The Straits Times, 13 October 1963

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 20 1 I 4 OC7 Htxi i.nonal Library. in THE SUNDAY TIMES NO. 1,462. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1963. 20 CENTS. KDN 355
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  • 258 1 Talks on cash for damage lAKARTA, Sat.— The J Indonesian Foreign Minister, Dr. Subandrio, and the British Ambassador, Mr. Andrew Gilchrist today discussed compensation for British property damaged during anti-British mob violence here last month. They also discussed "problems which may arise between Britain and Indonesia due to Indonesia's confrontation
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  • 178 1 Ted: No Tests if election next summer BLACKPOOL, Sat Ted Dexter will not play against, Australia In the Test matches next year or captain Sussex if there is a General Election In the summer. "With the prospect of a May or June election I shall be too busy canvassing and
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  • 30 1 .Canadian Prime Minister, said yesterday he would telephone President Kennedy peri sonally to protest against the United States "interference" In efforts to solve the Great Lake's labour dispute
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  • 389 1  -  ZAKARIA HASHIM By KOTA BHARU. 1V Sat. —Is the Pan-Malayan Islamic Party about to reverse its policy of opposing Malaysia? That was the big question being asked throughout Malaysia tonight following the report that a crucial meeting of the party's top leaders is to be held in
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  • 484 1 HAILSHAM GETS A BIG OVATION BUT HIS RIVAL IS IN THE BEST POSITION TO TAKE OVER CONTROL BLACKPOOL. Sat. Though Lord Hallsham received a deafening ovation here today in his fight for the leadership of the Conservative Party, sources close to the party' high command said:
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  • 122 1 Jakarta ban No. 2 on cables SINGAPORE. Sat— The Indoneslan Government today re-imposed a ban on telegraph communications with Malaysia— with thp exception of "domestic" messages. A Cable and Wireless spokesman here said messages In code and con cer nine trade have been specifically banned. Only domestic cables were allowed
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  • 35 1 ...former Joint manager of the Palladium, one of the big Lonodn West End tlratres. was yesterday jailed for five years on 18 charges of fraudulent conversion and falsification of accounts amounting to p62.000
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  • 24 1 ..wife of th# NRtioriHst Chinw Ambnssadot to the Philippines will undergo surgery tn New Haven. Connecticut. tomorrow for "mi intestinal disorder."
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  • 48 1 rKYO. Sat. Emperor Hiruhitu harvested his rice trop on his small padi field in the Imperial Palacr grounds yesterday In shirt sleeves but wearing a tie. he was Joined in thr annual harvest by seven chamberlain* md members of the Imperial Biological Research Institute 1.F.1.
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  • 98 1 JAKARTA. Sat— Three adventurous young men a West German, a Swiss and a New Zealander seeking to reach New Zealand in a motorboat from Penang have been stranded at a coastal village in West Java, Antant news agency reported today. The agency said the three lelt Penang on
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  • 65 1 HONO KONO. Sat A Japanese Diet member passing through Hong Kong today said Japan would honour "part" of the Singapore claim for a blood debt" settlement forr wartime atrocities "Singapore may have a legitimate claim." said Mr. K Morivama. "but why do they bring it up
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  • 23 1 the Cambodian Prime Minister, has rejected allegations by President Ngo Dinh Diem of South Vietnam that he wlsheed to overthrow him
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  • 69 1 LIZ THE BIG ROMANCE DICK BEGINNING next week in the Sunday Times the most intimate diary ever written memoirs of the man who produced the multi-million dollar "Cleopatra" epic. Walter Wanger gives you the ringside story of Elizabeth Taylor's romance with Richard Burton and of the pathetic attempts Eddie Fisher
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  • 21 1 has sent a personal message to the British Prime Minister Mr. Harold Macmlllan. following wadershio of the Conservative rartv
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  • 22 1 tht Soviet Cosmonaut left Moscow yesterday lor Cuba where be will be joined by Valentin* Teresbkovm. the first apaoa woman.
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  • 301 1 LEE TO PICK CABINET 'In a few days' he says as he flies to Singapore KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. The Singapore Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, said here tonight that he would announce his Cabinet in a few days' time. Speaking to reporters at the airport before flying back to
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 80 1 MADE IN US*. GARMENTS ARE UNCONDITIONALLY jj^w GUARANTEED Qi 1 TA^ FAST <=°<- ORS i\ lr* MACHINE WASHABLE IV f OUAUTIZEO /fl w :l h l _NO IRONING NEEDED fx» 6tets or pUy ffJBF\ New ifstdlM wKw tt y■ f iwiw TTjpwflnf ■■Rh £> 111 I The FELTON (34-C35-M) Console
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  • The News
    • 74 2 MALAY MAIL subeditor, Mr. Tony Chan Sek Seng, kissing his bride. Miss Chung Sue Ching, after their wedding at the Wesley Methodist Church in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. The bride, a tea- cher, is the third daughter of Mr. Chung Sik Nin and the late Madam
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    • 210 2 FOUR HOUSES BROKEN INTO WITHIN 12 HOURS TPOH, Sat. Four cases of housebreaklng Involving a total loss of $160 cash and $928 worth of valuables, were reported to the police here within 12 hours yesterday. Three of the housebreaking cases occurred while the owners were out worklng. Mr. Cheah Kon
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    • 140 2 Challenge to P.C: Find my prints PENANG. Sat Accused of being found with a sto'en bicycle. Pak Wan Teh bin Pawanchlk, 20. today challenged a police constable to see If his fingerprints were on the machine. "If you can find them, then I will admit I had something to do
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    • 64 2 BENTONG. Sat. A tapper, Bundl alias Yusoff, 28. now serving a four-month sentence for stealing a bicycle, was jailed for nine monihs by the magistrate's court here yesterday for house-breaking and theft. Bundi admitted stealing a pair of gold earrings worth $120 and $3
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    • 269 2 ANOTHER RADIO DARE TO INDONESIA KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. PADIO Malaysia tonight issued another challenge to the Indonesians this time directed to the Indonesian Ministry of Information to distribute the Malaysia reportby the U.N. Radio Malaysia offered to print the report in English and Indonesian for free distribution to the Indonesian
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    • 71 2 Negri MCA calls meeting of school heads CEREMBAN. Sat.— The Malayan Chinese Association in Negri Sembilan has called a meeting of heads of Chinese schools in the State to discuss the Government education policy at the MCA premises here on Tuesday. The meeting which will begin at 3 pjn. will
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    • 112 2 Polio: Team to tour eight S pore centres SINGAPORE. Sat. A maternal and child health services mobile team will visit eight centres In the city area beginning from Monday to Immunise children against polio and diphtheria. The team will visit each centre between 9.30 i-.m. and 11.30 a.m. The centres
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    • 67 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. A public inquiry into the "nature and cause" of last Wednesday's flood disaster will be held next Thursday, it was officially stated today. It will begin at 9.30 a.m. In the conference chamber of the Municipal offices here. Conducting it will be Mr.
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    • 63 2 SINGAPORE, Sat.— A General Hospital nursing sister and a mother of two. Madam Foo Slew Cheng. 32. was killed in a head-on collision between two cars at Mountbatten Road on Thursday night Her husband, Mr. Chua Peng Hoon. who drove their car. waa slightly Injured
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    • 48 2 SINGAPORE. Sat. Inche Buang bin Oman Junid. PAP Assembyman for Kallang, wiil hold his "Meet the people session twice weekly every Wednesday at 36-Q. Whampoa Square and every Saturday at the Kallang branch of the PAP at 1339-C Seranstoon Road, between 8 p.m. and 10 pm.
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    • 401 2 Branding PAP critics as Reds now the shion, says David KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Maiaysian M. P. and trade unionist. Mr. V. David, said today that It has become the 20th century fashion to brand everyone who opposes the PAP as munisMr. David was replying to a statement yesterday by Inche
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    • 237 2 Second gold M.O.S. GROUP IS PRAISED FOR DISPLAY SINGAPORE, Sat. The Gold Medal Certificate which the Malayan Orchid Society was awarded yesterday at the close of the Fourth World Orchid Conference, was its second International award with their group. Yesterday's award was made by the American Orchid Society "In appreciation
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    • 66 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat The Deputy Prime Minister. Tun Abdul Razak, said today he had postponed his planned visit to Sarawak indefinitely due to "other urgent commitments In the Pederal capital" Yesterday the Chief Minister of Sarawak. Mr. Stephen Kalong Ningkan. told the Straits Times that Tun
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    • 43 2 SINGAPORE. Sat. Two donations amounting to 566 were received by the Btraits Times in Singapore for the Civil Disaster Fund The donors are Mr. S. H. Kwok of Singapore $50 and Mr. Eng Tiang Ohuan. Singapore Sl5.
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    • 22 2 BENTONG. Sat. The OCPD Mentakab. Senior Inspector O. T. Seaaran. has been transferred to Ben tons as the court prosecutor.
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    • 125 2 A LOR STAR, Sat.— Two thousand people in the district of Kota Star have formed a Volunteer Corps of Coast Guards. This Is in response to tbe call by Tengku Abdul Rahman to *he people of Malaysia to be ready to
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    • 125 2 WOULD you give up a steady Job f<Jr the uncertainty of a political career? That Is today's question for Sunday Times readers. Give your answer in 500 words. The best contribution will win a prize of $25 Contributions should be
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    • 319 3 AID $50,000 FROM PACIFIC TIN FOR FLOOD VICTIMS J/UALA LUMPUR. Sat. The Pacific Tin Consolidated Corporation today donated $50,000 to the Kuala Lumpur Civil Disaster Fund, which was set up to aid victims of Wednesday's floods. The floods were precipitated by the break in the bund which held back the
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    • 49 3 SINGAPORE, Sat. The straits Times in Singapore today received $66 from an anonymous reader In Kuala Lumpur for Hasnah bte Taib, widow of radio comedian Tahlr bin Abdul Rahman, who died in a road accident last month. This brings to the fund's total to $913.31.
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    • 273 3 AID) REAFFIRMED ALL-OUT SUPPORT FOR MALAYSIA I CINGAPORE. Sat. The British Parliamentary Undersecretary of State for Commonwealth Relations, Mr. John Tilney, today reaffirmed Britain's determination to give allout support to Malaysia in the event of it being attacked by external forces. "I think we have made our position quite clear
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    • 269 3 MCA LEADERS TOLD: STOP WHISPERS Campaign may split association, say officials of youth section KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. J'HE youth section of MCA today warned certain MCA leaders to stop their "whispering campaign" against the section or else they would be held responsible for any split in the association. The warning
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    • 267 3 Police officers jailed for $100 bribe KUALA LUMPUR, SatTwo detectives were sentenced to eight months' jail each here today for taking a $100 bribe. Detective Corporal Lim Ang Choc. 43, and Detective Sergeant Aloysious Hillary Monteiro, 38. were also ordered to pay a penalty of $50. They gave notice oi
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    • 71 3 Head of State praises the Red Cross SINGAPORE, Sat. The Yang di-Pertuan Negara, Inche Yusof bin Ishak, today praised the good work done by the Singapore Red CrossHe said: "The fine example of the officers and men and members of the Red Cross should be followed by everybody in Malaysia."
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    • 94 3 DO leads team to rebuild damaged homes PARTT BUNTAR, Sat. The Krian District Officer, Inche Osman Khalruddln bin Mohamed Sam, will personally lead a task force of 150 volunteers to help rebuild homes damaged by the hailstorm which hit Kampong Alor Bongsu. 30 miles from here. last Thursday, when 800
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    • 31 3 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat The Sultan and the Tengku Ampuan of Selangor will visit the office of the Employees Provident Fund, Petallng Jaya, at 3 pjn. on Oct. 33.
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    • 55 3 My future by Tun Lim SINGAPORE. Sat.— Tun Lim Yew Hock tonight announced his Intention not to stand in future elections but strongly denied rumours that he was quitting politics for good. "I will continue as a member of the Singapore Peoples' Alliance and guide and advice the new blood
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    • 481 3 J'HE old lady was taking a first aid course and wanted a chance to try out her knowledge. One day, on her way home from the class, she saw a man lying flat on his face in the middle of the street. This was her big
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    • 278 3 SURVEY ON IN STORE TO AID JOBLESS SINGAPORE, Sat. "Hie Singapore Government's new Department of Economic Defence set up to help workers hit by Indonesia's economic confrontation, has begun a survey of all Industries affected. The function of the department an emergency organisation is to administer a scheme worked out
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    • 427 5 Killing cobras with bare hands Bo GAJAH, Sat. Catching cobras witii onlj bare hands is a death-courting ieat whicu lew will care to try. Bui U is no problem to Inche Mohamed Lazim bin Itam. And this is now the 40--year-old chief loreman of the Southern Malayan Tin Dredging Company
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    • 42 5 SINGAPORE Sat.— Mr. Yeo Tin.iin Slew was elected president of the new committee lor the Singapore Association tor the Blind. Vice-presidents are Mr. R. K. Brooker. Mr Y. K. Hwang Mrs W. W. Yung, and Mr*. Wee Cliong Jin.
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    • 53 5 MUAR. Sat. The District Ofticer. Inche Mohamed Said bin Mohumed Tahir. has been elected chairman of the Muar (Hatrtet Sultan's birthday celebration committee. Inche Ah bin Bukar. Assistant District Officer, is secretary. The committee will hold a meetine on Tuesday to draw up •he programmes for the
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    • 284 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. The Central Government was today urged to appoint a wage commission to study ami streamline and salaries in the civil service. The call was made by the president of the Union of Forest Emplmi Inc h c Abdul YVahab
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    • 408 5 More are returning to work, claims the Admiralty: Police give protection against 'intimidation and obstruction' SINGAPORE, Saturday. THE Admiralty said today that more employees had reported for work during the past three days since the strike called by the Naval Base Labour Union started last Monday.
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    • 334 5 !POH, THE Perak Flying Club's new $42,000 rour-sea-ter Airedale aircraft was flown into Ipoh yesterday afternoon. The only one of its kind in the country, the new aircraft will be used by the club for training members, charter flights, joy rides, pay drops, and
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    • 156 5 »POH. Sat. A deaf and 1 dumb youth shabbily dressed in a khaki shorts and torn shirt is giving the police force here a minor headache. To repeated questions of his identity, address and age, the youth could only nod or shake his head. A
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    • 82 5 Patent medicine, lighters hidden in lorry JOHORE BAHRU. Sat. Johore Customs today found several boxes ot patent medicine, saccharine, cod-liver oil. cigarette lighters and mutches hidden Inside 12 bales of coconut husk on a lorry crossing the Causeway from Singapore. Duty on the goods, which had not been paid, amounted
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    • 225 5 IPOH, Sat —The head of a four-year-old girl, Leong Lin Yong, was crushed when she was run over by a lorry at the 10th Mile Chemor-Ipoh Road one afternoon, an inquest here was told today. The girl died on the spot but her sister,
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    • 70 5 PENANG. Sat. The Penang Malay Chamber of Commerce will hold Its annual meeting at 10.30 ajn. tomorrow. There will be a general discussion on the Penang free port status and the Malaysian Common Market. But no decision will be taken In view of the assurance given by
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 121 2 JsMmSmw l! METHYL REN7INF i m JiMP 7 r ,J|LU IIMMiHHHHHWP I I <>' '4BSr^ I Jtg g* K £&88&*M8#»W*o& j*e*' y 3 B I fcS£&««»iwwui- jr m Mm m B S§ ls& «£i ill I mcTUVI QCU7IUCI I II PJIEInTL DCPHIPju I W M. on l I ■< acvcli-ralor
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 101 3 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT REDUCTION MAGIC CLING STRAPLESS BRA iy miiiTf In wflf'" LVW tdglgflga^' J§ S_^rfgtgggggggr _^g> Jlgv You will be happy to know that your favourite strapless bra in white, the only strapless bra guaranteed not to slip, is now available at drastically reduced price. pore Federation Usual price $19.50
      101 words
    • 175 3 I p c I Comics M 21. 32 Features IS J Films 11 I For Women 1G I Jane Lee 17 Know Alls 17 J Motoring 1* FhoU 17 I Proilt io I i Serial 18. 19 i Stirs Jt L-|B|i I YOU'VE WAITED FOR THIS ONE! YAMAHA 75cc rflgsl
      175 words
    • 177 3 Jtetu m Mm m^^ CT 13 TYPE S 8 mm Cine -Film Get professional results with your 8 mm Cameras JOB fc^^^ Singapore List Price MS 11.25 For all Agfa products Rollei projectors Cameras Metz flashguns etc. Call in at: Cathay Photo Store 7, Brat Bason Rd., Singapore, 7. Phone:
      177 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 166 4 BKb^^^^^^hIh J^^bl I You can take all these extras for granted when you fly by ROLLS BOAC ROLLS-ROYCE R. JET ROYCF lp^^^ s jl jj w j jj p B^ -^b fln jßH^3^ &^!^BpK^^^flßii^^B. B^^^ Rolls-Royce reliability Stopovers no extra fare B-O-A-C appointed Travel Agent Child care JBBPi^^^^^^^^MHß M^ML -fc
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 824 5 Sure THE MALAYAN CO-OPERATIVE INSURANCE SOCIETY LIMITED is pleased to announce that a bonus of 525 per $1,000 sum assured for every MCIS Life Assurance policy was approved at the Annual General Meeting of members on 29th September 1963. For example, an MCIS Policy-holder with a policy for $10,000 will
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  • 18 6 20 words (12/- (Minimum) ENOUIRIEB THANKED Mai Tins Bum. Fb.l).. 12. Jalan Bkola, Kuala Lumpur. Tel. I-HOZ.
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  • Leader Page
      • 219 6 WHAT a triumph for democracy this total rout of the Reds; this complete defeat of their plans to paralyse Singapore, the Industrial hub of Malaysia. The Red-led SATU strike has petered out in defeat and disgrace; the myth of the Communist masses and their mythical control over
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      • 207 6 SARAWAK'S Chief Minister Mr. Stephen Kalong Ninekan Is sure that the Indonesian border threat can be contained. He has good reason for his confidence. The security forces are giving an excellent account of themselves in their hit-and-run war with the Indonesian guerillas. On the showing so far
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      • 781 6  -  HASNAH VIM ALA-CHEN By Why can't we too have an Adviser to supervise our general practitioners THE family doctor laughed, called for another grin-lime at the wedding reception we were both attending, then said: "I hope they don't stop the Doctor Column in the Sunday Times. It's my
        781 words
          • 244 6 HASNAH hits the nail on the head when she attacks (Sunday Times. Sept D the male habit of lumping all women together. We are as different and vgried in outlook as the men; some of us want a home and nothing else, others find the confines of
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          • Letter, Illustration
            273 6 rpHIB. I hope, is the first of 1 many feminine protests which should crush Mr. Tang Hooi Hoon (Sunday Times, Sept. 15) who ac.cuses women of being sel- fish lust because they want equal pay for equal work. Well, perhaps he will consider my case history. I
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          • 94 6 I AM writing in the hope that you will be able to help me find a pen-pal in Ipoh. I was stationed in the town about six years ago with the "Loyals" and would like to get in touch with old friends again. To my regret, I have
            94 words
      • 657 6  - Oh, the poor motorist! New deal on the road KEN HAMMONDS By Singapore I I TODAY ASIA Magaiine tells how the mail goes through to Malaya* remotest villages (Page Four). L— THE one group that seems to me the most ill done by in this bustling world of ours are
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      • 406 6  -  RONALD A.M. RANSOM By rpHE bank of a remote 1 jungle river is not the place in which I would expect to discuss the teaching of mathematics. Yet that Is exactly what happened when I was in the valley of the Sungci Sat. We had camped
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 804 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. JO worts gu/- (Mfctnw) BETWEEN Andrew Taa Tian Teck. eldest s/o Mr. Taa Ctaoo Tim and tbe Ute Madam Teo Ktm Kee aad Amy i-h-e Boon Met, youngest d/o Madam \a, i Kura Lin aad the UU Mr. Cbee Ah Lrong oi. 13-10-43. 'Vords 5127- (Mm!—) LCONC YUE:
      804 words
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    • 270 6 tjtaftsSFUL FUTctS.. I.C.S. training can develop your knowledge and skill and fit you for a more responsible job and more exciting future. You learn at home, in your own time and at your own pace. Experienced instructors give you individual tuition that's clear, easy-to-folloW and practical. •—>. TAKE THE RIGHT
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  • Malayan News
    • 359 7 Call for more 'fire' in nation building KUALA LUMPUR. Sat THE Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, said today that in spite of Indonesia's confrontation policy the Central Malaysian Government was determined that the national development and national economic planning would not be weakened. He was speaking to State Development
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    • 76 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat.— Police today waned .shopkeepers not to accept cheques from strangers. A police spokesman said that several shopkeepers had recently lodged reports after being cheated of goods ranging from provisions to textiles. The spokesman said "We are now looking for an Indian man who issued
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    • 27 7 PENANG. Sat. A midwife. Madam Chong Slew Kirn. 39. found her car missing from the General Hospital car park after visiting a patient yesterday.
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    • 65 7 >1K \M> MRS Patrick Mo Koon Ann after their wedding in Singapore yesterday. Mr. Ho. third son of Mr. and Mrs. Ho Lai Soon, is on the staff uf the Straits Times jobbing department. The 'oride. the former Miss Clio Vik Yin. is MM at the Tan
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    • 88 7 Maid is robbed after a visit to garden IPOH, Bat.— A maidservant, Yoong Moy Yin, 22, while waiting for a bus after visiting the Japanese landscape garden here, was robbed of her purse by two youths armed with a dagger The purse contained $21. She said that the youths, wearing
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    • Article, Illustration
      408 7 A MOTHER MAKES EIGHT TRIPS TO THE MORTUARY TO LOOK FOR SON'S BODY KUALA LUMPUR, Sat |X)K the eighth time F since Wednesday, a bereaved mother visited the mortuary today, hoping to find the body of her three-year-old son, Chong Woon Kong, who was swept away by the
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    • 177 7 SIX CLAIM TRIAL UNDER TRADE DISPUTES COUNT SINGAPORE, Saturday. CIX people were today charged before the First Magistrate and District Judge, Mr. J. B. Jeyaratnam, under the Trade Disputes (Amendment) Ordinance. They were alleged to have committed offences on Oct. 9 in connection with the illegal strike called by the
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    • 106 7 TODAY Sedlll Kechil 7.02 am. (7.3 ft) 5.57 pjn. (5.6 ft); Singapore 9.09 a.m. (7.4 ft > 8.11 p.m. (7 4ft); Port Olckson 3.33 a.m. (6.7 ft) 4.26 p.m. <o.9f>; Port Swettenham 2.52 am 1 11.2 ft) 316 pm. (10.6 ft); Penang 10.23 am
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    • 304 7 r>H, Sat.— Six youths who robbed an old woman were told by a High Court judge today that Y.t did not consider It a. childish prank. The six had pleaded guilty to robbing a woman farmer, Ng Tiew, 58, of one dollar and
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    • 212 7 Students urged to study science BATU GAJAH, Sat. The need for more secondary school children to concentrate on science and other "technical" subjects, was stressed by the Minister of Education Capt. Abdul Hamid Khan here, last night. Speaking at the speech day of the co-educational Sultan Yussuf Secondary School, the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 380 7 II IN A II 57 II BANK DEPOSIT ACCOUNT B LOMBARD BANK offers real financial security and aa I B interest rate of 3 the maximum safe and sure rat* foe X your money to earn. No U.K. Income Tax will be deducted; your money growi all the time, and
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  • Foreign News
    • 177 8 It's death for 11 'greedy capitalists' in Soviet Union MOSCOW. Sat. Eleven "greedy capitalists" have been sentenced to death for setting up secret businesses and allegedly cheating the Soviet Government of US$6OO,OOO. The death sentences the latest reported in the Kremlin's drive to wipe out "economic crimes" were made public
      UPI  -  177 words
      • 201 8 What is wrong with our doctors T ONDON Sat. The fa\j mily doctor is still practising medicine as a "cottage industry" in the space-and-atom age. It is time he had more of medicines, modern tools and greater contact with the hospitals. These are the main points ot a hard-hitting Ministry
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      • 231 8 CLOTHES: MEN'S TASTES BETTER HOLLYWOOD. Sat. The woman who designs clothes (or some of the film capital's most beautiful actresses complained: "Women haven't got a clue when it comes to choosing their own clothes!" Cappy Capriottl. who fashions outfits for actresses Polly Bergen, Susan Strasberg. Christine Kauffman (Mrs. Tony Curtis)
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      • Article, Illustration
        63 8 THIS get-up is the latest creation of famous fashion designer Michael Whittaker. But don't get alarmed, ladies he doesn't expect you to wear it. For Michael has created a new type of fashion show with the emphasis on- materials, not design. Here lovely Jane de Sousa looks slinky
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      • 20 8 of Georgia yesterday called for a "mißhty wave of protest" against the persecution of Jews in Russia.
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      • 465 8 HAILSHAM AND BUTLER FIGHT TO TAKE OVER BLACKPOOL (England), Saturday. fHE hectic fight for Mr. Harold Macmillan's successor as Prime Minister and Conservative Party leader yesterday reached such a crescendo at the party conference here that senior Members of Parliament had to appeal for peace
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      • 23 8 ..'national secretary of the Nmt Zealand Peace Council, left Peking for home yesterday after a lengthy visit to Communist China.
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      • 38 8 TOKYO. Sac— Radio Indonesia, monitored here yesterday. said that 43 wives and children of Australian Embassy personnel In Jakarta, evacuated to Singapore during recent antiBrit ish-Malavsia riots, are scheduled to return to Indonesia from Bangkok. U.P.I.
        UPI  -  38 words
      • 467 8 Police foil $6.4 mil. plot BRIEFS ATHLNS, Sat.— Pericles Critharides thought be had found the perfect route to a $6 4 million fortune. So the burly Cypriot of Nicosia rounded up four ex-army friends in Athens to help him. Pericles started to arrange the forgery of 150.--000 Cypriot fivers which
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      • 25 8 the neutralist Laotian Prime Minister, is to have talks with Mr. Khrushchev, the Soviet Prime Minister, at thf end of this month.
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      • 336 8 Rebels flee to hills ALGERIAN REVOLT AGAINST BEN BELLA FAILS A LGIERS. Sat— Civil warfare which broke out in the Kabylia mountains of Algeria yesterday collapsed suddenly when rebel troops withdrew and their leaders fled to the hills. There were conflicting reports as to what happened. A Government communique said
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      • 227 8 T CNICB, Sat. Adolph Meier was happy as be climbed a rickety ladder to the roof of bis house. He was sure that this time he would succeed in getting rid of his unwanted tenant on the top floor. The man
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      • 272 9 HUNGRY RHIO: AIRLIFT CALL JAKARTA. Sat. An airlift of 2,240 tons or rice monthly to the Rhio Islands will be needed to offset the ban on trade with Singapore, the official news agency Antara said today. A report from pakanbaru. the Central Sumatran administrative capital of the island group, said
        Reuter; UPI  -  272 words
      • 91 9 ITNITED NATIONS, Sat.— Thailand objected formally yesterday to a sketch map of South East Asia, circulated in the United Nations on Tuesday by Ceylon which inaccurately .showed the Thai -Malaysian boundary to be Just south of Bangkok. Mr. Direck Jayanama of Thailand pointed out to the general
        UPI  -  91 words
      • 14 9 ...Chinese Prime Minister, yesterday received Mr. Gerald Long, general manager of Reuters.
        Reuter  -  14 words
      • Article, Illustration
        330 9 'SPIDER MAN' ...goes up death dam wall and finds more people dead ROME. Sat. A lone alpinist was last night lowered 200 feet down the face of the Vajon* dam to investigate repor.s of survivors of Wednesday's flood disaster. But, all he found in the "safety room" twothirds of the
        Reuter; UPI  -  330 words
      • 103 9 Kachins want to be free of Rangoon control \f ANDALAY. Upper Bur--1 ma. Sat. The Kachin tribesmen, believed to number between 200.000 and 400,000, are trying to break away from the Burmese Government and establish their own republic. The Kachins. a warlike people, at present occupy a horseshoe-shaped territory along
        Reuter  -  103 words
      • 26 9 ...led church fathers attending the Ecumenical Council to Rome's Basilica of St. Mary Major to commemorate the first anniversary of the Council's opening yesterday.
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      • 291 9 NEW YORK, Saturday. PAKISTAN has told the United Nations Security Council that any move by New Delhi to integrate Kashmir with India "is a gross breach of India's commitment" under U.N. resolutions. Mr. Muhammad Zafrulia Khan, Pakistan's Ambassador to the United Nations, complained in
        UPI  -  291 words
      • 143 9 A mayor with an ear to the ground HAMBURG, Sat. The little town 1 of Rottenburg (pop. 11.000) has a telephone-tapping scandal all Its own. The mayor, Egbert Regenbrecht, 42. bad an installation put In the town hall which enabled him to listen to calls made by local officials. He
        143 words
      • 65 9 ROME. Sat.— Nationalist China's airline is eaeer to extend Ita services to Malaysia and other "free countries," the chairman of the Civi Air Transport (Cat). Mr. Wang Wen-chen. •aid here yesterday. Mr. Wang, who Is here for the 19th annual meeting of the International Air Transport
        65 words
      • 47 9 JAKARTA. Sat.— Fire hit the Chinese quarter of Glodofc here last night causing damage estimated at 26 million ruplaha (about £125.000). Many Chinese-owned shops and houses were razed but no casualties were reported. The cause or the nre was not known. Reuter
        Reuter  -  47 words
      • 144 9 INDIA TO SPEED UP PRODUCTION OF SUPERSONIC PLANES NEW DELHI, Bat. The Indian Government has decided to speed up production of supersonic jet fighters at the stateowned aircraft factory in Bangalore. The factory, which has been registered under trie name of Hindustan Aircraft Limited, has already turned out three HF-24
        144 words
      • 117 9 BRITAIN'S biggest catamaran has just been launched as a $51,000 floating studio for a Cheslea artist who plans to sail it round the world, taking his wife and two children. It is 45 ft. long and 17; ft. across the beam. Emlel Hartman, South Africanborn painter-sculptor,
        117 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 169 8 Jl/m Jf\ Empty conttnts of one MAGGI sachet -M&i&SMKr^w nfo l pints ot hot Stir gently, bring to the boil and -vJ^r-i I k V 9 simmer for 5-10 minutes serve You B*' <-6 servings X Bp J mbm HH 1 I 2 J fc »%»lß f/om on sachet of
      169 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 98 9 T °nuii\7 ifljj&| I KUMUby {fty* I r ~^At* I &as *amk\— a 2 ROYAL INTEROCEAN LINES WITH 2 VESSELS Enjoy RlL's unbeatable service and first class food on board their vessels to Hong Kong. 18—23 days return trip by two vessels inclusive B—l3 days stay in Hong Kong. While
      98 words
    • 86 9 DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS ff/f #O annum MEMBER OF THE HODGE GROUP GROUP ASSETS EXCEED £25,000,000 Write for details to Secretary ¥102 JULIAN S HODGE COMPANY LIMITED MERCHANT RANKERS Carlyle House, Newport Road, Cardiff United Kingdom MAKR A i Ifl Cl lv\7 U jf/k i V\ chickon an D //A^Awk^ feWnJ //^K^Bk
      86 words

  • The News, Profit
    • 294 10 'LITTLE HOPE OF TIN PRICE RISE PENANG, Saturday THE chairman of the board of directors of Rahman Hydraulic Tin, Mr. J. H. D. Sibree, says there is "little hope of any substantial increase in the tin price in the near future, despite assurances from the American Government that it would
      294 words
    • 115 10 TOUR OF FOUR CITIES SINGAPORE, Sat.— Mrs. Anna Sim (above), a leading Singapore beautician will leave on Monday on a tour of four Australian cities to exchange views with Australians on beauty tips and problems. A beauty consultant for Dorothy Gray, Mrs. Sim will visit her company's new factories in
      115 words
    • 687 10 RUSH FOR SHARES BY 23,000 DO YOU have a query or doubt? Write re: The City Editor, Sunday Tiiftet. Times Houm, River Valley Road, Singapore 9. J)ESPITE Indonesian confrontation, some $55 million have been received for the offer of 3£ million one dollar shares at par by Central Properties Ltd.
      687 words
    • 277 10 SINGAPORE. Sat. Combined business in the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Malayan Stock Exchange yesterday, with the number of the shares in brackets: INDUSTRIALS: Boustead (I.OOOi $1 54: Dunlops (1.000) $2.77: Eftso (2.000) $3.15. (6.000) $3.14; Fed. Dlsp. (2.000) $1.84. (1.000) $1.87; Gammon (2.000) $2.34,
      277 words
    • 132 10 PENANG. Sat. T rt r e c hundred families residing in four villages In the south-west district of the Island have appealed to the State Government to find another site for the proposed University College Id Penang. The families, comprising about 3.000 villagers in Sungei Kluang.
      132 words
    • 419 10 Failure of an iron mine Partner tells of his total debts to 561 4,000 |POH. Sat. One of the three partners of an Iron mining company disclosed yesterday that the company failed because, it did not make a detailed Investigation before commencing operations. Chin Wah Khoon. a partner of Nan
      419 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 257 10 Li^# .Hi %9 %f W% and back around the world You enjoy a world of difference on your Qantas V-Jet flight to London via India, the Middle East and Europe. You can see and stay in places like Bangkok, Calcutta, New Delhi, Karachi, Teheran, Cairo, Athens, Istanbul, Rome, Frankfurt. Qantas
      257 words
    • 56 10 NEDERLAND LINE ROYAL DUTCH MAIL M.V. "ORANJE" will arrive from Australia on Wednesday 16th October and berth' alongside S.H.B. Oodowns 42 43 Gate 2 at 7.30 am Heavy baggage should be delivered to the godowns on Monday between B—lo8 10 a.m. and 1 3.30 p m. GENERAL PASSENGER AGENTS TRAVEL
      56 words
    • 455 10 Advertisement for Vacancies in Design Department Graphic Artists Division: 111 Salary. 5450 x2O 530 Ase: Not ov.-r 40 vr.ri Qualifications: Applicants should have attended an Art School or actively associated with an Art group; must be a competent artist, illustrator and letterer. experience in television, film or advertising would be
      455 words

  • For Your Pleasure
      • 759 11 GIRL FROM CHICAGO MAKES BARGAIN WITH PARIS "IN THE FRENCH x STYLE" (Columbia) is a film about Paris that valiantly avoids showing us the KifTcl Tower, and this alone is enough to earn my gratitude. But it also has more positive virtues. It is a film about growing up in
        759 words
      • 245 11 Cold war Anita and Bob "pALL ME BWANA" l^gives us Bob Hope as a famous African "explorer" who has never been nearer to the Jmtgle than New York's Central Park. In his apartment African girls wait on him and his telephone is made out of a rhinoceros skull, but when
        245 words
      • 249 11 ONE production a year is the rule of the Naval Base Singers, and they always make it a superb one. Until this year their forte was Gilbert and Sullivan; now they break with their Savoyard tradition to present "White Horse Inn," one of these evergreen operettas whose tuneful
        249 words
      • 365 11 TN "STATION SIX SAHARA" Miss Carroll Baker 1 suddenly arrives in the middle of the desert with a jealous husband who has rather eccentrically chosen to kill them both by crashing his large American car into an oil pipeline station 200 miles from nowhere. It is one
        365 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 486 11 h Ith BIG DAY! I DAILY 4 SHOWS! 11 om-2.30-6.00 9.15 pm 1 I AT NORMAL PRICES!: $1.00- $2.00 $3.00 t mi OIC Mcvwr Stewart GRANGER Pier ANGELI ,No Free Listi). ■f TODAY 9 o.m "100 PHO6NIX jANCL IN THE SUN" (Mond.). :GQI2SBLniSE): t \OU SHOW IM. X Hair- 1
      486 words
    • 145 11 Vn^VftffflMj^WfM phone BsMmmtdlkmtMim 8640& Last Day: 2 00-615-900 p.m. Laurence Horvey "THE ALAMO" (Technicolor) Prices $2 $1.50 $1.00 Children Concession $1.00 to all seats. 9.30 a.m.: "Mother's Boy" (Chop. 2 Hok). 1I 00 0.m.: "The Beast of the Hallow Mountain". Tomorrow: "FACTS OF LIFE" (Slglop) Last Day: 2.30-7.15-9.30 p.m. "FONG
      145 words
    • 108 11 If 1 till m says NAT CoLE the Top Pop m^^ml Singer who can afford to throw "H^P N. away a title... A new look at the V- star by Steve Race in this week's Price 30 cents from all newsagents £$L~ HOSE GARDEN BLOCKS 4-STOREY MODERN FLATS I '^)r
      108 words

  • The New, Motoring
    • 425 12 SABAH WANTS $200 M FOR 5-YEAR PLAN Mr. Stephens is confident of getting the necessary funds KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. gABAH'S Chief Minister, Mr. Donald Stephens, has told the Central Government that his state would require $200 million for development projects during the next five years. The sum would form the
      425 words
    • 164 12 Penang girl becomes nun in Ireland DENANO, Bat.— A Penang girl who took the habit as Sister Mary Madeline of the Franciscan Missionaries of the Divine Motherhood seven years ago, has made her final profession In Ireland. The second daughter of Mr. Arthur de Cruz, a retired teacher of St.
      164 words
    • 51 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat.— The eight-man delectation of United States Congressmen now on a three-day visit to Malaysia today paid a courtesy call on the Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, at the Residency. The group was led by Mr. Clement J. Zablocki. Senior Democratic Congressman from
      51 words
    • 23 12 KAJANG. Sat. The Kajang High School will hold Its annual speech and prize-giving day at 2.00 p.m. on Oct. IS.
      23 words
    • 31 12 BENTONO, Sat. A bicycle repairer, Kon Chon Sion*. 20, was fined S3O to court yesterday for abusing; a police constable Ismail bin Ahmad, on Sept. 13 last year.
      31 words
    • 427 12  - DRIVER-APPEAL EXTRAORDINARY PETER LIM MOTORING By "AH!" It was the kind of appreciative sigh that a man normally would not think of wasting except on an unusually attractive woman. "This I call a REAL motorcar!" We were In the Alfa Romeo Glulla 1600 Tl— a colleague and I— during my
      427 words
    • 126 12 SINGAPORE, Sat.— TV programme for tomorrow are: P.M.: 13.40 Test pattern and music; 1.00 Opening and programme summary In all languages; 1.05 The Rosemary Clooney Show; 1.30 News In English; 1.40 Hawaiian Eye bequest of Arthur Goodwin; 2 JO The Washington March; 3.00 Hindustani theatre "Mr.
      126 words
    • 28 12 Varsity fund is now $173,110 SINGAPORE. Sat.— The University of Singapore Fund now stands at $173,110.04. Latest donations came from: The Esso Standard Ltd.. $1,500; and anonymous, $210.
      28 words
    • 36 12 PENANG. Sat. The Penang Indian Chamber will entertain Mr. N. Gopal Iyer, retiring manager of the United Commercial Bank, and his wife to a farewell dinner at the E and O Hotel next Tuesday.
      36 words
    • 127 12 FENANG. Sat. Police today praised the public-spiritednrss of a Penan* citizen who dialled 999 last nlrkt when he saw four men loading into a van goods from the Ban Lee Cherrg codown in Lo-ong Chulia Street Ghau As a
      127 words
    • 459 12 CUSTOMS MAN FREED IN LIQUOR CASE SINGAPORE, Sat.— Wilfred Douglas Anthony, 30, a Customs olficer, was today acquitted after a twoday trial on a Customs charge relating to six bottles of liquor taken from the International Airport here last Christmas Eve. The Fifth Magistrate, Mr. Donald Yeo Hock Chwee, accepted
      459 words
    • 38 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat.— Llew Pye Chin. 27, was charged in the Sessions Court here trjay with carrying an offensive weapon an eißht-inch-lonfc knife at the Lake Gardens last nixht The case was adjourned to Friday.
      38 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 338 12 NEW YORK IONDON^K. **Xfc FRANKFURT PRAGUE vJL PARIS *A Ij4 GENEVA ROME jft CAIRO *i MOSCOW NAIROBI TO BEIRUT ADEN JA BAHREIN There's magic N6W OEIH J^,, in Maharajah BOMBAY g J3r CALCUTTA Flight across the world MADRAS £j HONG KONG •V^v j^l> £J****%M m^>^ M- /sß*> SflHr This is
      338 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous

  • Race Card, Prospects, Selections
    • 1478 13  - WITTE de WITH LOOKS ALL SET FOR A HATTRICK EPSOM JEEP By "OACK at his best after a lapse, Witte de With 11 can make it three-off-the-reel in the Cl. 3, Div. l, 6f handicap (Race 5) at Kuala Lumpur today. This racy New Zealand-bred gelding had a spectacular first
      1,478 words
    • 1405 13 Race One: 1-iO-NZ horses Div 1-.7S 1 11 Loch Ltv*n (Fife St.) Heddle, 5 10.0 (F) Wilton 1 12 Alamanda (Six In St.) Martin, 5 9.5 Uarbridfe 7 3 24 Kennedy (Lim <b Lin) Noordln, 5 8.12 Mitchell 4 4 41 Pot of Gold (Six
      1,405 words
    • 307 13 Triumph for England and North Ireland LONDON, Sat— England beat Wales 4-0 In their soccer International at Cardiff today. At half-time, England led 1-0. At Belfast, Northern Ireland beat Scotland 2-1 after leading 1-0 at half-time. Here are the results of matchm played today: ENGLISH DIVISION ONE Bouon W. 3
      Reuter  -  307 words
    • 20 13 THIBD DIVISION Bristol C. 3 Peterboro' 1 Walsall 4 Barnsley 4 FOURTH DIVISION Workington 2 Torquay 1 Reuter.
      Reuter  -  20 words
    • 69 13 IPOH, Sat The Malayan Cyclists' Federation will hold two events here on Oct. 26 and 27 to mark the close of the 1963 Malayan best all-round road championships season. The first event will be the 1.000 metres splint on the Tasek Road at 3 p.m., the
      69 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 826 13 CLASSIFIED ADS. AT YOUR SERVICE (Spore) Wtrdt tS (Mi*.t—B*x U eU. tMtrm PHOTOSTAT! b* Kotomaile *****. ALL photocopy JOBS dons ben Tang a 10. Boat Quay, *****. SHOPPING GUIDE (Spore) M Hnrdu SS Mtn i— Bnx St rto. txtrm LUSTROUS CULTURED PEARL ehokrrj, drsicned by L** Onn Goldsmith AST PAYMENT
      826 words
    • 126 13 YEARS YOUNGER Thanks i^aHMt The tone /jr/lOsTf laxative that [1 l -r— IHLi%I toxin, from t^-^f^J^ the blood. I^^ giving you renewed energy and youthful vitality. FORD PILLS Grafton Laboratories Itch fight backache And Rheumatism Nnthln* can make you feel so old. tired, and depressed as losing sleep ami energy
      126 words
      337 words

  • Sport
    • Article, Illustration
      539 14  -  Ernest Frida HE BEATS SHOT PUT MARK Kuala L!L Lumpur, $at. AM ALAYA'S international rugger iTI star Nashatar Singh, representing Malaysian Police, bettered the shot put record on the second day of the Malaysian Government Services athletic championships on the padang today. His spectacular throw of 44ft 6in
      539 words
    • 191 14 rpOKYO. Sat. The X powerful Soviet contingent took two of the five gold medals to be decided in the track and field events here today as the competitions of the international Spurts Week began. New Japanese all-comers records were established in four of the five
      191 words
    • 1020 14  - Start from scratch for 2nd leg at Bangkok Norman Siebel By KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. TttALAYSIA and Thailand will start from scratch again when they play the second match of the Olympic soccer tournament extra preliminary tie at Bangkok on Nov. 16. For 70 minutes of their first leg tie at
      1,020 words
    • 249 14 McKay sparks SCC to 25-0 victory SINGAPORE. Sat.— Captain McKay, who will most probably play for Johore this season, helped Singapore Cricket Club to a 25-0 win over RAP Seletar in their rugbymatch on the padang today. McKay sparked plenty of life into the S.C.C. threequarter line and for the
      249 words
    • 101 14 TOKYO, Sat. A Singapore yatchlng crew made a big impression in Sagaml Bay today in the first races for the Dragon class In the Japan championship being run in conjunction with Tokyo Sports Week. Skipper J. Snowden had a third place in his first race and a second
      101 words
    • 108 14 ATLANTA. Sat. The United States led by six points to two against Britain when the first day's play of eight foursomes finished in the three day Kyder Cup golf contest here yesterday. The American* won all four matches in the afternoon after they hart heen surprised
      Reuter  -  108 words
    • 392 14 HOCKEY IS NOW MALAYSIAN RAZAK AS HEAD By KENNY FERNANDEZ: Kuala Lumpur, Sat. OTHE Malaysian Hockey Federation— the first sports organisation to be formed, on a Malaysian basis came into being at Stadium Negara this evening. Members of the new MHF are the 14 states of Malaysia. The inaugural meeting,
      392 words
    • 60 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat.—Victoria Institution Old Boys Association, Kuala Lumpur, beat their Singapore counterparts 3-0 in the Payee Trophy soccer match on the Shaw Road ground today. The Kuaia Lumpur team scored through Dorairaj. Sharlff Awang and Low Hock Chye. At cricket, Kuala Lumpur Old Victorians
      60 words
    • 26 14 SINGAPORE, Sat.— Newly promoted Amicables Athletic Association gave a walkover to Darul Afiah 'A' in the SAFA Junior cup match at Farrer Park today.
      26 words
    • 19 14 TAIPING, Sat. In a league soccer fixture yesterday 7th Battalion, Royal Malay Regiment, beat Thenavan Youths 6-1.
      19 words
    • 151 14 Sat— Selangor today won the women's quadrangular hockey championships here today with two wins and a draw Selangor, who beat Negrl 2-0 yesterday scored a lucky 2-1 win against Penang today. Penang attacked most of the time but they were unable to beat the ever alert Selangor
      151 words
    • 353 14 SINGAPORE. Sat.— Ber- nard Chan set up two new records at the finals'"; of the Singapore com- 1 blned schools three-day swimming carnival at the CSC pool at Amber Road today. Bernard 1 feats were tn the 100 metres backstroke and butterfly event*. In tho loom
      353 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 47 14 i« I; ESHI J r, fill m Wr^^ t&r i: Belli BP I i a Bin lit ill tei^_^^H I' fc t. —*T I Sw*' 1 X i jj I bp B^B^B^B3 '1 1 i i Jr "-t I 3 B^B^B^Bhl 24 hours after-sales service. Tel: *****
      47 words
    • 221 14 NOTICE is hereby givan that the following Stars Open Championships will b« held in Hi* respective Ranges and Dates as tallows: 1. Pistol t Revolver Section tt«t* Individual Op*n Champion Inter Cfofe Ch»m»lonjhipi (to b* htld ■■MMMi a. .22 colibre Rim Fire Det»"Ti7TfimTr l ~27tr"o<tob«r 1»»J «t 1.00 p m
      221 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 39 14 ATHLETICS Malaysia Oovt. Services championships (XL padang. 3 pm SOCCER Sambanthan Cop final: Kampar Indians v Tamil Youngsters (Kampar padang). L- Perak Dlv. 1: Town Council v PWD (T. Anson). HOCKEY S>o*e Dlt. 1: RAP seletar v CSC (Seletar).
      39 words

  • Malayan Features
        10 words
      • 780 15  - GOLF Fair sex on the fairway KEN HAMMONDS By SINGAPORE THIS morning, as on every Sunday, scores of men across Malaysia will dump a bag of golf clubs into their cars and head for a few quiet hours whacking a ball across the links. But what of their wives? The
        780 words
      • 400 15  -  Mrs. G. Sta MARIA <*y SEREMBAN WHAT is yuur uteu o/ the per f c c t neighbour? t HOUSE is. after all. ..A just a house. But a neighbour i> much more, fur it is the people whu make the place. And when I look
        400 words
      • 371 15  - RIDING ANEW HOME, ANEW BOOST TAN TOCK SAIK By rE 61-year-old Selangor Polo Club the oldest in Malaysia is getting a home of its own at last. The other week the Prime Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman, planted a bunga tanjong tree outside Kuala Lumpur and virtually brought to an end
        371 words
      • 249 15  -  BEACHCOMBER By Kindo corny AN elderly gentleman at a dance made a little bow to a girl and said: "May I have the pleasure of this dance?" •O.K by me. fuddyduddy." said the girl "but now come you can"t spill It In plain English?" "I beg your pardon?"
        249 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 507 15 "^m J^F -Jk^K Jb m > Hk&*^E m I^m l^F Je w w^E&T^^HH^^^^^Hr fit -**r tilinrfM gfw I. iiiito« Til >mmm t^£^S3o*m '"BEDFORDS Ihe trucks you see here arc BHDFORD 5 ton in chassis fqnn or «ith bodies built for individual diesel tippers just a few of a fleet of
      507 words

  • Women, The HOme
    • 674 16 EVELYN TU: cover up to uncovef THE EIGHTH VEIL or SEDUCTION ON THE BEACH... IT IS quite probable that Salome introduced the seven veils of seduction. Today I introduce another the EIGHTH veil. The one the prettiest beach vamps will shimmer through on the smartest beaches
      674 words
    • 368 16 DEAR Evelyn Tv: I've been having a lot of trouble with my feet, perhaps because of too much walking on high heels. I practically live on high-heel shoes. As a result I have corns and hard patches on my heels. How should I treat them? 0.8.5. Give your feet
      368 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 82 16 ts^Bsl Bs^ssV^^^Bssl i^P* TOBCA PERFUMED COLOGNE a fascinating creation holding the secret of youthful charm «ll COIOGNC ON IHINC The housewife w ho does the &Tlc^3k cooking knows that NESPRAY *!m|^^H Full Cream Milk is best for cooking J^t because it's so L '^i wPL rich and so easy to
      82 words
    • 9 16 THE Pleasure Of Plastic See ASIA Magazine (Page 12).
      9 words
    • 10 16 "GOOD FOR A LAUGH" is in Page Three this Sunday.
      10 words
    • 428 16 Whitens Your Skin Secretly and Quickly No longer need you admire others wish that your skin was os light ond ottroctive os theirs. One |or or Stillmon's will moke you equolly chorming. Continued opolicotions will surprise you, convince you that there only one beoutifier, only one whitener thot words olone
      428 words

  • Jane Lee, Know Alls
    • 758 17 Cool to his kisses BUT ANOTHER IS TOPS WHAT'S your problem? Writ* to: Mist Jane Lee, The Sunday Time*, Times House, River Valley Road, Singapore 9. No replies by post. £)KAK Jane Lee: I am married to the most wonderful man in the world, bbutl t now I am attracted
      758 words
    • 501 17 PROBLEM OF BOY WITH SICK FATHER DROP is A LINE. Our icldr.-. The Know Alls. The sunday Timex; Times House. Rivrr Vallc.r Road. Singapore 9. X» rrplies by post. J)k.\M Know Alls: I am a schoolboy a^ed 17 years studying in Form Four of so condary school in Johore. My
      501 words
    • 357 17 on training... j::: IN view of the recent r tde- spread rabies scare, wnich has now been brought under control, and the resultant of a number of dog owncis In Hie disease tills week I think we .should discuss generally the cause and effect. A rabid dof:
      357 words
    • 179 17 WINNER of the weeks S3* priie Is "Thr Nude" (right), submitted by A Rigg. of No. Three Squadron. K.M.A.F.. Kuala Lumpur. He used Agfa IF film and a Kershaw 65* camera. Setting: f.Yti. 1 50 second. He will be paid by post. The cheque will be posted
      179 words
    • 205 17 YOUR child sometimes sees pictures of ihe moon in a snowbound Mtttng and may want to know. WHAT t AISES A HALO ROIXD THK MOONI WHEN you sec thr moon ringed with a lm-<- circular white halo* you're really looking at it through a special type of
      205 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 479 17 1 <►' 1 At what age should a girl start using Tampax? There are no hard and fast rules about when to startbut one tread is definitely on the upturn: girls art starting to use Tampax internal sanitary protection at a younger and younger age. There are two reasons for
      479 words
    • 10 17 TOUCH Assignment For Dainty Feet See ASIA Magazine (Page 14).
      10 words
    • 291 17 JSBsT*^^^^'^ 1 a^^H jomHP Mtth issr if bV^^^^^^Wsßbbbb£wk Jl^flß. 'ii^^fciM in* in $L JmESbbm < •tun tiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiilf Japan and back for US $200 When you cruise aboard a great to San Francisco, there is a sail- Future Orient Interport Sailing* President Liner, you're living at me to fit your plans
      291 words

  • Sunday Serial
    • 1659 18  - Duel on the Turf STANLEY JACKSON By CONCLUDING Jkv4 mJhl a It ijj^* ifWjp "^tttt i i l t 4^* "^^f s *^fc^> vJ^*^* THE MILLIONAIRE AND THE HARD-UP 'HERO' JB. JOEL— "Uncle Jack" to his family and thousands of punters was a quieter and less flamboyant figure than his
      1,659 words
    • 2466 19 RACED GOLDEN ARROW AND WON! prosecution, had warned them that a verdict lor Sievier would be "a Magna Carta for blackmailers" but it tell on deaf ears. They returned a verdict of "Not Guilty." Outside the court Sievier was carried shoulder-high to the nearest tavern. A
      2,466 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 180 18 A WONDERFUL RETURN FLIGHT FOR YOU TO THE MAGIC ISLE OF aJ|w HONG KONG but •n/^hhK^vw^ t* A rwxss9a\ w f\ f\ /s ft l l v# I a^B^^^^^M^ v' n J^m^ S r*""! 0 4 t*i^ b^Bp bbt^* «m k.occc yi ttL. (The cost of a copy of Her
      180 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 169 18 POPULAR CROSSWORD N^, ~z~ 4 ft I IH^/^ ACROSS: 1 Craven (8). 6 Ditch (4). 10 Rower It). 11 Sensual man (6). 12 Away (6). 14 Current (4). 15 Sphere (3). 17 Growing out (5). 19 Choice marbe i3>. 20 Twenty quires <4>. 22 Improve (S). 24 Relating to eye
      169 words
    • 154 18 DOWN: 1 Severe <B>. 2 Plunder It). 3 Relax (4). 4 Scene of action <s>. 5 Torn shreds <7>. 6 Tree i3>. 7 Pall to perform (4). 8 Hunting expedition < 6 > 9 Assassinated <4>. 12 Lessens <6>. 13 Mention <4) 16 Corded cioth (S). 18 Record i 5).
      154 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 105 19 mmmKmsmwu Dusil makes life worth living again /&y+\ <£"£\ £3bk Buy Ousil-you get 2 FREE tablets in every 10 C pack v' -m A NEW TABLET FOR SURE. FAST RELIEF OF PAIN Uk* Dutii th« na» pink p«m- '//^fc 4^*^^- Oum,. i o*.ii* 1 P m.*, 10 I MM 1
      105 words
    • 139 19 foot I^™^hbbL >S fr Flying with Cathay Pacific is an experience in speed. Your giant Convair 880 -22 M jet whispers through the stratosphere at near the speed of sound, clipping hours from the SINGAPORE /HONG KONG route. Throughout the Orient. Cathay Pacific flies more routes (linking seventeen cities) more
      139 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 207 19 RADIO MALAYSIA A.M. 6.00 Time Signal. Negarafcu; 6.02 Prelude to Breakfast 700 Time Signal, The News; 7.10 Songs and Sweet Music; 7.30 Learn A Word A Day; 7.32 Breakfast Club; aOO Time Signal. The News- 805 Bright and Breezy; 9.00 Music City; 10.00 Summary of Programmes for the Morning; 10.01
      207 words
    • 188 19 Muslca; 10.30 Music from the Ballet; 11.00 All Time Qreau- 1130 For Bachelors On^ 1 12.00 NegaraKu. Close Down RADIO SINGAPORE AM. 6.00 Good Morning- 601 Morning Prelude; 7.15 News- 720 Bieukfast BuLetin; 7.30 Up And About; 8.16 News; 8.20 Up And About; 9.00 Prog. Summary; 9.05 Sing Something Simple;
      188 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 486 20 Wherever you live you can depend on Electrolux You can enjoy all the benefits of modern refriftration with the Electrolux L. 27, wherever you live. The kerosine model makes you independent of electricity supplies. Electric models and models which work by bottled fas (L.P.G.) ara also available. SILENT COOLING UNIT
      486 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 409 20 I no/too^Splive^o I .FnriAD r IC c Burroughs' I ™z risswetzsY they aze co^fo^ta*l-€ w®^** I A.QQ H^B iC^^g^ I v^*." -'X^*^?C 'ft I THIS WEEK FOR YOU CAPRICORN (Dec. 21— Jan. 19) You go ahead with a scheme mat has already done well for you. If you are quick
      409 words
    • 228 20 TAL'RIS (April 21— May 20): You make a change In your working life that could involve new staff If you are an employer or fresh duties If you are employed. Don't worry. Tnis new arrangement will work out extremely well In the eariy days of 1964. The people around you
      228 words
    • 290 20 little trouble blowing up in your immediate background and among those with whom you snare your dally life. VIRGO lAuy 22 Sept. 22j: Tneie is a good deal of argument about money this week but it ends in your favour. Correspondence is of the first Importance though you may lind
      290 words
    • 260 20 K« some unexpected luck beiore Saturday. SCORPIO (Oct. 24— Nov. 22): If you have a strong hunch, take heed of it. It will probalVy help you to avoid trouble through gossips ami troub.emakeis. You are in some danuer of letting emotion rule you and sooiilng a chance of worldly success
      260 words
    • 239 20 -STAR WEEK' 'Pill pur lent son this >our 1963 birthda> are indeed strange ones. On the one hand there are clear signs tliat you would do something very successfully fn tne year ahead. You will get an inspiration that could bring you more money and also lead you up to
      239 words
    • 170 20 of theSbfW .^glga^H Ponsv Lim (Singopcre student) born on Sept. 23. 1946. If it is YOUR birthday today L.i 1 1- 1963 and farly 1 964 win bring you many opportunities oi a kind that you did not visualise. You may have madr careful plans in the next 12 months
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  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 29 21 jfi^D^ fTI ■l^^^^'*^ Jf >y V\s6^ V V 5^ ?i ,^^^^^^L s X^' Si^iß"^? Q l II !>»__■ ■Jim. -t nl mi Ia •^talA-^'^x^'^ 4^^^— /^^^^Sfl v 9 ji .I
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  • Page 22 Miscellaneous