The Straits Times, 21 April 1964

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 18 1 The Straits Times Hat***** flat**"* 1 J Estd. 1845 TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1964 15 CENTS KDN 731 I
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  • Article, Illustration
    440 1  -  SAMAD ISMAIL 'Big land deal for free' One-fifth of Kelantan mortgaged to S'pore company for 33 years, says Tun Razak From KOTA BHARU, Mon.— The Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, said tonight that the PMIP State Government had mortgaged onefifth of Kelantan to a company in Singapore.
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  • 463 1 LAOS: IT'S SOUVANNA AGAIN SAIGON, Monday. DIPLOMATIC sources here reported that the right wing generals who deposed the Premier, Prince Souvanna Phounia, in Laos yesterday, reversed themselves today, released him from house arrest, and apologised for tneir coup. Prince Souvanna, the neutralist leader, left Vientiane for Luang Prabang today to
    Reuter  -  463 words
  • 198 1 Bomb case man charged in court SINGAPORE, Mon. An Indonesian fisherman, Sustrisno bin Tumpoh, was charged in a magistrate's court today on two counts of unlawful possession of a bomb and components of bombs. He was one of five men arrested early yesterday morning;. On the first charge, Sustrisno, alias
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  • 62 1 lOHORE BAH R U, Mon. Two girls and a man were killed by lightning this afternoon in a pineapple plantation 'in Bakan Nanas. 31 miles from here. The girls. Chua Neo Lan, 17, and Goh Swee LJan, 20, and their friend, Wu Koh Chin. 26, were taking
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  • 64 1 Soek orders newsman out JAKARTA, Mon. The Indonesian Foreign Office today Informed Ray F. Herndon, 26, United Press International bureau manager In Jakarta, that he would have to leave the country within 48 hours. A spokesman for the Foreign Office said Hemdon's visa would not be renewed. The visa expired
    UPI  -  64 words
  • 33 1 LONDON. Mon— Queen 'Hlrabeths fourth child will be named Edward Anthony Richard Louis It was announced today. The baby, her third son. will be known as Prince Edward— UPl.
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  • 638 1 808 PERIES: NORWEGIAN VESSEL NEARLY CUT INTO TWO— THEN JAPANESE SHIP SPEEDS OFF By SINGAPORE, Monday A HUGE Japanese tanker rammed a Norwegian oil tanker and sawed its way across the bow, nearly cutting the smaller ship into two, off Raffles Lighthouse, yesterday afternoon. The 48,000-ton Japanese
    Mak Kian Seng  -  638 words
  • 21 1 THIS mass of twisted steel was once the bridge of the Norwegian oil tanker Brarena. Straits Times picture.
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  • 93 1 Lightning hits First Lady's plane (CLEVELAND (Ohio) Mon. The plane carrying Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson to a daylong series of speaking engagements here was struck by lightning today but landed safely. The incident occurred as the plane, a commercial airliner, was about half an hour out of Cleveland from Washington.
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  • 201 1 Delay still on border peace moves DANGKOK, Mon. The Thai Premier, Field Marshal Thanom Kittikachorn, said today that agreement between Malaysia and Indonesia on the "meaning" of the ceasefire in Borneo must be reached before a Thai supervisory team is sent there. He said Lt.-Gen. Surakit Mawalab, leader of the
    Reuter; UPI  -  201 words
  • 23 1 NUCLEAR REDUCTION BY BIG TWO NEW YORK. >!<»n —Both IS.. Ruvni.i today announced reduction in production on nuclear explosive materials. Reutcr.
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 67 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 125,000 A "Quick Shin»" in Qukk Tim> with RE-POJ AUTO POUSH and CUANER For more than 400 years BENEDICTINE D.O.M >*---* -i^. ilk v tftfl "V =a£x— o.m .j,^ -»:_2_ v ;F I World renowned Benedictine gEN K D I CTI N E D.O.M use*
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    • 180 2 Bunche in talks to prevent Kashmir incidents SRINAGAR (Kash- mir), Mon. United Nations Undersecretary Dr. Ralph Bunche spent two hours here yesterday discussing with U.N. observers and Indian Army area commanders ho»v best to prevent ceasefire violations. Dr. Bunche, who has already held discussions with top leaders In Pakistan and
      Reuter  -  180 words
    • 36 2 BANGKOK. Mon— The South■ A-a Treaty Organisation today started a tart leal air exercise called Air Boon Choo. The United t- Britain. Australia. New Zealand and Thailand are partlclpatmi: in the air manoeuvres. TJ.P.I.
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    • 31 2 TEHERAN. Mon. Persia and Italy yesterday began Joint exploitation of new oil resources in the Persian Gulf when new oil installations at Bahrecnn. near Bamlav-Diiilnm. were officially lnMgonMA a.p.
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    • 30 2 RANGOON. Mon. The Burm Revolutionary Government issued an order restricting foreigner residents from moving to dlsstrict towns nf;<r the border adjoinmsc Pakistan, India, China and Thailand. Rruter.
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    • 232 2 Seato to Manila: Please restrain Jakarta MANILA, Monday. 'JHE Seato Council of Ministers has given the Philippines the task of impressing on Indonesia the danger which could result from its "continued armed incursions into Malaysian territory," the Manila Daily .Bulletin saia toaay. The paper's Foreign Office reporter, Oscar Valladolld. quoting
      Reuter  -  232 words
    • 110 2 Mao takes back Vladivostok in new map LONDON, Mon —The Sunday Telegraph reported yesterday that Communist China had published a map showing the Russian city of Vladivostok as Chinese territory. The newspaper said the map, appearing to claim for China the whole maritime province of the Soviet Union south of
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    • 51 2 SEOUL, Mon.— About 300 students of Seoul Naiional University today clashed with riot police following their renewed demonstrations last Friday. Eye-witnesses said nine students were arrested by police during the clash which took place about two blocks from the university's College of Liberal Arts and Science.
      Reuter  -  51 words
    • 137 2 BUTLER and OHIRA to discuss MALAYSIA TOKYO, Mon. The x British Foreign Secretary. Mr. R. A. Butler, and the Japanese Foreign .Minister. Mr. Masayoshi Ohira. are expected to try to find a clue to a peaceful settlement of the Malaysian problem when they meet in Tokyo early next month. The
      Reuter  -  137 words
    • 187 2 Vietcong mounts attacks in four provinces \|Y THO (South XTI Viemam), Mon.— Communist Vietcong units mounted attacks yesterday to throw the government off balance in. four provinces south of Saigon. First hint of big trouble came when five outposts around Ba Trl, In the Mekong Delta's Kleh Hoa province, reported
      AP  -  187 words
    • 162 2 New violence in Southern Rhodesia SALISBURY, Mon.— Renewed violence erupted in Southern Rhodesia last night African nationalists stepped up their campaign against restrictions imposed on their leader. .Mr. Joshua Xkomo. by the white Government. A crowd of Africans stoned a bus in Makokoba African township nrar Bulawayo. about 270 miles
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    • 141 2 TOKYO, Mon. Japanese employees at United States bases in Japan today walked out. demanding measures for re-3mployment of those to be discharged and Increased retirement pay. The 32.000-strong AllJapan Garrison Forces Labour Union said Its members were forming picket lines at 85 United States
      Reuter  -  141 words
    • 46 2 MANILA. Mon. More than 100 college students and teachers In Bohol in the Southern Philippines were taken ill on Friday after a graduation party. Doctors diagnosed a case of mass food poisoning. One student was reported in a serious condition. Reuter.
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    • 144 2 ONDON. Mon. Gen. Joseph Mobutu. Commander in Chief or the Congolese National Army, arrived yesterday for a 10-day visit to talk to service chiefs and see the British Army and Royal Air Force in action. Gen. Mobutu, accompanied by his wife, refused to comment
      AP  -  144 words
    • 68 2 Missionaries now out of danger T EOPOLDVILLE, M o n. ±J A Scandinavian mission post threatened by armed men In Klvu Province Is out of danger following the arrival of Congolese troops. About 23 Swedish and Norwegian missionaries are at the poet. After a signal reporting that the mission was
      Reuter  -  68 words
    • 31 2 PEKING. Mon. China and Japan are to set ud unofficial trade liaison offices in each other's capitals and exchange foreign correspondents. It wm officially reported nere last night. —Reuter.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 179 2 /cathaW pacific j#^^^^^^^JßPl __^^^B 3^ A BUTTERFIELD S SWIRE ASSOCIATED COMPANY AH '1 JM t-'^|i^'W' m' A TAIL OF FINE SERVICE IN ORIENT SKIES M '[i- I cathay pacific*™ M P HONG KONG. BANGKOK Only the most experienced of multi-million-mile pilots guide Cathay Pacific s^B 61 bruNEI CALCUTTA Convair jet
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 259 3 \fACHIAS (New York). ITI Mon. A deaf-mute armed with a rifle held police ut bay for nine hours outside his home yesterday, communicating by notes, until a Roman Catholic priest grabbed the rifle from him. One policeman was injured slightly by a ricocheting
      AP  -  259 words
    • 29 3 CORTINA DAMPEZZO (Italy), Mon. Albino Minchielli. 36. a top Italian Alpinist, fell 200 ft to his death yesterday off the Palzarego tower in the Dolomite Mountains. AP.
      AP  -  29 words
    • Article, Illustration
      68 3 First .picture after near- death heart attack A HAPPY, but leaner-faced Peter Sellers taking tea with his wife Britt in his Hollywood hospital the first picture since his near-fatal heart attack. The famous British film actor said of his wife: "She has been a great source of inspiration
      Expresspic  -  68 words
    • 101 3 GUN POSTS TO GO NICOSIA, Mon. Cypriot and United Nations leaders last night announced agreement to demolish Cypriot gunposts and fortifications round Nicosia's Ledra Palace Hotel, scene of skirmishes between Britons and Cypriots a few days ago. The agreement, announced by the Cyprus Government and a U.N. spokesman, said the
      Reuter  -  101 words
    • 172 3 LONDON, Monday. A ROYAL commission is being set up to take a fresh look at th.c whole of Britain's prison system in the light of a growing crime wave. The commission will make the biggest review of this Held since a committee set up by
      Reuter  -  172 words
    • 68 3 Republican outlook: Nixon NEW YORK, Mon. Most Republican leaders in the United States expect former VicePresldent Richard Nixon to be nominated as the party's presidential candidate, though they would prefer Senator Barry Goldwater. a poll showed yesterday. Asked who they thought would get the nomination, 526 tipped Mr. Nixon and
      Reuter  -  68 words
    • 94 3 T ONDON, Mon. Scotland Yard has intercepted plans for another "pjreat train robbery." it was reported yesterday. The Daily Express said the latest target wai a west country express train carrying between £5 million and £6 million In cash. Scotland Yard refused to
      UPI  -  94 words
    • 94 3 Two wives who have to wait 25-30 years THE wife of Ronald Arthur Biggs shields her face with an umbrella on leaving the Buckinghamshire Assizes, where her 34-year-old husband was sentenced last week to 30 years' jail for his part in last August's Great Train Robbery. Twelve men were found
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    • 60 3 NEW YORK. Mon The trannatlantic Uner Prance rushed medical aid last night to the 10,867-ton Norwegian ship Margarita whose carpenter died from a para-typhoid inlection which affected 16 other members of the crew. The lin»r took on board the Margarita.- 17-year-old deckfboy who was critically
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    • 171 3 Russia's 200 spy schools-by a Swedish Major STOCKHOLM. Mon. A Swedish staff officer said yesterday that the Soviet Union was running more than 200 spy schools in Russia and satellite countries. Major Per Lindgren said In an article In Stockholm morning paper Svenska Dagbladet that a "university of espionage" was
      UPI  -  171 words
    • 129 3 PHILADELPHIA. Mon. E A two-man submarine, equipped with mechanical claws, is to probe the seabed off Turkey this summer in a search for the wrecks of Ancient ships. The University of Pennsylvania museum, head of the project, says that this U
      Reuter  -  129 words
    • 77 3 PULTON (Missouri). Mon. Three stones from the blitzed Wren church of Bt. Mary the Virgin Aldermanbury. were placed In I position here yesterday as foundations for a memorial to Sir Winston Churchill in this town where he coined the phrase "Iron Curtain" 18 years ago. St Mary's
      Reuter  -  77 words
    • 248 3 Juliana will not attend Princess Irene's wedding OARIS, Mon.— Princess 1 Irene of Holland will marry Prince Carlos of BourbonParma in Rome on April 29 but Queen Juliana and Prince Bernhard will r.ot attend the ceremony. Announcement of the place and date of the wedding was made yesterday by the
      AP  -  248 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 160 3 j Swan-Upping j i an old English tradition I S /A fU i/jL I "Swan-lipping" n the annual mark- ing of iheswanionihe River Thamet, I I ondon. which take* place in July I each year. This ancient ceremony J dales back (o the 15th < >n(ur\. Not to be confused
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    • 326 3 presenting The 1964 TONFUNK 27" TV i offering the Best Performance Ever Seen in Germany's Top-Brand Luxurious Television Sets I New Shipment Just Arrived For K. Lumpur Ipoh Top Peoples I 27" Wide-Angle 1 10° Twin Panel Panorama II (No Glare) Picture Tube. Fully Automatic Electronic Control of 1 00'
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  • 1536 4 Conscripts and volunteers: Where to sign up SINGAPORE. Monday is set for the national registration and enrolment of the proposed Vigilante Corps on Wednesday. Preparations have been completed and all the registration centres for conscription and community centres for enrolment of the corps have been set up. A spokesman from
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  • 119 4 COURT TO DECIDE ON SUNDAY PAY SINGAPORE, Mon. The Industrial Arbitration Court today reserved judgment on whether it should hear an application by the Public Daily-Rated Employees' Unions Federation to vary its award handed down in June last year relating to payments for work on Sundays and public holidays. Dally
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  • 155 4 SINGAPORE, Monday. rriHE Singapore Harbour Board Staff Association A has expressed misgivings about the appointment of Mr. G. Kandasamy, secretary-general of the Amalgamated Union of Public Employees to the Port of Singapore Authority. In a letter sent to the Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, the
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  • 102 4 CANTONESE FILM STAR FOR STAGE APPEARANCES IN S'PORE SINGAPORE, Mon. Can►J tonese film star Miss Nff Kwan Lai (above), today flew in from Hong Kong for stage appearances in Singapore and in the Federation. Miss Kuan, who is well known as a Chinese opera singer, will be making appearances in
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  • 119 4 The holiday posts SINGAPORE. Mon— There will be no delivery of correspondence or parcels on Tnursday Hart Raya Haji. The hours of business at the General Post Office will be from 9 a.m. to noon. All other Post Offices will be open from 9 a.m. to 10.30 a.m. wilh the
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  • 28 4 SINGAPORE. Mon— Water will be cut off in Johore Road/ Queen Street backlane between Ophir Road and Rochore Road, tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 303 4 JSK V p" OPENsVoDAy" "s "*h\ 2" n "w d School Children 85 cents to any seat a Pr T ALL SHOWS (Except 9.15 p.m.) v >' l^LV^ f_ i— iff *M* V- m*vH| r sO •>M«BjjJsl' JsLIM B ■"ITSC lEAT TO BE YOUNG color" JOHN MILLS JEREMY SPENSER CECIL
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    • 158 4 C ALL -MALAYSIAN PREMIERE! 1 SINGAPORE GARRICK TEL: ***** I -TONIGHT AT 9.00 P.M.— -1 PLUS ON STAGE: COMIC SKETCHES BY CATHAY-KERIS FILM STARS 5 gSEASON FROM TOMORROW it 3.00-6.00 9.00 P.M.I (THURSDAY 23rd 4 Shews at 130-400 6 45 9.30 p.m.) f^to CATHAY-KERIS' Asian Film V^^B Feitival Entry In
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    • 428 4 *i? B :#shaw I ORGANISATION" SJ siifflHV i«:»j w w; I% i n-: H ll a.m., 1 30. 4. 630 9.30 p.m. SJ sE 1 0^' f "EE I P SZS wo '"r-wnSiiiisij Kk^B >o w stioniM.: B B 11 a.m., 1.30, 4, 6.30, 9 15 pm. LESUE CARON the
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 565 4 VHE followlnc ii today's achedul* gonn, Karachi. Calcutta, Damascus. 1 of civil aircraft movements at Rome, London (BA 721) 7.30 pm.: Paya Lebar airport of Singapore: to Kuala Lumpur. Colombo. Bombay, ARRIVALS Baghdad. Beirut. Zurich, London (BA B0 AC: From Hong Kong (BA 791) Qantas: To Bangkok. New Delhi. 1.
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  • 207 5 STRUCTURE COVERS A BASIC WAGE AND DIFFERENTIAL FOR SKILLED MEN IPOH, Monday. •pHE National Mining Workers Union and the Malayan Mining Employers Association have agreed on a new basic wage structure for the 17,000 workers in the European-managed tin mines in Malaya. The agreement, announced here today
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  • 94 5 Aussie troops to mark Kapyong Day with parade SINGAPORE. Mon. Australian troops serving in Malaya are now preparing for their most important day on the unit calender Kapyong Day. For members ol the 3rd Bn., Ro.vaJ Australian Regiment, the celebration ol Kapyong Day on April 24. commemorates a victory against
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  • 46 5 SINGAPORE. Mon— Ng Scow Shey. 18. fell lo his death from the fifth Iloor of a nine-storey block of flats in Jalan Dua. Old Kallang airport, early this morning. Ng, who lived In a flat In th» same block, war dead when found.
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  • 179 5 Teacher back from treatment in Formosa 'no better' IPOH, Moa— A tea--1 cher, Inche Ahmad bin Yahya, 29, who flew to Formosa two months ago for specialised treatment of a malignant ailment in his right shoulder, has returned home "no better than before." With ar ice-cap perched on his head
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  • 40 5 SINGAPORE, Mon.— The Rev. A.C.H. Peatfleld, vlcar-deslgnate of St. George's Church, Penang. has been appointed Archdeacon of North Malaya. His predecessor, The Yen. A.C. Dumper, is to be vicar of St. Andrew's Cathedral parish and Dean of Singapore
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  • 31 5 SINGAPORE, Mon.— The body of an unidentified Indian tv found In Rochore Canal last night. The police said that the man. about sft tall, smelt strongly of liquor.
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  • 92 5 JESSELTON. Mon. A 27-year-old Javanese. Surwano bin Kartadimes. has been sentenced to three years' jail by Tawau magistrate. Mr. W. J. Silke, for harbouring and giving medical supplies to an Indonesian terrorist, Supriadi bin Rahaedjo. in March this year. Supriadi. a hard core member of the "Sabah
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  • 155 5 Julie from Spore goes 9,000 miles— for love PICTURED in Gret- na Green Scotland, is 16-year-old Julie PoKkan, who has flown halfway round the world —to be with the man sbe loves. Julie recently faced the biggest decision in her life when she bad to decide, "Stay at home in
    UPI  -  155 words
  • 358 5 Man flies in just in time to see dying fiancee H'NG HUNG YONG: By Penang, Monday SINGAPORE business executive, Mr. Leong Ah Chye, flew to Penang yesterday just in time to see his dying fiancee, Miss Koay Geok Suan. Miss Koay, 21-year-old clerk with a firm of accountants, died in
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  • 59 5 4 youths without I-cards SINGAPORE. Mpn. Four youths aged between 18 and 20 who did not have identity cards were questioned for a few hours hv the police yesterday Police said the youths were detained near the Radio Malaysia transmission centre at Calriecntt Hill after they had in-.-n seen behaving
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  • 302 5 Malaysia 'finest' experience for Peace Corps KUALA i.UMPUR. Mon. The United States and Malaysia had mv- tually oenented from i the two-year-old Peace j Corps orogramme in this country, said Mr. Lewis H. Butler, the programme director j yesterday. Mr. Butler who came to this country with his family in
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 301 5 Fly Anywhere NOW-JUST 10% DOWN THE PAN AM "PAY LATER 0 PLAN Why put off that trip you want to take? Do it now, this easy way! The new Pan Am "Pay Later 1 Plan takes you anywhere on all 6 continents, for just a small down payment! Up to
      301 words
    • 154 5 to the (Z?9nAei* Cash Register users for winning prizes in the World Health Day Cleanliness^ Competition V st prize ~M rd prize Bilal Restaurant, K. L. A. &W. Snax Shop, K. L HHBMpi from BUSINESS SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT LTD., ANKER DIVISION 9 KPM Building. Finlay'son Green, Singapore 1. Tel ***** MhEhr
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

    • 965 6 THE ALLIANCE STANDS ON ITS RECORD OF ACHIEVEMENTS SINCE IT TOOK OVER CONTROL OF STATE FROM PMIP K. TRENGGANU, Mon rpHE Alliance beliees that in the past two and a half years it has proved to the electorate in Trengganu
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    • 174 6 Rallies despite lifting of the ban on crackers THE BATTLE FOR VOTES KUALA LUMPUR, Mon rallies in Selangor will go on as usual and not be suspended from Thursday as as had been reported. On Saturday it was announced that rallies would be cancelled because of the lifting of the
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    • 571 6 THE FULL LIST OF CANDIDATES The line-up for Parliament: Keniaman: Wan Mokhtar b Ahmad (All.); Syed Noh b Alwee (PMIP); Wan Hamid b Wan I Ibrahim (SF). Uungun: Suleiman b All (All); Au an b Naib (Negara); Ngah b Mohd. (PMIP); Harun b Vusofl (BF> Kuala Trentganu Selauu: Oaio Bijaya
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 301 6 Congratulations to Messrs. BRC Weldmesh (Malaya) Ltd. on the opening of their new factory at Jurong Industrial Estate COVENTRY CLIMAX Fork Lift Trucks WORTHINGTON- SIMPSON Pumps CRITTALL Metal Windows HENDERSON Sliding Door Gear UNION Locks and Hardware AVERY Weighbridge ANGUS Fire Fighting Equipment PHILIPS PABX Telephone System Supplied by <^IW>
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    • 64 6 Eskamel TREATS SPOTS AND PIMPLES. LEAVES YOUR SKIN CLEAR AND SMOOTH ConMim HoitMnmplww killi |timi intiintly— htall pimplct f*M Pre\»nn pimple* from tpm<tin( imK no umifhll) tpoli. doet not crack, cakt or clof the pore* women can apply make-up over il A wofdeffull* cffaci!««><r«*(.> I (dhfltAy i I Kit? J
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    • 118 7 Voters' I-cards: A 'No' to Umno U I I I.IMPIR. Mon. The chairman of the Election Commission, Dato Hajl .Mustapha Albakri, today described at "illegal" a suggestion by the Penan;? I'mno Division that the identity cards of voters be retained at polling stations until after polling day to prevent people
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    • 445 7 BUKIT MERTAJAM, Sunday. fHE Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, said here tonight the Communists had now changed their tactics and were trying to make use of the Malays to overthrow the Government "They found out/ he told a rally on the public padang,
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    • 314 7 PENANG, Monday vice-president of the Labour Party of Malaya, Mr. Lim Kean Siew, said here tonight there could be no suspension of the constitution if the Socialist Front captured the State Government. "The people here are aware of this," he told
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    • 233 7 PMIP: OUR AIM IS TO ESTABLISH MUSLIM STATE F-'ANGAR, Mon. The Ik Perlis PMIP has Jged to continue its light to establish, "through constitutional means." an Islamic State for the benefit of Malays. In a manifesto issued today, the party also gives an assurance that a PMIP government would permit
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    • 272 7 PPP, UDP will win at least 21 State seats: Seeni IPO H. Mon. The M. Peoples' Progressive i-.irty and the United Democratic Party would "together win at least 21 seats" in the 40-momber Perak State Assembly, the PPP secretary-gene-ral, Mr. D. R. Secnivasagam, said here last Mr. Seenivasagam. who
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    • 139 7 Communal? We're all Malaysians, says UDP IPOH, Mon. The 1 United Democratic Party's national vice-president, Mr. Too Jooni Hing, denied allegation that his parcy was communal. "We should no more regard ourselves as Chinese or Indians but Malaysians, living in one country," he said at a People's Progressive Party rally
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    • 87 7 PENANG. Mon. The secretary-general of the United Democratic Party, Dr. Lim Chong Eu. will address four rallies in Penang and Province Wellesley this week. Hp will speak at Buktt Merta.iam tomorrow merit, at trie Penang Esplanade on Wednesday, at People's Court on Thursday
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    • 127 7 Front: PPP afraid of our strength IPOH, Mon.— The Peo--1 pies' Progressive Party is resorting to false propaganda to cheat the public because "it is afraid" of the increasing strength of the Socialist Fron.t in Ipoh, an election rally here was told last night. Mr. Wong Kirn Thim. Socialist Front
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    • 195 7 A pat on back for Seenivasagam Bros from UDP chief IPOH. Mon. Dr. 1 Lim Chong Eu yesterday praised the Seenivasagam brothers. The secretary-general of the United Democratic Party which is co-operating with the Seenivasagam brothers' People's Progressive Party in Perak state elections, said: "It is under men like that
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    • 226 7 'Great progress' in antiTB drive: Expert KUALA LUMPUR, Mou. Malaya's fight against tuberculosis is progressing "very satisfactorily" despite the shortage of qualified personnel, a Colombo Plan TB expert. Sir Harry Wunderly. told the Straits Times today. Sir Harry, wlio is here oo his fifth visit as an adviser on the
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    • 25 7 SINGAPORE. Mon Singapore's Seoul* "Job Work" Ix-lmii early today as thousands of Boy Scouts. Wolf Cubs. Senior Scouts, and Rovers want Jobhunting.
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    • 615 8 Social change? It's PAP's ill wind, says Khaw rpHE Minister without Portfolio, Mr. Khaw Kai Boh, said today that the People's Action Party's "so-called social revolution would be an ill wind that only blows evil." Mr. Khaw, who was speaking over Radio Malaysia, was commenting on a statement by the
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    • 88 8 World War captive visits jail SINGAPORE, Mon. Australian Army Chaplin -General H. Cunningham this weekend visited Changi jail with Chief Officer E. W Gooder. Both were former prisoners of the Japanese in Singapore. Chief officer Gooder stayed on in Singapore and Joined the State Prisons service to rise to the
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    • 28 8 SINGAPORE. Mon. Some 4.7J4 people were screened by police in anti-secret society checks last night. Pour men were detained under the Societies Ordinance
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    • 25 8 KUALA TRENGGANU. Mon.— The Dun gun ferry is closed to all traffic as from 6.30 a.m. today because of engine trouble until notice.
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    • 159 8 A towkay puts a toy pistol gang to rout L r UALA LUMPUR, ■TV Mon. A Petalin* Jaya busir^ssman this morning routed four robbers, two with toy pistols. The businessman, whose name police have withheld rpceived a «a.>h on the forehead durlnK a struggle. Poiice said that four nun had
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    • 59 8 NIBONG TEBAL, Mon. A mother oi six and her youngest chih were fatally Injured when they were knocked down by a passing car at Slmpang Empat. seven miles from here, on Saturday. The child. Lim Hock San. two. died instantly. The mother. Teoh Ah Looi, 31. died
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    • 50 8 SINGAPORE. Mon— The pollc* tins morning round a shell believed to be a World War I] relic on the beach about 50 feet from the seawall near the Katong Convent. It had a miniature propelloi fitted at one end. Army bomb disposal experU took ii away.
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    • 29 8 SUNOEI PATANI, Mon.— Father R. Andrews, a new Catholic priest ordained at the Cathedral of the Assumption lsst week, is to be posted to Sungei Patanl.
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    • 121 8 SOME 150 students went to St. Jo- seph's Institution this morning for the Singapore school chess championships. The championships are divided into schoolboys', schoolgirls', primary schoolboys' and schoolgirls' tournaments, and are expected to go on for two weeks. cash awards of $100. 575, $50 and $25.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 169 7 the right tool? Today factories and workshops the world over are rationalized and mechanized for fast, efficient production. But how about the office? Have you the right tools at your office? You'll appreciate and profit by the lovely typing your typists turn out when they get the Facit T2. And
      169 words
    • 135 7 dy j§P^ 590E SER|ES 6 CYL D|ESEL ENG|NE 10 BHP LX mj V WT~ TI EDI) O A 1 FORD POWER PACK OR I (INDUSTRIAL ENGINE! I Til AT 'C RICUT J0BL& TiAi o muni I FOR YOUR JOB Jffe ■^9 Ejr When you want low cost power with a
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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  • Straits Times SPECIAL FEATURE
    • 1931 9 The horror at Porton Beach A HANDFUL OF MEN FOUGHT. ONE OF THE BLOODIEST BATTLES IN THE PACD7IC SOON after midnight on June 11, 1945, a waterlogged landing barge rocked gently with the tide, 75 yards off the shore of Porton Plantation on the northern tip of Bougainville Island in
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 202 9 MWk 'V iV*' ;^ilki. ...■■■■'-■> f j/r „l^ iLm JUtfflH m I^bi 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sfl II ii 1 HV I S.- M M Fora change &M Now you can enjoy Gresham the special menthol cigarettes imported from England for people who appreciate the very best. Gresham
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  • 28 10 ?o Word* Sit (Mintmum) DAVID DHANAPALAN second son Mr and Mrs. K. Thlagarala Pcnang and lirother T. Somasundram Civil Aviation K L passed away Bangkok 4 M
    28 words
  • 255 10 AC KNOWLEDGMENTS ffertfs ll* (Muummmi THE RUIZ FAMILY thank relatives and Inenda for condolences, wreaths and for attending funeral of beloved tnuther. Kwium MR AND MRS. (-'rankle Song thank aii relative* and friends for their valuable sifts and kind attendance at tneir ueddlnic on 18/4/64. MR. A MRS. Paul Cheng
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  • 306 10 M Wort* ll* Minimum t ELSIE MARY LTD.. M floor. 13 BataaTJ Koad. New Arrival of smart LJn.n.i Charming Cotton* and the luxury of Pure 811k. FEDERAL PUBLICATION* LIU. invite all teachers and book addicts to browt>e in their showroom at Times House, Kiver Valley Road. Singapore. SINGAPORE CARDENINQ
    306 words
  • 32 10 Wi.rdt S2JO I Mm.) YOUTH FOR CHRIST Rally Saturday M April 7.30 p.m. Victoria Memorial Hall. Board of Directors will conduct the Rally. Speaker Dr. B. Chew. All cordially Invited.
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  • The Straits Times
    • 731 10 The situation in Laos where a rightwing army group deposed Prince Souvanna Phoutna on Sunday, swept away the Government of National Union brought into existence under the 1962 Geneva Accords and replaced it with a "revolutionary committee of the national army" is far from clear. According to
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    • 291 10 The Singapore Government's assistance for local boatbuilders brings together all manner of threads. It acknowledges once more the island's dependence upon the sea. It recognises Singapore's place in a nation made maritime by the inclusion of the Borneo states. It fits into the overall pattern of industrialisation. And
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    • 163 10 Not enough people realise that the Police give money in return for information. For example, the informant whost) tip-off last week resulted in the arrest of four armed thugs in a Kuala Lumpur squatter area is in line for a "substantial" reward. Nor is there any danger of
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  • 593 10  - Hari Raya Haji and the polls SAMAD ISMAIL A FATEFUL DAY IN KELANTAN ky KOTA BHABU, Man.— The Hari Raya Korban or Hari Raya Adha is being awaited here with an expectancy unknown in previous years. Hari Raya Hajl (alls on Thursday, April 23, two days before polling day, and
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  • Ferry safety
    • 152 10 I am directed to refer to the letter appearing In Saturday forum of April 11, written by "Safety First", alleging loading of vehicles on the Commission's ferry vessels without regard to the safety of the occupants of the vehicles. The proedure adapted by the Penang Port Commission In
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    • 71 10 IN the district of Kota Star big banners have been displayed requesting the public to get rid of f li»s by burning rubbish in our compounds. Our rubbish heaps are not the only breeding places for files. Where there are cowsheds and dung-hills, there will be myriads
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  • 1228 10  - Verdict on Khrushchev EDWARD CRANKSHAW BaBaBBBEEEBEfIBBBBBaBBEEBEBBBaBBBBBB ROBERT STEPHENS GOULASH BEFORE REVOLUTION AND THE COURAGE TO SAY AND DO THE UNORTHODOX by KHRUSHCHEV'S foreign policy was both more moderate in tone and more ambitious in scope than Stalin's. Stalin had kept a right hold on his European empire but had been
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 468 10 Straito Tiaes 4 Malay Mail CkhHM ail»»iHaeni»nia mew ke mmtft «a> lei Pater COLO TOW Asi AWCIOaOrdMrd Used COLD BTORAOC MANCHff AT HOLLAND HCMO-KATONO KCPPCL ROAD— NAVAL BASK Avt hort •> •tf Afvwts CITY BOOK tTORI LTD wtachestar Home. CoH/ef Om* TMC NEWS FRONT M. M. ISMAIL. 3 AoMATsMCjr' RoAasl
      468 words
    • 46 10 MALAYSIA'S OWN BANK The Bank with the biggest network of branches in Malaysia with overseas branches in London, Hong Kong, Kowloon and Brunei. HEAD OffKi: HAIATAHIANK lUIIDING 92. Jalan Bandar. Kuala Lumpur. BAJ^KIN^UJMITEp AutfcanMa 1 Casnal: tSO 000 000 biuef m 4 •*<< Up CasUst Jli *****0
      46 words
    • 115 10 FOUR ENJOY SQUARE Four Square Gold fl B is an entirely new pipe tobacco of the finest Virginia leaf made even better by being matured in cask. So smooth to the taste and so slow burning it's a pipe dream come true. Four Square ■bsbbw Gold joins the Four am
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  • 258 11 Next step for TV from Penang to Johore: Tengku IT U ALA LUMPUR, Mon. Tengku Abdul Rahman tonight wished hundreds of new television tans "happy viewing" when he extended Television Malaysia's service to Perak, Nrgri Sembilan and Malacca. He said the two new television transmitters on Gunong Kledang and Gunong
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  • 62 11 Red Cross man due in S'pore SINGAPORE. Mon. Dr. Kingsley J Seevaratnam. Assistant Director of the League of Red Cross Societies Development Profrramme. w due to arrive here from Kuala Lumpur on May 5 for a short visit. He has been associated with the league since December 1960. when he
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  • 42 11 SINGAPORE. Mon— The Second Industrial Arbitration Court will hear a trade dispute between the Prudential Assurance Co- Ltd.. and Singapore Insurance Companies Employees' Union on Wednesday at 2.15 pjn. Instead of Thursday, which is Hari Raya Han. a public holiday
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  • 38 11 SINGAPORE. Mon. The Minister for Finance. Dr. Ooh Keng Swee, today opened an alcohol plant which will soon supply the local public with 500 gallons of rice wine and 500 gallons of ethyl alcohol daily
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  • 58 11 SINGAPORE. Mon. The Yanjj di-Pertuan Ne«ara Tun Yusof bin Ishak. will declare open the 15th local artists' exhibition at the Victoria Memorial Hall on Thursday at 5.30 p.m. The exhibition, organised by the Singapore Art Society, will be open to the public between 10 ajD-
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  • 463 11 SINGAPORE. Mon TRAINING SCHOOL TO SWITCH OVER TO ADVANCE COURSES FROM NEXT MONTH fHE Inspector-General of the Royal Malaysian Police, Dato C. H. Fenner, said today that Singapore had been selected as a major centre for the welding of "a Malaysian personality in Malaysian
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  • 229 11 SINGAPORE, Monday. T»HE oil-rich state of Kuwait is considering the x establishment of a 'consulate in Malaysia This was disclosed by a spokesman of a Kuwait ministerial delegation, which left Singapore today after a three-day unofficial visit. The delegation, led by the Kuwait Foreign Minister.
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  • 121 11 A plea by the other plantation union KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The All-Malayan Estates Staff Union today suggestthat the National Unlcn of Plantation Workers and the Malayan Planting Industries Employers' Association should "come together" to make a fresh start to resolve their sevenmonth old dispute amicably. A union statement said Its
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  • 47 11 SINGAPORE. Mon. Mr. Larry Seah Cheng Suan. Cultural Affairs Assistant of the United States Inlormation Service here will leave Singapore this week for the United States to participate in a training programme conducted by the National Association of Poreißn Student Affairs ln th#» United States
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  • 293 11 No chance to avoid crash says bank officer SINGAPORE, Monv A bank officer, whose wife was killed in collision with another car, told a district court today that he had not the time and chance to avoid the accident which happened "all too suddenly". Chua Peng Khoon, a senior sub-accountant
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  • 34 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon About 70 history teachers from all over Malaya will attend a three-day inaugural meeting of the History Teachers' Association from April 27 to 29 at the University of Malaya.
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  • 337 11 JAPAN BUYING MORE IRON ORE FROM US KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Japan imported 6,700,000 tons of iron ore from Malaya last year— 3o9,ooo tons more than in 1962 despite Its threat to cut imports. Mr. Henry Wong, secretary of the Associated Chinese Chamber of Commerce, said this today, adding that this
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  • 25 11 SINGAPORE. Mon.— The Commodore Superintendent. Commodore R. C. Paige, will open the new Naval Base Asian Recreation Hall on Saturday at 6JO D.m
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  • 80 11 SINGAPORE, Mon. The Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workers' Union this afternoon called off a four-day strike by about 100 employees of Champion Motors Ltd., ln Orchard Road over the dismissal of an employee, following a settlement Botn parties agreed to refer the dispute to
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  • 209 11 The big, big shark gives up to bigger man DENANG, Mon.— Thre« 1 amateur llshermen, yesterday landed a 1201 b shark after a struggle lasting almost two hours. The catch was made with a 351 b. nylon test line ln the sea off Pulau Kendi. about 3i miles south-west of
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  • 76 11 SINGAPORE, Mon.— Th« Shipping firm Islay Kerr and Co. Ltd. and its staff union today resolved their dispute relating to the question of conversion of salaries in a new agreement at a meeting at the Labour Ministry. The unions secretary, Mr. Llm Pook Hoi. announced
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 137 11 BLUE SPOT TV jf^r. ■S BETTER Q\ ff\. i mi i Model Cortina wtmr s pi'vittl m rB t 1 o Singapore Buyers BUY NOW £jl Down Payment $50.00 only and WM you have this BLUE SI»OT 23" TV "Cortina" installed in your home with TV Acriol. (No Extro Payment).
      137 words
    • 30 11 "V ln j?enang SH?. AhTERMTIONAL BUI NEWEST r::i!' Snack Bar C«(t IILUIL. J I *W p«stl7 QND IROST KKijII «Bfl|J DISTINGUISHEJr^ 3 3\^^i HflTEl BOWLING A 1 W f -^WH3
      30 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 557 11 Today V Radio, TV~| Ntghwpot; 11.30 On Wings Of RADIO SINGAPORE Me<Ue y: Close medium nw i service: RADIO MALAYSIA SHORTVVAVK StKVICES: NATIONAL SHORTWAVE 41 .nd 25 METRES "a'S'Too M^n« 6 "°Pi2 l ?2 l M °^n ng; 6ol Bara-lcii; 6.02 Mwning^eiodlw! 7io7n An?*! 1 2 eW 700 Tkne Sto
      557 words

    • 1090 12 NEW JURONG WORKS TO COPE WITH RAPID EXPANSION Firm sees bright prospects for the future EXPORT MARKETS EXTENDED fO COPE with the expansion of B.R.C. Weldmesh (Malaya) Ltd.. which had been restricted by lack of space at its Bukit Timah factory a site at Jurong Industrial
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    • 303 12 Welded wire mesh for concrete reinforcement WELDED wire mesh for concrete reinforcement is generally referred to as BRC Fabric, Fabric or most commonly, BRC. The B.R.C. Engineering Co. Ltd. of Stafford were pioneers in the production of this type of reinforcement in the United Kingdom. Although there are now many
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 53 12 B.R.C. WELDMESH (malaya) LTD. MALAYAN °WIRE CO., LTD. are pleased to announce that their new factory at Jurong Industrial area will be officialy opened by the Minister for Finance Dr. GOH KENG SWEE this afternoon. Manufacturers and Stockists of /18/ B.R.C. Fabric and Weldmesh, OJ-a^^^P^ B.R.C. Screens, Gabions and C^^
      53 words

  • 322 13 Weldmesh screens owe success to all-round high efficiency WELDMESH is an electrically welded steel mesh, the wires being welded to one another at intersections. It is produced in square or oblong mesh with wires ranging from 12 s.w.g. to 1 s.w.g. Resistance welded steel mesh is an extremely suitable material
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 160 13 Congratulations to B.R.C. WELDMESH (MALAYA) LTD. on the opening of their new factory ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION by R.E. MORRIS CO., LTD. 18, BUTTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. TEL: *****/8 174, JH»K TUmil ABDUL MHHU, K.I. TIL: ***** with CABLES ELECTRICAL ACCESSORIES J. G. STATTER LTD.S* JjSl OIL CIRCUIT Typp?^ BREAKERS tfßffl SWITCHGEAR WQ*
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    • 70 13 Our congratulations and best wishes to our principals B. R. C. WELDMESH (Malaya) LIMITED to whom we had the pleasure of supplying Hume Tile Sheets, Gerflex Floor Tiles, Snowcem. Driwall. Steelite. Sankey Sheldon Steel Furniture. GUTHRIES dC3IIIIIIIIIIIICJIIIIilllllllC3llllllllllll[3llllllllllllCJIIIII!llllll[J|ii||||||||it3lllllllllllltJI^ BEST WISHES to B. R. C. WELDMESH (Malaya) LTD. on the opening of
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    • 128 13 Congratulations to B.R.C. WELDMESH (MALAYA) Ltd. on the opening of their new factory and office at the Jurong Industrial Estate. The complete office furniture was supplied by DIETHELM CO. LTD. (Incorporated in Switzerland) SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR 139-149 Market St 68. Jdlan Ampang Phone: *****-7 Phone: ***** IPOH PENANG 125 Anderson
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    • 638 14  - Unique village textiles on show INTRICATE METHODS OF DYEING spending five years in India-conducting research into the country's artistic heritage from the past, Mr. W. Willetts, who is now the Curator of the University of Singapore's Art Museum, is greatly impressed by the beauty of traditional village textiles. He has
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    • 164 14 Now it's the Tom Jones look rpHE new hairstyle x with the Tom Jones bow is going to be the prettiest fashion craze soon. Paris fashion designer Chanel was first to see the possibilities of the gay. 18thcentury Tom's crisp, black bow perched on a 1964 hairstyle. First, what a
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    • 240 14 DOES COFFEE KEEP YOU A WAKE? IF all the coffee you will drink this year were placed end to end it would make a sheet of plastic 40 feet square and half an inch thick! Scientists have now perfected a plastic substance made from coffee with the caffeine taken out.
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    • 102 14 HOUSEHOLD HINTS READING and sewing lamps should have a shade with a minimum of 8-to-9 inches top diameter, 16-to-18 inches bottom diameter and a depth of 10 inches. Observe "no soaking" when cleaning wooden articles. Wash wood bowls and serving pieces quickly, rinse and dry immediately. A solid piece of
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 410 14 Write for this Free Booklet about Family Planning Nothing contributes more to family happiness than a contented healthy mother. This booklet will tell you how to plan your family with VOLIDAN the first all-British oral contraceptive tablets. VOLIDAN. the crowning achievement of 15-years research and clinical trials, is approved by
      410 words
    • 432 14 04 Their flavor made |v them first in j|k chewables Mm -lijjl| Now Miles has made them taste NEW FRESH FRUIT w flavored" 4^ Multiple Vitamin* jUSm^k^' Tast* teMs show iroungstpfs p fr '|jM*i^"jki a! I Choc«s tingling w» l'esh-fr\jit f'3»or IJOI^K \l and new chewy little pillow shape. Tney
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 260 14 Straits Times Crossword ACKU&a c. He pays nis bills in the colony 1. Lateiary quanuues put me (7) right among gipsy periodicals 7. Put the spirit for the hair-do a i: 0 w 1 v m tlerce wlth aome P«Per: 8. faucred vessel where an angel it will be sweet
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1296 15 10 UVERPOOL ft WEST COAST B.P-i Om S'paia *>. B'kaja iwi OF.MOPBCUI lr«trpeal, DubUn Today JULIUS iKirpMi, Glliiow Ml. 33 Apr 22 Apr 21 -NtHiSEI Avonmouth, Li«erpaal Apr a May 2 Apr 22/ a JACHION i:«eriiii. Gll!|o* Apr 21 Mly I aat 4 [ILTHYIIUS LKirpMl. Glasgow May 8 May 15
      1,296 words
    • 1363 15 THE EAC LINES StNCAPOIt a KUAU IUMMIaP.ftWtTrtNHAM a PtNANO Srmk^^H mwuiimwsi k.uruo it. ro*oi~.» j/j.wiio ou«' norn 7»oi »»ohi aa*4< f»o«i tin f«o»i «nn SAIIINU TB GENBA, LE RAYRE. RAMHJBB, BREMIN, ANTWERP. ROTTERBAM. AMtTERBAM. BSLO, GDTNENBORB »NB tOPENNAGIkI !> pon i nan i-nvaai "PANAMA" 8) C. 31-32/22 Apr 23/27 Apr
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    • 1345 15 I BENULINE tIPRESS URVICI IB LONWN. LIVERPItt ft CONTINtPnAt r^RTS BENVANNOCH iS. .IT. 1 Singapore Pt. S'riani Penang Antwerp laaa II 6. 13/ Apr 22 Apr 23 21 Apr 27/21 BENRINNES jg-f g| Singapore Pt. Sham Penang M'bro Jiaa 4 6. 35, Apr 22 Apr 25/ a Ap r 23
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    • 1272 15 feMcAUSTER tst CO.. LTD. W, in aa. «JHi pat BLbSaiCAM LINE aSa UAVEMESS LINE Jlllia HIIMIIBI. MIIIMAa, LBS AMGELES. UN FUNCISCa. HAVRE. MU ft Mlß«USßaa««a lEATTLE. VANCWVEI t PORILANt tin OF PETENOROUGH U ll aTllaW faaTaaa) ajAMtt lid 21 25 Apr a/a Apr lUNNWULB „Z. f Cl M,l rBBt. V*m
      1,272 words

  • 108 16 MELBOURNE. Men INDUSTRIAL shares fluctuated 1 narrowly around steady levels I In quiet trading. B.H.P. unproved slightly on ex dividend basis. Swallow and Ariell continued to improve. Base metals and oils were Irregular. Santos gained Is. to 21s. Loans continued on an easing trend. C.R.A 34/4 Mount lsa
    108 words
  • 271 16 T^HE following list of selected x Malayan Industrial yields Is based on last sales on Saturday 'April 18). Oollmtioni. Times Covered mean* the number of times last year's total rtivid^ni is covered by the profits (or that yi-nr. Example: A ten per cent dividend paid from a IS
    271 words
  • 70 16 fHINISI Produci Ixehange. Smga- >~ pare noon prices por picul yesterday. Coconut all: bulk 47» aellers, drum $50 sellers. Copra: April/May t'K 'Continent: unquoted. Pepper: Muntok white $155 aellers, Sarawak white $152t sellers, special Sarawak black 5125 aellers. garbled Lamport*- black $130 sellers. ASTA $143 sellers. Singapore Coconut
    70 words
  • 36 16 f\N the trse exchange market in Mens. King yeaterday the U.S. dollar waa quoted at 5.73} for T.T. aad 5.721 for sash. Sterling was quoted at 15.98 and ens tael ef geld at 244|.
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  • 22 16 CLOSING PRICES Apiil 20. MALAYAN RUBBER PRICE: 69« cents (up three-quarters of a cent). TIN: 5525 (unchanged). Estimated offering 245 tons (unchanged).
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  • 878 16 From Our Market Correspondent WITH only five days to go before polling takes place in the States of Malaya General Election conditions were flat, trendless and turnover thin on the Malayan Stock Exchange yesterday. Operators are still holding off and although some quarters are
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  • 25 16 STOCK INDICES Malayan Stock Indirrs April 18 April 20 'Industrials: 110.79 110.63 Tins: 131.69 131.60 S rubbers: 106.72 106.72 •Ore. 30, 1963=100 Dec. 29. 1963=100
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  • 838 16 S /"COMBINED business In the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Malayan Stock Exchange yesterday, with the number of the shares traded In brackets: INDUSTRIALS: Beostesd (2.000) 51. 87: Celd Store (> $3.37, (1.000) 53.36: C.T.S. erdi (200) 505.; Dunre* («.000> 52.80; lII* (4.000) $-'.99: last
    838 words
  • 244 16 I \|AY ftrtt grad* rubber buyen r.e.k. closed at 5 p.m. in Blngapere and Kuala Lumpur yesterday at 691 rrota per Ib. up three-quartrr or n rnt M Friday's cloxlng level for the position. The tone wn« quiet. R.A.S. and F.M.R.E. deling nricii in einti per Ib. yesterday:
    244 words
  • 27 16 ciatien madr ihis change In Ita ratea to merchant? yesterday (the rale la to (100): Silling TT or 00 ready: SolM Franct 140 1. 5.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1111 16 VI KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. U.S.A. Pacific, and Great Lakes/East Cansxls) Servic* noni»on| r'rama K. Fctco mum H'tai M'reai urou C'ctjao "><s*>kawa Mari" 3,70 Apr 11/21 Mar M Mar H »ma I Jsly I *My "Teut Mara" 21 22 May 7/11 lilt M Jut I lily Smy It July 22
      1,111 words
    • 1041 16 aaa» _^^»w^b«l bxoT Mt sxeW/**^^V.^sxei »USi««Li« MMM INDIA. PAKISTAN ANS P. tUU Ui«lC* li: Froaaitla, AatlaiSt, Militant. SfMee. In Matrai Nacaaattitaa suiiMu VmSv ii/ii m« nni'Sat wjuu *i»"mn r iViilt iTS •MMTA II J... „/IJJ.M 14/11 IN. RJSu M/ 7C? IJ,. 1 'JJJS FROM AUSTRALIA I NEW ZEALAND «*JULA J*7J4
      1,041 words
    • 301 16 W*^^ Orient mid-east lines Great Lakes Service FAR DIRECT SAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE AND MALAYA TO CANADIAN AND U.S. GREAT LAKES PORTS. Smttpcrt P. S'harn Perang Montreal S.S. "ZENOIIA MARTINI" 11/21 May 21/22 May 21/2] Mar 21 Jilt S.s. "ORIENT TRADER" 11/2SJBM 21/22 JIM 73 24 June 27 JMy Ss. "ORIENT
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1041 17 i^^^--^^^^^^^ ■I ontiiiiifil Horn Prge 101 SITUATIONS VACANT 'ii Wmrda SS f Vim.)— Box St eta. txtrm WANTEO ENGLISH-SPEAKING peon fur Textile-shop. Milady's 2, Cairnhill Road. B'pore V Apply personally. RELIABLE DRIVER WANTED In Johore Bchru. State Age, family size, references, salary expected. Apply Box ADI 16 S.T. Singapore WANTEO
      1,041 words
    • 943 17 SITUATIONS VACANT it Hordt St (Mim.)— Box SI eta. mxtrm' EUROPEAN COMPANY requires Salesgirl" for Indoor work. Good English Chlrese conversationalists. Apply in writing to P.O. Box 930, Singapore. Stating experience and also enclose a recent photograph. APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED from Malaysian Citizens for the post of Laboratory Assistant In
      943 words
    • 1155 17 ACCOMMODATION WANTED ?0 Wordt U (Mln.)— Box tt eta. txtrm EUROPEAN EXECUTIVB requires detached house with garden enclosed by fence, total area not less than 23.000 sq. ft., minimum 3 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms, large llvlngroom, modern kitchen, 2 servants quarters with own amenities, and garage. Districts 9, 10, 11 and
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    • 975 17 EDUCATION it Wmrda St (Mtm.)-Box tt eta. txtrm STAMFORD COLLEGBi This famous national Institution helps yon to study at home through the post and pass important public examinations Write today for a free copy ot tne 92-page prospectus which explains toe unique system Ot training for Uecondary Entrance L.C.E.. Q.T.,
      975 words
    • 943 17 VEHICLES FOR SALE M Were!* St (Mlm.)-Bmx 10 eta. txtrm nn HOLDEN SPEClAL— Excellent condition. One Owner, Orey/Whlte Colour, Registered July 1963. Best Offer. Appointment to view telephone 8-*****. FORD ANQLIA I*6o One European Owner low mileage. $2600 0.n.0. Vauxhall Cresta 1938/1939 excellent mechanically $2200 0.n.0. Phone B'pore *****. 1(69
      943 words
    • 863 17 FOR SALE M Wmrdt SS Mim.)— Box tt eta. txtrm MIRACLE PUNCTURE REMEDY! Amazing S>ve-A-Tlre seals and Inflates punctured tube or tubeleu tyres Instantly, without removing your wheel.'! Oet a tin (only (6) from Borneo Motors today! FURNITURE (ALB! CNB WEEK ONLY Dlethelm's Furniture Department announces a sale of surplus
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    • 610 17 |MBTy\ M W—M W M OVERSEA-CHINESE BANKING CORPORATION LIMITED (Incorporated in Singapore) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Twenty Seventh Annual General Meeting of the Stockholders of Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited will be held at its Registered Office. China Building. Chulia Street. Singapore on Saturday. 30th May 1964, at 12
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    • 363 18 $4.5 M. ENTERPRISE WILL INITIALLY MAKE MONOSODIUM GLUTAMATE THE new $4{ million Vesop factory of the Federal Chemical Industries (Singapore) Ltd. at Woodlands will be officially opened by the Singapore Minister for Finance, Dr. Goh Keng Swee, on Thursday at 5 p.m. Announcing this yesterday,
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    • 200 18 'Drinkers here not so fussy of brands' AM ALAYSIAN liquor drinkers, though very quality-conscious, are less particular about the brands they drink, said Mr. J. N. Shaw, director of Hill, Thomson and Co. Ltd., Edinburgh, in Singapore. Mr. Shaw came to this conclusion after a week's Malaysian tour studying the
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    • 74 18 MUT ADVISORY OFFICER STARTS WORK MR. TEO HONG HWEE (above), who has been appointed advisory officer in Malaya for Malayan Unit Trusts Ltd. after completing three months' training at the head office in Singapore, assumed duties yesterday. He is based in Kuala Lumpur. Mr. John L. WadUng, manager for M.l/.T.,
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    • 38 18 Messrs. Cheah Seang Choon and Ong Imm Kooi, senior sales executives of Rothmans of Pall Mall iM) Ltd. returned last week after studying comparative modern marketing techniques in Sydney. Melbourne, Brisbane and other principal Australian towns.
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    • 88 18 OLIVETTI of Italy declared a net profit of $20 million for last year against $25 million for 1962. Total invoices reached $600 million, up 8.5 per cent, the increase having been gained especially in the Italian market (18.4 per cent), although the total amount of Invoices for
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    • 116 18 UUME Industries (Par. East) Ltd. have been appointed agents for Marweight Equipment Pty. Ltd.. of Victoria. Australia. 'or Malaysia. Maru eight Equipment Ltd. deal In bulk handling equipment which includes overhead and belt corveyors specially designed to hand.c Iron ore, cement and other materials, and also for such
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    • 185 18 'THE cargo liner Circea which will be arriving in Singapore from the United States on Friday on her maiden voyage is the newest addition to the C.T.O. Line round the world service of Compagnie Maritime Des Chargeurs Reunis. Built in the yards of Chantiers Navals
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    • 92 18 T*HK Volkswagen 1500 Karmann x Ohia coupe has been introduced to the Malaysian market. It supplement* the wide range of Volkswagen vehicles already available locally. Big brother of the Karmann Ohla 1200 on sale here for many years, the new Ohla is fitted with two carburettors,
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    • 243 18 INTERNATIONAL Telephone and Telegraph Corporation, the world's largest international manufacturer and supplier of electronics and telecommunications, is developing plans to establish several assembly operations throughout the Far East that will lead ultimately to complete manufacture of telephone and electronic equipment, as conditions warrant. This was
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    • 62 18 Mr. Lawrence R. Wales, the Par East area manager of the Kodak International Sales Division, Rochester. U.S.A., is now in Singapore for fortnight's visit to discuss the growth of the Malaysian photographic market with executives of Kodak 'M> Ltd. Mr. Wales was formerly manager of
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    • 28 18 Mr. Q. Lakshminarayanan. joint general manager, Indian Overseas Bank Ltd., Madras, who is on a Far Eastern tour is arriving in Singapore from Penang today for
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    • 378 18 FREE MATCHES FOR MALAYSIAN PUBLIC SOON T»HE Singapore public may not have to pay for matches in future as is the case in Japan today where match boxes are a popular advertising medium. Already there are local I business firms, hotels and bars taking to this form of advertising. They
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    • 139 18 Bank forms service department 4 NEW department offering advisory services in commerce, trade and banking has been set up by Malayan Banking Ltd. Headed by Mr. D. J. Darby, an economist and associate member of the Institute of Bankers and the Institute of Export of Oreat Britain, It will also
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 652 18 THE BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 11) IN THF. HIGH COLRT IN SINGAPORE. Bankruptcy Nos: 321 53 Wong Kuan Choy. 1, Sibu Road, Spore. 1 Fitter 1. 396 55 Tan Keok Beng. 173. Geylang Road. Spore. 476 57 Mohamed Khalll, 316, Owen Road, Spore. iClerki. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thai First it
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    • 290 18 PENANG PORT COMMISSION TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT HARI RAYA HAJI— 23RD APRIL MM NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the abovementloned noil- day vessels will not be worked by the Commission and general cargo will not be delivered from the Commissions godownv Work for ships in the roads will cease at 300
      290 words
    • 459 18 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS STATE OF SARAWAK Applications are Invited from experienced surveyors for the post of:— Surveyor 'Road Location Works) Public Works Department. Salary Scile $430-620. point of entry depending on qualification and previous experience. Single men preferred as work will be in jungle are.:s. Appointments would be on contract for
      459 words
    • 278 18 TO-DAY f S DESIGN is the LYNX If*' W This modern cistern is handsome, hygienic, and efficient in operation. It (lushes at a touch, wi th a quiet yet powerful artlon. The shell is made of black Duranlte and th* Kingfisher siphon mechanism of polythene— non-corroding, rustless, non-aging and unbreakable.
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  • 21 19 SINGAPORE, Mon. Singapore Hockey Association will hold trial matches for state trainees tomorrow, Thursday and Saturday at Thomson Road
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  • 351 19 Acantha and Pizarro II move well on yielding track RACING with Epsom Jeep KUALA LUMPUR, Mon ACANTHA, an air-borne horse from England, has made good headway since her spectacular first-up win at Ipoh last month. With apprentice Nawari astride, this four-year-old moved freely in a half-speed spin on a yielding
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  • 263 19 RIDER OF SIR ARGENT IS FINED $1,000 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon— The MRA Stipendiary Steward's report on yesterday's races: RACE I— High Flight reared as the gates opened and lost a little ground. After racing for a furlong. Sparkling Romance (apprentice Soaldi) has to be checked when he ran onto the
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  • 93 19 LONDON. Mon. There are 17 acceptors for the Blue Riband Trial Stakes, for three-year-olds, to be run over one mile and 110 yards at Epsom, Surrey, tomorrow. They are: Soderini Atbara (A. Breasley) and Bivouac all 9.7. Sterner Staff (B. Smith). Turn Right (D.
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 165 19  - Holders Formosa will defend Merdeka title FRANCIS BOEY SOCCER By Kuala Lumpur, Mon. rVDUR countries including Formosa (Nationalist China), the defending champions, have already accepted the Football Association of Malaysia's invitation for the Seventh anniversary Merdeka soccer tournament here during the third week of August. The other countries are Japan,
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  • 216 19 Top Johore stars play for S'pore XI today SINGAPORE. Mon. Two Malaysian international soccer players, goalkeeper Ungku Ismail and centreforward Yusof Hamid, both of Johore. bave been Invited to play for a Singapore Invitation XI against Madureira of Brazil ai Jalan Besar stadium tomorrow (7 pjn.). SAFA president Hussein bin
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  • 161 19 SINGAPORE, Mon. Singapore Amateur Football Association president Hussein bin Kamarl today told councillors he was confident the association would not exceed the $70,000 ceiling set on Its bank overdraft. The bank overdraft up to yesterday totalled $62,626. which has since been reduced by $2,000 the profit*
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  • 103 19 SINGAPORE. Mon— RAF Seletar moved up challengingly in the SAFA league Division One table by beating Fathul Karib 6-1 at Jalan Besar Stadium today. Seletar, with six Joint Services Malaya Cup team players, found no hardship In clearing this hurdle for two full points which put
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  • 468 19 K.L race weights for Thursday ITUALA LUMPUR. AJon.— Weights for eight races on Thursday, seciond day of the Selangor Turf Club King's Cop meeting: Cl. 3 Div. 2 Abt M Legisrika 9.00 Bush Queen u.ou Motion Picture IU 8.13 Apa Kabar 8.12 Viola II 8.12 Terbang 8.12 8.11 Ibe
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  • 479 19 THE WORLD OF SPORT JAKARTA, Mon. Veteran Ferry Sonneville will captain the Indonesian badminton team which will defend the Thomas Cup in Tokyo next month. The Indonesian squad, comprising nine players and accompanied by Sports Minister R Maladl, will leave Jakarta for Tokyo with
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  • 62 19 SINGAPORE. Mon. A last minute goal by Inside left Richard Gomez earned Jansenltes a replay with 19 Signal Regiment in the quarter-finals of the Singapore Hockey Association senior knockout competition at Balestler Road today. Signals were lucky to have taken a 1-0 half-time lead with
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  • 38 19 PENANG, Mon. Pratuang Pattabongese, a former Malayan women's champion, lead a Thai team of University undergrade to meet a Penang selection in a friendly badminton match at Umno hall, starting at 7.30 p.m. on Wednesday.
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  • 280 19  -  KEN FERNANDEZ By KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. The Olympic Council of Malaysia will be formally launched at an extraordinary council meeting of the caretaker OCM at Stadium Negara on May 9. Thong Poh Nyen, secretary of the caretaker OCM. said: "We will on
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  • 376 19 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon— The kick-off In this year's Malaya Cup soccer competition which was scheduled to start on Sunday has been put back a week at the request of FAM affiliates. The affiliates said that because of polling day on Saturday some of their players
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 850 19 THE BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 11) j PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS NOTICES IS HEREBY GIVEN tiiat the Cou»-t has fixed the 6th day of May, 1964 at 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon at the Registrar's Cnambers, Ground Floor, High Court Building, Singapore for holding the Public Examinations of the bankrupts In the undermentioned
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    • 744 19 JABATAN KERJA RAYA PERAK TENDERS for the Construction of Three Blocks of 2 Units Each Class "H" quarters at Cator Avenue In Talping, will be received at the office of the Jurutera Negerl. Perak, Ipoh up to 3.00 pm. on 24th April. 1964 from Contractors in Classes A to C.
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 186 19 SPORTS DIARY SOCCbK lour match: Spore Invitation v Madureira of Brazil (Jn Bc;.ir. 7 p.m.); Spore Div 2B: Police v Windsor Roy. (Jr. Besar, 6); Dlv. 2A: RAF Seletat v SRC (padang) Div. 2C: Minn v Jollllads (Farrer Pk): RAP Tengah v Star Soccerltes (Oeylang); Div. 2D: SCC V Stable
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    • 92 19 SUMMARY SOCCER S'cor GDBH Div. 2: Municipal 4 Railways Bungsar l: Div. SA: Harpers 3 Gut lines 1; Div. SB: Metal Box 3 Medical 3. S. Perak schools carnival final (T. Anson): GES Tapah 4 Sekolah DAR Tg Malim 2. Ipoh Div 2: Changkat Kinding 3 Menglembu 0; Federal DID
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  • Untitled
    • 365 20 Lee makes vague promises, says Siew Sin KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The Minister of Finance and national president or the M.C.A., Mr. Tan Siew Sin, said tonight that the P.A.P. had not made a single constructive suggestion on how it could do better than the Alliance Government. Speaking at a rally
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    • 140 20 SEREMBAN, Monday. rpHE BRITISH left Malaya with a strong flnan- cial position, so it was not fair for the Finance Minister, Mr. Tan Slew Sin, to take the credit, a Socialist Front candidate told a rally here last night. Mr. C. Rasadurai, State candidate
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    • 77 20 Invitation to Soekarno withdrawn MANILA, Mon.— The University of the East has withdrawn an invitation to President Soekarno to receive an honorary degree next month, it was learned today. President Francisco Dalupan said the Invitation was withdrawn because there had been no word whether Soekarno would accept. He said he
      AP  -  77 words
    • 150 20 SINGAPORE, Monday. AMR. ROBERT K.M. EU, chairman of the Singa- pore Anti-Tuberculosis Association Council, has stated in the 1963 SATA annual report that the public have not been deprived of X-ray or medical services in spite of SATA's deficit of $79,686 for the year. Despite
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    • 45 20 Political study course SINGAPORE, Mon. Radio Malaysia < Slngapura >'s English Service will present the second In Its series of programmes on "The Concept of Democracy," at 10 p.m. tomorrow. The main speaker for the course Is Mr. George Thomson, Director of the Political Study Centre.
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    • 23 20 SAIGON. Mon.— The U.S. Secretary of State. Mr. Dean Rusk, left here today for Washington after a three-day visit. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  23 words
    • 116 20 PORT MORESBY, New Guinea. Mon. Joan Merriam Smith, the American woman round-the-world flier, landed at Lac, on the north coast of Australian New Guinea, this morning. She had taken one hour and 17 minutes to negotiate the 8 000 feet high Owen Stanley
      AP  -  116 words
    • 35 20 SINGAPORE. Mon— A series of Sunday lectures on Buddhism will begin on Sunday at 10.30 a.m. at the Ma ha Bod hi School, Gey la re;. Dr. Amorn Montri. Buddhlsi scholar, will lecture.
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    • 28 20 KOTA BAHRU. Mon.— The Alliance Is planning to airdrop 500.000 "Vote Alliance' leafletoxer PMIP-held Kelantan In the next day or two. an Alliance spokesman said today.
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    • 447 20 Lee: Neither peace nor war with Soek just stagnation PENANG. Monday THK Singapore Premier, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, today predicted there would be neither pence nor WW between Malaysia and Indonesia. "Hut there will be stagnation," he told a lunch hour rally on the Penang Esplanade, i 1 "Indonesia will
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    • 408 20 LONDON. Mon.— lt wms a fairly active day In the stock markets with equities still attracting a certain amount of selective buyins but at the same time small selling produced almost as many falls as there were rises. Gilt-edged lost upto live-eighths Initially, but made
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    • 255 20 WE ARE PREPARED: VISITING U.S. GENERAL SINGAPORE, Mon.— The U.S. Army Chief of Staff, Gen. Earle G. Wheeler (above), said here today that the United States was "militarily prepared" in this area. Speaking on his arrival here from Saigon by a U.S. military jet. Gen. W heeler said he did
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    • 41 20 SINGAPORE, Mon— The General Hospital Nursing Staff Branch of the Amalgamated Union of Public Employees will hold their annual general meeting on Thursday. Harl Raya Hajl. at the New Lecture Hall School of Nurslne. General Hospital, at 4.30 p.m.
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    • 31 20 SINGAPORE. Mon— Members of the Singapore Cine Club will show their entries in the club eight mm. film competition in the Town Club on Wednesday at 8.30 p.m.
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    • 198 20 Trans-Asian highway is main topic at Tokyo talks rpOKYO, Mon. A A projected trans* Asian highway, connecting Europe vtffch Singapore. retracing many of the old Asian caravan routes, was the main topic of discussion' at an international conference which opened here today. About 900 delegates from 35 countries, including 350
      Reuter  -  198 words
    • 100 20 SINGAPORE. Mon— Dr. Pet«r Bishop, a London endocrinologlst, will hold a special half-day seminar on "Oral Contraceptives" at the Kandang Kerbau Lecture Room on April 27. The three-hour seminar beginning at 10 a.m. will Include short talk by Dr. T.H. Lean of Kandang Kerbau Hospital. Dr. Bishop,
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 203 20 MALAYAN CORRESPONDENCE COLLEGE (Malaysia's College of Postal Education) Foh Chong Building (Third Floor) Johore Bahru. Tel: 2171 POSTAL jSI TUITION Malayan Correspondence College, the foremost College of postal tuition in Malaysia, offers the most up-to-date and scientifically prepared homestudy courses, compiled by educational experts, university lecturers end honours graduates. These
      203 words
    • 96 20 20 words $10 (minimumj LIM MAH: Dr. hVvin Kok Lev, younnrst son of Madam Ijtr CtlOO KlonK and thr late Mr. Lim Chi-.- Benu. to Monica I'uay KnK. .«e\vnth daughter of Mr. and Mm. Man Kt-e oa 21-4-64. Both or Kota Bharu. K. Lintaa. (BiC) CLIC M. 17 Visible
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 44 20 OIGHEST and lowest tempera- 11 tures in Malaya and Singapore I for the period 8 p.m. on Sunday to 8 p.m. yesterday: Histigest Lowest Kuala Lumpur 91 77 Kota Bharu 90 75 Penang !)0 75 Ipoh 93 73 Malacca 90 75 Sinfjapore 86 75
      44 words