The Straits Times, 21 February 1964

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 22 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 125.000 j file*-**** 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1964 15 CENTS KDN 731
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  • 471 1  -  VIC NAYAGAM: 'Guerillas must go' TUN KHOMAN TO BE TOLD: FURTHER MINISTERIAL DISCUSSIONS WOULD BE POINTLESS, UNLESS... From TEMERLOH, Thursday Bandits to be cleaned out TU: 1 Abdul Razak said today he would protest strongly to peacemaker Tun Thanat Khoman when he accompanies the Yang di-Pertuan Agong
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  • 466 1 Malaysia: 'Blame Indonesia if truce fails' KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. The responsibility for any failure of the ceasefire agreement in the Borneo States rests squarely with Indonesia, the Ministry of External Affairs said today. In a statement issued hrre, a Ministry spokesman expressed "astonishment" at M-sterday's remarks of the Indonesian Foreign
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  • 134 1 NYERERE GIVES US HIS BACKING DAR ES S A L A A M Thurs. President Nyerere of Tanganyika (above) has expressed his support for Malaysia in "unequivocal terms," Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, leader of the Malaysian "truth mission" to Africa, said here today. Mr. Lee and his delegation who have
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  • 282 1 LOPEZ LOOKS TO A MARCH MEETING— MANILA. Thurs. TIIK second ministerial conference in Bangkok among Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines to discuss the Malaysia crisis will most probably be postponed to the first week of March. The Philippines Foreign Secretary, Mr. Salvador Lopez, in a press statement said there was
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  • 68 1 ADEN, Thurs.— A mine blew the front wheels off the leading vehicle of a convoy of British paratroopers returning to Aden from their base at Dhala, 60 miles away, a Middle East Command spokesman said today No one was hurt. This was the third mine explosion
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 58 1 SINGAPORE, Thurs.— Air Marshal Sir John Orandy, Chief of the RAF Bomber Command, flew in today to meet chiefs of rbe British Unified Command and the Far East Mr Force. His four-day visit Is part of a world tour to study the conditions under which
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  • 324 1 King and Queen leave for Bangkok on Monday ROYAL VISIT WILL HELP STRENGTHEN PEACE, SECURITY KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. The 10--day State visit to Thailand by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the Raja Permaisuri Agong, which begins on Monday, will go a long way tpwa r d s strengthening peace and
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  • 142 1 JAKARTA. Thura. A TOTAL of 304 people are suffering from malnutrition In the Indramaju District, northeast of Bandoeng in West Java, the Governmentcontrolled Antara news agenry reported today. The agency said the West Java Governor. Colonel Mashudi, and sr\eral members of his staff yesterday made aa on-the-spot
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  • 139 1 Two Oxford students in sabre duel over girl OXFORD, Thurs. Two South African students at Oxford University fought a 10 minute dawn sabre duel over a girl, the student newspaper Cherwell revealed today. It said the two duellists were Rory Donellan and Adam Poynter. both in the second year of
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • 34 1 WASHINGTON. Thurs. The U.S. Atomic Energy Commission recommended today the development of nuclear power progranimes for American outer space missions at a probable cost of over 1,000 million dollars ($3,000 million). Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 214 1 Upward surge in tin price goes on gINGAPORE, Thurs. Tin continued its upward surge on the Straits tin market today with a rise of $13.37}, which took it to $566.7$ tlie highest price since late May, 1951. Today's rise, the largest on a single market day for some years, means
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  • 34 1 DJAKAKIA lluir- donrsian n.i\> spokesman, commenting on impending British < imimnimr.ilth naval 111! IB 1 in |st said: "We an- not intimidated. We eaa Mobilise Itl warships in short time whcncMT called tot
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 86 1 *y wk Kf «v. SheafferS -1L A. J.Y.11 DOES THE BIG MAN PROUD T link big and bold! This afl new dynamic pen from Sheaffer's is for you! Every thing about the Sheaffer's Pen-for-Men is big- the styling, the grip, the quality, the ink capacity! The Sheaffer's PFM features 14kt.
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    • 204 2 U.S. studies Sihanouk's proposal WASHINGTON, Thursday. ■JTCE State Department said yesterday that a proposal by Prince Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia for a four-power conference to guarantee his country's neutrality was "interesting" and would be given careful study. The proposal was put for- ward earlier yesterday by Prince Sihanouk, who suggested
      Reuter  -  204 words
    • 73 2 A CCRA. Thurs. PreA sident Nkrumah yesterday accepted the resignation of his Finance Minister, Mr. F. K. D. Goka. The official announcement gave no reason for his resignation. At the same time, the official statement said that the President had removed from office two Deputy Ministers,
      Reuter  -  73 words
    • 66 2 JAKARTA. Thurs.— The United States wiU soon begin installing Indonesia's first Americanbuilt atomic reactor, the I.S. embassy announced today. The Triga II reactor "ill b e installed in Ban- doeng. West Java, and used for "research and isotope production in the educational, medical and industrial fields." It
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    • 138 2 SEATO TOP JOB GOES TO THAI NATIONAL AGAIN I BANGKOK, Thurs. Mr. Konthi Supramongkhol, Thai representative at the SouthEast Asia Treaty Organisation (Seato) Council, was yesterday appointed SecretaryGeneral of the organisation. The announcement of Mr. Konthl's appointment was made at the end of a meeting of the council representatives in
      Reuter  -  138 words
    • 587 2 Malaysia has lead role not Britain, says Carrington 'Our part limited to giving military assistance at the request of the Tengku 9 LONDON, Thurs. Lord Carrington, the Deputy Foreign secretary, told the House of Lords yesterday that the leading role in Malaysia's dispute with Indonesia was being played by the
      Reuter  -  587 words
    • 44 2 SAIQON. Thurs. A South Vietnamese air force fighter with a crew of one American and one Vietnamese was shot down yesterday in Phong Dinh province. 90 miles south of Saigon. The plane exploded on impact, apparently killing the crew. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  44 words
    • 30 2 BOMBAY, (India), Thurs.— The death toll In the village burning at Idapnur. Mysore, yesterday rose to 18 as two additional victims were discovered In the debris. UPI.
      UPI  -  30 words
    • 18 2 ALGIERS, Thurs.— President Ben Bella of Algeria today accepted an invitation to vtelt Mongolia.— Reuter.
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    • 208 2 OAIGON, Thurs.— South Vietnam's new Government has announced that it will accept the formation of a front of opposition parties, leadIng to the development ot a two or three-party system of government. At present there are dozens of small parties, many of which have similar
      Reuter  -  208 words
    • 176 2 7ANZIBAR, Thurs. President Abe 1 d Karume of Zanzibar-yes-terday asked Mr. Timothy Crosthwaite, British High Commissioner, to leave the country within 24 hours because of Britain's delay in recognising his government. Mr. Donald Petersen. acting US. Charge d'Affaires, was also told to leave
      Reuter  -  176 words
    • 34 2 'Cease-fire violation JAMMU (Kashmir), Thurs Dr Karan Singh. Kashmir's Head of State, today accujed Pakistan or organising numerous border explosions In violation of the ceasefire line between Pakistan and Indian-held areas oX ''*»'r Reuter.
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 205 2 The French reinstate deposed President I IBREVILLE, (Gabon), Thurs. French airborne troops yesterday occupied the presidential palace and reinstated President Leon Mba, who was ousted in a coup on Monday. Last night, Libreville, capital of the lowest populated French-speaking state in Africa labout 450.000). wa» calm. The occupation of the
      Reuter  -  205 words
    • 53 2 TOKYO, Thurs.— The Imperial household hoped to ttnd a wife for Emperor Hirohlto's youngest son Prince Yoshi. the Diet was told yesterday. "Since Prince Yoshi Is 23. we are trying to arrange for him to get married this year," a spokesman for the Imperial
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    • 54 2 BONN, Thurs.— The West Orznan Government said yesterday It would be impossible to Justify further economic aid for Ceylon If an East German consulate-general was established in Colombo. A Foreign Ministry spokesman said this would mean cutting off future projects and slowing down on
      Reuter  -  54 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 149 2 Hn*w^^^ V, -■«Wi|§ Is your child worth 3 minutes of your time a day? Children need more than a mother's love, they W^HRWS rich in proteins, minerals and vitamin 8.1. need a mother's care, and loving care is the &UULXj£2 Growing children need all of these to develop lime taken
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    • 163 2 Advertisement Beautiful hair styles are now being made to look more attractive with the "Peek-In" Olow of beauty. The rich delightful translucence you see when looking Into the depths of amber or a precious stone it Is not a glitter not a shimmer or polish, but something far more beautiful.
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    • 324 3 Reinforcements will help keep the peace until an international force is ready to do the job LONDON, Thursday. BRITAIN today flew another 1,500 troops to Cyprus. The Ministry of Defence said a gunner regiment, an infantry unit, administrative troops, armoured cars and army technicians
      Reuter  -  324 words
    • 96 3 LONDON, Thurs. Sir Winston Churchill, now in his 90th year, surprised the House of Commons by voting twice during a debate on Succession Laws in Scotland He has been attending Parliament fairly regularly to recent weeks but had not voted since last year. I
      Reuter  -  96 words
    • 43 3 [.ONDON. Tlrnrt Mt notes came back to Britain yesterday —after n 21-yrar break. They were last issued m April. 1943. The new notes will have two portraits of the Queen one printed and one on the watermark.—Reuter.
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    • 36 3 LONDON, Thurs.— Prince Andrew second in the line of succession to the British throne celebrated his fourth birthday here yesterday with a tea party attended by about a dozen of his youne friends. Reuter.
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    • 149 3 WASHINGTON, Thurs T Cockroa ches. hamsters, rats, wasps, fertilised frog's eggs and fruit flies are among a collection of animals, insects and organisms to go on space flights next year in scientific experiments, the Space Agency announced. The first bio-satellite will b<» launched
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    • 31 3 OPINE BLUF.', (Arkansas). Thurs.— Police arrested more than 40 Negroes last night as they -lemonstrated in front of Ray's Barbecue in sympathy of Jailed Negro comedian Dick Gregory.— CPJ.
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    • 174 3 LIMBURG (West Germany), Thursday. r)R. HANS Hefelmann, on trial for 73,000 euthana- sia ("mercy killing") murders, said here yesterday that, after watching the unbearable sufferings of his paralysed mother, he had made himself one of the three greatest German experts on mercy killing. Hefelmann.
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    • 59 3 ROME, Thurs. Doctors in hospitals went on strike yesterday demanding a hospital reform, higher salaries and old age pensions and raising of the retirement aim to 70. The doctors were remaining in their wards but only handling emergency cases during the 48--hour strike that ends at
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    • 98 3 NEW YORK, Thurs. 11 William Scorca. 53, assistant cashier at the British-owned Chartered Bank, was arrested today on charges of embezzling U551,248,958. The alleged embezzlement took place over a period of eight years, according to a 151-count Indictment. The indictment comprised 100 counts of
      Reuter  -  98 words
    • 44 3 NEW YORK, Thurs.— Snow, gale grinds and heavy rain pounded all states along the eastern seaboi.rd yesterday, with snowfalls up to 30 Inches reported. Many schools were closed, but airline flights from Kennedy Ini tematlonal Airport here continued 'on schedule Reuter
      Reuter  -  44 words
    • 44 3 WASHINGTON, Thurs. An army mapping satellite was secretly launched last month and Is performing "exceptionally well." it was disclosed yesterday. The satellite is designed to improve the mapping of Islands and continental regions far from the North American continent. UPI.
      UPI  -  44 words
    • 203 3 Is it worse to succeed than fail? asks bus firm f ONDON. Thurs.— Sir 14 William Black, chairman of the Leyland Motor Corporation which won a £3 million contract to supply 400 buses to Cuba, yesterday said many other countries had tendered and failed to get the order: He named,
      Reuter  -  203 words
    • 164 3 C'wealth needs more meetings: Attlee 1 ONDON. Thurs.— Earl Attlee, former Labour Prime Minister, last night called for more frequent meetings of Commonwealth Prime Ministers to "pull the Commonwealth together." It would give Prime Ministers of newly-Independent countries an opportunity to learn the meaning of the Commonwealth, he told the
      Reuter  -  164 words
    • 123 3 A GRIGENTO, (Bldly A Thurs.— Paolo Navarra, 24. a Sicilian farmhand, has been sentenced to 15 years' jail for causing his wife's death while trying to cure her of "evil spirits." The court also ordered him to spend three years in a
      Reuter  -  123 words
    • 33 3 OXFORD. Thurs. Between 300 and 400 Oxford undergraduates are taking drugs, according to an article by four unnamed students In the current Issue of "Isls", the weekly undergraduate magazine. Reuter
      Reuter  -  33 words
    • 34 3 BRUSSELS. Thurs. The Rubens painting ''Negro Heads" stolen three days ago from a Brussels museum has been recovered and 19-year-old youth detained in connection with the theft, police reported yesterday. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  34 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 147 3 J^t |^S^ DISTINCTLY BETTER, CLEARER, MORE NATURAL SOUND if* Model 64 stere tape deck k' '^Bf i^fc^—^*l r-<s^^* or Beor P° ro n 9 B Hi-Fi Wk UHI P^^HHi^SK^' Sferco System. l&^V Wr A *> 4-TRACK 3-SPEEDS Model 74 STEREO RECORDER Complete STEREO MUSIC System |b^. ff* V> »V .Jff
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 741 4 h^M^^^B^&Bßß I HmSs& m fl i l Bfl Bk^A JMitlHßfi^^^^iitß^^Bj >;:; *^BBT h^ifa.^ BJHBj^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B*^^^Bßj s» "^i^^ ijßJy |BJ i m j '---i^^ i <*^bj J2 in Mil ill i«* jiiL jk M S H I I P" Hf A I HP 4^*%^ BBS BBP"BbZ HP/** fsi fii 888 Bk JBBI
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  • 70 5 DIGNITARIES WELCOME GOODWILL MISSION AS in all West African States, there was a military guard of honour to welcome the Malaysian goodwill mission in Abidjan, capital of the Ivory Coast. The Ivory Coast's Secretary of State, Mr. Auguste Denise, and the Foreign Minister, Mr. Camille Alliali,
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  • 254 5  - STUDENT CALL FOR TIGHTER CONTROLS KEITH HOOPER: From SYDNEY, Thursday LIGHTER controls should be placed on the number of overseas students permitted to come to Australia, the Malayan Students' Association here suggests in the latest issue of its monthly publication, the Bersama-Sama. It urged that before students are permitted to
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  • 59 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. The Natural Rubber Producers Research Association will celebrate its silver jubilee with a two-day scientific conference in Cambridge from April 7. Dr. L. Bateman. Controller of Rubber Research for the Rubber Fund Board, will chair tho conference, to \vh:ch more than 200 representatives
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  • 127 5 lESSELTON, Thurs. The w Penampang Union Trausport Co. drivers here called off their strike today following agreement reached between the company and the Jesselton District Vehicle Drivers' Union. They went on strike this morning at 9 o'clock over a dispute with the
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  • 43 5 MALACCA. Thurs. Michael John Richardson. 31. manager of the bakery section of the Cold Storage Ltd. here, died In the Malacca General Hospital yesterday. He was found unconscious !n the bath In his home In Buktt Baru yesterday morning
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  • 41 5 JESSELTON. Thurs. The Medical Department announced today that a tuberculosis control project team will carry out ca*e finding campaign on Labuan island tetween Feb. 24 and March 21. All persons aged ovar 15 years will be X-rayed.
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  • 27 5 KANGAR. Thurs. The Mentn Besar. Perlis. Dato Sheik Ahmad bin Mohammed Hashim today opened a community hall at Kampong Chantek. 17 if.lles from here
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  • 133 5 pENANG, Thurs. A*)ut 250 Greeks emigrating to Australia were on board the P& O liner Orsova, which arrived in Penang today with 500 British tourists. The emigrants, who embarked at Piraeus, came ashore and had a busy hours' shopping for souvenirs. Among the other
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  • 152 5 Junk-mates gather, but one still missing DENANG, Thurs.. All but one of the shipmates preparing to sail for Australia in a 40ft junk have assembled in Penang. "We are waiting for our other companion, whom we know only as Chai," Brendan Gogarty, one of the adventurers, said. Since the publication
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  • 52 5 MUAR. ihurs. More than 1.000 people yesterday attended the funeral of Haji Abdul Hamid bin Fadzil. 46. who died of a heart attack at his home in Lenga. 30 miles from here. Haji A. Hamid. a member of the Johore Royal Council, leaves two widows and
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  • 114 5 MANHUNT CALLED OFF: SUSPECT IS HELD A LOR STAR. Thurs. Police at Jitra today called off an intensive manhunt following the arrest last night of a suspect wanted in connection with the brutal killing yesterday of two young brothers at Kampong Mangol Bogor, 40 miles from here. The man was
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  • 40 5 JESSELTON. Thurs. Francis Loh. vice-chairman of Sabah Tourist Association will represent Sabah at the Pacific Area Travel Association conference to be held from Feb. 28 to March 6 in Melbourne and Sydney. He leaves for Australia on Sunday.
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  • 63 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. A fish and vegetable dealer was held up by four men armed with knives and robbed of $300 and a cheque for $450 near the Central Market here early this morning. Chang Kong Pah, 30, and his brother were about to leave their
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  • 26 5 SINGAPORE, Thurs The body of a middle-aged Chinese was recovered from the Stamford Canal today He had no identification papers on him
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  • 245 5 Workers need time off for love, says union KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Workers should not only have shorter working hours but also free time "to love, learn, listen and care." Without this, life would be incomplete. This Is stated In an editorial on shorter working hours in the latest issue of
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  • 51 5 MUAR. Thurs. The Tangkak magistrate's court here was filled to capacity today when 70 people were produced by the oolice to answer charges of gambling during the Chinese New Year holidays. AH but 15 of them pleaded guilty to gambling. The fines ranged from 525 to
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  • 63 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. National Zoo here will be richer by two species of deer and some ducks as a result of a contribution being made by the Copenhagen Zoo in Denmark. The gift is in the form of one male and two female red
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  • 203 5 SINGAPORE, Thursday. fPHE Singapore Government is to launch a proA gramme to light every street and to provide electricity to every village in the Slate in the next This was announced today by the chairman of the Urban and Rural Services Consultative Committee, Mr. Ho
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 258 5 ASK FOR THIS CAR TYRE BY NAME DUNLOP C. 49 *11 KCkRKw&IiSIII mil HSMMHKw*! V i -■KB BiL, i!A m ■(JBBMBBhBIHBI "a IMklflßCaiHu!! wkm M ja A- II al MUS !M MM if HIV ml \[M WjmSui RBI flniX E^bA^B I BGhlßlß^K^^B9^ B^B^BB^b^PH ■^Bflßßk^B^Bur' I h^b *Sf wrr3BS A KvfcYJS
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 218 5 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS nlng association (6). 7. Outing In a convertible in 6. Some err from compunction Belgium (7). (7). 8. Even so we resolved to bang 9. Draper; outlays? (5-6). around (7). 15. Forgive neglect (8). 10. 13. 17, 19. Promise of divine 16. Shut In, many go
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  • 457 6 Shipyard the biggest enterprise to be set up in S'pore: Goh SINGAPORE, Thursday JHK Minister for Finance, Dr. (lon Keng Swee, today described the new $23 million Jurong Shipyard Ltd. as the "largest and most exciting enterprise so far to be set up in the State." Speaking at a ceremony
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  • 215 6 SINGAPORE, Thurs. The head of one of Japan's largest general trading organisation, Mr. Masakarzu Echigo, said here today that Singapore was "politically and economically the best place for foreign investment" in Southeast Asia. Prosperous "Singapore is now facing a prosperous industrial future and
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  • 120 6 SINGAPORE. Thurs.— An odd-job labourer. Lee Hup Fatt. 19, today pleaded guilty to living in part on the immoral earnings of a 17-year-old girl. The second criminal district judge. Mr. K.T. Alexander, sentenced him to six months' jail. The court was told that
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  • 98 6 RAIDS: NO ABDUCTION TIE-UP SINGAPORE. Thurs. Police today said that investigations so far into the activities of notorious criminals arrested in recent raids show no connection with the kidnapping of Mr. Shaw Vee Ming and his driver. The police secretary. Mr. T. Chelliah. said: -The Special Squad is, however, obtaining
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  • 107 6 74 get papers for good work OINGAPORE, Thurs. Inche Ismail bin Abdullah i above) of Bouna Vista Road, was the only civilian among the 74 persons who received Certificates of Commendation from the acting Police Commissioner. Mr. J. Le Cain, at the Police Training School today. Saved girl Inche Ismail
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  • 283 6 SINGAPORE. Thurs. 10 The special seven-man jury trying 58 former Pulau Senang detainees on three rioting and murder charges, were told in the Assizes today that they could if they found it fit and proper convict any of the accused of "lesser offences." Defence
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  • 147 6 SINGAPORE, Thurs. Tan Lai Hock, 21, an icewater seller, was acquitted and discharged by Mr. Justice Kulasekaram in the Assize Court today on a charge of causing hurt by throwing sulphuric acid on Lee Thian Chye, a quarry worker and six others. Th» Incident took place
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 264 6 MfSTTmn^Bl 3rd midnight tomorrow; I VhZJ-SBW^«|4jBIBF Tel 21-116 (SINGAPORE) TARZAN faces superhuman challenges of SKILL. STRENGTH and COURAGE! Htt»£sT TARZAN DYALISCOPE^V'* iP^WI J jmiHBMT,hM mm \1 1 tf j fc 3rd midnight tomorrow: Tel; ***** (SINGAPORE) The SCREEN EXPLODES WITH EXCITEMENT UNEQUAL ACTION! CT rur PCCUCC mmm Have you visited
      264 words
    • 56 6 Rfiinnnfin r Ltmm i Surovo Noordin Ahmad "AVER MAT* DUYONG' 1 with English Subtitles rCathoy Kent Production) On Stag* 9.00 p m. Tonight "HA III RAYA QUEEN CONTEST(Sponsored by Ton Thye Heng Goldsmith). Now (hawing: IB T 11 1.30 p.m. Brad Harris in "GOLIATH AGAINST THE GIANTS" Cinamoscop* Colorscope ChlnrM
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    • 264 6 f SKY" Singa'po" OPENS "TODAY I pj 4 SHOWS DAILY at 11 am, 2.30, 6.15 9.15 p.m. I Never before such serial thrills as Mars prepares for all-out attack on the Earth! m 2] HOURS of Atomic Action m £Jftt k, jjj' Mri "FLYING DISC MAN from MARS'- WHOLE SERIAL
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    • 514 6 i ■OSHAW I ORGANISATION lOlh HII- DAY! Ho. m. 1.43-4.00-6.30 9.30 p.m. B Kl^'SWttWVr.^, fv»* A m m CHMSECMians s'ncs r SmmnMflEFßfi z Ukiai ■Mr V f— ■.■ma«w» <;NI V* Tomorrow Midntgrit! m PiulNewmin "The PRIZE" Elke Sommer Edward G. Robinson "Panoviiion&ColorlMGMl. ■Itith 1111. HAY!, ■II a.m., I 45, 4,
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  • 2164 7  - The big rescue is over LEONCE PEILLARD CONCLUDING THE SERIES BY More titan 1,100 are saved from the sea but years later comes a bitter sequel At Nuremberg, the admiral defends 'Be harsh' order ADMIRAL DOENITZ IS PICTURED AT LEFT AT HIS HOME NEAR HAMBURG HE WAS JAILED FOR WAR
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • 23 8 Wer«U St* (Mint > M«S. MARY JONES of U2D Hower Road died 15-4-64>. Friends/Relatives are thanked for condolences, wreaths/ donations and masses given.
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  • 94 8 -'0 Words St* (M,mmum MRS. LIM CEOK WAN and family thank friends and relatives for their ntmpatby. gifts and wreaths. MR. AND MRS. C. Thavara)an of Police Depot XL thank nil friends and relatives for their kind attendance. nhsahle presents, and congratulatory mr— gas on the occasion of thear
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  • The Straits Times
    • 672 8 The overlords of the turf generally wrap themselves in Cassandra's mantle when the annual meeting comes round, and the chairman's statement to members of the Singapore Turf Club, who meet today, partly follows the pattern. The persistent decline in the popularity of racing is disturbing, reports
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    • 396 8 Prince Sihanouk's conviction that time is running out is driving him along a tortuous path towards his goal of internationally guaranteed independence, which he calls "neutrality." His anxiety leads him often astray, but it is only in this light that his present performances make sense. Hia call in
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    • 179 8 It is well that the Petaling Jaya Town Board has warned that it may not be able to supply the usual services to housing estates outside the town limits. The belief that these services can easily be had probably has much to do with the rush for land
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  • 354 8  -  Don lildon JUSTICE AMID A CARNIVAL SETTING, THEN— by TVALLAS, Thurs. The U Jack Ruby hearing was more like a fashion show. First there was the millionaire Stanley Marcus, president of the internationally famous Nelm» n-Marcus store, which specialises in luxury goods, on
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    • 380 8 VIUCh of Mr. Rajaratnam s argument with Mr. Tan Slew Sin Is difficult to follow. Anyway, there Is no point getting Into an academic argument with Mr. Rajaratnam about socialIsm. Mr. Rajaratnam will agree that whatever definition he attempts to give to socialism he will find hundreds
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    • 211 8 rCHE OSMAN MERICANS reply to my letter regarding the Penang ferries is far from reassuring. He contradicts himself. On the one hand he aays, "I am to assure your correspondent and other users of the ferry service that the commission always maintains a high standard of safety on
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    • 182 8 fYCLISTS are to be barred from using one of the capital's main highways Jalan Tuanku Abdui Rahman from tne Junction of Jalan Mountbatten to Campbell Road. Cyclists try to take the shortest possible route. But now it appears that the traffic authorities blame them for causing traffic congestion.
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  • 1081 8  - The new order of battle in Burma SPECIAL WRITER WHILE THE ARMY STRUGGLES WITH THE RICE MARKET AND LICENCES FOR BETEL-SELLERS: by a RANGOON. THURSDAY THE leaders of the old Ant i-Fas-cist People's Freedom League, both U Nu's wing and the rival wing under U Ba Swe and U Kyaw
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 900 8 Straits Tim« Malay MJ 0010 srrofiAac Awewxi Ottkttt MM OOLO STTORAOK IRANCMCt AT HOLLAND ROAD-KATONO KsTPPSL WOAP NAVAL SVkM A.MiorMU ><■»«■ crrr book srrom lib Mo—. Cd»w Q— •nm niws moNT FHxpetrtesr's SmpenseMeaM M. M. ItMAK SSAMMM (TORI TT9-7. Ok**** Pots*, a-pors- 1 T RfXTNASAMY ft CO lai-* JMM
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    • 53 8 WHAT I BELIEVE AND WHY PRESIDENT JOHNSON wrote this revealing declaration of his personal and political philosophy when both he and the late President Kennedy were serving the United States Senate. First published in The Texas Quarterly, it is reprinted here from the April 1950 Reader's Digest in FEBRUARY Reader's
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    • 145 8 Bmm home movies are MORE exciting with superb new Bell Ho well AUTOLOAD Bmm self-threading CINE PROJECTORS L^S- tt HPv With the superb new Bell Howcll Autofood pcoMitfe 'V^Vr<B i bktm do not exist. The film is taken from your firxjers ond threads r»--%P* QU'cMy, easily '^^m or>cJ outomotically. So
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  • 227 9 POLICE HOLD MAN WITH WOUNDS IPOH, Thurs. Police detained a man with gunshot wounds early this morning in connection with the robbery at a .goldsmiths shop here yesterday. The suspect, the second to be detained, was picked up in Bukit Merah new village, lour mile> trom here, shortly after 1
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  • 30 9 SINGAPORE. Thurs. Police today found the body of V M Ganapathy. 51. hanging by a length of cloth from a beam of a house in King George's Avenue.
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  • 758 9 War or peace two big 'if s' RAJARATNAM LOOKS AT SOEK-THE BIG BROTHER' WHO BECAME 'BIG BULLY' SINGAPORE, Thursday. WILL confrontation by Indonesia be converted into large-scale invasion of Malaysia? This question was posed, and answered, by the Minister for Culture, Mr. S. Rajaratnam, today when he gave a lunch
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  • 48 9 THE RAJA Permaisuri Agong shares a joke with Miss Choo Kwan Vim, a student at the Specialist Teachers Training Institute at. Cheras Road. The Queen showed particular interest in the needlework section of the Institute.— Straits Times picture by Lim Yaw Chong.
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  • 167 9 I{UALA LUMPUR. Thurs.— The Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the Raja Permaisuri Agong today visited two teachers' training colleges here. They spent two hours touring the Specialist Teachers' Training Institute at Cheras Road before going on to the Day Training College in Jalan
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  • 60 9 SEREMBAN. Thurs. The Yan<? di-Pertuan Besar of Nepri Sembilan will be entertained to a dinner and dance at ihc Town Hall here on April 11 by ali communities on the occaslun of his 42nd birthday, which falls on March 29. As March 29 is a Sunci.iv. the
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  • 62 9 SINGAPORE. Thurb— A young man. Ann Chik was today conlmitted lor trial in the Hirli Court on a charge of raping .md robbing a 16-year-old-girl Ang was alleged to have committed the offences with .mother man at Kallang Park on the night of Nov 15 last
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  • 115 9 Two more cholera cases in Alor Star A LOR STAR. Thurs. Two more cases of cholera were reported here today. One was from Pautai Johore and the other from Sebrang Nyonya. Both have been admitted to Alor Star Hospital. The total number of cholera patients In hospital i.s now 16.
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  • 48 9 SINGAPORE. Thurs— A hawker. Lim Kens Heng, 17. was tod.iy jailed for one year in the Third Criminal District Court for retaining a stolen motor-cycle at Serangoon Road last year Lim was acquitted on the mala charge of .stealing the motor-cyclt valued at S7OO.
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  • 172 9  -  GEOFFREY BOLANO: by Singapore, Thursday A FORMER senior executive of the Sydney Stock Exchange will arrive in Singapore next month to help the Malaysian Exchange establish a permanent executive, which has become necessary because of the huge growth in interest in stocks and shares
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 185 9 For the b«»t go for Expartly •ogintered.clegintly y designed, compact and port- ■■■■■■fe^l able W P3OO GRUNDIG is a^i^^^^^^k^ undoubtedly today's leading name for all portable TV sets. E^a^aja^a— a«may^jj Its ideally luited both for in- B^ "tOs door and outdoor maximum -y enjoyment and relaxation. 23' T 302 model...
      185 words
    • 186 9 ij s^sSg?^* I II KEEP YOUR FUNDS I IN V LONDON IN A II 57 DEPOSIT ACCOUNT A DcpOMl ACOMM with Lombard H^nkinc I imiifd mrane complete financial peace ot'mind. No U.K. Income mil '<c deducted. Your money accumulates the time and is quite un.iikvied by economic conditions Withdrawalquickl) subject
      186 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 713 9 |Todaysßadio,TV| Before We Say Goodnight; 12.00 RADIO SINGAPORE midn close MEDIIM WAVE SERVICE RADIO MALAYSIA SHORTUAvTs^RVKE A NA f L S B AVI 41 Metres stKMCfc: 41.7 and 00.2 tnrtrrs A.M. 6.00 Time Signal. NegaraAM. 6.00 Good Morning 601 ku; 602 Morning Melodies; 7.00 Morning Prelude; 7.15 News: Tlme Signal.
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  • 184 10 Father and son get certificates for jungle —survival— SINGAPORE, Thurs.— After living for five days out of touch with civilisation in dense Malayan Jungle, a lather ana son have received certificates from the Far East Survival and Parachute School at R.A.F. Changi. The father Is Flying Officer Jack Huntlngton, 41.
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  • 60 10 SINGAPORE. Thurs. Negotiations between the Health Ministry and the Amalgamated Union of Public Employees, on claims affecting all categories of the nursing staff, scheduled to be held today were postponed. A spokeAzrnn for the union said that the meeting could not be held because a ministry
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  • 48 10 MUAR, Thurs A cofleeshop assistant. Liong Hwa Kwee. 36. was today sentenced to six months' jail for outraging the modesty of a married woman. Pea 'ah binte Manja. 26. at the General Hospital here on Oct. 2 last year at midnight. He denied the charge
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  • 31 10 PARIT BUNTAR, Thurs A rubber tapper. M- Kantian, 51. was found hanging from a beam outside nu house in thr labour lines at Tall Ayer Estate, near here, yesterday.
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  • 342 10 Han Suyin and the Mao way: Rubbish! says Dato KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. IJUBBISH! That was how Senator Dato Sir Clough Thuraisingham today described novelist Han Suyin's suggestion that developing countries, including Malaysia, adopt Communist China's rigidly regimented educational system. She suggested yesterday during a session pf the third Asian Regional
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  • 94 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. —The Thai Ambassador. Mr. Thltlnant Na Ranong, today left for Bangkok to supervise arrangements for the visit of the Yang dl-Pertuan Agong and Raja Permalsurt Agong next Monday. Mr. Na Ranong, who was accompanied by his wife, said that Their
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  • 117 10 SERVICE CHIEFS MEET IN SINGAPORE TWO of Britain's overseas Service chiefs are now holding liaison discussions in Singapore-Lt.-Gen. Sir Charles Harington (above), Commander-in-Cbief. Middle East Command, is paying an official visit to tbe Singapore headquarter* of the Far East Command, and this picture shows him at his first meeting with
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  • 36 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. A meeting of the ex-Scout of the 10th Group to form a Rover group will be held at the Methodist Boys' School In Kuala Lumpur on Feb. 29 at 2.30 p.m.
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  • 205 10 5 CVealth navies for Far East exercise CINGAPORE, Thurs. About 10,000 men of the Australian, British. Canadian, Indian and New Zealand navies are to take part in a Commonwealth exercise Jet 64 in the Far East between Feb. 29 and March 23 A maritime joint operations centre will be set
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  • 47 10 MUAR. Thurs— The presldenf of the Town Council here. Inche Mohamed Baid bin Mohamed Tahir. today warned all bicycle owners In the Town Council area to renew their bicycle licences before March, failing which they would be prosecuted. There are about 14.000 bicycle* here.
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  • 357 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. A new $12 million tin dredge at Batang Berjuntai will operate towards the end of this year, the chairman of the London Tin Corporation. Sir Douglas Waring, said today. Sir Douglas, who is on a visit here, said that
    357 words
  • 97 10 IttHDH, Thurs— The na--1 tlonal president of the Malayan Chinese Association. Mr. Tan Slew Sin. r/lD make a two-day tour of Perak on Monday and Tuesday. He will leave Kuala Lumpur by air on Monday morning for Taiping. In the
    97 words
  • 62 10 SINGAPORE. Thurs. The Malaysian Minister of Agriculture and Co-operatives, Inche Mohammed Khr Jonari. will open two branches of the We6t Division of Singapore UMNO, on March 1 The branches are at the 6fh milestone Bukit Tlmah and Kampong Tani oft Adam Road They will
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 272 10 < V \^rjß^/I^^tk *a& V it iJMygTfc Match every happy mood with fragrant Blue Grass From morning till night be surrounded by Powder, Flower Mist Spray, Fluffy Milk the lovely aura of Blue Grass. Elizabeth Bath, Perfumair, Dusting Powder, Bath Oil Arden has created for you a whole range Bath
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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  • 212 12 MALAYSIA enjoys a high standard of living iIL compared to other countries in Asia. In Singapore, for example, there is one private car to every 25 persons which makes Singapore the most highly motorised state in Asia and comparable to more developed
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  • 256 12 AM most happy to see that the physical work on Bridgestone Malaysia Co. Ltd. is starting in the Economic Development Board's industrial estate in Jurong. The Board, in promoting industries In Singapore, has laid emphasis on the establishment of industries using raw
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  • 913 12 Factory capacity planned to meet two- thirds of needs in Malaysia A NEW enterprise in A Siirgapore of Bridgestone Tire Co. Ltd. and PanMalaysia Cement Works Ltd., Bridgestone Malaysia Co. Ltd. is backed by the most advanced tyre manufacturing techniques and the managerial skills of prominent local industrialists.
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  • 300 12 Managing Directors T ADIES and gentlemen: Singapore enjoys a position as being one of the noted commercial centres of the world. The Low Vat Construction Company, an influential enterprise in this country, and Bridgestone Tire Co. Ltd., the largest tyre manufacturers in Japan, have pledged
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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    • 391 13 PRESIDENT PLEDGES TO MAKE UNDERTAKING A GREAT SUCCESS IT is my great honour and pleasure to be able to participate in this grand ceremony which Bridgestone Malaysia Co. is holding today for the laying of its foundation stone. A new country by the name of Malaysia, with a future teeming
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    • 488 13 Bridgestone raises output 10 times over in past decade IN 1963, Japan's rub--1 ber production exceeded every prediction by reaching an all-time high of 323,000 tons. This was an 8 per cent increase over 1962 and placed Japan second to the United States in annual rubber production. The Japan Rubber
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    • 326 14 PAN MALAYSIA CEMENT WORKS LIMITED sends greet-r ings and felicitations to its Joint venture BRIDGESTONE MALAYSIA COMPANY LIMITED and announces: Our wholly owned subsidiary. Pan Malaysia Rubber Industries Limited. c o venturing on equal partnership with Bridgestone Tire Company Limited of Japan
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    • 212 14 AS one closely conA nected with Bridgestone Malaysia Company Limited and its associated companies, I cannot but rejoice at the- laying of the foundation stone of Singapore's first and only tyre factory. It is a milestone in the. industrial development of Singapore
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    • 31 15 Malaysian engineers undergoing training at Bridgestone Kurume factory in Japan. In the background is the office. Malaysian engineers are seen carrying out tests in the Bridgestone factory in Japan.
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    • 591 15 Cement Works planning July production CEMENT, a basic commodity in life, has never been sufficiently produced in our country and in the past, not less than 530.000.000 of our hard currency were drained out yearly for the importation of foreign cement, according to a report by the Managing Director of
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 40 13 LARGEST STEEL-FRAMED BUILDING IN MALAYSIA H (m^^L I H^h cture s IOWB first rames U P at J uron B' Singapore. When completed I c Btpuctl|pe Wl m d tota '^S" 1 a B P an ft tel: ***** limited
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
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    • 226 14 BRIDGESTONE MALAYSIA CO., LTD (Incorporated in Singapore) Office address: Room 7-E, Asia Insurance Building, Singapore. PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY AUTHORISED CAPITAL: $20,00«,000/IMTIAL ISSUE: $10,000,000/Factory: Located at Jurong Industrial Estate, Singapore. Products: Rubber tyres and tubes, rubber belts for industry, pressed rubber articles, rubber rods, hoses and pipes, foam rubber products, rubberised
      226 words
    • 83 14 We extend our Warmest Greetings to BRIDGESTONE MALAYSIA CO.. LTD. on the occasion of the laying of foundation stone. from THE MITSUI BANK LTD. 66/68, Cecil Street, Singapore Tel: ***** Congratulations to BRIDGESTONE MALAYSIA CO LTD., on the auspicious occasion of the Official Laying of the Foundation Stone of Bridgestone
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 144 15 IllllliiliillllllllllllllllllillilillSlll'llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll We extend our heartiest greetings to BRIDGESTONE MALAYSIA COMPANY LIMITED. on the occasion of the laying of its foundation stone. from THE BANK OF TOKYO LTD. 6/10, PHILIP STREET, SINGAPORE. TEL: ***** lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIi Our Best Wishes to Bridgestone Malaysia Co. Ltd. on the occasion of the laying of foundation
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    • 102 15 Our Heartiest Congratulations to BRIDGESTONE MALAYSIA CO., LTD. on the occasion of the laying of foundation stone. We are proud to be chosen the main contractor in connection with the Bridgestone project and with similar other projects such as the Shell and Esso refineries at Port Dickson. We specialise in
      102 words

    • 316 16 Stocks low: Pepper prices may move up higher pEI'PER prices are expected to rise appreciably as stocks in Singapore and Sarawak are at a low ebb. Singapore prices are at present higher than those quoted in London, where the possibility of a squeeze is* expected towards the end of May.
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    • 147 16 Kelvinator celebrates golden anniversary [{ELVIN ATOR Inter- national Corporation's regional manager for the Far East, Mr. H.L. Scott, said in Singapore last week that the company would continue to uphold its policy of working in partnership with local businessmen the world over. He said that the Kelvinntor history was replete
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    • 133 16 Record VW output in January VOLKSWAGEN set a produc- Uon record during January with 119.238 unite completed and has decided to introduce overtime shifts on Saturdays for the coming months, according to a report from Bonn. Output per working day Is now running at 5,195 units. The company lias boosted
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    • 139 16 Triumph's training executive A SALES training executive of Standard-Triumph International will arrive in Singapore from Britain on Monday to introduce the company's Triumph 2000 saloon to sales and service personnel of the distributors, Century Motors Ltd. He is Mr. Mi 1 Tillion who will also give lectures and film shows
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    • 72 16 RESERVATIONS OFFICER ON K.L.M. COURSE IN HOLLAND MR. STEPHEN Chong Ail Keow (above), reservations officer attached to Harrisons and Crosiield, Travel Department, Kuala Lumpur, flew to Holland last week to attend a KLM reservations training course. Mr. Chong will be away for two months and before returning to Kuala Lumpur
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    • 158 16 'THE Chlneae Produce Ex- change, Singapore, gave a party to members and friends on Tuesday to celebrate the first day of business In* the Year of the Dragon. Traditionally, the exchange begins business on the fourth day of the New Year but because the fourth day this
      158 words
    • 284 16 3RWGESTONE TO MARKET TYRES IN AUGUST QINGAPORE'S Finance Minister, Dr. Goh Keng Swee, will lay the foundation stone to the $20 million Bridgestone tyre factory at the Jurong industrial estate at 5 p.m. today. The factory is expected to be ready for trial production by June and locally manufactured Bridgestone
      284 words
    • 192 16 EVIDENCE is now becoming available that ciga- rette purchases in* the United States have, at least temporarily, been adversely affected by the publication of the Surgeon-General's report on the health hazards of smoking, it is reported in the London Financial Times Since the report appeared
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    • 88 16 Senior salesman retires MR. ONG Thuan Chye, 57, senior sales representative of Vernat Eastern Agencies Ltd. in Perak, has retired after 30 years with the company. He joined the company in Kuala Lumpur in 1934 and three years later was sent to Ipoh to open an office. Since then, he
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    • 39 16 A Ford Motor spokesman said in New York the Ford division expects sales this year to rise better than 10 per cent over 1963. He said every indicator points to another excellent year for Ford cars.
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    • 170 16 AN associate pioneer concern of Brady's (Malaya) Ltd. is to start production id Singapore towards the middle of this year, according to Mr. Keith W. Kraetzer, executive of the company. Called Brady's (Singapore) Ltd.. it has been established in view of the market potential
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    • 60 16 Bank of East Asia profit for 1963 The Bank of East Asia. Ltd. announces that subject to audit, the profit for 1963. including the balance brought forward from the previous year, amounts to HK $8,314,274 The directors propose to .transfer HK$3 million to general reserve and to pay a dividend
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 210 16 J k M| mfii wk they call them "King of the Road" -the famous range of LUCAS accessories Essentials for safe and satisfying motoring are made by Lucas to suit every car and truck. A few of the accessories and/or replacements are shown here actually, the Lucas range is vast:
      210 words
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1300 17 T3 LIVERPOOL ft WESI COASI U.K.. Uii S ion 2a.11 S na» MARON Liverpill. Glagow Gdn. 33 Taday Fel 22/27 Fek 21 ELPENOR A. Liverpaal Gdn. 31 Taday Fel 25/ 3 AENEAS Li»rp*al, Glasgow Fel 27 Mar 2 Mar 4 EUMAEUS Li<erpe*l, Havre Mai 5 Mar 1 Mm 1/11 Mar
      1,300 words
    • 2595 17 1 w&mmmmßßM W£M THE EAC EINES EeOC VSA XMCAPOW WIAtA4MM*WR»^WUW*IIAM J^ PBNAMO aB*C«J3CM^H**I eoMMa>Moua-«cM>M«oi&. "»<xao»»»» injumaomm 2^jj^ I ."•o-vsT s !nmjm^L iS2p^ \s«-**»\ SAILINGS TO SENOA, U NAVRE, HAM6UR6, BREMEN, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM, AMSTERDAM. OSLO SOTHENIURt. AND COPENHASEN. I l ™"^~~VMn^~^^TTs?*^^™T'en l a!!g" "KINA k) 6. 2 4 22 Fek 21/27
      2,595 words
      1,362 words

  • 112 18 MELBOURNE. Thurs. INDUSTRIALS held steady to firmer levels with rises In excess of falls. Company reports continued to be the main influence. Tte shares featured with good Kalns following higher overseas tin prices. Benison further Improved to 345. Other base metals were steady. Oils were quiet and loans
    112 words
  • 250 18 MARCH (Int grade rubber buyer* r.e.e. eleied at B p.m. In Shncapere and Kuala Lumpur yesterday at 67J cents per Ib. up ftve-clshUis of a cent on Wednesday's cloelns level lor the position. The tone was easier. R.A.B. and F.M.R.E. eletlng prieei m lenti per Ib. yeiterday: Int.
    250 words
  • 9 18 Amalgamated Rubber produced 1.298.900 lb. in January
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  • 25 18 FEBRUARY 20. MALAYAN RUBBER PRICE: 67* cents (up five-eighths of a cent). TIN: $566.50 (up $13.37*). Estimated unofficial offering 250 tons (down 15 tons).
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  • 621 18 From Our Market Correspondent rN shares continued very active on the Malayan Stock Exchange yesterday as the metal price accomplished a fresh spiral of over $13. .However, although prices were slightly better there was no runaway movement of the 1961 variety. Prices are moving
    621 words
  • 26 18 Malayan Stock Indices Feb. 19. Feb. 20. 'Industrials; 116.01 113.78 Tin*: M&Jti 143.00 rubbers: ■•4.73 1U4.72 "Dec. 30, 19«3 100. Dec. 29. 1962 100.
    26 words
  • 980 18 /COMBINED business In the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Malayan Stock Exchange yesterday, with the number of shares traded In brackets. INDUSTRIAL!: Beustiad (1.000) ft tt, <P.<100) 52.00. (1.000) $1.98. 1 1. 000) Sl.!>7 C.B. Meldlni (I.riou) 53 il.ihkii BBXMi Dunlept (2.O>K)) 53.K3, (I'.INJO)
    980 words
  • 459 18 STRAITS tin continued its price spiral with a further rise yesterday of $13,374 to $566.50. The offering was estimated at 250 tons, down 15 tons. In London overnight tin was strong, values advancing about £20 and £17 per long ton for
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1095 18 U.S.A. Pacific, Atlantic, and Great Lakes/East Canada Service Spore r S'rwrt. nvnuium a. t cisco h nn monusai "KaaiiUwa Man" 3/ 4 Mar 5 7 Mar 27 Mir 4 Apr 21 Apr 20 Apr "Otlif>a Mara 24/20 Mar 27/11 Mar 20 Apr 20 Apr 17 May 24 May AH •esttu
      1,095 words
    • 1051 18 BB^"^l m W>nlWM AUSTRALIA SERVICE. INDIA. PUISTAN ANB r. CULr SERVICI I*. Ttwtsiilic. BritUM. Syuiy. MUteerM tt mtm MlfMJ ttiiMi OOMOAU 14 Mil IVIIMM WtfLm B>9Oft P V m K<<lM It FrenMtli. Altlaisi. Mtlltuni. SyOaay BAJULA 21/20 FM 20 PM I Mat RAMORA 0 Api 0/11 Aar 14/11 AM RAJULA
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 972 19 lIIMM rSrSI I I J Hi J 111 ■IKI J ffS^H^' (Continued from Pace o\ SITUATIONS VACANT f* Word* SS (Mitt.)— Box St et*. oxtrm NEW KATONG RESTHOUSE ft Bar 107 Marine Parade. Tel: *****. Eng-lixb-speaklng Manageress and Waitresses wanted. Oood numeration. REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY by European couple on estate in
      972 words
    • 1119 19 SITUATIONS VACANT it Wort* SS (Mtm,}-B*M tt eta, oxtro OUALIFIED ARCHITECT with at least two years post qualification experience, preferably In estate development. Knowledge of reinforced concrete and contractual procedures an advantage. To work m Kuchlng at a xtartlng salary according to age and experience but not lea* than $1,400
      1,119 words
    • 1074 19 HOUSES LAND FOR SALE to Word* $5 Min.}— Box ft jet*, txtro KIM TIAN ROAD: First Floor Flat, Three bedrooms, etc. Parquet /Mosaic tiles. Vacant possession. Tan Bwee Pee, Valuer ft Estate Agent. 12-A. Bonbam Building, B' pore. Tel: *****. FOR QUICK RBTURN: Invest on Modern Semi-detached Bungalows at 101
      1,074 words
    • 1004 19 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I* Wera% U (tH*u>—»om tt et*. sacra CUNIO IN MALACCA available immediately nuntng staff drugs etc, complete well established locality and regular patients attending. Reply P.O. Box 169 Malacca. WELL EBTABLIBHBD Commercial Institute In North-Johore for sale as going concern. Owner retiring doe Illhealth. Further particulars from Box
      1,004 words
    • 1097 19 VEHICLES FOR SALE tt Wort* SS (Htm.}— Mom tt rta. *xtrm i FIAT 600 Rag: July 1961 One owner. Perfect condition. Tax ft Insurance paid 1 View at 34 f>iti>i'l' Road. Spore. i Owner leaving. 1 FORD TAUNUS 17M Saloons are still available on moat attractive terms. Universal Care Limited.
      1,097 words
    • 959 19 FOR SALE W Word* SS (Mim.h-Box tt cte. txtro CHEAPEST EVER "Victor" sound 16MM projector. Excellent condition [ISO/- with transformer. Contact hit. Peo, 4 Penang Road, Singapore. GROUND FLOOR *LAT No. 23 Lorong 17 Geylang. Freehold vacant wssession. Apply Madam Tan Soh Eng, KOA. Lavender Street, Singapore. AIRCONOITIONER CARRIER type
      959 words
    • 814 19 SHOPPING GUIDE (Spore) '.0 Word* SS (Him.)— Box St et*. txtro QUALITY AND SERVICE guaranteed. Lee Onn Jewellers. 208/8 South Bridge Road, Singapore BARGAINS GALORE: Kverj Tuesday and Friday read the "Shopping Centre" In The Malay Mall (or your guide to shopping bargains. TINTITTS oy L'Orrai ot Parts UK only
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    • 491 19 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS Applications are Invited from Federal citizens for the posts ot Senior Subject Specialist* (Special Grade I. Special Grade I (a) or Special Grade I (p) In the U.TJB.> for Chemistry ana Biology In Sekol&h Tuanku Abdul Rahman. Ipoh. Application forms are obtainable from the Secretary, Board of Governors
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  • 258 20 Che Empah, 91, sails for a pilgrimage to Mecca PORT SWETTENHAM, Thursday. pOR 91 -year-old Che Empah binte Dapah, of Malacca, the possibility of fulfilling the Islamic vow and making the pilgrimage to Mecca had always seemed remote. Until recently, that is. For today, with 240 others, she sailed from
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  • 106 20 SINGAPORE, Thurs.— Four Indonesians were jailed today for two months' each when they pleaded guilty in a magistrate's court to charges of illegally entering Singapore. Mr. B. M. Barker of the Immigration Department. said that Djoni Merang, Mas bin Mohamed, Pehan Lettu and
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  • 56 20 SINGAPORE. Thura. An award on the midwives wage dispute, scheduled to have been handed down by the Industrial Arbitration Court today, has been postponed to another date to be tlxed because one of the court members was indisposed. The dispute is between the Amalgamated Union of Public
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  • 193 20 DENANG, Thurs.— The 1 Penang state Alliance nnd State MCA are not afraid of any united opposition at the forthcoming State elections, Mr. Lim Cheng Poh, chairman of the local MCA publicity section, said today. "We are gearing ourselves for battle and we
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  • 21 20 PARIT, Thurs. The Umno here will hold a political rally at Tanjong Blanja, two miles from here, on Sunday.
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  • 127 20 IPOH. Thurs. A lunch party in the home of a mutual friend in Ipoh led to romance for a U.S. Peace Corps nurse and the State Engineer, Perak. Three months later, in October, he proposed. She accepted and they became engaged. The wedding will
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  • 55 20 SINGAPORE. Thurs. Police have recovered a big quantity of stolen property, mostly stolen from cars at cinema parks. The stolen goods range from coats, spectacles, radio speakers, records to a sewing machine with motor. Owners of the arltlcles are asked to contact Inspector Dewltt
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  • 177 20 KUCHING. Thursday. "PLEVEN members of the Tentera Nasional Kall- mantan Utara Azahari's rebel army who were captured last August at Long Lopeng, in Sarawak's Fifth Division, were Jailed by the Limbang High Court today. All 11 pleaded guilty to charges of possession ot firearms
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  • 232 20 SINGAPORE, Thura.— Several trade union leaders from AfroAsian countries are expected to attend the first annual convention of the Singapore National Trades Union Congress to be held at the St. John's Ambulance 3rigade headquarters in Beach Road from April 4 to 6. A
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  • 53 20 JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs. About 2,000 katls of cotton went up in smoke when a fire broke out In a mattress shop in Jalan Trus today. The fire was believed to have been started by a short circuit. An employee of the shop, Ong Ming Hock. 14,
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  • 62 20 Police find stolen property SINGAPORE. Thurs. Police yesterday raided a house in Tlong Poh Road and recovered a large cache of stolen property. The officers also found four bottles of highly-concentrated acid used lor smelting gold ornament*. A man has been detained. Police also recovered 49 keys, believed to have
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  • 38 20 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. The USIS library here will be clo»--ed on Saturday to mark the birthday of George Washington, the first President of the United Sta'es. Other U.S. Government office* will be closed on Friday.
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  • 717 20 CINGAPORE, Thurs.— The 0 University 01 Singapore today announced results of ths first sessional examination for the Degree of 8.A., and the second sessional (one subject course) examination for the Degree of B.A. held In January. The following candidate* passed the second iws tiisl (one subject
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1594 20 Vn^^TTST^SsfS^TTsTTrfTsffT^r^V RUBBER RESEARCH J.K.R. TENDER NOTICE INSTITUTE OF MALAYA: Tenders from Licenced SecondCHAKGE OF TELEPHONE the" office o'lhT Mechanical En;;- MRERS neer. P.W.D. Selangor State As from Ist March 1964. the Workshops. 4>-i M.S. Sungel Best telephone numbers of the Rubber Road, Kuala Lumpur up to 12 1 Research Institute
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    • 810 20 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD Applications are invited for the r post ot ACCOUNTS CLERK in the Finance Division of the Board. Applicants must have at least 2 i years' experience in financial work Including keeping of accounts books, expenditure control and preparation of financial statistics. i Minimum qualification School
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  • 415 21 BUT GHANI AND KOH (THREE GOALS EACH IN TRIAL) ARE NOT GIVING WAY gUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Malaya Cup football champions Selangor have answered the FAM's accent-on-youth call, made by secretary Kwok Kin Keng in the association's annual report, by naming three Malayan Youth team players among
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  • 161 21 ATHLETICS School of 'pain, hurt and agony' r>H, Thurs.— The Ipoh I School of P.A.H. for athletes, organised by AAI7 coach R. Suppiah, I inaugurated here on Tuesday night P.A.H, stands for "pain, hurt and agony," tne three emotions which, according to American coach Bill Miller, an athlete must
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  • 189 21 Bid for hockey 's inclusion SEAP GAMES KUALA LUMPtiR, Thursday. piGHT Malaysian Olympic council officials five from Malaya and three from Singapore leave on Sunday for Phnom Penh to make a formal application to stage the South-East Asia Peninsular Games in Kuala Lumpur next year. If Malaysia's bid succeeds, the
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  • 96 21 LONDON. Thurs Results of British football matches played last night: EngUsh Div. 1 Aston 2 Liverpool 2; Pulham l Blackburn 1; Manchester United 5 Bolton 0: Stoke v Chelsea postponed. Div. 2 Sunderland 0 Norwich 0. Scottish Cup third round replay Hearts 1 Motherwell 2 (Mo>herwe
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 23 21 LONDON, Thurs— England led Sweden 3-1 after the first day of their Thomas Cup European zone semi-final at Rotterdam last night
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  • 97 21 IPOH. Thurs. The Perak x Stadium Board will be asked to Improve the present poor condition of the stadium pitch, the annual general meeting of the Ipoh District Football League here decided today. The request will be made through the Perak Amateur Football Association, a
    97 words
  • Article, Illustration
    17 21 MALACCA. Thurs.— The Malacca open badminton championships will be held here on Mar. 6-7. LISTON
    17 words
  • 456 21  -  JACK CUDDY BOXING —by— liflAMI BEACH, Thurs. 11L —Russia, attracted by the big purses for Sonny Llston and Cassius Clay, Is Interested in sending a challenger against the winner of the world heavyweight championship flght here on Tuesday. This was disclosed here by Bob Nilon,
    456 words
  • 324 21 SOLF Charles sets hot pace with 68 \[ANILA, Thurs. British Open champion Bob Charles, of New Zealand, shot a four— under-par 68 to take the lead today in the opening round of the $53,500 Philippine Open goL* championship. Crjarles blrdled four of the last six holes In setting a blistering
    UP  -  324 words
  • 46 21 KANPUR, Thurs. The Fifth Test match between India and England here ended In a draw today. All five matches In the series were drawn. Final scores: England 559-8 dec. India 266 and 347-3 (Nadkaml 134 no.. Duranl 56 no., Sardesal 87, Kunderam 56). Renter.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 470 21 RACE ENTRIES pENANG, Thurs. A 1 total of 168 horses has been entered for the Penang Turf Club's Spring Meeting on Mar. 1. 4 and 8. The entries comprise 51 irj Class One. 67 In Class Three and 50 in Class Five. The entries
    470 words
  • 66 21 FIRST DAY: Cfam 1 Dlv. I— «f. Class S Dtra. 1, t, S and 4— 554 f. Claw 5 Dhr. 1 and t— lt. SECOND DAT: Claw 1 Dirs. 2 and S— «f. Claw S DWs. 1. 2. S and 4— f. Claw S Div. I— s'tf. THIRD
    66 words
  • 298 21 Malaysia's. leading players to compete in SCC open TENNIS OINGAFORE, Thurs— MalayO sia's leading tennis players will feature In the Singapore Cricket Club's first Invitation men's singles and doubles championships on the Padang on Feb. 29 and Mar 7 and 8. Among the 24 players Invited are Singapore's Sharln Oman
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  • 63 21 pENANG. Thurs. Technical Institute swamped Day TrainIng College 10-nil In their league hockey match on the college Held at Green Lane today. The Institute, leading by four goals in the first half, scored through centre-forward Jamil (5). inside-right Pook Yee (3) and Inside-left Sidambaram (2>. Sepoy
    63 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 141 21 EVERGREEN PARK IPOH (Opposite Ulan Pajir Puteh Police Station Ipoh) WORK COMMENCED! THE -CORONET" 2 Storey Bungalow The KINC SIZE House with the EXCITING CONTINENTAL FEATURES! ONLY 2 UNITS LEFT. HURRY! nMi V CO A ft f\f\l LOAN *> 8.000/ONLY «>X*> OUW/-INITIAL PAYMENT 6.800/Complete with longbath tilings and other amenities
      141 words
    • 230 21 Quality products from india at your service round-the-clock... Th»f» It BAJAJ (toctrtcd product it t«ry itap ol row daily lit* lor Ditto/ wtd MflWsf IMnosthoiM... for coffllortibl* condition* tt four place ol wort .g •nd, lor cool and coiy SJ atmo«ph«r» around you. wtiHa BAJAJ-K AYCB appllancot wort tor you
      230 words
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 83 21 SPORTS DIARY^ HOCKEY Intrr Serrlee* p'shlp: Army v Royni Naw 'SeleUr). B'ror Dlt. IN: FEME Bchool v Survey CBatu) ERC v Harrison* (Tuvlor Rd): Dfr. »8. Varsity "B 1 v EPP rPantal Valley): S'^or Club v Telecoms fpadang); TPCA *B v Eagles Depot 1 Nerrl Mr. 1: CTF v Malays;
      83 words

  • Article, Illustration
    73 22 TURKISH CYPRIOTS MAN BYZANTINE CASTLE, ONE OF THEIR MAIN STRONGHOLDS ARMED Turkish Cypriot irregulars man the ancient Byzantine castle of St. Hilarion, overlooking the town of Kyrenia. The castle, standing 2,200 ft. above sealevel, has been one of the Turks' main strongholds in their struggle against (ireek Cypriote.
    UPI  -  73 words
  • 544 22 Move to rid Nantah Guild of extremist elements r— SINGAPORE, Thura. A MOVE is on among some of the 2,000 Nanyang University graduates to rid their guild from "manipulation by a small bunch of extremist politicians who have dominated the guild since its inception four years ago." I 1 This
    544 words
  • 51 22 CABLE RECEIVED from Puttur. Ceylon. Kailpplllal. father of K. Onanmiaram, Railway Storea Bentul and K. 8. Man lam. Sana KMnte. Slllau, piuM away on M mrs. ayaourai. am or K. Ayadural. Road Transport. XL. paaacd away 1 v,« 1.-S2 Anpunx Roi.d .'1.2.64 for inltrm.m at Korean Cat hoik Crtnrtery,
    51 words
  • 23 22 IN LOVING MEMORY OF 8 ValtillHnK»m of Muar who i»*«rd away oa Sl-2-IWB. Oreatly minted by bla family (V.K. Sabapathy).
    23 words
  • 193 22 SINGAPORE, Thurs. Mr. Roy Ferroa, a reporter on the Singapore staff of the Malay Mail, died at the General Hospital here today, a week after he collapsed at a lunch at a Singapore restaurant. Mr. Ferroa, 47, started his newspaper career in the Malaya Tribune
    193 words
  • 87 22 SINGAPORE. Thurs. Th« setting up of an endowment fund for Asian Bishops In this region was approved by the Anglican Council of the Church of Southeast Asia at Its meeting here today. The Rt. Rev. C.K. Bansbury, Bishop of Singapore and Malaya, said: "A sum
    87 words
  • 33 22 MOSCOW. Thurs. The Soviet Army newspaper Red Btar said today the United States was contemplating direct armed Intervention In South Vietnam "with the possibility of bombing North Vietnam and perhaps China."
    33 words
  • 39 22 SINGAPORE. Tiurs. N« Son Har. 19. of Club Street, lost nil flvc finders of left hand tonight when cracker powder he was fore iig into a cigarette tin exploded. He was warded in the General Hospital
    39 words
  • 255 22 Our foes can keep their aid, says Soekarno JAKARTA, Thurs. President Soekarno said today that Indonesia was not afraid of threats that economic aid would be stopped if she continued her campaign to "crush" Maiavsia. He said: "Our enemies always threaten us by sayinar if the Indonesian people continue to
    255 words
  • 51 22 LISBON. Thurs. Continuing earthquake caused by an underwater volcano are shaking the Azores and driving out thousands of villagers. The first 500 were yesterday taken from stricken Sao Jorge to Angra de Herotsmo, capital of another of the Islands, Terceira. Terceira has also had of lesser
    51 words
  • 378 22 LONDON, Thurs.— Business re- mained at a low level In the stock markets today. However, the geneMl performance was satisfactory, helped by the unchanged bank < rate announcement. Tins made further headway after n quiet oDenlnß. but gains were smaller than on preceding days There
    378 words
  • 559 22 KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. AN appeal for universal economic planning and marketing of primary commodities to help bridge the windening gap between the rich and poor nations of the world was made by Tanganyika's Minister for Co-operative aiid Community Development today. Mr J.S.
    559 words
  • 63 22 CALCUTTA. Thurs. The Maharanl of Stkkim. former American debutante Hope Cook, today gave birth to her first child, a son. it was learned here. The report said both mother and son were doing well. The 24-year-old New Yorker married last March In the small Himalayan State
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 192 22 Witchcraft: No such thing, says professor T ONDON. Thurs. Broomsticks were parked outside University College last night as a professor from New York said in a lecture that there had never been any such thing as witchcraft. Self-styled witches wore in the audience for the controversial lecture by Professor Robbins
    Reuter  -  192 words
  • 201 22 |£UALA LUMPUR, Thurs. The sixman Australian mission which came here to assess Malaysia's defence needs left for Singapore today confident that "something positive" would be the outcome of their visit. The leader of the mission. Mr. D. S. Clues, assistant secretary to the Ministry
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 7 22 Late CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 2t Wort* lit (Minimum)
      7 words
    • 50 22 naturally, the best You can taste the delicious, natural fruit flavour in Fraser&Neave cordials... so refreshing... so invigorating. Made from the concentrated goodness of specially selected ripe fruit, they're easily prepared to suit every taste. ORANGI SQUASH B^j LIME JUICE CORDIAL LEMON SQUASH ROSE SYRUP m^ m^i^ mm 3SSmmmmW^^^' \^^.AmM
      50 words
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 43 22 TTIGHEST and lowest tempera- L L tures In Malaya and Singapore for the period 8 pjn. on Wednesday to 8 p.m. yesterday Hlfhrst Lowest Kuala Lumpur 93 73 Kota Bharu 86 79 Penang 90 73 Ipoh 72 Malacca 91 75 Singapore 90 75
      43 words