The Straits Times, 30 June 1963

Total Pages: 18
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES sgr NO. 1,447. SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 1963. Km w v oc w s
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  • 1324 1 The Duchess speaks QNK of the world's loveliest women, the rich and elegant Duchess of Argyll, tells her story today to readers of The Sunday Times. No woman has inspired more speculation and curiosity than the rascinating Duchess of Argyll. What is she really like? The twice-married Duchess, mother of
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  • 725 1  - Ransom paid PIRATES HOLD FOUR RUDY BELTRAN: CAPTIVE FISHERMEN TOLD: SEND TWO HOME AND FETCH $800... IF YOU TELL POLICE WE SHALL SHOOT HOSTAGES I By PORT SWETTENHAM, Sat. ARMED PIRATES are holding four Malayan fishermen prisoner after successfully tricking 14 others into paying $800 ransom. First details of this—
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  • 15 1 vh accused tutCommunUt China ol "trying h^Lto neakc^| .tnd undermine" movemeuU in A^H^L.Mna^H
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  • 10 1 milt*- oi if Stig J S6-^| coii 1 Ru.s^H
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  • 112 1 Burhanuddin and seven fellow directors for trial DR. BURHANUDDIN bin Mohamed Noor. leader of the PMIP. is one of eight directors of the Malay German Shipping Company Ltd.. of Brickfields. Kuala Lumpur, who will stand trial on on Aug. 26. on three summons charges under the Companies Ordinance. The doctor,
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  • 193 1  - Gas kills two workmen on ship PHILIP KHOO By SINGAPORE, Sat. Two fitters believed to have oeen overcome by gas. aboard a ship in the Inner Road*, here today died while they were being taken to hospital Tan Seng Chwee, 32. and Cheah Yek Yeor.g. were among a group of
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  • 22 1 Kr Express toda> quoted irabeth Taylor looks likr k stumpy. Her chest isn't fcpartfrirtarly attractive Ma Hbicb niakci* her the
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  • 29 1 ....ol the Netherlands aoted (onuer prime minister. Or. Lou us Bell Cat&olic minister of state to consider forming a cabinet In succession to Protestor Jan de Quay.
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  • 302 1 HOPE IN LONDON M-TALKS Round-table meeting of three teams is likely this week From LESLIE HOFFMAN LONDON. Sat. There was a glimmer of hope today that the talks which British officials arc holding separately with Malaya and Singapore may lead early next week to round-table discussions between all three parties.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 118 1 CYMA U A FINE SELECTION -JI OF CYMA ffR&XL Ladies' Watches Ep^^JW Including Diamond Ones are always Available at 4*4| m m benoou co IM ••ftiM n«t lHV*nl Tfli 77M« Mf/§§ -Shelltox Aerosol is so easy m^k MM M use Just press the button m mg&Mr for instant results against
      118 words
    • 39 1 I For V and all kinds of jewelUtof VISIT JM^aaS Ij-U I «>»• get Lots More from DM morebody in (he blend V^^ more flavor in the smoke more taste through the filter it's the ricu-fla\i>r leaf iLut dot? ill
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  • The News
    • 257 2 Generals on the Krait Fund QYDNEY, Sat. The 79--foot one-time Japanese fishing boat Krait must be bought to perpetuate one of the most audacious and heroic actions ot World War 11. This was said yesterday by a Sydney businessman Mr. CM. Hayman, wh-.i he sent a cheque to the Sydney
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    • 249 2 PENANG, Saturday. \BOUT 800 RAAF and RAF domestic servants at a mass pay rally yesterday pledged support for 3,000 colleagues employed in British Army homes who have threatened to go on strike early next month unless the War Department agrees to their demands. Addressing
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    • 109 2 IPOH. Sat— Hlew Kirn Swi-e. 35. managing proprietor of the Luna Night Club here, was today fined $250. in default three weeks' jail, for selling liquor without a licence. He pleaded guilty. Customs Officer. Syed Ahmad Idld. prosecuting, told the court that while about 100 people and
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    • 26 2 PENANO. Sat —The Governor of Penan*. Raja Tun Uda Alhaj, today Inspected the annual parade of the St. John Ambulance Brigade on the Esplanade.
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    • 167 2 Judge to be port chief— KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. Dutu Abdul Hamid bin Mustafa. 60. (above) a former judge has been appointed chairman of the new Port Swettenham Authority. Other members, announced today, are: Da to Ahmad bin Haji Husin. Principal Establishment Officer; Senator (Dato) J. E. S. Crawford, Senator S.O.K.
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    • 292 2  - Kelantan elections: 75 per cent cast their votes by 4 p.m. ZAKARIA HASHIM; WE'LL CONTROLALL THE SIX COUNCILS by Kota Bnaru, Saturday MORE than 75 per cent of the 28,080 voters in the six town council elections in Kelantan had cast their votes at the 23 polling stations by 4
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    • 97 2 KUALA TRENGGANU. Sat —More than 30.000 merrymakers who gathered here last night from all parts of the State to celebrate the 56th birthday of the Sultan of Trengganu at the istana Mazlah were disappointed when the festivities were abandoned because of heavy rain. In the rush to
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    • 225 2 Governor: What a terrifying thought.. PENANG, Sat.— The Governor of Penang, Raja Tun Uda Al-Haj, tonight called for "supreme efforts" for intemati6nal understanding, peace and friendship. "Here In Malaya we are doing our best," he declared when he proposed the toast at the installation dinner of the Penang Rotary Club
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    • 26 2 PENANO, Sat. A pensioner. Oh Cheng Hong. 62. reported the loss of $70 and a watch from his bouse in Tan Iv Ohee Road
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    • 203 2 Foreign policy has failed, says Front DENANG. Sat—The Milan c c Government should "radically change" Its loreign policy if Malaya was to have peace the Penang division of the Socialist Front urged today. "The present policy can only Involve Malaya In a conflict between the two big blocks in International
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    • 47 2 PENANO, Bat.— Burglars entered the house of Dr. A. V. Bhenoy yesterday and stole cheques issued to a total value of $1,945, a watch and a gold chain. Dr. Shenoy woke up at about 6.30 a.m. to find his wallet lying on the floor.
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    • 31 2 PENANO. Sat. Two more branches of Umno will be formed in Penarur tomorrow. They are the Permatans: Laut branch. Baynn Lepas and the Batu Ferringht Kaum Ibu branch.
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    • 26 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat.— The Musicians' Union. Federation of Malaya. !11 hold its annual mrotirnj ai the Sultan Sulaiman Club, Kampong Bahru on July 7.
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    • 33 2 ALOR STAR, Sat. A merchant, Lim Ah Kow, 35. was robbed of $120 by a man, armed with a Knife at Pokok Sena. 12 miles from bere, at 3.30 a.m. today.
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    • 148 2 0 litre's question that could stomp many parent*, so read the answer and be ready with the explanation: WHAT IS THE .DIFFERENCE iBETWEEjAjtED AND MV'HITE M B 8? i_lwy supposed Bnr is made kpu and O two they same n are ■bite "mush" as It is called—
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    • 220 2 Off, tWO goodwill girls j^UALA LUMPUR, Sat Two Malayan girls will leave Kuala Lumpur by air for America tomorrow to represent Malaya at the Juliette Low World Friendship Fund international exchange programme. They are Som blnte Yeip. 18, troop leader of the First Kuala Kangsar Land Ranger Company, and Miss
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    • 303 3 L-Week DRIVE PLANNED IN STORE to spread use of malay SINGAPORE. Sat— An intensive drive to stimulate National Language consciousness and encourage its use on every possible occasion will be carried out during the next National Language Week here from Sept. 1. Government departments and business houses, schools and organisations,
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    • 195 3 Protest BARISAN TO BRITAIN: END LONDON TALKS, PAP GOVT DOES NOT REPRESENT S'PORE SINGAPORE. Sat. The Barisan Sosialls today demanded immediate teriuation oi the London talks between the Singapore and British Governments In a Note to the United Kingdom High Commission here. The Note, handed over by a party delegation
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    • 105 3 IPOH. Sat.— Police here have intensified precautionary measures to prevent payroll "grabs" In view of the recent spate of such robberies in Kuala Lumpur. Announcing this today, a police spokesman said that armed riot squads and plainclothes men have been •stationed at vital business spots
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    • 273 3  -  PERCY JOSEPH 2 T-ife^ «f^^ Mn T^ f^ rr^^ ONE OF 8 SHIPPING DIRECTORS FOR TRIAL By J^L ALA LUMPUR, Sat. The President of the Sessions Court, Syed Hassan Al-Jeffri, today fixed Aug. 26 for hearing of a case in which eight directors of a shipping company will
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    • 151 3 Board denies report of dearer light SINGAPORE. Sat. The Public Utilities Board chairman. Dr. Fong Kirn Heng, stressed today that the Board was not considering increasing rates for water, gas and electricity. The Board was. in fact, exploring ways and means of reducing tariffs for the benefit of the public,
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    • 37 3 IPOH. Sat. The St. Antbony'i Institution here win hold (or the first limp, a BritiMi Society of Commerce examination at !he school premises tomorrow. A total of 150 oupils will sit for the test.
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    • 175 3 130 combs on freak banana and it is still growing TELUK ANSON, Sat. A freak banana tree here has a bunch of 130 combs of bananas measuring about six feet in length resembling tbe trunk of a baby elephant. There are about 1.400 bananas in the bunch, which is still
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    • 297 3  -  POINTER -BY I HAVE had several queries regarding the forthcoming dog show at Kuala Lumpur Some of my readers would like to attend with their dogs, but are not quite sure how to set about it. As the proceeds from the show are for charity. I hope that
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    • 79 3 SINGAPORE. Sat. Police arrested two men and screened 422 suspects in anti-secret societies raids throughout the island during the past 24 hours. Both men are being detained under the Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions) Ordinance. One of them is a Tighter of the "Oi Lok San" Group of
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    • 59 3 140 recruits pass out PORT DICKBON. Sat. A pa-Miig-out parade of a lurther hattfh of 140 recruits lor the Royal Malay Regiment was held at the Depot grounds here toiitV Recruit Syed bin Abu Bakar received a trophy ror being the best recruit. Another award v;is presented to Recruit Mat
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    • 204 3 JOHORE BAHRU, Sat. About 73.000 voters will ?o to the polls on July 13 when 67 seats in seven town I councils in Johore wiM i be contested An election stall ot 812 will man the 82 polling stations
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    • 267 3 $5 m. firm formed to help trade, industry I/UALA LUMPUR. Sat. A new $5 million Investment banking house, South-East Asia Development Corporation Ltd., hao been formed here, it- was anounced today. The chairman of the company. Dato Nik Ahmad Kamll. who made the an nouncement, said half of the $5
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    • 31 3 SINGAPORE. Sat. Three magistrates will change courts from Monday Mr. Sachi Sauraien will be the Fifth Magistrate: Mr. C. 8 Tay. the Eighth and Mr. S Raiendran. the Tenth.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 215 2 i I %T m %F MUST BE WON rjb slogan to write easy to win HUDSONS EUMENTHOL JUJUBES S II TP V* t^ IT IoSjCONTEST $10,000 PRIZES First Prize: s2,ooo Two Second Prizes of $1,000 each Four Third Prizes of $500 each Twenty Fourth Prizes of $100 each One Hundred
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    • 207 2 I Advertisement r To rid your home of cockroaches, set this simple trap in all rooms where they are observed. If Jam is not readily available for the saucer, use food bait. The powder must not have an insecticide poison smell otherwise the insects will become suspicious and It must
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 404 2 HUDSONS "EUMENTHOL" JUJUBES CONTEST G. P. O. BOX *2(tf4 KUALA LUMPUR PUMrNVHO^JUJ^IES >S Study fo O n 8 8 wh. U n M xLY.v. O L neof U tn. U 8 B E b B OY. determine, from the uncomfortable SYMPTOMS. point of view, the.r Below are 15 SLOGANS,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 112 3 FOR A CAREFREE m Consult the EXPERTS For Removals Storage Haulage SINGAPORE BAGGAGE TRANSPORT AGENCY LTD. in association with SINGAPORE PACKING CO. LTD. 8E Asia Insurance Building THE PIONEER FIRM IN SINGAPORE AND FEDERATION OF MALAYA For All Your Packing Baggage Requirements. Equipped With The Lotwt Machineries, Madam Werehousa and
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    • 38 3 Comics 19. 20 I Features 13 I For Womrn 14 Films 9 I Jane Lee 15 I Know Alls 15 J Motoring It Photo 15 J I Profit 8 I I Serial 16. 17 I I Stars It
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    • 334 3 SO IASY AND SO SIMPLE YOU SEE WHAT YOU GET There will be no problem with the ROLLEI, no guess-work in composing the subject. The picture-to-be is olwoys visible, bright from corner to corner, brilliantly clear, true in color and in full negative size. It will also be extremely sharp
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 94 4 WITH A 1 I 111 0* r\m H til 4 iVfiyj/W VASTLY IMPROVED REGULAR GRADE PETROL. SHELL SPECIAL now contains Methyl Benzine as well as ICA, and is available at no extra cost. MILLIONS of motorists in Malaya, Singapore and all over the world have felt the power improvement of
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  • Foreign News
    • 1061 5 PLAY GIRL MANDY: TRIED TO COMMIT SUICIDE LONDON, Saturday Marilyn Rice-Davies, a key witness in the preliminary hearing against Stephen Ward, Society osteopath -and artist, disclosed in court today that she tried to kill herself in November last year. She and Miss Christine Keeler. whose affair with ex- WaiMinister Mr.
      Reuter  -  1,061 words
    • 206 5 THANT ORDERS PROBE INTO REPORTS OF UN. CALL-GIRL RING UNITED NATIONS. Sat. U Thant. IN Stirttary General, has ordered an official investigation into allegation!, of tall-eirl activities in and around the United Nations. His at t inn follows conviction on a morals charge of a woman who M reported to
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    • 131 5 \UO DE JANEIRO. Sat. Five ueople died jumping from windows of a burning 22-storey office building yesterday in the heart of Rio's movie district. Firemei; rescued scores I of people from the b azing i building but said others were trapped Inside The fire broke out
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    • 160 5 Kennedy's pledge U.S. WILL TRY TO STOP SPREAD OF NUCLEAR POWER DUBLIN. Sat. President Kennedy yesterday pledged that the United States Tvou.d do all in its power" to *et an agreement to stop the spread of nuclear weapons. Speaking to a joint session of both Houses of the Irish Parliament,
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    • 169 5 Mac: I shall j lead the Tories in election— ONDON, Sat. Mr. Mac- mlllan said last night he would not la 1 into panic, obstinacy or complacency over the Profumo affair 'he Premier, who in a television intervew earlier had announced his intention to lead the Conservative Party at the
      Reuter  -  169 words
    • 187 5 UNITED NATIONS. Saturday \j .THANT, the Secretary-General, yesterday appealed to President Ngo Dinh Diem of South Vietnam to "exercise tolerance" towards the country's Buddhists, who claim they are victims of religious discrimii nation. U Thant. a Bud.llnst himself, .said he had eceiv- ed requests from
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    • 150 5 allegations that Mr. W.N. Hillier-Fry. lirst .secretary commercial i- and consul at the British Emba»y in Prague, had seen guilty of spying. The Foreign Office .said a Czech demand for his recall was clearly In retaliation for Britain's request for the withdrawal of Mr. P. Holan. third secretary at
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      • 235 6 REASON IN LONDON /COOLER tempers and the cooler atmosphere in London are certainly providing for a more reasoned approach to the problems facing merger and Malaysia. Mr. Duncan Sandys, Britain's Commonwealth Relations Secretary who has spent two crucial days probing the minds of the delegations, must be quite satisfied with
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      • 226 6 The things they say because they're they rpo live dangerously you J. must always be In control. I have never In my life kissed someone, for example, without being in perfect control of the situation. —Sir Mortimer Wheeler, aged 73. I FORGOT about birthdays a long time ago. It's the
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      • 831 6  -  Felix Abisheganaden -By KUALA LUMPU*- It so clearly shows that would-be Malaysians are all born bargainers AN INTRIGUING QUESTION asked last week during the suspense over the Malaysia moves in Kuala Lumpur was: "Why is it only now that we are getting reports of mystery oil
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      • 791 6  - Your child is older than you think... K. BASKARAN By K. LUMPUR ,f>iCHOOLGIRL, 15, missing: Police ••SJbelieve she has eloped." Headlines of nature are getting a bit too common in the newspapers these days. And the stock response to such a state of affairs is an indignant sentence that begins
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      • 432 6  - It's a right you should not deny them CHOO CHIN CHAU By ...of Singapore, who wins $25 for /its essay: "Should Lawyers And Doctors Advertise?" The other prize-winner will be published next Sunday. SHOULD lawyers advertise? A near-forgotten incident that happened years ago comes racing back to mind. "Baba," said
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      • 52 6 r[IS business of ragging at the university. Why not treat the culprits for what they are hooligans who have broken the law. Charge them in court with assault and battery. Six of the best from the old rotan will stop this nonsense in a day. Singapore
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      • 542 6 Abu bin Adam HOW marvellous It must be to write a bestseller, like Richard Gordon, or Enid Blyton whose character "Pookle" makes children roar with laughter. If you arr- woodworker or a blacksmith and you make a nice table or ai artistic iron Rate, you cannot Just stop and rest
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 23 5 Of all cigarettes exported from Britain... how many are Rothmans King Size? More than 1 in <...x<4«ii>s making Rothmans King Size JJJ^?^^^'l 1
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 917 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. ENGAGEMENTS 30 Word* 112/. i Minimum) KHNC LOW: Between Simon Kfcat, o Mr. Mr*. Khng Ki»t Itoon and Lucy Yoaic Niflm. only d\o Mr. Mr*. Law boo Scan. CHUA YAM. Ljan Bens. MCond Mm of Mr. aod Mr*. Cbua Kirn Seng ton,;, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
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    • 47 6 A.C. ELECTRIC JPfst MOTORS for all over 3 million BROOK Motors have been supplied to every part of the world. From 1/25 H.P. To 650 H.P. SOLE AGENTS:— R. E. MORRIS Co., Ltd. It, l«tf*ry Reo., SinfOßor.. Twfc *****/8 174, Jolon AM.I RaktM-, K.L. T«l: *****
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  • Malayan News
    • Article, Illustration
      142 7 SINGAPORE, Sat. Officers and crew members of H. M. S. Albion played hosts to 50 blind children here r e c c n t ly when they visited the ship. The children, who could speak English, were each provided with a guide who described the things which their
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    • 299 7 LANGUAGE OF THE DEMAGOGUES, PAP TELLS SPA SINGAPORE, Sat. The w People's Action Party today criticised the Singapore Peoples Alliance for resorting to "reckless exploitation" or communal fears. A party statement Issued by Mr. Jek Yuen Thong, political secretary to the Prime Minister, warned: "The SPA is
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    • 56 7 SINGAPORE. Sat. Mr. C. C Tan has been elected chairman of the Singapore Bar Committee for the year 1963-64. The other members are: Messrs. D Marshall. M. Karthlgesu. E w Barker. Lee Kirn Yew. G. S. Hill and P. Goomaraswamy. The Committee has appointed Mr. K.
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    • 132 7 Man with chisel tried to rape student PENANG, Sat. Police are looking for a man dressed in black and armed with a chisel, who was reported to have stripped a schoolgirl in her bedroom yesterday and attempted to rape her. The girl, living in Green Hill Drive, Fettes I'ark. reported
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    • 52 7 MALACCA, Sat.— Nine newlyelected Rural District Councillor! from Binatang, Sarawak, yesterday visited the 4.327-acre Kemendore Land Development Scheme at Jasin. In the afternoon, they visited the Henry Gurney School at Telok Mas and were later entertained to dinner by the Chief Minister of Malacca. Inche Abdul Ghafar
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    • 59 7 TELUK ANSON. Sat. The president of the Sessions Court, Inche Gulam Mustaffa bin Nadar Alt sentenced M. Narajranasamy, 27, a lorry attendant to three months jail and a fine of $100 or another three months for attempted extortion on Syed Mohamed. an eatlna-shop proprietor in Sabak
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    • 92 7 TODAY: Bedill Kechil 4.10 a.m. (6.2 ft) 4.23 p.m. (6.9 ft); Singapore 340 a.m. (7.lft) 6.10 p.m. (6.7 ft); Port Dickson 12.21 a.m. (6.2f0 1.04 p.m. (6.Bft); Port Swettenham Uil a.m. (11.1 ft); Penang 8.25 a.m. (64ft) 7.36 p.m. (6.2 ft). TOMORROW: Sedili Kechil
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    • 30 7 SINOAPORE. Sat A new edition of the Malayan Post Office Guide (1963 edition* will be on sale to the public at all post offices In Singapore Irom Monday.
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    • 40 7 SINGAPORE. 8«t. A setfconfeued "pirate" taxim&n. Low Ah Teck.. was today fined f 1.000 or six month*' jail for bribing a police constable, Mohamed Saman bin Paamin, with 150 at Old Kalians Airport Road on June 12
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    • 113 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. The Minister of Education, Haji Abdul Hamid Khan, said here today that Malaya would be presenting a paper on the Malayan education system, at the International Conference on Public Education, beginning In Geneva on Monday. Hajl Abdul Hamld was speaking at the airport here
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    • 57 7 ALOR STAR, Sat.— Five men. one armed with a toy pistol and the others with knives, held up a shopkeeper, Khor Chin Hoon, and robbed him of $430 In cash and jewellery at Kodiang. about 20 miles from here, last night. Khor. 21, was alone
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    • 29 7 KUALA LIPIS, Sat. A tooper. Chow Kuai Thins. 20. was Oned 120 or one week's Jail in court here for abusing a police constable at Benta.
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    • 201 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Army ordnance officers are investigating reports that several mortar bombs have been picked up by fa milies at ?ort Dlckson beaches recently and carrl X all the way back to tbe tederal capital— lnto Diivale
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    • 301 7  -  HENRY PAUL: FT'-i-fr- IT! pm 1^ i i L J*Wf*"?' m^M I-"-" feiJ^TE^ »cl-J-«J..| fr^f Mlpprpsy^TT 'HOW CAN WE HOPE TO KEEP TEACHERS HAPPY THIS WAY?' By KUALA KANGSAR, Sat, £S APPEAL to the Ministry of Education for greater co-operation and assistance was made at
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    • 75 7 CINGAPORE. Sat. Inspector Donald Kessler. of the Special Constabulary, pleaded not guilty today to an amended charge of stealing a bottle of prepared opium from a Park Road house on the night of June 8. He was originally charged with robbing Tan Cheng Yew, 60, a resident of
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    • 30 7 SINGAPORE. 8»t. water stocks in the impounding reservoirs increased yesterday to 43.4 per cent of total capacity and there was a slight gain In the service reservoirs.
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    • 231 7 -M-polls: Ong wants all-party meeting SINGAPORE. Sat. Mr. Ong Eng Ouan, secre-tary-general of the United People's Party, today called for an all-party meeting to work out the boundaries of the 15 constituencies for the Malaysian Parliament seats. Mr. Ong also suggested that recommendations of the Opposition parties be submitted to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 130 7 MID-SEASON Ao»r in Full Swing gives too Grand Opportunity to Save on your purchases on Usual SALE Price PRICE ESBILINE PTB SELF DESIGN COTTON $5 80 $3.20 LIBERTY LAWN $3.90 52.80 SEA ISLAND PTD COTTON VOILE $7.80 55.20 SWISS FANCY COTTON $6.90 54.60 SWISS FANCY COTTON $4.20 52.90 U.K., SWISS
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  • The News, Profit
    • 403 8 UO YOL have a 1 qurrv or doubt? Writr to: The City l.ditor Minday Times. Time* House, River Valley Koad. Singapore 9. IT has been a surprising week. |v Although there has been no i settlement of the knotty Malay- sian issue, industrials not
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    • 72 8 SINGAPORE. Sat. Bus clnven <nd conductors, employed by .he Singapore Traction Co.. Ltd.. bavt occasionally been assaulted in public by taxi-drivers, a court as told today. Mr. M. Coomaraswamy. the loinpany's lawyer, said this I while pressing for a deterrent .sentence on Ong Kian Joo.
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    • 31 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Sa' Trw Mentri Besar of Selanuor. Data )u Bakar bin Baginda. today opened a new national school .it R.nching Ulu in the Ulu I i angal district.
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    • 276 8 SINGAPORE. Sat— Combined business in lite Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms ol the Malayan Stock Exchange today, with the number o! the shares traded in brackets INDLS TRIALS: C.T.S. Olds. (100) 475. (id.: Duniop* (3.000) S3. IT. (3.000) $3.18. 1 1.000) &3.16; East. Smelt. (1.000) $3 55.
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    • 48 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat— The voune American harpsichordist. Harold Chanev. will give a recital at the Malayan Teachers' Collcjre here at 6.15 p.m. on Fridxv. The programme will include works by Couperin. Purcell. Vivnldl. Bnch and Scarlatti. Booking are at Bata's. AdmisMm rntes ore S? nnd $1
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    • 116 8 SINGAPORE. Sat. A prince, charged with ming Sl5O in arrears, told a court here today: "It is generally supposed that all Tengkus are rich but this, in fact, is not >o." Trngku Subrl bin I'engku Mohamed, <• ledok Road, said this i reply to questions fror
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    • 51 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. Dr C. Sinnadurai. 52. senior consultant physician at the Oenernl Hospital here, has been elected a Fellow or the Royal College of Physicians in Ireland. He was a past president of the Association of Physicians of Malaya and has served in Government for 27
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    • 225 8 TWO HELD IN AMBUSH THEN GUILTY PLEA FIVE HOURS LATER TO EXTORTION BID PENANG, Saturday. TWO youths appeared in court at 1 p.m. today just over five hours after an unsuccessful $15,000 extortion attempt. Koay Eng Teik, 20, student, and Cheah Seong tng, 19, fisherman, were arrested in a police
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    • 155 8 Parking meters in Penang from tomorrow PENANG, Sat.—Elimination of the practice of all-day parking by inconsiderate motorist* is one of the basic reasons for the introduction of parking meters in George Town as irom Monday. "The need lor improved parking facilities, especially during office and shopping hours, is obvious to
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    • 152 8 Students in politics: Views wanted rE other day Mr. Lee Kuan Yew lashed out at 40 uniformed students who booed him at a rally Then he attacked the Communists for using innocent students to further their political ends. Here Is your question: Do you think children or students should take
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    • 97 8 SINGAPORE. Sat.— The Public Utilities Board Electricity Department will carry out electrical repairs and modification at Singapore Hotel sub-station and will Interrupt electrical supplies to j Queens Cinema, Hollywood Cinema. Tanjong Katong Road between Gcylanu Road and Ipoh Lane > and Buiterworth Lane between 9 a.m.
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    • 30 8 ALOR STAR. Sat. A Housewile. Kalsom binte Said, 21. has reported 10 the police that a man raped her while she was I tapping in Badenoch Estate yesterday.
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    • 276 8 A RECORD PAOI YIELD IN PERLIS J^ANGAR. Sat. Perils, the .smallest state in Malaya. harvested a record 31.117.600 gantangs of padi this year with hopes of reaching its target of 50 million gan'Mlup in the near future In a major policy speech at the State Assembly today the regent. Tengku
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 229 8 GALLERY OF HEALTH m j^||| f :^^^^^Bk:l .:;-llllII:lliP W° r| d knowledge, World experience, leads to World trust This I '^lUt\'- 'WSiMfc is why Malayan mothers feed their babies on LACTOGEN with ftfl i 1 1 K the complete confidence that only the name Nestle can give them ifffffl LACTOGEN
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 35 8 Lx^^v week's s^: <\i <m< rtes -to be u&d m (T^V mow. M^ ,V\ W jwV w7*- 'im pease fml /;V R> r^C v J^ 1 a jmord ioih you r*'" Wmllin, i wHoy Dtwmr
      35 words

  • For Your Plcasure
      • 73 9 npHE girl on the A telephone is Barbara Rush, one of Hollywood's more beautiful actresses. She co-stars with Frank Sinatra in the new film "Come Blow Your Horn." Oddly enough, Miss Rush does not receive a great deal of publicity. We're told she likes it that way. And
        73 words
      • 777 9  - 'CLEO' AND THE GOLDEN EGG CAESAR'S WIFE LEONARD MOSLEY REPCrfTING FROM NEW YORK By //-^O they've been nice to me and flung a custard pie in Liz's said Rex Harrison in New York. "Isn't it too terribly We were talking about reactions to the golden •gg named "Cleopatra" that 20th
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      • 351 9 ¥T goes without saying that li you want to put on an amateur dramatic show, you must bave a play, some players, a theaire. and as audience. The Rowcroft Theatre Club, which is the amateur dramatic society of the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, can always guarantee that
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      • 494 9 Peter Sellers ...reflecting on marriage MR. PETER SELLERS ha^ finally solved the problem which has been plaguing him ever since his marriage foundered three months ago the problem of where to live. He has long been disenchanted with his penthouse eyrie In Hampstead; an expensive, woodpanelled apartment designed by the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 457 9 ♦LAST 2 HAYS.': 1 lorn 1 .30 4.00 6 JO ft •.30pm Laurence Harvey France Wiyajf sbbbb^W*' rfßf A O MaM O I SBSVW Mortha Hyer Miyothi UMEKI Technicolor PanaVision. OPENS TUISDAY! t VINCENT PRICE in V. "THE BAT" (aa, 4- with AGNES MOOREHEAD 4- Today 8 45 a.m.: Hoylev
      457 words
      179 words
    • 93 9 Rheumatism V henever the pains of Rheumatism. Arthritis, Neuritis. lumbago, Bciatlcm, atlf f muscles and swollen joints make you miserable, get ROMIND from your druggist at once. ROUND qulcklr brings fantastic relief so you can state* work and lira in comfort. Don'r suffer ■asfllsssiy. Oat ROMTND todty. 3 Show, Today:
      93 words
    • 273 9 OUR GRAND SALE STARTS TO-MORROW 1 BIG REDUCTIONWONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY! •ecause of our genuine sole, every person is allowed to buy only 2 pieces ot each item mentioned here. "Crocodile" non-iron slack 5 90 ft UP per pc. "Crocodile" ii', Tarion ft 35c, Cotton Youngmcn shirt $3.20 4 UP per piece.
      273 words

  • The News Motoring.
    • 406 10  - AUGUST WHIZZ ERS PETER LIM MOTORING By TWO VERY SPECIAL MODELS FOR JB THE Johore Grand Prix on Aug. 31 and Sept. 1 may see the racing debut in Malaya of two Very Sperial Models. They are the Austin Cooper "S" and the Ford Cortina Lotus. Two Austin Cooper "S"
      406 words
    • 545 10 Guthries: Resignations worry shareholders DEMAND MORE INFORMATION, ESPECIALLY ABOUT COMPANY'S STAFF SITUATION IN THE EAST From DOUGLAS LACKERSTEEN LONDON, Sat. READING shareholders in Guthrie Estates Agency Limited have expressed "natural anxiety" about the unsettled situation arising from the resignation on June 11 of four directors of the company, it was
      545 words
    • 230 10 Thant: No request yet on that Malaysia vote UNITED NATIONS. Sat. U Thant. SecretaryGeneral, said yes»erday he expected to be asked to conduct a plebiscite among the people of the Borneo territories to ascertain whether they supported Malaysia. However, he had not yet received an official request. U Thant said
      Reuter  -  230 words
    • 74 10 SINGAPORE, Sat.— Here's Tour TV programme for tomorrow: 7.15 pJB. Opening and programme .-ummarv in all languages; 7.2e Robin Hood: 7.45 News and Newsreel in Chinese: 8.05 The Phil Silvers show; 'B.3s People: 9.M T.V.I, acts—featuring juggling and acrobatics: 9.13 News and Newsreel in English; 9.35
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    • 61 10 SINGAPORE. Sat —The Minister for Finance. Dr. Ooh Keng S«ee has asked the Tariff Advisory Commission to inquire into the question of tariff protection tor standard metal louvre windows and television aerials. The public are asked, to submit their views in writing in '.his connection to the
      61 words
    • 41 10 jpfH. Sat. Twelve univerKitv id college undergraduates from J* oB Mt nere th*s after"r" pr Telok Muroh to join .JT o .tward Bound School for 2^'^ course. They arrived here by '""to tTOm B* n K>«* yesterday."
      41 words
    • 33 10 ipov sV^'A pupil or the junto/Technical Trade School ncre Reported \to the police that bjs/feold chaift valued at $60 hZ been stolen X rom a bag kept id the hostel
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    • 29 10 KUALA LUMPUR,* Bat.— The next meeting of the House of Representatives will be held for four days beginning July 15. The Senate will meet on July 19.
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    • 47 10 IPOH. bat. An old mortar shell, three inches In diameter a i,d six inches long v covered by a Public Works Dep.irtmcnt labourer about 300 yards from the runway of the Ipoh aerodrome vtiij-rday. The shell was destroyed .his morning by army iwperta.
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    • 32 10 PEr <\NG fat. A woman. Ooi Siew Hong, 51, was found hansjiiig in t)w kitchen of tier house in Perak Road early this morning. Police do not suspect foul play
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    • 101 10 KUALA LIPIS. Sat.-Two housewives— neighbours on the floating raft houses which are a feature of Kuala Lipis quarrelled and fought one day last November. Both of them eventually fell Into the waistdeep waters of, the SungeJ The sequel came in the Magistrate's Court here yesterday when
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    • 31 10 A REQUIEM Hl<h Maw lot the soul of the late Basil Francis Perelra will be sung at St. Anthony's Church, Kuala Lumpur, on 2nd July. 1963. at 6 p.m.
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    • 132 10 MR N. GOVINDAN aged 94 father of Prabhdkaran of Shell K.L. passed away peacefully ai Edava S. India on 29-6-1963. MRS. Sect Ngian Fatt Nee Madam Yeo Kirn Choon passed away peacefully at 123 Emerald Hill Road. Singapore, on Saturday. 29th June. 1963. She left behind a daughter, Mrs.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 80 10 Jk j J i 1 ILJLJ v A.rwt Has it a purpose? .^flk Has it an end? Sfef Six women voders open up new jk vistas of thought in defining those W\ basic values on *hich life s 4_M 1| Fjl philosophy stands -or fails. Let your legs look after
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    • 35 10 LADVCTTISOfJENTsJ (20 words $12 (Minimum) NEO-HSU: Between Mervyn. Yew Jin. eldest ion of Mr. «nd Mrs. Richard Neo Tong Chye and Annee Louise, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hsu Chulnhwei on 29.6.' i.
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous

  • Malayan Fatures
      • 754 13 $375,000 winners wssmsmi KEN HAMMONDS meets the wealthy and worried THE June Social Welfare lottery will be drawn at 200 p.m. today at Rengam. THESE $375,000 winners, are they really happy? Do they really want the new life the money brings them? If they do, then why does a London
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      • 337 13 Marked cards THE discovery by the Chi(o police ol .t group of "trusts* prepuini packs of marked cards was bound to interest Captain Foulenough. The cards were smeared with a pigment, so that the markings would be visible only to players wearing contact lenses. This sort of thing
        337 words
      • 739 13  -  JUDITH YONG By R^^^^Z^^P~3 •IMOAFOHB MALAYA'S Iflxtwi iKould ««p«cf «v«ry Wrt4« ho b«c»i« chum-*urn«a-motch-moker who iKowld 4* h«r beat t« M« Mm* Mm iatktng Jerry take* Mw walk d«wn Mm oi»l« with Mm .d.r«bU Eltfc.r. THIS business of the vanished match-maker and the maddening fact that an
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 183 13 \bu get 17 flights every week by 1% /f^ fl ROLLS D'O'A'L ROLLS-ROYCE ]fo JETS M W RQYCE 8 EASTBOUND 9 WESTBOUND Fly in the supreme comfort and reliability of Rolls-Royce Comets or 707s EAST BOUND I WEST BOUND I ALL OVER THE WORLD I ARR I DEP I FLIGHT
      183 words

  • Article, Illustration
    21 14 EVELYN 'II LASHES AT ALL THAT GLOSSY TALK BLOUSE NO. 3 BLOUSE No. 1— modelled by Jane Lim.—All Sunday Times pictures.
    21 words
  • 123 14 DLOUSES are IN this season. And here are three classics you can't go wrong with BLOUSE No. 1 for the sun. It is in white cotton knit with a compass design in yellow, red and blue. it Or This pullover version is slit at the sides with buttons
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  • 32 14 WRITE TO: Miss Evelyn Tu. The Sunday Times, Times Home, River Valley Rood, Singapore 9. A stomped end oddretted envelope must accompany your entry. s blouse no. a
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  • 444 14 BOTTLED BE A UTY Fantastic! The creams increase and so does my problems mailbag... BEAUTY in a bottle! How they come up every month. A^ those jars of miraculous cream that, the makers say, will d wonders to your face and make a new girl of you. "In on? three
    444 words
  • 100 14 Questions and answers LAST week Mrs. CONNOR asked if the could do her own manicure at home. I said yes, and today continue with telling her how:— NOW to cuticles the most important part of your manicure. Wrap the flat end of the orange s tick with cotton, dip into
    100 words
  • 468 14 A HOLLYWOOD writer picked up the phone one day and proceeded to have his ear blasted off by a big producer. The writer listened patiently for some time but finally managed to Interrupt: "Hey, calm down. If you're not careful you'll get ulcers." "I don't get ulcers."
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 756 14 I MB^L pri in PRIZES to be WON IDEAL J| COOK MALAYAN IDEAL COOK CONTEST Calling all Malayan women over 16 yean of age' Here's your chance to take in a preliminary contest in your area to qualify for the Finals to be held in part in the first Malayan
      756 words
    • 13 14 I -sir Interior Oeeor«tio»i Tfc« PHlplwo War Sm ASIA Mo«#ii»e (P«t« Eitht). I—
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    • 128 14 Advertisement ya^ A finer, smoother skip texture, the smoothing out of lin e 8 In the "crowsfeet" area and a fresh countryside look were the remarkable complexion benefits she received after regular use of a tropical moisturised oil in a vitalizing night cream base. Her regular beautifying plan was maintained
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  • Jane Lee Know Alls
    • 84 15 THE GIRL NEXT DOOR... WHENEVER I visit my friend, I see a girl who lives next door. Although we have looked at each other frequently we have never spoken. How can I get to know her? My friend and she are strangers. JOHNNY LEONG. I am sure your friend is
      84 words
    • 960 15 The boyfriend who behaved like a cur WHAT'S your problem? Writ* t*: Mm J«n« Lee. The Sunday Times, Times House, River Valley U—4, t Singapore 9. No replies by post. J)KAR Jane Lee: My boyfriend whom I have known for efcht months has suddenly suggested that we break off as
      960 words
    • Article, Illustration
      175 15 II7INNER of the week's Tf S3O prize is "A Moment Of Anxiety" (above) submitted by Mr. Ahmad bin Haji Ibrahim, of STAR.. Ipoh Inche Ahmad used 11--ford HP3 film Setting: fll 1 50 second. He will be paid by post. The cheque will be posted to him during
      175 words
    • 732 15 Dismissed -but was he really so unfit? DROP US A LINE. Oar address: The Know All*. Sunday Tlra^ Tiase* House. River Valley Koad. Siocapcre 9. No replies It s«at. Power Plonts Across Rice Fields See ASIA Magazine (Page 14). DEAR Know Alls: Recently after an interview I was selected for
      732 words
    • 94 15 ACROSS: 1. Elope. 6, Mimic. 9.1 Dramatic. 10. Elder. 12. Noise. 13. Vixen. 14. Interim. 16. Add. 18,1 Dear. 19. Ladder. 20. Fatal. 21. Animal 23. Open. 25. Lot. 26. Wrestle. 27. Staid. 28. Viola. 29. Alone. 32, Assessed. 33, Testy. 34. Preen. DOWN: 1. Eye 2. Odd
      94 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 147 15 j^^ 111 I I 1 I^^^K^ IL^Z \f^=\ FtJ NGUS RESISTII KSBa^dk M T\\ 1^ CITRUS WL. \J A 3 «5 -5 I 3 r*'--fl A 36 5 L A 5 C |O i 4SP SaRiHHHBHaI UN<iUI wrrWI I Four convenient sizes: gallons, quarts, pints -j^^^^ and half-pints. x New
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 183 15 (^POPULAR CROSSVtfORDj I I Ivy I KOSS: 1 Abscond o>; 6.1 DOWN: 1 Organ of sight <3>: Copy (St; 9 Theatrical iB>; 10. 2 How very ciueer! (3i 3. Like betSenior <o»: !2. Clamour id>; 13. ter <6i; 4 Attention (3>: 5 PrinTermagant i 5»: 14 Temporary ciple li): 6
      183 words

  • Sunday Serial
    • 633 16 The memoirs and secrets 0f... The DUCHESS of ARGYLL This is the first of a three-part series M IWI ANY people may wonder why, after a flood of I wB continual and unpleasant publicity, I have decided to write these articles. As can be Imagined, my one desire
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    • 624 16 Amazed and stunned judge's decision vlous, bitter and frustrated people will always resent the good fortune of others, no matter how one may try to help them. I have learned that It Is possible to live a peaceful, happy life for over 40 years, and then be pitch-forked Into a
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    • 185 16 Story you've been waiting for! rr was certainly one of the most sensational divorce cases of all time. It took place at the Court of Session in Edinburgh. It's spectacular story is outlined by these headlines in the Straits Times: On May 9. 1963— 1N A LOCKED CUPBOARD ...PICTURES OF
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 225 16 This book is FREE .^T** I**1 4** l to all new members of the Jl fijßLL %_J| bb^bHbW bMH^bTbb^bbM fTiTi hJiIiKJ fiJl n Tmtl CHINESE ART 6 Lautrcc «bvw xtßßßßiak^tt B. J HHHHMpnHSHSJHHjKV ~^BM A '^^B BBk B^BB Bar Iftaß Afl jjjflHß ■BBS* W 4 1 3m T^BlJ B¥BlV ~^^BB
      225 words
    • 31 16 NEXT WEEK: THE OUCHCSS of ARGYLL telli h.» lite with tan Compbell could chonoe luddcnly from toft, aentl. breeie fa rafiitf tamode mn4 •t a itranae aottern th.t ran rhrou«h their
      31 words
    • 122 16 wsk» V -tw^rV 1 &A JrVaW» aa^SEiay>ifc^!g-.-^ At'to aaal t^BaaaT' KXr aY i til: ■TaTr^9aV*^e>^3 ■a^ Ha aMßß9^"^B^ar A-mM6 i mw >■ HaY^ hk,l BBVH^Mutfafl bWbb^'-V 11 1 was only four" says Sir Compton Mackenzie, "when Grant's began distilling whisky, so I can hardly claim to have been drinking it
      122 words

  • Sunday Serial
    • 2312 17 STRANGE things began to happen... ABUSIVE CABLES AND CALLS AND POISON-PEN LETTERS IN Ms »S,OOO-wo*4 w*et which tMk him thn. hour» «ad M arimrtM t» nut. Edinburfh dirort. ju4«« Lard Wl>»«H*y «oid of Hrn Duchmi ArfyH: Thar* enough in her own «dinlil«m «n4 atwvadj focti to •ttobllsh that ky I*M
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 133 17 long OLXJI y Carrier is the pioneer in Air-conditioning and Refriger* jjjg_ ation Equipment. Over the years they have maintained am a reputation for producing efficient and reliable air-con- S ~T" ditioning units. All over the world Carrier equipment is in daily use, in Government buildings, Office blocks, V IBfc^
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 407 17 Your Sunday radio RAmn MALAYA 530 EmphasU On Percussion. 600 pie. 9.30 Pendennia; 10.00 Jet nHI w m«fc»« r+ summary O! Programmes For The Speed Records; 10.30 Behind The *ye ann ti™. e «,n.i M U r Evening; 603 New Horizons; 618 Bcenes; 11.00 American Short Ki^rna Priwf. -i^Rr»«7f«l" R
      407 words

  • Stars and Strips
      • 703 18 CAPRICORN (.Dec. 21-Jan. 19) Important changes are drawing nearer every oay and could be bi e nuicaiiL in your life at the end oi tins week. They will involve your background, that is your house or your immediate family and your close relationships rather than your
        703 words
      • 326 18 TODAY: An agreeable and satisfactory day Ues ahead. Use your opportunities to restore goodwill, patch up family quarrel*, open up introductions. It's good for long-term planning too. You will see your way ahead if you take thought. FOR 1.1 t K TODAY HKAR OR I'SE: Cinnamon
        326 words
      • 280 18 are the porlrnts that prevail on this new birthday of yours. They signify a great deal that is enjoyable and romantic in your personal life and alto growing security in the material sense. You will br able to <-njo\ some very romantic moments and yet feel that you
        280 words
      • Article, Illustration
        164 18 Li Li Chuo (Ipoh beouticiorU born on July 5. If it it YODR Dirthdiy today ...thi< coming rear of We I* likely to be one of the moat enjoyable you have had for a long time. After a period r* some unrest and seif-doaH. >ou will find calm
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 638 18 ■i A BBUB^B^B^B*ai^B»B«3i^^Tß^^^^y^^Blfy Wherever you live you can depend on Electrolux You can enjoy all the benefits of modern refrigeration with the Electrolux L 27. wherever you live. The kerosine model makes you independent of electricity supplies. Electric models and models which work by bottled gat (L.P.G.) are also available.
      638 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 338 18 .THAT I7OL MISH II HH UPRH I SuC7EMLV A PI6U<E EMERGES PRO.Vk THE A\A^7fclLL WhEKcLJPON A T^ONE CHAR, OK WHICH ~?Jn 70U5LE AS A /Nl^ I7OL AKI7 GIVES A SIGNAL ;> S.'S s OUNiG rS 3C£^= L^i."2 fPl^nkl aVCTPP b^b^b*. ""^LvIhB C«|>» l#e)l *>r V* '•oi Syr-*Sc«m I IWg^ B—
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 224 19 THE **m» TIMES AT I A S OF THE WORLD Now available in five volumes Edited By J. Bartholomew, M.C. LLD. I s 5 I I" II I go o o 1 I S> SB Vis B 1 X t** fl -111 I 1 8 f II C I J
      224 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 331 19 THE CISCO XVD 9 tyou* UfM West favourite no jouNHY* m 1 1 saw/f sottsy is thatJFM H I if somTUins has f anp /'ll nev€r "n.^«— JT <aB&V> T^ I 4LL YOU C4N/ SAY* i HAPPENED TO /My I V FOR6/VE MrSELF.' CMOBOPVWTMEMOUSE.'I I k^fcftlU! JB/3F I'LL LOOK") I
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 482 20 10 >* < ?i*£ y .ft.*^ LOOf ATMVAWARPS-- GOCH A* I WI4H I COULP HELP, lam! THE PHOKEi TW£^\ rt^l^PAP il^OTDAucicr, ~j£**£M PETECTIVEIMA THI-5 BUST, -MAPE OP CLAY RROVI $|R, BUT I'M NO COAIESA So t^'^J^lhu^ ~*ifr^ NEW PLAY, FLINT, THE (?]V£R AVOW FOPMV -TDIJAMA CRITIC--^ AT WBTH^OF DAY" ~»NceM«
      482 words