The Straits Times, 1 May 1964

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 24 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 1 25,000' flat** 1 tea* 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845. FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1964 15 CENTS KDN 731
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  • 518 1 I/UALA LUMPUR, 1V Thurs. Tengku Abdul Rahman said today that he would meet President Soekarno only on his own terms which he had laid down earlier. If President Soekarno did not agree to then, there would be no talks, he added. The
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  • Article, Illustration
    230 1 Invitation cancelled Peking protests: This is no way to treat international working class comrades No Soviet unions at Peking HONG KONG, Thursday RUSSIA'S Central Council of Trade Unions has refused to send a delegation to May Day celebrations in Peking. It has also cancelled an invitation to
    Reuter  -  230 words
  • 67 1 'Filipinos fighting in Sabah' JAKARTA, Thurs. The Antara news agency today said that "Filipino volunteers" were fighting against British troops in the Malaysia state of Sabah (North Borneo). The report said the Filipinos had met with antiMalaysian Indonesian guerillas in a "certain place" in Sabah after an encounter .with British
    AP  -  67 words
  • 35 1 CASABLANCA. Thurs.— About one million inhabitants of Casablanca were today without water owing to a breakdown in the city's conduit system. Officials said it would Lake two or three days to restore supplies.
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  • 286 1 KUALA Lt'MPIR, Thursday. RESOLUTION pledging to defend the integrity and freedom of Malaysia JfllWre tabled at a May Day rally organised Bm Iho Malarsian Trades Union Congress* at The Stadium Xegara tomorrow. The rally, the first of its I kind to be held in
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  • 45 1 DAMASCUS Thurs. A court martial in Aleppo. Northern Syria, has sentenced five military men to death by firing squad and four civilians to death by banging. They had been found guilty of attacking police stations in Aleppo. Reuter.
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  • 507 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday JHE CHAIRMAN of the election commission, Haji Mustapha Albakri, has ordered a country-wide recheck of last Saturday's State and Parliamentary elections. The i-hcck a departrmnlul one \yill be "purely lo satisfy myself thai everything was in order," he said Haji Mustapha
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  • 63 1 Cost of one spy: $168 m STOCKHOLM. Thurs. Sweden yesterday estimated it would Cost 283 million crowns ($l6B million i to reorganise its defences because of the damage done by self-con-fessed Soviet spy Stig Wennerstroem. The Government has decided to ask next year's Parliament for 50 million crowns ($3O million)
    UPI  -  63 words
  • 63 1 ONTARIO. Thurs. A letter threatening that Queen Elizabeth would be shot if she set foot on< Quebec soil next October, has been turned over to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for Investigation, the Canadian Press News Agency reported last night. The letter, received during the weekend
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 296 1 Ties with Manila: Signing of agreement today CONSULAR OFFICES TO BE SET UP WITHIN 2 WEEKS KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. A lastminute snag held up the signing of an agreement on the exchange of consular relation* l>ehveen Malaysia and the IMiilippinrs in Bangkok today. The agreement was to have been signed
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  • 92 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs.— The first meeting of the new Parliament will be held here on May 18. This was announced in an extraordinary gazette notification here today. Tengku Abdul Rahman signed the notification. He will return to Kuala Lumpur from a six-day rest
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  • 30 1 HONO KONG, Thurs. Police today seized drugs worth about (125.000 in the Panamanian vessel Dragon Pearl from Singapore and detained four Chinese and Malay crew members. Reuter.
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  • 185 1 Johnson warns Butler on Cuba trade WASHINGTON, Thurs. Britain has l>tcn advised that by continuing trade with Cuba it may sacrifice the goodwill of President Johnson, it was learned last night. According to informed U.S. sources, the latest expression of dissatisfaction was made to Mr. R.A. Butler, the British Foreign
    Reuter  -  185 words
  • 39 1 BID TO SETTLE M CRISIS TOKYO. Thurs. Japanese Foreign Minister, M. Ohira. said today he would suggest plan for settlement of Malaysia crisis to British I oninn Secretary. Mr. R.A. Butler, who is due here today. UPI.
    UPI  -  39 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 59 1 Dealers in DIAMONDS. RUBIES. EMERALDS. BLUE SAPPHIRES, CATS EYES. STAR SAPPHIRES, STAR RUBIES REAL ALEXANDRITES. Etc.. Etc. G. C.DE SUVA BROS. Jewellers, 3. RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE, 1. TEL: *****. EXTRA QUALITY EXTRA QUANTITY Only APOLLO offers you 3 oz jars, so you really get EXTRA for your money lei* A«*nlt
      59 words
    • 77 1 BH ho^^ I\ M W PFM DOES THE BIG MAN PROUD Think big and bold! This all new dynamic pen from Sheaffer's is for you! Everything about the SheafTer's Pen-for-Men is big- the styling, the grip, the quality. Ihc ink capacity! The Sheaffer's PFM features I4kt. fold point mb. loss-proof
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    • 136 2 Kaunda sees smooth going in London USAKA, Thurs. J Premier Dr. Kenneth Kaunda predicted yesterday the constitu-l tional talks on North- 1 crn Rhodesia's future. due to start in London on May 5, would ro 'very smoothly indeed." "I see no reason why Northern Rhodesia should not get Independence by
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    • 76 2 JAKARTA, Thurs. Jakarta is facing a shortage of petrol because of a breakdown in distribution. Queues of cars stretch from hundreds of yards outside petrol stations as drivers wait to be served from the few stations which still have supplies. The official Antara News Agency quoted
      Reuter  -  76 words
    • 135 2 PARIS, Thurs. U Thant, the U.N. S c c r e t a ry-General, said here yesterday that he did not see any reason why military means should solve the problems of Vietnam when they failed 10 years ago. He was answering questions after speakin*
      Reuter  -  135 words
    • 54 2 T AGOS. Thurs. Britain's I giant new jetliner, the VCIt, yesterday created a record by making the 3.100 miles flight from London to Lagos. Nigeria, in five hours 50 minutes. The 600 m.p.h. aircraft, on its first scheduled night, beat by five minutes the previous fastest time
      Reuter  -  54 words
    • 22 2 TOKYO. Thurs. Nine Japanese Parliamentarians left for Jakarta today fur a 10-day visit as guests of the Indonesian Government. AP.
      AP  -  22 words
    • 71 2 YEW DELHI, Thurs Sheikh Abdullah (above), former Premier of Kashmir, who was recently freed after more than 10 years detention, arrived here yesterday for talks with Mr. Nehru on the Kashmir situation Later the 58-year-old Sheikh known as "Lion of Kashmir" met
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    • 287 2 WASHINGTON, Thursday. J)ESPITE a U.S. State Department denial, Senator Kenneth B. Keating, a Republican, insisted yesterday that the United States was still training Indonesian officers in military activities which could help that country wage guerilla warfare against Malaysia. The State Department earlier this
      AP  -  287 words
    • 82 2 SEVENTH FLEET: BOYCOTT THREAT JAKARTA, Thurs. The official newspaper of the Communist Party said today that the red-dominated dockworkers union would boycott American ships unless units of the U.S. Seventh Fleet left the Indian Ocean. The Navigation and Dockworkers Union, which claims 700.000 members, also urged the Indonesian Government to
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    • 48 2 DARES-SALAAM, Thurs.— Mr. Richard Cox. correspondent of the London Sunday Times, was today declared a prohibited Immigrant by the United Republic of Tanganyika and Zaniibar because of hit "subversive activities." An official statement said his presence in tile United Republic was) unlawful as from today.
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    • 41 2 FREETOWN. SIERRA LEONE, Thurr— Mr. Albert Michael Margai yesterday became Prime Minister of Sierra Leone in succession to his brother. Sir Milton Margai, who died on Tuesday. Mr. Margai. a lawyer, was until recently Finance Minister. AP.
      AP  -  41 words
    • 124 2 SAIGON, Thurs. Police yesterday confiscated about 500 copies of the Saigon Daily News, which contained a story declared by the Premier, Gen. Nguyen. Khanh, to be false. This was a report that three Generals arrested on charges of subversion after Gen. Khanh took
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    • 207 2 5,000 roar approval of Kamme's union with Nyerere yANZIBAR, Thurs.— A crowd of 5,000 people roared "we are happy" when President Abeid Karume asked them at a rally here yesterday whether thoy were in favour of the Island's union with, Nyerere's Tanganyika. J He repeated the qticstlfl four times. Each
      AP  -  207 words
    • 27 2 ADEN, Thurs. Ma lor General Hamud Al Gayefl, former Yemeni Ambassador to the United Arab Republic, has been appointed Ysmeni Prime Minister. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  27 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 428 2 $30,000 MUST BE WON 269 PRIZES TO BE BIVEM AWAY IM THIS Trad* Mark j if** NEW If l\ O*J 110 MERCEDES-BENZ 22OS i WddCIIIIC V AND $5001 CASH 1 HAIR CREAM CONTEST Jp^^^^^^^^ Shown below arc photographs of six hair-styles All entries must be accompanied by a Contest irM'Mi.iiiJM
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    • 164 2 A dvertisemeii t Beautiful hair styles are now being made to look more attractive with the Peek-In" Glow of beauty The rich delightful translucencp you see when looking Into the depths of amber or a precious stoM It Is not a glitter— not a shimmer or polish, but something far
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 41 2 THE GAMBOLS by Barry Appleby I /"««oe«e. im ifTicv «w Ticvb ukb to\\ \l having uiwcw ccc you suppose you Lorn VtiwMOME ™^j Sr~\iitiw*oN» rmimi £qll 11 TUANmTN f IMLNO»\ rr« POUY2 Vrw THE BILL UUtSAMD* J V LAST TV*B J
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    • 160 3 IT NI T E D NATIONS. 1 hurs U Thant asked Cyprus Prr>ident .Makarios and Turkish Cypriot VicePresident Dr. Fadil Kutchuk. to announce publicly to their followers that "there is no reason for further fiehting." TJic U..V Secretary(•cneral also announced he was
      Reuter  -  160 words
    • 449 3 WASHINGTON. Thurs 'fHE Central Treaty Organisation council meeting last night expressed its "deep concern" over events in Cyprus in a joint communique issued at the end of the two-day meeting in Washington. The Council said that the recent deterioration in Cyprus had created
      Reuter  -  449 words
    • 141 3 Atom raid pilot cleared of robbery rjALVESTON (Texas). VI Thurs. Robbery charges were dropped yesterday against pilot Claude Robert Eatherly, who was a pathfinder tor the atomic bomb raid on Hiroshima. Judge William E. Stone heard a psychiatrist's evaluation that Eatherly was of unsound mind at the time of the
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    • 33 3 GENEVA. Thurs. Heart disease is the major cause of death in richer countrirs while Infectious diseases claim most lives in poorer nations, the World Health Organisation said yesterday. UPL
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    • 48 3 DALLAS. Thurs. Judge Joe Brown refused to grant a new trial to condemned killer Jack Ruby. Defence lawyers filed notice of appeal. Assistant defence lawyer Joe Tonahill asked Judge Brown to se: a date for a sanity trial, a request he must grant. UPI
      UPI  -  48 words
    • 129 3 ONDON, Thurs. The British Government last night beat oft a Labour Party censure motion on its handling of a Bloodhound ground-to-air missile deal with the Ferranti Co. by 302 votes to 236. It was common ground ln a lively House of Commons debate that Ferrantis had
      Reuter  -  129 words
    • 103 3 MOSCOW, Thurs. Mr. Paul Chambers, chairman of Britain's giant Imperial Chemical Industries, arrived here yesterday for talks which may bring Britain up tc £100 million in Russian orders. The 1.C.1 chief often described as Britain's top r;tjitali.-t. was greeted with warm smiles and
      Reuter  -  103 words
    • 32 3 LONDON. Thurs. An 1 1-year-old boy went bald because his father refused to speak to him for three months, a children's officer said in Whitley Bay yesterday. r.p.i.
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    • 270 3 Blonde in front of TV with dagger in heart I ONDON, Thurs. 4 Police yesterday launched an intensive hunt for the killer of Sylvia Maria Bull, 32. found with a lon* dagger plunged into her heart the fifth woman murdered in as many months. The pretty blonde was discovered lying
      UPI  -  270 words
    • 18 3 IXMfbON. Thurs. The London Symphony Orchestra will make a 55-concert round-the-world tour later this year.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  18 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 285 3 If you re worried &*4 about dry skin try 'Contempera' Dry Skin formula ■•he-up. Extra-rich moisturizers- I keep your skin fresh and soft, never cakey looking! And, like regular 'Contempora'. it feels like liquid velvet: That's because 'Contempera' is a blend of moisturizers, foundation and powder— all in one wonderful
      285 words
    • 322 3 fit colourful FORMICA not just any decorative laminate People today choose fopmica*— not Just any scratchproof. heatproof and completely waterdecorative laminate. Why? Because quality is proof. built right into every sheet. Really exceptional formica* Is versatile. There's a tremendous qualitywhichonlytheverylatestmanufacturing variety of non-fading patterns and colours to techniques can guarantee.
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  • 428 4 Nair on tasks ahead for Labour QIXG A V 0 R E, Thurs. The Secretary-General of the National Trades Union Congress, Mr. C.V. Devan Xair, today announced that the NTUC proposed to launch a vigorous assault on social conservatism and obscurantism and to rout out hypocrisy." In a May Day
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  • 105 4 CatholicsMay Day service SINGAPORE, Thurs. The Archbishop of Singapore and Malacca, Monsignor M. Olcomendy will say mass at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd in Bras Basah Road at 9 a.m. tomorrow as part of May Day celebrations by Catholic organisations in Singapore. At 10 a.m., the Deputy Secretary, Administration,
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  • 257 4 MOTHER AND DAUGHTER FOR TRIAL ON 16 CHARGES SINGAPORE, Thurs.— The wife and adopted daughter of a petition writer. Guha Jogosh Chandra RaJunatha, were today charged in a magistrate's court with 16 counts of abetting him in allegedly cheating two persons of $14,131 last year. Tharmalingam Chellam alias Salaya alias
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  • 99 4 SINGAPORE. Thurs. Mrs. J.S. Hagley is looking for a 15-month old mongrel ***** with a brown coat, long face and very upright ears, which has been missing since Saturday. The animal which answers to "Brownie" littered recently. She is missing from a house in Ardmore Park. It
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  • 68 4 SINGAPORE. Thurs The Health Ministry announced today that 1004 notices have been served on house-holders without dustbins for domestic rrtuso. This is in connection with the Ministry s four-month sprinecleaning campaign which enters its fourth month tomorrow Householders who do not set dustbins within a reasonable
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  • 21 4 SINGAPORE. Thurs. The Trinity Methodist Church In Serangoon Garden Way will hold a fair at the church grounds tomorrow.
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  • 27 4 SINGAPORE Thurs. The Yang di-Pertuan Negara. Tun Yusof bin Ishak. today Joined the Dutch community in Singapore in celebrating the 55th birthday of Queen Juliana.
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  • 31 4 SINGAPORE. Thurs. Mr. Sia Kah Hui. Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Health will present certificates earned In the Chinese Y.M.C.A.'s second "learn to swim" campaign, on Saturday.
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  • 120 4 SINGAPORE. Thurs. Mrs. S Rajaratnam. wife of the Minister of Culture, said today that Singapore was rich in artistic talent and the number of artists increases every year. She was speaking at the opening of the show of paintings by Mr. Gordon Craig at
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 330 4 =:iiiiioiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiniiiiicaiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiinniiiiiniiiiiiiiiiin3imiiiiii^ frttint TWO HOURS OF FABULOUS ENTERTAINMENT! S^^L^L^. ON S TA GE IN PERSON 1/ T^ JOHNNY 1 .jumpingmK^K^' I «i»" jewels^HlW^ (PHILIPS RECORDING ARTISTES) COMPERE: TAN SWEE LEONG (No Free List) ODEON THEATRE-SINGAPORE I sth, 6th 7th MAY 1964 DAILY at 6.30 9.00p.m.-Admission 51 .50, 52.50& S4/ Tickets On
      330 words
    • 33 4 ANACIN STOPS COLDS FEVER FASTEST-LONGESI a doctor's prescription «f almt Ml 1 Shov/> Today: 1 30-5 00 tt3o pm MGR Scroio Oavi M.R.R. "NEETHIKKUPPIN PAASAM" (Tomil). Today 11 a.m.: ■'Indian Fighter" Scope Color.
      33 words
    • 369 4 j yur ri# capitol «Jlll ft CCI\ FEDERAL «.l i breaking records! lON TIIIK PA%T TWO WEEKS... i 169,007^1 JAMES BONO FANS in SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR 1 I LIVED IN A WORLD OF HOT-BLOODED EXCITEMENT! HWRV SMJ2HAN.ALBERT R BROCOOL. A iT^ I FROM RIISSUt 1 with i£ve m§p f y
      369 words
    • 497 4 :3rd WEEK!: II a m 130 1 6. J0 A9JO o m (NO FREE LIST) a "From RUSSIA with LOVE" B CONNER V o-. Don.c'a Bionchi COLC? UA) TOMORROW MIDNIGI-;' KST MCTUK Of THI TEM om =2 f Jones 1 1 EASTMANCOLOf) «d* ~m"m>M>*mT*<m m wi «i.'l.« J!!.l.', Mi Hfl|
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 402 4 IN AND OUT BY AIR r PHK following Is today* «ch«Jule 915 p.m.; from Kuala Lumpur, 1 of civil aircraft movements at (ML. 021) 10 05 a.m.: from Hong Paya Lebar airport of Singapore: Konit. Jesaelton |)1L 645) 7.20 ARRIVALS '■OAC: From London. Tel Aviv. Japan Air Lin«t: From Tokyo,
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  • 202 5 U.S. team studies Malaysia defence ability KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. TOP United States Armed Forces Industrial College team is now touring Malaysia to find out our ability to defend the country. It is one of the 26 teams now touring various parts of the world. On this study depends the U.S.
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  • 193 5 NARAYANAN IS SURE OF STRIKE ON ESTATES IPOH, Thursday. THE general secretary of the National Union of Plantation Workers, Mr. P. P. Narayanan, is certain that the 300,000 estate workers in Malaya will v^te for a strike to back their demands for better wages. Mr. Narayanan, who spent three days
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  • 137 5 JESSELTON. Thurs. Dato Vincent Lojingau, assemblyman from Sandakan. told the Legislative A^embly yesterday that the people in the Kinabatangan area felt that more should be done by government to provide them with security. He said that recently a motor boat, was stopped by armed
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  • 43 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Thura.— Ih*« secretary-general of the Malayan Trades Union Congress. Mr. S. J. H. Z.i:d;. will address a mass May Day rally, organised hy its Johore Bahru branch at the Hoklcien Association m J.dan Trus tomorrow vi 5 p.m.
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  • 24 5 KUALA IXMPUR. Tliurs. broke into shop in CampbeU Rnad here last nighr and >ui]c 100 co;ls of eJectncal wire worth 11.300.
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  • 49 5 PARIT BUNTAR. Thurs. —Dr Raja Abdullah bin Raja Badiozman. Medical Officer. Krian was entertained to a farewell dinner by Krian club members last night. A popular sportsman. Dr. Raja Abdullah leaves the district MX! j week on transfer to the Ipoh > General Hospital.
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  • 16 5 PENANG. Thurs.— The Penang Rubber Trade A.ssociaiion wtl". hold its annual meeting on Saturday.
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  • 309 5 They get together despite Soek's orders Confrontation is forgotten at staff college M I U(. I K\ 1., Thurs. The Melbourne Herald today, under a front-pate picture of two Indonesian Army officers enjoying a rup of tea with Malaysian I \rm> officer, printed this itorj. /CONFRONTATION and y po 1
    Reuter  -  309 words
  • 113 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. —Kuala Lumpur Psychology Club has switched its next two Sundays' public talk programme. The talk, on "The expansion of university education In Kuala j Lumpur' by Dato Sir Alexander j Oppenheim. Vice-Chancellor of j the University of Malaya, scheduled for May 3.
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  • 32 5 SUNGEI PATANI. Thurs.— The Sultan of Krdah will open the annual Tour-day convention of i the Malayan Hindu Youth I Organisation at the Ibrahim Secondary School here on Satur--1 day.
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  • 167 5 PENANG, Thurs rE manager of the Junior Chamber International's community development programme, Mr. Cesar A. Rodriguez, today urged. Junior Chamber organisations all over the world to consider establishing mutual savings and loan associations. "In Ecuador." he told a seminar discussing community development.
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  • 70 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs. a strike by the 891 workers of Pamol Oil Palm Estate la Kluang entered ka 65th day today with no .sign of a settlement. The strike was called by the Johore branch of the National Union of Plantation Workers, which represents the workers,
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  • 31 5 KUAUa LUMPUR. Thurs. The Japanese Ambassador. Mr. Fumihiko Kai. held a cocktail party at the Japanese Embassy here yesterday to mark the 62nd birthday of Emperor Htrohito of Japan.
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  • 159 5 'We fight on full stomachs' warning to Soek KU A L A LUMPUR, Thurs. A senator from Sarawak today advised President Soekarno to think twice before attacking Malaysia because with "full stomachs we have more guts to fight than his men." Senator Andrew Jika Landau, who led a 19.--member delegation
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  • 49 5 SINGAPORE. Thurs. A woman was one of three suspected associates of the "AAA secret society" of the 36 group detained by police during a raid on a bouse in Henderson Square yesterday. The police seized two acid bulbs, a dagger and a sft iroa rod.
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  • 148 5 Alert as fisherman reports a mystery boat A LOR STAR. Thurs. Kedah DOlice early today set up roadblocks at all exit routes from the coastal fishing village of Tanjong Dawai. in Cer.tral Kedah, following a report that an unidentified boat had been sighted off the coast. Police stations were alerted
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  • 62 5 BATU PAHANT. Thurs. An* Ah Bee. 26. of Jalan Kluang. yes- I terday pleaded guilty to two charges or dealing in and storing 518 kalis of rubber valued at $191 without a licence at the 3J milestone. Jalan Kluang, on Jan. 27. The magistrate. Inche Tan
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 403 5 I KEEP I YOUR FUNDS I iN L LONDON IN A I 57 DEPOSIT ACCOUNT A Deposit Account with Lombard Hanking Limned meaoa complete financial peace of mind. No U.K.. Income Tax will be deducted. Your money accumulates all the time and is quite unaffected by economic conditions. Withdrawals can
      403 words

  • 309 6 Bridegroom taken for a ride by friends and robbed JPOH. Thurs. A 4 would-be bridegroom was robbed of $345 by five men who had promised to take him for a ride to the famous Taiping. Lake Gardens, the High Court here was told today. Nas bin Kulob said that the
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  • 69 6 PENANG. Tliurs. The Australian and New Zealand Oraduaies' Association of Malaya will discuss the primary and secondary education system in Malaya at their annual delegates' conference to be held at Pulau Tikus community hall at 10 a.m. on Saturday. The meeting will also consider merger with the
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  • 46 6 PENANG. Tliurs.— Ng Kirn Tee 21. was charged in a magistrates court today with having used criminal force on a woman. N. Ra.iasury. at a back lane oS Argyll Road on April 27. Ng pleaded not guilty and was granted bail.
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  • 192 6 U'ren: Labour still in basement KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday. THE president of the Malayan Trades Union Congress, Mr. Donald U'ren. said today that labour had reached a stage from which it must advance progressively to "level up and narrow down the gap between the haves and have-nots." In a May Day
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  • 28 6 JOHORE BAHRU, Thurs.— The Johore branch of the National Union of Teachers will hold its annual general meeting at the Senmat Secondary School on June 6.
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  • 97 6 2 'bombs case' fishermen freed OINGAPORE, Thurs.— Two Singapore fishermen, arrested together with two Indonesians in a cubicle in Keng Cheow Road 10 days ago, were released today. The Police Secretary, Mr. T. Chelliah. this evening confirmed the releases. The Indonesians, however, are still under detention. All four were arrested
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  • 53 6 JESSELTON. Thurs. The State Legislative Assembly yesterday passed a Bill making it possible for a person who does no' possess the normal qualifications required by the General Medical Council of the United Kingdom to oe registered in Sabah Until now it is not possible for •udi a
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  • 43 6 SINGAPORE, Thurs. Seven workers of the Malaysia Press Ltd. In North Bridge Road went on strike today following a deadlock in a dispute between th? management and the Singapore General Printing Workers' Union over the dismissal of one of Its employees.
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  • 219 6 Labourer for trial on murder charge MNGAPORE, Thurs. A labourer. Snar Peng Cher, was today committed for trial at the Assizrs on a charge of murdering his former employer, Yeo Eng Hock. 27. in Emerald Hill Road or. Jan. 16. The prosecution, conducted by Senior Inspector TS Z-ain alleged that
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  • 70 6 JESSELTON. Thurs. Thp Sabah Legislative Assembly will h;iv« new Standing Orders from next month. The present Standing Orders were revoked yesterday by the assembly in a special motion. The State Attorncy-Genrrnl. Mr. T. J. Jayasuriya. in introducing the motion, said that the present Standing Orders were those
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  • 69 6 TAIPING. Thurs. Mohamtd Nordln bin Chin. 54. chief clerk of the Welfare Department here, was sentenced to four months' Mil by the Sessions Court here yesterday for criminal breach of trust of $1,980. Nordin. who was Witll tlio Welfare Department for the pa^t 17 years and was
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  • 154 6 SEREMBAN, Thur» ONE ;n ten people in Kuala Lumpur will have a car by 1984. the Negri Sembilan State Engineer, Mr. D. J. M. Carvill. told a Rotary luncheon, meeting here today. He said there were now 4.6 cars for every 100
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 340 6 SPEED-UP DELIVERIES WITH PROVEN AUSTIN COMMERCIALS Save money and time on your delivery jobs— get Austin vans and pick-up trucks to do them These popular, proven commercials bring you the benefit of engineering from Britain's biggest motor company, backing from world-wide B.M.C. service and— full 12 months warranty on each
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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  • STRAITS TIMES Special Feature
    • 1875 7 Denny Day, scourge of the bushrangers HE GA YE SPIRIT BACK TO FRIGHTENED PEOPLE AND SENT FEAR AMONG SAVAGE MURDERERS ON the late afternoon of December 21, 1 840. five carriers were camped in Doughboy Hollownorth oi MuiTiirundi. Drays and pack horses mound them were loaded with six months' supplies
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 140 7 Fora refreshing change fc^l Now you can enjoy Gresham the special menthol cigarettes imported from IS! England for people who appreciate the very best Gresham King-Size have a Ol^lJ^^^^^l I clean white filter. contain rich Virginia tobacco specially blended with menthol Iliil for a fresher, livelier taste. Each tastes as
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  • 363 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. 'J'HE Congress of Unions of Employees in the Public and Civil Services will hold a meeting on Monday to discuss a Government proposal for a special review commission on salary structures. The proposal is contained in a circular
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  • 33 8 BATU GAJAH. Ttiurs. Boy Scouts of the Public Commercial Institution here will tomorrow start a four-day camp at the Kinta Kellas Estate here and clear the blukar around a kampong.
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  • 116 8 CHANGES IN SABAH GOVT RULES lESSELTON, Thurs. Dato Donald Stephens, the Chief Minister, said here yesterday the Govermnent was altering the rules to enable some government officers who might wish to participate in politics to retire on pensions and contest the next elections. Speaking during the debate on the motion
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  • 300 8 SABAH IS LAYING FOUNDATION FOR DEVELOPMENT JESSELTON, Thurs. Sabah's Chief Minister, Dato Donald Stephens, said in the Legislative Assembly yesterday that much preliminary work remained to be done before the Government could present a development plan worthy of Sabah and shaped to meet the State's needs. Answering questions in the
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  • 122 8 NEWSMAN OFF TO TALKS IN VICHY KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs.— Mr. N. T. R. Slngam. chairman of the National Union of Journalists research and negotiating committees, left by air today to attend the seventh World Congress of International Federation of Journalists, which starts in Vichy, France, on Sunday. Mr. Singam said
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  • 60 8 JOHORE BAHRU, Thure. The Johore Bahru Stamp Office will be situated at the office of the Inland Revenue Department in the Town Council building here, from Saturday. The department ls talcing over the stamping of documents and other papers relating to the Stamp Ordinance 194*. now
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  • 173 8 IPOH. Thursday. HPHE Alliance in Perak will hold a procession in A Ipoh, the State capital, tomorrow afternoon, to say "thank you" to the voters and workers for their support in the general election. The Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, and party leaders In
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  • 217 8 Malaysia on world telephone link-up next year KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Malaysia will be linked to tb* round-the-world Commonwealth telephone cable by early next year. The Minister of Works, Posts and Telecommunications, Dato V.T. Sambanthan. said this In a Press statement today when he announced that the South-East Asian link of
    217 words
  • 51 8 MUAR. Thurs. The St. John Ambulance Association here haa formed a social and recreation sub-committee. Inche Hamzah bin Mazlan has been elected chairman. Other officials are: secretary. Mr. Lee Ah Tee; treasurer. Mist Neo La n Eng: committee: Miss Tan Beng Hong. Mr. Nathan and Che
    51 words
  • 29 8 JESSELTON, Thurs. The Secretary to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. Sy«d Zainal Abldin. arrived here today to help improve Sabah's Department of Broadcasting and Information.
    29 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 201 8 ■E^^^^EjjM EBB B^Q When experience counts International Telephone Through its company and Telegraph Corpora- operations in 49 countries, tion is proud to acknow- employing 181 ,000 people, ledge publicly Mr Smith's and selling to clients in 115 kind letter of appreciation countries, it is uniquely for the work of its
      201 words
    • 167 8 STEREO PHONOGRAPH Model S6-770A. Portable transistor Stereo Radiophonograph. 2 bands, 14 transistors. Two separate 6" x4" speakers. Push-button band selectors. Pipe-arm pickup. 3 speeds. Output: 2W+2W=4W. Smart, compact suit-case type design. Operates on 6 torchlight batteries. Simplicity of design and operation coupled with perfect sound reproduction are the basic qualities
      167 words

  • 305 9  -  KHOR CHEANG KEE By ANGRY WORDS AT TUSSLE FOR CHIEF MINISTER'S JOB, THEN CHEAH BOWS OUT PENANG, Thurs. Dato Wong Pow Nee was last night re-nominated Chief Minister for a second fiveyear term. He was proposed by his main rival for the post, Senator Cheah Seng
    305 words
  • 174 9 Mr. Saw considers his decision to resign OENANG, Thurs.— The Penariß MCA president an 4 national vicepresident, Mr. Saw Seng Kew, has promised to leconsider his decision to resign from the State party leadership. Mr. Saw gave this assurance to an eight-man deputation which called at his home in Gurney
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  • 61 9 LONDON. Thurs.— Mr. J. V. Burßess. chairman of the Rubber Trade Association of London and chairman of the London Rubber Exchange, is making a short tour of Malaysia before going on to Tokyo to attend the bi-annual meeting there of the International Rubber Study Oroup. He
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 28 9 JOHORE BAHRU, Thurs. Members of the public have given 350,800 towards the cost of a $118,000 public library expected to h« built by August or September.
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  • 342 9 SINGAPORE, Thurs. A blueprint for a merger between Malaysian Airways and Borneo Airways will be submitted soon to the Sarawak Cabinet for approval. The Sarawak Minister of Communications and Works, Inche Abdul Taib bin Mahmud. who will submit this plan, said In a statement
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  • 44 9 SINGAPORE. Thurs Azhkathu Naraypn. 56. collapsed and died yesterday afternoon on the flvefoot way In Race Course Road. Police today appealed to his relatives and friends to contact Inspector Mitchell of Kandang Kerbau Police Station, tel. No. 7200 Ext. 217
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  • 25 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs.—Another batch of 83 pilgrims to Mecca will return by air on Sunday. The pilgrims left Kuala Lumpur oil April 7.
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  • 25 9 SUNOEI PATANI. Thurs.— A Kedah farm exhibition will oe held at the Sultan Abdul Hamd College, Alor Btar, from May ll to J5.
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  • 112 9 4 TOURISTS ROBBED OF $6,000 WHILE ASLEEP DENANG, Thurs. Four tourists travelling round the world in a van were robbed of nearly $6,000 in cash, cameras and other photographic equip ment when their vehicle was ransacked in Northam Road yesterday. Mr. B. Roth, a 23-year-old German student, and his three
    112 words
  • 86 9 SINGAPORE. Thurs. The Australian Army I Director of Infantry, Colonel J. G. Ochiltree. will arrive in Butterworth tomorrow for a week's trur of Australian Service urtfts in Malaya and Singapore. His first call will be at RAAF base In Butterworth. In Malacca, he will visit
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  • 34 9 MUAR. Thurs. The Medical Officer. Johore North. Dr. (Missi B. Saraswathy. today advised Deople not to visit Malacca or Prrlis unless absolutely necessary in view of the renewed outbreaks of cholera there.
    34 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 213 9 BANISH ----m*^ GREY f H AIR with MORGAN'SA> POMADE HN MORGAN'S POMAOF. is t p^»O^S^g^^^^-^ a scientific preparation g= 3 r which restores the tf Z^x%o*Z. natural colour, nourishes 11 «|kJaV XWwd. iif< i the hair and stimulates V^S===S^t the roots- MORGAN s is If'K Bpoor hair, promotes r W^
      213 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 222 9 Straits Times Crossword I I' 1 I' fl^BHH* I BF IF IB !c II r^^i ACROSS 6. Bad language fit to make 7. IX the pupil lost his head he'd scoundrel celebrate! (7>. make money. <.7>. 9. Such an odd thing Is self. 8 Retreat and compose one showing that
      222 words

  • 47 10 Ward* tit (Mlmimmm) MADAM COON WAI CHINO, 71 I .-"-d away peacefully at 76 Tambun >..<«1. Ipoh on 20-4-64 at 4.lft pm. s behind 3 mv. Ng Chin KasMß. MS Kin Khoon anil M| Knoon I Knoon and many Kntndchlidrcn funeral on 2-.VS4 at 11 a.m.
    47 words
  • 818 10 The Straits Times Friday, May 1, 1964. Govt. Pay Review Pursuant to its promise to undertake a comprehensive review of Civil Service salaries, the Federation Government has placed before the Staff Side of the National Whitley Council proposals on the review committee's composition and terms of reference. These will be
    818 words
  • 406 10 Malaysia has more to gain from the Commonwealth Cable, the South-East Asian section of which will be laid this year, than perhaps any other country involved in this world-wide scheme. All others along the route Britain, Canada, Fiji, New Zealand, Australia and Hong Kong can look to the
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  • 841 10  -  STEPHEN ROSENFELD by OF THE WASHINGTON POST The experts agree a political battle and all the more open and outspoken for the fear has grown less now NIKITA Khrushchev has promised to spare the Soviet Union the rigours and perils of a succession crisis like the
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  • 808 10  - Dam that will change a map FOUD EL GAWHARY, FOUR-DAY CELEBRATIONS WILL MARK THE OPENING By Cairo, Thursday PREPARATIONS are being pushed ahead for the celebrations to mark the completion of the first stage of the Asswan High Dam. The dam, rising to a height of abou^ 363 feet across
    Reuter  -  808 words
    • 164 10 WITH reference to th« letter from your correspondent. "A Parent," which appeared in the Straits Times on April 22 complaining that parents of adopted children were requested to produce the original BJrtii Certificates of the adopted children for registration for Primary I admis-sion. I wish
      164 words
    • 92 10 JY[Y experience is perhaps nothing new. At ten o'clock in the morning, I was waiting near the MacPherson Road market for a No. 12 bus. I took almost half an hour to get one. It was so crowded that there was hardly room for
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    • 74 10 CAN the Registrar of Vehicles take some effective action in regard to the dirty condition in which Singapore's public taxis ply on the roads? I refer not so much to the outside as to the coverings of the seats. In these days when tourism means much for Singapore,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 975 10 StniU Tims Malay Hail I lands*- Ml M raw cold arroMAac arcam Ore»W >ot4 COLD STORACC MANCHII AT HOLLANO ROAD— KATONG KEPPEL ROAD- NAVAL BASK AartlMMOed A*ls»l»: CtTY BOOK OTIO*m LTD Wtoetottar Homm. Co»>*t Q*aar TME NKWS FRONT PIMMIiILk-s tsuisssitan M. M. MMAM. S AdswsnHr Road Hawse MAMICM STOM »78-7.
      975 words
    • 91 10 "j I TWO MINUTES TO NOON The earthquake which j struck Japan in 1923 was i the most destructive natural disaster in the j recorded history of man. Unleashing avalanches, tidal waves and furious tornadoes of flre, it cost more human lives than I the A-bomb devastation l of Hiroshima,
      91 words
    • 114 10 WaV \ffli IK^uM mmtLS eyes are a >3 -safeguard them EYE-GENE rWm I with "LEXatol" jglgi^lJi If your eyes ore feverish through hay -fever, colds, sun burn or feel v >^ strained after prolong- \J3IE^ t > ed reod ng, looking at TV, use EYE-GENE for instant relief. One or
      114 words

  • 472 11 SINGAPORE. Thur* ITS JURISDICTION IS CHALLENGED IN MARIA MENADO MARRIAGE CASE J^ LEGAL battle on whether the Shariah Court had jurisdiction to hear a summons in connection with the validity of the marriage of a former film actress, Maria Menado, and a former boxing promoter, Abdul
    472 words
  • 183 11 Sabah puts out new law to beat land speculators lESSELTON. Thurs. J Undeveloped land in \irban areas of Sabah may be valued for assessment purposes at double that of developed land, the Minister of Local Government. Inche Harris Mohammed Salleh. said in the Legislative Assembly yesterday The Minister, who was
    183 words
  • 168 11 KUCHING, Thurs. Four Malaysian soldiers, sentenced to jail terms ranging from six to nine months' for rioting at the open air market here on Boxing Day last year, had their appeals dismissed in the High Court today. They are Pte. Kamaruddin bin Hajl Rashld (six months), and
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  • 97 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Major A. R. Aral (above) until recently a Stair Officer of the Ministry of Defence, will leave by air tomorrow for Canberra to take op appointment as military attache to the Malaysian High Commission. Major Aral is the third military attache to
    97 words
  • 332 11  - Kamil: I will not accept Cabinet post ZAKARIA HASHIM 7 JUST WANT TO BE ORDINARY M.P' By ROTA BHARU, Thurs. The former Malayan Ambassador to the United States, Dato Nik Ahmad Kamil, said today he would turn down any offer of high office in the Central Government. "There has been
    332 words
  • 127 11 SINGAPORE, Thurs. The management of the shipping firm of Islay Kerr and Co. Ltd. has rejected a new proposal by its employees' union to settle a dispute over the grading of 35 workers which led to a strike yesterday. According to a company
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  • 52 11 SINGAPORE, Thurs. The Comptroller of Manpower (Malaysia) said here today that another 4.867 people registered yesterday for the national service bringing the total to 29.242 people since registration began on April 22. Meanwhile a total of 9.101 people have enrolled In the Vigilant* Corps 1.023 of
    52 words
  • 29 11 SINGAPORE. Thurs. Thieves broke Into the home of Madam Mary Bowdltch Clark in Cavrnagh Road last night, and stole a camera, and Jewellery worth about $1,100.
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  • 158 11 DA R I T BUNTAR, 1 Thurs. A 20--ft. python was captured and several cobras killed by labourers who were demolishing an old rice mill in Jalan DennAstown here yesterday. One labourer. Lim Heng Slew, 45. said that he was ripping off some planks when
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  • 42 11 NOT INDONESIANS. SINGAPORE. Thurs. Three men charged In the High Court on seven charges of unlawful possession of firearms are Malays, who are Malaysian citizens, and not Indonesians as was reported in Page 8 of today's Straits Times. The error is regretted.
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  • 261 11 Lee calls on workers: Meet the challenge of industry SINGAPORE, Thura.— The Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, today called on workers in Singapore to be prepared to meet "the challenge of industrial expansion ar,d economic progress." In a May Day eve message, he .said this could be won only
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 470 11 SWISS famm^fomm New Portable Models Record 730 CL. 700 jFf^i J° mm n 9 the thread l^y while sewing, unsurpassed Quality of stitch, due to the f marvellous ingenious new •T _ji BERNINA CB hook. Mot* than 1 million machines ore now in us* oil over the world. In Switzerland
      470 words
    • 226 11 Time for CiJj^l ,^g* Ilt fr and Sill p ilso^lllo SEGOI22ITIMEFORCLIFFAND I 3M VOLIT THE SHADOWS includes When c "'l J M My Dream Boat Comes Home, I !i. Blueberry Hill and 3 others. IQ V O U 1110 0H recording JH Jjf 1 stars to §m| god H9jHH 9>
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 547 11 RADIO MALAYSIA RADIO SINGAPORE NATIONAL SHORTWAVE SHOKIHAVfc StKVICtS: A.M. 6.00 Prog. Summary; 47j METRES 6.02 Morning Melodies; 7.00 A.M.: 6.00 Good Morning; 6.02 Tune Signal, The News; 710 Morning Prelude; 7.00 News; 7.10 Breast Potpourri; 7.30 Learn £2 A Word A Day; 7.32 Breakfast About; 815 News; 8.20 Up And
      547 words

    • 142 12 Bid to beat electronic brain at 3,903 mph "FDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE. (California). Thurs. An Xl 5 rocketed a near-r ecord! 2 903 miles an hour I yesterday in a test of pilot ability to out-think "Black Box electronic brains. Utmost precision was necessary in the flight, one of a
      AP  -  142 words
    • 48 12 PORTLAMY. Thurs. The Chad National Assembly adopted yesterday a resolution calling on Prance to withdraw its troops from the country within three months. The resolution also asked for speedy replacement of French civil servants assigned to the Government with African personnel A. P.
      48 words
    • 74 12 JOHN MURPHY, 25, a part-time parachuting Instructor (left) drifts into a field at Botley, near Oxford, England, half a mile from the church where he wed Jill Wren. 25. a typist. In the other pic- ture, John and Jill are shown after their wedding. John took off in
      UPI  -  74 words
    • 185 12 WASHINGTON, Thursday. T EGISLATION to abolish the State Department and replace it with a Department of Foreign Affairs was introduced yesterday by Representative Samuel L. Devine (Republican-Ohio). The change, he told the House of Representatives, would not Interfere In any way with the Presidents direction
      AP  -  185 words
    • 78 12 MANILA. Thurs.— One Filipino was shot dead and another wounded last night by a deck sentry on the U.S. Navy ammunition ship Mt. Baker moored off Sublc Bay naval base, the U.S. Navy reported today. The Filipinos came out to the ship in unlighted boats
      AP  -  78 words
    • 35 12 ROIB Thurs. Newly-weds Princess Irene of the Netherlands and Prince Carlos Huro of Bour-bon-Parma left their hotel here last night by car for an unknown destination at the start of their honeymoon Reuter.
      Reuter  -  35 words
    • 29 12 LONDON. Thurs. Tokunbo Akinnl Akintola. 13-year-old f-on of the Prime Minister of Western Nigeria, yesterday became the first African student to enter Eton College. Rev ter.
      29 words
    • 358 12 Nik takes a dig at Chinese exodus to HK MOSCOW, Thurs.— The Government newspaper Izvestia said last night that more than 1.000,000 Chinese refugees had crossed into Hong Kong in recent years —the first time the Soviet people have have 4een told of Chinese fleeing to the color,v. In a
      Reuter  -  358 words
    • 44 12 PARIS, Thurs— French railroad men yesterday began a series of strikes that threatened to paralyse most of the nations rai. for 36 hours. At the same time. 14,000 Parts taxi drivers kept their cabs *t home for the day.— U.P.L
      44 words
    • 15 12 CANNES. Thurs. The Cannes 17th International film festival I opened last night. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  15 words
    • 194 12 MOSCOW, Thursday. MR. KHRUSHCHEV plans to cruise from the Black Sea to Alexandria next week for the opening of the first stage of the Aswan High Dam. diplomats The RUMUn Prime Minister, who will probably be aboard a Soviet warship, is expected to leave Russia
      Reuter  -  194 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 246 12 7\ERTEX UJ I v „-y m Aortex 'K.P.C underwear V Mk\ in nude of a upw-ial cellular- "N^B [^&T V CO knitted fabric which provides f^Bfc/ V A\ 2J proper ventilation for the J body. that you are com- H^ Kj fortably cool in the heat of JK h" the
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous

    • 142 13 Bus body assembly plant planned OUPERIOR Coach Corporation of Ohio, said to be the world's leading supplier of bus bodies, is to start a bus body assembly plant in Malaysia. Announcing this during a visit to Kuala Lumpur and Singapore last week, a representative. Mr. Howard Sellinger. said: "We are
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    • 71 13 Tour to meet fertiliser manufacturers MR. LOOI Eng Ban, agricultural specialist of Blan Heng and Co. (Malaya) Ltd., left Singapore last week for Europe and America on a business-cum-study tour. The main object of his tour is to strengthen relationships with manufacturers of fertilisers in those countries. He i.s expected
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    • 46 13 Sales of Chrysler cars and trucks In world markets rose by 65.9 per cent In the first quarter of this year totalling 31.234 cars and trucks, over the same period last year. Mr. Robert C. Mitchell, president and managing director announced in Geneva
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    • 495 13  - Prospectus for Tasek Cement shares out today HENRY PAUL By TASEK Cement Ltd., with an authorised capital of $20 million, is expected to go into operation next month, producing initially 12,000 bags of cement daily. With production date close at hand, the directors have decided to give investors in Malaya
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    • 120 13 rrUE Arcon Group anA nounces that these contracts with the East English Co. Ltd. in Malaya have been made recently: Prefabricated structures measuring 26.500 sq. ft. for office and warehouse for Dunlop Malayan Industries Ltd. Two market buildings for the P.W.D.. both covering 6.200 sq.
      120 words
    • 33 13 Mrs. Julia Young, a qualified Interior designer from the New York Pratt Institute, one of the best known interior design colleges In the world, has joined Dlethelm and Co. Ltd.. Singapore.
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    • 83 13 I Welcoming probationary assistant Inche Ghaxali as the first Malaysian to Join the company on 1 the managerial staff, Mr. O. D. Wreford-Brown, chairman of Bej langor River Rubber Estates Ltd., rays the company has wanted to obtain Malaysian citizens for some time. But It has been only
      83 words
    • 83 13 A Japanese clock manufacturing company. Seikosha Ltd. of Tokyo, has introduced to Malaysia a wall clock fitted with a calendar that incorporates not only the date but the day us well which can be adJusted manually. Said to be the first of its type
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    • 185 13 IBM Malaysia an- nounces the introduction and availability of a "third generation" computer family for local business, industry and Government departments. It Is the new IBM System 360 which Is said to be much faster, more powerful and vastly more flexible than computers marketed up
      185 words
    • 160 13 CYCLE and Carriage announces that the new MercedesBenz 230 SL is now available to Malaysian motorists. The two-seater roadster comes In three versions: with luUy collapsible hood which is the basic form I like the one above), with a coupe roof or with a hardtop, and
      160 words
    • 170 13 US shipping bureau chief due tomorrow yHE new president of the American Bureau of Shipping, Mr. Andrew Neilson, will arrive in Singapore tomorrow on an inspection tour of the Far East. Mr. Neilson. 61. who will be accompanied by his wife and Mr. Charles J. L. Schoefer, principal surveyor for
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    • 119 13 ELECTRONIC CALCULATOR BY SONY SONY Corporation of Japan has developed a portable electronic calculator which will be placed on the world's markets in the near future. Using transistors and diodes, the machine is about the size of a typewriter, weighs 22 lb.. Is fully automatic and operates silently, according to
      119 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 376 13 C. f Mkii^P J« Jill I I ONODA CEMENT ONODA CEMENT CO., LTD. Htf Oflict: Mirjnouchi, Oiiyoda-ta, Tokyo, Jarsn C«M Mftns: "ONOSEME TOKYV i Sale AtrrtK: HH tNf t Cl, Itt, Sinfipore H*t BM Henlwart I Co, IM Pentne f|/»| AD DAD If Bounded by Opera r »tat<jlVlLAr rAKIV Frankel
      376 words
    • 39 13 I CHAM Z IQN I SPARK PL&f COMPANY have pleasure In unnouncing improved distribution arrangements from ast May^ 1964 ■m d •:d}~ m i^%\ r» wiiiv- üßPuiipuiiiimtHii or as Sole Distrßijpfci!!! %f their products in Singapore andg||fc±a£ration of Malaya.
      39 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 958 14 I ontinord from Pace 10) SITUATIONS VACANT tt Word* SI (Min.)— Box tt ct*. txtrm BOX ASM ST., Ipoh. Position Oiled. Applicants thanked. URGENTLY WANTED General Cook Amah for Chinese couple and Baby. Please Phone < S'porei *****. ACCOUNTS CLERKS TYPISTS Required for nell established local firm. I Call Assisting
      958 words
    • 452 14 SITUATIONS VACANT ?e Hard. U (Min.)-Bax it Ha. axtrm INTERNATIONAL COMPANY in Petaling Jaya requires immediately Female Copy Typist quick, accurate at figure work. Apply Personnel Manager, P.O. Box 66. Petaling Jaya. REQUIRED URGENTLY An Experienced Salesman/General Clerk aged over 30 years with good knowledge of English, lo work in
      452 words
    • 464 14 ACCOMMODATION VACANT Word* Si (Min.)— Box it et: txtrm CAMERON HIGHLANDS Fully Furnished Holiday Bungalow, three bedrooms. Service:— near Oolf Course. Magnificent view. Apply Buma. Telephone Ringlet 650 WELL FURNISHEO Double Room bathroom attached own entrance 'In attractive home available to students. Full board. District 11 Apply Box sVMM aVT
      464 words
    • 1024 14 OFFICE SPACE VACANT !U Word* si (Mim> Hoi in rf. extra IST/2ND FLOOR Ufnce available immediately in Orchard Koad arrs r'or particulars, please Telephone 1 8 pore) ***** *****/*****. HOUSES LAND FOR SALE it Ward* Si (Min.)— Box in el*, txtra FOR SALE Four-bvdroom Flat at Treacher Road, on 3rd
      1,024 words
    • 866 14 EDUCATION in Ward* SS*(Mm.)—Bmjc St Ha. txtrm] V.M C.A. COMMERCIAL CLASSES new sessions commencing May 7th Accounting. Bookkeeplnx. English. Shorthand Typewriting. Register now si TMCA Orchard Koad. 8 pore. CHINESE VMCA SCHOOL'S May Beginners' morning/evening accounting, advanced accounting. book keeping. shorthand. typewriting. shorthand speeds 60/80. 80/100, 100/130. Malay, English (Cambridge/Qualifying
      866 words
    • 1194 14 DOGS, PETS, ETC. I Horrfa SI (Mm.)*-B«x tt CIS. xtrm MINIATURE DACHSHUND PUPPY For Sale. Ten weeks old. MKA Class One. Telephone 81BKai>ore *****. MALE BOXER BMINOLI One year Aid MKA Class I nearest S3OO accept. View IS Blnlai Walk (B'pore) Saturday 3 3 p.m. only. BEAUTIFUL ALSATIAN PUPPIES U.K.
      1,194 words
    • 999 14 FOR SALE I it Word* SI Min.)— Box It ct*. mxtrm PHILIPS KLSMO ISJANSISTOR branru Aid tropfc-proof low oattcrv dramatic llcblwriatst. fcnquinn to j Philips ttln«a»or« Limited. KO BO* 1338. rlinfapore Phoris V4VI4 DON'T LCT FLAT tyres bothrr SMI I Amazing Save-A-Tire Inflates sad ssals j punctured tube or tubeless
      999 words
    • 702 14 BARS RESTAURANTS (S'por?) It Ward* Si (Min.)— Box tt ct*. axtrm ORIENTAL RESTAURANT SAM Pro. vides SO Charming Hostesses (many just engaged) to serve you. 28. Bean «treet isear Odeon Theatre). Tel: Li>staira *****. Downstairs 3264u. pore. UMNO PALACB RESTAURANT serve Delicious Cmnese rood Lunch. si $2.0(i per course only
      702 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1293 15 10 UVtRPOOI t WEST CQASI UK.. Due S tori MM P. Shim Perrtng ANCHISEI Avonmouth, uteriMl Gdi. IS May 2 MACHAON l >criiil. P.i»t<» Gda 11 May 2 May 4 lAITHYBIUS Linrptil, Glasgoa May 1 May 15 ll Pi/Apr I CIYIOHEU) iterptil Ma, 5 May 7 May 1/10 May 11
      1,293 words
    • 1338 15 E^l THE EAC LINKS V V*^aH SINCAPOII KUALA lUMPUI •t. SWITTINMAM PfNANC H&V>««^l| M»«A1I HOUM h.u'tKOID lOIO> »l J/J.Wlia OUA, SAILINGS 10 GENOA, LE HAVRE NAMOURk. aREMEN. ANldtßr ROTTERDAM, AMSTERDAM, OSIO. 00THENPUR1 AND tOPEMUtfJ i> bon I i "aa "iiuu* ■SAMOA" a) Gil. 44/ 4 Miy 5/ 7 Miy I
      1,338 words
    • 1200 15 I BehMine 1 tAPns> ai»ie> ia coupon, mitfim > conii»«nia4 tm BEN ALDER rpMl XSii binga«i'» Pt Sham renaag Hamburg JaM II Go II Ma, 2 May 3 I Rotterdam laM 22 BENVALLA m london mm StXmr PLS M M?, ni s? s J BfNVENUI N'Mrt. I'IM. Mana. e-UHMtt "Si'if
      1,200 words
    • 1228 15 te^ ELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO.. LTD. iri^K LONDON HAMBURG ROTTERDAM HAVRE HULL AND MIDDLESBROUGH SmgaPMi' Pt S>am •'ermi 11 Uui lonoon •lONIAN 21 22 Mi| 23 24 May 2) Mai II Juae Tll» OF NOVI.ASTLE 24 Ma, /t Ml. H IM» "CITY OF LEICESTER < 7/20 -ail 21 24 jmi
      1,228 words

  • 110 16 MELBOURNE. Thurs INDUSTRIALS firmer trend was 1 fully maintained today and I margin of rises over falls widened. Moves were not large, but most leaders Improved. Baae metals were easy and oila quiet and narrow. Loana were steady. C.R.A 361 Mount Ita 43/10 N Broken Rill (10a.) 37/7
    110 words
  • 258 16 \f AY first aradt niobtr buytrt t.t.b. 1 tltttd at s p.m. in Smgaptrt and Kutla Lumpur yesterday at 671 centa per Ib. up a quarter or a rent on 1 Wednesday's rlotinc level for the position. The loot was vary ouitt. R.A.S. and F.M.R.E. tlttlng priett in
    258 words
  • 59 16 THI Malayan Exeltanat Bankf At- ttelatitn made these changet In lt» rates to merchants yesterday (all rates to $100) Canada: buying- TT 35 7/16. airmail OD 35 9/16. 90 d/st 36 1/16 credi btlla. 36 1/8 trade bills. Sttline. TT er OD rtady: Canada 3n 1/16: Holland OuUdtrt
    59 words
  • 26 16 APRIL 30. MALAYAN RUBBER PRICE: 67} cents (up a quarter of a cent). TIN: 5526.75 (down SI). Estimated offering 240 tons (down 10 tons).
    26 words
  • 578 16 From Our Market Correspondent rnHERE was no break 1 through in conditions on the Malayan Stock Exchange yesterday and the tone remained as quiet as ever. The present quiet conditions have now lasted for several weeks and it is a long time since there
    578 words
  • 27 16 STOCK INDICES Malayan Stork Indict* April 29. April 30. •Industrial!!: 108.94 108.73 Tins: 134.15 133.52 rubbers: 105.36 105.48 Dec-. 30. 1963 pat 100. Dec. 29, 1962 100.
    27 words
  • 798 16 pOMBINED business In the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Malayan Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded In brackets: INDUSTRIALS: E. Smelttrt 54.09 SI.. $4 si.. (1,000) $4.08: Ounlepa (1.000) $2.59: Ettt trdt. 1 16.000) $2.88 D. (2.000) $2.87, (1.000) 52.89; Gammon
    798 words
  • 75 16 /-HINESE Profhic. E>«Han«t. lln.a--1 port noon priott ptr picul r «t.r day: Coconut til: bulk «46i Mll«r.. imrn S4H« rtllm •earai Xpni/Ma» UK/Co«uimm: Unquoted. •tpptr: M unt ok wblt^ $145 aellvra. Sarawak white Jl42| tellert, tpaeui .-arawak black $120 teller;.. aarblrd LnmponK Mack $ITS aellere AITA SI37J sellprs.
    75 words
  • 36 16 rvN thf frtt t«cr>anit mirktt in *J Hontt Kons ymterday th» UI quoted at 3.731 (or TT tut 5.T31 Me cath. Sttrlinx ajtM quolrrt at lh »1 cad oni titl cf ItM lit Baas,
    36 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1084 16 yl KAWASAKI RISEN KAISHA LTD. O.S.A. Paeifle, and Groat La**** East Canada ta»yl>a "rmtf ong Y'hama S. F'cisco H'tu M'rm O'roit C'cato "Teiat Man" 21/22 May Mi Ibm 21 Jim I Jily I lily II lily 22 Jaly "Mikisaiau Maru" 22 21 luae 7 July 21 Jily Aa| I Aye.
      1,084 words
    • 1148 16 H n Wf, nJU ajaal BaT KaaaaflaßaaaaVl BaaaMaaaa^aaaaaaaßai WaaaWßa^Jaaaaaaaa! AUSTRALIA SERVICE INDIA PAKISTAN ANO P CULF SERVICE It: Frttiaitlt. Alclaiat. Mtlltarte. S»lat» Ti: Malrjs aai Nafaeattteaaa Penani P. S'nam S'oort Spot P. S'rtam Penafll lULIMBA I May 11/12 May U/IS May IUMDA* 7 May lARPETA II Jaat 11/ll Jiae 14/11
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    • 462 16 \-> v^ ORIENT MID EAST LINES Ft»*x great lakes service FAST IiRECT StlllMCS FROM SINGftPOItE AND MAUYA TO CANAIIAN ANO US SlttAl LAKES PORTS. Singapore P. S'tam Penang Mott'eai S.I. "IENOIIA MARTINI" 11/21 May 21 22 M»» 23 24 Mj, 2t Jaaa Ss "ORIENT TRAatR" 11 7* <»M 21/22 leal
      462 words
    • 173 16 Spore P'Shom Pnnn« UTA/tTD ITA/ITO ETA/ETB FROM AUSTRALIA 1 M.V. "STATE OF GUJARAT" for Ceylon, Maa.os and Calcutta May 4 May 10/11 FROM CALCUTTA 4 CHALNA I S.S. "ARDBRAE for Geraldton, Melbourne Sydney May 10/13 FROM JAPAN S.S. "SANCMI" for Visokhopatt nor* and Calcutta May 12/1 J FROM JAPAN I
      173 words

  • 255 17 V;HIPS lying alangiide tf>e Ulnaapere Harbour wharves er expected tonay are: Sado Maru 1/2, Serdang -I U. Hallvard 17/JS. Andoog 29/30, tin.-ntal Queen 31/32. Inner reada: Lji Trinandad, Tong Ah. Mlrnwn, Ptinyu. Srrdang, brl Radja Mas. Tong Thay, Rusa, Klmanla, Silver Star. Tong San, KirandJl, Pulau
    255 words
  • 207 17 (OFFICIAL QUOTATIONS) April 30. Thr»e month« INDUSTRIAL* i:i-miv M (1 14 eta M. Box 26 et*. lxinlopt 18 rti. M. Containers 16 eti <v% I>rv. 6 cts. McAHster 17 eta. K sm*itfr« -js eti M. Invest, 15 eta K»-o ISrta. OCBC 22 et«. KM utsp. IS eta. Rothmana
    207 words
  • 362 17 rpill'.KK was a drop of one X dollar in the Penan; tin price yesterday to $526.75 on an offering estimated down 10 tons to 240 tons. in London on Wednesday tin values were very steadily held .specially three months. The level
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 341 17 NOTICE Notice Is herrby given that Mr. Stephen Koh Beng Joo has left j our service and has no authority i to transact any business on our I behalf. J. BALLAS Si CO, Ist May 1964. NOTICE We wish to notify the public that Mr. Lawrence Chew has ceased to
      341 words
    • 589 17 AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Singapore Prepertlca To be held at our Sale-room No. 104. Market Street, Singapore on Tuesday. sth May, 1964 al 2.30 p.m. 1. No. 4-D Ah Hood Road, area 6.333 square feet, ireehold. (Wuh vacant possession). 2. No. 21 Crane Road, area 2.160 square feet, freehold. (With
      589 words
    • 758 17 TENDERS P.W.D. SINGAPORE TENDERS are Invited from P.W.D. Registered Contractors for the Construction of Clementl Road budge over Sungel Ulu Panda n. Civil Engineering Contractors above $25,000 Closing Date:--15.5.64 at 10.00 a.m. Full particulars may be seen and obtained at the office of the Senior Executive Engineer (Roads Bridges 6c
      758 words
    • 736 17 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS Wanted for busy Kuchlng Office an INTERMEDIATE OR SENIOR DRAUGHTSMAN. Apply Messrs. Swan Maclaren. P.O. Box 569, Singapore. UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA Applications are invited for one post as national language teacher attached to the Department of Malay studies. Applicants should possess an honours degree and preference will be
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    • 577 17 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA Applications are Invited for the following posts In toe faculty of medicine: (1) Artist in medical Illustration, one post Salary Scale: $212 50 x 7.50--280 295 x 15-475. (2) Photographers In medical Illustration, two po«ts. Experience and skill in photography work essential. Salary Scale: $205x7.50--265.
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    • 647 17 TENDERS KERETAPI TANAH MELAYU; TENDER NOTICE TENDERS will be received from Registered Contractors by the Jemmah Pembuka Tender Ibu Pejabat D/A Ketua Akauntan. Kcretapi Tanah Melayu. Kuala Lumpur, as follows:— Closing Date Up to lo.uu a.m. on 20.5 64. (1) From Class A' Contractors for the proposed earth filling for
      647 words
    • 789 17 TENDER FEDERATION ARMED FORCES TENDER NOTICE Tenders from category 14 (B) Registered Federation Armed Forces Contractors will be received at the Ministry of Defence Central Receipt and Despatch Office, Block 31, Rifle Range Road, Kuala Lumpur, up to 2.30 p.m. Friday 15th May, 1964 for clearance of dustbln 3 at
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    • 102 17 TENDER SALE BY TENDER TENDERS are invited for the purchase of Qty. SO M.T. vehicles (Including l 3 Ton Trucks Landrover.s Tractors Fork lifts Coaches Fire Tender) lying at No. 389 M.U., RAF. Seletar. Prospective buyers will be admitted to the Sales Area between 9 and 12 am. 2 and
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    • 433 18  -  JACK FINGLETON: from Worcester. Thursday COLDWELL CAPTURES SEVEN WICKETS FOR 53 RUNS ON AN EXCELLENT PITCH gOON after six o'clock yesterday evening the Australians were dismissed for 251 against Worcestershire. This was a score that Don Bradman made himself on the first day of a
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    • 124 18 AUSTRALIANS M INNS. -Nmpson c d'Oliveria b FUvell 7 Lawry c Booth b dOliveira 50 ONelll b Coldwell 3 Burre c Booth b Coldwell 58 Booth Ibw Coldwell 0 Cow per c Slade b Coldwell 68 \>ivers b Horton 10 Jarman b Coldwell 37 MrKrnzie c Richardson b Coldwell
      124 words
    • 60 18 SINGAPORE. Thurs Splendid bowling by Zalnon Mat. who took seven wickets for six runs, eniblrd Victoria Institution of Kuala i .v in pur to beat Raffles Institution by nine wickets her* today on th«»lr ■iirren' tour. Victoria skittled Raffles for it nd replied with 37 for one
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    • 93 18 Sellers to undergo operation T ONDON. Thurs. Rex Sell- ers. 23-year-old Australian leg spin bowler, will undergo an operation on liis hand tomorrow and will be out of action until at least May 21 This means that Sellers will probably miss the chance of playing in his first Test which
      Reuter  -  93 words
    • 70 18 LONDON. Thurs Close of play scores in yesterday's cricket ma: dies: At Southampton Sussex 20-0 v Hampshire, rain, match abandoned as draw. At Lord* MCC v Yorks; rain, no play. At Oxford Oxford v Gloucs: rain no play. At sittincbourne Middlesex 150 (Hooker 56. Underwood 5--35)
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    • 196 18 CUP CHAMPS PERAK VISIT S'PORE FOR TWO GAMES SOCCER CINGAPORE. Thurs. TJie Yang di-Pertuan Negara, Tun Yusoi bin Ishak. and Toh Puan Noor Aishah will be present when the current FAM Cup champions. Perak. meet Singapore Government Services PA in a friendly match at Jalan Besar Stadium on Saturday. Tun
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    • 250 18 Tengku wishes success to the Cup team BADMINTON I(UALA LUMPUR, Thurs. The 1V Malayan Thomas Cup badminton team will carry with them the warmest wishes for success from the Prime Minister. Tengku Aodul Rahman. ?nd the Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, when, they leave by air tomorrow morning for
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    • 168 18 Wicks puts CSC in final but may miss it HOCKEY SINGAPORE. Therm. Oylon 8-C centrr-fonrard Ernest wicks, who may soon have to Uke a rnrt from all games on medical advice, scored two splendid foala which put his club on the victory trail against Singapore Harbour Board at Farrer Park
      168 words
    • 504 18  -  TEOH ENG TATT ~\1 I CINGAPORE. Thurs. Singapore Olympic and Sports Council today sent a telegram to Thon* Poh Nyen, secretary of the caretaker Olympic Council of Malaysia, to ask him whether Singapore celegates are invited to the ordinary and extracidirary general meetings
      504 words
    • 132 18 rjINOAPORE. Thurs. Despite Injuries to five of their players in an incident marred match. Haikowyu Sports Club beat Maxwell United 3-2 In SAFA leagu* Div. 2A at Farrer Park today. Haikowyu started splendidly with two quick goals by centreforward Chee Bens; Pah and before half time inside-left
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 190 18 TODAY'S SPORTS FIXTURES Sultans' Gold Cup CRC v RAP. C S Gardens (Vicu's (PrfncSi r5 J ki V fi?? 8 1 ria Ore n): Green Jackets GOBII Div 1 M^ Trrfiu- ASBn (D Kramat) Kltat (P. Jaya.'; Div. 2: £n CRICKET MCA Lge: Johor. v Municipal (Kp« Bahrui Rail- v
      190 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 311 19 DULY AXJTHORIE I> BLOCK CAPITALS I 1 8 3" C 8 C SIGNATORIES g, *J. f r I l im Fit if'MSKSSI •WB Pi 111 PI n* i lisfiiFf i Ml Tr fif S iIK (iB 1 1 5; iim i i j f titPsfp 'ifi 1 ;o=-H i |«g
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 359 20 fj *m :i;i ilfiM-l^ll'll *-I i"i iii I" i i ii I l K g 1 2H l< I 1 IS I I H ffl Si si!»jfiili! is- l!l If- A ii §Sl%Bis 2 j j! w P iw l i 1 if ii. i" ft li' sfc Hi l
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    • 343 21 THE 2,000 GUINEAS LONDON, Thursday. OALDRIC, the American-owned, French-trained and Australian-ridden 20-1 outsider, won the 2,000 Guineas, the first of the 1964 British classics, run over the Newmarket mile yesterday. Ovned by Mrs. Howell Jackson of Virginia, the bay colt, trained in France by the Australian
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    • 329 21 PRESTON SHOCK: DAVIDSON OUT SOCCER T ONDON, Thurs.—Pres- ton provided a shock yesterday when they suspended lan Davidson, their Scottish left-half, for 14 days and left him out of their side to meet West Ham in the F.A. Cup Final on Saturday. Davidson's place Is taken by England Youth captain
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    • 160 21 Johnstone dies in Chantilly hospital PARIS, Thurs. Former crack Australian Jockey Rae "Togo" Johnstone, three times winner of the Epsom Derby and many other English classics, died in a Chantllly Hospital yesterday after a heart attack at the Tremblay racecourse, north of Pans. Johnstone. who was 59. came to live
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    • 258 21 SPEEDY LOVELY DAY IN DASHING WORKOUT pENANG, Thurs. Lovely Day, who scored a surprise win last time out at Bukit Timah, did a dashing trial on a good track here this morning. Ridden, by Ismail Asban, Lovely Day sprinted 3f in 39 4/5 sec without being fully extended. On this
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    • 1618 21 PENANG Ist DAY CARD KEY A letter after the horse's name Indicates the type of going- preferred: f fast; g good; s soft: h heavy; a any. Betting forecast: (SF) strongly fancied: if) fancied. 'Apprentice allowances: Soaldl. P. K. Leonu and Lim 3-lb; Chong and Dragon 5-lb; others 7-lb. Race
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    • 55 21 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs.— Tie MRA announced today the promotion of four horses. They i»re: From Class Three to Class Two Alamanda and Radja Wall; from Class Four to Class Three King's Choice and Benin! Begitu. Two horses. South of France and Punter's Delight 111, have been sent down from
      55 words
      • 282 21 BELGRADE, Thurs.—Yugoslavia qualified for the second round of the European zone of the Davis Cup tennis competition when they took a 3-0 lead over Luxemburg by winning the doubles here yesterday. Boro Jov.inovtc and Nikola P:llr. who had won the;r singles matches, beat Franc
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 369 21 nrflTll WESTERN GATEWAY 0F... rCK IH AUSTRALIA is only FIVE hours away Discover new world young, vigorous and modern with an immense variety of impretsiv* p>J\. A scenery. "Kfc" 1 J^!i> Meet new people warm, friendly end hon *"""*s'**f 2SP*^\J& pitable. |£t M4B^mAm|^£ Enjoy the excitement of an overseas tour
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  • 294 22 Advertisers launch their code of practice CINGAPORE. Thurs. Malaysian advertisers today launched their "Code of Advertising Practices" a major move towards better standards. The code, prepared by the Malayan Advertisers Association, was launched by the Minister for Culture, Mr. S. Rajaratnam The Minister thought the general tone and spirit of
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  • 109 22 LONDON. Thurs Sir Alec Douglas-Home. Prime Minister, said last night Britain would go into the July I Commonwealth conference with firm determination to give the Commonwealth association new meaning and life." In a speech at the Royal i Academy banquet he de- 1 clared:
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  • 75 22 HONOLULU, Thurs—Caucasians have become thp majority racial group in Hawaii for the first time I in the history of the islands according to the State Department of Planning and Economic Development. The Japanese, who have held the majority spot since 1900. dropped to second place.
    UPI  -  75 words
  • 68 22 I MRS. DONA MARY DOOAMPE dltd or Mill Cortege leave* 17. Bedok A\enur. 4 p.m. for Holy Family rhurch IT«I— M in ndiidart on I ..M MR S K THAMBIAH r.-lirrrt AnKlilant Auditor. Malay. in Inion Cable from nvvloni OWMIa of Mr V A Kanthaiywh. i lorm.rly
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  • 73 22 SINGAPORE. Thurs. Fifty employees of the Army Klnema Corp.. which operates cinemas in British military barracks in Alexandra Road. Ayer Rajah Road. Tanglin and Nee Soon, this afternoon staged a protest walk-out over the suspension of an usherette. The walk-out lollowed a deadlock in talks
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  • 855 22 SINGAPORE. Thurs fUK Bukit Timah premises of the Sing <\ p o re Bus Workers' I' nio n, said officially to have cost the union $100,000. appeared to have cost only $77,424. according to Mr. Tan Wee Kian, Commissioner of an inquiry.
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  • 192 22 SINGAPORE, Thur*. rpHE management of the 1 Port of Singapore Authority and the Singapore Harbour Board Staff Association in a Joint statement today said they appreciated each other's functions and agreed that "disciplinary measures must be carried out on the basis of fairness and justice." The
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  • 415 22 LONDON, Thurs. There was little change in general conditions in the stock markets toaay. Numerous ieutures developed ioilowing company news and other special factors. but otherwise prices for me most part moved narrowly and irregularly. There was a substantial business in the new Wilkinson Sword
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  • 410 22 MACA DENIES ANY DIFFERENCES ON SARDINES OR SOVIET RUSSIA MANILA. Thurs. President Macapcigal yesterday denied that tin 1 replacement of Mr. Salvador Lopez as Foreign Secretary was caused by di s agreement ov c r foreign polks or by politics. He made the statement to quash rumours that Mr.
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  • 157 22 'Now that overdose of sympathy to Jakarta may be eased' MANILA, Thurs. Mr. Oscar Valladolid. diplomatic reporter of the Manila Bulletin, said today that the replacement of Mr. Lopez as Foreign Secretary would ease "an apparent overdose of sympathy in the administration's policy toward Indonesia." Mr. Valladolid said that under
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 47 22 Late classified advertisements j MARCUS ii nd hrn a non Peter on tHOt April in Kiirwn* Moth.i and ton hi CNIA TEH: Retween Lrr Koon. o Mr and Mr. Chia You Hill. and Lai Onat. do Mr. and Mri. Teh too Ran. T Anwn on 2A-4-IM4
      47 words
    • 50 22 4s§?-v'-v"s '."-vy-vjj3j3| ■-'-'■v-v^sSsSsS Hb.SsSSBHBbS??' from the Maldive Islands to Mauritius Fresh, golden Tiger Beer is making more and more friends. Gold Medal Tiger is canned and bottled in Asia's most progressive breweries Malayan Breweries. Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. i n 25 cou ntries there's always time for a |P^\J beer
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  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 41 22 UIOHEST and lowest temperatures in Malaya and Singapore for the period 8 p.m. on Wednesday to 8 pjn. yesterday: Highest Lowest Kuala Lumpur 91 76 Kota Bharu 90 75 Penang 86 77 Ipoh 90 75 Malacca 90 75 Singapore 90 75
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