The Straits Times, 13 February 1964

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times flat*** 1 flew**** ESTD. 1845 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1964. 15 CENTS. KDN 731
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  • Article, Illustration
    596 1  -  NELSON RUTHERFURD: Consular offices first THE TENGKU COMES HOME TO ANNOUNCE AGREEMENT WITH PRESWENT MACAPAGAL AT THE PHNOM PENH TALKS, BUT RELATIONS WON'T AMOUNT TO FULL DIPLOMATIC TIES Maca wants to take case to court By Kuala Lumpur, Wednesday THE PHILIPPINES has agreed to a Malaysian proposal that
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  • 401 1 RAZAK: GIVE US A MANDATE TO DO MORE 1 f 1 1 1 1 II i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 The Straits Times wishes all its Chinese readers a happy and prosperous New Year IIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. fPHE Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul
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  • 468 1 PLAYERS AND CADDIES FIND BODIES: POLICE SEEK JACKPOT COINS SINGAPORE, Wednesday. •JWO watchmen of the Singapore Island Country Club were murdered early this morning by robbers who took $7,914 from the club's safe and $900 in coins from six jackpot machines.
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  • 588 1 Premier Lee moves on from Lagos to Addis Ababa From LEE SIEW YEE Lagos, Wed. OINGAPORE'S Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, and his 12--man delegation are Scheduled to leave here tonight foi Addis Ababa on the next stage of their African tour. The Prime Minister of Nigeria, Alhaji sir
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  • 131 1 PHNOM PENH, Wednesday. rpENGKU Abdul Rahman has undertaken a perx sonal investigation, backed up by documentary films, into the slaughter of eight Malaysian soldiers at Kalabakan, near Tawau, on Dec. 30 last year. The Malaysian Prime Mini- I ster said here yesterday that a
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  • 65 1 A passer-by brings back his ear AOSTA i North Italy). Wed.— Antonio Terranova. 17, whose ear uas oitten off by an unknown man in a light here yesterday, had it returned to him later hospital wrapped In a handkerchief. A passer-by said he found the ear on the road and
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  • 40 1 JACKSONVILLE. North Carolina. Tues. An PlOO super Sabre jet flying a non-stop mission to Turkey crashed near here on Sunday night, killing the pilot. The other 15 jets on the rotation mission continued on to Turkey.— U.P.l.
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  • 394 1 Sir Alec calls for peace, plenty TORONTO, Wed. Sir Alec Douglas-Home, the British Prime Minister, said here yesterday the surest way the only way— to serve humanity was to Jettison ideological conflict and organise the world for peace and plenty." In a speech prepared for delivery to a dinner given
    Reuter  -  394 words
  • 43 1 U THANTS ROLE IN THE CEASEFIRE I'NITtU NATIONS. Wrd. —I V Secretary Genrral I" Tbant s>aid todjy that hi» r«>lr in M.tljysi.i-Ini] MMBIIM will be limited to "takini; not. .if agreement to invite Thailand to serve as CMM* fire supervisor LPI
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

    • 181 2 PARIS, Wednesday. FRANCES first Ambassador to Peking is almost certain to be Mj\ Jean Chauvel, former envoy to London, usually wellinformed sources said yesterday. The Ambassador is due to go to Peking In midApril. Until then. France will be represented by a
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    • 53 2 SEN. KHANH SPARES LIVES OF SEVEN SEVEN South Vietnam political prisoners who had been sentenced to death were set free by Major Gen. Nguyen Khanh (second from right) in a ceremony on the outskirts of Saigon last week. At extreme right is Major Gen. Duong Van ("Big") Minn. ousted junta
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    • 141 2 Communinst paper backs Soekarno's criticism f AKARTA. Wed. The J official Communist newspaper Harlan Rakjat has supported President Soekarno's criticism of his Supreme Advisory Council for not giving him proper advice as to how the price of rice might be lowered. Dr. Soekarno said last Sunday that he was 'very
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    • 350 2 Pakistan taps a gold mine through citizens in Britain rkACCA, Wed.—Pakls- tan has tapped a rich gold mine in Its 100,000 citizens working in Britain. It received from them £609,501 In hard-to-get sterling, and at a rapidly increasing rate, during the three and a half months to Dec. 14 last,
      Reuter  -  350 words
    • 101 2 rpAIPKH, Wed. Mrs. Hsia ■■•Tao-yen tried unsuccessfully to stow away aboard ship which was carrying her newly-wed husband to the United States for advanced study, reports from Kaohslung said. Officers of the Chinese cargo ship, the Ju Jun. found her shortly
      UPI  -  101 words
    • 62 2 Manila. Wed. President Macapagai has ordered the release of 300.000 peeoa (about £30.000) for the relief of fire victims in Davao. Southern In Philippines. The President Issued the order from Phnom Penh, where he la at present on a state v;slt. upon learning of the lire
      Reuter  -  62 words
    • 56 2 AUCKLAND. Wed. A baby bom yesterday to a Chilean woman who travtUsd more than 7,000 milM from Santiago to New Zealand (or the birth died today. The woman Totanda DXarraln hoped a technique of pre-natal blood transfusion developed ban wooM sare its Ufa. She bad
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    • 33 2 PRANCIBTOWN (Bechuanaland), Wed. Bdocatton Director O. J. Smith baa announced the official cloning of the multi-racial OhMnsi school after white parents rejected Integration last month by sending their children e.«ewhare. UPI
      UPI  -  33 words
    • 248 2 Renewed fighting on Ethiopian frontier after a brief respite ADDIS ABABA, Wednesday. piERCE fighting along the border with Somalia was reported here by the Information Ministry after a 24-hour lull in the clashes which started last week. The Ministry said yesterday's fighting at Ferfer was expected to continue with both
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    • 141 2 DELGRADE, Wed Ceylon, the United Arab Republic and Yugoslavia have been named sponsors of the second conference of no n aligned nations. Yugoslav Foreign Ministry sources said yesday. The three countries will issue invitations after a meetIng of ambassadors of countries that took part In
      UPI  -  141 words
    • 197 2 MIG jet plan: India may ask Russia to speed up aid offer YEW DELHI, Wed. India Is considering sending a delegation to Russia to speed up the project for the manufacture in India of a modified version of the Soviet MIO 21 Jet fighter, Mr. K. Raghu Ramaiah, defence production
      Reuter  -  197 words
    • 54 2 JAKARTA. Wed. The head office of the Indonesian Communist Party in Kutaradja, North Sumatra, has been stoned by former Darul Islam members, the official Antara news agency said today. The stoning followed a demand by left wing organisations for the resignation of the Governor of Atjeh.
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    • 24 2 JAKARTA. Wed. Two passengers were killed and four injured when a train was derailed in Rangkasbitung. West Java, two days ago. Reuter.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 165 2 THE 10 DELICIOUS SUPER-WONDERS OF yff^Mmxa cream RRIPKI FT A *ii*S£*»- > PARTY PACK Dtiiuivici *M *-*%mWs'''- (O-M MrviMM) A firm favourite with teenagers— m yM #vgfc Just right for the there is a.ways time tora Magnolia |B /V\ ''ml* big occasion. Easy Bricklet HP* «r m"*^P^ serve > economi-
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 39 2 THE GAMBOLS by Barry Appleby (fegttESffX} II (&%&£'%oZ)~ THAT DCESS'I COULD J \.TUI6 MASAZIHB^S V MAKE IT MYSELF J v s i— \j y <£>•*■* /fOCTANP A UALfN f *nn civ* otu^inaA I YAB2S OF SlLki I > FIVE TOUNDS 1
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    • 264 3 British car boycott may be US Cuba bus revenge SIR ALEC WILL FIND JOHNSON FRANK IN TRADE DISPUTE WASHINGTON, Wed. A public boycott of British- made Triumph motor cars in the U.S. is possible in retaliation for the sale of buses to Cuba. The sources, who cannot be named, said
      Reuter  -  264 words
    • 149 3 WASHINGTON Wed. President Johnson told Congress yesterday that the United States next year would launch a synchronous satellite over the Atlantic as the first step towards development and establishment of a globe commercial communications satellite system. Such satellites are launched to
      Reuter  -  149 words
    • 94 3 fENEVA, Wed.— Soviet defector Yuri Nossenko is believed to possess top secret information on Russian nuclear weapons production, authoritative conference sources said yesterday. In LONDON today, the Dally Sketch said that three Russian security men at the Russian Embassy here might be replaced in connection
      Reuter; UPI  -  94 words
    • 281 3 ROME. Wednesday BULLDOZER BREAKS OPEN TOMB AND FINDS A MUMMY— AND STARTS MURDER SCARE A BULLDOZER unearthed this centuries-old mummified body of a young cirl as fresh and beautiful as though the embalming was only hours old. The girl was entombed about 400 A.D.. say experts
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    • 192 3 THE BRAIN DRAIN' TO AMERICA ALARMS BRITAIN I ONDON, Wed. A leading British physicist yesterday announced that he was taking up an appointment in the United States while alarm grew in Britain over the 'brain drain" of the nations top scientists to the U.S. Dr. John Anthony Pople, 38, superintendent
      Reuter  -  192 words
    • 78 3 BONN. Wed Ihe West German "Refugee Minister" Hans Krueger, who East Germany ha* charged was a Nazi "hanging Judge" In wartime Poland, has resigned. Mr. Krueger. who has admitted serving as district Nazi Party leader and Judge in Komtz but denied handing down death sentences,
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    • 294 3 'Love nas come as surprise to us after a long acquaintance' ROYAL WEDDING IN HOLLAND THE NAQUE, Wednesday HOLDING hands in front of television cameras last night, Princess Irene and her fiance. Prince Hugo Carlos de Bourbon Parma, told the Dutch nation that love had come as a surprise to
      Reuter; UPI  -  294 words
    • 94 3 Appeal court quashes drug conviction LONDON. Wed.— The Court of Criminal Appeal has quashed a two-year prison sentence passed last year on Charles Edward Mitchell on charges of conspiracy to defraud by drugging racehorses. The court recalled that when Mitchell was sentenced at Lewis Assize on Oct. 30. the judge
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    • 58 3 WASHINGTON. Wed.— A 10--man delegation from the International Tin Council opens three-day discussions with U.S. officials here today on the question of disposals from the American Tin stockpile. The delegation is headed by Mr. H. W. Allen, chairman of the council, and includes Mr. T. Ishimaru
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    • 60 3 LONDON, Wed. Bristol University students yesterday voted a Jersey cow named Mira belle into second place as one of four finalists in a competition to elect the university's "Flag Queen." Now the students' union has to decide if Mlrabelle should be allowed to attend
      Reuter  -  60 words
    • 245 3 GENEVA. Wed. THE Communists yesterday rejected American proposals for balanced disarmament. They demanded that the West agree to Soviet proposals that all nuclear weapons be destroyed at once with the exception of an unspecified number retained until a third and final stage
      UPI  -  245 words
    • 70 3 VENICE. Wed. Giannlno Taicllapietra. a fisherman, threw oat his net in a belt of fog two miles off the moutn of the river Piave. Italy. and caught a 1.3001 b ox. The animal was alive, he said, but in such poor condition that it had to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 101 3 •••••••••••••••••••••a •INTENDING STUDENTS* of the) Hemingway Robertson Institute are invited to telephone Mr. J. R. Marriott to arrange a 0 personal discussion concerning career training I STATION HOTEL, KUALA LUMPUR J Thursday 13 February to Monday 17 February or for further details write to Mr. Marriott, Co V Trade International
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    • 148 3 Foot Itch Healed in 3 Days Do roar f««t Itch, smart and burn ao badbr that they nearly drlr* you crasy? Does th« ikln crack, peel or. bl»«d? The real cause of these skin troubles Is a germ that has spread throughout the world, and Is called various names such
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    • 141 3 A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Teach Your Children the Savings Habit! Buy them 'Happy' Savings Banks. SrJlJu lH *>■* 1 JE3L < I B^«^jf HT Buy them at any Esso station and teach |f?3 your children to save during the Chi- \v^ J nese New Year and Hari Raya!
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  • 305 4 Union legal action to challenge a ruling I SINGAPORE. Wed. THK Singapore Commercial House and Factory Employees' Union today announced it would take legal action in the High Court to challenge a ruling of the Commissioner of Labour tnat it cannot represent cinema workers and other categories of workers. In
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  • 358 4 SINGAPORE AIRPORT IN AND OUT T""HK following It today's •thedule of civil aircraft movement! at Pay* L*bar airport Singapore: ARRIVAL* OAC: Prom tjondon, Frankfurt, Zurich, Beirut. Karachi. Calcutta, iBA 700) 6.10 p.m.: from Melbourne. Sydney Dar» -i. Jakarta (BA 711) ».O5 p.m. Qantat: Prom London. Rome. Cairo, Karachi, New Delhi.
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  • 219 4 SINGAPORE, Wed. Special Chinese New Year and Hart Raya programmes, to be broadcast by Radio Malaysia Singapura will feature variety items which have been produced by the staff. The "Kung Hee, Kung Hee Show,' 1 featuring Bruce Wallace at the accordion, the
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  • 336 4 LONDON STOCKS LONDON. Wed.— Closing middle prices of selected stock* not Including stamp duty were: GILTEDGED Conaol M4« £42\ Funding 4*4% ..£9416/16 >, War 34T, £M% +X/16 BANKS Chartered 54 9 Hongkong £20 +4 INSURANCE Com. Un 42- m +1/3 RUBBER LONDON. Wed. Spot 19% d.. Mar. 19-15 16d., Apr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 191 4 NOW SHOWING SIMULTANEOUSLY CAPITOL FEDERAL, CAPITOL J SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR I PENANG I jMWEEK "vuLßßHnnEa^w^M^ George CHAKims SHIRIESJUinEHEID ""^^•■■^"^^^"""^"^3l a^ a^assalaT^laM!^\ara^. BfyL. a^SMaia KsV^^al ffICHARDBASt^IaworJERJigW<CTCTBfi>^^ NOW SHOWING -SIMULTANEOUSLY .Singapore LIDO <no free list) REX K. Lumpur JL tMOMRAHIitrt: a ?>^2»WEEKI fc *^M^ c M-G-M presents £L(W j f LVIS 1
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    • 287 4 WISHING ALL OUR PATRONS A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Now Showing! 11 a.m.- 1.1 5-3. 30-7. 00 9.30 p.m. "THE GREY HAIRED FAIRY AND THE DEVIL" To night at Midnight! "LANTERN OF ROMANCE" Today 9 a.m.: 'THE LOST WORLD". Now Showing: 2.30-7.15-9.30 p.m. "A COMMON SCHOLAR" (Teochew) 10.00 a.m.
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    • 356 4 *J\i I JXM TONIGHT MIDNIGHT (Singapore) 1 THtitfttIEXrIUKSwHIHraitWIAnOUHEQUnIACIiOH' CTEUC DCCUCC mmm Mpv if I < LaVaV jflaf^^. ~^^fl I i^^ C«f I fXM TOMORROW SATURDAY W at MIDNIGHT! TARZAN PROVES HE IS TARZAN as he faces adventure after adventure in a strong* land! I Hf WEST TARZAN > METROCOUJR^^ woody
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    • 628 4 KONG f*E£ jm X FATT OrOy 3 X FROM I THE CATHAY ORGANISATION f t|N B. No Free List For It ALL THEATRES .MM* SHOW IM.! 11 on.- 1 30-4.006.30 9.10 p.m. f t DORiS DAY 'JAMES GARNER* X "move aT" 1^" J Mty *tf cwwooh mmmmim X T Tonigrl,
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  • 407 5 TENGKU OSMAN TO CADET OFFICERS: BE AN EXAMPLE OF HIGHEST ORDER J^UALA LUMPUR, Wed. The Chief of the Armed Forces Staft, Lt.-Gen. Tengku Osman bin Tengku Mohamed Jewa, told short service commission officers today that theirs was the beginning of
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  • 192 5 Postmaster: Family duties put me into debt IPOH, Wed. The 1 $998-a-month head postmaster of the Ipoh General Post Office. Ong Slew Hooi, 53, who has become a bankrupt on his own petition, blamed heavy family responsibilities and medical bills for his plight. Ong, who was testifying at his public
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  • 34 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The 129 th bTthdav anniversary of Sri Ramnkrishna. will be celebrated ai the Chett'.ars TemDle Hall. Sentul. at 500 p.m. on Saturday with special worship, devotional music and talks.
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  • 233 5 Pahang police warn visitors: Be careful on the beaches KUANTAN. Wed.— The police here today warned tourists and visitors to Pahang not to take chances with their cash and jewellery, especially when they visit beaches and other places of interest during the Chinese New Year and Hari Raya holidays. The
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  • 89 5 IPOH. Wed Inspector i Chew Tit Chye. 41. attach- ed to the Central police station here, was allowed 57.000 ball In one surety In the Sessions Court here tod.iy when he pleaded not guilty to criminal breach of trust. He wu alleged to hare committed the offence
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  • 146 5 PENANG. Wednesday. ELEVEN Malaysians Eight Malays, two Chinese and an Indian will leave for Tokyo at the end of the month for six months' training in a Japanese sugar refinery. The eleven. all Higher School Certificate students. were selected from about 100 candidates who applied for
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  • 36 5 SEREMB^N. Wed.— Wah Yoong Sh.n. 28. a worker at, the Sime Darby Co. godown here, was killed last night when his motorcycle was involved in a collision with a car in Sikamat Road
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  • 41 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed.— The National Art Gallery in Ampang Road' will be closed on the first day of Harl Raya. On the other four days of the holidays the gallery will be open from 10 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.
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  • 89 5 KLANO, Wed.—Twentyeight clinics have been built by the Health Ministry in Selangor in the last three years. A spokesman of the State Health. Department said building of clinics was Intensified under the rujal development programme. "The 28 clinics cost the Central
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  • 145 5 Mecca trip for Koran contest winner CINGAPORE. Wed.— The Singapore I mno is organising a Koran reading competition at the Al.iunied Arabic School on Feb. 29. the winner of which will receive a return ticket for a pilgrim- age to Mecca. But there is a condition the winner must be
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  • 53 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed.— Five women were today fined $50 or one month's jail each in a magistrate's court here today for stealing tin ore worth $10. The women were Yon« Thye, 33, Low Liew Ylng. 26. Loh Mah. 42. Chong Han Moi. 26. and Liew
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  • 241 5 |£UALA LUMPUR. Wed. 1V —Extra coaches will be provided for day and fright express trains during the Chinese New Year and Hari Raya period from today till Feb. 18. According to a Railway statement today, the night express trains In each direction between Kuala
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  • 59 5 PENANG, Wed.— The Governor Raja Tun Uda. will take part la Hari Raya prayers at the Kapitan Kling mosque. Pitt Street at a.m. on Raya day. On his arrival at 8.45 a.m. Urn Governor will be welcomed by mosque officials. Muslim members ol the State Executive
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 115 5 the one|lT BSmWffllagmmm Rnttlcd by UNWN LIMITED Under appointment from Pepsi-Cola Co. NtW York PROFESSIONAL BOXING The Pacific Heavyweight Boxing Title Belt 15 ROUNDS Kitone Lave \7c Isimeli Radrodrc (England) Vs> (Fiji) HAPPY WORLD STADIUM Friday 14th February 9 P.M. Tickets last selling. Obtainable at:— ■R Malaya Films Investments V
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    • 74 5 mv imr a s|; hHE mmMW^m I ExrtesivHv Ur Expert EMULSION EMULSION .DXVJaJTXJ. A. F'J I Fjlll mrortmnma COD LIVER OIL alert and sparkling with health. Keep them <^.^: llMU( 1)W0 bright with SCOTT'S EMULSION of pure I Cod Liver Oil -packed with vitamins A and D. "T~~JZZ."* fFor robust
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  • 113 6 BINOAPORE, Wed. The Malaysian Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has awarded EMI Electronics Ltd. a further contract to supply equipment for the first phase of the Malaysian television service. Included in the contract are two image Orthtcon cameras and associated equipment, picture
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  • 68 6 SINO\PORE. Wed. Two police constables were charged .n the Ninth Magistrate's Court today with robbery. Two Tua Ter. 20. and Lim Lian Hoe. 20. both of the "F" Division, claimed trial. Ball was granted. The:/ were alleged to have robbed 51. 17 from four men
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  • 261 6 SINGAPORE. Wed. 3.060 applicants today jammed the Housing and Development Board offices in an immediate response to the board's offer to sell 1,948 flats at the non-profit prices of $4,900 and $6,200 each. The $4,900 flat has two rooms, the $6,200 unit has
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  • 56 6 KAJANO. Wed. Surveying of two areas for land deve opment schemes und*r rural development has started in the Ulu Laneat dstrict. The scheme at Bukit Damar. near Den«kil. abou: 30 miles from here, will cover 1.100 acres and the one at Ayer H'.tam 1.000 acres. More than
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  • 196 6 SARAWAK'S LABOUR SHORTAGE BEING INVESTIGATED KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. A WORKING committee has been set up to look into the problems of Sarawak's labour shortage. The Assistant Minister of Rural Development, inche Abdul Rahman bin Ya'acub, said here today that the committee was setting up offices in each of the five
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  • 52 6 IPOH. We«t- The Perak flying Club will give 15-minute Joy rides from the Sungei Siput landing strip. 16 miles north of here, during Chinese New Year. The club's new four-seater Airdale aircraft will be used. The rates are 110 a person with a reduction
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  • 160 6 NEW U.S.I.S. DIRECTOR APPOINTED FOR SPORE SINGAPORE, Wed. Mr. Howard E. Stingle (above), ha* assumed duties as the director of the United States Information Service in Singapore, replacing Mr. Stephen N. Sestanovich, who is now the director of USIS in Finland. Mr. Stlngle, 47. is a graduate of George Washington
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  • 43 6 TAyINO, Wed. A mother of six children- Tan Lang Tee. ST. was fined (400 or three months' jail by the magistrate's court here yesterday when she pleaded guilty j to making a false statement ;n order to obtain a citizenship certificate.
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  • 23 6 IPOH. Wed. The Mcnclembu division of Umno will celebrate Harl Raya Puasa at the Malayan Chinese Association building here on Sunday.
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  • 143 6 PENANG, Wed. The discovery of an unattended station wagon at a spot 50 feet away from where an almost similar car had been reported missing has set police a poser Mr Chan Tew Keng, Import manager of Hudson Co. Ltd., missed his car.
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  • 216 6 SINGAPORE, Wed. The Department of Extra-Mural Studies of the University of Singapore is beginning a course entitled "The rise and fall of the Kuomintang" on Feb. 28 Te course, consisting of 10 weekly lectures, will be given by Mr. D. Buxbaum,
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  • 22 6 6INOAPORE. Wed. The Sabah Minister for Works and Communications, Dato Khoo Siak Chiew. flew in here today from Pnnom Penh-
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  • 224 6 Widow fails in claim against City Council SINGAPORE, Wed.— A widow with four children who lost her husband, Tan Meng Wan, a letter writer, in a road accident four years ago, failed in her claim for damages against the City Council in the High Court today. Madam Leng Wee Jee
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 204 6 ASK FOR THIS GAR TYRE BY NAME DUNLOP C. 49 2 -41 V I m wK. I -4% Jk^ r&i 'AS^i-ii^ Ll A awSKv fin j M BhRKvP I W\WT9kTW 4% M) Ask for this car f re b name DUNLOP MoV if JLJ%Jm C 49 International Quality designed C_
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 192 6 Bmff* Bunny Bfg Balph Hvimdmhl 'V SLAP TVisN HI Ft| /f]\] I THEGE AIN'T HOTHIN' V f KAuTV IN H I M (AS TASTY AS Alto* Hop B W VT- BamH" GOSH.DOC,'rtXj)I KNOW "1 I THE EVECTROJICB WEIL, I GUESS I OM, I'M I YOU I ARE, I™£ f £?t?£
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  • Article, Illustration
    1601 7 THE RAIDER Leonce Peillard THIRD DAY OF THE SERIES by Doenitz gets a phone call A boatload of survivors from tke torpedoed liner Laconia The U-156 during an inspection at base MKANWHILE the crew of the German U boat began to haul out more survivors of the torpedoed
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 3 7 TOMORROW: A decisive
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    • 338 7 11 ffiy Even before baby is born, mother can lay the bit of nourishing goodness from the FINEST selected foundation for abundant good health. She knows she breed of choice, tender chickens. STRONGER, TASTIER can rely on the NEW. improved Apollo, the STRONGER Apollo is made for TODAY'S generations. You
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  • 103 8 Word! tit (HlMmmm) MR. AND MRS. K A Mrntkcw K.U. (hank all who sent congratulatory messages, presents or attended their wedDlng on (-2-1964. MR. AND MRS. D. Holomon wish to thank friends and relative for their thank friends and relative sfe their valuable presents assistances aad attendaace at their
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  • 94 8 ;o Words tit (Minimum) TONIGHT JOAN SOOTY again presents another Kushton Show this tune at Seavlew Hotel for Metros of HiKh Street. Spore ISO* LBS. PUBRARIA phaseoioides freably harvested this sea eon for sale at »l/ 25 per Ib. ex Tanjoag Pau Estate. Jltra, Kedah Apply Manager. HM>M PUBLICATIONS
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  • 51 8 **M (Mi*.) «W MOON TALK In English on •Nihuann" by Yen M.M Mahaweera N.ivaka Thers. at 3». Jaliin Kunos (.■nore) at H plO YOUTH FOR CHRIST Chinese New Tear Rally. VieUria Theatre Saturday lo February 7.30 p.m. Rear Dr. B. Chew. Musical Art *t and V.B.C. Cboir. All
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  • 2to Straits cjimrs Thursday. February 13, 1064.
    • 633 8 The truest remark about the ceasefire and the Bangkok talks comes from Dr. Subbandrio, now back in Jakarta. The agreement reached "is very fragile." It is indeed, and the fragility is underlined by Dr. Subandrio'*further comment. While he thinks the ceasefire will be maintained "it can also
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    • 355 8 Archbishop Makarios has yet to explain his rejection of the Anglo-American proposal for a Nato force to keep the peace between Greek and Turkish Cypnots. A widely held view is that the Archbishop fears that such a force would have a pro-Turk bias, since Turkey is the more
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    • 219 8 The Fisheries Department has uncovered a number of wretches vho fish with insecticide, a viler and even more wasteful method than the dynamiter uses. Blasting fish, after all, does entail risks. It demands special, recognisable equipment it attracts attention; and the danger of premature explosion is a considerable
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  • 1275 8 Hong Kong's permanent treadmill... HOUSING THIS TEEMING ANTHEAP IS A NIGH INSOLUBLE PROBLEM— by A SPECIAL WRITER MONO KONG. WED. THE resettling of squatters is Hong Kong's permanent treadmill. Though new tenements are constantly being built, destruction by fire is a regular spur, sometimes making several hundred people homeless overnight.
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  • Untitled
    • 67 8 RADIO MALAYSIA would be happy to broadcast "Learn-A-Word-A-Day" In the evenings If only we can be sure that the large majority of listeners who have written and complimented us would not be disappointed. Anyway, we are confident that tht omnibus version broadcast every Sunday at 7.30 a.m. will
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    • 86 8 HOW we sympathise with your Queenstown tenant. Be it Katong or Queenstown, government or luxury flats, all apparently suffer from unnecessary noise. Wishing to be nearer town and yet by the sea. the advertisement offering "a flat in a quiet residential" area facing the sea seemed to
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    • 71 8 Telephoned and written requests for the amplifiers to be lowered have been Ignored. We get inconsiderate car owners, leaving the hotel at late hours, roaring away with horns blaring and waking the dogs who.i howls are added to the noise of aircraft directly overhead. Residents In areas so affected like
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    • 134 8 Fa letter on Feb. 7 a correspondent pointed out that because the cars carried on the ferries between Penang and Butterworth were arranged in four rows most of the occupants of the cars were unable to open their car doors wide enough to i;et out and
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    • 148 8 It will be appreciated that the successful arrangement of the cars on the vessels depends very much on the co-operation of the drivers in obeying the instructions of the ferry deckhands controlling the parking of the cars. While many drivers do so, there are a few who prove difficult. On
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    • 64 8 AFTER hearing Mr. Tan Slew Sin on the low rate of Interest given by the Singapore Central Provident Fund Board, and Mr. Rajaratnam's reply the workers of Singapore now want to know when the board is going to increase the low rate of interest. A Bill was passed
      64 words
    • 164 8 rPHERE is a 'no Entry" 1 sign at the junction of Towing and NcNair Roads, It has been there for many years, prohibiting the entry of vehicles between 5.51 p.m. and 6.15 p.m. I was a passenger In a friend's car which was stopped by a policeman who
      164 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 661 8 Struts Tmmk Malay Mai i tat Jes Maar COCO ITBWM JsssfOaT ciis»si« ajaasl COLO SMOaVW lAIIW AT MOCLJIPJO ROAO-«ATO*4« KKP-Ptn. BOAO-MAVM. SAM CTTY BOOK aTTOMi LTW THw. MBWS FRONT m. m. MttAti. a AwssaiaWy Ma*. We»l lIAMWCM arrows •78-7. CfcesMjl r—A. raapat, V. MTNAIAMY CO BCI-M Jwlom kayv, SJLF. Satatßf
      661 words
    • 38 8 The Renowned CUSTOM TAILORS Styles Cat to the Latest Fashions Hand Tailored Best Workmanship Also Importers It Exporters of High Clots Wonted* Woollen.. SINGAPORE: 21, Chul.a Straat, Tal: ***** HONGKONG: lit Floor, Room No. 54.64, Notkon Rood, ■Mmb.
      38 words
    • 259 8 Be Proud of Your English You are Judged by the Way You Speak and Write Are you content with the You study at your own way you speak and write? Are speed and convenience. You you sure that you are not cannot fail to gain benefit making mistakes that cause
      259 words

  • 316 9 NO AGREEMENT HAS BEEN MADE WITH PARTIES WHOSE POLICIES ARE NOT SIMILAR TO OURS, SAYS PPP LEADER KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. r^HK People's Progressive Party today refuted as "false and unfounded" any suggestion that the party had agreed in principle with four other parties to form a
    316 words
  • 35 9 SINGAPORE. Wed. Cathay P.i 1 if ic Airways has announced that its two weekly fllahts to North Borneo will be directed temporarily to Brunei while Jes■elton Airport is closed for six weeks.
    35 words
  • 54 9  -  JESSELTON. Wed. Six houses were gutted by fire at Kampong Ulumunsok in the Tambunan district, according to a report received here today. No lives were lost. Tf>»nbunan District Officer visited the kampong this morning to arrange for food and clothing to victims eight men. eight
    54 words
  • 230 9 JESSELTON. Wed. -Work ha& started on a $250,000 memorial garden designed to commemorate Australian and British soldiers who died in World War II on the Sandakan to Ranau deatti march in Sabah. formerly British North Borneo. The site Is in the lush Kundasan Valley near
    230 words
  • 280 9 THE HAPPIEST HARI RAYA FOR THIS FAMILY EVELYN TU: A new house for polio victim Jumahir, his mother and sisters by 1 Singapore, Wednesday FOR 18-year-old polio victim Jumahir bin Jumadi, his widowed mother and his two eider sisters, this Hari Raya Puasa will be their happiest in 10 years.
    280 words
  • 132 9 SINGAPORE, Wed. The Minister for Labour, Mr Jek Yeun Thong, today ordered the dispute between Japan Air Lines and the Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workers' Union, relating to two unsettled claims of the union, to the Indus- trial Arbitration Court. The order was Issued
    132 words
  • 128 9 He will study shoe designing in Europe AS part of Its staff development programme, the Bata Shoe Company of Singapore will be sending a young designer from Singapore, Mr. Chung Pone (above), to attend a course in Italy on shoe designing organised by the Bata Organisation. The course will
    128 words
  • 43 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed The USIS Library will resume regular hours on Tuesday, Feb. 18. The library and the American Embassy will be closed from tomorrow to Monday. From Tuesday, normal hours 940 a.m. to 6.30 pm. will start again
    43 words
  • 212 9 Dr. TOH ON GOOD OMEN FOR MALAYSIA OTNGAPORE. Wed. 1:1 The acting Prime Minister, Dr. Toh Chin Chye, today described Chinese New Year and Hari Raya Puasa falling almost on the same date as "more than a good omen for Malaysia." "It is as though by this symbolic, coincidence Providence
    212 words
  • 81 9 1 JESSELTON. Wed. The Yana dl-Pertua Negara cf Sabah. Onto Mustapha bin Dato Harun. will stay In office as requested by the people and the Sabah All'ance Pmrty, according to his private secretary. Inche AJI. Khal.d Inche Khalid said that the Dato had been
    81 words
  • 70 9 SINGAPORE. Wed. About 300 traffic summonses will oe brought up on Monday (a public holiday) for mention before Mr. S. Rajendran. the First Traffic Magistrate. Reason: They have long been listed for mention on this date, and the cases will have to proceed aa scheduled. At the
    70 words
  • 315 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Muslims will pay their respects to the Yang dl-Pertuan Agong and Raja Pennaisuri Agong after prayers at the Istana Negara on Hari Raya Day. Among the distinguished visitors will be the Prime Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman, the Deputy Prime Minister,
    315 words
  • 25 9 I JESSELTON. Wed.— The curfew In Tawau district been lifted from today till Feb. 19 for Chinese New Year and Hart Raya Puasa.
    25 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 168 9 if toffy A »Py f^^Thi_^A IM AI I I Congratulations to the following Consolation Prizes m HONG FOOD SUPPLIER. Prize Winners: 368, Toniong Kotong SAM HENG, 26-D, Foir Drive KIM ANN CO., 243, Orchord Rood. ISt PRIZE $500.00 SAINSBURY COLD STORAGE, I 13-1, Toh Aye. UN SEHG HUAT CO., T^S^T^
      168 words
    • 56 9 KONG UEE FATT CHOY "SOLID AS A ROCK" ~^HC (t_/J m,MO iNW Mm LlkflNflk^^BjflfeAf jfltaw OVERSEA-CHINESE BANKING CORPORATION LTD. the LARGEST and STRONGEST locally Incorporated Bank AUTHORISED CAPITAL $100,000,000.00 ISSUED FULLY PAID t 30,000,000.00 GENERAL RESERVE 18,000.000.00 TOTAL RESOURCES EXCEED t 9 t p s $454,839,986.00 SAVE SAFELY-SAVE WITH 0.C.8.C.
      56 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 745 9 [Today's Radio, TV RADIO MALAYSIA favourites: I*2 midnight do*"* NATIONAL alluKlU.wt SLKVICE: 41.) metro RADIO SINGAPORE A.M-: 6-00 Time Signal. No- MEDIUM WAVE SERVICE «ara-ku; 8.02 In Holiday Mood. 1.00 The News, 7.10 Harmonicas In Harmony; 7.30 Learn A Word aUORTWAVE SEKVICt A Day; 7.32 Something for 41 metre* Everyone;
      745 words

    • 401 10 Fashion designing proves a pleasant escape for student teacher pASHION designing is a pleasant form of escapism for 21 year-old Miss Habibi Bak a r. a senior student teacher at the Malayan Teachers' College in Kuala Lumpur. Miss Bakar, who has been interested in art since her early school days,
      401 words
    • 223 10 WOMEN BEHIND THE WHEEL llflßS. Donna Zink, iTI who has been giving a series of talks recently on automobile maintenance and road safety to various women's clubs and organizations in California, said her object was to do something about the stigma that goes along with the phrase "woman driver." She
      223 words
    • 181 10 T> bring out the flavour of most cheeses, take them out of the refrigerator to reach room temperature before serving. Small pieces of cheese need about 15 minutes: large portions may take twe hours. Apply rubbing alcohol to ball point pen marks on cloth. This will also work
      181 words
    • 232 10 Will you send a Valentine? IT'S much more fashionable and to the point to send a Valentine card nowadays. Tomorrow being St Valentine's Day. it's estimated that 14 million Valentines have been sent this year in Britain alone. They haVe roomed every year since the wife of Sir Adolf Tuck
      232 words
    • 141 10 MAKE-UP FOR A PICTURE TODAY and for the next few days there ,will be happy family reunions. Photographs are often taken, so here are a few tips for make -up when appearing before the camera. Use a warm shade of foundation and take it right under the eyes. Make up
      141 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 291 10 y^SpE^ fOP UsePS Of •k Man tumble for Ratal «ra>|ht f'tm birth. Spatially manufactured for utt In hoc cllmatet. Nutritivt value IncratMd with added Vrtamtn O and Iron. •tt Easily digested practically indntlnjuiihable from brent milk. •fr Eauly prepared jvm add hoc water. A 5 STAR MILK FOOD FOR 5
      291 words
    • 375 10 _M^PB ___R ii__. 1 GROWING UP... *_r _T IS FUN! It's fun to take up make-up, fun to do things, go places, with >our own crowd, fun to he a girl instead of a child Girls going through their teens know n is' A lot of other changes lake place,
      375 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 271 10 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS ed to court appearance (7). 1. Really splendid building for "A brotherhood of rmerabie part of the ship (14). (Wordsworth) (i). i 9. Golf game over because 7. Convert to understand cotnof a collection of cattle (S-2). pletely (7). 10. What's he wrecked on the 8.
      271 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 694 11 We Wish Our Chinese Friends A Happy Prosperous NEW YEAR. KENINGAU'I tor Mln, Labuan, Jeueiton, Kudat, S'kan, tawiu FM II K»TON6 tor Miri, Labuan Jeueiton. Kuoat, S'kan. tnrau FH 21 LARUT tor Miri, Libuan. Jestelton FH 21 PERLIS't tor Miri, Libuan. Jesselton FH a PERAK* tor Laotian, Brunei Fel a
      694 words
    • 1070 11 K^fl THE EAC LINES EJOTvkJ Hhgapom TOAWtu*i»v*»PSwrrTfMKAM pinano LJTJBffel I MOua»-*4. tMttJta tO. IOKIKtI t/I.WtIA OlMt tHOMI 7*04/ MOMUW mo«l M* SAILINCS II GENOA, LE HAVRE. HAMIURG, IREMEN, ANTWERP, P.OTTERIAM, AMSTERCIM. OSLO. lOTHENMRG. ANB COPENHAGEN ™^"™^^™™»Wi™™"pTßiTr™^^^JnanT"" "KINA" fe) 21/22 Ftl a/27 FH II 21 111 sinaioa" a) a Fet/ Mm
      1,070 words
    • 1321 11 I BENnLINE] EXPRESS SERVICE TO IDHBOH, LIVERPOOL t CONTINENTAL PtRTS mrM ADTV fOl LOMaa MM M bLNAKII Hamturg Mm 24 Soon P Shim PmM| r« l U!-u U .m S? *R G. 11/FH 1S FH 11/21 FH 22/21 Gnngemootll AM I DLkl tDkJTM f* lonoon MM ll bLNAKMIN Hamburg Mm
      1,321 words
      748 words

  • 430 12 Russian return to rubber market f THE main talking x point during the j few days of trading was the return of Russian interest to the Malayan Rubber Market report H.C.B. Co. Ltd. in their current circular. The report adds that although It appears that the majority of .the order
    430 words
  • 247 12 I ITEBRUAJtY first grade rubber buyers 1 f.a.k. cloud at S a.m. In Singapore and Kuala Lumpur yesterday at >' >. cents per lb. up seven-eighths of a cent on Tuesday a dotting level for the position. The tone waa vary quiet. R.A.S. and F.M.Pt.C. closing prices ■n
    247 words
  • 26 12 CLOSING PRICES February 12. MALAYAN RUBBER PRICE: 65} (np seveneighths of a cent). TIN: $532.56 (down 25 cents). Estimated unofficial offering 270 tons (down 10 tons).
    26 words
  • 708 12 FIRM CLOSE FOR EXCHANGE FIRST BORNEO OFFER From Our Market Correspondent RIGHT up to its close at just after noon yesterday the Malayan Stock Exchange continued to trade thus deviating from the usual trend before the Chinese New Year holidays. Conditions were buoyant in some counters. and substantial rises were
    708 words
  • 27 12 STOCKS INDCIES Malayan Stock Indices. Feb. 11 Feb. 12 -Industrials: 113.41 114.84 Tins: 128.76 130.39 rubbers: 104.72 101.72 'Dec. 31. 1963 m 100 Dec. 29. 1962 100
    27 words
  • 759 12 MALAYAN STOCK EXCHANGE /COMBINED business in the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Malayan Stock Exchange yesterday, with the number of the shares traded in brackets: INDUSTRIALS: Boustead (4.U00) $2.07. (8.0O0) $2.06. (1.OU0) $2 08, (2.000) $2.05: Cold Stara (1.000) $3.30, (5.000) $3.35. (23.000) 53.55. (1.000) $3.56. (2,000)
    759 words
  • 207 12 SNIPS lying alonxside ths Slngapara Harbsur whartrss ar tiptctad t». morr.w are: President Coolldge 4/i, Straat Mozambique 6/7. Gleofalloch l/t, Benarty 1011, Halldor 2324. Louga 2S/26. Pyrrbus 31/32. Munrheo 33/34. Dolpheverett 35/36. Selkai Maru 38/39. Walrata 40/41, Fnuu buell 42/43. Hakonesan Maru 44. Manila Mam 43. Auby
    207 words
  • 366 12 rpHERE was a small drop of 1 25 cents In the Straits tin price yesterday which was quoted In Penang at $532.50. The offering was estimated down 10 tons to 270 tons. The tin market Is closed today and tomorrow. in London
    366 words
  • 206 12 (OFFICIAL QUOTATIONS) February i 2. Trirr* months INDUSTRIALS Boa* cad IS cv M. Box 23 eta. DmUape U OU. McAllster 16 eta. City Pcv. 5 eta. M. Invent. 18 eta K. anaitcra 21 eta Roblnnon 14 ct» Esso 19 eta. C. Stonue 20 eta Ked. Dlep. 13 eta
    206 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 829 12 r^^n >^ > >^M^M™M**MM^M'M^M' l^*^lM^ > »^M*»»^ L tLrXWJVSAXJjiUSENTIAISHA. LTD. U.S.A. PaeUlo, Atlantic, and Great Ukeslan CtltttetiM fsT^Pllls) S'OO" f S'harn Honolulu F ciico N. Tork MonUMi kaeiikawa Mim" 1/ 2 Mai 3/ S Mai 25 Mai 3 Api 21 Api 21 Apr "Illmi Mail" 24/21 Mat 27/31 MM 21
      829 words
    • 1103 12 s^sab VI s«' -^M -H ta^sl AUSTRALIA SERVICE. •NOIA. PAKISIAM «N» tUU UIV ICI ie imamm. t..s»ie. s,i.e, M.ii..,.. MtirM Httn nttm Mtu uMif is/n M. m wnl* «'»o't r>- '««i Ii: Frnattit. Aielnte. Mellinrsc Sylset RAJUIA tl,7t Fee 2t fel I Mai lAMORA I Apt t/13 Apr 14/17 Air
      1,103 words
    • 200 12 ktrAJTM FAI fc.SI USA. CANADA SERVICE: Acceptm Caigt FgriTBTV' Hilitii. St. Irtll. N.B •IJtl« Ntw Ttrk, laltiairt, PlilattiHn NirteU. Ckirtiitea. Ctetral »< Sstitl Aatnca will tiatikipaiat S port P. S'harn Penang Genoa Haiitw Boston h. Tork B'mors N.ctiiMMKiu it/it Fti nmtn am, v Mar n Mac 11 m« •Ilia
      200 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 464 13 HHHN I H IsW 1 \s^VaTi I mW I1 I I J I I ka^l I I BaV^fl VwL ■■■Hj (Continued from Pace t) SITUATIONS VACANT HOTEL SINOAPURA INTERCONTINENTAL mvitea applications for the following position! 1. PASTRY CHEF 2. BAKER Applicant* snould have pravleue eaperlenea and be able te senvsree
      464 words
    • 629 13 SITUATIONS WANTED tt Word* SI (Mln.y-Uox It cts. txtrm EXPERIENCED GRADE II Oil Halm and Rubber Conductor seeks position awing to reorganisation. Present Manager recommends. Box A3SNI ST. K.L. ACCOMMODATION VACANT t> Wereis SI (Hin.y—Box It tta. amtrm WELL FURNISHED Alr-Condltioned Bedrooms Baths attached with board and laundry, Tanglin District
      629 words
    • 634 13 EDUCATION :o Word* SS (Mim.)-Box It eta. txtrm REGISTER EARLY! Stenography. Secretarial. Bookkeeping, English, Shorthand (Theory, Speed upto 150), Typewrit mii. Correspondence: Raja's College Gian Singh Building. Rallies Place, Spore. SHORTHAND THEORY SPEED, Typewriting, Book-keeping, Private Secretarial Practice, Beginners Ao> ccunlancy. Primary Six English/ Mathematics. Apply: Academy Of Accountancy And
      634 words
    • 679 13 FURNITURE :o Wort, SS (Mtm )—Bax tt ett. txtro FOR DISTINCTIVE CANE rXirnllure call Adrian's 423 River Valley ftoad. «WM (Spore) QUALITY CUSTOM FURNITURE For your homes and offices. Visit Bunvah. 74-2 Bras Baaab Road. (Spore). *****. HIRE PURCHASE te- Werets SI (Him.h-Mox tt Hrn. matrt CEILING FAN. Monthly 110.00
      679 words
    • 523 13 MACHINERY PUNT FOR SALE M Word* SS <MiH.)—Box it et*. txt-t TWO UNUSED MH CRADER lyres 1400 x 20 a 14 ply at 4.V. below new price t430/- eacb. Phon* X.L* Slll2 or write H.O. Bos 1033 X.L X STOCK FROM Malayan Development Machinery, Ltd. stone Crushers: Jranulatora and Screens
      523 words
    • 431 13 WHERE TO STAY (Fed.) it Word* $1 (Ml*.)— Box it ett. extra NEW STRAITS VIEW Hot*! J to. Seaside Dascinc rioors*o»» Nlgntly.' Tel: 2133 JOHORE HOTEL J.B. English Chine** Kood Airconditioned Kooma Phone 2393/6. DANCING Hi Wordt XI (Him.) Bom io et* txtn THE MALAYSIAN C.AE. Tours Ltd. Is holding
      431 words
    • 91 13 j BARS RESTAURANTS (Spore) Wore*. U (Mln.) Box 50 rts. txtro MICH CLASS MUSLIM food. Vlall Jubilee Cafe/ Kestaursot. Pbone &*>u. A TEMPTING VARIETY or Chinese/ finer esn lood. Nasi-Padug as wen SO Charming Waitresses. BUxapura Bar/Kestauram. i\ Oeiegle House, tt'pore. OMAN OUAN RESTAURANT A Bar (Air-conditioned), 12, Rublnnon Koad.
      91 words
    • 419 13 NOTICES NOTICE Lin Chwee Kirn. our salesman cum bill-collector, has terminated his appointment as from Ist February 1964. and Is therefore not authorised to transact business or collect any money on our behalf. Malaya Refrigeration Co.. No. 17". Macplierson Road, Singapore. IN THE HIGH COURT IN SINGAPORE Companirs Winding I'd
      419 words

    • 836 14 serene Lady looks too fast for rivals Epsom Jeep RACING by gERENE LADY (Race 5), who has speed and stamina and the ability to act on any going, should outsmart her rivals over s£f at Kuala Lumpur todayOne ol the most consistent mares in training, Serene Lady (by Jambo) won
      836 words
    • 367 14 TACKLE BOOKIES ON NATIONAL SCALE says BATH by CALL BOY: Kuala Lumpur, Wednesday T*HE PROBLEM of illegal bookmaking must be tackled "on a national scale," says Singapore Turf Club chairman Mr. V. C. Bath in his annual report. "Over th«-past four years, the STC's efforts to combat illegal book-making, in
      367 words
    • 1498 14 XL: TENGKU'S GOLD COP MEETIHG -2nd MY Race 1—2.0: Gl 5 Div 2 ($4300) 7f 1 ***** Wat Glung (Dato&DatinK. N.Leong) 0 *«nnn v j Heddle, 7 9.0 Mitchell 8 fi--2? an me G w l (Seaslde Park St.) Ahmad. 4 9.0 Wert 2 3 ***** Str Chiron iVenl Vlci
      1,498 words
    • 152 14 TIMESPORT SELECTIONS Race 1 SIR CHIRON Early Mark Peaceful Kin* SIR CHIRON Wat Glnnc Early Mark SIR CHIRON Baxant Brhar Early Mark WEE COBBLKR Producer Bran Us BRANTAS Producer Roman Galley UH OKBHK Roman Galley Brilliant Light Race S GISTANI Siau Knnianc Great Hope NOW WHAT Sarina Gufttani SIAI Xl
      152 words
    • 122 14 TENNIS BRISBANE. Wed. The organisers of the United States Indoor tennis championships have gone against the wishes of tht LTA of Australia In accepting the entries of Australians Roy Emerson and Ken Fletcher. The LTA A had appealed to other countries not to accept entries from
      122 words
    • 21 14 LONDON. Wed. Result ofth« only English League soccer match played yesterday: Div. 3 Bristol City 4 Wrexham 0. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  21 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1260 14 IIV *ndtJ±MJ ■Hill »ll j PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TENDER NOTICE TENDERS are Invited for the retreading of Tyres lor the Public Works Department. Sarawak, for a period of two years commencing 15th April. 1964 The Tyres sizes range from 750x 16 to 1400x24. and full details can be obtained from
      1,260 words
    • 806 14 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS Applications are invited for the lolloping poet in the Agriculture Department in Sarawak Rubber Developmen Officer Salary Scale 9490 1.330 irom candidates between 30 and 40 years ol age who have a high standard of secondary education 1 With at least 6 yean experience in all aspects of
      806 words
    • 89 14 ill [WACKERI Concrete Internal Vibrator. f^^Es9l|ltas]BJsjjs^SßßßY 11,000 vibrations per minute 19' 6" shaft List $1,195.00 fcj> M.D. M. LTD. Stockists of "MILLS" Fruit Machines New Regular Model and Used Machines Jukeboxes. and Turf Kings. a^fl sft Three Reels Four Reels 7-7-7 7-7-7-7 Only a limited amount of Stock for SALE
      89 words

    • 230 15 SINGAPORE, Wednesday. OELANGOR are again the favourites in the Malay- sian Women Hockey Association's inter-state tournament which begins tomorrow at Singapore. The other states taking part are Penang, Perak, Ne- < gri Sembilan and Singapore. Earlier in the season Selangor won the tournaments at Seremban
      230 words
    • 75 15 SINGAPORE, Wed. The clash between two top hockey clubs Ceyion Sports Club of Singapore and TPCA of Selangor will highlight the fourth Malayan Ceylonese Games festival which starts here tomorrow. Ceylonese teams of Selar.gor. Negri Sembilan. Pahang and Singapore will compete at hockey. tennis, table
      75 words
    • 153 15 Seven teams to contest Gurdwara Cup hockey KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Seven states will take part In the inter-state Sikhs hockey competition for the Gurdwara Cup which begins at the Rifle Range road ground tomorrow. The competition will be run on a league basis with the teams divided Into two groups.
      153 words
    • 68 15 From KEITH HOOIVK SYDNEY. Wed. Maiasian Johnny Wor.g, who was one of the stars of first division soccer in Sydney last year, looks like being one of the top players in the new season. In a trial match he scored four goals for Apia-Liehardt.
      68 words
    • 280 15 NEW DELHI TEST THEN INDIA GO FOR RUNS NEW DELHI, Wednesday. A FTER England had gained a first innings lead of 107 on the fourth day 01 the fourth Test here. India batted briskly in their second innings and at the close had made 166 for
      Reuter  -  280 words
    • 103 15 SINGAPORE, Wed.— Two new teams. Cycle and Carriage in Div 3A and Cooper Brothers in Div. 38. will be taking part in this year's Singapore Business Houses P. a. league competition, which begins on Mar. 4. In all 22 teams have entered for the two-round tournament. They
      103 words
    • 36 15 IPOH, Wed.— The Ipoh League Div. 1 hockey match between Kinta Irtdlans and LaSalltans and the Div. 3 match between No 2 Federal Infantry Brigade and Sekolah Tuanku Abdul Rahman scheduled for today were postponed.
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    • 31 15 4 USTRALIAN batsman Brian Booth (right) hits a four off Partridge, the South African bowler, during the Fifth Test at Sydney on Tuesday. UPI radio picture.
      UPI  -  31 words
    • 23 15 LONDON. Wed. Hull Kingston Rover.s beat Rochdale Hornpts 22-7 in the.r Rugby League Cup first round replay at Rochdale yesterduy. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  23 words
    • 518 15  -  LEE FOO SAN GOLF by TPOH, Tues.— Ex-caddy Darwis Deran. the, first local golfer to' capture the Malayan championship last year, can gain another major success this weekend. Darwis Is among 63 entries from Kedah. Penang. Perak. Selangor and Pahang
      518 words
    • 44 15 KLUANG. Wed. The final of the Joh ore Indian Sports Association soccer competition between Kluang Indians and Cha'ah/Bekok Indians will be played on the Kluang padung on Sunday. M- Muthucumaru. president of the Malaysian Indian Sports Association, will give away the Cup.
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    • 229 15 SABF plan to get American coach for youths BASKETBALL by LIM KEE CHAN SINGAPORE, Wed. The Singapore Amateur Basketball Federation are planning to engage a top American coach, to train the youths who are now undergoing intensive training. Peter Hsu Tsing, chairman of the Youth trainIng committee, told the Straits
      229 words
    • 18 15 MALACCA, Wed. The Bukit Terendak Sailing Club will hold their President's Cup regatta on Peb- 14-15 here.
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    • 715 15  -  JACK FINGLETON: TEST SERIES ENDS IN STALEMATE from Sydney, Wednesday AT 11 MINUTES to three at the Sydney Cricket ground this afternoon the South Africans had the Test rubber against Australia practically signed, sealed and delivered. All that was wanted was the final
      Reuter  -  715 words
    • 217 15  - RAHIM TO GET FITNESS JOE DORAI SOCCER by SINGAPORE, Wed. Rahim Omar's quick recovery from a knee injury has solved the centre-for-ward problem for the Singapore soccer selectors. week ago Rahlm was reported to have had injured his knee. But last Saturday he showed brilliant form in scoring three goals
      217 words
    • 48 15 SYDNEY, Wed. The South African cricketers leave here tomorrow afternoon for New Zealand to play seven matches in a five-week tour there. Graeme Pollock, who has a fractured finger, may have to miss the first Test agalns' New Zealand In Wellington starting on Feb. 21.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 333 15 OimSlKi «F r^Cm Smooth, satisfying and supreme. Ol I ICll L ipP^WIHH There's nothing to match it. It's the X 1 if i?^_ iPI perfect party drink with fruit juice, corK\ClK"'|CiO| t) 1 dials, tonic or in a variety of cocktails. K-/w4l Llv/O iiITAonANC H et Gordon's teach you the
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 53 15 SPORTS DIARY HOCKEY Malayan < evlonesc i Games: Negri v S'roi (4.15 pjn.). Spore v Pahanf? (5.20. both matches at Balestler Rd. Spore). Women's inter- *Ut«: Spore v Negri (4.15 pjn.), Perak v S'gor (5.20. both matches Spore Padang). BADMINTON Malayan Cey- lonrse Games: Spore v 3*gor (Clerical Union Hall,
      53 words

  • 393 16 $43,000 CHEAT CASE WOMAN TELLS OF MURDER THREAT MALACCA, Wednesday. OOSIE Gan Say Mui. 40, a staff nurse at Malacca lx General Hospital, said in the Sessions Court here today that one of two men accused of cheating her had threatened to murder her if she refused to sign a
    393 words
  • 36 16 KOH CHONC BENC 41 of 310 Coklatrram Avmue panixvl away l*ae*rui:v on 12 2.64 at VouniEhrrc Hospital mvlnK behind m« Iwlovrd wff» Omw Caakct Ootnpativ on 14.141 »t 1 p m for JaJtea Mv Ccmataiy.
    36 words
  • 69 16 JAKARTA. Wed. —The Indonesian Minister of Trans-migration. Co-Operative and Rural Development, Brig.-Gen. Achmadl. said yesterday in Jogjakarta, Central Java, that 4.000 people would be transferred from famine hit areas of Central Java to South Sumatra and the Island of Lombok, accordInn to the official Aniara
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 605 16 I I KUALA LUMPUR. Wad. J AL A YSIANS are going all out to celebrate the once-in-a-lifetime double festivals Chinese New Year and Hari Raya Puasa which start tomorrow and will continue right through the weekend. For this double-bang occasion, which occurs once in
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  • 36 16 A STREET SCENE in the heart of the Federal capital's Chinatown yesterday... Straits Times picture shows a boy beating on a drum, trying to draw the attention of shoppers to his mother's stall.
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  • 278 16 Celebrate now, lion dances later: Police 'OTHER HEAVY COMMITMENTS' ITUALA LUMPUR, Wed The traditional lion and dragon dances will not be allowed during the Chinese New Year celebrations which begin tomorrow but police will reconsider it after the holidays and before Chap Goh Meh. This was stated today by the
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  • 216 16 KIDNAP-SO THE SHAWS CANCEL FESTIVITIES SINGAPORE, Wednesday. T*HE Shaw family have cancelled social engage- merits for the Chinese New Year until the return of Mr. Shaw Vee Ming, kidnapped son of cinema magnate Mr. Run Run Shaw. In a statement to the Press today, Mr. and Mrs. Runme Shaw, uncle
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  • 43 16 LONDON. Wed. The House of Commons last night parsed a Bill granting approval fur Britain to give £34.500.000 over three years to the Internat;onal Development Associat.on for aid lo un-der-developed countries. The Bill was unopposed by Labour. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 81 16 Miss Maria to give ang pows IPOH, Wed. Curvaceous Hong Kong film actriy>s Maria Ye Kwong* will give away ang pows to lucky members in the audience during the Chinese New Year festival She arrived here this morning by plane from Singapore to make personal appearances at the Ruby Cinema
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  • 118 16 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Federation Ordnance Service* i Territorial Army), which will to formed here soon, are looking for clerks, storemen and general duties personnel. Minimum educational requirements are a pass in Form II Malay or English, or the equivalent in Chinese or Tamil. The
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  • 15 16 PARIS, Wed. Paul Baudoutn, 69. former French Foreign Mlnlsted died yesterday. UJM.
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  • 109 16 'Ang pows' for fishermen hit by confrontation MUAR. Wed. The Minister of Agriculture an Co-operative. Inche Mohamed Khir Johari, today handed over $5,250 worth of New Year "ang pows" to 210 fishermen in Muar and Parit Jawa affected by Indonesian confrontation. In doing so he told the fishermen that the
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
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    • 106 16 COMPLETED Ist PHASE OF MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR ARCADE' BUILDING IN KUCHING TOWN CENTRE, With Good Road Access Covered Parking. No Parking Problem. PHOTOGRAPH SHOWING 1/3 LENGTH OF COMPLETE SUILMNG.' To Be Rented Out At Low Rental In Small Individual Units:--16.000 sq. ft. of Offices. Shops. Showrooms Stores with mosaic tile floors
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