The Straits Times, 27 February 1964

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 125.000 The Straits Times Nat**** New**** Estd. 1845. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1964 15 CENTS KDN 731
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  • 101 1 Victory dance— by —'King' Cassius NEW world h e a vy weight champion Cassius Clay ("now I'm king of the world") jumps with Joy after dethroning favourite Sonny Liston in the i r championship fight in Miami on Tuesday night. Liston, 8-1 on favourite, failed to answer the bell for
    UPI  -  101 words
  • 872 1 Bangkok again TENGKU: TRIPARTITE PEACE TALKS WILL BE VERY IMPORTANT AND WE HOPE TO SETTLE MALAYSIA DISPUTE ONCE AND FOR ALL KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday INDONESIA and the Philippines have agreed to another round of ministerial talks with Malaysia—in Bangkok on Tuesday. They announced their agreement in
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  • 57 1 JAKARTA. Wed. Indonesia should not beg for negotiations on the question of Malaysia and the Northern Borneo ceasefire* the chairman of the Indonesian Communist Party.Mr. D.N. Aidit. said on Monday night. Talking with men like (Malaysian Prime Minister Tengku Abdul Rahman) would only humiliate the
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 41 1 ANOLESEY (North Wales). Wed. The most powerful nuclear station In the world will be built on Anglesey Island off the coast of North Wales. It will cost about* £100 million and will have an output of 1.800.000 kilowatts .Reuter.
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  • 30 1 LONDON. Wed. Earl Mountbaiten. Chief of Britain's Defence Stuff, had an operation for a small hcnu.i in the King Edward VII Hospital for officers here today. Reuter.
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  • 84 1 Refugees shot by Pakistanis, says Nehru NEW DELHI. Wed.— Mr. Nehru told Parliament today that two children were killed and 11 people injured "in a barbarous act of indiscriminate firing" by East Pakistan troops on refugees crossing Into India. In a statement read on his behalf by Mrs. Lakshmi Menon,
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 32 1 JESSELTON. Wed. Two tanks equipped with antiaircraft guns were flown In here by a military transport plane from Brunei today. The tanks were manned by British troops.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 1450 1 They all showed sympathy, says Lee back from Africa MALAYSIA h a t erased from African minds the last 'question mark overhanging the legitimacy of its birth and the validity of its independence. By to doing, the deadliest of Indonesia's propaganda lies has been destroyed. 7 by LEE SIEW YEE,
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  • 29 1 CANBERRA. Wed. Australia has 'accepted Britain's offer of a Daring class destroyer to replace Voyager sunk in a collision with the aircraft-carrier Melbourne on Feb. 10. Reuter.
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  • 97 1 Tin smashes the $600 barrier SINGAPORE. Wed.— ln it* most spectacular daily rise in .recent years, tin crashed through the $600 barrier, yesterday, being quoted at $614.75, up $29.12:. The last time the tin price stood above the SliOO level was mid-April 1951. Today's price was the highest since April
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  • 26 1 VIE MINC IN HK HONG KONG. Wrd Mr Shaw Tee Ming, kidnapped and freed tins moath. armed here tonight hy air for rest. Renter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 59 1 New 'LIFE" begins the day you toear Dah Sin Micro-Corneal Lenses. Consultant: CHEN YIN FOOK Dip. Pkorm. Unireniry of Moloyo. Dip. Opt. Univanity of W. Australia. DAK SIN OPTICAL HOUSE 3J J, Nortti liM|i Rd., S'por« -7. Ntxt *ocr OOION Pfcon* *****. SOMEONE V/J\ SPECIAL you enjoy friendly 'someone special*
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    • 14 1 Bk I w% I Yl nnrnn 1 1\ cy\ c a mponc Sen 1"»—
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    • 135 2 NKRUMAH NAMES HIS NEW CHIEF JUSTICE ACCRA, Wed. President Nkrumah has appointed Mr. Justice Julius Sarkodee Addo of the Supreme Court here as new Chief Justice of Ghana, it was officially announced yesterday. The appointment is effective from Jan. 1. Mr. Justice Sarkodee Addo replaces former Chief Justice. Sir Arku
      Reuter  -  135 words
    • 27 2 CANBERRA. Wed. Austr&ila haa accepted Britain's offer of the loan for four years of a Daring claw destroyer, the same class as the Voyager Reuter.
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    • 91 2 'Malaysia, Sabah luring Filipino Muslims'— Vf ANILA, Wed. MaiTl laysia was charged here today with deliberately luring Filipino Muslims to settle in her northernmost Borneo territory of Sabah. A congressional committee just back from four days In flood-hit areas of Mindanao said the Sabah Government was conducting a concerted campaign
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    • 263 2 The changing ties— by Maca MILITARY ALLIANCES ARE NO LONGER ANSWER TO PERILS FACING S-E. ASIA, HE SAYS JOGJAKARTA, Wed. President Macapagal, on a State visit here, last night suggested that the system of military alliances was being changed and was no longer a sufficient deterrent to the dangers facing
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    • 80 2 MANILA, Wed. ITI Philippines Senator Mariano Jesus Cuenco died of diabetes last night. He was 77. The death of Senator Cuenco. aLiberal Party member, created an 11-11 deadlock in the 24-member senate. Although the Senate, without Mr. Cuenco, is now composed
      UPI  -  80 words
    • 55 2 COLOMBO. Wed. A strike by some 700 tugboat crews, signalmen and launchmen yesterday virtually crippled this port, leaving 19 ships waiting for berths including two liners. The men struck on Monday because they were not served fish in the free midday meal given to them
      Reuter  -  55 words
    • 51 2 NEW DELHI. Wed. Major John Dias, who led the second Indian expedition to Everest in 1962. died in a military hospital here last night after a cerebral haemorrhage. He was 35. Major Dias led the Indian Army team which was beaten within 400 feet or Everest's summit.
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    • 23 2 LONDON, Wed.— Britain lent Pakistan £6.28 million today under an agreement signed In Karachi, the Commonwealth Relations Office announced. TJPI.
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    • 251 2  - The Sobers double: Now a call to make him an Aussie citizen JACK FINGLETON From (CANBERRA. Wed. There were loud "hear, hears" in Parliament last night when the Prime Minister, Sir Robert Menzies, said he would confer with Sir Thomas Playford, South-Australia Premier, about granting full Australian citizenship to West
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    • 177 2 WASHINGTON, Wed.— The United States has suggested sending a "high level representative" to Cambodia to discuss with Prince Sihanouk his proposal for a four-power conference to guarantee his country's neutrality. A State Department spokesman said the suggestion had been made
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    • 132 2 'SONGGRAM IS COMING' TIP SENDS POLICE TO AIRPORT BANGKOK. Wed. Police rushed to the airport here yesterday after being tipped off that Field Marshal Pibul Songgram. a former Thai Premier ousted in the 1957 coup, was arriving from Tokyo. Fifty plalnclothes policemen were detailed to the airport to keep a
      Reuter  -  132 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 96 2 Make a real meal with hot creamy UNCLE TOBYS OATS and feel all nourished and warmed, sustained and taken -care -of, happy, healthy <|nd strong. /4l^jMb s^^^^^^^^^^B ♦A B I Jit mA J f^^^C LA 1 k fl£jte 's*^^t^±MtG^^J^/* IH^ M Midi rwtSm X^ i I I wr Wtm^x&k^&J*^ mwMw
      96 words
    • 193 2 ill [wackerl VIBROPLATES Petrol and Diesel models, for Vibratory Compaction of Granular materials. S M. D. M. LTD. PHSbW O mO* K)»» KUALA lUM#UN TfU t^^^ JAIAM MMAJUAN IMJf. HTAUNt JAVA* REDUCES ENGINE WEAR wmn nitnn pioofin Itm an can irn. UM t mofof oil. it hoMs wetr to m
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 164 3 Grain for Russia: Dock strike called off WASHINGTON. Wed.— The White House; announced yester day that the International 1 Longshoremen's Association had agreed to end its boycott of wheat shipments to the Soviet Union. The President has received word from sir. George afeaay (head of the <AFL-CIO\ that agreement has
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    • 22 3 MOSOOW. WML TWfa oa ptaas far calbarml ralfacrattoa in ISM brtvjstm th» BwrtK Oataa atxi Ctitim opmctl in Mobcov yw*
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    • 100 3 THE MONARCHY BY PRINCE PHILIP 6 One of the things •boat the monarchy and Its place and one of Its great weakneaws In a mm is that It has to be aU things to all people. Of coarse It cannot do this. It cannot be all things to people who
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    • 37 3 PEKING. Wad. Mr. Oftadc Chaiat. Pnaws Ptrst ctwm d AffUrw ta ttw FHski najosHc at China, jswoay pfioinwd hk milsiillili «o the YtwJtaraco MkdsMr. Mr. Tshk Yanc Chasa, :ntanMd .warm «*M— Bemtr.
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    • 338 3 WASHINGTON, Wednesday \IK. Dean Rusk, the U.S. Seoeury of State, said yesterday it was vital that aggression in South-East Asia should not Be was speaking to a luncheon of the F v 1 1 CitUenship and World Affairs Conference-** While oatlining improved prospects for T.S.
      Reuter  -  338 words
    • 261 3 HAND IN YOUR ARMS 9 ORDER IN CYPRUS NICOSIA. Wednesday. Makarios last night ordered all Cypriots illegally carrying arms to hand them in to the Government. In a statement, he also declared that the Government's special police would be increased temporarily to S.OOO men. The Archbishop said Cypruss anomalous situation
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    • 25 3 LONDON. Wed. Pnncooi ICartna Uw awrtau Pklw of Kent, is to va* Aawatta attar this year U vgs aiiaiawoil Imm juiaidtjr. InMr.
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    • 26 3 NKW YORK. Wad. Pansar Pranaom Horbtrt aTaavar has had "asrtouß setback* to nts hMfch a ojintioaoii lor the St-rear-old otdor ■■aaanii mid hen yoasra»y
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    • 156 3 Rab tells of British millions for developing world /^ENEVA. Wed.— Mr. It A. Butler. British Foreign Secretary, told a Press conference here yesterday Britain wanted to give arv example and divert some of the huge sums spent on fissionable materials to peaceful purposes. "Ooe of U»e great problems today Is
      Reuter  -  156 words
    • 52 3 WASHINGTON. Wed. The Washington Post aud tha: Proudont Johoaon was expected to ame M«. loneailaii Kenned as special coots tant on Uw arts at tlw Walt* Book. The anpototßMmu the newspapor mkk would be part of ihe ProKdent* plan to name st Uoas. l^sssS k
      52 words
    • 57 3 PARIS. «M —Pi i dim *> O«iil>t uonod Mr. KhnaiioßSV yosMtiay that Franot aade the panorul nhasiaMl of all confltoa bomom atasai a book rale of bar BwaraasTasoj pc^^ The asauianr* was In a rspty to Mr. Khnvacarr** Nev Teart B«o note urgkat the ronuactattoa of llbreo
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    • IN BRIEF
      • 67 3 DRAU NSCHWEIG (Germany). Wed.— A former Nazi SS sergeant testified yesterday how his unit went about slaughtering Jews. The children were driven into the line of fire of light machine guns. We made sure none of them ran off." former Sgt. Otto Kielhorn said.
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      • 39 3 LA PAZ: Two unknown guumeu loosed bants of sabmachinegun fire at General Rene Barrlentos Ortnno. 45-year-old chief or the Bolivian Air Force. in a second bid to a week to assassinate him. The general was reported only slightly wounded
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      • 22 3 FATE TTEVILLE (North Carolina' A plane sliced across a mass parachute Jump yesterday during ■■nosauoj killing four paratroopers and Injuring eight others.
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      • 19 3 BOSTON: Grace MetaUous. author of "Peyton Place." died of a liver ailment in hospital here yesterday. She was M
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      • 26 3 WASHINGTON: The Senate yesterday approved the appointment of Mr. Carl Rowan as director of the US Information Agency, the first Negro to hold the post Reuter.
        Reuter  -  26 words
      • 27 3 WASHINGTON: The House of Representatives yesterday passed the compromise UBSM.SOO million tax cut Bill The maaam was sent to the Senate, where leaders preset prompt ac«on on
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    • 55 3 LONDON: The GVtm Liar kas rt-pMtod the BriMo* Mkslslrj of Tnasa^t that —x of Mi ships was delayed hy the Ec7*tlaa authorities fsc •M-aad-a-half dart at Pwt SaM kecaase af a ease af panilila on its way U the Israeli KaWssr ta MsaUa. A aajskassaasi said ta
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 251 3 BSSsfl I 59T 004 A ll I jawaaaaajc $up£R LUXE f^^ r~^A a" consolftte n I j"^ |JsA 59T 293 A WrL 23" DE LUXE RECEIVER DAY NIGHT SERVICE SINGAPORE: From 9.00 a.m. to II p.m. Tml: 705X7 (Evry day) KUALA LUMPUR: From 9.00 cum. to 19 p.m. Tml. *****
      251 words
    • 149 3 taality products from india i 1 I "SI A A O 3t your S6TVIC6 round-the-clock... T^o» SAJAJ »*m.*iM a >wii>i»><iiii'liii Mt-iwmwwoiyMr iaadtoaaa **n aii 1 1 ft »—««—■<■.. MitKICMIMtMI Uulml oloctrioala llmltod fl^sssssl IMF iSpo^ Bar Waiting for the best before you buy an airconditioner JL I H T aWW!
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 109 4 SERVING THE PEOPLE OF MALAYSIA 4 ff^^^^^^Hß Telok An son Bjß-—to B K.Lipis ■iKemoman )S\,\ L 5 SINGAPORK -^^^^^*588 l^l^L^^i v\ /i<>. v|\ Labuon <^i^W» JHMi'h^. V\\\ |»Cl Limbang Datu 7%e ifato Organisation has always been U Marudi Borom rs^\^*™"* i guided by the conviction that our industry %U Bintuiu
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  • 271 5 No decision on sale of lottery tickets in —Sarawak— KUCHING, Wed. No decision had been made to introduce Malayan Social and Welfare Services lottery tickets into Sarawak, the Minister for Local Government, Mr. Dunstan Endawie, told the Council Negri yesterday. He was replying to a question by the leader of
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  • 114 5 Perak Front denies a polls pact with PMIP IPOH. Wed.— The Perak division of the Socialist Front today denied categorically any "understanding" with the Pan-Malayan Islamic Party In the coming general elections. Mr. Khor Kirn Yone. assistant secretary of the division's election committee, who Is also an executive secretary of
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  • 29 5 SINGAPORE, Wed.— The Malayan Indian Congress here will bold 1U annual youth conference on March 5 at 6.30 p.m. at Congress House in Race Course Lane
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  • 27 5 KLANG. Wed. More thaD $20,000 has been collected for the two-storey $50,000 Scouts Building Pund. Work on the building is expected to start soon
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  • 232 5 Beauty queen Anne is cited in divorce case KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. ANNE WOODFORD, a model and beauty queen, was today cited In the High Court here as co-respondent in a divorce petition before Mr. Justice Gill. The petition was brought by Marjorie Christina Stuart, nee Salvador, against her husband, Reggie
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  • 216 5 KUANTAN, Wed rl- 13,0110 members of the National Union of Commercial Workers have vowed to give their unqualified support to the Central Government if Indonesia's confrontation against Malaysia results in open hostilities between the two countries. Mr. A. B. Gomez, the secretary-general of the
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  • 47 5 SINGAPORE. Wed. Un. V. Basil Mavroleon, wife of the chairman of London and Overseas Freighters Ltd, and director of many shipping companies, will arrive here on Sunday In the course of a world tour. She Is sailing by the Dutch liner. Rotterdam.
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  • 26 5 NIBONG TEBAL. Wed. The Province South District Council will hold its next meeting In the District Officer's chambers here at 3 p m. tomorrow.
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  • 201 5 GOVT TO HELP FARMERS HIT BY CROP FAILURE ALOR STAR, Wednesday. gEVERAL thousand families who are facing hardship and near starvation because of a major padi failure last year are to get help from the State and Central governments. The Mentri Besar, r ato Syed Omar bin ShahabucMln, said today
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  • 158 5 Siew Sin on flying tour to 6 states KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The Minister of Finance, Mr. Tan Slew Sin, will visit six States in the course of a twoday flying tour beginning tomorrow. Mr. Tan, accompanied oy M.c.A. leaders, will leave In a Royal Malaysian Air Force Twin Pioneer at
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  • 287 5 TREBLE CHANCE' QUIZ WITS DAZZLE AUDIENCES OINGAPORE, Wed. The BBC's Brains Trust— the "Treble Chance" quiz panel is now in Singapore dazzling audiences of British Servicemen with their wit and encyclopaedic knowledge of various topics ranging from literature to "pop" songc. They emerged triumphant In a contest with the Army
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  • 88 5 J P O H, Wed. The 1 magistrate, Inche Wan Chik bin Mohamed Rouse, today issued a warrant of arrest against a racehorse trainer, 5. K. TJoa, who failed to turn up in court to answer a summons. Tjoa was alleged to have failed
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  • 179 5 Kuala Lumpur, Wed. rVHE Controller of the Examinations Syndicate, Haji Hamdan bin Sheikh Tahir, said today that the number of private students who sat of the Higher School Certificate examination in Malaya had increased from 856 in 1961 to 1.568 last year. He said the number
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  • 209 5 Help me get away from this hell: Indonesian i pen-pal i From KEITH HOOPER CYDNEY. Wed. My k daughter, Susan, who likes to correspond with young people of her own age in various countries, has had second thoughts about her new correspondent in Indonesia. The first letter she had from
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  • 154 5 MALACCA, Wed.— The Social Welfare Department here is trying to trace the parents of a flve-year-old boy. Chin Yong Pow, now in their custody. The boy was abandoned by his parents at the Kuala Lumpur General Hospital when he was a few days
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  • 31 5 PENANO. Wed.— A telephone In the public booth at Residency Hoad was found damaged this morning by a mechanic. Mr. T. Anthony, when he went to Inspect the booth.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 177 5 fl| i3W^^^^" r v mmtn EXTRA "GO" for the 1964 VICTOR VX4/90 lJi t v** IMkk The 1964 Vauxhall Victor gives you even more for your the VX4/90. Maximum speed goes up to an effortless 90--money. A new bigger engine which gives more power and plus miles an hour, more
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 441 6 Slaying of three: Death sentence man gets life term SINGAPORE. Wednesday 'pHK Federal Court of Appeal today sentenced Mohamed bin Jainal, 28, to life imprisonment for the slaying of three members of a Sikh family in April last year. The court substituted a charge of culpable homicide not amounting to
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  • 137 6 CANTONESE TROUPE TO RAISE FUNDS FOR -THEATRE OINGAPORE, Wed. 0 Famed Cantonese opera and fllm actor, Mr. Ho Fei Fan and his 41 -member troupe from Hong Kong will give a one- night performance at the Gay World on March 7 at 8 p.m. in aid of the National Theatre
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  • 172 6 SINGAPORE, Wednesday. npHE Adult Education Board nere plans to en--1 large its programme in the rural areas to provide educational facilities to meet the special needs of the people there. It also plans to: INTRODUCE facilities for vocational and technical education for those who will
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  • 99 6 SINGAPORE, Wed.— A fireman today told the seventh magistrate's court how he was abused and assaulted by a passing motorist while he was on duty. Teo Boon riui. a fireman attached to the Serangoon fire station, was testifying against Thomas Khoo 28. charged with
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  • 143 6 PRIZESFOR CONTEST WINNERS SINGAPORE, Wed. Four boys and girls, winners of tht 1964 Rotary inter -school elocution contest held recently in Singapore, were today awarded certificates and prizes at a Rotary luncheon held at the Cathay Hotel. Making the presentation was Rotary Club president. Dr. A.C. Sinha. Best speaker In
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  • 63 6 SINGAPORE.' Wed.— The sixth Youth Cultural Festival of Drama. Music and Dances, oiganised oy the Singapore Teachers' Union will be held at the Cultural Centre commencing in May. The competition, will be conducted In four languages Malay, English. Chinese and Tamil. It Is open
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  • 103 6 Big earth moving operation SINGAPORE, Wed. A continuous stream of earthladen lorries crossing Serangoon Road by overhead Bailey bridges will be a common sight for the next four years when a big earth-moving operation from Toa Payoh to the Kallang swamp begins in April. A spokesman of the Housing and
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  • 118 6 Probe on two blast deaths SINGAPORE, Wed. An eight-hcur delayed action of an explosive charge used for blasting rocks at a building construction site caused the death of two labourers working there, a coroner's! inquiry was told today: The labourers Samuel Lazar and Muihu Rulandl. both 34 —were killed by
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  • 269 6 CINGAPORE, Wed. Three defence counsel in the Pulau Senang murder trial today the 54th day hearing called upon the special seven-man jury to acquit their clients of all the three rioting and murder charges. Messrs. Jiwat G. Advanl. C. H. Koh and Y.
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  • 123 6 SINGAPORE, Wed. —S. Renganathan and Co., liquidators of Star Press Ltd., today said wages in lieu of notice of termination to the company's former employees had never been an issue of the case before the Industrial Arbitration Court. Referring tr> a Straits Times report yesterday on the
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  • 47 6 SINGAPORE, Wed.— The Vehicles Department charge room at Middle Road will be closed after office hoars and durinr Sundays and public holidays from March 1, and anyone wishing to make reports or complaints during; this time may do so at any police station.
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  • 130 6 ANEKA SHOW, 6 'LIONS' TO WELCOME PREMIER'S RETURN SINGAPORE. Wed. The Ministry of Culture will present a grand Aneka Ragam Ra'ayat show tomorrow to welcome home the Malaysia Goodwill Mission to Africa led by Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. the Prime Minister of Singapore. The show will star' at 7 p.m.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 264 6 *J\, I WA SATURDAY MIDNIGHT! Tei: ***** (SINGAPORE) 4 ACADEMY AWARD WINNERS GIVE YOU A WONDERFUL TIME! ®tiumphreyßOGAßT audrey HEPBURN f^ HOLDEN a DTT TV *m*kmthmmnm New York: >^T^ WILDER fJilJs^l SATURDAY MIDiGHTT Tel: 21-116 (SINGAPORE) Every ELECTRIFYING Event Had Suddenly Made Him The "MAN IN THE MIDDLE" Of One
      264 words
    • 9 6 Last Day: 2.10-7. 11-t.JO p.m. "SAMSON AND DELILAH" Color.
      9 words
    • 150 6 LIDO (Singapore) OPENS TODAY gjs Yum-Yum Times Daily: 11, 1.45, 4, 6.30&9.15* TOO MUCH YUM-YUM CAN SHAKE A MAN UP! Especially if he's the landlord of an apartment house P that's packed with the prettiest tenants in townl i PICTURES p«s*t y Co-starnnt: CAROL LYHLEV PEAK JOHES EDIE ADAMS CAPITOL
      150 words
    • 479 6 ORGANISATION "oi»i:\s ioiiay■llom.. 1.45, 4,6.30, ft 9. 1S p.m cnnaißn-jw-L r IMLru i g PICTURES «WO B *lP n l "O'W S) ffmynUm I S£ _r.^wy COLOR Corol LYNLEY t, Peon JONES B SEE3E3E3SE3 DEFINITELY 1 LAST DAY!!! 11a.m. 1.45-4.00 b 30 A 9 30p.m. B xul Brynntr Geornu Chaklrla
      479 words

  • 463 7 Witnesses— ail of them They bought shares hoping to get jobs, court told KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. pEbPLE from all walks of life teachers, clerks, typists, labourers and unemployed men told the Sessions Court today that they bought shares in Malaya Film and Investments Ltd. because they were offered jobs as
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  • 220 7 Women urged: Learn the co-op laws KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Delegates attending a co-operative course for women were told today that they would have to depend on Government officials for guidance il they did not 1 know the laws and bylaws of co-operative movement. The senior lecturer of the Co-operative College
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  • 30 7 SINGAPORE. Wed. Mr. Goh Teck Hwa reported lo pollc« this morning that hit Dai sun cat was stolen from its parking space in Dusun Road last night.
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  • 92 7 Appeal court alters sentence MALACCA. Wed. A P.W.D. labourer. A. Marimuthu. 32. who was sentenced to four months' Jail in a Lower Court for being :n unlawful possession of two offensive weapons a dagger and penknifehad his sentence altered by Justice Ismail Khan in the Criminal Court of Appeal here
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  • 40 7 SINGAUORE. W»<l Singapore •r\ of danclnu and the Royal Acad#ny ol Dancing will hold a coffee parry at 23. Mount Pleannt Drive on Sunday ot 10 30 am for Miss Jean Ballatvne. external examiner of the academy.
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  • 119 7 SINGAPORE. Wed. The Singapore Government Printing Office Employees' Union has submitted new claims to the Ministry of Culture for a revision of salaries and terms of service in respect of 230 workers. Hie claims cover proof reader* compositors, Unotpye operators and other grades of employees at
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  • 65 7 IPOH. Wed. Loh Wen Sui. 23. unemployed, pleaded not guilty in the Sessions Court here today to attempted cheating of the lpoh General Post Ottice. He was alleged to Qave attempted to cheat the Po>Ul Department by uttering the ngurcs in his livings book' on Feb. i.
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  • 28 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. A taxi-driver, K. Chattu. was robbed of $24 by three youths armed with daggers in a lane in Sentul. early this morning.
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  • 273 7 Mischievous claim that Shah is not enlightened -monarch KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The sole Iranian delegate to the Afro-Asian rural reconstruction conference here today dismissed as "mischievous" a claim that his government was not enlightened and that a militant student group would form "a free government in exile." Mr. Ebrahlm Mahdavi
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  • 490 7 Alotal ot 72 biudeniM have passed the University of Malaya sessional examination for the degree of Bachelor of Science. These results are subject to confirmation by the University Senate. They are: Miss Ang Meng May. Miss Chan G«ofc Sim. Chang Soo Kong. Cheah Thean Lye.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 521 7 n.w Y«k Flying to LONDON? Other cities in Europe? The NEW YORK WORLD FAIR? The Tokyo 1964 Olympic Games? Go reliable KLM and visit additional places en route for no more air fare. Here's how it works... If you're on a KLM round trip ticket Going to TOK V O
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  • 24 8 Sfarw* tit (MlnUmmm) MRS. K. APPUCUTTV (Mambo) Received cable passed away 25th Inst. Vaddukoddai West. Deeply regretted. Aunt of Dr. A. R. Kandi.ui
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  • 162 8 2* Word* Sit (Minimum) MR. AND MRS. M. Satltaalvam wlan to thank friend* relative* for tbalr preaent*. telegram* and presence at their wedding on 8-2-64. THE FAMILY OF the late Mr. Roy Ktrroa thank all relative* and friend* for their messages of condolence, wreaths, telegrams and attendance at the
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  • 28 8 I* Wt4m tit (Minimum) IN LOVING MEMORY of T.B. Kphralm of J. Bahru died 27-2-49. Though departed but always remembered by hi* loving children and family.
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  • 270 8 it Word, fjf I Minimum) CELESTIAL ROOM, <A. Urcoard Kuad. B'pore. European rood nerved from lit March Lunch at 52.50 par band. H.UERAL PUBLICATIONS LTD. luvlte all teachers and book addict* to brow** In tbalr showroom at Time* Uoua*. River Valley Road. Singapore PROMENADE CONCERT tonight (and every night)
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  • The Straits Times
    • 591 8 I Although Indonesian aggression has been a unifying force in the emergence of the Malaysian nation, it has not obliterated the problems of federation. In some respects it has even added to the difficulties. We cannot afford leisurely solutions, and misunderstandings become doubly dangerous. The Deputy Federal
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    • 363 8 A peace formula for Cyprus is proving tragically elusive. U Thant has failed to secure agreement among the interested powers, as the AngloAmerican mediator, Mr. George Ball, failed before him. The search for a compromise has now been taken up by the six elected members of the
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    • 275 8 The Damon Runyon character who bet on the principle that six to four are acceptable odds on any proposition in the field of human endeavour (he took a different view of I horses) would have been in his element at Miami. Bigger odds than eight to one, the
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    • 196 8 fVO judge by Dato Thurai--1 singam's refutation of Miss Han Suyln's remarks on education and manual labour, she has been misunderstood. If I understand her correctly, she was urging that the underdeveloped countries must reform their education systems to resemble something more realistic, such as the Chinese
      196 words
    • 147 8 IF Han Suyin Is really serious in her suggestion that Malaya should adopt the Communist Chinese method of education, then she does a grave Injustice to the sacred memory of Malaysians and friends of Malaysia who gave their lives In the 12--year war against the emulators of
      147 words
    • 190 8 will grow up without ever having to soil their hands in labour. Is it not a very good idea to Introduce them to what labour Is? LABOURER Data Pahat I WOULD like to express my admiration for Han Suyln's courage In expressing her views and support for
      190 words
  • 1030 8  -  LEE SIEW YEE by Editor of the Straits Times .who accompanied the Malaysian mission on its tour of African States. The mission returned to Kuala Lumpur yesterday. IN THIS AFRICAN JOURNEY THE MALAYSIANS SUCCEEDED IN DESTROYING THE DEADLIEST OF INDONESIAN PROPAGANDA LIES There must be a follow-up at
    1,030 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 481 8 Stnit. Taw. ft Malty Hal •OLD arrOftAdM WUMCKES AT NOLL.NO m O AD-KATO NO) KCPPCL *»OAO— MA WAI. BAM crrr book arrona lto Wißiiiir Haaaa. Oa*aw 0— TMK NIWI FRONT WaapilHir* •*«ara»atwat M. ta. ISMAIL. MAiaMM arrows trH.CksaJ **m*. r>m IP W. MTNAiAMT ft CO l ai-ai mm tMaaar CLASSIFIED
      481 words
    • 39 8 The Renowned CUSTOM TAILORS Styles Cat to the Latest Fashions Hand Tailored Best Workmanship Also Importers Exporters of High Class Worsteds «V Woollens. SINGAPORE: 21, Chylio StfMt. Tal: ***** HONGKONG: Ist Floor, Room No. 8, 54-64, NwMmm Ro«d. KowHooa.
      39 words
    • 43 8 JUDGE WISELY! H /n W you want p^ltf s#\ absolute SAFETY for 1&] YOUR MONEY JUkllftft il *****1 l II i" The BANK for all BIG and SMALL Paid up j^jl^^^^^^^^rr^rTyV^jiyi T|j Capital, anc T| Roservo Fun' Brancho* throughout Malayla ano »outn-ta«t Aala
      43 words

  • 543 9 Malaya decides to start big new scheme as recommended by an ILO expert: 1.5 million to get sickness cover 'Unemployment insurance would benefit only minority' KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday MORE than 1.5 million workers in Malaya are to benefit from a sick ness insurance scheme to be
    543 words
  • 83 9 SINGAPORE, Wed. The Second Industrial Arbitration Court will resume hearing on March 9 at 2.30 p.m. of a year-old trade dispute between the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation and the Singapore Bank Employees' Union concerning the dismissal of a clerk, Terence Rodrigues. The dispute came before
    83 words
  • 227 9 SINGAPORE, Wed. A teacher who promised to teach the national language to three Europeans for a fee disappeared after collecting the first payments from each of them, a magistrate's court was told today. Ahmad bin Abdul Rahman. 28. who pleaded guilty to three
    227 words
  • 119 9 SINGAPORE, Wed. A meeting lof members of the 38-man Singapore trade mission to Sabah and Sarawak today elected Senator Ko Teck Kin, president of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce, as leader of the mission. The meeting, held at the Chamber's temporary premises In Buklt
    119 words
  • 169 9 ALOR STAR. Wednesda ALOR STAR, Wednesday. T*HE Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, today announced he had recommended ex-gratia payments to the families of members of the Royal Malaysian Police and Sarawak Rangers killed or injured in recent clashes with Indonesian terrorists Ui Sarawak The
    169 words
  • 91 9 JJINGAPORE. Wed. A man with seven aliases today pleaded not, guilty a magistrate's court to two charges of housebreaking and theft. Khong Ah Foo. alias Khong Kwok Kheung, alias Kong Kok Keung, alias Kong Geok Keong. alias Kheong Chal, alias Moo Yau Toh,
    91 words
  • 454 9 SINGAPORE, Wednesday. A FORMER Polytechnic student told a court today that he broke into houses and stole because he needed money to continue his studies. Ignatius Ooi Joo Pin, 19, told the First Criminal District Court judge, Mr. Eu Cheow
    454 words
  • 126 9 CEREMBAN, Wed. The State Alliance executive committee will meet at the home of the Mentri Besar. Da to (Dr.) Mohamed Said bin Mobamed, tomorrow. High on the agenda is the crisis looming over the re-admission of Mr. Chin See Yin. an Independent M.P..
    126 words
  • 92 9 KOTA BHARU. Wed. The Kelantan police this evening arrested two PMIP members under the Internal Security Act. The two men wece Hajl Yaacob bin Hajl Ishak. 55. a member of the PMIP Religious Council, and Hat) Sulalman bin Hajl Omar. 45. a religious teacher They were
    92 words
  • 143 9 MUAR. Wed. Six fishermen were fined $100 each in the magistrate's court here today when they were found guilty of illegal trawler fishing. They were Chng ChUp Heng. Chua Cheng Hong. Tan Yong Ann, LJm Leok Lay. Chal Tai Shee and Chua
    143 words
  • 245 9 Oil palm workers strike as talks fail lOHORE BAHRU, Wed. More than 800 workers 01 one of the largest oil palm plantations in Malaya, the 11, 493 -acre Pamol plantations at Kluang, have Rone on strike following a deadlock in negotiations over wage rates and other conditions of service. The
    245 words
  • 42 9 SINGA:>ORE. Wed. Sit Nal Chong wt-s charged in a magistrate's ccurt today for unlawful possession of a revolver, a pistol and 36 roirds of ammunition at 3.50 a.m. in Feb. 17 at Lorong Tat Seng. He vas remanded in custody.
    42 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 85 9 RIIQX smoother II H cleaner 9 II y?MjA«i H PILOT Best Quality Nib. IH"Y M\ gold-plated Wj and corrosion PILOT t s7* I Securely ciiprp I :V\ I Inlaid-Nib OUrtrc J provonts wobbling. QUALITY jjHl I »rom> DCM I: Non-Smudging hooded nib ensures DESIGNED L even flow; Fft p tippod
      85 words
    • 147 9 Seeing is not always believing Which »iqur« is biggest? The man? Meosurc all three of them and yau'll find that the girl if the largest but you'll have to see the Book of Knowledge to believe That learning ran be fun. The optical illusion above, token from one of the
      147 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 688 9 (Today's Radio, TV| pAnin QINAAPORr Evcnng Re^jps-.s: 10.30 Ouilty KALMU allNbAPOrifc. pa rly; nO o Starlight Concert; MEDIUM WAVE BEEVICE U ;32 l J? t lle J 1 Day fi Done; 12 476 metres midnight Close. SHORTWAVE SERVICE: RADIO MALAYSIA NATIONAL SHORTWAVE A.M.: 6.00 Quod Morning- 801 SERVICE 41.7 and
      688 words

    • 296 10 Testing and buying TV, radio sets in comfort ASSEMBLYMAN TO OPEN MODERN SHOWROOM TODA V \%H HO SEE BENG. Assemblyman for Bras Basah and Member of the Malaysian Parliament, will today open a new Singapore business venture The Ocean Radio Co. Ltd. The company was set up with an authorised
      296 words
    • 430 10 nPHE important role played by electronics in the present a*e, was stressed by Mr. Ho See Ben?, Assemblyman for Bras Basah and Member of the Malaysian Parliament, in a statement to mark the opening of Ocean Radio Co. Ltd., Singapore. NEW NATION
      430 words
    • 343 11 Firm aims to give best service IN recent years elec--1 tronics had made great strides and had continued to improve. It had also contributed toward the prosperity of the country. This was stated by Mr. Lam Choon Chee, managing director of Ocean Radio
      343 words
    • Article, Illustration
      18 11 A corner of the store showing a new shipment of goods, including TV and radio «ets.
      18 words
    • 257 12 Electronics will help improve living standards T»HE present elected Government in Singapore has made great progress by opening up industries and attempting to make Singapore the best industrial centre in South-East Asia, said Mr. Chung Yew Nam. sales manager of Ocean Radio Co. Ltd. In a statement, Mr. Chung stressed
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 273 11 OCEAN RADIO COMPANY LTD. on the occasion of their official opening at 402, North Bridge Road, Singapore.' The National Cash Register Company (Singapore) Ltd. •re proud YET ANOTHER COMPANY has chosen C/ffitwnal as an investment in profit. The world's first Cash Register was manufactured by The National Cash Register Company
      273 words
    • 120 11 THE ULTIMATE IN |^WW|TWfPfS\ Hi-Fi Stereo |a^^d^BJ^*p^Jy.ctioni New Model: RUMBA E g^HHHJHisHB (8 Transistors) BC 3 SW I starting from 13 mtr. g 81 B CARUSO/STEREO ELEKTRA E V ISABELLA/STEREO <£• other t^^^^^^—^^^——- Models 4 1 ji«i[jt^ \2j~- r~ ore also If'l! :Ij K'lUHi'fni'iHMifi:' r 1 tong Easy HIRE PURCHASE
      120 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 88 12 OCEAN RADIO CO., LTD. on the opening of their new air-conditioned office at 402. North Bridge Road, Singapore-7. Telephone: ***** ***** For the best-go for TK 46 U P 300 /KG** KIAN GWAN (MALAYA) LTD. Singapore kuala ljmpur penang Our Heartiest Congratulations to OCEAN RADIO COMPANY LIMITED on the occasion
      88 words
    • 197 12 Congratulations Best Wishes 4o OCEAN RADIO CO., LTD., on the occasion of their Official opening at 402. North Bridge Road. Singapore-7. from ASIA RADIO CO., I YOU'RE WAY AHEAD IN TELEVISION B WITH lIERA I M IN THEIR ADVANCED NEW 1964 I B advantages 1 I P ™<- i PBk
      197 words

  • 619 13 'HE HAS BEEN TAUGHT AN UNFORGETTABLE LESSON' re-admitted to the Bar KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. A PERAK lawyer who was disbarred six years ago for misappropriating $60,000 from a client was re-admitted today to the Federation Bar despite opposition by the Federation Bar Council and the AttorneyGeneral. The lawyer,
    619 words
  • 130 13 ATTACK No 2 AFTER ACCIDENT IN VILLAGE T<ELUK ANSON, Wed.— x Mr. Llm Kee Chai. 53, a ousinessman from Klang, and his driver. Urn Goh Koo, 38, were assaulted today by people in Langkap new village, 15 miles from here, when their car was involved in a fatal accident with
    130 words
  • 112 13 JESSELTON, Wed.— Datln Zaleha Aliuddln. president of the women's section of the United Sabah National Organisation, urged women of Sabah not merely to stay at home doing domestic work but also to help their men in shouldering the responsibilities of nation-building. Datln Zaleha. speaking
    112 words
  • 66 13 SINGAPORE. Wed. The Bartsan SosialLs will celebrate Women's Day this year with a meeting m the premises of tne Hokklen Huay Kuan In Telok Aver Street at 1 p.m. on March 8. The latest Issue of Plebeian, orean of the BarUan. published today, says that If the
    66 words
  • 44 13 SINGAPORE Wed. Police on rounds in New Market Road area last night arrested a suspected gangster under the Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions Ordinance. In the past 24 hours, police also detained seven people under the Societies Ordinance, and screened 1.564.
    44 words
  • 249 13 Washington Post backs Tengku's description —of Sock- WASHING TON, Wed. —The Washington Post, commenting in a leading article on the Malaysian-Indo-nesian situation, said today: The Prime Minister of Malaysia has a lot of Justification for calling the leaders of Indonesia utterly irresponsible. "Their continued assertion of the right to supply
    Reuter  -  249 words
  • 80 13 IPOH. Wed. wong Weng Kai. 26. a casmer oi vVearne tfruiher> Lid., ipon, today retracted lus pica ol guilty in tne magistrate 6 court to nouse trespass. He pieauea guilty on Feb. 5 to trespassing into the house oi Low Swee Kee. a teacner ot
    80 words
  • 62 13 Bus crashes into a compound PEN Amu, »>cu.-a bus ran on tturmau aoac mis morning ana cra-sneci into tne puiar 01 a millionaire's nouse at tne junction of Arratoon xvoaa. Beiore crashing Into the compound 01 tne house, tne venicle hit a roaaside parapet. Tnere were no passengers in the
    62 words
  • 51 13 SINGAPORE. Wea.— A residential weekend course (or teachers and administrators engaged In the education of adults will be held ai King Edward Hall. College Avenue on March 14 and 16. The course is being arranged by the department of extra-mural studies in collaboration with the Adult Education
    51 words
  • 28 13 MALACCA. Wed. The New Zealand battalion stationed at Tcrendak Camp today presented S2OO worth o( books to the Keb Seribertam Malay School at Yong Peng.
    28 words
  • 27 13 SINGAPORE Wed— Mr A. B. Netto of the University of Singapore Students' Union has been elected chairman of the newlyformed National Union of Singapore Students.
    27 words
  • 314 13 SINGAPORE. Wed. The Industrial Arbitration Court yesterday ordered the Commissioner of Labour to hold a secret ballot on March 3 among the workers of the Singapore Plywood Co. to settle a dispute over union representation. The Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workers' Union and the
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  • 313 13 GOVT MISUSING FUNDS, SAYS UDP CHIEF PENANG, Wednesday. 'JHE secretary-general of the United Democratic Party, Dr. Lim Chong Eu, said today it was a terrible commentary of the present political state of this country that Ministers of the Government should blatantly use Government funds with the clear-cut objective of trying
    313 words
  • 62 13 Two more patrol boats arrive SINGAPORE. Wed. Two new patrol boats of the Royal Malaysian Navy reached Singapore today after a two-month voyage from the shipyards of Portsmouth in Britain. The Sri Kelantan and the Sri Trenggann were manned by 42 men from the Royal Malayan Navy, including two officers,
    62 words
  • 66 13 SINGAPORE S Prime M.Tmter. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, in happy mood, beirtf greeted by the Minister of Internal Security, Dato (Dr.) Ismail bin Dato Abdul Rahman (right) on his return from his African tour at the Kuala Lumpur airport yesterday. Behind Mr.
    66 words
  • 106 13 KLANG, Wed. The Malay Students' Union here is offering free tuition to Malay students (from forms one to five) in the Klang district every Saturday. The publicity officer of the union, Inche Ameer Wahid Razalll, said that the subjects taught would be Malay and English
    106 words
  • 65 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. A couple was robbed of 5159 in cash and valuables by an armed youth in Treacher Road last night. Urn 6ee Juan. 23. a secretary, was walking with his friend at about 10 p.m. when a youth armed with a dagger stopped them
    65 words
  • 170 13 Villagerspass the hat round to buy food for five I—orphans—1 orphans— SINGAPORE. Wed Villagers at the 12th milestone, Ylo Chu Kang Road, have rallied to the help of five children whose young widowed mother. Lombah Thamboosamy, died la*t Friday. They passed the hat round yesterday and collected $74 40 to
    170 words
  • 22 13 PORT SWETTENHAM. Wed. The Sultan of Selangor will yuM the $40 million four new wharvaa here on Monday morning.
    22 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 137 13 il/l YINV IN THE LEAD AGAIN mm 7 ALL NEWLY ADVANCED models KIZKI KHyj* STEREO TAPE H |Hh] BB^^V ili IL# *•*••"•"< >tr«fM, *»*•»> t»4 Shut *H. 11l W^HP^hUw I I iGfcjM H I *«Mti central attachment. jjm^ MM|^^^^^^|^^^^|||||; C.m.l«t* Pmk lutton Sritm. i >>r J H r' r B
      137 words

  • 397 14 There's no half-way house in loyalty, says Yeap JESSELTON, W«d QNLY national unity can help Sabah meet the challenge of the present and the future, the Deputy Federal Secretary, Mr. Yeap Kee Aik, said today. Speaking in a broadcast over Radio Malaysia (Sabah). Mr. Yeap said that it was the
    397 words
  • 80 14 SINGAPORE. Wed.— A 70-year-old woman Inmate of the home for the poor and heedy in Waterloo Street, who had been missing for the past two weeks, has been found and is now in the Woodbridge Hospital getting treatment for "lost memory." A nurse read a Straits Times
    80 words
  • 116 14 KUCHING. Wed. Representations on the question whether it might be possible to abolish fees in primary schools in Sarawak havp been made to the Federal authorities. Mr. Dunstan Endawte. Minister for Local Government, who said this In the Council Negrl yesterday, added that the representations were
    116 words
  • 192 14 After the seminar, a quick look round S'pore SINGAPORE, Wed. *5 Delegates from 14 Asian countries who have Just finished attending the threeweek third Asian Regional Co-operation Seminar in Kuala Lumpur will arrive here tomorrow for a four-day^ visit. In a programme arranged by the University of Singapore Students Union,
    192 words
  • 57 14 PESIANG. Wed. A labourer, from Butterworth. Ng Ynen, 54, was charged in a magistrate.* court yesterday with murdering Ng Kirn. 58. at the construction site of the Caltex service station in Trlok Bahang yesterday. The magistrate Mr Mahtn Singh, ordered Ng Yuen to be remanded in
    57 words
  • 443 14  -  AUSTEN ZECHA A CALL TO WITHDRAW GUERILLAS —by— KUALA LUMPUR, Wed.— A German expert on Communism, who is attending the Council on World Tensions Conference here, today strongly .urged the withdrawal of Indonesian guerillas from the Borneo territories for the sake of "preserving peace
    443 words
  • 88 14 The smile that lights up the countryside... BANGKOK. Wed. The Raja Permaisuri Agong quoted a remark by Tengku Abdul Rahman "The smile of Queen Sirikit lights up the countryside"' when she received the Thai Red Cross Medal from the Thai Queen here yesterday. She added: "It is equally true to
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 214 14 OINGAPORE. Wed. Singapore 1 three reservoirs Pierce. MacRitchie and Seletar are now 100 per cent full and hopes are high that the Public Utilities Board may announce the lifting of water rationing soon. Besides the rain which hai been falling frequently and I heavily, the water
    214 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
      205 words
    • 64 14 TRUTH IS DEADLIER K \j»ol^^v!J^^H!|iiy2j| I Th« «k v Ix** 9 OV J«««e» Bond the upper Hand. 1 fyjK,' \Jjf^ »fc»/^^B I makes professionals choke with laughter I THAN FICTION ALSO IN THIS ISSUE f {t I J pJ| pfl fM i\fj WIN CASH PRIZES EVERY WEEK, 11 A I
      64 words

  • 273 15 Potential to cultivate cane sugar great: Mohar KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. THE Secretary to the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Raja Mohar bin Badiozaman, said today there were great potentialities for sugar cane cultivation in Malaysia. He told the Straits Times that Malaysia's home consumption of sugar amounted to about 150,000
    273 words
  • 103 15 CONTRACTOR, WIFE ROBBED IN HOTEL ROOM jtf ALACCA, Wed. A iTI contractor, Huen Sin Cheng, of Tapah, and his wife were robbed by five men armed with daggers of cash and valuables worth $500 in their hotel room here yesterday. Huen told the police that he and his wife arrived
    103 words
  • 61 15 i SINGAPORE. Wed. The Central executive committee of the Singapore branch of the PanMalayan Islamic Party will hold a meeting on March 14 to discuss the forthcoming Parliamentary and State elections in Malaya. The party's secretary-general. Inche Abdullah Musa. said the meeting would consider in what way
    61 words
  • 58 15 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Another exoert from the International Labour Office. Mr. S. H. Arntsen, of Norway, has joined the staff of the National Productivity Centre. Mr. Arntsen. a management consultant for 14 years in Norway before he joined the ILO, will be here for two
    58 words
  • 40 15 SINGAPORE. W.d. Burglars broke mio the home of Mrs. G. D Jul.a in Rideout last night, and stole goods wor.h nearly $2,000. including a television set, a typewriter, four bottles of liquor, a transistor radio and some cutlery.
    40 words
  • 266 15 - IESSELTON, Wed. J The Deputy Federal Secretary, Mr. Yeap Kee Alk, last night paid warm tributes to the services of the retiring State Secretary of Sabah, Dato R. N. Turner, in the cause of Malaysia. Mr. and Mrs. Yeap gave
    266 words
  • 24 15 PARIT BUNTAR. Wed. The Bagan Serai Hindu Temple will hold its annual fire-walking ceremony in the temple grounds at 4 p.m. on Thursday.
    24 words
  • 251 15 Let staff be free, Speakers ask State Govts lOHORE BAHRU, Wed. I•* The Malaysian con- 1 ference oi Speakers has unanimously agreed to ask State Government 1 to take appropriate steps so that staff of legislatures will be independent of the executive. This decision is contained In a Press statement
    251 words
  • 47 15 I TELUK ANSON. Wed. The tirst full Town Council meeting oi I the year held here last night ended in 25 minutes shortest on record. The proceedings were recorded on only 61 feet out of the usual 1 1.200 feet of tape.
    47 words
  • 201 15 KUALA LUMPUR, Wad TWO officials of the Commonwealth Development Finance Company Ltd. will arrive here next week for a three-week tour of Malaysia to examine ways in which this private enterprise organisation can take part in the country's economic development. They are the company's
    201 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 537 15 FREE! PERSONAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE for you when you have a Savings Account with THE CHARTERED BANK Every one who already has a Savings Account branchesof the bank siwapok at THE CHARTERED BANK, or who opens 58I!?\.Etf: "S?" HSHi such an account hereafter automatically ih«u: "ffji^" c ««J«J receives the benefits
      537 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 74 15 AU*y 00op Hff i Vg Ummrtim S c J? E PUT GLASSES? Of PURSUITS /ok5r.TH» B€SI»SCdCcUP C*BWil W GOS V i°^ V J 3^?S??Sf2 V °iAr> v J!£ YE 1 NONSENSef r wear Jis time- \ISSSSSr^M^ VAVs ™ts HAP IT/ GLASSES.' TRAVEL/ L^^^*l6HBfcl| C~K W^ I*./ Abmmr B^ Ai €m^
      74 words

    • 736 16 For girls who plan to take the Leap pOUR years ago when the joyous peel of bells greeted 1960, my young girl friend decided she had to act. "I've got to hook him this year. If not, it looks like ('ll have to wait .mother four
      736 words
    • 81 16 FRENCH FASHION NOTES PARIS decree for the 1964 fashion look is 1930-ish. and all pleats, ruffles, organdy and bows. This Is the conclusion drawn after buyers and press saw the recent 10--day showing of 42 collections in Paris. Here are two points from our fasnlon diary: Skirts: Pleated, but still
      81 words
    • 292 16 TOO many women live their entire lives with only a limited knowledge of make-up. They seem to think that the functions of cosmetics is to change or disguise their naturally endowed features. Here, to contradict this mistaken belief and shed some important beautifying light on the
      292 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 242 16 Eskamel TREATS SPOTS AND HMPLES. LEAVES YOUR SKIN CLEAR AND SMOOTH Contaim Hruchlorophcnc ki 11% |ermi imianily hcali pwnptn faM Prevent* pimplet from spreading leavet no unsightly tpott- Free front oil and greaie does nol crack, cake or clog the pore* women can apply make-up over n A wonderfully effective
      242 words
    • 405 16 for Users 0f.... Mom uwtaklc for SabMt Knlffct from Mnh. ■k Specialty mmifecurari for «m hoc cilntMn. NucrMM vWm U li ill vfclk Wfed Vkamm O an 4 Im, E*>»r *n*wd~pr»eHe»lt)r indwinfvlthiM* from bnmt a*k. it imttf.pHfuai-tmt wit hot wwr. A 5 STAR MILK FOOD FOR 5 STAR BABIES and
      405 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 267 16 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 31. Like cockles and mussels, glv1. 00ln K over the salient point* J"?..? 011 turn < 5) Solution will -be published to make the Sappers surren- tomorrow. der (14). YESTERDAY'S SOLUTION. 9. How most of the Danegeid ImBdBBBSBRBMBCBM was collected (7). IMITATIVEIIDAHO 10. Pleased to find
      267 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1291 17 TO LIVERPOOL WESI COASI U.K.: OMS'kMi »«i"» S'naa ««aaa| MARON LKtrpeel, Glasgow 't/Teiat Fik a ILfLNOR A.onmouth, Li«erattl ll Pt/MM 3 AENEAS luerpatl. Glasgow Ftk 21 Mar 1 MM 4 EUMAEUS Livtruil Mai > Mar MM I/IB Mm II PELEUS til lilt Dublin. Ciataow Mar 11 Mar 11 Mar 14/11
      1,291 words
    • 1350 17 HS9 THE EAC LINES ■SVY"" jfsi PWtMIO I kmhamm HouatAai.»i«««««a toy kx»o*».i M^rakßoatr/ SAILINGS 10 GENOA, U HAVRt, kUMBJIfc, OItMUL ANIWERP, ROHE.IOAM, AMSTERDAM. OSLO. GOTNiNBMRt. ANB CBMNJUtEH. "KINA" fc) Sailel la Part/ Ttaay 21 n fit ■SINALOA" a) a Fik/ 4 Mar 57 Mar 1/ s Mar FALSTRIA" k) a
      1,350 words
    • 1136 17 I Benuline] EXPRESS SERVICE TB LONOON, LIVERfOOL A CONTINENTAL PORTS D r UI Amrfßfßc* Liverpool MM a BENLAWERS S^iPore P. S-MM w pi P.nan, BENMACDHUI Fw Smgaport P. Shan Ptnang Jotterdaia Apr 14 li Part/TKaj Ftk W 1 nt erß r 1I S'peri P. rum Paaaag BENLAm L^Bllnr^breVs'-M-ik Mir 11/H
      1,136 words
    • 1274 17 feMcALISTER 6c CO., LTD. W IH, Nt *****. lix ■I.I.BWMAMJ UMI tfc KLAVENESS LIMB *^V LBltatM, HAMBURG, ROTTEROAM, IBS ANGELES. SAN FRANCISCO, HAVRE, RUU MIt*USBROUSi SEATTLE, VANCOUVER t PORTLAR* t emr of eastbourni t i c V, c Ceitfil Stort P. S'ha* rtntng aaaaaMaAa G. 11-11/21 Fak Omits a FJI
      1,274 words

  • 159 18 MELBOURNE. Wed. ILfETAX SHARKS fully main--ITX tainmg a strong uptrend which commenced yesterday on the rising metal prices In London, were the main feature of trading today. Meant laa gained farther Is. 6d to 435. ad. making a rise of 3s. 6d. ao far this week. Renteon up
    159 words
  • 248 18 MARCH first (rod* ruOeer buyer* f.s.b. slesed at S a.m. Ri Sifigaa*ra and Kuala Lumpur yesterday at 664 cents per lb. unchanged On Tuesday's closing level for the position. The tone waa very quiet, but steady. ft.A.S. and P.M.R.I. deling pr'leee In aents Bar ft. y**t*rday: Int. 1
    248 words
  • 22 18 February 26. MALAYAN RUBBER PRICE: 66* cents (unchanged). TIN: $614.75 (up $29,124). Estimated unofficial offering 275 tons (op 15 tons).
    22 words
  • 211 18 (OFFICIAL QUOTATIONS) February 26. Three month*. INDUSTRIAL* Boustead 15 cte. M Oament 19 cv Ounlope 18 cts. M. Box 24 cts. City Der. 5 eta. MeAUater 16 CU Smeltera 31 eta. If. J»»»«t IS cU Esao 19 cv. Robinson 16 Ota. Fed. Dlap. 15 eta. C. Storage 20
    211 words
  • 187 18 SHIP* lyta« slsn«sl<i Mat Bfeaur* Najrkaejr s>inn ar eesjseaasl aertaj Knaak 8, Wedertek Clover 44, Ban kxnoßd 10/11. Madras Mara U/!6. Maxwell Bread**- SI/SO. CHy of Norwich 21/34. KoUbJorg Sl/tS. CKy of raaUii—m Sa/sa, Mere* Mara 42/4 J. meobar 46. BiHnani N.W. 4. timer reads: Mahatbavl, Ann,
    187 words
  • 71 18 Chin(si Pn*un iwwm, »n>i«. sore neen avlees par pteul ytitsrssai Ceeeout all: bulk S4O Milan, drum 549 eellen. Ce»ra: March/ April. UK /Coatlaent Unvoted. feasti: Muntok white (183* seller*. Barawmk white fl«O aeUere, special Sarawak black $117 aallcn, garbled Kmpoag Mack (117t aailara. ASTA W27i sellers. li"IU«n Caaaiwt
    71 words
  • 452 18 From Our Market Correspondent INDUSTRIALS continued to ease on the Malayan Stock Exchange yesterday and inspite of a rise of over $29 in the noon metal price tins only just about held their own. At last basic considerations are now affecting the Exchange
    452 words
  • 25 18 Malayan Stock Indices Feb. 25. F?b. 26. •Industrials: 112.37 111.57 Tins: 141.46 143.31 robbers: 104. ".7 104.57 *Dec. 30. 1963=100 Dee. 29. 1962=100
    25 words
  • 863 18 /COMBINED business In the Slngapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Malayan Stock Exchange yesterday, with the number of the shares traded In brackets: INDUSTRIALS: Bawstead T1.000) f'.9O; CeM Stare (1.000) 53.35. (1.000) •3.34. (1.000) 13.33. (6.000) $3.31. (1.000) 53.32. (9.000) 83.30; O unite* (1,000) I!T«,
    863 words
  • 82 18 THE Malayan lietiang* Banks' Asae- elatten made these change* la Its rate* to merchants yesterday (ail rat** to $100): Canada: buying TT 35 1/2. airmail OD 35 5/H. 90 d/nt 36 1/8 credit bllla. 36 3/16 trade bllla. Sailing TT *r 0D ready: Canada 36 1/8. On the
    82 words
  • 81 18 THE Federation Minister for Finance has fixed these pricea for«ti» I customs dnUes for the week beginning en February 27. Robber MS cts a lb. Copra $480 a ion. Coconut oil $796 a ten Palm oil $658.75 a ten. Palm kernels $399.50 a ton. The rate of
    81 words
  • 615 18 IN one of the sharpest dally advances for many years the price of tin In Penang yesterday spiralled $29.12* to $614.75 per plcul. It was the highest price since April 11 1951. The offering was estimated at 275 tons up 15 tons. In London
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1091 18 WL\ <5 MJ&.K. Pacific, AUtatit, and Craat LaUcas/Kast Canada Sarvica S'poit P. i'Wn. nonoiuiu a. rciace M io>i nooueei "kaw.Uwa Mara" 3 4 Mar S/ 7 Mar 27 Mar 4 Aft 22 Afr a Apt -lelitii Mara" 24/21 Ma 27/11 Mar 28 Aar It Apr 17 Mai MMas An vessels
      1,091 words
    • 1017 18 aWIIIUUa ttBHC*. (MM. f*«ISU» aW t. SSU UBVK* I* i*«*»iiia. tnitasa. Sysaas, laaaaairai I§l mttu m mm tu^ fenani I*. S'aaai Vpete ..k— BttMaU M Mar IVII Mat 11/]0 Mar rm rUm rmmm isi FratjaatJ*. Maiaala. Msslaaras. Mat, (AMU la rarVIS Fat 28 Fat 1 Mrs •aHSU aar tni «s>
      1,017 words
    • 222 18 MALAYA BORNEO BUILDING SOCIETY LIMITED NOTICE is hereby given that the Share and Stock: RegiataVs of the above Company will be dosed from the lltta March 1964 to 34th, March 1964 (Inclusive > Tor iher purpose of preparation of divMeaxf I warranui. PEAT. MARWICK. A CO, Registrars. ROYAL SOCIETY OF
      222 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 738 19 CENTRAL ELECTRICITY BOARD APPOINTMENT OF STAFF NURSE (NON ESTABLISHED) SULTAN YUSSUF POWER STATION, JOR, CAMERON HIGHLANDS. Applications are Invited from suitably qualified Federal citizens between the ages of 23 and 40 years for the post of staff nurse inon established) at the Sultan Yussuf Power Station. Jor. Cameron Highlands. 2.
      738 words
    • 288 19 (Continued fren Pajre II SITUATIONS VACANT tt Warm* SS (Ml*.>—Bmm M eta, mmtrm WANTED EXPERIINCIO ORIVIR. Must stay tn (no children). Apply 0.P.0. Box 644. B'por*. COOK/OBNIRAL AMAH live In. Call at No. 3 Holland Qrove Avtnu* B'por* bctwaen 2 p.m. and 0 p.m. WANTED COSMETIC SALESGIRL Clerk, experienced unnecessary.
      288 words
    • 1010 19 SITUATIONS VACANT tt Words tt (Mt*.)—oUM tt eta, mmtrm KUROPKAN COMPANY r*Qu!res Lady Typist. Steno/Typist. Apply stating experience, qualifications Box A 4744 B.T. Spore. KXPKRIKNCKD SALKSMAN Required by an European Company, salary $200/. plu* allowance and commission Apply with particulars to P.O. Box 09, Petallng Jaya. FACTORY CLERK ORAOK 111
      1,010 words
    • 1074 19 ACCOMMODATION VACANT JO Word, SS (Min.)— Box St ct: txtrm FURNISHED IST CLASS 3 Bedroom Bungalow J.B. attached bathrooms servant's quarters car porch longbath water heater and telephone. Apply Box A 4738 S.T. Singapore. UNPURNISHKD ROOM near Oxley Road qulat airy for bachelor $40/--tacluslve water, electricity, no cooking own entrance.
      1,074 words
    • 951 19 HOUSES LAND FOR SALE M Words Si (Mim.)—Bma It eta. txtro FULLY FURNISHKD Four Bedrooms Bungalow, Teakwood furniture, longbath, (ridge *tc Area 5.200 Berwick Drive, Singapore It. Rented $360/-. Price $41,000/-. Box A 4763 S.T. Spore. THOMSON RIOCHi Elevated semidetached furnished S bedroom bungalow. Lounge separate dining room. Bathroom
      951 words
    • 928 19 EDUCATION W Word, S3 (Min.)— Box tt ets. txtrm TYPEWRITING (OUR SPECIALITY) in KngUsh/Malay. Individual Attention/ Teats. Bam/9pra. Starting Maroh: Stenography: Sam. 11am, 2pm.. 5/Bpm Book -keeping: Bam. opm, 7pm., Accounting, Malay-shorthand: 9am. 6pm.. Malay. Japanese. Vacancies: Theory, Speed 50/130, LCC Re /talons: English/ Mathematics: Senior, Q/T., LCC, LCE. Secondaries.
      928 words
    • 816 19 VEHICLES FOR SALE tt Words SS (Ml*.)— Box St ets. mmtrm TRIUMPH TR4 Soft Top on* owner Immaculate condition i omprehenaive Insurance low mileage many extras accident free. Kor details Telephone 7BMS (B'pore). 1959 VOLKSWAGEN SEDAN In excellent condition. New paint and upholstery 53.200.00. View 339-C Jalan Bahagla. St, Michael's
      816 words
    • 745 19 STEAMBATHS, MASSAGE, ETC. tt Word, SS (Min.)— Box St ct: txtrt TIRBD? LIT LAUBSL Massage Steunbeth refresh you Licensed Mas seur/Masseuse. 318-P River V«ll«y Roma. Sport. Telephone 3&BTS 10 oo a.m. (o sou p.m. sharp. GENTLIMIN Kor Swedish Masuir. Bt*amhathx. Facial Treatment. Manicure. Halrcutttnf. TinMns and Staving ■■Jeans" Alrconditioned Salon.
      745 words

    • 307 20 Suzuki enter 2 world stars MOTOR-RACING CINGAPORE, Wed. Hugh .Anderson and Burt Schneider, two big names in international motor cycling, are among the entries for the third Malaysia Grand Prix meeting here on Mar. 29-30. Anderson of New Zealand, holder of the world 50cc and 125 cc titles, and Schneider,
      307 words
    • 107 20 SINGAPORE. Wed. 81x leading boxers in Japan, Thailand and Australia have been signed up for a big boxing card In Singapore on March 14. The boxers are Hlsao Mlnami (Junior middle) and Katsuml Yabe (junior Jlght i of Japan. Nal Passert and Nal Eanchal (both-
      107 words
    • 351 20 EPSOM JEEP'S TEN-TO-FOLLOW PENANG, Wed. JPOH owner Dr. S. C. Lip, who races under the name of "Pil Stable," has a fine team of new horses and looks set for a successful season. Two of his horses Arc en Ciel
      351 words
    • 105 20 ANDERSONIANS TROUNCE HUSSARS AT HOCKEY TPOH. Wed. Playing without a X goalkeeper almost throughout, Anderson lans trounced Queen's Royal Irish Hussars by 7-2 in the Ipoh hockey league Dlv. 1 mati)i on the Municipal padang today. International goalkeeper Kamarul Arlffln, who rushed out to Intercept an opponent early in the
      105 words
    • 34 20 MALACCA. Wed. Colours heat Whites by three goals to nil In the state hockey trial on the Malacca Club padang today. Scorers were Justin de Silva, Ismail All and Koh Hock Seng.
      34 words
    • 42 20 BINGAPORE. Wed. Singapore Government Services Football Association XI, practically a state side, scored an Impressive 4-1 win over Johore's Malaya Cup side at Jalan Besar today. Scorers for SAFA were Nadarajah (2), Gurunathan and Ibrahim Mansor, while Ibrahim netted fot Johore.
      42 words
    • 23 20 LONDON. Wed. Bristol beat St. Luk's College by 19-13 In th» only Rugby Union club match played here last night. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  23 words
    • 39 20 THIS isn't intrepid Cossack trick-riding by amateur Jockey R. Roberts. He lost his seat when the grey Bournbrook took the last fence in Division 1 of the Sevenoaks Novices' Steeplechase at Lingneld Park last Friday.— Reuter picture.
      Reuter  -  39 words
    • 292 20 Selangor on 'back to glory 5 path HOCKEY KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. rpHE Selangor Hockey Association have 26 players under training for this season's inter-state competitions, which will start with this weekend's friendly quadrangular tournament here and culminate with the Tun Razak Cup championship. P. Alegendra, SHA vlce^pre- i sldent and
      292 words
    • 81 20 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The Trengganu Amateur FA. nave changed their minds about not competing In the FAM Cup. Today, Trengganu FA. president Mohamed Yusoff bin Mohamed cabled the F.A. of Malaysia confirming their participation in the RAM Cup only. They will not take part In the Malaya
      81 words
    • 415 20 BADMINTON SINGAPORE. Wed. Singapore Badminton Association president Lim Kirn Peow said today his was "greatly disappointed" to learn that two Penang stars, Teh Kew Ban, the Malaysian No 1, and Yew Cheng Hoe, were unable to play In the Singapore open championships which begin
      415 words
    • 76 20 SINGAPORE. Wed. SAFA will now be sending six players to Join the Malaysian youth team who will be meeting Singapore Joint Sen-ices in a friendly soccer match at the Merdeka Stadium on Sunday. Originally FAM had asked lor only three Singapore players. The six players are
      76 words
    • 73 20 IPOH, Wed. The Perak team to meet Japan in a friendly soccer match at Stadium Perak here at 5 p.m. tomorrow will include eight players who were in the victorious Perak Chinese team that won the MCFA Cup. Perak's line-up Nadarajah; Goh Toh Yee, Fook Fook
      73 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 711 20 J.K.R. SELANGOR TENDER NOTICE Tenders will be received from Registered P.WD. Contractors to Claw E" and above up to 3 P.m. on March 20 1964 at the office of the Jurutera Neiterl, Selangor. Kuala Lumpur. For the construction of one reinforced concrete road bridge to replace bridge No. 6 1
      711 words
    • 240 20 IN THE HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT JOHORE BAHRU IN BANKRUPTCY NO. IS OP 1883 Re Chong Piak Sian trading at Chop Yen Onn Teng of No. 37. Jalan Ibrahim, Segamat, Johore. Date of Receiving and Adjudication Orders 11.1.64 Date of Order for Summary Administration 18.2 64 Date and place
      240 words
    • 721 20 NOTICES i NOTICE Beneficiaries of the Estate of Tse Vim Shlng alias Cheah Vim Seng (deceased) or anyone who knows the whereabouts of any of the beneflciarie* please get in touch immediately with MESSRS. YEAP AND YEAP. Advocates and. Solicitors, Laßrooy House. Post Office Roa-:. Ipoh. AUCTION SALE OF Household
      721 words
    • 846 20 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS EXISTING VACANCY CHILD CARE INSTITUTION, 21 Chatham Boad. Kowtow, Hong Konj. Assistant Superintendent: Salary from HK12.000-2.500 per month. Starting rate commensurate with experience. Requirements: (1) Male, graduate from approved college or university with diploma or degree in Social Work, (lit Experienced in institutional work or related Held. (Ill)
      846 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 99 20 SPORTS DIARY SOCCEB Tour match; Perak v Japan (Stadium Perak, Ipoh S p.mj. BADMINTON Spore open championships (SBA hall, 7.30 p.m. i. BOXING Farelf inter-unit final: 12 Regt. RA, Malaya v RAOC Spore (Rasah Camp, Seremban). HOCKEY— S'gor Dlv. 1: Armed Forces v University (R. Range Rd>; Kilat v RMAP
      99 words

    • 902 21  -  ALLAN BARKER Timesport special report on the big fight from Miami Beach, Florida Wad AND AFTER TKO WIN PROCLAIMS HIMSELF 'KING OF THE WORLD' SCENES of chaos and confusion typical of the man, 22-year-old Cassius Clay won the world heavyweight championship last night when Sonny
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    • 24 21 AND CASSIUS THE HORSE ALSO WINS... MIAMI. Wed. An 8-1 outsider named Cassius won the fourth race at Hialeah Park race track yeterday Reuter.
      Reuter  -  24 words
    • 672 21  -  DESMOND HACKETT by ROUND ONE: Clay set off at a brisk trot In the opposite direction to Liston. Liston slammed cut three long jabs which did little damage to Clay. Clay looked briefly in danger when Liston rammed in two rights. Suddenly Clay ceased his weaving and
      672 words
    • 98 21 Cooper issues challenge LONDON, Wed. Henry Cooper, British, European and Commonwealth heavyweight champion, today issued in a speedy challenge to the new world title-holder Cassius Clay. Cooper's manager Jim Wicks said: "We are challenging Clay to give us the return he promised last June. We will fight him any day
      Reuter  -  98 words
    • 260 21 MIAMI BEACH. Wed. ITI Eight doctors reported today that Sonny Liston's arm in Jury would have prevented him from defending himself against Cassius Clay in ths world heavyweight title fight here last night. Liston had failed to come out for the seventh round because of
      Reuter  -  260 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 108 21 200 cc SCOOTERS OFFER BETTER VALUE T U ft Hire purchase with low Q P ft A T P D initial down payment OUUIIICII can be arranged. IN MALAYSIA FAR EAST MOTORS LTD. 64, ORCHARD ROAD, SIN6APORE-9. Represented in Malaya by WEARNE BROS. LTD. cmcC Serf; tmfoet t& THE KWONG
      108 words
    • 109 21 We haw pleasure to announce the appointment of Shoon Sen Ltd., Ipoh, as our sub-distributor for Lancia and BMW cars. V' 1 1 r^^^^i^nf StfjPflPJßOHvMt <BnHJBIfIEHB]BBa BY V*V B^B^B^B^BSfeib* .iß^B^B^kv. '•■'■jj-y,;':: l&jm^ SKbhßleb^b^b^bY j^b\ $m LANCIA |f Elegantly luxurious interior for unsurpassed comfort. Precision tuned engine for economy and performance.
      109 words

  • 114 22 SOEK RENEWS ANTI-MALA YSIA OUTBURST DEN PASAR (Bali), Wed. President Soekarno today renewed his "crush Malaysia" campaign in the presence of his state guest. President Macapagal of the Philippines. It was his first open burst against Malaysia since President Macapagal arrived here on Saturday. "The Indonesian people are determined to
    114 words
  • 174 22 ONDON, Wed. Sir v Alec DouglasHorn c, the British Prime Minister, said yesterday he was "quite confident" the United States had the same interest in Malaysia's territorial integrity as in that of any other full member of the United Nations. He was answering a question
    Reuter  -  174 words
  • 455 22  -  TAI SING ONN I From BANGKOK, Wed. A page was engraved today in the history of the Royal Thai Police Department and the Police Cadet Academy at Sampran in Nakorn Pathom Province. Gen. Prasert Rujlravong, who Is Director-General of the Thai Police said that
    UPI  -  455 words
  • 92 22 JAKARTA. Wed. Steelhelmeted police have imposed an uneasy truce on the Jakarta waterfront following five days of savage racial fighting. Unofficial sources claim about 40 people died In a series of clashes between Bugis youths from the South Celebes and Banta- mese from West Java. According to a
    92 words
  • 321 22 LONDON. Wed— Equities have given a good account of themselves today. There was no expansion In business, but buying interest appeared to be greater. Demand was stimulated by encouraging Industrial news and by prospects of good company statements In the coming weeks. Bank. Insurance and property shares were
    321 words
  • 44 22 LONDON. Wad. Spot 1»?4d., Apr. 20-l/16d.. May 30-3/IM. June 20>4d, Apr. June 30-3/ 16d, July/Sept. 20-5/ 18 d., Oct./ Dec 20«4d., lan/Mar. 20*fcd.. Apr./ June »«*d.. Jtaly/Bept. 20Nd., Oct./ Dec 20Sd., c.Lf. Mar. 19-1V16d.. Apr. 1»«4d.. May 18-13/16 d. Tone: Steady but quiet.
    44 words
  • 23 22 LONDON. Wed Buyers £1185, seller* £1190. Forward buyers £1155. aellers £ll«0. Settlement £1390. Turnover ajn. MO tons, p.m. 300 tons. Tone: Weak.
    23 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 122 22 Fop the best-go for """RIRIIHE %n M I LOCARNO WE Medium short wave radio stereo- n gram t Exquisitely styled with 4 speakers Undistorted and powerful 4 speed automatic record changer 8 push buttons controls Fully tropicaliied AVAILABLE FROM ALL LEADING RADIO DEALERS OUR SHOWROOMS: SINGAPORE Ngee Ann Building, Orchard
      122 words