The Straits Times, 9 April 1964

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 19 1 frxPRAVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 125,000 The Straits Times Estd. 1845. THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1964 15 CENTS KDN 731
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  • 439 1  -  PHILIP KHOO Five flee from the scene Explosion at electricity sub-station followed by another at beach By C I NCAPORE. W Wed. Two bombs exploded within 75 minutes of each other in two different areas of the island tonight. Noone was reported hurt. The firafl bomb, which
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  • 386 1 Four more terrorists killed KUCHING, We d. Security forces killed four more Indonesianbacked terrorists in three separate clashes during one "24-hour period this week, an official spokesman said today. A mopping -up operation was still being carried out against remnants of one of the bands which are believed fleeing toward
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  • 435 1  -  R CHANDRAN: By SINGAPORE, Wed. Ul(ill-nAM\lAu trade union leaders irom 10 Afro- Asian nations tonight drew thun derous applause from a giant rally organiset by the Singapore National Trades' Union Congress, when they openly pledged to go on a "truth mission" to
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  • 42 1 SAIGON. Wed— A U.S. Army' UH-1B armed helicopter was shot down on Monday, 12 miles southeast of Tarn Ky In Quang Tin Province, American military sources reported today. The four crew men all Americans were not injured. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 29 1 JAKARTA. Wed. Air Marshal Asghar Khan, commander of the Pakistan air force, left here by air today for Manila after a week's visit to Indonesia. Keuter.
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  • 54 1 JAKARTA. Wed. President Soekarno received the Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister. Mr. Huang Chen, at Merdeka Palace today. Mr. Chen arrived yesterday to attend the preparatory meeting for the .second Afro-Asian conference opening on Friday and handed to Dr. Soekarno a letter from Mr. Chou En-lai. the
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 48 1 JAKARTA. Wed— Health Minister Ma j. -Gen. Satrio has said some 300.000 people ale of tuberculosis in Indonesia annually, the official Antara news agency reported on Tuesday. Some 1.5 million Indonesians are at present suffering from the disease. Antara quoted Satrio as saying. AJ>.
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  • 79 1 English study for Hanako rpOKYO. Wed. The JapaX nese Imperial Household Agency said today that Miss Hanako Tsugaru, fiancee of Prince Yoshi, the second son of Emperor Hirohlto, would learn English from Mrs. D.J. Cheke, wife of the British Minister In Tokyo. Miss Tsugaru, 23. daughter of a former Japanese
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 48 1 JAKARTA. Wed. Dr. Subanj drlo. Indonesia's Foreign Minister, returned here last night and warned that he expected foreign subversive activities against Indonesia to Increase. He told reporters at the airport: "They will launch wn»annlnations and try to split the unity of the nation."— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 39 1 JESSELTON. Wed— The Sabah Alliance will send a 36-raan team to Malaya this month to study election procedures, party sources said today. They would arrive about a week before polling day. April 25. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 40 1 NEW DELHI. Wed— Sheik Mohamed Abdullah, the so-called "lion of Kashmir" and Muslim leader of the Independence movement In Kashmir State, was set free today 11 yean after he was Imprisoned by Prime Minister Nehru's Government.
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  • 375 1 gTALA LUMPUR, Wed. A police officer, Asst. Supt. Sidney R.C. Augustine, whe was jailed for two years in Thailand in November, 19(52, for opium trafficking, today began a legal tight in the High Court here to retain his job. Mr. Justice
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  • 138 1 KANGAR, W«d. rpHE secretary- general of Umno, Syed Ja'afar Albar last night described President Soekarno as "an international hooligan." "He and his agents are out to destroy Malaysia." he told an Alliance rally here. President Soekarno. Syed Alba said, was anxious to colonise Malay sia under a
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  • 149 1 SELLERS FIGHTING FOR HIS LIFE HOLLYWOOD. Wed—British actor Peter Sellers was holding his own today in his fight for life following a heart attack on Monday, a hospital spokesman said. The 38-year-old actor was in the middle of a 48-hour "crisis period" and had passed the night without any trouble,
    Reuter  -  149 words
  • 131 1 Postal union sets strike date K\ ALA UMPIR, Wed.— The 1,400--member Union of Post Office Workers today served slrike notice on the Post-master-General, Inche Ibrahim bin Varshay. The' notice, handed over by a union delegation led by Mr. A. Emmanuel, the unions president, expires at midnight on April 22. NOTICE
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  • 29 1 NEW DELHI. Wed— President Servepalll Radhakrlshnan of India has postponed lor medical reasons his proposed visits to Yugoslavia. Ethiopia and Ireland, official sources said here today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 39 1 FRENCH CO-OPERATION WITH INDONESIA PARIS, Wed. Louis Joxe, acting French Premier and Foreign Minister, said today France intended to extend and diversify the "French presence" in Indonesia, notably in fields of economic, cultural and technical co-operation.— Reuter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 68 1 New "LIFE" begins day you wear /7\^-Z^\ Dah Sin V/^^ Uicro-Corneal f S* Lenses. 00^ Consultant: CHEN YIN FOOK Dip. Phorm. Univeraity of Malaya. Dip. Opt. University of W. Australia. DAH SIN OPTICAL HOUSE 325, North Bridq* M., S'por* -7. Hmt 4oot OPIOH Hutu *****. wonderful KRAFT sliced I cheeses
      68 words
    • 79 1 WM I I *V. Mr I B ...theESSOGASway Esso Gas is modern, jc^^ fast, clean and easy v to use! Try it now! a -CALL th«»e 1.0-G*. D T"bulorv <S A Km Huat Radio Co. Ltd. Ng Bto hers Ltd. G '•A Coc»'*ri S:r«t. Ipoh Pertk M V TH. .hj
      79 words

    • 402 2 Malaysia row likely to come up for discussion MANILA, Wednesday members of the South-East Asia Treaty Organisation are expected to bring up the urgency of making the collective defence pact a more effective machinery when its council of ministers meets here on
      Reuter  -  402 words
    • 99 2 US $315 M. MORE FOR PAKISTAN DAM PROJECTS WASHINGTON, Wed. The World Bank announced yesterday that six Western nations and the World Bank have committed an additional US$3l5 million for development of the Hindus River Basin in Pakistan. It brought to slightly more than US$l.2 billion the total money pledged
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    • 96 2 MANILA. Wed. President Macapagal last night ordered the detention of a British-owned jet airliner that brought in 50 cases of cigarettes from Hone Kong last week. Actinc Press Secretary, Mr. Virgilio Reyes, said the plane would be held pending a Customs inquiry. He said the President
      UPI  -  96 words
    • 123 2 Tensions: Britain accuses Nasser UNITED NATIONS. Wed. Britain had told the Security Council yesterday that the United Arab Republic must take its "full share of the blame" for the recent increase in tensions along the border between Yemen and the South Arabian Federation. Sir Patrick Dean said the U.A.R. still
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    • 68 2 ACCRA, Wed. A 23--year-old African ex-po-liceman, who attempted to assassinate President Nkrumah on Jan. 2. was sentenced to death yesterday after being found guilty of murdering a Presidential security guard. Seth Nicholah Ametwee, had pleaded Innocent. He claimed that It was merely accidental that he had
      AP  -  68 words
    • 145 2 Astronauts' tenor voice in 'space' tests shocks the Russians JLTOSCOW, Wed. Bovlet scientists had a shoclc during a current series of "simulated space" experiments astronauts with bass voices suddenly started "to speak tenor." the Soviet news agency Tass said yesterday. The experiments, in which, astronauts spent long periods in spaceship
      Reuter  -  145 words
    • 169 2 Hundreds hurt in Sumatra quake JAKARTA, Wed. J Hundreds of people were injured and scores of shops and houses destroyed by an earthquake which rocked the northern tip of Sumatra last Thursday, according to reports reaching here. Hospitals were filled with tbe injured but there had been no loss of
      Reuter  -  169 words
    • 221 2 Yf ANILA, Wed. PreITI sident Soekarno has made an about-face on his agreement to accept the Philippines peace formula in the Malaysia dispute, a newspaper columnist said today. Nestor Mata of The Philippines Herald said Soekarno's demand for "legalisation" of guerrilla-held pockets in Sabah
      AP  -  221 words
    • 34 2 CAPE TOWN. Wed— Mr. Balthazar Voster, South Africa's Minister of Justice, said here yesterday that 73 people, all Africans, were at present detained under the 90-day "no trial" detention clause. Reuter.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 365 2 CJl^^ OR SMALL... T \w vac THFAA Al I Jjßfffl AND PACIFIC IS'TOPS'IN BLACK TOP EQUIPMENT Jf^aßL*^^! Pacific's efficient tor kettle for melting solid bitumen HH|^^KfPl9'HV9E'9'Y!VHffS l 9V9fli dp3i3H^B^4"^P^^^L'*"^_ can a so c adapted for hand spray or 8 ft. enginedriven spray bar for tack coating, maintenance and I A
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 313 3 CLEVELAND, Wad HE THROWS HIMSELF UNDER TRACTOR AT SCHOOL SITE WHITE minister of religion, the Rev. Bruce Klunder, was killed yesterday when he threw himself under a tractor. He did this during a civil rights demonstration here yesterday. Crushed Other demonstrators, shocked by the
      Reuter  -  313 words
    • 147 3 MARACAIBO, (Venezuela), Wednesday. \f ORE than 20 people are feared dead in cars flung into Maracaibo Lake here when an oil tanker ripped away a 850 ft. section of the multi-million dollar bridge over the lake last night. Government .sources said two bodies
      Reuter  -  147 words
    • 163 3 DOCTORS' THREAT TO HALT EMERGENCY SERVICES BRUSSELS, Wed. Belgium's striking doctors last night threatened to withdraw the skeleton, emergency services from hospitals. They said the services might be withdrawn unless two of their colleagues, arrested in North Belgium, were freed. The National Federation of Medical Unions, in a statement, deplored
      Reuter  -  163 words
    • 63 3 NICOSIA, Wed —President Makarios will fly to Athens on Friday for talks with the Greek Government, a Cyprus Government spokesman said last night. News of his visit was released here and In Athens after Greece replied to a Turkish note warning that any Greek Cyprlot attack
      Reuter  -  63 words
    • 49 3 Senate approves woman envoy WASHINGTON, Wed. The I Senate yts.erd.iv unanimously approved the nomination ot Mrs. KatbcrlM Elkus White. present chairman of the New Jersey Highway Authority, tv be Ambassador to Denmark. She will replace Mr. William McCormick Blair Jr.. who has i been named Ambassador to the Piii.4>pine*»^UPi
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    • 217 3 Tshombe in London on stateless person's visa ONDON, Wed. Ex-*-i President Moise Tshombe of Katanga fiew into London yesterday. He was previously twice refused permission to enter the country. Mr. Tshombe told newsmen at the airport: "I shall be here no more than a week. I shall be lecturing at
      AP  -  217 words
    • 229 3 JU ITEPEC, Mexico, Wed. Dime store heiress Barbara Hutton married for the seventh time here yesterday to Prince Pierre Raymond Doan Vinh. The civil ceremony was performed in the garden of Miss Hutton's U. S. $2 million Japanese-style home. The prince, a painter and
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    • 84 3 LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND. Wed. The Worlds > first tourist submarine, the 'Auguste Piccard" made its maiden dive In the waters of Lake Geneva today. The 160-ton vessel, destined to be the star attraction at the Swiss national exhibition which opens here on April 30, was
      Reuter  -  84 words
    • 50 3 NEW YORK, Wed.— Mr. Lester Wolff, who recently served as a member of U.S. trade missions tv Malaysia and the Philippines, has been chosen as Democratic candidate for Congress from New York's third congressional district. Mr. Wolff is president of Coordinated Marketing Agency, Inc.— UJ»J.
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    • 47 3 CANBERRA. Wed— The leader of the Labour opposition in the Federal House of Representative*. Mr. Arthur Calwell. gave notice today that he would introduce a bill calling for a referendum to remove discrimination against Aborigines from the Australian constitution. He gave no details. Reuter.
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    • 27 3 OXFORD (England). Wed— A girl making her first parachute jump plunged to her death near here yesterday after her parachute failed to open correctly. Reuter.
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    • 158 3 WASHINGTON, Wed A GROUP of Ameri- can Jewish leaders asked the U.S. Government yesterday to make known their "grave concern' for the situation of 3.000.--000 Jews in the Soviet Urion. The group, representing .the American Jewish Conference on
      Reuter  -  158 words
    • 114 3 S.S. leader accused of 6,000 murders BOCHUM, (West Germany), Wed.—Hermann Blache, former S.S. leader of the Ghetto at Tarnow, Poland went on trial here yesterday charged with complicity in the murder of at least 0,1 lo people there in 1943. He is accused of having shot more than 100 Jewish
      Reuter  -  114 words
    • 304 3 SEMINAR OPENS ON THE NEWS AND LIES ROME, Wednesday. jyjß. EDUARDO MARTINO, chairman of a European seminar on freedom of information, told its opening session yesterday that this freedom "must be defended like a sacred right." He told delegates trum 20 nations that no Press law could replace "the moral
      Reuter  -  304 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 140 3 You plan an important meeting but... Indigestion strikes Just one 'BISMAG' BISMINT gives you immediate relief! You come home late from work you rush your meal. /^\y The result is often dis- J^^*y comfort, acidity and r7!l t. all the other symp- Ji. Toms of indigestion. J 'vxy jv/fl JuMoneBISMAG'
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    • 324 3 j HAMMOND ORGANS MUSICS MOST GLORIOUS VOICE jj i i* 1 1 Ipßy^ ff^ the Exciting -I 'I Ici^ l Mr Range of > I HAMMOND lj Easy Instalments can be arranged. Sole Agents for Malaysia: < KELLER PIANO COMPANY LTD. I 2 ORCHARD ROAD. SINGAPORE 9. \l D.D.D.I FEME
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  • 405 4 BOARD FLATS: SALES CURBS ARE RELAXED SINGAPORE, Wednesday *pHE Housing and Development Board has further relaxed the. regulations governing its sale of flats, "in the light of experience, information and public reaction," to enable more people in the lower and middle income groups to buy their own homes. People whose
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  • 162 4 OINGAPORE. Wed. The initial staff employed in the new factory of Unitex (Malaysia) Ltd.'totalling 120 workers, were those who had lost their jobs as a result of Indonesia's confrontation policy. The Finance Minister, Dr. Goh Keng Swee, who opened the factory yesterday, added that these
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  • 46 4 SINGAPORE, Wed. Mr. Ng Long Kee has been elected president of the Princess Estate House Owners' Association. Other officials are: Mr. Joseph Hlew (secretary), Mr. Andrew- Lee i treasurer i. Committee: Messrs Tang Kong Joo. Teng Poon Siong. Quek Cheow Kear and C.S. Menon.
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  • 40 4 SINGAPORE. Hfpd.-4IijD.FH. Sinclair of Prater and dp. will give a talk on "Present trend in stocks and shares" to members of the Apex Club of Kaiong tomorrow at the Alumni Association. Medical College Centre at 8 p.m.
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  • 86 4 SINGAPORE. Wed —The second traffic magistrate. Mr. Amarjlt Singh, was told today of a taxi owner-driver, with 10 children, who could be fined up till 516.200 for "a very serious offence." Mohamed Aklb bin Endon pleaded guilty to not producing his taxi for inspection at the
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  • 125 4 MAN ON SEX CHARGE: MOTHER OF GIRL FAINTS SINGAPORE, Wed. The mother of a 13- year-old girl collapsed in the first district! court today while giving evidence at the trial of a Malay Haji accused of having carnal connections with her daughter. She had lo be carried out on a
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  • 78 4 SINGAPORE. Wed— A university carnival, to be held during Singapore National Day celebrations on June 3, will highlight the University of Singapore's welfare month in June-July. In this year's programme will be charity games, a donation draw, a mock murder trial and a play, in
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  • 49 4 SINGAPORE. Wed— Mr. S.T.V. Llngam has been elected President of the committee of management of the Ceylon Tamils' Association. Among other office bearers are Mr. T. Krishnan vice-president; Mr. R. Rajathural, hon. general secretary; Mr. K. Kesavadas, hon. asst. secretary, and Mr. M. Kulasegaram, hon. treasurer.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 312 4 !^"iASfSDAYS!': w COIUMM KTUKS prnmtt The SAM SPieca'OAVlO itAN induction of LVWTffiNCEIifARiBIA: Both Thcotrc\ 3 Shows 1i.330 S H|^^ r*A*+. Mm SINGAPOUt l| H^Hklfc^A V ll NORMAL PRICES j V -Jr*' S3. $2 &si #y 1- JTtM Wyif&ji y^P t iUINNESS ANTHONY OUINN JACK HAWKINS IM^rriJ o^ fE^RER ANTHONY OOAYU
      312 words
    • 120 4 Lions Club tmum central &W k ICITHWPMinClllflTI k mk $£u 'INK Ik ilk wSKL MIS$IOM Hospim W INTERNATIONAL Wmml MODELS DRESSES BY ?//:£&;f:'M? WtOf LEADING AMERICAN DESIGNER W w MISS LEE harrell CATHAY /rlstairai\t FRIDAY 17th APRIL. t964 800 pm T>LUS FLOOR SHOW BY *f WB TOKYO UTTLE SWEETHE^TS^pl DINNER
      120 words
    • 50 4 EVERYTHING I Arrow shirts, ties, sport shirts, etc., etc., etc., at LA£a**&a Lost 3 Skews: 3-* pm. J^^ KIM KIM KUtUUUI b. Tomorrow: Ek Phool Char Konte' >^(HWNe^Copy^^^_ WBmUUUUUIUIM M 406 Todoy: 1.30-3.30-7.00 ft 9 JO p.m. Lawrence Horvey France Nuyen "A GIRL NAMED TAMIKO" (Colortcop*). Tomorrow: "Bock Str««t" (Color).
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    • 241 4 fiTiTTiTH-l OPENS TODAY! g^3JJZ4a3sMaUMLF Tel: 21-116 (SINGAPORE) j DAILY 5 SHOWS: 11am 1.30-4 00-6 30 8, 9.30 p.m. I I DEAN MARTIN I ASKS THE HOTTEST QUESTION OF THE DAY! r— "WMi n 1 Been Sleeping i! !_inMyßed?M A JACK ROSE Production 4|^fe Shi II do Mything to get hit
      241 words
    • 517 4 fSH AW t GANISATION DEFINITELY m I.A^T IIAV! 11 om-l 30-4 00-6 30 I 9 30pm' Univcrsol-lnternotional prcsentSH Grov Gront Audrey Hepburn m "CHARADE" color Plus Pathe Special in Cs, coljr BJ "THE GRAND NATIONAL" OPENS TOMORROW! mm KWAH: M|B| Bf BCincTioScoc Votrocolcr (VGW)_ b SS3 I AM I snows:
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    • 405 5 pENANG, Wed. The vice-chair-man of the Penang branch of the PAP, Mr. Lim Ewe Hock, today accused the Socialist Front of following a line of "international Communism and treachery." "They have blatantly and fraudulently gone round telling the electorate that their
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    • 157 5 PENANG. Wed. 1 MR. Ooi Thiam Siew, chairman of the Penang Socialist Pront, today tvarnej the people to "beware of the cooing of the PAP." "Dn not forget 1959 the day of humiliation for the English -educated in Singapore when the PAP took over power."
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    • 1856 5 NO. 1 IN THIS «e«!ES- PENANG FREE PORT STATUS OF ISLAND AND NEED FOR INDUSTRIAL GROWTH ARE THE MAIN ISSUES PENANG, Wed. T OCAL issues apart, one question which Penang voters will have to answer on polling day is that posed by the Singapore Premier,
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    • 682 6  -  SAMAD ISMAIL M.B: Progress achieved by Alliance impossible without racial amity from ■RUALA TRENGGANU, Wed. The Mentri Besar of Trengganu, Dato Ibrahim Fikri, today called upon Malays to reject the communal and religious intolerance preached by the PMIP. He said this in a speech
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    • 210 6 Tengku: My diabetes suddenly cured IPOH, Wed. A de--1 lighted Tengku Abdul Rahman disclosed here today that the diabetic condition ne had been experiencing for the past few weeks "has disappeared as if by magic." He added: "I can speak about it now." It was considered previously that any reference
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    • 43 6 SINGAPORE. Wed. Th« Sree Narayana Mission will award 10 scholarships this year, each valued at $100. to local-born students studying now in either primary or secondary English schools in Singapore The students may be of any race, religion or creed.
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    • 24 6 SINGAPORE. Wed. A political detainee. Uoh Aiw Star, wlio was arre&ied under ihe Preservation of Public Security Ordinance. 1957. wa.s released today.
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    • 192 6 IPOH, Wednasday MR. Khong Kok Vat, a leader of the People's Progressive Party, has given a new title for President Soekarno of Indonesia: "Slaughterer of the Chinese." Addressing a PPP election rally at Menglembu. here last night Mr. Khong said: "From time immemorial it has been known that
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 154 5 Foot Itch Healed in 3 Days Do roar f«et Itch, smart and born so badly that thwr nsmrty drive you erasyT Does th* skin crack. p*sl or bk*ed? Ths real eaas* Of thsa* skin troubles Is a [vm that haa spread throughout the world, and Is called vsrlous names such
      154 words
    • 181 5 II PHILIPS I I 0 PHILIPS —r^a^Ba^Ba^Ba^Ba^l *P^ rl Here's why 111 B BUILT-IN lntematlona "y known and interna- ri -rtijajni»t tiona "y trusted Based on world-wide H TECHNICAL research. Brilliant performance and w sfl All A I ITV f unc ti° na elegance are standard IJUALII I with every
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 322 6 USHA-STYLE FOR MODERN LIVING THE WORLD OVER In 51 countries, including the United States of America, Great Britain, Canada »nd West Germany, Usha electric fans and sewing machines dominate to modern living of the people. Usha fans and sewing machines are now assembled in Ceylon, South Vietnam and will soon
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 180 6 .-1 //«W Ooj» Hff V. T. Hatmiin I say. 1 how!> we <arr Jrr snknra> v*ibj 1 I weu, 7 mo.mxi pumb 1 I wEix/menf rr v**s mijhats 1 I oi,th*t.'.' well, yeh* 3 weix INTO THIS TALK XXI SAK> fT W*S IT WAS, I HAMMERHEAD I WHAT I WHAT
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  • 1683 7 How John Landy made athletic history AUSTRALIA'S GREATEST MILER RAN HIS BEST RACES AGAINST THE CLOCK ON the afternoon of December 14, 1952. an inter -club athletics meeting was held at (Melbourne Olympic Park with only a few bored spectators hanging over the fence. Among the competitors in the mile
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • 88 8 Were!* tit (MMmmm) MR AND MRS. Percy Teo and family thank all relatives and friends for their fltfta, wreath*, night visits *n<l artossSsaVM st the funeral of Mrs. >' her MRS M REDRUP and family thank ail relatives and friends for their floral < ontrthutions. letters and telegrams of
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  • The Straits Times
    • 649 8 Appeal To The U.N.? The Prime Minister's request to the U.N. SecretaryGeneral for a new effort to settle the difference between Malaysia and Indonesia has not come any too soon. There has been no improvement in relations. Confrontation has not eased, the Kennedy ceasefire is a sham, while internationally the
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    • 381 8 The Sultan of Brunei has I announced that he will place 'before the next meeting of his legislative council proposals for restoring to it an "elected element." This marks an important milestone in Brunei's recovery from the shock of the Azahari revolt in December, 1962. The council at
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    • 158 8 President Makarios' visit to Athens tomorrow bodes no good for either the Turkish Cypriots or the United Nations. His talks with the Greek Government, following as they will upon his verbal exchange with the Turkish Government over treaty rights, can be seen only as a move for still
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  • 787 8  -  FLORA LEWIS THE TORY HONEYMOON IS OVER: NOW FOR A TRICKY DECISION By THE WASHINGTON POST LONDON, Wed. THE Conscrvat i v c Party's honeymoon with the Prime Minister Sir Alec Douglas-H orn c is over. The end of the period of grace has come
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  • LETTERS to the Editor
    • 201 8 IHAVE the honour to refer to a report appearing In the Straits Times dated 31st March, 1964, of statements on the subject of equal pay for women teachers, purported to have been made by a spokesman of the Ministry of Education. Further reference to
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    • 232 8 \VHILST my bones are still aching from having to stand for more than one solid hour at the outdoor dispensary at the General Hospital in order to collect a packet of pills and bottle of paint, which unfortunately I cannot purchase from any of the
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    • 125 8 The and the law 1 REFER to the letter from "Small Merchant" published in the Straits Times on April 4th under the heading "Breaking the law." Apparently the prohibitions of the Exchange Control Ordinance on dealings in U.B. dollars have not been understood by ynur correspondent. Under the Ordinance permission
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    • 243 8 AS an outstation visitor to the 1964 Malaysia Grand Prix let me and my comments to those of C. F. Pope, and Arthur Owen, for sports cars or the Grand Prix. The backbone of the crowd were the one dollar ticket holders. These poor people, who were
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  • 330 8  - To see ourselves as artists see us FRANK SULLIVAN by AN ARTIST by th« A very nature of his calling should confront us with his own experience and views on. life, a new exhibition, therefore, may produce surprise or shock, pleasure or disappointment, but it is always an enlivening experience
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 945 8 Straits KM Malay Mail > iaiiili<4 »<tv*r«lsements m»y to >**«■« tat Ist Floor COLO TOW A— l AOCsaPaT Oraaswd COLO STOKAGC »*IAMC>e«« AT HOLLMin WOAO— K*TO— KCSPEL HOAD-MAVAL IAM AaSSMets^d A*j«e»»»; cmr iook trronti ltd WVtchvstsr Hens. Cassjer Oway THE NEWS rajOHTT FMipatnck's Suoernweast M. M. ISMAIL 3 Admtratty »oM.
      945 words
    • 43 8 Who; The Renowned CUSTOM TAILORS Styles Cut to the Latest Fashions Hand Tailored Best Workmanship Alto Importer! 1 Exporters of High Clan W«rs««wS I Woollem. SINGAPORE: 21, Chilli* StTw**, T«J: ***** HONGKONG: Mirodor Mansion, lit Floor, Room No. 8, 54-64, Nathan Road, Kowloon.
      43 words
    • 150 8 TRUST SWANSON I Irlai sw^sV the best in FROZEN CHICKEN Chicken that's specially selected when it's yonnff, tender and flavourf ul. Quick-frozen by Swanson at the very peak of freshness and tenderness. This freezing permit* Swanson Chicken to retain all its original fine quality and delicious flavour until the moment
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  • 447 9 CONTINUED GAME WARDEN DARA SINGH STEPS IN ON THE SIDE OF DR. LIM SWEE AUN By RONALD KINSEY: Kuala Lumpur, Wed, game warden was called in as a referee as the battle of the Socialist Front bull entered its third day today. The referee, Mr. Dara
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  • 73 9 OINGAPORE, Wed. A midnight fire destroyed 15,000 bags of animal feed, worth $300,000 stacked in a god o w n in Aljunied Road. The fire raged for three hours and at about 2 am. today the ravaged building collapsed In flames. Five fire engines and 45
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  • 76 9 JESSEL.TON. Wed. Yang dlPertua Negara, Sabtih. Datu Mustapha bin Dalu Harun. last night raid in Koia Belud people need not fear Indonesia, because Malaysia had friends like New Zealand and Australia who would be "with us should th» need arise." Datu Mustapha wa.s speaking
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  • 127 9 Attack on Front's symbol pathetic: Lim I>ENANG, Wed. The 1 The chairman of the Socialist Front elections committee, Mr. Lim Kean Slew, tonight described as "rather pathetic" an attempt by the Minister of Commerce and Industry, Dr. Urn Swee Aun. to connect the Socialist Front bull symbol with President Soekarno.
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  • 313 9  -  JESSIE LEEMBRUGEN By pENANG, Wed Police said today a flag which they had removed from a pole on top of a tree in Kampong Ginting, one mile from the Balik Pulau police station, was not a Brunei rebel flag. "It looks very much like
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  • 99 9 SINGAPORE, Wed. A workshop supervisor. Mr. Mark White was yesterday ordered to pay a SIOO-a--month maintenance for his 14-year-old son whom h? has not supported since birth It was stated at the hearing before the Fifth Magistrate. Miss Jenny Lav. that Mr White had
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  • 125 9 The first of two wedding ceremonies for Iris MISS Iris Lim. 21. third daughter of the Malaysian High Commissioner In Australia, Ton Lim Yew Hock, and Ton Puan Lim, was married in a civil ceremony in Canberra last Friday to Mr. Pier Luigi Saccberi, 27. of Milan The wedding took
    125 words
  • 53 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. A former Malayan civil servant, Mr. H. A. Shaw, Is to run the new International Students House In London to b» opened In April next year. Mr. Shaw, who Is also director of the International Students Trust. was In Malaya and Singapore from
    53 words
  • 103 9 CASE OF THE VANISHED BRIDE SINGAPORE, Wed.— A vegetable seller. Mr. Ng Ah Pow, has told police that he paid $1,300 to his would-be father-in-law to make wedding arrangements. Since then his would-be bride, her father and a woman who acted as matchmaker have mysteriously disappeared. Ng. of Changl market,
    103 words
  • 196 9 Murdered girl found with aid of bomoh No. 13 p A R 1 T BUNTAR, Wed. A bomoh in a trance led searchers vo a spot where the cead body of a 10--year-old schoolgirl was found yesterday covered with leaves. The child, S. Vathanasundara Valli, a Standard Five pupil of
    196 words
  • 300 9 MALACCA, Wednesday. A SCHOOLBOY, Loh Chin Yoong, 14, told the Sessions Court here today that while three men were trying to extort money from his mother he drew sketches of them in his dictionary. A sketch of one of the men
    300 words
  • 79 9 Police probe death of a baby ALOR STAR, Wed. Police are Investigating the death of an Infant girl born to an unmarried 20-year-old mother In Kampong Bukit Besar. a village 22 miles south of here. The Assistant OCPD (Crime). Asst. Supt R. Devadason. said police suspected foul play. He said
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  • 29 9 SINGAPORE. Wed. The Minister of Transport. Dato Sardon bin Haji Jubir, will inaugurate the new $3.6 million airport terminal at the Paya Lebar Alrpsrt on May 2.
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  • 237 9  - Woman who works to get Boestamam re-elected SAMAD MAHADI By KUALA LUMPUR, Wed.— When the president of Party Rakyat. Irene Ahmad Boestamam, was detained under the Internal Security Act in February last year, a woman said; "His arrest does not mean our end. On the contrary we will work harder
    237 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 73 9 MALAYSIA'S OWN BANK j| The modern way of keeping your valuables, original documents or jewelleries is in a SAFE DEPOSIT BOX. Our Singapore Sub-Branch at 83 Victoria Street has these DEPOSIT BOXES for rental and you need not be our customer to hire the BOXES. For $15.00 a year you
      73 words
    • 195 9 YOUR TV SET IS YOUR PRESTIGE IF YOU OWN GERMANY'S BEST Treat Ywrttlf to 816 SCREEN LIFE-SIZE VIEWING 'ij fi lli(| 111 "IBIZA 64 n 1(1' i >: Bpj ft I jfffij Jill PICTURE 1 1 ||&n| I II O I I A thrilling new experience. Needle-ibarp, eoior I rich
      195 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 614 9 auests; 10.30 Asian Club; 11.00 RADIO SINGAPORE g£.. ""■ffife The SHORTWAVE SERVICES: 41 and 25 meters RADIO MALAYSIA MEDIUM WAVE SERIVCB: **p%ut\j nuibHigiH 47« metres NATIONAL SHORTWAVE ««V-;» 6 °2? 1 J 4o «EBVICES 4L7 MJZ Metre. 6.01 Morning Prelude; 7.00 Newa; 7.10 Up And About; AJ^i- «-00 Time Signal.
      614 words

    • 792 10 Bata looks ahead new factory opens today BATA'S new factory at Telok Rlangah Road. Singapore, will be officially opened by the Finance Minister. Dr. Goh Keng Swee. today. The ceremony will be followed by a cocktail party. This is one of the rhost modern factories in
      792 words
    • 185 10 Message from the Finance Minister THERE is In Malaysia a large and growing market in shoes and slippers. In Singapore alone, the annual expenditure on footwear is about 537 per family. Rata. whose name is almost synonymous with footwear, have been serving this country since 1930. As a progressive and
      185 words
    • 475 11 SHOES are such common-place products that they are taken for granted. One Just steps into a shoestore and picks up whatever one wants. To shoe manufacturers, such as Bata, the building up of their shoeline is a painstaking and complicated Job. Before they
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  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 186 11 Best Wishes to BATA SHOE CO., LTD on the occasion of the official opening of their new factory at Telok Blangah. WING LEE HONG (S) LTD 303, KONG HOA Building. Singapore 1 Congratulations and Best Wishes to Messrs. Bata Shoe Co., Ltd. on the occasion of the Official Opening of
      186 words
    • 171 11 1 BATA SHOE NEW I I FACTORY OFFICE I fqfl HJH HMI air conditioned 9 WORTHINGTON Designed, Supplied installed by B»l JARDINE WAUGH (S) LTD. Q WT Air Conditioning Dept., 7T«. 204 Cantonment Rood, Singapore. HEARTIEST Congratulations to BATA SHOE CO., LTD. on the occasion of the official opening of
      171 words

    • 723 12 From the longhouse to a city bungalow Y^E was from Ihe sophisticated VV es t. She was a barebosomed Dvak beauty who had never been'beyond the confines of a longhouse in Sarawak. He was In spotless white ducks and silk shirt. She was, for the occasion, dressed in a gol
      723 words
    • 318 12 WHY do we associate a precious stone, especially the coloured ones, with a particular style of cutting round-cut rubies and square-cut emeralds? Purely iashion, says a leading precious-stone dealer, since there is no reason why any cut cannot be used on coloured stones for
      318 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 521 12 don't be SKINNY! If s All-in-one concentrated food supplement quickly gives pounds and inches of solid flesh to thin, underweight men tnd women. WATE-ON is a new, pleasant-to- SKINNY WOMEN-develop a firm, take substance that's packed with rounded figure. Fill out th« curves weight-building calories,* bone- of shoulders, bust, arms,
      521 words
    • 403 12 AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL BUILDING JOHORE BAHRU We are proud to announce that this Building will be ready tor occupation on July 1, 1964. It is conveniently situated between Jalan Duke and Jalan Bukit Timbalan, the acceit road to the government offices. The Building is erected on a 3/4 acre site which
      403 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 257 12 Straits Times Crossword At'BOSS 7. Work rat« In open situation 1. Dry? Try this concoction (7). (9). 5. He was described as tight- 8 Language is called the —of fisted hand at the grindstone" thought." (Carlyle) (7). C). 9. Complicated gun& one uses In 10. Picture one to jxJre over
      257 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1390 13 10 LIVERPOOL a, WESI COASI U.K.! MM ipott Mill r a'DM> IM>| CYCLOPS Li.erptu >, la Pt/Apr II Apr 11 PAttOCLUS LKerpeel. O'.o Gitstow Apr 12 Apr 11 Apr 14/18 Apr 17 DEMODOCUS Literpiil, Dubnn Apr 12 Apr IS Apr 11,21 Apr 21 UOLIUS liverpttl. GH^gOW Api II Apr a
      1,390 words
    • 1323 13 wu^^til^^Xd^ui^M W^k THE EAC LINES Bm«t\. V fr-M SiNGAPOtf KUAU IUMfUt.f.SWtTTIMHAM ffNANO H|>y^FT{<^jJßa eemuuM movn. kuHi«it. iouihO j/j.wti»ouAi moNi 7*ei »»o«i iiki mom mi »to»iei>n SAILINGS 10 GENOA, IE HAVRE. HAMBURG. IPEMIh, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM, AMSTERDAM, 1 D, tOTHENBURg ANB tOPENHABtPi S mill f, i nta) r'tnani "BUSUANCA" a) Sailed Si.led
      1,323 words
    • 1261 13 I Benuzjne] EXPRUS SERVICE TO LINIIN, LIVERPOOL I CONTINENTAL WTS nvuvPArirtv fOf BIS BLNVKAtKIL Hamburg May 21 taMjaMM f. i naa r*M»i| Rotttrdtm Mty 21 11/ For Liverpcol Mty 27 BENVANNOCH g,, iirujaw" 't«ani Apr 11/21 Apr 22/25 Apr a/27 Siigeoera P S*nani pmmb BENRINNES I'taa, H'ktrg, More. S'aortk Apr
      1,261 words
    • 1252 13 feMeALISTJER o« CO., LTD. w^ lib Nlw BUII. ■I.LBRMAM UMI dJo KLAVBMS4M LOIS LONOIN, HAMBURG. UnEBftAM. US ANGELES, UN FBAJKISCB, kUVRi, HUU a MIBBUIBBatIBaI SEATTIE. VANCOUVER A PMTULM Sport P. S'haa miens Axctptiai caqa far Cutm ft Saeta •CITY Of IEEBS Aatrtta. 11/13 Apr 14/11 Apr 17 Apr iunnyvilii CITY
      1,252 words

  • 116 14 MELBOURNE. Wed. INDUSTRIALS were steadier to- x day with moves.small and about I in balance. Building: Industry ram- panics generally Improved slightly. Base metals were firm In late dealings. OR. A. firlshed Is. 9d. higher at 335. 9d. oils were mostly lower. Australian OU and Gas was down
    116 words
  • 201 14 (OFFICIAL OUOTATIONt) April 8. Three months. INDUSTRIALS Roustead 14 CU. M. Box 25 cts. Dunlop* 18 eta. JMcAllster 16 eta City Dev. 6 eta. M. Invest. IS eta. E. Smelters 28 cts. OCBC 23 cts. Ksao IB eta. Rothmaoa 12 eta. Fed. Dtsp. 15 rt*. Robinsons 14 cts
    201 words
  • 251 14 A PHIL first grid* rubber buyers per* and Kuala Lumpur y**t*rday at AB centa per lb. down five-eighths of it cent on Tuesday's closing level for the position Tbe ton* waa Idle. R A.s and f.m.r.i. eleslng pwlees m ctnti p«r lb. yesterday: Int. 1 R. 8.8. prompt
    251 words
  • 36 14 ON tbe fraa ichsnio market In Hong KonK >«sierd»y the U.S. dollar «as quoted at 6.731 for TT and 5.721 for caih. Sterling was quoted at 15.98 mad ana taal er tetd at 24RJ.
    36 words
  • 488 14 r£ rally first seen In the Straits tin price on Tuesday gained momentum yesterday aided by the better sentiment in London overnight. The price rose in Penang by $7 to $529.50 on an offering estimated up by 10 tons to 245
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  • 720 14 From Our Market Correspondent THE better sentiment in the Malayan Stock Exchange observable on Tuesday continued yesterday and there was also a slight picking up in turnover. Industrials were slightly better and steadier while tins benefited from a gain of $7 in the noon
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  • 24 14 Malayan Stork Indicts April 7. April ft "Industrials: 108.70 109.38 Tins: 129.89 130.14 S rubbers: 105.92 105.92--•Dec. 30. 1963—100 Dec. 29. 1962=100
    24 words
  • 861 14 /COMBINED business In the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Malayan Stock Exchange yesterday, 'with the number of the shares traded In brackets: INDUSTRIALS: Cold Stare <4.000) $3.34. (1.00O) 13.35: Dunlop (I,ooo> $2.74. (3.0O0) $2.75; East Smelt $4 SL, (1.000 1 S4 ON (5.000) 54.05:
    861 words
  • 25 14 April 8. MALAYAN RUBBER PRICE: 69 cents (down five-eighth, of a cent). TIN: 5529.50 (up S7). Estimated offering 245 tons ip 10 tons).
    25 words
  • 81 14 T'HK Federation Minister for I iiianir ha s fixed these pricrs for calculating customs duties for the week beginning on April 9. Rubber ts% ets a lb. Copra $480 a ton. ooconut oil SBOB a ton. Palm oil $667.75 a. ton. P»lm kernels $380 a ton. The rate
    81 words
  • 72 14 CHINESE Produce Eichange <lnga< pere noon price, ptr picul yetter. day: Coconut oil. bulk S47i sellers, drum ISOJ seller* Copra: April/May L'K 'Continent uwruotad. Pepper: Muntok white 5166 *«ll*n« Sarawak white Jl62i nellera, apectal Sarawak black ***** artier*, garbled Lamport* black $137* sellers. ASTA. Jl.M'i sellers. I Singapore
    72 words
  • 24 14 'THE Malayan Ixehant* Banks' Its rate* to merchants yesterday itbe rate i* flOO): Sollmx TT or OD roady- twodtati i Kroner 167.
    24 words
  • 189 14 CHIPS ly.nj il.nxttde tht Singapore Markaur miirm or •> Motto teday art: Tatlana 1/2, Karltnun 4/5. Qlenearn 10/11. Empire K ttlwake 21/22. glraat Banks 23/24. Frederick Clover 25/28. Kernhrook L'TL'n Olennrtnrv 33 '34. Victoria 3J/36. Haataf 3S/39. 47. Sedm N.W 2. 8«lanKor .N.W. 3. Cut
    189 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1094 14 I \V"^il > ;^^XAWA^AjayiaSEI<J»IAISHA^ LJT).^ U.S.A. Paeitlc. and Great Lakes East Canada Servicm Hontkoni •Cfami S. F c »co ri'lulu H'tai M'riai U'roil C'capjo "Oktkiui Man" 22 21 Apr 7/11 May 21 May Sim I laaa II Jaae 21 MM Kn.kawi Man- 21 Apr II 21 May 10 May 21
      1,094 words
    • 998 14 BssasT' W '91 <V 1 .^^^Tilbbbbbbbbbbß AUSKAIit (IVICt iNOIA rMISTAN (MB SUU ttSVICf Ti: Frtaastlt. Milsaara*. Syaaty. Ha Malrai mi Naßaaattiaaa Penani P. Sham S pora ieol S'ttsw -..w*, BAMORA sailed ll Pirt 11/12 A|r "*JUI» II May It May 12 May BUUMBA s May 11.12 Mai U/l* SMI
      998 words
      89 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 684 15 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD Applications are invited for the posts of Stenographer. Minimum qualification School Certificate with Credit In English. Shorthand speed 100 w.p.m. Copy-typing 40 w.p.m. Commencing salary In scale 1283 x Al6-31S 331 x Al6-4.i1/427 x Al6-475, depending on qualifications and experience. A 30% variable allowance Is payable. Application
      684 words
    • 720 15 NOTICES KUCHAI TIN (1957) LTD. LOSS OF STOCK KRTIUCATE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tbat Stock Certificate No. 709 for 1.000 Stock Units of SO cents each I in the name of Chong Sin Choo haa been reported lost or mislaid. NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that If. within 7 days
      720 words
    • 778 15 'Continued from °aie ■> SITUATIONS VACANT t*_ Wards U aVtauJ— rts. txtrm WANTED BY EUROPEAN family English Speaking Baby Amah Apply personally 4 King Albert Park. Spore. WANTED GRADUATE TEACMIII to teach Form VI Literature. Apply to Secretary. Methodist Boys' School, Penang. WANTED A TEACHER of English for Chinese School
      778 words
    • 1047 15 SITUATIONS WANTED 2* Word* SS (Miit.)— Box Sf rU. rxlra READ Urn senior Appointments Vacant ia The Sunday Mail each weak. IXPIRT JUNIOR MALE Typist who will be an asset to any organisation. Apply K.S. Patby. 29 Mlrl Road. Singapore. WORK STUDY OFFICER. Aalaa wltb training and experience from U.K.
      1,047 words
    • 1009 15 HOUSES LAND FOR SALE tO Word* SS (Htm.) Box SO et*. txtrm NEW SOLIDLY CONSTRUCTED 3Bed roomed Split Level Bungalow In Namly Park District 10 2-bathrooms separate dinlna; kitchen servant's room and bath. Price $80,000/. 0.n.0. To view Ring (B'pore) *****. APPROXIMATBLY S.SOO square feet of vacant land off 7
      1,009 words
    • 1095 15 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES t0 Word* SS (Mitt.t—Box SO eU. txtrm •0,000 DOLLAR TAX-LOSS Private Limited Company Incorporated Singapore baa No Liabilities but an Audited Certified Loss aad take-over saves buyer 536.000 Taxes. Write Box A 3247 S.T. S'porc OFFICE EQUIPMENT at Supplies. Attractive position available In Raffles Place to suitable licensee
      1,095 words
    • 1010 15 VEHICLES FOR SALE I 10 Word* SS (Hi*.)— Box SO ett. txtrm j SALES MANAGER'S CONSUL Jll saloon, low nillc^Ke. as new. Pries SS.IKHJ. King L'm\i'ii>al Cars Limited. Phone Sinttapore ?93M AC BRISTOL 1456 Uood mechanical condition 3—9: I Thermo fooling Disc front CWH Top Tonneau Mich "X" Phone Holt
      1,010 words
    • 507 15 STEAMBATHS, MASSAGE, ETC. tO Word* SS (Mm.) Box SO elm. mxtrm GENTLEMEN for Swedish Massag*. Bleambaths. Facial Treatment. Manicure. Hairciitung. Tinting and Snavm< "Jeana An ondltlon, .1 Salon. 2«-A Penaag-Lanv iIOO yards from Orchard Circus). Telephone Singapore *****. MISCELLANEOUS M Word* Ji (Win.)— Vox SO et*. txtrt SPRAY-FAINTING REPAIRS Refrt*
      507 words

  • 97 16 IrpHE Van« di-Pertuan Ac--1 one in a white bush jacket, listens attentively as Mr. W. Houston, (second left) briefs him on the construction of the new Kuala Lumpur International Airport terminal building, to be operational by the middle of next year, during a visit to
    97 words
  • 223 16 Recruits: Half of 400 are Chinese SINGAPORE, Wed. Another 400 youn? i men this time half of them Chinese today offered themselves for enlistment into the Malaysian Armed Forces. i Yesterday, the same number but one third Chinese, turned up at the Territorial Army headquarters in Beach Road when a
    223 words
  • 30 16 SINGAPORE, Wed. Police today appealed to two people who were recently robbed of their watches to contact Inspector G inch: Man Singh Tel 7200 Ext 395
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  • 19 16 SINGAPORE. Wed. Police yesterday detained 13 suspect gangsters and screened another 1,691 in an fsland-wlde anti-gang drive
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  • 21 16 SINGAPORE. Wed. Police yesterday arrested a suspect illegal Indonesian immigrant In Cecil Street and are investigating into his background.
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  • 116 16 PENANG, Wed.— Two men assaulted a Singapore contractor, Wong Koh Kin, 45, at Stewart Lane this morning and snatched from him a bag containing $2,232. Wong was riding in a trisha on his way to the pier when he was stopped. The money
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  • 79 16 SINGAPORE. Wed. The University of Singapore Students' Union Is raising funds to send a team of five delegates to the International Student Association of Japan's conference, which opens to Tokyo on July 15. This Is In response to the Invitation by the I S.A. which has
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  • 63 16 i PENANG. Wed.— A pron. Inche Noor All bin Yeob Ahmad, 23, died two hours after he had fallen from a chair in front of the Umno building in MacAUster Road. Inche Noor was standing on a chair, trying to get a bunch of keys
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  • 38 16 SINGAPORE. Wed A police party arrested seven people in a dawn swoop on a house in Gamins Avenue. Police believe they are connected with a rioting case in which dangerous weapons were used
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  • 309 16  - Tengku tells of Soek's elusiveness at talks HENRY PAUL By t IPOH, Wednesday fENGKU ABDUL RAHMAN today described President Soekarno "as a very elusive man who never came out with a direct reply." "He has no sense of dignity or honour and he has repeatedly broken his word," he said.
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  • 158 16 Khir told of pig smuggling at border pENANG, Wed. The Penang and Province Wellesley Farmers' Association has reported to the Minister ot Agriculture and Cooperatives, Inche Mohamed Khir Johari, that pigs were being smuggled into Malaya across the Perlis Thailand border. In a letter to the Minister, the association's president,
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  • 29 16 ALOR STAR, Wed. A businessman, Khor Lean Hup. 28. was today fined $800. or six month*' Jail, for falling to submit his Income tax returns for 1963.
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  • 39 16 SINGAPORE. Wed. Two robbers yesterday optned the collapsible gate of a Lavender Street home with a duplicate keytied up two children inside and ransacked the house and got away with $1337 and nine gold bangle* worth $260.
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  • 165 16 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka will put on sale tomorrow the first of a series of pamphlets on civics written by experts in their respective fields. The first pamphlet. 20 pages and costing 50 cents a copy, b on "Why Elections
    165 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1224 16 SHELL SCHOLARSHIP, THE BORELLI RUBBER TECHNICAL COLLEGE CO. LTD. KUALA LUMPUR .Incorporated in the States of Malaya j The Shell Group Companies in NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN Malaysia are offering one scholar- nat tht 35th ANNUA L OENERAL MipthU year to Malaysians for MEETING of Stockholders will be S! U
      1,224 words
    • 861 16 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS RESIDENTIAL HOUSEKEEPER j l Female I. Tunku Knrablah olln r Sercmban. SALABY SCALE: 5223 |M> 307/324x14-366 COLA, accord- 1 ing to current rates. AGE: Must have attuned 30th but not 50th birthday. QUALIFICATIONS Federal; Citizen must have passed Form 111 (Std. VII i in English School, should be
      861 words
    • 642 16 1 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS Applications are invited for appointment as Technical Apprentice jof Civil Engineering in the Town Council. Bandar Penggaram. Batu Pahat. I Qualifications: Candidates should be over 16 years and below 21 years of age on Ist July 1964 and have EirHER (a) The minimum qualification for entry into
      642 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 54 16 Bugs Bunny By Ralph Heimdahl J VIPPEEi\ SOME- IT'S BUGS, V 1 s 1 B° OV 'S HEADED PETUNIA! HE'S \lk f(7\h IS WAV! Y E YIN TROUBLE 1 J S «1} I -jTV BEEN ON THIS /tA^Hk \f)? ROCKFER WE'LL PICK < C-^sAr^yy hours since,/ him right up. 1
      54 words

    • 833 17 Get OCM off launching pad quickly Recalcitrants should take stock anew of the Razak Formula [{"UAL A LUMPUR, Wed— With the finance sub-committee of the caretaker Olympic Council of Malaya having now reached the stage of making tentative allocations to Malaysian controlling associations for the Olympic Games in October, it
      833 words
    • 51 17 PERTH. Wed.— The Australian cricket team to tour England, set to score 116 runs in 198 minutes, hit off the runs with 18 minute* to spare to win their warming-up match against Western Australia here yesterday. Scores: Australian XI 527-5 dec. and 116-2 Western Australia 357 and 285.
      Reuter  -  51 words
    • 20 17 MALACCA. Wed.— The Malacca Hockey Association will hold two state trials this month on Apr 10 and 13.
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    • 148 17 ATHLETICS: Combined Gevlang English 1 and 2 sports meet (2.30. Geylang). SOCCER: SAFA Dlv. 3: TBA v Setia Jaya (Parrer Pk.) BODCA v Seletar PC: Windsor Rovers 'A' v Ocean (Parrer Pk); Div. 3D: Alagappa v Bukit Timah (Parrer pk): RTC v Indians B.S.C (Geylsng). Ipoh Div.
      148 words
    • 294 17  - ATHLETICS Jega is made selector by SAAA ERNEST FRIDA by SINGAPORE, Wed. Top Malaysian sprinter M. Jegathesan has been elected a selector of the Singapore AAA. This Is the second time that an active athlete has been made a selector. Last year, sprinter Low Sin Chock was elected a selector.
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    • 56 17 I SINGAPORE. Wed. Australian welterweight Trevor Christian will meet Nai Man Chai (Thailand) over ten rounds at the Gay World here on Saturday (8.45) p.m.). Other ten-rounders on the card: Les Dunn (Australia) v Sonny Chia (Singapore): Hisao Minaml (Japan) v Golden Hoff (Indonesia); Katsumi
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    • 118 17 KUALA LUMPUB. Wed. The Badminton Association of Malaysia announced today that their Thomas Cup appeal fund has reached $6,075. The fund will remain open until the Malaysian team leave for Tokyo on May 1. All donations fchould be sent to the BAM secretary, Teh Gin Sooi,
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    • 53 17 No pull-out Maladi lAKARTA. Wed. Indonesian MinlMer of Sport R. Maladl said today that his country would certairuy defend the Thoma* Cup at Tokyo next month. He said 17 Indonesian players were undergoing training and that the team would be named early next month. The team would leave for Tokyo
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    • 249 17 BOXING Singapore will meet tougher opposition SINGAPORE, Wed.— Singapore's amateur boxers will be out to confirm their superiority over Malaysian Armed Forces when they meet In a return boxing match at Uie Gay World on Friday at 8.30 p.n. Singapore won by six bouts to four when they first met
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    • 221 17 SOCCER ROUNDUP Ramblers make costly mistake IPOH, Wed. —An "own goal" cost Ramblers vital points In the Ipoh District Football League First Division today when Kllat won 3.2 on the Municipal Padang here. Kiiat led 2-1 at halftime with goals by inside-right Ahmad Daniel and outside-right James Ralu. Inside-right Seong
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    • 21 17 LONDON. Tues. Results of football matches: English League Div. 2 Huddersfield 2 Charlton 1: Swansea 1 Northampton 1. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  21 words
    • 25 17 LONDON, Tues. Rugby Union results: Exeter 22 Newport 14; Royal Navy 6 Cardiff 21. Rugby League Eastern championship Dewsbury 5 Huddersfleld 0— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  25 words
    • 173 17 HOCKEY MHF TO ASK GOVT FOR $25,000 GRANT KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Malaysian Hockey Federation will approach Government for a $36,000 grant to pay for air pas■agea for the national team to tour India next month. MHF vice-president, A. Duralimtnam said today that the MHF had no financial resources and
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    • 264 17  - THOMAS CUP SQUAD IN FINAL TRAINING Malaysians show fine team spirit OH KEE TIAN6 By |>ENANG, Wed. Ma--1 laysia's Thomas Cup badminton team have begun their final training here. 'This Is our third day in 'camp' and already the players have developed a fine team spirit," Charlie fieow, the "camp
      264 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 63 17 m > Every genuine I BIC ballpen is marked J Eskamel TREATS SPOTS AND PIMPLES. LEAVES YOUR SKIN CLEAR AND SMOOTH Contain* Henachinrophtne kill! »crmv inilanlly tacall pimplct fast Prevent* pcmptei from spreading— lea* rs no unsightly tpolt. Free from oil and (rea*c the pores women can apply make-up over
      63 words
    • 230 17 AUTOMOTIVE TEST AND SERVICE EQUIPMENT w^m. Wk TEST BENCH 'VEli^M^b nMt ver y r l u > r m <nt for tR"" f" I zw of S enerators > re 8 u JM j£t4 litor and tarter motora Complete range of CRYPTON battery charges, electrical testing and engint tuning equipment
      230 words

  • 294 18 PAP polls manifesto: Address to be stamped on it SEREMBAN, Wed. No police action is likely to be taken in connection with last night's alleged technical offence involving a PAP candidate here, a top source said today. A Government spokesman denied that the PAP candidate. Dr. Lav Kit Sun i
    294 words
  • 84 18 SINGAPORE. Wed. The Police Training School in Thomson Road, which has been training recruits for the 38 years, will stage a last march-past on April 30. Pirn MB mortn. all Singapore recruits for [he Royal Malaysian Police Force wi.l be trained in
    84 words
  • 41 18 SINGAPORE. Wed— The Primary Production Department of the Ministry of National Development will put on sale 44 crossbred boars at the Central Research Station in Sembawang. lO'-j m.s. tomorrow at 10 a.m. The sale will be by lot.
    41 words
  • 339 18 JAKARTA, Wednesday. QLSPITfc; oflicial statements that they were not invited, a delegation arrived here from Peking yesterday to take part in the preparatory meetings for the second Afro-Asian conference. Led by China's Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Huang Chen, the delegation arrived
    UPI  -  339 words
  • 227 18 Bhutto: Malaysia row disturbs us... SINGAPORE, Wed.— "The Pakistan Foreign Minister. Mr. Z.A. Bhutto, said here tonight that his country was "very disturbed" by the present dispute between Malaysia and Indonesia. Speaking to reporters at the airport during, a brief stopover before flying to Jakarta. Mr. Bhutto said: "We hope
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  • 52 18 SINGAPORE. Wed. American round-the-world woman pilot. Mrs. Jerrie Mock, has cancelled her plans to come to Singapore as part of her flight. In a last -minute change of flight schedule. Mrs. Mock a 38-year-old mother of three, left Bangkok this morning for Manila In her
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  • 55 18 SINGAPORE. Wed —The Prime Minister. Mr Lee Kuan Yew and Mrs Lee will be at the Singapore airport to meet liie Ne»v Zealand Prime Minister Mr. Keith Holyoake. and his wife when they arrive at 7.30 pjn. tomorrow for a night stop before going on to Kuala
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  • 137 18 'GREAT LEADER' TITLE FOR STEPHENS JESSELTON. Wed. Dato Donald Stephens. Sabah's Chief Minister, was yesterday re-elected the national president of the United National Kadazan Organisation and conferred with the title "Huguan Siou (Great Leader) at the annual delegates' conference. The title was In recognition of Dato Stephen's services to Sabah.
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  • 35 18 KATMANDU. Wed. Dr. Xl Singh, former Prime Minister of Nepal, was taken from his home by police last night after having been under house arrest since last month, it was reported here today.
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  • 236 18 MALACCA. Wed MALACCA, Wed. The Minister of Finance, Mr. Tan Siew Sin, said here tonight that in three major issues security for old age, good education and public health Malaya was well ahead of Singapore. He was speaking at a
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  • 398 18 LONDON. Wed. It was another unsettled day in the stock markets with mainly irregular movements. Equities opened confidently but then tended to drift back in the absence of follow-through. Later, however, a selective demand developed and many of the leaders gradually edged forward to finish
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  • 194 18 AMSTERDAM. Wed. A Princess Irene of the Netherlands and all other passengers were ordered off a Parisbound airliner just before take-off today when an anonymous telephone caller said a bomb had been placed aboard. The 24-year-old blonde Princess was leaving from Schiphol
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  • 88 18 RAAF will not be increased, Fairbairn SYDNEY. Wed. The strength of the Royal Australian Air Force squadron at Butterworth, Malaya will not be increased, the Australian Minister for Air, Mr. David Fairbairn, said today. "There has been an increase in British RAF strength at Butterworth and the RAF now represents
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 56 18 Late CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMEWTS t* Wor4m Sit < Mimmutm) one: t» Ha* Kit mmm mm larlln,. rl hi Yin. Un Central uraina H<mr. li*.i, Tlwnk* to Doctor and t- ui>. f WONG TAMC: *****1 l Hull Wtnk. «o Urn i. Mr and Mr» Worm 1 T»k Wth and Hunic Yrr do
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    • 122 18 YOU SHOULD BOY^^^tar' SHARP H indisputable quality j [2] it uses nuvistor space electronic tubes [1 day and night after-sales mobile service DAY TEL: ***** NIGHT TEL: ***** 1 no down payment ONLY £9ft/_ A MONTH FOR 15 MONTHS W ¥~**l Model: TS-150 List Price $415/MODEL TS-1906 1 19 fl
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 43 18 IJIGHEST and lowest tempera- Mires in Malxyu and Singapore for the period 8 p.m. on Tuesday to 8 p.m. yesterday Highrst Lowest Kuala Lumpur 95 73 Kota Bliaru 88 73 Penan i: 91 75 Ipoh 93 73 Malacca 91 72 Singapore 86 75
      43 words