The Straits Times, 9 October 1963

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 24 1 National LiVary, ne AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 125,000 Nat*** 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9. 1963 15 CENTS KDN 352
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  • 86 1 BY EVENING SIGNS OF CRACKS ON WALL OF SOLIDARITY... A BIG MOVE IS STARTED BY SOME AFFILIATED UNIONS TO DEFY THE ORDER TO JOIN IN 'MASS ACTION' More pictures and on-the-spot report in Pages 9 and 10 SATU chief S.T. Bani After bis arrest vrstrrdav
    Han Hal Vong  -  86 words
  • 1137 1 Strike illegal, warn police By j R. CHANORAN, CHEAH BOON KHENG, 808 PERIES: SINGAPORE, Tuesday AS WORKERS in 105 business firms and bus companies answered the general strike call by the Singapore Association of Trade Unions, police warned the strikers that their action was illegal. The warning
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  • 269 1 The 14 caught in the net SINGAPORE. Tues. The leaders of the leftwing Singapore Association of Trade Unions who were detained in the big police swoop today are: S. T. BANI, 29. Assemblyman for Crawford, President of SATU and a central executive committee member of the Barisan Sosialis. LEE TEE
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  • 34 1 FIVE of the people detained in the big crackdown on SATU (from left): Leong Keng Serig, Tan Jin Quee, Lee Tee Tong, Wee Toon Lip, and Foo Yong Fong.
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  • 536 1 Arrests made 'to foil repeat of riots' KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday THE Minister of Internal Security, Dato (Dr.) Ismail bin Dato Abdul Rahman, said today that this morning's arrests in Singapore had been ordered to prevent a repetition of the bloody riots of 1955 and 1956. In a statement, he said:
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  • 45 1 KUCHING, Tues.— The Opposition Sarawak United People's Party Secretary General, Mr. Stephen Yong, today pledged his party to fight any invaders "I* Indonesia attacks Sarawak. SUPP members will co-operate and support the Government and fight to preserve territorial integrity." he said. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 42 1 NEW DELHI, Tues.— The Indian Government has asked the Chinese Embassy In New Delhi not to circulate a Chinese pamphlet containing an "unbridled attack" on President Tito of Yugoslavia, a spokesman of the Ministry of External Affairs said today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 38 1 MANILA, Tues. A recording of Gustaf Gruendgens playing the role of Hamlet was played as he was cremated here today. The 64--year-old West German actor was found dead in his hotel here yesterday. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 283 1 ITUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Tengku Abdul Rahman said today he will fly to Singanore if the situation there deteriorates. "I want to be on the spot to take charge of the situation." he told the Straits Times at the Residency. T Earlier the Tengku discussed the
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  • 48 1 PAIGNTON. Tues.— Miss Ellen Dart, believed to be England's oldest person, died today at the age of 108. She would have been 109 on Nov. 1. She did some of her own housework until two years ago when she became bedridden. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 27 1 BANGKOK. Tues. Locusts have caused damage to rice, malse and other crop* estimated at 100 million tieals ($l4 million), the Agriculture Ministry said today.— Renter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 387 1 Our ships scare off two raiders KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Two Indonesian gunboats retreated towards Indonesia when they were intercepted by Royal Malaysian Navy ships in the Straits of Malacca early this morning. The first gunboat, according to the Ministry of Defence, was intercepted at 6 a.m. off Pulau Undan. near
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  • 39 1 SUPPLIES FOR RIIIO JAKARTA. Turv—lnclunrsi:in N;iv> will send supply Meet of 20 ships lo Rhio Island group to help islanders surmount dillirultics resulting from breaking off of trade relations with Malaysia, it ■M announced here today. Rcutcr.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 86 1 FOR AgP GOLF W THE STORE I l] A WITH THi MOST £t> \I M UPTO DATE 3F/3i VI 7 '>A GOLF EQUIPMENT \f row vwn a wttfomt I^f^^^ i Shop early for CHRISTMAS! GIFTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FOR YOUNG AND OLD. you are lending Christmas Gift Parcels to relatives
      86 words
    • 70 1 OWN YOUR BUNGALOW ON EASY MONTHLY INSTALMENTS after a small initial down payment lmm«dl«t^^ecu£«tj|iri l» Jehor* Coronation Parti Jatan Water Worfc», J.I. M\ HI W lIKALTY LTD. 192. Rachore Md.. >or*-7 Tel: *****. ft "^H ll#7?^r^BSi SBSr i Gin Tonic The distinctive, tangy flavour of sparkling Fraser Neave Tonic makes
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  • 233 2 PAKISTAN AND RUSSIA SIGN AIR PACT I/ARACHI, Tues Pakistan and Russia yesterday signed an air agreement giving Russia a new route to Burma and Indonesia which means she does not have to fly over China. A brief Joint announcement here said only that the agreement provides for each country to
    Reuter; UPI  -  233 words
  • 124 2 Indonesia is reason for Britain's 'presence' in S-E Asia MILAN. Toes. Mr. Edward Heath, British Deputy Foreign Minister, said here yesterday that the need for "our military presence" in Southeast Asia had been vividly demonstrated by the hostility which Malaysia encountered from Indonesia. "The free component countries of Malaysia have
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  • 697 2 CEYLON DELEGATE'S BLAST: 'EVEN DISCRIMINATION IN DISTRIBUTION OF FOOD SENT FROM OVERSEAS 9 UNITED NATIONS, Tuesday DLANS to send a U.N fact-finding team to South Vietnam were delayed yesterday when Russia urged that both she and Britain play a key role in the
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  • 73 2 JAKARTA. Tues. Indonesian Navy authorities are investigating reports from Tokyo that a Japanese fishing boat had been detained for violating Indonesian waters ofl the Celebes, the Navy spokesman said today. The 39-ton Toshl Maru was reported to have been seized In the Banda Sea. The
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 42 2 JAKARTA, Tues. Australian Bell Berger has won the East Asia and Pacific zone contests In the world chess championship narrowly beating Axovah Bachtiar of Indonesia. Nine players from Australia, Indonesia. New Zealand, the Philippines and Malaysia took part.
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  • 378 2 'Getting to know you' trip to the US by Madame Nhu NEW YORK, Tues.— Madame Ngo Dinh Nhu. sister-in-law of President Diem of Sooth Vietnam, arrived here from Paris last night to begin a three-week tour of the United States. A slightly earlier arrival was the new South Vietnamese Ambassador
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  • 27 2 MANILA, Tues. A government committee has decided to recommend Philippine participation in Indonesia's Games for the newly Emerßinß Porcet (Ganefo) In Jakarta next month.
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  • 23 2 JAKARTA, Tues. A six-man Algerian Government deletgatlona arrives here tomorrow for a fiveday visit They will meet President Soekarno.
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  • 162 2 ALGIERS, Tues. A President Ben Bella last night seized the initiative in the simmering Berber revolt by announcing r e will personally visit the main Kabylie port of Bougie tomorrow to address a rally. At the same time, one of his closest aides. Mr. Bachlr
    Reuter  -  162 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 645 2 iff I 111 Wl^^mi' i :> '^ilMf///ftkk^v^^L. v^^l HBSK^SnQ^ This Omega Seamaster de Ville is actually four watches in one, outmoding ordinary, single-function watches 1. A sturdy sports watch, for outdoor and beach wear. 2. A dependable calendar watch, for up-to-date accuracy In business. 3. A slim, elegant dress watch,
      645 words

  • 437 3 NEW YORK, Tues. HAITI READY FOR NEW HURRICANE TERROR: HIGHEST TOLL IN OVER 20 YEARS JJURRICANE Flora, described by the U.S. Weather Bureau as the longest-lived on record, has killed 4,000 people in the Caribbean Negro republic of Haiti, a Haiti spokesman said last night. The spoke;
    Reuter  -  437 words
  • 50 3 MONTREAL, Tun. A bomb exploded near the court house here yesterday Just as a terrorist was being sentenced to 12 rears (or manslaughter. Officers rushed from the court room to Investigate the blast, which rocked the building. There was no Immediate report as to damage. DPL
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  • 40 3 LONDON. Tues. Sale* ot gold in Europe on Friday, believed to be by Russia, brought the price of gold down three-halfpence an ounce at the official fix in? session on the London Bullion Msrket vesterdf -Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 151 3 Catherine the Great debut for Soraya ROME, Tues. Ex-Queen Soraya of Iran will make her film debut playing Catherine the Great In The Empress," it was announced here. Princess Soraya and producex Dino De Laurentiis jointly announced that shooting of the film, in colour and wide-screen, would start next March.
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 31 3 LONDON. Tues. The British army's oldest soldier. Lance Cpl Tom Hooper, celebrated in Honlton his 65th birthday on Sunday by signing on for another year In uniform. UPI.
    UPI  -  31 words
  • 296 3 TEE MALLETS STAKE CLAM TO USssoom. LIMOGES (France), Tuesday. JJUNDREDS of people named Mallet from around the world left here for home yesterday after a "family gathering" with less money than when they arrived but still hopeful of sharing almost U.S. $500 million Armed with birth certificates and family trees,
    UPI  -  296 words
  • 196 3 Enahoro case: Hobson is pulled up ONDON, Tues. The AYLd torney General. Sir John Hobson. has been asked to appear before the Masters, of the Bench of the Inner Temple, which deals with matters relating to the conduct of barristers, to answer allegations arising from his handling of the case
    Reuter  -  196 words
  • 29 3 UNITED NATIONS. Tues. Cuba said yesterday it will not sign the nuclear test ban treaty until the U.S. changes Its policy toward the Castro Government
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  • 105 3 LAS VEGAS. Tues. Frank Sinatra. charged last month with violating Nevada gambling regulations by entertaining a Known underworld figure at one of his two hotel casinos, yesterday announced he was giving up his gaming Interests, estimated to be worth nearly U553,500,000. The Nevada Gaming Control Board
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 207 3 Off at a tangent: A message from outer space GENEVA, Tues. A U.N. conference on space communications got off to an embarrassing start here yesterday because of a space communications hitch. A live two-way television hookup to transmit an address by U Thant, U.N. Secretary General, via Telstar failed to
    Reuter  -  207 words
  • 48 3 EL PASO. (Texas). Tues. A search plane today found 14 Americans, Including two women, who had been trussing for a week in a desolate Mexican gorge. Rpports reaching here from Mexico City said all 14 members of an expedition were safe and sound. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 236 3 LAST 4 DAYS ANNOUNCING FURTHER REDUCTIONS Tiual Sate Kurthfr Kedurtion Manhattan Sport Shirt 12.90 3.90 t 3.00 Gantnrr. Dumont, McAUster L.s.A. made Sports Shirts 14.50 8.80 640 Gantnrr, Jockey A Jayion Sport ShirU 18.90 10.90 890 Banlon Fancy Woven Knit Shirts 1740 9.90 840 Profrssor 100% I.CJ. Terylene ShirU White
      236 words
    • 341 3 723 VARIATIONS ON THE SAME THEME THIS IS IT the Hasselblad 6X6 single lens reflex with the 2.8/80 mm Zeiss Planar lens a small, fast camera with limitless scope. Focus, composition and depth of field can be checked in advance; films and negative size changed in the middle of a
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • 83 4 SINGAPORE, Tues.— A mirveyof, Lee Kwang. was granted a decree nisi by Mr. Justice Tan Ah Tah In the High Court today dissolving his marriage with his wife. Lee Mcc Lan nee Cheong Mcc Lan. a school teacher, on the ground of desertion. The decree Is to
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  • 362 4 Nanyang I'niversity Council today asked the Singapore Government for temporary suspension of the talks on the reorganisation of the university. The two delegations this morning were to have resumed their talks, postponed yesterday after a demonstration by the students in front of the City
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  • 249 4 16 pickets on obstruction charge OINGAPORE, Tues. Sixteen pickets, arrested at the strikebound Fraser and Company in Union Building yesterday, were charged today in the Ninth Magistrate's Court with obstruction an offence under the Trade Disputes Ordinance. Two of them. Francis Chong Slew Chan and Tham Weng Kay. are executive
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  • 209 4 SINGAPORE, Tuesday. THE Minister for Finance, Dr. Goh Keng Swee said last night that the Government was confident that the people of Singapore would not be deceived by the new tactics of the Barisan Sosialis. He was referring to the calling of strikes
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  • 217 4 SINGAPORE. Tue&. Moh&med bin Jamal, 28, accused of murdering a watchman. Chenchal Singh, 50. his wife, Ournam Kaur, 35, and his elder son, Harban Singh, 20, In Kirn Lin Park, off Grange Road, at 6 a.m. on April 6 this year, today
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  • 295 4 'THE following In today* schedule Of civil aircraft movements at Paya Lobar airport Singapore. ARRIVALS 80 AC: From London. Rome, Damaacu*. Baghdad. KaiaUil. Calcutta, Rangoon (BA 720) 5.50 p.m. Jinn Air Llpx: From Tokyo, Rons Kong, Brngkok (JL 713) 6.30 p.m. Air India; Prom Sydney.
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  • 96 4 THE Yang di-Pertuan Negara of Singapore, Inche Yusof bin Ishak, declaring open the Fourth World Orchid Conference at the Victoria Theatre yesterday. The conference is sponsored by the Malayan Orchid Society, the Royal Horticultural Society of London and the American Orchid Society. The Head of
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  • 90 4 SINGAPORE. Tues. The Metro Philharmonic Society will present a choral concert at the Victoria Theatre at 8 p.m. on Oct. 13. The Society's choir will sing four choral excerpts from Bizet's "Carmen" (concert version) including the "Toreador Song." and selected recitatives, arias and choruses from Haydn's "Seasons."
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  • 23 4 SINGAPORE. Tues. The Rotary Club of Singapore's weekly lunch meeting at Cathay Hotel tomorrow has been postponed to next week.
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  • 18 4 SINGAPORE. Tues— Mr. V.J.O. Samuel has been elected president of the Air Ministry Local Staff Union.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 342 4 4 CAPITOL 9^ OPENS TOMORROW a I V^VW ;t ia7 where they C^MOFioves £i rECHNICOLORTPANAVtStON* B Warner Bras, wackiest, wildest, most wonderful comedy of tie year TONY MOIL; i f%. ,4»l(iSI«BS: aS (y$/lJ£. bring you all the p^ p ACTION, DRAMA V%&dy RuRIp and LOVE in a XJ UHuLL WIDE
      342 words
    • 247 4 ljrj¥ i^B "-And The Litest Daice Craze Of Our Time ■A THE BOSSA NOVA' Jf I Exciting Musical Extravaganza! 'Jm t Starring UH Mylene DEMONGEOT W** |Hr Sylva KOSCINA gFV TECHNICOLOR co?XcABANARVMce PIUS 0M STA6I TOMORROW at 9.30 p.m. ~&EH?m FASHION PARADE Dresses tailored by Madam Lee Yue Yue Ladies
      247 words
    • 355 4 |ry»-j ii|i» i. jm "now siioiiiM. DAILY 4 SHOWS! X 11 om-2.30-6.00 9 15 pm :at normal prices;: X $1.00 -$2.00 &S3 00 X GfUWG£R-BAttR-M6UJ-PootSn-Alli|fc X 4 N free Us:- GSCHaQIISZi): LAST DAY! 11am 1.30 4.00 6.30 I 9 30pm aC=3^HaVa«^H k due Ml s f «> i M l
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  • 303 5 A NON-SWIMMER...BUT TANKER SKIPPER KEPT HIMSELF AFLOAT FIVE HOURS AFTER FALLING OVERBOARD PENANG, Tuesday. CAPTAIN J B. HUNTER, who spent five hours in the sea yesterday after falling overboard from the Shell tanker Gena, today described himself as "the luckiest man alive." From his bed in Penang
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  • 92 5 i KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. A i urn -commissioned officer of the Malaysian Armed Forces, Corporal Teo Chwee lye, of the Singapore Military Forces, has been selec- ted to attend the 1963 pupil bandman's course at the Royal I Military School of Music. Kneller Hall,
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  • 87 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues.— The Minister of Health. Inche Abdul Rahman bin Haji Talib. left today for a five-day official visit to Sabah and Sarawak "to look into health matters" there. Inche Abdul Rahman will visit health centres and Institutions in Jesselton. Sandakan and
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  • 25 5 MUAR. Tues. The Muar Rotary Club will hold a dance 1 and fancy dress competition in the diamond JubUee Hall here on Nov.
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  • 72 5 KOI A BHAKI Tues. The Mcntri Besar of Kelantan, Dato Haji Ishak Lotfi bin Omar, today challenged tin- Central Government to hold a referendum in Kelantan on whether the people want to belong to Malaysia. He said that his government was ready to face any referendum, "even
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  • 43 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Two Malaysian student* have left for India to take up medicine at the Dnrbhanga Medical College In Bihar State, under the Indian Government scholarships. They are Soo Fook Mun. of Can eron Highlands, and Yeoh Oon Hock, of Pencng.
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  • 230 5 ITUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Theretiring British High Commissioner to Malaysia, Dato Sir Geofroy Tory, and Lady Tory were given a rousing send-off at the air- port this morning on completion of a six-year term of duty here. Sir Geofroy. who was doyen of the diplomatic
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  • 231 5 JAPANESE 'QUITE RESPONSIVE' Kuala Lumpur, Tues nnENGKU Abdul Rah- man said today that the "blood debt" issue must be settled now when "feelings are still good among the parties concerned." He spoke to reporters In the Residency after receiving a memorandum from representatives of the Associated
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  • 246 5 INCEST: ARMY MAN GETS 5 YEARS SINGAPORE, Tues. A British Army sergeant was today Jailed for five years when he pleaded guilty at a court martial here to six charges of incest and two counts of indecent assault on his 14-year-old daughter. The Judge Advocate, Col. I. O. Wellstead, ordered
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  • 46 5 PENANG. Tue«.— The Governor. Raja Tun Uda Al-Haj. will take the salute at the march past of tbe Federation of Malaya Red Cross Society at the Esplanade at 5 p.m. on Sunday. His wife, Tengku Puan Ha]jah Nor Sa'adah. will give away
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 135 5 WIRE ROPES THAT GIVE YOU BETTER SERVICE, EVERYWHERE British Ropes Limited art the largest producers of ropes in < the U.K. Their first rate design and quality are backed by a fine Research Group. Their wide variety and big stocks, makes it possible to select and obtain immediately, suitable rope
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    • 277 5 Watch how marks improve with this versatile jfiL The PARKER 45 jCSf -ARROW- 11 convertible pen Hi Rtofroman jf mftXfcwrMfc 3 ink bottle... IB ankikcaitfidge.../ with handy converter wntes op to laoamw* No wonder Uws pen rrso poi**J» wWh student* It's fine Parker quality and, at this price, a marvelous
      277 words

  • 65 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Th« six members of the United States marketing and industrial development mls«ion to Malaysia were entertained to a tea party at the Selaneor Club this evening by the United Chambers of Commerce. The mission will maintain a trade information centre In the
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  • 227 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. THE Transport Minister, Dato Sardon bin Haji Jubir, said here today his ministry was looking into the possibilities of running a direct transport service linking the East Coast with Singapore. He added that this would facilitate easy access to the East Coast
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  • 89 6 CHILDREN, YOUTH DROWNED DARIT BUNTAR, Tues. 1 —An aborigine fisherman and two children were drowned here during the weekend. The fisherman, whose body was identified as that of Uda, 18. lost his life while swimming near his boat at the mouth of Sungei Kurau. A four-year-old bey, Rosli bin Abu
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  • 166 6 Anti-rabies inoculation drive begins on Monday IT-UALA LUMPUR, Tues. Anti-rabies inoculation of dogs here and in Ipoh will begin on Monday. The Director of Veterinary Services, Inche Johari bin Mohamed Oaud. hopes that the vaccine doses, which cost the government nearly $2 each, will be given free of charge. No
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  • 26 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The Oylonese Malayan Provident Pund will hold its annual meeting at the Vivekananda Ashrama, Brickfields Road, at 5.15 pm on Thursday.
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  • 32 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The rang di-Pertuan Agong and the Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, have sent greetings to the Oovernor-Oeneral of Uganda on the occasion of the country's independence tomorrow.
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  • 173 6 'Murder of father' trial adjourned KUALA LUMPUR. 1V Tues. The trial of Ooi Cheong Keng, 29, a former Melbourne University student, on a charge of murdering his father was today adjourned until tomorrow morning for a specialist from the Tanjong Rambutan Mental Hospital to testify on his behalf. Mr. T.
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  • 51 6 SINGAPORE. Tueb. The Industr'«l Arbitration Court todaj Co. (1960; Ltd. an annual bonus of one and one-third months' salary, retrospective to Jan. 1 1962 m reaSeS »nd retirement be-' The award was made In the dispute between the company and th« Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workers
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  • 163 6 SINGAPORE, Tues rE Minister for Finance, Dr. Goh Keng Swee, will leave tomorrow morning for Berlin to attend the official opening of the Joint German Industries Pair and the special exhibition, "Partners for Progress Asia", from Oct. 12 to Oct. 27. Accompanying the Minister
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 318 6 I t-" mpl I||MMHHM| mat 9»' ■H/^ii V^B A f^H in town or country be admired on a f amliMßllg I"7d IT\} IN TOWN. .Getting through traffic jams is simple ON HOLIDAY. .The Lambretta 175 TV makes on a Lambretta. Safe riding in heavy traffic too, long distance travelling a
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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    • 1606 7 AUSTRALIA'S SMALLTOWN GIRL WHO NEVER LOST HOPE EVEN WHEN SHE WAS SOUNDLY BEATEN O\\i to watch the young West Australian sprinter and hurdler, Shirley Strickland, train when she arrived in London for the 11)48 Olympic Games, was Hie once famous Knglish athlete,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 101 7 jr J^flH HP^MBiL>' > '"'^^MBwkL#W&' v. BBPy^ •'■>"•'• ■'3mfciisfi{!&' v JBr fl H\ Of all cigarettes exported from Britain Jm J li| lvm. MORE THAN lin4 is Rothmans King Size. £EEgsU^HKtijmF jfl V\^^bW. Rothmans King Size is also made in Wl BPUP^^ I j» 1 1 major countries on 5
      101 words

  • 66 8 1* WmrdM Sit (Minummm) THI FAMILY OF the late Madam l.lew Ab Ngot of &8. Chander Road. Singapore thank relatives and friend* 'or attendance, wreaths, condolence* aad assistance during their receni i iiereawement. THI FAMILY OF the late Mr. cnaa Ngo Bee tnee Tay Geok Uan. :nink relatives and
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  • 27 8 .'0 eVnrrfJ Sl» (Minimum, A ATHISAVAM. In utvini: Memory of our father and mother, passed away on 23rd October. 1!>37 and 9th October I9SV respectively
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  • 14 8 Wt4* Sl* Minimum) MR. VONC CHCNC JOON. Any pcruforeaaid please ring (Spore) *****.
    14 words
  • 143 8 Words lit Minimum •AO OIOUR A Bane In your Kit.hen" Reach tor Airwirk. and enjoy uesh sweet-smelling air. v I O.aVA. Remmdu VI '.'nth Anniversary Dinner Saturday IL'lh October vOt P.m Mchoo: Hall Contirl HM secretary K.U -"2W2 A RSCIPI FOR perlrct health: r resi air rt-Ktilai Krep-ht exercise
    143 words
  • 120 8 »i 'Win i Wax M eta. »xtr* SELF ORIVC OARS id f.nicland VVt ■neet rou at any Port or Airport Contact Bo k nor Station Garage. 48 i«ndon Road. Bocnor Ketn. Sussex SUSSEX 7 miles from Coast on Mainline. London Kully furnished 3r.edroom Detached House central beatmc. telephone
    120 words
  • The Straits Times
    • 674 8 1 Singapore is better braced to meet the shock of Communist inspired industrial action than it was eight years ago when bloody riots held the city and island in thrall. But the threat is serious, the danger grave. Fortunately the initiative is with the government. Early yesterday
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    • 314 8 Security forces in Sarawak I have scored notable successes ugainst the rebels and th»? Indonesian infiltrators. Thirtytwo guerillas have been killed in the operation launched 12 days ago in the Long Jawi area of the Third Division Elsewhere the newly-formed Border Scouts have been giving a good account
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    • 260 8 The national apprenticeship scheme is doing good work, but it needs the reinforcement of the training centre in Kuala Lumpur on which at last pro- gress is being made. The centre is expected to be open in ten months' time. The limits, until then, of the existing scheme
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  • 1411 8 Ben Bella's battle to rebuild Algeria THOUGH HE HAS JUST ABOUT SHOT THE GOOSE THAT LAYS THE GOLDEN EGGS by A SPECIAL WRITER Algiers, W*d. RUMBLINGS of revolt among the two million Berbers of Algeria have cast doubt on Mr. Ben Bella's claim to possess a 100 per cent mandate
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    • 168 8 ryiiE number of robberies, x especially of payrolls, is on the increase. It is obvious that the police cannot provide escorts for all people carrying sums of money. However, there would be a very inexpensive and effective way of curbing such robberies if some secrecy was observed
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    • 83 8 Tax line.' from Shakespeare quoted by Mr. Gilchrist. Britain's Ambassador in Jakarta, are from "Richard U.." The ?uotation and the lines that ollow. are apt. They run as follows:--"His rash fierce blaze of riot cannot last: For violent fires soon Durn out themselves: Small showers last long. bat
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    • 79 8 Malay I AGREE with the suggestion that a supplementary examination be offered to those failing their Malay Std. II and Std. 11l written paper. On many occasions candidates have sat again and again only to find themselves failing in one of the three papers. If a supplementary paper
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    • 56 8 THE percentage of passes In the public national language examination Std. I both written and oral has been about 50 or less than in the last three years. This will deter many people from taking the examination. The standard set should not be too high. •Otherwise where is
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    • 120 8 rS roads in the Federal Capital need a great deal of attention. Often we come across ridges and potholes caused by the surface being dug either by the Central Electricity Board, Waterworks or Telecoms. Of course we cannot blame them for they have to carry out necessary repairs.
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    • 212 8 I TAKE strong exception to the letter from "Taxpayer" and feel that it should not go unchallenged. The writer's claim that many finance companies give loans at low rates of Interest is rubbish. I have personally never come across a finance company which is willing to give loans
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 537 8 Straits Tact k Malay Mail Cteeerny sdvanisements «isy ke fteaaed tat lat Plaar COLD STORAGE ARCADC Orwnmrt Raaa COLD STORAGE MRANCHCS AT HOLLAND e»OAI>-KATOM« Km***!- ROAD-NAVAL BAH AaOiil is ■fjsMßt crrr book stori ltw Mackaatar Haas*. Colhree Oaay TMC NBWS FRONT mmtrkk"! S»a*rm«**a4 m M. ISMAIL S Admtralty »oM. Navat
      537 words
    • 98 8 DRUM OUTFIT ■a. Undoubtedly world's Finest Drum Value! •Rossini 100 Outfit" Outfit contitts of. Bast Dram 22" x 15". doubt* tamion, glittering colour Snare Dram U" x IV gliftanng colour, with Stond Tam-Taai double-heodcd. 13" x 9" glittering colour Pedal, "Rhythm Waiter", fast, positive action. Cymbal, 14' Crash Cymbal »itr.
      98 words
    • 148 8 ATTENTION! L.C.E. CLASSES TEACHERS STUDENTS Have you got a copy of the revised and enlarged 2nd edition of: "A CLASSBOOK OF GENERAL SCIENCE" for Forms 1, 2 and 3 Price $4.00 Postage .60 For your uick REVISION and PRACTICE use the PAST EXAMINATION QUESTION PAPERS. LC.E. 1959 all subjects Price
      148 words

  • 460 9 14 strike leaders {three of them Barisan assembly members) detained in raids REPORTERS: Jackie Sam and Philip Khoo PHOTOGRAPHER: Han Hai Fong FOURTEEN union leaders organisers of the Satusponsored general strike were detained today under the Preservation of Public Security Ordinance. The big swoop, ordered by
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  • 350 9 Big hotels badly hit: Shows are off at several cinemas By SOH TIANG KENG SINGAPORE, Tues. Leading hotels and cinemas In town were today hard-hit by the strike called by the Singapore Association of Trade Unions. Workers In Raffles, Sea View, Adelphl, Ambassador and Ocean Park hotels went on strike
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  • 128 9 SINGAPORE, Tues.— Four teachers union today appealed to all members to rive free lifts to schoolchildren affected by the bus strike. The appeal was in a joint statement issued by the Singapore Teachers' Union, the Singapore Chinese School Teachers' Union, the Malay Teachers' Union and the
    128 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 87 9 B^V llascara K^l^Hfl High Fashion I Swiss Fabrics k/ -'I jyR js^BßP^b^bHbT i i 9b^b^^Hbw£^b^b^E* 1 JHfti I B^B^B^B^B^BSB^B^B B^Bk I "mm Isfl Hb^b^b^b^H w^b^s^b^bHb^bW b^b^b^bH LASCARA FASHION FABRICS Cool, crisp, elegant. Wide Selection of luxurious textures. Ideol for 2-piece suits, tailored dresses Continental Fashion Colours. ond s QC k
      87 words
      72 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 509 9 Today's radio, TV da; 10.30 Behind The Scenes; RADIO SINGAPORE H.OO Music Festival; 12.00 (midnight) Close Down. mmn A 2L^ m "ADIO MALAYSIA •hobtwav* memm "ffl?^ -JSTSS 1 41 metm A.M.; 6.00 Time Signal. Ne-gara-ku; 6.02 Prelude To BreakAjj. 6.00 Good Morning; fast; 7.00 Time Signal The «.O1 Morning Prelude;
      509 words

  • 57 10 Waiting for the buses that stayed away... School child REN wait in vain fur buses in I iong Bahru Road. They, like many others, had not known about the strike called by the Singapore Association of Tradr L'nions. Many walked to school and were late. Others board- (I taxis, which
    57 words
  • 495 10 For the STC it's business as usual: Chinese companies have a few vehicles on road SINGAPORE, Tuesday. ()FFICE workers and schoolchildren were caught- off guard this morning by the strike by employees of 10 Chinese bus companies. They are members of the Singapore Bus
    495 words
  • 219 10 ITUALA LUMPUR. v Tues.— The Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, Inche Bahaman bin Shamsuddin, said today that the general strike by at least 100,000 workers in Singapore would "naturally affect" the rest of Malaysia. He told reporters at bis monthly Press conference that
    219 words
  • 249 10 SINGAPORE, Tues. ■3 Prof. Harry E. Groves, head of the Department of Law in the University of Singapore has been elected dean of the faculty for the next three years, succeeding Mr. B. L. Chua. Prof. Groves, a visiting Asia Foundation professor of constitutional law at
    249 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 678 10 The New G. E. C. of refrigerators «T ~2J3SOT»Eur Cintril Electrical t Kefritiratiu U, l^jSy^ScSr 346. Joo Ctiiat Road, (15). A V\y? C»«n H*' 1 El«ctrical Ci ■<%J V 613, Geylang Road, (14). k 4i. tt »d at 21, Middli Road. Famous G.E.C. qimlitpßfttigerators-- value-priced! T£*£w»*+aa. r Far East RifriftratiM
      678 words

  • 254 11 You are Judged by the Way You Speak and Write Are you content with the way you speak and write? Are you sure that you are not making mistakes that cause people to underrate you? You are judged by your English. Thousands are handicapped because
    254 words
  • 307 11 Hold-up gang take a baby as hostage SERVANT THREATENED: GIVE US $100 OR WE KILL HER J£UALA LUMPUR; Tues. A three-month-old girl was held hostage when three robbers raided a house in Shanghai Gardens, off the 3£ mile Klang Road, last night. The robbers, all carrying daggers had threatened to
    307 words
  • 25 11 SINGAPORE. Tues.— The Singapore Medical Workers' Onion has moved its head office from North Canal Road to No. 6-W. Kirn Keat Road.
    25 words
  • 173 11 PENANG, Tuesday. A GOVERNMENT Information Services field officer, Inche Mohamed Noor bin Othman. described in court today how he routed with an umbrella two armed robbers on the night of Aug. 15. "I pleaded with them at nrst but realising this would have no effect,
    173 words
  • 20 11 SUNOEI PATANI. Tues. A passing-out parade will be held at the Ourlch* Training Depot here oo Ocu 17.
    20 words
  • 260 11 ORCHIDS: THEIR IMPORTANCE TO S'PORE SINGAPORE, Tuesday. THE Yang di-Pertuan Negara, Inche Yusof bin Ishak, told a large gathering of orchid enthusiasts from all over the world today that a thriving orchid industry with a world export market could be of great importance to Singapore's economy. He was opening the
    260 words
  • 61 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— The four-man commission of Inquiry Investigating the cholera outbreak in Malacca last May today completed its work and expects to submit its report to the Government next month. The commission, under the chairmanship of Senator Khaw Khai Boh. began its work in Malacca
    61 words
  • 140 11 Lab men call off 48-day campaign IZUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The 48-day work-to-rule by more than 200 laboratory assistants employed in hospitals throughout Malaya and the Institute for Medical Research has been called off. This follows settlement of some major claims put ap by the Laboratory Assistants Union to the Ministry
    140 words
  • 87 11 I^UALA LUMPUR. Tues. The Chief Minister of Penang, Dato Wong Pow Nee. arrived here this morning to attend a meeting of the Pulbright Commission. Five representatives from Malaya and the United States are meeting to discuss student exchange programme between the two countries.
    87 words
  • 20 11 PENANO. Tues. About $34,000 worth of textiles have been reported stolen from a godown In Church Street Ohaut.
    20 words
  • 111 11 KOTA BHABI'. Tues. Hussein bin Jiisof, 29. PMIP Trengfano State Assemblyraan, was charged today la the magistrate's court here with using criminal fores oo a midwife. Seriab binte Yahaya. 26. with intent to outrage her modesty. The offence was alleged to have been committed on
    111 words
  • 203 11 Found his stolen car on way to submit claim KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. A car worth $7,900, reported stolen in Seremban two days ago, was recovered by its owner here yesterday. According to the police, Mr. Tan Lay Kai. a businessman, noticed a vehicle a grey Austin 60 parked In Batu
    203 words
  • 50 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. A vegetable seller. Lim Teck Soon. 50. was fined $5,000 or two years' jail by the Sessions Court today for possessing 5i 2.933 worth of opium at the railway station here on March 22. He did not pay tba fine and went to jail.
    50 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 238 11 ["Coupon for FREE BOOKLET.""! THE REGENT INSTITUTE I (DEFT. G/468C), PALACE GATE, LONDON, W.B, ENGLAND. I Please send me without obligation a free copy of "Word Mastery," with details of your I special arrangements for Overseas students. I NAME I I ADDRESS I Burroughs is the name for Accounting MACHINES
      238 words
    • 280 11 FA 2858 jo^ De Witt's ANTACID POWDER taken in water-SOON STOPS INDIGESTION y- jR^QUHUU Fast action prompt relicf quickly [n£;< El||lU9l*M soothes your upset stomach Soon l^v-< BniSM**( you're enjoying your meals again! 'indie* sTION| So get some DeWitt s Antacid R^ i > m~± *g£ Powder NOW! X- S^-
      280 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 870 12 (Contitraed mm Page I) SITUATIONS VACANT M Word* SI (Min.)— Box It rfs. extra REQUIRED C.E.B. RECI6TERED > i reman nil for contract Jobs in Johore. Please apply with full part, •iiars aad state whether desirous on xvlaned or contract basis. Box A 6074 S.T. B'pore. VACANCIES FOR SHOP Assistants,
      870 words
    • 534 12 SITUATIONS VACANT :<> Word* SS (Min.)— Box St et*. aatrm EXPERIENCED TIMBER GRADER required by British Company In Singapore. Only those with select aad better grading qualifications need apply. Applications hi own haadwrtting encloalng copies of testimonials and particulars of career todate to Box A 6072 S.T. Spore. EXPERIENCED ENGINEERING
      534 words
    • 563 12 ACCOMMODATION VACANT 2* Wards SS (Mim.)— Baa It eta. aatrm NEW CALICO Guest House 8 Claymore Hill 8/D rooms avalable F/B laundry in Orchard Road,, near Lido Theatre. Tel: (Spore) *****. SITUATED NEAR J>rtncess Circus. Fully furnished three bedroom bungalow, China, cutler/, telephone, amah's quarters. Rent $450 per month, telephone
      563 words
    • 546 12 HOUSES ft LAND WANTED It Wards SI (Him,) Bam It eta, tatrm WANTED: Land In or around Kuala Lumpur for Immediate development by private Individual. Box ASI43 B.T. K.L. WANTED LAND WITH or without building in high class residential district of low density Area above 15.U00 sq.ft.. Pleaae offer with
      546 words
    • 511 12 TUITION JO ITars»i U (Uo*.) Baa It eta. mMtrm POH SAN Dance Studio 263 Outran) Road. Spore teaches Latin/off Beat Cha Cha/Ballroom Twist/Madison. Lessons by appointment (*****). ORCHARD DRIVING SCHOOL Experienced English Speaking Insuuuwa. Dual -con trolled Morris 1100. 1000. 807 Orchard Road B'pora Tel: *****. FOR SPOKEN ENGLISH consult
      511 words
    • 967 12 HIRE PURCHASE M Words SS (Him.)— Bam It eta. aatrm COOD USED OARS on Easy Payments. Contact: Oman Boas Tradmi Co. Ltd., 161. Levaodar Street. (B'pore/, Tel: *****/*****. FOR HIRE tt Words SI (Him.)— Baa SO eta, way AUTO RENTAL U-Dr.»e from 115.00 Dally. 170.00 Weekly. A.A. Heneflta. Evcrfine Co.,
      967 words
    • 951 12 VEHICLES FOR SALE tt Word* SS (Mlm.>—Baa It eta. aatrm LATE TMO SI MO A Arlane fair* taxed and Insured 32 m.pi. good condition $2,500 0.n.0. Ring Naval Base Ext. 690. QUALITY UMD CARS call now GEORGE LEE MOTORS LIMITED 200 Clemenceau Avenue. Singapore V. Telephone: 3033 L FONC ft
      951 words
    • 912 12 FOR SALE tt Words SS (Mim.)— Box St rfs. «stre XXXMI REMOVAL SALB! 10.000 Hoaaehold items All Most be Cleared! CCC Junk Store "The Curio alty Shop." 137 Wlnstedt Drive, Spore Tel: *****/*****. VISIT RED SEA AQUARIUM for Oald Fish, Fancy Trepieal fim, Plants, Midieinet. Neveltitt. AssesserlSi, Aquariums. Mobbynt Becks
      912 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1472 13 TB LIVERPSOL ft WEST COAST U.K.. UutS'ptrt Mill S'hwa >-«nar>t AJU 1181 Ha.ft Hamtari ll Pt/Oct II Oct 11 "IRHUS iml o-iß..f. Ciitto* let 11 Stl U Stt M/11 Set II intASTus L Mil. Dublin, Hamburg Set 11 Stt II let 11/JI Set II fIPENOI Li.irpill Glasttm ...II Set II
      1,472 words
    • 2219 13 i^3l THE E AC LINES BENr^IENE ■KL*JBK«« mtmummom l*jm*u«i—. m*>m.J j/i.w*u.ou*t EXPJESS SERVICE TO LONDON. LIVERPOOL ft CONTINENTAL PORTS. S'pori P. S ham Penang i««b^»^b^»^ lENLAWERS L'laa R'dan D'aan. M'kn SAILINGS IS CENOA. U NAVII HAMOUM, tlkMtN. ANIWtRT Cnoutk Set 11/15 Set 11/21 let 21/22 ROTTERDAM. AMSTEtbAM OSLO. GOTHENOURt AND
      2,219 words
    • 1228 13 feMcAUSTER CO.. LTD. fV 111. Na. SHU. ?*OV CLLERNAH LIMB «Jc KLAVBNBSS LINE LONOON. HAMBURG, RITTtIIAM, LOS ANGELES, SAN FRANCISCO. HAVRE. NULL ft MIDDLESBROUGH SEATTLE. VAHCOUVER ft PSRTLAHI nil u>u Atciptitf cargt Itr Cittral ft Sutk Kill vr uimiiin America S'pon P. Sham Pinang 24/25 Oct 21/27 Oct BRONXVILLE I
      1,228 words

  • 551 14 From Our Market Correspondent rE volume of business done on the Malayan Stock Exchange yesterday did not indicate any panic selling. Nevertheless when the Exchange opened yesterday morning the Singapore general strike and Government warning on the security situation caused some fairly heavy
    551 words
  • 21 14 Malayan Stock Indices Oct. 7 Oct. 8 Industrials: 121.60 119.78 Tins: 105.24 105.26 robber*: 109.41 109.41 Dec 29. 1962=100
    21 words
  • 684 14 POMBINKD business In the Slngapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Malayan Stock Exchange yesterday, with the number of the shares traded In brackets: INDUSTRIALS: Dunl*P« 52.73 SL, (1,000) $2 SO. (1.000) 12.77. (2,000) $2 72. (6.000) $2.73. (8,000) 52.75, (2.000) 5270: fait (1.000) 12.97,
    684 words
  • 23 14 October 8 MALAYAN RUBBER PRICE: 68 cents (up 11 cento). TIN: $462 (unchanged).' Estimated unofficial offering 240 tons (down 10 tons).
    23 words
  • 184 14 (OFFICIAL QUOTATIONS) October 8. Three months. INDUSTRIALS Dtuilops 2(i eta. M. Cement 18 eta. E Smelters 20 cts. Containers 12 eta. Esso 21 eta. McAllater 14 eta. Ked Dls. IS eta. Robinson 13 eta. F. A N. 18 cts. C. Storage 4id. Gammon 16 cts. Rotbmans 11 eta.
    184 words
  • 67 14 /'NINES! Pr.duc. Exchanai, Smgav per. o.on pnc.i par sicul ynurds r Coconut .11: bulk $46 sellers, drum $4k» sellers. COPRA: Oct. Nov. I'K/CootlDent J3u bu>ers. Pspswr: Muntok whit* $147 a sellers. Sarawak white J146 sellers, spaclal Sarawak black Ilia sellers, garbled Lamponc black $113 sellers. ABTA <127 i
    67 words
  • 103 14 MELBOURNE. Tues. INDUSTRIALS were barely steady. Most leaders lost ground led by B.H.P. down Is. to 525. Generally, however, moves were narrow with falls in excess of rises. Oih were fairly steady, but base betab continued to ease. Loans were steady. C.R.A.. 22/* Mount Isa 36/4 N. Broken
    103 words
  • 252 14 OCTOBER flnt s.rarj* rubber buyers f.e.k). closed at 5 p.m. in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur yrsterday at bs cents per lb. up Ii cents on Monday's closing level (or the positon. The tone was uncertain. R.A.S. and F.M.R.E. elonni prices In cants per lb. yotteiday: Int. 1 K.S.S.
    252 words
  • 263 14 SHIPS lying alongside the Singapore wharves today an: Stentor 40, Polydorus 10/11. Chitral 1/2, Maxwell Brander 47, Sliver Peak 6A, Bengalis Bt/SS, Kphesos 3X/39, Kunak 23/2*. Murcell Nowotko 42/43, Martha Bakke ti, 7, Herta Maersk 88/SS, Keying Gull IK. Reifenatein 13/14. Manrtui. Auby N.W. 3, Pak Hoi
    263 words
  • 151 14 yHI Malayan Exetisnn* Banks' Atio--1 ilatlen made tbene changes In Ita rates to merchants yesterday (all rates to $100>: Niw Vark: buying TT 32 13/18, airmail OD 32 IS/16, 90 d/st. 334 credit bill*. 33 3/8 trade bills. Canada: buylnar TT aa 7/16, airmail OD 35 9/16, BO
    151 words
  • 361 14 rpHE price of Straits tin re--1 malned unchanged yesterday at $462 per plcul on an offering estimated down 10 tons to 240 tons. In London on Monday tin was steady throughout quite lively ring trading. In ;he absence of consumer demand the
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1087 14 ksasVm aissaasssa«ia^aWala^a^assas.laVss«aisaa \Y- <<^ I^^ &AWASAID KISEN &AJSHA. LTD. U.S.A. Pacific and Atlantic Sarvioe S'pori B> st.»i» nonfUMi H'nunj i_Angne» tutors "Kaniliai Mara* 28/11 Oct 1/ 2 Nat 7 Nit BHn 28 Mar 21 Bar II Bac "liliria Mara" 2T/28 Nat 1 Bae IDk I Be* M Bat n Die
      1,087 words
    • 961 14 I™!ORIENTl LINES l ROUND VOYAGE TO JAPAN S.S. "CHUSAN" (24,000 tons fully oirconditioned stabilised) Deport*:— Penang 16th October 1963 Singapore 1 9th October 1963 For Hongkong 22nd /24th October, Japan 28th October/ l»t November Hongkong 4th/6th November Returns:— Singapore 9th November 1963 Penang lit* November 1963 Fares from: Penang $712.00
      961 words
      321 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 871 15 (Continued From Pate 12) WHERE TO STAY (Fed.) H Wm4k si <m,h.,—Hux I* cv. mtm STRAITS GUESTHOUSE J ofTrr, ri'uuoiiin' 4t«vs, best lood acrvice. lei ::\M NEW (TRAITS VIEW Hotel J U Sranid.- Danciog KloorsDow Nightly. Tal: 21U/4. JOHORE HOTEL J.B. Kngllsb Caotoooc toot. Ail-conditioned Koonu f bone 239^, 6
      871 words
    • 297 15 NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that MR. ABDUL BASEETH 1* no I longer employed by us as from 7th October 1963. and that he has no authority to transact or collect monies on our behalf. MULCHANDS GOWNS 82-1, Bras Basah Road. Singapore-7. THE BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 11) PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS. In
      297 words
    • 392 15 Urn Llew Hlah (f) Padang Kelochor. I Jalan Merbau, Kota Bharu. Kelantan. TAKE NOTICE that an action has been commenced against you In the Supreme Court of the Federation of Malaya in the High Court at Ipoh as Divorce Suit No. 3 of 1963, b- Lv An Tik, of the
      392 words
    • 1687 15 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS TRENGGANU GOVERNMENT UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA VACANCY »--i APPLICATIONS are invited for Applications are invited from the following posts which are now BUte Nationals or Federal Citliens vacant, for appointment as Stenographer Ay (tegllsh Language) in the State < A > Ptour po f T B 2?
      1,687 words
    • 1174 15 TENDERS SINGAPORE POLTTECNIC TENDERS FOS LIBRARY BOOKS Tenders are invited from established Booksellers or Publishers for the supply of books to the Polytechnic Library for 1964. Full details and tender forms are obtainable from the Assistant Registrar (Finance). Tenders In sealed envelopes and marked: "Supply of Books to Polytechnic Library".
      1,174 words
    • 141 15 r Bj REDDAWAY I Tractaply i the nylon reinforced CONVEYOR BELTING More flexible laterally so impro»rt tracking. Rot-resistant jiylon weft it stronger, less bulky. Super impact resistance. REDDAWAY AIR, WATER AND FIRE HOSES "StPFR CAMBUTK"' illllllllllllllllllllHlllllll M-kLUilimiH,ia,a,LHm^ii..llU.i „^,..,u i, Ji Rubber Hoses for Delivery and Suction purposes reinforced with Canvas.
      141 words

    • 247 16 Morning Glow get off to a good start in Chua Cup SINGAPORE, Tues. —MornIng Glow Tennis Club, playing In their first major competition, got off to a good start when they beat Com- bined Schools 5-1 In the Chua Cup yesterday. V.M.C.A., the holders, also scored an Impressive 4-2 win
      247 words
    • 235 16 SINGAPORE, Tues. The composition of the Malaysian Davis Cup selection committee has caused "discontent" among officials of the Singapore Lawn Tennis Association. Dr. Chan Ah Kow. the SLTA president, told the Straits Times: "We had thought that since Malaysia were going to compete
      235 words
    • 2353 16  -  by Epsom Jeep RACING I LIKE Kita Suka in the main sprint (3.05) at Kuala Lumpur this afternoon. The Aldershot mare showed promise first time out at Penang when she ran the useful Double Chance (now in Class 1) to 1$ lengths over 6f
      2,353 words
    • 172 16 EPSOM JEEP CALL BOY POINTER ANAK KULIM KING POWER ZODIAQIE Rae* 1 King Power Tally Star Sister Cindy Tolly Star Anak Kullm King Power POWERFUL POWERFUL \T\MI Race t Highland Spring Tee Up Powerful Tee Up Kue Royale Karpton EXECUTIVE B. UNTONG SENIOR Rae« 1 Beradu Untong Executive
      172 words
    • 81 16 T ONDON. Tues. Seven valuable racehorses found dead at York yesterday by their trainer Joe MulhaU. had been "accidentally poisoned," a veterinary surgeon said last night. George Sutherland, the vet. said an irritant poison was involved. "On Sunday we knew what it was. but unfortunately by then
      Reuter  -  81 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 205 16 ?08/ER/62 You get 17 flights every week by H a m [rolls BOhl ROLLS-ROYCE jjfc JETS W RO YCE -mtamuim^Mnttm^a^a^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^J^mm^mr JkmttLt ■»T^f-^i»TMr v^Hlln^»M>^tuiiAmi_i^^Jn>iiimi^__ ■^^'Sißjsg<« r r All I jf mßm|llu^ '^f^^tmwt' *cV x*'*- »W 8 EASTBOUND 9 WESTBOUND Fly in the supreme comfort and reliability of Rolls-Royce Comets or 707s
      205 words

    • 257 17 Four-zone system, suggests Jag-jit HOCKEY DENANG, Tues.— Penang Hockey Association President Jag-jit Singh suggested today that Malaysia should be divided into four zones for hockey if the standard of the game was to improve. "This zoning system would be fair to all the member states of the proposed Malaysian Hockey
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    • 18 17 SINGAPORE. Tues. All Singapore Government Services PA Cup ties scheduled for tomorrow and Thursday have been postponed.
      18 words
    • 745 17  -  Norman Siebel by Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday JJALAYSI AN athletics, so successfully started in last month's Festival meet at the Merdeka Stadium, will take a big step forward in the Malaysian Government Services championships which will be held on the Kuala Lumpur Padang from Friday to Sunday.
      745 words
    • 87 17 SCC 2 SCHOOLS 0 SINGAPORE. Tues. The Singapore Cricket Club got off, to a winning start in the Singapore Hockey Association League Dlv. 1 today. This was a splendid achievement i by the SCC considering that they suited the match with nine men' and finished with
      87 words
    • 62 17 SOCCER Penang Div. 1: Ramblers 3 TPCA 0. Spore Div. 3: Kg Kapor 3 Sukaramal 0. Taiping League: 7th RMR 5 Persatuan Melayu 1. Friendly (Sg PaUni): Ibrahim Sec School 3 Han Chiang (Pen* ang) 3. HOCKEY Pahang inter-*rhool final (Temerloh): Abu Bakar (Temerloh) 1 MES (Bentong) 0. Friendly
      62 words
    • 208 17 MCA pick 'nationals only' side for HK CRICKET by Ernest Frida ITUALA LUMPUR, Tues. iV —The Malayan Cricket Association today named 17 Malaysian players for the tour of Hong Kong next month. Chief selector P. Selvanayagam said today that this was the first time that no Services players were chosen.
      208 words
    • 126 17 HOCKEY Spore Div. 1: University v Khalsa (Bt. Timah Rd) SOCCER Spore Business Houses League and Cup Final: Spore Glass v Malayan Airways (Jn Besar 7 p.m.); Junior Final: Borneo Motors v Jardine Waugh (Jn. Besar 5.15). RUGBY UNION XL club matches: University v Forces Signals (Pan tali;
      126 words
    • 271 17 Selangor Club pack show power S'GOR CLUB 16 SURE HANDLING AND STRONG RUNNING IN THE RAIN INVITATION XV J» KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The Selangor Club pack showed their power today when they overwhelmed a Padang Invitation XV 16-5. The heavier but more mobile Selanßor forwards "steamrolled" their wav to two
      271 words
    • 188 17 TABLE TENNIS SINGAPORE. Tuee. Majeed Khan, manager of the visitlug Pakistani table tennis team said last night that participation by a Singapore team In the Pakistan open championships had become "very necessary.'* Mr. Khan said this after his team's 7-2 defeat by a Singapore Youth team at
      188 words
    • 426 17 THE WORLD of SPORT A CCRA, Tues. —Joe Tetteh I A has been admitted to hospital for treatment to multiple Injuries suffered In his British Commonwealth featherweight title flght with the holder Floyd Robertson here on Saturday night. I Tetteh, who holds the Ghana
      Reuter  -  426 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 103 17 liwiHsiw^i**- IbV ifl^B^B^B^B^ B^Bj Isw^^^-.v f Bx^^BK IK. my' mm mv .^m ~^mmm^ mm (Rt?*^ **J^mwmm. mm b^"w AmW&mJ^ Wr^k HP 7 mm "when you have fuel pumps to service you must have 3Lx^z°^2 attention" MulU-Cyllno>r ErwioMd Cimih«(i Noule \i& long Situ Pump with Mfchiinc»l. Hydraulic NoxxJt •nd Pn»um»lic Oovernor*
      103 words
    • 423 17 These are the books that Hitler burned These are the books that had to bum. If you seek more from life than you you can find new understanding of yourFor within the great books are volumes now have, don't miss this opportunity to self and the world through the gr
      423 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 318 17 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 8. Not firm, due to naalr up** 1. For settling a stiff bill? (4. 4). (8). 5. Endless animals, and one bird 7. Mark's sweet! (S). S. Read a French paper when 9. Inventor appears to depend swallowing a drink (S). confidently on backing of re-
      318 words

  • 196 18 Philippines demands a formal undertaking UNITED NATIONS, Tues. The Philippines today demanded a formal commitment by Malaysia to settle the Philippine claim to Sabah (North Borneo) peacefully as a first step to renewing diplomatic relations. The Philippines Foreign Secretary. Mr. Salvador Lopez, addressing the General Assembly, attacked the British Government
    UPI  -  196 words
  • 34 18 NEW DELHI, Tues.. A large number of Chinese soldiers have been killed and the goods of the Tibetan traders they were protecting looted by Khamba tribesmen, according to Nepalese traders entering India.
    34 words
  • 79 18 DEVAVANI AMMA. Meda Vrvdu. AnJtnKO beloved mother of Blvananoo. 23 Jalan Krnyowc Singapore pasted away at Anj.niio on Mh October MADAM CHAI KEN CHIN panted away peacefully on v.i 0.83 leaving 3 tana Lrr Ma Onn. Tnhun Kong, Tahun Svn hnd 4 iiaiiKhtern tfyak Chin. Bynk T«hln. Slak Jin
    79 words
  • 765 18 policy of confrontation against Malaysia. "Our union leaders have made no secret of their sympathies with the foreign enemies of Malaysia, particularly with the Communist Party of Indonesia. "As patriotic workers of Singapore, we cannot afford to remain as tools in the
    765 words
  • 163 18 23 arrested at Naval Base on obstruction charge SINGAPORE, Tues. Police this morning: arrested 23 striking members of the Singapore Naval Base Labour Union for causing obstruction at the Woodlands and Canberra gates of the Naval Base. All were released on bail later at the Bukit Panjang police station. Meanwhile,
    163 words
  • 110 18 AKARTA. Tues. The •I Governor of North Sumatra has ordered a British and an American ship to leave Slbolga port after unloading their cargo, according to Antara News Agency today. Antara said the cargo, rubber, was to have been shipped to Singapore, but because
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 63 18 PARIS. Tues. President De Gaulle today watched military chiefs in action In a mock atomic war at their atom-proof and radiation-proof command post at Tavemy. near Parts. The post, responsible for permanent air defence of French territory, is a vast underground shelter entered by a
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 22 18 SEOUL. Tues.— The death toll In Korea's cholera epidemic reached 58 lives today, with 18 new cases reported. UPT
    22 words
  • 136 18 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues The Malaysian AttorneyGeneral,. Dato CM. Sheridan, will go on retirement from Friday. The new Attorney-Ceneral will be the acting Principal Federal Counsel, Inche Abdul Kadlr bin Yusof. Dato Sheridan, who will be the last of a long line of expatriate
    136 words
  • 393 18 LONDON, Tues.— Tempo slackened In the London stock exchange today, though prices maintained their Irregular course. The major factor Inhibiting buyers was undoubtedly the Impending Tory conference and the uncertainty about the party's leadership. Chartered Bank put In a spurt of Is. 6d. to 645.
    393 words
  • 414 18 ROBBERS GET $4,000 IN 60-sec. SNATCH By SYLVIA CHUA and HO SAI KONG PENANG, Tuesday pOL'R armed robbers staged a lightning hold-up outside the Bank Negara building in Church Street this afternoon and escaped with a box containing $4,000 in cash and two bundles of cheques carried by a Telecommunications
    414 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 20 18 Late CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS MAY: On Ortobrr Mh .it Anaunta Hnxpital Prtmint; Java to Guyoetb and John v mmi. Richard John.
      20 words
    • 84 18 TO KNOW ACCURATE tt TIME RELY ON FAMOUS W 9L SWISS MADE /ggx t-'*'^ 1 ACCURATE ROBUST SUPERB IN STYLE AND ELEGANT IN FASHION AVAILABLE AT ■ALL LEADING WATCH DEALERS. BThe Stereo for true-to-life performance I Singapore 6- Penang $795/Kederation $955/T ie Stereo for true-to-life performance is this elegant new
      84 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 43 18 TJIGHEST and lowest tempera tures In Malaya and Singapore for the period 8 p.m. on Monday to 8 p.m. yesterday: Highest Lowest Kuala Lumpur 90 73 Kota Bharu 88 73 Penang 88 i 72 Ipoh 00 72 Malacca 86 70 Singapore 88 73
      43 words