the convenient atJOut the ""V thin
        306 words
    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 292 15 fcß .4^ggn W8& ggV A a gggr mMi wK I\ J| gj ggggk^jfl ggggF •■^^^^^S M^^^l^^^^^ gt j!M| B W M v gHgggggggW Hvlliv J I oSiisS^ wL y .^gggggl H{■ K^itggggg? B m fr^Tni JS' ifff* Uv, I^3^^^ ■jjJEflgjSST' wKs lUHflflj iiPO II v Bm I B jk,' Jgol
        292 words
    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 389 16 Looking for a key to international trade FROM I^ HAS C Itoh, one of Japan's oldest and most experienced offers you fast efficient service m export, import, tritrading companies, is a master locksmith when it angular trade and joint investment ventures, comes to opening the doors of international trade. Why
        389 words
    • Page 17 Advertisements
      • 139 17 nilllT Ijy^^^fe^ ..-^n— mmm m, mi II M LI Ulfi II If It rc^ Wll fi urn UfflflT MHH9L 111 lyj Bridgestone "Soft Air DeLuxe-R" are designed to W assure mile after mile of soft air comfort under any driving conditions. Uk JHt Mm Thanks to their tough, flexible body,
        139 words
    • Page 18 Advertisements
      • 237 18 Big Deal His profit may only be a busted football, one toy whistle, three soiled sweets services, innumerable offices and seasoned executives on every continent This all and a rather sad looking fire engine but it was a successful trade. We have a lot supports our claim that we offer
        237 words
    • Page 19 Advertisements
      • 108 19 ■JUUMLJULMJL^-M 4JUU4JLPJU* J ■.■.■.•.■■■-•.•■■■J l Am\ ■TirTrifirwTriririrTrw^B wTw *^b ww i With Best Wishes i IWAI CO.. LTD. I Exporters Importers :j < Ij Head Office:- Osaka, Japan. m l Kuala Lumpur Branch Office:- ■I Room 406 Loke Yew Bldg. > > Tel: *****, *****. Singapore Representative Office, 64 Robinson
        108 words
      • 166 19 TOYO MENKA KAISHA LTD. (Incorporated in Japan) Singapore Branch 4th Floor, Kong Hoa Bldg. 2-D George Street, Singapore 1. Tel. ***** (3 lines) General Importers Exporters THE NISSHO CO., LTD. {IMPORT EXPORT) ALL MERCHANDISE FROM ATOMIC POWER TO INSTANT NOODLES 50-C, SOUTH BRIDGE ROAD, (HI A YL BLI)<;.) SINGAPORE. TELEPHONE:
        166 words
    • Page 20 Advertisements
      • 418 20 it's here for you TflVflTA the incomparable 1U lUlfi TOYOTA CROWN DELUXE |T* Nowhere will your TOYOTA CROWN be ,-\f t 3* \\f\ ;T "!wiß^^____flfc '-.vershadowed by another car; you'll always I >\ \V'/./\ M I **i^M be proud of it. This car is completely !y W/l_» i TH A
        418 words
    • Page 21 Advertisements
      • 133 21 f C# tfff %h± wk^K YeS n near y a hundred countries tne N-R-C trademark IjJpd IbX, of Nippon Rayon Company trusted in home, factory, and fc\ marketplace alike is looked up to as a true symbol of w <\ better living. Highest attractiveness with consistent top •X quality and
        133 words
    • Page 22 Advertisements
      • 378 22 ihi's Aioi Shipyard IHI ships and heavy equipment serve customers around the world In widely scattered countries in almost every In June, it will inaugurate its 25,000 DWT area of the globe, IHI is recognized for dock, and a second, of 90,000 DWT size, will leadership in shipbuilding and heavy
        378 words
    • Page 23 Advertisements
      • 211 23 Look for I mr^ these Trademarks I Ji f,3 for Quality Cotton I iM^ and I ■fit Wy Tetoron-Cotton Blends I i^J jM -jßc^ A Add that sparkling touch to your fashion with the worldrenowned "STARLION" quality cotton and "MKRMAID" W M B Tetoron (polyester fiber) -cotton blended fabrics of
        211 words
    • Page 24 Advertisements
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    • Page 25 Advertisements
      • 381 25 BMHBhL' •is Mltsijbishi Symbolized by the famous THREE DIAMONDS mark, it has I W%k\ l^^Wm ■W^WWW nourished the Japanese industry for almost a century. It constitutes the best tUI bJ I 1 mllmilijMliulKl^. y manufacturing, financial and trading complex in Japan, possessing good access For th, full aory, contact i
        381 words
    • Page 26 Advertisements
      • 284 26 YASHICA The reoten ii obvioui tfirse two models hove all the most up-to-date and advanced features that to-day i Faaturat lika: Coupled rongcfir»der for accurate focusing Coupled Cds meters for accurate exposure High-definition, high speed lenses (fl.B or f 2.8) for clear, sharp pictures in poor light Fastest shutter speeds
        284 words
      • 74 26 I WORLD'S LARGEST I Tanker I ORDER RECEIVED THE Mitsubishi Heavy order another tanker Industries. Ltd has of the same size. recently received an 1 nrd,r from Bergesen of •Mfc mounting Nor w a y to build a a d e cl <-"*'"<•• IGO.OOO-deadweisht-ton br delivered betanker— the larcest in
        74 words
      • 195 26 D£N®N p TELEVISION RiVOIUTIONARY STYLI 19" *^^HB| KBrSBH^T MI-WOOD CONSOU TV I "1 "^J*i ••turinf In' DENON «»clmiv. ■O L I JIB IST*'"' 1 1 1 In! black dovhqht gl.ra-rr.* 11 I t< 4 4CKS tub. P.rt.ct un<) f^k^EßSfifiSg^^^^^J I r.production from two Ml-Fi I I loudtp.ok." 1/ Mod )V
        195 words
    • Page 27 Advertisements
        171 words
      • 87 27 —^n I SUZUKI <^£ The Lightweight Champion of the World Triumphs again i in the 1965 —t MALAYSIA GRAHD PRIX ft\ Results: M MW\ I s 7- suzuki II fckfcly/ J <M ROtR TOSHI FUJ ik. ■■■^■iJjfIBMMBO^Bi^BHi^BHMi^BHIR^i^Hi^Hi^BOIMiJBi^iVHO^^iSHBiVRii^B fVM m 125 c.c.. c. Class WW RIDER yOSH/M/ K ATAYAMA Vvl INVEST
        87 words
    • Page 28 Advertisements
      • 235 28 A surprise package of styling That's the first thing you notice about the Datsun Bluebird the fresh, clean, tasteful lines. That's what others notice too! of bigness You'd swear it was a compact until you look inside! of thriftiness The Datsun Bluebird's economy surprises everyone. Advanced engineering lias balanced engine
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    • Page 29 Advertisements
      • 286 29 ,r] .•w wv- k> y y f V f*-. YT V *1* I hy=— iiw.i t"^ T riilr'lllllil ■■■Pf ~~~.7.rf~i MEW UITATUI Al WFT MONORAII The monorail i$ the HITACHI-ALWEG system, a straddle type using pre- |j^^^^=T^lh fcHfISSSt Y~ fICVT 111 InvIirMLTTLVj I IvllwlinlL stressed l-shaped concrete beams. Construction was
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    • Page 30 Advertisements
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