The Straits Times, 5 March 1964

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 23 1 1 %L AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 125,000 The Straits Times. MO**** fie***** Estd. 1845. THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1964 15 CENTS KDN 731
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  • Article, Illustration
    1418 1 Lopez: Did our best MALAYSIA: NO ALTERNATIVE BUT TO TAKE MEASURES FOR DEFENCE OF OUR TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY Soekarno's order was ineffective BANGKOK, Wednesday MALAYSIA announced tonight it no longer considered the ceasefire in Borneo as "operative" following the collapse today of the tripartite ministerial talks here. A statement
    UPI  -  1,418 words
  • 46 1 BANGKOK. Wed Indonesia has threatened to seek Russian military aid to reinforce its Borneo frontiers should it have to withdraw guerillas from Borneo, Malaysian sources claimed here today. The sources said they had been told of the Indonesian threat by Philippines officials. Neuter.
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  • 744 1 KUALA LUMPUB. Wed. Tengku Abdul Rahman tonight said that the breakdown of the foreign ministers' meeting in Bangkok was "inevitable" because of Indonesia's uncompromising attitude towards the Borneo ceasefire. In a statement issued from the Residency an hour after the news of the breakdown
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  • 103 1 GLASGOW, Wed. A retired naval commander, said to have been swayIng in the saddle while his horse went round and round a circle, was fined £5 at a magistrate's court yesterday for being drunk in charge of a horse. Clement Marlowe-Howells, who pleaded
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  • 68 1 JAKARTA. Wed. President Soekarno has agreed to! include Cjmmunlsts in the Cabinet provided there is strong unity in all sections of the Indonesian society, according to the official Antara news agency. Antara quoted the secre- tary general of the National Front Political Confederation, Mr. Sudibjo. as
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 135 1 Look, no hands! Fly-blind success HATFIELD (England), Wed. A new Hawker-Siddeley J c t airliner made 10 successive fully automatic landings yesterday while test pilot Philipps sat with his arms folded in the captain's seat. Aviation officials said it was the first time that a civil airliner being built for
    UPI  -  135 words
  • 94 1 Movement of troops in Kashmir YEW DELHI, Wed. 11 The Indian Defence Minister, Mr. Y.B. Chavan, told Parliament today that there had been recent troop movements on the Pakistan side of the ceasefire line in Kashmir. "We have received information about some movement of armed personnel and military vehicles," he
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  • 58 1 SINGAPORE. Wed— After its drop of over $88 In the pact five trading days, tin today made a surprise rally of $14.62., taking the price back to $540.50. The advance was not generally expected here because in London yesterday there had been heavy falls of
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  • 463 1 Subandrio agreed to withdrawal, but Sock said 'no' BANGKOK, Wed. The Indonesian Foreign Minister, Dr. Subandrio, did actually agree that Indonesian guerillas should be withdrawn from Malaysian Borneo when the Malaysia ministerial discussions were held here last month, according to a Philippines statement issued today. But the proposal was unacceptable
    Reuter  -  463 words
  • 228 1  - Girl spurns thugs: Father slain ABDUL FAZIL B> SINGAPORE, Wed.— A canteen owner, Koh Mun Ting, was slashed to death early today by thugs whose amorous advances to his pretty 18-year-old daughter were spurned after she had started going steady with a "rich and educated" man. Koh. 49, a father
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  • 40 1 PEACE FORCE I Mlllt N A I I <> v \\rd Nrrimtx < "inn il tnfliv un.inim<»u«lv ;<p ■prn\nl ili'-p.itrh «f inti pr.irp (<>rcr it (Aprus und appointment of a mediator »'>r the bfaad*! communal strife ITI. (Srr Pag)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 63 1 YIPOLY On ESSENCE of CHICKEN f M»OE FROM THE >»>^ WORLD FAMOUS f J I RHODE ISLAND BBlfc^^\.^^^^^H V^ CHICKfNS Unau/ipa&ect "^*sflM Mode in U.S. A.^^s^ :.>■::.:: I _£g .ii\-. VH |mm m CUBE AND GRANULATED The choice of millions of housewives the world over for its pure white quality
      63 words
    • 55 1 II" Jfi REAX nourishment Of high food value, namely 2,100 calories per pound. Marie biscuits are very palatable and are particularly useful where a high energy food is required. Mad* of the purest ingredients to special recipes, these biscuits are manufactured under the most hygienic conditions by care* fully controlled
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    • 314 2  -  GARY BARKER AMERICANS SEE LIGHT IN S-E ASIA by BANGKOK, Wed. American policy towards Indonesia is expected to stiffen if the Bangkok Foreign Minterters' talks end in a stalemate. I understand that the Americans are coming to accept t he view of other
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    • 115 2 PENANG. Wed.—Chinese and Rumanian Communist Party leaders began talks here yesterday, the New China News agency reported. The Rumanians were headed by Mr. lon Gheorghe Maurer, the Prime Minister and politburo member, while the Chinese delegation was led by Mr. Liv Shao-Chi. the
      Reuter  -  115 words
    • 133 2 JOHNSON SOFT ON SOEKARNO, SAYS ROCKEFELLER WASHINGTON, Wed. Governor Nelson Rockefeller of New York, who is campaigning for the Republican Party's presidential nomination, yesterday accused the Johnson Administration of lacking a planned concept for dealing with "Indonesian aggression" which, he said, threatened to destroy Malaysia. In a long foreign policy
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    • 52 2 UNITED NATIONS, Wed. U Ttaant, the U.N. Secretary-General, said yesterday he did not believe that a "hot war" was in the offing in the Malaysia a rea He told a Press luncheon that he "felt very hesitant to accept the idea of a hot war in that
      Reuter  -  52 words
    • 120 2 Khanh scores first big victory SAIGON, Wed.— South Vietnamese forces claimed to have killed more than 100 Communist troops in a heavy '..attle close to the Cambodian border yesterday for a loss of 13 killed and 85 wounded. The battle, the first real victory claimed by the Government since MajorGen.
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    • 55 2 NEW DELHI. Wed. A total of 419 rebel Naga tribesmen have been killed and 4.888 cantured In north-east India in the oast four years, the Defence Minister. Mr. Yashwantrao Chavan. told Parliament yesterday. The rebels, demanding an Independent Naealand state, have been waging a guerilla struggle for
      Reuter  -  55 words
    • 242 2 CANBERRA, Wed.— Mr. Arthur Calwell, leader of the Opposition, last night accused Sir Robert Menzies, the Australian Prime Minister, of "little short of an electoral fraud" in his treatment of the Malaysia issue during the national election campaign late last year. "For that
      Reuter  -  242 words
    • IN BRIEF
      • 52 2 BELGRADE, Wed. The Soviet Union will grant new military aid to the Cambodian armed forces, the Yugoslav news agency Tanjug reported yesterday. A dispatch from Phnora Penh said Prince Norodom Sihanouk of CambodU thanked the Soviet Ambassador for the aid. There we«« no
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      • 38 2 KATMANDU: The SovtoC Union has agreed to put up a cement factory in Nepal and Soviet technicians are expected there soon, a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry here said this will be the third Soviet-aided project In Nepal.
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      • 39 2 TAIPEH: President Chiang Kai-shek yesterday watched a landing assault by thousands of American and Chinese Marines on the southern tip of Formosa which climaxed the month-long exercise "Back Pack," officially described as the biggest ever stagM on this island.
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      • 20 2 KARACHI: Pakistan has accused India of "inducing and inciting" Christian and Hindu minorities in East Pakistan to migrate to India
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      • 25 2 KAMPALA: British troops sent to Uganda to deal with the mutiny on Jan. 23 will return to their Kenya base on Monday, it was announced.
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      • 19 2 KARACHI: An all-wea-ther road will link Rawalpindi and Peklne by next year, the Secretary of th» Communications Ministry said.
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      • 20 2 UNITED NATIONS: U Thant, U.N. SecretaryGeneral, announced that the U.N. observer mission in Yemen would be prolonged until May 4.
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    • 36 2 JAKARTA, Wed. Police raided a dancing party in Pekalongan, Central Java, and arrested scores of teenagers, Jakarta newspapers reported today. They were warned to abide by the regulation bannlnc Western dances in town. Reuter.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 116 3 Pilot tried 'impossible' Innsbruck landing INNSBRUCK, Wed. The commission investigating the Alpine crash of a British airliner that killed 83 people on. Saturday said yesterday the pilot tried te land without instruments in weather that made such a landing impossible. The commission, in a preliminary report issued at Vienna, said
      UPI  -  116 words
    • 65 3 HOME, Wed. Prof. Felice Ippolito, suspended last August from his post as secretary-general of Italy's Atomic Energy Commission, was arrested by police last night at his home here. The 47-year-old professor was chained with embezzlement and using his official position for "private interest." An
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    • 26 3 SANTIAGO. Wtd. At least 25 people were killed in the Southern Chile village of Conartpe when Villarnca volcano erupted, police said today. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  26 words
    • 421 3 Wilson: A 'police' role for the navy BUT TUT IT UNDER UN" REPORT WAS 'A LIE 9 WASHINGTON, Wednesday. YJK. Harold Wilson, British Opposition leader, yesterday branded as 'a complete lie" a report that he had suggested putting the British Navy under the U.N. But, he said in a speech,
      Reuter  -  421 words
    • 71 3 DIRHAM. Wed. A man killed himself by cutting his throat on the high altar of Durham Catheral yesterday. Police said the man was in his fif ties. The Cathedral was closed after the in* cident and services will not be held tbere again until it has
      UPI  -  71 words
    • 170 3 Prince Philip apologises to mining town in Fife \fETHIL. 'Scotland). Wed. The Duke of Edinburgh has apologised to this mining town in Fife for calling It "a terrible place to live in" Tie phrase was used on a recent visit to the Mariners Club In Glasgow, and yesterday Provost (Mayor)
      Reuter  -  170 words
    • 49 3 SAINT NAZAIRE. Wed Hundrrris of wellwishers hnve :uded M. Francois Rouziou. who fpHrrd lie would have to sell his house to d;<V for a battery sewn Into rr.- s'nmach to keen hi* he*rt be«nn« They have subscribed 360 franc* for an to replace the battery.— Renter.
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 269 3 MAKARIOS: A 'YES' TO PEACE FORCE PLAN NICOSIA, Wednesday. rpHE Greek Cypriot President, Archbishop Maka- rios, last night was reported to have reluctantly approved a proposed U.N. Security Council resolution on a peace keeping force on the island. But Greek Oypriot sources expressed iear\s tnat the Soviet Union might veto
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    • 63 3 WASHINGTON. Wed. The United States will continue to oppose China's admission to the United Nations and every body associated with the U.N.. the State Department said last night. The Department made the U.S. position clear in commenting on the French acting earlier yesterday In seeking
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    • 80 3 LONDON. Wed.—Buckingham Palace and all other Royal sources Ignored yesterday a French magazine report that Princess Margaret was contemplating conversion to Catholicism. They refrained from comment of any kind. Sources close to the Palace said there was no basis whatsoever for the
      UPI  -  80 words
    • 46 3 LONDON, Wed. One of Britain's new Trident jet airlines yesterday made 10 fully automatic landings. It was reported today. A test pilot sat In the captain's seat with arms folded as the 600-mlle-an-hour "automated" Hawker-Sid-deley Trident touched down on test airfield runaways. Reuter.
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    • 70 3 75 million heard the big fight NEW YORK. Wed. About 75.395.000 people heard the live radio broadcast when Casslus Clay won the world heavyweight title from Sonny Liston, the American Broadcasting Company reported last night. It said this figure, which did not Include listeners outside the U.S. compared with about
      Reuter  -  70 words
    • 85 3 PARIS. Wed. The Channel Study Group. a joint British. French and American private enterprise. Is ready to undertake probes of the English Channel bed between Prance and England next month which would permit the first tunnel borings to start in the spring of 1965. It was
      Reuter  -  85 words
    • 26 3 WASHINGTON. Wed. Gen. Douglas Mac Arthur Is suffering from a "moderately severe laundlce." officials at Waiter Reed Army Hospital centre said yesterday. Reuter.
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    • 31 3 BRUSSELS, Wed. Belgium, has decided not to take Dart in the pilot project for a mixedmanned Nato nuclear force, a spokesman oJ the Foreign Minisi last night. Reuter.
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    • 30 3 PARIS. Wed. French police have arrested the leader ot an Illegal secret army organisation (OAS) youth movement and about 20 students, reliable sources said last night. UPI.
      UPI  -  30 words
    • 99 3 I OXDOX. Wed. A doctor recently answered a night emergency call from ,i woman patient under the National Health Service only to find that she wanted a supply of contraceptive tablets The matter is to be raised in Parliament Mr. Henry Kerby (Conner-
      Reuter  -  99 words
    • 132 3 Poles use beautiful girls to lure U.S. envoys YEW YORK, Wed. 11 Four American diplomats in Warsaw were blackmailed into joining the Soviet espionage system by beautiful Polish girls, the New York Journal American reported yesterday. The diplomats were named by Michal Ooleniewski. a Polish-born defector from the Soviet secret
      Reuter  -  132 words
    • 159 3 DALLAS, Wed. A Jury to try Jack Ruby for the murder of President Kennedy's alleged assassin was completed yesterday, with a new judge temporarily presiding. Selection of a silverhaired grandmother, Mrs. Louise Malone, as the 12th juror paved the way for the beginning
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 218 3 W^^^^^^^^-*4*^Bm ME? OLD-FASHIONED? Yes. yoo! You can wear the latest Pant hat or coat, the latest lipstick, (he latest false .-velashes. but million* of girls sour age insist you're old-fV'.iioned K you don't u»e We read n in letter*, we hear it by word of moulh Tampa x is the
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    • 353 3 SMASHING SALE AT 84jj HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE Tel: *****. BASKET BARGAINS Sktrfc, blouses, cardigans, etc., etc. Reol value at only $4.90 each. I SKIRTS BLOUSES Printed Pleated Skirts $7.90 each Loce 7.90 Plain 4.90 E Blouses over 50 potfrwm from 2.90 upwards TEXTILES g Over 500 different designs and qualities
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  • 306 4 K.E. now a cholera infected area KUALA. LUMPUR, Wednesday J^UALA LUMPUR has been declared a cholera-infected area following the death of a four-year-old girl from the disease in the General Hospital this morning. The youngest child of a labourer of Salak South village near here, she was brought to hospital
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  • 32 4 IPOIi. Wed. Mr. Clv.n Che* Kheone. 61. a bus'.nc.^man and treasurer of the Malayan Chinr>e Association. Persk branch, died in the Oeneral Hospital I-to This morning after a short
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  • 121 4 Petition to lift ban on trawler fishing A LOR STAR, Wed. I% About 200 idle trawler fishermen in Kuala Kedah. the State's main fishing centre, today petitioned the Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives. Inche Mohamed Khir Johari. for the lifting of the temporary ban on trawler Ashing. In two separate
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  • 49 4 PF.NAN'G \\<-a A Convent y-achfr. Miss Mary Chung. 25. io>t her handtttc last nietit while praying ai thr Bbrtnc ol our L^dy of at the Pulau Tlkus Catholic Church Police are lookins nr a youth \vho had knelt behin< Mi-s Chang during the prayers.
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  • 62 4 OINGAPORE. Wed. Police yesterday arrested two "active fighters" from the "24" and "108" secret society groups operating in the Jalan Bukit Ho Swee area. They were detained under the Criminal Law < Temporary Provisions) Ordinance. Another 11 gangsters were i detained under
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  • 78 4 Display by Centaur's aircraft SINGAPORE. Wed The 27.000-ton British aircraft carrier Centaur will be the local point of a flying demonstration off Singapore on Saturday. Ministers, Par 1 1 a mentary and political secretaries. Assemblymen and prominent citizens will be invited to look over the ship. During the afternoon they
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  • 26 4 PARIT BUNTAR. Wed. —More than 5.000 Deople attended the three-day celebrations marking ■the first anniversary of the SubI ramamam Hindu temple here.
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  • 19 4 PENANG. Wed— Poiice are Investigating the theft of 17 motor lorry batteries valued at $1,500 last night.
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  • 96 4 yyiTH a shy curtsry. six-year-old Sharifah Hanizah. granddaughter of the Prime Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman, presents a basket of orchids to a delighted Raja Permaisuri Agong on her return to Kuala Lumpur yesterday with the King after their State visit to Thailand. Behind
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  • 183 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The Transj port Workers' Union of Malaya is "gravely concerned" over the I Government's policy towards trade unions, the general secretary. j Mr. V. David, said here today. He said that the Government's "pro-employer legis- lation"' had been unable to check 10
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  • 295 4 King and Queen return from State visit ftl ALA Lf.MPI R. Wed. An artillery salute boomed over the capital today, welcoming home the King and Queen from their eight-day State visit to Thailand. tVaiting to erert them on Platform 1 at the railway station its functional drabness masked by full
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 242 4 VlOdl'fVlTT B shai "P""H Wm Q I w* CJ wm iiA li 1 is» 9 sTsi 3 M A |Bfl| Clean, healthy, attractive hair, lastingly protected that it is neither too greasy nor too dry. Because Kjj|S R I L^^^ ILm L^^^ against dandruff! That is the promise of LOXENE
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  • 265 5 COURT TOLD: AFTER THE FRAY, STOLEN BIRDS WIND UP IN THE CURRY POT SINGAPORE, Wednesday. THE Juvenile Court was told today how a disused Christian cemetery in the city area has become a popular venue for children's cock-fighting. Asst. Supt. Mary Quintal, prosecuting, said that some children
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  • 375 5 Assistant D.O. gives evidence at murder trial t^EREMBAN, Wed. The Assistant District Officer of Kuala Klawang, Inche Mustapha bin Mohammed Amin, said in the High Court here today that he gave a lift to Ma'arof bin Ebat, who it> charged with murder. He WU giving evidence at Ma'arofs trial for
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  • 68 5 SINGAPORL. Wed— A taxi was recovered by police minutes after it was reported stolen yesterday. The taxi was> seen by Inspectoi Shamdin bin Tengah. of "F 1 Division, wliile he was on mobi> patrol duty In Upper Serangoori Road. He rha.sed the taxi until
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  • 56 5 PENANO. Wed. Three beauty queens from America arrived in Penang today for a flve-day stay during which they will (five three fashion shows and perform at a local dance hall Penny Holland (Miss Queen of Queens). Glvnda Quirm (Miss Oklahoma) and Penny Jane McClelltn (Miss Utahi
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  • 26 5 JESSELION Wed.— TtM Malarr of Labour Inche Balmiwn Mn Shamsuddin today \isi cti the Borneo Abava V where imber o! Indaneslar. labuureu are emp.uTed.
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  • 83 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Hearing of a petition by an officer in the Malayan Railway Administration seeking a divorce from his wife was adjourned in the High Court here today to April 13. Hum Labaya Saigal sought the divorce on the grounds of cruelty by his
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  • 59 5 SINGAPOKfc.. Wed Sf- n:or Crown Counsel. Mr. Franci l tjeow. prosecutor in the Pulau Sanaaf murder trial. continued today in the Assizes with his final I submission for the fifth day before Mr. Justice BuUrose and a special seven-man jury. Fifty-eight former Pulau Senang detainees are
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  • 153 5 IPOH, Wed. Mr. P. C. Gomez (above), foun-der-president -of the National Union of Bank Employees and president of the Perak branch of the Malayan Trades Union Congress, died in the General Hospital here last night. He was 48. He is survived by
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  • 32 5 SEREMBAN. Wed. Thieves broke into a shop here during the early hours of this morning and cot away with liquor and cigarettes worth 81.000 and SlOO in cash.
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  • 31 5 SINOAPORE. Wed— A French frieute. Admiral Charner. arrived here today from Hong Kong and will stay in oort for three d.iv.s The ship is on a Pacific cruise.
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  • 127 5 I'UALA LUMPUR. Wed. More than 160 entries have been received for the 'Joy of Living" national art competition to be held in the Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka from April 20 to 29 The exhibition is being organised by the Arts Coun cil
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  • 199 5 Pearl diver from Malaya jailed for theft in —Darwin rjARWIN. Wed. A Malayan pearl diver, who was given permission to stay in Australia two years ago when the Federal Government dropped deportation proceedings, was today jailed for theft and unlawful possession. Zainal bin Hashim. 27. single, wharf labourer, of Darwin,
    Reuter  -  199 words
  • 50 5 KAJANO. Wed.— A rubber sheet making competition for mh illholders in the Ulu Langut district will be held on Friday at the community centre in Denalcil. 18 milc-s from here. It is arranged by the Rubber Research Institute. There will be cash prizes for the winners.
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  • 32 5 PENANG. Wed.— Police are looking for a new Morris Minor, registration number PD 7898, stolen from a liquor dealer. Mr. Lum Chit Thean. in Malacca Street early this morning.
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  • 506 5 CASE OF THE UNION MEN WHO REFUSED TO PAY LEVY SINGAPORE. Wed "expulsion" order made by the Army Civil Services Union against a number of union members for refusing to pay a building fund levy imposed by the executive council of the union in October, 1962, was contested in the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 258 5 STAINLESS STEEL SINK fyMAfr cl. Corrosion Resistant 1^ Lifetime -Service &**4 L' tea*. 3. Sole Agents: >»,, fa jfc SINGAPORE. KUH* IUMPUR.PEMAMG.IPOH.SEREMBAM. Why If] a favourite is a iUL of Parker 3|r so many T-Ball people? fIHH^ I Rich or poor, no man can afford W*jf^\ to make a bad
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
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  • 757 6 PROBE INTO UNION FUNDS SINGAPORE, Wed THICK BATCH of cash cheques produced at a commission of inquiry today showed that the Singapore Business Houses Em* ployees Union had between April and October last year drawn on its banking account to the extent
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  • 58 6 SINGAPORE. Wed. Mr. Tang Tuck Wan (above). Singapore Olympic and Sports Council secretary, has been appointed organising secretary of the proposed Singapore National Safety First Council He win be responsible in the first Instance to Initiate the National Safety First Council, and then
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  • 94 6 SOUTHERN ISLANDS: PLAN FOR 8 JETTIES SINGAPORE. Wed. The Urban and Rural Services Consultative Committee is considering the building of eight jetties in the Southern Islands at an estimated cost of over $102,000. A decision will be announced by the Minister for National Development, Mr. Llm Kirn San (above), when
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  • 267 6 Girl, 13, raped: Man admits 'acid 9 threat SINGAPORE, Wednesday. 'THE Assize Court was told today how a young man, who raped a girl of 13, bad threatened her with an "acid bomb" when she screamed for help. Teh Hong Geok, 24. a worksite labourer, who pleaded guilty to a
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  • 149 6 SINGAPORE, Wed. The 58-member Hong Kong trade and industrial mission today toured the sprawling Jurong industrial estate to see for themselves the results of Singapore's determined efforts to industrialise. A lunch was given in their honour at the premises of the National Iron
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  • 433 6 $50,000 EXTORTION CASE BRIBE BID IS DENIED OINGAPORE, Wed. A Johore police officer was alleged to have demanded $50.--000 from a businessman in a Singapore hotel while music from a dance band softly played. This allegation was -made by Llm Say Tuan.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 336 6 Grand Premiere -Thurs. 12th March B.oopm I at shaws LIDO THEATRE Singapore J SEASON FROM 13th MARCH Doily 3 Shews: II 0.m., 3.10 A p.m. ■ADMISSION PRICES: Circle $4 Stalls $2.50 It $1 .50 -No Free List" Advance CASH BOOKINGS NOW OPEN! (FOR CIRCLE BACK STALLS ONLY) best picture: q[f^t£e
      336 words
    • 69 6 Eskamel TREATS SPOTS AND PIMPLES. LEAVES YOUR SKIN CLEAR AND SMOOTH Contains Hcxachloropbeac kills germt initially heals pimple* fail. Prevents pimplea from spreading—leaves no umigbily spots. does not crack, cak or clot Ihe pores women itn apply make-up over it. A wonderfully effective treatHUNDREDS WEII TURNED AWAY YESTERDAY AT SINGAPORE'S
      69 words
    • 87 6 Harlem fe^ Entertainers M Wk Dancer \n!!T and Af>^^ BUNNY CLARK LmT 111 Dancer of M V^X calypso, jaz2 blues I -entertain at the M IPE W ARUNDEL ROOM W> SUNDAYS: POOLSIDE BAKBECUE j N^H 'EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT "TENSION to I AM SupeU SteaA* at LuncriandSuppetb Mil C^^s^^( |Pam Fletcher
      87 words
    • 460 6 t m>w miouix,: X Horn 1.30 -4.00 6 30 9 30pm tMe^mjDDie Rcbcrl Mitchum Fronce Nuycn X iSmk EXCLUSIVE uJ^K SMbssssK Fcaturcttc JAjftJ sansw^aw- aaw^<s»ss. SONNY CASSIUS t LISTCNvsCLAY X f WORLD'S HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP BOUT. X SATURDAY MIDNIGHT' 808 CUMMINGS in BENCH FMRIV7-',: ruin« ul or ranavwon (Amtr.ccr Ir-t. ~is\
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 371 6 IN AND OUT BY AIR THE following l« today's schedule Japan Air LJrws: From Jakarta of civil aircraft movrments at (JL 714) 8.50 p.m. Paya L»bar airport Singapore British Unit*! Airway's: From Btanstrd. Istanbul. Bombay (BR ARRIVALS M 2) 7 m BOAC: From London, frankfurt, OIPARTURII Zurich Beirut. Karachi, Calcutta,
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  • 1712 7 Courtroom charmer STRAITS TIMES Special Feature LEGENDARY U.S. CRIMINAL LAWYER EARL ROGERS SET RECORD OF 183 MURDER ACQUITTALS TALL, handsome, flam boy ant crimi naJ lawyer Earl Hogers was sitting in his Los Angeles office one morning in 1915 when a stranger entered and asked if it was true that
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 268 7 SPEED-UP DELIVERIES WITH PROVEN AUSTIN COMMERCIALS Save money and time on your delivery jobs get Austin vans and pick-uptrucks to do them These popular, proven commercials bring you the benefit of engineering from Britain's biggest motor company, backing from world-wide B.M.C. service and full 12 months warranty on each vehicle.
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    • 451 7 FLYING BACK TO EUROPE? Pan Am makes it easy to enjoy a U.S. holiday en route It costs so much less than you think to see the U.S.A. on your way to Europe with Pan Am! If you're homeward bound, make this your opportunity to see the States-it costs as
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  • 24 8 Words Sl» (Mlmlmum) MR. A MRS. Mak Kk«a BenK h*nK MaaCfl and relatfvea for their tlual>le Klft.i and attendance oa rbetr i.drtmK 1-3-M.
    24 words
  • 67 8 JO Uorrfs Sl* (Mimmmm) IN LOVING MEMORY of OUT be..vsd fsiher AnK Boon SesuiK who left on |t at <>one But Never Kor- ..tlen in LOVING MEMORY of the late Mr. ituiip U'Cruz. who departed on Meepa In a beautiful Kardeo heltrrrd from sol row and pain One
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  • 83 8 Wmrdm tit (Minimum) FEDERAL PUBLICATIONS LTD. leacbens aad book addicts 10 nrowat In their showroom at Ttmaa hMJf Valley Koad. Slacaporc. LONG LINE SASHAY IDA by War■ajlaaa, Cotton Contour L*ce IrssM Top bu«t and centre-front Kla»IM M:iniui>-'ite Itick Modern >. M. r^et. Spore POST NATAL SLIMMING. sMaMUM I •r.;itmi'nt
    83 words
  • 52 8 ;0 Wnrd* Si. SI (tin.) TREMENDOUS PROFIT Is gained s| the Blhle. Kree correapondM Mark's Gospel. Wnte to Upward Path. P.O. Box 903. K.I. YOUTH FOR CHRIST Rally VtetorUl M.-morial H.ill March 7. 19«4. 7.30 p m Snesiker Jake Combs of too Navigators. Ouest Artist and Y.r.C. Ctwir.
    52 words
  • 588 8 Thursday. March 5. 1964. Failure In Bangkok The Bangkok talks have failed. The decision yesterday evening that the discussions should be recessed need not, however, be taken too hardly. The first reaction naturally is disappointment, coupled with the fear that not only will tension increase again but the activities of
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  • 311 8 Some say that royal visits between countries are just manifestations of friendship: but do they not also promote I if.' Who would say Thailand ;ind Malaysia are not better neighbours than ever as a result of the King's eight-day visit? He and his Consort returned to Kuala Lumpur
    311 words
  • 308 8 The plan for a peace-keep-ing force for Cyprus, submitted to the Security Council by its five elected members, seems a reasonable compromise. It is proposed that the force should operate as Archbishop Makarios desires— under the flag of the United Nations, but with the proviso that its size
    308 words
  • Article, Illustration
    13 8 "Janes will probably do better next round if he drops this VrnHhe-greateM-Vrn'the-prettiest technique"
    13 words
  • 1035 8  - Time that ticks away in Room 318 GODFREY HODGSON bomb(J2EK) from IS JOHNSONS NAME LINKED WITH A $30,000 HANDOUT? IT is more than six months now since a suit filed in court by an angry business rival first revealed that Mr. Lyndon Johnson's protege, Bobby Baker, the serviceable secretary of
    OFNS  -  1,035 words
  • 521 8  - A BATTLE OVER NIGHT RACING IN BRITAIN Vernon Morgan by AN intriguing back-stage battle is going on between the professional racing people, the Betting Levy Board, and the bookmakers over the question ol night racing. A keenly interested spectator on the sidelines is the British Government. The "professionals" such as
    Reuter  -  521 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 658 8 Strait. Taws IHaky Mai Sot Msor 0010 Tomns: tme»am OOLO STOMAOS! UAH 01 AT rf*t I i"*«* WOAO KATOMt -NAVAL BAM crnr aoo« arrotM lt» WI Hi ll t Waa— Oo»f J i ii i Him v» fisFWsMssMsisanr a oo CLASSIFIED ADS. War** Stt (Minimi *i> BLAKE: Aon born 4-S-ot
      658 words
    • 40 8 "gee ghou) The Renowned CUSTOM TAILORS Styles Cut to the Latest Fashions Hand Tailored Best Workmanship Alto Importers Exporters of High Closs Worsteds Woollens SINGAPORE: 21, Ossrfio Srrowt Tol: ***** HOMGKONG: Is* Froor, Room No. 8, 54-64, Hotwow Roo.. -1
      40 words
    • 315 8 PLANT FOR SALE AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Located If land ks»M «O» TRACTOR EXCAVATOR Oil ftrsd ROTARY KILN by WssU. Mm Maa ftttsd wrth Ii cubic yard S7 ft. 4i in leaf x approilmsteiy smhsl, pssiafssl by a Cusmni t It dis. (ISOO mm), apprsumstsdlml onsdss*. otaotrta start ly S/S In. mild
      315 words

  • 258 9 Blankets for 2 shivering youths on trial for murder IPOH, Wed. Two youths facing a murder charge before Mr. Justice Ali bin Hassan and a seven-man jury in the High Court here today were given police blankets to keep themselves warm when they complained of the severe cold in the
    258 words
  • 41 9 PARIT BUNTAR. Wed. The Mentri Besar of Perak. Dato Shaarl bin Pial, and the Assistant Minister for Rural Development. Inche Mohamed Ghazaili bin Jawi. will make a two-day inspection tour qf rural development projects In Krian district starting tomorrow.
    41 words
  • 113 9 SINGAPORE. Wed. The Central Government has extended the stay here of two former members of Angkatan Revolusi Tentera Islam Singapura (Artis). for the fifth time, to April 4. The Straits Times understands that the fate of these two men will be known in the
    113 words
  • 46 9 PENANO. Wed. The Penang Mu>l m Youth Society will sponsor a Pan-Malayan Muslim youth conference here duitng the next school variition.s Invitations will be issued to all non-political Muslim youth bodies to send representatives for talks on educational, social and other youth activities.
    46 words
  • 128 9 SINGAPORE. Wed. A trade dispute relating to the dismissal of 90 workers of the Great World Amusement Park. Ltd. hasbeen taken to the Industrial Arbitration Court. The management of the park, in dismissal notice* to the workers last week, announced !t was going into
    128 words
  • 77 9 JESSELTON, Wed— A village chief from the border area who was instrumental In getting five Indonesian border terrorists to surrender to the security forces was given a $1,000 reward 'n Tawau. According to the village chief, whose name was with-held-for security reasons, one terrorist was brought In
    77 words
  • 241 9 NO AGREEMENT ON POLICIES AND ALLOCATING SEATS AGAINST ALLIANCE KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. 'piIK proposed united front of four Opposition parties to fight the Alliance in the Parliamentary and State elections in April will not be formed. The four-day meeting here end^d today without reaching an agreement
    241 words
  • 49 9 JESSELTON, Wed.— The Inspec-tor-General of the Royal Malaysian Police. Dato C. H. Fenner, paid a routine visit to Tawau yesterday morning. He flew here by RMAF plane accompanied by the Commissioner of Police, Mr. Donald Matheson. The Inspector-General later went on tour of Wallace Bay.
    49 words
  • 187 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The Malayan Party leader, Mr. Tan Kee Gak (above), has decided to rejoin the Malayan Chinese Association. In a joint statement Mr. Tan and the president of the M.C.A., Mr. Tan Siew Sin, said: "President Soekarno, under pressure from the
    187 words
  • 256 9 Incumbent MPs from Penang to contest polls DENANG, Wed. 1 All eight M.P.s from Penang, both Alliance and Socialist Front, v/ill seek re-election in next month's general election. Inche Ismail idris (Penang Selatan), Mr. Gen Chonjr Keat (Penang Utara). Inche Ibrahim bin Abdul Rahman (Seberang Tengah), Haji Ahmad Sa'ald (Seberang
    256 words
  • 293 9 PAP sends big four for election campaign SINGAPORE, Wed. The Peoples Action Party's "invasion" of Malaya began today when a vanguard of four Ministers, led by Dr Toh Chin Chye, the Deputy Premier, left for Kuala Lumpur to set In motion the PAP election, machinery. Accompanying Dr. Toh, who is
    293 words
  • 156 9 THE AIM: TO BEAT ALLIANCE GOVT, says MCA MAN lOHORE BAHRU, J Wed.— Mr. Chan Chorg Wen, national publicity chief of the M a 1 a v a n Chinese Association, criticised today the People's Action Party's indention, to contest the Malayan g c n eral election. Mr. Chan claimed
    156 words
  • 42 9 SINGAPORE. Wed.— The Deputy High Commissioner for India, Mr. Thomas Abraham, has presented the National Librury with 42 books about India This is the second time that the Government of India has donated books to the National Library.
    42 words
  • 252 9 SINGAPORE, Wed. The Minister of Culture. Mr. S. Kajaratnam. said here today that it was "understandable' that Cm no. being a member of the Alliance, should spring to the defence of MCA, if it was attacked. He was replying to Malacca's Chief Minister Inche
    252 words
  • 72 9 KUAUi LUMPUR. Wed. The Minister of Finance and national president of the Malayan Chinese Association. Mr. Tan Slew Sin, returned here last night after an extensive threeday tour of hi* home State, Malacca, during which he travelled more than 500 miles. Yesterday Mr. Tan took
    72 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 125 9 D i j ex antacid-adsorbent TABLETS RELIEVE SYMPTOMS ASSOCIATED with PEPTIC ULCER, ACID INDIGESTION and DYSPEPSIA faster than ever! After many years of extensive r* v <<* pk search by Boots Research Scientists, ""'m* a new approach to the treatment o* peptic ulcer, heartburn, acid indl- m 9 gestion and
      125 words
    • 107 9 (C J Supreme for T|| CLARITY ■Vb QUALITY prompt and AFTER-SALES SIRVId s^TT AT\ A -KTrr^T^T^ ENSURED BY GUARANTEE EXPERIENCED STAFF Models:- nordmende factory Lw HANSEAT FAVORIT II 1 ALL NORDMENDE TV SETS ARE EQUIPPED IjP WITH 23" ANTIGLARE PICTURE TUBE. colonel (i 9 port.w) souveraen it mm Hi I
      107 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 650 9 |Today's Radio, TV| RADIO MALAYSIA 'RADIO SINGAPORE NATIONAL SHORTWAVE MEDIUM HAVE SERVICE SERVICE 41.7 and 6.02 metres Metre* SHORTWAVE SERVICE: AJ* 8.00 Time Signal. Ne- 41 metres gara-Ku. 6.02 Mornm* Melodies; Mo^^PrS^TV^ 7.00 Tune Signal, the News; 7.10 Up And About; 7.30 News 7.10 Breafclast Potpourri; 7.30 740 Breakfast Builetln;
      650 words

    • 523 10 *pHE costumes are dasling. In fact, they are lit for a queen. But housewives and career flocked to sec these 1(J Australian outfits which ;ir rived in Singapore earlier this week. Durlnfl the twice-daily shows held at Robinson's since Monday, women have been
      523 words
    • 491 10 SINGAPORE DESIGNER FOR NEW YORK CONFERENCE \|R. Roland Chow. A one of Singapore's top fashion designers, will be leaving Singapore on Saturday to make a tour of Paris and New York. He has planned his visit to coincide with the opening presentations of the spring and summer hair fashions in
      491 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 379 10 for Users 0f.... SbSB^BK 1 VST S^Bj ft iwjg j? i i Mott tu.tibl* for febm «ra l( ht (ram birth. •k Sf«nlly mtnufactured for urn In hot cliiMiat. Nutritive vain* IncrMwd with added Vitamin O and Iron. it E»ily d'icued practically IndiKlnfuuhabl* from bf cast milk. fatly prepared |utt
      379 words
    • 396 10 New Style From maidenfbrm: Q/ (Made In U.S.A.) SWEET MUSIC with straps of a unique new non-rip- li pliriß, non-rollinf elastic! These new straps stretch V~^/ smoothly over your should- "x^S^^ ers, around the back and under the cups. Plus the famous Sweet Music features of spoke-stitched cup* made of
      396 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 186 10 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS clay-pit (7). L jnsutt- simply a^d C^^T V J 8. X* lor some meaning? OMta capes out In Australia necessary for a bu*- ">. gittj, chj^gr not neaS Idler? U). tvw*ihlv9 IS 7 1 men 17)« nn h#» trin it 13. SVbric w« examined at home
      186 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1343 11 TO LIVERPOOL I V.EST COAST UK: Due .S'pori Sails P. fhtm Pining ELPENOR Avonmouth, liverp— l ll Pt/kLar 5 AENEAS Liverpeil, Giasgom Mar I EUMAEUS Liverpeel 1 1 Ptrt Mar 7 Mar I/It Mar 11 PELEUS Liverpeel, Dublin, Glasgow Mar 11 Mar 11 Mar 14/11 Mir 17 ACHILLES Liverpael. Dublin
      1,343 words
    • 1386 11 THE EAC LINES ■''"1 v-^yvi'H yem Singapore KUAiAiuMPut.p.swrrri*4MAM»PtNAMG aWrStnT^T^lil I oin.aiii hous( fc.A»>ANGio. roKiiii.i >/>.wudO«mv Ly^SS'f^M fnoNi 7»oi mom Mi4i niOMi tin •xo«t»mi »*ll.lNli» IU StNUA, U NAtlt. MAMBUMb, lIRLMkN, «NI*LI> ROTttIOAM, AMSTiAOAM. OSLO, GOTHENIURG AND COPINMHK Spore P. Sham Penani "SINALOA" a) 1.42-41/ 5 MM 5/ I Mar 1/
      1,386 words
    • 1170 11 I BENULINE] EUPRESS SERVICE It UNOOW. LIWBPOOI > CONTINENTAL PORTv Brill AVAI fof Lon()cn MM 24 BENLOYAL Hanburi Aar 1 iingaport P- S'nan Ptnani BENLARIC For London Apr II Hamburg Apr 21 Siniacoii M xenani M bfo M| MM 12/15 MM 11/21 Mar 21/22 Gmouth |yj 14 S'oori r. rriam
      1,170 words
      1,355 words

  • 99 12 MELBOURNE. Wed. INDI STRIALS traded steadily on selective lines. Falls were again In excess of rises, out moves were small. Oils were easier and most ba*e metal* lost ground. Loans were steady. C.X A 30/U Mount lv 42/ JO N Broken Hill (10s. > 38/7 A.mpol H/4 Aust.
    99 words
  • 253 12 I ARCH first irado rubbor buyers f.o.b. closed at 5 p.m. In Slngapore and Kuala Lumpur yesterday at t>6. centK per Ih. down one-ci£bth of a cent on Tuesday's cloning levil for tbe position. The tone was quiet. R A s. and F.M.R.E. closing prises i, cents per
    253 words
  • 215 12 (OFFICIAL QUOTATIONS) Mann 4. Three months INDUSTRIALS Bou.itend 10 '-is M Cement 19 cts. Dunlop.i Is OuV M. Box M ata City DajV, (i at*. MrAliMer 16 ctn. K SmdiiTj 21 cts. M. Invest. 16 cts. K*so 19 tts Robinson 15 cts. Ked. Uisp 15 ajtSJ. C. Storaue
    215 words
  • 72 12 CHINESE Produce Eichangs. Singapore neon prleet per picul yesterday: Coconut oil: bulk $46i sellers, drum $491 sellers Copra: March /April I'K 'Continent: Unquoted. Pepper: Muntok white $162 i sellers, Barawnk white $160 sellers, special Sarawak blark Sll'i) sellrm. garbled LampooK black H'-'O Kellers. AST A $130 xrllers Siniapore
    72 words
  • 17 12 February rubber crops included Riverview 181.000 Ib. Sungei Tukang 53.000 Ib.; 1> mrrloh 105.500 Ib.
    17 words
  • 80 12 THK Federation Minister x lor Finance has fixed these prices for calculatingcustoms duties for the week beginning on March 5. Rubber 66 cts a Ib. Copra S4BO a ton. Coconut oil $790 a ton. Palm oil 5658.75 a ton. Palm kernels $403.50 a ton. The rate of duties
    80 words
  • 817 12 From Our Market Correspondent SIMILAR conditions again prevailed on tbe Malayan Stock Exchange yester-day-thin trading, industrials slightly easier and tins quietly steady. Equities were again influenced by the coming general election and the messages coming from Bangkok regarding the ministerial talks there. Although there
    817 words
  • 897 12 /COMBINED business in the Slngapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Malayan Stock Exchange yesterday, with the number ot the shares traded in brackts: INDUSTRIALS: Boustead (2.000) SI.WJ: Cold Storo (I.UOU) $3.33: Dunlopt I 1.000) $2.77, (1.000) $2.75: Cast Smolt (2.000) $3.87. (10 000) ■Ml; Csto SM
    897 words
  • 364 12 I rfiHERE was a surprise rise of 1 $14.02.} in the Straits tin 1 price yesterday which took it to $540.50. The estimated ottering was 255 tons, down 5 tons. In London on Tuesday a weak tin market cash finished around £77-1
    364 words
  • 71 12 'PMI Malayan lichjn*. Bank*' A»». ciation nude these changes, to Ms I rate* to merchant! yesterday (all rates to $100 i. ••Ming TT ar OD ready: Belgian Francs 1617; Danish Krsnsr DM I 4. On the Irse txctiango marks! in Hong Kong yesterday the U.S. dollar was quoted
    71 words
  • 27 12 Malayan Stork Indirrs Mar.3 Mar. 4 'Industrials: 111.37 110.80 Tins: 135.92 136.36 S rubbers: 104.57 104.57 *I)pc. 30, 1953—100 Dtc: 29, 1 962 i 100
    27 words
  • 26 12 March 4 MALAYAN RUBBER PRICE: tiris cents (down one-eigbth of a cent). TIN: 5540.50 (up 514.62!.). Estimated unofficial offering 255 tons (down 5 tons).
    26 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1153 12 L Vy*^TT^ ,lAWASAK)'KISEN"KAISHA. LTD. U.S.A. Pacific, Atlantic, and Great Lakes/East Canada Service •Jkajajajii P S>am Honolulu S. F'cisco N. Tori Morttei "HaaiUwj Maru Gda. 19 aY 1 Mai 27 Mar 4 Apr 2] Apr n lUiiii Miru' n 21 Mir 29 3; Mar 2| Apt 21 Apr 17 May 24
      1,153 words
    • 1125 12 m \M 'J AUSTRALIA SERVICE INOIA. PAKISTAN ANO P. GULF SERVICE la. Tawasville, Inskane. Sydney. Mellonine To: Midras and Nagapattiaam Soo'e P. S "-im BOMIALA 14 Mar IS II Mil .1 2b Mi to. Frersaatle. Adelaide, Meie»me. sMsri Jf l J !'i it A,« ,\l. BAMOR* I Api 913 Api
      1,125 words
    • 126 12 WILHELMSEN LINES FROM: Scandinavian art Continental Parts for laofkik art Nan Haag. Penang P. s ham S'ocra TIRRANMA (Calls Manila) 11/17 Mar 11/21 Mar 21/23 Mar TUGELA( (Ca is Pusan. Japan) 21,31 Mar TALASOT (Calls Manila) 11/12 Apr 13,15 Apr 11/11 Apr BARBER LINE TRIM H.S.A., CAST AN! WEST COAST
      126 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 866 13 I Con tinned from Pare 8) SITUATIONS VACANT 70 Word* Si (Mln.y—Bnx M eU. Ottrt REOUIRC MALE CLERK with Senior Cambridge Certificate and Knowledge Of Typewriting. Box A4835 8.T. 8' pore DIPLOMATIC MISSION require European Secretary also a local English and Malay speaking lady. Box A4S33 8.T S pore. WANTED
      866 words
    • 1031 13 I SITUATIONS VACANT Vi Word, U (Mln.)— Box It ct: OMtrm WANTED OUTDOOR SALESMEN for TV, Radio, Household Appliances. Only those with outdoor canvassing experience need apply. Preference those holdin', motorcycle licences. Box A 4844 B.T. Spore APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED for the post of lecturer Muslim College Malaya, Klang from
      1,031 words
    • 1136 13 GODOWN SPACE VACANT I tt-ofa U I M*n t—Bot tt Ma. cjtfr* SOLID CONSTRUCTION WARt NOUS! along Lavender otrtet with a covered area of approximately 7.000 so ft. available for rent from April lat at reasonable rat*. Intereated parties I pleaae apply for detaila to Bos A47M7 S.T. rpore HOUSES
      1,136 words
    • 928 13 EDUCATION it Word, SS (Miit.)— Box it et: oxtro BIOINNIRS A ALL STAGES Shorthand Typewrlting/Book-Keeping. Preparing Tor L.CC. Examination. Commercial High School (Alrcoodltioned), 247 A, Joo Chiat Road. (B'pore). *****. TYPEWRITING! Classes anytime up to 9 p.m. Individual attention: Preparing for LCC, Pitman s, Phonographic Society, British Society Bxarr Inst
      928 words
    • 1055 13 FOR HIRE m »w_ U I Milt.)— Box It et: ixlr. FURNITURE rm Hire ot Hire furchase Al Kcaaooabl* Rant Mia Get Meng, 81 Rochorc Canal Road, ttlagaport Ttl: *****/***** AGENTS WANTED tt Word* U <m*.>—B*, It eta. oMtro U.K. TtXTILI MANUFACTURIRS anc Kxportert of High Standing raqulrr at once
      1,055 words
    • 944 13 FOR SALE it Word* U imim.t— Box tt eU. txtrm MM FOR BEAUTIFUL Indian CottOu Saree Come And Inspect Tb* Lated Saree Centre At Cbanrlta 86 High Street. Spore COUCH GRASS SEED for lawns. I parks. playgrounds, golf-links and I bowling green. Enquiries to P.O. Box t>7o. 103 Havelock Road.
      944 words
    • 521 13 SHOPPING GUIDE (Spore) Word* SS (Min.)— Bmx St et: txtrm DISTINCTIVE IN OESICN. lery from Lee Onn. 206/8 South Bridge Rd. J'pore. SUNMASTER CO., olter Sun««. Venetian blind 'p»lmet and Alum I A«mng. Phont Z^nin I SUITINGS. BEO-COVIRS. CARPETS, Dressing Paris Silkstore. i i Stsmford Road (S'porei ***** EASIEST WAY
      521 words
    • 353 13 TENDER MALACCA JABATAN PARIT DAN TALIAYER TENDER NOTICE Tenders from DID. registered Contractors Class 'D' (concrete) and above will be received at th« office of the Drainage Si Irrigation Engineer. Malacca up to 12.00 Noon of the 24th March, 1964, for the Construction of 2 Nos. Reinforced Concrete Headwork.s and
      353 words

    • 54 14 Horses and riders hit the turf in a mix-up at the second fence first time round in the Burford Novices' Steeplechase at Newbury last Friday. Five horses were involved in the melee. Donnadeala, Free Trade and Grand Tour fell and Stuart and True Knight
      54 words
    • 1770 14  -  Epsom Jeep RACING by IO1AI. POOL WML 1st: No. *****1 lUjttL tod: No. 1831 M IU. JUT. 3rd: No. *****6 S5203. STARTERS ($650 each): Nw: *****6 *****0 *****2 *****8 *****6 *****5 *****5 *****5. Consolations ($500 each): Nos. *****3 *****0 2S8188 *****1 *****4 *****5
      1,770 words
    • 298 14 Emerson says 'no' to offer of US$5O,OOO —COOPER 'SURPRISED' |>JRISBANE, Wed. Australia's top amateur tennis player Roy Emerson has rejected a US$5O,OOO offer to turn professional. Ashley Cooper, secretary of the International Professional Tennis Players* Association, said here last night. Cooper told Reuter he had received a cable from Emerson
      Reuter  -  298 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1160 14 BANK HOLIDAY The banks In the State of Selangor will be closed for business on Monday. 9th March IM4 Birthday of H.H. Sultan of Se- 1 langor. j Exchange Banks' Association of I the Federation of Malay J.K.R. SELANGOR TENDER NOTICE TENDERS will be received from registered P.W.D. Contractors In
      1,160 words
    • 772 14 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS BORNEO AIRWAYS invite applications for tha poet of Personnel and Administrative Officer to i be based In Jesselton. Essential qualifications: Good education, with considerable experience in staff administration, ability to speak and correspond Hi English, Malay and at least, one Chinese dialect. Experience in property management an advantage.
      772 words
    • 106 14 x Every genuine i BIC ballpen is marked i..r i Eczema Itch Killed In 7 Minutes Toar skin haa neadr M nJUioa tiny nidi and pone wh«r» w**m hid* and cause tarrlble OraektßK. Kesema, Pa*Uaff. Bin. lac, Acn*. Rlnrwcmn, FsorlaaU. BUcfch— da. Plmpl— Toot Itch and ether btomlshes. Ordinary traatMiU
      106 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
      55 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 3783 15 Ipapafaj aq h;m aiq|S3[[| «jb qj|UM jo suoipiuisui I 1 Man.) o) iu.iojuoj A[)3|J)s )ou op q3|qM suo|)BD||ddv 91 'S^UBq uioij p3u|B)qo sq Xbiu si|B)3p JSjinj "XJBiisodaa pasnoq,nv ub q3nojqi wwppV apßiu uo|)Bj[[ddß piiß paiaiap aq ,snui apsui aq ,ouuu.> uoiißißpap sim ji jaunja jo a,B,g aq, P ub bisXbibjv
      3,783 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 4116 16 :sasßq _uj*ouoj aqi uo 'aißudojdds »im uoiuido pajtran »iiiw taaig mo ni 1 <nuaraiinrpß qsns *nj3|B_ js)jb 'pandraoj saiusdmoj XjßOifSqns t\\ pus paiiuin °O V uoji I«uoiibm o\ sajßqs 000*92 spioq osib ii -ejodßBing 'qsraix iM'ig aißisa *ai.\i[iH >b uin ui|s jo s)3ssb pu pauiquos aqi jo )naraa)«is 3A|ißJßdiuo.i k
      4,116 words

    • 766 17  -  L.C. HOFFMAN Jnr. LIM KEE CHAN LAST PAIR OFF WIN PRO-AM TOURNEY I by and The full pro-am results Singapore, Wednesday THE last two competitors off the 18th green of the Singapore Island Country Club's Bukit Course Australia's Alan Murray and 11--handicapper Don Read won the
      766 words
    • 383 17 CRICKET KUALA LUMPUR. Wed r\ W. SWANTON'S Commonwealth cricket team will play 12 matches, including seven in Malaysia, during their one-month tour of the Far East starting on Mar. 15. The tourists will play matches at Penang (2). Singapore (2), Kuala Lumpur (3). Hong
      383 words
    • 278 17 Pearce is fancied to win SCC crown TENNIS OINGAPORE, Wed. Australian John Pearce, holder of the Singapore Open men's singles title, is favourite to win the S.C.C. invitation championships which are being revived after a lapse of 23 years. The trophies, last played (or in 1941, will be brought out
      278 words
    • 101 17 TPOH, Wed. League champions X Kinta Indians maintained their unbeaten record In the Ipoh Hockey League Div. 1 today when they drew 1-1 with Andersonlans on the Municipal Padang. Andersonians, however, are still at the top of the table with 13 points from nine matches five wins,
      101 words
    • 161 17 K.C. Wong says 'no' to Yamaha offer Malaysia 6.P. OINGAPORE, Wed. Top Singapore motorcyclist K. C. Wong has turned down an offer to ride for the Yamaha "works" team in the Malaysia Grand Prix here on Mar. 29-30. Yamaha are sending three riders Japanese Pumio Ito and A. Motohashl and
      161 words
    • 112 17 QINGAPORE, Wed. Woodbrtdge p Haspltal conceded a walkover to ClvU Aviation In the first match of the SOSfA Div. 1 league yesterday. Then la a friendly match afterwards they edged Aviation 3-2 at Jalan Beaar Stadium. The Woodbrtdge team arrived with only eight players and had
      112 words
    • 309 17  - OKANO: STORE CAN EASILY KEEP FAM CUP JOE DORAI: by Singapore. Wednesday SINGAPORE should go to Malacca this weekend supremely confident of victory in their FAM Cup tie. If further encouragement Is needed, they should listen to what Japanese coach Okano Shunlchiro has to say of their performance against his
      309 words
    • 98 17 Johore beat Forces in Cup tie K LUANG. Wed. Johore beat Malaysian Armed Forces 2-0 in their FAM Cup match played here today Johore adapted themselves better to the water-loggged ground and scored their first goal after 22 minutes through their Malaysian centre-for-ward Yusof Hamid. Latlff Ibrahim got Johore'a second
      98 words
    • 95 17 ITUALA LUMPUR. WecL-Malay- Man Poiice, the holders, should score a hattrick in the annual hockey series against Malaysian Armed Forces for the Thomson Cup here on Mar. 14. In a practice match on the Padang today, Police beat a Selangor XI 3-1 after a scoreless
      95 words
    • 71 17 PENANO. Wed. The Penan* Badminton Association made a p oflt of $3,588 from the 22nd Malayan Open championships staged at tit: Penang Chinese Girls' High School last December. This is disclosed in the association's statement of accounts to t» tabled, together with the annual
      71 words
    • 38 17 LONDON. Wed. Results of English Football League matches played last night: Div. 1 Burnley 3 West Ham 1. Div 2 Preston 2 Leeds 0: Swansea 6 Southampton 0. Div. 3 Barnsley 2 Notts County 1. Renter.
      Reuter  -  38 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 72 17 SINGAPORE VMWP*^ r' KUALA LUMPUR IPOH mmm^r PENANG SUPER SHARP r :Mrr -JS^jll^l PICTURES WITH jJB I HI-FI QUALITY l|'| I^J 19" 23" TV 5626T-23" TABLE AND list Prk*: Singapore siao/. CONSOLE FEOEtATKJN .095/--ava.?Sble Guaranteed for 12 months II I 1 I|E SEE YOUR FRIENDLY I |tV5649C-2 51 ERRES DEALER
      72 words
    • 414 17 H -H^|l 1 1 mJm\j m\ w '4m\ V V' mSSk m\ BTb ''^B I-, -j mm*^^mm. B^IHbI mW T*t m** k,md <A u»k book B^^t4H m\ 11 Tli«r« Im* mmi Imm *m like i» tk« k«**ry mt «w4 Btfg -.uiV SB H s«yt «ttM»ieti to tk« look of food
      414 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 29 17 SPORTS OIARY GOLF Spore Open championships Ist round (Bukit course, 12 noon). BADMINTON— MaIacca championships Ist day. SQUASH 17 Gurkha Div./Malaya Area Inter-unit and individual championships (Rasah camp. Seremban).
      29 words

  • 61 18 BAM.KOK. Wed—lndonesia is actively MgM" ed in a build-up of pwrllla forces in Malaysian Borneo. M:il:i>*kin sources here claim They alleged that sim ithe ceasefire agreement tin- number of Indonesian guerillas in Sarawak and Sabah has doubled to 400 Indonesian officials say the majority of
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 152 18 FOR these Kuala Lumpur children, floodtime is play-time in the waters surrounding their homes in Kampong Maxwell. The flood was due to heavy rains on Tuesday night and yesterday morning. But for 76 other people in Kepong :tnd Durian
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  • 42 18 SINGAPORE. Wed— The Chinese YMCA is organising a twoweek ■Learn to swim" campaign for children between 10 and 15 years at the Van *m and River Valley swimming ports, dally from 8.30 a.m. to 10.30 v.m. beginning April 20.
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  • 68 18 SINGAPORE, Wed.— The roads of MacPherson Homes Estate will be lit by street lamps from 6.30 p.m tomorrow. The Assemblyman for Aljunled, Mr. S.V. Llngam. will perform the switching -on ceremony. The Minister for National Development. Mr Llm Kim' San, has approved the talcing over of
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  • 20 18 SINGAPORE. Wed. Water will be cut off In Queen Astrld Park tomorrow from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
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  • 149 18 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. AN acrobatic team of 40 daredevils is seeking permission to give a performance from a flying helicopter. They are the International Aerial Acrobatic Troupe from Formosa who arrived today to perform at the Stadium Negara. The leader of the troupe,
    149 words
  • 334 18 LONDON. Wed. It has been another satisfactory day In the stock markets, but buying was more selective and closing prices were not always at the day's oest levels. Leading industrials often slipped back after earlier firmness. Gilts, however, continued to attract buyers. Tins were firm.
    334 words
  • 50 18 LONDON. Wed. Spot 19 s id., Apr. 20d.. May 20 hd.. June 20--3 16d., Apr. June 2O'»d., July,' Sept. 20-5 16d., Oct./ Dec. 20-"« d, Jan/Mar. 20\d., Apr.'June M%a July Sept. 20-^d. Oct., Dec. 20» s d c.i.f Mar. 19-11 16d.. Apr 19 ,<j.' May 19-13 16d. Tone. Dull.
    50 words
  • 26 18 LONDON. Wed Buyers £1075. sellers £1085, Forward buyers £1050. sellers £1055. Settlement £1100, Turnover a.m. 225 tons, p.m. 95 tons. Tone: Steady at lower level.
    26 words
  • 207 18 ONDON, Wed. A lj 35 -year-old Chinese restaurateur, before giving evidence in the divorce court here, took the oath in Chinese fashion by breaking a saucer. Lee Wah Pui was asking Mr. Justice Cairns to rule on the validity of his divorce
    Reuter  -  207 words
  • 116 18 4THENS, Wed. A picture of the Virgin Mary credited with miraculous powers was rushed to the bedside of King Paul of Greece (above). 62, today as his condition was reported to be worsening. A navy destroyer collected the picture from its shrine on
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 210 18 Singapore big mart for textiles says Jek SINGAPORE. Wed. The Minister for Labour, Mr. Jek Yeun Thong, today spoke of the great scope for investment in the textile industry in Singapore. Speaking at the official opening of the Singapore Garment Factory Ltd. at Hill View Avenue, off 9th mile, Bukit
    210 words
  • 48 18 R. A. NATHAN aXed M passed sway peacefully Wednesday 4-3-64 leaving h. hind wifv Randanamary Animal: sun A. P. Nathan: dauKhtrr* Clare Nathan Rosalind Mary Nathan. Cortege leaves residence 30- A Short Street Thursday 5-3-S4 to Church of Our Lady of U>urd>.i, thence to Hidadarl for interment.
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 303 18 I+ote CLASSIFIED i 29 W.r4* $18 (Minimum NAIR— To Dr. and Mrs. T. V. O. a daughter and a stater to Sujatna at MlKxion Hospital. PenanK on 2.3.64. Thanks to doctor and staff. CAMBRIDGE CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL (South East Asia's School of Postal Education) POSTAL J^^T" TUITION 86- B, Robinson Road,
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 42 18 lIIGHEST and lowest tempera- tures in Malaya and Singapore for the period 8 p.m. on Tuesday to 8 p.m. yesterday: Highest Lowest Kuala Lumpur 88 73 Kota Bharu 88 75 Penang 86 73 Ipoh 88 75 Malacca 88 73 Singapore 88 73
      42 words