The Straits Times, 15 June 1964

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 22 1 nit***' AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 135,000 flatlet He***** The Straits Times Estd. 1845. MONDAY, JUNE 15, 1964 15 CENTS KDN 731
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  • Article, Illustration
    1176 1 Thai plan accepted Political reasons for compromise on checkpoints TOKYO, Sunday THE MALAYSIAN Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, said here tonight he had accepted a Thai compromise on the number of check points needed to verify withdrawal of Indonesian forces from Malaysian Borneo. With Indonesian agreement lo the
    Lim Yaw Chong  -  1,176 words
  • 64 1 Joan Crawford admitted into hospital HOLLYWOOD. Sun. Film acire.\s Joan Crawford, aged 56. j v.;iv admitted to hospital hi.xt night with a respiratory Vlnil inlectlon. A spokesman at the Cedars ni Lebanon Ho-pital said the aclontiition was good. She will remain under treatment for a week, he Hid. Mi-s Crawford
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 105 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. Angela F'llmer. 19. who last night wrested the Miss Malaysia title from 12 other beauties to represent the country at the Miss Universe contest in Miami next month, went into hiding today for a much-needed rest Hex family said today: "She returned home at
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  • 35 1 KOHIMA (Northeast India i. Sun. A' least three Naga rebels were killed and .several others injured in a clash with Indian security forces near here, ii m officially reported here today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 296 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday yHE Yung di-Pertuan Agong and the Raja Permaisuri Agong will get a big ceremonial send-off at Kuala Lumpur airport tomorrow morning when they leave on- their 10 day mission of friendship to Japan. About 500 YIPs will be at the airport to
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  • 260 1 SOEKARNO NOW TRYING TO SPLIT US— LEE SINGAPORE. Sun. The Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, last night warned that Indonesia was now trying to incite racial disharmony in Singapore. He said this was Indonesia's latest tactic in her "Crush Malaysia" campaign after having failed to do so through economic
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  • 49 1 LATCHWORTH (England). Sun. Nine nurses were burned yesterday when a decorated float they wee posing on in a local hospital carni'. al burst Into flames. Vhe nurses— eight women and one man were dressed as ancient Britons when the truckborne float caught fire. UPI.
    UPI  -  49 words
  • 144 1 SINGAPORE. Sun. An Indonesian gunboat chased and fired three shots at two fishermen in Singapore waters last night. The fishermen. Tan Sionn Heng. 22. and Bunvjou. 24. from the Rhio Islands, told police that they werr ncarini; Padang Terbakar with a big catch of
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  • 45 1 LAGOS. Sun. Chief TO S. Benson, Federal Information Minister, said here tonight it was hoped to set up a Nigerian news agency before next December. He said the project had been delayed by the unwillingness of Nigerian newspaper orcani.vations to tak« part. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 31 1 74 MINERS DIE K A B 1 I S ii n Sf\intv four miners were killed coal mine explosioa in northern Affhaatstan <>n Friday. (iiiMTiimrnt disclosed today —l PI.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 80 1 For' and all kinds of .T**>\ I .M iff 'Jf cleans a lot of dishes! V i y^\ it's the economical 6a industrial detergent V^ Teepol is the ideal detergent for big cleaning jobs washing crockery or utensils in restaurants, factories, clinics, ttttt hospitals, or cleaning floors^ vehicles, and large
      80 words
    • 67 1 PATEK PHILIPPE is the only watch manufacturer whose entire collection of men's watches carries, engraved on every movement, the official stamp of the State of Geneva, the authentic guarantee of centuries-old "GENEVA QUALITY." H. SENA, LTD. HIGH CLASS JEWELLERS Singapore Pcnang. GINGER BEER Ginger with M a zing. Sparkling fresh!
      67 words

    • 133 2 CALL FOR SANCTIONS AGAINST S. AFRICA OKDOM, Sun. Nobel Prize winner Chid Albert l.uthiiii yr.stcrdaj called for decisive American and British action to organise world wide sanctions agahttt South Africa and so destroy 'the hateful systea oi apartheid." l.uiliuli is the ■CilfHicil e/l senior li.uler of South Africa's Peg roe*.
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    • 219 2 Indonesian call to build up forces to match enemy's JAKARTA. Sun yiCE-ADMIRAL R. E. Martadinata, Commande r-in-Chief of the Indonpsian Navy, said Indonesia should develop her forces to the maximum in order to match enemy movements along the borders of Indonesia. Two reasons He said: "The flow of enemy troops
      UPI  -  219 words
    • 46 2 TAIPEH. Sun Eight police judo experts escorted Hong Kong actress Ivy Ling Poh from the airport to a secret destination on her arrival here to attend the Asian film festival which opens tomorrow. Two hundred policemen kept 2,000 fans at bay. A.P.
      AP  -  46 words
    • 58 2 SAMURAI SWORD FEAT rKYO. Sun. Kcmpu Matsuo. one of jjpjn's oldest martial art* matter*. displays a Samurai talent for using "mind over matter" by leaning with all his weight on a raior sharp sword during a preview at the KabuHM theatre in Tokj vo of martial art* t» be shown
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    • 61 2 BANDOENG CHOSEN FOR MEETING JAKARTA. Sun. An Afro-Asian Islamic preparatory meeting ended here yesterday and announced that a full conference will be held in Bandoeng in December. Bandoeng was the site ol the first Afro-Asian political conference in 1955. Seven countries th* United Arab Republic. Saudi Arabia. Iraq, Pakistan. Thailand,
      AP  -  61 words
    • 258 2 U.S. aid to India will aggravate tensions: Pakistan RAWALPINDI, Sun. Pakistin's Foreign Minister, Mr. Khutto, today accused the United States <»i •iniectiiii; the arms race" into the tensions of the Indian sub-contiiifnt. llr warned thai .1 riinit Amrrii'an decision to icrant lonc-tcrin arms aid to India would have "farreaching: political
      Reuter  -  258 words
    • 282 2 NEUTRALISTS PLAN AN OFFENSIVE VIENTIANE, Sunday. NEUTRALIST forces were preparing today to mount a counter-attack in the Muong Kheung area north of the Plain of Jars after recent military setbacks. Neutralist sources said Commander Kong Le's troops thrown back about one and a half mlle.s after Communist Pathet Lac troops
      UPI  -  282 words
    • 228 2 Ceylon's vanishing shoreline has them worried r«OLOMBO. Sun.— All down the west coast of Ceylon, people are getting anxious again about their .shoreline The truth Is that it Is gradually disappearing. Caught in the oath or the annual south-west monsoon, the shore has for years suffered the Inexorable ravages of
      Reuter  -  228 words
    • 69 2 PEKING. Sun. Chinese nil). cials toasted the heaKh of Qur^n Elizabeth last insht at the Queens bii hciay garden party held in tiu office of the British Charee d'Arlaires. Mr. Kuo Mo-jo, president n; the Academy of Sciences, the leading Chinese attending. Mr. i Wang
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    • 34 2 TEHERAN. Sun— Three civilians were executed by a firing squad In Khurtstan. South Persia, yesterday for treason by plotting wv.h "Nasertte elements" to estab- llah an autonomous state in oilrtch Khuzlsun— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  34 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 321 2 ONLY 75^ADAY! CLJAPP BRING JOY TO YOUR WHOLE FAMILY!! JAPAN'S Ist TV MAKERS NO DOWN PAYMENT mi II llQjnn SPACE ELECTRONIC TUBE FOR CORNER TO 522 50 PER MONTH IvUVIOI Ullcorner clarity better reception Day and Night mobile service ssSht.-.^ss aflU Ha% I ■■■ajB^HB^BJBJBJHBBaVJaVIBMBB*JBVSa)aBaBJBJ V- I l" I i»MTnnnM I
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 138 3 HAVANA, Sun. Dr. Fidel I Casrto. Cuban. Prime Minister, said yesterday that Cuba had turned down initiatives for a mediation of its difference.-, with the United Sates because of an existing "climate of threats and aggression." He told reporters at an informal Press
      Reuter  -  138 words
    • 156 3 THE BEATLES AND THEIR DESTINATION IS HONG KONG IN FROM Holland, and out again to Hong Kong go the Beatles just time for BOAC stewardess Anne Creech to apply an outsize comb to the famous hair before the group boards a BOAC liner at London Airport. Anne, a fellow "Mfrseysider"
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    • 117 3 55p.c. deaths in US due to heart attacks (JENEVA. Sun— Heart attacks cause more than half of all deaths in Britain, the United States. Australia. New Zealand and many other countries, the World Health Organisation sai,d here. Tn a survey covering 22 selected countries, WHO said the percentage of deaths
      Reuter  -  117 words
    • 69 3 STOCKHOLM. Sun. The Sv.idi.--ii Journalist! Union .mv the Newspapers Employers A.-.-O-ci; ion yesierday sU;n< d asreement under wh.i h loumalists will receive a five per iuid a rurther 3/J5 per oeni nod year. The agreement is retroactive to Feb. 1. Minimum wane levels are to
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    • 31 3 PARIS. Sun. Ex-Preside:U Moise Tshombe of Katanga returned from a short trip to Mali yesterday and said ho would yo ahead with preparations to return to the Conzo. AP.
      AP  -  31 words
    • 206 3 Governor acts to halt Guiana —strife fEORGE TOWN. w Sun. The Governor, Sir Richard L,uyt. in 3 bid to halt a new outbreak of racial strife yesterday overrode his official advisors and assume d emergency powers In a pre-dawn swoop more than 40 people, Including the Deputy Premier Mr. Brlndley
      UPI  -  206 words
    • 203 3 WASHINGTON, Sun. Tlie car which carried President John F. Kennedy to his death was back in service at tne White House yesterday, a ton heavier with armour plating and bullet resistant glass The famous "bubbletop" car has undergone extensive changes bince it was used last
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    • 264 3 Petition against the harassment, censorship of Lenny Bruce YEW YORK. Sun —I Scores of American j novelists, critics.; scholars, commentators and actors yesterday issued a protest Detitioning against harassment and censorshiD in New York City of comedian Lenny Bruce Signers of the petition Included theologian Reinhold Neibhur. critic and ooet
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    • 331 3 LABOUR WILL TAKE OVER STEEL AGAIN —WILSON LONDON, Sunday. jyjß. HAROLD WILSON, leader of the Labour (Opposition) Party in Parliament, said here yesterday that a Labour Government would nationalise Britain's steel industry. He toid a political rally in Derby that Labour would create a publicly-owned national water undertaking and all
      Reuter  -  331 words
    • 45 3 MEXICO CITY. Sun.—Actorflirector Orson Welles is coming to Mexico .«oon to complete the loriK-delayed filming of Don Quixote. A newspaper report said Welles had been working: on the film lor seven years, but had been delayed In 1U completion. AP.
      AP  -  45 words
    • 65 3 LONDON. Sun. A unique all-the-year-»ound holiday centre casting over £3 million (about M 525.5 million) is to be built at Aviemore in the Scottish Highlands. It will offer skiing facilities, skating, curling, and Indoor swimming In winter, and golf, angling and sailing in summer. Multi-storey
      Reuter  -  65 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 38 3 C\ THE SHAPE A THE COLOURS Tj|\ '/Ti THE SMARTNESS SiVEAKERS America's favourite teenage shoe. The ideal shoe for school, picnics, sports, games, fun and for every occasion. Go modern go the SiVEAKERS 'way. FAMOUS IN FOOTWEAR Q^
      38 words
    • 271 3 ■Wjk J Nice Fellow, but... Unless you take definite steps to prevent it fl W^l people might be saying this about you. Don't I offend others with perspiration odour. I When you've applied ODO-RO-NO deo- I HMf dorant, you know you're protected all day I long. Odour vanishes instantly and
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  • 148 4 BOARD FLATS: THE GOVT'S ADVICE TO APPLICANTS SINGAPORE, Sun. Applicants for Housing Board flats at Kalian*. Tanjong Rhu and Bukit Ho Swee estates, have been advised to consider accepting accommodation at alternative estates at MacPherson and Queenstown. A Government statement today announced that new flats will be available in these
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  • 608 4 Johore can start using Malay now, Assembly told 'REGULATIONS CALL FOR GRADUAL CHANGEOVER 9 TIIK Johore Local x Government chairman, Haji Othman bin Haji Mohammed Sa'at, said today that Johore could immediately start using Malay as the sole official language if not lor regulations which called for a gradual changeover.
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  • 195 4 SINGAPORE, Sunday. T»HE Malaysian delegation to the International x Labour Organisation conference, which opens in Geneva on Tuesday, would make it "quite certain that anti-Malaysia elements do not make any headway in this international forum," the Singapore delegate, Mr. C. V. Devan Nair said today.
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  • 38 4 SINGAPORE, Sun.— The Royal Navy will present Good Service Testimonials to 13 of Its employees on Tuesday to mark meritorious service by employees over periods ranging from 18 years to 37 years In the Naval Base.
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  • 187 4 THIS WEEK'S FREE FILM SHOWS SINGAPORE. Sun. The Field Section of the Ministry of Culture will give free film shows at the following places this week, each show starting at 7 p.m. Monday: Nong Mm School, Jalan Tiga Ratus; Hong Slan Tong, Ne* Soon Road; Kg. Race Course, Dunearn Road
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 345 4 iiiiiiniiiiniiiiiicaiiiiiii'iiiicaniiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiitaHiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiicaiiiiiiiiiiin§J\i*fYM NEXT CHANGE! Tel: ***** (SINGAPORE) g THE SCIENCE SHOCKER ohh^PAj AGE!! v v 1 T_ol B^ w™ HA' FREDERICKS GRAY DEXTER tM iMrwwoit DOLORES FAITH H s A FOUR CROWN Production "«<jrifl Sllllllll.lLiilll .JiniU.lmm.ilUllllllinill, 1 tfStlfVM COMING!! Tel: ***** (SINGAPORE) fjj A Casual Meeting... A Night of Romance... A
      345 words
    • 106 4 BLUE SPOtT|3 Bl IS BETTER WM First Poyment $50.00 Monthly $50.00 FREE TV AERIAL. KEE HUAT RADIO CO., LTD. 124, Orchard Rtf., Phone: 3456*. Our Showroom is open up to 9.00 p.m. on Wednesdays. Today: J I.F.C. pratanti THEPICTUREO^HEYEAR! NATIONAL LANGUAOK SYNONYMS With EnaH»h-Chin«»e EquivolaiiH ft Intftscf INSPICTID APMOVIO by
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    • 411 4 STOP and THINK about yourself Are you satisfied with your your ideas? pay? Are you confident of Are you in line for yourself and your abilities? promotion soon? Do you think and speak on Have you a timetable for your feet? reaching your goals? Do you feel that you have
      411 words
    • 513 4 lIIIMIiniIIIIIIIIIIIC3IIIIIIIUIIIt3IIIIIIIIIIIIC Ham 1.30 4 00 6.30 ft 9.30pn. 9 CORDON SCOTT in E DINO DE LAI RENTIIS' 5 iMACISTE^ckHi VAMPIRE 1 z Tecbmcoloi Total Scope. ti Plus "Berita Singapura" No. t. v i On Stage-TONIGHT at 9.30pm I <± TETREX TORAY TETORON GOLDEN BIRO I KEAN FATT CO.. Presents REOIFFUSION
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 449 4 IN AND OUT BY AIR THE 3 following It today'i schedule Bombay. Bangkok (AZ 764) 7.0S of civil aircraft movement! at p.m. Paya Lxbar airport Singapore: British European Atrwayi: Prom Hong Konit. Latman iK"G Sfl't i 11! KHRIVALI n()on BOAC: Prom Sydney. Brtabane, departures Darwm (BA 713) 7.30 p.m.: from
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  • 219 5 MALAYANISE ESTATE EXECUTIVES CALL SUPPORTED BY NARA TfENTAKAB, Sun 19 The president of the ICFTU Asian regional organisation,. Mr. P. p. Narayanan, today gave full support to the demand by the AH-Malaya Estates Staff Union for Malay anisation of executives on estates. Speaking at the annual general meeting of the
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  • 91 5 BATU PAHAT. St n Tan Chin Bat. 23, a hawker, was fined $400 or one month's jail after he pleaded guilty to possessing banned books in his house in Jalan Rogaya on May 26. Tail was found in possession of a MDngshee: entitled The
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  • 80 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun— The Malayan Council for Child Welfare will hold a charity premiere of the film "A Child is Waiting" at 9 pm on July 2 at the FVderal Theatre here The premiere, organised under the patronage of the Raja Permaisuri Agong
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  • 45 5 KAJANO. Sun. The Olu District Liquor and Licens-ii-.c Board will hold a meeting tomorrow at 10 a.m. Among matters to be discussed will be the renewal of liquor licences for the second half of 19«4 and also new applications for licences.
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  • 35 5 MALACCA. Sun. The Governor of Malacca. Tun Han Abdul Malelc bin Yusof. will present awards to 23 people at an m-vp.-'.iture at the Residency on St. Paul's Hill on Monday at 10 a.m.
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  • 20 5 PAPAR. Sun— Teachers of this small township in Sabah will celebrate Teachers Day tomorrow with a dinner party.
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  • 33 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. The Minister of Transport, Dato Sardon bin Haji Jubir, will address the Road Safety Council. Malaya, at its meeting In the Municipal Council Chamber here ne« Thursday.
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  • 204 5 SINGAPORE. Sun.— All tourist guides in the state are to be registered with the Tourist Promotion Board and must undergo training and tests of proficiency, under new regulations published by the Board. Penalty From now on, no on* Is entitled to act as a tourist guide
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  • 29 5 IPOH Sun. The Ministry of Education has been asked for grants totalling $733,855 to be spent this year on the newly conforming Chineae achoola in Ferak
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  • 462 5 Khir warns those trying to destroy the co-op movement KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. JHE Minister of Agriculture and Co-opera-tives, Inche Mohamed Khir Johari today warned that if there were individuals, even from the Alliance itself, who attempted to sabotage the co-operative movement, he would not hesitate to take drastic measures against
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  • 115 5 Forged $10 notes warning by police STAR, Sun. All police stations throughout the State were today alerted following the seizure of two fake $10 notes by Kullm police last night. Kulim police detained three men. but two were released later after interrogation A police party led by Senior Inspector 8.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 88 5 dreamy! ice creamy! Seven-Up "Float" ■H* cream or sherbet In a /j If?* I tall glass. Fill with J sparkling, chilled 7-Up! Ay a^^^r^^^Z^i Ma^aflflaißfl the Health Food of Malaysia I WQl||^k_aJ S *V] FREE TINS OF \\JJ BLUE CROSS V^^ SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK Lucky BLUE CROSS users moy receive
      88 words
    • 206 5 HHJQ W Ik I I I -PSTDsMaW* A f If A. fcat^v WITH A CERTINA y YOU LL LOVE TO KNOW THE TIME Vw\ ~j ~"J Thii is only on* creation from th« n«w Certino-Sopphir* X^V^^SpJifl collection. But ony official C»rtino Agent will be proud '<£/ to show you hit
      206 words

  • 94 6 Tengku waves goodbye to YIPs at airport before boarding a plane for Tokyo ifUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Tengku Abdul Rahman flew to Tokyo this morning for the summit meeting with President Soekarno and President Macapagal. There was a "wish me luck plea in his look as h« waved
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  • 186 6 CINGAPORE, Sun. A freak one-dollar note believed to be worth as much as $500 has bepn founc! here by Mr. Kob Soo Siah, a shipping clerk and parttime musician,. Mr. Koh said he noticed it In a pile of one-collar notes he
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  • 71 6 SINGAPORE, Sun.— The body of an unidentified Chinese man. used about 60. was found on the five-foot-way at Upper Weld Road. Described as "thin-built", the man was clad in a short-sleeved shirt and dark brown trousers. He wore a pair of black-framed
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  • 28 6 MUAR. Sun Muar police have issued notices :o all owners of firearms here WHrmng them to renew iheir licmces. which ex- I pire on June 30.
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  • 47 6 NIBONO TEBAL. Sun. A scooter rider. Tan Telk How. 18. has been admitted to Buktt Mer- tajam Hospital after being Involved in a collision with a lorry on the outskirts of Nibong Tebal town yesterday. Tans condition was described today as serious.
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  • 62 6 SINGAPORE. Sun— Police have detained five men under the Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions) Ordinance while screening 2.005 people during the past 24 hours. Three of the detained men I were tormer criminal law po- lice supervisees and were arrested In Nee Soon. Police said that they
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  • 118 6 Road crash: P.C. killed, girl friend badly hurt SINGAPORE. Sun. A police constable. Loo Chong Koo, was killed early this morning and his sirl friend was seriously injured when his motor-cycle skidded at the Anderson Bridge in Empress Place. Loo. 36, of Kandane Kerbau police station, was proceeding towards the
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  • 92 6 PENANO. Sun— Doctors employed by the City Count-. i «my a.ssi,: in UM medical examination of recruits called up for naaonal service if It is carried uut only on Sundays. This has been decided by the councils establishment and disciplinary committee which further agreed that
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  • 45 6 SUNGEI PATANI. Sun— A Malaysian ranger. Ptp Albert Matajang, 20. of Jesselton. v.a.s drownrtl while crossing a river during a training exercise near Sungei Patar.l last Thursday. The body which was recovered yesterday wm today flown back to 6a bah (or burial.
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  • 277 6 NEW SEMINAR ON MALAY IS PLANNED KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday. THE chairman of the National Language Month central executive committee, Syed Nasir bin Ismail, is now considering the holding of a second seminar on the teaching of the national language at primary arid secondary school levels. He said today: "One semi-
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  • 39 6 PARIT BUNTAR. Sun.— A Natlonal I-intiuacr Month variety concert scheduled for merit on the town padang here whs postDoned because the ground was flooded. Several BTMI in Krinn district were flooded after v two-hour vain.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 140 6 i'O'k't ROLLS-ROYCE JETS EAST and WEST MON Tiir qa I Ul jg^v TUII "v uAI BO AC and associates offer a total of 36 flights every week. ALL OVER THE WORLD f|*l I* A*f TAKES GOOD CARE OF YOU BRITISH OVERSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION fitk AitCtyUm, Aw\mdim W Oamet Tetoromix J^k
      140 words
    • 111 6 J make and ONTACI mend SMENI5 MENI jobs around fBJ the home fl BEAR B R A N O Lemons That Bring Beauty Give your complexion radiant loveliness with a special type of beauty lemon, it has remarkable properties for beautifying the complexion as It clears, refines and tones the
      111 words

  • 67 7 PENANG. Sun. Penang police are trying to trace a motor cycle bearing registration number PA '8051. reported missing from the compound of the Asia Hotel. Tanione Bungah. early this morning. The owner. Mr. Song Hai Swee, parked the machine at thp hotel at about midnight.
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  • 39 7 SINGAPORE. Sun. Water will be shut off in Lorong Tiga I Estate between houses number 400 Ito 558 (even numbers only) on Tuesday, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. to I shift a double pillar hydrant.
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  • 274 7 YONG: CUT DOWN COST OF DRUGS THE Minister for Health, Mr. Yong Nyuk Lin, last night spoke of the need to cut down the cost of drugs so that more people could benefit from their use. Speaking at the dinner of the Malayan
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  • 162 7 CHOLERA CASE IN KEDAH AFTER 6 WEEKS ALOR STAR, Sunday. A NEW case of cholera has been reported in Kuala Kangkong, eight miles from here. Because of this, the State Government has deferred its decision to declare Kedah cholera-free this week. This was the first case found after a lapse
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  • 48 7 SINGAPORE. Sun. The Industrial Workers Union ot Singapore today celebrated their ninth «rini\ ersary at the Gay World amusement park in Geylang with a 2) hours stage .show. Hundreds of unionists gathered in the amusement park to watch local actors and actresses who entertained them.
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  • 141 7 Gilstraps leave after three years SINGAPORE, Sun. The American Consul-Generai in Singapore. Mr Sam P Gllstrap. left here this morning by Pan-American for Washington for re- assignment. He was accompanied by Mrs. Gilstrap. At the airport. Mr. Gllstrap reiterated that Singapore was now a "working model of democracy and a
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 184 7 SUZUKI rf/ic {jqji(tm'f//t{ Y'/wnijt-it.H cf (/ic tfioiht B^^^^^ftfe aa^^^B^V^^S JBBV^^^B Bk^Btfß^*'"~~ taW /;^J*&i fctkJ^^B^^k f SUZUKI SPO«T 50cc 1964 MALAYSIA GRAND PRIX 50 c.c. Class 125 c.c. Class ST 2nd ST I SUZUKI I SUZUKI INVEST IN A SUZUKI MOTORCYCLE FOR ECONOMY AND RELIABILITY-SUZUKI ALWAYS LEADS Available in SOcc, 80cc
      184 words
    • 323 7 I IOOOCOPiES I iN POUR m COLOURS ON YOUR DESK iN 2 HOURS! That's efficiency! and RONEO are proud of their fast duplicating service. It's now available to you at a cost you can't obtain elsewhere. Just compare your RONEO quotation with that of your regular printer. Twelve, or twelve
      323 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 262 7 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS t. Search taTohraa U8 cavalry1. They Illustrate various ways man (8). or travel (4. 4). 8 School head needs a singer 5. Abstract Is put before the for "The Wanderer" f 8). .-.ecretary <6>. 11. Suitably designed to carry 9. Book about paintings, perhaps round In
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  • 66 8 A VICTORY SMILE BY MISS MALAYSIA A VICTORY SMILE from radiant Angela Filmer (Miss Selangor) after her crowning as Mia* Malaysia at Stadium Negara on Saturday night Showering kisses on her are Vera Wee (Miss Singapore) second (left) and I. conic Foo (Miss Perak). Angela will represent Malaysia at the
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  • 165 8 Sun. A mountain and a hot spring are to be developed into holiday resorts in Negri Sembilan. They are Gunong Angsi f 2.700«.) on the SerembanKuala Pllah road and Pedas hot spring. 13 miles from i here, on the Seremban-Rem- I bau road. Mr.
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  • 43 8 TAIPING. Sun. The D:.«Met Offlcrr Larut and Maiang. Wan Ahmad bin Wan Omar, has gone on transfer a.s of Land and Mines in Kota Bharu. Kelaman. and is be:r.i; succeeded by Inche Azizul Rahman bin Abdul Aziz, from Upper Pwak.
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  • 259 8 Police officer escapes death ambusl OEREMRAN, Sun. *a police officer «n^ed death last njaht wnen a man who ahot at him from close range misfired. The man wag also looter for he quickly darted bed a huge boulder when the officer shot back at him. This shooting incident took place
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  • 43 8 PENANG. Sun. Mr A < David has been re-elected ciw; man of the Malayan Techuu-.. Services Union, Penang and Pi-o vince Wellesley district. Tlie vice-chairman is Mr. J A E. Pedley. secretary Mr. Ko, Ken- and tre*«urer Mr. Teoh Br: Swe*
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 280 8 WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT ELECTRIC TOOTHBRUSHES Most authorities agree that tooth decay is usually caused Why an electric toothbrush? by acids formed in the mouth. It is likewise generally •An electric toothbrush removes plaque and food agreed that these acids start with a film, called plaque, particles much faster
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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  • 652 9 ONE February day in 1848 three Spanish gunboats dropped anchor off the mangrove-fringed beach of Balanguingui Island, the headquarters of the most terrible nest of pirates in the southern Philippines. Next morning, stumbling through waist-deep marshes and beaten by torrential
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  • 1100 9 When pirates ruled the Philippine seas [Straits Times I SPECIAL J FEATURE J slaves or bartered in Borne for use as human sacrifice* From the ramparts of tht capital soldiers sometime* saw Moros boldly raiding into Manila Bay to plunder and burn merchant galleons almost under the muzzles of the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 324 9 For those who can afford the best. HIS HERS The Automated Hoover Keymatic the only possible washing machine 'or anyone who can afford the best has an exclusive Keyplate, Q This Keyplate shows eight different washing programmes (whites, coloureds. woollens, etc). You simply choose your programme, push in the Keyplate
      324 words

  • 103 10 Words lit (MUtiimum) thi family er th* late Mrs. Bennletta 1 Annie) Rber thank all friends relative* for their attendance, wreaths, masses, letters of enodolent MR. A MRS. Ho Kok Teng thank friends and relative* for message* of condolence, wreaths assistance aad attendance st funeral of their son Ho
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  • The Straits Times
    • 761 10 The Heads of Government of Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines are all in Tokyo. But many matters have still to be resolved before they can meet. At the time of writing, conditions had not been established even for a pre-summit meeting of ministers- The most that
      761 words
    • 352 10 Mr. Tan Si*w Sin is a cautious man, as indeed any finance minister must be. Even so, his warning on Sat- urday of "a period of strain" ahead for Malaysia was not unnecessarily dour. There is little doubt that the Government's prosperous years lie I now behind
      352 words
    • 111 10 The cholera epidemic in the East Coast States is developing alarmingly. The Kelantan death roll has risen to nine while in Trengganu, much more recently affected, 11 people have died, including one patient in Kemaman. As if to confirm this trend to the south, Pahang has also become
      111 words
  • 999 10  -  THOUSANDS RUINED AS NE WIN'S SOCIALISM PROGRAMME SPEEDS UP THE Burmese authorities detained a woman suspected of violating new laws, for whose contravention she could be sentenced to ten years' hard labour, and possibly death. She was not a spy, or a murderess, or an adventuress
    OFNS  -  999 words
  • 723 10  -  "VTOT any more," 11 said the Rirl from the car rental agency. "Why should we be afraid? After all, it's perfectly clear if anything does happen to West Berlin it would only be a matter of hours, if that much, before West Germany and everybody
    723 words
    • 185 10 BEFORE 1959. there were a few huLs In Serangoon Gardens forming a short row. Since then the number has Increased so much so they now stretch from the Circus to the Hemsiev Avenue. All the huts are used for trading purposes .such as motor repairing.
      185 words
    • 104 10 JALAN Rumah Tinggi car owners face two problems. The authorised car park is small. This makes a squeeze and wht-n somebody wants to get out. he will push your car. locked or not, out of the way. He will even push it out so far that it is
      104 words
    • 60 10 WHY bother to hold any crash teacher training programme at all. The original six months' Intensive course was bad enough. What can the incoming trainees hope to achieve in two short weeks? Why not send each successful cane idate a copy of 'Teach Yourself to Teach' Instead?
      60 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 985 10 CLASSIFIED ADS. OLIVB AND OCORGE CLARK 18 S. "(TIITRAI. 14th June. 1*64. »P.C It Words Sit (Htmtmrnm) moccand To KrMlaa and Fleere a son Michael Pierre at Meant Atvernta 10-6-64 Thanks to Doctor Bad Nones MESARATNAM: To Naa* aod Par* raae* another baby girl ftiraltha at Barn Oajah, Thanks to
      985 words
    • 15 10 Worlds' Wi favourite casual shoe > f^tt Shoe Department 332, North Bridg* Road. Singapore T«l*phon«: *****
      15 words
    • 101 10 Chocolaljobler The chocolate of the connoisseur I fob{€f'/ti(lmM T^^^^m^^^B^^B^rn^^^mW i^lsSSst ■s^BSS^BSsvVisSsVX. s^" O■• W Try Tobler chocolate and you'll find that nothing else is good enough. Tobler fresh from Switzerland "The Exclusive Swiss Chocolate st the New York World Fair 1964-1965." Sole Agents: SHRIRO (CHINA) LTD. at Po»vu* uuu n;OH
      101 words

  • 290 11 Wong: Govt paves way for unions, bosses to confer PENANG, Sun. The Chief Minister, Dato Wong Pow Nee, said today that in trying tn encourage and foster the growth of healthy; and responsible trade unions, the Government had paved the way for «-mployer.s and workers, td confer and consult Ho
    290 words
  • 41 11 L-..WU GAJAH. Sun.— Lee Slew Yorke. aged 6. was fatally injured on Friday when she was knocked down by a lorry while on her way home from school In Changkat here. She died tn the hospital after admission.
    41 words
  • 131 11 SINGAPORE. Sun. Further sums of $48.70 tor the Serdang crash victims, and $35 for the widow of Abdul Samad bin Montat were received yesterday. This brings the Serdang crash j victims tund to $326.70. Abdul Samad bin Montat's widows fund to $449. The amount tor trie
    131 words
  • 60 11 KUALA TRENGGANU. Sun. —Two Pan -Malayan Islamic Party candidates in the last State Assembly elections were today charged in the Sessions Court here with holding a public meeting wittiout a police permit. They were Omar bin Abdul Rahman and Abdul Rashid bin Hall Su. Both
    60 words
  • 539 11 JESSELTON, Sunday STEPHENS REITERATES FAITH AND BELIEF IN STATE'S ALLIANCE: 'ALL SHOULD WORK TO MAINTAIN PARTY' 'piK Chief Minister of Sabah and president of the United National Kadazan Organisation, Dato Donald Stephens, yesterday stressed the need for all parties in Sabah to work closer together. Speaking
    539 words
  • 14 11 Grand old lady of Ipoh celebrates her 1 00 th birthday with a party—
    14 words
  • 73 11 JPOH, Sun. A call to 1 employers and workers in the building industry to unite and work hard in the interest of the country, was made by Mr. Chan Yong. president of the Perak Chinese Builders Guild here yesterday. "In a young nation like Malaysia,"
    73 words
  • 93 11 "Builders in this country should realise their duty, and work hard in the great task Of nation building," he said. The main aim of the guild, which is open to employers and workers in the various fields of the building industry, is to foster better relationship and unity
    93 words
  • 75 11 SINGAPORE. Sun.— More than $1,600 in cash prizes will be offered to participants of the talentine shows for schools on July 2. The contest Is sponsored by Nestle' Products and organised by the Boy's Town Old Boys Association. So far 18 heats have been held
    75 words
  • 95 11 Tun Yusof to open bazaar QINGAPORE, Sun—The Yang di-Pertuan Negara, Tun Yusof bin Ishak. will open the 12th International Blind Bazaar at the Victoria Memorial Hall on June 20 at 10 a.m. Some 1.100 women will man the 48 stalls at the Bazaar. The Bazaar committee hopes to raise $120,000
    95 words
  • 232 11 JPOH, Sun. Specially 1 made longevity rice bowls and red chopsticks were presented here last night to more than 400 guests when the grand old lady of Ipoh, Madam Liew Sin Keow, celebrated her 100 th birthday.
    232 words
  • 44 11 TELUK ANSON. Sun. About 3.000 people took part In a candlelight procession through the town here last night to celebrate the I Feast of St. Anthony. Earlier Bishop D. Vcndargon from Kuala Lumpur conducted a service in the St. Anthony's Church.
    44 words
  • 239 11 MP: KEEP CONTROL ON ENTRY OF EXPATS I^UALA LUMPUR. Sun. The Government, was urged today to exercise stricter control on the entry of expatriates to work in Malaya. Mr. Kam Woon Wah. Member of Parliament, (Alliance; Sltlawan), who made the appeal called on the Department of Immigration to reexamine the
    239 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 107 11 l^vj fc c > f m *f\ lie c °d Liver Oil DvSiiv I\ af iß wßr/tr^t*. i fflSal I I ENERGY Feel in top condition all day. every day. Take Scott's Clod Liver Oil Capsules I enriched with Vitamins A and D jjk^ for the glorious extra energy that
      107 words
    • 149 11 \Jrrelutrd Motors »«AK»t 4 mmm MMtSfNTCO HSCWHtM IV tOtNIO MOTOM *w», la 1} alnutta a day, jou caa lapror* jamr National Lanfuaga or ltarn to apeak and writ* It word now. Rlfnt at hoat.thia n«» alapl* aclantlfl* >!0»*-««thod sot oely Ittchit joa tha National Unguac* In doubla quick tiaa, bat
      149 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 643 11 Today's Radio, TV Sweet And Sentimental: 12 RADI* SINGAPORE midni K ht Close. SHcm-nvAVE services: RADIO MALAYSIA 41 and 25 metre*. MEDIUM WAVE SERVICE NATIONAL SHORTWAVE 476 metres. SERVICES: 41.T and 62.2 A.M.: 6.00 Goed Morning; 6.01 AM 6 (jo**^ Summary; Morning Prelude 7.00 News; 6^ Monnng Melod.ei~7.o6 7.10 Up
      643 words

  • 23 12 PEKING. Sun. Reports from all over China speak of good wheat crops this year, the New China news asency reporrs.
    23 words
  • 69 12 AN EXTRA PAGE OF FOREIGN NEWS DEROV (right), the Re public Supreme Soviet presidium President, warmly congratulates SHIRALI MUSLI MOV. an inhabitant of the mountain village of Barzavo, in Azerbaijan, during recent celebrations marking what is claimed to be Shirali s 159 th birthday. Mr. Iskendcrov
    UPI  -  69 words
  • 373 12 KATANGA FACES UNCERTAIN FUTURE AS U.N. TROOPS LEA YE ELISABETHVILLE, Sunday. fHE luture of Katanga Province, in the heart of Central Africa and the worlds third largest source of copper, hangs in the balance as the last of the United Nations troops leave. When the original withdrawal from Katanga was
    Reuter  -  373 words
  • 280 12 'Whitehall dunderhead clamp on Borneo casualties' From Doug LackersUen T ONDOK Sun. The Daily Mail yesterday published a story Irom its Singapore correspondent. Arthur Cook, flaying "that dunderhead at Whitehall" who decreed that British casualties in Malaysian B o rr, c o should be concealed TTnder the headline "Why Are
    280 words
  • 76 12 ROME. Sun.— The bride was waitine in church at Siena, Italy. The Driest was ready but the groom was not there— he was walled ud at his home. Friends of tho groom, a-po-liceman, had walled up his door with 200 bricks as a loke. He eventually manaeed
    UPI  -  76 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 255 12 happiness^k /^mWW<^ >^j mm These tnree most important things in hfe go Am y^ >^^ together But success and happiness are difficult £M r mdmtam lf sood health is failing. Ensure your fl m^y/j^j £;ood health by regularly taking world famous W^^^^lj] Waterbury s Compound, the ideal tonic Prevent A
      255 words
    • 23 12 'm~— the *w jfto wit m'^^^mLJ BIG VALUE -BIG FLAVOUR BIG REFRESHMENT TRADEMARK REGISTERED Bottled by VNIOS lIMII I. f> Under appointment fiwn
      23 words

  • Straits Times Books Page
    • 697 13  - Colonial trade and (slave) economy of the Caribbean ERIC HOBSBAWM by CAPITALISM AND SLAVERY. By Eric Williams; HISTORY OF THE PEOPLE OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO. By Eric Williams. Andre Deutsch 30s. each. Paperback 15s. each.) JWENTY years after its original publication in North Carolina, Eric Wil liams's Capitalism and Slavery
      697 words
    • 516 13  -  ALLINGTON KENNARD By EVER SUCH A SICE LADY. By Marjory Todd. <Gollancz 215.). BRITISH housewives have been listening: in recently to broadcast extracts from a remarkable and disturbing: story of a social worker's experience in London's East End. Mrs Todd has been a probation officer,
      516 words
    • 360 13 THE POLICfc. By Ben Whi taker (Eyre and Spottiswoode 215.. and Penguin Books. 3s. 6d.). ROYAL COMMISSIONS on the police come and go: but the shortcomings of law enforcement go on, if not for ever, then far too long. Tins is broadly the theme of
      360 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 247 13 LAL BAHADUR SHASTRI INDIA'S NEW PRIME MINISTER A profile of Nehru's successor who governs 500 million people MSO m TUB WEEK'S ISSUE: ink—i awl tk. MU MltlVftW WITH MAMY MlllEf Tht m«n wJm di ovgc *9Wf vvriona. FOtUM —TU Pwtoral letter ami State AM. COIAMftASTB AT UtOt— Start yoor own
      247 words
    • 152 13 *^N At/interest /v J L PER ANNUM from your deposit account with Pan Malayan Finance gives you a steady and safe income. Write today for our booklet "A SAFE AND SOUND DEPOSIT" giving full details of how easy it is to open a Deposit Account. ®Sm PAN MALAYAN Wm| finance
      152 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1037 14 (Continued from Pace 10) SITUATIONS VACANT •li Word* SS Mm.)— Box St et*. extra TANG'S PHOTOCOPY SERVICE do all photocopy lobs for you ***** ifc pore). VAN HOUTEN (Far Cast I Ltd.. ChemJcßl Division, require sale*man for light chemicals. State qualifications and experience to POB 107S Singapore. REQUIRED for large
      1,037 words
    • 1023 14 1 ACCOMMODATION VACANT .'0 Word* SS (Min.)-Box St et: txln ■CITY CUEST HOUSE" rurnimec D single rooms, bathroom, in/ sanitation, longbath attached. Verandah Excellent Cuisine. Economical Term Near B.T.C. bus-atop. Tanglin Club and G.H.Q. 60, Stevena Road. Tel: auib; (S pore). OXLEV GARDEN Furnished Flal available from June/July, two bedrooms,
      1,023 words
    • 1054 14 HOUSES LAND FOR SALE Words SS (Milt.)— Box St ctt. txtrm SERANGOON GARDEN ESTATE Three Bed-roomed Semi-detached Bungalow reasonable price. Please apply 5, rowdrav Avenue. Serangoon Garden, 8 s poie. HOUSES LAND WANTED ANY OFFERS or vacant lands or oil houses either In Kuala Lumpur or SinI gapore for housing
      1,054 words
    • 882 14 OFFICE EQUIPMENT Hord* SS < Mln.)— Box i* cts. txtrm LATEST SHIPMENT of Steel Ueska wltb automatic looking devices, book case*, safes etc. Reliance Office Supplies. Singapore and Kuala Lumpur HIRE PURCHASE SIERA T.V. on easy payment Con tact HI Fl Traders, 59 South Brid*. Road, Singapore. Telepbone ***** EASY
      882 words
    • 983 14 VEHICLES FOR SALE Hare's Si < Mim.)— Box St et*. txtrm IN3 MORRIS 1100 Excellent condition Tax Insurance Feb. 64 one owner smoke-Krey colour. Price 54.500/-. Kor appointment Ring Mr. Singh XL ***** Kx. 401. USED CARS FOR SALE Resd. ISS6 Fiat 1100 5i. 500 Oct. 19M Sunbeam Rapisr 52.250
      983 words
    • 857 14 FOR SALE :u Wards SS Box M rU. txtrm FRIOQC SPRAYING at owner's Dome any colour In a dmy Hundred of satisfied clients, Includes University, School. Mlm.Mry of Health (Dental) Clinic. Lawyers CtO. Tel: <8'por«) *****. Wi ars •fftrlns rhls wssk snwardt csrtaln spselal itsms In pairs; as fsr Ixampts
      857 words
    • 838 14 WHERE TO STAY (Spore) ill WordM Si (Mlm.) Box in rfj. txtra HOTEL AMBASSADOR Seaelde 46. Meyer Road Dancing Nightly Tel: *****. MAVFAIR HOTEL Central AJrconrtitionrd Rooms wltb TeleMxm* Kxrell.-m -Uuimnr Bar. SLOANE COURT HOTEL. 17. Balmoral Rond. TnnKlin (Completely Airconditionrd). Tal: *****7 Spore. AIRCONDITIONED NON AIRCONDITIONED Room. Moderate charier*.
      838 words
    • 771 14 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE Applications are Invited for appointment, to vacancies in this University: 1 1 1 faENIOR LECTURESHIP/ LECTURESHIP IN ECONOMICS (2i LECTURESHIPS ASSISTANT LECTURESHIPS IN ECONOMICS (3) LECTURESHIPS I ASSISTANT LECTURESHIPS IN MATHEMATICS (4) DIETITIAN QUALIFICATIONS: U> Preferably, a higher detgrew in Economics, with teaching and research
      771 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1327 15 TO LIVERPOOL I WEST COAST UK Die S :ore »a.i» t Sram fenani PYRRHUS Liverpetl, G'asgow li Pt Jim II Jim 17 MELAMPUS Liverpiai. g.. Jim 10 Jim 11/21 21 MtMNON Loaryaal. Glasgow until June 22 JuM 21/21 Hull /.NIILOCHUS Avonmouth, LuerpMl June II June 21 Jill 22/
      1,327 words
    • 1376 15 Wf!3& THE EAC LINES Hk^jf~t!t*^j I aN.iu «o»n a. *»f»NG a*., rouiiui ii.wtiioiix ■ynONI 7MI PMONI la«<« PMOMI «>M fMONI»U7I SAILINGS TO tENOA. U MJVRI. HAMIURG. IREMEN. ANTWERP, ROIURDtM tMSTtROAM. OSLO, GOTHENOUR6 ANO CQPtNHAGtN "~^™"^"^™™™^^^^"^™TTaTe"™^^pTnirn^"^™™n m arT" "SUMOAWA c) Sailed Sailed in Pert "KOREA' I) li 24 J»M 25 20
      1,376 words
    • 1249 15 I BENULINE EXPRESS SERVICt TO LONOON. LIVERPOOL CONTINENTAL PWRTS. BENMHOR Hamburg lily 11 Singapore c t S'Mm Pen»ng Rotterdam Aif 4 laPert/JM*ll Jmi 11.20 M'bro All I C'mouth Aai nvtiUArutr f Liverpool my a BENNACHIE Havre Aif I -mgapore Pt. S ham Penang i n }V? !i -17/11 1.. 20/24
      1,249 words
    • 1282 15 feELLEJtIIAI^ UCKNaUL S.S. CIX, LTD. LONDON HAMBURG ROTTERDAM HAVtI HULL AND MIDDLESBROUGH Singapore Pt S*han Pottnt II OnUMm CITT OF ITALIANS Omits Oaits H Part/ Teday I JMy ■CUT OF LEICESTER 11/21 JM* 22/24 JM* 25 JuM I 20 JMy tCin OF CHICAGO 2S/2718M 21 Jum I) 20 Jlly •CITY
      1,282 words

  • 1195 16 THE table of share* on the Malayan Stock Exchange shows last businevi to Jane b. i A) and last business since that date (Hi with H and I. standing for Hifhest and Lowest business for 1963 and this year to date. t Aie* Brick* HO 1.47
    1,195 words
  • 522 16 riE PRICE of Straits tin rose $8.12' 2 to $583.121 2 picul on the Penang market on Saturday morning on an offering unofficially estimated at 250 tons. Tbis was a gain ojf $21.75 in the week, and the 1.490- ton total estimate
    522 words
  • 33 16 TH« Malayan Inrwip BeMha' Aaew•larttwi mad* ttal* dianf* la tta rates to merchants on Saturday (all rmtM to *100) Selling TT ar OO raatfy: UMKn Krtntt 166}. Tb. not war* usehuii/ad.
    33 words
  • 38 16 f\N the free exahanie market to Boat v Kong yesterday the U.S. dellsrr wu quoted at 5.731 for TT and 5.72 f for catli. Sterling was quoted at IS and an* taal af said at 248|.
    38 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1083 16 VI jKAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. V.S.A. Pacific and Great UkisEait Canada Service Hongnopg Yo>o"ama S F'cik* Hiiitai Mentraai Oetroit Cnicata -M.kiskiaa Man" n '24 Jim 7 Jily 21 Jily I Aal Ito II tin) -Tseaesaiaa Man" 22 23 Jaly 7 *ut 21 A«g I Sell I Sell II Seal V
      1,083 words
    • 1017 16 [E^lorientJj TWT s j t__— I TO AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND S.S. "HIMALAYA" (28,000 tons fully aircondltioned stabilised) Dcpartins PENANG 7th July 1964 SINGAPORE Bth July 1964 for Fratnanrle, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney S> Wellington. Limited ONE CLASS TOURIST accommodation available Apply to your Travel Agent or: ISLAY KERR fc CO.
      1,017 words
    • 740 16 LLOYD TRIESTINO Passenger Vessels Singapore/ Bombay Italy Speciil Concessional Rail Fares To All European Cities. Vessel Dap. Spore Arr. Genoo "G. GALILEI" 4/ 7/64 20/ 7/64 "ASIA" 17/ 7/64 i/64 "G. MARCONI" 2/ 8/64 17/ 8/64 "VICTORIA" 13/ t/64 5/ 9/44 "G. GALILEI" 5/ 9/64 21/ 9/64 "ASIA" 17/ 9/64
      740 words
    • 244 16 l^^ffP^^F^HPJ^SP^BP^y^^'W^^^^^^^wy*^* I^^ THE PUBLIC INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED (Incorporated In Singapore) NOTICE Is hereby given that the Thirteenth Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at Its Registered Office. No. 59. Robinson Road. Singapore, on Monday, 29th June, 1964 at 2.30 p.m. for the following purposes: 1. To receive
      244 words
    • 273 16 NOTICE NOTICE Is hereby given L Jorgen Relnboldt of No. 11. Binjal Rise, Singapore, have I applied to the Liquors Licensing 1 Board. Singapore, for the trann--1 (er of a Retail Shop licence In respect of premises Nos. 23 2.s Salboo Street. Singapore to Mr. S. E. Nielsen. ANY person
      273 words

    • 809 17 By Our Market Correspondent READING industrial shares recorded some useful gains on the Malayan Stock Exchange last week. The missing ingredient to mark a bottom in the bear market was an improvement in turnover. Business was still very slack. Sellers appeared to have the
      809 words
    • 728 17 riE following Is a complete •Ist of revised quotations for the week ended on Friday June 12. INDUSTRIALS c. LOANS red. St* 1961/71 (lamied 1951) Fed 6% 1962/73 (issued 1953) red 5% 1962/72 (Issued 1952) Red. si<* 1979/83 (Issued 1959) red 3*V 195«/«6> (lsaued 1952) red.
      728 words
    • 1038 17 KIBBKR TIN (perlb.) (perptcuL). June 8. 67 "s eta. $569.00 9. 68% eta. SsCti.62!i 10. 68 eta. 5578.12H 11. 68 cts. 5565.N IS. 67 Acts. $575.00 13. $583. 12 H C.T.S. ords. < 3d.), Dunlopt 3 cent*), E. Imiltin (4-6 ttnti), Ess* •rdt. i cent). Pad. Dup. (+4
      1,038 words
    • 44 17 lunr h June 9. Industrials 105.08 105.40 Tins: 129.96 iin.l4 S rubber*: 105.74 105.74 !>«>. 30 ISfiS 100. Ore .9 IM2 100. June In. June 11. 105.58 105.82 130.22 130.29 105.74 105.78 tune 12. »0*.74 H0.26 05.74 lunr i; 105.7* 130.38 105.7S
      44 words
    • 43 17 Currrnt O;.tr of Totil Intal rot Krmpm PI), l.uknt K P. Plant. i v.>) .<ubber payment 20 "n 12.2% 14 r e 13i% pavmrnt June 27 Aue 13 Jjly 30 for year 30% UJ»% 20% 18.7% orrvloa* year 30% 122". 22i%
      43 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    31 17 In ever laving memory of Mr. A. Tb»mblavah who left this world suddenly on 15.6.53. Safe In the arms of Jenu Inserted by hi* lovint mother wife and children.
    31 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 704 17 GOVERNMENT OF THE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT STATE OF SINGAPORE BOARD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. ft THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT IU Ltl INTEGRATION ORDINANCE. Tenders are invited for the 20 1"63. new shop premises at Buklt Ho (No. 18 of 1963). Swee Estate and lock-up stalls at NOTICE UNDER SECTION If Cantonment Road Est
      704 words
    • 707 17 NOTICES AUCTION SALE of SINGAPORE PROPERTIES to be held In the Sale-rooms oi NASSIM CO. (SINGAPORE) LIMITED Nos. 4 4-1. tollyer Quay, on Tuesday 23rd Jl NE. 1964. at 2.3ti p.m. An opportunity to acquire attractive and good income-producing properties for investment or for owner occupation. U> 71. JALAN GELENGGANG
      707 words
    • 589 17 TENDERS MINISTRY OF DEFENCE TENDER NOTICE SALE BY TENDER OF SURPLUS VEHICLES TENDERS are Invited for the purchase ol Armed Forces surplus vehicles now lying at Federation Ordnance Depot vehicle parks Batu Garrison. Kuala Lumi/T. The vehicles Include 38 Land Rovers; 75 Morris and Austin 1 ton cargo trucks; Bedford
      589 words
    • 811 17 BURSARIES FOR STUDENTS AT THE SINGAPORE POLYTECHNIC AND THE SINGAPORE VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR 1964/1965. The Singapore GovernmTif invites applications for bursaries from foil-time students who are studying at or have been Hdmitted to the Singapore Polytechnic or the Singapore Vocational Institute in the academic ytar 1964/65. THE \WARDS Bpeclal preference
      811 words

    • 407 18 RACING with Epsom Jeep I gINGAPORE, Sun. The Singapore i Turf Club will run a cup race at the July meeting in honour of Mr. V. C. Bath, who retired as president this year. The Bain Cup. to be run over 8f for Class 1
      407 words
    • 276 18 HOCKEY INDIA 2 MALAYSIA 0: Cuttack, Sunday. JNDIA won the seventh and final hockey Test yes--1 terday defeating Malaysia 2-0 at the Barasati Stadium here. Both goals were scored late in the first half. India have won four matches in the series and the other
      Reuter  -  276 words
    • 224 18 NEW TIMING DEVICE TO DECIDE CLOSE FINISHES I r'KYO. Sun.— Tiirrr should be no controversies over pliolo- linisheK in the Olympic Oames at Tokyo in October. Anticipating close fini«hr<> both on the track and water event*, the Tokyo Olympic organising coinmittrr has adopted an intricate device to settle all such
      AP  -  224 words
    • 249 18 TENNIS LONDON. Sun— Bobby Wilson snatched an exciting 3-2 win for Britain by winning the final singles in the European zone Davis Cup quarter-final against Yuro.slavm at Manchester yesterday In gathering darkness. Wilson defeated Yugoslavia's Boro Jovanovic 6-4. 7-5. 0-6. 3-6. 6-2 after Jovanovic had
      249 words
    • 262 18 ATHLETICS Hansen goes another inch higher in vault DIEGO. Sun. I American Fred Hanj sen improved his world '< best pole vault perform- ance with a leap of 17ft liin. (5.232 in) here yesi terrtay. Hansen broke the world record the previous week with 17ft lin
      Reuter  -  262 words
    • 21 18 STOCKHOLM. Sun. Tom Trana. 26 < Sweden) won the tough. 3,000-lcilometre '1.860-mile> Midnight Sun Rally in a Volvo yesterday. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  21 words
    • 214 18 O'Neill saves Aussies with 134 CRICKET from Jack Fingleton ONDON, Sun.— Norman O'Neill saved the Australians with a century at Sheffield yesterday against the county champions Yorkshire. He had a lot of luck however. He might have been out for a "duck" but Close* did not get his hands to
      214 words
    • 218 18 MIDDLESEX batsman Peter Parfitt flashed a timely hint to England's cricket selectors when he hammered the Derbyshire attack to score s century a( Burton Yesterday, he drove fiercely and pulled strongly to make 143, which included 18 fours. Close of play scores: Tunbridge Wells No play
      Reuter  -  218 words
    • 49 18 LONDON. Sun. The England selectors tonight picked the following 12 for the Second Test against Australia at Lord's starting on Thursday: Ted Dexter (captain). Ken Harrington. Len Coktwell, Colin Cowdrey, John Kdrich, Jack Flavell, Norman Gifford, Peter Parfitt. Jim Parks. Phil Sharpr, Fred Titmus. Fred Trueman. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 82 18 HUNGARY and FINLAND FOR TOKYO BASKETBALL ENEVA Sun. Hungary won the 14-na::on Olympic qualifying basketball tournament here !ast nigh;, when they beat Finland 69-97 .half.ime 30-24) in the final. Hungary and Finland both qualify for the final stages of the Olympic event in Toltyo this year. Pldcings in the
      82 words
    • 67 18 CARDIFF, Sun. Bobby 1 McGregor (Scotland) clocked >4.lsec one-tenth of a second out- t Ide his world record in an inernational 110 yards freestyle ace here yesterday. t McGregor was swimming fnt i Scotland in a triangular match 1 3 igainst Wales and Ireland. Scot- i
      Reuter  -  67 words
    • 202 18 Clark takes title from Lunt at the 39th hole GOLF I ONDON. Sun. Gor- don Clark won tho British amateur golf c-hampiorship at Ganton yesterday, after a irarathon battle with the holder. fellow-Eng-lishman Micnael Hint They were all square after :ne 36 holes over which the Inal was set, and
      Reuter  -  202 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 483 18 ENG LOK MANSION TEN STOREY LUXURY FLATS ON ELEVATED LAND IN THE BEST RESIDENTIAL AREA IN SINGAPORE CLUNY ROAD/NAPIER ROAD OPPOSITE BOTANICAL GARDENS /a Price From a m± $38,900/A «&^%^lv Special Fgaturea: t& ftvS^'S'i^^ The m f iXi^ «l«»o»a<» „o««d. directly t T/d I^Sa Gordcnj, «nd fh.retor. T.i J-Z!^^ life
      483 words
    • 155 18 WWSrVWVVUVWV^V^V-"iVAWW.V.W.VAV.V\V.\V.^ I HEARTIEST f I CONGRATULATIONS I to J il NG QUEE LAM Esq. > (Ouirmiß of the Eoard of Directors of Far Eastern Bank Ltd.) I; 1 1 on the conferment jj 1 1 of a well deserved < BINTANG BAKTI MASHARAKAT (Public Service Star) •5 on SINGAPORE'S NATIONAL
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    • 433 19 MALAYA CUP ROUNDUP Selangor stay in hunt PERAK REDUCED TO A FUMBLING WRECK BY THE DEFENDING CHAMPS S'GOR 5 PERAK 2: Kuala Lumpur, Sunday JJLFLN DING champions Selangor kept theii Malaya Cup hopes glowingly alive with fighting football and brilliant goals which reduced Perak to fumbling wreck from early in
      433 words
    • 85 19 JOFIORE i MALACCA 1 1/ LUANG. Sun. Johore kept their Malaya Cup hopes alive today when they edged Malacca after a hard tu.-sle In their sou:h zone second round match here ;odav Johore thus avenged their defeat by M..l.icca in the first round and also held their
      85 words
    • 28 19 PKNANG 3 KEDAH 0 PENANG. Sun. Kedah gave Penan? a hard tight before going down 3-0 in their north zone Ma'.avi cuo match here this even*
      28 words
    • 126 19 SERVICES 0 NEGKI 1 SINGAPORE. Sun.— A scratch Joint Services side some cf the regular players thought tne match was to start at 7.15 Instead of— were beaten narrowly by Nrgri Sembilan in their south zone Malaya Cup match at Jalan Bew
      126 words
    • Article, Illustration
      1 19
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    • 175 19 Double for Azman in Malays tourney KUALA LUMPUR. Sun.— S. A. Azman won two titles in the All -Malaysian Malays tennis championships, wnich ene'ed here this evening at the Selangor Club courts. In the singles final, Azman beat Rahman Bakar 6-4, 8-6. Azman won his second title when he and
      175 words
    • 267 19 SINGAPORE. Sun— Result* In the Singapore hard court tennis championships today: Men's singles Ist round O. H. Wong bt G. Haridas 6-1. 6-2; Albert Tan bt Kwan Teck Seong 4-6. 6-0, 6-1; 2nd round Ong Tat Hln bt M. Desar 7-9. 6-2. fi-0; D. Llm bt
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    • 394 19 ATHLETICS McMurray sets pole vault record SINGAPORE, Sun. Fred McMurray (American School) set a new pole vault record of 10ft 61n. at the Bukit Tlmah District Schools championships yesterday. BOYS 100 m: 1 Wong Toon Twee 2 Choo Th.m Heng 3 Yeow Kwee Kee 11.6 sec. 200 m: 1 Choo
      394 words
    • 1320 19 CRICKET ROUNDUP Perera bags 7 for 24 to rout Perak f POH, Sun. Selan^or 1 scored an easy tenwicket win over Perak in the MCA tournament here today. Final scores: Perak 72 and 52 Selangor 122 and 15 for no wicket.. Rain held up the start tills morning until 11.30.
      1,320 words
      • 97 19 Shepperd Trophy (Malacca) Indian Assn bt Teachers Union by 37 runs; I.A. 193 (N. Oopl 52 no.; Bakar Said 46 H. de Cruz 3-60) Teachers 156 (S. Sivam 51 n.0.; V. Chlnnlah 35 M. Sethupathy 4-49 J. Dlonyslus 3-22). Combined Schools bt St. Francis Assn. by 12 runs: Schools
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      • 23 19 Friendly (XL): University of Malaya bt Police Depot 6-3. BASKETBALL Inter-School (Pant Binbr) Malay College, Kuala KtnKsar bt Methodist Secondary School 44--38.
        23 words
    • 122 19 GOLF Sulaiman repeats win over Darwis— IPOH. Sun.— Ex-caddy 1 Sulaiman Bluah won the Perak amateur open golf championship at Tiser Lane here today. He finished a superb final round of par 73 for a 54-hole total of 225. His round today comprised birdies at the Ist. 2nd. 10th and
      122 words
    • 160 19 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun.— This year's Merdeka seventh anniversary football tournament will start on Aug. 22 and run through to Sept. 6 with two rest days on Aug. 27 and Sept. 2. All matches will be played at the Merdeka Stadium. The 11 national teams entered for the tournament
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 188 19 KRIESLER 23" TV quality picture special screen automatically maintained for wide viewing ■"Panoramic" sound system choice of cabinet colours Send for more details to: SOCKU COMMISSIONARIA V/ 175-A. CECIL STREET. dk SINGAPORE. MMmn .r.T."T.~ I-ZZ7L -mi f* t $h fl > o& J*^y Football t^AQHB BEN 6 BOOK CO., LTD.,
      188 words
    • 174 19 PARKTR IT'S THE INK THAT'S BEST FOR ALL PENS! Keeps new pens healthy Adds new life to old pens Whether your pen is new or old, whatever its make or condition, it deserves to be filled with Parker SUPER QUINK. When pens are slow to start or behave sluggishly, it
      174 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous

  • 308 20 Laos: Go it alone threat by China PKKING, Sunday. PHIXA lasl nielli issued whal observers s;iw ;is ;i near-ultimatum thai ii "would hike unilateral action in the Laos crisis if the 11--nation Geneva conference w;is not reconvened in Ihe near Future." It said the crisis had reached a "critical juncture"
    308 words
  • 196 20 CHOLERA: JABS FOR ALL IN PAHANG I^UANTAN. Sun. A i fullacale inoculation; campaign against cholera will be launched in Pahang from tomorrow. This follows the death ol villager, Nik Mohamed Yatim bin Dagang. 40. from cholera four days ago at Kampong Tankjong Belanga ;n Temerloh, 126 miles lrom Here. The
    196 words
  • 54 20 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. —I The annual meeting unTlic Bunssar Brickfields animously approved a resolul)i.inch of the Labdur Party tion seeking an extraordinary ol Malaya today called for a delegates conference to dlscomplete reorganisation of 'he cuss these proposals and rep;,rty and the re-shaping ol constitute Its National
    54 words
  • 86 20 THE INDONESIAN foreign Minister, Mr. Subandrio, makes a few points in discussion with Japanese Foreign Minister. Masayoshi Ohira (right) at the Philippine Embassy in Tokyo on the Philippines' Independence Day on June 12. At left is ex-Foreign Minister of the Philippines, Mr. Salvador Lopex, who is
    UPI  -  86 words
  • 173 20 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. Government clerks are to march to the Residency here to app«vl to Tengku Abdul Rahman to intervene in their demand for a review of the whole setup of the Government clerical service examinations. An action committee
    173 words
  • 100 20 MR. TAN SIM HONQ, Kmo Standard Malaya Limited. 14-8-64. Funeral 18-6-64. Cortege leaven 24 Jalan Perak. .K.L. 2.00 p.m. for Llm Lim Crematorium K.l-. CMIA YAK HUNG Alte 60 panned ■way peacefully on 14-8-64. Addrea* 171 Pongtfol Rd.. Spore. CorteKe will leaw Si Anne Church iPonnKol Rd.) t 1
    100 words
  • 344 20 Registration in Sabah: Proclamation tomorrow JHE Y;hio di-Pertuan Agong will make a proclamation under the National Service Orcfinance for citizens in Sabah tomorrow. The Minister of Home Affairs. Dato (Dr.) Ismail bin Dato Abdul Rahman, made this announcement In a broadcast over Radio Malaysia in Sabah tonight. Dato i Dr.
    344 words
  • 65 20 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun— A Bill which approved the ex-gratla payment of $11,275 lor the Johore Mentri Besar. Dalo Haji Hassan bin Haji Yunos. was passed through all stages in the Johore Legislative Assembly today. The ex-(fr;iii ;i p.iynient is to be made to Dato Haji
    65 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 36 20 re Which 0^' 1 1 Due to a lu r rompC ompa ny s yto our WWf d ns a* d cust ■Sew GIAN SINGH CO., LTD. MV\ \\^iff 30-1 Raffles Place, S'pore-1. Tel: ***** I
      36 words
    • 59 20 Late CLASSIFIEDS 20 words $10 (minimum) RAMACHANORANS: To Ka-thoori and R:mi:i a son on 14tb June. Brother for Kahn.ili. AUCUtTIN: To Sharon iChln and Patrick a non Kit/Kirald J. Ktlroy on 13-6-64 Thuuka to Dr. and Staff, BanKur Ward. MAN ANO, Between Guan Lin, I/O Mini. Au G<-ok Choo and
      59 words
    • 219 20 ■fsPECIAL T|| R OFFER M I 9? pPiTirIPiPW CAMBRIDGE CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 66 -B, Robinson Rood, S, Jolon Ah Fook, P.O. Box 1935, Singapore. or P.O. Box 104, Johorc Bahru. Ttl: ***** Tel: 3958. Success depends on doing the right thing, in the right way, at rhr right time. CCS. Home
      219 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 42 20 XJIGHEST and lowest tempera- hires in Malaya ;md Singapore for the period 8 p.m. on Saturday to 8 p.m. yesterday: ■gfcaal Lowest Kuala Lumpur M 75 Kota Baliru 88 73 Penang 84 73 Ipoh Bti 72 Malacca 88 73 Singapore 86 75
      42 words