The Straits Times, 11 September 1964

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 19 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 135.000 The Straits Times KDN 731 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1964 15 CENTS Estd. 1845.
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  • 110 1 Mr. Four Per Cent JAKARTA, Thurs. President Soekarno has revealed that he gets a kick-back for purchases from foreign countries. Announcing a "personal gift of a US$B7O,OOO planetarium to the people, he said the planetarium, bought from East Ger- One after another they stand up to pledge loyalty in hour
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  • 754 1 OUR PARLIAMENTARY REPORTERS KUALA LUMPUR, THURSDAY THE Dewan Ra'ayat today gave its full endorsement and support to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong's emergency proclamation cf Sept. 3 and the Government's all-out effort to defend Malaysia in the face of aggression by Indonesia. When the vote was called
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  • 314 1 Schools again in S'pore from Monday- SINGAPORE. Thurs. All schools, with the •■xcoption of 23 in the Gcffiiag Serai- Joo Chiat art-us. will be reopened on Monday, it was announced today following a virtually trouble-free day. And with off-curfew hours in most parts of the State extended .mother two hours
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  • 48 1 - lIEAD of the Malaysian U.N. delegation. Dato (Dr.) Ismail bin Dato 11 Abdul Rahman, presenting the evidence of Indonesian aggression in Malaya in the Security Council yesterday. But the Council's Russian chairman later ordered the exhibits to be removed. UPI radiophoto.
    UPI  -  48 words
  • 592 1 BRITAIN last night strongly backed Malaysia's charge of aggression by Indonesia and joined her Commonwealth ally in urging the Security Council to condemn the Indonesian attacks. Sir Patrick Dean, the British delegate. said the 11 -nation organ, which last night adjourned until tomorrow,
    Agencies  -  592 words
  • 99 1 MALARIA IN SPORE AFTER 7 YEARS OINGAPORE, Thurs. Malaria has broken out in Singapore after a seven-year lapse —in Fuyong estate at the 9 m.s., Bukit Timah. So far, 19 people out of an approximate population of 4,000 in the one-square-mile district have been affected. Of these, 13 are children
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  • 36 1 CHICAGO. Thurv Accidents claimed the lives of 50.000 Americans during the first .six months of this year, the National Salety Council reported here This compared with 47.700 deaths in the corresponding period last year.
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  • 301 1 S'pore crack down on leftists CINGAPORE. Fri. Several hundred Special Branch men and divisional police early today cracked down on the Barisan Sosialis and left-wing unions, which form the industrial base of the pro-Communist front organisation in Singapore. Small raiding parties fanned out from the Special Branch headquarters in Robinson
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  • Article, Illustration
    40 1 U.S. FLAG TORN TO PIECES JAKXKTV Thurv— Demonstrating youths mobbed Anierit in Consulate in sur.ihay.i. Eastern lava, pulled down coat of arms from ConMil.ite fate »nd tore American flag to pines and replaced it with Indonesian one (PI
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 80 1 DIAMOND SOLITAIRE RINGS Available in All Sizet G.C.DESILVA&BROS., MANUFACTURING JEWELLERS. 3. RAFFLES PLACE SINGAPORE- 1 TEL: *****. FREE GIFTS! FREE GIFTS! New Apollo, the Quality Essence of Chicken, offers consumers a great variety of superb and useful quality gifts free. Ask your nearest provision store for free illustrated leaflets giving
      80 words
    • 42 1 FOR PERFECT RECEPTION Buy I sharp! TRANSISTOR RADIOS I Sleep Peacefully with Your Money Safe and Multiplying Deposit with THE FINANCE CO., LTD. 77/79, ORCHARD ROAD, SINGAPORE. TEL. ***** 10-1, FARQUHAR STREET. PENANG TEL: ***** Wholly-owned subsidiary of OVERSEA-CHINESE BANKING CORPN. LTD.
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  • 1963 2 Malaysia tells Security Council of calculated Indonesian aggression carefully planned and skilfully organised MALAYSIA asked the United Nations Security Council yesterday to condemn Indonesia for international brigandage. Dato (Dr.) Ismail bin Dato Abdul Rahman, Malaysian Minister of Home Affairs and Justice, told the Security Council
    Reuter  -  1,963 words
  • 1143 2 INDONESIA told the 1 Security Council that it was up to Malaysia to decide whether she wanted peace or war with Indonesia. Dr. Sudjarwo Tjondronegoro, Indonesian Deputy Foreign Minister, said his country had gone "very far" In its attempt to
    Reuter  -  1,143 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 249 2 *i r^^R fi^k i Wk I Men who guide the destinies of the world wear Rolex watches V? m wk Va IS J r ol r j kSH W** You know their names as you know your own. "s^^^ *"-C^» You have seen their faces in a thousand news- -JtmOfC~*^
      249 words

  • 175 3 MAKARIOS THE FOOD BLOCKADE OF TURKS VICOSIA, Thurs. x President Makarios, under pressure from the U.N. Peace Force, has agreed to call off the food blockade of 15.000 Turkish Cypnots in the cities: of Famagusta and Larnaca. The Turks in Efka. Kokklua and Nicosia are still, however, blockaded, the UN
    AP  -  175 words
  • 41 3 SAIGON. Thurs. The South Vietnamese PrimiMinuter. Maj. Gen. Nguyen Khanh, was asked at hi> press conference today why he was wearing civilian instead of military clothes. Gen. Khanh laughingly re plied: "I am Prime Minister before General." Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 255 3 Spaak asks Common Mart Six to adopt scheme Paul-Henri Spaak, Belgian Foreign Minister, yesterday urged the six members of the European Common Market to adopt a new plan for a political union of Europe on a three to five years trial basis. Observers
    Reuter  -  255 words
  • 48 3 HELSINKI, Thurs.— Mr. Skari Tuomioja, the Finnish United Nations mediator in Cyprus. has died Mr. Tuomioja had a stroke In Geneva on Aug. 16 and had been unconscious most of the time. On Sept. 3 he was flown to Finland to hospital.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 178 3 House in a frenzy then victory for Dr. Banda yOMBA (Malawi), Thurs.— I* The Prime Minister. Dr. Hastings Banda. last night received a unanimous vote of confidence from Parliament over his handling of foreign policy. The vote was preceded by frenzied scenes in the House during which the Education Minister,
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  • 77 3 Implementation of Press law postponed SEOUL. Thurs.— ttouth Korean President Park Chung Hee mad* a major concession yesterday to vigorous protests against the controversial Press control law and postponed indefinitely the implementation of the law. The Presidential Press secretary, Mr. Pak Sang Kil. told newsmen President Park had decided to
    UPI  -  77 words
  • 205 3 Communism now facing a three-way split LONDON, Thurs— High Communist sources warned yesterday that international Communism is threatened with a new major breakaway development that could split the world movement three ways. A Communist "third force" was said to be urder consideration by parties which want independence from both Peking
    UPI  -  205 words
  • 56 3 MOSCOW. Thurs. The Boviet Government has complained fo Japan that the U.S. has made use of Japanese territory for "aggressive actions" against North ViPtnam. Tass quoted a statement published here last night as saying that Japan bore a big responsibility for aggravation of the situation and "provocations"
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 400 3 Land ho!— after 10,000 miles alone on raft at the age of 71 VITILLIAM Willis, the 71-year-old sailor, explorer and author, yesterday completed an epic single-handed 10,000-mile crossing of the Pacific by raft after a life-and-death struggle when an accident partly paralysed him in mid-ocean. He beached his steel raft,
    Reuter  -  400 words
  • 118 3 I EOPOLDVILLE, Thurs. Europeans In Coquilhatville yesterday appealed for aircraft as they prepared to flee this important wnstern Congalese city in the face of advancing rebel warriors Coquilhatville, capital of Cuvette Central Province, was reliably rrportad to be near panic. The Leopoldvillc Government said
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  • 131 3 Up to $1,200 p.m. pension in pact r)ETROIT, Thurs. Chrysler Corporation and the United Auto W o r k c r s ar«nounced agreement yesterday on i a new labour contract. The announcement came i less than an hour before the !10 a.m. deadline set by the union for a
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 42 3 BILASPUR (India), Thurs.— A farmer in this central Indian village committed suicide by jumping in front of a train after beating his bullock to death in a rage Bullocks, though not as sacred as cows, are venerated in Hindu India.—AP
    AP  -  42 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 156 3 FASHIONS F\RE\YEFX TO THE P\LE LOOK AjlTlvJAJl JL v J pg kJ \J -i 1 k-JJLj X M W&. II I\lIV V H^ ki -*^a Bl 4p*»» Kuß^^f^^^ a^fli*P^^H| W LIPSTICK SHADES BOLD AS A PACIFIC SUNSET Fashion has a new look inspired by the warm, vibrant glow of a
      156 words
    • 449 3 5P,/73 WEALTH s&F and *£^r^ SECURITY V' through WISE savings! Ni INTEREST 8% PER ANNUM BY FIXED DEPOSIT SAYINGS FREE— ACCIDENT INSURANCE Ask tor pamphM with more details trom: OVERSEAS UNION FINANCE LIMITED Nos. 4 4-1. COLLYER QUAY. SINGAPORE- 1 Tel: *****/6 The Time to REMEMBER your friends oversea* is
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 115 4 TEACHERS Scotch Whisky is now available throughout Malaysia There's international agreement that there's more to be said for one bottle of Teacher's than a case of ordinary Whisky. Unmistakable character! Unmistakable flavour! As a stengah! As a whisky ayer! On the rocks! Ask for Teacher's Scotch Whisky at your favourite
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  • 280 5 Don't go hunting, says Ministry KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Malayan hunters were today urged to forgo for the time being- their weekend jungle expeditions, especially in Johore there operations against Indonesian invaders are now on. Co-operation in this respect, j a spokesman for the Ministry
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  • 102 5 PENANG. Thurs.— Two girls have been reported missing in Penang. K. Rajahpary. 15. left her home iti Aboo Sittee Lane on Saturday morning after idling her mother, M Letchenu, she was going out to find work. -That was the last I nw tar." Letchemi told
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  • 40 5 TAIPING. Thurs. Officers and staff of the Prison Department of Malaysia unanimously decided at a meeting here to .send a letter to the Prime Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman, pledging their loyalty to the Government .iti.nnst Indonesian, aggression.
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  • 189 5 SINGAPORE, Thursday. I J'HE Singapore Employers' Federation today welcomed a three-point plan announced by j the Manual and Mercantile Workers' Union to help the State recover from the economic effects of the recent disturbances. The plan was outlined by the union general secretary. Mr. T.
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  • 105 5 A LOR STAR, Thurs. A padi planter, accused of killing an estate clerk, told the High Court today he was praying in a temple one day when he went into a trance. "I then saw a goddess who handed me a long knife." M. Manickam.
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  • 393 5 r rOKYO. Thurs. A Mahiysiar, Finance Minister. Mr. Tan Slew Sii\ will have further conferences with the nations chief Commonwealth allies later this week on tinancial and military assistance. Informed sources, meanwhile, reported that the U.S. Treasury Secretary. Mr.
    AP  -  393 words
  • 210 5 Welcome Malayans to Sabah, says Minister- lESSELTON, Thurs.— Malayar/5 coming here are not set to colonialise Sabah. the Deputy Chief Minister, Inche Harris bin Mohammed Salleh, said today on arrival from Kuala Lumpur after a 10-day visit. He said the Malayans "are here to help us and w?ll not seek
    AP  -  210 words
  • 100 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. U_mnos secretary-nen-erai, Dato Syed Ja'afar Albar, has been ordered to rest lor a few days in the General Hospital here. Dato Syed Albar was admitted to the hospital on Tuesday. Hp bl 'progressing satisfactorily", a spokesman of the hospital
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  • 63 5 SINGAPORE. Thurs. Mohamed Nor bin Abdul Rahim, 35 a fitter, was charged in a magistrate's court today with unlawful possession of ammunition component parts of a homemade "pine grenade." He was alleged to have committed the offence in a house in Lengkong Tiga. Changi.
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  • 51 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Twelve Malaysian students whose studies were interrupted in Indonesian universities left by air yesterday (or the United Arab Republic to further their education They were among 30 students who returned home when Malaysia broke off diplomatic relations with Indonesia a ve&r
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  • 30 5 PARIT BUNTAR. Thurs. Marine police intercepted a small boat, oft the Kuala Kurau coast vr"»rriav and four Indonesians, reported to be unarmed, are being held for questioning
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  • 25 5 KUALA LIPIS, Thurs. The I Pahang State Executive Council meeting will be held at the Town Council conference room here on Sept. 24.
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  • 200 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. CIXTY thousand manual workers of the Government in Malaya will shortly get a windfall one month's pay amounting to an average of $100 each. This is a result of the conversion of their service scheme from daily to monthly rates of pay irorr.
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  • 87 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. The population of Ma- laysia increased by 136.505 during the six months ending Dec 31 last year, bringing the total to 10.810,688. Official "estimated" statistics as at that date show that the population of Malaya was 7.703.520. Singapore 1.799.400. Sabah 498.031 and
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  • 173 5 'Help Govt get rid of Indon agents 9 plea SINGAPORE. Thurs. The Minister for Health, Mr. Yong Nyulc Lin. today appealed to the people of Singapore in help the Government to got rid of Indonesian agerts trying to destroy the country. He said that these tgenti and sympathisers were behind
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 428 5 L^fl BgffUgtjgtr \um ii> i v Pi |Am^- y££ t ifiJi y% gj i STEP OUT OF YOUR PLANE AND INTO YOUR WELBECK CAR Nothing could be more convenient than having your brilliant new Ford waiting for you the moment you set foot in England. Straight out of your plane
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 486 6 A NUMBER of new schemes were added to the Government's first development plan for 1961-64, while some proposed schemes were dropped. This has resulted in a net increase in the size of the plan by $184.34 million, from $871.20 million to $1,055.36 million. This
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  • 484 6 IN AND OUT BY AIR THB following In today's schedule of civil jurcra ft movement)! at Paya Lcbar airport. Singapore: ARRIVALS BO AC: From London. Damastiu. Karachi. Calcutta, Kuala Lumpur iBA 794) 6.10 p.m.: from London. Zurich. Tel Aviv. Teheran. Bombay, Colombo (BA 712) 7.40 p m. from Sydney, Darwin
    484 words
  • 524 6 All schools (except 23) to Ire-open Monday SATURDAY CLASSES FOR REST OF TERM A LL schools which were closed last Friday when the curfew was suddenly imposed will re-open on Monday except for X\ schools in the Geyfaffig Serai and .100 Chiat areas, where there is still a day curlew.
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  • 211 6 SINGAPORE. Thurs The president of the City Malay Youths Association. Inche A.K. Surattee today warned of the "ominous realities" confronting the nation, and called upon the people to unite as one powerful, national force to fight "the enemy." Inche Surattee in a statement said: "From
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  • 218 6 SINGAPORE. Thurs. The Minister for National Development. Mr. Lim Kirn San today said there was no feeling of hatred among the races in the recent happenings here. He had come to this conclusion, he said, after tourIng the troubled spots. Mr. Lim was
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  • 74 6 SINGAPORE. Thurs. The Adult Education Board today announced that certain categories of classes would resume on the usual days and times with effect from tomorrow. They are: Typewriting and dress-malcinK classes; language and literacy classes in centres outside the Geylant? Seiai-Joo Chiat curfew area; special
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  • 270 6 RALLY-TO-GOVT CALLS BY 4 MORE UNIONS HPHREE trade unions in Singapore today jointly x issued a statement today calling on the workers to be on the alert against attempts at subversion from within and from external aggression. They asked workers to be resolute in their aim to crush the saboteurs,
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  • 44 6 SINGAPORE. Thurs. The South-East Asia Photographic Society and the Tithes DrnMl and Photo Supply Limited today announced the cancellation of tomorrow night's prize-giving dinner. The Hua Vi Government Chinese Middle Schools students exhibition on Saturday has been postponed indefinitely.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 290 6 rj\ t 'tVM\OPINS TODAY! I r.^L'T^^LiJLil^^r Tel; 33A00 (Singapore) s 5 SHOWS: 11m -1.30-4 6.15 8.30pm /v More fabulous than the tales^^r 5 lof the Arabian Nights... jf more exciting than Kismet!^ jk WALTEP WANGf 1 »'«•->. V fV f JM 1 PWHCfSJ Tlrll j i~, »'«<< u r.d t>«
      290 words
    • 27 6 TODAY TWO SHOWS ONLY 1 4 3.00 p.m. "ZORRO AT THE COURT OF SPAIN" Colour I Scope Tomorrow: SAMURAI PIRATES NEW PENANGWAY re-opens to-nite from 6.00 p.m.!
      27 words
      307 words
    • 57 6 PIGEON BRAND COOKING OIL Refined Deodorised AVAILABLE FROM ALL LEADING PROVISION STORES /3fS f HAVE YOU W Jl GOT YOURS Superb Quality FREE GIFTS to consumers of APOLLO Essence of Chicken. Ask for free leaflet from your nearest provision store today. iSiflap) Todor wily 100 I 3.00 p.m. I I
      57 words
    • 541 6 iinnniiniiniiiic3iiinntiiiiHinitmiiiic I LAST DAY! I S SHOWS 3 SHOWS n 11om-1. 30-4.00 >> 12.4S 3.00 •IS*«JOp« t. 7.00pm "THE 10 GLADIATORS" I E SUSAN PAOtT CtUitiupi. C OPENS TOMORROW! ODEON PALACE J«an Morolt Roger Haniit. S CYALISCOPF TECHNICOLOR vi Children's Morning Show Saturday I9rh Sun. 20th SEPT ODBOM AT 8.45
      541 words

  • 1825 7 HORROR SIEGE COST 100,000 MEN /STRAITS\ TIMES I I Special I Feature/ PORT ARTHUR, WHERE JAPAN ENTERED THE 20 th CENTURY ON January 2, 1905, the longest and most terrible siege in the history of modern warfare ended when the white flag of surrender was hoisted above the shot-blasted forts
    1,825 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 95 7 Heartburn?^. relief in \^p? 3 minutes^* FROM HEARTBURN, INDIGESTION. UPSET STOMACH /4flßhtt- jtfHhk then you're suffering the pain of '^w Heartburn, Indigestion or Upset Stomach after a meal, take BISMAG f;-t k cv<<of jL. tablets. The active ingredients work «?o?" T »no immediately. They case the pain, AuirosTOM»cH !x soothe
      95 words
    • 3 7 1 T»* C'®**
      3 words

  • 70 8 :a H.>,,/, ut i Minimum, MRS CHEONC WAI KONC n. l.ok iKi.iwd away i luth .Mn k her beloved bunhand. 1 .ion*. Mln Mm «'h*c. 7 .t:nithter!i 1-oonK Yin. yuee Vln Hcxint; Yin. Mm. Yeo Koon Rmt, Mrs Sim Mn \ndr.v i.nn Mrs Bett) Khons Ita K'lit. 4
    70 words
  • 59 8 It Hnra 1 Sit f Minimum) FAMILY OF THE L*te Mrs Lea ■al riiunk mends. relmti\m for their assistance. reams. atrolle duriDK their recent bereaveMRS GANAPATHY and family uiah to thxok frlenda and relatives for their kind attendrncr. wreatiia and meaaagaa ot condolence at the funeral of tbe late
    59 words
  • 575 8 The straits Times Friday. September 11. 1964. A Moment Of Truth In part the Indonesian reply in the U.N. Security Council to Malaysia's charges of blatant and inexcusable aggression is stronger meat than anything Dato Ismail has said. Confrontation will continue, Dr. Sudjarwo told the Coun- til. until Malaysia is
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  • 449 8 Malaysia has the loyal support of all but a small minority of her citizens. This has been established through the ballot box. It has been continued by the splendid manner m which the people have co-operated with the Government in operations against infiltrators. Within the minority j who
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  • 158 8 The cholera epidemic on the East Coast continues to produce statistics far more depressing than the occasional reports of further cases. For example. 16 known deaths from the disease in the past month do not necessarily represent an improvement on the average toll of a death a day
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  • Article, Illustration
    2693 8 TRAITORS The motion < THE Prime Minister, True ku Abdul Rahman, made the following speech when he moved this motion in the House of Representatives yesterday That this House fully supports and endorses the Proclamation of Emergency laid before the House as Command .m Paper No. 25 of 1964. BEFORE
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 805 8 Stniti T»et k Malay MaO CfialW>< •tfwftttwwn May •M frndaM) Mi 1M mm* COLO •TOHAGK ARCADat Read COLD STO»«OI IRANCHM AT HOLLAND ROAD— KATONS KCPPCL ROAD-NAVAL BASC Authorised Agents: CITY BOOK STORE LTD Winchester House. Collyer Qaay THC NtWI FRONT Ftttpatrlrk's Supermarket am. M. ISMAIL > Admiralty Read. Naval
      805 words
    • 37 8 Birth Control and the Poor: A Solution This community leads 1 the way in making contraceptives available to the people whe need them most. Read how this is accomplished in SEPTEMBER Readers *w Digest (Now On Sale)
      37 words
    • 154 8 I ,*f^ __L__lJ I M.M lf.P 'ill I^C} I I**l „rai\ Mgmm i 'A new car? At age 30 you may select j And they only came policy for $15,000 back from Hong Kong which will bring you a month ago. J24.000 in 25 years time, j I wish I
      154 words

  • 179 9 Tan gets British aid for free lunches LONDON. Thurs. The Oxford Committee for Famine Relief, London, has agreed to finance further the Malayan Council for Child Welfare's "free lunch" programme. This was stated by the president of the Council. Mr. B. H. Tan. here yesterday before he left for home.
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  • 32 9 BUTTERWORTH. Thurs. a! labourer. Ooi Lye Hin. 65, was today fined $2,562 on two charges of having a manufacturing still and duti. ble liquor at Kampong Bahru on Auk. 19.
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  • 246 9 SINGAPORE'S Prime Minister. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, said last night he believed the uncommitted countries of the world were understanding more fu 1I v Malaysia's point of view in her dispute with Indonesia. He was answering questions after meeting informally with journalists at his London
    Reuter  -  246 words
  • 112 9 $7,880 HAUL FROM BANK DIRECTOR'S HOME KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. A thief entered a bank director's bungalow in Pudu Road here and stole a total of $7,880 in cash and jewellery in daylight yesterday The bungalow, which is the home of Mr. Chong Wang Chan, of the Kwong Ylk Bank- Ing
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  • 115 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday. > T EGRI SEMBILAN police today found an arms cache at Kaznpong Sunsei Sikawang in Port Dickson, a police spokesman here disclosed this evening. They recovered 37 slab& of TNI oeiievea to be of foreign manufacture, several detonators and fuses, one
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  • 64 9 BATU PAHAT. Thurs— P.V VIJayan. 19. a newspaper delivery boy. was found guilty in the magistrate's court here of carrying an offensive weapon, an iron "rod. at 9.30 p.m. on July 28 at Jalan Slmpang Rantai— the seen? of a gang clash a few
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  • 58 9 PENANG. Thurs.— The Kelawei Umno Division will hold a kenduri feast v at me Sheikh Yusoff Masque. Dhoby Ghaut, on Satur- 1 day to celebrate the Birthday of Prophet Mohamed. The feast will be followed by a i function at night when there will j be
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  • 90 9 Two talks by N-Language expert PENANG. Thurs. Prof. A. Teeuw of Leiden University, Holland, will deliver two lectures in English and the national language at the Town Hall here this week-end. An expert on the Malay language. Prof. Teeuw is an officer of Unesco helping to prepare a national language
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  • 34 9 IPOH. Thurs. A verdict of death by mis-adventure \<a.s recorded by the Coroner. Mr. Yong Yung Sui. on Madam Liaw. 76. who was fatally injured in a motorcycle accident on Feb. 21.
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  • 182 9 Language Agency sells $3.5 m books in one year KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday. THE Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (Language and Literary Agency) sold more than $3.5 million worth of publications in 1962. Out of this it made a gross profit df nearly $90,000. This was stated in Its annual report presented
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  • 67 9 SINGAPORE, Thurs.— Siiuta pore's four teachers' unions today sent the following cable to the Malaysian delegation to the IN. Security Council: 'During this grave national crisis, all members of the teaching profession eive you their full support In your mission to .secure Cnited Nations condemnation of acts
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  • 233 9 Malaysia arms mission going to Canada (YTTAWA, Thurs. A Malaysian military mission will arrive here within a few days, the External Affairs Minister, Ifr. Paul Martin, told the Hou^e of Commons yesterday Mr. Martin said there had been no request from Malaysia for military assistance sincp Tengku Abdul Rahman was
    AP  -  233 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 237 9 The big debate: Page 10 Ardena Liquid Night Cream The greatest beauty secret of all time ■^^^^^^^^L^^^^''- cream is not born every day! But v sP^i l 1C a^ SO On awa tc< s at ast cre .x-^-iiiiiiiSjH HBjP|«tefc. Liquid Night Cream is my answer to the &^i&«:J thousands of
      237 words
    • 119 9 [FINE QUALITY \3-^^^^FOR A ROOM OR AN ENTIRE HOME Whatever your taste in colours, designs, sizes or shapes. Robinson's Carpet Department has exactly what is right for your home carpeting scheme. Candia Carpet with woollen mixture pile. English Axminster grade. In Persian design reproduction. Size 9' x 10W $241.50. Alpha
      119 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 607 9 I J n. mA 11.05 The Enchanted Hour; 11.30 nADIO SINGAPORE Before We Say Goodnight; 12.00 SHORTWAVE 62 and M 01 a Vei Metr^ RADIO MALAYSIA MEDIUM WAVE: 476 Mttm AM fino fwvn NATIONAL SHORTWAVE S^tSiAJTSj SS"!.,.S3Sk BUS £,n U n i i r Ever > one A Brealaast Potpourri;
      607 words

  • 2615 10  - The big debate Applause as PMIP leader declares support of his party SUPPORT FROM ALL PARTIES EXCEPT BARISAN SOSIALIS FOR RESOLUTION ENDORSING THE PROCLAMATION OF A STATE OF EMERGENCY... ty Our Parliamentary Reporters QNLY Mr. Chia Thye Poh, of the Barisan Sosiahs, spoke against a motion asking the House of
    2,615 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 124 10 TOP SALT^^T IN ANY KITCHEN r=n /^a nib. $3 QiTnovfino V" CCT IFS fir'ii lttf\ pure whiten free flowing '^SfS CAY 21 .^BBBH BBBBBW in the kitchen or at the table BE SURE IT'S PURE BUY SAXA SALT SSkhZj^' 'fIBMfIBBBBBK3^\ S&K^. BH MB BBM fl H BK I *^^H BBBBHBBBBBBHBBBBBBhL
      124 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 230 10 Straits Times Crossword ml ACKUSS c. Numuer remaining alter divisubstance iBt. h hkntv 6 M "£m rlt n M Or WUh Siltv iV? Sf torture among 10. HfMnte'ntion is to ret>re from 16 f o^ s n th 1 > hould re mm ,v a^VT 8 r 8 an end
      230 words

  • 987 11 i:cs:an troops had no right tc, call themselves Malaysians. I bey were traitors. Oato Stephens said the proclamation of the emergency was timely. He hoped the emergency would bring home to the people the fact that the lime had come for them
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  • 242 11 TUN RAZAK'S REPLY ON FOREIGN POLICY Tun Razalc said it wn.s not true that the Government, did not have an Independent loreiKn policy The first thing Malaya did on achieving independence in 1957 was to sign a friendship treaty with Indum ■nd Soekarnos reply to this friendly gesture was *oi.frontation
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  • 135 11 L 1 I MMPIR. Thurs.— Tengku Abdul Rahman said in the House of Representatives today that several names had been suggested for the Commission of Inquiry into the disturbances in Singapore in July. The Prime Minister said this when he spoke on his motion endorsing
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  • 309 11 I/UALA LUMPUR, Thurs. A housewife today told the I m-oP'strate's court here I that, a broker abused and stOEjid ncr when she went to intervene in a quarrel between her son and his childj ren. Mrs. Laura D'Cruz. of Petaling Java, said that on
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  • 36 11 IPOH. Thurs. Tn.> Per a k branch of the Malayan Chinese Association will hold an emergency meeting at its headqu.irtrr.s lipre an Sunday to cllscu.mi ways of helping the Ooveriimaot to fight Indonesian angrestiuii.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 440 11 K 4 B 1 1 bT attl B !AIV >lll P'*WiW»i'''^y«w>Miw>«^!>!»i<»<^ <J^«K^BmL VjS dfl H V__^ a Si, '^s? SB BB 2K. I Br W H Mm I MW KBS. m %^L M m JBFvS^if^Sv' i 1 w \W9 L a A. Siira* i ?f I JK^ wi \VB 888
      440 words

    • 267 12 TtHE world's major A airlines have begun a vigorous campaign to increase the use of one of the world's oldest and most honoured credit references, the air travel card, according to a statement from Mr. Behram R. Vakil, district sales manager of Air India
      267 words
  • 323 12 JAPANESE MOTOR CYCLES SELLING WELL THE reputation of Japanese-made motor cycles abroad has exceeded the Japanese people's expectations. The export of Japanese i motorcycles has been In- 1 creasing steadily. During the first half of this year Japan-ese-made mopeds. aut o I bicycles and scooters have earned the country US$52.--562.179
    323 words
  • 362 12 IJOUSES in the first 11 phase of City Developments Ltd.'s modern housing estate. Fresh Breezes. Johore Bahru. are now completed. Announcing this, the company's general manager. Mr. M. S. Burrells. said that single-storey semi-detached houses have been sold out and only a few two-storey
    362 words
  • 198 12 mHAI International, a reL glonal airline serving the Far East, was formed five years ago by Scandinavian Airlines System and Thai Airways Co. The airline began operations the following May using three DC-6B aircraft leased from SAS. Since that date it has carried 415.000 passengers on routes that
    198 words
  • 467 12 By MOK SIN PIN \M ALAYSIA has been- earmarked as a potential future market for ligt\t aircraft. This Is Indicated by the activities of one of Americas leading manufacturers of light aircraft. Piper Aircraft Corporation. Lock Haven, Pennsylvania. The company, whose products have a large market
    467 words
  • 173 12 MR. SAW EWE SENG (above), a civil engineer employed by Malayan Cement Ltd.. leaves for London tomorrow for three months' training in concrete technology arranged by the Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers Ltd. Mr. Saw's training will include studying the operation of the technical advisory
    173 words
  • 390 12 Polish trade with Malaysia is out of balance AOniCK run-through of statistics gives the impression that Poland is not making much effort to improve her two-day trade with Malaysia. The average annual volume over the 1961-63 period was valued at $59 million The major factor restricting its growth is the
    390 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 428 12 lwar bir, Wo r.*v« intxoducua A^L£h tv[« writer* to rUl^yim. Alll£h is the olde»t typewriter aanufac taring I ooapany in Germany ana belongs to the famous CKIINEIG group of quality manufacturers. ADLKh typewriters are known for their modern design, i quality and success H This is the ADLER TIPPA portable
      428 words
    • 126 12 Once upon a time there wot a ,*BmV>l afefc young man named Rieri IP "'^.Vw p nter ••ismHeF -mrrrin- He nlt HMttte He wonted to be an interior decorator W '*^^^r W- He WOnf '<* fO plow r U ff>f t e But today he is not remembered in any
      126 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1270 13 10 LIVERPOOL ft WEST COAST U.K.: Due S'pora sails S'tiaa ••snase MACHAON Liverpsst. Gls^gow Gin. 33 Sept 12 Sept 11/14 Sspt IS NCHISES Limpssl. Dvb 1 -i G|a. 15 Sett 15 Sept 11/20 Sept 21 CLYTONEUS li.erpeel. G a--gcw Sipt II Sept 21 Sept22,2S Sept 21 NTENOR Liverpoel. Avo-mcith Seat
      1,270 words
    • 1317 13 THE EAC LINES K\\ J&^l SII«GfOW WMiA tWasPOfP^Ot I UMIIMS PtHAWG DOUMUB nOdSC SI.wNIK 10. >OK)IK.I 7'IWIIDOUAT Pkaaa 7MI Ptssw ***** Plaaa 1311 Plane ***** SAILINGS 10 GENOA, LE PUftE. NAMBORS. BtfMtN. AHTWERP, ROTTERDAM, AMSTERDAM, OSLO. GOTHENBURf, AND COPENNAtEN S'pors P. S'riam Ptnang "PANAMA" 1)*.... 1*721 Sept 22/21 Sept 27/21
      1,317 words
    • 1163 13 1 BENULINE I EXPRESS SERVICE 10 LONOON, LIVERPOOL Si CONIINENIAL PORTS L BENRINNES g«j \tOßm ni m iCT« SB For Liverpool Oct 14 nPMHIANT Rotteroam Oct 21 DfcrirHAn I Antwerp Oct II SingaDorr H V"»n Penang Havre Nay 5 Gil Sept 12 Ssptl3/U M'brough Nsv II Singapore P, S'naat fw>t
      1,163 words
    • 1239 13 1 Ita^ ELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO., LTD. ifcHjl LONDON HAMBURG ROTTERDAM HAVRE IT**»*l HULL AND MIDDLESBROUGH Smgapors Pt Sham Psnsng Kin OF CHESTER II Sept tCITY OF WELLINGTON 25/27 Sept 21 Sept 'CITY OF LEICESTER 1/ a Od 1/ 7 Oct I Oct •FLAMINIAN 24/21 Oct 17 21 Oct 31
      1,239 words

  • 152 14 MELBOURNE. Thurs.—lndustrial falls sligntly shaded rises in today's steady market. i Auto Components dropped a further 1 to 6- after a fall o.' 19 yesterday on the lower profit land dividend. AOG highlighted lolls with a gain of 2/3 .to 45/9 |after sales at 47'- following a j
    152 words
  • 245 14 l lptember first arade rubber I o.b. olotad at 5 p.m. in Kuala Lumpur ytstirday at I i crnts per ll>.. up five-eighths of a crnt on fdne«day 's eloping level tur the lOMtion. The tone was quiet but •toady. R.A.S. and F.M.R.E. dating prices in cents per
    245 words
  • 16 14 THi. free exenanga market tn Uoos Kong yesterday was cloned because ot tbe typooon.
    16 words
  • 29 14 September 10. MALAYAN RUBBER PRICE: iiS: cents (up five-eighths of a cent). TIN: 522.50 a picul (up 517.12*). inofficial estimated of ferine: 235 tons (down five tons).
    29 words
  • 473 14 From Our Market Correspondent INDUSTRIAL share prices 1 went ahead again on the Stock Exchange of Malaysia yesterday morning until uneasiness on the military situation reversed the trend. At the close minor falls predominated. Tin shares were mainly better, spurred by the new peak
    473 words
  • 889 14 BUSINESS In and reported to the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Malayan Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares raded In brackets: INDUSTRIALS: C.B. Heldtnts (1.000) 52.2 A; Ounleps (8,000) 51. 78. (1.000) $1.77, (2.000) $1.76; Etto ordt. < 2,000) $2. (I.OOOj $2.01,
    889 words
  • 27 14 Malayan Stock Indirrs Sept. 9 Sept. 10 Industrials: 81.78 81.41 I ins. 123.83 1.4 ;.u I rubbers: 100.70 100.70 •Dec. 30. 1963=5100 Dec. 29. 1962=100
    27 words
  • 508 14 THE price of Straits tin on the Penang market yesterday rose $17-121 a picul to a new peak of $722.50 on an offering unofficially estimated to have fallen five tons to 235 tons. After the previous <fey's setback, London Jiad been
    508 words
  • Article, Illustration
    108 14 CHIPS lying alengfde thr Itngapera •J Harbour wharvsi «xa«eted teday are: Mekong 1/2. Ruder Boskovtc 3/4. Memnon 6/7. Strntor 10/11. Ellen Bakke 13/14. Tatlana 18. Varda 19 Jln»an 23/24. Mindoro 27/a><, Shun Wah »/30. Moaelsteln 35/36. Kernhrook M/». World Internatlortal 42/43 Benlomon.: 14. Beorlnnes 4S. Tronob Port
    108 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1115 14 VI KAWASAKI KJSEN KAISHA LTD. O.i.A. Great Lakes/Baa* Canada Set-vie* H>org Yokot<am« Hahtu Montreal loronto«inn« Chiciije "Kiraikawa Man" 2/ 1 Silt IS Sept II Oct 22 Oct 21 Oct 11 Oct INn "Tuts Man- t\lll Sipt I Oct 21 Ocl 2 Nat S Nit II Me West Coast of
      1,115 words
    • 1076 14 *^^l« Pj Pafi > lll "^^Bal bbbbW I I^< aaaai aaWi AUSTRALIA SERVICE sMea. PAaiSIAN AND t kOLt II: Heikeerat. s»Hei is. MMus ise Kitii.iMu Pioana S'Kan Stan s «<>'• rasa up. »i»»rTi H CI a/fi t> t. •>-. RAJULA Sailel 11 Sipt 12 Sept lOMIALA 7 Nit I Nit
      1,076 words
    • 379 14 learnt Heat RMjt eas uttti Fenang f S'lun S pore -MEIWA MARU" 21/11 Sepl 1/ 2 Oci Agents: C.F. SHARP 6c CO., (M) LTD. Sisgapart Tel: 7WOI/7 (7 Liarsi. •'eaant Tel: littt. Pirt ftntteaaaa Tib HU. WILHELMSEN LINES rHOM scaelitsiiae saa ueanaeeu retu tM .v neet teas OIWPS <'»*« «pore
      379 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1002 15 I (ontlnurd from Pare gi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 20 H'ore*s SlO Minimum I MR. AND MRS. C. Mahendran thank all friends and relatives for their attendance, kind assistance and valuable ■Mil on the occasion of their marriage MR. A MRS. Anthony Leo thank all friends and rt-lativi-s (or tbelr kind attendance, congratulatory
      1,002 words
    • 1127 15 I SITUATIONS VACANT 20 Word* tS (Min.)-Box iO cl*. txlrm TELEPHONE MECHANIC REQUIRED by large European Company in Kuala Lumpur. Apply Kiviog full details of experience, etc., to Box A 1250 S.T. UNEXPERIENCED PHARMACEUTICAL SALESMEN and Salesgirls required for Detailing and sales uork in Malaysia. Apply Intelligently v.i'h maximum information
      1,127 words
    • 1043 15 ACCOMMODATION VACANT tO Word* SS (Miit.)— Box SO ett. txtrm OXLEY CARDEN furnished flat available from 1-10-64. two ntdrooms. one servant's room, Liv Uin. room, i kitchen, verandahs, etc. Parquet and I Mosiac floor tilings throughout. Apply Tel: ***** 342?-) (Spore) MARINE MANSION. Luxurious, four bedrooms sesslde Flat. Parquet flooring.
      1,043 words
    • 918 15 EDUCATION 70 Word* SS (Mlm.)— Box SO cl*. txtrm INSTITUTE OF BOOKKEEPERS 1964 December Examinations. Entries close 15th September. Kor entry lorms call at YMCA Orchard Road. io«apore. TUITION •n Worsts Si (Mln.t—Box St ct* txlrm LEARN TO DRIVE safely by experienced English speaking instructors. Consult London Driving School. Sueita*
      918 words
    • 967 15 VEHICLES FOR SALE M> Wnrds U (Mlm t— Box SO rtt. txtrm VAUXHALL VELOX KM Model Taxed Insured March IMS Excellent condition Two Tone. Tele. (Spore) MM Kxt. 301 >.'.m«J Owner leaving. Two owners. FORO CONSUL CONVERTIBLE 1955. Power-operated hood. In good condition. Only two European owners. I $1,900. Apply
      967 words
    • 771 15 AT YOUR SERVICE Word* SI (Mlm.)— Box SO ett. rxlrm KWOK'S PHOTOCOPY SERVICE. 22 The Arcade Ist Kloor. Tel: *****. BRING YOUR DOCUMENTS (o Motion Smith W« will make court t-ir.ii copies at tan prices. WHIUE YOU WAIT Photostat and Plan Printing Sen ice. Blacks. &s Rohinsoo Koad S pore
      771 words
    • 282 15 BARS RESTAURANTS (Spore) MAKE THE "Prince Room" Bar A Rr»t«urant Your regular rendezvous. Alrcondnlonrd Comfort. It, Raffles Place 4-C Prince Street. Spore. V.I. P. POPULAR $1.00 Box Lunch- ecus. Telephone *****. Today's Menu: No 9 Nasl Lemak ("Olak OUk'), Fried Pish. Ikan Blllls. Kgg: Vefetables. Sambat Blachan. No. 10 Indian
      282 words
    • 715 15 NOTICES GAMMON MALAYA LIMITED (Incorporated In the States of Malaya > Notice Is hereby given that an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company will be held at 9<« Milestone, Eukit Timah Roau, Singapore 23, on 2nd October, 1964 at 12 noon for the purpose of considering, and. if thought fit,
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1059 16 JABATAN KERJA RAYA PERAK Tenders for the. 'supply and deanery of 10" and 8" diameter steel pipes to PWD Talplng for use at Sungei Bayor Water Supply Scheme' will be received at the office of the Jurutera Negerl, J.K.R., Perak. Ipoh up to 3.00 pm on the 16th September, 1964
      1,059 words
    • 781 16 NOTICES THE OMNIBUS SERVICES LICENSING AUTHORITY ORDINANCE. 1956. It U hereby notified that application has been made by tbe t undermentioned company to vary r part of its existing Sen-ice No. 3 along Cantonment Road (which will be known as Service No. BAi as follows: THE SINGAPORE TRACTION CO., LTD.
      781 words
    • 737 16 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT STATE OF BRUNEI SITUATION VACANT Applications are Invited from suitably qualified candidates for the post of Confidential Secretary in the Police Department. Brunei. Candidates without the necessary qualifications will not be considered. QUALIFICATIONS i.a i Passed Overseas School Certificate with credit In English. <b) Experienced In Confidential Secretary
      737 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 111 16 Alloy O»p ttff y m T itamlin IW«* Tracy By <h*«to r GoulH MjL Sy 4^ W^ IT ACTS JNSTANTLV.I I JUST WANT TO WISH J U1 Ahnor Rff Ag Capp *'io&l i£j3&&£Bfsfa I MOW DID the I KISSCD I Clf^^Vl ftUC] I HAU I -__-_i±*i22_-. cr.minau U me. Jfi
      111 words

  • 42 17 WITH conditions in Singapore almost back to normal, racing will definitely be on at Bukit Timah this weekend. There will be seven races on Saturday, starting at 2.30 p.m. The card on Sunday will also comprise seven races.
    42 words
  • 163 17 RACING with Epsom Jeep SINGAPORE, Thursday. yyiXE MAN, a winner over s\t straight in Ipoh recently, can follow up on Saturday when he meets a Div. 2 field over 8f at Bukit Timah. The seven-year-old was in his element in the soft going
    163 words
  • 502 17 INDIANA— BY A HEAD FROM THE FILLY PATTI THE ST LEGER INDIANA, owned by 1 American businessman Charles Engelhard, won the St. Leger, the oldest British classic, at Doncaster yesterday at odds of 100-7 The other two Americanowned horses In the field, the Irish trained filly Pattl and the Epsom
    Reuter  -  502 words
  • 425 17 SOCCER ROUNDUP LONDON, Thursday. pHELSEA remain at the top of the English First Divis-ion after their 1-1 draw with Sheffield Wednesday last night Chelsea, with nine points, have a one-point lead over five clubs, Everton, Blackpool, Nottingham Forest, Stoke and Leicester. I Stoke beat redoubtable
    Reuter  -  425 words
  • 86 17 I/'UALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Perak schoolgirl M. Rajamani. who is undergoing training for the Olympics, clocked 57.95 ec for the 400 metres in a trial at Gurrey Road here this morning. This was her best-ever performance her previous best was 68.5 sec last week— but still well behind
    86 words
  • 302 17 I/'UALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Mani Jegathesun. Malaysia's top sprinter, will be a guest runner at the Malaysian Government athletic championships which begin at Gurney Road tomorrow. At 10 a.m. tomorrow he will dc the 200 metres alone and at 4.45 p.m run the 100 metres against Thor
    302 words
    • 31 17 Kluanj igM Gurkha Signals 5 Teiißku Mohamed Sch 0. L. Pcrak (T. Anson) NT Secondary Sch. 1 Indian Assn 1 Friendly: Batu Pendents XI 1 Pontian Dist 1
      31 words
    • 60 17 Kejal championship finals (J Bauru>: Men's singles: Pang Kum Leong bt Guek Teck Kiong 15-5. 15-12: doubles: Kum Leong and Tan Teck Meng bt Wee Kuang and Wong Liang Tan 15-4. 15-8; women's single*: Lily Kwan bt Lily Sim 11-3. 6-11 11-6: mixed doubles: Goh Leng Hal and Lily
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    • 15 17 KinU cold shield <B. Gaiah): Ipoh 60 B Gaiah 47: Tronoh 37 Pitting 34
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  • 116 17 KAREN IN SHOCK WIN OVER MARGE TENNIS FREST HILLS. (New York Thurs. Karen Hantze Susman (United States), former Wimbledon champion. beat Margaret Smith (Australia) in a major upset at the United States lawn tennis championships yesterday. Margaret. <he Wimbledon runner-up, who was seeded No 2. was beaten 4-6. 6-4. 6-4.
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 104 17 I/'UALA LUMPUR. Thurs.— Perak Malays and Malacca Malajv will meet In the Rulers Sliu.d cricket final on the Padang lore on Saturday and Sunday. Teair.i are: Perak from Mertcan Sutan (captain), Sulaiman M. Amin. A. Aziz Ismail. Abu Bakar Hj. Said. Hamzah Samsuddin. M. Sldek. A. Rahim
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  • 26 17 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs.— The Malayan Motor Sports Club announced today that the Seremban Sprint will be held on Sept. 27 at Rahang Road. Seremban
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  • 16 17 SINGAPORE. Thurs.— The finals of the Singapore Malays badminton championships, scheduled for Saturday, have postponed.
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  • 41 17 PATRICIA PRYCE (right), the British cham--1 pion, winning an invitation women's 30 metres hurdles event at White City Stadium, London, last Saturday She clocked 10.8 sec, beating Mary Rand (No. 2) and Phyllis Jones (left). Renter picture.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 140 17 -CRICKET SCOTLAND 46 FOR ONE— RAIN GLASGOW. Thurs. There was only one hour's play on the nrst day of the two-day match between Scotland and the Australian cricketers here yesterday. On a soft wicket Scotland batted and reached 46 for one when heavy rain forced the players to retire. Shortly
    Reuter  -  140 words
  • 74 17 LONDON. Thurs. Results of Rugby matches played last nignt: Bncby Union Abertlllery 11 Past and Present XV 43: BndKcnd 18 Tredegar 3: Cardifl 33 Bristol 3: Cross Keys 0 Crumlin 3; Otley 9 Huddersfleld 11: Palgnton 3 Exeter 45. Pontvooo) 0 Ebbw Vale 14: Saracens 11 Richmond 12:
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1238 17 TENDERS J.K.R. PAHANG TENDER NOTICE Tenders from J.KR. regJstered Contractors Class "ET and above who are registered under Head V Sub-Head 1 will be received at the office ul the Jurutera N"gert Pahang. Kuantan up to 3.00 p.m. of the 17th September. 1964 for Supply anci Delivery of I' 1
      1,238 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 42 17 SPORTS DIARY ATHLETICS— Malaysian Ocvt. Services meet (XL Police Dcdoi, 9 a.m.). SOCCER Tour match: Kedan Invitation v S. Kurea (A. Star stadium. 7.30 p.n:.V Ipoh Kil:it v Clirrß Wah vp:<dat,?) SWIMMING Peiak aquatic meet (Kmta SC pool. 2 15 D.m.»
      42 words

  • 389 18 Villagers capture two skymen From CHEW LOY KHOON: LABIS, Thursday •yILLAGERS „,p tured two more Indonesian paratroopers in the Labis area today, within a mile of each other. The first capture took place in a coffee shop, near here, just after the 12-hour curfew was lifted at 6 a.m. The
    389 words
  • 88 18 MPs take a look at the trophies A RMS and equipment capA tured from an Indonesian paratrooper who was dropped in the Labis area of Johore last week being examined by MPs before they went Into the Chamber to continue the special sitting of the Dewan Ra'ayat in Kuala Lumpur
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  • 179 18 IMF BOARD VOTES $12,000 M. INCREASE T<OKYO, Thurs. The Board of Governors of the Inter-national Monetary Fund today unanimously voted a resolution expected to raise the fund by about US$4,OOO million fM$l2.OOO million) next year. This would increase the resources available to the 102 IMF members to draw from. In
    AP  -  179 words
  • 39 18 WASHINGTON, Thurs. President Johnson announced tonight that he and Mr. Lester Pearson, the Canadian Prime Minister, would meet tn Washington State on Sept. 16 to discuss international problems and the big Canadian-U. S. Columbia River project. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
    • 49 18 LONDON. Thurs. Spot 20^d.. Oct. 20-9/16 d.. Nov. 20-9 16d.. Dec 20-9 16d. Oet Dec. 20-9 16<i.. Jan.'Mar. 20Sid., Apr. June 2O'?d., July Sept. 2O'-..d.. Oct. Dec. 204 d, Jan Mar. 2O' s d., Apr. June 20'sd.. elf. Sept. 20-3'16d.. Oct. 204 d.. Nov. 20' id. Tone: Steady.
      49 words
    • 23 18 LONDON. Thurs.— Buyers £1406. sellers £1408. Forward buyers £1397. sellers £1398 Settlement £1410. Turnover a.m. 380 tons, p.m. 270 tons. Tone: Steady.
      23 words
  • 433 18 SINGAPORE, Thursday. AMOI'T 700 representatives from the ~>l goodwill committees, representing ;ill the constituencies, today pledged amidst shouts of "Merdeka, Malaysia!" to defend the nations honour, integrity and sovereignty. At a meeting at the Victoria Theatre this afternoon, they unanimously passed this
    433 words
  • 40 18 KUCHING, Thurs. A brigade of 3.000 ruffians from Java were on their way to the Indonesia Sarawak border areas to reinforce Soekarno's border terrorists. The State Minister for Local Oovernmen. Mr. Endawle Anak Enchana, said this tonight.
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  • 75 18 PANIC IN H.K. AS TYPHOON NEARS Hong kong. Than.— The Rirtt Squad was called out to control thousands of panicky residents who rushed ferries today as typhoon Saliy whirled toward Hong Kong. The giant typhoon appeared to be aiming a direct blow at the colony, battered by typhoon Ruby less
    75 words
  • 35 18 Nairobi, Ttnntv— Tha secretary of Kenya's opposition African Democratic Union. Mr. Martin Shikuku. yesterday called for the expulsion of all Chinese diplomats trom the country because of their interlerence in the Conao.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 35 18 VAOIVALOO. retired Hospital Assistant. Malacca. pnxxed nwuy peacefully on s ;i «4. Funeral took place i:'i>» day. Mrx. A. P. Vadivaloo Mr. Mrs. Gandhlnathan thank relatives and friends for the condolences, wreaths. attendance and
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 156 18 Late classified advertisements KANACARAJAH To ChrlxtlM and THtUM i daughter Oortaat Ann* oi inth September :it Mount Kilter to Michelle and Dawn. Thanks to doctor JECANAYACAM CHELLIAHI .■mi.-it is .-mnouncod hj"\vp«n Gur.aretnam. ylder ton of 1 1- 1 1 < Mr MPMIUUI ;ir.l Hn JeK.inayagam of 32 Loronc i O
      156 words