The Straits Times, 31 March 1964

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 24 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 125,000 The Straits Times Mai**** Not** 01 It*** o**0 Estd. 1845. TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 1964 15 CENTS KDN 731
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  • 626 1 That skydrop a bid to fool Malayans into panic belief that saboteurs are operating in the Telok Anson area KUALA LUMPUR, Mon CPECIAL Branch officers investigating the airdrop by the blacked-out plane believe it was a calculated attempt to bluff Malaysians into the panic belief that a large
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  • 602 1  - 'The same again': Tengku's election forecast KHOR CHEANG KEE: By ALOR STAR, Monday J'HE Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, today predicted that the Alliance would win the general election on April 25 by "about the same margin" as in 1959. "I am confident that of the 102 seats left to
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  • 555 1 'MALAYSIA MAY END UP WORSE THAN CYPRUS' ALOR STAR, Monday. IF the electorate ever swallowed the opposition line of propaganda, Malaysia could become a land of chaos and "might even end up worse than Cyprus," the Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, warned here tonight. "The racial and religious issues raised
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  • 37 1 SAN ANTONIO. Texas. Mon. Astronaut John Glenn, who was badly hurt in a fall at his home at Columbus. Ohio, last month, said today lv- is withdrawing from the race lor a Senate seat. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 34 1 MOSCOW. Mon. The Government newspaper Izvestia tonight said that photographic equipment on board the American RB-66 aircraft was switched on when it was shot down over East Germany on March 10.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 250 1 Grand Prix is called off after 5 laps FOLLO W- THE-LEADER CRASHES ALL IN ONE SPOT gINGAPORE, Mon. The Grand Prix was abandoned after five laps this afternoon. By that time, three of the fastest cars in the race had ended up as wrecks in a fol-low-the-leader series of crashes.
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  • 47 1 KHARTOUM. Mon—Ethiopia and Somalia have agreed to a ceasefire in their border dispute and the complete withdrawal of troops from Wednesday for distances of between six to nine miles, it was announced here today. Peace talks between the two sides ended here on Saturday. Reuter.
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  • 23 1 RAWALPINDI. Mon. Pakistan today signed an agreement with a Japanese firm to Introduce television into the country within six months. Reuter
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 30 1 BANGKOK. Mon— Mr. Richard Nixon, former United States VicePresideni. suld today the Neutralisation of Laos was a "very bitter experiment" and the mistake should not be repeated. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 167 1 KUCHING, Mon.— Security forces yesterday killed an Indonesian terrorist in the Lundu district, west of Kuching. A Land Dayak reported to the Lundu police station that his son had seen a uniform and a sten gun hidden under a bush in the jungle. The Dayak
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  • 146 1 MANILA. Monday DRESIDENT Macapagal said yesterday he had instructed the Foreign Office to speed up the establishment of a Philippines consular mission in Kuala Lumpur. The Foreign Office said relations would be on the level of a consulate general with Jurisdiction over the entire
    Reuter; UPI  -  146 words
  • 458 1 KUALA LUMPUR Monday. Till-: DEPUTY Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, Tun Abdul Kazak. tonight assured the nation that "with the aid of our allies" everything was being done to mccl Malaysia's defence needs. Speaking over television, run Razak said: "You will
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  • 69 1 Indonesian roads near frontier JAKARTA, Mon.— The Indonesian Government has approved a grant of 19.000,000 rupiahs (about $1.250,000 > for the construction of new roads in areas bordering Malaysian territory in Borneo, Antara news agency reported today. It quoted Mr. A.E. Papudi, works director in the region, as saying the
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 26 1 100 QUAKE DEATHS ANCHORAGE (Afattka), M«m The estimated «l«ath toll in Friday's Uaxkaa «-.irtlmu.ike and wave ro^c to more th.m IN today Kruter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

    • 313 2 TOKYO, Monday JAPAN should increase her purchases of primary goods from South-East Asian countries to provide them with greater purchasing power, according to a Japanese mission just back from the area. The mission, called the Primary Goods Purchase Promotion Research
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    • 44 2 TOKYO. Mon. One miner ■M killed mid seven others were missing after a gas explosion occurred today at a coal mine In Fukuoka prefecture in Kyushu. Japan's main southern island, the J. id, national new? agency I Kyodo said. Reuter.
      Reuter; Kyodo  -  44 words
    • 148 2 riXJKYO. Mon An olli--1 cial medical bulletin on Edwin o. Reischauer, the United States Ambassador to Japan, said today "progress is considered satisfactory in all respects." Mr. Reischauer. who was stabbed in the right thigh by a Japanese youth on March 24, suffered internal bleeding
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    • 198 2 LONDON, Monday pRINCE Norodom 81- hanouk, Cambodian Head of State, has sent a further message to Mr. R. A. Butler. British Foreign Secretary, a well informed .source said here yesterday. The source declined to disclose the contents of the message. It is part of the current
      Reuter  -  198 words
    • 22 2 RANGOON, Mon. Burma! Revolutionary Government yesterday afternoon released from protective custody 20 minor politicians, it was officially an* nounced. U.P.I.
      UPI  -  22 words
    • 126 2 Jakarta changes food —targets— JAKARTA, Mon.— The AgriJ culture Minister, Mr. Sadjarwo, announced that because of the prolonged drought and plagues of rats, insects and plant diseases, the Government has changed food production targets for 1964. Production figures of rice are cut while corn figures raised, according to the official
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    • 43 2 TOKYO. Mon. The Japanese Meteorological Agency Mid today an earthquake believed to be an aftershock of the Alaskan earthquake last week, was recorded here this morning. The agency said the epicentre was believed to be in southern Alaska. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  43 words
    • 195 2 FIGHTING FLARES UP WELL INSIDE ETHIOPIA ¥\IREDAWA (EthiO- pia), Mon. Heavy fighting broke out yesterday at Dollo, a key point near the disputed border between Ethiopia and Somalia. Dollo Is some 20 miles inside the frontier which Somalia disputes. On the Ganale Dorla River, It is almost on the junction
      UPI  -  195 words
    • 72 2 Subandrio in Paris for 3-day visit PARIS. Mon. Indonesia's Foreign Minister, Dr. Subandno, arrived here last night by air from Algiers on a three-day visit during which he will confer with the French Foreign Minister, Mr. Maurice Couve de Murvllle. Dr. Subandrio'.s meeting with Mr. Couve de Murville is scheduled
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    • 19 2 ZANZIBAR. Mon. The revolutionary Zanzibar Government has decreed that anyone convicted of rebellion may be executed.—U.P.l.
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    • 261 2 America to help Khanh in new conscription plan to fight Reds WASHINGTON, Monday. J^jAJ.-GEN. Nguyen Khanh, the Prime Mini*. ter of South Vietnam, plans mass conscription to be paid for by the United States in the war against the Communist Vietcong forces, U.S. Secretary of Defence, Mr. Robert McNamara, disclosed
      Reuter  -  261 words
    • 51 2 HONG KONG. Mon. A Soviet Government trade delegation led by the Vice-Minister of Foreign Trade. Mr. Grishiii. arrived in Peking yesterday, the New china News Agency said. The Chinese Vice-Mlnister of Foreign Trade. Mr. Li Chiang, wu present at the airport to welcome its members.
      Reuter  -  51 words
    • 92 2 VERWOERD: MILLIONS— IF AFRICANS JUST ACCEPT APARTHEID JOHANNESBURG. M..n Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd, the South African Prime Minister, would agree to give millions of pounds sterling to newlyindependent African states if they dropped opposition to apartheid (racial separation), the Johannesburg Sunday Tinics has reported. The newspaper said Dr. Verwoerd (above), stated
      Reuter  -  92 words
    • 36 2 I TOKYO. Mon.— Seven patient* I were confirmed dead today when I a fire broke out ;ti a hospital in Itami, near Osaka. Western Japan police said. Another patient wu reported missing. Router.
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    • 242 3 NICOSIA, Mon. 11 Heavy firing broke out early today in the area between the old walled city here and the mixed Greek-Turk-ish Cypriot suburb of Omorphita, a United Nations spokesman said. The shooting including some machinegun fire lasted about 10 minutes but
      Reuter; UPI  -  242 words
    • 39 3 LONDON, Mon. Brian Gardner, 14, was flung across the rom of his home at Southend by an electric shock when he started to play the electric guitar he bought yesterday. He is In hospital with burns. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  39 words
    • 70 3 BRITT Ekland, the Swedish star, will do anything to be with her actor husband Peter Sellers, 6,000 miles away in Hollywood. Even to abandoning a starring role in the film "Guns of Batasi," and risking legal proceedings from her studio 20th
      Mirrorpic  -  70 words
    • 124 3 Man who left his bride —at altar- PET E R B OROUGH (England), Mon. A bride-to-be was left standing at the altar here when her finance answered a firm "no" to the vicar's question "wilt thou take his woman to be thy wedded wife Then George Speechley. turned on his
      Reuter  -  124 words
    • 33 3 NIAGARA FALLS. Mon. Wayne Stadnyk. 6. fell 100 feet from the top of the Niagara gorge into the lower Niagara River yesterday and escaped with only a broken arm. Reuter.
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    • 28 3 BUDAPEST. Mon. Cardinal Jozsef Mindzenty, Roman Catholic Primate of Hungary, who has been cut off from the world 15 years, celebrated his 72nd birthday here. Reuter.
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    • 103 3 LONDON. Mon.—Trousers that are too tight can be dangerous to health as well as uncomfortable particularly if one has a middle aged spread. Writing in the British Medical Journal. Dr. G. 11. Jennings said that nipping in of middle aged stomachs can produce
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    • 341 3 POLICE JAIL HUNDREDS OF STUDENTS IN US. RITES OF SPRING riAYTONA BEACH 11 (Florida), Mon. Hundreds of colWe students were taken to jail yesterday while several thousand others chanted "go to hell" at club- swin ping policemen. City Dolice declined to discuss the number of arrests but
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    • 182 3 T ONDON, Mon. A thousand rampaging teenagers caused Easter holiday terror and havoc in the holiday town of Clacton. south-east England. The cells at the local police station were lammed full last night following the arrest of 90 of the youngsters. Police said
      Reuter  -  182 words
    • 155 3 WASHINGTON, Monday. SENATOR Edward M. Kennedy, (Democrat-Mas-sachusetts) flatly denied reports yesterday of an underground "feud" between President Johnson and the Attorney-General Mr. Robert F. Kennedy, dating back to the 1960 Democratic national convention He said his brother, the Attorney-General, has "the greatest respect and admiration" for
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    • 29 3 SALZBURG. Mon. One Austrian was missing after he and three companions were struck by an avalanche on the Obertauern mountain in Salzburg province. The others escaped. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  29 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 142 3 J a I yl^B^Sb^S^L^b^Jb^bV for the Mark H<^|^> 0 1 T Jjk fi^ A bigger engine (998 c.c.) for more power. Larger Iff RH front brakes for added safety. That's the big: new \Jj By story behind the world's most luxurious small Discover for yourself the delights of the v*
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    • 247 3 Those who reolly core for Elegance, Comfort Quality always insist on CROCODILE Brand SHIRTS. SPORTSHIRTS etc. I" 1 T t 1 t iiiiiiinmtn. AN AID TO MATHEMATICS by MATHEW CHAKO B.Sc. An essential guide for L.C.E. Examinations and Q.T. Contains aver 1000 graded problems and worked examples. I Available in
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 38 3 THE GAMBOLS by Barry Appleby r »»ULP you aunt :V_ ,l vPIEASe^«-^l A PHONE v \T^^ Zr*£z!zzz^\ \CAti. fob j/ f ybujow?... aevER wu arStt j KNEW ANtt)NE CHANOC I V MACCIED J MJNO 9O OFT»4y v y*
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  • 706 4 Yong to Nanyang: Vital to be loyal to Malaysia SINGAPORE, Monday fHK acting Minister for Education and Minister for Health, Mr. Yong Nyuk Lin today railed upon graduates and undergraduates o! Nanyang University to cultivate a firm and unequivocal sense of national consciousness, which he described as a matter of
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  • 65 4 MR. and MRS. HOO Chun Hong after their wedding in Singapore on Sunday. Mr. Hoo. a teacher, is the sixth son of Mr. and Mrs. Hoo Chew Huen. The bride, the former Miss Eileen Tan. a stenographer, is the second daughter of Mr. Tan Ah
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  • 102 4 BIG 1.30 A.M. WELCOME FOR HELEN SHAPIRO— SINGAPORE, Mon. Britain's top pop star Helen Shapiro and America's "Little Sensations" the Ginny Tin Troupe were surprised by a large croup of fans at the airport when they flew in from Hone Kong at 1.30 a.m. today. The crowd had waited the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 296 4 'Attention* SCHOOLS!' i lAWRENCE i OF ARABIA SPECIAL CONCESSION I of $1.00 TO ANY SEAT for I SCHOOL CHILDREN at both REX&SKY Daily FROM TODAY for 1 lam 3.30pm shows J "PRINCIPALS 4 TEACHERS PLEASE CONTACT MANAGER OF a REX {Phone *****) or SKY (Phone *****) DIRECT FOR GROUP (Block)
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    • 440 4 fHarufflan i H^H THE LIGHTER OF SUPER QUALITY! A LIGHTER OF SHEER BEAUTY THAT 5 Ti"^^!!" WILL IMPRESS YOUR VISITORS AND wimcAN NiTiiun > ENHANCE THE ELEGANCE OF YOUR 2 "cSSLT HOME. t— ,U.B.A' N 1962,—* Eosy ond Economical to Operate. The Ll. Zj MoruMan Table Gas Lighter Needs No
      440 words
    • 395 4 lUIIIIIIIICJII Illtllllinillllllllllinilllllillli g\O\\ MlO\M\<. Horn 1.30 -4.00 6 30 9.30pm 1 LEWIS 7? I !TH 2t i i Minding **m\ I TneSidm? l^! Jill St. JOHN V^-*-"^ il rnnafootlriisTl Horn 1 10 4 00 6 30 9.30pm 5 5 1A— I TECMNIC<XO«' Brian KtITH Tommy KIRK i.\o%v NimwiM.ii 5 Daily
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 446 4 IN AND OUT BY AIR 'I'HK following Is today's schedule Rome Cairo, Karachi, Bangkok 1 of civil aircraft movement* at <XL 831 > H. 30 p.m Paya Lebar airport Singapore: Thai International Airwyas: From ARRIVALS fls'^m U I)Ur (T 4 U B0AC: From Hong Kong (BA. DEPARTURES Ml) I.U p.m.;
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  • 152 5 Kumar back after arranging call-up in Borneo KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. THE Comptroller of Manpower, Mr. S. Kumar, has returned here after a fourday visit to Sabah and Sarawak to make arrangements for national service registration there. He submitted his report to the secretary of the Ministry of Interior, Dato Lokman
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  • 74 5 Three Off to Canada for study JTUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Three Malaysians left here today for training courses under the Colombo Plan in Canada. They are Mr. Cheah Chee Hong, 'he Senior Auditor. Penang and Miss Chang Wai Lin and Miss Choo Ooeh Phee staff nurses at the General Hospital here.
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  • 66 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. A New Zealand banker arrived here today to have a closer look at economy and monetary management in Malaysia. He is Mr. G. Wilson who Is Governor of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand. During his four-day stay here Mr. Wiison
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  • 269 5 IPOH, Monday. 4 NEW network of roads and a SI million bridge over the Perak River have now made motoring to the holiday resorts of Lumut and Pangkor easier and shorter. The 1.200 ft. bridge, which was completed in January, spans
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  • 87 5 Sabah jobs: Details today- KUALA LUMPUK, Mon. Inche Bahaman bin SaniMiddin, the Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, will bold a Press conference at the Ministry tomorrow morninc to announce the finalisalion of the plans to send 500 Malayan plantation workers to work in Sabah. This was disclosed here today
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  • 48 5 TANAH RATA. Mon. The 5450.000 Federal House, overlooking the golf iinks here, is ht-einning to take shape. I: will have six bedrooms, a rvnferpucr room, servant*' quarters and a fairly large garden. Construction work is expected to be completed by the end of the year.
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  • 123 5 PCNANG Mon- The antismuggllng division of the Customs Department today recovered 38 packages of contraband when It Intercepted two smugglers at sea off Tanjong Tokong. The Customs party also seized the smugglers' sampan, which was fitted with an inboard and an outboard
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  • 37 5 PENANG. Mon —Police h?re «re looking for a gang of thieve* who yesterday carried away flve cases of paint worth about MOO lrotn Dutch cargo ship. the Sambas, anchored In Penang hw- i bour.
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  • Article, Illustration
    40 5 MR. JOSEPH YEO of the Dungun English School, and Miss Maureen, Chiew, who were married in the Holy Rosary Church, Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur, on Easter Sunday. The bridegroom is secretary of the National Union of Teachers, Trengganu oranch.
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  • 164 5 Radio mast adds new landmark to Ipoh skyline IPOH, Mon. A new 1 300 ft. high landmark has appeared on the skyline of Ipoh in the Tiger Lane area. The towering steel mast, with a red warning beacon for aircraft. Is part of the $800,000 studios and broadcasting station for
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  • 109 5 'Father of Dentistry in Malaya' on visit IPOH, Mon.— The "father of dentistry in Malaya." Professor E. K. Tratman (above), will be entertained to a dinner by the members of the Malayan Dental Association, northern branch, at the Ipoh Swimming Club tomorrow night. Prof. Tratman established the dental department in
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  • 110 5 One-week course in marine biology SINGAPORE, Mon. k The Department of Extra-mural Studies of the University of Singapore will organise a course in marine biology from April 23 to April SO. Conducted by Prof. J. L. Harrison and other members of the university's Zoolo^ Department, the course will consist of
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  • 57 5 SINGAPORE. Mon. Thirtyi lour awards for the brs; locally produced creative advert lsements, year will be presented at dinner ai the Adelphi Hotel on April 17. Ar, the dinner, organi.'-pd by the Creative Circle, ;i .sub-com-miitee of the Singapore Public. tr Club, the resuits
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 270 5 the right tool? Today factories and workshops the world over are rationalized and mechanized for fast, efficient production. But how about the office? Have you the right tools at your office? You'll appreciate and profit by the lovely typing your typists turn out when they getthe Facit T2. And they
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    • 182 5 MORE FLIGHTS East and West "^Bl^«^«W- *^^^^Gb __^a^tta^a^ataal SfIL^HL. «HBBBB>^^^WWM^WMBPHBBBHHawBBBPBIBBBHaBWBBHa>BBB^^^pBWaBBIIIIIBIBBBIBBBaBWBBWBBBIBBBBBBBBBHi^BB^WWWWBB .^^fei^kw. j^^^^L r.W v- JWZ^^* > >^»^_ _^fl| L^L^a^a^aa^ WTjl^'''' ILWJla^l\iiim HI Ei^H I if** r "^^.<jgi L» a i'O'k'l ROLLS-ROYCeH JETS MB W [royce] 8 Eastbound 9 Westbound flights every week. Fly when you like-and enjoy BOAC's world famous
      182 words

  • 62 6 SINGAPORE. Mon. Thre« police supervisees today pleaded not guilty In a magistrate's court I to charges of breaking their respectlve supervision orders whm they were found together at Eu Tong Sen Street at 430 a.m. on Feb 19. They were Ho Yoon Pah. Llm Peng
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  • 375 6 Talks on Saturday called by Albakri to clear the way for polling day Kuala Lumpur, Mon. 'pHE chairman of the Elections Commission, Dato Haji Mustapha Albakri, has called a meeting of all political party leaders on Saturday to ''confirm and conform
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  • 132 6 JOHORE BAHRU, Monday. ABOUT 6 v ooo workers from oil palm and rubber estates in Johore belonging *o the Guthries group of companies today went on a one-day sympathy strike in support of more than 800 oil palm workers from Pamol Estate, of the same
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  • 81 6 I KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Bahuruddin alias All bin Haji Amin. of Tanjong Mahm. PmUC MM today charged in the Sessions Court here with cheating Zainab binte Hamid by inducing her to deliver to him rive gold bangles valued at $287. Baharuddin. who pleaded »ut guilty, was alleged
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  • 29 6 SINGAPORE. Mon.— Juhamat bin Amir was today fined SlO :n the Ninth Magistrate's Court for the possession of "ganja" i Indian hemp) at Nell Road yesterday.
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  • 63 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Three 17-year-old youths were jointly charged in the Sessions Court here today with attempted robbery. iSabaruddin bin Sarip, Monamed All bin Kadir and Bakar bin Budin. all from Kampong Pasir Lama. Pctaling were alleged to have punched V. Katharayan in an attempt to
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  • 54 6 TAIPING. Mon. Tan Kwee diet. 85- unemployed, was found hanging by a towel in his room in Main Road here yesterday. At Port Weld. 13 miles away, police found another man. Ng Soo. 72. hanging from a beam In a hut. No foul play is
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  • 55 6 hi c HIM. Mon. The Sarawak Alliance will send a team of officials to Malaya to help in the general election campaign, the Chief Minister, Mr. Stephen Kalong Ningkan. announced today. He would probably go himself, he said Mr. Ningkan said he was confident that the
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  • 260 6 KUALA LUMPUR, 1V Mon. The Director of Agr i c U 1 ture, Incho Mohamad bin Jamil, said today that it was very difficult to infuse a business sense into the minds of the "semi-illiterate" small farmers in Malaya. In a
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  • 24 6 SINGAPORE, Mon 1 a Singapui sent a discussion on "foreign a:d for developing countries" ovrr Channel 8 on Tuesday at 8.05 p.:n.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 187 6 IS the New SINGER fffij| QUARTETTE fcgg^SO MODERN. ..SO SILENT MODEL 194 M MODEL 193 M Easy Hire-Purchase Terms MODEL 227 M MODEL 228 M Ask for a demonstration 4 *tP vjpl Wm SINGER £)s_J]ta X^CS%'\ N gV^5 v,\ means QUALITY, m^ml^fJ^^^^9' I RELIABILITY, and prestige y/«7»> '^i' wkfV*a^irt!3/K^V'' 'A
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 47 6 1 >t/ Oop Hy V. T. Hamlin IHrk Trmey My C*****r- GmmiJ l.i'l Ahn«>r Hff At i <*f»p tSSTOMK-HOMGRV, BUT J CAIN'T W/THEHtKOTN»R minDTMI* Cuabmp^^ J AH CAIN'T CHOP < VJRiNJG MIM TO MMTMff J T^eT^ iaaSi 4 CHARLIE'S MAID OFF.'.V HISNKK.?I >* THAT'S AN^ i LOVIN' ARMS »~J
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  • Article, Illustration
    1974 7  - JAMES BOND Roff -/A you Fo^ r «twic ORAWINQ BY Concluding lAN FLEMING'S greatest Bond thriller A MAN LOST FINDS A WORD "HOPES of his survival must now be abandoned." That was what M wrote in his obituary of James Bond, following the destruction of Blofeld and his Castle of
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  • 24 8 U Wort* tit (Mimimum) MR. AND MRS. AuKUntine Png thank friends/relatives for their kind gifts/attendance on the occasion of their marriage on 30-4-S4.
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  • 263 8 M Wont. Si« i Vimmuim) HALF-PRICE SALE of Prism on First Kloor at Mul. hand*. 82-1 Bras Rairah Road. Spore. THE LATEST ITALIAN Uarn and Acetate tUt wear on sale at Caprice. Also specialist* in Italian Gift*. Ngee Ann HuildinK Spore. FEDERAL PUBLICATIONS LIU invtte all teachers and book
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  • The Straits Times
    • 708 8 The week which Mr. Khrushchev is to spend in Hungary clearly will not be devoted entirely to praise of the Kadar Government and the Hungarian Communist Party. There is more serious business afoot: discussion of the ideological rift with China, the schisms within the ranks of European
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    • 247 8 The Central Government has accepted "in principle" the establishment of a national library. Members of the Library Association of Malaya who have been agitating for one for years must have been pleased when Tun Abdul Razak gave them this news at their annual meeting, because previous Government com-
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    • 246 8 The Commonwealth cricketers leave for Hong Kong this morning with memories of Malaysia as happy, we hope, as ours are of them. They have been wonderful visitors, as gay as dashing and as thrilling to watch as their predecessors. Which is real praise. It is pleasant also
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  • 613 8  -  STERLING G. SLAPPEY by 4 N old German 1 patrician is now dictating in a clear Rhineland voice the memoires that he has been promising for years. The old gentleman is sitting in an all glass pavilion in bis garden across
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  • 1072 8  -  IRENE BENSON MR. K ACCEPTS A CAIRO INVITATION —From CAIRO, Mon PRESIDENT Nasser's new constitution, which is to last until the newly-elected National Assembly hammers out a permanent system, declares that all Egyptians are held equal before the law, and there will will
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    • 221 8 WOULD like to put "Parent" in proper perspective regarding "History for boys." There is no such thing as a science stream in the local school. Our concept of a science stream Is one which offers pure science, and there Is none here. What happens is that
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 577 8 Strait. Tmm Malay Mafl 14M NW 4BOLD Mia—— Oi^ll* Mm« COLD «TOIU(UI HANCHII AT tm I I**-? HO4U>-«ATOM« MAVAC BAM cmr book itom ltd TMK NtWI FMONT M. M. MMAIL 9 A6tßtfwt&y No#4l MMi Am* MAMICM tTOM sra-7. ckMtt mm. rpm i? V. MTNAMMY CO Jd^l JbIMI RIHVL Wft f
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    • 20 8 it's NEW it's here it's the NEW Vent-Axia Switch out stuffy air J unpleasant smells elegant *ot* atrren urn conditions
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    • 265 8 giiimHiiHiuwmnntHHHmitHWHiwnmwiimmi^^^ THE ALLIANCE ASSURANCF CO. LTD. COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO. LTD. LOMBARD INSURANCE CO. LTD. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED 3 have pleasure in announcing that with effect from the Ist April. 1964, a Joint Branch will be established in Singapore at I COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE BUILDING No.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 61 9 l.n© mwt o Q O \lm .Ceremony jmt^^T^frr^^^m^k will be performed by IP 1 **J %f The Honourable, Dr. Goh Keng Swee, Minister for Finance at 5.00 pm. today. T^Hl^^^ffll KHONG GUAN FLOUR MILLING LTD., IMMf jj m mgggjjjßigoga g 120, TANJONG RHU ROAD, fucijiiiaUjJ^Wl 31 m Mtl ijsa I
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    • 539 9 PIONEER STATUS FOR STATE'S NEW INDUSTRY Government encouragement, industrial development in Singapore is making rapid strides. New industries are springing up at a fast pace. Khong Guan Flour Milling Ltd. at Tanjong Rhu was one of those started with such encouragement. After
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    • 275 9 Benefits in having our own mills: Dr. Goh I OCAL mills can pro- vide fresher flour and would lower the price of the local product due to freight savings, said the Minister for Finance. Dr. Goh Keng Swee in a message on the eve of the official opening of Khong
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    • 299 10 Flour supply and demand position now more balanced Chairman ILf R. CHANG MING THIEN, chairman of Khong ITI Guan Flour Milling Ltd.. has said that with the setting up of his firm's new mill, the supply and demand position of flour would be more balanced. This was contained in his
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    • 258 10 |V| R. Chew Choo Keng. iTI vice-chairman of Khong Guan Flour Milling Ltd., in a message to mark the mill opening, said that with the setting up of the flour milling industry in Singapore, more Jobs would be provided for local people. Mr. Chew's
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    • 490 11 by Special Correspondent pLOI'R milling is one of the oldest industries in the world. It is no exaggeration to say that it is probably as old as mankind. Wherever wheat was grown, it had to be milled and processed. It was after recent developments that flour
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    • 129 12 These are the conveyors which transport the grain on the top of the silo and distribute them to the various sections. Over 50 tons an hour can be conveyed in this way. These are some of the modern machines installed in rhe Khong
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    • 161 12 Processing machines are some of the latest MACHINERY of Khong Guan Flour Mills, some of the latest, are supplied by Ocrim of Cremona, Italy. All products are conveyed through the mills pneumatically. This system not only ensures a perfect and smoother conveyance of the product, but also enriches the flour
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    • Page 22 Advertisements
      • 118 22 I Zme CLASSIFIED [^ABVERTISEMEMTS 21) l»',,r<^ <l» Minimum) LIOK To Anne and Yrw Teck a ■M Xiv tn 30/3/64 at the OWEN To (iirny and Fred a ion Rtephm Arthur on Hit* At tbr A>Mim.i Houndntion Fetalln* Jaya. WANTED Agent Covering Whole Malaysia QUALITY CHAIRS Medical advice guarantees health and
        118 words
      • 116 22 BSkV fife it LtfH m jfl m M they call them "King of the Road 11 -the famous range of LUCAS accessories Essentials for safe and satisfying motoring are made by Lucas to suit every car and truck. A few of the accessories and/or replacements are shown here actually, the
        116 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
      174 words
    • 65 10 Congratulations to KHONG GUAN FLOUR MILLING LTD.! on the occasion of their opening. from HIAP CHUAN JOO 516/530. Balestier Road, Singapore, 12. Tel: *****/3. Suppliers of wooden packing cases and corrugated cartons. Compliments and Best Wishes to KHONG GUAN FLOUR MILLING LTD. from BUNGE CO., LTD. Singapore Federation of Malaya
      65 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 168 11 3O» ■Bk J% tf Mi ■BB jfc i Uulllff Em\ PILING Jl Positive piling as the name fm- /li jj) sjkjj piles, is a guaranteed pile driven [cJT ft Hi^ to a correct resistance. Tested /I I JT fw\ and approved by P.W.D., H. IB C Sr D. Board and
      168 words
    • 200 11 Congratulations t> KHONG GUAN FLOUR MILLING LIMITED h OCRIM s. p. a. CREMONA ITALY) FLOUR MILLING EQUIPMENT FEED MILLING EQUIPMENT RICE MILLING EQUIPMENT GRAIN HANDLING EQUIPMENT Suppliers of more than 700 plants all over the world, are now also proud to be associated with the National Grain Elevator Co., Ltd.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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  • 311 13 Alliance good, but it lacks quality: Underwood 'UNQUALIFIED MEN PREFERRED TO MEN OF EXPERIENCE' IT UAL A KANGSAR, Mon. The Alliance was a good Party, but lacking in quality, Dr. S. Underwood, an Independent candidate for the Kuala Kangsar Parliamentary constituency, said here last night. Dr. Underwood, who is also
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  • 45 13 SEGAMAT, Mon. The vice-chairman of the Socialist Front in the Segamat division. Inche Othman bin Taib. has resigned and Joined the United Democratic Party Inche Othman said that he disagieed with the S.F. over its stand and non- Communism
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  • 628 13 DATO IS GRANTED LEAVE TO APPLY FOR WRITS IPOH, Monday. J) ATO Leong Kee Nyean, of the Peoples Progressive Party, was granted leave by Mr. Justice Ali bin Hassan in the High Court here today to apply for writs of certiorari and prohibition against the Elections Commission and two Returning
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  • 139 13 SINGAPORE. Mon. The Department of Civil Aviation Is Investigating the mishap at Singapore Airport on March 22 when a Malaysian Airways Comet caught fire after its right under-carrlage wheel snapped on landing. The general manager of Malaysian Airways, Mr. R. Hamilton, said the matter was
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  • 215 13 LEE TRIES TO SPLIT THE URBAN AND RURAL PEOPLE, SAYS RAZAK TEMERLOH. Mon. The Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak. said today that the PAP was tryinc to drive a wedge between the rural and urban population of Malaya "the very thing we are tryinc to avoid." Tun Abdul Razak
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  • 57 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon.— The French Ambassador to Malaysia, Msgr. Pierre Anthonioz. today left on an official visit to Sabah and Sarawak. While in Kuching. he will look Into the possibilities of setting up a French consular agency there. Msgr. Anthonioz will spend six days
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  • 316 13 TAIPINO. Mon A nurse. Rajeswari. 24. who was found conscious in her room in the nurses' hostel here this morning. has been admitted to hospital. A Malaysia confronted by Indonesia, the Tengku said, must have strong Government. "We cannot have any halfhearted measures." he said. "Whatever party is
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  • 805 13 Tan: S.F. victory will raise problem of security FINANCE MINISTER WARNS AGAINST DUBIOUS ATTITUDE OF THE FRONT PENANG. Mon r piE Minister of Finance, Mr. Tan Siew Sin, warned today that a Socialist Front State Government in Penang might raise security implications of the gravest magnitude in view of its
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  • 58 13 PENANG. Mon. Ooi Seng Poh. 26. of Armenian Street, pleaded not guilty In the First Magistrate's Court today to a charge of attempting to extort SlO from Ooi Ec Cheong at Argyll Road on Sa'urday. The magistrate. Mr. Ng Maon Sau, ordered Ooi to be remanded
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  • 230 13 DENANG. Mon. Th« chairman of the Penang Socialist Front, Mr. Ooi Thiam Siew. tonight accused the Alliance of breaking their election promises and acting without a mandate from the people. "In the 1959 general elect tlon." Mr. Ooi told a Socialist Front rally
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 29 13 VI KF I P a 111 T /s ill Iff hilil n Isi'lsil W m m m »T W^^^^W THE BORNEO COMPANY LIMITED Singapore Penang Ipoh Kuala Lumpur Malacca
      29 words
    • 87 13 1 ifnW SA 59T 004 A I y< SUPER DE LUXE 23 CONSOLETTE •ALL CLIMATE PROOF g M One Year Guarantee ttM nj 19" O£ LUXE RECEIVER DAY NIGHT SERVICE SINGAPORE: From 9.00 a.m. to tt p.m. Tot: ***** (Every day) KUALA LUMPUR: From 9.00 a.m. to 10 p.m. Tot.
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 630 13 Todays Radio, TV RADIO SINGAPORE RAD IO MALAYSIA MLUILM HAVfc SfcKVICE 476 metres NATIONAL SHORTWAVE tJUOKTHAVfc SLKVICt SERVICES: 41.7 and 50.2 metre* 41 metre* A.M.: 6.00 Time signal, Neam 6.00 (iood Morning: gara-ku; 6.02 Morning melo--8.01 Morning Prelude; 7.00 dies: 7.00 Time sliroal, the News; 7.10 Up And About; 7.30
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  • 250 14 SUCCESS OFFAKED PEARLS WOMEN are spending millions of dollars each year on deceptive beauty devices and budgetminded men should be happy about the statistic. One of the most recent fakes to be accepted is the middle -priced simulated pearl, such as those manufactured on the Island of Marjorca, Spain, reports
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  • 416 14  - THE DRESSES THAT STOPPED PARIS- ESME BAPTISTA And they came from Singapore p\\o pretty girls in Paris could have walked past in their smartest clothes and gone unnoticed. But when they wore clothes which had a distinct Eastern flair they literally stopped the traffic This happened in Paris recently when
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  • 279 14 Tomato sauce with fried fish T<HERE are two sue- cess secrets for a really good sauce. First, prepare it over a gentle heat, taking care not to. scorch it: a burnt flavour will ruin any recipe. Second, stir in the liquid a little at a time, beating well between each
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  • 126 14 S' HOUSEHOLD HINTS OLIP a piece of white 0 paper in back of where the eye of your sewing machine needle is supposed to be if you have trouble spotting the eye. It will be complexly visible. U.^i- tongs instead of a fork to turn chops and steaks. Tongs are
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 192 14 non-stop eyelashes! Revloni mw 'Fibuluh mtkes your laihM ioflftr tnd k)n|«r right bafora your eytf Nothing ever invented makes lashes ai long and lush as 'FABULABH'! Why? Because It contains little, lash-like 'filaments' that brush right on to your own lashes colors, separates and adds natural-looking length in just one
      192 words
    • 437 14 aßr*^ B j B .4V My mother asked the doctor The d(Ktor approved Now I'm a Tampax user, too This is the sort of report we receive about today's teenagers. More and more, they're turning to Tampax at a younger and younger age. And why not? Tampax internal sanitary protection
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 311 14 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 7. Disentangle girls, coming out 1. More than a wonder po»t <7i. round the screen (9>. 6. 8 t«ee Revelation) U a wicked 8 Ancient score to pay when fellow (7). there's trouble (3. 4 > 10. 11 Mortal remain* of the mow- Instruct Viola to
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  • 296 15 The SF's plans for Selangor if they win IISS LIM SAYS THE PAP IS ONLY SHYING TO CREATE CONFUSION KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. jUISS P. G. Lim, Socialist Front candidate for the State constituency of Sentul, said here today that the party was determined to form the next State Government of
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  • 76 15 Six oil to India for studies K.UALA LUMPUR. Mon. Six Malaysians left during the weekend for higher studies on Indian Government scholarships. Five of them Amanullah Karim bin E. A. Karlm, B. Nlthiananthan. R. Ramalingam. Llm Ah Thong, and Cheah Chip Fung will attend various institutes in New Delhi. Loh
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  • 32 15 PIiNANU, Mon. a woman, Yeoh Kool Hong. 20. who tried to resell five cinema tickets yrsterday, was this morning lined S5O tn the First Magistrate \s Court. She pleaded guilty.
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  • 70 15 SINGAPORE Mon Three youths today pleaded not guilty in th? ninth Magistrate's Court to a j charge of breaking into the proof Quek Shin and Son* Limited at Bencoolen Street en Saturday at 4.30 p.m. Rahman bin Juli. Antonio Sebastian and Abbas bin Mohamnvd An
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  • 175 15 I/UALA LUMPUR, Mon. 1V —The Yang di-Per-tuan Agong toured the Gedangsa land develop-, ment scheme in Ulu Selangor, about 50 miles north of here, for two, hours this morning. Later he spoke to the tattlers comprising 138 families -105 Malay. 24 Indian and
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  • 41 15 SINGAPORE. Mon. The Primary Producuon Department of the Ministry of National Development will piK on fale 420 Ausiralorp cockerels and 360 White Leghorn cuckere\s at the Central Veterinary StaUon Semhawan*. <<n Thursday from 10 30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.
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  • 231 15 Malayan pilgrims in Mecca pose voting problem PENANG, Mon. About 5,000 Muslims who are away in Mecca for the ar,nual pilgrimage have posed a question as to whether they will be allowed to vote by proxy in the general and State elections. The Malaysian Pilgrimage Control Officer, Haji All Rouse,
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  • 47 15 SINGAPORE. Mon. Aslcwith Graham. 19. today pleaded not euilty in a Magistrate's Court to a charge of robbing Chia Choy Huay of $8 at Tanglin Road on Saturday at 9.40 Dm. while armpd with a knife. The case will be mentioned tomorrow.
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  • 449 15 KLUANG, Monday TiHE Singapore Prime 1 Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, last night denied that the Peoples Action Party was a security threat to the country but said it was a "real threat to the security of tenure of
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  • 44 15 BATU GAJAH. Mon. A 4701 b wild .sow gave birtb tn 47 piglet* near (Jopcnc Estate, three miles from here. w sterdav and died immediately afterwards. The birth »M wiinessed by a party of woodcutters. Most of the piglets survived.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 117 15 S is It? i j i 1 j Swfldday I (Everyday is Swanday) j Advertisement New Complexion Beauty Complexions are now taking on a new beauty through the use of a tropical moist oil that feeds youth-giving vitamins to the complexion. Being isotonic in action, It revitalises the plasma colloids
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    • 241 15 jjgflb If I Pure nourishment all your family needs Q 1 NESTUM jICEREALS INI Three great energy«produceffa delicious a> hot <>r <i»IJ wheat, barley, oats all in r\Of~ZZ\f7ZSOi IQn^a <l rink, or a porrulge. Perfect fo»J one nourishing cereal. Forti- jV'j rO SO} I a M"'*^- "'""i-l""?! breakfast fied v\
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 60 15 Uufj* Runny Ry Ralph Hviwniiahi mEIO "M pINEEDVEf?> Xl GOT OVF I KvA MIGHT AS WELL LEAVE S -n. (NOuBSEIP: 1 GAOOEN mOSE,SAW, MORE PAVOR TH' WHEELBARROW, TOO... Jjff V K :ca.»»c'OV y Ou v£ PLIERS- HAVMER, T 1 ASK, DOC I. I'LL NEED IT T 1 HAUL r<^^y SD3OO*
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    • 35 16 The directors of Netherlands Trading Society will propose a first and final dividend of 14 per cent (unchanged, for 1»63 at the bank s general meeting to be held I in Amsterdam shortly.
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    • 322 16 Strong bid for Malaysia tractor market THE largest manufacturers of agricultural equipment in the world are making a bid to enter the Malaysian market in a big way and have already made a firm foothold for their heavy earthmoving equipment. The company is John Deere Intercontinental Ltd., whose headquarters are
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    • 165 16 Export drive for tea machine AN Indian manufacturing company is seeking a market in Malaysia for its engineering goods including enamel ware and tea machinery. The company is the Bengai Enamel Works of calcut; i whose export manager. IfflM A. S. Mahtani, has just completed her survey of tne Kuala
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    • 194 16 DACK this month with 13 new skill and experience acquired in the U.K., Holland and Australia are four Ma* laysian Shellmen. They are Messrs. Tan Cheng Teik. R.S. Chidambaram. Cheong Lim Khun and Chew Hew Keow who hav e Just completed specialised training
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    • 71 16 The regional marketing manager of the Overseas Division, British Drug Houses Ltd., London, Mr. Lan R. Wilson, paid a five-day visit to Singapore last week in the course of a Far East markets tour. While here. Mr. Wilson bad talks with Mr. K. L. Fuller,
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    • 239 16 STANDARD Waygood Ltd. of Australia, which is said to be making considerable progress in the Malaysian market, has won an order for over a $1 million worth of switchgear from the Bangkok Municipal Electricity Supply Authority. This was announced by the company's factory representative in South-East
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    • 93 16 SWAN BEER LOCAL SALES 'INCREASING' THE tales and distribution manager of The Swan Brewery Co. Ltd. of Prrth. WesUrn Australia, said in Sftigapore that Swan beer had been marketed in .Malaysia with Inc leasing success over the past few years. Mr. George Geddes (above) who was here last week in
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    • 195 16 MORE JAPAN TOURISTS WILL COME HERE, HE SAYS THE vice-president of Japan Air Lines, Mr. T. Godou, predicted that 50 per cent more Japanese tourists will visit Malaysia this year. Speaking to a large gathering of local and foreign press lapresentatives at a luncheon at the Cathay Restaurant. Singppore, last
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    • 98 16 Vauxhall plans 91,000 more cars VAUXHALL Motor* Ltd. oi Luton, are to carry out an expansion programme costing £30 million over the next three years. Mr. William Swallow, chairman and managing director announced last week. The programme would in- crease the production capaj city by 91,000 cars a year and
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    • 78 16 rPH£ Ben Line vessel Benalder 1 led Singapore for Bangkok on Sunday with a pedigree Jersey bull among her cargo. Called Lanac Heatherlielle's Peter, the bull is a gift to Thal- land's King Bhumlbol from Mr. G. OH Giles, president of the Jersey Herd Society of
      78 words
    • 83 16 llflTH buyers slow and some- what reluctant to lollow the ever Increasing price of loose copra, very few new transactions came to light during the) week, says < Lewi* and Prat in its weekly produce report. Throughout the week a gradual i price Increase was registered In
      83 words
    • 158 16 PRODUCTION of bis- CUlt6 in Singapore during the first 10 months of last year fell below the level of the corresponding period of 1962. according to statistics. The figure was 6.510 ton* against 6,615 tons whL'h works out to an average monthly output of 651
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    • 46 16 Trans-Canada Air Lines will mark the anniversary of its inauguration of transcontinental air services in Canada tomorrow. TCA today serves 40 Canadian centres and 20 cities in the U.S.. Europe and the Caribbern with 75 pure jet DC-8s and turbo-prop Vickers Vanguards and Viscounts.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 260 16 world famous for quality brooawade compressors and pneumatic tools Portable Compressors 7-600 cfm Stationary Compressors 1 2,200 cfm Compacting JD* Concrete Rammers j^p> Breakers Ks £L Pumps 10-190 f .galls mm. up to 100 ft. head l£ Aj Rock Drills Chippers Concrete gTj« Drill Steels /^and Sealers Vibrators m I
      260 words
    • 135 16 A completely new concept of shipboard comfort Seventeen-day round trip in fully air-conditioned comfort Swimming Sunning Dancing Music Bar Restaurant Card and writing rooms Cnildren's play-space. Departing Singapore sth Juna Arriving Fremantle 12th June Departing Fremantle 17th June Arriving Singapore 22nd June Thereafter sailing from Singapore every 3 weeks In
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1228 17 10 LIVERPOOL k WEST COASI U K.i Due Spore aans r. ynan. -totna «t«\» U S **onmottth, Ipeel, Glasgo* I* Pt/Mar 1 JJiyi!*" li'trpael, Glasgo* tt*. 15 Apr 1 Apr 1 SIJiJJ* Luerpeel «p> 4 Api I Apt g/i| api v n!Ln>. l r U ll e ""l. Dubin. Glasgow
      1,228 words
    • 1334 17 i ¥?y.,M THE EAC LINES ■4VV siNGAPoae kuala iimPu*»p.swrnfNHA«A« p«hano I otNoAM hovu k»»NGio. rojom.) i'i.wnooo« fc^^B^^^^al '"ONI 7MI IhOnl IMX taOHl »ll *KOM|»>]7l SAILINGS TO GENOA, LE HAVRE. HAMBURG, BPEMEN, ANTWERP. ROTTERBAM, AMSTEMAM, OSLO, GOTNENBURB ANB COPENHAGEN Spore r s nan fenang "BUSUANGA a) la Part/ 1 Apr 4/
      1,334 words
    • 1209 17 I BENULINE I EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONBON. llftßft 8, CBNTININTH PBRTS DruVADTirU For Hamburg Apr 31 BENVOKLICH London May 4 tiiigapuit P. SUM KILVI'n'" u>! la la Part/Apr 1 Antwerp May II BEN A VON For Liverpool Apr 21 AMigapoie i'ha» Hamburg May 17 la Part/Apr 4 Rotterdam Mai 22
      1,209 words
    • 1339 17 •jp^ McALISTER 6c CO., LTD. w^ |^R 'ci "Jt UMi ikiX j ELLERMAN LINK c* KLAVENESS LINE LONBON. HAMBURG. lOITERIAM. LBS AMttILS. SAN rRANCISCS, HAVRE, HUU ft MIBBUSBBOUBN SEATTLE. VANCOUVER ft PORILANB CITY OF LEEDS Acceptiag caige ter Ceetial I Saatk \jr; v l]% vTn. m -ougTiZli Cans Ham Miara
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1083 18 U.S.A. Pacific, and Great Lakes/East Canada Service Honf>on| Y'hama S. F'osco H'lulu H'fai M'real O'roit C'cafo "Okskima Mini" 22 23 Apr 7/1 B May 2t May 5 June Dune II Jim 21 June "Kunkawa Man" n n Apr 11/2 B May 3B May 21 lunt 24 June 3 Jily S
      1,083 words
    • 1016 18 B^BV 1 VJ^fl^ B^Bf p%t^fl BjjV AUSTRALIA URIMCt >NOIA. PARISIAN ANO P. SULF URViCI Ui FrtMltlt, I.UMiU. Mtlttmil. SflMI Tl. MMns Nn***tt*M Perung S'njm S Xwi t'oor* P S'ftim n».. •AMORA 7 Apr 1/11 Aft 12/ 14 A»r RAJULA bII M», 1] Mly 12 Mly lULIMSA I KU| UU Mi|
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    • 805 18 NOTICE We regret to inform the public that owing to continual increases In cost In Australia the selling price of fresh mutton sold in Sln- gapore markets will be increased to $1.40 per lb. as trom Wednesj day Ist April. 1964. SINGAPORE LIVESTOCK I CORPORATION. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN
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    • 618 18 NOTICE The following Unit Certificate registered In the name of Madam Low Ah Sar has been reported lost and Is declared null and void. Certificate No. 1630 covering 250 unlU of the Second Malayan Kund. MALAYAN UNIT TRUST LIMITED. JOHN L. WADLINQ. Manager. Second Malayan Fund. Singapore, 31st March 1964.
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    • 997 18 TENDERS TENDER NOTICE Tenders are Invited for the i supply of fertilisers to the Province j Welleslev Bankln* Union Ltd.. I Bukit Mertajam, for period Ist June. 1964 to 31st May. 1965. Full 1 particulars are obtainable on application to the State Agricultural Officer. Penang. Butterworth. Tenders close on 25th
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 801 19 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA Applications are Invited for one vacant post of Technical Assistant (Electronics) In the Department of Physics. Qualifications: Technical College Diploma or equivalent with know- j ledge of Electronics up to Technical College Diploma standard or a suitable qualification of the Singapore Polytechnic. Salary scale: $445
      801 words
    • 728 19 IS -51 '(nntintird Irom Hagr 81 SITUATIONS VACANT 20 Word* Si (Min.)— Box 50 rf*. txtrm REQUIRED URGENTLY cook boy/ amah and Keneral amah. Must be good with children and speak English. Phoie Spore *****, 27 Swiss Club Road. WANTED in experienced teacher Immediately tn teach English language and History
      728 words
    • 676 19 ACCOMMODATION VACANT in Word* SJ (Min.)-Box It ct*. txtrm NEWLY BUILT DETACHED Bungalow at Section 14. Petallng Jaya Contact Mr. Soo Wing Ley Watchmakers. N C Klat Tlong Building. X.L AVAILABLE 1/4/64 Furnished flats. bouse*. D/ 9. 10. 11. 15, R/450/. $650/Llmlted vacancies. Call Kho* Accommodation ***** 86-A Robinson Road,
      676 words
    • 1139 19 HOUSES LAND FOR SALE ■ii Word* SS (Mln.)—Bmx St et*. txtrm 31,000 IQ. Ft. of Valuable Land with well-built pre-war 5 Bedroom Bungalow at Gllstead Road, 53.50 per •q.ft. 2-ntony at Exeter Road. $70,000/-. Both Vacant. To view, call at 12, Calrnhlll Road, (Spore). 39 1 ACRES ot Rubber
      1,139 words
    • 987 19 EDUCATION Word* SS (Min.)— Box tt et*. txtrm MODERN SCHOOL'S April Bexlanen' Morning/Evening Book-keeping, Typewriting. Shorthand (Theory/ Speed*); Primary VI Engllin/Maths. Tuition, is. Battery Road, Spore, *****. ENCLISH LANOUAOI for tie G.C.I. New courses for Postal Students. Also Revision Courses and Introductory Course*. Apply for detail* of Courses aod moderate
      987 words
    • 876 19 FOR HIRE tt Wmrdmjt (MiM.>—Box tt et*. mxtrm REFRICERATORS AND TV. set* tor Wre at Reasonable rates. Prompt Service. Contact, Kboon Scab Electric Co.. Tel: *****. Stnsapor*. FURNITURE Kor Hlie or Hire Purchase At Reasonable Rates. Sin Qee Seng. 81 Kochore Canal Road. Blnsapore. Tel: *****/*****. FURNITURE it Word* St
      876 words
    • 444 19 FOR SALE 21 Word* SS (Min.)— Box St et: txtra ONE CAR RADIO Telephone Pyc type FTC6/SIO2NB very good condition. Sold to best offer. Bos AblXi S.T Spore. MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS ClearIng S3-50 Dozen. U.S.A. Made Boy's Knitted Polo Shirts Now Sl-95, Bargains. Always Remember Cathay's 38 39. Bras Basah
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    • 309 19 MISCELLANEOUS !t Wordt SS (Min.)— Box SO ct: txtrm FOUND ALONC M.i.l'herson Koad A ■rkltt I'iippy. Owner contact Mr. Choo, io Pkens Heik Aw spore. REPAINT YOUR REFRIGERATORS. Only 540.00 lor rrldge* up to c si tt. Free loan of refrigerator during period of (pray-painttng. VY* ■l*o undertake General Repair*
      309 words

    • 121 20 SOCCER $17,068 gate for FAM Cup Final IPOH Mon. A crowd of 17,314, including 492 .schoolchildren, paid a total of $17,068 to watch the FAM Cup Final at Stadium Perak here yesterday when Perak beat Selangor 7-1. Adults paid $1 and schoolchildren 50 cents each. Selangor. as the visiting side,
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    • 30 20 TELUK ANSON. Mon. Lower Pcrak District F.A. officials: Prpsidrnt Pretam Singh Dhillon; vice-presidents Messrs M. Razall Ahmad THtr and V. Renganathan; secretary R. Xavier. treasurer M C. Mahendran
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    • 34 20 JESSELTON. Mon Sandakan won the Hone Cup yesterday when :hey beat Jesselton 3-1 at soccer here. had earlier won 61-39 at basketball; Jesselton won 6-3 at badminton and 6-4 at tennis
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    • 38 20 Perak skipper Yee Seng Choy receives the FAM Cup from the Raja Muda of Perak after his team had whipped Selangor 7-1 in the final at Stadium Perak, Ipoh, on Sunday. Timesports picture.
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    • 99 20 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Dato Clough Thuraisingham. who was re-elected Selangor Turf Club chairman, told members at the annual general meeting here tonight that the new multi-million building would be ready for use by October 1965. Dato Thuraisingham said that piling would commence on Apr. 6 and
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    • 201 20  - JOEY SAN DOES DASHING TRIAL OVER ,3F Epsom Jeep RACING with SINGAPORE, Mon. JOEY SAN, with Johnny Wilson astride, did a dashing gallop on good going at Bukit Timah this morning. He ran 3f in 36 3/5. Joey San is fighting fit after a spell in the Highlands. He could
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    • 480 20 Weights for S'pore races VV EIOII I > mr TT all eight races at Bukit Timah tomorrow Cl 1 Mr. I 8». Du.i Devil 9.00 Prediction 8.13 Manikam 8.13 Automation 8.13 Lost Horizon 8.12 Castano 8.10 Timberlane 8.10 Tariff Q 8.09 Gemstone 8.09 Balkan Bambino 8.07 Downing Street 8.07 Tih.i
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    • 482 20 SPSOM JEEP'S SPOTLIGHT ON FANCIED RUNNERS CL. 1. DIV. 3— BF DOST DEVIL: In peak form: narrowly beaten by Noble Gesture over K.L. 6f in Pebruary; can stay Bf. CASTANO: Ran two encouraging races at K.L. in February; won over 6f and 9f at Bt. Timah last season. MAORI FAIR:
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    • 224 20 MAWF standards for May trial KUALA LUMPUR, Mon.— The first of the three Olympic weightlifting trials for Singapore and Malayan lifters who aim to represent Malaysia at the Tokyo Games in October will be held on May 16 at the Chin Woo auditorium here. The trial was to have been
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    • 464 20 THE STIPE'S REPORT SINGAPORE, Mon.— The MRA Stipendiary Steward's report on yesterday's Bukit Timah races. RACE 1: Causeway (Donnelly) was reluctant to gallop early In the race and had to be checked and switched to the Inside of Tapageur iTrevena) when he refused to take an
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    • 36 20 SINGAPORE. Mon. The offtcial result of the middleweight bout between Trevor Christian (Australia) and Hisao Minaml (Japan) on Saturday night was a draw and not a points win lor the Australian U previously reported.
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
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    • 31 20 H 111 *5I W m Swan the page upside down for this important message McCULLOCH CHAINSAWS ARE BACKED BY SERVICE o M. O. M. LTD. O Bm >')»« K-k In. Td. Mil*
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    • 522 21 CARRIBEAN CRICKET COMES TO XL by NORMAN SIEBEL: Kuala Lumpur, Monday r J IHERE1 HERE was a Carribean cricket celebration on the Kuala Lumpur Padang- this sunny day. Garf ield Sobers scored 192 in 73 minutes, Seymour Nurse made 50 in 79 minutes, Sonny Ramadhin took
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    • 192 21 SOCCER KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. fpHE 1964 soccer season in Selangor began today ■1 with a programme of Government Departments and Business Houses League matches. In the only Div 1 match of the day. Printers scored an easy 5-1 win over Blue Circle of Rawang
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    • 63 21 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon.— Twelve of the 22 youth players selected by the P.A. of Malaysia have reported for centralised training at the Merdeka Stadium here. The players are Dall Omar (Kelantan), Abdullah Salleh (Kedah). Ratnasingam and M. Chin (both Singapore), Chow Chee Keong, Sivabalan. Pong Seng Hooi,
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    • 34 21 NEW DELHI. Mon. India clinched the international hockey series agarinst Japan when they heat the visitors 2-0 in the third match at Patiaia yesterday to lead 3-0 in the four-match series Reuter
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 107 21 TENNIS Kedah novices championships (Sg Patanl) Men's singles final: Krishna Pillal bt Ibrahim Hashlm 6-3. 6-0; Men's doubles final: Loo Ho Kee and Gee Teng Mien bt Ibrahim Hashlm and Majid Osman 6-2. 9-7. HOCKEY Ipoh Di». 2: Andersonlans 9 FIB 0 Kedah Leo: St. Michael's 2 St. Michael's
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    • 464 21 Prom 84 he went to his 100 In the manner of a champion among batsman that he is. with two sixes of Cecil Cooke and a lour off Christie Shepherdson. Two runs and five minutes later the breathless study in time and
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    • 338 21 SPORTSLETTER- /T \i;l II I Sobers' astonishing real of taking- live uirkets with Micoessive balls at the Kuala Lumpur padang on Saturday will. I am mm*, have stirred cricketing statisticians to search the record books for a parallel. As far as I
      338 words
    • 297 21 by LIM KEE CHAN and JOE DORAI QINGAPORE, Mon. *3 The 1964 Malaysia Grand Prix was abandoned today after three cars had crashed on a treacherously wet track at Upper Thomson Road here. The organisers, the Singapore Motor Club, decided to call off the
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    • 313 21 MOTOHASHI WINS MOTOR-CYCLE EVENT cident which made me slow down, considerably" he said afterwards. "I had a good lead and I decided not to take any more chances." Ito. Motoha&hl and Anderson had a thrilling tussle for the lead over the first two laps. Ito was slightly In front of
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    • 26 21 •^AIROBI. Mon. Ford Cor- Unas were first and second cars to arrive here today at th* end of the gruelling 3.180-nule East African Safari.
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    • 41 21 SINGAPORE, Mon. Th» newly-formed cricket team, th« Orangs won their first match, a friendly against a Services selection, on the Padang here today. The scores were Services 134 and 62; Orangs 89 and 99-1 Orangs won by six wickets.
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 128 21 BE FIRST \A/ITH A s^B THAMES TRADER CHASSIS WITH I W CAB OR WINDSHIELD AVAILABLE t* f j W €dA m ""hi I XLL-IIILJ I I— I I LUXURY PUBLIC TRANSPORT BUS M mc .r.,, Tte THAMES TRADER Range offers vehicles with gross vehicle weights from ifiiiiS i tL^T m^^
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  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 67 21 SPORTS DIARY SOCCER Spore Div. 1: Tan Tock Sen* Hosp. v Amicables f 5.15); Police v Marines (7. both matches at Jn. Besar). S'gor Div. t: Ampang Malays v SCRC (Ipoh Rd); Div. 3: Bungsar Indians v Chui Lok (Taylor Rd); Indian RC. P. Jaya v Indian Movies (P. Jaya)
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  • 211 22 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. The Umno Secretary General, Syed Ja'afar A 1 ba r, said today that "by word and deed" Singapore's Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, is proving that he is anything but a friend of Tengku Abdul Rahman. In
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  • 38 22 SINGAPORE. Mon. The Minister tor Health. Mr. Yong Nyuk Lin. will visit Woodbrldge Hospital at 9 a.m. tomorrow. This will be the 17th of his series of visits of departments of the Ministry of Health.
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  • 103 22 MRS EVERIITA COMES. 88. pa»Md fully 30-3-H4 Cortege leaves 4«. Chandrr Road for Portunu^fe Church :il •"> Pm. today thence to nirißil:iriC. WH MRS. WEE CHCNC VONC nee A^ntlm Ami: IfMI UMS. Ml H< r'v at 11.50 a.m. or 3uth M:.u-h 11KU. le»\ :n« behind bat sorrow ing children
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  • 548 22 'DAWN ONLY AN HOUR AHEAD WHEN BULLETS BEGAN TO WHIZZ PAST SINGAPORE. Monday. FISHERMAN was killed and another seriously wounded when a Singapore fishing vessel was attacked by an Indonesian patrol boat yesterday morning while it was in the South China Sea,
    548 words
  • 143 22 INDON GUNBOAT ROBS FISHERMEN OF $9,400 DORT SWETTENr HAM. Mon. An Indonesian gunboat intercepted 10 Malaysian fishermen in five boats and robbed them of fishing nets and their catch valued at $9,400. The Indonesians about 30 of them were armed with pistols and rifles. They rounded up the Malaysian fishermen
    143 words
  • 37 22 THREE Grand Prix cars came to grief at almost the same spot yesterday. This picture shows the remains of one of them. The big race was called off after five laps. Straits Times picture.
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  • 247 22 TWO MISSING AFTER A PARTY OF 19 CLIMBS MOUNTAIN KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Two Singapore Rover scouts are feared lost in deep Jungle on the mountain slopes of Gunong Bunga Buah, near the Selangor-Pahang border, about 22 miles north of here. Selangor police have mounted a search for Ronnie Wu Kirn
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  • 224 22 SINGAPORE. Mon. The Easter holidays have been an ordeal for a retired British businessman sitting by his bedside telephone waiting for news of his dog. Mr. T. V. Mitchell, a racehorse owner, lias offered a $1,000 reward. through both English and Chinese
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  • 43 22 SINGAPORE. Mon. A programme of films by Mr. J Hugan entitled "Tropical Islands" will be .shown tomorrow night at 8.30 p.m. to members of the Singapore group for H and Toe H Women's Association at Talbot House, 11 Scotts Road.
    43 words
  • 78 22 NAIROBI. Mon.— A Ford Cortina, driven by Peter Huehrs ;md Billy Younn of Kenya, 3.180-mile Bast Air. day. and OvtlnM »oi iho teum ation. Hughes and Young pieic ihp gruelling rui n n.>: pteee in the overall points iiion. subject to tiny. A Swedish SAAL, driven
    Reuter  -  78 words