The Straits Times, 12 April 1965

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 23 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 135,000' The Straits Times Slat* 0 1 Estd. 1845. MONDAY. APRIL 12, 1965 15 CENTS KDN 1189 1003
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  • 533 1 'Indonesia is losing'— Tengku MALAYSIA DOING WELL ON ALL THE FRONTS 'Plenty to eat, more friends, attacks beaten' KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday fENGKU Abdul Rahman said in a Hari Raya Haji message over Radio Malaysia today that Indonesia was losing out militarily, diplomatically and economically in her attempt to crush Malaysia.
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  • 476 1 How our boys routed all the Kota Tinggi gang From GABRIEL LEE I^OTA TINGGI, Sun. A few days after they landed in the Kota Tinggi area on Feb. 26. a gang of 13 armed Indonesians led by "Brigadier" Tabukir walked into a provision shop in nearby Asahi Rubber Estate to
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  • 46 1 HONG KONG. Sun. Strong winds iorced the British freighter Tai Po Hong to break loose from Its moorings early this morning. The vessel drifted in the har* bour for three hours before a tug towed it back to its anchorage. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 483 1  - Tengku's approval in urgent cable to Tun Razak SAMAD ISMAIL From CAIRO. Sun. MILITARY AID FROM CAIRO? TIN Abdul Razak received an urgent cable from Kuala Lumpur before he made his announcement here on Friday night that Malaysia was prepared to accept military aid from the United Arab Republic. The
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  • 192 1 54 KILLED IN EASTER TRIP AIR CRASH DAMASCUS. Sunday. F<IFTY Belgians on their way to Easter cele--1 orations in Jerusalem and four crew died when their chartered Jordanian airliner crashed on a hill about 15 miles west of here last night. Eye-witnesses at the village of Oimas. close to the
    Reuter  -  192 words
  • 142 1 I ONDON. Sun. Mr. Pat- j rick Gordon Walker,' former British Foreign Secretary, will take only one Foreign Office adviser on a Government sponsored; Asian mission aimed at finding a basis for Vietnam peace talks, officials said here today. He is
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • 138 1 dies of burns in rescue bid LINDA fHICAGO. Sun. Actress Linda Darnell, one of Hollywood's reigning beauties of the 1940s and *****, died yesterday of burns received in an heroic attempt to rescue a triends child in a blazing apartment. j The 43-year-old brunette died at the Summer L. Koch
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  • 55 1 NASHVILLE i Tennessee >, Sun —Spring fever sufferers are really in a mood for love, an authority on human behaviour .said yesterday "The ltstlessnpsx and laziness associated with Spring fever actually comes from the suppression of strong love-making impulses. said Dr Stephen Capanari. Associate Professor of
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 108 1 TORONTO. Sun. Doctorscan determine the sex of an unborn infant quite accurately by sampling a fluid from the mother's uterus. Dr. A. William Liley of Auckland. New Zealand, said here yesterday. Dr. Liley. who performed the first successful lntrautorlne blood transfusion in an unborn baby, said 1
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  • 253 1 Austerity call by Soekarno BANDOENG, Sunday. PRESIDENT Soekarno today appealed to Indonesia's leaders tor ''large-scate" .ms terity in public spending and action against inflation and mismanagement. Indonesia would not collapM economically but It must improve the economic situation, he said. He was making the opening address to the Provisional Peoples'
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  • 102 1 NEW SPACE SHIP FOR SOVIET COSMONAUTS MOSCOW. Sun. Soviet cosmonauts are busy mastering a new .-.pace ship which is "a very original and complicated product of numan genius." it was reported last night. The rcoort was marie by the "stand-in" for Pavel Brlyaycv, commander of the Voskhod-2 space shin in
    UPI  -  102 words
  • 68 1 HONG KONG. Sun— The A.siaPacific food conference ended it.s final session here yesterday after approving a plan to set up a food I pool to provide a market tor farmers in the food surplus countries of the Asia and Pacific regions Under the scheme,
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 48 1 HONG KONG. Sun— A Bnti>h rifleman, who boarded the wrong ship while intending to stow away on a boat for England, arrived here yesterday evening from Keelung, Formosa. An army spokesman confirmed that Nicholas Baker was now in the custody of the military police—UPl.'
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  • 33 1 KARCHI. Sun —President Ayub Khan received a tumultuous welcome trom thousands of people today when he arrived by ;di in Lahore from Tashkent after an eight-day visit to the Soviet Union.,
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  • 52 1 TIIK SHAM EBCAPBB SOLDIERS HI 111 l> TEHERAN. Sun (on script Mildicr sprayed bullets from tommygun into walls of imperial ittiiK- where the Shah workinu Saturday in apparent attempt on Shahs life, a was <iis(lomcl lodaj The soldier was vimt dead after he had fatally wounded
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 49 1 Cigarette Cotes Bdsci Ladies 4 Cents Brush Sets Bobv Spoons Pusher* Tea Sets Salvers Condiment Sets Etc. SINGAPORE IPOH ASSO CO S.P.H. DC SUVA (HJO LTtt ~zj ml '^m. PAGOL "i±^S*V ill' 41 Jtiwus v*" ■—ft li L -^^^B B^B^B^B^B^B^B^^^^^' tll^l.M'iiijiiiii i ii !^^^^BJ j BBB^B *f i I,
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    • 12 1 The Straits Times wishes all it.s Muslim readers Selamat Hari Raya Haji
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    • 75 1 jjIIPATEK PHILIPPEJ Jbl^Worid's Finest Hand Finished Watch I j itmtiu H. Sena ltd. Jewellers I J IL *J» IlmL. SiififiitL hnifliijUl -^Br^^£- '^ff Ahb iaH a^K M" "I^^,^^ «fl Mt b^bk jb^l LflK i ml SELAMAT HARI RAYA HAJI! dengan minuman ORANGE CRUSH CHERRYADE ICE CREAM SODA SARSAPARILLA RED LION
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    • 222 2 PEACE OFFER AFTER INDO-PAKISTAN BORDER CLASH KARACHI, Sun. Pakistan has pruposed immediate talks with India to end the fighting in the Rann of Kutch border area, it was announced here last night. It followed heavy fighting in the marshy lv>r<ler region on Friday. A Pakistani Korcjcn Office spokesman said the
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    • 43 2 j KARACHI. Sun. The Paka- tan Government has decided to give a passport to Sheikh Abdul- Inn. the Kashmiri leader, to an- »bie him to v;.sit Middle Ea.v. countries, an Associated Press of i Pakistan correspondent reported I from Tushkent today.
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    • 527 2 'THERE CAN BE PEACE IN S-E ASIA OVERNIGHT' Dean Rusk, the Secretary, of State, said yesterday the first Communist response to President j Johnsons policy statement on Viet- nam was "disappointing." But there could be in South-East Asia if t ie Communists respected
      Reuter; UPI  -  527 words
    • 64 2 RIO DE JANEIRO. Sun.— Nine Chinese journalists and trade officials sentenced to 10-year jail terms for alleged subversive activities last December are due to leave for home by air next Friday, n Pakistan Embassy spokesman said yesterday. The Pakistanis have been lookIns aftrr the Chinese detainees'
      Reuter  -  64 words
    • 54 2 MOSCOW. Sun.— Former VlcePnsidrnt Richard M. Nixon M»id yesterday he believed Russia should have "as great an Interest a.s the United States in stopping Chinese aggression in Asia." Mr. Nixon, here on a private one-day visit, made the comment when interviewed by newsmen during a tour
      UPI  -  54 words
    • 150 2 SAIGON, Sunday. THE strength of United States armed forces in South Vietnam is now 32,000. This force will be further bolstered by the First Logistic Command. 1 formerly stationed at Fort Hood. Texas. I An advance party of 24 officers and 14 enlisted
      AP; UPI  -  150 words
    • 89 2 JAKARTA. Sun. Eighteen hotels in Java. Bali and Sumatra have been nationalised and placed under the Min-.stry of Land Com- I munications and Tourism. Antara news agency said the decision, signed by Third Deputy Premier diairul S.ileh. was effec- live norn the first of thus
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    • 56 2 BRISBANE. Sun. Roman Catholic Archbisiiop Sir James Duhig. at 93 the oldest prelate ot his church, died yrsterday after a lone illness Dr. Owen Oxenham. adminis- 1 trator of St. Stephen's Cathedral. said the archbishop "died quietly at his residence after receiving the full rites
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    • 32 2 MELBOURNE. Sun. Mrl- 1 bourne was a city without beer yesterday as supplies dried up after a week-long strike by some I 2.000 brewery unikrrs over a pay claim. Reuter
      Reuter  -  32 words
    • 138 2 Reds burn outpost, slaughter garrison SAIGON Sun. Communist Vietconjj gurrillas won their first big victory in weeks yesterday morning. as American marines were landing only 35 miles away. An American military spokesman said the rebels overran a company-sized outpost before dawn and burned it to the ground, and apparently slaughtered
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    • 212 2 Youths help Red Army protect Sino-Soviet border IUOSCOW, Sun. ParaITI military youth organisations have beeni formed to help patrol and defend frontier areas of the Tadjikistan Republic which borders on Communist China, the newspaper Krasnaya Zveida (Red Stan said yesterday. The newspaper said tn t uniUs. composed of Ymina; Communist
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 157 2 Now! more air freight capacity with new, bigger Boeings Now you can air freight bigger, longer and bulkier against pilferage, damage and loss thus much lower consignments from and to Australia, the U. K. and insurance rates. Europe— take advantage of extra cargo capacity for the Call your Ah Cargo
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    • 115 2 sweet news Ii HenMMtaa (proaoauuwl Benna-SEE4M), ttt* pan Swiai •wwteoer tat tweeu* thaa •fdiaaiy aaocfaartaa. Hwmeaetaa bm m additive*-** mm Hxvm taat* or nopleasam aft»«ffecta. And It't m ocorwmicall On* toexpenslv* Uttla da aweeteoa Bk« 1000 lump* oT mgar. Proa* today, eajoy meat thfn|»— without Migai, wttboat worrr— tfaaaki t»
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 27 2 THE GAMBOLS by Barry Appleby /^OU,MO,^\ I T /itiCH E J fTHI6 PAIRS TOO) \rooßvsy SgioH* /ANOTUE«e\ ARE YOUR OWN*) I AREN'T MY J SHOES. MADAM j—^
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    • 463 3 Saigon suspends naval chief and army general ARMED FORCES POWER STRUGGLE SAIGON. Sun fWO leading South Vietnamese mi- F litary figures were I today reported oflfi- I cia 1 1 y suspended from their posts amid an apparent power struggle in the Vietnamese Armed Fore- j es Council. Informed sources
      Reuter  -  463 words
    • 55 3 ROME, Sun.— Tin- Roman Catholic missionary newt vniee Fides today reported cannibaUMi among former reiiiKt-es in the Uvira region near Lake Tanganyika Some 7.000 people in the area are in urgent need ot large quantities of food from abroad if they are not to die of
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    • 122 3 ALGIERS, Sun. Hocinr. Ait Ahmed, leader of the underground Front of Socialist Forces in Algeria, was sentenced t:> death here last night. The court also pronounced death sentences on Opposition I ruler Mohammed Khider, Mohammed Boudiaf, another leading opponent of the Alg c
      Reuter  -  122 words
    • 150 3 HOLLYWOOD, Sun— "l feel naked." said Gina Lollobritpda Testerday, after California state tax agents stripped her of her jewels. The gorgeous Italian actress often comes to Hollywood. But this week, she feels, she should have stayed in Rome. "First it rains all
      AP  -  150 words
    • 184 3 <CAN FRANCISCO. Sun.— lf an engaged girl expects her hrst sex experience to be accompanied by ringing bells but does not wait for the wedding, the only ring may j be the one returned by her I tlance. a women's doctor
      AP  -  184 words
    • 61 3 AXMINSTEK (bouih-West England). Suji. A fiirmer here has fit t od his nine cow.s with raincoats—in the belief that w»nn and dry. thr cows will give more milk. Mr. Stenhanus. Rautenback had the raincoats tailor-made by a London firm from pnjjer patterns. They are of a light
      Reuter  -  61 words
    • 232 3 Developed at last: Fish sausages that DON'T taste of fish ABERDEEN (Scotland). Sun. Sausages, to which Briton* are gastronomic slaves, are being made of fish. Scientists working at the laboratories of the British Food Manufacturing Industries' Research Association at Torry. near here, have produced the fish sausages, though they admit
      Reuter  -  232 words
    • 255 3 MOSCOW. Sunday. A RMIES of the Soviet Union and East Germany have ended manoeuvres in Eastj Germany, the official Soviet news agency Tass announced yesterday but it gave no indication whether the end of the manoeuvres would mean the end
      AP  -  255 words
    • 85 3 LONDON, Sun. Four bandits aged a car ambush here yesteray and escaped with £3.000 being iken from Soho's biggest strip lub to a bank. The manager of the Raymond's evue Bar. accompanied by an isLstant. had only driven a short istance when with
      Reuter  -  85 words
    • 94 3 I LOS ANGELES, Sun.— Trumoe- > ter Louis Armstrong returned here from a tour of East European countries and declared: Them cats are no different than we are Armstrong. whose month-long I tour took him to Prague. Bucharest, t-oiia and East Berlin, told'
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    • 67 3 CORNWa* .Arkansas i. aun.— At least four people were killed and more than 100 Injured when a savage tornado struck twice at I residential areas here yesterday. smashing houses, power lines and butane gas storage tanks. The tornado struck the southern part of the town, raced
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    • 47 3 I LONDON. Sun. Britain's book publisher* have launched a book development council to boost the sale and distribution of British books throughout the world. They named Mr. Patrick Gor-don-Walker, former British Fore- ign Secretary, as their firs; inde- pendent chairman. Reuter
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 37 3 -BUSH A PRODUCT OF THE RANK ORGANISATION brings out the best in television Best in performance Best in quality Best in reliability Best in design and Backed by G.E.C.'s guaranteed SERVICE facilities Tzse. HbIHBII BHHHHL^H9HIB^HHH v os
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    • 464 3 ■■f^ uJ^^ mm p rent a room? You will also have no privacy. Why pay ..U'-rr rfm tor a flat. You will have less money to spend on other thirds. Why pay rent for a house which no one else wants.' Jf it Is a <rood house It won't be
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  • 151 4 2 RECEIVE GIFT OF SIGHT CORNEAS SINGAPORE, Sunday. TWO blind patients in the General Hospital were this morning grafted with live corneas of human eyes trjinsnorteH hpr*» from London two days ago. The results of the c in three weeks' tiny?. The corneas were floaii here by special arrangements made
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  • 21 4 WINDRATH HENRY WALTER (Sunday Time* addition) Cortege leave* 20 Alnwick Road at 4.30 p.m. on 12.4.65 for St. Peter"s Church.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 234 4 mmm miii gala premiere; if 1 !f II WEDNESDAY AT 9.15 p.m. f i 1 I If ¥IT s PORE (No Free Lists) SEASON FROM THURSDAY at 11am. 2.30. 6.00 9.15pm f GOLDEN GLOBE AWARD for BECKET -BEST DRAMATIC FILM PETER O'TOOLE best dramatic actor PRESENTED IN 70MM ON THE
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    • 160 4 CLASSIFIED ADS. frr THE FLAMINGOS, THE CYCLONES, ANDY ONC JLL nth APRIL 1965 8.30 p.m. to 1 a.m. NEPTUNE NITE HOTEL AMBASSADOR sth Floor COMPERED by TAN SWEE LEONG Patron: The Hon. Dr. TOH CHIN CHYE. LDLL PETER STUYVESANT ciaorettes tor all. l^fcfc Return air trip te Henf Ken, tor
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    • 445 4 "Selamat Hari Kaya Haji" GRANDEST ATTRACTION OF THE SEASON! I 7-THEATRE SIMULTANEOUS RELEASE ROYAL I CAPITOL j ROXY Singopor« Kuala Lumpur Singapore g J LIDO IGRANDI REX CAPITOL Koto Bhoru Ipoh |johor« Bhoru Jcsjcltoo A GRAND NEW EXPERIENCE IN SCREEN ENTERTAINMENT fl A legendary tole of a princess whose life
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 320 4 IN AND OUT BY AIR THK followlnK Is today's schedul* of civil aircraft movirnrnts at I P.iva 1.4 :,:ir airport. Sinsapore: ARRIVALS B0 AC: From Melliournr. Brlsbnne. lim ri (BA Tl3> 'J p.m.: from London Kuwait. Komlwv iBA T^S) IHi ;.m. irom Uoiidon. Cairo. Karachi, Hanckok (BA Tii.'i nlO |i
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    • 116 4 Nandl (AI 112) 9.30 p.m. Lufthansa: To Bangkok. Karachi. Athem, Krankfurt (LH 691) 8.55 p.m. Alitalia: To Darwin, Sydney (AZ 764 1 1.16 p.m. Malaysian Airways: To Kuala Lumpur iML (1221 7.31 a.m. to J.'.-silton .ML 454) V3O a.m.: to Kuch.iit;, Brunei. Jefnellon i.ML «!'7i >.5O a.m.: to Kuala
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  • 463 5 Union hits at S'pore Govt Learning to dance... HAS ANYTHING BEEN DONE TO UPLIFT US? 1 A flat every 45 minutes... but what about the workers? asks leader of daily-rated group SINGAPORE, Sunday. 'JHE Public Daily-rated Employees' Unions Federation, the largest affiliate of the National Trades Union Congress, today attacked
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  • 245 5 SAWMILLER SIAW'S SUCCESS STORY-by DR GOH I SINGAPORE, Sun. 13 The ardent desire to j progress has led Mr. Siaw Guan Lye, a former employee in a sawmill, to become the proud owner of his own sawmill in Woodlands. Mr. Slaw's success story was today told by the Minister for
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  • 54 5 IPOH. Sun. The Ipoh Rotary Club will hold one of Its "pet" projects the annual underprivileged children's party at the Jubilee Park here tomorrow morning. Eacli of the 300 children expected to attend the party will te Riven 50ft drinks, ice cream, rides on a merry-go-round
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  • 79 5 I KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. The 1 Federal Capital Commission and the police have launched an operation code-named 'Penjaja Tutop Jalan" (roads closed to hawkers) to remove unlicensed traders from roads, five-foot ways > and markets According to a report of the dvisory board of ihe
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  • 386 5 j SINGAPORE. Sun A RESOLUTION aimed at exonerating the North Vietnam Government from any blame for the crisis In South Vietnam, was defeated at an emergency meeting of the University of Singapore Students 1 Union executive committee today. The two-hour meeting was held
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  • 27 5 SINOAPORE. Sun. The Edueatlo'i Minister Mr Otir Pang Boon, will speak at the Singapore Reran- Club luncheon meeting at the Cathay Restaurant on April 14.
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  • 113 5 T"ANAH RATA, Sun. x The $14,000 Camrron Highland* Tourist Information Bureau, at th* entrance to the town here, was opened for >«•»■ vire for the first tim» yr-trrday with a receptionist. Miss Stella Doss in ultrndanrr. QaMc books, contain inn maps and
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  • 286 5 KOTA BHARU. Surday. rpHE Pan-Malayan Islamic Party will hold its A three-day annual congress at the Kelantan division's newly completed headquarters here from April 19. The Mentri Besar of Ke lantan. Inche Mohamed Asri bin Hajl Muda, who i acting president
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  • 119 5 IJUANTAN, Sun. The v State Education Officer, Inche Idri.s bin Babiee. announced yesterday that registration of children for admission to Standard One next year will begin in schools throughout Pahang on May 3 and end on June 5. He asked parents or RinrdlHns
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 200 5 ROLEX The Wonderful 'Dntejust' Officially Ce'lified Chronometer with the Rolex Red Seal. Self-wound by the Rolex Perpetual rotor mechanism. Oyster case 100° o waterproof. Instantaneous calendar. Date magnified by Cyclops lens. ROLEX A landmark in the history of Time measurement See the full range of other wonderful ROLEX watches at
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  • 307 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. AN emergency delegates' conference of the X-ray Staff Union here today decided to issue strike ballot papers to its 280 members because of the "indifferent attitude" of the Ministry of Health towards its claims. Mr. Yeo Thiam
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  • 104 6 SINGAPORE. Sun. Police today said that 113 road accidents occurred here during the past -1 hours rUiniing two lives and seriously injuring three people. In the first accident at 10.30 a.m. yesterday, a two year old boy. Tay Pith of
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  • 88 6 'An Evening of Music' for charity SINGAPORE. Sun. —A charity piano concert in aid of the Singapore Association for the Deaf will be held at the Cultural Cn> j tie at 8 p.m. on Saturday. The concert, entitled "An Even- I ing of Muyic" will be presented by piano students
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  • 40 6 RAUB. Sun. Two wjiter supply' schemes, which will benefit about 2.500 people, will be completed by the end of this month. They are the $*****0 Cheroh Village scheme and the $335,000 I Tras Village scheme.
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  • 74 6 ALOR STAR. Sun.— Two men •rmed with knives waylaid a housewife and robbed her of cash and jewellery to the total value of $250 in a lonely spot at the U mile. Jalan Kuala Kedah, near I here last night. The victim. Jamaliah binte I Mat. 24.
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  • 68 6 TANGKAK. Sun. A tram of civil defence officers rpcantly mtciviewed about 200 men and 10 v. omen Rt the Town Hall here for tba local Civ" Defence Corps. A member of the team satd that the response was far greater than ttirv had expected and that two
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  • 303 6 Ambulance drivers give Govt 19-day ultimatum to settle their claims K. LUMPqR. Sun rpHE Union of Government Health arfi Medical A Drivers today gave the Government a 19-day ultimatum to settle their claims for overtime allowance and call-duty compensation. This decision was reached after a five-hour meeting of the union's
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  • 240 6 Harwanth Kaur explains a court secret KUALA LI.MPJR, Sun. Ma v la t only Sikh womai magistrate. N is.wanth Kaur. who been appointed acting President of the Sessions Court here, is married but. prefers to retain her maiden rame. Mi>s Harwanth explained the rea.son to the Straltm Time.-,: "I feel
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  • 50 6 PENANG. Sun. Inche S»;>l »in Hussain. who has been award pd a British Council scholarship Kill leave on Sunday for Brttaii :o study the British educatlona ijstem. Inche Sulleh. headmaster n the Westlands Secondary Schoo -tere. will also attend seminar md discussions on education U Britain.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 258 6 NATIONAL H MODEL TF-30LE WITH II II MEMO TUNER II This NEW exciting 23* NATIONAL Modern, Delux with "Memo iHlfl »f tinted screen gives Dynamic pictures. No reflections. No glare. The double oval speakers give rich and true-to-life sound. H iK High-class, scratch-proof wooden cabinet has folding doors H w
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 67 6 Bugs Bunny By Ralph Heimdahl SBBMMrG7M*AE~X"^I I I'LL SEt?VE A^ySELF", ■■P^^ Q.A9S O' KIP... OOPS: DSOPPeO /LE/wONA-De.CICEBOiI vTH' CUP. BUT I'LL I BEEN POUKJDIM' J %T— vGET IT! I NCW 1 CAWT SELL> I I THE LEAAONAOC AIN'T So") I Twe RE9TJ you put Vtasty, but it sure i >OUB
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  • 203 7 Struck-off Perak Malay chamber to appeal- I POH Sun. The Malay Chamber of Commerce. Perak. which had long spearheaded the drive for greater Malay participation in commerce and industry, has been dissolved by the Registrar of Societies. Mr. Chin Hon Hian. The cancellation of the registration i> notified in the
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  • 379 7 SALES TO EUROPE AT BELOW MARKET RATES JNDONESIA is trying to upset Malaysia's natural rubber market in European countries by undercutting the price 1 by up to 50 per cent. The price war part of the economic confrontation is being carried out through
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  • 157 7 PENANG. Sunday. THE executive committee of the Penang branch of the National Union of Cold Storage Employees yesterday decided to stage a mass walk-out by mem- bers on Tuesday in protest against the transfer of three employees from one spft.inn *n another These transfers,
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  • 104 7 Greetings from Timbalan to 24 nations KIALA I.IMPIR. Sun. —The I Yang di-Pertuan Acong today -■■in Hari Raya Haji Krcetings to the Heads of State of tf Mu-lim countries. They are: Pakistan. Jordan. Algeria. Afghanistan. Federal Republic of Cameroon, Republic of Guinea. Iran. Republic of Iraq. Kuwait. Republic of
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  • 40 7 KLANG. Sun. The former Rotary Governor oJ District 330. Dato Dr. Hail Mustapha Aibakrl Md Hum Hassan, yesterday ore- j sented certificates of organi«a- tion and membership cards to the members of the Anglo-Chinese j School Interact Club
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  • 31 7 KANGAR, Sun. Thf Pprlis Vespa Club's Hari Raya party schedulej for tomorrow has been postponed to Thursday at the sanir v«nue. the Women's Insti- :iiii hall. i I
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  • 32 7 SINGAPORE. Sun.— Successful students of the German language courses held at the German Club will receive their certificates at 7 pm. on April 30 at the club prrmisp*. First Avenue.
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  • 72 7 KAMPAR. Sun.— An appeal to the Kampar town councillors io put their heads together in an effort to turn the town into an industrial centre to save it from probable ruin, was made at the council meeting here yesterday. The appeal came from Mr. Soo Wai
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  • 146 7 Children donate pocket money TELUK ANSON. Sun.— About 1,000 pupils from the co-educa-tional San Mm Primary School here sacrificed their month's pocket money, and ever, dug into their savings, to raise $527.75 for the National Defence Fund. The total Included $35 each from three girls. Cheah Kwel Lian. Leow Yoke
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  • 125 7 'EXILED' THUG WHO RETURNED TO PENANG ARRESTED pENA N G Sun. An "exiled" secret sot ictv thug was recognised and arrested by two detectives last night when he returned to Penang without permission. The thug ran along Maxwell Road and was caught after a 100-yard chase. He put up a
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  • 27 7 SINGAPORE. Sun— Mr C M Perera has been appointed t member of the committee of th< Singapore Asian Seanun's Clul up to November this year.
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  • 75 7 SINGAPORE. Sun The Tiger brewery in Alexandra Road is expecting Its 100.000 th visitor on Tuesday. A trophy is awaiting that visitor. A brewery spokesman said that the 100.000 th person to sign the visitors book no that day will be presented with the trophy by
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  • 126 7 No delivery by postmen on Friday SINGAPORE. Sun. The Director of Post* today announced here that there will be no I delivery of letters or 1 parcels on Good Friday. The General Post Offl'ce however, will be open from 9 a.m. to noon. All other post offices will be open
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  • 31 7 Ral'B. sud Thr Ceylon*— community drill sponsor ;in Indian cultural and rariet; show to b* held on May 16 lit thr Town Hall herr for the National Defena* Fund
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 218 7 Advertisement Bf f^^^*^^^ j| .^Bk bl KEEP the forehead beautifully smooth by using vitalizing cream every night. Firmly coax the nourishment into the skin from brow to hairlino, using the fingers of both hands in upward movement*. To smooth out vortical forehead lines and to give the forehead smooth beauty,
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    • 309 7 |^^^^^^9^^^HV^^ißl«^Bj B_H 111 Ivl II 1 1 111 fl bm H I II ill II n Hfl If 111 l LJ Afi jmbbk If If I Lll Ivl I 111 lIIL *r p/ vs>li lilfl ill Ml 1 1 it 1 r P^ II II II I ■111 l mm
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 293 7 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 4 Letters hidden under the table 8 Loose nut exposed to the mlr 5, j|. Ball long used tor rifles 181 SP raa l n J but not Rom n (6 8. German author of the Horse 10. Whisked unsuccessfully by ex- with no tall Is
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    • 332 8 CAMBRIDGE, Sunday. [TOUR thousand out of 32,795 British university students will fail their exams this year largely because their teachers believe a certain proportion ought to fail, regardless of their ability, according to the director of an (educational body here. Mr. Brian Jackson,
      Reuter  -  332 words
    • 112 8 \VASHINGTON. Sun. A 10--day strike by about 1400 pilots of Pan-American Airways over working conditions has been settled, the National Mediation Board announced yesterday. Terms of the settlement were not immediately disclosed. An airline spokesman said earlier that worldwide flights would be resumed as
      Reuter  -  112 words
    • 74 8 LONDON. Sun. Coloured policemen may .soon do traffic control duty m major British cities for the first time, the Dai'.y Mirror newspaper reported yesttiday. If r plan being considered by the Home Office was rfpDroved. a dozen men would be involved, probably from the West
      Reuter  -  74 words
    • 68 8 YAMACHICHE (Quebec) Sun.— One man killed, two missing and prc-umed dead, and 11 Injured two freighters collided n»>ar I riere in the St. Lawrence River early yesterday. All of the casoaJUea were among the crew of the 7.800-' on i German fmehtcr Transatlantic. which was s'.iil m
      UPI  -  68 words
    • 185 8 £OLOMBO. Sun. Two members of the Communist Chinese Embassy here have been asked to leave Ceylon immediately as their temporary residence permits have expired, sources close to the External Affairs Ministry said yesterday. One is a man. the other a woman. The embassy nad askPd
      Reuter  -  185 words
    • 224 8 Kenyatta calls Red critic a liar to his face VAIROBI. Sun. President Jomo Kenyatta yesterday forced a public showdown with his most vociferous pro-Commu-nist critic, denouncing him to his face. Mr Kenyatta told a rally at Muranga. 40 miles from here, that he had heard talk of a revolution in
      224 words
    • 24 8 i LONDON. Sun.— Air M.irsrwl Sir John Grandy. the newly appointed Command? r-in-Chief Par East, has been promoted Ai Chief Marshal.
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    • 257 8 A shock duty on US planes for Aussie firms fANBERRA. Sun,. Tho Australian Government is to levy an I import duty of 7A per cent on American Booing 727 planes imported by two internal airlines. Government officials said yesterday. Tho airlines, Trans Australia and Ansett-Ana. have already taken delivery oi
      Reuter  -  257 words
    • 78 8 MOSCOW. Sun. A south Siberian village where Lenin lifted in exile from 1897 until 1900 is to be made a monument to the Soviet leader. Tass reported. The village of Shushenskoe. where buildings have reUlllHl their 19ih century r. 1 will become a town of
      Reuter  -  78 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 357 8 -^a^aaaaaaaa! 1 I X I I aV^ J 1 A I 1 t\ '^fl I W I *v r I *l^ •V VI li Ijiit II m* fc^' Laaaaaaaat^aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaJ #p9ft 1^ I I t^ aa^% H|^pjrj^% aV^K I k V* aaPaT m\ iv v l 1. 1 i\ j I
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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  • 69 9 DAY SEVEN of Bond's most bizarre adventure lAN FLEMING Komi slips hack to his room at the luxurious Thunrirrbircl worn out ;inrt sii»htl> appreln-n>i\i .tin ml liis little act in tlip hotel's dinini; roum earlier where In- fired a shot frnmScaruiniinuas golden gun to liven things up Now it's
    69 words
  • 2323 9  - 3.30 am Bond hears a tapping ROBB THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN 7 DIDN'T SEE THIS PIECE OF TAIL IN THE LINE-UP BUSTER, said Scaramanga DRAWING by WHEN Bond got to his room, it was midnight. His windows had been closed and the air-conditioning turned on. He switched it
    2,323 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 211 9 MpFILTERMASTER used extensively m 1 |> Hopkins Filtermoster provides o complete ronge of models suitoble for all types of swimming pools from backyard swimming pools to public swimming pools. They occupy only a fraction of the space normally required by conventional sand filter-beds More details con be obtained from the
      211 words
    • 191 9 KIMLIN MANSION LUXURY FLATS AT GRANGE ROAD, SINGAPORE (AT THE ENTRANCE OF KIMLIN PARK ESTATE) IN THE CENTRE PART OF TANGLIN HIGH -CLASS RESIDENTIAL AREA Price From $31,000/- Erection up to 3rd Floor CDrri ccatiidcc Completion within thisyear SPECIAL FEATURES cj^j^ (NO EXTRA COST) "frffß"^ 1 Porquet floor tilings t«
      191 words

  • 123 10 Wnrdm fli 'Minimum) MANY THANKS to Jesua, Mother Of I'rrpetual Succour, Saint Joseph, St. Anna, St. Jude, R. Stanislaus, St. -"•»ph Cupertino B-202. THE FAMILY OF late Mr. V. Rriahnan of 121 J.nlan Teck Whye, who died on f> I SS. thanks all friends and relative* for their attendance
    123 words
  • 21 10 Words US (Minimum) FPEIBOROUCH, ERIC. Malayan Pc.llce; Killed l>v TerronsH, 12C4/49. Prnud and precious memories of my son. Mother.
    21 words
  • The Straits Times
    • 609 10 Official Malaysian reaction to the British budget proposals affecting British owned plantation and mining interests is slow in coming. It can hardly be because the details of the new British corporation tax are uncertain for the effects of corporation tax and the loss of tax concessions enjoyed by
      609 words
    • 338 10 The Assistant Minister of i Education, Mr. Lee Siok Yf w, gave the 75 graduates of the Technical Teachers' Training College fair warning. They would face a "tremendous" task in the comprehensive education system, he said t last week's graduation ceremony, and would encountei difficulties which would be
      338 words
    • 259 10 The Prime Minister's Hari Raya Haji message stands in vivid contrast to President Soekarno's melancholy address yesterday to his "Provisional Peoples" Consultative Con- 1 gress." On the one hand the Tengkn was Mt to of Malaysia's military, economic and diplomatic successes while on the other the Indonesian leader
      259 words
    • 142 10 J SYMPATHISE with the trainee teachers in Krian district who have been offered only busfares or third -class tram tickets to attend a vacation course In Ipoh from April 13 to 24. Perhaps they will be oonxjled by the news that in Negrl
      142 words
    • 85 10 AS I walked past the Randans Kcrbau Police Station the other day. I saw three policemen dcing punishment I am an ex-police officer, but anyone would have known what was going on. It seems to me crass stupidity to punish policemen in the open. How can they command
      85 words
    • 82 10 ALLOW me the courtesy of your columns to thank members of the former Student*' Union of Brinstord. on behalf of the Students' Union of the Malayan Teacher.-' Coiiege, Johore Bahru. When Brinsford closed down last year, the SUB voted to donate £45. two amplifiers and a typewriter to
      82 words
  • 1280 10  -  WILLIAM FITTER In an affluent society bored with old talk of depressions, Australia's opposition party needs oiling, new parts and steering to the Right to move back into power again. By THE Labour Party's electoral success in South Australia, after 32 years in opposition,
    1,280 words
  • 437 10  - LEARNING MALAY— 6B YUNUS MARIS By l« M.A. University of Malaya VOCABULARY: Lais (v) to pass by: bulan (n) moon, month; Uhlr (v) to be born; bnal, berb«»l (v) to converse, talk: hal (n) affair, matter; «Uribal <prep-ph) about, concerning; pejabaU (n) otiift. department; aetem (n) utarnp; samenjak (prep, adv.)
    437 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 829 10 StnHt Tmtt Malay Mail "CMKslMed advevtltemaerta May be handed to: COLD STORAGE SUP*.** MMMsJT Orchard Road (Keceptloajlat Ooalt) COLO STONAOC BRANCHES. At Holland Road Katong aa Naval Bau. Authoiiied Agenta: CITY lOOK STORE LTD Vflncfeetter House. Collyar Quay TME NEWS FRONT ritzpatrlck's Supermarket M. M. ISMAIL 3 Admiralty Road. Naval
      829 words
      38 words
    • 190 10 The Fun Of Being A Woman —By Monira Furlong. Success Has Four Price Tags One of America's leading executives gives advice Id young people on their way up. Marvels Of The Hermitage James A. Michener visits Russia's Winter Palace, home of one of the world's greatest art collectionsFastest Man On
      190 words

  • 166 11 First-aid men ready for any disaster KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. The 240 national servicemen in the am- bulance section of the Civil Defence are now ready for action in the event of any major disasters here. The Civil Defence ACommissioner, Mr. Robert Goh. said thi.-> today after he watched a demonstration
    166 words
  • 80 11 More German scholarships offered KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. The German Embassy here today announced that part of its country's technical assistance programme to Malaysia for this year will Include technical training onuses. In a MaTment. the Embassy said thai Germain- will offer two «cliolart.hiiv< for a technical course, five engineering and
    80 words
  • 44 11 ML'AH. BUB T'ao HMBfj of r. wire reported to the do dunre* the weekend. :m. 46, MM found hnnßini? In an unoccupied house herr yesterday. »nd another man. Ng Ah Lena. 40. was found hanginc; in a pubHe lavatory today.
    44 words
  • 80 11 SINGAPORE. Sun. The Anti-Tuber- culosis Association's 1964 6.^ greeting seals campaign which, ended on March 31 brought in a gross amount Of 532.145. Th:> i mount showed an Increase over previous year"s figure r>r $***** A SATA statement today said th:t' cNppnses and pos'aae
    80 words
  • 99 11 KUANTAN. Sun.— The Pahans Government has set up an implementation committee under the chairmanship of an Executive Councillor. Inche Ibrahim bin Arshad. to study the rx»>ibllity of setting up an Economic Deve.opment Board for the State. The proposed Board, which was announced last month by
    99 words
  • 55 11 RAJANO Su I rue FisheriesDepajrtflMM pian> to launch a '.:is ;he pnlsoii to catch fish in river* tnd climbed pools. Various branches of the deportment have been asked to m|p M places In their areas for a .'ion of the poisoning operation I KAXDASAMY Stnkp
    55 words
  • 230 11 2,400 GOVT CLERKS AWAIT OUTCOME OF TALKS AS A 14-DAY NOTICE EXPIRES gINGAPORE, Sun. Hopes rose today that a threatened strike by 2.400 Government clerks represented by the Amalgamated Union of Public Employees would be averted. The union's general secretary. Mr. G. Kandasamy. said he was "optiwiisf
    230 words
  • 207 11 KOTA BHARU. Sunday THE Sultan of Kelantar.) will declare open the 52.000.000 Lemal power station, near Pasir Mas. on April 19 at 10 a.m. The new power station will supply electricity to large water-pumping stations connected with irrigation schemes in the district. Work on
    207 words
  • 110 11 1 SINGAPORE. Sun.-- Singapore I Medical Workers' Union ha* de- 1 Icidcd to call oif a proposed bo- slow campaign by its 600 members at Tan Tock Sens Hospital, following the hospital superirvmi denfs decision to allow the union's mMht, Mr N. S- N. Nuir
    110 words
  • 270 11 MAKE LIFE WORTHWHILE, MEANINGFUL FOR PEOPLE Lee Kuan Yew calls on nations men of talent SINGAPORE. Sun. SINGAPORE'S Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, has called on men of talent to I help ensure that the people lead a ''worthwhile and meaningful f He stressed that in- dividual interests could
    270 words
  • 141 11 'PORONTO. Sun— Canada s "Save the Children Fund" organisation said yesterday that it was sponsoring adoption of 20 under-privileged children from Malaysia to enable them to continue their studies. The funds national director. Mr. Kenric Marshal, said: We receive case
    AP  -  141 words
  • 135 11 'Pageant of Asia' talks to include Malaysia SINGAPORE Sun Discussions are now going on between Australia and 1 the Malaysian Government on a proposal that Malaysia should take part in a "Pageant of Asia" on a grand scale at the Sydney Trade Fair In October. Asian culture and entertain- ment
    135 words
  • 87 11 J KUALA KANOSAR Sun The "Istiadat Munjuniong Duli." I traditional ceremony of paying 1 obeisance will be performed by I five rajas and chiefs to the Sultan of Pentk at the Istana Iskandanah here on Tuesday. The Mentri Besar of Perak Dato Ahmad
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  • 197 11 Detectives walk into scene of a robbery but SINGAPORE. Sun. Two detectives walked into the scene of a robbery early today but were seconds too late to arrest any of the robbers. It was about 4 am when they noticed a van. with two men in the front seats, parked
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  • 56 11 PENANG. Sun. A student nurses' danrt in aid of spastic children held at the Pcnang Chinese Girls' High School last night was interrupted by a telephone call at about 10.20 p.m. that a bomb was planted in the buildirg. It turned out to be a hoax and the
    56 words
  • 69 11 They pass with flying colours CANBERRA. Sun. The v first group of Royal Malaysian Air Force terhnical students to train in Australia all gained passes with distinction in the second of Iwo courses, the Minister for Air. Mr. Peter Howson, announced yesterday. Fourteen Malaysian students are undergoing training at the
    69 words
  • 188 11 Siew Sin: We really did not need the money.,. YEW YORK. Sun. Malaysia's Pinanot Minister, Mr. Tan Siew Sir,, said yesterday that his country floated a 525 million bond issue in the United States this week not mainly to raise the money, but to establish a footing in th* New
    188 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 75 11 l^t UCTQII IVIU I IX LJ of SINGAPORE WttnUtOM 71/74.H10M STIfIT. VINGA»O«E rHONI *****/1 WISH ALL OUR MUSLIM PATRONS A SELAMAT HARI RAYA HAJI For your holiday shopping convenience, our shop will be opened for business as usual TODAY. 4 NEW AVON LIPSTICK COLOURS TO ADD SUNSHINE TO YOUR SMILE
      75 words
    • 331 11 DON'T S3 GAMBLE WITH YOUR HARD-EARNED MONEY INVEST WISELY P^N MALAYAN FINANCI olTcr> iecur»i> with good returns on Dl POSITS. lnvcM in a DEPOSIT ACCOUNT with PAN MALAYAN FINANCE to-da) and be sure of a «.afe and >tead> return. 6° o on m\ monih\ notice of withdrawal. 4i" 0 on
      331 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 1027 11 JKim^Bf^Bl im "^«Bk:^ •^■^BB^^BB^BJB^BB^BBBBBBBBBBJBBB^BB^B^B^B^BJBJBJBJBJB^BJI TV MALAYSIA (Malaya) tH.iNXELS: 5 Kuala l.umpur zal Serl Penambang from Batu •nd P-nanit. b Ipoh and Malaoca ahal wlth vocalists Roslah Cliik and Ahmad Yu-soh; 734 3.0t pm. Opening and pro- Ro in Hood <The GoW" giam:ne summary; 3.02 Ma- maker 8.00 News In MandaJay
      1,027 words

  • The Straits Times Book Page
    • 1133 12  -  ALLINGTON KENNARD THE MEMOIRS OF A MALAYAN OFFICIAL By Victor Purcell. (Cassell 425.) Reviewed by was a considerable and. In some ways, curious instrument of government. Its function was widely regarded as being not so much to protect the Chinese as to
      1,133 words
    • 205 12 RIDDLE OF CARVED MONOLITHS IN NEGRI SEMBILAN A SHORT HISTORY OF NEGRI SEMBILAN. By Mubin Sheppard. (Eastern t'nivcrstties Press. 53.95) By DAVID SZE says that the original population of present-day Negri Sembilan were aborigines of the Biduanda tribe, but there are some elaborately carved monoliths near the mouth of the
      205 words
    • 119 12 Trade unionism was becoming important There have been three post-war printings of Bertrand Russell's "Freedom and Organisation. 1814--1914." first published In 1934. The first half of ihls book which deals with radical liberalism between the Congress of Vienna and the revolutionary outbreaks of 1848. now makes an appearance in the
      119 words
    • 116 12 or a The Gauls dyed their hair < bright red. and the AngloSaxons a vivid green, orange or a deep rich blue In the Egypt of the Pharaohs wigs became universal for the upper classes. Some of Egypt's queens even wore false beards The Christian Church, mostly
      116 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 383 12 For the best-go for If im gjilffllki.i If Kfflm- K 440 I 23 INCH SCREEN T.V.— GRAM. 'I AUTOMATIC. sS I 0 *v>. _/T jt Latest 2 tracks '•'^Vib —^iSfc tape recorder frwraj <£) I 2 speeds. V Jarge ,y^^^^^^^^V^^^^^^^^JE spool, AVAILABLE FROM ALL Bsjl AUTHORISED DEALERS wQM I$!L KIAN
      383 words
    • 372 12 Upset Stomach? v i*--jf i Mil rt relief in l^Je? minutes FROM UPSET STOMACH, INDIGESTION, HEARTBURN i^—^l When you're suffering the pain of =a4^MJ^— afPfe Upset Stomach, .Indigestion, or L^p™ \j^ Heartburn after a meal, take #n'rM BISMAG. The active ingredients fwtttfitrfrf t work immediately. They case the mmgettion t-tt*
      372 words

  • A Straits Times Feature AUSTRALIAN INDUSTRIES
    • 322 13 MALAYSIA AMONG COUNTRIES BUYING PROCESSED FOODS MORE than 100 countries, including Malaysia, take in a harvest of processed foods from Australian factories and canneries. World-wide demand has developed food processing into one of Australia's most advanced and specialised industries. Year-round, huge quantities of fruit, vegetables,
      322 words
    • 198 13 Export jam with home-made flavour AUSTRALIAN com- panics arc makinp .jams which are among the "fruitiest" in the world. hie ad\an<«' in producing tup-quality hir expert was the introduction by a manufacturer of uliat is known i> the "quick cook" method of preserving Picking the fruit when it-, sugar
      198 words
    • 234 13 course in food teehnolocy The course Is based on a curriculum uhlch mnintalns the necessary balance between the physical and biological sciences and chemical engineering Also, three-year diploma courses in food technolopy have been introduced by agricultural college? in Australia. One of the principal tasks
      234 words
    • 466 13 Choice apples, pears for Malaysia AUSTRALIA is by far the largest exporter of apples and pears to Malaysia 232.000 bushels last year, compared with 206.000 the year before. In Australia, apples are grown In greater quantity than any other fruit and last year the crop was valued at about S9l
      466 words
    • 222 13 Message from the Australian Trade Commssion AUSTRALIA Is one of the world's greatest food producers. She supplies a very wide range of high quality product* to over 100 countries. Malaysia is high on the list of countries which buy food from Australia. At present Malaysia Imports about $90 million worth
      222 words
    • 272 14 Good grapes... good wines -has placed Australian wineries among the most hygienic and efficient in the world, and has ensured maximum quality and true-to-type bottling. Most of Australia's wine Is made in the State of South Australia, in the beautiful Barossa Valley aroa. There, the annual grape harvest is crushed
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    • 171 14 EVERY YEAR IS VINTAGE YEAR FOR WINES EVERY year is a vintage year for Australian wines. Australian vineyards enjoy a temperate climate in which conditions are similar every year. And so. year after year, the wines maintain an even character and quality. Australia is the fourth largest wine-producing nation, making
      171 words
    • 202 14 Production of cheese to be fully mechanised AUSTRALIA, in the foreA front of the cheeseexporting rations, is also a leader in modern, mechanised cheese-making. In recent years, new machinery has revolutionsed the Industry, quickening production and giving firstclass quality control. Now the making of Cheddar cheese in Australia is on
      202 words
    • 81 14 After-school snack for Malaysian boy AUSTRALIAN pow- dered milk with chocolate flavouring 5 and Australian crisp sweet, tropical- packed biscuits make an ideal after- school snack for this S young Malaysian boy as he does his homework. 5 Milk products from Australia come from some of the world's best dairy
      81 words
    • 231 15 pRINCESS Sharifah Jalina Putra, daughter of the Yang diPertuan Agong, recently began a three-year course at one of Australia's leading schools of its kind the Emily McPherson College of Domestic Economy, in Melbourne. The course includes cooking and study of the nutritional value of
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    • 426 16 Production methods improved to meet big demand THE traditional picture of the Australian cattle drover is that of an expert horseman with a wide-brimmed hat who might be "on the track" for weeks in the Australian outback walking a thousand head of cattle 300
      426 words
    • 214 16 DICTURED in the laboratory of a leading firm of seed merchants in Mel- bourne, is Malaysian girl Hung Man Ling (seen here) With her is the company's seed analyst. Miss Roma Heathcote. .Man Lins work* as a clerk with the firm Called Amy
      214 words
    • 211 16 Potatoes grow all the year round 'INHERE is no seasonal end JL to potato growing in Australia. Potato crops are flourishing in one part or another of the country all the year round. With more than a century and a half of potatogrowing experience, Australians are particular about the quality
      211 words
    • 109 16 Black-currant juice gains popularity BLACK CURRANT J ulce from Australia Is growing In popularity in Malaysia. The Australian home of the black-currant Is the State of Tasmania which is renowned for its fruit industry. Black currants grow best in colder climates and for this reason they are cultivated commercially in
      109 words
    • 274 16 T»HE demand for malt--1 ed milk in SouthEast Asian countries is growing year by year. And much of the malted milk powder on sale comes from Australia The Australian product, of top quality and produced under ideal conditions in modern factories, Is winning a growing
      274 words
    • 860 17  -  Judy-Anne WITH Easter approaching, housewivrs in Australia are turninp their attention to meal programmes for this holiday season Thr arrangements will vary according to circumstance many lamilies will be plannine: a holiday, for instance but the traditional hot cross bun will be a general favourite. The shops.
      860 words
    • 223 17 !V T HAT better palate-pleasing addition to a tasty meat dish can a house>T wife provide than a dash of pickle, sauce or chutney? It is the final touch of tasty perfection to a nicely browned roast, a chop or sliced canned meat. Children
      223 words
    • 170 17 Community manages own farms |?OL T R rural communities F in the Australian State of Victoria have their own research and demonstration farms to help Increase the nations food production. Typical of the four are those at Swan HUI and Kerang. which are owned and managed by the community. Swan
      170 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 149 13 /('I Jlu aj^p' N^s^P^- yt \^^^^f^^^^^^^^^^^^a. jJ* i-^ I Mac Donald House, Orchard Roaa a m M Telephone: ***** A t^ 1 Mi Kuala Lumpur: Mr. K. Le Rosslgnol IIC T I*O I H O I^l bM f\ i^ tm C 1 Australian Trade Commission. r\U!3ll it I lit II
      149 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 228 14 i- WREm Champion sportsmen build and sustain energy with Australian dairy foods. From Australia to you the good health, j energy and vigour of Australian Dairy Foods TIIF UNFSI DAim FOODS HAVI IUIS SYMBOL (y^^^^Kf ]OR THE WORD 'AUSTRALIA' ON IHK LABEL, From Australia's lush pastures, ample rainfall and year-
      228 words
    • 33 14 P^SWO^ll A NATURAL SOURCE Of VITAMIN C f^ NncoNrtNTS BLACKCURRANT bi^^^^ kit" J 1 W 11 1 Lf IyIIKJJb t% I IM LM^HWBBajS^^^^H soielcaldbeck macgregor co. ltd. \^^m^K ■SS^^^ OISTRISuTORiI KUALA LUMPUR FINANO
      33 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 14 15 WINE stocks fe|p3 all enquiries to: CALDBECK MACGREGOR CO. LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANG
      14 words
    • 316 15 There's in these new and different biscuits f- BROCKHOFF Make friends with the wonderful range of delicious biscuits from Brockhoff so many varieties to choose from, and all made from the most wholesome ingredients of the finest quality. Whatever the occasion, there's a Brockhoff biscuit to please you I Here
      316 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 374 16 BUY THE BESTBUY "ORIENT" BRAND TASMANIAN APPLES Packed in froycorfoni. Ctllcortom or Cams ORIENTS jj G.P.O. BOX 104 A HOBART CABLES "PAVO" TELEX ***** Manufacturers of Bakers Pastrycooks Machinery and Ovens for nearly 50 yeai's Write Direct For Catalogue Prices BROWN KIDD PTY. LTD. 147 NEW CANTERBURY ROAD, PETERSHAM. N.S.W.
      374 words
      66 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 21 17 It's the greatest Ready to drink Full Cream Chocolate Milk Agents: F. E. ZUELLIC (T) LTD.. Denmark House, Singapore Tel: *****
      21 words
    • 139 17 Insist On Quality Buy BEN'S "SUNNY SOUTH" BUTTER Choicest Quality, Better than the Best. Spreads So£ff&/ A Easier 4 \v y^-j\ \j Tastes Better Guaranteed No Preservatives Pasteurised and Vacuum Processed sole agents:- BEN AND COMPANY, LTD. SINGAPORE JOHORE BAHRU MALACCA KUALA LUMPUR IPOH PENANG. C.PIESSE CO. PTY. LTD., HOB
      139 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 647 18 sHsflHsssflEMsalHaaflaalll Miitinurd from Pace Iti SITUATIONS VACANT /j M«-rf, tt (Mim )—Box M rfa. txtr* WANTEO EXPCRIENCEO Pest control Operatora. Apply Box A674V no re. REQUIRED CHIEF ENGINEER nr>i claas steam M.O T Ceruncate I'bone ***** Spore. WANTED 4 SHOPKEEPERS. Age Ih 20. Secondary Une. Write to Cbe« k.jw A
      647 words
    • 389 18 SITUATIONS WANTED Ii Kuril ft I Mlm t—Bmx Hi rt* txtrm i READ tbe Senior Appointments vacant io Tbe Sunday Mail •acb wee*. EUROPEAN PLANTER (Federal rnufn. Impeccable references available tur munsKcmrnt/actlDi; September IKOi Box A 19.11' S.T. K.U FILM DIRECTOR wltb ezteostve iorsi experience and versed In local languages
      389 words
    • 714 18 ACCOMMODATION VACANT /.i Wore". S« IMm I Bnx <» rr. etl-.i FURNISHED SEMI-DETACHED lltrrt bungalow. I bedrooms. Kent »400/--lii.inediate occupatiun. Tel (K pore) M alter 1.00 p.m. ACCOMMODATION WANTED IS ore's U (Mtm.)-Box if eft. exfra oh j BEDROOMS luroianed oat required Irom end ot June for a minimun I
      714 words
    • 567 18 EDUCATION HOW is YOUR Mn lav urogrexsini:- I i Improve your kmm i>-da> ot the r.»- i t lot, .ii Language t>v i«n« Berita Kunai. dally, tbe only rornantsed NatiiTi:. Language newspaper FOORMAN'S SCHOOL OF MUSIC Knrolmenis accepted daily students for P,ano. Piano-accordion, vioiid, OSMSV, Hawaiian* Uuttar. Trumpet. Saxopnone, Clarinet.
      567 words
      700 words
    • 691 18 STEAMBATHS. MASSAGE. ETC. 1$ ..r*. i Him t- rt. .itr. aiMißßkisjtaj >ftrcsb ywi Licvewd Mas- .i Massnari aia>-f. Kjv«r VaiMy v kimkl. i«r- tettonotM ;oo7» lv uu lin M i.W M *narp JLUNESSE IT aEAUTfc >trarDlnrn v Itssll sWMSjaaji »> r»prr^n>.ta SbSjsj- MaflaVfJ ruiswa, M I NajM Ann KullUiOK. Orcliurd
      691 words
    • 517 18 ORCHIDS j »,.,4. M i Was. H.i in s«a -»>.- LIST OP kUlxvao Uvhrior DM IWbJi vuiuim.«] i.v Inn Kua .nuuo la «vaiiaine mi W<- piwi fr<r* Milt lv Circumtion ktaoacer. Streil l him-. I'rni. ,il vi.i i Uouif •,i\rr Vsllry Kunii. S vorr U. J.K.R. TENDER NOTICE
      517 words
    • 114 18 I i Are you moving hi> Then you need to consult a packing expert He's found in the YKI.I.OW P\(.ln of the STB Directory For advertising in the Yellow Pages, please enquire: ADVERTISEMKNT DEPT.. STRAITS times -IMES HOCdE. SPORE. ENROL NOW for 19b5'1966 Examinations for EFFECTIVE TUITION 1 PERSONAL ATTENTION
      114 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1294 19 SSS3 0 L'YERPQIL t WEST CtASt U laVS'ti' I*1 -*a i S >a<a Pt"ti» Ml WMMJ n 1J 9GP MENESTMttS Lt^rpM' A|- II Apr 21 Ap. ton Apr H IiPFNIR I .irtll «»r «P' »f «»y 1 «STYANAI I .fin D M May .CNILLEJ LiTtrpMl M «T ««»y II cyclops
      1,294 words
    • 1240 19 f 11 THE EAC LINES B^^V 7^l **wc«POtr WAiAUj*/vfr.imt\\tm\AM»r***»O t^r^iTrli^Mll Miil M 2iU} fltt IM SAILINCS 10 BETROUIH. IATUKIA, KENOA IE NA»«t, NAMtURC. WEMIN, ANTWERP. MTTERBAM, AMSTERtAM. tHHENBURC, AARWOT ANt CtfINHAIERJ ibii t. M.» r-inini "PATASONIA- (I) It'll Apt U 24 Apt ti it Apt ■KAMMtIA- ta) a Apt 2
      1,240 words
    • 1225 19 I BENULINE I UPRESS kERVICE It LtNOIN, LIVERPaOt k CONIINENIAt MRU BENOEARG May i For Liverpool May i) BENMACDHUI ZSm. ItafltSM P. S'l-n Pfi-g Ant»irp lum 4i Aat 13 ii Apr 11/11 Apr 21/21 *rg).ij;a S-i* iu«i ICNVtLIA .'ion, A'atrp, H'bu'g. •>••■ Apr 17,11 Apt It'll lENMHOR l'cool. Hull. A'werp.
      1,225 words
    • 1308 19 toj^ ELLERMAI BUCKRALL S.S. CO.. LTD. \F*^ U.K.. Continent SinatMta P. S'hata twi OH OF JOHANNESIURC L'eon. H'buX I »t« da* M*CMtlt. M'tra 17 Apt CASTIIIAH nawt L'daa. H'turg. I at* II It Apr CITT If CLASGt* l»n««n. Hmff, tn», Hawa »-|rgir»ajtk M Ji art n Apr Cm If RIPtN
      1,308 words

  • 1143 20 "THE table of shau-es on the Mala van Stock rAchangr shows last business to April S (A) and last business since that date It with H and I. standing for Highest and Lowest business for 1954 and this year to date. :S:Q •>«• BmcM IS JO Z.U
    1,143 words
  • 95 20 Tin consumption tn the D.S. rase 4 per cent in January to 7.040 long tons, according to the Bureau of Mines. U.S. Department of the Interior. The agency said consumprlon for bronze and brass, solder and tinplatc. the major users of tin rose 10 per cent
    95 words
  • 66 20 "THE Malayan Cxenangt BanKa* Aaao--1 elation made these changes In Its ratca to rrnr. bants on Saturday (all rates to $100): Naw Yerh: bvurlna; TT 321. airmail OD 32 7/8. 90 d st, 33. credit bllla. 33 3 trade bills. tailing TT or OD raady: U.S. dollar* Ht;
    66 words
  • 37 20 /*JN the MM anenanga mamat in v RonK Kouk on Saturday Uie U.S. dollar wa* quoted at .Y764 for T.T. 5.T8 for taoh. Sttrlinn, .'.as quoted at 16 and tfit tael tf ttald nt li
    37 words
  • 47 20 Apr. 5. Apr. 6. Industrials: 7... in 75.28 Tin*: 99.9» mo. 71 S rubbers: 193.5? 103.53 Dec. 30. 1963 100 Dec. 39. 1962 100. Apr. 7. 75.56 99.20 103.53 Apr. 8. 75.63 98.73 103.53 Apr. 9. Apr. 10. 75.78 76.48 99.24 99.06 103.53 103.77
    47 words
  • 27 20 Shell Me Mister T Interim. Current payment 2* -it Date of payment May 7 May 3 Total for year li'c Total for previous year 10%
    27 words
  • 538 20 T^HE Straits tin price on Saturday was down S3 i to $701.75 which represented a net k»s on the week of 53.50. The offering on Saturday at 205 tons up 15 ton.- > made an estimated offering for the six-day trading period of 1.190
    538 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1133 20 i Y^' KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. V Cast rtff* 1 and U.S.A. Creai Lakes Service Yo>o-sin» Montieai lo'onlt OeHoti Cicaia ■Kimikawa Mtn" 11 1 3 May 2t Mai TtJiat M Jtat 5 laly H Jill 'K.n»ka«a Mart" iliUaaa 21 Juae 21 July I Aiig I Aui 11 Au( WtMt CoajJTt
      1,133 words
    • 1026 20 rTltfE s] 1^ ROUND VOYAGE TO MANILA HONG KONG S.S. "CATHAY" Deports: Penang 10 May 1965 P. Swettenhom 11 May 1965 Singapore M May 1965 For Manila 17/18 May, Hong Kong 20/24 May Returns:— Singapore 28 May 1965 P. Swettenham 30 May 1965 Penang 3) May 1965 Fare From:-— Penang
      1,026 words
    • 546 20 \^^i^^ Orient mid-east lines Great Lakes Service F4.SI OIRECI SAILINSS FROM SINBAPORt AND -lALATA 10 CANADIAN ANO U.S MEAT IAKES PORTS Spore f. 9'naai Ptnang t!A lomta ORIENT MARINER Ist CaU Apr 11.17 iVaCa i Apr 26 27 II 21 31 May 21 ORIENT IRACtR »>ty it/tl It I* tin*
      546 words
    • 245 20 WILHELMSEN LINES FROM: Scaaoitatiaa aat Cimimu> faru iw* aaa Haat nan VJl'l.*-^ 3 5 Wanlll) Il Ptrt/13 Apr 14/TS Apr IS, iT *ar THEBEN (Calls ru&an Jaoan) j;,j« ttr THHMOPYUt (Call! Manila) 12/13 Mat U/U *Ui 11/ it Mat BARBER LINE F»0«l U.sJk.. RUU »N0 WEST COAST PORTS FERNUND
      245 words

    • 705 21 THE following is a complete list of revised quotations for the week ended on Friday, April 9: t. Alex. Brickt 15.50 I*so Boustead 1.?'! 1... C S. Holding* 1»6 '.ViiU C.T.B. orda *{.'<• 42/Dunlop 4S 1.52 K««o k.4S 1.54 bsso deb I.UO 1.U4 Kiiat Smelt 3.&6
      705 words
    • 1952 21 Big UK budget blow for local investors From Our Market Correspondent THE hapless Stock Exchange of Malaysia and the local investing public received last week yet another broadside when the details of the British budget were revealed mid-week. Not that the blow was unexpected; Labour had made no secret of
      1,952 words
    • 27 21 Apr. 5. 6. 8. •t. 10. i:i I.l.i i: TIN (prr Ibi (perpicul) 75 cts. 5706.37; Toicts. 5710.50 75;cts. 5708.00 74icU. 5712.50 ?4!cU. 5705.00 5701.75
      27 words
    • 129 21 The lollowing lurthcr March crops are announced Amalgamated Malay 76.600 lb.. Bassett 28.500 ib.. Bolion Propei-tir-. 23.000 lb., Borelli 102.000 lb Kuala Sidim 151 100 In.. New Serendah 132.000 lb Tai Seng Estate 24.806 lb.. Beradin 130.000 ib.. Brooklands Selancor and subsidiaries 430,056 lb., Bukit Mertajam and subsidiaries
      129 words
    • 45 21 French tyre production in February totalled 28.430 tons (provisional) compared with 27.550 tons (revised) in January, the Bureau Central de Statistique Industrielle reports in Paris. Imports totalled 904 tons compared with the previous months 872 tons and exports were 6.636 tons against 6.030.
      45 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 282 21 RE: ESTATE OF JULIAN DAMIAN NAZARETH DECEASED WHO DIED ON 3RD JUNE, 1963 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that creditors and other persons having claims against the estate of the above deceased should give notice thereof in writing to Madam Guilhermlna Nazareth of No. 64 Lorong G Telok Kurau. Singapore, the
      282 words
    • 284 21 NOTICE Our Establishment WILL REMAIN CLOSED ON TUESDAY (13.4.65) being SINHALESE NEW YEAR LANKA JEWELLERS, (The House For Ceylon Gems), 20, Battery Road, Singapore-1. TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited lor the purchase of Lot 228 (1) Town Subdivision !G N.E.D. Penang with house No. 24, Rangoon Road, Penang erected thereon.
      284 words
    • 769 21 SEAFIELD AMALGAMATED RUBBER COMPANY HIGH YIELDING ACREAGE The Sixth Annual General Meeti itu: of Seaneld Amalgamated Rubbe" Company Limited will be held on May 4 in London. The following is an extract from the circulated statement of Mr. AH. Marshall. M.A.. F.C.A. (Chair- man and Managing Director): Our rubber crop
      769 words
    • 808 21 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA Applications are invited for the post of Secretary to the Dean. Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya. Kuala Lumpur. QUALIFICATIONS: At least a I Cambridge School Certificate with credit in English Language, mini- mum shorthand speed 120 w.p.m. minimum i ranscrlption speed 30 w.p.m.. experience
      808 words
    • 223 21 TENDER I TENDERS RCYAL AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE Tenders are invited and will be recehed up tr 2 p.m. on 10th May HHS .'or the Servicing and Repair oi RAAF Mechanical Transport Vrhlcles. engines and associated equipment normally based on Penang. Particulars and tender forms may be obtained by application in
      223 words
    • 44 21 A<i»wtt— Looking for a typewriter? Lots of firms dealing In office equipment appear in the YELLOW PAGES of the STB Directory. For advertising in the YeUow Paecs. please enquire: ADVERTISEMENT DEPT, STRAITS TIMES. TIMES HOUSE. S PORK. MORE NOTICES IN PAGES 18 t U~
      44 words

  • 209 22 GOLF NICKLAUS MOVES INTO BIG LEAD AUGUSTA. Sun. American Jack Nicklaus (above) shot a record-equalling round of 64 yesterday to take a commanding lead into the final round of the United States Masters golf tournament. Blasting straight drives down the broad fairways, and displaying masterful putting, the huksy. Nicklaus. 25.
    Reuter  -  209 words
  • 338 22 T ONDON, Sun. Ire- land made Rugby Union history at Dublin yesterday when they gained their first-ever I victory over South Africa. A 45-yard penalty goal five minutes from time by fullback Tom Kiernan enabled Ireland to win 9-6 after the teams had been level
    Reuter  -  338 words
  • 619 22 SOCCER ROUNDUP LONDON. Sun. FNGLAND, battling with nine men for part of the time, held Scotland, the favourites, to a 2-2 draw in the final match of the home countries international soccer championship at Wembley yesterday. Thus England's experimental side, with three
    Reuter  -  619 words
  • 1227 22 FIRST DIVISION Birmingham I i.r..rvirr 0 Burnley 2 Aston Villa 2 l.n-rion 1 Sunderland 1 Notts Forest Blackpool t Sheff. Ltd. U Woh.s 2 Stoke t ShefT. Wed. 1 P W D L F A Pt« Leeds 36 23 8 5 73 44 54 Chelsea 36
    1,227 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 692 22 NOTia PURSUANT TO ORDER OF COUrtT DATED THE STH MARCH, 1965 Bankraptrr Ordinance 1 195)1 1 IX THE HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT PEXANG In Bankrepter N«: 54 «f 1»«4 R» Abdul Hamld Tamm (Si Ton Seang Khun trading as Union Stevedoring A- Trading Co. 33 -A. Weld Quay. Penang
      692 words
    • 774 22 NOTICES I NOTICE ESTATE AND EFFECTS OF RB DA TOON late of No. 43 Jalan Menrinf Ktaanc. Johorr TAKE NOTICE that Mr. WK£ DAT TOON of Chop SIN NAM HIM ot No. 43 Jalan Mersing, KluunK. Johore. died inflate on the 13th day of September. 1964 at No 43 Jalan
      774 words
    • 779 22 1 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT STATE OF BRUNEI STATE INSPECTOR OF SCHOOLS i Applications are Invited for -he vacant post of State Inspector of Schools In the Education Deparr- ment. Brunei. QUALIFICATIONS: Candidates should be of the j Malay race and should prefei ibly possess an Honours Degree from a recognised university
      779 words
    • 839 22 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS VACANCIES -MAJLIS BANDARAN. KLANG. Applicatipns are invited from Federal Cltusens for .the following appointments: a) Junior Terhnlrtan Draftman i. Age: Between 21—30 yewrs. Qualification: Must have knowledge ot English anci Arithmetic equivalent to pass Form II in English School or have I passed Standard VI in Malay School.
      839 words

    • 1953 23 REDCAR LEADS ALL THE WAY IN LAST RACE SHANGRILA 111 AND SHANTIN INN SURPRISE RACING with Epsom Jeep |£UALA LUMPUR, Sun.— Milton Sul 1 1 van s improving thrco-y car-old. Binjai Park scored his third successive win in heavy going here today. Ridden by Keith Moxham.
      Harold Teo  -  1,953 words
    • 71 23 BADMINTON lnirr->Utc l..ilx>ur Urpt <lpun>: h pit i)l l't :ak y-J. HOCKEY Inlrr-vt.ue Labour Dipt ilpjln: I'U..K 7 ti'HOT 0. >()( CXX I ndor-19 KU atimliual H.ikk.i Aflß. 3 SFI U. friendly (Ipoh): KIA 1 RauD Indians 1. CRICKKT Malacca League: Malacca Club t>t 46 Regt RA by 30
      71 words
    • 142 23 ON. Sun Silly Season q inner? ot Wngtb !nm Spa-jwi'n the way tie won pnrtlcu-.iii-.ii i ipreM the ilbWi EspNßi 'Joe MPrcer up> lar!y rhe way he stayed on in the i ii >iil% >r.i>on he.ided Golden luM furlong." O r*t of the EiwlMi
      Reuter  -  142 words
    • 222 23 SEREMBAN, Sun.— Selangor maintained their unbeaten lecord when they thrashed Malacca 4-0 today and they now seem certain of winning the championship in the Malaysian women's hockey carnival being ved on the NS Club padang. Selangor have won the three matches they have played and
      222 words
    • 40 23 TOTAL POOL $85,530 1 No. *****2 ($21,168) 2 No. *****2 ($10,584) 3 No. *****2 ($5,292) Starters ($1,058 each): Nos. *****8 *****5 *****0 *****8 *****8. Consola'ion ($470 each): Nos. *****7 *****6 *****8 *****7 *****0 *****7 *****9 *****0 2:^7563 *****3.
      40 words
    • 37 23 MALACCA. Sun. Malacca Club officials: President Hi Peck: vice-president H. B. Ball; committee members B. D. Bond, D. G. Day. T. R. D. Eakin. J. H Fletcher. Ong Se Pak, J S. Park. T. Rajendran.
      37 words
    • 21 23 RAUB. Sun. Pahang Hockey Association officials: President Tony Pye; vice-president Chan Yee Seong: secretary E. T Pachymuthu: treasurer Joehi.
      21 words
    • 331 23 CRICKET GEORGETOWN, sun.— The Australians, frequently slow handclapped by the 7,000 crowd, struggled to a draw on the last day of their four-day match against British Guiana here yesterday. Needing 293 runs In theii second innings for victors they never made
      Reuter  -  331 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
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  • 590 24  -  LIM KEE CHAN and JOE DORAI THREE JAPANESE RIDERS CRACK LAP RECORD IN 250 cc THRILLER By PHILIP SEOW. driving a Volvo 1,869, won the sports car race over 15 laps of the Thomson Road circuit on a rain-marred first day of the Malaysian
    590 words
  • 426 24 CARS Saloons and tourers: Overall 1 Albert Poon (Lotus Cortina 1.071c0 2 R. A. Clinkard 1 Jaguar 3.781) 3 Peng Tsu Ying (Austin Cooper 1.071 > (40:44.0 Fastest lap by Phoon 2:272 (3rd lap). 850 c 1. L. Gibson (Auitin--850 848) completed 13 laps, 2 J.
    426 words
  • 80 24 I FPOH. Bun. Government Ser- retained the Hennessy trophy when they beat the Rest by 130 rur..s on first inhings on the Municipal padang here today. Batting fir?t. Oovrrnment Serdeclared at 168 for nine wicket-s. Top scorers were Abdul \/.y. 48 ard R. Sivanoli 47. I.
    80 words
  • 846 24 CRICKET ROUNDUP SINGAPORE. Sun. —I For the third time in six weeks, the Singa-|i pore Cricket Association senior tournament was 2 affected by rain today when three matches had 4 to be abandoned by|i lunch. L But good progress was i 1 possible on the
    846 words
  • 479 24 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. Selangor Club's gamble to earn maximum points in their Stonor Shield match against Selangor Indian Association on the Pada::g failed owing to more than two hours 1 play lost to rain. Selangor Club, who won the toss, sent in SIA and skittled them
    479 words
  • 163 24 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun.-- Rain interrupted play on the second day of the Mala.vMaa Indo-Ceylonosf tennis championships at Princes Road tod.iy and only two matches were completed. The men's doublts .semi-linal between D. K. Dharmaratnain and Vie Nayagam and L. C. Javaulaku and W.
    163 words
  • 86 24 THIRD TEST Saeed hits 172 for Pakistan VARACHI. Sun. Pakistan.! one up in the series. Raini ed first innings lead over New j Zealand on the third day of the Third and final cricket Test here today. Pakistan declared at 307 for eight wickets in answer to i New Zealand's
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 40 24 I PALERMO. Sun.— Martin Muill-| gan of Australia won the mcnV 'singles championship in the Sici- lian international tennis tourna-! I ment here today. In the final ac I defeated William Alvurrz (Colom-I lbia> 6-1. 6-1. 6-2.- A.P. <
    AP  -  40 words
  • 240 24 HOCKEY Malacca easily take under-23 title ItiALACCA, ti. Utkbtat»v. mca trounced Belaiigor 5-0 to become rtaamploiui m the first-ever Malaysian Hockey Federation under-23 quadrangular at the Bandar Hilir English School ground today. There was not a shadow oi doubt about Malacca's superiority in the three-day tournament. They scored 15 goals
    240 words
  • 71 24 JTUALA LUMPUR. Sun. The last few matches of the schoolboys" interstate nceec competition for the Abdul Rahman Cup will be held at Merdek i I Stadium tomorrow nnd on Tuesday. In the senii-fin;i. !.s tomorrow Perak will meet Johoro I M I p.m. while Belangor clash v.uh i
    71 words
  • 41 24 CHOOI PHOOI CHOONC, iMMtai artiwr, Mas, Dr. *'hooi Mun ami Chooi Mun 800, 1 I DaiißhHT.y In-Ura ;;.'l 5 gouad Ck <i- j ron. Oorti Jalan Kanaalns, |k.L. at ».:i<> am vi, i Ijim Crt-miuor'um. oif \:r|«ir' I wt<i
    41 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 335 24 Utic CLASSIFIEDS TO JAMAVAM Bat k. ,nutm not s* tapa Want I i Botk mm L*ful thMn,<» to IXHtor nnd Niirsru. PRATT: To Carole nnil Ron hoy called P«t«r on >-v~i\:h April at Ansunia Both »fll Thank* to IhM-tor. HlMn nnd i SlafT. williams to Him mt son Brm
      335 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 96 24 SPORTS DIARY MOTOR RACING Malaysia tourney < Rahman OP (Thomson Rd. 10 a.m). finals: Peralc v Johore 4.30 0.m.: CRICKET Annual match: S gor v Spore 545 (Merdeka BUSEA v SRC (B'pore padang 10 dum XL) KUn« Div It Wah Yew a.m.) v Boon Hean: Div 2: B:. Kampar HOCKEY-
      96 words