The Straits Times, 6 March 1964

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 125,000 The Straits Times. I New**** Estd. 1845. FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1964 15 CENTS KDN 731
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  • Article, Illustration
    1007 1 Collapsed over the same issue: Lopez The second time in last 24 hours Maca's warning MANILA, Thurs. President Macapagal warned tonight that if the Malaysia dispute exploded into general war, the Philippines could become involved through her security obligations with allies such as Australia and the United States.
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  • 395 1 'Crush Malaysia? Maca didn't agree to that' MANILA, Thurs. Acting Philippine Foreign Secretary, Mr. Librado Cayco, said today that President Macapagal did not agree with Indonesia's stand that Malaysia should be crushed "as a neo-colonialist project." Mr. Cayco issued a statement by way of commenting on an Antara news agency
    Reuter  -  395 words
  • 43 1 JAKARTA, Thurs. The JfSxeJgn Office has announced that Ceylon has approved the appointment of Mr. All Chanaflah aa Indonesian Ambassador to .Ceylon. Chanaflah Is the first Communist Party member to be appointed by President Sukarno as an Ambassador. UPI
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  • 284 1 JAKARTA. Thursday. of demonstrators today shouted for the withdrawal of British troops from North Borneo during a demonstration in front of the British consulate in Sourabaya, East Java, Antara news agency reported. Antara said the demonstration was peaceful and the demonstrators withdrew after a
    Reuter  -  284 words
  • 60 1 NICOSIA. Thurs. At least four Turkish Cypriots were Injured when an explosion rocked a shopping arcade In a modern office block here today. On the first floor of the building, almost directly above the scene of the explosion, was the office of the Turkish Cyprlot leader.
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  • 39 1 JAKARTA. Tburs. Five people died iillei- <.';i!in<> poisonous corn in Tulnn&igung, Easl Java, the Communist Peoples Diiilv said here today a few days after President Soekarno called on the nation to eat corn instead of rice.
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  • 437 1  - All set to go THEN let us talk again' drama FELIX ABISHEGANADEN From BANGKOK. Thurs. A report that Indonesia would agree "in principle" to withdraw her troops from Malaysian territory led to a series of dramatic moves here today, including Tun Abdul Razak postponing his return home although he was
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  • 133 1 DALLAS. Thurs— A detective, handcuffed to Lee Harvey Oswald, testified yesterday that as the accused assassin lay writhing on the floor. Jack Ruby said: "I hope the son of a ***** dies." Detective J R. LeavePe (above), the man with
    UPI  -  133 words
  • 38 1 ATHENS. Iliurs— King Paul of Greece was reported in a deep coma and near death today. The Royal Family was said to have been told by his doctors there was no hope. UPI.
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  • 202 1 Strike puts Ceylon in crisis state COLOMBO, Thurs. A state of emergency was declared here today, after the country's entire electric supply was cut off by a strike of engineers and technicians whose demand for risk allowance was rejected by the Government. Among the services declared essential under the emergency
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  • 47 1 MURDER AND FIRE SINGAPORE. Thurt. Man aged 5i fM stabbed t<> dr.ith tonisht in falsa K.*vu ll<- m«^ i<l<nlifird as lln t M midnight, mh.ill fin- l>P'k<- Mil »n I— gift .11H1t1.t.. 1 (iff J.iUn h.i Mi. It "It I property worth ih<>ut >snoo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 85 1 If ll I SheafferS PFM DOES THE BIG MAN PROUD Think big and bold I Thit afl new dynamic pen from Sheaffer's is for you! Everything abcut the Sheaffer's Pcn-for-Men is big-the styling 1 the trip, the quality, the ink capacity! The Sheaffer's PFH features 14kt. gold point nib. loss-proof
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    • 146 2 Saigon warns French residents OAIGON, Thurs. The South Vietnam Govi rnment yesterday issued a warning clearly directed at French residents of the country that they should "realise that the hospitality granted to them by this country cannot be a one-way business." In a communique concerning alleged plots against the Prime
      Reuter  -  146 words
    • 46 2 WELLINGTON. Ilmrs Mr. Keith Holyoakc, New Zealand's Prime Mlm.ste.l-. >;ud today that Drputy Premier. Mr John Mar-<-liall. was in hospital in Teheran fitter a severe eastric attack. Mr. Marshall is in Teheran to attend '.upctinßs of the Economic Commission for the Far East.— Reuter.
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    • 357 2 Bow and arrow terror: A pledge by Mobutu IDIOFA (Congo), Thurs, THE young Congolese General stood amid the charred husks of houses in this ravaged provincial town and vowed: '"We are going to defeat this Communist revolt in 15 days." For General Joseph Mobutu, 33, Commander of the Congo Army,
      UPI  -  357 words
    • 73 2 SAIGON, Thurs. A South Vietnam operation launched before dawn in the Hong Ngu Cong district of Kien Phong Province, cut down 130 Viet oil',- on Tuesday, according to the Vietnam Press. The Government forces reported 15 killed, including one American adviser, and 85 wounded. Among the
      Reuter  -  73 words
    • 67 2 MALIK AND SELASSIE CONFER ADDIS ABABA. Thurs Mr. Jacob Malik, a Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister, who arrived here yesterday, talked with Emperor Halle Selassie for several hours last night. While there was no official announcement on the topic they discussed. Informed sources here said they Included Soviet military aid to
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    • 34 2 NEW DELHI, Thurs.— The Home Minister, Mr. Gulzarilal Nanda, has denied rumours here that he hoped to succeed Mr. Nehru as Prime Minister, sources close to the Minister said yesterday. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 152 2 MaO alerts his coast defences TAIPEH, Thursday. •pHE Chinese Communists were reported here yesterday strengthening their coastal defences in Fukien and Kwangtung in South China presumably because of the current United States-Nationalist Chinese joint amphibious exercise "Back Pack" in the Formosa Strait. According to a Chinese Na- tlonallst Central News
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    • 83 2 Maca orders austerity measures in offices MANILA. Thurs. Faced with a budgetary deficit Of at least 200 million pesos (US$5O million), President Macapagal last night imposed austerity measures on government offices. The President ordered Government personnel to economise in the use of office utilities and facilities such as water, electricity,
      UPI  -  83 words
    • 100 2 KHANH: I'M WILLING TO MEET SIHANOUK SAIGON. Thurs. The Prime Minister of South Vietnam, Major General Nguyen Khanh, said today he was disposed for a personal meeting with Prince Norodom Sihanouk. Head of State of Cambodia, to solve differences between the two countries. Gen. Khanh said this in an interview
      Reuter  -  100 words
    • 49 2 JAKARTA. Thurs. An IndonoMan cargo !liip, the carry ins 1.000 sacks of cement. 362 casrs of cigarettes and 600 bnrrels of kerosene, sank in the South China sea on Feb. 28, the official Antara news agency reported today. Antara said no lives were lost. —Reuter.
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    • 28 2 MANILA, Thurs. Cholera experts from the World Health Organisation. Japan and the Philippines opened yesterday collaborative studies on the prevention and eradication of the disease. Reuter.
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    • 34 2 BULAWAYO, Southern Rhodesia, Thurs. A threatened strike of all 6.000 African rail workers in Northern Rhodesia at midnight last night was called off after talks between management and union representatives. Reuter.
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    • 246 2 'Eat corn' call: Paper deplores apathy JAKARTA, Thurs. J The Indonesian Herald deplored the public apathy towards President Soekarno's suggestion that Indonesians eat corn instead of rice. President Soekarno, speaking last week to the Indonesian Christian Women's Association and a radio and television audience, angrily said that people only talked
      Reuter; UPI  -  246 words
    • 31 2 NEW DELHI. Thurs. Twenty two Indian Air Force personnel were killed when an Air Force Cll9 aircraft crashed Into the Hooghlv River near Calcutta this morning. Reuter.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 496 2 the motoring experts tell you why, the HILLMANiiMPis making motoring history! U W.A.McKenzie(DailyTelegraph)'Thelmp m^^^_ fsM w> se or lts driving qualities. The clutch y^^^^— is the lightest I have experienced and the /mm t^Bfc Jk I gearbox one of the most delightfully effor- /Jw IfMn v^M tless and precise I
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 27 2 THE GAMBOLS by Barry Appleby /Muaa£ uusband uas^v frr must se lovscy id^N 't^fJ^i^PJ 40 -J^)^-^ (jn^ not kin& rua\prv) (JM*DCwaoofoa) Bt «ffljra% Sl £> S^t's Being mcam^
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  • 152 3 rpHE HAGUE. Thurs. L Dutch lovers of court romances yesterday had another mystery to ponder who sent (US) $200 worth of flowers to Crown Princess Beatrix? A huge bouquet of roses, carnations, plus a large number of orchids were sent to the castle home of
    UPI  -  152 words
  • 514 3 United Nations. Thurs. Security Council gives Thant a unanimous go-ahead to establish peace-keeping force THE Security Council, in a rare show of unanimity, yesterday authorised the establishment of a United Nations peacekeeping force for Cyprus. It will be composed of contingents from Commonwealth and non-aligned countries, and
    Reuter; UPI  -  514 words
  • 308 3 'King' Clay fails his Army mental exam T OUISVILLE (Kenid tucky), Thurs. The Courier-Journal reported yesterday that Cassius Clay, the new world heavyweight champion, has failed the U.S. Army's mental examination. The paper said in a story from Washington that Clay. 22, was given two psychological tests so that Army
    Reuter  -  308 words
  • 47 3 LONDON. Thurs. A Conservative peer Lord Colyton said yesterday he had information ironi reliable Cuban sources that political prisoners in Cuba still numbered well up to 60.000 and that they were living in conditions as bad as in tlie Nazi wartime concentration camps. Reuter.
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  • 31 3 NEW YORK. Thurs.— President Johnson's request for a $116 million appropriation for the Peace Corps was approved by Congress yesterday and sent to the President for signature. Reuter.
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  • 162 3 MALMOE. (Sweden). Thurs— A 19-year-old student vat arrested here last night when he was found outside a department store to be visited by Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin carrying; a Mauser rifle and 15 rounds of live ammunition, police reported. police spokesman said the student
    Reuter  -  162 words
  • 25 3 PARIS. Thurs— Michel Clemenceau. son of the celebrated World War One French prime minister, Georges Clemenceau, died He wa R 91.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 167 3 YEW YORK, Thurs. A former assistant cashier in the Britishowned Chartered Bank here pleaded not guilty in the Manhattan Supreme Court yesterday to charges of embe zz ling U551,248,958 from the bank over a seven-year period. William Scorca, 53. was held on $30,000 bail
    Reuter  -  167 words
  • 77 3 BOSTON, Iliurs A scirncf fiction type ot rifle which hurls intense rays <»f light has been delivered to the I S Army s arsenal in Philadelphia by a Boston firm. A spokesman for Maser Optics Inc. said that the L-iser rifle can be used for
    UPI  -  77 words
  • 68 3 WASHINGTON. Thurs. The United States will continue giving military aid to Spain despite Spanish trade links with Cuba, the State Department announced yesterday. The Department said that, after two-week consultations with the Spanish Government, it had decided that Spain had taken "appropriate steps"
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 100 3 Ij. x 111 rim Monew^c montzlahc FouftTOin Pm W^T foun-o.n Pen »,lh tht ntw ~^^P^ h 14 Ccvot nI m i «.lh IS Corol »«oih« that* 111 |h 8 q^^ M ih« shop. mb. Mttin* gucxontMd P'tc«M meiol bwrl M b. Illetim* ewyontr"' Corot e°M No SM. No 92 d
      100 words
    • 338 3 II KEEP II YOUR FUNDS II IN Jt LONDON II IN A DEPOSIT ACCOUNT A Deposii Account with Lombard Banking Limited meant complete financial peace of mind. No U.K. Income Tax will bm deducted. Your money accumulates nil the time and is quite unaffected by economic conditions. Withdrawals can be
      338 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 491 4 Tt j WM Jf ■■:->; |Nf W l 9 L '-iB _i a?^f^"^fl^B 'B V ""T^l BUte W^fl ■Itiißin -ffln IK Vft^_kX_k^9lP SE3H f*^ i__^l _^h *^tß^/ j_^_| *^1 _Bt -"IT* i Mfc" ___^_________g ____L ___i_|_^ l^K. M^H Wm^^ki ■ML BffL 4 __B ___r JP^afc lfil mi f?*'"j _^Z^^ vPh
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  • 231 5 Sabah tax rises should be expected: Dato Khoo JESSELTON, Thurs. Some increases in taxation must be expected in future Budgets, Sabah's Minister of Communica Lions and Works, Da to Khoo Siak Chiew, said last night. Answering questions on behalf of the Chief Minister, Dato Donald Stephens, over Radio Malaysia (Sabah).
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  • 92 5 Servants from HK Sabah says 'No' |ESSELTON. Thurs.— Sabah J is not only short of agricultural workers but domestic servants as well. Stating this in the programme "Meet your Ministers" broadcast over Radio Malaysia, Sabah. last night the Minister of Communications and Works, Dato Khoo Siak Chiew, said that in
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  • 298 5 SENANG TRIAL JUDGE'S ORDER TO NEWSMEN SINGAPORE, Thursday. mr. Justice Buttrose today began his sum-ming-up of the Pulau Senang murder trial, which began in the Assizes before a special seven-man jury on Nov. 18 last year. He spoke for five hours. The judge directed the Press not to report "in
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  • 95 5 85 Muslims to fly to Mecca KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. E i g h t yflve Muslims will make a flying pilgrimage to Mecca early next month. They include Dato Abdul Jamil bin Rals. Secretary to the Treasury, and his wife, Toh Puan Rahimah. The pilgrims include 12 from Brunei, U
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  • 91 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs.— American children here have invited some 600 of their Malaysian schoolmates and friends for lectures to be given by Mr. Munro Leaf, American author of children's books. Mr. Leaf will entertain ttie children in the British Council tomorrow and at the Dewan
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  • 38 5 KAJANG, Thurs. A $60,000 headworks has been constructrd over the River Sempo, In the Bukit Kepong area. 15 miles from here. It will provide irrigation to about 175 acres of padiland now under double-cropping.
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  • 30 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. A French TV team will arrive here next week to film Malaysia for allowing in Europe. The team will be here for two weeks.
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  • 194 5 TAIPING, Thurs. The United Frontcontrolled T a i p in, g Council has decided not to hold any full council meeting between March 21 and April 25 as "tempers might run high during the pre-election period. The council will instead hold a meeting
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  • 314 5 Our models can rise to world class, says expert KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Some Malaysian models have very good potential and can turn, out to be top-notch world models it they get proper training. An Australian beautician and fashion expert, Miss Andree Navarre, said this today when she arrived to put
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  • 182 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. The French Government is offering eight scholarships to Malaysians to study in France for the 1964/65 academic year. This is an increase of two more scholarships than the previous announcement made on Jan. 20 following the "terrific response" from the public when the
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  • 280 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. A French ballet troupe comprising internationally renowned dancers drawn from the Paris Opera and the ballet of the Marquis de Cuevas will •give a performance at the Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka here on March 21. Among the distinguished gathering who
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 112 5 FREE! <^\ FREE! Another DEL MONTE BARGAIN OFFER coming your way Check for press announcement to-morrow Saturday, 7th March, 1964 6a from this to this DON'T BE FAT ft O% Amonng No Eaty Way L+ J i \^o Quickly takes off pound* and inches ""^A tV" totter than you e»*r
      112 words
    • 56 5 H^the New SINGER [fiffik QUARTETTE t*SS^ SO MODERN. ..SO SILENT o I 0" i^^^^m .^bi^b»^bWij j «3BHBBBI V MODEL 194 M MOOCL 19»M Easy Hire- Purchase Terms ■r Hi IbH &S v /y 227 M MODEL 228 M Ask for a demonstration «P^J T^P /wP^n Wfil bINwCR AS i>s means
      56 words

  • 110 6 SINGAPORE. Thurs.— The Par- llamentary Secretary to the De- puty Prime Minister, Inche Buang bin Omar Junld. this evening pre- sen ted certificates to 174 successful Adult Education Board students from the Balestler Mixed I School and Kirn Keat Integrated 1 School centres. The presentation ceremony wm»
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  • 321 6 NTUC call to publish reports of commissions SINGAPORE, Thursday. •pHK National Trades Union Congress today urged the Singapore Government to publish the reports of two commissions of inquiry I without delay. They are the Lim Tay Boh Commission on education and the commission on public dailyrated employees. The NTUC secretary-gen
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  • 54 6 SINGAPORE. Thurs. The Matron of Kandang Kerbmu Hospital. Miss S. Verghese. will give a talk on "To be a nurse" at the Shell Theatrette. Shell House, Collyer Quay, tomorrow at 3 p.m. This is the first of the series of eight talks on careers, organised
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  • 215 6 DISPUTE ON DISMISSALS HEARING ADJOURNED SINGAPORE. Thurs.— Grant Advertising Inc., today applied to the Second Indus--1 trial Arbitration Court for indefinite adjournment of the I hearing of a trade dispute relating to the dismissal of seven employees. Mr. J. J. Rattray, representing the company, said the ap- plication was made
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  • 35 6 SINGAPORE. Thurs— The R» Mission is staging a dance drama Valmiki Prativa of Tagore at the Victoria Memorial Hall on March 14 at 8.30 p.m. as part of Its Swaml Vlvekananda centenary celebration.
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  • 284 6 BIG JOB FOR 'SAFETY FIRST' MAN SINGAPORE, Thurs. A responsible task lies ahead of Mr. Tang Tuck Wah, newlyappointed organising secretary of the proposed Singapore Na- tional Safety First Council. In his new job he will mi-, tiate the council and plan its organisation and regulations. No details about the
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  • 214 6 SINGAPORE. Thursday. THE National Trades Union Congress has asked the Industrial Arbitration Court for permission to intervene in a trade dispute between the management of North British and Mercantile Insurance Co., and the Singapore Insurance Companies Employees' Union. This was announced by the NTUC chairman. Mr.
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  • 151 6 CHAMBER CHIEF ON THE 'GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY' SINGAPORF. Thurs. The President of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Senator Ko Terk Kin. tonight railed on Hour Kong industrialists to make up their minds about investment in Singapore. Speaking at a dinner at his residence in Cusraden Road in honour of the visiting
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  • 47 6 SINGAPORE. Thuis— The Singapore Society for Spiritual Cultuie «tH present a six-lecture course on Hinduism, beginning on March 10. The lectures will be given by Mr. P.S. Raman, of Radio Singapura. Mrs. D.N. Verma and Swami Siddharmananda. President of the Ramakrlshna Mission, Singapore.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 351 6 Grand Premiere- Thurs. 12th March B.oopm I at shaws LIDO THEATRE Singapore' SEASON FROM 13th MARCH Doily 3 Shows: 11 a.m., 3.30 p.m. ■ADMISSION PRICES: Circle $4 Stalls $2.50 $1.50 No Free List! Advance CASH BOOKINGS NOW OPEN! (FOR CIRCLE BACK STALLS ONLY) COLUMBIA PICTURES prewls TV SAM SPKGfI-OAVIO LEAN
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    • 213 6 gj\ 1 1 \'A TOMORROW MIDNIGHT! Tel: ***** (SINGAPORE) He Had The Power To See Through The Centre Of The Earth To The End Of The Universe!! 1 WINNER Of THI^B B^^. ■^■^H ■Rb^b INHRNATIONAI fe^k i ■^^^^^■^T^^l SCIENCF FICTION 1 R^B LiUj. >■ HIM FESTIVAL V A^L^^'^VfPV 'j- J
      213 words
    • 467 6 ffe'ii'Aw GANISATION HE29E3E3 !oi»e:\* today i liar- sj 1 Bob Hope -/^The^V b m V.nko Toka r^22iiiß3isswi23 B LAST 2 lIAYV. Due to Films Great Length sj 4 shows doily Note Times 11 a.m., 2 30, 6.15 9.30 p.m. sj HJJIIII. IMI'I ■I nPiMjl; VflßAHßflßwaUsißwaUUsflßl ™Elke iommer kdword G. Robinson
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 113 6 in fill D V 111 D 'PHI-: following it today'i schedule of civil aircraft movementi at Paya Lebar airport Singapore: ARRIVALS Qantat: From London. Rome, Athenn. Cairo, Karachi. Calcutta, Bangkok (QF 736) 10.20 p.m. Japan Air Lines: From Toyko, Hong Kontc, Bangkok (JL 715) 6.30 p.m Malaysian Airways From Kuala
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    • 222 6 S.lO p.m.: from Kuala Lumpur (ML. 4(>7> «.0S a.m.: from Kuala Lumpur < ML 023) l..V> p.m.; from Penanic. B0AC From London, Zurich, Tel Aviv, Trheran, Bombay. Colombo iBA 712) 4.30 p.m.: from Sydnry, Darwin (BA 701) 6.30 p.m.: from London. Beirut. Karachi, Calcutta (BA 702) 7.59 p.m. Alitalia: From
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  • 230 7 Ex-Kedah magistrate loses appeal against fine of $2,000 A LOR STAR, Thurs.— A The Kedah Appeal Court dismissed today an appeal by a former Alor Star magistrate, lengku Zainal Abidin, against a $2,000 fine imposed on him on Jan. 11 for carrying a shotgun without a licence. In dismissing the
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  • 47 7 SINGAPORE. Tliurs. Polite yesterday arrested three suspect members of the "18" secret society group operating in the Bukit PanJang area, and two other suspect gangsters operating In Serangoon and the. Jalan Besar vicinity. All five were detained under the Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions) Ordinance.
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  • 268 7 A $10,000 raid, but police get it all back PENANG, Thursday. A BOUT 30 masked gangsters carrying parangs and sticks raided a godown on the Weld Quay waterfront early this morning, held up three watchmen and escaped with nearly $10,000 worth of goods. But soon after the hold-up a police
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  • 192 7 I took two girls to the accused, woman tells court OENANG, Thurs. A woman tapper, S. Pappah, 22, told a preliminary inquiry today that another tapper asked her to find two or three boys or girls to "assist at a farewell party he was giving." Pappah was testifying against K.
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  • 44 7 SINGAPORE. Thurs.— Dr. Ctoandran Devanesan, principal of the Madras Christian College, University of Madras, who is here after attending the East Asia Christian Conference in Bangkok, will be entertained to a dinner on Saturday night by the Christian College Alumni here.
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  • 258 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Plans to improve the existing facilities and provide other facilities in Templer Park have not been realised because of lack of funds. Mr. T. Sivapragasam acting chairman of the Friends of the Templer Park Society, said this yesterday at
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  • 226 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Selangors Mentri Besar, Dato Abu Bakar bin Baginda. yesterday told State nationals of Indonesian origin to give their undivided loyalty to this country and "not to bite the hand that feeds them." Speaking at the opening of a $6,000
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  • 98 7 British junior minister on tour visits S'pore BRITAIN'S Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Public Buildings and Works. Mr. Richard Sharpies (above), is now in Singapore in the cours* of a tour of British Services units In the Middle East and the Far East. Mr. Sharpies has already visited New
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  • 144 7 INCOME TAX: MORE PEOPLE ARE LIABLE THIS YEAR Xl ALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Eight thousand more wage earners are being brought into the tax net this year, bringing the total to 95.000. This was disclosed by the Comptroller of Inland Revenue. Mr. E. S. Thomas, here today. In all. the department
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  • 30 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. The Federation of Malaya Red Cross Society today launched its Appeals Week with the call: "Please give generously on Red Cross Flag I Day-
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  • 108 7 Another three cases of cholera ALOR STAR, Thurs. I Three more cases of cholera were reported here today. Three more carriers have also been detected. The total number of cases i since the start of the outbreak In January is now 73. Including 28 carriers. Three deaths have occurred. No
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  • 60 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs.— I An accountant, accused of criminal breach of trust of $16,742. told the Sessions Court here today that he lost j the money on horses. Th'ng Yong Kwee, 32. 1 pleaded guilty. The money belonged to his employers, j the Sincere Match
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 22 7 A 1 A 3 A o m Z UJ E ill I -j J < m ml Every genuine BIC ballpen is marked
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    • 426 7 PROVED IN SINGAPORE! The Best German TV Money Can Buy! The Best After-Sales Service We Provide! Tv OR TV STEREO RADIO PHONO COMBINATION *****1 l !T~ BBjBBBI "^T'SBBCV kr^^^^^B^B^^^ i NEW 1964 KUBA TV Table model "Columbia Deluxe" with 23" Golden Miracle Picture Tube Cabmf: of prwient wood, wain*
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  • 202 8 A TOP SOCIALIST FRONT MAN GOES OVER TO UMNO MALACCA, Thurs A TOP official of the 4 Malacca Socialist Front, Inche Hamzah bin Kimin, last night resigned from the party and joined I'rnno. He was paid executive secretary of the party and organiser of its State election committee. Inche Hamzah
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  • 898 8 SINGAPORE, Thurs THE University of Singapore today announced the following candidates have passed the final professional Part I examination for the degrees of MB and B.Sc (old regulations) in bacteriology and parasitology. pharmacology and pathology. Ang Ah Ling. Boh He« Ken. Chan Heng Leone (with distinctions
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  • 32 8 IPOH. Thurs. A poMce constable. Ong Siow Klaus. 23. Dad hja scooter stolen last night when he left it in front ot the Cathay Theatre to see a film.
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  • 183 8 Borneo Airways men may strike IESSELTON. Thurs. J Employees of Borneo Airways Ltd. may go on strike on March 13 following a "deadlock" in their negotiations with the management A statement from the Borneo Airways Employees Union in Labuan said that negotiations between th* management and union representatives on March
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  • 81 8 IPOH. Thurs. Two road ac- -one of them la 1 rurred In L;iln: hero lata last night Both involved motorcyclists. Eiir Hop Chun. 55 wno ten <>rf his machine when it skidded ai the iDoh-Lthat road, died In octal Hospital an hour mission. In the
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  • 42 8 SINGAPORE. Tiiurs. Thieves have stripped three cars In the P.W.D. workshop in Kallang Road of their parts. Police estimated the total value of the stolen parts to \te mora than 51.900. The cars were to have been auctioned.
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  • 202 8 MALACCA, Thur« "I 'HE Chief Miiiister of Malacca, Inche Abdul Ghaffar bin Baba. appealed night to members of the position not to invoke his mother's name in any attacks against him. His mother died in 1933. Inche Ghaffar said: "You can attack
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 285 8 The ultimate in the compact car fii\ Ail iii 1 W j I >■ ItllL— aM f J*W^/fc j !g SS >*^ 2 aP^JKtg _-JB^ \V \T 4Hr 'Mm sp^.aa ■b^^ m> *s^ ift» \jjg^^ S^B« f» \^jS^^SStmmW 9 f J A^^ 1' -5 DATSUN j Jd^fl '^BK'*' i^^ Don't
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 141 8 ■ill- ft Itnp It,, V.T. Hamlin is how rr I M-^" ~^(yep.' kjov rrs mxtve done well, not exactly me I MT"£r^"RiGWT oop 1 IS JKJ MOO A T figF .J/~.\)&M IT'S KINO AWAY WiTM VAKI'TH'BOVS JUST PUr/*-"^^NHIM AN'aLlTH'* fcNOW, Oo *'JBfe?Es7/r-TCI KINS IYAKKAHIK.' CM GUZ, I ti'EM OUTA
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  • 1647 9 Too much too soon A LARGE crowd collected al Sydney airport in September 1051 to meet actress Diana Barrymore who was arriving to appear at a Sydney nightclub. A rather plump, heavy -faced woman of 30 stepped off the plane. She was shaking and hiding her lace in her hands.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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  • 21 10 i» N'ereU Sit I Minimum H w BELLETTV aged 74 pasail away In Hongkong Central Hospital on ■> Deeply regretted
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  • 194 10 it Word* Sit (Mlnlmmm) MRS. PC. GOMEZ and children vivr, and friends who sent meanages of sympathy aad rended funeral on 4-3-64. Special hanks to 1 nion. friends and others THE FAMILY OF the late Mr. Joseph sco Koh MenK Kwang thank. Priests. »jwmt in t 'on* f 'os.
    194 words
  • 150 10 >• Wor4t Sit {Minimum} ITALY'S VIVACIOUS Kranca Ro«--aettl slogs at The Cockpit Hotel T'l i :>' pore > 3354 V POLO: It la regretted that the Stncapora Tournament at Thomson Rond bat h.iri to be cancelled due to severe tu«>dln)t ?n UNUSUAL CHINESE Re.taurant nhes Courae by Misa Chan
    150 words
  • 49 10 10 Wt4b UM (MiH.) TREMENOOUS PROFIT It g-alr.ed rtnf the BIN*. Kree corTtapond■aa on Mark's Qospel. Write rd Path. PO. Box 802. K.U VOUTM FOR CHRIST Kaliv Victoria ■■'mortal Hill M^rrh 7. IM4. 7.30 pm. Speaker Jake Combs of the ivlgatom. (Sliest Artist and Y.K.C. Ml Welcome.
    49 words
  • 126 10 r« WnrHt tS (Win.)— Rax M ft*. «rr» HOLIDAY IN SWITZERLAND. To I Mi (.euiiiiful Chalet in Schoenrted near i Oataad for month. Mav/Jun. 'July 1964. douMe bedroom.*, one single bedroom, t.-ucony. louni. kitrhi-n. fully furniahed >Th modern furniture, all conveniences. ooa or two famine.. Rent only t
    126 words
  • 690 10 The Straits Times. Friday, March 6, 1964. The Final Attempt Among the more revealing glimpses of the Ministerial talks in Bangkok is the tale of the early Indonesian threat to walk out because secrets were being leaked to the newspapers. The Bangkok World reported that Dr. Subandrio had been accused
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  • 343 10 Hong Kong businessmen, as hardheaded as any in the world, do not waste time. Certainly the fifty now on a six-day visit to Singapore expect their trip to pay off in either trade or industrial investment Their interest in industrial development, in particular, makes good sense at
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  • 184 10 Attempts by Opposition parties to form a united front against the Alliance have become a standard curtainraiser to Malayan elections, local, state or Parliamentary. They invariably fail. Not, however, through any reluctance of the parties to compromise their principles, but because they can never agree on the distribution
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  • 1056 10 America aids its forgotten fifth MILLIONS WHO HAVE NOT BEEN ASKED TO THE BIG FEAST by A SPECIAL WRITER Washington Thursday THIS is the richest country in the world. Yet at least a fifth of. its citizens are poor by any standards. One day next week, after feverish staff work.
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    • 43 10 THE two act play In the programme "Baba dan Nonya" by TV Singapura on February 16 was a contemptible show of cheap vulgarism. The play iipt only ridiculed the babas and nonyas. it also Insulted the Chinese as a whole. W. GWEE Singapore
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    • 104 10 I HAVE read with some alarm your reports of voters who have registered twice. In my own case I voted In the municipal elections In Ipoh In 1961, but In 1963 found that my name was not on the roll. On complaining, I was advised to register again. So I
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    • 42 10 IITHTLE I was in the TT New Paradise Park, Muar, I saw two police officers checking a man's identity card. After checking it, the police officer threw It on the ground, and the man was left to pick it up. PASSEK-BY Muar
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    • 112 10 WILL the police please .do something about the traffic system at the Junction of River Valley Road and Clemenceau Avenue. Instead of being able to drive straight down River Valley Road towards the city one has to take a long detour. squeeze through a narrow bottleneck (where there
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    • 107 10 I REFER to the letter by "Teacher" iS.T. Feb. 29. The 15 teachers who were sent abroad for training in the teaching of English as a second language are posted as follows: In Government Chinese secondary schools 8: in Government integrated secondary schools 3: in Government Malay secondary
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    • 123 10 WITH each class in TT most schools divided Into A. B, c, D and even E. a se.nse of urgency and left-aloneness generally prevails among students in divisions other than A and B. It is common knowledge among parents and pupils that tutorial attention is concentrated more on
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    • 76 10 HEALTH inspectors must go round all restaurants, hotels, coffeeshops, hawkers' stalls and other places that dispense food or drink and request the operators to get rid of all cups, bowls, saucers and other such containers that are cracked, chipped or damaged in any way. Any well-trained laboratory assistant will
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    • 69 10 SINCE March 2, Radio Malaysia Singapura, has extended Its broadcasting hours for all sections. With the exception of the Indian section all the others operate dally from 6 a.m. to midnight. The Indian section closes down at 9 p.m., after all only a difference of three hours. Why
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    • 102 10 IT Is a known fact that there is a shortage of houses in Segamat town. Many prospective house owners are keen to put up houses for the development of the town. Several building plans have been submitted *> the proper authorities for approval but six months
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  • 256 10  - Out of the fashion fringe... Lynne Edmund l)v SIX COLOURED GIRLS HEAD DREAK-THROUGH J ONDON. Thurs. Coloured girls made a big breakthrough in the British fashion world today when a six-girl model team began a weeks showings at one of the biggest London department stores. The West Indian. Chinese and
    Reuter  -  256 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 408 10 State Tim tlfakrlkl to •OU TO— MMftM »»H.nmiw>n Kwniii CITY BOOC OTOMB LTV m. m. matt IMMMM tTOM V7*#. t*mmo MBL 1 CLASSIFIED ADS. SITUATIONS VACANT ■n n nr4t $S I Milt.)— Box it ttt. rxtrt READ the Ki-mor Appotntmaou Vacant In The Buo<la* Mall each weak. DIPLOMAS COPIED WMILI
      408 words
    • 75 10 Red China: Giant in Chains Mao has now had 14 years to bring to 720 million Chinese, living j in an area 14 times I the size of Texas, the "blessings" of Comj munism. What are the results? Read how "Administrative I lunacy" has reduced the meat ration to 3
      75 words
    • 78 10 O LI I* f^f eyes are a Priceless possession -safeguard them EYE-GENF Jliffl with "LEXATOI" IjjKjJP^J'' If your eyes ore feve- x*%o rish through hoy-fever, {•^■■■■WSS colds, sun burn or feel j J stroined offer pfoJong- y^ 3nWT^~~~^~~U^ ed reoding, looking at TV, use EYE-GENE for instant relief. One or
      78 words

  • 185 11 NURSES: SHEILA CLEARS THE AIR OINGAPORE, Thurs. *^The visiting director of the social and economic division, of the International Council of Nurses, Miss Sheila Quinni, today met Mr. G. Kandasamy, secretary-general of the Amalgamated Union of Public Employees, and cleared the air over union representation of nurses. According; to Mr.
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  • 111 11 SINGAPORE, Thun. Mr. Justice Chua in the High Court today awarded a widow and her seven-year-old son special and general damages totalling $12,750 and costs in an accident chum, which >he brought on behalf of her son and her- i Tha dan chwee
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  • 67 11 SINQAPORK. Thurs. The ntnth Magistrate. Mr. Khoo Hln Hiong. today committed a young man to stand trial in the High Court for unlawful possession of a revolver and nine rounds of ammunition this yenr. Ooh Lav Huat. a married man with two children, was arrested in
    67 words
  • 30 11 SINGAPORE. Thurs. Poilcvesterday recovered two cars, one of them stolen tn December last year and the other two month" ago. A scooter stolen In January was also recovered
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  • 649 11 TENGKU: DON'T DEMAND ALL WHERE CHINESE VOTERS ARE IN THE MAJORITY, BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT GOING TO SUCCEED KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday 'Don't adopt the chauvinistic line in elections' TENGKU Abdul Rahman today warned the Malayan Chinese Associa*'on against demanding all seats where Chinese voters
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  • 146 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs.— The Socialist Front today called on the Alliance Government to continue to negotiate for a peaceful settlement of the Malaysia dispute. The alternative, the Front said, would be catastrophic. In a Press statement here today the Front said that it was gratifying
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  • 323 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. The president of the MCA, Mr. Tan Slew Sin, today warned against upsetting the political power of the Malays. "If this balance is upset, they will resort to drastic action to restore their position," he said. Mr.
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  • 57 11 KUALA TRENGOANU. Thurs A lawyer. Dato Abdullah bin Abdul Rahman, 32. has been chosen by the Trengganu State Alliance Committee to contest the Kuala Trengganu Selatan constituency in the general election. Dato Abdullah was a former president of the Sessions Court in Kua'.a Lumpur. He
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  • 293 11 SINGAPORE, Thurs. The Singapore Bank Employees' Union today threatened to take industrial action against the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation over the retrenchment of three employees. The three men. employed in the property department of the bank's main office In Collyer Quay, were served
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  • 57 11 SINGAPORE. Thurs. An lamate of t )p Johore Bahru Social Welfare Home. Yonfj Fook. 78. died from head miuries in th« General Hospital here this morning, a few hours after he fell from a bus at Chua Chu Kane Road. There were 106 accidents yesterday
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 146 11 from Paris LANCOME Beauty Expert to give Free Consultations Madame Suzanne de Nas de Tourris, senior Lancome beauty consultant, is now here for a limited period to advise you on the latest methods of beauty culture and skin care. Call in and see her for a free consultation at: ORO
      146 words
    • 160 11 CLAMOROUSLY YOURS... TELEVISI^^^ 1 1) SB JiL MAWA/ CONSOII StMSI 1 1 3* vohr«-f unction 2)" pone- II W I romo picture tub* wtth II I I silver Krccii 10 2 channels I 2 J| y < i 7' O II ITL- 3 0 I J4.vohr»-#«iietl«Mii 2J- P. Tyte I
      160 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 662 11 (Today's Radio, TV RADIO MALAYSIA RADIO SINGAPORE NATIONAL SHORTWAVE MEDIUM WAVE SERVICE SERVICE 41.7 and %M »etr« SHORT^Avt^RVICE: A.M.: 6.00 Time Signal. Ne- 41 metre* gara-lcu; 6.02 Morning Melodies; AJM 600 GooA Morning: 6.01 7.00 Time Signal, '/he Hews; Morning Prelude; 7.00 News; 7.10 Breakfast Potoourri; 7.30 Learn A Word
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  • 44 12 PENANG. Thurs. A car belonging to Mr. Lum Chit Thean. a liquor dealer, reported lost on Tuesday, was found abandoned at Gurney Drive last night. A police patrol ear towed It back to the Central Police Station in Carnarvon Street
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  • 271 12 A married man was intimate with me says girl SINGAPORE, Thursday. FORMER student of Katong Convent told a magistrate today that she had intimacy with a married man on six occasions before she discovered she was pregnant. June Ang Gek, 18, was testifying before the Fifth Magistrate, Miss Jenny Lav
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  • 249 12 Tengku's 'hello' starts off dial direct trunks DENANG. Thurs. r Tengku Abdul Rahman today inaugurated Penangs new direct dialling trunk call system oy phoning the Chief Minister, Dato Worg Pow- Nee, from Kuala Lumpur. Before the Tengku's call came through. Dato Wong in a speech Inaugurating the service from Penang.
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  • 48 12 SINGAPORE. Thurs. A soft drinks sales convention will be held in Singapore tomorrow. The one-day convention, organised by the Coco Cola Export Corporation, will be attended by about 200 local salesmen and sales supervisors, including Coco Cola bottlers from Malaya, Thailand, South Vietnam and Australia.
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  • 52 12 JESSELTON. Thurs. Work on lengthening and widening the Jesselton airport runway to permit operations by Comets has been completed one month ahead of schedule, "Dato Khoo Siak Chlew, Minister of Communications and Works, said today. Malaysian Airways Cometa begin a service to Hong Kong via Jesselton on
    52 words
  • 56 12 BATU PAH AT. Thurs. The local branch of the Malayan Chinese Association ha* received $5,000 from the emergency relief mud and $3,300 from the Central Welfare Council for the 79 people made homeless when fire destroyed six houses and shops in Sam Choon village at the 3rd
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  • 24 12 PENANG. Thurs. The -Penang Muslim Benevolent Society has decided to launch a campaign to get more Muslims here to join as members.
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  • 173 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs.— The Department of Statistics is to conduct a Malaya-wide survey of the construction industry, which has become a significant part of the national economy. Questionnaires are to be sent this week to contractors In the 11 States of the mainland as well
    173 words
  • 248 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. —The University of Malaya today announced the results of the examination for the degree of B.Sc. H'ith Honours, and thf> final examination for the degree of 8.8 c.. both held in January. The following are Botany and Geology candidates who have
    248 words
  • 247 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Kam Zinrhoon. oue-time Singapore Chinatown roadside cartoonist, will hold a one-man show of his works in. New York from March 18 to April 4. It will be the first exhibition of screen paintings to be shown there. Graduate According
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  • 288 12 A LEADING iron miner, A today denied that i laysia were decreasing, tapped resources and ore PENANG, Thursday. Mr. M. S. A. Zachariah, Iron ore deposits in MaMalaysia had rich undeposits could be found in abundance, he said. Mr. Zachariah. managing director of Kemajuan
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  • 61 12 SINGAPORE. Thurs.— The Minister for Social Affairs, Inche Othman Wok, will open the 7th Shell traffic game at the Kalians Park road safety playground at 5 p.m. tomorrow. A record number of 263 teams 22 more than last year from schools of all language streams
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  • 62 12 PENANO. Thurs. A Balik Pulau villager. Chong Wee Thow. wa« today charged with using criminal force on a four-year-old girl with intent to outrage her modesty. Chone. 29. pleaded not guilty to committing the offence on the child, the daughter of an RAF officer staying at
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  • 27 12 NIBONG TEBAL. Thurs. An 11-year-old school boy. Heng Kun Sua. died instantly when he was run over by a lorry at Tanjong Piandlang yesterday
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 259 12 (almost anywhere) fit new FORMICA* Woodgrain patterns Now FORMICA' tiH.s introduced a marvellous TORMICA* quality is really exceptional as well; •election .of Woodgrain patterns this year. No Latest manufacturing techniques guarantee that wonder people everywhere choose FORMICA* -very sheet us flawless and FORMICA* tough. not Just any decorative laminate. ,mooth
      259 words
    • 259 12 i Advertisement" *»V Beautiful hair stvlr;, are now j being made to look more attractive with thr "Peek-In" Glow of beauty. The rich delightful transiucence you see when looking into the depths of amber or a precious stone it is not a Rlitter not a shimmer or polish, but something
      259 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous

    • 209 13 Hoffa is found guilty He faces 10 years' jail II ATTANGOOGA, (Tennessee), Thurs. James Holla, president of the powerful Teamsters Union, was yesterday found guilty here on two charges of trying to influence a jury. The jury was one which was hearing a case in Nashville. Tennessee, in 1962. in
      Reuter  -  209 words
    • 163 13 'REPENT' CALL TO ENVOY FROM MADAME pARIS. Thurs— Madame Nko Dibn Miu. widowed sister-in-law of tho late President Nrp Dinh Diem of South Vietnam, said yesterday she had told the American Xmliassarior in Saigon. Mr Henry (abot Lodge. to "repeat" for his actions in her country. Otherwise, she said he
      Reuter  -  163 words
    • 50 13 LONDON, riiurs.— A £1.500.000 factory to make margarine and other edible fais is to be set up in Japan. It is a joint venture between Britain's Unilever and the Japanese Hohnen Oil Company which crushes and extracts oil from vegetable seeds, it was announced here today. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  50 words
    • 42 13 STOCKHOLM. Thurs.— A share dated June 16. 1288, in the Great Copper Mountain Company the world's oldest stock certificate for a company still operating Is being sent to the U.S. for exhibition at the New York World Pair. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  42 words
    • 172 13 Rooftop drama POLICEWOMAN GRABS BABY FROM MAN BENT ON 50-FT DEATH LEAP YEW DELHI. Thurs. Five "Pakistani infiltrators" were killed yesterday in a clash between an Indian patrol and Pakistanis in Kashmir the third Indo-Pakistan clash in the disputed territory in the past three weeks.
      Reuter  -  172 words
    • 356 13 LONDON, Thurs. A pretty, 23-year-old London policewoman who has always been "dead scared of heights." rescued a baby boy and his father who had threatened to leap with the child from a 50-foot-high rooftop ledee. Policewoman Margaret Cleland 'arrowed" kept Thomas
      356 words
    • 145 13 PROVED: MRS. OWEN CANNOT DRIVE T^ORWICH, Thurs. 11 Mrs. Beryl Owen was so fed up with her husband's repeated refusals to allow her to drive the family car that after another blazing row on the subjpet she ran out of the house and drove it away. But, a court was
      UP  -  145 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 259 13 Dentures look more natural when they're Steradent-cleaned Give your aitifkiaj teeth that won- r~~ "N derful natural sparkle. Clean tlicm with Steradent, the way they should jf~ L/f be cleaned. Just drop the dentures \**L^_^_ into a bath of Steradent and leave r^ them for 2O minutes each day. Stk
      259 words
    • 310 13 KOKURYU REAM J^MM FO* MEN AND WOMEN I ■caul* it a •omni undeniable prerogative and a beautiful facial complexion no exception? l-jihtonjhk »omen all ovct the »orl4 have discovered thai the moit endearing MCaM lowardt youthful lo\«--linew of the tkin it in careful, constant application ssilh the precixui m>iinshin( nutriments
      310 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 243 13 Straits Times Crossword EUHIS^BSV Hg_~~BßksT~~~Bs^ksT~~Mi ACROSS 5. Place two foreign articles on 1. It tuually goes with a swing a lre t nen >et In a meeting-place out East 7 Walked round one piano on it> Si three legs < 6 6. Powerful ruler once last out 8 Cue for
      243 words

    • 357 14  - Cable factory set up in Jurong GEOFFREY BOLAND JOINT PIONEER PROJECT STARTS PRODUCTION IN A FORTNIGHT By gINGAPORE'S first ever cabfe factory, situated in the light industry section of the Jurong complex, will commence operations on March 19 the day on which it will be officially declared open by the
      357 words
    • 182 14 Trade openings in U.S., Britain j rrRADE opportunities L are opening on the British and American markets for Singaporemade goods and products of other origin. This is stated In the Trade Enquiries section of the latest issue of Singapore Trade which lists a number of foreign firms wishing to establish
      182 words
    • 82 14 FRENCH PLANE COMPANY CHIEF HERE (ib.NERAL PIERRK FAY (above), president of Office Francais D'Exportation de Materiel Aeronautique (0.F.E.M.A.) which represents most French aircraft including Alouette helicopters. CaraTelle. Nord 262. Breguet. and SS.ll missiles. is now in Malaysia for business discussions with the Ministry of Defence. General Fay. 05. became president
      82 words
    • 102 14 Electrical goods dealers' convention CINGAPORES leading traders ir. relrigerators, television, radio and electrical appliances inspected an exhibition oi the lalest electiical proaucis lor the Malaysian market, at. an inaugural business convention at the Dragon Room last week. Representatives for me Public Utilities Board. Public Works electrical sections and Sandiiands Buttery
      102 words
    • 74 14 Mr. John S a g a n assistant treasurer oJ Ford U.S. was In Singapore last week reviewing the local Pord finance operations. He met representatives of the Chartered Bank and Bank of America as part of his financial discussions. Mr. Sagan. 43. holder of a
      74 words
    • 280 14 A 20-MAN mission will leave Singapore for BorA neo on Sunday to strengthen the trade and business relations between the two territories. Sponsored by the Singapore Government, the mission is to spend ten days in the States of Sabah and Sarawak. All the four chambers
      280 words
    • 101 14 FIVE Caltex dealers In Perak who have completed ten years and five years' service were presented with certificate? and lapel pins with the Caltex emblem by the company. The presentation was made by the Ipoh section manager. Mr. R E Dougherty, at a dinner for the company's
      101 words
    • 133 14 FORMICA PLANS BIGGER BUSINESS TiHE export regional manager of Formica Ltd. paid a short visit to Singapore and Kuala Lumpur this week to review the company's activities in Malaysia and to plan for fur- ther business expansion. Mr. Dennis A. EUacott, who is on a Far East tour, had talks
      133 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 261 14 Qompton— A Parkinson A. C.MOTORB F"^^ available from stock l." T **l.-?'''y-»v conforming to the most HpWr^J^B recent electrical and dimensional British Stan- dord Specification. I J to I^MliteL Sole Agent. tt/SSSSmgl^i^ UNITED ENGINEERS LTD. sMtutoii umoakan FEDERATED ENCINEERfSG CO^ LTD^ KUALA LUMfU* IPOH PENANG Mi*LACf/1 SUC MIAN «OCOI 4
      261 words
    • 298 14 FOUR ENJOY SQUARE Four Square Gold fl Ifl Is an entirely new pipe tobacco of the finest Virginia leaf made even better by being matured in cask. So smooth to the taste and so slow burning U|^JA^ it's a pipe dream come I V true. Four Square Wk^km^k^k^ Gold joins
      298 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1335 15 TO LIVERPOOL t WEST COAST U.K.: Due S'pora Sails P. Sham Penang AENEAS Liwrpeel, Glasgow la Pert EUMAEUS Literptll Gda. 15 Mar 7 Mar 1/18 Mai II PELEUS Liverpul, Dublin. Glasgow Mai II Mar 11 Mar 14/18 tsar 11 ACHILLES Liverpetl. Dublin Mar 12 Mar 15 Mar 11/21 Mar 21
      1,335 words
      1,359 words
    • 1152 15 I BEN®LIHE\ EKWtEH SERVICE TO LONOON. LIVERPOOL B CONTINENTAL PORTS v uy nvAf lal London Mar 24 BCNLOYAL Hamburg Apr I Singapore P. S'nara Ptatng la Ptrt. Tiday BENLARIG For London Apr IS Hamburg Apr 21 Smgapor* r S'ram -enani M bro May 1 Mar 12/15 Mar 11/21 Mar 21/22
      1,152 words
      1,291 words

  • 65 16 MELBOURNE. Thurs. C.R A 30/9 Mcunt I*a 42/4 .N Broken Bill U0».) 3S/3S Ampol 11/4 ami. Con. Ind W/ll Auat. Paper Manuf 30 6 H HP 89/Cairter 6/Coiouml Sugar 78/8 G.J. Coles 19/4 Containers 32.6 Hrrald 60/4 Humes 89/IC.IAN.Z 56/1 Rfpco 25/5 Hothmana (10a. Unit*) 34/1 Woolworth 18/5
    65 words
  • 255 16 MARCH first grade rubbar buyors 1. 0. b. closed at S p.m. In tingapars and Kuala Lumpur yesterday at 86| cents par It>. up three-eighths of a cent on Wednesday* closing level for the poaltlon The tone was dull. R.A.S. and F.M.R.E. elating priest Ir cents por lb.
    255 words
  • 200 16 (OFFICIAL QUOTATIONS) March 3. Three month*. INDUSTRIALS Boustaad IS eta. M. Cement 19 eta. Dunlopa 18 ct*. M. Box 24 eta. City r>v. 6 ct*. McAllater 16 cts. E. Smelten 21 cts. M. Invest.- 16 cts. 19 eta. Robinson 15 cts. Fed. Dlsp. IS ct*. C. Storage
    200 words
  • 26 16 March 5. MALAYAN RUBBER PRICE: 66.' cents (up three-eighths of a cent). TIN: SBI (down 55.50). Estimated unofficial offering 265 tons (up 10 tons).
    26 words
  • 847 16 From Our Market Correspondent INDUSTRIALS were weak on the Malayan Stock Exchange yesterday being dominated by political considerations and the contradictory reports received throughout the day about the Bangkok talks. The overnight breakdown in the talks caused subdued conditions from the outset of trading,
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  • 25 16 Malayan Stock Indices Mar. 4 Mar. 5 'Industrials: 110.80 110.10 Tins: 136.36 135.98 S rubbers: 104.57 104.49 ■Dec. 30. 1963—100 Dec. 29. 1962=100
    25 words
  • 841 16 COMBINED business In the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Malayan Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded In brackets: INDUSTRIALS: Boustaad (1.000) $1.55, (6.000) $1.8«: C.S. Holding (1.000) $3.34: Dunlops (5.000) $2.75, (2,000) $2.76: taat Smoltors (1,000) $3.86 D, (1.000) $3.17 (16.000) $3.83;
    841 words
  • 276 16 rE Straits tin price fell by $5.50 to $535 per picul despite the smart rally In London overnight. It was considered Wednesday's rise of over $14 In Penang had been overdue. The offering was estimated at 265 tons, up 10 tons. Tin
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1151 16 U.S.A. Pacitic. AUantic. and Great Lakes/East Canada Service Singapore P. Sham Honolulu S. F'cisco N. furk Mortreti Kaankawa Mara la Ptrt 27 Mar 4 Apr 23 Apr 23 Api "lilma Mara 21/21 Mar 21/31 Mar 21 Apr 21 Apr 17 May 24 Ma) Ail vessels equipped «nth oeeotarks tor carnage
      1,151 words
    • 1147 16 taw m\ bbbbl ml *+**'v ■aaaaßßßßßaV^ga! *aaak___^gK ■aaVaaaBBBBBBia. AUSTRALIA SERVICE INDIA. PAKISTAN AND P. GULF SERVICE Ti: Tiwtstilli, Brisiaii, Sytsty. Melteurse Tt: Mains tat Nagapattnaa Penang P. S ham Spore Spore P. Sham Penang BOMBALA 14 Mar 15/17 Mar 11/21 k.ll Mlr 4 u^ Ul ,It Fraawttt. Atelaile. Melltyne. Sytaey
      1,147 words
    • 364 16 NEDLLWD GREAT LAKES SERVICE Fast swings fnaj Malaysia iirect tt CaaifiM »H U.S. Brtat Lakes farts. Smgaeore Pt. Sham Penang arr. Montreal RAKI 2nd Call 7/17 Mar 72 Mar 23 Mar 21 Afr UTRECHT 2t Mir/ I Apr 13/15 Apr II Apr IS May BAWEAN 4/11 Vav 12 '13 May
      364 words

  • 180 17 SHIPS lying alongside the Singapore Harbour whsrves or expected today are: Roepat 1/2. Olrnroy 6A. Dresden in/ii Kumaeus 15/16, Maxwell Brandor 21/22, Rajah Brooke 23/24, Van Noort 25, Watngapoe 27/28, Slgll 31/32, Patroclua 33/34 Wonosarl 35/36. Asia 42/43. Hejsensteln 47, Bedill N.W. L. Inner roadt: Dragon Horn,
    180 words
  • 65 17 CHINESE Produce Exchange, Singapore noon prloo* per pioul yesterday: Coconut ell: bulk $46t sellers, drum $4i> t sellers. Copra: March/April UK/Contlneat: Unquoted. Popper: Muntok white $t62i sellers. Sarawak uhite $160 sellers, special $120 sellers, garbled Lainiu'iK black $120 sellers. ABTA ieni. Smitapore Coconut Oil Miller's Association prices: bulk
    65 words
  • 94 17 'PHI Maliyar Exchange Banks' As**--1 elation made these changes In Its rates to merchants yesterday (all rates to $100): New York: buying TT 33 3/4 airmail OD 32 7/8, 80 d/st 33 3/16 credit bills, 33 6/16 trade bills. Soiling TT er OD ready: Now York 32 8/16;
    94 words
  • 31 17 I'alianc onsol. crushed 13.500 tons of ore In February. Of the output of 140 tons of tin concentrates 138 tons came from lode and 2 tons from trlbutors' alluvial.
    31 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 424 17 (Continued (ram Pace 10 1 SITUATIONS VACANT M Wore 1 SS (Min.)— Box SO et*. txtn WANTED INTELLIGENT English speaking personnel for Security Duties. Not above 45 Preference to ex N.C.0.3. of Services. Box A 4864 S.T. Spore. REQUIRED BY Construction Company for work al Jurong Clerk-Typist. Must be accurate
      424 words
    • 874 17 SITUATION VACANT APPRENTICESHIP Applications are Invited by MALAYSIAN AIRWAYS LIMITED FOR APPRENTICES to the trade of AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE ENGINEER. The ipprtnt.ctihip will be fer a parted ef live years and eueseuful applicants will bs required te reside In Singapore and enrol In the appropriate (curse at the SINGAPORE POLYTECHNIC. It
      874 words
    • 1096 17 ACCOMMODATION WANTED Word* SS (Min.)— Box St ef. txtn CIRL SEEK a room (furnished) own entrance with Eurasian family. District 10. Telephone No:— ***** Spore 10. DOCTOR (BACHELOR CHINESE) Requires room. Dinner with elderly retired borne-loving people. Box A 4862 S.T. Spore. UNFURNISHED SMALL HOUSE/ Flat with one/two rooms. With
      1,096 words
    • 1019 17 TUITION it Word* SS (Min.)— Box St et*. txtn TUITION i Spoken English. Fully qualified European lady teacher by appointment Far Eastern Music School, IA. Kirk Terrace, Singapore. Trinity College London Speech Syllabus and examiner from T.C.M. (London) visits Singapore annually. PASS YOUR G.C.E. or School Certificate by means of
      1,019 words
    • 1042 17 HIRE PURCHASE it Ward* SS (Mtn.)— Box 10 eU. tzir, CEILING FAN. MontAly fIO.OU IB morjun Malaysia Electric Co., rpor* 46M8. FREE OUTDOOR AIRIAL with every H.P.— T.V.— liultlvox, 46 Belecle House. Selefle Road. (Spore). Tel: *****. GOOD USED CARS on easy payment,. Contact: Chuan Bons Trading Co. Ltd., 161,
      1,042 words
    • 1189 17 VEHICLES FOR SALE it Worsts M Min.)— Box It ct: astro FIAT 500 C.C. 1960. $1,800/00 0.n.0. Ring Miss Tan ***** (Spore). 1962 HOLDEN St. Wagon. 1962 Morris Mini Super 1961 A 53 Countryman. 1960 R/Dauphlne and 1956 Austin Healey Sport. H.P. can be arranged. Phone (Spore) ***** Lawrence. 1963
      1,189 words
    • 844 17 MUSICAL INSTRUMENT it Word* SS (Min.)— Box It cf. «xfra TO SELL Drarman Kb Alto Saxophone. Very good condition. Contact Stanley 40 Marshall Road. (Katoag), Spore. Tel: *****. BEAUTY CULTURE n Wordt SS (Min.)— Box It et*. txtrm LEARN MAIRDRESSINQ A Beauty Culture Personnel or Professional Courses Ring H5094 Amy
      844 words
    • 569 17 BARS k RESTAURANTS (Spore) it Ward* SI (Min.)— Box SO ct: axtrm PARADISE BAR Welcomes you. Dine and dance to our exotio band. Nightly till 1 a.m. COMFORTr RAFFLES BAR and Atr. conditioned Prince Bar 22, Rafflea Place, Spore serve delicious English/ Chinese luach. THE CELLAR (Alr-condltioncd) Is the only
      569 words

    • 339 18 SINGAPORE, Thurs. Next week's Malayan Open golf championship at Kuala Lumpur will be a tournament within a tournament, writes LESLIE HOFFMAN Jnr. For the Malayan tournament will be regarded as the Asian zones pre-qualifying round of the Carling world championship which is being introduced
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    • 599 18  -  L.C. HOFFMAN Jnr. LIM KEE CHAN by and Singapore, Thursday AUSTRLIAN professional Ted Ball, with a three-under-par round of 70, was the leader at the end of the first 18 holes of the Singapore Open golf championship at the Singapore Island Country Club's Bukit Course
      599 words
    • 787 18  -  NORMAN SIEBEL by Kuala Lumpur, Thurs. ANOTHER touring soccer team official has come and seen and spoken. The Japan tour team manager S. Okano has declared that Singapore should win the current inter-state competition for the FAM Cup Mr. Okano's application of the old soccer
      787 words
    • 290 18 70 E. Ball (35. 35) 71— Kuo Chi Hslung (33. 38 amateur), R. Moffitt (35. 36). 72 B. Arda (37. 34). A. Miguel (36. 36), K. Nagle (37. 35). 73 H. Kobarl (36, 37), B. Hugget (37, 36), I. Katsumata (36. 37). 74 T. Kltta (37. 37).
      290 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 556 18 NOTICE THIS Is to inform the public that the following temporarily Motor Car Salesmen are no longer In our employ as from the Ist Marcn. 1964 and have no authorities whatsoever to transact any business or collect any monies on our behalfIvan Edward DeSUva John Wee Eng Wah Yeo Chiang
      556 words
    • 545 18 NOTICE With the establishment of Malaysia, the trading opeis'ions of! Cold. Storage < Malaya) Ltd.. Odd I Storage (Singapore) Ltd. and Cold, Storage < Borneo i Ltd are now De- j ing carried on in on company un- der the name of Cold Storage (Malaysia) Ltd. A. P. FYFE. Secretary,
      545 words
    • 1338 18 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT SINGAPORE GOVERNMENT VACANCY APPLICATIONS are United from Singapore Citizens with MM stipulated qualifications and experience for the appointment scheduled below: APPOINTMENT: ARTIST. Publicity Division Ministry of Culture. SALARY SCALE: $295z15A-400 p.m. PROBATION: 3 years. AGE: Below 40 years. QUALIFICATIONS tt, EXPERIENCE: Knowledge of English i« essential. Preference will
      1,338 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 67 18 *W»TS DIARY GOLF— Spore Open championships (Bukit course. 12 noon) SOCCER— FAM Cop East tone hnal: Kelantan v Pahane iK. Bharu. 5.15 1. Friendly: Spore Airport v Jardlne Waugh (Farrer Pk>. HOC KKY— Penang triangular: Penang v Kedah (D. Kranmt. 5.15-. BADMINTON Malacca Open htpi iMBA h:)ll 7p.m.). SUMMARY HOCKEY
      67 words

    • 191 19  -  Epsom Jeep RACING by DENANG, Thurs.— Pasir Puteh, who sustained a cut frog on Sunday when he ran third to Hard Love, has fully recovered. He looked tremendously fit this morning when he came out on the No 3 track for trotting exercise with Kevin
      191 words
    • 322 19 PENANG, Thurs. Weights for all seven races here on Sunday Cl. 1. Div. I—7t1 7t Pardon 9.05 Pasir Puten 9.04 Star Era 9.01 Suntei Wang 8.07 Hard Love 8.07 Color Cartoon 8.05 Pizarro II 8.03 Tibetan 8.03 Shockaliugam 8.00 Sri Senyum 8.00 Koyal Meadow 7.12 Lucky Lucky 7.12
      322 words
    • 639 19 RACE ENTRIES TPOH, Thurs. A total 1 of 187 horses has been entered for the Perak Turf Club's March Meeting (Mar. 15, 18 and 22) here. The entries (35 in Class 3: 98 in Class 4 and 54 in Class 6) are: CLASS
      639 words
    • 267 19 |>EHtANO, Thurs. The MRA 1 Stipendiary Steward's report in yesterday's races: Race 1 Mci Lin dwelt at the start. At the turn Into the straight Dragon's Blood had to be eased oft the heels of Karpton. Race 2 Nothing to report. Race 3 Mighty Mlsael was fractious
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    • 339 19 CHARLTON HEADER RESCUES UNITED FA CUP REPLAY LONDON, Thursday. MANCHESTER UNITED, the English F.A. cup holders, snatched defeat out of the fire in the dying seconds last night when they held Sunderland to a 2-2 draw after extra time in their quarter-final replay at Sunderland. Manchester United, who scored twice
      339 words
    • 51 19 lAjpiuun, inurs. tsoccer results: European Cup quarter-finals. 2nd- let? Inter-Milan 2 Partizan Belgrade 1 (Inter 4-1 agg) lstle« PSV Eindhoven 1 Zurich 0: Dukla Prague 0 Borussia Dortmund 4. European Cup-winners' Cup quarter-finals, 2nd-leg Bratislava 0 Glasgow Celtic 1 (Celtic 2-0 agg); lst-lec Hamburg 1 Olymplque Lyon 1.
      Reuter  -  51 words
    • 162 19 BADMINTON MALACCA. Thura. Teh Kew San, Malaysia's No. 1 player, entered the quarter-finals of th« Malacca Open badminton championships which began here today. Kew San easily disposed of Malacca's Tony Ho In straight seta in 15 minutes. Wee Choong Seng of Singapore also had an
      162 words
    • 31 19 KUALA LUMPUR. Thura. 8t John's Institution won the King's Cup when they beat Victoria Institution 3-0 in the Selangor Schools badminton final at the Selangor Badminton Hall here today.
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 357 19 For you-only the best lAS AHI ■aM 0 M >3i Just ask an Asahi Pentax owner what he thinks of his camera. He will enthuse with that under-statement so typical of the man who runs the best motor car, keeps a fine cellar, goes to a good tailor and owns
      357 words
    • 219 19 Quality products from india H% at your service round-the-clock... Thtra l» BAJAJ ttactrlcal product •I avary flap oi your dariy U<a-4or batlar and t Iglif living at homa tor comtortabla condition* at yowr ptaea eH work and, lor a cool and cosy atmotohtr* around you. «rhlla B AJAJ-KArCH appllanoa* work
      219 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 74 19 SCHEDULE FIRST DAT Cl. 3 Dlv. 1— BJf- Cl. 4 Divs. 1. 2, 3. 4 and -51 f sit.; Divs. 1 and 2 8«f SECOND DAY— CL 3 Dlv. 2— B}f. Cl. 4 Divs. 2. 3. 4 and 6f. Cl. 6 Divs. 1. 2 and 3— 6 f. THIRD DAY—
      74 words

  • 283 20 Police quiz boy friend of slain man's daughter SINGAPORE, Thurs. Police investigating the murder of a canteen owner, Koh Mun Ting. 49, today interrogated the "rich and educated" boy friend of Lucy the murdered man's pretty 18-year-old daughter. The '"boy friend" is a laboratory assistant in a Singapore secondary school.
    283 words
  • 73 20 UNGATOU. Thurs.— (.limps of confidence tlirkster* have been reported to be loitering around Raffles Place and Kullerton Square swindling PMMfS-Vy hv means of "inucir stones A police statement today said: "Their modus operandi is simple. They produce a stone to a pas-ser-hv and demand some money "The
    73 words
  • 249 20 HAWKER CIRCLES OVER INDONESIAN BASE— ANTARA JAKARTA, Thurs. J The Indonesian East Borneo military commander. Col. Suharjo. has said that a British Hawker Hunter tried to intercept an unarmed Otter light plane that carried the Deputy Army Chief of Staff, Brig.Gen. Mursid. when he was on a border inspection tour
    Reuter  -  249 words
  • 144 20 Ferry goes down with PWD crane KUALA TRENGGANU, Thurs. The Marang ferry service here was closed to all traffic today after the ferry sank in the river under the weight of a PWD crane. The driver of the heavy mobile crane escaped unhurt. There were no casualties. Till late this
    144 words
  • 54 20 SINGAPORE. Thurs. The Hong Kong trade and Industrial mis-sion to Singapore will be guests at a luncheon given by local traders at the Peking Restaurant on Saturday. The host* are the Singapore Piece Goods Traders Guild. Singapore Chinese Textiles and Sundries Importers' Union and the Singapore-Malaya
    54 words
  • 31 20 PERTH. Tnurs.— British forces in Malaysia are adequate to meet any foreseen threat. Air Marshal Sir Hector McGregor. Command-er-ln-Chlef of the Par Bast ,Ur Force, said here today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 352 20 LONDON, Thurs. The Stock markets continued in good form today and most sections scored fresh gains. Political hopes were again the main reason for the buoyancy of markets. The buying, however, was rathei selective and although many good features developed, leading industrials did not participate
    352 words
  • 55 20 LONDON, Thurs. Spot 19% d., Apr. 20' md., May 20.d June 20--5 16d Apr. June 20>,d., July/ Sept 20-7 16d..* Oct /Dec. 2O' s d.. Jan Mar. 20-9 16d.. Apr. June 20--9 16d July Sept. 20-9/16 d.. Oct. Dec 20-9 16d.. c.i.f. Mar 19--13 16d.. Apr 19 7 >d.,
    55 words
  • 23 20 LONDON. Thuro Buyer* £1057';,. sellers £1060. Forward buyers £1038. sellers £1040. Settlement £1065. Turnover a.m. ijo tons. p.m. 110 tons. Tone: Steady!
    23 words
  • 232 20 MALACCA, Thurs. The Alliance lineup in the general election and State election here is expected to show many new faces. This was stated today by the Chief Minister of Malacca. Inche Abdul Ghafar bin Baba. He said that this would be done so
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  • 30 20 SINGAPORE, Thurs. The Hans Anderson Club will hold Its sixth annual general meeting at the Singapore Cricket Club in Empress Place on March 13 at 5.30 p.m.
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  • 202 20 MALACCA, Thursday. JXDONESIAX pirates robbed six Malacca fishermen of a motorboat, O."S fishing nets, six watches, three piculs of fish, foodstuffs and clothing total value $10.000 in international waters on Tuesday night. The fishermen returned home last night in two of their motorboats after
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  • 74 20 GUAYAQUIL (Ecuador), Thurs. Naval officer Julio Luna Vera. who has had a dead man's hand crafted on to his arm in place of his own severed one. left today for further treatment at a Boston hospital. Ho has now been told that the
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 64 20 MADAM CHEE SEE KIM tßt-A Hukit Tun:ih K. peacifully .it 1 ji m. on Thursday March. Funeral takrs placi on Saturday 7th March at 11 a.m. MR. VANC SEONC TECK, IMK axed S3, Organiser of Chinese S< 1)oo!k. Malacca, passed away on .V 3-64. ll* IWM tM-hind hi*
    64 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 40 20 Late CLASSIFIEI ADVERTISEMENTS 20 Wor4n $10 (Minimum) VfJS ORANGE CRUSH Full Fruit flavour. W£s Sparkling fresh! A light sweet juice I for a glorious thirst-quencher S W\. rA f f if Jr% \**t~ WW^^^^ m "^t *^*tv 'j' ln*^ldoes¥best!\ *j'\
      40 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 42 20 fJIGHEST and lowest tempera- tures in Malaya and Singapore for the period 8 p.m. on Wednesday to 8 p.m. yesterday: Highest Lowest Kuala Lumpur 91 72 Kota Bharu 90 79 Penanc 88 73 Ipoii 93 72 Malacca 91 72 Singapore 90 73
      42 words