The Straits Times, 13 September 1964

Total Pages: 24
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES Nettie in NO. 1.489 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1964 20 CENTS. KDN 732
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  • 230 1  -  CHEW LOY KHOON "Two sections each of four Hunter aircraft yesterday attacked an area where Indonesian paratroopers are believed to be hiding in deep jungle in south central Malaga in an effort to dislodge them. "The aircraft, which were from 20 Squadron R.A.F. commanded by
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  • 2036 1 Missiles only for defence SINGAPORE, Saturday i THE Air Defence Command, Far East Air Force, said today that the Bloodhound missile system in Singapore had been activated and was fully operational. In announcing this, it was emphasised that the Bloodhounds were purely defensive and anti-aircraft weapons. These installations
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  • 187 1 LEE TALKS WITH SANDYS ON MALAYSIA LONDON. Sat. Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew yesterday conferred for the better part ol one hour with Commonwealth Relations Secretary Duncan Sandys on the latest developments in the Malaysia .situation. The meeting, lasting 45 minutes, took place in the morning as Mr. Lee
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  • 273 1  -  JACKIE SAM, RODERICK PESTANA, PHILIP KHOO AND 808 PERIES oy TEAR GAS AND BARRICADES SMASH MARCH Singapore, Saturday the entire Chinatown was sealed off and a virtual curfew imposed today to crush a massive Communist-engineered display of strength. A demonstration by at least 7,000 proCommunist
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  • 106 1 TICKET THE DUKE THREW AWAY JESSELTON, Sat. The Duke of Devonshire's recent visit to Sabah has brought an unexpected windfall to the cook of Sabah's Financial Secretary, Mr. W. H. Davidson. The puke, who stayed with Mr Davidson while he was here, threw away a local raffle ticket before leaving
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  • 69 1 DENANG, Sat. Police last night arrested a magician who claimed he had the power to multiply tenfold any sum of money. The man. alleged to have cheated a labourer of $70 after promising to change it to $700. was surprised by a detective at the Paramount Theatre In
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  • 29 1 KAMPA. Sat. About 100! i Central Congolese Government troop* have fled to Uganda to escape rebel forces in the Eastern I Conso. It was disclosed.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 100 1 MAOC MU.SA GARMENTS ARE UNCONDnONALLY j GUARANTEED J PAST COLORS MACHINE WASHABLE a m OUALJTIZED Wilt not ctafl* et HI NO IRONING NEEDED Ptar dreg or play thojfen wood Chef does so much more than a mixer! Tb» N«w-«tjle Kenwood Chef oomn oomplete with two betters, bowl tad bit recipe
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  • 279 2 A LTHOUGH the death rate among children and expectant mothers in Malaya is the j lowest in South-East Asia, the mortality rate in the rural areas is higher than that in i urban areas, the Minister of Health, Inche Bahaman bin Samsuddin. disclosed
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  • 132 2 Indonesian official seeks asylum in Guinea CANBERRA. Sat. An application by an Indonesian WHO crossed the border into i'apua-Ne\v Guinea MMing political asylum was being considered, officials said- last night. 1 hey confirmed reports that the man. accompanied by his wife and mx children, was seeking passage tv The
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 111 2 BARRICADES MANNED ON ALL THE ROADS TO HONG LIM PARK SINGAPORE, Saturday Police manned barricades on all aproach roads to Hong Lim Park in Chinatown yesterday as thousands of pro-Com-munist youths, led by the Barisan Sosialis, planned to stage a demonstration. I'nder orders to use
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  • 291 2 Twelve Indonesians are jailed for illegal entry into Malaysia BATU PAHAT, Saturday. TWELVE Indonesians were today sentenced to jail terms ranging from three to nine months ea?h in the Sessions Court here when they pleaded guilty in three separate cases to charges of illegal entry into Malaysian waters and importing
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  • 107 2 All schools re-open tomorrow OINGAPORE, Sat. The Ministry of Education announced today that all schools including those in the Gcylang Serai and Joo liiat ifcaa will re-open on Monday. On Thursday, the Ministry announced the reopening of all schools except those in the Gevlang Serai and Joo (In it areas
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  • 28 2 SINGAPORE. Sal.— Mr. Mtk» B'.y,.\ past president ol th« Rotary Club of S;ngapore. uUi speak on the "Rotary foundation" at the club's luncneon meeting on Wednesday
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  • 27 2 PORT SWETTENHAM, Sat.— The Minister of Transport- Dato Sardon bin Haji Jubir. will open the new Malaysia Marine Headquart pr.s here on Tuesday.
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  • 147 2 YOUNG LOKMAN FLIES YIP FATHER TO IPOH FOR INSPECTION IPOH. Sat— Malaysia's 1 youngest pilot. Inche Alohamed Lokman, 17, today flew his father. Dato Sartlon bin Haji Jubir, the Minister of Transport. here from Kuala Lumpur for a quick inspection of the airport. Dato Sardon arrived here this mornine in
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 214 2 CALTEX motorists get CIRCLE SERVICE ...Do you I you get the kind of service that makes K you glow with satisfaction when you drive away mm from your service station? do you get the cour- |t| teous, friendly attention that your custom entitles iWtfKl} (5v you to? when you
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  • 293 3 'VETO A BAD SIGN FOR SOEK' [^UALA LUMPUR, Sat. Britain's Minister of State for Commonwealth Relations, the Duke of Devonshire, said today that if Russia vetoed Malaysia's case in the Security Council of the United Nations it would be *'a sign of weakness for Indonesia. He said this would be
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  • 76 3 I^UCHING. Sat— A Sara"••wak magistrate was today found guilty of corruption. Mr. Justice Harley of the High Court sentenced Bigar anak Deboi. a First Class magistrate, to four years' Jail for accepting an illegal gratification of $99.90 as a reward for doing an official act. Blgar Anak Debol,
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  • Article, Illustration
    376 3  -  ANOTHER $100,000 FOR LAI: DAMAGES FROM BUS COMPANY KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. jyjISS Lai Yoke Heong, the 20-year-old schoolgirl who lost both her arms as a result of a bus accident here two years ago, learned this morning that she is richer by $100,000. The windfall is the damages she
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  • 32 3 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. Bank Negara today received $600 from the National Union of Tamil School Teachers of Malaya for the National Monument Fund. The fund now stands at $1,207,358.
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  • 70 3 j/IALA LLMPIR. Sat. Two building contractors. Huab Ten Nam. 20. and Mm Chin Man. 23. both of Setapak. were found guilty In the magistrate's court herr today on a charge of at- tempted extortion. They attempted to extort 57.200 from a shop owner, On* Haw Chuah, 64.
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  • 535 3 Co-operation of the kampong folk, committees are praised SINGAPORE, Saturday. INDONESIAN agents and anti-national elements failed to cause greater damage and loss of life at the height of the recent trouble because Chinese and Malays on the "ground level" worked closely together to keep trouble-makers out of their kampongs. This
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  • 191 3 Lull-but situation 'still very JESSELTON, Sat. fetti waks Chief Ministei. Mi. btephen KaloiiK Niurkan. sum yesterday that though there was a lull in the ngnting along the Sarawak and Sabah borders, the situation was stiii very serious. Mr. Ningkan said there was no doubt there was an Indonesian build up
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 132 3 Yes it is, but not just with embarrassment he's got collar troubles! It was such a nice shirt too, but he forgot to look for the SANFORIZED trademark on the label. Now the collar's shrunk so tight he can hear bells ringing in his ears. Next time he'll make sure
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    • 452 3 MM i—J* V JT if aft 'ft mmmT 4 fc MORE and MORE PEOPLE IRE OPENING DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Your money earns the maximum safe and sure rate of s wh«a you place it in a Deposit Account with LOMBARD BANKING. No U.K. Income Tax will be deducted: your money is
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  • 248 4 THE PRESS pn:imi.ij< <i ONE of the most harmless hobbies in Fleet, Street, hea d quarters of Brita i n 's national press, is the collection of misprints. Most of these typograficals are too rude for publication here, but this comedy of printing errors discovered by the British trade union
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  • 950 4 T LONDON, Saturday. HE lifting of Singapore's six-day ban on 46 items imported from Britain merely ends one side-incident in a trade war which grows steadily fiercer. For British businesses in Singapore, and in other Far East centres, it may become a fight to survive against the
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  • 66 4 JLST over SO years aeo Japan launched a massive military onslaught on South-East Asia. Today it is a different kind of offensive a big trade push to drive Britain and othrr Western countries out of the region's vast markets. The main contenders: Austin, Morris and Hillman on one
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  • 319 4  -  ARTHUR RICHARDS By A challenge certificate is to be awarded to open class winners at the Malaysian Championship show to be organised by the Malayan Kennel Association at the Chinwoo Stadium in Oct. 18. About 100 dogs will take part in the sow. They will
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  • 225 4 How British is British? PETER LIM SINGAPORE MOTORING pundits are fond of saying: "The British make good sports cars." "The Germans have the best saloons." "Swedish cars are the toughest." But things are not so simple any mart. The "British" car the pundit says is best may not be all
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  • Article, Illustration
    666 5  -  The man at the top of Malaysian Airways WHAT.' I asked, "will Mr. Yong Pung How get as the chairman of Malaysian Alrwa] Mr. Gerry Fernandez. 28. tlip company '.x .xrcretaiy and legal advix»r. smiled and shook hi.x head: "Not much. I'm airaid. Wha! Mr. Yoni; will get is
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  • 1008 5  -  TONY CHAN By said, "a nation where man can live- with man in honour and peace." In 1962 Mr. P. P. Narayanan, secretary-genera! ol the National Union of Plantation Workers, shared the same prize with another Asian labour leader "for helping rubber plantation workers obtain better
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  • 619 5  - E ANTED: AN ALL-WEATHER TRACK ALEXANDRA LEE By SINSAPORE QOOD news today for Singapore's athletes and would-be track stars now nursing bruised shins and ankles after training on the cinderless Farrer. Park track described by a visiting sports writer in 1962 as "unfit even for greyhound racing." If things go
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 274 5 MONDIA SWISS STELLARIS, creoted with oil the cro<tsmonship of the Jj ~^B skilled speciolists of MONDIA morks for you with faith- fff FftT ful precision the doys, hours, minutes ond seconds. I I IfcThe elegant design, the clear, simple figures of the dial, coll to mind the incomparable grace of
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  • 236 6 Disaster if we pull out: General Taylor WASHINGTON, Saturday. QENERAL Maxwell Taylor has told Congress that it would be a "major disaster" for the United States to pull out of South Vietnam. In previously secret testimony made public yesterday, he said US. withdrawal from South Vietnam "would mean, first, that
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  • 69 6 Pigtail cure CHICAGO, Sat. Men who are fearful of growing bald should take a tip from the Chinese and wear a pigtail, a surgeon said yesterday. U Shu-fan told the International College of Surgeons that the Manchu conquerors made the Chinese wear their hair In pig-tails. The weight of the
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  • 61 6 NEW YORK. Sat. A sixfoot column of limestone from a synogogue where Jesus Is believed to have worshipped went on display at the American Israeli Pavilion in the New York World's Fair yesterday. The temple is now a Christain shrine and was visited by Pope
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  • 50 6 MIAMI, Sat.— Hurricane Ethel turned Its 95 mlle-an-bour winds away from the twice-battered Florida coast last night to threaten Bermuda. Ethel, lurking about 830 miles erst of Florida, veered toward the north-northwest on a path the Miami Weather Bureau said "represents a thieat to Burmuda. ¥I—UPI.1 UPI.
    UPI  -  50 words
  • 234 6 Russia signs arms aid pact with India lif OSC O W. Sat. —An agreement for the supply of Soviet defence equipment to India on a credit basis was signed here yesterday, the Indian embassy announced. The anno v n c ement came shortly before President Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan of India arrived
    Reuter  -  234 words
  • 87 6 ..^WITHOUT BOAC NAME OR INSIGNIA LONDON, Sat The British Aircraft Corporation's VC 10 makes an impressive takeoff from the Farnborough Air Show. Although it is one of those which Sir Giles Guthrie has said he will take for BOAC, the plane was bare of any BOAC
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  • 391 6 WHAT WELL-DRESSED I SPACEMAN WILL WEAR fHE U.S. Air force yesterday demonstrated what the well-dressed astronaut will wear when he steps out of an orbiting space ship. It's a cumbersome-looking garment wrinkled and sloppy until it's fully pressurized. It carries a two-piece chest-and-back pack that keeps oxygen, air conditioning, radio
    AP  -  391 words
  • 189 6 Tearingup flag: Strong protest to Indonesia WASHINGTON. Sat. T U.S. officials said yesterday the United State* "protested strongly" to Indonesia against the action of a mob of youths who tore down the U.S flag and ripped the seal from the gate of the American Consulate at Boerabaya, East Java, on
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  • 36 6 MANILA. Sat. The cholera epidemic here has taken 45 lives since Sept. 1, according to officials at San Lazaro Hospital. The total number of deaths due to cholera is 82 today. UPI.
    UPI  -  36 words
  • 186 6 U.S. GRANTS ASYLUM TO SENIOR EAST GERMAN SCIENTIST WASHINGTON, Sat. The United States Is granting political asylum to a senior East German nuclear physicist. Professor Helns Barwich, the State Department announced yesterday. It said that Professor Harwich, a 53-year-old scientist who has worked on nuclear projects in the Soviet Unkm
    Reuter  -  186 words
  • 226 6 LOS ANGELES: A Federal Court judge has refused to dismiss a suit brought by actrew Elizabeth Taylor and her formrr husband. Eddie Fisher, against the 2Otr. Century Fox Film Corporation. Mi YORK: Mrs. H P. Powell, treasurer or the Worn..!!* Christian Temperano* Union, said Americans ar* spending $1,484,018
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 138 6 The new Vespa 5O cc, at last available In Upto 1 86 miim per gallon. Malaysia, is the perfect answer to those happy a tough hardworking engine. people Who Want the best Of both WOrldS Electrical equipment, hydraulic shock absorber* and expanCOOI Vespa SCOOter COmfOrt yet amazing «lon-type brakes all
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  • 252 7 More jobs given to the blind, says lecturer gINGAPORE. Sat. Blind people were more acceptable in today's society and in various fields of employment ihan in the past years, according to a blind music lecturer. He is Mr Hugh Jeffrey, an Australian lecturer who left this evening for Melbourne after
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  • 68 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. The Traffic Police here made an appeal today to eye-wit nesses of ;i hii-and-run incident in whicn a man died after being knocked clown by a lorry at 3) mile Jalan Sungei Besi at 3 p.m. on Sept. 8. The dead man was
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  • 50 7 BUKIT MERTAJAM. Sat.— A party of Customs officer* after a chase, seized a car containing $5,000 worth of textile* «n the main road to Nibong Tebal last night. The car skidded off the road and landed in an irrigation canal. The driver escaped In the rain.
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  • 605 7  -  SULTAN OPENS TASEK CEMENT FACTORY-AND SAYS THANKS' TPOH, Sat.— The Sultan of Perak said today that the S2O million Tasek Cement Ltd. was an example to all that Malaysia would continue its development programme despite Indonesian confrontation. The Sultan this evening opened the cement factory, in the
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  • 63 7 MR AND MRS FRANCIS BOEY after their wedding at the Kampone Kapor .Methodist Church in Singapore on Thursday. The bridegroom, a Journalist of the Straits Times. i> the third son of Mr. and Mm. Boe.v Kok Leong of Horn; Kon;. The bride is the youngest daughter of the
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  • 216 7 l/UALA KANGSAR. Sat The Sultan of Perak last night ,-,et an example uuncing a monthly donation of $200 for the National Patriotic r'nnd. while our country is facing trouble Speakinn at tho of a five-day tour of the Kuala Kangsar District, he
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 139 7 Whitens Your Skin Secretly and Quickly No longer need you odmlr* others wish that your skirt was os light ond attractive as theirs. One jar of Stillmon's will make you equally charming. Continued applications will surprise you, convince you that there is only one beoutifier, only one whitener that words
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    • 104 7 Malaysia 1 today 1 r in fl I ir nTfl ii nf rl V^^ HUB V^k |M LfL T|^l —^^^^B I LI II LUI "^Sm!k S^^^^^^^h j^" PpnTrpTIAM The shell on this Malaysian turtle will protect mhk I nU II LXJ I IUI 1 it for its whole life. Similarly/
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  • 23 8 i« <enrd* < Minimum) IN LOVINC MEMORY of Diana chirw Ah Mo of Kota Bahru. Oone hut not forgotten on Friday 13-9-63
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  • 23 8 !9 trorei Sit/- (Minimum) THE SINCAPORE BALLET! llih. Peaaon. Victoria Theatre. 15th 17th September. Details Robinson, C.K. Tang S4/-. »3<-. S2'-, 11/-.
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  • 105 8 M Worrff J.JO fMfcJ PRIIBYTCRIAN CHURCH, In RlnOpore. Orchard Road Sunday Service S» am. and 6 p.m.—All Wrlrorat FAR EASTERN BIBLE Collect. Reopening Sept. 21 offer* 4-year degree and Diploma Counei Write: Rev. John Orauley. 8.A.. S T.M., »K Oil- I stead Road, Blnxapor* 11. WESLEY METHODIST CHURCH,
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  • 785 8  - OUR LEADER AND THE WILL TO STAY FREE SABA RATNAM By 3^^>| K?[ jyM^yy KUALA LUMPUR. SAT. BY FAR the most significant event at the UMNO General Assembly last week was the dramatic rise in the authority and stature of the one man who matters most in Malaysia the Prime
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    • 173 8 THE pity of it. The tragedy of it. This, m the Tengkus words, is a marvellous country "with enough room, enough natural resources and enough opportunities for all to live happily." Yet we have people prepared to take an active hand In the Indonesian plot to
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    • 167 8 rpHE situation In Labis and X Pontian is excellent. The Indonesian invaders have been contained. But this is no ground (or complacency. Heed instead the Tengku's warning: "We have proof that the Indonesians plan further harrassment when they get good support from the Communists." The Indonesian attacks on
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    • 189 8 THE Wf>st. says Singapore's Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. is in disarray in South-East Asia. They cannot agree on how to deal with Indonesia. While Britain takes a firm line with Soekarno, Holland holds out the hand of financial succour. Thr same can be said of Cyprus. There,
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  • 592 8  - The threat served on your dinner plate Or. JOHN by ANTHONY PARR LONDON WHEN I was young I loved reading about Nabobs, Mamelukes, Sultans and their court intrigues. A word that used to fascinate me. because I did not understand it, was eunuch. He seemed to me a fine, fat
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  • 399 8 AT THE HOSPITAL /COMMENTS by the soy; called "critic" of the night warden at the Casualty Unit, General Hospital (Sunday Times, August 16) were most unfair. One of the main reasons for the recent re-organisation of the Casualty Unit (now known as the Emergency Unit) at the General
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  • 105 8 ALL I can do is drive car. What noes on under the bonnet ha* alway* remained a tnyttery to me. So it wit with great envy that I watched two girlt tinkering with the en«ine of th«ir (tailed car They looked such experts. I could not
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  • 451 8  -  Jessie Leembruggen By ON EMPLOYMENT EXCHANGE WEEK THOUSANDS of unemployed men and women will keep their fingers crossed next week for the success of a nationwide campaign the Employment Exchange Week. It could mean work again for the workless. They are the 90.000 job seekers now registered
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 616 8 CLASSIFIED ADS. KMOO To Pbln Klow (Aliaotn and Tint: Watt i Jackie i a son (Alan) n OaaaraJ Hospital. Ser.mri.m. Thanks to Doctor* and Staff. it (fare!* SII/- (Minimum) TONC LIM. At Wesley Church. P nxapore 800 Ing. son of Mr. U Mrs. lon* Srng Bung to Emilie Choy Lan.
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    • 307 8 AIIIJiK _ifc ,v Dear Sir, <cj|k. J We have introduced AI'LKR typewriters to Malaysia. Al'LJih is f" the oldest typewriter nanufacturlng I company In Germany ana belong* to the faaoua UHCNEIO grout; of quality Manufacturers. AI)U£R typewriters Q are known fcr their modem design, I^H quality and success ***««aa*aß*****T^*a t
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  • 227 9 'Be brave' call to police KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. The Inspector General of the Royal Malaysia Police. K.iti. ('II Fenner. today told policemen that they would have to shoulder "extra responsibilities" during the present national Emergency. He said tin-- was essential because at the moment the country was faring ••foreign" aggression.
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  • 413 9 PENANG, Saturday. A WARNING was given here today against possible attempts by the enemy to disrupt the Government services. Almost simultaneously, a call was made in Krian by the Mentri Besar of Perak, Dato Ahmad bin Said, to all Malaysians to act as the "eyes
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  • 102 9 TESSELTON, Bat. The fate of Sabah students intending to study In Formosa still hangs In the balance as the Deputy Federal Secretary here. Mr. Yeap Kee Alk. has received no instructions on the clampdown as in Malaya. Mr. Yeap said: "I'm going to Kuala Lumpur tomorrow to seek
    AP  -  102 words
  • 37 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat Three new mobile post offices are now based at Alor Star Jerantut and Kajang. Two more mobile post offices will operate soon In the Malacca and Paslr Puteh districts.
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  • 49 9 SINGAPORE. Sat, The University of Singapore's Department of Extra-Mural Studies will resume the following courses on the normal scheduled > xt week advanced English (old classes only), history of Chinese art. economics, the teaching of Hokklen. English poetry of the 20th century. Muslim Law. and looking at paintings.
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  • 251 9 STRANDED IN SPACE ry American astronaut in the (learning, bellshaped capsule braced himself for the shock. For four days he had hern orhitinc the earth at 17.000 miles M hour. Now it was time to co home. Mi fin err poised over the control for thr rr. troaclivc rockets. When
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  • 30 9 1,200 burglary PENANG. Sat— Thieves took away $1,200 in cash, jewellery mid articles from the hous of an estate manager. Mr. Lin Jon Beng. In Jelutong Road, early '.his morning.
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  • 194 9 Blind Ron will work for the blind CINGAPORE, Sat— A blind man. Mr Ron Chan-dran-Dudley Is now the new secretary-general of the Singapore Association for the Blind. Mr Dudley, 30, returned to Singapore three weeks ago with a degree in sociology from the London University and a diploma in social
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  • 97 9 Four women robbed of 51,100 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat Five women, including a teacher, were robbed of $333 and Jewellery worth $805 by armed robbers in their home In Loke Yew Road here last night. Miss Sit Yoke Lin. 20 a teacher, told the police that five youths who wore masks,
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  • 23 9 PENANO Sat. Thp Knmpong Pulau Goodwill Ommi'xwill hold a meeting a 1 the Sum Sun School at 3.30 p.m. to- morrow.
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  • 288 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. J ENGKU Abdul Rahman met the Nationalist Chinese Foreign Minister, Mr. Shen Chang Huan, for an hour this morning and discussed problems common to both countries. Mr. Bhen. who Is now on a brief visit to Kuala Lumpur, arrived from
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  • 176 9 MAGISTRATE PRAISES POLICE FOR FOILING ROBBERY rfELUK ANSON, Sat. A Tne Douce -Darticularly Inspector Ariffin bin Abdul Aziz'' were commended by the Teluk Anson magistrate, Inche Gulam Mustaffa bin Nadar Ali. today for their part in an ambush which prevented a robbery and resulted in an arrest. Inche Gulam praised
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  • 102 9 SINGAPORE. Sat. Th» Rev. Christopher H. Smith, a member of the teaching staff of Trinity Theological College in Mount Sophia, has been aoDointea pastor of Wesley Methodist Church at Fort Canning. He succeeds Dr. Robert F. Lundy. who was elected Meihodtej, bishop in Malaysia at Kuala Lumpur
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  • 51 9 PARIT BUNTAR. Sat— lnch* Yahaya bin Hajl Salleh, 22 m teacher in the Methodist Secondary School here has been awarded an eight-year scholar«hiD by the Central Electricity Board fo study engineering In Enßland. Inche Yahaya Is an old boy of the Sekolah Tuanku Abdul Rahman at
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  • 36 9 PENANG. Sat. The Chief Minister, Dato Wong Pow Net, said today that several thiics had been called ud by poliea and warned to behave themselves. A number of arrests had also been made recently.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 139 9 SHAMROCK PARK Title Deed*: Freehold. Assessment: Only 23%. Locality: Built on High Elevation at 55 Milestone off Bukit Timah Road with Exit to Holland Road —Only 1 5 minutes drive from the City of Singapore. Payment: Easy payment can be arranged. TWO-STOREY BUNGALOW Building Area 2,800 Sq. Ft. $58,500/-TWO-STOREY SEMI-DETACHED
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 269 9 ON YOUR TV TODAY TELEVISION programmes of the Beggars; IMS Club Dv X lor today: Piano, 11.30 Programme sumTV sivgapira mary in all languages tor the Channel 5 next day and close P.M.: 12 55 Opening and programme summary In all lan- Channel 8 guages; 1.00 Twentieth Century PJI.: 7.40
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  • 1706 10 At road junctions outside tne area notably near len-waiß oftices in iviiadie Hoad V ictiria Street, and Juronß heavily armed police pauuii itoixj by. ihe demonsuauon haa oii A uu>i.> ttvctt Dianniu I o» Sept. 5 and was postponed to Sepl. 3o xnen
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  • 149 10 Attendant of lorry in crash is scolded by coroner IPOH, Saturday. A LORRY attendant, Goh Yin Kuan, 30, who slept most of the way while J ravelling from Butterworth to Ipoh early one morning was criticised today by the coroner here, Mr. W. Sachithanadhan. f— Recording a verdict of death
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  • 101 10 For your day by the sea TODAY: Sedill Kechll 2.33 a.m. (6.7 ft) 1.36 p.m. (6.4 ft); Singapore 3.05 am. (7.2 ft) 2.49 p.m. < 7.9 ft i; Port Dickson 1020 a.m. (7.4 ft) 10.26 p.m. < 6.6 ft >; Port Swettennam 907 a.m. dl.2ft> 9.26 p.m (lO.ltt): Penang 4.05
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  • 33 10 ACKNOWLEDGEM ENT S MR. AND MRS O. Perumal wish to express sincere thanks to their friends, relatives for their kind attendance, presents and assistance on the occasion of their daughter's wedding on 11.9.64.
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  • 44 10 RECEIVED CABLE from Ceylon that Mr. T. Kanaqarajah, second son-in-law of Mrs. Alagaratnam, passed away in Kondavtl on 10.9.64. MADAM MISSINONA. age 73 passed away 12.8. 14 cortege leaves Telecoms Quarters 4.3P p.m. today for burial Sinhalese cametery Loke Yew Road, Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 28 10 IN LOVINO Memory of Michael Tan Hock Chiang who was called to be with Our Lord on 13.9 63. Fondly remembered by loving wlf« and children.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 172 10 GR IMPORTANT REASONS WHY OVALTI N E IS YOUR BEST BUY gives you the concentrated goodness of MALT, WJL MILK, COCOA and EGGS, plus EXTRA VITAMINS. jL 2 ONLY OVALTI NE tastes so delicious and does you so much good BHl En)0y that nappy go healthy Ovaitine' feeling j|Hb every
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    • 126 10 LciU CLASSIFIEDS 20 words Sl2 (minimum) CHE— WOON: Between Ol Men so Miv Mrs. Chee Salic Kee and Lee Heng d o of Mr. Mrs. Woon Kee Mong: 20.9.64. TEO— ONG: Peter Kee Choo also known as Toug K«nn. s o late Madam Tan Wee Khlan and Pamela Lay Tin.
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  • 203 11 Penang Arrivals AIRPORT arrivals and departures for today: MALAYSIAN AIRWAYS: Prom Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Ipoh (ML 106 7.35 a.m.: Singapore. Kuala Lumpur and Ipoh i ML 032) 9.45 a.m.: Singapore. Malacca and Kuala Lumpur (ML 004) 10.39 a.m.; Kota Bharu (ML 035) 12.05 p.m.: Singapore. Malacca. Kuala
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  • 59 11 JAKARTA, Sat. President Soekarno has denied that the recent racial riots in Sincapora were inspired by Indonesia. In a speech yesterday to Inaugurate the Djuanda naval alrbase in Waru. East Java, tho President said that the outbreak of riots between the Chinese and Malays was natural
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 16 11 JESSELTON. Sal— Thirty-six more Filipino immigrants arrived here yesterday with thcr 1»--mlies. .seeking jobs.
    16 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 184 11 ll|^Sr- Ride the Maß'c Carp«t with \>" KNOWLEDGE JUm6mßfU^o^^^^^^^'yp^ k^ f^^L "^^^J 1 >- changing fiptriminti, returned «xploeM J^^^^B^^ r m M-^ ~s% i I r^ I V A» > A W /HP V *-JZVg& «j£s 31? tSF t'&C H^¥ i)& ni \jS P«rnt~. •-< fculpton 4«Hn.d T^t^^i. A
      184 words

  • 191 12 Joint council set up on broadcasting KUALA LUMPUR. Saturday. BROADCASTING Co-ordinating Council has been set up between the Malaysian Ministry of Information and Broadcasting and the Singapore Ministry of Culture. This was stated here today by the Secretary to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Syed Zainal Abidin. on his
    191 words
  • 53 12 Another death from cholera KUALA LUMPUR. Sat -Another cholerH death was reported In Kuala Trengganu district In the Usl 24 hours, bringing Una toll in Trengganu to 68 A cholera patient wax ad- j muted to the Kuala Trengganu i Hospital during the same period The death toll in Malaya
    53 words
  • 180 12 ASIANS i<> will h Mai-lin Pane il<fl) hu> imnr a lone ».i> from bit part player in a M.iliv nimir In thr eiddy Mffctl »f tin- (nilili-ii \i il.ul>auard it Ihr rcrrnt \ Film Festival, llrrx i* a succrs* story to thrill thr hearts of all thr
    180 words
  • 157 12 T op U.S. judge due on visit SINGAPORE, sat. United States Supreme Court Justice Artnur J Goldberg and his wife are scheduled to meet with Singapore and Kuala Lumpur leaders, and visit economic development projects during a weeklong visit to Malaysia beginning on Monday. Well-known for his activities on behalf
    157 words
  • 365 12 SUNGEI PATANI, Sat SUBMISSION that the retriai of Asst. Supt Gurbachan Singh, former Jitra OCPD. on a corruption charge amounted to "a gross miscarriage of justice," was made today by defence counsel. Mr. Jag-Jit Singh. "This has been a cruel case and a most cruel trial."
    365 words
  • 349 12 Business on the Stock Exchange SINGAPORE. Sat.— Business in and reported to the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Malayan Stock Exchange today with the number of shares traded in brackets: Industrials: Dun lops U.OOOi 51.73, < 1.000. $1.78. '5,000 1 $1.76. (4.000. $1.75, (8.000 1 $1.74: Esso
    349 words
  • 366 12 Tin sales: New plea to U.S. LONDON-. Sat.— Tin consuming member countries of the International Tin Agreement will press next week for the council to take the initiative in Washington about an adjustment of the tin releases from the U.S. stockpile during the year ending next March, according to the
    366 words
  • 254 12 rjiHE president of the Na- tional Trades Union Congress, Mr. Ho See Beng, today handed over to the Singapore Council of Social Service a cheque for $55,609 the sum collected so far by the NTUC for its rehabilitation fund for the
    254 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 604 12 ■^|B*f^|fßfffa^aakjfek^yaH|fßja^a^Mf^Bffffaaß^|y^Baßaßaafaßafffff^aaN^|^Baßßßßaßaß :<- "1^ B^^n M^l l^l^B MM v a^|)^a^|^|^a^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^f^^^ai^^MMflH||^B||^riH|fl| Bifsteck in Brussels Wheels of Fortune gold medals at European competBifsteck in Brussels, Vitello in Although Australia is already the itions. 2^/ithin Australia bon vivants Venice and Hamburger anywhere fourth most motorised country in now take tasting tours in the in
      604 words

  • showpage
    • 223 13 EVER since British filmmakers discovered realism and the facts of life, too many have behaved as if that knowledge alone were enough. Take "THE SYSTEM" which is sexy but shapeless. But the film will be remembered for introducing a young man called Oliver Reed
      223 words
    • 314 13 Burton and the angry women TAKE a master at the art of striking sparks off people, like John Huston. Take another master, this time at the art of seeing deep into people's hearts and souls, like Tennessee Williams. Give them a group of sizzling actors with whom to make a
      314 words
    • 413 13 THE Metro Philhanponlc Society would be contributing a major event to Slngapores cultural life by presenting Smelana's best known and loved work, the opera "The Bartered Bride" In any language; but when they plan to do this with a Chinese libretto, specially translated for the occasion by Matthew
      413 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 519 13 \o\\ snow i m.: E i SHOWS AT 4 SHOWS AT tl om-1 30-4 00 12 30-3 00 445 9.30 pm 6.00 t 8.30 pm JEAN MARAIS DYALISCOPE TECHNICOLOR ODEON: Todoy 8.4S a.m. n "NOTHING BUT LOVE T U, 10 JO i: i l 4^ T \<;f;Vil33lool I I> o
      519 words
    • 537 13 c iiiiicjiiiiiiiiiiiitjiiiiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiitjiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiimiiiit I SINGAPOREEfjW^jVJ SIMULTANEOUS OPENING WEDNESDAY 16th SEPT. I DWARFING THE MIGHTIEST!! 'i I J^J\ Stanley Baker- Cy Enddeld Production (no rrJu.*) ft kmmmKm ranur techmmma E 9 Stanley Jack Ulla Jamet C BAKER HAWKINS JACOBSSON BOOTH 1 =ltJllllllllllll[3llllllllllllt]llllllKJlMlllllllll[3llllllllllllC3llllllllllll[3lll|||llllll[3ll frloVMlfl COMING! I m 4 4 h J Tel: 21-116
      537 words
    • 107 13 II A I Air- If If 1/ |y I Conditioned BAR RESTAURANT i Located in tbe aboppio* 4 centre. All alr-condltloned bedroomi witn private oalba. t TelepbOße A A Redlffuarao. V Superb mi vioa ■hanihilneea I Dlahee. W'—' \SSSk^^^ bar. •■ere. Jf Ttl: *****/7 S\ rHL i~.^ I'm TODAY J
      107 words
    • 271 13 lIN HATe AiVAPITOL *p»"e" LI I* w r\t Iv JPfIP 45 400> 30 I 0 H "oirrrcT OPENS TODAY -DlCj(] L b I and I SHAWS' MOST GIGANTIC I Iff W PRODUCTION TO DATE! LAST PICT tm A 4 Mi||i D °i>o' a.r^^. ruiwnt. ACTION SPECTACLE! "LAST WOMAN of SHANG"
      271 words

  • 514 14 The new-look Victor resembles the Rekord motorists are l ond of Riving their own k names to new models (the four-wheel variety* And when the new Vauxhall Victor comes they are bound to call It the "Opel Vauxhall." In a way they will be right. Por the
    514 words
  • 305 14 'POINTER' on training 1 LET us discuss the forthcoming First Malaysian Championship Show. This will be held in Kuala Lumpur in October. Any reader interested in entering their dogs should commence preparations now, if they have not already done so Preparation Is essential if one's dog is to
    305 words
  • 255 14 Tan now confident of more aid after Tokyo talks TOKYO, Saturday. THE Finance Minister, Mr. Tan Siew Sin, ended talks with Malaysia's chief Commonwealth allies yesterday, confident of additional financial and military aid to counter Indonesia. The talks will continue next week, possibly between Mr. Tan and the High Commissioners
    AP  -  255 words
  • 78 14 |(ULIM. Sat. The recently formed Kulim vigilantes are already operating in several kampongs and estates "The response has been very good" the District Officer, Syed Alwl Shahabuddin. said today. Syed Alwi said the penghulus in all 15 muklms throughout the district, had successfully laid the groundwork and
    78 words
  • 52 14 PENANG. Sat.— Members of the Civil Defence will be "called up" soon in a state of preparedness in case of major disasters. Stating this today, the acting Controller of Civil Defence, Mr. A. Raja Gopal, said it was planned to reorganise the 200 members of the
    52 words
  • 41 14 IPOH, Sat. A Perak State Assemblyman Haji Hussein bin Hail Ya'acob. lost two pens ar.d ca-*h totalling $160 from the Government Rest House rarlv this r.iornins Han Husmmti woke up ;it i3O a.m and tound his room WMCB-
    41 words
  • 45 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat.— Mr. S. Selvadurai has been elected president of the Maiayan Union of Timber Graders. Other officials ure Harun bin Jafaar. vi^e-pro.sident Mr. Lav Puay Lock, secretary; Mr. Freddie Wee Chwee Seng, secretary and Mr. Chew Pow Fan. treasurer.
    45 words
  • 61 14 CEB sends 1 1 to U.K. for courses KUALA LUMPUR. Sat— The Central Electricity Board is sending 11 youths to London for three to six years' courses In electrical engineering The youths, who were to leave here at 8 p.m today will now leave at 1 p.m This Is becaus*
    61 words
  • 50 14 PENANO, Sat. Police yesterday picked up the body of a fisherman found floating In th» sea off the Chinese Swimming Club. A policeman. Cpl. Mat RoslL. was fishing on the beach off Tanjong Tokong Road, at about 6.30 ajn. when he saw the body
    50 words
  • 329 14 When a P.C. seeks aid OBVIOUSLY, it is a citizen's moral duty to ass' bI the police when called upon to do so. But is it also his legal duty? That was the question raised in John Gregory's case. John was a young sales representative waiting one evening in his
    329 words
  • 113 14 COURT TOLD OF YELL IN BEDROOM C ING A PORE. Sat.— Spurned by his wife, Mohammed Yusof bin Husaln, 30. turned to his 14--year-old .step-daughter, a magistrate's court was told yesterday. Yusof admitted the charge of using criminal force on the girl last night with intent to outrage her modesty.
    113 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 388 14 HP WJ»* Keep COOL with Carrier The winner! Yes, Carrier air-conditioning Is the air-conditioning and refrigeration, can offer you winner in every way, efficiency, economy and the finest and most comprehensive range of airmaintenance. With Carrier air-conditionih 0 you conditioning units, be it for a small room, a whole can
      388 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous

  • 1941 15 SINGAPORE, Saturday. pASIR Puteh. brilliantly ridden by Mickey Don- nelly, came from nearly last to win the six furlongs $15,000 Stewards Cup at Bukit Timah today. The winner was recently purchased by Jacky's Stable for $15,000. Felton. well ridden by Merv Posner. snatched
    1,941 words
  • 101 15 TOTAL POOL: $121,261 1st. No. *****5 ($61,712) 2nd. No. *****6 ($17,632) 3rd. No. *****6 8,816) STARTERS ($1,200 each) Nos. *****2, *****1 *****7, *****2, *****0, *****0, *****9, *****1, *****0. *****7. *****8, *****6, *****0, CONSOLATIONS: ($750) each) Nos. *****3, *****0, *****9. *****7, 44G003. *****2. *****1, *****8. *****!). *****1. Extra consolation ($200 each):
    101 words
  • 152 15 Epsom Jeep's best bets are Master Auctioneer (Race 3), Terang Bulan (Race 6) and Ciboulette (Race 7). The going is soft. fcPSOM JEEP CALL BOY POIMtB Racel C. BAGGER Supers weet Navazish N. OBLIGE Carpet Baxter Wisley lon NAVAZISH Supersweet Carpet Bagger RaceZ ZAZA Lord Francis Industrialist LORD FRANCIS
    152 words
  • 424 15 MASTER AUCTIONEER HAS EDGE OVER FILM GOER 111 ON A WET TRACK riILM GOER 111 and MasJT ter Auctioneer renew rivalry. They may well have the finish to themselves in Race 3. On a wet track Master Auctioneer may have a slight edge over Film Goer in. In
    424 words
  • 1347 15 Race 1—230 3-y-o Oiv z ($8,000) 6fi 1 4 Navasish (Mln St.) Daniels, 9.0 <F) Subian 4 2 56 Brandon (Jarkrv's St.) Bagby. 8.10 Donnelly 6 3 08 Lash tWhlte Nose St.i Bagby, 810 Pouter 2 4 ***** Trojan (Seng Lee Bt.) Bagby, 8.9 *Cbong
    1,347 words
  • 326 15  -  EPSOM JEEP TERANG BULAN can make it 4-in-a-row in the Cl. 5, Div. 1 9f handicap (Race 6) at Bukit Timah today. This six year old has hit a good patch and in his present form he may well prove too good for Cla&'
    326 words
  • 181 15 FRASER'S HILL: JOCKEY QUERIED fHE Stipendiary Steward's report on yesterday* Singapore races. RACE 1: Wilson (Fraser'. Hill), was questioned as to his reason for being out of nls ground In the middlt stages 0/ the race. Wilson stated that Fraser's Hill could not handle the track, and it was only
    181 words
  • 150 15 Darkness stops exciting 5-set match FOREST HILLS. Sat.— Darknesg slopped an exciting quarternnal battle between Fred Stolle of Australia and Dennis Ralston of the United States In th« United States tennis championships here yesterday. When it became too dark to play Stolles score was 6-2 8-3 «-6. 3-6. 7-7. Stolle
    150 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 865 15 CLASSIFIED ADS. AT YOUR SERVICE M W.rW. SS (mtmJ—Bm M eU. txtrm GENUINE PHOTOSTATS, ro'omatic, 53 Robinson Road, Sport I •3340. PHOTOCOPIED DOCUMENTS can fc" rorluced or enlarged Tans a 9M6K i (B pom. THI HAIR CLINIC, 10. PrIOMP (trot. Spore. Pbooe *****. For Dandruff. Kaldneit. Thinning, Falling. 'ir-yinc Hair.
      865 words
    • 258 15 MEN WOMEN feel Young again As we grow older It's only natural that we begin to »low down. But some people grow old (aster than they should. Then they feel weak, tired, find It hard to keep working; and seldom «et any fun out of life. Due to New Improved
      258 words

  • 108 16 PERAK ROUT MALACCA IN RULERS' SHIELD K^UALA LUMPUR, S&t. 1V Perak Malays won the Rulers' Shield with a day to spare whon they beat Malacca Malays by an innings and 63 runs in the final on the padang here today. Malacca batting first were out for 70. Rahim Bakar took
    108 words
  • 308 16 MALACCA IST INKS Aba Sulaiman b Rahim Bakar 4 Othman Omar c Rahim Bakar b Md. Akhlr 3 Bakar Said b Md. Akhlr 10 Ismail AU b Rahim Bakar 0 Maslr Omar c Sulaiman Amin b R*hlm Bakar n Mahmood Said b Jaafar 24 Ramli Md. Wall b Rahim
    308 words
  • 38 16 CHRISTCHURCH. Sat—lndia won the second hockey Test. against New Zealand by 5-1 in a dazzling display at i Christchurch. ADELAIDE. Sat. Pakistan, the Olympic hockey champions, bent South Australia 6-0 here today. From Page 15
    38 words
  • 17 16 MALA YSIANS BREAK 12 SEAP GAMES RECORDS AND EQUAL TWO Selvaratnam Lav Seok Lan Rajamani (lefty wins
    17 words
  • 427 16 HE GETS THE 'BEST' TROPHY FOR 2 OUTSTANDING RUNS JJ. SUBRAMANIAM, the lanky long distance runner from Prisons Department, was named the top athlete in the Malaysian Government Services Welfare and Recreation Council athletic meet which ended at the Police Depot ground here today. Subramaniam
    427 words
  • Article, Illustration
    436 16 100 m: 1 Mazlan Hamzah (Joh) 2 J. Daukun (Pol) 3 Wong Fey Wan (Pri) 11.0; 200 m: 1 Mazlan Hamzah (Joh) 2 C. Kunalan (S'por) 3 J. Daukun (Pol) 21.9 (record); 400 m: 1 K. Selvaratnam (Forces) 2 A. Victor (CEB) 3 M. A. Rahman (Pri) 48.5 (record);
    436 words
  • 389 16 r\NG MEI UN, of Methodist Girls School, won v five firsts to become the champion of the women's section in the Perak swimming open championships here today. Mci Lin won all her events in the junior championships for girls yesterday. Leong Wei Tat,
    389 words
  • 165 16 TWELVE NAMED FOR TOKYO K"UALA LUMPUR, Sat. The Malaysian Amateur Athletic Union tonight named 12 athletes for the Olympic Games in Tokyo next month. They .are: M. Jegathesan (100, 200. 400 m, 4 x 100 and 4 x 400 m), Kuda Ditta (110 m hurdles); EMlbagh Singh Kler (3.000 m
    165 words
  • 32 16 LONDON, Sat— Results of English league football matches played last night were: Division Two: Northampton 3 Huddersfleld 2. Division Three: Queens Park Rangers 2 Watford 2. Shrewsbury 3 Walsall 1.
    32 words
  • 347 16 LONDON. Sut Chelsea snatched a narrow 1-0 win over Fulham In their south-west London "Derby" today to continue to head the First Division in the English Football League Barry Bridges netted their winner in the 33rd minute. The victory kept Chelsea one point ahead of
    347 words
  • 37 16 ABERDEEN, Sat— The Australians drew their two-day cricket match against Scotland here today. The Australian-; scored 2HB and 117 for four, and did not enforce the 'ollow-on when Scotland were all out for 96. Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 110 16 SAIL AWAY FROM f ROUTINE... aboard the luxurious, completely air-conditioned SS PRESIDENT CLEVELAND. I SS PRESIDENT WILSON or 1 SS PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT. Sail from Hong Kong or Manila h??.*, to Yokohama, Honolulu and on to the United States. Relax in American comfort. Enjoy the finest food. Fill your hours with
      110 words
    • 352 16 Asfhma,BronchifisCoughing, Choking Curbed in 3 Minutes Do you have attacKn of Asthma or J. R. had lost 40 lbs., ufT.rrd cmichJ?rr>nrhltl» ao bad that you ohokr IntT. chokinir und otranßlinp •v»ry and cusp (or breath and can't slerp? night, couldn't xlrep, i-xiw. trU to die. 1» you cough so hard
      352 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 34 16 SPORTS DIARY TENNIS Sgor Oovt. Services championships (PWD courts. XL). SOCCER Malacca combined schools six-a-slde tourney for boys and girls (padang, 8 a.m.). 6HOOTING YaUv Cup: Ne-gri-Malacca-S'gor Police meet r Menyala Range, Pt. Dlckson).
      34 words

  • Unknown
      • 80 1  - THE NAZI HUNTERS George Edwards FLASHBACK to August 16. 1935. More than 20.000 people heard Julius Streicher fin light uniform), Germany's chief antiSemite launch a violent tirade against the Jews in his first Berlin speech "If anything is wrong. who is responsible? Naturally, a Jew." said Streicher This drive to
        80 words
      • 1862 1 This is the sort of report we receive about today's teenagers. More and more, they're turning to Tampax at a younger and younger age. And why not? Tampax internal sanitary protection can be used by any TOWT] young woman —I! married or single, CZuS active
        1,862 words
      • 23 1 Seriol 1, 5 For Women 2, 3 Jone Lee 3 Features 4 Know Alls 5 Stars 6 Comics 6, 7, 8
        23 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 47 1 ■BH^HflB Go on- JHbfcb H^HH do- itv| I yourself r\ l l l i iy GLOSS FINISH lte-*- i- -i^M tW Mi ¥i* 1 1 1 i^fUNGUS RESISTING WSH ikUOiWitI DULUX jE~J»- JWWO l Mh **i^»'^l GLOSS FINISH DULUX -iji DULUA t «koiwiM>iH CLOSS FINISH RfeiVMMMiMHH fT/PE/»'
        47 words
    • 470 2 Are you Mits Buthers on Sundays LEX EE HOW TO BE COOL, COMFORTABLE -AND COMPLETELY CONFIDENT WHEN the front door rings unexpectedly on a lazy Sunday morning, does it send you into a dither? Does that insistent buzz throw you into a panic and make you wonder: "Who on earth
      470 words
    • 388 2 A MAN had Juit become engaged In New York and. In something of a daze, wandered Into Tiffany's to buy the ring. He picked up a magnificent diamond and asked its price. "That. sir. would be $100,000." said the clerk calmly The man looked startled, then
      388 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 206 2 .aaaafl Skin needs x^^M for delicate beauty The secret of true beauty is a delicate, natural 100k the look that comes from a skin that blooms with freshness. To keep your skin fresh and lovely use NIVEA CREME it contains a unique ingredient that actually restores your skin, leaving it
        206 words
      • 474 2 *y w TO EVERY WOMAN OVER 30... Endocil makes this promise: your skin can be young again —and you will see it happen! Use Endocil always and jour skin will stay young. Is it possible? Yes, it is with Endocil. Hormone-enriched Endocil penetrates deep into your skin, stimulating the cells
        474 words
    • 109 3 lEX EE ANOTHER PAGE FOR- WOMEN CASH I ON-WISE the "never on Sunday" theme is out for the woman who hopes to spend a quiet morning at home. Today we women must look our best —EVEN on Sunday. For one never
      109 words
    • 405 3 The woman of doom DENVER iColoradoi. Sat. When Mrs. Jeane pixon forecast the assassination of President Kennedy the world wrote her off as another screwball occultist. And her friends .said: "This time she's gone to far Twenty-lour hours later history proved her rlghtr— and an investigation showed that n wasn't
      405 words
    • 553 3 WHEN Mr. WRONG MEETS Miss RIGHT nI'AR .lane Lee: All my girlfriends have confessed their love for me. 1. too, have told them I love them (although I don't). I feel that a boy can study a girl and pick his Miss Right only after he has confessed his love-
      553 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 163 3 sllf Jbafl ■I N lib/Jit* af She has a secret youil lorg to share... TOP SECRET by max Factor It's the secret of her silky, shapely hair! You can possess a gleaming head of hair like hers. Use TOP SECRET when you set your hair after a shampoo or after
        163 words
      • 648 3 THE WORLD NEEDS TRAINED MEN .jj^^.^— H England W^^^^ III fl II *^n JSouth Africa^P^^ fE fcV^WBfc^- Hongkong) I Npw ZealandH POSTAL EDUCATION BRANCHES THROUGHOUT THE WOULD r THE WORLD is desperate for men to fill OVER 300 COURSES key industrial and commercial positions. LM<Jinf authorities consider "British I nititutei'
        648 words
    • 1396 4 The world of 007 ROBERT PtTMAXTS SEARCHING Ol II FOR ALL J\Ml s BOXM9 WAM3 HE was born just over 11 years ago. And now, quite suddenly, he is dead. But during that time he made an indelible mark on the ideals and habits of people all over the world.
      1,396 words
    • 165 4 1. (c) Bonui: Perrier 1. .bi 3. (d) 4. (a) Boons: Peniold Hemrta. 5. <a> Watch; (b) CisarettCß'. fc) Wodeliouae. Bono*: Donovan Grant 6. (a) Oddjob: <b) Mr. Big: (ci Drax; id> Ooldflrnt". Bonos: To ensure sun-tan behind ears. etc. 7. la i France Ca«lno
      165 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 258 4 -^CATHAVJ PACIFIC A >I BhBH i^V ■■Ih^K^ Im. BHaaMfi^BSH I Is iK-Ajf -Xsv jfmm HM Bra m -'^^^^VHP^ A TAIL OF LOVING CARE AND ATTENTION To provide fast, frequent flights to the prop -jet aircraft are kept in faultless seventeen major cities of the Orient condition at all times. Another
        258 words
    • Page 4 Miscellaneous
      • 295 4 POPULAR CROSSWORD) jO I lw«r I]^|t(/ I ACROBS: 1. Kind of island It). (si. 6. Wrack is>. 10. Save (9>. DOWN: 1. Old horse (5), 2. 12 Constrained (7), 14. Up and Lease again (5). 3. Sour (4), 4. about (S), 16. Belief <6>. 18. Bird Rightly reasoning <7i. 5.
        295 words
    • 396 5 What can I do with a tiger' s teeth? KNOW ALLS DEAR Know Alls: I was with a hunting party that recently shot a tiger. We divided the animal among ourselves and my share was the tiger's teeth. Any suggestions as to what I can do with them. T-S.P. Besides
      396 words
    • 185 5 Today's science question lakes .you Into the garden, where one of the youngsters may ask: WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MOTHS AND BUTTERFLIES? iyni\ you start to think about moths and butterflies you'll probably be struck at first by their similarities. But there are di.Trrrnrrv You'll probably
      185 words
    • 371 5 Rad io Programiner KUALA LUMPUR A.M.: 6.00 Prog. Summary; 6.02 Morning Melodies; 7.00 Trie News; 7 10 Breakfast Potpourri; 7.30 Learn A Word A Day; 7.35 Breakfast Pot pourn. 8.00 The News, 80S Bright And Breezy: 8.59 Summary of Programmes for the Morning; 9.00 Music City; 10.00 Hawaii Calls; 10.30
      371 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 337 5 $$£K£&mmmmßsB££& mmW BBF ij aC B "^^B *'^^^^a First English Language Edition V^*|fk4 LAROLSSE GASTRONOMIQIIE ,s SpHBaBHaHpHa^H known all over the world as the most [ft-y.W^W U| 1 1 I r^^«T*f comprehensive guide to French cooking evei published No» translated mio i F.nglish for the first time, it deserves a
        337 words
        32 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 541 6 1 ■■■ML W ssKiaß F eSBsV "ft ■BBBBBBBBsP^^^gSBBBI N Speedo Jetstream, the Bri- Nylon racing costume worn by 18 out of 25 gold medallists at the British Empire and Commonwealth Games Now chosen as the official Tokyo Olympics costume for men's and women's aquatic teams of Australia, Canada, Great Britain,
        541 words
    • Page 6 Miscellaneous
      • 1799 6 V^lli /■'Hk EV^.*b Dmc DrrnD^Trnuc' A^ 7 1 ThOjGWT ThESE PEO^-E WEZE SUFTOCftM O fctr^ i *s™ /7 ====^v r<ICE DURROinjMb ZQI^ h ALLJC^ATOmS W^Ekj^hEs TOLf s\E OP I i T T „w r x7 T-s z c^cz I ■r7~7C~^C. KO~ S== GZZX" C-E='. fw€ MUST IEAV E N WAIT!
        1,799 words
    • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • Page 8 Miscellaneous