The Straits Times, 6 May 1965

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 22 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 145,000 The Straits Times 4d** tie**** Estd. 1845 THI'RSDAY. MAY 6. 1965 15 CENTS KDX 1189 1005
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  • 39 1 THE austerity drive will not affect: Serving Government officers or their monthly pay, Pending claims for improved salary scales and better working conditions, and The rural development plans drawn up for Malaysia.
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  • 118 1 New plan to end cotton row KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The Malaysian Government is submitting new proposals to the British Government to end the textile quota dispute with Singapore. This was stated here today by the Acting Prime Minister. Tun Abdul Razak. after the weekly Cabinet meeting. Full report The Cabinet
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  • 60 1 BANGKOK. Wed The Thai Oovciiimeiu hll appointed ;> committee headed by RearAdmiral Chali Sithusobhon to study h plan to establish a Thai merchant tleet. The plan w«« jointly drawn up by the Thai Ministry ol CommuntomUcmn and the Ministry ol nonal Development, following the rise In
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 29 1 BOGOTA (Colombia i. Wed. Five nlldren and two teachers wee drowned yesterday when a Uunch overturned in the Putumayo River, near the Brazilian border Reuter.
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  • 292 1  - Minus- 1 0-per-cent austerity drive P. KRISHNAN: Cut red tape... we want more value for money Tun Razak 'By KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. THE Cabinet today appointed a top-level committee to launch an austerity drive and slash Government spending by at least 10 per cent. The Acting Prime Minister, Tun Abdul
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  • 60 1 LONDON. Wed— The 81.000-ton trans-Atlantic liner Queen Mary has for the first lime been chartered for a private cruise, at a cost running Into six figures sterling. It wa.s announced today. The Sunday newspaper Ne^s of the World chartered her today to take i-ompetitioji prize-winners
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  • 39 1 I HONG KONO. Wed— One out 1 of every 37 people In Hong Kong j is a druc addict, according to the Society for the Aid and Rehabilitation of Drug Addicts. Most of them are men— Reuter.
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  • 154 1 KUALA LUMPIR. Wed Th«- Cabinet today decided to send the Minister of Labour. Mr. V. Manu-knv.tsan.un (abo\ e i. on a goodwill mission to West Africa to counter Indonesian anti-Malaysia propaganda. He will be accompanied by> of the Ministry ol Kxternal
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  • 78 1 OXFORD .England Wed About 200 Oxlorci UnUerMt[dents regularly take drugs, according to the latest issue of the campus newspaper. Cherwell. An editorial coupled to the story said police in the city were concerned about the problem, but j university professors chose to ignore It. "The police care
    UPI  -  78 words
  • 993 1 Visas: Govt asks Manila for details KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. MALAYSIA today dashed off a diplomatic Note to Manila, seeking clarification on its regulations governing entry of Malaysian citizens into the Philippines. Malaysia wants to know why the Filipino immigration authorities insist on fingerprinting Malavsians of Chinese descent before allowing them
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  • 75 1 Just fancy that BONN. Wed.— Germans will next week be able to check whether they are related to Britain's Queen Elizabeth. who arrives here tor 10-day state visit on May 18. The C.A. Starke Publishing House of Limburg is issu- ing a special list of d< dar.ts of Queen Victoria
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  • 411 1 Albar accuses: 'A slap in the face KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Umno Secretary -General, Dato Syed Ja'afar Albar. today described as a "slap in the face of the Malays" Mr. Lee Kuan Yew's statement yesterday that it was wrong for a particular racial group to think they are more justified
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  • 105 1 Mother, 2 children killed in crash KUANTAX. Wed— A >..img mother and her two children, about to board a bus. were killed this afternoon when a lou-i-arryins lorry ran into them at tin- -i. milestone, hu. int. in Kuala l.umpur Koucl. hour bus pan Mien were slightly hint The lorry
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  • 37 1 F'ARIS. Wed— The first French pnt-wai regular .shipping service to thf Black Sea will bettin on May 23. with a four-weekly nilinn between Marseilles and Odessa, the French Messaueri' times Company announced today. Renter.
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  • 180 1 Brigade of U.S. troops fly into Vietnam BIEN HOA (South Vietnam). Wed. First elements ot the 3.500-man U.S. 17.'irri Airborne Brigade began arriving an hour before dawn at this airbs miles northeasi of Saigon. «iin v 1 1 aneou s 1 y. more green-helxneted airbo m troops were landing at
    Reuter; UPI  -  180 words
  • 33 1 MALAYSIA CHALLENCE TO BRITAIN INITED NATIONS Wed Malaysia ska! lenged Britain today to strip Rhodcsian Govern ment of powr and transfer authority for the colony s affairs to the rown— Reuter
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 78 1 Neiv 'LIFE" begins >< v s the day you rear >s>^X\ Doh Sin -s Corneal Contact S **S»< Lenses. <—S?> Optometrist: CHEH YIN FOOK Dip. Pharni. University of Dip. Opt. University of W. Australia. DAH SIN OPTICAL HOUSE 325, North Bridqc Rood, Spore 7. Next door ODtON Phone *****.
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    • 65 2 Sock aims to rebuild Javanese empire: Stewart I ONDON, Wed. The v British Foreign Secretary, Mr. Michael Stewart, charged yesterday thai President Soekarno wanted to recreate the Javanese empire of the Middle Alms. which embraced mosi of the South Pacific. Addressing the ministerial COlind] of the South-East Treaty Organisation iQemto),
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    • 29 2 He said Soekarno's ambition went far beyond his declared aim of crushing Malaysia. There was interplay, If not active collaboration, between Soekarno and the rulers of Communist China.—A.P.
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    • 95 2 Over: The unrest in Sock's navy JAKARTA, Wed. The recent unrest in the Indonesian Navy is now over, a Navy announcement said x-sterday. It said that most of the ■aval oHieers involved In the affair had pledged their loyalty to the Navy leadership and some of them "have been ordered
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    • 54 2 SEOUL. Wed —Seoul city police nnounced the arrest of four loading members of the opposition Civil Rule Party. mcludiiiK its central committee man. Kun Soo Kirn. on suspicion of trying to instigate rebellion ngn'nit the Government Police saul they were suspect ed of distributing about
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    • 130 2 INDIA WILL EXAMINE PLAN TO TAKE ROW TO HAGUE YEW DELHI, Wed— 11 India will be prepared to examine a Pakistani proposal to submit the Rann of Kutch border dispute to the International Court. an official spokesman said here yesterday. India had not yet received any official proposal of this
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    • 139 2 - WASHINGTON. Wednesday PRESIDENT Johnson announced last night that he would ask Congress for an additional US$7OO ($2,100) million in military funds, primarily to finance the war against the Vietcong in South Vietnam. He made this disclosure after briefing key Congressmen on the situation in
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    • 48 2 JAKARTA. Wed. President Soekarno has ordered the rity's engineers to start rehabilitation of Jakarta roads tomorrow. He said repair of the road* should be completed before the conference of the new emerging forces (Conefo) due to open hrre in August next year. Reutrr.
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    • 265 2 Split in Seato as Pakistan joins France over Vietnam crisis LONDON, Wednesday. DIFFERENCES over the Vietnam crisis emerged yesterday between Pakistan and other members of the South-East Asia Treaty Organisation meeting in secret session here, according to well-informed sources. The differences were over interpretation and approach to the settlement of
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    • 137 2 —Wilson's no— to end training of Vietnamese LONDON, Wed— The Prime Minister, Mr. Wilson, yesterday refused to end the training of South Vietnamese officer cadets by BritLsh troops In Malaysia. A left-wing Labour member. Mr. Frank Allaun. had suggested this in the House of Commons so that Britain could "retain
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    • 80 2 JAKARTA, Wed. Presi- i dent Soekarno has set up a presidential assistant body to supervise political parties, according to Antara. The chairman is MajorGeneral Sumarno. the Mln- lster of Home Affairs, with the following members: General A. H. Nasution. Defence Minister; Dr Ruslan Abdulgani.
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    • 331 2 US will soon be able to land whole army in Vietnam CAKJON. Wed. The dispatch of 3.500 more combat troops to Vietnam, announced here on Monday, will give the Inited States military control of all the ports and airfields it needs to land a complete American Army in South Vietnam.
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    • 23 2 NEW DELHI, Wed.— Police .spot checked 180.000 ration cutls citizens use in buy milk and found 18.000 were forged. AP.
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    • 138 2 v jL w. as-- W M j^^^Bjfcji^^^^^^^HßMßHS* 1 v^a-t pP^\_______________^">t§|9 W affi -m t E_ir____| b-_-^^<Mf w I _Sk n ___f 1 nil n < wd__i aaaaaCZmA(vai Bj^Bj atSjaan 9r _^^mI m.^_F I f I J[^«i > < '■**BKJ J&- aaaaaaaaaaaaW aaaaal __^aaaa_ aaaaS aM ?y t lIP II _W
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    • 313 2 Advertisement Lemons tor Ssauty To keep your skin clear and fair you need the natural cleansing and bleaching tonic of lemons. Ask your chemist for a bottle of lemon delph, the latest type skin freshener used by beautiful women throughout the world. Lemon delph makes the complexion, neck and shoulders
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 160 3 Just learning to be an air hostess Till 111. is a lot of hard 1 work behind that cool, calm, collected look every air stewardess has. A dozen Scots girls found this out when they trained for a life in the clouds this week They wore taking part in a
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    • 180 3 "MOSCOW. Wed. Bri- tain, yesterday urgently pressed the Soviet Foreign Ministry for details of the charges to be laid against a London lecturer arrested by the Russians over a week ago for alleged spying. A British note, handed over by the Ambassador. Sir Humphrey
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    • 62 3 Ved. A 13-\eHr-old tound dead In a cupboau' with b pyjama jacket round hit a. itching a television which a i:lii locked I upboard and gagged herwlf, an inquest here was told "It nlatll be thut the Idea was put Into his hend by the
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    • 95 3 HEW YORK Wed Britain's new .V"bassaor to the United States. Sir Patrick Dean. \t. -terday urged Britaln's '.r.'-rd.s to Uirn away from licr past glorh judge the nation on what it was flying today. ■We want to see and hear less of
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    • 28 3 |\V Wed— -Rl!»!:i Will have 190 television eenti tlona serving about 100 million viewers by thr <nd of thll vc;ir. 'hr Soviet Telecommu- Ministry announced Reuter-
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    • 37 3 LONDON. Wed. Howard Spring newspaper rei/orr 9 <b« turned novelist and 'ote th^ beat-wllan "My Son. My Son" and "FHrne is the Spur" died at his home at Falmouth yesterday. He was 75— Reuter.
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    • 159 3 LONDON. Wed THE Government last night took a major step In its battle to pen prio It ordered an tnves in the price ol bread and road haulage by he „l Board for Price> and Incomes This Is an Independent h..ard. headed by ;i former
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    • 23 3 NEW YORK. Wed. Go\' Nelson Rockefeller announced i yesterday that he planned to .-eek a third term of office next year.
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    • 226 3 VOMAN'S BANANAS FOR A PONTIAC DEAL BRISTOL (Connecticut). Wed. A housewife yesterday exchanged 1.395 bananas for a 1962 car. It was ah part of the deal arranged lasi week between Mrs. Bcrnlce Wyszysnkl and a; 1 flealer Joe Degon«e af'.?r Joe agreed to honour nib advertising claim ihat he would
      UPI  -  226 words
    • 283 3 Informer: I saw KKK:man shoot white woman MONTGOMERY, Wednesday. AN undercover F. 8.1, informer yesterday told a 1 1 court at Haynesvijle that he had watched a Ku Klux Klan man shoot dead a white woman civil rights worker. Informer Thomas Rowe was giving evidence for the nrosecution in the
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    • 420 3 I want U.S. troops out: Dominica's rebel leader Santo Domingo, Wed |)OMINICAN insurgent military Leader, Col. Francisco Caamano, sworn in last night as the war-torn Republics provisional President, warned he wanted U.S. troops out so that Dominican nationalism "will not turn anti-American.'' He toid surging crowds in Independence Square here
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    • 75 3 Teachers who are driving buses I ONDOM.— The Gov- eminent is to seek out 1.000 coloured teachers wlio are now wasting their talents as bus drivers and factory workers. Mr. Maurire Foley. Undersecretary of State for Economic Affairs. said the teachers would be sent into coloured areas after they
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    • 63 3 I ON DON. Wed The Queen Mother yesterday opened Britain's flrst International Students' House near Regent's Park. The new £850.000 centre is '.he first project ot the International Student.- Trust. It will provide residential accommodation for 134 students and social, dining and recreational i&cilities
      AP  -  63 words
    • 42 3 H ARROGATE (North England). 1 Wed.— The well-dressed dog of 1965 will be decked out In lacei edged panties. French perfume. nail vanmh and necklaces of real gold. were among items shown at Bntihli exhibition here. Reuter
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    • 20 3 home. wvci. DwwoaUmton protesting ;u:; nn tawrMM In city bases nud cinshikl rli police here vrsterciav DPI
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    • 27 3 TORONTO. Wed.— Four children, all aged under six I died today vtttfl fire destroyed a log house where their family Uv- ea— Rauter
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 508 3 Why Should you take a Life Assurance Policy J* Must people think that a Ufa insurance policy provides only for the payment of a lar;:e sum Insured in the event of death of the pollcvholder. Most people don't realise that an MCIS life assurance policy is an investment It will
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  • 390 4 SINGAPORE, Wed. SINGAPORE, police have smashed an abduction and robIrtv gang, headed by the notorious gangster. Kg Kong Beng, a Taiping jail escapee, who was killed in Singapore last week. Four days of swift raids on gang lairs by the Special Investigations Section of
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  • 379 4 SINGAPORE, Wed. The Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, today said that he was seriously considering reversing an old policy which abandoned responsibility for housing workers in Government service. Personally be thought that policy was wrong and he was prepared to consider
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  • 143 4 SINGAF ORE, Wed.— Five persons, including three children, were Injured In a man-hole explosion at Prlncep Street this morning. Singapore Telephone Board employees were carrying out repairs in the manhole at 11.43 a.m. when the explosion, described as "slight." was sparked off by a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 275 4 f LIDO 's".','of'eNS TOMORROW. IHl^k Sir a George Sanders Dennis Price Charlie Drake ,Nvree Ibwn Pnrtpr«ir riNFMASCOPE TECHNICOLOR" -REX SKY (s >re) OPENS TOMORROW! 1! Z THE KNAVE OF HEARTS GANG LEADER WHO MADE ALL THE WORLD TREMBLE! ■■■■■■■^tJ^^i i I Secret A entß In SCOPE EASTMANCOLOR starring CHANNING POLLOCK
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    • 169 4 NEW PRIMARY SCHOOL m SING f AP RE ggfjg* Deva Nair, the Assemblyp^^ <\ Mou'mein, will open the Balestier Hill West Primary School at 7.30 p.m. on Saturday. GOODWOOD HOTEL CATHAY RESTAURANT Tonight's Floorshow "THE MARK LOUIS" Show < COMMENCING on Friday 7th MAY— for a short season only. j
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    • 541 4 BAHASA KEBANGSAAN BAHASA KITA OI*I\N IO!»\Y 11 am, 1.30. 4 00. 630 930 pm PALACE: Opcnv SatufQoy u SIEVE .lEE ..DON Muuknßemick Murray Ihby the rain must fall SATURDAY MIDNIGHT! Color > i ACADEMY AWARD WIN. BEST DOCUMENTARY FEATURE coi U mbia» 'World Without Sun' JimIIIH.WII k! Now Showing! LAST
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  • 322 5 THEY GRADUATE THIS WEEKEND AFTER 6-MONTH TRAINING COURSE tt-UALA LUMPUR, Wed.- Sarawak's first 38 women police constables have just completed a six-month training course at the Police Depot here. Together with 11 recruits from Malaya, they received training in self-df.fence, law drill, physical exercises and the
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  • 24 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The University of Malaya will hold tts convocation ceremony at Parliament House here at 1030 am. on May 29.
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  • 34 5 SINGAPORE. Wed.— The Minister for Social Affairs. Inche Othman Wok. will lead a team from his Ministry in a soccer m.itch ; the Perak House 4.30 p.m- in PaMr Panjang on Saturdity.
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  • 640 5 Henpecked? Oh no, he merely doesn't like to argue, says wife PCNANG. Wed Wong Tong Chan, wife r of a factory owner, Lee Siew Ngock, told the Sessions court today that between 1953 and 1955 she had three bank accounts which she kept from her husband. ••I did not let
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  • 84 5 Sacked Malay film workers to meet management SINGAPORE. Wed. Re- preservatives of 105 film stars and technicians i sacked by Shaw Brothers' Malay Film Productions will meet the management i on Friday to discuss the i two-month dismissal no- tlces served on them last Friday. Their spoke-sm^n actor Jms Shamsuddin,
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  • 76 5 Road death blast theory IPOH. Wrd. An estate kepala. See Ah Sen. 10. was found lying about 10ft from his badly damaged motor cycle in Cemetery Road, off Gopeng Road, this morning The petrol tank wa.s missing from the machine, hut fragments of it wore found scattered nearby. It is
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  • 53 5 KANGAR Wed. The Deputy Prime Minister. Tun Abdul R.i/nk. will pay a two-day official visit to Perlis this werk-<>nd. Tun Razak will address a mass rally on the ho.spit;tl paiUng on Sunday. On Saturday uirlu he will be entertained to dinner by the Mentrt Besar. 1).
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  • 106 5 Now museum £Ms flag he kept for 23 years T ONDON. Wed For 23 years Ernest Roberts refused to part with the Ur.jon Jack which meant so much to him He acquired the fl 1942 when captured by the Japanese at pore. Ordered to burn it with other flags and
    UPI  -  106 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 265 5 ADSTIM7VAN r\ AUSTIN T PICK-UP 4^M X jS \S^,y .•><%& JwH Be jjjK&J^*^ The AUSTIN 7 *f)J\'|\ f C\ AT\ AT) ID V 7" TVT Z"* 1 V J AUSTIN*COUim»VMAN AUSTIN 7 PICK-UP AUSTIN 7 VAN AUSTIN 7 COUNTRYMAN Here's the most economical wdy of It has 46 cubic feet
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    • 114 5 r |^y| J^ PRESENTS A NEW STAR i ™A f THE BRAND NEW B| BE UP-TO-DATE II f. XjvL^^ WITH B THREE-IN-ONE mV« ~T~ W STYLING"! VV^ \-*&Jt Amazingly accurate to meet your work-day demand* ■tor split-second timing; «xactingly waterprooled MB «nd ruggedly constructed tor sports; y«i. designed In the
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  • 290 6 Build up our national identity: Dr. Toh IfUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Singapore's Deputy Prime Minister, Dr. Toh Chin Chye, said today that Malaysia should first build up its national identity if it wanted to project a a favourable image abroad. Speaking at the opening of an exhibition of Singapore contemporary art
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  • 171 6 JOHORE BAHRU, Wednesday. rpHE Johore Government has finalised plans for the 1 organisation of national language classes throughout the state for all non-Malay government i servants. This is in keeping with a 1 recent government decision to implement the use of the national language in
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  • 79 6 I KUALA LUMPUR. Wed- The Chief of the General StafT of the Malaysian Armed Forces. MajorGen. Dato Abdul Hamid bin Bidin. today visited the Ist- Re- Riment, Malaysian Artillery, and the "th Bn. Royal Malay Regiment i al their camp at Sungei Besi. near hereThe
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  • 28 6 BATU PAHAT. Wed- A i three-day woodbadge i preliminary) course (or cubs and senior scouts will be held at the Diamond Jubilee Park here from tomorrow.
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  • 154 6 Good name The new air chief has served in RAF Transport command for the past two and a half years, first as station commander of its main base at Lynebam, western England, and recently on the operations staff at Command Headquarters If London.
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  • 39 6 SEGAMAT. Wed- The hradmi>tress of Labis Pnnwrv English School. Mrs- Mary Woiir Kee Lim. has been transferred to I Bukit Hampar Enßl^h School. Her place has been taken by Mr S Thaiumaratnam. of Seng H«a High School hrre.
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  • 86 6 Smallholdings: 41,000 acre increase JOHORE BAHRU. Wed.— A total ot 41.766 acres of rubber smallholdings were replanted and new planted in Johore last year. This brings the toul of smallholding* replanted and new planted in the Stale to 243.231 since 1953. according to a report of the Johore Rubber i
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  • 45 6 SINGAPORE. Wed- The Minister for Social Affairs. Incite Othman Wok. and the Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister. Tuan Haji Ya'acob bin Mohamed. will attend a Stale Day celebration at Kampong Tengah community centre in Semoawang Road at 7 pm. on Fri-
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  • 421 6 Visas: Yong urges firm action against Manila SINGAPORE, Wednesday. SINGAPORE'S Minister for Health, Mr. Yong Nyuk Lin, today called for stronger and quicker action by the Central Government to put a stop to further visa insults to Malaysians by the Philippines immigration authorities at Manila. He said the Philippines should
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  • 185 6 Volunteer teachers to be sent to -Sabah KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Minister of Education. Inche Mohamed Khir Johari, announced here today on his return from a three- day visit to Sabah, that volunteer teachers would soon be sent to the State. "For a start, we will call tor about 100
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  • 41 6 IPOH. Wed— Chai Kam San. 20. pleaded guilty today to committing gaiifc robbery with four othen .-till at targe at Cockman Street here an March 24. The cue was postponed to May 19. Cbai til allowed $2,000 ball.
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  • 27 6 KANGAR. Wed- The assistant State Commissioner of Lands and Mines. Inche Ainol Adrian, has been elected pro-tern chali* man of the Perils Civil Defenoa Club.
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  • 137 6 i SINGAPORE, Wed. 'THE Malaysian Gov- ernment is still awaiting a reply from Formosa regarding the repatriation of three stranded Formosan fishermen. The three fishermen— Ng Kong 25. Tan Beng Gee, 21, and Tiew Cheng Pie, 19 wfre intercepted by the Singapore Marine Police in March
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 546 6 At the Bukit Bos> Mine rear the coast in the federation oi Malaya thre« P*H Oi«s«i Etatnc J%!r. n^ shovels a r e loading out the bulk oi 5.000 000 tons o* iron and 10,000.000 ya'ds of waste per year. ""'^•^l P^ m I' BHpiip JBkifc™ Bukit Besi, major source
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 234 7 FIREMEN REJECT LATEST GOVT OFFER IPOH. Wed. Thp Nat--1 muni Union of Fire Fighting Services of Malaya has rejected the latest olTer by the Government to settle its salary claims and is now preparing for a prolonged strike. "We will not settle lor anything less than what we have asked
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  • 56 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Police have ruled out the ixjnmDility of foul play in the tire which destroyed four government quarters ;n Galloway Road here on Monday nmlit. A police spokesman said today thai investigations showed that ih<> fire was caused by a •hort circuit in a
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  • 50 7 SINGAPORE, Wed. A depute relating to the mass di.smi.s,sal ot 340 employees of th» Borneo Co. Ltd. and it* sub.^(UartM it. July last yrar was tod.fv withdrawn from the Industrial Arbitration Court lollowir.g a settlement between the managpmrat and the Singapore Manuiil and Mercantile Worker. 1 Union.
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  • 36 7 KANGAR. Wed*— The chairman of the Perils Hokkion Association. Mr Wong Gin Chooi. yesterday handed a S5OO cheque to the Mentri Be.sar. Dato Sheik Ahmad. ntribution from members v the Nation*! Defence Fund.
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  • 450 7 Jayakan Bahasa Kebangsaan! Hour-a-day lessons for Govt men N-LANGUAGE CAMPAIGN KUALA LUMPUR. Wed (JOVKRNMENT servants in Malaya will be going back to 'school" for one hour a day soon to prepare themselves for the implementation of Malay as the sole official language in September, 1967. The Establishment Office here has
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  • 269 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed In\O Charge d'Attaires left here today to set up Malavsian diplomatic offices in Laeos, Nigeria, and Addis Ababa in Ethiopia. Incne Noor Adlan bin Yuhya Uddin. 25. and Inche Ahmad Faiz bin Abdul Hamid 26. told newsmen before their departure
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  • 62 7 I KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Selangor Stamp Club yesterday I raised $225.10 at an auction sale >: .-'.imps and coins to boost the National Defence Fund. Th«* club secretary. Mr. C. Na- pvajah, said that about 120 item*. 1 first day covers and souvenir coins
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  • 73 7 Union tells politicians: Leave us alone PUS ASH Wed. The general secretary of the National In ion of Government Office Workers Mr. An B Thoon Hock, today urged the Government to impose a ban on politicians and political parties interfering wtth legitimate trade union movements. "This is necessary in the
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  • 64 7 KOI A iIHAKL. Weu. 1 i,e Meiuii Betar of Kelantan. lnri,, Moliamed Ami bin Hail Mudii. will open the timber proMMtag Loth Corporation Ltd. ai Kampong Batu BnU. 47 miles from here, on Friday. Thr company, wlio&p chairman is the lormer Mentri Besar. Dato Bfcjl
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  • 87 7 SINGAPORE. Wed Pm- tensor John Kenneth Galbralth. former U.S. Ambassador to India and currently Prote.ssor of omlcs .v Harvard University. will fly into Singapore on Sunn ree-day visit On Monday he will meet ipore Government i officials, and is scheduled t<> visit development project* in
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  • 180 7 RULE OF LAW WORLD PEACE PLAN I^UALA LUMPUR, Wed. lv The concept of the rule of law is an international programme for world peace, a lawyer, Dato R. P. S. Rajasooria, told Rotarians here today. To achieve world peace all the citizens of the world should be educated and made
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  • 29 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed— The ReclifTuMon Workers Union of Matey;i will hold a dinner at the Mandarin Restaurant in Bukit Bmtanc Road here at 7.30 p.m. on Friday.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 251 7 GRANULES flavoured A new ONE-DOSE ■^i treatment for JlN* ROUNDWORMS f, and M I THREADWORMS PRIPSEN Granules, the new remedy for worms, gives you everything you jl^ ***"^F could ask for in a medicine. Only a SINGLE DOSE of PRIPSEN is needed j^** **f for clearing roundworms and the same
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  • 97 8 Wer«\ til Minimum) MR IT MANUEL. «O Retired i Met Mentor Sanitary Inspector P.W »n<l uncle of G T.f. Panian passed away peacefully on IH-4-6S st l*udukoti. Bouth India MRS. LIM KIM KIAT nee Teo Xfee. passed away peacefully m 4, i:rnadnck Road. Spore If on 2-VM leaving behind
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  • 43 8 IS W»r4t it (Minimum) EM JOY sn evening of sacred music th the Palermo Brothers (recording utKM snd nnnc evangisllst* Monri.lT 10 Tuesday 11 May 730 pm ivntecost Meihodis' Churth. Koon Sena; F.ond Sponxored hv Singapore Youth ?or Christ. Ail weirome
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  • The Straits Times
    • 677 8 A courteous and detailed reply by the secretary of the 1 Road Safety Council to editorial comment on the increased toll of the roads manages nevertheless to avoid the main charge we made. Does tin Ministry of Transiport, we asked, really know I enough about the multitude
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    • 457 8 While denying "most emphatically" that Malaysian visitors to the Philippines have been badly treated, the Filipino Immigration Commissionier has not attempted to explain away any of the specific complaints made by the Singapore Health Minister, Mr. Yong Nyuk Lin, on his own behalf and on behalf of
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    • 161 8 Interest in Malay participation in business and industry will receive one of its biggest single boosts with next month's indigenous peoples' economic congress in Kuala Lumpur. More than 250 delegates from interested organisations in all parts of Malaysia will attend. The value the Government attaches to the congress
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    • 744 8  -  RICHARD HALL Forced to take a militant line against any economic blockade by Southern Rhodesia, Mr, Kaunda will be in the agonising position of a battle commander with lines of communication in enemy country by LUSAKA, Wed AS Mr. Lan Smith's Government in Southern Rhodesia
      744 words
      • 939 8 THE ANSWERS IN SINGAPORE WE refer to the letter by "The Facts' (S.T. April 27) In which he enumerated a number of reasons why doctors are leaving Government service. Had he confined his criticisms to Singapore it would have been much easier to answer him, but his
        939 words
      • 131 8 AN 'EXODUS' OF SPECIALISTS iirE refer to the letter tt "The case for doctors in service" (S.T. April 27 1. We fully support the views expressed in the article as being largely true and accurate of conditions In Singapore. In the last, two years, more than 15 .specialists and doctors
        131 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 728 8 StnrtsT^tftUtyM-il Cl*»*m*4 s«»srssiss«in«t imt M COLO STORASB SUPBRMMKtT Oretisr* (•aaeexleaiet ■>*•«) COLO STOKACMI BRANCHCS Navsl Aathorl..* afltSM CITY BOOK STORK LTO Wlneheatar M*»M, C»Mr*i Qu*r THI NlWf FRONT Fitipelilck's Svp*rni*rkat M. M. ISMAIL S Admiralty Ro*4, MtMl HAMIaTM STOM 141« Upp*r CKanft taM. Klngapor* 17. V RCTNASAMY S> CO j;j
      728 words
    • 46 8 I mmmmmammm^ mmmtmmmmmummmm ■fteeghou) The Renowned CUSTOM TAILORS Styles Cat to the Latest Fashions Hand Tailored Best Workmanship Also Importer* E»po*t«n of CU*s Wort*e<h I Woollen. SINGAPORE: 21, Chulio S»fM», Tel: ***** HONGKONG: Mirodor Mansion, lit Floor. Room No. 8. 54 64. Nathan Rood, Kowloon.
      46 words
    • 124 8 AQXIAMATIC 110 THE INBOARD ENGINE WITH X THE OUTBOARD fesL Rugged and powerful, the Volvo itf PvS^Mvi PenU Aquamatio 110 horte- fvaLvsSCKl power utisfy the requirements .ISk^Cl^Sz^m^i of motor boat enthusiasts. "^S'lW^ 'W r Unequalled fuel economy and (tfiVKfiJkyf^r reliability, electrio hydraulio lift combining with all the me i features
      124 words

  • 893 9 Bargirl's last dive— boatman Murder trial told: Sunny Ang never icent into the water throughout that Tuesday FOURTH DAY OF THE ASSIZE TRIAL SINGAPORE, Wednesday YUSUF bin Ahmad, a boatman, told the Assizes today how his passenger, Jenny Cheok Cheng Kid, 22, disappeared while scuba-diving in the Pulau Dua Straits
    893 words
  • 414 9 Son defends our Jeddah envoy: So unfair... KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. JJAJI Suhaimi Kamaruddin, 25, today came to the defence of his father the Malaysian Ambassador in Jeddah saying it was "grossly unfair" to accuse the Jeddah Embassy of inadequate planning for the arrival of the King and Queen there recently.
    414 words
  • 295 9 An earlier trip... she wasn't a 'skilful' swimmer by island to help in the search. They returned to tht straits with five or six pawangs all of whom dived Into the water. During all this while. Ang. who did not get Into the water, dropped the first tank, used by
    295 words
  • 50 9 SINGAPORE. Wed. A carpenter was slightly Injured today when a police constable's shotgun went off at the Housing and Development Board office at Jalan Limau In Kail ang Estate. Police said that a constable was taking over from his colleague at 11.15 a.m when the Incident occurred.
    50 words
  • 35 9 Typhoid: One more case MALACCA. Wed. One more confirmed case of typhoid has i I been detected at Kampong Ayer Pa' Abas, near Alor Oajah. The patient haa been admitted to the General HoapitaJ her*.
    35 words
  • 57 9 SINGAPORE. Wed. Police j today recovered a safe on the roadside outside the Victoria Institution in Jalan Besar It is not known what the safe t/ntalns. It has an inscription which reads "Dutch East Indies The owner of the safe Is a.sked to contact Inspector
    57 words
  • 38 9 BATU PAH AT. Wed The executive committee of the Johore branch of the Amalgamated National Union of Local Authorities Employee* will hold a meeting at the town council chamber in i Johore Bahru on Friday.
    38 words
  • 269 9 BLAST BY UNION AT ASIAN ESTATE OWNERS KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The All-Malayan Estate Staff Union today accused some Asian estate owners of giving the "worst conditions" of service to clerks, conductor* and dressers employed on their properties. Its general secretary. Mr. T. P. D. Xair. said in a statement: "Some
    269 words
  • 263 9 Singapore to figure in new Monsarrat novel SINGAPORE, Wed. Singapore will be featured as one of the great trading seaports of the world in a historical novel soon to be written by Nicholas Monsarrat, author of the bestseller "The Cruel Sea." Mr. Monsarrat Is now In Singapore on bis way
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 687 9 TV MALAYSIA (Singapura) CHANNEL 5 of the East < repeal broadcast); r-M.: 6.10 Opening and pro- 9.30 The Jack Benny Show; gramme summary In all lan- 9.55 Burkes L«w; 10.50 Lunar guages; 6.15 Belajar-lah Bahasa Bridgehead; 11.20 Musical InKebangsaan; 625 The Three terlude; 11.30 Close. Stooges; 6.44 Radio programme CHANNEL
      687 words

  • 615 10  -  GABRIEL LEE YOUR RECORD DOES HONOUR TO S PORE By SINGAPORE. Wed Yang di-Pertuan Negara, Tun Yusof bin Isluik, today exhorted the Singapore Infantry Regiment to continue safeguarding Malaysia's territorial integrity. fun Yusof told the 2nd Battalion of the SIR
    615 words
  • 118 10 Boy's tetanus death: Police seek Father 1 for inquiry— QINGAPORE. Wed Polii c O are looking for an uddjob labourer so that a Coroner's inquiry into the death of his son can he held. A police spokesman today >aid that Chua SCBf Kwanc. 53, the labourer had shifted from his
    118 words
  • 38 10 SINGAPORE. Wed— The Stnga- port Council of Social Service will hold it-s 7th annual general meetIng at 5.30 p.m. on May 14 in the conference room of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Hill Street.
    38 words
  • 194 10 SINGAPORE. Wed.— j The Comptroller of j Customs. Singapore. Mr. Tan Soo Chye. today clari- fled a report in the Straits Times, regarding new licensing fees enabling 16 firstclass tourist hotels to open their bars till 1 a.m. Ha said that no amendment had been made
    194 words
  • 313 10 Ma h jong cheating cane SINGAPORE. Wednesday 'TWO women and a man. accused of cheating a 67-year-old egg-seller of 82,900 were today called j upon to make their defence by Mr. Eu Cheow Chye, Chief Inspector E. II Sheares. prosecuting, cloned >■ this morning after
    313 words
  • 27 10 SINGAPORE. Wed. Some 130 members of the Rochore Community Centre Vigilante Corps will attend a pirnu- at the Tanah Merah holiday ramp on May 15
    27 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 405 10 NEW LUXURY STYLING NEW INTERIOR FINISH HEW BMW te Quality, Economy, Comfort. Safety, Elegance and Performance these are the 6 outstanding features of the NEW BMW LS. Improved clutch mechanism. SPECIAL OFFER! Very easy Down Payment terms available. SOLE AGENTS:- r^uolo^cn^o.u 7,e~ooanu. UN TI CO M CtAL HOU A f
      405 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 199 10 Mini Oop B,i V.T. Unwnliwt ALLWrXiO "\\mi.,GEE pocAau. i knowis rF r hap akty I I yeh i auess \of course i 1 I awo t*m G£nnm T X KMOWHJirw}Nfr'6O6^,>OU JBRAJNS.I-P NEVER HAVt LET «v SHOULP SHOULP A+X> oT>-UT JX»iLrf I tMO NOVIKINO y^l^J^^l/J >^ ISSl SS^ (^Jf^ ryAi<£ HAVE
      199 words

  • 355 11 All but Peking favour Cambodia talks, says Walker LONDON, Wed 4 LI. the countries in South-East Asia, except Communist, China, warj,t a conference on Cambodia, which has broken relations with the United States. Mr. Patrick Gordon Waiker said in London yesterday. The former British Foreign Secretary was talking to reporters
    Reuter  -  355 words
  • 92 11 IfASBRU. Wed. In Ba>utohii.ds first parliamentary elections tiu- moderate, Western -orientated Basutoland National Party i yesterday scored a narrow victory over the Communist Peking-backed. Congr. Party, the South African iatlon reported. Chief Leabua Jonathan's National Party captured 30 of the p; all-Alrican National Assembly 1
    92 words
  • 32 11 WASHINGTON. Wed— A H«n« Koui! tr:ic!ing firm i. cd all U.S. exiwrt prlvlli reahipping I air conditioner! "'OOO. the Cimimen-i I)c--p.irtmcn' The firm i> In Tr.iclmi: Co L'Pl
    32 words
  • 24 11 B (1 to from K ••nd China for wheat A£2l 250.000 it h-* 1101. c to aell He uter
    24 words
  • 121 11 COMi: of the 16.000 demonstrators carrying placards saying "I won't fight in Vietnam" anil "Stop killing in Vietnam" who marched on Washington last week, to protest against the war. Most of them were college students. Some of them came from as far away as the University
    Mirrorpic  -  121 words
  • 216 11 CAN SALVADOR. Wed. Soldiers are queueing in the streets to give blood as teams of surgeons fight to save hundreds seriously injured in Monday's seven second earthquake which shattered parts of the El Salvador capital and reduced to rubble thousands ol adobe homes.
    Reuter  -  216 words
  • 229 11 ATOM BLAST PLAN FOR I BUILDING A HARBOUR LONDON, Wednesda ATOMIC explosions may be used to blast a harbour for an iron ore port on a desolate stretch of the Western Australian coast. The Times reported today. The newspaper said talks bad been taking place between representatives of Western Australia
    Reuter  -  229 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 238 11 Perma-Sharp stainless steel shaving is here have a HAPPY shave o times more W JP^^'-a. To most men, first shave with a new blade causes skin imtat.on due to the excessive sharpness of tht q m^y f\ f\¥ T\ j£ *2fi^k rt«w blade. With "PERMA-SHARP stainles* steel" this Ol I
      238 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 304 11 Straits Times Crossword BOM 7 Object to writing letters riv1. Wisdom In govfriimFiit in the ing particulars <5> patl -th:s means there s been 8. How sad to have blundered change' >13>. over the case of a lot of poli--10. Random MCCMSM Include m\ 16 7) Mou s invention i3-2-4'.
      304 words

  • 238 12 lIERE'S a recipe for Coffee frosted brownies ideal for packing in a packing basket. The family will love them. Makes 12. 3 oz. (or 3 rounded tablespoons) plain flour; 14 oz. (or 2 heaped tablespoons) cocoa powder. 1 level teaspoon baking powder. 4 oz butter or margarine: 8
    238 words
  • 324 12 yyiIKTIIHR a girl has pretty knees or not and there's no point in arguing about it hemlines are on the rise. Young girls who not long ago would have laughed at the thought of wearing dresses above the knees,
    324 words
  • 363 12 SWEET TALK TURNS SOUR MEMO to ali those dewy little brides who get married shortly. Don't expect the sweet talk to last much longer, will you? The line he uses before you're married has a sad way of toughening up after:— As long as I'm with you darling. 1 don't
    363 words
  • 285 12 CM3R proof that motherhood needn't mean an unflattering step-up in vital statistics, take a look at the number of career women who. after having their babies, still look trim and attractive at work Could every woman do le for every young wife to look a.- lovely
    285 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 134 12 Revlorisnew 'Color CaddyV|liWL 3 full-size lipsticks iiy L' '-'y&L±:'--_j f summer-color cases/ Choose from 3 different 'Color Caddy' CollectionsPale Pastels: Bare Beiffe, Naked Pink, Beach Peach. Lights: Strawberry Vanilla, Coral Vanilla, Powder Pink. Mediums Persian Melon, Butterfly Pink, Tangerine Sherbet. j^^ For all-round beauty care^^^ jf v surround yourself With
      134 words
    • 389 12 r MOTHERS I AKTA-VITE ensures GOOD HEALTH f>w PROPER DEVELOPMENT and /-'22^uJ/\ RESERVES OF ENERGY »o< //fv V every member ot your family j |'[/4f—^ /»-Ji 1 Delicious in hot or cold milk, 'AKTA--1./ <mw\j I y VITf contain* a balanced tornulo of Wj If i^S «s*eiitiol vitamins. > I'
      389 words
    • 196 12 Advertisement POST BAG answering some of yoar beauty problems Beauty for Her Wedding! rest on my nfiUin; day. ,m "v rtutint t» tlvs Give your a rortaigfar'i iotrriMT* trcarment v :>h 'Anoc 1 renrh' Deep nntHingMilk iKiorcjourmedJuiftiliT. It pene" n into the pore* where xup sad Bet cannot teach and
      196 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1301 13 10 LIVERPOOL I WEST COAST U.K.. Due S'pora «a.n Sham Penang ACHILLES liuryeal ci. 15 May J May 1/11 May It CYCLOPS Liverpaal, Glasgow May I May 11 May 12/11 May II PERSEUS Liverpool. Glasgow Kay 12 May 14 DEMOOOCUS Liverpeel, Glasgow May 19 May 21 May 22/25 May 21
      1,301 words
    • 1273 13 THEX. A h£//V£S k EXPRESS SAILINGS TO NEAR EAST. CONTINENT AND SCANDINAVIA H b ram Kerj-g Am Genoa Havra H'Ourg K'oam Antw Copb KAMBODIA k) Sailed la Pt/May 7 1/1 May 25 iim 1 laid I II 14 POONA a) May 11/21 May 22/24 25/21 Juie II 25 li'ie 21
      1,273 words
    • 1208 13 1 BENULINE I 1 ii umiiiiii EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONDON, LIVERPOOL t. CONTINENTAL PORTS DDUIfUAD For Liverpool Juaa 2 i BtNMHOK huii Juie 13 Singapore P S>am Penar^ Antwerp June 17 Ii Pt May 7 May I I Rotterdam June 21 BENLAWERS w. vm j £VS, m°,, s T7 PIM
      1,208 words
    • 1277 13 Igiw ELLERMAH BUCKNALLS.S. CO., LTD. \P*M U.K. /Continent Siagapora P. S'kaea Paaaa« 1 Cinr OF RIPON London, Hamburg, Rotterdam. Havra, Hull ...7. 27/JJ) May Mdf CITY OF COLOMBO Lcndon, Hamburg, Rottercam. Havre, Hull, Imminghan 15/27 Jim Mtmt Cm OF WELLINGTON London, Hamburg, Rotterdam. Havra, Hull, tmningham 25/27 Jaiy M MR|
      1,277 words

  • 0 14
    0 words
  • 122 14 MELBOURNE. Wed. TX7TTH buyers active industrials were steadier today. Rises still outnumbered falls, but with a lesser margin. Some leaders lost ground. Base metal* and oils eased. Mt. Ixa was down Bd. to 335. Bd. Today's elasing prices with Tueaday's attaaa in bracket*. Mount 33 9 (34/3) It.
    122 words
  • 247 14 !Vl'* V first grade rubber f.o.b. buyers closed at 5 p.m. In Singapore and Kuala Lumpur yes-U-rday at 74 cts. per lb., up oneeifhth of a cent on Tuesday's closing level for the position. Tbe tone was inactive. HAS. and F.M.K.E. closing prices in cents per lb. yesterday:
    247 words
  • 26 14 May 5. MALAYAN RIBBER PRICE; 74 cents (up one-eighth of a cent). TIN: 5736.30 (up $7.7.-)). Inofficial estimated offering 210 tons (up 5 tons).
    26 words
  • 616 14 From Our Market Correspondent rpHERE was no improve--1 ment in turnover on the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and the beginning of this month has seen business going to a new record low ebb. Yesterday the largest turnover was only 22.000 shares
    616 words
  • 26 14 Malayan Stock Indice* May 4 M.,v 'Industrials: "t;.14 7."> 07 Tills: ''•">" 95.09 S rubbers: 10:5.7:: IM 73 Dpc. so, 19b:;— ioo Dec. 29. 1962-100
    26 words
  • 798 14 BUSINESS In and reporUd to the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Stock Exchange of Malaysia yesterday, with the number of the shares traded In brackets: INDUSTRIALS: Ounlops (1.000) 51. 44 I). (1.000) »l-44, (1.000) 5t.45; Esso (2.000) 51. 56. (9.000) $1.57: Eno dob.
    798 words
  • 83 14 THE Federation Minister of Finance has fixed these prices for calculating customs duties (or the period from Mai 6 to May 12. Rubber 74 cU. a lb. Copra 5688 a ton. C oconut Oil 51.1164 a ton. Palm Oil $834 a ton. Palm Kernels 5483.75 a ton. The
    83 words
  • 69 14 CHINESE Prortucs Eiehanga, Sinsjapora noon pricsa o*r pleul ytjterdsy: Coconut oil: bulk *04 sellers, drum era Castra: Apr. May UK/Contlnmti ÜbbjsjbMsl, Poppsri Muntok white 5145 aellera. Sarawak white fl42i aellera, aperial Sarawak black Sl22i aallera. garbled l-impong blark $145(N) aellen. AHTA. jl. F )Ti(N) seller*. Sinicapors Coconut Oil
    69 words
  • 271 14 rpllK Straits tin price in 1 Penang yesterday after easing for two days rallied by $7.75 to $736.50, which took it back to just below the highest level for the year to date. The offering was estimated at 210 tons, op five tons.
    271 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1116 14 Y^"*tZ!!!!!^r^AWASAICI RISEN KAISIIA LTD^ > East Canada and O.S.A. Cr«at Lakes Service g Tokonami Monirrai lororlo Detroit trocito "Kumiiawi Marg 11/11 May 21 May 2« Jaa* Mint* SMy II iul* "Kiaiiirani Miru" 11/13 luse 31 Juae 21 Aat Aal M 4ae West Coast of Central/South America Service Vovihama San Jot*
      1,116 words
    • 951 14 AUSTRALIA SERVIGE/NE* tEAUNO INOIA. 1 »N AND C SUL* SERVIC* Freaa.Hi Alelsila. Meileerse Stismi ts. Mslrti ni Ntruittiaaa •vnart •> S'haai S'ewa i'oorn P S'na* Panani BULIMBA* SailcH B/ I May I/IB Miy RAJUIA lift 11 Miy 12 Miy 1) May -KrtU siaa* luae iB/tl laaa RJUUU a lua. laaa
      951 words
    • 357 14 PSHAM SPORE PENANO ETA/ETO ETA/ETD ETA/ETO FROM CALCUTTA, CHALNA A CHITTACONG M.V. "STATE OF KUTCH" tor Adeloxje Geelong, Melbourne, Hobort and Sydney May 7/9 May 10/11 FROM JAPAN M.V. "RATNA MANJUSHREE" tot Calcutta May 13/13 FROM AUSTRALIA S.S. "CAPTAYANNIS" tor Madras ond Calcutto May 19/22 May J4/21 FROM MADRAS. NAGAPATTINAM
      357 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 915 15 fS^^^SSSSSS »^^n-^i^^^^^^^— (Continued from Pagr 81 SITUATIONS VACANT IS Word* SI (Ml*.)— Box SO rts. txtrm WANTED TAMBI. Must know car driving. I'hont (B'pore) ***** for appointments. WANTED by well established firm. Female Typist. State particulars, experience. Box A4nis S.T Spore. WANTED PART-TIME Salesman for TV. Refrigerators and Alrcondltloners. Telephone
      915 words
    • 960 15 SITUATIONS VACANT IS Word* St (Min.)— Box SO et: txtrm WANTED RECEPTIONIST/TYPIST experience not necessary. Apply with latest photo to Kllllney Road. P.O. Box llt>. Singapore 10. WANTED: Graduates/H BC. holders to teach Upper Secondary Classes. Apply Immediately to The Secretary. Board of Governors. Secondary English School. Pontian. FREELANCE CANVASSERS
      960 words
    • 1128 15 ACCOMMODATION VACANT It Word* tt (Ml*.)— Box SO et* txlrm LUXURIOUSLY FURNISHED NEW rial Eng Tal Manalon 3 Bedrooms, (One Alrconditioned) Longbath, Telephone ft Fridge. One year leaae required Rent (500/. Monthly. Apply Telephone (B'pore) ***** Office Houra VUMIN ESTATE a Housing Agency Dept. Two Independent furnished Oats with land
      1,128 words
    • 763 15 EDUCATION It Word* U (Ml*.)— Box tt rts. txtrm HSO, OSC MODEL Answers, t re. list Cboy Enterprise*. P.O. Box 2003. Spore LEARN TYPING under experienced Teachers. Ll-B!nn School, 265-B. New Bridge Road. Spore. MALAY LANGUAQI CLASSES. Just started, for August Exam. Comprehensive notes provided. Graduate Teachers. Pbone (Spore) *****.
      763 words
    • 998 15 VEHICLES FOR SALE It Word* M (Mi*.)— Box U rts. txtrm 1953 ANQLIA DC lux new tyre* and battery on* owner 13.400.00 0.n.0. Phone K.L. *****. 1961 JAGUAR MKM. 3.4 4 new tyres. Insurance Tax January 1066. 41, Scotts Road, Bingapure IX2 CORTINA S3OOO. Quick sale two door. Phone Lt.
      998 words
    • 766 15 AT YOUR SERVICE It Word* U (Ml*.)— Box to ct*. txtrm RING VOUK PLAN Tracings to Motion Sraltß ot Battery Road tor upcedy Prints. Cooscisnuom works guarantied. PHOTO OOPVINO PLAN PRINT INU. Metropolitan Building B«rvim. «v lledelros Building. Blnkitpor*, Tel ***** 408. Cnlna Insumoce Buildin* K.L. Tel *****. Wl COPY
      766 words
    • 660 15 NATIONAL CHAMBER OF MALAYAN MANUFACTURERS The National Chamber of Malayan Manufacturers announces the opening of its new offices on the Bth floor of the new Chartered Bank building, Ampang Road. Kuala Lumpur. Hitherto the National Chamber operated from the office of Messrs. Evatt it Co., a firm of Secretaries and
      660 words
    • 340 15 MUNICIPALITY OF IPOH TENDER NOTICE TENDERS are Invited from registered Class 'B contractors for the execution of earthworks In cut and fill, the construction of roads, drains and culverts and the erection and completion of 16 blocks (181 Units) of Three-room type terrace houses for Area E of the Kampong
      340 words

    • 1495 16 RACING with Epsom Jeep PE N A N G. Wed. Bright Eyes IV, ridden by Maniam. survived an objection in Race 3ix for Class 3 Div. 2 horses over 7f to pay the day's best dividend of $123 for a win ticket here
      1,495 words
    • 2 16
      2 words
    • 632 16 UOXING Boston. Wed. i Heavyweight champion Caasiut, Clay fired the broadside yesterday in whai Is sure to become a three-week war of nerves when he branded Sonny Uston "a dirty lighter" who purposely tried to blind him In their first bout. j Clay
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  632 words
    • 52 16 I ONDON Wed.— Thr 7-1 cIUOM (iulf I'rarl. owned by American J.H. Whitney, won [he Chesrun over 121 and 53yd» at Chester Riddrn by Jimmy Lindlev (iulf Pearl beat Foothill 1 2-1 >by II lengths with the n-io fa. vourito Quintlllian third hall length
      Reuter  -  52 words
    • 509 17 TENGKU CHEERS AS MALAYSIAN YOUTHS TAKE THIRD PLACE WITH 4-1 WIN HK COACH COMPLAINS: MY BOYS ATE TOO MUCH r p)KYO, Wed. Israel captured the Asian Youth soccer tournament championship today in a laultless display of top-grade football which carried them to a 5-9
      Reuter; UPI  -  509 words
    • 499 17  - 26 COACHES ARE READY TO WORK —FOR WHOM? NORMAN SIEBEL by SPORTSFRONT MALAYSIA now has 26 new qualified athletic coaches; young men from ten of the 14 states who have just completed a three-week intensive course at the National Youth Training Centre in Kuala Kubu Bahru. One the eve of
      499 words
    • 261 17 entertain the tourists for four| gain said: "With a deficit of S6OO on our hands, we did not have the resources for such i an undertaking and the MCA would not commit themselves to i r.ce. "In the circumstances the NSCA decided on
      261 words
    • 135 17 Wearnes in hunt again for title SINGAPORE, Wed.— Hong Kong B.u.k'.s tine 2-1 win OWT I B;mk and Cold StoruUf'.s 5-2 at the handa <>f Wcarne Brothers today, if n SBHFA league first i chasnpianahip wide open, i Hongkong Bank and Cold Stor- j .ik.v tevc completed their
      135 words
    • 90 17 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The FAM ein»>rcency committee upheld referee Lee Pak Tongs decision in abandoning the Johore Singapore Joint Services Malaya Cup BMteil :u Sri Gelam field. Johore Bahru. on Apr. 25 because of heavy rain. The competitions committee will fix a new date for the replay.
      90 words
    • 275 17  - SSCM to launch drive to raise $15,000- MANSOOR RAHMAN By ■/"UALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Schools' Sports Council of Malaysia will next week launch their campaign to collect an amount equal to the $15,000 government grant given to them yesterday. T Mori, president of the SSCM told Tlmesport today that the
      275 words
    • 21 17 KUALA LIPIS. Wed. Upta Police Circle will hold their athletic meet at the Clifford Secondary School on May 8
      21 words
    • 113 17 KL'ALA LUMPUR. W«-c!. The i Footb.ll Association ol I sta will accommodate ilr- tcuring Kwong Wah Athle'ic Ass>'riafl< i n of Hnntr Kong for five matches during June 14-20. The visitors, who ir>> on a rt A.s'a t"ur. will have I is drawn fr"m the
      113 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 625 16 ■■■l-iiW-.+WiL'l'H-l THE METAL BOX COMPANY OF MALAYSIA LIMITED Incorporated In Singapore) NOTKK Of LOST SHARE I'K1IM( ATE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tbal ihe Share Certincate No.! ***** tor 759 shares. Distinctive Nns 10H***** to *****244, In the name of MISS CHARLOTTE S. THOMAS has been reported lost or dent roved.
      625 words
    • 471 16 PEMBERITAHU TAWARAN J.K.R. SELANGOR I'AWARAN clarion da Pemtx>rong2 van-- nerdaltur dl-J.K.R. Mm "E" dan ka-utas akan di'.erima di-Prjabai Jurutera Negprt. IKK sHanuor. Kuala Lumpur sH-hintrea pukul 300 DetanK »a>!n lOhb May. 1965 UNTOK: MEMBENA DAN MEN-DIRI-KAN SABUAH PEJABAT UGAMA. DUA <2p UNIT KELAS F QRS. DAN SATf I I NIT
      471 words
    • 809 16 rutJLIC Ar*ruilN I MENTS BP MALAYSIA LIMITED I APPLICATIONS are Innwo irum .suitably qualified Malaysian Citizens for the lollowing positions in BP Malaysia Limited. OrEKATIONS KNGINKER: Candidates should be agea between 25 and io. A Diploma In Mechanical Engineering from Singapore Polytechnic or Higher National Certincate and fluency in the
      809 words
    • 834 16 PUBLIC APPOINTMLNTS MALAYAN RAILWAY ADMINISTRATION VACANCM FOR CIVIL BKMM Applications are invited from Federal Citizens lor appointment as Civil Engineers in ihe Malayan Hallway on a salary scale SC2B x I 34-934 982 x 34-1254 per month plus cost ot living allowance at current rate. 2 The minimum qualifications required
      834 words
    • 847 16 NOTICES HOUSING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD £\humatioa of Graves on Let Hi Mk. I. Stirling Road farmerly known as Cbeang Hoo» lim Barial (.round NOTICE is hereby given thai all the graves on State land Lot 115 Mukim 1. bounded by Stirling Road, Queens way and Anggors Close, formerly known as
      847 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 282 17 a^B '■''^^^■■laa^j C? Model +43« I BP*JH p pcy c quality gives a llmul world of pleasure Model 4436. 23" TV with I /^jj^^^K N automatic brain which l|r Sk^TZQ '^"^-1 H switch on or change chan- »^^^V Model 4310. Up -to date }z &m Wtv Ifflfl design for modern
      282 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 30 17 SUMMARY cm l|Mjh Div I: Chene Wah 1 l»n Kilat "A' 5 NUCW 1 Div 3: NLYC 6 La SalI Nsak Ulv. 1 (T Anaon):, SAS 3 Tamil Youngsters 1.
      30 words
    • 111 17 DIARY ■OCCm Sjor DJv. S: SIA v Umno (Taylor Rd > Jolly Lads v Bungsar Indians (Pudu Rd). Nagri Div. 1: Malays v Chin Woo iS ban Station prtgi. Ipoh Div. 2 Malays v Menglembu (Jn A. Jalil); Div 3 DID v Kilat B Shaw Bros. 'B v Cheng Wah
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  • 50 18 STRASBOURG (Prance). Wed. j A bust ot Sir Winston Churchill u.i unveiled at the tirst "Europe! i lebruiions here today. The uuveiliiiK was the highlight of celebrations commemorating the to mdlng in London 16 years ■fjO of the 18-nation Council of Europe to promote European unity. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 54 18 SINGAPORE, Wed.— The SATA mobile X-ray unit will be stationed at the Kampong Aver Gemuruh Community Centre, Jalnn Diuat Nanas. from tomorrow till May 11 between 4.30 p.m. ami 8 p.m. daily. Residents l:i Kampong Ayer Gemuruh. Jalan Daiat Nanas, Jalan Sakama, and Wing Loong Road can
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  • 43 18 HONG KONG. Wed— Police today investigated the theft of a portrait of Lin Dai. the Hon^ Kong movie queen who brought sadness to her many fans in South-east Asia when she died j from an overdose of sleeping pills List July.
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  • 92 18 Well done, SIR! Tun Yusors personal call SINGAPORE'S Yang di-Pertuan Xegara. Tun Yusof bin Ishak. inspecting a parade mounted by men of the 2nd Bn.. Singapore Infantry Regiment, during his tour of Camp Temasek in Tin Pandan yesterday. Tun Yusof. in the uniform of Colonel of the battalion. is escorted
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  • 51 18 SINGAPORE. Wed.— The Assembhiiian lor Anson, Mr. P. Govlm.u-samy, today declared open national language elocution contest at the Singapore Polytechnic main lecture theatre. The contest is organised by the Singapore Polytechnic Students' Union in conjunction with the National Language Month. The finals will be held on May
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  • 35 18 SINGAPORE. Wed— The Adelphl Hotel has set up an "Open Air Snack Corner" on the roof garden for informal occasions and snacks. It Is open daily from 6 p.m. to midnight except Sunday.
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  • 109 18 T ONDON. Wed. The Li Duke of Edinburgh last night announced a special award for young people working on projects which foster "togetherness" between races. He said that former West Indian diplomat and cricketer Sir Learle Constantine. mountaineer Sir John Hunt, and Ruth Otas. expert
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 241 18 No bosom, decides fashion designer Dali pARIS. Wed. Sur- realist painter Salvador Dali launched himself into the world of fashion design last night with a move entirely to suppress the bosom, replace it with cloth wings and present women as angels. Dali has signed a 10-year contract with an American
    Reuter  -  241 words
  • 40 18 CAIRO. Wed— A trailer loaded with farm workers overturned and fell into a canal at Abshaway ElMalak village in the Nile Delta today, police said. They reported 19 persons were drowned and 11 rescued.— UPl.
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  • 432 18 LONDON. Wed. The stock j markets gave an uncertain pertormance ahead ot tomorrows steel vote and, although there were some stood features, the general tendency towards slightly; lower levels. Falls predominated i on the day. Steels fluctuated within narrow limn-, but closed easier. Ollts
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  • 265 18 Compromise Seato communique agreed to on Vietnam LONDON. Wed. The South-east Asia Treaty Organisation Council today agreed in principle on a compromise communique on American policy in Vietnam. The American Undersecretary of State. Mr. George Ball, said on leaving a nearly twohour secret session of the eight-nation council at Lancaster
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  • 87 18 QAIGON. Wed. South »3 Vietnam today ordered the expulsion of the chief correspondent of the Agence France Presse. Mr. Jean George, halted all French broadcasts, and warned that further diplomatic measures might be taken against France. At the same time. South Vietnamese Gov- eminent workers began tearing
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 46 18 LONDON. Wed "Miss Eng- land" of 1965, Jennifer Gurley. suffered facial injuries today in a motor accident near Gatwick Air port, south of here. I: -a;is the second accident recently for Miss Gurley, 20. who bioke her arm in a fall last week
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  • 354 18 Just fancy that... I ONDON. Wed. A millionaire throw a £3.500 champagne party at Claridges, one of London's most exclusive hotels on Monday night months after his death and five months late. The party, attended b employees. r< friends, was the last Wish of property developer Bernard Sunley, who died
    AP  -  354 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
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    • 135 18 STUDY AT HOME POSTAL yMj TUITION Wf\(^^,\ ENSURE BETTER GRADES, CREDITS AND DISTINCTIONS BY FOLLOWING OUR HOME-STUDY COURSES IN ANY SUBJECT FOR THE FOLLOWING -1965/1966 EXAMINATIONS 1. Higher School Certificate 6. Qualifying Test 2. School Certificate 7. Lower Cert, of Education 3. General Certificate 8. Primary VI 4. Malaysia Certificate
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 32 18 No water areas SINGAPORE. Wed— Water ply to Alexandra Terrace, Pepy.s Road. Pasir Panjang Hill. B;.. Hill and Lebrador Villa Road will shut off from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m on Sunday.
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    • 52 18 THE WEATHER Highest :ind lowest temperature In Malaysia (or the period 8 p.m. Tuesday to 8 p.m. yesterday: Highest Lowest Kuala Lumpur 91 77 Kota Bharu 88 75 Penang 88 73 Ipoh 91 75 I Malacca 86 73 I Singapore 84 73 C. Highlands 72 57 Jesselton 88 73 Kuchlng
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