The Straits Times, 4 July 1963

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 19 1 AVFItAGE DAILY CEBTIFIEP SALE EXCEEDS 100.000 The Straits Times Estd. 1845. THURSDAY. JULY 4, 1963 15 CENTS. KDN 352
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  • Article, Illustration
    357 1  -  LESLIE HOFFMAN Malayan Cabinet fed up* IF TERMS REJECTED, THE FEDERATION'S DELEGATION WILL PROBABLY RETURN FROM LONDON ALMOST IMMEDIATELY •BE PROUD OF YOUR MALAY National Language ■—Month includes YOU. From LONDON. Wednesday MALAYA has made a "last offer" on the financial terms for Singapore's entry into the
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  • 336 1 by FELIX ABISHEGANADEN KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Tengku Abdul Rahman described today as a "good sign" the fact that the Malaysia negotiations in London were still going on. "Once they stop talking." he told me after today's Cabinet meeting. "then anything
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  • 72 1 SOU THEND-ON-SEA (England*. Weu.— The Chief Constable of this East Coast resort warned today that he may prosecute sellers and wearers of novelty badges wH ich catch phrases as "I love it" Mr. w... McConnach said: "The budges may not In themselves be obscene, but the way
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 68 1 BANGKOK, Wed. A young I nan described us a brilliant student ye.-,teruay hacked his 45-year-old nurse to death with an axe. accoidlng to police reports in the local press here. The 25-year-old youth, a recent graduate of the Chulalongkorn University of Bangkok, had been suffering from
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 171 1 MADRID, Wed. Lord Audley. 49. husband of Sir Winston Churchill's actress daughter Sarah, died today after an jli-nulit club tour with his wife. They returned to the Alharabra Palace Hotel in Granada at about 5 a.m. Mixs Churchill went out again soon after.
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  • 77 1 KUCHINO. Wed— Sarawak s report for 1962. released today says the problem of "purely Chinese Communist subversion 1 became more and more serious during the year. "Firm action" had to be taken against a number of leaders of the i clandestine Communist organisation. "The Communist movement in
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  • 29 1 JAKARTA. Wed.— Relief supplies worth USt 10.000 for victim* of the Mount Agung eruption on Ball arrived here from Pnkistan yesterday aboard the navy vessel Halmahera— UPl.
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  • 29 1 LOS ANGELES. Wed Dr. Seth Nicholson. 72. a solar astronomer who discovered four of the 12 moons of Juplt«r. cited tn hospital here yesterday of cancer. —Reuter.
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  • 76 1 LONDON. Wed. Mr. John Profumo was today fined £4 and- had his licence endorsed fur speeding in his Mini-:ar on June 6— the day after he resigned as War M nister. He did not appear at the hearing, in a suburban magistrate's court. His solicitors
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  • 389 1 MYSTERY MAN: CHRISTINE WAS AN ATTRACTIVE, AMUSING COMPANION LONDON. Wed. Dr. Stephen Ward, ,">(). society osteopath and artist, was today committed for trial at the Central Criminal Court on vice charges. He declared immediately: "I deny all the charges completely." Hts lawyer
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  • 105 1 Welfare lottery every 3 weeks KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Social and Welfare Services Lotteries Board has decided to hold 18 lottery draws a year once 'every three weeks instead of once a month. Prises will remain the same. An official statement issued today said ticket sales for the first of
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  • 73 1 LONDON. Wed Three new Health Ministry posters appeared today urging the public to stop smoking. One showed a sheep smoking with the captton, "Yes. I smoke, but then I'm just another sheep. What about you?" Another showed a "prisoner" peering through bars made of cigarettes with the message
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  • 39 1 HONO KONO. Wed. Mr lan Holyman. who worked for the Australian National Airways before he west to Singapore and London, has arrived to take up his post as Assistant Trade CommKMoner with tlie Australian Traae Commission.— Reuter.
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  • 191 1 Borneo bandit killed in ambush I^UCHING. Wed. Security forces in Sarawak's First Division last night killed one of four armed bandits who walked into an ambush. The other three got away. This is the lirst positive success against the bandits since they began their sporadic attacks two months ago. A
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  • 27 1 LONDON. Wed. English International, footballer Stanley Matthews is to be made an honorary Freeman of Stoke-on -Trent, his birthplace, at a ceremony on July 25.
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  • 31 1 RUSSIAN PROTEST WASHINGTON Wed Russia today protected thr ;urr-t of Ruvian I".N. rmploycr <nd his wife on ipg (harcrs and demanded Ihcii immediate wlr^c I PI >rr Vizr I)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 68 1 n OPHTHALMIC OPTICIANS ll from LONDON for CONSULTATION. "**S K L. Tan, F BOA F.S.M.C. 38 A. Orchard Rood, Singapore 9 hc7 Nss^ a jV'"~^^ f( y MILK FROM THE WORLD'S RICHEST PASTURES SCBfca^^ SPECIALLY GOOD 55«5?]5f1r79 FOR GROWING 'iLlfl film CHILDREN AND smiAj4i^Jj^S ADULTS WHO [T j NEED EXTRA
      68 words
    • 22 1 jjN Ijn^^^jM^^Jfl fcHILIPSL,. You can trust PHILIPS-thcir telephone equipment is backed by years of experience Philips I c For further details consult:-
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    • 210 2 VIENTIANE. Wed. The neutralist Prime Minuter, Prince Souvanna Phoum.t has said he does not intend to seek intervention in Laos by the Western nations, the United Nations, or the South East Asia Treaty Organisation. "If the crisis were to become dangerously worse
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    • 17 2 BANGKOK. Wed.-Thawee Rarngkham has been appointed Thailand's Deputy Interior Minister by royal order.— U.P.I.
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    • 33 2 CANBERRA. Wed. Aid from Australia worth nearly £A 100.000 would reach Vietnam tn the next few days aboard the freighter Nellore the External Affairs Mlni.sirr. Sir Garfleld Barwick. announced today. Reuter.
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    • 29 2 TAIPEH. Wed— The Formosa High Court today reversed a three-year sentence imposed on Huang Chi-Jui, suspended Mayor 1 Talpeh, and acquitted him of a corruption charge. U.P.I.
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    • 24 2 MANILA. Wrd.— Striking workers of the Government Development Bank of the Philippines returned to work today after picketIng their offices yesterday. Reuter.
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    • 182 2 HONG KONG, Wednesday. J'HE eight-month drought ended today as further downpours swept the colony. Storage reservoirs went above the 2,000 million gallon mark for the first time in weeks as a runoff from yesterday's soaking rains continued. Between 500 and 600
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    • 93 2 SAN FRA N C I SCO. Wed.— Five American businessmen will go to Hong Kong in November to discuss trade relations with Communist Chin c se officials. Mr. Ernest Nash, co-chair-man of a group known as "Committee for a review of our China policy."
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    • 49 2 BEIRUT. Wed Eleven men described as Communists were executed in Iraq yesterday. according to Bagdad Radio It *ald they had killed citizens, hanged them from lamp posts and mutilated and burned their bodies during; the abortive coud in Mosul, northern Iraq, in 1959.— Reuter.
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    • 155 2 Chiang's commandos 'establish a base in Kiangsi' fPAIPEH, Wed. The A China News reported today that a Nationalist Chinese commando unit that landed on the Chekiang coast on June 27 had "successfully reached a guerilla base in Kiangsi Province in central China." Quoting military Intelligence reports, the English language newspaper
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    • 40 2 RANGOON. Wed. A double-deck river steamer plying between Moulmein and Paan in the Salween River. In southern Burma, sank in a storm on Monday. One hundred out of 213 crew and passengers aboard were rescued. Reuter.
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    • 41 2 TOKYO, Wed. A rally attended by about 4,300 members of the Japan Communist Party decided to protest to President Kennedy and to Prime Minister Ilceda against the proposed visits of American nuclear powered submarines to Japanese ports. Reuter.
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    • 165 2 IF RUSSIA OR CHINA THREW A BOMB AT BUNG— BY AIDIT JAKARTA. Wed. The chairman of the Indonesian Communist Party. Mr. D. N. Aidit. has said his party would oppose the Soviet Union or China if they disturbed Indonesia's security. In a lecture to the Army Staff College in Bandoeng;.
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    • 25 2 JAKARTA. Wed— Thailand will deliver 200.000 tons of rice to Indonesia under a "government to government" purchase contract signed recently in Bangkok.
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    • 295 2 Police launch blitz on Jakarta's call girls lAKARTA, Wed. J Police are launching round the clock raids to "minimise and put into order" the city's 10,000 prostitutes. The Police Commissioner. Mr. S. H. Taher. who Is directing the campaign, has ordered that prostitutes r»» port to the police, otherwise they
      Reuter  -  295 words
    • 60 2 HONO KONG. Wed.— A number of people were at present held in Hong Kong under the Deportation of Aliens Ordinance in connection with international narcotics trafficking, a. police spokesman said today. He declined to say how many people were involved. Hong Kong Press reports said
      Reuter  -  60 words
    • 39 2 MACAO. Wed. Macao police yesterday rescued four Chinese i»- fugees, including a woman and o seven-year-old boy. when strong winds overturned their small boat. They were sailing the boat from a commune to Macao. Reuter.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 55 2 *P I W^/mf \ft m jr W Klip 2 i m- m m I v v *i*' r '^^r ••VTX"V\y*x*X***'**-'"*Vft ■V'''-*'>>VV-''.l'>X.*^'''-'./''.^iii*.^P^^li/yiW? •'•j*i- '*'.'*'^^^^H 'i HHr» r rMtCP^ji.rf" >'"'-^^BE U if ir 1 Benson and Hedges in the gold pack000rfJmm best in King Size filter cigarettes '^^g^^^S^SSSSWlm^i l BENSON A HEDGES
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 210 3 FBI smash a Soviet spy ring with four arrests NEW YORK. Wed. A Russian I nitrd nations employee and his wife made a brief court appearance here last night charged with convpir.icv to commit espionage only hours after thr Attorneydrnrral announced that (he FBI had smashed a Soviet spy ring.
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    • 808 3 A no-war package deal offer by Khrushchev PARTIAL TEST BAN TREATY AND AN EAST-WEST NON-AGGRESSION PACT 'KENNEDY'S BERLIN VISIT POISONED THE- AIR' f]AST BERLIN, Wed. Mr. Khrushchev yesterday put forward a new formula for a partial test ban agreement. The Soviet Premier proposed an East-West test ban agreement in "space,
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    • 127 3 KENNEDY HOME AFTER HIS EUROPEAN TOUR WA S H I N GTON. Wed.— President Kennedy arrived near here by air early today after his 10-day European tour, tour. The flight from Naples took 11 hours and six minutes, including a 49-mlnute refuelling stop In the Azores. Stops and starts Mr.
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    • 103 3 LONDON, Wed. An unprecedented revolt by back-bench Labour Party members of the London County Council broke out today when 21 of them opposed a welcome for the King and Queen of Greece. One member told the council's monthly meeting that next week's State visit
      Reuter  -  103 words
    • 183 3 CHICAGO, Wed. The National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP) said yesterday President Kennedy's civil rights programme was inadequate. It demanded sweeping additional legislation in this session of Congress. Delegates to the 54th annual NAACP convention voted unanimously 'n favour of a resolution
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    • 44 3 JACKSON (Mississippi). Wed. The District Attorney said yesterday he would s« ck the death penalty for Byron de la Beckwitb. 42. who roes on trial today accused of the murder on June 12 of Negro I integration leader Medgar Evers. L.P.I
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    • 136 3 Air crash man who walked away NEW YORK, Wed. A MOhawk Ajrlines Martin 404 crashed in a blinding rain and hailstorm seconds after takeoff at Rochester yesterday. The pilot, co-pilot and five passengers were killed. Another 36 people on board were Injured, 21 of them crlti- j cally. AH but
      UPI  -  136 words
    • 59 3 GEORGETOWN (British Guiana), Wed. Police used tear gas yesterday to halt riots in the southern section of the "tty, after one man was killed and 11 Injured at nearby Betterhope. The situation was tense throughout the entire greater Georgetown area, while the entire nation reeled
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 87 3 V_ cst ixr r Till INYLFLEX FLOOR AND WALL TILES CHOOSE FROM 30 MODERN COLOURS Colours that are moulded through the tiles to last for years. CSR Vinylflex Floor Tiles art durable, rot proof and unaffected by tropical conditions easy to clean and keep clean. toy your own CSR Vinylflex
      87 words
    • 247 3 •••O fish hook, W W o rusty nail, a knife, 1 0 a broken bottle... .familiar, unnoticed things that vet can spell disaster to any man, woman or child... that by a scratch or a slight cut can give deadly germs an entrance through the skin. Whenever infection I b^T
      247 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 711 4 j-^gM^ h FIAT 500 D (SUNROOF) Youthful, exciting, small but keen to save your money— gives you over SO m p g LI I*M FIAT6«>D(ML'LTIPLA) f |f H»rd»oriet. carries 6 adulis or one plu> WO lbs of goods. Waiches your money too— over 40 m p.f. W -i^^^^lft v rliTl]
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  • 210 5 Where and why it's a working woman's world KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. It's a women's world in several unlikely areas of employment, according to the latest monthly report of the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare. The report lists several fields in which they have ousted the men and gives some
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  • 92 5 PORT DICKSON. Wed. A soldier who ran away because he was "depressed and overworked" v as today sentenced to 150 days' detention by a court martial. Trooper Ooi Kee Keone. 23. of the Second Reconnaissance Regiment, at Sungala Camp, admitted: Absenting himself for
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  • 199 5 ELEVENTH-HOUR CASE IN MALACCA PUTS OFF 'ALL CLEAR' SIGNAL KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The authorities were all set to declare Malaya cholera free from tomorrow, but an eleven ih hour case was reported from Malacca today. The acting Director of Medical Services, Dr. Ten Yoon Fong, announced: "One case
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  • 213 5 Now butterfly invasion hits Federation KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. jJUTTERFLIES are on the wing in Malaya. They resemble the pale yellow species reported to be making mass exodus from Singapore on Monday Mr. Frank Maglmay, a CEB engineer, said today that at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, he was In a clearing
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  • 140 5 MARSHALL WANTS ASSEMBLY TO MEET SINGAPORE. Wed.— An I Independent member of the Legislative Assembly, Mr. David Mar-, shall, today said that he had asked the Deputy i Prime Minister, Dr. Toh i Chin Chye, to convene! an urgent meeting of; the Legislative Assem- bly to discuss matters i connected
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  • 110 5 SINGAPORE, Wed. The National Trades Union Congrees will examine the situation in regard to moves made by the Amalgamated Union of Public Employees in connection vlth the strike of civilians in the police force. Thi* reply was given by the secretary-general of the
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  • 101 5 Rainmaker is ready but still no clouds in right places SINGAPORE, Wed. Australian rainmaker, Mr. E.J. Smith, was at the airport waiting In vain again today for suitable clouds to appear over the catchment areas. Up to late afternoon no suitable clouds were reported by. the Meteotoiocical Department Meanwhile a
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  • 51 5 SINGAPORE, Wed. Tay Chwee Seng pleaded not auiltv in a magistrate's court today to a charge of attempting to extort 85.000 from Pek Chwee Kirn. a dealer In second-hand Roods, in his house in Have lock Road on April 30. Tay was allowed $2,500 ball pending
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  • 48 5 SINGAPORE. Wed. Ong Ngee Ane. 53. and Wee Choon Wall. 66. were each fined Sl.OOO. or tiiree months' jail, by a magistrate's court today for assisting in a chup-'i-ki lottery in Queen's Street and Rowell Rond respectively on July 3. Both pleaded guilty.
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  • 28 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed— The Peel Road Convent here will hold a fun fair in aid of its school building fund starting at 10 a.m on Saturday.
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  • 24 5 IPOH Wed. The Klnta SaUlng Club will hold a family sailing day for members at Teluk Muroh. near Lumut. on Sunday.
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  • 212 5 CHEATING CHARGE IS DENIED BY MCA DENANG. Wed. The K Penang M.C.A. today denied charges that it had "cheated" people of their claims against "mushroom" insurance companies. In a statement issued this afternoon, the MCA explained that the delay in settling claims was due to the period of time provided
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  • 119 5 SINGAPORE, Wed. The wives and families of British troops serving with the security forces in Sarawak may now, in some circumstances, Join their husbands for a holiday. An army statement today said that normally the men are sent back to Singapore for rest
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  • 107 5 KLALA LLAIFLR. Wed. A survey to find out just how badly Kuala Lumpur's streets are choked with traffic started today. During peak hours survey teams were out keeping track on car movements. They did this by handing motorists different coloured cards at selected intersections
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  • 90 5 Equal pay wait for women SINGAPORE. Wed. Singapore women teachers will have to wait for some time before they can get equal pay as their male counterparts. This is revealed by the Singapore Chinese School Teachers' Union In a circular to members. According to the circular, the Ministry of Education,
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  • 62 5 IPOH, Wed. A woman. Chong Loon, 52, pleaded auilty in the Sessions Court here today to illegal possession of a Japanese bayonet and a bicycle chain whip in a house in Bunions New Village on June 9. Sentence was postponed. Three other women and eight
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  • 31 5 SINGAPORE. Wed.— Dr. Llm Kok Ann. Professor of Bacteriology at the University of Singapore. 1 attending a World Health Organisation conference on respiratory virus and entero virus in Geneva.
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  • 32 5 KAMPAR. Wed. Lav Wing. 16. a pupil of the Pel Yuen Chinese School here, was electrocuted while trying to retrieve his kite from a hjgh tension cable yesterday.
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  • 44 5 PENANG. Wed. Khoon San Oh, 30. was today charged with robbing Saw Lip Chong of $347.50 in a back lane off Prangln Road on June 1. Khoon, who was also accused of wounding Saw during the holduo. was remanded in custody.
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  • 152 5 MAN IN COURT: SENTENCE ME TO DEATH TELUK ANSON. Wed.— An unemployed man. Goh Bee. 76, begged a magistrate to sentence him to death when he pleaded guilty to attempted suicide at Sungei Suli near Teluk Anson on June 28. Senior Inspector Sewa Singh, prosecuting, told the court that P.
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  • 34 5 IPOH. Wed. Three men armed with a pistol and knives entered a shop at Trong near Taiping and robbed the owner. Madam Kok Moav Sam. of S3O and $15 worth of provisions.
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  • 24 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. A fete will be held in the grounds ol the Presbyterian Church at Weld Road hero on Saturday.
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  • 147 5 SINGAPORE, Wed. Three cars, a van, a motor cycle and a scooter were stolen in Singapore yesterday. The first car wa.s .stolen at 12.30 a.m. from Kitchener Road, where its owner. Chin ,Su Loi, had gone for a meal. A van was
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  • 61 5 Warship in to celebrate SINGAPORE, Wed. Tiie desI troyer U.S.S. Duncan of the i United Stales Seventh Fleei arrived here this morning to .10:11 m the celebrations ot American Independence Day tomorrow. On board was ihr fieri ooin- irunder's band, which will be In attendance at .ill tin- function! ors:niised
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 187 5 OUR GRAND SALE NOW ON BIG REDUCTIONWONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY! ■acauta af our ganwna Mia, evary ii ollowtd to bay only 2 P<a<a. of each it.m mentioned "Cracodil." non-mtn (tack JJ.9O UP per pc. Crocodilo" tic. Tenon t iic r Cotton Yamaman ihirt $3.20 4 UP par piece (Naad no iromna ift
      187 words
    • 341 5 aMataWataff^Bii aft only healthy hair can be beautiful Seeing is believing— try LOXENE but once and \ou will see your hair, though dull before, has suddenly become richly lustrous and soft as silk. LOXENE MEDICATED SHAM- U_| POO is a luxurious shampoo that first removes every trace ot dulling grease
      341 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 125 6 THE Yang di-Pertoan Negara. Incbe Yusof bin Ishak. the Chief Scout of Singapore, extends his left hand to Miss Kal Bandara. the only woman in the Singapore contingent to the 11th Boy Scout World Jamboree at Marathon in Greece next month This Strait* Times picture was
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  • 549 6 j SINGAPORE. Wed MR. J.J. RATTRAY today submitted in the Second Industrial Arbitration Court that the provisions of the Industrial Relations Ordinance, where applicable, could over-ride the provisions of any certified collective agreement. Mr. Rattray, representing the P.A.R. Malayan Paint Works Ltd., was making nib
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  • 114 6 CONCERT BY SINGAPORE'S HARMONICA VIRTUOSO SINGAPORE'S talented harmonica player. Yew HongJen will give a recital at the Victoria Theatre on July 17 at 8.45 p.m. He will be accompanied by pianist Lim Pec-Yin. Yew* programme for the night will include works by Bach, Arthur Benjamin, Vaufhan Williams, Brahms, Debussy, De
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  • 171 6 Guest is freed of murder charge SINGAPORE, Wed. Mr. Justice Chua in the Assize Court today acquitted and discharged Lav Teck Siang, 35, a clog maker, on a charge of murdering Lim Kirn Yeok, 27, a City Council labourer. The judge acquitted Lav following the jury's unanimous verdict of not
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  • 66 6 DID YOU SEE THIS ACCIDENT? SINGAPORE, Wed. The Traffic Police are appealing for witnesses to an accident where an elderly pedestrian was hit by a motor-cyclist on June 30. The pedestrian. Chla Cheng Huat, 66, of Tiong Bahru Road, died two hours alter admission to the General Hospital. Eye-witnesses to
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  • 48 6 SINGAPORE. Wed. Lim Sec Poo, a hawker who successfully sued his wife. Wee Ah Hion, for divorce in the High Court on Monday, on grounds of adultery was awarded $1,500 damages against the co-respondent a driving instructor, and not $5,000 as reported In the Straits Times.
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  • 29 6 SINGAPORE. Wed. Three members of the Sivathondan Society of Yalpanam In Ceylon will give talks at the Ceylon Sports Club in Balestier Road tomorrow at 7 p.m.
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  • 159 6 SINGAPORE, Wed— Esah binte Pa'at, 22, the wife of a Malay constable, Hamid bin Yusoff. was awarded damages of $10,500 by Mr. Justice Wlnslow in the High Court today for personal injuries suffered by her in a road accident 22 months ago. Hamid was
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  • 150 6 SINGAPORE, Wed. A detective. Tan Mong Sia, under a district court sentence of nine months* jail on each of two charges of corruptly giving a total of $15 in bribes ro four policemen, was cleared on appeal in the High Court today. Anotner man. Lee Ah Hiang.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 320 6 I -M»]:M.§ 2nd BIG WEEK! 11 a.m. -1.30-4. 00 -6 30 9.30 p.m. H^'^^^^^^^^nr'jl King of the Kf^MpMht-iMppfi B Wolf pack KB»^r# I (iww torn p m^ S»Q> -Pius! Walt Disney's Special Featurette In Color S "A FIRE CALLED JEREMIAH" j^" .^--»--~>- -<- |23]2]JJ SATURDAY MIDNIGHT! I SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR
      320 words
    • 63 6 £AST&SAFE^ •acts twice as fast as asm* in for millions, •won't upset your stomach as aspirin often does. rawer H 9 ■nndl IXi. *H*MUIUM I S > SA rau o» r. I aoTTUM e# I BJP^^^ ut/ir a /sr.T«Bim I i2P/^f7*#777^?T7777i_ 'none I PRJ||^^M--11--__lil_i 404 Today: 1 30-3 30-7 00-9
      63 words
    • 673 6 1 "_2 _L B >■■♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦- CAPITOL OPENS TODAY: lU\M\'g'W SINGAPORE m^i _-IJLIL_JJ ,11,1.45,4,6.30,9.301 K___H_- I I -i-3 ByrCTW_l 1 ♦O-PEXSTOII.-Y I jfk H^_3 _MJI»_M l_*__l Ilom 3 «00 -630 19 30p- \jj MM r TT_i--l ■'(•£4 ACTION! THRILLS!: I H__B______P__________H __T^W^*V9^_l L3l \__r __te^. f__ __l **^'^iBPwBI ___Kih____________ h E_*
      673 words

  • 358 7 SUMMONED HELP FROM BALCONY WHILE ARMED ROBBERS WERE RANSACKING FLAT SINGAPORE, Wednesday. JJELEN SEO W Lan Siew, a former dance hostess, told a court today of her morning encounter with an armed gang in a flat she shared with two other hostesses, Alice Chua Eng Kiang and
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  • 231 7 The Tengku should get the honour, not mother Council- A LOR STAR, Wed.— The Alor Star Town Council today decided to recommend to the State Government that the new $500,000 bridge at Jalan Baharu be named after the Prime Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman, instead of his mother, the late Che
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  • 91 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Attorney-General and Deputy Premier of Victoria. Australia. Mr. A. G. Rylah, said here today that the formation of Malaysia was "extremely important" not only to this part of the world but vital to Australia also. Speaking to reporters at the
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  • 20 7 PEKAN. Wed. Elßhty stray dogs were shot by the Veterinary Department here over the past three months
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  • 23 7 PENANG. Wed. The general meeting of the Eastern Smelting Company will be held at the E O. Hotel on July '.2.
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  • 183 7 TRADER HELD UP-WITH OWN KNIVES KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. A SHOPKEEPER was robbed of $208 after a gang threatened him with knives taken from his own showcase the Sessions Court was told today. Mohamed Idrus bin Buang, 20. Zalnal Karib bin Teh Othman. 19, Mustaffa fCanral bin Junid. 16. Razall bin
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  • 93 7 IPOH. Wed. The Istana Iskandria on Bukit Chandan in Kuala Kangsar. official residence of the Sultan and Raja Perempuan of Perak. is to get a 8400.000 face-lift The Perak State Legislative Assembly approved today a supplementary vote to meet this expenditure in time for
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  • 55 7 SINGAPORE. Wed. The police detained two men and screened 461 suspects In antisecret society checks in the past 24 hours. One man was detained under the Societies Ordinance The other, a fighter of Group 24. was arrested in Redhlll Close and is being detained under the
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  • 69 7 TELUK ANSON. Wed. Athya App.i Rao. 22. unemployed, who posed as a representative of the Seventh Day Adventist Mission of South-East Asia, was sentenced to a year's jail by the Sessions Court here yesterday on two counts of cheating. He pleaded aulllv to cheating Mr* L.
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  • 52 7 SINGAPORE. Wed. Frederick Lai 17. died in the General Hospital yesterday, two hours after his scooter collided with a man and a boy Lai who was travelling .rom Moulmein Green towards Thorn son Road was thrown off his machine. The man and the boy were
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  • 49 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. An 11-year-old schoolboy was drowned while swimming with two friends in an old mining pool in Jalan Tanah Lapang. Sentul Pasar. here yesterday evening. He was Lmu Kok An a Standard 111 pupil of the Chi Man Chinese School in Sentul
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  • 319 7 Rama: I felt like a father disowning his son PARTY TOOK TO DISSOLUTE AND WILD WAYS' tMENANG, Wed.— The former Socialist Mayor, Mr. D. S. Ramanathan, said today he had resigned from the Labour Party, which he had helped to develop, "only with the greatest regret. "I felt almost like
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  • 110 7 PENANG. Wed. A Socialist Front City Councilor. Inche Mohamed Arshad bin Mohamed Yusof. said today that in resigning from the Labour Party last month Mr. Ramanathan had apparently changed his stand that "the minority view must give way to the majority view."
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  • 105 7 AND SIX MORE RESIGN FROM THE PARTY FNANG. Wed. Six members of the Kelawel branch have resigned from the Labour Party. Messrs. K. buupiah. O. tC Sumy. K. Mohamed Sultan. Mohamed Hanifl. S. Maria Dass and M. Subramanlam alleged In their letter of resignation that the Penang division of the
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  • 60 7 SINGAPORE. Wed. LJm Bee Hianic, 27. a housewife, had just cashed SJOO from the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank in Battery Road yesterday when she was bumped from behind by a man. Her purse with the money fell about 10 feet from her. As she was about
    60 words
  • 269 7 Nyemah's 'cave of cures' is sealed by Kathi By CHONQ CHEE SEONG .TLIUAR, Wed.— The Rei" 1 Ugious Department here has ordered Che Nyemah binte Mohamed Din, to close her "miracle" cave at the foot of the Bukit Treh. rhree miles from here. Che tyyemah found the cave about three
    269 words
  • 63 7 SINGAPORE, Wed. The VlceChancellor of Nanyang University. Dr. Chuang Chu Lin, and the registrar. Proiessor Jacen T. Hsieh. have left for London to attend the ninth conference 01 the Association of Commonwealth Universities wiiich begins on July 15. They will visit universities tn England and Europe
    63 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 81 7 \+\!ft dnsurance vloTpoTafiou of dtidia (INCORPORATED IN INDIA) SOME SALIENT FEATURES New Business (1962) over $4,800 Millions Claims Paid (1961) S 220 Foreign Business (1962) 72 Investments held in the Federation of Malaya and Singapore over $13 Millions. Divisional Office For Federation and Singapore ORIENTAL BUILDING Phone: *****/2/3 KUALA LUMPUR
      81 words
    • 140 7 S t :^~,WATEfeWU±=KILmT IPHOJD Z^ disinfects and protects 3 with 4 active germ killers S^S Paraehloronwtaxylcnol, Diehlorometaxylenoi i mi Ortho-ph«nyl-phenol. Cresantol 3 £5| AN IZAL w PRODUCT S3 IZAL (AUSTRALIA) PTY. LIMITED.. SYDNEY NET 16 FL OZ. J| gss keeps your home K M^L j fresher, safer, cleaner I an<
      140 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 25 7 TV set stolen SINGAPORE. Wed. Thieves stole a television sci. two transistor radios and $95 from the home of F. Hmdricks in Telok Kurau yesterday.
      25 words

  • 68 8 SINGAPORE. Wed A taxinr'ver. Sivasankan Sahl. -vho pleaded guilty to drunken driving, was yesterda; granted a conditional discharge for 12 months by the Second Traffic Court. Mr. K. Canaga Raiah. me WußLstrate. said he took into recount that Sahl had had a clean driving record for
    68 words
  • 505 8 SINGAPORE, Wed •JWE general secretary of the National Trade Union Congress, Mr. C. V. Devan Nair, just back from London, said today that Mr. Lee Kuan Yew had convinced the British that Singapore's stand on Malaysia financial arrangements was not based on "petty,
    505 words
  • 85 8 MR. Justice Hill. 61. who leaves Malaya today after 16 years in the country. "I have been working for nearly 40 years, and It is time to look forward to some ease, perhaps. he «aid in Penang yesterday. Mr. Justice Hill said he
    85 words
  • 104 8 CINGAPORE. Wed The trade division of the Finance Ministry has sent circulars to importers of television sets asking for their views on how to popularise TV here. Some of the firms have already submitted their views A spokesman for the trade division
    104 words
  • 45 8 PEKAN. Wed. Two sons of the Sultan of Pahang. Tengku A/lan 13. and Tengku Omar. 12. have returned from Pakistan for j a three-month holiday here. They have Just completed their first year of secondary education at Aitchison College in Lahore.
    45 words
  • 270 8 We'll keep control of Pahang councils: Alliance KUANTAN. Wed.— The Alliance is confident of retaining control of all the five town councils in Paha n Polling day is Saturday The five town councils are Mentakab and Temerloh, Bentong. Raub. Kuala Llols and Kuantan Of the 68 seats originally at stake
    270 words
  • 89 8 IPOH. Wed. Further evidence was heard in the High Court her* today in the suit against Teh Guan Chooi. driver of a lorry involved in an accident on Sept. 9. 1961, with a car in which two jockeys. Ken Barrait and Noel McGrowdie. were killed. Today was
    89 words
  • 267 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed nnHE Minister of Tranx sport, Dato Haji Sardon bin Haji Jubir, today called on the new eight-m ember Port Swettenham Authority to give its "wholehearted support and diligence" towards efficient operation of the port. Speaking at special meet- ing
    267 words
  • 54 8 SINGAPORE. Wed.— Chan Kum W»h. 60. accused In the Assize Court of raping a girl aged between 11 and 13. was acquitted i" .id discharged without his i»fence uelng called yesterday. Mr. Justice Wlnsiow said rhat 0M prosecution had not made Hit a primii
    54 words
  • 22 8 BANTTNO. Wed The Mentrl Besar of Selangor, Dato Abu Bakai k.n Baglnua. will open a market lisre on July 10.
    22 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 280 8 With every purchase of a large tube of con- I centrated Kolynos Dantal Cream you get a FREE ballpoint pen- Stocl^ are limited, so don't delayget your free gift wßi your concentrated Kolynos Dental Cream today. I? I l Concentrated Kolynos Dental Cream is becoming i the favourite of more
      280 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 132 8 I//*-'/ O» P Hi, V.T. Hamiin ttf tt VTNEtfTIMG IU MMtS .<* «>? B MMV LAMCE HAS I Hick Irnrt, By 4 host* r fioutd B^C<-T&'* -^>^n /CO YOU SB ANY UPE i MOTHINC.' rr*s A COMPLETCTI I JT7ELL- ALJ*3ST NO ONE? _,J "L__ _3T^"V N^ UPTMCBC.JACK? > I M*SS
      132 words

  • 1640 9 The battle against cancer With 5,000 on the island of hope PART TWO: ON A SUNSHINE ISLE, SCIENTISTS CONDUCT A MASSIVE EXPERIMENT:.. IN THE BATTLE AGAINST CANCER... A radiographer 'Ijnes up' the ~four -million volt linear accelerator "therapy MACHINE BEFORE A patientTwith cancer gets" X-RAY "treatment AX Important discovery of
    1,640 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
      4 words
    • 517 9 VAGATIONLAND! AUSTRALIA! There and back (Economy Class) for just 1,581 Vacationland Unlimited Australia. Not just another country, hut a vacationland continent so varied in its appeal so close by Qantas, for so little extra airfare! Auslralia newest rce World 'hnd' of boundless holiday scope: surfing. skiing, sailing, poll, tennis, big
      517 words

  • 117 10 WmrdM tt* (Minimum TNI FAMILY OF the late Mrs. Ang rasfe Cheat; (ace Madam Ong Chew Naa) thank nil relatives and friends for tbeir wreaths, donation!, rondol*nre«. attendance and kind assistance »> thr itineral. MRS. A. P. PERUMAL. children, broSMsH and sisters thank relatives, f-lends. staff of P.W.D.. Dm.
    117 words
  • 24 10 Here* Sl* i Minimum) IN LOVINC MEMORY of M.D. Samuel of Kiuasg. Departed 4-7-so Gone but always Rfmrmhfnd by hi* Uam One*
    24 words
  • 106 10 WoriM Sl» (Minimum) FROM ENGLAND a nm concentrated mini itu'f! Thatcher Mint bringa extra flavour to all dl'hrn. In oz. bottle FEOKRAL PUBLICATION! LTD. Invite all teachers and book addicta 10 brown* in their ihowroom at TIUMa House, River Valley Road. Singapore. RVVITA haa a distinctive, attractive n.noir so
    106 words
  • 688 10 The Straits Times Thursday, July 4, 1963. New Port Authority The new Port Swettenham j Authority takes over at a i fortunate time. In a few months, the North Klang Straits project will be completed, easing the heavy pressure on the port's facilities brought about by i thr rapid growth
    688 words
  • 460 10 Accurate data on unemployment in Malaya will not be widely available until the Government publishes the results of last year's manpower survey. Meanwhile the rei turns of the employment exchanges furnish a guide, informative if incomplete, to current trends. The latest of j these published in the May
    460 words
  • 156 10 The decision of the Social Welfare Lotteries Board 10 hold six extra drawg a year involves no new questions of principle. Those who are against gambling can still refuse to buy, while those who are not repelled by the thought tt coming into an unearned and tax-free fortune
    156 words
  • 372 10 from Frank Pilgrim GEORGETOWN, Wed. It is hard to think of British Guiana, with its lambing, jeering, singinr crowds of "squatters 1 in public buildings listening to the latest cricket scores on their transistors, as heading for civil mt, Yet the
    372 words
    • 812 10 YOU are to be congratulated on your two editorials on the recent GSA action In Increasing the sale of stockpile tin to 400 tons a week. There Is little that you have left unsaid, but It Is a great disappointment that the miners themselves who are most
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  • 1131 10  - Bigger role for the Special Branch DENNIS JOHNSON BRITAIN'S SECURITY SERVICES by LONDON Wednesday WHATEVER kind of inquiry were made into the operation of Britain's security service the outcome would not quench any public thirst for inside information, and however favourable the final report it could not produce any deep
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 726 10 CLASSIFIED ADS. »t4. si* (MimUmm) FOO LAU Bel»een Mr POO hong Liam and Mi»« Lav 800 Ckoo Ml 2«.«-«3 RELIGIOUS ANNOUNCEMENT WorW« S1J» I Mill.) YOUTH FOR CHRIST 4th Anniversary FUHy Victoria Memorial Ball Saturday 6th July 7.30 p.m. Featuring .'i>th Co. Boys Brigade Baad. "The soncven" "Gospel Melody M»k*i.i
      726 words
    • 45 10 "feeghou) The Renowned CUSTOM TAILORS Styles Cut to the Latest Fashions Hand Tailored Best Workmanship Alto Importer i Exporters of High Class Worsteds Woollens. SINGAPORE: 21. Chulio Street, T.I: *****. HONGKONG: Mirador Monitor), lot Floor, Room No. t, 54-64, Net hen Rood. ■a* I Mwiojfn.
      45 words
    • 85 10 drop kE3 II o»tTlHa#«OsOa» H opsan |9J -WLwmkwmmkWLwmmmvti drops mm \\\\m%\mttm OPSAN contains i powerful anlioictorii! HsssaH comioml catted V33S joiitl; developed in too laboratories of tie "National RytrSffH Instilste for Medical Research and lilts *oro Dn( Conpany in Entlind. This Miiic comiosas makes Of SAN I a two*. post
      85 words

  • 206 11 Home-made pistols common in Kelantan, says judge KOTA BHARU, Wed. —Dato Justice Hashim, said in the High Court here today that It was common in Kelantan to find people in possession of home-made pistols. He said this before sentencing a trisha-rider Mohamed bin Yahya. 37, to five years' jail for
    206 words
  • 121 11 SINGAPORE, Wed. A Thomson, a PWD driver, under a lower court sentence of nine months' jail for giving false evidence in court or making a false statement to the police, had his sentence reduced to three months on appeal in the High Court. Mr.
    121 words
  • 601 11 Caught— by his picture in the paper Photo leads to arrest of robbery case man J JOHORE BAHRU, Wed. y estate manager lold a magistrate's court today that about a month after being robbed of a S 10,060 payroll- he saw a photograph in the Straits Times of a man,
    601 words
  • 283 11 KLANG, Wed. A bomoh, Ismail Naina Mohamed, 43, was today committed to stand trial in the High Court on a charge of raping Rohanah binte Rahmat. 17. A preliminary Inquiry on another charge against Ismail of raping a 13--year-old schoolgirl was
    283 words
  • 71 11 SINGAPORE. Wed.— A woman. Chong Sam Mol. was fined $100 or one month's jail for kicking a policewoman In the stomach at Malayan Timber Mills on Oct. 2. last year. The court was told there was a strike at the mills at the time. The
    71 words
  • 25 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. A total of 1.573 people were in gov-ernment-run homes for the aged in Malaya at the end of May.
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  • 206 11 Singapore trio hit the musical big-time SINGAPORE. Wed. A musical trio of Singapore youngsters. "The Sundowners," have made the international grade and cut their first record for sale throughout the world. The trio comprise two brotbers. Tony Scow, 18, and Lawrence Scow, 16, and a cousin. George Urn. 17. The
    206 words
  • 80 11 SINGAPORE. Wed. Quek Chuen Lock. 23. who has seven previous convictions for hou>ebreaking. was today .failed for three years for breaking into the Evans Road flat of Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Beckett and stealing $45. a watch, a camera and a pen. He
    80 words
  • 29 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed.— The Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the Prime Minister have sent congratulatory messages on the occasion of the anniversary of American Independence day tomorrow.
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  • 121 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Further evidence was heard in the High Court today in a case in which Wong Siew Fong, 41. and his wife, Mah Tek San, 42 (above), are cross petitioning each other for divorce. Both are alleging cruelty. Five witnesses gave evidence today. Wong
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  • 212 11 SINGAPORE. Wednesday. A NEW Japanese speedboat a hydrofoil craft A which glides over the waves on "stilts" at a speed three times faster than the conventional boat —may make its debut in Singapore soon. Built by Hitachi Shipbuilding and Engineering Ltd., the boat
    212 words
  • 225 11 PENANG. Wednesday. JiHE State Government has decided to advise the Governor-in-Council to appoint a commission to inquire into the affairs, conduct and management oi the George Town City Council. An official announcement said today the commission would be set up under the Commissions
    225 words
  • 169 11 'Racialism stronger than union ties' report denied KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The president of the Malayan Trades Union Congress, Mr. Yeoh Teck Chye, denied today that communal loyalties were still often stronger than union ties among Malayan trade unionists. He was commenting on an ILO report that there was "Inadequate participation"
    169 words
  • 51 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The chairman of the University Council. Haji Mustapha Albakri. left here today for London to attend the conference of the Association of Commonwealth Universities. The Vice Chancellor of the university. Dato Sir Alexendar Oppenheim. whe is leading the Malayan delegation, left last
    51 words
  • 122 11 CINOAPORE. Wed. The Barisan Soslalls ha.s again appealed to the United Nations to hold a "genuine plebiscite" in Singapore and the Borneo territories on the Malaysia issue The chairman of the party. Dr. Lee Siew Choh. in a letter to tlie Committee
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 194 11 JAPAN'S No. 1 TV Look ftr the name VW* -^T You Enjoy Viewing V Lftfc—and TB™""™*^™™^"^ 1 i^ We Do The Rest I S FREE MomUnonct Replacements TT'^'^^^'^ri Set-Top Aerial 1 TV Insurance l\ MONTHLY RENTAL: 1 14" TV U"TV I $18.00 $23.00 Top Discount for Cosh Eesy Hire Purchase
      194 words
    • 161 11 Only FRIGIDAIRE Room Air Conditioners Jp* I give you Af4#-£/ZEP W^< SOLID COMFORT BIS MOISTURE REMOVAL! *BIG COOLING CAPACITY! STATEMENT OF FACT (and B. T. U. figures) Buyers of air-conditioners usually rafar to rh«ir various "sizes" in terms of "horse-power." Actually, this basis is quite inaccurate. For instance, a "one
      161 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 430 11 Todays Radio, TV programmes RADIO MALAYA RADIO SINGAPORE NATIONAL SHORTWAVE SERVICE 41.7 metres MEDIUMWAVE SERVICE A.M.; 6.00 Time Signal, Ne- 78 metres gara-ku; 6.02 Prelude To Break- SHORTWAVE SERVICE fast: 7.00 Time Signal. The metres News; 7.10 Songs And Bweei aA Music; 7.30 Learn A Word A M A M
      430 words

  • 482 12 Fsme Baptista present a page MAINLY for WOMEN No one's quite as lucky as the working girl pMUST impressions count and vou will be remembered pleasantly if you step out in an outlit that matches the occasion or the time of the day. Not overdressed, not drab but smart and
    482 words
  • 151 12 USE a wooden spoon or rork to stir food being cooked in enamelware. The wood leaves no dark marks on the surface so hot soap or detergent suds will wash such pots and pans clean without scouring To clean the barbecue grille, sprinkle with dry soda concentrated and
    151 words
  • 217 12 MODELLING MATERIAL TO KEEP JUNIOR INDOORS A N inexpensive modelling substance that can be prepared on the kitchen stove provides indoor entertainment for children. Called "magic modelling stuff" it can be used to construct animals, ships, model rockets, artificial flowers, ash trays and vases. Mix 2 cups of salt and
    217 words
  • 138 12 CHILDREN are always eager to munch titbits in between meals so these Butterscoth slices should meet with success. You need l| cups silted flour. teaspoon baking powder, good pinch of salt. J cud margarine. 2 cup brown sugar, firmly packed, 1 <?g?. teaspoon vanilla essence. teaspoon
    138 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 323 12 STANDARD I RAD io CORPORMIOH PRBWTS 1 nf% THE MOST .CB VERSATILE PORTABLE f^l>} SR-H73OS 8-Transistor 2-Diode 2-Bandiviw/sw HfeT"" W0 KEE HONG (mauysia) LTD. ■J -B, CLIFFORD HOUSE, SINGAPORE-!. TEL: *****-***** a>^»4aßaM Advertisement——\n\lt Lemons That IVI L IjJ 3j BrinB Beauty ~*3^_~" efc»fc»J Q ive y()ur com plCXlon ll j]
      323 words
    • 318 12 [I DE-LUXE AVON'S FABULOUS rUfftfc JHL New De-Luxe LIPSTICK mfl I New Fashionable Colours to odd SUNSHINE TO YOUR SMILE. Rote-Gay Romantic rodiont the most flattering PINK imaginable. t Honey Bisque A new glowing combination of subtle colour note touched with a warm Red-Gold ii I flv*'J Fu S* 0
      318 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 212 12 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 9. Neither first nor third 16. s>. 7. Murray Is upset about love in 15. A girl or two for remembrance place of weapons (7). (8). 8. In relation to S is a classical 16. Its essential lie gets payment bird (3-l-3i. lor home at home
      212 words

    • 174 13 The day Mac gave Philby the all clear ONDON. Wed. Mr. LiHarold Philby became a journalist for The Observer and The Economist on the suggestion of the Foreign Office, his employers stated last night. A statement by the editor of the Observer, made with the agreement and the approval of
      Reuter  -  174 words
    • 704 13 U pr oar in Commons over Philby affair M.P. CALLS MAC A ROGUE OR A FOOL IN CLASH OVER MAN WHO IN 1955 PUT THE FINGER ON THE 'THIRD MAN' What has now happened is not a failure of the security is a success: Mac LONDON, Wed —Mr. Harold
      Reuter  -  704 words
    • 26 13 WASHINGTON. Wed. The United States now bas 309 intercontinental ballistic missile* on operational status at American bases, the Defence Department announced yesterday.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  26 words
    • 162 13 Mac: Vassall had nothing to do with Profumo scandal T ONDON. Wed. Mr. Macmillan yesterday rejected a suggestion that he should place at Lord Denning's disposal a statement sent to the Prime Minister by Colin Jordan, leader of Britain's Nazi-type National Socialists. Lord Denning, an eminent Judge, Is Investigating the
      Reuter  -  162 words
    • 59 13 NEEDHAM (Massachusetts). Wed. A former U.S. Air Force major, disillusioned with a dream that Communism was the saviour of humanity, has returned after a four- year stay In Russia. Libero Rlcclardelli. 46. who look his family to Russia In 1959 said "We're glad to
      59 words
    • 36 13 LONDON. Wed.— Britain's *oid j and dollar reserves [ell by £77 million in June, and for the first time since last February, the reserve! went below the £1.000 million mark to £969 million.— U.P.l
      36 words
    • 127 13 WHISPERING GIANTS TO BE 'RETIRED' Made obsolete by pure jets ON D O N, Wed. BOAC is "prematurely retiring" its fleet of 17 turbo-prop Britannia 312 aircraft because of Jet competition, it was announced last night. A BOAC spokesman said "Jets make propeller driven aircraft obsolete for us and for
      Reuter  -  127 words
    • 155 13 PIRBRIGHT (England) Wednesday. T*HE Britisn Army's crack Brigade of Guards is to ease the "excessive bullying and discipline" that caused 25 men to go absent without leave. An inquiry on Monday found conditions for trainees too harsh. The men went absent tour months ago
      UPI  -  155 words
    • 45 13 BUDAPEST. Wed.— V Thant, U.N. Secretary General, who is on an offirial visit to Hungary, said here last night: "Peace cannot he split into its political. economic, social or cultural components in the vain hope of solving one without tackling the other R«'uter
      Reuter  -  45 words
    • 30 13 GENEVA. Wed— African countries attending an international conference on public education here have succeeded In having a resolution for the exclusion of Portugal placed on the agenda.— Renter.
      Reuter  -  30 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 771 14 TENDERS KEDAH J.K.R. TENDER NOTICE Tenders will be received from P.W.D. Registered Contractors in Class "E" and above at the office of the State EnTineer. Kedah. Per- lls, P.W.D.. Alor Star up to 3.00, pjn on 16.7.63 for the CON- 1 STRUCTION OF AN OFFICE, QUARTERS. CATTLE STOCK AND ANCILLARY
      771 words
    • 449 14 TENDERS J.K.R. TENDER NOTICE TENDERS will be received Irom Class "C and above Registered Contractor by the Jurutera Tempatan, J.K.R., Slim River up to 3 p.m. on 9th July, 1963 for the Supply and delivery of R.C. ThickwaU and Class 'X' Pipes for the Slim River /Trolak Road Deviation. Full
      449 words
    • 543 14 PUBUC APPOINTMENTS FEDERAL LAND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY VACANCY FOS STENOGRAPHER CANDIDATES should be (A) female Federal Citizens with School Certificate and Credit in Englkh Language. (B) Shorthand 100 w.pjn. (C) Transcription 30 w.p.m. (D) Working knowledge of Malay (E) 7 B years' experience. Salary on the scab 5550-25A-5700/- with free medical
      543 words
    • 904 14 (Continued Irom Pace It) SITUATIONS VACANT it Wmrd* SS (Min.)— Box St et*. 'xtrm EXPERIENCED HOUSE AMAH for work in Katong District. Apply personally with testimonials between 2.30—4.00 p.m. at 218. Queen Street. Spore. CHINESI COUPLE REQUIRE an Amah able to cook Chinese and English food and perform household work,
      904 words
    • 1045 14 ACCOMMODATION VACANT :n Word* SS (Mim.)— Box St et: extrm FULLY FURNISHED MODERN Flat District Nine<9> Telephone. Refrigerator. Aircoadltloner. Heater. Write Box ASS*B S.T. Spore. Vacant First August, Bachelor preferred. BACHELOR EUROPEAN have to share bungalow with same. Comfortable quiet house, all conveniences, economical charge. Please reply Box A 6847
      1,045 words
    • 874 14 EDUCATION >*jr«r«b_U (Mim.)— Box St et: txtrm JULY SESSIONS: TYPEWRITING 9 Weeks, Shorthand, Book-keeping, all stages. Enrol now N.C.8., 433 A Geylanx Road, B'pore. *****. TYPING, (INOLISH. MALAY) 73 Middle Road/10 Collyer Quay, Air-eon-dltloaed Rooms. Beginners Shorthand (Engllah, Malay) Bookkeeping, Accounting, Malay. Commercial English. Tuition:— English/Maths, Primary VI/ Senior. SIC.
      874 words
    • 1007 14 FOR HIRE it Word* SS (Mim.)— Box St ett.jmtrm AUTO RENTAL U DRIVE from $15.00 Dally. $70.00 Weekly. A. A. Membership. EverSne Co.. 519. Beraagoon Road, Spore. Tel: *****. MODERN FURNITURE REFRICERATORS Etc. On Low Monthly Rental. Hire Purchase Also Aocepted. Sin Qee Seng. SI Rochore Canal Road, Singapore. Tel:
      1,007 words
    • 828 14 FOR SALE S* Wmr4m U (MmmJ—Boa t* ef*. extrm SALI OR HIM wellkitowa rooer.iUtaotNd piano* fully tropicalized prtosa reasonable. TDnlns aad repairs undertaken. Phone 3SOTI Mun X..1 Piano Co. 173 Clemeaceau Avanua, Spore. MUMTAZ C4.HPETJ on popular d>mar.d. Carpets sale extended (or few days Immense Reductions. Amber Arcade, 21-3 Orchard
      828 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1556 15 m LiVERPOIi t WtSl CO At I UJU Oul S'IMMI MM. r S'nan ra«M| CALCHAS Mars.. A'mouta. u?tr»eai la Pt/Teday •OLYIBRUS r.°.e'rViai 1 M Ma«a 1 J«iy J J«hr B Jaly 8/10 Jily 11 'EIEUS LM.I. dotii.i. Gtasgva iv.» n Miy M VU 'JJ. *»NJ H moDoruj laeel Oublia. R'aaa.
      1,556 words
    • 1496 15 TTTTWrfTTJufWST^K^^^ HE E. A. C. UNESSAILINGS 10 GENOA, LE NAVRE, HAMIURG, BREMEN, ANTWERP, kOTTEHDAM, AMSTERBAM, OSLO. 60THENBUR8 AND COPENHAGEN. yS£*&V S'pora p. Stjrr, Paoaaa aSArtAh "BOMA' a) Gda. 44/ 4 Jlly 5/ 7 Jaly I I Jlly PlV»\J3l "MALAYA 1 JVJ« July 1/ 2 Alt ¥lV\3af "MOMBASA' I) 21/24 Jlly
      1,496 words
    • 1397 15 ben^Jleme EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONOOW. LIVERPOX ft CONTINENTAL PORTS. rpara P. S'haai Paaja* MNREOCH (E.I4V, Ll«*4. "wH, JJ/i"!* I Mi BENALBANACH Laadaa, Rotterdam, Antwerp la Pt July I BtNVAUA(EU wh7 Mftro. Hiaitirm G. 35/Teday Jaly 1/ I BEnhiant iaaaC«'«o«ti.Raa«, H'krt July 14/ nry 11/22 My a/24 HNALBER (H) H'karg. I'aaaTHawra.
      1,397 words
    • 1367 15 fe McALISTER 6c CO., LTD. lei Na. I3IJI >SaY ELLERMAN LINE «fc KLAVENESS LINE 10N00N, NAMBBRG. lOTIERBAM, LOS ANGELES. SAN FRANCISCO, HAVRE, Mil I MIODLESBROUCM SEATTLE. VANCOUVER t PORTUNB cm of uebs ut u M t ;v, ti :Mlnl 21/22 Jaly 23/2S iuly 21/27 Jaly j'hVi -i Mil Hrrr. tetaro
      1,367 words

  • 238 16 cHIPS lying alangtMe tht Slngapart Harbour wharvit or tipacted taday are: Kernlake 45, Malay 29/30, Ellen Maersk 6A, Bcawab«oatein 42/43, Slndb 13/14. Limnurg 18, Segamat N.W. 1. Narasan Maru 19. Capella 23/24. Rajah Brooke 40/41, TJlpanas 4/5, Zeeland 46. Snka Maru 475. Patroclua 1/2. Perils N.W.
    238 words
  • 124 16 THE Malayan Ixahangt Banks' Asmclatitn made these changes In Its rates to merchants yesterday 4 all ratea to *100>: Nik Vtrfc: buying TT 32 13/16, airmail OD 32 15/16. 90 d/tt 33 3/16 credit lull. 33 S/1S trade bills. Canada: buying TT 35 7/16. airmail OD 35 9/16.
    124 words
  • 469 16 From Our Market Correspondent rl industrial section of the Malayan Stock Exchange >esterday was steady with easier patches in the morning and steadier ones in afternoon trading. The upward movement has now lost Its momentum and although the turnover was good more sellers were
    469 words
  • 24 16 Malayan Stock Indices July 2. Jaly S. Industrial: 121.5.1 121.26 I m« 115.65 116.70 S rubber*: 114.20 114.20 Dec. 29. 1962 100.
    24 words
  • 861 16 ('OMBINED business In the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Malayan Stock Excnange yesterday, with the number of the shares traded in brackets: INDUSTRIALS: Bsutteart <B,ooo> 51. 71; Dunlept (2,000) $3.33, (3.000) 53.25. (5,000) S3. US, (1,000) $3.29, (5.000) $3.30; last Smalt (1.000) $3.50. (3.000)
    861 words
  • 456 16 THE Straits tin price now that the market seems to have overcome its first apprehension over increased U.S. stockpile offerings continues to advance. Yesterday's lourth consecutive rise added a further $1.62 i which brought the price back to $456.37*. Since Friday $4.12} has
    456 words
  • 93 16 I 1 HI. Federation Minister of 1 Finance ha* fixed these prices for calculating customs duties for the week beginning on July 4. Rubber 73 4 cents a Ib. Copra $442 a ten. Coconut oil $752 a ton. Palm oil $818 a ion. Palm kernels $359.75 a ton.
    93 words
  • 123 16 MELBOURNE. Wed /■'ENF.RAL investment and lndu»iriai shares continued their upward trend and most leaden held hrmly advanced. Brewery issues were buoyant Rises again exceeded falls by a wide margin. Mount Isa closed at 735. 6d. alter early sales at 725. In a firm base mrUU section. Oils were
    123 words
  • 255 16 lULV tirjt xrada ruhbar buytrs f.a.t). alttad at S p.m. In lincap«t. and Kuala Lumpur yesterday at 721 cents per lb. up one-eighth of a cent oa luesday'a cloaing level. Tha tona was) quiet. R.A.S. and F.M.R.E. alasing prl«aa In etntt ptr lb. yttttrday: INT. 1 R.S.S. prompt
    255 words
  • 27 16 July 3. MALAYAN RUBBER PRICE: 725 cents (up one-eighth of a cent). TIN: $456.37. i (up $1.62} >. Estimated unofficial offering 255 tons (up 13 tons).
    27 words
  • 165 16 (OFFICIAL QUOTATIONS) July 3. Thrre, DMBths. Dun lops 20 (is. McAllster 12 eta. B, Smelter* 20 eta. Robinson 11 Ma, Ksso 21 cts. Rothmana 11 eta. V. Il N. 18 eta. 8. Darby 4d. Gammon 14 cts. C. Storac* «td. H. B' purs. 11 cts. 8. Tracttoa 1/3
    165 words
  • 79 16 Chinese Praduaa, Exahanaa, Slnea- A Mrs ntan pricaa par ptatri yaatar- T day: Caaanut all: bulk S44t aalltra. drum $47i sellers. Caara: July; Aug. UK/CoatliMßt S2S buyars. Ptaaxr: Muntok wbita Jl4O Milan. Sarawak white »137 i acllara, special Sarawak black 193 sellers. Rarblwi Lainpoos black $95 scllara. AJCTA.
    79 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1156 16 KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA. LTD U.S.A. Pacific. Atlantic, and Great Lakes Cast Canada Service Spore P. Shim Honolulu S. F rancisco l. Angnes X.Tori Montreal Kaamawt Man lb 2t Jtaly IS Aaf Jkag IS *»< ISSttt 21 Sept Etaiai Mara" 25/21 Alt 21/11 2S Sttt, JJ Sttt JS Sett II Oct
      1,156 words
    • 807 16 ejf^K"a(HJj^lrJljHH3|^Q^^^tHJij^nf^^^HH^nj^V tHSTSOUNB. EUBOPt lEBHICE Vpo'l Penani M'ttillM. Nltft, SlMirk, VAMA 11/12 itly 11/14 J«y 1> my Aatwtrp, Haaktrf, Sreawa. tetttrtaaj. SOUTH k XESI AFRICA SEBVICE. TIORA I/IS Jily Durban (21/7), Port ElmMth (»/T), Capetown J2S/7), Matadi (2/1). Port Harcourt. Lagos (I/I), Cotooou (IS/I), Lome. Tema. Takoradi, Freetown. Dakar 124/1). tASTBSUNMi
      807 words
    • 182 16 SPORE PIHAM PENANG ITA/CTO ITA/fTD ETA.'ETD FROM BOMBAY ft COCHIN iS. HULDA" for Fushiki, Niigota, Yokohama, rvlogoya. Osaka Koto. July S/ I JtMM SO/Jwry I FROM CALCUTTA 4 KAKINADA M.V "STATE OF ANDNRA" for Moil, Kobe Hirohoto, Nogoyo Yokohama Jafy 7/ 9 FROM AUSTRALIA SJ. "DAGOMOY" for Colombo, Modroe end
      182 words
    • 146 16 SHIPPING NOTICES "SWEDISH EAST ASIA LINE" B.S. "KYOTO" arrived 27-S-63 S.H.B. Godowna 38 3 s Consignees of all damaged cargo ex the above vessel are notified that the General Survey *-11l b* held oo Friday sth July 1963 as from 9.00 a.m. No other surveys will be held. Agents: PATERSON,
      146 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 947 17 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS, 1960 LOCAL GOVERNMENT (CONDUCT OF ELECTIONS) 1 REGULATIONS. 1960 FORM 1 I (Regulation S (3)1 GENERAL ELECTIONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT— t An election "f (a) Councillor (s) for the following wtrd (s) wUI take place as hereinafter mentioned: J;ikar Ward 1 Councillor Kampong China Ward
      947 words
    • 1284 17 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS ACT, 1960 LOCAL GOVERNMENT (CONDUCT OF ELECTIONS) REGULATIONS. 1960 FORM 1 [Regulation 5 13)1 GENERAL ELECTIONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT— 1. An election of (a) Councillor (s) for the following ward (s) will take place as hereinafter mentioned: Kampong Raja Utara Ward 1 Councillor Kampcng Raja
      1,284 words
    • 722 17 NOTICES SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL 3;% DEBENTURE STOCK t948/68-:S. NOTICE is hereby &wtn that the Transfer Books of the above Stock will be closed from 7th to 20th July. 1963. both days inclusive, for the preparation of Interest Warrants. S. S. SCALES Chief Financial Officer, Public Utilities Board. Singapore. NOTICE The engagement
      722 words
    • 919 17 TENDERS J.P.T. TENDER NOTICE D.I.D. TENDER NOTICE TENDERS will be received from' Tenders will be received from D.I.D. Registered Contractors Class registered D.I.D. Contractors Class "B" (Concrete) and above at the "E" (Earthwork) and above at the Offlce of the State Drainage Office of the State Drainage to Irrigation Engineer.
      919 words
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    • 219 18 KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday INDONESIA, the champions, and Pakistan, the run- ners-up last year, have informed the F.A. of Malaya that they will not be coming for the Merdeka soccer tournament this year (Auc. 8-18). So far only four countries —Burma. South Korea. Japan and Thailand and
      219 words
    • 26 18 IPOH. Wed— Anderson Sehocl will nn-i't the .schools Old Boys at athletics here on July 14 About 120 athletes are expected to take p.m.
      26 words
    • 163 18 FORCES WILL BE MAINLY STORE-BASED PLAYERS SINGAPORE, Wed. The Commonwealth Forces team to compete in the Merdeka soccer tournament i Aug. 8-18) at Kuala Lumpur will comprise mainly of i Singapore Joint Services players. This was disclosed today by Ft.-Lt. W.G.E. Bangay. chairman of the Far East Air Force F.A.
      163 words
    • 44 18 SINGAPORE. Wed. The Singapore team for the Asia golf championship for the Putra Cup at Kuala Lumpur (July 24-27) will comprise C. H. Fell. N. A. Harvey, Low Kee Pow and Wong Wee Foo. C. V Kqh will be nonplaying captain.
      44 words
    • 19 18 MALACCA. Wed.— The Malacca AAA championships will be held here on July 12-13 Instead of July l»-20.
      19 words
    • 890 18 -AND MALA VANS REJOICE ITU ALA LUMPUR, Wed. The Badminton Association' of Malaya have finally won their long campaign for the abolishment of the woodshot rule.. The International Badminton Federation meeting in London yesterday adopted Malaya's proposal to legalise the woodshot. Hitherto, a shot made
      890 words
    • 178 18 AUSTRALIAN PROPOSAL DEFEATED AT IBF MEETING LONDON. Wed. A proposal by the Australian Badminton Association that the Thomas Cup should be played every two years (Instead of every three > was defeated by 51 votes to 30 at the annual meeting of the International Badminton Federation yesterday. The draw for
      Reuter  -  178 words
    • 42 18 SINGAPORE. Wed. Array won the Inter-Services cricket championship when they beat Navy by one wicket on the padang today. Army beat RAF by seven wickets last week. Scores: Navy 163 (Johnson 45. Barron 6-42). Army 164-9 (Roberts 81).
      42 words
    • 344 18  - BETTER THE FAULTY SHOT THAN A WRONG DECISION NORMAN SIEBEL By THE application of the woodshot rule in badminton has been as variable as the interpretation of intent In bodycontact field sports. The decisions have rarely failed to rouse passions. Now the wood-shot penalty has been abolished and badminton, especially
      344 words
    • 116 18 SOCCER Fed. Govt. Service* tournry: Prisons 11 Neorl 1 (At Serembani: CEB 2 Kelar.tan 1 (at K. Bharu). Perak PWD inter district ko flul <Ipoh>: HQ Ipoh 0 Tapah 0. Ip*h Dlv. 3: PTCSC 2 Borneo 2. Krlan L<e: Asohan Bella B 4 Tali Ayer 1. Friendly (Malacca):
      116 words
    • 177 18 SINGAPORE. Wednesday. CIIMGi»PC;;F will field their strongest side against Malacca in the south zone "key match" of the MCA tournament at the padang here on Saturday and Sunday. This match could be regarded as the aone final although Singapore have another match to play against
      177 words
    • 115 18 SPORE 1 VLLX LONG 1 SINGAPORE. Wed. Singapore held the visiting Hong Kong League soccer c. tampions, Yuen Long, to a 1-1 draw, after leading 1-0 at. hulr.imt al Jalan Besar Sutdium today Star or the riutcli Ma R.uum Omar, who cane m alter three minutes to
      115 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 106 18 m^^*^^ .^m Iff I HH^^^M-^^^^L r^mm MM ii^*^9m^^M^M^M^M^M^M\ M^k M^r M^^^^^^^w^^^w^^^^^^^^^MM ML Mw^^^^^^F^^^^T -^Mw A > lw 1 *w Has it a purpose? %v^B lIL Has it an end? W A Mir W\ 1 v" r- j -*>#' y*i V Six women readers open up new M jf*~ i»#*m l\
      106 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 79 18 SPORTS DIARY MM l Ml S'gor junior ko: S gor Club v Wfti Chins <XL pudangi. IRC v r Indi»ru> (Pudu Rd>. Ipoh Div. 1: Municipality v PCRC (padanc); Kilat v Changkat Kindins <Jn Abdul Jalil); Div. 3: Cheng Wall v Police PF (Lower Coronation grdi. Prnanf Div. I:
      79 words