The Straits Times, 21 April 1965

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 22 1 Average daily certified sale exceeds 135,000 The Straits Times Nat** 01 Estd. 1845 WEDNESDAY. APRIL 21. 1965 15 CENTS KDX 1189 1005
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  • 95 1 Special message from Japan Premier TENGKU Abdul Rahman studying a special message from the Japanese Prime Minister, Mr. E. Sato, at the Residency yesterday. It was handed to him by the Japanese special envoy, Mr. Shojiro Kawashima (left), three hours after his arrival in Kuala Lumpur. Mr. Kawashima discussed the
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  • 96 1 LONDON. Turn Diego Oarda, atoll i" Hie Iniiiiiii Ocean's An hipelajjo. may be cbOKn as 'lie nerve centre of a British-American communications i ii.r.n 'ii prated tiie Indian sub(..iitinent from any Chinese nuclear threat, informed circles here today. I! la one of a number of sit*s in
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  • 1571 1  -  P. KRISHNAN 'PROPOSAL OF GREAT INTEREST TO US' My impression is that President Soekarno very sincerely wants to talk peace and settle the issue amicably. I certainly hope a peaceful settlement can be reached. 9— Mr. Kawashima. By KUALA LUMPUR, Tues TENGKU Abdul Rahman has agreed
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  • 114 1 Angry Tun Khoman leaves Jakarta JAKARTA. Tu«s The Thai Fort-inn Minister, Tun Thanat Khoman. Iff t for home jrestrrriay still lnntinu i\cr the anti-Western tornof Indonesia's AfroAsian i-rlrbrations here. Tun Kho in. i n was the first (IfleKation chief In Wave, passim; up an evenins reception and fireworks display hosted
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  • 31 1 HARWELL •Enuh.mi' Apprentice! at th>' Atomic Bnerg) Htf rrti Establishment her* claimed a new world record todaj -lor irpdina 11.665 ibqw h tnnt niiiehinr In under 12 hours —UPI.
    UPI  -  31 words
  • 56 1 PRESIDENT Soekarno kisses Madam Norodom Sihanouk, \>ilV of Ih c (laiPDodian Head n( Stale, on the cheek on her arrival :il Jajkarta airport with ber hiisl) :i n d The couple are in Indonesi'i to attend the loili anniversary celebrations ol' the Bandoeng
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  • 150 1 Girl of 13: I took mummy' s pills LONDON. Tues. A girl of 13 having an affair took her mother's birth con- trol pills and left aspirins in their place. The mother became preg- i nant. The girl did not. Welfare officer Albert Milhimton told a conference in Sheffield yesterday
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  • 82 1 ALGIERS. Tues. The question of invitations t» Malaysia and the Soviet I Mum to attend the AfroAsian summit conference here in June will he derided by the meeting of Ki.rriun Ministers immediately preceding the summit, the I oiniMj Ministry said here today. The
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 111 1 FRANCE TO QUIT SEATO BANGKOK. Tues. France is expected to withdraw completely from the South-east Asia Treaty Organisation (Seato) in the next few days, according to usually reliable sources here. The sources said an official i announcement of the with- drawal was expected shortly. As a preliminary step, the French
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 64 1 LONDON. Tues.— Lord Mountbatten flew to Malta today begin world-ranging tour ol Commonwealth countries tor talks on immigration into Britain. Lord Moim'battrn. who is Chief I of Britain's Defence Staff, was appointed by the Prune Minister. Mr Harold WUMD to lead the tactfinding mission. He will Vtatl
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 39 1 SINGAPORE Tue.s British Army bomb experts this •vmlO| exploded an Indonesian bomb found on Blakiuu Ma'i Island hiiif t mile :rr>m StngHpore Tin Is the third .<.Hix>ta«e attempt on the island by Indonesian* thl» month.
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  • 33 1 LONDON. Tiles.— Lady Churchill is to 881 l thr house at 28. Hyde Park Gale, where Sir Winston died three months ago. He bought the house in 1954 for £30.000 un
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  • 26 1 new Di.i mi. luet-. inaia s i Information Minister. Mrs. Indira Gandhi, has called lor an mvi 2:ition of monopolistic modi In Indian newspapers
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  • 86 1 LONDON. Tue.s. —A country .-.iHiirc and a chestnut pony, both with the name of Dixie. m<'t in a beer-drinking contest yesterday and the pony won. Sir Wolstan Dixie, .bolder I of I :HM>-.voar-old baronet--1 cy. challenged the pony Us the contost. having seen him drink b<<r on
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 226 1 Shastri scraps his U.S. visit YEW DELHI. Tues. India's Exfc Affairs Minister, Mr. Swaran Singh, told Parliament i ere today that the Prime Minister. Mr Lai Bahadur Shastri, had 'cancellt d" hi^ visit to the United States which President Johnson iad asked him to postpone until the autumn. Mr. Blngt)
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  • 30 1 PEKING WAR CRY I' HIM Tu<v Chiaa'l Parli.imenl! toda called w •rtwMMrt**" and piMtplf throuulmu country to prepare to f'-ii alongside rwnplc of Viet bub ii seeded Rrut.-r
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 51 1 NATK a> o > SEE THE LATEST IflK j \nahapjbUk/ <> I \ll3 MORTHftrTO youngsters like to leap sportswear' Mode o» 100% premium Bcbon cotton, these cotton elastic* insure truc-iite, true fit and ore «hrink-re*i*tont, too. The litctim. colors »toy »re»h and br. 9 ht wo»h offer wo.h. C. K
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    • 46 1 READY FOR OCCUPATION^ MT. ELIZABETH PARK off Orchard Rd TWO STOREY MODERN HOUSES 4 Bedrooms 2 Bathroom* Etc. LIMITED NUMBER LEFT SIN CHEW REALTY LTD. 132 Rochorc Rood, Sport 7 Tel ?300° topsc£3 w for g.vir^t w refreshment stops! C Water qToi r Stopanywhere...anytimeforlively F&N refreshment
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    • 139 2 KUTCH: A HOPE AYUB WILL AGREE TO TALKS YEW DELHI. Tues. Al India said last night she hoped Pakistan i would accept her offer of talks or, the disputed Rann of Ku'.ch, an uninhaoited 10 -mi 1 esquare patch of marsh and mudflat on the India -W c s t
      Reuter  -  139 words
    • 121 2 VIENTIANE. Tues. More than half of the 300 Government troops who t\r•.rrtrd from the Mckhong town of Paksanc. 100 mile* ra>>t of here on Saturday, have surrendered. According to military sourcrs, the soldiers eavc up after warning leaflet* were dropped by the Air
      Reuter  -  121 words
    • 28 2 SEOUL. Tue.-=. About 500 university students clashed with poilee. at Chonju. 130 m:les south of Seoul, toclnv duiwic a demon■tmtloa HR.iinst the Koren-Jap;m diplomatic talks. t'PI-
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    • 72 2 SAIGON. Tues. Eleven Vietnamese were killed and 41 people, including four Americans were wounded last night In an explosion at a bar in Ban Me Thout. 160 miles north-east of here. No details of the incident were Immediately available I here, but authorities said it
      AP  -  72 words
    • 39 2 NEW DELHI. Tue.v India has accepted a Soviet Union offrr of two medium tolMßltten or 500 kilowatts each, the Information and Broadcasting Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi, told Parliament yfstfrdßv. She saw the terms were beirif negotiated
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    • Article, Illustration
      316 2 TOKYO, Tuesday HANOI REJECTS NON-ALIGNED NATIONS' PLEA FOR PEACE TALKS PRESIDENT Ho Chi-minh of North Vietnam last night rejected an appeal by 17 non-aligned countries for negotiations without preconditions on the Vietnam conflict. He also refused mediation by the United Nations. The rejection was announced by
      AP  -  316 words
    • 158 2 lIONG KONG, Tue«. The Yietronff nieriias in South Vietnam last ni*ht vowed to fi*ht on until the last "I" s aegrossor 1 left the country. They also rejected any P*ace talks without their participation "with a decisive role." A communique issued the
      Reuter  -  158 words
    • 60 2 NEW DELHI. Tup.s. Am Di. I jto qpedttkip hrn ewablUhed a cwnp on the S-:utli C 1 26 200 it up Mount Evcrra. according' to a niesvaaf from Its leader. Lieut Commander Kohli. received here today. Tie expodiiidi is l.k.My to srt ;up mm r; mp
      Reuter  -  60 words
    • 297 2 Soek's prophecy and the danger to Australia SYDNEY. Tuesday i T«E Sydney Morning Herald said in an editorial today that President Soekarno made a statement and prophecy in his speech on Sunday which the world and especially Australia will ignore at great cost First. President Soekarno said he would not
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    • 213 2 Brockway: Britain's Vietnam policy humiliating LONDON, Turn YEARLY 20.000 antl--41 nuclear demonstrators cheered a leading Labour peer here yesterday when he characterised the British Government's support of U.S. policy in Vietnam as humiliating. Lord Brockway best known as Fenner Brockway a leading left-wing former Labour M.P. told th» demonstrators: "We
      Reuter  -  213 words
    • 18 2 TOKYi to dr-vHopir.* US$24. 5 I $19 mill, i from iv 'MirH«4 Rru'fr.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 452 2 DONATION W Uky DR*WSg/L«" IN AID OF SINGAPORE ASSOCIATION FOR THE BLIND On S«l. C K. Tanf Robmitm Co Cold Storaf* Sup«rmark«t Lrttle'i Shop Rwurti will b« publ > th«d in TK« Straits Times. Utusan Melayu Nanyang Sian« Pou 1 Sin Ck«w JH Pah on Tuesday Mar lltk 1 965
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 120 3 BERLIN, Tuesday. gERLIN families separated by The Wall yesterday held joyful Easter reunions in :ts shadow. Easter Monday is a holiday in both parts of Germany and 71.422 West Berliners had Com-munist-issued passes to visit their relatives in i East Berlin. They
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    • 31 3 MF.XICO CITY. Tu<- Thirteen people were killed and eight rioualy Injured when a riouc) of giis (mm a re- \ploded into fl.irr n on the Guii oi Mexico-
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    • 23 3 CARDIFF. Turs. Fifty JTOOng y burnpf! the Union J.ick and heard thoir chnirman toll them they must eliminate English aggres-
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    • 152 3 ISHINGTON. Tmv Space M-ii-ntists reportrd last nitilit that Marinrr I was beinc subjected to increasingly heavy bomb arclmcnt by tiny meteorites as it moved farther from the sun and closer t<» Mars. The .">4.")-lb spacecraft's scientific findings during the first half of its >'«-day
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    • 111 3 Latin Lovers such a disappointment pEMI Benussi. a 20-year-ii (I Yugoslav actress from Kijeka. whose first film, made in Italy, will be released in May. She is now in Rome, where she hopes to continue her film career, but says: "I'll v.iit and see how it works out. I can
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    • 200 3 QUEEN'S PORTRAIT HAILED— BUT NOT BY THE PUBLIC ONDON. Tues. An eight-foot painting of Queen Elizabeth, hailed by the Royal Academy as possibly the finest royal paint- ing in a century, has received a mixed public reaction. The full-length painting, "a study of a portrait of Her Majesty the Queen."
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    • 51 3 $4.8 mi1. aid to; journalism NEW YORK. Tues The Ford Foundation h;i.s announced a U.S.SI6 <S4.B* million itrant to the Columbia L'mvi-isuy Gnuiua'r School of Journulfem MfC Thp grant will be used for diogrammes. including the further training of journalists from tin" developing countries ot Afrta BOd L«tlll America.
      Reuter  -  51 words
    • 24 3 LONDON. Tues Mr- Niels Peter Kristensen. Danish President of the International Bf.dminton Federation, died suddenly in Copenhagen- He was 66- Reuter.
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    • 127 3 DRIGHTON. Tues. A policeman on horseback charged into and routed a stone-throwing i-rowd of teenagers riotinK for the second successive tiay at this English seacoast resort yesterday. Hordes of teenagers on scooters and motor-cycles had roared into the town I to ioin 1000 who stayed
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    • 55 3 i^LASGOW. Tues. Truck driver Cyril Bykes, 24. tossed VI a half crown to decide who should pay for his beer in a pub and the coin disappeared Someone else paid Cyril drank his beer Yesterday, suffering from chest pains he visited a doctor who removed the half-crown
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    • 328 3 Easter snow for millions in Europe ONDON. Tues. Spring turned to winter for millions of Easter holidaymakers j yesterday as snow, rain and bitter winds lashed many parts of Europe. Motorists battled throiißh blizzards and hailstorms I in Britain and a spokesman of the Automobile Association commented: "It's more like
      Reuter  -  328 words
    • 27 3 WASHINGTON. Tues. MrAldo Morn. Italian Prime Minister, was welcomed here last night by Mr- Dean Rusk. U.S. Secretary I of State, on his arrival.—Reuter. I
      Reuter  -  27 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 149 3 £rPB Zj S»_^ V V^WKj^' MODEL FA-6000 2» jjkW 'I i I am/sw/sw/Sw/iw/Fm i£? f w^ m k /AMmr AC °0F superio* mgmf >«fORMANCC: 3 SEPARATE IMV IV^W SERVICE STATIONS THROUGHOUT MALAYSIA ..STRIgUTORS FOR MALAYSIA: I KiJ KJ L FEU I Cos TRADinC SOCIETY B IS MB^ m :^&St *"<
      149 words
    • 392 3 NO COAXING NEEDED! NO BRIBING REQUIRED! v s\ /V G7TI CSS &J0 Ja^ Wonder Tonic *~j£ fififl <C with Candy Taste '/S? Eoch Hicee Sweetlet is equivalent to 10 oranges /f*^ HICEE SWEETLETS wUI keep ("*B your child free from colds {~S m i/tv s~ and common ailments. It will
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 376 4 A BOON TO MODERN INDUSTRIES DUNLOP HIGHWAY TYRES PNEUMATIC DISCHARGE EQUIPMENT PRIMROSE SEMI-TRAILER ®ja^ nji -i— g-i MR MEnr E Dr S -Bi: N z DUNLOP ES FOR MERCEDES LS7IO L 532 3» Dunlop Malayan Industries Ltd. are proud that the Malaysian made Highway tyres have been chosen as Original
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  • 138 5 MAP call on Sabah 'a straw in the wind' M\MIA. Turs. Con;rfssman Jn\ it.i lonta. chairman of the North Borneo Panel, tpstirdav described Malaypropo>.tl that the Philippines drop its rlaim to Sabah as "a straw in the wind." ilonta was commentin:; on the recent resolution of the Alliance Party
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 26 5 SUNOSI PATANI. Tues. The 1 S;!ltun of Kocliih will «ttend the < annual lunrh of the United Plant- I ition of Malaya here on i
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  • 49 5 BATU PAHAT. Tues. Mr. soh Ah Teck Alliance MP. for Batu Pahat. has been elected ■liairman of the district national anguage month committee, others electPd were Inche Molamed Dom bin Karto. secretary, md Inche Jamari bin Karyadi, reasurer. Language Month here begins on Saturday-
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  • 49 5 PENANG. Tues. A total of i 904 babies were born in Penang hut month against 173 deaths, according to the latest city health i issued today. Chief causes of mortality were bronchitis, pneumonia and other respiratory diseases which claimed 22 victims and tuberculosis. 15.
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  • 33 5 SINGAPORE. Tues. A seven- 1 man Indian trade delegation sponsored by the Basic Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals and Soaps Export Promotion Council of Bombay, arrives here on Thursday for tour of Malaysia.
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  • 377 5 SELANGOR AWAITS ORDERS FOR ANOTHER 40 On police waiting list: Seven more 'tiger generals' KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. JHIRTY- SEVEN notorious secret society thugs have been restricted to various mukims and districts in Selangor since January under the Prevention of Crimes Ordinance. They include three "tiger generals,"
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  • 31 5 MUAR. Tues. About 600 rell- KUms teachers from all parts of Jobon will attend a get-together to mirk Had Raya Hajt at the Pont lun UMNO premises on April 30.
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  • 65 5 BATO PAHAT, Tues. Five people were today cnarged here with the murder of Wong Ah Chong, 23. a tapper, at Jalan Soga here at 11.30 on Ann! 10 Thpy nre Lim Shin Sensr. 21. Tpw Tinn Lai. 21. Tan Tan* Sing. 18 Cheng Ppur A:
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  • 55 5 KANGAR. Tues. The annual Perlis competition for the bestkept mosque and cemetery in the State will be held in June this year. It will be preceded by a preliminary contest at mukim level from May 22 to May 31. The Perlis Government 1* ottering $2,000 in
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  • 123 5 MUAR. Tues. The Batu Pahat town rouncil is offering five rents for each rat killed or caught by j the public*. Thr response so far. It Is said, had not been "very encouraging The town council is required to submit
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  • 298 5 IOHOfIK B.MIRU. Tues A father of sis today said: "Five-foot ways havr. been our home for some three years. And it looks as though things an- not going to change for some time yet." That was how Inche Abdullah bin Hassan. 38. explained why
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  • 70 5 SINGAPORE, Tues. Police today announced that they had arrested six more pirate taxi operators, to bring to 68 the total number arrested so far this year. All six operators arrested at TangUn Halt Havelock Road. Upper Cross Street and Queensway were chargt-n and convicted in
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  • 27 5 IPOH. Tues. The Sultan and the Raja Perempuan of Peralc will attend the St. Georges Day dinner at the Ipoh Club here on Saturday night.
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  • 91 5 SINGAPORE, Tues. Four motor-cycles and a car were stolen during the last 24 hours. One of the motor-cycles has since been recovered in Tampines Road, a short distance from where it was stolen. Its speedometer was miftfini All the stolen motorcycles are Japanese-made.
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  • 138 5 SIX-TOWN STRIKE BY BANK MEN IN SABAH JESSELTON. Tues—Employees of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation in six towns in Sabah went on strike this morning for higher pay and better working conditions. However, the bank's main office in Jesselton was opened and business was carried on by the European
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 23 5 SUNGEI PATANI. Tues. The Sungei Patani blood bank has received a refrigerator as a gift from Hagemeyer Trading Co.
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  • 140 5 'Passengers' rob three taxi drivers SINGAPORE, Tues. A taxi driver. Ling Ting Sue. was robbed of $10 by two men, one armed with a knife, early today. He had picked up tha "fare" in Desker Road. Police today disclosed that two other drivers had been robbed last Sunday In similar
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  • 41 5 SINGAPORE. Tues. The quota lor the Import into Singapore of wire nails for ;.ie next three-month period starting today will be reduced fr. -n 25 in— rrnt of an Importers proved bw "J for 1963 to 17 vet cent.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 150 5 SheafferS 114I 14 K AIJII m v m s K* m* 1 §IJS IU/§] 1 HHmR Sheaffer's Imperial VIII is the finest among fountain pens! The 14 kt. gold nib is moulded into the barrel for extra strength and beauty— so the pen glides smoothly over the paper. But the
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    • 118 5 IMPERIAL ROOM IPOH GRAND OPENING TODAY BY MANDARIN RESTAURANT LTD. IPOH 28, JALAN ALI PITCHAY For reservations ring ***** BEST PEKING FOOD IN TOWN «jr IV ▼^ffflfiiw ym lL l^J T^~ DO YOU KNOW that the Great Eastern Life with Zits new High Bonus plus Special Maturity Bonus offers the
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  • 178 6 Suicide bid by boy after theft, court told SINGAPORE, Tuesday. J^ SINGAPORE court was today told how a 17-year-old boy tried to commit suicide "out of remorse," alter he had stolen $1,640 worth of goods from the firm that employed him. The ninth coir:t prosecutor. Senior Inspector T.S. Zain. said
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  • 198 6 HIGHER FINES FOR DUMPING OF REFUSE SINGAPORE, Tuesday. rill Ministry of Health today drew the at- tention of the public to the existence of the new Local Government (Conservancy) Regulations under the Local Government Integration Ordinance, 1963. Under the ordinance, any person found guilty of indiscriminate dumping of refuse will
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  • 125 6 SINGAPORE. Tues.— Eight year old school- i boy. John Ang Kwang Ming (above with his I puppy) of Sian Tuan Avenue. has been a lonely boy since last Friday morning the day he lost his pet puppy "Pickle." The dog was a gift from
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  • 114 6 SINGAPORE. Tues. A sajak (poetry reading competition for Malays and non-Malays over the age of 18 will be held next month in conjunction with the 1965 National Language Month. It will be held at the National Library lecture hall on May 12 (semi-finals) and
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  • 49 6 SINGAPORE, Tues. Singapore's Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, and the Minister for Labour. Mr. Jek Yeun Thong, have been invited by the National Trades Union Congress to address Its mass May Day rally to be held at the National Theatre at 10.30 a.m. on May L
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  • 23 6 SINGAPORE. Tues— The Police Band will give a public performance at Kallung Park between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. tomorrow.
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  • 140 6 SINGAPORE. Tues. The secretary of the I British Institute of Civil Engineers. Mr. A. Macdonald (above right), to- I day said he was impressed with the "wonderful" progress in the State since his last visit here seven years ago. Mr. Macdonald. who arrived here
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  • 102 6 SINGAPORE. Tues. A man who has had an inside view of the working of the Legislative Assembly from its Inception in 1955 and whose duties have brought him In close touch with politicians of all parties, will exchange his job for a quiet life
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  • 77 6 SINGAPORE. Tues.— The na- tional convention of Singapore i printers to be held ut the Chinese Chamber of Commerce auditorium I at 7 p.m. on Saturday has receiv- 1 ed response from a total of 180 firms agreeing to take part. < A statement issued
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  • 29 6 SINOAPORE. Tues.— Water will be shut ofT In Jalan Jaralc In Ylo I Chu Rang (Seletar Hill Estate, Phase 6> tomorrow from 9 a.m. to 5 pm.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 517 6 nRPHARn opens ,^PALACE--tomorrow v rHLHUt THE 3 STOOGES' LATEST FULL LENGTH COMEDY ...AND IT'S LOADED WITH LAUGHTER! ■p. i COLJMBU PC'URES -S^jfir/ /^HP/^*^^ All y IHE THREE STOOGES uniMn -vis i-- if J J iJ\ h OPENS TOMORROW! •^J^*j^^J^J^ Tel: 21-116 (SINGAPORE) PETER CUSHING and CHRISTOPHER LEE Screen's Twosome Masters
      517 words
    • 135 6 i, GALA PREMIERE ,i L—ORCHARD THEATRE— WED., 28th APRIL, 1965 at 9.15 p.m. Under The Distinguished Patronage of HE. The Yong di-Ptrtnan Nego a. Tun Yutof bin lihafc ALL PROCEEDS TO THE FESTIVAL OF SPORTS FUND TICKETS AVAILABLE AT ROBINSON'S ft ORCHARD THEATRE Admisiion: Frontstolls $2.00 Bockstolls: $5.00 Hp\ CIRCLE
      135 words
    • 19 6 Today: 1.30-3.30-7.00 1 9.30 p.m. Helen Shoptro Bobby Vee I "SWING ME ROUND". Tomorrow: "Goodbye Chorlia" Color scope;. I
      19 words
    • 264 6 ticketVselling"fas"hurry"book now: 2 CONSECUTIVE LADIES ONLY PREVIEWS on SATURDAY 24th SUNDAY 25th APRIL at 9.00 a.m. atshaws LIDO THEATRE Singapore POPULAR PRICES: Circle $2.00 A Stall! $1 —No Free Litt Rock has Doris. ■•M/^JfL Just where she J* ?£T^.\ wants him...! ROCIO\ DORiS/ TONY m* ■K® "udson Day BaNDaii: S^f
      264 words
    • 527 6 organisation; [NOW MIOUIM.! 11 am. 1.43. 4. 6 iO 4 »13 Sylvia Syms Edward Judd June Ritchie Wil'iom HartnaO THE WORLD TEN TIMES OVER NEXT CHANGE MGM "presentf Shelley Foborei Gory Cmtry Mor^Ann Mobley P'vision, color *1 LAST HAY!!! I ■I 11 am, 1.45, 4, 6 30 9 30 «.m.
      527 words

  • 538 7 PENANG, Tuesday. POLICE officer told the High Court here today one of four armed robbers opened fire at him before running out of the Pulau Tikus branch of Malayan Banking Ltd. on the afternoon of Oct. 9 last
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  • 60 7 SINGAPORE. Tue-. A mason. Ptiua Ah Kow. S3. who received .serious inluricv. in a road eccident 15 months ago. was awarded Sl4.G:i2 damans In the High yesterday. .ird « Bgmlnat a clrivpr. Chin Joo Gpp Phua'.s motor-cyclo ua.s in colDsion '.uth Chin's car in
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  • 107 7 300 brave rain to join armed forces JOHORE BAHRU, Tues More than 300 youths braved rain this morning to respond to a recruiting drive for the three wings of the Malaysian armed forces A recruiting team was at the Johore English College to enlist youths into the Royal Malaysian Air
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  • 68 7 PENANG, Tues. An "exile." Pane Yokr Kirn. was today \uled for six months for breaking a restricted wrtdtnw order served on him 18 months a«o. Pang. 30. pleaded uuiity. Woman Inspector. Koh Swee Liar, told the court he had been ordered to suiy in Buttorv.orti; lor
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  • 33 7 BATU PA HAT. Tues.— The We!farr Department here has given Rid to 10 families at Parit Ya'ant. 20 milo.s from here, whose houses were damaged by a whirlwind week.
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  • 135 7 JMALA LL'MPIR. Tues. IV The Minister of Kclucation. Inche Mobamnl Khir Johari. said today that the comprehensive education system was bein? implemented to end thr glorification of "white collar" job "This can do only if our s( hi <>l <>>stfm which provides
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  • 704 7 What 10 years of public life has taught me: By Kuan Yew SINGAPORE. Tues SINGAPORE'S Prime Minister, \ir. Lee Kuan Yew. has said that if Malaysians continued to be tolerant of one another ultimately a multi-racial society with a great deal of common values will emerge. He told a largo
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  • 256 7 PORT SWETTENHAM. Tuesday. THE New Zealand frigate. HMNZS Otago. will make a four-day visit here for the first time tomorrow. The anti-submarine frigatt is part of Now Zealand's contrib'ition to the Commonwealth strategic Reserve I operating in the Far Ea*-t. f The 2.500-ton frigate
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  • 106 7 DEN.WO Tues. Two youths accused of robbing a jewellery shop of Over 522.000 worth oi watches, fountain pens and cigarette lighters, were dis- '< charged today when the prosecution offered no evidence against them. Senior Inspector Mohamed V:»- sin bin Yasof told
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  • 77 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Four senior MaluyMan civil scrvimts will j leave for Britain tomorrow on a month-long tour to study Utc developmem oi industrial estates there. They are. Mr Cheah Boh Eye, assistant Slntp Secretary- of Pfii- an?. Inche Suki bin Abdul Kadir, assistant Stale
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  • 36 7 SINGAPORE. Tues— Pltty-two I people were today fined between ',$5 and SlOO today for failing to I furnish returns of their last year's income to the Income Tax De- p.irtment. AH ptaMtod RUilty.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 180 7 bienveni dos^r, ll'" 1^ V^^^B 1 EXTENDED [sWJzZJKk BY POPULAR DEM AND Xj^/j|^, TOHITE NIGHTLY w h 8.30 p.m. to 12 p.m. (except Sunday) SPANISH FOOD WINES Served during Luncheon Dinner. EVENING 'ENTERTAINMENT BY SPANISH ARTISTES LOS CASraUNOS MARIA MORENO. TABLE RESERVATION PHONE. 2810. FRANKIE BLAINES >/j^v/ THS MOST THfi/UMG
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 146 7 Mhif Onp I**l V.T. It am tin RfijT *B_L 19 THERE STILL <k.WY POUBT f MlM^l AOTAN hm^HO** 5 YEpC A^W IKrlt Trartf f/t/ Ihvstvr limit <t rT >% i I lill I 1 n ca«v untf* i DON'T Y~\ r NOW- V I KILLED MV 1T I >WftNTWV T
      146 words

  • 197 8 Telecoms warns: Don't pay money to strangers i: UALA LUMPUR, Tues. Thousands of leaflets have been distributed to telephone .subscribers and applicants urging them not to make payments to unauthorised persons any service rendera precaution to rd the public and the department, the Director of Telecommunications. Selungor (teflon. Haji Mokhtar
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  • 80 8 Tues. A member of the Vii;il.inlr Corps. Inche Jais bin Abdullah, of Alor Gajah district, yesterday rccciv<(l a cheque for 8200 from ihr Central Government. Inche tali was injured in the neck by shotgun pellets while on patrol in i Solok Serban Hi.jau. Sungei Siput.
    80 words
  • 57 8 SINGAPORE. Tues. The Assemblyman lor Mountbatten. Mr. Ne Yeow Chong. and members of the Mountbatten citizens' consultative committee and vigilante corps will visit residents along the i-oastal area of the constituency lrom Rhu Cross to Haig Road on Sunday morning. The visit Is in connection
    57 words
  • 244 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Tv«« r [WO leading African politicians will arrive here in the next few days, the Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, said today. They are Mr. Mongi Slim, political adviser to the Tunisian President, and Mr. Simon Kapwrpwe. Minister of Foreign
    244 words
  • 25 8 I PARIT BUNTAR, Tues. The Assistant MinUter of Education. Mr- L<*e Siok Yew, today visited MCA branches at Bagan Serai *r.d Tanjong Piandang.
    25 words
  • 143 8 SINGAPORE. Tues. The Yang di-Per-tuan Negara, Tun Yusof bin Ishak, will open Singapore's National Language Month af the Victoria Theatre here on Friday. The ceremony will begin with a speech by Inche Ghazali bin Ismail, chairman o f the 25-man National Language
    143 words
  • 46 8 SINGAPORE, Tues.— Ne Win« Hcng. 55. was charged today with illegal cultivation of 115 plants ■of ganja (Indian hemp) in KamI pong Jambatan Sembilan off Loiong Chuan. 1 Ng. who was arrested by Custom* officers yesterday pleaded not guilty and was allowed bail.
    46 words
  • 102 8 Youth is accused of $20,000 robbery bid »"UALA LUMPUR. Tues A 19-year old unemployed youth, Liv Ah Kow alia.s Liv Peng Lam, pleaded not j guilty here today to a charge of attempted robbery of $20,000. He was alleged to have attetnp- j ted to rob Gurdial Singh, a watch-
    102 words
  • 36 8 SINGAPORE. Tue*. Singapore's Deputy Prime Minister. Dr. Toll Chin Ch'yc. will open the Sin Pin Thai Chi Physical Culture Institution at a ceremony at Manila Street Community Centre at 9 p.m. on Saurday.
    36 words
  • 211 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The inventor of the New Initial Teaching Alphabet. Sir > James Pitman, will ex- plain the alphabet to educationists on his arrival here on Saturday. The alphabet, which has 44 lower case characters, is designed to ease the task
    211 words
  • 168 8 SINGAPORE. Tues. A protest rally being caUed by the National Trades Union Congress tomorrow at the National Theatre will be asked to sanction a general resolution calling on the Singapore Gov- ii miHiit to settle all outI standing claims involving employees in the
    168 words
  • 24 8 j KLUANG, Tues. The Kluang Club will hold an Easter dance on j Saturday at its club-house in Jalan Mengkibol here.
    24 words
  • 236 8 Slow-down on the east-west road: Lack of funds IPOH. Tues. Work 1 on Malaya's bigpest road project— th« 179 -mile east west road linking Perak and Trengganu has been slowed down by shortage of funds. This was confirmed today by the State Engineer, Perak. Mr. Thong Kay Chor. He said
    236 words
  • 50 8 SYDNEY, Tues. An A.xi.«n student. Barbara Four. 18. an Arts student, has become th« I first, ChloeM cirl ever to take pan in Sydney Univer.sity revup. I She la In the chorus line o* "First. No Pinky 11 which start* at the Union Theatre tomorrow.
    50 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 214 8 THE F.E.M. PARADE OF 'QUALITY-MANUFACTURED' REPLACEMENT PARTS motor vehicle 188 consumption and cte^ §fik P rUWtK STOP ■H if!jrQi *r aJ 1■! I^k 1 1 1 1 1 "T» r*^^^v Another safety device foe I The POWER of yowr vehicle depends j > r -.r->r>ri u«i*it kuH»n. or sccessones, Jrm
      214 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 47 8 Kuyx Itunny I*!J Haiph Hvimdahl U-iV^rULzJbM I ftj I r v =AH.I PESSOT: Yt^ZZZS ONLY I f vt i L J± -I i J <m\ AP-ER >OL, PcTUMA: O*Sf EMPTY SEAT P N| MANNERS^ l-IEtJ |i V ~V j {gfAM&s) I'M A GENTLE WAn.^ W ~>V^U l~"^3
      47 words

  • 117 9 Bum-boat men move in— tents and a11... SINGAPORE. Tue« DECK passengers? No. the tents on this ship, the 33.354--ton Soviet Kus>ia. have been pitched b\ Singapore's enterprisinu bum-boat hawkers. Thr hawkers arc taking advantase of the tact that the 534 ir«w members of the 21 -ship Russian whaling fleet now
    Ali Yusniv  -  117 words
  • 85 9 Come, speak to me... MRS. Orekhova Tatyana. 24. a former teacher in Vladivostok who threw up her career to seek 'adventure" as an interpreter on board the whaler. Soviet Russia. i Mrs. Tatyana. married to a miner in her home town, taught Knclish in school and is glad to speak
    85 words
  • 68 9 pENANG Tues. About 1 800 tons of tuna the biggest single shipment of its kind so far were loaded into the freighter Lloyd Bakke In Penang harbour today. 1 The tish- consigned by Malayan Marine Industries, is destined for California "Tlu> la ,i
    68 words
  • 153 9 Teachers to discuss formation of a single union I/UALA LUMPUR. Tues. The Malayan Teachers NatioDal Congress will meet here on April 30 to discuss the formation of a single union for teachers in place of I about 30 splinter unions. The secretary-eeneral ot the congress. Mrs. V R. BhuDalan. today
    153 words
  • 375 9 'Deliberately vague': A verdict on tin pact buffer provisions I'MTL'D NATIONS. TUBS v The lir.-t hall Ol tlie i prop'j>ed 20.000-ion builer .stock ol tin will have to be contricuted by the producing countries when the Tin Council holds its first meeting In London under the new !ive-vcar agreement, but
    Reuter  -  375 words
  • 21 9 PENANO I in. rommi* r M at ;hf v uncil will h"!<i Hr.tdMttten la MrfiAluter Ro«d next; Tuesday. I
    21 words
  • 173 9 Govt to make Penang another Honolulu pENANG. Tues. 1 part of its plan to open up more beaches to boost tourism, the State Government is to discourage the building of houses on the seaward side of Penang Island. Announcing; this today the Chief Minister. Data Wong Pr,w Ne >;iid that
    173 words
  • 137 9 pENANG. Tues. In--1 dia'? only woman marathon cyclist. 19--yrar-old Bikander Bibl Joan, will attempt to ride non-stop for three days m an exhibition on the esplanade here starting at. 5 p.m. or, May 7. The exhibition, under th# patronage ol the Mayor. Mr C,
    137 words
  • 33 9 POR I BWBTTENHAM The Minister ol TnuMpa o Surdon bm Hajl .lubir. i the new SI 7 million Port Suettrmliiim Authority <>inre at tii* North Slang Strata tvT»« on Saturday
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 123 9 V you don't need k jfl to know the language! and what a way to go! Bombay, Karachi*. Naples and Genoa, t00! all on your way to Euro pa the Italiano way! Lloyd Triestino makes a fabulous difference with all the charm and graciousness that is so typically Italian! Your
      123 words
    • 308 9 Ik Hh '•isi-'-'v (if* ft tiA MIMbV > *v u j^^^Bl B^BVbP^^ .^u^i^iEi^^BS^Ba Biß^B^B^l B^B^&^u^m '''^^^^HB^B^BB^B^BoSbB^B^hE I^B^B^B^blb^B^blH I fHf 1 s^ggflß^^^'^^ l^g^j*j^>*^/^jjjß3BjßMß^B^B^» flF^ >)^3B^S*%^(^ jfe^kl hKj^^P k BK> w 'ii™jF3& s&isM am <Jb^Hß^: WSstii* jßh !*<'•■«? '■■■■< $m B^Bl 'jSbJMt' y* BK i^^^^Jl Ikl Ikl fill Ikl f I llJhtfvP^^^
      308 words

  • 103 10 OODCEON Ir. fi:n<-.pore or Mtl 1 a orirf I 1 KONIi SAM TMOW atari c puatd iIS Corteici 1 r.oMd. Kaala THE FRENCH EMBASSY IBMtW 1 (riendi- of the late Mr Jo-epl ,d at J pm today. Wedn«-> John Manaa. Kuala Uimhe >ent to tbe neral Hospital Mortuary t*-tor.
    103 words
  • 126 10 <*•-,', Minimum, MR AND MRS. Kd».ir<l Scow th-nk. raa fur -rifir vmataati The.r wedding l.n A MRS PtMt V. c Hua' lMin« ■rlaata and ralaaUf (Mi ob I.c orcajlton Of lh»;r I MR A MRS U'lostun Ja.ohs thask <nm and IriendJ for their prataMa, »ttend»n.e at*a> ■heir ueddin^ OS
    126 words
  • The Straits Times
    • 591 10 Chinese fireworks and Indonesian rodomantade between them ifanlinyid at the annijversary celebration! in Jakarta most of the littlo that was loft in Indonesia of the spirit of Bandoeng. The iirst ot the ten principles established by the i ßandoeng conference pledged the respect ol Afro- Asian
      591 words
    • 393 10 The annouruement by the Minister of Agriculture and Co-operatives, Haji Ghazaii Jawi. that the Government will give a ruling on trawler fishing by the end of the month, is much to be welcomed. At present, a provisional ban on trawling is in i orce. But ships are being
      393 words
    • 231 10 A 550-ton coaster launched at Singapore at the weekend represents the State's most ambitious shipbuilding venture yet. but it is not likely to retain its record for long. Larger craft will follow as the new i industry gains experience and i jis the merits of Singapore iminufacture
      231 words
    • 74 10 ILTHAT has happen- ed to the investigation followirg reports of police discrimination at the MacDonald House explosion? When a charge has been made and an investigation promised is it too much to rxpect a statement from the auth- orlty concerned? Citizens have a right to
      74 words
    • 114 10 I COMPLETELY disagree E with "Citizen- 'S.T. April 1»» that the police should ignore lniormation about bombs irom peopie who telephone but ret use to leave a name and address. Most of these anonymous calls may be from hoaxers, but it is possible that a real saboteur may
      114 words
    • 92 10 I HAVE visited several it the Government's outdoor clinics and appreciate the patience and hard work of the doctors and staff. Recently, however, I visited a clinic in Thomson Road at about 3.20 p.m. I was told the doctor had already seen his quota of thirty patients for
      92 words
    • 67 10 STUDENTS sitting for the L.C.E. are not being allowed to choase their subject*. I know of boys who wanted to take Mathematic 11. only to be told that a teacher could not be provided because not enough students were interested. The boys were forced to take art. in
      67 words
    • 56 10 rIE number of letters being "swallowed" by the postal service appears to be ever on tre increase. In the last fortnight I have failed to receive at at least four letters posted various places in the Federation. Since these are ordinary letters. I am. afraid, the Postal Department
      56 words
    • 165 10 I REFER to Mr. F. Sims letter <S.T. March 6) concerning lifts In Housing Board estates being untidy. I wish to point out that the Housing Board has these lifts cleaned daily in the morning by its .staff. It has been found that the untidiness in the
      165 words
  • 523 10  - LEARNING MALAY— 72 YUNUS MARiS By M.A. University of Malaya VOCABULARY: Lemah (ad> ne&k: jadi. menjudi ivi to become; kenisi (nt chair; penrerusi mi chairman; chepat (aj. adv) —early, quick, fast: slni (adj. advt here; rii-sinl (prep, ph) here: tabu iv» to know: •#mua ( all: khtdmat, berkhldmat (vt to
    523 words
  • 993 10  - The new broom in British Guiana JOHiN CROCKER ■hiiu-l \r.\A\ In Ml .ill (In if Mceflwry to romplelr thr prrlini'n.iry wore. mi .i fi\<--yi\ir (Irvrlopinrnt pi. in 'No more killings every day, no more houses burning every night' By Georgetown, B. Guiana, Tues THE new c o a I i
    993 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 570 10 CLASSIFIED ADS. M *>r4. Iff 'tfiniOTuml M Wmrdm Sii r Minimum > WEE KOH Ma Mr I an.l Hn Kf fARQUMAH MONTACUE JONES ANNOUNCEMENTS Mnrd, ill /Minimum' BLIND BAZAAR Ihli Tear of tM our 1/U'k m.iT break, you t. win a tar at the Bntiab Stall ROYAL ACADEMY of I'an.lni
      570 words
    • 115 10 Tht swiss Echo 463 Reverberation Echo Chamber 'Built with the same precision of a fine Swiss watch". T>,, new SWISSECHO 463 :>ed>s the model 462 which is no* withdrawn. The SWISSECHO 463 he« 4 Inputs individual v o lum« Cortro: and Eclvj. Top* Switch for «v«r i ctf*r sound reverberation.
      115 words
    • 196 10 IN TAIPEI the m PRESIDENT HOTEL IS TAIWAN'S NKWhST. MOST 1.1 RIOI S' \Mi IRGEST HOTI I W P*■» B 9. I W MM MtM VT. m I W V I ar Bat rat W W jp I *<** tfMW^^^^HaTßß^^'^BQf I (iracion* Orifntal MMpiol fv -md imprccablft \rr\irc jKjit \(>u
      196 words

  • 321 11 SINGAPORE. Turn. SYED KECHIK: NO CLAMP— IT'S TWISTING THE FACTS WE OBJECT TO SINGAPORE'S Deputy Prime Minister, Dr. Toh Chin Chye, was today challenged to show "one instance" where the Alliance had tried to restrict illegally PAP. moves to disseminate its views in other Malaysian
    321 words
  • 79 11 SINGAPORE. Tues. A Singapore businessman, Mr. Horst Werner, won the major tournament in the i Singapore Chess FederaI tlon's chess congre&s which ended last Sunday. > Runner-up was v Batu Pahat I school teacher. Inche Husin bin Sida. while the third place was tied between Mr.
    79 words
  • 67 11 IPOH. Tues- The Riiia Perempuan of P^rak. who is the patron I 'of the Pcrti k Girls Guides Association "ill entertain a visiting p;irty of 33 Thai Girl Guides, in- cludinc six Americans from Bane- Ink, at the Istana Iskand.iriah m Ku.i.a Kangsar on Sunday. Tlic
    67 words
  • 37 11 Opium— s2oo KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Ng Chit Tin. 51. was fined $200. or six montlis' mil. here today for having 1 1 packets of prepared opium and utensils at his home in Jal;m on April 12.
    37 words
  • 195 11 Varsity don quits as Barisan leader SINGAPORE, Tues. Dr. Lee Ek Chong has resigned as vicechairman of the Barisan Sosialis after his appointment as head of the Dentistry Department of the University of Singapore. Dr. Lee explained In his letter of resignation that he had been "overloaded with work" and
    195 words
  • 58 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues An economic adviser with the United Nations left here today after "routine talks" with the Government on economic development in the country Mr. V M Bhatt. :>2. a ape v-ial assistant to Ecafe. declined to elaborate on the discussions. He returned to
    58 words
  • 262 11 Union claims in 500,000 words TWESE two stacks of notes 1 containing more than 500.000 words have been sent by Singapore's 20.000--stronic Amalgamated Union of Public Employees to the Kuala Lumpur-based Joint Malaysian Commis>ion on Salaries and Working Conditiuns in the Civil Service. I'hcv arc taller than the union's secretary-general.
    262 words
  • 72 11 17-UALA LUMPUR. Tuev An Australian fre.-h fruit mission and a group of manufacturers are due here to study marketing arrangements and the Drospects lor the fresh fruit trade. The group of manu- fuct'.irpr.s. who.^e tour la organbod by the We^ Australia Chamber of Manufacturers, will arrive
    72 words
  • 212 11 BLACK GLOVES GANG GRABS $2,800 If C ALA LUMPUR, Tues.— i Six men. wearing black gloves, forced their way iiuo a general goods shop in Bukit Bintang Road bere last night and robbed the owner and his family of $1,000 and jewellery worth $1,800. The shop owner. Mr. Ng Kee
    212 words
  • 84 11 2 hurt in kampong blaze CINGAPORE. Tues A 21--year-old man and a four-year-old girl were slightly burnt this morning in a small fire which partly gutted an attap hut in a kampong ofl Farrer Road and made 21 people homeless. Thr fire. wMttl nrok w M 10.22 i m ri.imaerri
    84 words
  • 254 11 Days of confusion at Nantah over: Minister SINGAPORE, Tues. The Minister for Education. Mr. Ong Pang Boon, said today that "days of confusion and turbulence" were over for Nanyang University. He was speaking at the Victoria Theatre. befor* opening: a premiere of the three-day run of a Chlnr.s* drama staged
    254 words
  • 35 11 muar. rues iiv M<-rtrt Johore. Datu Ha H,..v san bin Rajl Yunos, will open live mtmpift three clinics. community hull and drainaf* scheme costing over $100,000 la the district hiTp mi Mondnv
    35 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 111 11 £illlllllllliillllllllilllllllllillllllllllllll Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'- BALOPTIK Here are lenses of corrected curve that are truly of fine 5 quality. And they cost no extra. Choose from harmonious eye-prote-ctive tints of Soft-Lite, Ray-Ban Green and Ray-Ban Gray or White See your optician about Baloptik 5 lenses today. E Remember-look for this breathe-on TradeMork from
      111 words
    • 120 11 tHb 1 m W World-Wide W High Fashion A^M/' > B A breath-taking collection of high fastvon* "^^^H^.J^? .■from around the world fabulous m ]^K2[?s^^ B design and fabric: exclusively created by j^Hflf Bsusan Small of '.ondon and Robinson's j^ t^H^B L a blend of oophisticated suits and l~%Wj M
      120 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 90 11 The Tides TODAY: Sedtli Kechil 1.37 a.m. (7.oft): Singapore 1.17 a.m (B.9ft i 241 (7.3ft>; Port Dtckson 9.11 sun. (7.5 ft) !'4l p.m. «7 7ft Port Swetter.ham 8.33 a.m. < 11.3 ft > 8.31 pjß 111 3ft); Penanp 3.14 a.m 1.11 p.m. (7 7ft 1 TOMORROW: Sedill Kechil 12.14
      90 words
    • 589 11 TV MALAYSIA (Malaya) Channel b ki A P. Pinanc (with sub-title In Malay); 7.35 6 1 1 in 1 1 M.ii ««t:i Jack Benny; 8.00 News iii Man--2.00 pm.. Test pattern; 5.15 chum; 8.10 Music with Veens; Test pattern and music; 5.45 834 Sword of Freedom entitOpening and programme sum-
      589 words

    • 378 12 IJJIVERSEY (Far East) Lid.. Singapore^ a company specialising in cleansing chemicals to ensure hygiene in industry and public establishments, is ready to start production. A director. Mr! S.R. Parker, who announced i this, said that the company was now awaiting I approval of
      378 words
    • 235 12 JAPAN PAINT FIRM IN BID FOR MORE SALES THE executive director of a Japanese paint company which claims to hold a commanding lead In sales over its Japanese rivals was in Singapore last week to promote more business. Mr. Yoshizo Sugawara said his company. Kansai Paint Co. Ltd.. did 30
      235 words
    • 104 12 Technician to study UK radar operation MALAYSIAN marine technician left !>ingapore last week for Britain to learn the latest techniques for radar and communication:* equipment for ■OiipN and the operation of data loggers for ships. Mr. (hong Knong Ka> chief national Marine Co. Ltd.. Singapore, will take the radar course
      104 words
    • 215 12 MOBIL'S STAFF TRAINING PROJECT MOBIL Renning Co. Malaysia Ltd. is starting its staff s wscruitment programme for its Jurong refinery which will produce 21.000 barrels per day. More than 130 Malaysians will be employed and trained in the coming months. Tr ey will include engineers, operations technicians, laboratory technicians and
      215 words
    • 99 12 The Bank of America. Singapore, are opening two new branches the manager Mr. J.D. van Oenen announced. The first of the new branches opened yesterday, is tern- 1 porarily sited at 376. Orchard Road, while the second branch is scheduled to be opened at the Juronsj
      99 words
    • 113 12 AN aluminium .storage tank, said io be the largest ever made in Malaysia, has been built in Singapore by the aluminium factory of Diethelm and Co. Ltd. The tank, nine feet in diameter and 14 feet long. Is for Revertox Ltd. Kluanq. Constructed of 3 16-inch aluminium
      113 words
    • 136 12 rills is one of tin- tuo new drilling riss to be u-rd li\ Shell in its oil si-.m-h operations in the waters off Ihe toast of Sar.iwak. Sabah and Brunei now beiiiff built at the Mitsubishi >ard in Japan. The floating drilling platform consists of three gigantic
      136 words
    • 240 12 A BRITISH company is introducing to Malaysia a range of polyvinyl chloride products to assist in providing cheaper low cost houses and rural development, as well as greater efficiency in. mining operations. The company is Yorkshire Imperial Plastics Ltd. whose products. PVC pipes, fittinps
      240 words
    • 123 12 Sales sought in Malaysia for bread machines JAPANESE company. Ohikirt Machine Wortu Co. Ltd.. ts ■asking msrfeat m Itelajnli for bakery man. One sci ol equipment, comprising high ipeea heavy da;.? vertical mixer, a moulding machine, an automatic Maud civ;der and rounder, and torrid oven, was demonstrated nt the premises
      123 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 270 12 TURNERS KEEP THINGS MOVING THROUGHOUT MALAYSIA ■ggl T6|NERS FLAT TRANSMISSION BUTING IKB MIL s^£^%m,tisd- < Jt^ ,^l For more than 70 years, Turners have supplied the right belt for the right Job to industries that demand strong, flexible, durable and trouble free belting. Turners beltings are made from the finest
      270 words
      127 words

    • 96 13 FLEEING students fall off to a ditch along a side alley in Seoul as polict tried to block their demonstration denouncing the Government's handling of normalisitiion talks with Japan on April 16. Police arrested 475 people non-students among whom were teenagers suspected of helping the students
      96 words
    • 74 13 rrOKYO, Tues. A man j A was killed and five' people injured, three seriously, by an earth- quake which shook Central Japan today. The dead man was working near a building in Aichi. about 150 miles south-west of Tokyo, when the quake struck. A
      Reuter  -  74 words
    • 93 13 MANILA. Tue.s. tion Naclonalista Party i leaders yesterday jeered President Macapagal for j announcing that he would .sign a new minimum wage measure presented to I h' n on March 30 into law on May 1, Labour Day. Senator Arturo Tolentino said "That would be
      93 words
    • 24 13 PARIS. Tue.s. A 21-yoiir-old loot ba Her. Daniel Paris, collapsed and died yesterday jusi alter scoring Roal in a lotiil match—Reuter.
      24 words
    • 165 13 Stevenson: Peking attitude bars her from the U.N. YEW YORK, Tues. Chinese member^ ship of the United Nations cannot be considered while the "present state of mind" exists in Peking, Mr. Adlai Stevenson, United States representative to the U.N.. stated last night. The Peking regime wants to destroy the world
      Reuter; AP  -  165 words
    • 118 13 Tito gets U hero's welcome in Algeria pONSTANTINE (Algeria). \j Tuts. President Ahmed Ben Bella of Algeria and President Tito of Yugoslavia told a crowd of 300,000 yesterday their friendship was indestructible. Mr. Ben Bella said President Tito was a hero who fully deserved the hero's welcome in this East
      UPI  -  118 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 139 13 53bs^t- ftp 'yffilniTiMfflnni SEtf il 'ill B£-^ff-ha<KaWK&Ba Wjß IMI F- ==S^^= VISODATE mm Wft HERE ARE THE SEVEN ESSENTIAL QUALITIES OF THE SEASTAR 7 A one-piece case; a thinner and smarter watch. Better waterproofness. Elimination of corrosion. An original and luxurious watch. Completely new presentation. Unbeatable price range. World
      139 words
    • 140 13 ■I 3 IN ALL LEADING STORES j TOOLS Tune in on FASTER COMPLETIONS The Ingersoll-Rand air tool line can help you finish hundreds of jobs faster (because each tool has the right combination of weight and power). Jackhamer drills, paving breakers, diggers tampers, sump pumps— whatever you need, we have
      140 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 262 13 Straits Times Crossword ACBOSS 7. Whistles, for example, dls1. Peculiar olf actions for muslco- cerned In space (10). logl-sts (5. 3-2). 8. Like a Oreek god head In 8. Food In a cab (4). the Muses' mount! (10). 10. Sound of one who chooses, 12. Records made up by a
      262 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 941 14 ItrTfTT^Tt^W^'i'j a;u M a ia f^' onlinurd Irom I". me ISi SITUATIONS VACANT I aTasaH M (Him.)— Box Sit rt*. rxtrm EXPERIENCED CAR SALESMAN I' O Hox 92. CNCLISM SPCAKINC WAITRESSES setuß In Jobore i,r interview. SALESMEN WANTEO to sell to families. Commission basis. Phoae B'porc K2958, 10 12
      941 words
    • 1008 14 ACCOMMODATION VACANT li Wordt Him.)— Box SO rls. tiir,, ROOMS "tli cooklnic ficllitles In- assaaag. nuitarile Cnlversity om- mile from University ***** NEW KATONC REST HOUSE 107 Marine Parart. H'pore. Tel *****. aaaafjfcl room $i, *4. double tuitbroom attached $10, ft t\ IMMEDIATE OCCUPATION, spacious rooms in terrace house
      1,008 words
    • 915 14 HOUSES LAND FOR SALE It II „r < ilin.i rr« .i'"i FOR SALE ni l> •urmj.i.M] MBfjej. II Phone in- ro7ii Tnrii OFF BELMONT ROAO 111 chi I iiedruon. iiathrooms ,:l 12.H1H1 MJ ft Freehold land. Dttvid Phoa A r,«. VaKssrs 4 E^lale V^rtii^ r.-l B (-ore 7 W23 74S?H
      915 words
    • 885 14 WANTED TO PURCHASE sTasetl <« Him I Bnx SI rin extra WANTEO TO PURCHASE Second- i ILinn Airrond'tmner Reply lo PO 65k WANTED AMY MAKE Jod n s IMI Maawra ma caaMtej jro]»<tor. r*hooe Isi MNI "-I »unie WANTED 1 (5 Wnril\ < I Iflil.) Hox if txlrm 150 STOMPED
      885 words
    • 992 14 VEHICLES FOR SALE Word* .<« Him.)— Box in rrv »r(rn FORO ZEPHYR 1955. (iood runninx ii V'm 4— X pin Small. I A.'.. in Drl«« I wrr 1952 FORO CONSUL. Overall condtion very i\x»X I'ri..- -Tiki 0.a.0 37. MORRIS OXFORO Wsjllajej i.v: 19...J (Jootl i-ondmon contact Mr B T.-l: H
      992 words
    • 966 14 VEHICLES FOR SALE Horrf* s« Him t— Box 5» rts. rxtrn i VISIT CHANCI AUTO SCRVICE rai» l.un deposit. Hiii'-rtir<'tu*r teflata Peroonnel r oi .•M.tiv. serrtee can m Ij-.--l i I'rtUKi K0.i.1 S ixtrt opt>osil< Irl V.-1103. Ilu4 MERCEDES IMO. >- ord Cori.r.. 4 Dm lb«:< Isu/u Dmsji en. Kiat
      966 words
    • 411 14 ORCHIDS I »»rrf« H '»*>• I -Box S» rf« *\t'n a kl»l UF \>.«!.>vMti jnuio rfyorid* 1 iIISM iwn:<> rassWHeal m Voon Boa iiuon aeaiksMi al feV> dus: tr— .mi. to UamnaUea alanacer. Strall j iMSjaja Hrrtf |M< Ltd. I im»S Uoum. t!i%»t Vi,«v Ko»a. «DOr« W. P.W.D. DUNGUN TENDER
      411 words
    • 81 14 GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR A COMMERCIAL CAREER EVENING AND DAY CLASSES PART-TIME OR FULLTIME ■'f Business Administration Book-keeping, Accountancy Company Secretaryship Banking; Commerce If Private Secretarial Practice Stenographers' Certificate Shorthand Theory/Speed Typewriting and Audio-typing School Cert, of Commercial Education Malay; Commercial English English for Q.T. and higher exams. Apply for details
      81 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1238 15 TC LIVERPOOL ft WEST COAST B.K.i p,,, s'oora «nn SliM) »*>»»• MEHESTHEU9 LiruN, Glasgow Gdi. 13 Apr 22 Apr 23,23 Apr 20 ELPEMOR Li.frpeel, A.opmouth Ml /4 Apr 21 Apr 11/ I May I ASTTANAI L.erpeM. Dublin Apr 21 May 2 UTOIYCUS literpMl. Dublin. A'mouti... "*1 21 May 21 May
      1,238 words
    • 1261 15 KmMJMMMM HkMMU^M^BMJMM^^MMIIfIHOMM^/^LB^^MBjiWA T//£-L.Hbl//VfS ii I Juliana. a;.j c^ EXPRESS SAILINGS TO HEAR EASI, CONTINENT AND SC.WDINAVIA: S'pori P. S'r<nß Penang Arr: Genoa Havre M'burg Roam Aru« Coph Patagena a' G. 31 Apr 21 Apr 22/24 25 21 May II 21 May 30 lull I 4 10 KMMedia 1} Apr 29/
      1,261 words
    • 1217 15 j BENULINE I EXPRESS lEIYICE 10 LBWOON, LintPODL C4NTINEHIAL KORI* BENMACDHUI >*> uwtoji ;n.i S.n tt p O r. P. S'tuj. p*m«, 'SSSSmm i"S I li Part/Teday Antwerp mm For London May 11 RFNVAI T A Antwerp May 11 DbnTAiiliA Hamburg May 22 r S'hai* Pening Rotterdam Miy 21 II
      1,217 words
    • 1282 15 togfe*. ELLERMAN BUCKHALL S.S. CO., LTO. r*^ U.K^GMiHrieinr %<»„.**. r. S'nani f<*n CASTIIIAN •iavra. I'M*. H 'berf. r«M C. S-7 23 Apr cm or GUSGon untm, Htors, b-m«, mm krangeaMNPU ***** A«t 21 Afr CITY Of UPON tonooa Mtaotert, RotteroM Havre, Hull 19/27 May aa CITT Of COIOMIO Lb.<t,.<« njniDMt,
      1,282 words

  • 870 16 From Our Market Correspondent INDUSTRIALS continued 1 to be steady on the Stock Exchange of Malaysia yesterday, but turnover was extremely poor Fourteen counters improved in prire tains ranging from one to four cents. Reports of possible peace talks between Malaysia and
    870 words
  • 27 16 Malayan Slock Indirrs Apr. ID Apr. 20 •Industrials: 76.65 76.87 Tins: 96.36 96.11 S rubbers: 103.40 103.40 "Dee. 30. l<i«i 100. Dec 29, 1!,.,'! inn
    27 words
  • 245 16 AY drst trade rnbbrr f.g.b. iTi buyers elo*ed at 5 p.m. in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur yesterday at 73-\ cents per Ib.. down three-eighths of a rent on Thursday's closing Irvrl for the position. The tone was dull. R.A.S. and F.M.R.E. closing prict-s in cents p»-r Ih. yesterday:
    245 words
  • 97 16 SHIPS lying alonKKlde the Slnga|K>r* harbour wharves or asaMMa] Ma* are: fcinquilino Kisk 10/11;* -'1/22; Carronbunk U/19: l*:it.i>;oni.« '•nt.ilir 44: Str.Klt M..^elh:..n H/M; President Jnrkson 42/43: Victor!! 45: Uentong N.W. 1; Lrtonc .N.W. 4. Port Swettenham: Wharf Berths: Segamat. Lahinjk. Nairn, Kortunu Wind. New Wharf Berths:
    97 words
  • 69 16 /"■HINESE Produce Eicrtann*. Bln,i. pore noen prices per picul yntir. day: Coconut alii bulk $62 acllera. drum vra. Copra: Apr./ May: WC/Continent: Unquoted. Pepper: Muntok white «l!5O sellers, Imnl white $H7j aaßata, pp-.iai ■aiajamfe black $130 seller-. Lampoiitf black $14?) (N> sellers. ASIA IMMN) sellers. Singapore Coconut Oil
    69 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1133 16 y—^^^Tkawasaki risen kaisha LTiy* Bast C«i—a« and U.S.A. Grant Ukaa S«rvlc« Yokorama Montreal loronte Uaunl Cmcir* •«i-n»a« Mara" 11/1] May 2t May »Jm M lim S July It My i van" 1113 Icm ?S Jum 71 tuly lAaj I An it Witt Coast of Camtval/Sotatb Amtrin Bw*%— Yokohama San Jou
      1,133 words
    • 957 16 I*°IoRIENTl LINES j ROUND VOYAGE TO MANILA HONG KONG S.S. "CATHAY" Departs: Penang 10 May 1965 P. Swettenham 11 May 196S Singapore 13 May 196S For Manna '7/18 Moy, Hon? Kong 20/24 Moy Returns:— Singapore 28 May 1965 P. Swettenham 30 May 1965 Penon,- 31 May 1965 Fare From:— Penang
      957 words
    • 392 16 WILHELMSEN LINES RUM: ScaMinaviai ail Ctinaeitai Parts tar laitKW ait Htaj mat >-tnan» f, S'ha<a Spot THEBEN (Calls Pusan. jacanj 21 Apr/ 1 May THEKMOPUAE rCalls Manna) Wi Mat 14/U May U/11 Mat TARN (Calls Pusan. Japan) n,n Ml* BARBER LINE FROM U.S.A. GULr AND WEST COA»1 PORIS. TEMERIIRI 26
      392 words
      449 words

  • 762 17 NESS m and reported to the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur Ing rooms ol the Stock Exkjc ol Malaysia yesterday, ;he number ot the shares traded in brackets: INDUSTRIALS: C»ld fters (7,000) Uuni. M (i.uooi i 1.49: Basil Smtlt i( iiuui 13.671; EM* (1.50 SL. I1.M; E»» y> Cta.
    762 words
  • 26 17 April 20. MALAYAN RUBBER PRICE: 731 cents (down three-eighths of a rent) TIN: $721.12} (down 51.12J). I'nofticial estimated offering 200 tons (down 10 tons)
    26 words
  • 248 17 April N. Three months INDUSTRIALS: Boiiste.m Id (Ml M. Box lo it* City Dcv I eta, M. Invt y eta US. Holdiogs N Iron !< its. eta. o.c.bc, h tta I'unlou II! <ts. Koixnaon 111 Ma K. Smelters M cti. Rothman.t In eta KMO 12 rta, San t
    248 words
  • 55 17 'THE present rate o.' the Malayan dollar against the pound sterling fixed on November :i last year is Selling TT or OD Wi 15 16 d.. Buying TT 2s. 1 led. Buring OD H. 4 1 Bd. Mi. dollar is at its statutory middle position in rrlation to
    55 words
  • 37 17 ON the frrt exchanga market in Hong Xoni; on Saturday the U.S. iltllar mi quoted at 5.761 for T.T. md 3.T4i for cash. tttrling wan ijuoird at 16.U3 ,v..l mi tatl of cold at -M,
    37 words
  • 14 17 Melbourne Stock Exchange will reopen today after the long Easter holiday break.
    14 words
  • 13 17 All Malayan Exchange Banks' Association rates to merchants ere unchanged yesterday.
    13 words
  • 372 17 The niorninn se>sion of the Malayan Rubbrr Market yesler--1 day was slow to open after the 1 lone holidays. Levels were about unclianged to slightly lower with overseas showing little support. Covering interest for No one. two. and three RSS for Russian
    372 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 279 17 NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I, Ooh Teck See of N0:— 122. Tembellng Road, Singapore. ha\e applied for a Retail Shop licence In respect of premises No: 122, Tembellng Road. Singapore, and that this application will be heard in the Court of the District Judge and First Magistrate, Criminal
      279 words
    • 802 17 UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE LOCAL EXAMINATIONS SYNDICATE UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA rxiVERSITY OF SINGAPORE Joint Examination for the HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE AND G.C.E. 19b6 for candidates in (he States of Malaya and in Singapore Subjrcts in tin Medium of Malay 1. In a. id a'er 1966, certain subjects will set in the
      802 words
    • 787 17 NOTICES SINGAPORE LAND INVESTMENT CO. LTD. SECOND CALL At a meeting of the directors ci Singapore Land 6z Investment Company Limited held on Ist March 1965 it was resolved that j a Call of 10 cents per share be made payable on 4th June 1965 by Shareholders on the register
      787 words
    • 1777 17 NOTICES i REMINDER "ROSE" "CORONET" PROPERTI MLt: TODAY J™£* general AT ..30 I .M. public, our customers, dealers and 1 Nos 55 55A. Zion Road distributors, as well as our agents. Singapore. that with effect 15th April. 1965. o m«c d«A v r. o^h 'he manufacturers of -ROSE ffa nnr
      1,777 words
    • 654 17 KUALA LUMPUR KEPONG AMALGAMATED LIMITED MX. J. W. A. CALVER ON SUBSTANTIALLY INCKEASED PRODICTION The Fitly Emhih Annual Gen- i Malay.i mcroa.-pd over the pn> eral meeting of Kuala Lumpur- vious year out because ol our Kepong Amalgamated Limited will greater productivity we were ab.e be held on May 6
      654 words

    • 375 18 GEORGETOWN, Tuesday. J^ MAGNIFICENT bowling performance by lanky offspinner Lance Gibbs sent the Australians tottering to virtual defeat by the close of play on the third day of the third cricket Test here yesterday. As a result, Australia, set to
      375 words
    • 185 18 W. INDIES Ut Inns 355 AUSTRALIA Ist Inns 179 W. INDIES 2nd Inns Huntr c Orout b Hawke Davis b McKenzie 17 Kan ha i b McKenzie Butcher b Hawke IB None st Orout b Phllpott Sober* c Simpson b Phllpott 42 Solomon c Simpson b Phllpott 11 Ilrndriks
      185 words
    • 106 18 LONDON. Tues. Jim Clark of Scotland, in a Lotus. won the 100-mile International Trophy! race lor Formula One cars at Goodwood yesterday and Just in time too. His car suffered a puncture just after crossing the j finish line. Clark's time for the 42-lap race was
      106 words
    • 58 18 NAIROBI. Tues. The Kenyan brothers. Joeiiidur and Jaswant Singh, driving a Volvo, were ye«t«rday contirmed as winners ol the 3.152-mile Nairobi Safari. For the first time in the event. Kenya drivers beat off all overseas d'allengers to take the first sevc.i piiicps. Runners-up were lan Jaffrey
      Reuter  -  58 words
    • 347 18 UNITED HAVE EASIEST TASK NOW IN TITLE RACE -SOCCER ROUND-UP LONDON, Tuesday. MANCHESTER United leapt into the leadership iT of the English First Division here yesterday when they beat Birmingham City 4-2 and the two teams above them, Chelsea and Leeds, were both beaten. Yesterday's victory makos Manchester United favourites
      347 words
    • 207 18 Derek Leek, their right-half. WK« sent off after 24 minutes. At vlie bottom of the table, Welsh club lime, with rel«* tfation looming large, snatched a 4-3 away win over Derby County, but this did not help their league position, for Portsmouth, second from bottom,
      Reuter  -  207 words
    • 31 18 Knight beats newcomer BOURNEMOUTH. Tues. Bilrj KnUht. the defending champion, ft«*at Australian newcomer Bi>",toa Bmlh s-l. 6-0. 6-0 in the Mist round of the British hard BOOH rennb championships here je.->twda\.
      31 words
    • 274 18 LONDON, Tues. The Barbarians' hopes of winning all our of their Easter matches in South W;ilos for the Brf lint ilnce 1949 were dashed at St Heens yesterday when Sauiisl., oca hem by one penalty, one dropped ;oal and one try to one goal
      274 words
    • 985 18 LONDON, Tues. Results of I nehsh football league matches played venter <la> FIRST DIVISION Arsenal 3 Blackpool 1 Birmingham 2 Man. Vnited 4 Blackburn 3 Tottenham 1 l ulii i in 1 Everton 1 Leicester 1 Aston Villa I Liverpool 2 Chelsea 9 Sheff. Wed. 3
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1686 18 NOTICES TOWN BOAPDS ENACTMENT IPOH MUNICIPAL COUNCIL NOTICE UNDER hfcCTIO.N 137. NOIICE IS HKKKB* UIVeLN tlmt it is propofja unaet Section 144 ol vie Town Boara Kn*ctmeut iPJJ.b Cap. 137) to Aioecd Uie Ipod approved Town ~>lan No. B. i puolistieu as notihcatton No. 2846 In the Peaerateo vituav States
      1,686 words
    • 10 18 ANACIN STOPS HEADACHES FASTEST-LONGEST a doctor's prescription against pain 37/2
      10 words

    • 82 19 Jesselton upset Sandakan for Cup [ESSELTON. TUM. Jesselton regu'ned the Hone Cup on Sunday when it beat the hotly-favoured Sandakan team 4-1 In the key MCCtt match ol the annual battle for .spurts supremacy between the two town.s. The Cup Is being competed for in basketball, tennis, badminton and soccer.
      82 words
    • 64 19 IPOH. Tues. The Pei ak Amateur Athletic Association who vill be celebrating their 40th an- 1 iveisiry r.e\t year, appeal to i.iise associated with the asiociaioii from its early days in IP2S r ininjaziiic materials to put up i souvenir programme. Contribution of articles should ie
      64 words
    • 379 19 STIPE'S REPORT f THE Btlpendlarj Steward* report on la>t Sunday'l racing at Kuala Lumpur, last day of theSelangor Turf Club April meeting. Is: RACE I. 2. 3: Nothing to report. I! \l I 1: After parsing the winning post the llrst time Moxham (Noble Choice I
      379 words
    • 372 19  -  FRANCIS EMMANUEL By Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday I WANT YOUTH TEAM TO WIN ANDCHEE KEONG TO BE RATED TOP PLAYER J).VI Ilai un bin Haji Idris, manager of the Malaysian Youth soccer team, today spoke of his two-fold mission as leader of the team for
      372 words
    • 253 19 RACING... WITH STIPE'S REPORT 4USTRAUAN jockey Keith Moxham had MM ot his best meetings at Kuala Lumpur, topping the jockeys' list with live winners. Keith haj» moved up third In the jockeys' table with 14 winners, and his mounts .show a nice
      253 words
    • 332 19 KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday. LMS league and Cup champions Umno Youths drew 1-1 in their first division league match with, Police Depot at Princes Road today mainly through ilit* efYorts of a player who was making his second and last league appearance for
      332 words
    • 80 19 PENANG, Tues. A fine second half displayed enabled Singapore to beat Kelantan 62-56 to become the Group B champions in the Malay- 1 sian Youth basketball championships at the Hun Chiang High School Hall line last night. Singapore will now meet Johore. the Group
      80 words
    • 41 19 si.oil.. I lies. Japan boal I nrniosa 7!»-Jl .md South Korra i:iilpl.tvrd tlie I'liilippinrs 98-28 in opening matches of the lirst Asian NMl'i haskctball championship liriiiu pla>rtl here. Ma tin- other rounlr>. liad no match today. A. l*.
      41 words
    • 214 19 Thailand wants cut in Games costs KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— Thailand has asked Malaysia to reduce the length of the Third South East Asia Peninsular Games here in December from eight to seven days. V Rajaratnam. secretary of the SEAP Games Secretariat, said today. Luang Sukhum Nayapradtt. vicepresident of the Olympic
      214 words
    • 56 19 SOCCER Kampar Div. 1: Idris Hydraulic 5 Pcrait Hydro 0. Div. 2: Kota Bharu Est 4 Tutorial Institute 2. Perak Div. 2: KED 5 NUCW 2. Div. 3: Cheng Wan 5 Lasallians 1: Shaw Bros B wo. PTCSC. Negri League: Chin Woo 5 S'ban Rangers 0 HOCKKY Prrak Div.
      56 words
    • 281 19 I JUBLJANA. Vu g o slavia, Tues China carried off both the men's SwaythHng Cup and the women's Corbillon Cup team events in finals against Japan at the World table tennis championship here last night. The Chines* girls started with an unexpectedly overwhelming victory by
      281 words
    • 85 19 T ONDON, Tues. In a photo Lj finish lister Prince, owned by Mr. E. Ellis, won the Queen's Prize run over two miles at Kempton Park yesterday Mrs S Jacobson's Fet wax *econd and Lord Astor's Grey of Fillodrn third of six runners. In another photo finish
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 14 19 PERMA-SHARP STAINLESS STEEL fHctiOII FREE Packet of two 50 C Dispenser of five $1.20
      14 words
    • 181 19 FA 2© 58 De Witt's ANTACID POWDER taken in water-SOON STOPS INDIGESTION |V"^< SUpjißß^l Fast action prompt relief— quickly \;< iCjUwwv^M soothes your upset stomach. Soon [^■"■'rr'n you're enjoying your meals again I >l |iNDJo«Ti? N< So get some DeWitt s Antacid §v< SSU"S^ Powder NOW! |i !p! DeWiitt s
      181 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 98 19 DIARY SOCCER Spore Biiatness Houses F.\ Uiv 1: Hong Kong v Cold Storage (Spore pads tie >. Dlv 3: Jardine Waugh v Shell: STC v Bata <both matches at Fnrrer Parlo. Div 3: NTB v Slme Darby (Oeylang): PECT v eingapura (Balrstier Rd>. S'gor Div. 2: EIA v SEA (Taylor
      98 words

  • 134 20 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Britain's Minister of Defence for the Royal Navy, Mr. Christopher Mayhew, said here today that Britain was conscious Malaysia's defence requirements but money rather than goodwill was her main problem. He w;v> -peaking to reat the airport on hi.s arrival here on
    134 words
  • 22 20 MX WEE KIM CHAI. IOM 18 )io«r i m ts. I'.loxhc ViT»«r"» fhlir. h in.l th«< to T 1 f m
    22 words
  • 256 20 Asri: Kelantan will fight Indonesian aggression KOT.\ KHAKI 1 IK'S. I llf Kelantan Me n Ir i Besar, [ncfae Bloha* nicnl Asri bin Haji 'Muda, said lodav thai his Stale stands together with other Stales to meet Indonesian aggression. Inche Asri. who is also acting president of the Pan-Malayan Islamic
    256 words
  • 117 20 SINGAPORE. Tues. Applications lor a new scholarship, valued at SI. BOO a year is now open to former students of the AnuloChinese School to enable one ot them to pursue his turtles at the University ol Singapore. The Singapore Anglo-Chinese School Old Boys" Association today
    117 words
  • 398 20 LONDON. Tues. The outstanding 1 c.i line of the slock markets today was the marked strength ot v;ilt-edKed. due to talk of an early reduction in the Bank Kate. Also helping was a further improvement in sterling on renewed consideration of the Prime Minister's forceful
    398 words
  • 52 20 LONDON. Tues. Spot 22 1 ,d, May 22 5 16d.. June 22 1 16d.. July 21 15 16d.. July Sept. 2P,d., Oct Dec. 21 ,d.. Jan March 21\d.. April June 21 9 16d.. July Sept 219 16d.. Oct. Dec. 21' d.. c.l.f. May 21 hid.. June 21 -d. Tone:
    52 words
  • 27 20 LONDON. Tues— Buyers £1485. sellers C 1490. Forward buyers £1449. sellers £1450. Settlement £1505. Turnover am 205 tons. p.m. 150 tons. Tone: Steady at the decline.
    27 words
  • 575 20  - Mistake to aid Soek: Senator V. K. CHIN 'HE IS A FAKE WHO SHOULD BE TREATED AS A COMMUNIST' i KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. AMERICAN Senator Thomas J. Dodd flew in today for a threeday visit and describe d President Soekarno as a "fake who should be treated as a Communist
    575 words
  • 36 20 SINGAPORE. Tues.— The Photoera phic Society oi Singapore will held a picnic lor its members irom 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday !at the Lam Soon Cannery Ltd. 1 grounds, in Juront; Road.
    36 words
  • 189 20 Vigilantes: Plan to compensate members for 'losses' SINGAPORE. Tues. The Singapore Government is now working out a plan, under which members of the Vigilante Corps will be compensated for their •'losses" in the course oi duty. This was disclosed by the Deputy Prime Minister. Dr. Toh Chin Chjre. when he
    189 words
  • 32 20 SINGAPORE, Tues— A fun .'air will be held at St. Joseph's Church, »H m-s.. Upper Bukit Tinmh Road on May l and 2 to celebrate the feast of St. Joseph.
    32 words
  • 263 20 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The "blood debt" talks have collapsed .main. Tengku Abdul R.ihman is not. expected *<> discuss the claim With Jap officials when in> i'.*" l^ to Tokyo next month. The Tengku was reported to have told a 16-man delegation "I the
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 7 20 Lnte CLASSIFIEDS 2<l W,:rd. Hi Wmimuno i
      7 words
    • 552 20 Eli ii* iHtivi One day you will need money. Exchange of Malaysia. You enjoy You could need it for educating all the benefits you would have your children; buying a home; for with individual investment in any travel: for retirement or for one of these companies with the added of
      552 words