The Straits Times, 28 June 1963

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 23 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 100,000 The Straits Times SJsP I Estd. 1845. FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1963. 15 CENTS i i KDN 352
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  • 24 1 Piracy patrols stepped up RMAF AIRCRAFT— ALSO CALLED OUT TO COMB STRAITS FOR GUNBOATS ONE of Hie R.M.N. patrol beats now hunting the pirates.
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  • 109 1 Birthday roses for Helen Keller EA ST O N (Connecticut) Thurs Blind and deaf author Helen Keller (above) celebrated her 83rd birthday today without ceremony but with roses and many letters from admirers. President Kennedy, in a letter hailed her as "one of the select company of men and women
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 636 1 _By STRAITS TIMES REPORTERS KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. ROYAL Malayan Navy patrols in the Straits of Malacca have been reinforced following five attacks on Malayan fishermen in the last 10 days. A Ministry of Defence statement, which disclosed this today, said: As a result of the increase in
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  • 529 1 LESLIE HOFFMAN reports on the London talhs LONDON, Thursday. jJHITAIN'S Commonwealth Relations Secretary, Mr. Duncan Sandys, continued to play the role of "third man" in an effort to bring Malaya and Singapore together in time for Malaysia to be established on Aug. 31.
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  • 56 1 LONDON. Thurs.— Mr. Harold Mucmillan. the British Prime Minister, and his wife. Lady Dorothy Macmillan were today entertaining 10 tea 10 young British men and women who have completed a year of voluntary service in various cap. cities overseas. They have worked in such countries a.s
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 27 1 MOSCOW. TUurs.— The Soviet Union today inaugurated a new air Dussenßer service between Moscow and Havana, via Africa, the official news agency Taas reported.
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  • 118 1 JESSELTON, Thurs. Pirates, believed to be Moros from the Southern Philippines hijacked an inter-island vessel carrying $7,500 worth of copra about 40 miles north-west of Sangir, in Indonesian Borneo, on Tuesday. Police said the vessel was en route from Celebes to Tawau, North Borneo, when five
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  • 145 1 Longest ever strike is settled SINGAPORE, Tburs. *3 Singapore's longest ever strike, Wptiflg nearly 27 months by 14 workers at a bakery in Victoria Street has finally been settled. Mr. Wee Toon Lip. president of the Singapore General Employees' Union which represents the workers, said today that agreement has been
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  • 101 1 MANILA. Thura. Rice recently imported from Burma and Thailand would be stockpiled oy i the Philippines Army for use dur- > ing emergency conditions which I might arise from "deteriorating conditions in South-east Asia," it was officially revealed here today. This information was contained In a report
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 34 1 LONDON. Thurs. Mr. Brindley H. Benn. Deputy Premier of British Ouianc. arrived here by air today from New York for talks oi. the prolonged crisis in the British self-governing Colony. Rev ter
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  • 80 1 HONG K()N(. Than.— i Hong Rone today received its first bulk import of Pearl River water whrti the 18.0»0-ton Liberian tanker lanth** returned to port from South China A« the water from the laothc was being pump- oil out. heavy showers fell over the island The lanthe.
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 144 1 T ONDON. Thurs Mr. \j Joseph Gftdber (above), previously Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, has been appointed War Minister in place of Mr. John Profumo. it was announced today. Mr. Profumo resigned office three weeks ago after admitting that he had lied
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  • 32 1 LONDON, Thurs. Mr. Dean Ru&k. U.S. Secretary of State, today opened talks with his British counterpart. Lord Home, on the forthcoming meeting between President Kennedy and Mr. Macmillan Reuter.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 112 1 MANILA, Thursday. FOREIGN OFFICE sources here branded as mere speculation two dates mentioned by two Manila newspapers as the target date for the coming summit conference between President Macapagal. President Soekarno and Tengku Abdul Rahman. The Manila Chronicle said the summit meeting would begin on
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 41 1 PARIS. Thurs. King Hassan the Second of Morocco, here on an official visit, today called on President de Gaulle for his second private talk believed to be concerned with Important political and economic questions affecting the two countries.— Reuter.
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  • 328 1 Kennedy visits birthplace of his ancestors NEW ROSS (Eire), Thurs. President Kennedy today returned to the home of his ancestors near this small south-east Irish seaport. He flew here by helicopter from Dublin to visit his great grandfather's homestead at Duncanstown, five miles away, and to have tea there with
    Reuter  -  328 words
  • 73 1 ADEN. Thurs. Two of the 18 British servicemen held by Yemeni tribesmen have been released because they are "sick." They are being flown to Aden, an army spokesman announced here today. The other 16 servicemen were today removed at gunpoint from the Yemeni customs post
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 38 1 SYDNEY. Thurs.— Police believ* they are closing in on the killer of 13-year-old Doncuter aehootgiri Monica Schofield. vrhone strangled and criminally .assaulted body wa* found two days ago In a shallow grave In suburban Bvdncv. RevMr.
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  • 47 1 BAGDAD. Thurs.— Bagdad radio today reported furious fighting between Kurdish rebels and the Iraqi army, and that five rebel villager had surrendered after being besieged. In Kaskol. near Dokan. onIraqi army lieutenant and two tl his soldiers were killed after here fighting.— Reuttr.
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 371 1 Sandys: Target date is still Aug. 31 I ONDON. Thurs.— Mr. Duncan Sandys, the Commonwealth Relations Secretary, said today he hoped Brunei and Malaya would settle their outstanding differences before the formation of the Federation of Malaysia on Aug. 31. But the formation of the Federation would not be held
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  • 29 1 RAZAK SEES LANSDOWNE LONDON.' Thurv— Tun ■aiak. u-oinpaniid by the "tii.i Malayan delegate! mci adviaers ralir(l on L#rd Lansdowßi .it tin' < oloninl Office t' 11 evening Kcuter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 87 1 nfGSjpCKETT JONES m I J, 7 SheafferS PFM* DOES THE BIG MAN PROUD Think big and bold! Tbto cfl new dynamic pen from Sheaffer's is for you! Everything about the Sheaffer's Pen-for-Men is big-lhe styling, the grip, the quality. the ink capacity! The Sheaffer's PFM features .I4kt. £old point nib.
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    • 271 2 SUBANDRIO: MALAYSIA PROBLEMS SOLVED KARACHI, Thursday. J)R. SUBANDRIO, the Indonesian Foreign Minister, said yesterday there was a better understanding now, particularly between Indonesia and Malaya, over the proposed Federation of Malaysia. "We have solved the problem there with the Malayan-Indoneslan-Phllipplnes agreement on forging closer pan-Malayan ties and on the birth
      Reuter  -  271 words
    • 114 2 KARACHI. Thurs. Indonesia is keeping its "hands off" any judgment in the dispute between India and Pakistan over Kashmir, the Indonesian Foreign Minister, Dr. Subandrio. said here yesterday. He added that the western-aided arms supply to India was based on India's differences with China "we
      Reuter  -  114 words
    • 309 2 TOHE Indian Govern- ment yesterday accused China of having used "subversion and persuasion. pressure and punishment, to breakdown the loyalty" of Indian troops held prisoner after last autumn's Himalayan border flghtine. In Its first official statement on Chinese treatment of Indian prisoners, the government
      Reuter  -  309 words
    • 360 2 PAKISTAN ASSEMBLY GIVES STANDING OVATION- TO INDONESIAN PRESIDENT PRESIDENT Soekarno of Indonesia yesterday urged Pakistan to join the "confrontation between the oldestablished order and the newly emerging forces." This confrontation was at the centre of the world's turmoil today, a
      Reuter  -  360 words
  • 287 2 ILO talks end with a 'justice be done' move pENEVA, Thurs. The International Labour Organisation yesterday closed one of the most dramatic sessions in its 44-year history. Conference officers rejected a Soviet bid to adjourn the meeting even berore the organisation's budget was passed. Mr. David Morse, the American director-general
    Reuter  -  287 words
  • 25 2 JAKARTA. Thurs. Nearly two-thirds of Indonesia's 136,000 university students will pay no tuition fees when they go back to ■college In September. U.P.I.
    UPI  -  25 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 142 2 P.IIRF AND t^sfSm^s^ x:==^^^==^=] for happy /%^ytf fe §sgS3s| 68 »Fe«P^ fAW-n*. HEALTHY DAYS AHEAD RRANULATED "Tn if B^^t'^'i DRINK f»4W UnHIIULHI CU a fuller |&!a RA ££f| ll«W^ VSiy MORE \STr i illSSte»__"* ■~*"*^^^P **""!ll^'^*^^V^^^?»i«»«— """""li />* •^B«^^* n bßPPt^^^B IflL choice the world over y'" v v~^^7' Ot
      142 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 366 3 Nik says it again: Peaceful co-existence \f OSCOW. Thurs. iTI Mr. Khrushchev last night reaffirmed his peaceful coexistence policy under fire by Peking but warned that "as long as imperialism exists there remains the danger of the unleashing of a nu-clear-rocket world war." Western observers said the firm tone of
      Reuter  -  366 words
    • 47 3 OTTAWA. Thurs.— Mr. Lester Pearsons' Liberal Government won a 119 to 74 vote last night at the end of a six-day debate on its budget. The Liberals were supported by 14 Social Credit members. One Social Creditor voted with the 73 Conservatives. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  47 words
    • 289 3 LONDON. Thurs.— The British Foreign Secretary. Lord Home, said yesterday that at the. Sino-Soviet ideological meeting starting in Moscow next week, he would expect a "facade of unity to be preserved." Nevertheless, their differences were so fundamental that it could r.o
      Reuter  -  289 words
  • 140 3 LONDON, Thursday. MR. Harold Wilson, leader of the Opposition Labour Party, said last night he would "reluctantly agree" with the American proposal for a Nato mixed-man nuclear force in certain circumstances. He said in a television Interview that he did not think anyone in
    Reuter  -  140 words
  • 34 3 $47,082 mil. for US defence WASHINGTON. Thurs. The House of Representatives yesterday passed an appropriation of $47,082 million for the U.S. dafence budget. The sum was about $2,000 million below President Kennedy's request. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 280 3 Profumo: Now film j left by Ivanov is stolen ONDON, Thurs. L* Detectives yesterday went to the studio of a London photographer after he had reported the theft of photographic material which newspapers connpcted with the former Russian Naval Attache. Captain Eugene Ivanov. Ivanov had an affair with Christine Keeler
    Reuter  -  280 words
  • 47 3 LONDON, Thurs. Queen Elizabeth yesterday presented a medal to her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh. The Queen solemnly awarded the Duke the Albert Medal of the Royal Society of Arts. The medal Is named after Prince Albert, husband of Queen Victoria. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 34 3 VATICAN CITY. Thurs. Pope Paul will mark his coronation on Sunday by offering sweets to sick or disabled children and meals to Inmates of all Italian Jails, the Vatican announced yesterday. UPL
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  • 118 3 LONDON. Thurs A man tried to kiss Princess Margaret last night as she entered the Sadler's Well* Theatre. A theatre spokesman said the man. who did not have a ticket, was being ushered to the door when the royal party arrived. "He rushed
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 173 3 A PROTEST STRIKE CALL TO 68,000 NEGROES I IN BOSTON WASHINGTON, Thurs. Integrationist leaders urged Boston's 68,000 Negroes to stage a strike on Wednesday protesting against segregation in the city. The protest was called in conjunction with memorial services to be held on Boston's historic common for the slain Mississippi
    UPI  -  173 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 71 3 '■{■'if lte,^*"**ii«fcs*i**iSS5 B *BSS 6th Anniversary SALE Thousands have visited us WHY NOT YOU? METRO LTD., 72-74, HIGH ST., SINGAPORE TEL: ***** (5 LINES) CONCRETE You Specify We supply Save money Save time Save labour Save space and worry ORDER READY MIXED CONCRETE FROM:CONCRETE (PREMIX) LTD., 1, IRVING ROAD, SINGAPORE,
      71 words
    • 235 3 The car most desired by motorists BOB 6 WARD Arabella deluxe ill irWl Developing 45 b.h.p. (DIN) HVft y\ the tvell-designed smooth■^WKH 1 fuming high-performance -m >HW ♦Rom wheel drive 4-cylinder W*^ mm. jk^& ront cn Birle8 irle 4 -stroke) gives Ka ■fiafc.l iii^^^TiM^MWi^»«ti^iiuii fV^BES t^ e Borgward ARABELLA DE
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 115 4 PHILIPS PROVIDE THE KEY TO BETTER If 111 ,t^^B^^^p^3MMß|K. JaK/m %its fJf j fts SOB 41 SHOWROOM LIGHTING- KUALA LUMPUR lignnigi PRESENT-DAY BBBBBHHBBH^BB HP^^9 WEALTH OF APRON UGHTING- SINGAPORE AIRPORT POSSIBILITIES,... Hf but !t is not )USt a matter of choosing BHPP^^^^^^^F i'ii^flll!i!! iii!Sl!iS|B any modern lamp or fitting< Oil^'iilllllllll
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  • 386 5 Army amahs plan strike if demands not settled IPOH. Thursday. 3,000 amahs employed in British Army homes from Penang to Johore Bahru will go on strike early next month unless the War Department, which employs them, agrees to their demands The amahs are members of the powerful War Department Civilian
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  • 160 5 PARLIAMENT HOUSE BY M-DAY?— A REVIEW KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Work on the $16 million Parliament House will be reviewed on Monday to decide whether it will be ready by Malaysia Day (Aug. 31). Mr. W.I. Shipley, the PWD architect responsible for its design and construction, disclosed today that "everything will
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  • 25 5 SINGAPORE. TTmrs. An unidentified cyclist, about 20. died on the spot after being knocked down by a car at Braddell Road last nisht.
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  • 123 5 rr\HE sleeping baby in this I -I picture is Johore's new- est royal prince. 13-day-old Tengku Abu Bakar, first child of the Trngku IWahkota. Tengku Abdul Rahman. He was introduced to Press cameramen at the Istana I Pasir Plangie on Wednes- day. On hand
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  • 257 5 'Fight me' said the traffic chief, lawyer tells magistrate PENANG. Thursday. A LAWYER. Mr. Lim Kean Siew, appearing for A two hawkers, alleged today that after their arrest, the Penang Traffic Chief, Asst. Supt. Gurmukh Singh, told them "Get your best lawyer and ngnt me. "If It Is true, then
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  • 40 5 SINGAPORE. Thur.s. The annual meeting of the Singapore National Union of Journalists, which ad'ourned last Sunday, will continue on Sunday at the union's HavelocK Road premises ai 10 a.m. The meeting will elect a 15--member central council.
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  • 38 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Ihurv The Women's International Club will hold its monthly lunch at the clubhouse on Saturday, i Quest speaker will be Mi T Paul, an expert on finger-painting. I who will give talk and demonI strauon.
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  • 201 5 HALF WAY DOWN PENANG HILL ON FOOT 1 PENANG. Thurs. Hundreds of Penang Hill residents had to walk half a mile along a path beside Penang's famous funicular railway from the middle to the bottom station this morning because of a cable breakdown. The breakdown was caused by the bursting
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  • 106 5 A LOR STAR. Thurs. j who was held in connecPolice today searched tion with a theft case, esfor a detainee who escap- raped while being escorted ed from the Baling police i by a constable from the station last night. Baling police station
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  • 89 5 Allowances for Royal children IPOH. Thurs. The Mentrl Besar of Perak, Dato Shaari bin Shafiee. will move a motion in the State Assembly here on Tuesday, providing allowances for the eight children of the Sultan The monthly allowances recommended in the motion are: $320 for each son who has attained
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  • 172 5 SINGAPORE, Thurs. The new president of the Rotary Club of dinpore. Dr. A. C Sinha, today called for greater i n t c r- racial harmony among the peoples of Malaysia. He did this during a dinner tonight at the Cathay Rest- aurant,
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  • 40 5 PENANO. Thurs. Church congregations in Penang will hold a Joint service of community hymn singing at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Codrington Avenue at 8 p.m. on Sunday. The band of the Salvation Army will be in attendance.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 204 5 I Advertisement 1 A Glow That Gives the Hair new Beauty Hairstylists everywhere »re using a new type of shampoo, to give the hair ne<* glowing loveliness at depm —not a glitter not a polish, but something far more beautiful, the rich deep brainy you see when /ou look Into
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  • Article, Illustration
    181 6 ART— ON A MAT Paintings with a Malaysian touch SINGAPORE, Thurs.— The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Labour, Mr. Wee Toon Boon this evening praised a Singapore teacher-artist for his work, and described it as the first of its kind in the world. Mr. Wee *as speaking at the
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  • 180 6 SINGAPORE. Thurs. The Singapore General Employees' Union today asked the Second Industrial Arbitration Court to delete the names of five workers from a collective agreement which It claimed had been "Inadvertently" put In at the time of signing the agreement with Malay Film Productions
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  • 48 6 SINGAPORE. Thurs.— The mobile mass X-ray unit will be stationed at the Telok Kurau West Integrated School from Monday to Wednesday (July I—3) between 4.30 pjn.— 7.3o p.m. It will be at 12. Kampong Amber on July 4. 5. 8. 9. and 10.
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  • 85 6 SINGAPORE, Thurs. Swami Ranganathananda. head of the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Calcutta, will inaugurate "The Parliament of Man" ceremony— the first of a series of symposiums at the Victoria Theatre on July 8. The ceremony is being organised by the Swami Vivekananda Centenary Committee of the Ramakri.shna
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  • 142 6 SINGAPORE, Tburs.— Two men who jumped into the sea, off Nicoll Highway and rescued a girl from drowning in September last year were honoured by police today. Lance Corporal Chew Keng Chee of Singapore Military Forces and Mr. Pang Soon Tow of Monk's Hill
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  • 86 6 This is the three-rirur, symbol of the United People's Party, which the Singapore Government fears might be confused with the symbols of Nanyang University. Country People's Association and the People's Association. The secretary-general of the party. .Mr. Ong Eng Guan, has pointed out that there could be
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  • 159 6 SINGAPORE, Thurs. Abu Bakar bin Mohamed All. a police officer attached to the Tramc Police mobile! stiuaa who appealed against a district court conviction and sentence of six months' jail on a corruption charge, was cleareo on appeal by Justice Winslow In the High Court today.
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  • 237 6 A BIG traffic diversion scheme along congested Geylang and Changi Roads will begin tomorrow and last for about six months. A Traffic Police statement said the diversion Is to allow for the smooth progress of sewerage work along Geylang Road from the Junction of Joo Chiat
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  • 387 6 fpHE following Is today's scheA dule ol civil aircraft movement* at Paya Lebar airport, Singapore: ARRIVALS Garuda: Prom Medan (OA 990) 3.10 p.m.; from Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur (CA 805) 5.10 p.m.: from Jakarta (OA 802) 8.45 a.m. Thai International: From Hong Kong. Bangkok (TO 731)
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  • 279 6 SINGAPORE, Thurs. The second criminal district judge, Mr. N.A. d'Rozario, today suggested that the traffic police should instal "an appropriate traffic sign" at the Kirn Pong Road junction of Tiong Bahru Road. He observed that this was necessary "to
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  • 33 6 SINGAPORE. Thurs.— The Seletar Auto Club wUI hold its annual dinner and dance at the New Straits View Hotel in Johore Bahru on Saturday at 7 p.m. TV James Geor;
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 249 6 OPEMS TODAY "IT ISN'T OFTEN THE CRITICS STAND •LI DO UP AND APPLAUD BUT THEY DID FOR. aa^oy«.>g THEAMOROUSPRAWrr^/^rc/* B i m\ I lan CarmichaeN Joan Greenvvood'Cecfl f^rker The Amorous prawns g»o gtarrtn^ Denote Price "Robert; Bo atfcy»Uz Fresor PHONE ***** (A I.A. WEEK RELEASE) PHONE ***** -"rex-opens today-sky: 11,
      249 words
    • 39 6 TELEVISION PYE-EKCO-ETC. SERVICE GUARANTEED Technicians Specially Graduated from Australia. AMor Salts Stnnct it t.ttndtd till tht tnd of TV Trtnimmun Call or Phone TOH FONG RADIO TV 40, St. Gtorat't Rood, (2> 4 m/i Straniaan Raad), Sincapara-12. Mi «»40«.
      39 words
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    • 485 6 ♦■»>♦■♦■♦♦♦; 9.h BIG DAY! t [Ham- 1 30 4 00 6.10 9 30pm 1 Lourtnct Harvty Franca Nuycn |H| MAIMO I Martha Hytr Miyoshi UMEKI Technicolor PanoVision. NEXT CHANCE! Rank Organisation Presents "THE MAN WITH THE X GREEN CARNATION" t ■Pettr FINCH Yvonne MITCHELL Technicolor Techmroma. TOMORROW MIDNIGHT! I Revenge
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  • 1813 7  - He turned —and faced a machine gun FLETCHER KNEBEL CHARLES BAILEY ■•All I I Hill I OF I 111 VI OH V BY TODD went on: "This base. There is no evidence it does in fact exist. Mr. President, you could ask Scott. If he denied it you could order
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 161 7 QUALITY...EXTRA LENGTH... Now also available in packets of ten, King Size SOLENT gives you the clean, wide awake freshness of natural menthol plus real smoking satisfaction. Like a sea-borne breeze like the cool sparkling spray of the sea SOLENT REFRESHES YOU King Size at only 4O CtS ffOP 1O JHE
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  • 320 8 SINGAPORE, Thurs. Water rationing here may be lifted by the middle or end of next month if rain continues to fall as it has been doing for the past few days. The chairman of the Public Utilities Board. Dr. Fon* Kirn Henc.
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  • 77 8 SINGAPORE, Thurs. Used postage stamps their cancellation marks chemically removed were affixed to four parcels meant for overseas despatch. Senior Inspector Benjamin ClunlesRoss told a court today. Chong Pek Chong, 19, brought the parcels to the Queen Street post office and tried to post them. Chong, an
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  • 435 8  - 'A rose for a rose' but also 'a tooth for a tooth 9 SOH TIANG KENG: Singapore, CONFRONTATIONS DOUBLE MEANING, BY A VISITING INDONESIAN EDITOR: -bv_ ihursday 'JHE editor of the Indonesian Herald, Dr. Ariffin Bey, today spoke of the present "friendly and happy confrontation" between Malaya and Indonesia. Dr.
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  • 132 8 SINGAPORE. Thurs. The Public Utilities Board today announced a concession which would enable developers of housing estates to make use of their liquid cash instead of having it "frown" In the form of a deposit. The practice has been for developers to
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  • 27 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs Three new companies Zephyr Chemical Peedstuffs Ltd.. United Plastics Ltd. and Pacific Milk Industries (Malaya) Ltd. have been granted pioneer certificates.
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  • 160 8 SINGAPORE, Thursday T»HE Singapore Government today invited students of the newly-established Ngee Ann College in Tank Road to apply for bursaries— a promise it made one month ago. i The bursaries, announced by the Ministry of Education, will be awarded to full-time students on the basis
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  • 120 8 TPOH, Thurs. Three workers and the manager of the foundry at Federated Engineers, in Lahat Road, were injured when a carbon electrode fell Into a furnace containing molten Iron. The manager. Mr. D. Leech, and two workers, Mohamed Yahaya and Wong Kam
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 234 8 gniiitiiiiiiioiiHiiiiiioitiiiiiiiio iiiiiicjwniiiwoiiiiiiiiiiowiiiiiiiinM I A PERSONAL MESSAGE FROM LANA LOBELL 1 Dear Fashion Lovers: Summer is the time when girls are I 5 so especially interested in their dresses. For your young gay look, I've gathered a fine I I selection of sun and fun time fashions in E i the
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    • 96 8 Fifty years of precision watchmaking by Swiss craftsmen. A superb self winding *Incabloc' movement with 30 jewels. ■wjl wm m 1 MI A dustproof, waterproof case to protect the shock resistant movement. L^Lw w j 1 The unique styling— modern as the day after A very beautiful face with date
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 127 8 Mlft, Onp ft,, V.T. Hm—llm -^_^~y¥ q e.a-g~~Tfcl JUST GOMN ST&M> I AWWGWT. MX) MHrh Tracy By Chmmtmr GomlH '£J/jfijfi£i&'* f ££&7y jl b V T r «»*>"■ tw r Txenrt a*aeu.v boom"™! \f ctano a* *rrn msub"^ eT^tlZj£-~ ■*< QUICKEST SLMfZMXR IN TO LANQ BUT IF TMI WMO I
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  • 299 9 A Sarawak team for London to sign M-pact JyUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. A four-member delegation from Sarawak will leave for London next week to take part in the signing of the Malaysia agreement. The team will comprise the chairman of the Sarawak Alliance Temenggong Jugah anak Barieng, the Sarawak Attorney-Genera Mr.
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  • 164 9 Krait fund off to good start From KEITH HOOPER CYDNEY, Thurs. Money has begun to roll in for the Lord Mayor's appeal for A£lo,ooo to buy and bring back to Australia the former warship Krait now in North Borneo. Among the first cheques received were two from Aust- rallan who
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  • 18 9 SINGAPOMb. Tnurs. A suspected gangster was arrested under the Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions' Ordinance yesterday
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  • 168 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. VINE members of the Royal Malayan Air Force, a1 including four officers, win leave for advance courses in Britain, New Zealand, and the United States within the next two weeks. Senior Aircraftmen Tan Chee Seang and Abdullah bin Abdul Shuko.- have
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  • 87 9 KIALA LL'MPUR. Thurs.— About 300 printing industry workers in Selangor will go on a one-day sympathy strike tomorrow in support of 75 workers locked out by the Arts Printing Works. This decision was taken at an executive council emergency meeting of the Selangor branch of the
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  • 109 9 IPOH. Thurs.— A former special constable. Hassan bin Dollah. 27. was today found guilty but Insane of the murder of Nab blnte Mat Rabl. nine. He was ordered to be detained at the Sultan's pleasure. Six other charges, one of murder and five of attempted murder
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  • 182 9 SEREMBAN. Thursday MR. CHIN SEE YIN. an Independent M.P.. has written to the Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, asking him to consider legislation for compulsory voting in the State and Parliamentary elections next year. Mr. Chin, who was elected to the Seremban Town Council
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  • 189 9 Joy-rides on stolen cycles end in jail for two- SINGAPORE. Thurs.— Two 16 year old boys told a district court today that they stole motor-cycles for joy-rides. Each was sent to prison for two years. Mohamed bin Mardin and Ong Saw Poh. both pscapers from Gimson School, will serve their
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  • 63 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs.— lnche Mokhtar bin Hail Ahmad, deputy head of the External Affairs Divi- sion of the Department of Infor- mation. has oeen transferred to I the Malayan Embassy in Jakarta as Second Secretary (Information > He leaver on Friday to take up his new
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  • 52 9 SINGAPORE. Thurs. The 24.000-ton P and O Orient Liner Chusan sailed into Singapore from I Penang this afternoon on her maiden voyage to Australia from Europe The liner well-known to Malayans on the Europe-Par East i route, carried more than (500 pasi sonners. 92 of whom
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 198 9 UNITED MALAYAN BANKING CORPORATION LTD. on tin opening ot Brioches it BRUNEI snd MUAR The National Cash Register Company are proud of the continued confidence of United Malayan Banking Corpn. 'Ltd. in Q/fStUmal P r °ducts. NICIRI -i /A ll "^r iLj NCR Class 32 All-Purpose Accounting Machine. This time-tested
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    • 228 9 OTOX EAR DROPS A MOST EFFECTIVE OTOX E.r Dr«p. REMEDY FOR Dvb,n.l powerful n«w .n g^p INFECTIONS tixpiic (hat kills i wide range of bacteria and fungi and it dear (or .re.nn, almo,. all AHOTHtn r.OOUCT ■upeHicial ear inlectioni I Unless you Uk« definite »tcp» I to prevent it.
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  • 29 10 •a Word* tit (Minimum) FAMILY OF LATE Mary Perera mother-in-law of Francis Kootnayah, Postals, thank relatives, friend* for wreaths, condolence*, gifts, night attendance find jMslMancr at their ber-
    29 words
  • 176 10 it Word, $1$ (Minimum) last 2 DAYS, prices greatly M> iVicrd on Indies dresars, tboes, textiles. and children's wear at Hilda's Cold Storage. Tel: *****. REMEMBER TO BUY Ryvita when your doctor prescribes a low-fat diet, iivvlta rnsphread I* nourishing, satisimdc, appetising. Try It today. R. V. MEYER, Opntoalmic
    176 words
  • The Straits Times Friday, June 28, 1963.
    • 540 10 President Kennedy has been given a fantastic welcome in Ireland and himself appears to be revelling in this sentimental interlude in a very serious journey. The political analysts are, of course, more concerned with the impression made by the President at his previous stop in West Germany.
      540 words
    • 361 10 The Ministry of Defence ha» made the welcome announcement that it is stepping up i naval and air patrols of areas J in the Straits of Malacca frequented by Malayan fishermen. Several bold pirate raids in the past few days have taken ♦he shine off a statement made
      361 words
    • 310 10 Elections have become cleaner since the Albakri code was enforced in mid-1961. In both the town council elections that year and the local council contests the year after, there were no signs of the "human sea tactics or bicycle-chain rowdyism made notorious at Jinjang, Ampang and Menglembu.
      310 words
  • 994 10 Three little words that may topple a Premier 'EAT CHEAPER F7SH' UPROAR IN JAPAN A WAN smile is tbe Japanese housewife's reaction to boasts about the country's growth. There has been little benefit for her in the vaunted policy of expansion, with its emphasis on heavy industry and increased exports.
    994 words
    • 249 10 F reply to your correspondent (ST. June 22) who complained about the hour-long wait before the scheduled departure of the Malayan Airways Silver Kris for Kuala Lumpur en-route to Bangkok or Hong Kong, T would like to point out that the Silver Kris does not carry passengers
      249 words
    • 149 10 rE Malayan secondary schools examinations are to be held during the first week of October. This ts two weeks ahead of last year's date. I hope that the Ministry of Education will think seriously about ho' ding the examination either in early November or in late October. The
      149 words
    • 128 10 rls getting quite evident that Singapore's public transport system Is hopelessly unable to cope with the rapidly rising population For the last few days I have had the misfortune to travel to my place of work by bos. This has been an experience that I will never forget.
      128 words
    • 105 10 rpHE Government has unX doubtedly overlooked the aangers of allowing teachers to participate in politics. I know of a secondary school where four of its senior teachers stood for the recent town council election. During election month the pupils were entirely neglected because these teachers were too busy
      105 words
    • 70 10 THE postal authorities In Seremban these days seem to be quite ignorant about the geography of Negrl Sembilan. I sometimes wonder whether they are aware that there is such a place called Mambau. Letters addressed to Mambau are often delayed because they are first sent to Rembau. it
      70 words
    • 72 10 QN MAY 20 I applied for a birth certificate extract under registered cover Time Is ticking by; It's already over a month now and I have yet to receive an acknowledgment. Why this delay? My second complaint Is about the Postal Department. On two occasions very Important letters
      72 words
  • 339 10 THE FUNERAL AT THE HONEYMOON HOTEL from Richard Hall T CSAKA, Thurs The JLi dismantling of the 10--years-old Central African Federation will be arranged in a room of the Victoria Falls Hotel in the dying days of Jane. It is a piquantly fitting place. The spectacular waterfall on the Zambesi
    339 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 784 10 Straits Ti-« k Malay M*d CisiHwit asXisrilasmMMa as* b* hinlM Mi Ist COLD srrOMAOB ASrCAM Ordtard MoM COLA SJTOKAeMi MANCNM AT HOLLAND BrOAD— KATOM* •(*■>»>«. woad WAVA4. mimu AuttiorkM*) Aajswla: CrTY MOK sTTOSrK LIVJ wVpMsasr M—aa. ri»ir»*r TMK tsKWS raONT H. M. MeaAM. M. AMOWC UmWrtkU m •*> •7SV7 Cfcaas*
      784 words
    • 66 10 WHAT WILL YOUR TEEN-AGER DO THIS SUMMER? [There is an exciting, worthwhile Job awaiting almost every youngster I who wants one when you read an Interesting article in JUNE Reader's Digest (new on sale) Aim in the same issue read THE PART MONEY PLAYS IN MARRIAGE This revealing report will
      66 words
    • 98 10 tfll drop R9 opsan |9J ■■■■■■■Hn EYE DROPS •PSM cntaiis a ptwtrW afttatttrM cinpound eallei V33S jtiitlf dndiped li the laktraUrin if t»e "Nitwiit listitfte fir Meiicil Resurck" m« U^&S^C Beats Pire Drtf C«»M»r bflMt IIHHHH Tlis imqiw ciHtmi Mkn OPSAN ttwi Mst effictm fnf»ratiii fir tnatin wcwMitww .n wicttm
      98 words

  • 267 11 FIVE PAP POSERS FOR MR. YAP SINGAPORE, Thurs. The People's Action Party today posed five questions to Mr. Yap Pheng Geek, chairman of the Malayan Chinese Association's reorganisation committee, who had hit out at the PAP yesterday. Inche Rahim Ishak. Poll- tlcal Secretary to the Minis- try of Culture, said:
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  • 28 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs— Malaya will be declared cholera-free on July 4 if no new cases are reported before then, a Ministry of Health spokesman said today.
    28 words
  • 116 11 MALACCA. Thurs. A Malacca State Councillor. Inche Mohamed bin Hajl Abdul Rahman, will lead a religious ceremony at Terendak Camp on Sunday to commemorate a $3,000 renovation of a grave believed to be that of a famous warrior. British troops stationed at the
    116 words
  • 316 11 Threats but Mr. Gray went on picking the 'mushrooms' OFF SAFELY— THE MAN WHO BROKE UP THE INSURANCE RACKET by TAN TOCK SAIK: Kuala Lumpur, Thursday J^OW it can be told the background of threats against which Malaya's first Insurance Commissioner, Mr. A. C. Gray, worked during the past two
    316 words
  • 125 11 Nancy on a 'sell Malaya' tour SINGAPORE. Thurs. Malayan Airways stewardess Nancy Liew, who was crowned Miss international Air Hostess at Surfers' Paradise, near Brisbane, last week will return to Singapore on July 6. Miss Liew Is now in Sydney on the first leg of an Aus-tralia-wide tour to "sell"
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  • 63 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs.— The Pakistani High Commissioner to Malaya, Maj. Gen. Nawabzada Muhammad Sher All Khan, is expected to return to hia country in the next two months after completing five years of service in this country. His successor will be Mr. S. M. Hassan,
    63 words
  • 153 11 FATHER WHO LIED AT HIS DAUGHTER'S MARRIAGE SINGAPORE, Thurs. Sulaimi bin Tosonoh, 63, who falsely declared on oath before a Kathi that his daughter was a virgin at her marriage, was today sentenced by a district judge to one day's jail plus a fine of $400 or three months* Jail.
    153 words
  • 20 11 SINGAPORE. Thurs.— The United People's Party today published the first English issue of "Unity" Its monthly organ.
    20 words
  • 216 11 Companies that gambled on human lives hand. I had been workIng on my car. "They said they wanted to talk to me. I told them I didn't talk business on Sunday and If they wanted to see me. they could do so the next day in my office Asked if
    216 words
  • 105 11 More rain: 'No ration cut' hopes i rise SEREMBAN. Thurs. Heavy rain again fell today, raising hopes that six-bour-a-day water rationing for 100.000 people here and at Port Dickson will not be enforced after all. The Public Works Department announced on Monday that a six-hour supply (from 6 a.m. to
    105 words
  • 321 11 THREE ROBBERS WHO LOCKED THEMSELVES IN KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. "pHREE armed men raided a grocer's in High Street and on finding the manager and workers at dinner, ordered them to continue eating as if nothing was happening. They threatened the manager of Chop Sun Wah, Mr. Choy Nam Hin, with
    321 words
  • 27 11 SINGAPORE. Thurs. The German church choir. Westfalian Kantorel. arrived in Singapore this evening for performanft* at the St. Andrew's Cathedral tomorrow and Saturday.
    27 words
  • 91 11 CINOAPORE, Thurs.— Miss Khoo Bak Noi, 22. a telephone operator employed by the Telephone Board who suffered injuries in a road accident 18 months ago. was awarded damages of $4,570 with costs by Mr. Justice Buttrose in the High Court today. The award was made
    91 words
  • 61 11 SINO/PORE. Thurs. The Public Utilities Board today denied a report In an English newspaper that it had any Intention of Increasing the rate* of water, gas and electricity. On the contrary, the board chairman. Dr. Pong Kirn Heng. said the board had already announced its
    61 words
  • 23 11 SINOAPORB. Thurs. a radio and a clock were stolen from the Jalan Kong Kuan Community Centre in Bukit Panjang yesterday.
    23 words
  • 232 11 Two in to help Fraud Squad 1/-UALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Two Australian experts have arrived here to help the Special Fraud Squad of the Federation police in its task of fighting commercial crime. They are Mr. J. C. Flnemore, parliamentary draftsman to the Victorian Government, and Detective-Inspector W. H. Garvey, who
    232 words
  • 26 11 PENANQ, Thurs. Burglars broke into a godown in Jelutong Road yesterday and escaped with 18 irunny sacks of maize flour valued at $270.
    26 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 166 11 ft /f/ n* i\. im a£> W Vm in I FREEWAY j lis ilrli* You can't match AUSTIN FREEWAY in its class for value! That's because it's in a class^^ vr all by itself! Look: new 6 cylinder, 80 bhp "Blue Streak" engine; distinctive styling; luxury extras as standard equipment;
      166 words
    • 235 11 //YOUR MONEY IS ALWAYS SAFE II IN II LONDON I IN A I 57 L BANK p DEPOSIT ACCOUNT Lombard sank op London offers real financial •ecurity and an interest rate of 5 the maximum safe and sure rate for your money to earn. No U.K. Income Tax will be
      235 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 487 11 Today's Radio, TV programmes RADIO MALAYA gnjg gjrte^jogjj^ NATIONAL SHORTWAVE t* -> SERVICE 41.7 metres RADIO SINGAPORE AM; 600 Time Signal. Ne- RHORTRAVF kfrvipf gara-ku; «.O3 Prelude To Break- SHORTWAVE SERVICE fast; 7.00 Time Signal. The medium wAt^«s:Rvir« News; 7.10 Songs And Sweet MBDIIM WAVesebvlCß Music; 7.30 Learn A Word
      487 words

  • 164 12 AGENT FOR KOMATSU TRACTORS A LEADING Japanese construe- tion equipment manufacturing company has appointed Euco Engineers Ltd. of Kuala Lumpur as sole distributors for the Federation and Singapore. Mr. Jlro Uchlda, director of overseas sales of the manufacturer, Komatsu Manufacturing Co. Ltd., (lew to Kuala Lumpur last week to finalise
    164 words
  • 414 12 V/wixllil JCilvv; J nuu ixli JL/ JLLi l/IJul m\LAAj vi Ej tt O•• Uy UU Iv Itl rvK AJCi X O A Am: JP Locomotives for iron mine SINGAPORE FACTORY DOUBLES PRODUCTION POATES' Brothers (Far Iv»st) L ld., a i member of the (.oatcs Group manufaoturing prin
    414 words
  • 225 12 Reduced rates will increase timber sales to Australia /GREATER demand for Malayan timber could be found in Australia's furniture industry it the freight rates were low enough to encourage the movement of timber from here to the island conI tinent. This Is the view of an Australian businessman, Mr. Terence
    225 words
  • 169 12 From office boy to chairman A BUSINESSMAN who started hie as an office boy nas been appointed chairman and general manager of Guthrie and Co. (Si Ltd. He is Mr. T. M. Walker who succeeds Mr. L. L. Cooper when the latter retires at the end of this month. Mr.
    169 words
  • 41 12 French car exports in May totalled 66.098 units against 61.608 units in April, bringing the five-month figure to 279.175 of which 251,350 were passenger can, against 238.263 in the corresponding period of last year, according to reports from ParU.
    41 words
  • 238 12 Japan fancy plywood mart study PEOPLE in Malaya have developed a strong liking for furniture, wall panels and other items made from fancy plywood, said Mr. Noboru Oyama, managing director of Hoku.san Shokai Ltd., Japan. Mr. Oyama was In Singapore early this week to survey the-mar-ket for his company's products,
    238 words
  • 194 12 »pHREE Singapore printers leave for London x tomorrow to attend the International Printing Machinery and Allied Trades Exhibition at Earls Court and Olympia from July 16 to 27. They are: Mr. Lee Kirn Heng. former Government printer and now managing director of Lee Printing, who*
    194 words
  • 123 12 CJARAWAK exported 6.162 tons of M rubber in May, up 871 tons over April, bringing the total for the first five months to 18.694 tons, against 14,417 tons for the corresponding period of last year. White pepper exports totalled 375 tons during May. up 31 tons, and
    123 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 269 12 /\ERTEX The 'Air Conditioned' j^^b L^bF I I I !!^^b^B Supreme for Cool Comfort and Health Slip on an Aertex shirt— slip on a grand feeling of freshness and fitness! Good-looking Aertex shirts have built-in coolness, because the woven cell*! ar fabric ventilates your skin. Aertex lets a body breathe
      269 words
    • 89 12 am. xBK, T' B^K HkJH ■REgflr :-Xg: s\\£sbJ '■'"'•JWvv** For five thousand years skilled craftsmen tiave worked with gold for the making of beautiful adornments. It is a rare and noble metal. It does not rust nor does It tarnish. Hardened for everyday use it is the perfect setting for
      89 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 910 13 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA APPLICATIONS are Invited foi the post of Domestic Manager foi the Fourth Residential College Qualifications: A good general education; experience In hostel and hotel management essential Salary: On the scale $535x20-635 Also usual allowances, provident fund and medical benefits. Applications should be made on th<
      910 words
    • 740 13 Continued fro*— fmf 19) SITUATIONS VACANT Word* SS (Min.>—Box St eta. txtrm COOK/HOUSI BOY or Cook/Bouse i Amah required. Please Ring iS'pore) 615*7 after 9 a.m. 1 WANTIO CLEANING WASH Amah 7.30 6, not under 26 years, willing hard worker. Phone (Spurt i *****. WANTED IMMEDIATELY on* door to door
      740 words
    • 603 13 SITUATIONS VACANT to Wmrdm SI (Him,)— Box It eta. mxtrm "EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS" Required urgently. Preferably persons with aome teaching experience aad a gsnsiai degree. Apply with full curriculum vitae to Box A 6812 S T Spore. SITUATIONS WANTED i> Word* SS (Min.h-Box SO eta.' mxtrm REAO the Senior Appointments Vacant
      603 words
    • 820 13 ACCOMMODATION WANTED 10 Word* U (Htm.) Ihtmlt eta, mxtn VOUNO COUPLE REQUIRE* Bunga low for 3 years. Areas 17. 16. 15. Applj Box A 6807 8.T.. (B'pore). WANTED: 3 or 4 Bedroom Hoaso. location In Kuala Lumpur Unfur alshed W.E.K. August. 1963. Kept] to Boa AJ4B3 S.T. K.L. EUROPEAN COUP—
      820 words
    • 749 13 EDUCATION W Wmrda SI (Mi*.)— Box %0 et: mxtrm HOW IS YOUR Malay progressing? -Improve your knowledge of the National Language by reading Berlta Harlan dally, the only romanised National Language newspaper ALEXANDRA TIOHG BAMRU Now Ss— lnns In July Type-wrlUag All Stages, Shorthand Theory /Speed at C.I. C.C. School.
      749 words
    • 764 13 BOOKS PUBLICATIONS Word* SI (Ht*.>—SOß It elm, mxtrm FEDERAL PUBLICATIONS LTD. have a wide rant* of I _t Books 00 display la UM Cold Storage Arcade, Orchard Koad, la conjunction aut» O.KUK. INDIAN MIWS tor dear, ommm reliable News of India, ■übserike to Hindu Weekly. Specimen Copy seat oa request
      764 words
    • 1116 13 VEHICLES FOR SALE 20 Word* U <lliM.)—Bmx It et*. mxtn 10#1 VOLKtWAQIN, Oulf Blue. Bxcelleat Condition, C/lnaurance, Tax. Service Regularly. Coatact 90, Hertford Road n< :t to Dorset Road, Singapore 8. OCTOBER TMI MEROEOES 22OSK comprehensive insurance excellent condition tax paid one owner price $11,600/- Pboae B'por* ***** O*ac* Hours.
      1,116 words
    • 732 13 HI-FI STEREO 1 it Wmrda SI (Him.}— Box St eU. oxtro TV IMPIRIAL, Transistor Radios Oceanic Cosmos Enterprise, Phont: I (8 port) «M2e 8362 T. AT YOUR SERVICE (Spore) M Words $s (Min.h-Box SO ct*. mxtrm SINUINI PHOTOSTATS. Kotomatle I M Kobtnsoo Road. Tel. *****. KWOK'S PNOTOCOPV lERVICI 33, The
      732 words

  • 1814 14 The irrepressible Pope of Fleet Lstreet THE famous English journalist, Hannen SwafFer, who was said to be the most legendary Fleet Street figure since Dr. Johnson, was also a dedicated spiritualist Among the many celebrities with whom he claimed to have established spirit contact utter their deaths was his old
    1,814 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 58 14 Wherever you I ive your needs. ltJ^^%. rSSk kerosene or 1 aT~ 9 ji |fWß it's a better life with Electrolux Benson and Hedges in the gold pack the symbol I of quality for t £2jS^ the very best in v^ I iUi/t/f I King Size vfitifii filter cigarettes |fc^^_,
      58 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1468 15 10 LIVERPOOL WESI COASI U.R.I Out S'pora Sam f ma» Ptiuaf ACHILLES LuerpiM, Glasgow CALCHAS Mars., A'mouth. Until*. JMI 28/ 1 Holland, Hamburg MENCSIHEUB LittrattL GHsgO» 6«« l l J »J» POLYDORUS LitirpMl. Hi.n Illy f* J H» •flj g» JJ PCLEUS L toil Dublin CUstoW 1J 14/1 OlMooocus L'ntl!
      1,468 words
    • 1481 15 \WTf!^^JJj7^T^jg?nniJWm\ THE L A. C LINESSAILINGS TO GENOA. LE HAVRE, HAMBURG, BREMEN, ANTWERP, IOmtPAM, AMSTERDAM, OSLO, CBTNENBURC ANO COPENHACtN. Ptnang AfJT-^a "JUTLANDIA" Sailtd II Pt 28 Jmm 21/18 Juii PTvSYkI "BOMA I) Baataday/ 4 JiHy 5/ 7 Jily I I Jily W\.r^--7 MOMBASA' 21/24 illy 25/27 Jily 21/28 iuly XVnfiV
      1,481 words
    • 1404 15 'bYn^Jiene EXPRESS SERVICE IB I IRPOOL > CONTININTAL PORTS. rport P. rnaa Pinaif BENAVON im, B'Mf, nit, Hant^'wp MXL ll Pt/Taday Jim 21/ BtNHIuCM it l»j ipttl. k'daa. Hull. N'aart S. 8/Tlday iiM 28/ 4 July 5/ BENALBANACk) Itadia, Rottirdam, Antwerp liii 11/ 4 81NVALU (EU kiMii. Moro. Haatarf Jim
      1,404 words
    • 1384 15 6c CO., LTD. W Til. Nl: dill fBLt ELURMAN UMB «c KLA VENESS LIMB LONDON, NAMBURB, RBTTEROAM, LOS AJ4CEUS UN FRANCISCO, HAVRE, NULL t MIDOLESBROUCH. SI ATILE, VANCOUVER t PORTUNB. C m OF CARUSUI Atttptilf cargi far Clltral I St*t» S'pori P. Shan Pinang BONXtviLLE GH. 15-11/TMay 28 Jim/ liil)
      1,384 words

  • 706 16 From Our Market Correspondent CONCENTRATION on the Vj Malayan Stock Exchange is now almost wholly on the industrial section of the market and tins have again well and truly gone very much back to second place. Yesterday a mere handful of 8 mining counters
    706 words
  • 23 16 Malayan Stock Indirrs June 26 June 2? Industrials: 116.87 118.46 Tins: 116.84 116.1S S rubbers: 114.28 114.24 Dec 29, 1962 100.
    23 words
  • 696 16 pOMBINED business in the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Malayan Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded In brackets: INDUSTRIALS: Beustaad (2.000) (1.67: Dunlea* (1,000) SS.OB. (8.000) (3.10. (1.000) 53.12. (3,000) $3.15. (11.000) $3.20. (3.000) W.l*: laatern Smelters (1.000) $3.70. (1.000) (9.72,
    696 words
  • 78 16 CHINESE Pr«rtuci l«cfnngt, tm|. Mr* nttn »nc«l Mr eicul yesterI day: c.c»nut ttti bulk $431 aellert. drum (461 sellers Cepra: June July UK Coolluent 127t I buyers. i Peeper: Muatok white I! 40 »eilers. I atn»>k while Jl37i sellers, special Sarawak black *8S sellers, garbled LamponK Black »»S
    78 words
  • 403 16 STRAITS tin yesterday lost five of the nine dollars gained on Wednesday falling to $455.25 per picul. The offering was estimated increased by 35 tons to 250 tons. In London on Wednesday apart from a momentary tendency to harden initially the tin
    403 words
  • 125 16 MELBOURNE. Thurs. |}REWERY shares finned again In an overall steady narket with rises exceeding falls. Several leaders, however, moved Irregularly. B.H.P. lost 6d. to 51s. 6d. and ICIANZ gained 6d. to 495. i Base meuis and oils wrre steady while (olds mostly advanced. Pakevlew and Btar gained Is.
    125 words
  • 239 16 CHIPS lying alengside tha Siniapcre •J MarD.ur wharves ar axpeeted 1.--day are: Singapore IS. Chusao 45. Uomha** 33/34, City of Carlisle 3.'. :ih Hartvia Ifaerak 13/14, Janek Krasicki irZ Kyoto 35, 39, Varda -J U4. Djakarta 4/5. Rokan 149 N.W. 4, Auby N W 2 Tronoh N.W.
    239 words
  • 241 16 JULY first grade rubber buyers fab. elesed at 5 p.m. in Singapere and Kuala Lumpur yesterday at 73s cents per Ib. unchanged on Wednesday's closing level. The tone wae inactive. R.A.S. and F.M.R.E. closing prises M I cents per Ib. yesterday: -'INT. t R.S.S. promp; f.o.b. bur"« 73.
    241 words
  • 22 16 Jane 27. MALAYAN RUBBER PRICE: 73i cents (unchanged). TIN: $455.25 (down 55). Estimated unofficial offering 250 tons .up 35 tons).
    22 words
  • 164 16 (OFFICIAL QUOTATIONS) Jua* 27. Tbrae) montb*. Dunlops -HJ eta. McAliater I E. Smeltf rs '."0 eta. Robln«»n 1 1 "a. Kmo 21 eta. Rotbmans II SMb V. A N. IS ct«. 8. Darby 4d. Gammon 14 eta. C. Storage 4Jd H. Stngapura 11 cUS. Trail ion 1/3 Hume
    164 words
  • 93 16 TMI Malayan exchange Banki' A»itetatien mad* theM chaoses m Itt run to marchaaU yestenlay (all ratca to $100): Canada: buying TT 35 5#16, airmail OD 35 716. BO d/tt 33 18/16 credit bins. 88 trade bllla. lellMig TT «r OO ready: Canada 33: Belgian France 161S l/Sj Italian
    93 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1114 16 W KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA. LTD. U.S.A. Pacific. Atlantic. Great Lakes Service Loaot loads ha eta EIA tl* EIA S'eort v. s nm Honolulu !>. Francisco l. Angem h lork Cleveland Btlma Mara Ml. 4/} JO July If Jaly 31 Jlly It Alf 1 Sept Kiiikaoa Mara" 21 Jsly 2931 Jily
      1,114 words
    • 937 16 Orient mid-east lines Great Lakes Service fAil BIMCT UlllMS FRSJI SINGAPORE ANB MAUYA 10 CAJUBIAJI ANB U.S. SHUT UKES PORTS Sport P Sham Ptnang Arr. loioata NOROVINB JSly IS/24 Illy 2S/2S Mly 21, n Stpt I BRIENT MERCHANT An M/M *af 2S/2» An 17/ It Oct I ORIENT TRADER Stpt
      937 words
    • 184 16 far Alts. »it-.i» Itttirfaa. Aaittitta, Naatiri tat »ir« > S'oert p S'tiaaw "tneaa '"Biatarta" CM 4/> 2t'»JsM |"P»tlia»" 7/ I Jlly teaenl Agtltt: Ci SHARP CO.. (M) 111 Til: S'ptft TSUI. P. Set- SJIJ Ptajaf KIM Fir: tMftiak. Haipttag. HtafkMf. Cliv Parts Spore P Slam Ptnang "latek KraiHn" Mi. 1/2
      184 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1301 17 l_Bk V^J I L^§ "■^^^■m.^i.^J I I I I NOTICE BANK HOLIDAY Members are reminded that the The Banks In the Federation of .1 general meeting of the M .laya will be closed for business Singapore Government. Medical on Monday, lst July 1963 halfand Dental Officers Association yearly balancing. £!Lm
      1,301 words
    • 728 17 TENDERS JABATAN KERJA RAYA PERAK. Tenders for the supply and delivery of metal from Plniu Oerbang Quarry In Dlndlngs for period from 15.7.83 to 15.12.63 wlll be received at the offlce of the Jurutera Negeri. J.K.R. Perak, Ipon up to 3.00 p.m. on sth July, 1963 from Contractors In Classes
      728 words
    • 810 17 TENDERS TENDERS will be received at the offlce of Perak Mining Enterprise iM) Ltd.. 31 Milestone, Oopeng Road. Ipon up to 13 pjn. on the 3rd July, 1963 fur mining of iron <y*. at the Company's mine site at Lot Nos. *****. ***** and ***** off 5} Milestone. Oopeng Road.
      810 words
    • 414 17 GUTHRIE AND CO. (MALAYA) LTD. Invites applications from Malays and Chinese for Hi* post of: AREA SUPERVISOR To control sales of flavours and essences throughout Malaya. Candidates should have technical qualifications and previous experience in this field. Good salary and allowances. Permanent post. Apply P.O. Box 198, Kuala Lumpur. CHANGE
      414 words
    • 333 17 HOUSING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD Separate tenders are Invited for any one or all of the following: Tender Cteainf Deposit Date (1) ERECTION AND COMPLETION of 4 Blocks of 10-Storey Flats (520 Unite), 1 Dustbin Compound /Store, 1 Electrical Sub-station and Transformer Compound at MacPhersott Road i South > Balance Phase
      333 words

    • 178 18 'ROLL UP' reaches the £3,000 mark for £1 LONDON. Thurs. "Roll up, roll up" is today not only the busker's cry at the fairgroundi to come and see the lat test lady in the world, but the magic word of a national newspaper tipster which has brought joy to punters
      Reuter  -  178 words
    • 37 18 VALENCIA. Thurs. Valencia i clamed the mtei'-Cuits Wain Sfx-cer Cup here last night when Miry beat Dinoma Zagreb (Yugoslavia) 2-0 in the second leg of iheir final. Valencia had won the. nr«t le« 2-1. —Renter
      Reuter  -  37 words
    • 24 18 BRAVADO did a winning gallop, furnishing a tworound workout with 3f in 38 4 5. A good thing over 9f on Sunday.
      24 words
    • 367 18 -Weights- IPOH. Thurs. Weights for all eight races here on Sunday: l-I.IC \K DERBY C 1 Div. .I— I2F Sungei Wang 9.00 PuUu Panfkor 8.13 Dark Romance II «12 Water Scout 8.03 Prediction 8.03 I Gemstone 8.00 j Tariff Q 8.00 i
      367 words
    • 511 18  - Sungei Wang and Gemstone all set for Derby Epsom Jeep RACING by JPOH, Thurs. Two top-class stayers imported from Australia specially to contest Malayan cup races have struck peak form in time for the $30,000 Perak Derby to be run over 12f here on Sunday. They are Sungei Wang, late
      511 words
    • 793 18 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. A total of 113 entries has been received for the Selangor Turf Club's July meetinp: (July 7, 10 and 14). The entries comprise 113 In Class 5 and 81 in Class 2 Entries are: Ist liun 2nd Run .-I M 6f inf
      793 words
    • 78 18 First Day (July 7): CUw 2 IMv* 1 and 2— o'jf; Dirt 1, 2 and I It, C law 5 DtTS 1. 2 and J— 7f. Be«ond Day (July 10): Cfaua 2 OiTa 3 an 4 4— Clau S Dirt 1. S. 3 and 4— 4'» f;
      78 words
    • 135 18 IPOH. Thurs. The Stipendiary Steward's reix>rt on yesterday races here: RACES 1 and 2 Nothing to report RACE 3 Apprentice D. Dragon was reprimanded for permitting his mount. Royal Guard, to rrowd SongkhU and Kodatna passim- the winning post first time round. RACE 4 Edminds raced unkindly and
      135 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 233 18 9. ■-■■■>■.■■■. ■vst.,-S'.'s ''> a-%- best- proved \^(XX s y° ur best buy to-day NOW FITTED WITH THE NEW 1098 C.c. ENGINE and IMPROVED BRAKING. PROVED with the most massive vote PROVED in everything you look PROVED with proof in the record ot" confidence in Malayan motoring history! forward to
      233 words
      32 words

    • 585 19 Fletcher and Darmon go out WIMBLEDON LONDON, Thurs.— Two seeded players, No. 3 Ken Fletcher (Australia) and No. 6 Pierre Darmon (France) were eliminated from the men's singles of the Wimbledon lawn tennis championships yesterday. Fletcher fell to fellowAustralian Fred Stolle 7-5, 9-7, 13-15, 6-0 in a servicegoverned second round
      Reuter  -  585 words
    • 232 19 TOURISTS OUTPLAY S'PORE CHINESE SPORE CHINESE 1 YUEN LONG (UK) 3 SINGAPORE, Thurs. Yuen Long, the Hong Kong League soccer champions, proved too good for Singapore Chinese In a friendly match at Jalan Besar Stadium here tonight. The visitors played clever football although they were inclined to be a little
      232 words
    • 527 19 S'pore 18 Trengganu 0; Negri 0 Penang 0 by KEN FERNANDEZ, Kuala Lumpur, Thurs. yyHILE Singapore set a goal-scoring record in first-class hockey by beating Trengganu 18-0, Negri Sembilan, the favourites, were surprisingly held to a scoreless draw by Penang in
      Soong Hon Sin  -  527 words
    • 128 19 HOCKEY 17 Gurkha D«» knockout final (Kluangt: Hq Training Establishment Kluang 0 Gurkha Rifles Ipoh 1. BASKETBALL Spore final: Siglap bt Tong Keng 62-53; Five-Dash-One bt Chanel Point 80-79 for 3rd place. BADMINTON —C. Perak teachers final (B. Gajah): Gopeng bt B Oalah 3-2 SOCCER Ipoh Div 1: Shaw
      128 words
    • 243 19 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. The programme for the 1963 Selangor AAA championships to be held at Merdeka Stadium here en July 12-13: July 12 6 p.m. Opening ceremony: 7 p.m. 400 metres hurdles heats; high Jump final; discus final 7.05 p.m. hop. step and Jump final 7.15
      243 words
    • 216 19 SINGAPORE, Thursday. ltfl. JEGATHESAN, Malaya's 200 metres gold lfl medallist at the Jakarta Games, will make another attempt at the Singapore 400 metres record on Sunday. i He will be running for Swifts against Army and RAF at a triangular meet at Tanglin. Jega
      216 words
    • 88 19 Robinson may decide to quit this week PHILADELPHIA. Thurs.— Sugar Ray Robinson, 43. former world middleweight champion, said here that he would decide this week whether to retire. Robinson, who has won th« middleweight crown five times, "retired" as undefeated champion in 1952. He made a comeback two years later
      Reuter  -  88 words
    • 41 19 DUBLIN, Thurs. At the final forfeit stage today Wily Trout waa taken out of the Irish Sweeps Derby to be run over one mile and a half at the Curragh, county Kildare. on Saturday, leaving 17 declared runners. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  41 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 153 19 You get 17 flights every week by 1% A 0 [rolls BO At ROLLS-ROYCE R JETS a¥ W RQYCE „■;.■>;■-■■ iT *?^5 L^B^^L^Hl^^LC Lv HP*^^^^ 8 EASTBOUND 9 WESTBOUND >': ■MMHO BOAC OFFERS YOU A CHOICE OF MANY EXCITING PLACES Get double the value from your leave this year. Make
      153 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 234 19 Straits Times Crossword r>. ACROSS 5. Give direction to a street in Pl t nly f reBembl nc e "> the East End (61 al F.ew»lk in It? i»>. 6 over half the tune to ptay M. Tato possession during a a sensational niw£ tat £l d ,whe re. c
      234 words
    • 89 19 SPORTS DIARY HOCKEY— Karak Cup finals: Negri v Trengganu (4 pmi. Spore v Pennng (5.15. both matches at Rifle Range Rd, XL). Ipoh s-final: Klnta Indians v 1/7 Gurkha Rifles (Ipoh Padang>. SOCCER— Malaya Cup north »ne: Ked«h v Perak (Alor Star). Perlis v Trengganu (Kangar). S'g»r Div 1: Umno
      89 words

  • Untitled
    • 385 20 SINGAPORE, Thursday. "JMIK newly-formed Singapore Alliance launched ils election campaign Uxlay with promises of new deals for workers and trade unions. Though the date of the elections for the 15 Federal Parliament seats has yet to be announced, the Alliance has already said it
      385 words
    • 75 20 Car crash: Two die, seven hurt SEREMBAN. Thurs. Two people werr killed and seven injured last night when a car overturned near the I mile Bahau-Rompin Road. Thr dead were Wong Thien Sen. •>."?. and a woman. Khoo Chin Yoke. 3.V The seven injured, including three children, were admitted to
      75 words
    • 147 20 W. Indians out for 182 LONDON. Thurs.— 1 hi- Wist Indie- m all out lor 182 today in reply to Hampshu'e'.s 329 in the lust Innings. Scores were: 329 Livingstone 151. Hoi-ton 55 >. W. Indians 182 lOam 63. Waswll 4—43. Sharklrton 3—54. Tea scores 111 other mutches (.uildiord BMM
      Reuter  -  147 words
    • 33 20 SINGAPORE. Thur.s.— The new Princess Elizabeth Estate post,) l :iu'inc\ will i>e opened at No. 99. Prince Charles Hi~r on Monday. "You are very brave to flsh In our area."
      33 words
    • 132 20 S.H.B. union makes 'open talks' call to Govt SINGAPORE. Thurs. i The Singapore Harbour Board Staff Asso-i ciation today called on the Government to open immediate negotiations on its claims for more pay and better working conditions. The union's call followed a representatives' meeting at their temporary headquarters in Cecil
      132 words
    • 95 20 SAIGON. Thurs. Three members of the organising committee 01 Singapore's South-east Asian cultura: festival flew In from Manila this morniim on an observation visit to Vietnam. The members are Mr. Liew Yung Ho, a Singapore newspaper editor and the delegation l.end, Mr. Yap Han Hong, superintendent
      Reuter  -  95 words
    • 96 20 PETERBOROUGH, Thurs. A seven-year-old pet rabbit named Scamp believes he is a duck as a result of a childhood shock. Whenever Scamps owner, 15-year-old Janet Pettican, swims in the nearby river Nene. Scamp acts like a duck and swims beside her. By rabbit years.
      Reuter  -  96 words
    • 342 20 LONDON, Thurs. Buyers are still unwilling to extend themselves today, even though new time buying was possible, and have been swayed more by the sharp fall on Wall Street yesterday and the still uncertain political situation rather than by further good economic news as provided by the May
      342 words
    • 51 20 LONDON. Thurr— Bpot 22 3,'16d.. Aug. 22'vd.. Sept. 22 1 16 d.. Oct. 22"» d. Oct. Dec. 22>»d.. Jan. Mar. 22", d.. Apr. June 22>»d.. July Sept. 22'» d Oct. Dec. 22', d., Jan/Mar. 22 id.. c.t.f. July 21 9 16d.. Aug. 219 16d.. Sept. 21 \d Tone: Quietly
      51 words
    • 27 20 LONDON. Thurr Buyers £891. sellers £893. Forward buyers £890. .filers £892. Settlement £892',. Turnover a.m. 220 tons. p.m. 80 tons Tone: Steady at the lower level.
      27 words
    • 218 20 A JOVIAL Mr. Lee Kuan Yew said in London yesterday that the Malaysian talks in London constituted "a process of attrition," reports Reuter. He was commenting on his first meeting with Mr. Duncan Sandys, who is making an effort to
      218 words
    • 143 20 Data Mustapha and Stephens arrive 'to sign pact' LONDON. Thur.s. Datu Mustapha bin Datu Harun. Head of Statedesignate of North Borneo, and Mr. Donald Stephens, Chief Minister designate, have arrived in London "for the signing of the Malaysia agreement," according to a Malayan delegation spokesman. They called ;.t the Colonial
      Reuter  -  143 words
    • 731 20 LONDON, Thursday. IN one of the most exhilarating displays o courtcraft in Wimbledon's long history, littlManuel Santana of Spain fought back from twi sets down to defeat Rafael Osuna of Mexico 2-t 0-6, 6-1. 6-3. 6-4 today. j The capacity centre IcPfil] TS
      731 words
  • 22 20 CABLE RECEIVED KarthiKKxu father of Thamhlplllal n tired Siction Bup4t. Railway. S3, Jatan KandanK Kcrbaa X.L.. i-isst-d away peacefully In Oylon.
    22 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 337 20 Now-a ONE-CALORIE TABLET that gives you all the vitamins you need take for an entire day 1 flew Vitamin Formula JustoneG ritoI BREAKFASTVITAMINS Tablet P ves Supplies The Vitamins S>%*W* the vitamin values irrfcated in these foods Your Breakfast May Lack <^j^ l#^\ ___1E tT^t Now, from one of
      337 words
    • 100 20 ADVERTISEMENTS M Uorrf. Sl* (Minimum) FERNANDEZ: A son Norman o Jum> ul BMR KhianK. tu Ma«K and Thomax or Voulrs Estate, Segamat A. PROUD TRADITION..-. ,_ffjst_3^*Y *r^^_p__. I i _f V* S^V^kil I _rfm_P~""_^^__i f*^mmm~L _»B^l fi?l_R* -^T^. I f •^^^M__l P_T w*- %*\\f*rk* .y•- __^_____B|aV W •**T^^*3^^^^^rf-|__MBWB-"^^^^^^^ The
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 42 20 UIOHEST and lowest tempera--11 tures In Malaya and Singapore for tbe period 8 p.m. on Wednesday to 8 p.m. yesterday: Hicheiit Lowest Kuala Lumpur 88 75 Kota Bharu 88 73 Penan* 88 T.i Ipoh 90 75 Malacca 84 75 Singapore 84 70
      42 words