The Straits Times, 26 June 1963

Total Pages: 30
1 10 The Straits Times
  • 24 1 wiiiau iiaiiy Muiiinn s\i i i\< i i i»s 100.000 fie**** The Straits Times Estd. 1845. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1963 15 CENTS KDN 353
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  • 23 1 VIENNA. Turn. At least tliree people have died in floods in many parts of Austria, police reported Here today Reut«r.
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 51 1 LONDON. Tues.— The price oi tin on the London metal*, mark?' ro^e by £13 today with spot £899 ouvct> and £900 nwi Forward ttn whs ;it £898 buyers und £899 sellers. Thr majority of tin share?, on the London stock exchange r n»e In sympathy. (See Back
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  • 209 1 MANILA, Tuesday. T»HE Philippine Vice-President and Foreign Secre- tary, Mr. Emmanuel Pelaez. will be offered a new post in the Government, according to the Manila Times today. i In a front page story, it said President Macapagal was preparing a sweeping revamp at the top
    Reuter; UPI  -  209 words
  • 73 1 LONDON, Tues. A decision on whether Britain is to have a decimal coinage system or not has been delayed. A committee set up in January last year to investigate the question was expected to report within the next few weeks. But today, Mr. Anthony Barber. Financial
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  • 57 1 BARROW-IN-FURNESS < England i. Tues. The world's Urstj commercial methane tanker. Me- thane Princess, has been launched at this northwestern shipbuilding port. Methane Princess equivalent In size to a 28,000-ton oil tanker, Is the first of two being built to carry the natural gas in
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  • 306 1  -  GEOFFREY GELDARD From I KUCHING. Tue«. 1 T»EMENGGONG Jugah anak Bari e n g, chairman of the Sarawak Alliance, said today ~JHs party would form a a;overament with -trie 'sTippoVt of Independents. He denied rumours that the Alliance would form a coalition with the
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  • 108 1 HONG KONG, Tues. The Duke of Kent's dragon boat sank in a traditional race at Taipo. in the New Territories, today and one of his crew commented afterwards: "It was a case of sabotage." He pointed to an open drain hole in the stern and .said "Somebody
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  • 62 1 NAIROBI. Tues Mr. Tom Mboya. Kenya's Minister Tor Constitutional Affairs, returned here today by air from London and said his talks on Independence had been "very successful." But he felt he should brief Mr. Jomo Kenyatta. the Prime Minister, and the Cabinet about them before making
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  • 126 1 Aza's Jakarta man riddle JAKARTA. Tues. Haji Mohamed Mangol has been named by Antara news agency as the new representative here of Sheikh Azahari, the Brunei rebel leader. He the second mar. named by the news agency in the past week as 'successor" to Achmad Fadlllah. Azaharl's representative here since
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  • 57 1 OUAGADOUGOU. Tups. Th« Upper Volta Minister of Labour mid Public Functions. Maxime Ourdraogc. hM been invested on a tlir*:t c1...: lii a mdio bradawl Ihm nmln Pr<M<lc!H Haurtet Vameogo said the anest was made on Sunday when the Minister arrived by mr from Geiuva where he
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 36 1 TSHOMBE OUSTED I.KOPOI mil I I Turs PrcMd«Tit HMm Txlwmbe waa IMaj mute* m bead of the South Katanga (Murrnmrnl hr .i law p.«ss t in P.irli:micnt lu-n--treatin-,' n< w pn>\irnr of KUuu-u— Rputrr.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 115 1 NAHAR'S ftr GOLF 111, North Brklao Rd^ «m«pof>. DE-LUXE STUDENT s\ MICROSCOPE a with Automatic %^k illuminating Device Thl potent student microscope is made with on outo>%i WMSSjStr **k t-'Otic illuminating device. Even in o dork ploce, by dmt of this device, o clear fcjjlffr 4te and beautiful image can
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    • 68 1 PAYA LEBAR PARK iNur Poyo Lcbor Police Station) Junction of Upper Scrangoon Rd. Paya Lcbor Rd Monthly $128.30 For i 5 <<\ initui: 1 1 ,400 <-y^-» price: $24,900 SIN CHEW REALTY LTD. 132, Rochor* Reid. S por. 7. T«l: Z3oo*. TMCTY-Mf T/tis is aft 6 IP^JJ country w 1
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    • 160 2 KARACHI. Tues. Presidint Avub Khun last night asked President Sorkarno to support Pakistan in her dispute with India over Kashmir. He made the request at a iKinqui t at til- end of the first day of n throe 4*J statf visit by the Indonesian leader.
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    • 313 2 'British attacking us' United Nations, Tues JHE YEMEN protested yesterday against British "aggression and occupation of Yemeni territory." It said a Security Council meeting would be requested if this -aggrci>ion" did not cease. The protc was made in a memorandum .submitted by Mr. Moh.nn A. Alainl. chief
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    • 85 2 LONDON Tut-*.— The Cabinet last night called Lt.-Gen. Sir Denis O'Connor. Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff, to its meeting, apparently because of the clash involving British servicemen and women and Yemeni tribesmen He was there on behalf I of Admiral Earl Mountbatten.
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    • 162 2 lERUSALEM, Tues. J Mr. Levi Eshkol, the new Israeli Prime Miniister, yesterday presented to Parliament a new coalition government to succeed the Cabinet of Mr. David Ben-Gurion I who resigned nine days ago. The government comprises the four parties which made up Mr. Ben-Gurion \s
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    • 241 2 DAR-ES-SALAAM, Tues. Nine people including the former Minister of Justice of Tanganyika. Chief Abdullah Saidi Fundikira (above), appeared in court here yesterday on corruption charges. In a series of separata hearings the chief and seven others who pleaded not guilty were remanded on
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    • 59 2 NEW DELHI. Tues. President Sarvepalll Radhakrlshnan of India (above), who returned yesterday from State visits to the United States and Britain, has taken to his bed on his doctors' orders. It was announced earlier that the 74-year-old President had cancelled a visit to South India
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    • 90 2 BAGDAD, Tues. Iraq cavalry have advanced Into the Important Kurdish centre of Quwalsanjaw, 40 miles east of Erbil. Northern Iraq. In their search for Kurdish rebe 1 followers of Mullah Mustafa Barsanl, an official communique said last night. The communique, issued by Iraq's Director
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    • 21 2 FRANKFURT. Tues.— West Oerman motor manufacturers set up a new record in May by producing 245 1M vehicles.— Reuter.
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    • 25 2 MANILA, Tues.— Mrs. Fclisa Rlcon de Oautier. 66. Mayor of San Juan. Puerto Rico, arrived In Manila yesterday for a two-day visit. Reuter.
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    • 246 2 Malaya sponsors fair sharing of UN 'keep the peace' costs UNITED NATIONS, Tuesday. jyjALAYA, Ghana, Guinea, Cyprus and Uruguay yesterday jointly sponsored a draft resolution for an equitable sharing of the costs of the U.N.s future peace-keeping operations. The resolution ha:> been referred to a special 21--member working committee, which
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    • 81 2 JAKARTA. Tues. A circular issued to me press bv the ■lcni-r--sentative of the Central Government of the Dilly Timor Republic" yesterday dismissed repons that, the ■'republic's .struggle"' was to include the Portuguese enclave into Indonesia. The circular said "the struggle under Prime Minister. Mr. I, E.
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    • 24 2 LONDON, Tues. Lady Silkin. a campaigner for world government, died of a heart attack in her London home last nicht. Reuter
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    • 187 2 100 BURIED BY A LANDSLIDE ON ISLAND SEOUL, Tuesday. MORE than a hundred people, including high iTI school students, were buried in a landslide today on Koje Island off Korea's south coast. Local police In Pusan were quoted as saying that their safety was not Immediately known. A radio report
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    • 83 2 Sabotage: 3 are jailed for life PRETORIA. Tues. Thret Africans charged with sabotage were sentenced to life imprisonment by the Supreme Court here today and Kvcn others were jailed for a total of 73 years. One accused was found not guilty and discharged The charge said the ftesused were members
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 223 2 I |H x^^S^m^-^;:^ v SEE WHY NATIONAL GIVES FULL VALUE FOR MONEY! Precision mode outomottc r n\\M «WI»l'l, or*-*e« #w«« StflH dr»v« iho* p*«ocion otollotion systafn which MZI V^^ Wod«d st«cl fon which «n- moch.n«i »o fine «"obles you odjust the ff.'t <uf« maximum cooling guoron»«« long lotting o'*'°* to
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 509 3 BONN. Tues.—President Kennedy hinted yesterday that the United States might propose an agreement with the Soviet Union and Britain not to give nuclear weapons or information to countries outside the nuclear club. He told a Press conference that he thought the conference
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    • 100 3 NEW YORK, Tues. West German Chanceller Konrad Adenauer has told friends privately that he opposes British entry into the Common Market because Bri- tain is "rotten." The Chancellor apparently i had in mind the Profumo i scandal. Edward P. Mor- Kan, American news
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    • 34 3 UNITED NATIONS. Tues. Tlu- U.N. Trusteeship Committee voted unanimously yesterday to send an exploratory mission to the Pacific Trust territories next year i to check on their progress towards I independence.— U.P.l.
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    • 69 3 ROME. Tues. About 25 million lire (.$120,000) worth of Jewels have disappeared from the home of Oiuliari Ponti, the first wife of Italian producer Carlo Ponti. police reported. Mrs. Ponti is still considered under Italian law as Pontis wife despite a Mexican divorce. Mr. Ponti
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    • 179 3 Nikita to 'show the flag' in East Germany MOSCOW, Tues.— Mr. Khrushchev is to make a "friendly visit" to East Germany next Sunday. Moscow Radio said the visit will mark the 70th birthday of Mr. Walter Ulbricht. Chairman of the East German Council, of Stat and Communist Party leader. It
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    • 59 3 GENEVA. Tues. An appeal in aid of the 38.000 victims of typhoon "Shirley." which hit South Korea last week. was launched here today by the International Ked Cross. It said the Korean Red Cross needed 500 tons of food. 30 tons of clothing, blankets or
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    • 92 3 BERLIN. Tues. Two East German .policemen fled to West Berlin early yesterday through barbed wire unseen by other border guards. At another point on the East- West border. Eastern police fired 10 tommy gun shots, presumably at refugees, but none was seen by
      UPI  -  92 words
    • 38 3 OTTAWA. Tues. The Prime Minister, Mr. Lester B. Pearson, defeated a no-confidence motion against his Government in the Canadian Parliament after withdrawing a 30 per cent sales tax i on securities sales to non-residents 1 —U.P.I.
      UPI  -  38 words
    • 243 3 MOSCOW, Tuesday. THE United States in a Note handed over here yesA terday rejected Russia's proposal for a Mediterranean nuclear free zone as designed to change the existing military balance at the expense of the United States and its allies. It said the
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    • 137 3 CARDIFF. Tues. Officials of Cardiff South-East constituency of the Labour Party were unmoved yesterday by a report that England cricket captain, "Lord Ted" Dexter (above) may stand as local conservative candidate at the next general election. Mr. Cliff Prothero, secretary of
      Reuter  -  137 words
    • 88 3 BONN .lues President Kennedy yesterday asked Congress for a first instalment of ISS«O million (SIM) million to help finance an American supersonic airliner, it was announced here. The plane is being developed in a race with the French and British who are already
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    • 249 3 Police raid Jagan's party office GEORGETOWN (Bri- tish Guiana), Tues. Armed police made a midnight swoop on the headquarters of two political parties here. Two members of the I ruling People's Progressive Party were detained for questioning. Police found Molotov cocktails in a building ln the compound of the PPP
      Reuter  -  249 words
    • 97 3 MOSCOW. Tues. Premier i Khrushchev yesterday warned that the next world war would be a global nuclear conflict which would kill hundreds of millions and inclnerat* civilisation. In a special message to the World Congress of Women which opened in the Kremlin yesterday. trie Soviet leader
      UPI  -  97 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 194 3 Hold it! See how it firmly sits in your hand. Write with it! See how admirably its nibpoint adjusts to your individual hand-pressure. View it! See how distinctive its fine craftsmanship looks. You'll agree, the Imperial by Sheaffer's is not wanting in quality. Slim and light, Imperial pens are just
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    • 177 3 a^aT I Keep your hair well-groomed all day— .use f| HAIR CREAM W Now, Old Spice Hair Cream takes a controlling jg*j! interest in your hair, neatly and naturally. Keeps your hair lively all day long— well- «fe; groomed without gloss. And one jar gives ar l— months of regular
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  • 250 5 RAPE CASE TOLD: 'I FELT DIZZY, FELL ASLEEP' ALOR STAR, Tuesday. PREGNANT schoolgirl of 13 told a preliminary inquiry here today she became dizzy and fell asleep after drinking a glass of "holy'" water her stepfather gave her one night in November
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  • 55 5 BANTING. Tuis— The Alliance will hold a rally Pekan Sari on Wednesday ut 7.30 p.m. to challenge Inchc Abdul Aziz bin Ishak. (he former Minister lor Agriculture, to resign his Parliament seat. Alliance "bit; .guns." including ths Mentrl Besar of Selangor. Dato Abu Bakar bin Baginda,
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  • 271 5 DENANG, Tues. A 1 student nurse from Malacca, Frances Tan Li Lean, was today bound over without a conviction being recorded for dishonestly retaining a gold anklet and a petticoat with a total of $91. The Senior Sessions Court President. Mr. K.
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  • Article, Illustration
    45 5 MR. AND MRS. Tay Lee Soon after their wedding in Singapore. Mr. Tay, an architect, is the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Tay Hooi Keat. of Penang. The bride, the former Miss Peggy Soong Pick Yoke, is a nurse at Gleneagles Hospital.
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  • 46 5 KAJANO. Tues.— Mr. Tan Teng Kian was elected chairman of the Ulu Langat branch of the Malayan Chinese Association yesterday Others elected were: Vice-chair-men, Messrs. Tan Toh Hong and Lim Kim Choon: secretary, Mr Lee Teck Soo: treasurer, Mr. Tan I Km Swre.
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  • 30 5 PORT DICKSON. Tues.— Past pupils of the Government English School here will hold a social and dance at Chung Hwa Primary School at 8 p.m. on Saturday.
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  • 94 5 $2,600 theft from Cold Storage KUALA LUMPUR, Tuea. Thieves broke into the Cold Storage Supermarket In Mount batten Road here during the weekend and stole $2,600 worth of cigarettes, coffee and tea. A spokesman of the company said today: "We dont know when it happened. It could have been either
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  • 49 5 SINGAPORE. Tues. —Dr A W i S. Thevathasen, deputy president of the Singapore Red Cross Society, will hand over tomorrow an ambulance to the Indo--1 nesian Consulate here for the Bali volcano victims. The ambulance was donated by the British Red Cross Society in London.
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  • 46 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The Nagaya Enterprise or Kuala Lumpur today gave 1 1.200 to the National Patriotic Fund. i The amount represents the proceeds from the performance of "Malam Seni Melayu" at the Stadium Negara on April 29 by the organisation
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  • 179 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Tu«s TEWELLERY worth J $2,630 was stolen from a visitor from Singapore the night she arrived in Kuala Lumpur. In a magistrate's court today. Raja Akram Shah bin Raja Adnan. 25. of Petaling. p'eaded guilty to J breaking Into a
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  • 185 5 Dr. LIM ON THE 'COUNCIL MESS' PENANG, Tues. The Seretary-general of the United Democratic Party, Dr. Lim -Chong Eu, last night appealed to the people of Penang to give his party a mandate to investigate "the whole mess" of the City Council. Speaking at a party rally on the Dato
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  • 284 5 'CAPTAIN COULD NOT KNOW WHO HIT HIM' BRUNEI TOWN, Tuesday. A GURKHA rifleman, one of six men accused of beating up their company commander, said at a court martial today: "I don't think the captain was in any condition to recognise who was beating him." Rifleman Randhoj Llmbu. who said
    Reuter  -  284 words
  • 97 5 Three-boat harbour crash -P«NAKQL Tues.- A Ja»»n--a #»e fisnfng vessel and two cargo boats collided during a storm in the Penang harbour yesterday evening. No-one was hurt. Tal He Wan 11. a Japanese fishing boat catching tuna for the Malayan Marine Industries Ltd., a joint Mal-ayan-Japanese enterprise, was reported to
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  • 171 5 Three robbery cases in a day in Kuala Lumpur KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Three robberies took place here yesterday In which four people lost a total $550 in cash and valuables. In the first case, Tan Kee Wah. 19. was held up by two youths at the Pudu Road bus stand
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  • 57 5 KOTA BHARU. Tues. A taxi driver. Awang bin Ishak, 49. was killed last nighi when his taxi overturned after hitting a cow at the 18th mile Kota Bharu-Pasir Puteh road. Awang was driving to Kota Bharu with four passengers when the accident occurred. The passengers
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  • 51 5 SINGAPORE. Tues.— Two shop assistant*, said to have been paid Sl5 each for a days work with a bookmaker, were flned $500 each here today. Lim Yew Kheng. 40. and Lee Khian Hock. 30. pleaded guilty to acting as bookmaker's agent in Synagogue Street on May
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 113 5 MYCIL Icjifliufi Medicated I Powder^ I Amo<J«r» NM# fm m> »i' J Mycn |NW 4<J<6 ft^lT/1"ll I pnaM [I V I )JL protection. V "i Sootht* Pflck% PrxUfHtf* 1 jut (O RtllM( »'«*w 4m MfA :*Mmr<n»MW jj pcrspfttle* WM '■f^Wl not KtfM dM >y ii- i'l TM niTitH MM L
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    • 235 5 HT W&9L I THC FAKKCR PEN COMPANY JMHMUIi WISCONSIN* U.SJC Off to the right start with a Parker SUPER "21" When the world of business or education beckons, your young man will be anxious to make a good first impression. He'll need to be assured that he looks right, that
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 120 6 A BOOST FOR RESERVE UNIT WICKER SHIELDS at the ready, these new members of the Reserve Unit of the Singapore Police Force were being inspected by Acting Deputy Commissioner, Mr. A. T. Rajah, at a passingout parade held at Mount Vernon yesterday. Mr. Rajah reviewed
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  • 195 6 SINGAPORE, Tuesday. MORE rain which fell for 12 hours ending 7 a.m. today has led to a "slight improvement" in Singapore's water situation, according to the Public 1 Utilities Board. A total of 0.57 Ins. of rain was recorded at Singapore Airport. A Meteorological Department
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  • 155 6 HK star here for tour LOVELY Hone Kong film star. Miss Fong Sum, now on a visit to Singapore to make stage appearances at two Cantonese pictures, got her first break in films two years ago. She. together with another girl, was selected by a Hong Kong film company from
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  • 47 6 SINGAPORE, Tues.— The Automobile Association of Singapore will hold a Safety First show to entertain crippled children at the Spastic Children's Association on July 6. The programme will include the screening of Road Safety films and a demonstration of Road Safety training equipment.
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  • 35 6 SINGAPORE, Tues. —The 18th Signal Regiment of the Royal Signals will hold its annual fun fair this Saturday at the Melktlla Barracks grounds in Dover Road from 2 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.
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  • 409 6 SINGAPORE, Tues. The Singapore People's Alliance said today that the flght of the Ldm Yew Hock government against the Communists was made extremely difficult "because of men like Premier Lee Kuan Yew." "Mr. Lee and his PAP colleagues were prepared to lend themselves
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  • 169 6 MOLEST CASE GIRL FINDS HERSELF IN THE DOCK SINGAPORE. Tues. A 16-year-old girl, who told the police that a man had "indecently" molested her on Chinese New Year Day, found herself in the dock of a magistrate's I court today. Ng Guat Enc; reported on Jan. 27 that her neighbour.
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  • 25 6 SINGAPORE. Tues. Mrs. Rose Minnie will give a talk on the "Hans Anderson Club" to members of the International Women's Club tomorrow.
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  • 356 6 rPHE following Is today's sche- dule of civil aircraft movements at Paya Lebar airport Suigapore: ARRIVALS BO AC: From London. Rome, Damascus, Baghdad, Karachi, Calcutta, Rangoon (BA 720) 5.50 p.m. Japan Air Lines: Prom Tokyo, Hong Kong. Bangkok iJL 713) 6.15 p.m.; from Jakarta (JL 714)
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 255 6 GALA OPENING TOMORROW v AT-^ >i SINGAPORE S JOHORE BAHRU ODEON KATOWO S CATnAl^.^.^ S Malacca s mim' J CATHAY S ODEON I \"^LOrsfAß*^r^KOfA^BHAßU^i; CATHAY S ODEON KUMA UHWPUR <••<■ j »«Ktti>tv W^s Hlvv/K ISMAH- Sr Allan f UmAK ■PI RENDRA KARNO jLu. f yj^J mar su**orri*iiCTM \B»- i /arv
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    • 226 6 B OPENS m If ever a serial can TODAY j£Ti~ be called great... IREXvWsk THIS IS IT!!!: (SPORE) A |24 SOLID HOURS of u 4 1 jEA Electrifying Action shows m B^| "TUF DAILY J mc I Note Times gB MfH 1 f Iff f\ Jn.m VQ tV MAbKtU. 6.00
      226 words
    • 503 6 •♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦< >♦♦♦♦< 'PJOU* y^rit t> ISOW SHOWING!: 11«m- 1.»Q.4 00-«10 -9 30pm > mm f ►I HAI V IAM'KP J f WAiiis j| A Gary Merrill Michael Wilding Miyethi Umeki PanaVision. NEXT CHANGE! r Rank Organisotion Present* -Pet«r FINCH Yvonne MITCHELL Technicolor Techmrama. LAST DAY! Hem 1.30 4.00 6 JO
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  • 1802 7 It is based on the views of experts and it must— i be written into Malaysian constitution ...perhaps in the calmer atmosphere of London we can work it out satisfactorily SINGAPORE, Tuesday. A CONSTITUTIONAL version of the Rueff recommendations for a common
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  • 256 7 'But I only smoke a pipe' says the major KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. An army officer who only smokes a pipe told a court martial today he was surprised when he was billed for four packets of cigarettes at a Federation Army mess in Kuala Lumpur. Major R.C. Taverner of the
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  • 119 7 pROFESSOR Jacques L. Rueff (above) is the French InspectorGeneral of Finance who led the sevenman World Bank Mission to Malaysia in January to map out the economic structure of the proposed Federation. A brilliant technocrat. Professor Rueff, 66, is best known for
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  • 263 7 UNION OPPOSES BID TO EXTEND LABOUR AGREEMENT CINGAPORE. Tues. An application by P.A.R. Malayan Paintworks Ltd., to extend its agreement with the Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workers' Union, which expires on June 30, was opposed by the union before the Second Industrial Arbitration Court today. Mr. T. V. Gomez, representing
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  • 143 7 rmNAH RATA, Tues.— 1 One of the biggest gathering of VIPs is now in the Cameron Highlands for a historic ceremony the inauguration of the $125 million hydroelectric scheme by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong tomorrow. The King arrived here earlier this evening accompanied
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 172 7 a LEONARD fridge can be yours ft^Bi^^^TTl for as little as l"^t )x// a monin j £"'tj "**»j33J for 26 months t^iS^- rlist price J^SJq^t $690/- tTZpI FIVE YEAR GUARANTEE TRADE ENQUIRIES FOR DEALERS AT SINGAPORE, KUALA LUMPUR AND PENANG ARE WELCOMED APPLY TO THE SOLE AGENT:— KHOON SEAH ELECTRIC
      172 words
    • 255 7 Light Compact Reliablethe amazing FACIT Cl-13 Calculator Only slightly larger and heavier than a telephone, th« amazing Facit Cl-13 solves all your arithmetical pro* blems easily and accurately. Only 10 minutes to learn to operate it. Sturdy Swedish steel construction, beautiful design. Dust and rust proof, g_~ 1 "IT DUNCAN
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  • 321 8 Action to keep out the Reds: Ismail KUANTAN, Tuesday. "JHE Minister of the Interior, Dato (Dr.) Ismail bin Dato Abdul Rahman, said here last night that the Government would take stern action to ensure that Communism did not gain a foothold in Malaysia Dato Ismail said that for the past
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  • 24 8 SINOAPORE. Tues.— Police yesterday screened 634 people and detained six suspect secret society gangsters under the Criminal Law (Temporary) Provisions Ordinance.
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  • 70 8 pENANG. Tues.— Ho Siew Yeow. 34, who was admitted to the General Hospital last night with a knife sticking in his chest, died early this morning. He was having dinner with his wife, Ooi Bee Cheng. 20. at about 9.05 p.m. in their
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  • 62 8 SINGAPORE Tues. Ho Cho Moi, a Jobless man with five previous convictions, was fined $200 or two months' Jail here today for causing hurt to a police:. It was stated that he punched and scratched Police Constable Yeo in Park Road car park at 12.10
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  • 41 8 SINGAPORE. Tues.— Two men were found drowned in Singapore today. The body of Llm Ng Chlan. 28. was found In the Rochore Canal. The other man. still unidentified, was found near the Kampong Arang Jetty In Kallang.
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  • 160 8 KUALA LUMPUR, TUBS. A film on Malaysia for West German television will begin with a birthday party for Tengku Abdul Rahman's five-year-old granddaughter Sharifah Hanizah (above). A team of three flew to New Delhi today after shooting scenes for the film, which
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  • 83 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The Selangor Mentrl Besar. Dato Abu Bakar bin Baginda. today clarified the statement he made on Sunday night at Uie annual dinner of the Institute of Surveyors. He said: "I did not mean that surveyors would be ordered to go to
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  • 570 8  -  GEOFFREY GELDARD Compiled by- Kuching, Tuesday |X)LLOWINO'are com■T piete detailed results and the total of Divisional Advisory Council and Council Negri seats to be filled. FIRST DIVISION Lundn (12 seats): Alliance 3; Party Negara 5; BUPP 2; Independents 2. Two seats on the Divisional Advisory
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  • 308 8 Malaysia: 'No sense in forcing Brunei, Singapore' lAKARTA, Tues. The J English newspaper Indonesian Herald said yesterday that there should be assurance of complete stability In South-East Asia. The paper, which usually reflects the governments foreign policy, said, commenting on the current Malaysl.. talks difficulties with Brunei and Singapore: "There
    Reuter  -  308 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 324 8 Figure this OUt! If one has 10,000 books ofaii shapes and sizes and has to arrange them in a store so that anyone wanting any book can reach it in a jiffy, how does one do it? We'JJ telJ you how we did it: we used the famous Dewey System,
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 206 8 .!//•>« Hop Hy V.T. Ha—Urn WNATt X WHERE -OT3 fREYINS AMP SOON U« I AMO \f ->/ WHAT AWE GOTTA n»>NCESS?f HOWißtt I Pip it /nPBCWv^ On OM I XCH'T mav* 1 1 T^i'i Y VK. T*RR*«.E 1 <*1 Tut I *>*" COULD *> 1 V. MOSnOt.' CCME I UOWS.'
      206 words

  • Article, Illustration
    1173 9 7 DAYS IN MAY STARTS TODAY...the most fantastic plot ever devised —IT IS 1972 AND IT BEGINS WITH <V SECRET MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF PART ONE THE Pentagon code room is for secrets, and what can you get more secret Hum a message from
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 173 9 8 The President's got to decide A It involves the security of the Government \J Come over s s^ s w to the new C^^[ C\ 1 refreshing V^VL/ VIV flavour r— i r— vr 1 L^BWWM Wi^^£% s^mKamKmfrKbiA,.. jfe Come over and enjoy toUEJmt^j^ llh the new idea in
      173 words

  • 94 10 2* Wor*M SIO /Minimum) MADAM LAM CHOON KUM. aicrd 1 Witt of Ilir latr Kok Sm pi.»-.(l away peacefully at 1.40 a.m. on Mtll Junr. 19&I leaving behind »on». Joon W>». Woon LranK. Woon Hcnc. Woon rtironi:. Woon Kay and i Wfx.n Ktat: rtniKhi.r«-in-law: 4 I rtmiKht«T« and
    94 words
  • 114 10 M U <>rrf« 5/0 t Minimum I MR AND MRS. Cecil The.eira all r.i»tiv.» and friend* for their good VMM ,nid PMMMI i>n the oera-iun Of tin ir marriage on I CRATEFUL THANKS To Sacred Heart ul .le-iis. mnlhir nt pi rprtual ■nd Si Judi ttir numerous mir.iruloun
    114 words
  • The Straits Times Wednesday, June 26, 1963.
    • 651 10 The Sarawak elections clearly can be accepted as an ex- pression of staunch approval I for Malaysia. The Alliance emerges as the largest party, I winning just short of one third of the 429 seats in the 24 district councils. The Party Negara, also strongly pro-Malay-sia, has
      651 words
    • 355 10 The United Nations financial crisis shows above all that the present rules on payment of contributions towards special expenditures are too imprecise, and need to be spelled nut and codified. Getting this done is the object of the draft resolution submitted to the General Assembly by Malaya
      355 words
    • 227 10 In the new atmosphere of friendship inaugurated by the Foreign Ministers' conference in Manila, the threads of cooperation between Malaya and Indonesia are being picked up once again. Negotiations have resumed on a fishing agreement and soon after Malaysia has come into being Inche Khii Johari expects to
      227 words
    1,548 words
    • 599 10 T MUST thank Mr. Thlruchelvam for publishing the figures of the number of units built and rents charged by the Housing and Development Board. On the basis of the figures he has supplied for Selegle House, It would appear that the board built this estate for the
      599 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 730 10 StraiuTiaes* Malay Matt CUltlflM *a«*rtl**m»«la May b* KaMaa tat 1M Flaar COLO ITORtai **C*DI Orchard Road COLO (TOlllial HUNCHM AT HOLLAND MOADHIATOIM UPKL ROAD- NAVA4. AallioiMia Aaaata: Cmr BOO* SIOW. LTV WMMilir Ha— a. CmrarO»>» TMB KIWI niONT M. M. MMAIL 9 A#ajMrarcy Aasa^ fiauai 9g3& m. AaOUL «A#TAIt CO
      730 words
    • 19 10 Select your Kelantan Silver Rose Bowl C. K. TANG (SINGAPORE) LTD. 310. ORCHARD ROAD. SINGAPORE. TEL: ***** (4 LINES)
      19 words
    • 212 10 PERFECTION IN PHOTOGRAPHY WITH OLYMPUS WITH WORLD RENOWNED D. ZUIKO LENSES i BBbV^B 3Smm camera with larca automatic elec|M KUSBr^^ m9 trlc *urroundlnc ■^^^™^^^^^BP^-*^^^^^ the D Zulko F2.9 lena make* It lrnpoaalbla to taka bad exposure. OLTMPUB PEN-EX Leni D Zulko P/3.3 ahuttep I /8 JS^ Focuaing fixed. Bright frame
      212 words

  • 781 11 'I know you,' court president tells police officer; 'You go about and tout for cases' ITUALA LUMPUR, Tues. A police officer was accused today of "touting for cases." The charge was made by Sessions Court President, Syed Hassan Al-Jeffri, against Stlangor's Special Crimes Officer. Asst. Supt.
    781 words
  • 74 11 TAPAH. Tues.— The Sultan of Pahang visited the sth Royal Malay Regiment here today. He was accompanied by his Consort, the Tengku Ampuan. The Bultan. who was In the uniform of the colonel commandant of the Royal Malay Regiment, toured the training area and saw
    74 words
  • 24 11 PORT SWETTENHAM. Tues. 1 The Malayan Railway general manager. Dato Ahmad Perang. will open a 8150.000 station hotel here on Sunday.
    24 words
  • 22 11 IPOH. Tues.— A new mobile post office was put Into operation in the rural areas of Batu Oajah today.
    22 words
  • 152 11 l/UALA LUMPUR. Tues. —Before the start of today's proceedings. Mr. David Marshall, defending, drew the court's attention to the Malayan Times report of yesterday's hearing. He said the Malayan Times had quoted Inche Harun Hashlm, the DPP as having said: "If the law says
    152 words
  • 62 11 KUALA LUMPUR. rues.— A 10--year-old boy. who disobeyed his father and went swimming in a mining pool off Sungei Best Road, was drowned yesterday evening. Ho Wai Yong. a pupil of the Pasar Road Chinese School, went swimming in a pool near the Public Works
    62 words
  • 29 11 SINGAPORE. Tues— The Public Daily-rated General Stores Workers' Union will hold Its annual meeting at the union premises in Race Course Road on Sundav at 2 p.m.
    29 words
  • 336 11  - The young man who muffed his chance jailed TAI SING ONN By KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The young man in the dock kept his head bowed as Mr. Justice Gill told him how he had muffed his chance once. "It appears that three years in the Henry Ourney School have not
    336 words
  • 148 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— Two meetings between a Malayan Trades Union Congress delegation and representatives of the PrintIng Employers' Association to resolve a lock-out of 75 employers by the Art Printing Works here yielded no Inche Ibrahim bin Musa. MTUC general-secretary, sa'd
    148 words
  • 41 11 PENANG, Tues. Two youths, one armed with a dagger, held up Leong Yeen Khee. 25. and his girl friend in a rambutan plantation on* Aver Itam Road last night and escaped with cash and valuables worth about $90 I
    41 words
  • 204 11 Alliance will go all-out for S'pore general election victory SINGAPORE. Tues. The newlyformed Singapore Alliance will Held candidates in all 51 constituencies in the next Singapore general election. Announcing this today, the party's secretary-Ge-neral, Mr. Lee Kim Chuan. said the Alliance was determined to choose as its candidates "men and
    204 words
  • 194 11 SINGAPORE. Tuesday. A BILL which provides for the election of 15 SingA apore members to the House of Representatives of the Federation of Malaysia was published today. The Singapore (Elections *o the Federal House of Representatives) Bill provides that the procedure for these elections
    194 words
  • 111 11 Baxter case: Six to stand trial |>ATU GAJAH. Tues.— Six men accused of the murder of Mr. D. F. Baxter, 27, assistant manager of Riverview Estate, in the Batu GaJah area on April 6. were today committed to stand trial in the Hieh Court at Ipoh They are Khalld bin
    111 words
  • 302 11 SINGAPORE, Tues.— A gunman and two accomplices this morning snatched $600 but missed a haul of $3,000 when they ambushed a tobacco company car at the junction of Paya Lebar Road and Little Road. The $3,000 was In the boot or the car. During
    302 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 128 11 SO-EN FASHION MAGAZINE Asian Edition BLOUSES fej^fev' RUFFLES AND PLEATS "f SMART PAIRED STYLES^ JFT Blouses for the Whole weekf^ \^> I fc > /•EXCLUSIVE Trree-in-one Dress Pottern rj* distributor VACATION -w^, fjL JF Biouses That Requite Only f 1.2. Meters of Material 'lW*n 4SW MFW UAIO CTVIPC 740rch "«JRoad.Sin
      128 words
    • 122 11 S^« mm" vTt m-9k mtr A touch of luxury... TIFTON'S "CUDDLEDOWN" RUGS TIFTON'S RUGS in 100% cotton or Thick fur-like pile that odds special rayon and cotton-rayon mixture. Ideal charm to any room. What luxury, for bedrooms, study-rooms and borhwhat blissful comfort, "Cuddledown" rooms. $5.50 $12.50 would mean to your
      122 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 528 11 Todays Radio, TV programmes RADIO MALAYA RADIO SINGAPORE NATIONAL BHORTWAVE SHORTWAVE SERVICE SERVICE 41.7 metres Metre* A.M. 600 Time Signal. Nega- MEDIUM WAVE SERVICE rm-ku; 6.02 Prelude To Break- s Metre* fast: 7.00 Time Signal. The A.M.: 6.00 Good Morning; 6.01 News; 7.10 Songs And Sweet Morning Prelude; 7.16 News;
      528 words

  • 50 12 THIS WAS the big crowd, estimated at. about 4,000. which turned up at the airport with pro-Malaysia banners to give Mr. Lee Kuan Yew a rousing send-off to London. Mr. Lee told them of his complete confidence in the emergence of Malaysia with Singapore in it.
    50 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 282 12 ,y% REAL SMOKE I m f=^'-^S II ft P Ml^i^^^^f Wk rwnfisMHrsTiwxftwl //y^ j JmwTm "iflWllfflr^ B TURKISH DOMESTIC fiJT zSSßlP^^™""^}??^!! CIGARETTES Sli 1 U.W.M.J P** i -miii i ''i mm _3 j AMERICA'S LARGEST SELLING REGULAR CIGARETTE i J *»Av^s TF^t¥*^^'^^^fi iff < w ;i *w- j B ■rjA^^^^^^^r
      282 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 313 12 Straits Times Crossword ACKOSS 6 Additional exit, omitting ona 1. Lower back step to eonvey by the Royal Arademy !>). time of the assassination (3. .vimht be nice to unite divided 5 1 firm by peace offer •8 1. After bemused ■Uut. we he*r 8 Result of anae.-thetic tw« the
      313 words

    • 226 13 BRIGHTON. Tues. 13 A pretty Swiss girlsaid to be the "master mind" of a dope ring used her good looks to gain admission to 21 English racing stables where she had no right to be. a court here was told
      Reuter  -  226 words
    • 80 13 BANGKOK, Tues.— Ten thousand troops of the eiftht-natlon South-Eaii Asia Treaty Organisation paraded here yesterday with tanks and heavy arms, including the "Little John" missile which can, carry an atomic warhead. The King of Thailand reviewed the troops who have Just completed nine days
      Reuter  -  80 words
    • 76 13 GENEVA. Tues. Mr. David Morse, director-general of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), said yesterday he would propose to the organisation's 48--member governing body that calls (or South Africa to be expelled from the United Nations should be referred to the Security Council. This was
      Reuter  -  76 words
    • 49 13 PARIS, Tues. France has I begun delivery of 16 Mirage j 111 jet fighters ordered a year ago for the South I African Air Force. The I first have already arrived in South Africa for assembly. The remainder will be shipped this year. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 96 13 INDIAN ARMS AID TEAM FOR MOSCOW YTEW DELHI, Tues. An Indian mission will visit Moscow next month to discuss the supply of Soviet equipment for the Indian armed forces. It will be led by Mr. S. Bhoothallngham. who recently headed a similar mission to Washington and London to discuss defence
      Reuter  -  96 words
    • 55 13 MIAMI. Tues. The Cuban Revolutionary Council, the leading organisation of exiles here, yesterday elected Senor Manuel de < Varona. as president. Senor de Varona. a former Prime Minister, replaces Dr. Antonio Maceo, who resigned in a protest against the recent announcement of landings by antlCastro
      Reuter  -  55 words
    • 81 13 LOOKING fitter than he has been for many months. Sir Winston Churchill. 88. rives his V sign during an outing on the French Riviera. He arrived in Monte Carlo last week for a holiday and left on Sunday for a Mediterranean cruise in the yacht
      81 words
    • 206 13 MOSCOW. Tuesday. OTHE Italian delegation of about 50 walked out of the World Congress of Women this afternoon as a Japanese women's leader, Mrs. Fuki Kushida, attacked America for its overseas bases, the U.S.Japanese security pact, and actions in South Vietnam, i It was
      Reuter  -  206 words
    • 172 13 Now birth control pills for MEN T ONDON, Tues. An J oral contraceptive for men has been successfully developed, Mr. John Hall (Conservative), told the House of Commons yesterday. But little was known about the long term effects on male fertility and the female reproductive system, he added. Some concern
      Reuter  -  172 words
    • 78 13 NEW YORK. Tues— Mrs. Helen Kozeradsky. a New Jersey woman who spent 38 months In a Communist Czrchslovakia prison accused of spying for the Central Intelligence Agency, burst Into tears last night as she was reunited with her husband and three children. Mrs. Kozeradsky went
      UPI  -  78 words
    • 43 13 JAKARTA. Tues.— The Indonesian Ambassador to Australia. Brigadier General Suadl. will soon I leave for Jakarta for consultations with his government on the re- ported Joint naval exercise between Indonesia and Australia, Antara news agency reported yesterday. Reuter i
      Reuter  -  43 words
    • 42 13 MELBOURNE. Tues. The manager of the Australian dried fruits board. Mr. J.P. Wearne. announced today that the joint agreement on the stabilisation of i dried fruit prices between Australia and Turkey. Greece and Britain came Into effect today.— Reutrr
      Reuter  -  42 words
    • 58 13 BOMBAY. Tues. Barry Kesner Phillips. 29. a British photographer, was Jailed for two years here today for s.nusglinu diamond!* worth 4134.425 into India. He pleaded guilty. The prosecution said the diamonds were found on him by customs officers at Santa Crui airport. Bombay, when he arrived on
      Reuter  -  58 words
    • 284 13 Royal nine who sat for portraits by Ward 'THEY ARE THE SOLE INNOCENT LINK'— PAPER LONDON, Tues. The Daily Mail todav named nine members of the British Royal Family who sat for portraits by Dr. Stephen Ward, the society osteopath who is accused of living on the earnings of prostitutes.
      Reuter  -  284 words
    • 133 13 WASHINGTON. Tues. Three U.S. Air Force men are being questioned about rumours connecting them with Christine Keeler. "Security is our basic concern," the Assistant Secretary of Defence, Mr. Arthur Sylvester, told reporters. He confirmed that the Air Force men had been returned to the
      Reuter  -  133 words
    • 47 13 SEOUL, Tues. Oen. Chung Hee Park, chairman of the ruling supreme council said on the eve of the 13th anniversary of the outbreak of the Korean War last night that Bouth Korea would seek the unification of the divided country through the United Nations. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  47 words
    • 115 13 ¥OS ANGELES, Tues.— About 300 people, two-thirds of them Negroes, marched two-by-two along city pavements here yesterday in a demonstration said to be the first of a series aimed at achieving total integration. Special monitors were ass.?,ned by the organisers to keep order. The
      Reuter  -  115 words
    • 174 13 CALL-GIRLS AT THE UN? 'BOYS WILL BE BOYS BUT...' UNITED NATIONS, Tum. A SENIOR United Nations security official yesterday scoffed at reports of an international call-girl racket at the U.N.. but said "political pressures'' might result in a formal inquiry into the charges. He wai commenting on a suggestion by
      Reuter  -  174 words
    • 55 13 JAKARTA. Tues. Bintang Suradi. 40, private secretary to Indonesian Conmunist Party i rtiairman D.N. Ai'lit. was drownrd of! the south coast of Java last Saturday. Antara newt agrncy said strong currents carried Suradi away > while swimming with friends at the beach resort of Pelabuhan Ratu—
      55 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 45 13 Karl Handle Sohne CLAY BRICKS AND TILES MACHINERY SOLE AGENTS: ®O N 1 1 1 li 1 1 1 j i net m limited Head Office: South Building. |ala/t Arr.pjng Kuala Lumpur. Tel: *****-9 Singapore BAnch: South Building. 2 Kung Chong Road. Smgaporc-3. Tel: *****-3
      45 words
    • 94 13 Just try to name a mother, any mother, who doesnt enjoy teeing her family full of fun, happy and healthy. You can't T Thtn if $no wonder modem f mother* give their families iott of wholesome Milkmaid, finest-quality mHk with txtm vitamin* for extra-good heafth. Vitamin A actively fights infections
      94 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 768 14 (Continued from I'.i.t It) SITUATIONS VACANT to Word* SS (Min.)— Box tt ets. txtrm WANTED CHINE6E AMAH for general housework Including cooking. Apply 46. Newton Road, S'pore. Tel: *****, between X a.m. 2 p.m. MIDWIFE WANTED for Christmas Island, Indian Ocean preferably Chinese single. Free passage quarters. For details apply
      768 words
    • 696 14 SITUATIONS VACANT Wordt SS (Min.)— Box St et*. txlro ENGLISH SPEAKING MALE Chinese Cook capable following recipes required Immediately. Excellent working conditions. Telephone (B'pore) ***** during uth< hours. WANTED A LADY Recepttonlst-cum-Secretary for International Airline. ion* benlor Cambridge, Khurthan I and Typewriting. Airline experience. Knowledge of Tamil and other
      696 words
    • 757 14 ACCOMMODATION VACANT Word* SS (Min.)— Box So cts. txtrt TO LET One Airy Front Room a< 7. Leicester Road off Woods llle Close, S'pore 13. Quiet Resldentml Area. "CITY GUEST HOUSE" rurmsnec D 'Single rooms, bathrooms, m aanitation, longbath attached. Verandat Excellent Cuisine Economical Term Near B.T.C. bus-stop. Tangllr Club
      757 words
    • 799 14 EDUCATION 20 Words SS Min.)— Box SO ets. txtn RAPID COURSES!! Secretarial. Stenography Bookkeeping, Typewriting. Shorthand, Speed 50'I.VJ: Stnrting July: Register Now! Rajas College I Olan ■assVS 2nd floor) *****. (S'pore). I CITY AND GUILDS. Builders' Quan- titles Mechanical Engineering Drawing. I Apply:— Academy Of Accountancy And Secretaryship, Oeorg* Lee
      799 words
    • 677 14 BOOKS ft PUBLICATIONS ITarsfs M (Min.)— Box SO et*. txtrm PBOBRAL PUBLICATIONS LTD. h«ve a wide range of 1 .n Books on display In the Cold Storage Arcade. Orchard Road, in conjunction with S.PC.K. IN MAY ENCOUNTER read thought provoking article Blno-Bovlet Conflict"; fascinating story "Matrrooa's Home": excellent reviews on
      677 words
    • 1000 14 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 20 Words SS (Ml*.)— Box M Cta. txtr* J RELIANCB OPFICB SUPPLIES. 60. Raffles Quay. S'por* *****/73T96. 1 K.L. *****. DEALERS REPAIRERS New Second 3 Hand Office Machines etc. Bright Office Equipment. 177. Middle Road. S'pore, *****. TYPEWRITERS, ADDERS. CALOU- LA TORS. Cheque Writers. Roneo- i Vlckers Steel
      1,000 words
    • 995 14 VEHICLES FOR SALE Wcr4m SS (Min.)— Box SO ett. txtrm TSBB TRIUMPH TRJA (Registered I960), selling at $4300. Pleas* call at Mo. 32. Grange Road. Singapore, Tai: »ITS. 1155 STUDBBAKER *****/-, 1956 Isguar 2.4 $3850/-, 1999 M-O Mag- •ctt* $2850/-, 1993 Wolseley 4/44 *****/-. i960 Velox SSOO/-, easy pay- ment
      995 words
    • 854 14 FOR SALE Words SS (Min.)— Box S0 ett. txtrt) XXX'.r. BABY'S PRAMS. Carpets. Hugs, Oil Paintings. Radio*. Radiotrams, Wrought Iron Tables A Chairs. Standard at Table Lamps, Wardrob* franks Books, Speed-Moat, Go-Kan. Suitara. Adding Uacblne*. Seeing Machines at A Good Selection Of .New k Secondhand Household Furniture To Re Cleared
      854 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1529 15 10 LIVERPOOL t WESI COAST U.K.! OutS'pox Sans P S'nam Pining ACHILLES livtrpaiL Glisgoa Pt/JiM 27 UM M CALCHAS Mars.. A'mouth. UMrtMt. JMt 27/ 1 HollinO'. Hamburg MENESTHtu, lim Mlt j,,^ M V j,|, j J,|, 4 POLVOORUS lifcrini Ha«rt Jlly I Mly I PA«T 1/11 HMy II PELEUS L'paal.
      1,529 words
    • 2768 15 (EEZ2KZE2SSI§BSS9i THE E.A.C LINESSAILINGS TO StNOA, Lt HAVRE, HAMBURG, IREMEN, ANTWERP, S^T}%. HOU.aotM, IMSUtBAM, OSLO, tOIHENBUBC AND COPCNHAttN £Sr xUi. v !> >J n Penang PIYKSVYH "IUTLANDIA" Slile* ll Pt 21 JuM H/MJIN tV U3liJ*l "I0MA" a) 21 J»ae/ 4 jMly 5 7 Jill 1/ t July vNl^aW MOMBASA" 21/24
      2,768 words
      1,336 words

  • 97 16 UXLBOORNS, Tims. MOST IfMteaMßl stare* he)ld MT improved slighUy in today's stead; market The leaden fluctuated narrowly. Trading was moderate. (Mis and base metals showed litUe change. Loans were steady. C.R.A. 18/S Mount laa 71/4 N. Broken Bill (10s.) 3S/U Ampol Petroleum 10/9 Auat. Con. Ind S4/t Anat.
    97 words
  • 247 16 JULY first grade ruk**r buyer* fab. I eleaed at s p.m. tn Singapore and Kuala Lumpur yeaterday at 731 ccnta per ID. down one-eightb of a cent on Monday's cloeing level. The too* wan ma*U»*. B.A.t. and ar.M.8.1. alaalng prlaee In cent* per Ib. yesterday: Int. 1 R
    247 words
  • 210 16 Shim lying al*«c*M* Mm Singapore wharvii teday are: Flintshire 35 '36, Zaankerk 10/11, Ozarda 27/28. Kernbrook 33/34. Ampenan 42/43, Borneo 47, Kimanla 40/41, Thoracape 46, Ante Topic 1/3, City of Carliale ""i/39, Singapore 18, Berdang NW. 3, Tarra 6/7. Bayou 46, Benreoen 45, Star Rellatrix 13/14. Inner
    210 words
  • 27 16 June 25. MALAYAN RUBBER PRICE: 73i cenU (down one-eighth of a cent). TIN: $451.25 (up $3.37 i). Estimated unofficial offering 235 tons (down 20 tons).
    27 words
  • 588 16 From Our Market Correspondent rB Malayan Stock Exchange continued to behave very well yesterday despite the latest developments following the hitch on the formation of Malaysia and the fact that today the GSA will offer double the tonnage at Its weekly sale from stockpile.
    588 words
  • 23 16 Malayan Stock Indict* June 24 June "5 Industrials: 116.1b 116.65 Tins: 115.86 115.7* S rubber*: 115.26 114.28 Dec. 29. 1962 100
    23 words
  • 692 16 fOMBINED Hismess in the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Malayan Stock Exchange yesterday, with the number of the shares traded in brackets: INDUSTRIALS: Dunleae (1.000) 13.01. (10,000) $3.02: Cast Smelt $3.60 BL, (3.000) $3.60: Ist* $3.32 BL.. 53.53 BLs (7.000) $3.53, (1.000) $3 52;
    692 words
  • 159 16 (OFFICIAL QUOTATION!) Jun* 25. Thru mootba. Uunlop* 20 eta. M< Alls'.r 1 2 eta. K. Snwlters 20 eta. Rohinaoo 11 eta. K»o °.'i <'t* Rofbmana 11 eta. K N. IS eta. Darby 4d. Uammoo 14 en. C "tora*. 4*4. H Sinsapura 11 rta Traction 1/0 Hume prrtt. 16
    159 words
  • 69 16 HINSSa Predu*. tiWian*. SMS'--1 P«'s neen ariMt Mr erfevl yMtc flam Cassrmt all i bulk S4ZI eelMrs. druai •461 eellere. Cea*a: Juoe/Jur UaX/CooMnaot »tT» P>a#Mr: Muntok whit* U4O aeliera. Sarawak white 1137. aeJlera, apeelaJ Sarawak black »»7a eellere. garbled Lampons black »*7» eeilera. ABTA I1O7» acll«r>. Slntaaers C.conut
    69 words
  • 64 16 Th« Malayan ticnamt Banna' ciatien mad* tneee la rates to menbanti vesterdi* <a!l ratee to SlOOi: Sellinc TT »r OO rtarty: Bti«lan Franc. 1*17: Italian Lir. tUt* On the tree eiehanie market Jn Hoes Kong yeeterday the U.I. dellar »aa quoted at 1 Tft for T.T. and
    64 words
  • 565 16 fX>R the first time for over F a week the Straits tin price rallied by 53.37i to $4511 per picul yesterday. All last week the price fell In anticipation of the G.S.A. announcement, which was eventually announced on Saturday morning. Tin
    565 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1046 16 W^*— KAWASAJQ KISEN KAISHA. LTD U.S.A. Paeific. Atlantic, tfc Great Lakes Servie* Loadt Loads tIA eta ETA eia ha S'pori P. S l-am Honolulu S. Francisco L. Aafelia N. York CbrrlMM iMiTia Man" 27/MJbm 20 Mty 21 JM| n Jat| ham isaat "Kaaikawa Mara" '25/71 Jaly 71 31 Mly 21
      1,046 words
    • 942 16 [™>IoRIENTl T Tms j Fl J SAILINGS TO U.K. FIRST HALF 1964 Dep. S'pore Dep. Penong Arr. U.K. "CHITRAL" 9 Jan 10 Mar 1 Apr "CHUSAN" 2 Fab 3 Feb 23 Fab "IBERIA" 17 Feb 7 Mar "ARCADIA"* 23 Feb U Mar "CATHAY" 9 Mar 10 Jon 1 Feb "CHITRAL"
      942 words
    • 265 16 )0: THAI LINES Friai: Haeit**. "e» Orieais. BalMain l *)i« iwt tia Smi. Nn lU AlttlrS. U.S. Calf Haw Tirk. Pliiaaeiplia tia Baa|«lk. Him KM|. N. To<k P. S'haa S'pori l. amchi n rot •NICETO OE IARRIHAGA" 11/11 Jaly 14 IS Jar) 17 Aig I Sipt I "SRI SUKOTHAI" 4/
      265 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 741 17 GOVERNMENT OF BRUNEI ANCIKS IN THE PCBI.IC WORKS DEPARTMENT. Application are Invited for the vacant posts listed below from persons who have the required qualifications and experience liued against the posts: (a) SUPERVISOR Ol WORKSHOP /EQUIPMENT: (3 vacancies) QUALIFICATIONS EXPERIENCE: Applicants must hold acceptable qualifications ln Mechanical Engineering With at
      741 words
    • 1497 17 NOTICES NOTICES NftTlfF SUNGEI WAY DREDGING NOTICE LIMITED I, DR. MEHAR SINGH of Ipoh, (Incorporated to the Federation of am now known as Dr. Mehar Malaya) Slneh Gill ne Directors have declared ln respect of the year ending 30th I June. 1963 an Interim Dividend rm/cDiiuciiT t\v tuc of 10
      1,497 words
    • 676 17 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS SINGATORE GOVERNMENT VACANCIES Applications are Invited from candidates who SATISFY THE USUAL CITIZENSHIP AND RESIDENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS for the appointment of: LIBRARY OFFICERS. NATIONAL LIBRARY. QUALIFICATIONS ii EXPERI- ENCE: (A) Higher School Certificate or passed the First Professional Examination of the Library Association of London: (B) Pass or Honours
      676 words
    • 706 17 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY GRADUATE LIBRARY < ASSISTANT CATALOGUER. ORIENTAL i COLLECTION j Applications are Invited for two < positions of Cataloguer ln the I Oriental Collection of the Univer- j slty Library. Salary: Grade I £A 1.121-1, 286 per 1 annum. Grade II EA1.341-1.67i per annum. Qualifications:
      706 words
    • 977 17 TENDERS 1 1 P.W.D. TENDER NOTICE Tenders fror Registered J.K.R. 31ass "B" and above Contractors rill be received by the Supertniending Engineer. Education Works Section. P.WD. Young Road. K. Lumpur up to 3.00 p.m. 3f the s"i July. 1963 for the erection of Secondary Girls' School *t Ampang Road. K.
      977 words
    • 308 17 TENDERS J.K.R. SELANGOR TENDER NOTICE Tenders for the construction of a Jetty, dock, dolphins, and rubble sea wall at site of new Marine Department Office. Port Swettenham which closed at Pejabat Jurutera Negeri Selani^or. Kuala Lumpur on 19th April, 1963 at 300 p.m is now treated as cancelled. Fresh Tenders
      308 words

  • 46 18 TOKYO. Tues.— A title bout for the world flyweight boxing championship between Thailand's Pone Kingpetch, the holder, and Japan's Hiroyuki Ebihara. was postponed until Sept. 4 because Kingpetch has an injured hand. The title match had been originally scheduled for July 17 jn Tokyo.— Rruter.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 21 18 HONG KONG. Tues.— Teng LiH.Miig. 22. of Shanghai set a newChinese national long jump record of 7.54 metres. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • 274 18  - ONLY 4 SAY 'YES' TO M-MEET FRANCIS BOEY B, KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Only four countries have so far accepted the F.A. of Malaya s invitation to the Merdeka tournament to be held here from Aug. 8 to 18. Burma. South Korea. Japan and Thailand are the countries which have confirmed
    274 words
  • 367 18  -  JACKIE SAM By Singapore. Tuesday I J^ $10 million National Stadium has been planned for Singapore at the Kallang Park. Expected to take two years to build, the stadium will be a vast complex with adequate facilities to meet local and international requirements.
    367 words
  • 109 18 MALACCA 2 tVMM LONG (HK) S \IALACCA, Tues. The visit- ing Yuen Long footballers of Hong Kong had to fight hard to win this five-goal thriller against Malacca at Kubu Stadium here today. Yuen Long jumped to a 2-0 lead after 12 minutes with goals
    109 words
  • 172 18 MIAMI BEACH. Tues.— Miami Beach Boxing Commission will object to next month's world heavyweight title tight between holder Sonny Liston and Floyd Patterson unless Listen's Injured knee is certified healed, an official said. Liston and Patterson were originally due to meei in Miami n April. But their
    172 words
  • 1 18
    1 words
  • 284 18 Earlier Natnan naa pavea the way for the first goal after his side had been two down. The Hospital, with their star players badly off form, had to fall back on defence In the early stages. They succeeded In holding out for a scoreless first
    284 words
  • 22 18 PENANO, Tues. The Penang! Cyclists Association will hold a 1 road race at the Esplanade at 8 a.m. next Sunday.
    22 words
  • 50 18 01 KING SETS NEW 800 MARK TPOH schoolgirl Yau Oi Kins. 16, setting a new Perak record for the women's 800 metres during the Perak AAA central zone championships at Ipoh last Saturday. Oi King clocked 2min 49sec. clipping; g.lsec off the previous mark. Timesport picture by Lee Foo San.
    Lee Foo San  -  50 words
  • 50 18 SINOAPORE. Tues. The Singapore cricket team to meet Negri Sembllan in the MCA league match at Seremban this weekend: R. da SUva. S. Houghton. M. H. White. P. Oatha. J. Martens. T. Way. H. Slthawalla. S. Nagalah. T. Martens. E. Wicks. R Sandosham: 12th man A. Ha htm
    50 words
  • 234 18  - Peters in training for S'gor meet KEN FERNANDEZ By KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. I Ken Peters, a former Hong Kong champion sprinter who took part in the Perth Commonwealth games, has gone into serious J training in preparation for the Selangor AAA championships at Merdeka Stadium on July 12-13. Ken. 24,
    234 words
  • 139 18 HOCKEY S'pore aim to be Ist holders of Razak Cup SINGAPORE, Tues. Singapore will go to the finals of the Malayan Hockey Federation ch a m pionship determined to become the first winners of the Tun Razak Cup. The finals begin at Kuala Lumpur on Thursday. Singapore, the South tone
    139 words
  • 87 18 KUALA LUMPUR. Tu. s.— A Selangor Eurasian Association player. Winston dc Sou/a, got ihe marching orders for fouling Belangor Club's goalkeeper Hodge.-., in a PAS Div. 2 match on Ihe pad;i:ic today. Club won 4-3. De Souza was orderrd off thr field three minutes from time
    87 words
  • 26 18 SINGAPORE. Tues The American Venture for Victory basketball team will play two matches In Singapore at the Happy World on July 12 and 13
    26 words
  • 548 18 LONDON, Tues WUhelm Bungert. 24, the West German champion, provided the shock of the day when he knocked out seeded Mike Sangster (Britain in the nrst round. The tall, erect German stunned the packed centrp court gallery with a shock 6-3. 7-5, 6-3 victory
    Reuter  -  548 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 415 18 __P^^9 ___B^__i_J_jii__l w I I I mm 1f householders will save the price of a WOLF electric tool kit In 12 months top doing fobs themselves round the home" tfear paying other \.V^^//| woodwbek and fur- rfjr*srj condition! li all adds up. When you /_J y*^_V7 buy a Wolf home
      415 words
    • 19 18 CD K^^_| r™^ ____»^__l -A. __^-~J K__JJ| m I I MORE W^ THAN MiLUOisiftrv^l SOLD I JL-jj EVERY llptfrl
      19 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 55 18 SPORTS DIARY SOCCER Ipoh Div. 1: Kilat v Municipality (Stadium Perak); Div. I; Ramblers v Shaw Bros <Jn Abdul Jalll); Div. S: Kinta Indians; v PCRC (Lower Coronation!. Taipinf Ltarur: Lai Aver v PWD iPadang). S'pore Govt. Scrvicr* Div. 3: SHB v Water Dept. ißt Chennini. Hannican Shield final: Negrl
      55 words
    • 104 18 SOCCER Ipoh Div. 1: Kinta [ndians 6 Ramblers 0: Dlv. 2: Hhangkat Klnding 6 Irish Hassan Div. S: Cheng Wah 7 Police LI Sefri Dlv. 1 < Seremban > Rang•rs 8 Malavs 2 Inter-PWD (P. Buntari: Krian 2 Ipoh Hq. 2 Klaanc Dfv. 2: Police 7 BMH 5. HOCKEY Malacca
      104 words
    • 97 18 Foo Kam Pook and Choo Kian Tong 3-1: Cheong Fook Kuan ami Yio Yin Men* w.o. Woo Yong Chiew and Chang Cheng Shiok: Choong Wan Hoy and Foong Kok, Wan w.o. Choong Wing Sum and Chan Liew; tuntor singles. Ng Kam Hock bt Chew Sin Hua 3-0: Chai Wing Choy
      97 words

    • 140 19 EPSOM JEEP CALL BOY POINTER Race 1 JADE SCEPTRE Timber Lam Hifh Perfection TIMBER LASS Pepita Jade Sceptre TIMBER LASS Jade Sceptre Kh.imp.tng Phet Kacr I RUPEE Sans Atout Be^ini-liefttu WINGATE Kodum.i Lost Horizon sws \TOLT Distributor Lord I. man ST. DAZZLE Pepe Sans> A tout Race S
      140 words
    • 1063 19  - Consistent Wingate to win 9f clash of Derby 'hopes' Epsom Jeep RACING by pOUR Ipoh Derby entries Wingate, Kodama, Lost Horizon and Bold Challenger clash over 9f (Race 3) at Ipoh today. They should dominate the finish. My fancy is WINGATE, who has been a model of consistency in the
      1,063 words
    • 118 19 LONDON. Tues. There are 18 acceptors for the Irish Sweeps Defby to b*. run over J2f at The Cut ragh. County Klldare on Saturday, June 29. They are (with probable Jockeys): Lock Hard (M. Hurley). VI Mo Chroi <P. Boothman). Gala Chief •D. Page), Tarqogan (W.
      Reuter  -  118 words
    • 1297 19 Race One: 2.0— Cl 4 Div s— 6f 1 ***** La Flams (Lochlnvar St.) Zain, 8 9.0 *AU 9 2 070 Hifh Perfection (Lucky St.) Donnelly. 3 9.0 (F) *Low 5 3 00 Bravo II (Tong Lam St.) R. BreuJc. 4 8.12 Staaari 10 4 ***** Deiiana (Randjilsingh
      1,297 words
    • 164 19 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Two sets of selectors will pick the North and South teams for this year's Malayan Cricket Association annual match to be played at Ipoh on Aug. 10-12. The North team selectors are Ooi Kean Tat Penang > Tuan
      164 words
    • 268 19  -  Lim Kee Chan MOTOR-RACING SINGAPORE, Tuesday. EADING international racing drivers and motorcyclists who took part in the Malaysia Grand Prix here during Easter, are expected to return for the eighth Johore Grand Prix on Aug. 31 and Sept. 1 at Johore Bahru. The Singapore Motor
      268 words
    • 68 19 PHILADELPHIA. Tues.— 'SUßar* Ray Robinson 43. former world middleweight chami ion. lost a unanimous points decision to Joey Glardello over 10 rcands here last night. Robinson was dovn for six In the four Hi round fnm a left to the jaw. He grabbed blindly for the ropes
      68 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 59 19 Under expert Taiwanese supervision Direction! FRESH MUSHROOMS i£~ THESE ARE JL~*g£ DELICIOUS kJHtI Hi nutrit.ous GROWN IN CAMERON HIGHLANDS Obtainable at all Provision Stores in FEDERATION and FITZPATRICK S FOOD SUPPLIES LTD. and MALAYAN REFRICERATINC LTD. in Singapore. For bulk suddlv Diea« aorjlv to:HONG 6UAN MUSHROOM PRODUCING CO.. S3. Old
      59 words
    • 190 19 TESTED and PROVED!!! PJk p (fiS^jgi IS THE ORIGINAL AND JlLfJSffl STILL THE BEST THE MAGNETIC RECORDING TAPE THAT OUTSELLS ALL THE REST For every reel of BASF 5'% 52" 7" you purchase, irrespective of length, you will receive:1 BASF Tape Manual f 1 BASF Tape Index Book B^CCm 1
      190 words

  • 647 20 High Court hears Barisan application TIIK lii^li Com I w.ts told by the Solicitor General, Mr. T. Kulasekaram,' today thai the Crown had no objection to the caw against 12 Barisan Sosiatis leaders in connection with llu- City Council incident on April *22 being heard in the High Court Mr.
    647 words
  • 58 20 MR. RAMAMNCAM IVER vier ml seninbaa on J.'tid Juii' moumrrf by his I ii>'. -cjii-. MPn-in-l.iw mid cninri- luldr. n MOM. LAU MUI ENC ,l iiioth.T ni (101l Thi tin Lot ■way peacefully on 23 8 '63, leaving Mi .l.iinht.-i .-<>n-in-kitt, daughter-m-i.iu .iii.t ii ■nadcMMr -I' Avenue 1.30
    58 words
  • 26 20 SINGAPORE. lues— Customs officers tonight made a seizure of over 100 pounds of cigarettes and 120 bottles of liquor found hidden in bum-boat's hul.
    26 words
  • 28 20 SINGAPORE. Tues. Acting Police Commissioner. Mr. John Le Cain thi* morning addressed the Rarße.s Institution at their speech and prize-giving day in the school grounds.
    28 words
  • 173 20 LONDON. Tues.— Office chatter died away in i the Bradford (Yorkshire) Inland Revenue tax office wfien a man walked in and placed three crates of beer on the counter. But. the "beer Tor taxes" offer was refused, and Albert Thewliss. head barman at
    Reuter  -  173 words
  • 42 20 SINGAPORE. Tues. Mr. R.S. Milne. Professor of Political Science at the University of Singapore, will give an Inaugural lecture on "Political science what and why?" on Friday at 8.15 p.m. at the new lecture theatre N0.4, University campus, Bukit Timah.
    42 words
  • 85 20 CHICAGO, Tues. The United States today had j nearly as many unfilled jobs as unemployed, but the idle workers were not trained or prepared for the opportunl- j ties open, the Vice-President. I Mr. Lyndon Johnson, said today. In a speech prepared for delivery
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 30 20 SINGAPORE. Tues.— The United People's Party will hold its first anniversary celebrations at the pre- t miser; of the Hokkicn Huay Kuan in Telok Ayer Street on Sunday.
    30 words
  • 519 20 MINISTER ON STOCKPILE MOVE: r[E Malayan Government is confident that the revised GSA stockpile disposal plan will not unduly disrupt the tin market, the Minister of Commerce and Industry, Dr. Lim Swee Aun. said today. But much depended on the manner and
    519 words
  • 341 20 LONDON, Tues. With buyers still In a cautious mood, stock markets had another quiet day and no definite trend was established. There was a certain amount of selective buying of equities but the market as a whole made a mixed showing. There was a broad advance in tins.
    341 words
  • 50 20 LONDON.. TUCS. Spot 22»;d Aug. 22 3 16d.. Sept. 22 3 16d., Oct. 22 3/16d.. Oct. Dec. 22 3 l«d., Jan. Mar. 22', d., Apr. June 22'sd.. July Sept. 22'«d.. Oct. Dec. 22'.d Jan 'Mar. 22';d.. c.i.f. July 219 16d.. Aug. 21 \d., Sept. 21 11 16d. Tone- Dull
    50 words
  • 24 20 LONDON, lues,. Buyer* £899. sellers £900. Forward buyers £898 sellers £899. Settlement £B»tf Turnover a.m. 165 tons, p.m 300 tons. Tone Very steady.
    24 words
  • 367 20 Santana beats 'wonder boy Roche LONDON. Tues. The usual gay pageantry of ladies' day at Wimbledon became an occasion for umbrellas and raincoats today. And in keeping with the drab weather. early results ran true to form, and provided little sparkle. Presistent morning rain delayed the start for half an
    367 words
  • 81 20 LONDON. Tues. Results in cricket matches ending today were: Bradford: Match abandoned, rain. Worcs. 307. Yorks 213-8. (iuildford: Match abandoned, rain. Surrey 126 and 59-1. Cambridge 419-5 dec. Bristol: Match abandoned, rain. Essex 184 and 80-2. Gloucs. 153. Essex 2 pts. Derby: Match abandoned, rain. Leics.
    81 words
  • 323 20 LONDON, Tuesday. THE second Test between England and West Indies ended in an incredible draw hen .itLord's today. Both sides could have won off the last ball. England needed six to win as Wesley Hall came in to bowl, and West
    323 words
  • 262 20 WU| INDIKS SOl and 229 I \<l V\l> Ist Inns 297 ■NOLANS 2nd Inn*. STEWART c Solomon b Hall 17 t.IiRH II c Murray b Hull 8 DKXTKR b Glbbs i B.VKRIXC.TON c Murray I) Griffith i ;n COWDREY not out 1» (LOSE c Murray b Griffith TU PARKS
    Reuter  -  262 words
  • 228 20 /MNTfIMMMt Finds Healing Substance That Relieves Pain, Stops Itching as it Shrinks Haemorrhoids London (Special) For the first time science has found a new healing substance with the astonishing ability to I shrink haemorrhoids, stop t Itching, and relieve pain without surgery. In
    228 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 100 20 Late CLASSIFIES M,.,,.'- SIO Mtmimum) TAM DING: BttVMH Ting Kl. a Mr :ind Mr.-. T;im Bins i Anni. «lri. M d o Mr. and Kck ..r ■MaWmM on ■N A STEP CM U WITH /W' J v TIME... 1 sharjeE?\ 1 0-TRANSISTOR 2-BAND S^ SUPER-HETERODYME SYSTEM l\ Pilot Lamp Illuminates
      100 words
    • 59 20 ERREStv B Automatic Controls. Superb HI-FI Sound ver» availably in |T/^^ wide rang* of IP^B^BK attractive model! TV tobfc MM TV5676 EXPERT PROMPT AFTER-SALES SERVICE ORIGINAL SPARES GUARANTEED FOR 12 MONTHS ♦EASY TERMS. ♦AVAILABLE FROM ALL AUTHORISED DEALERS Write for illustrative leaflet to: STOKVIS (MALAYA) LTD. 135, Middle Ro*d. Singapore.
      59 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 44 20 1 TIIGHEST and lowest tempera--11 tures In Malaya and Singapore for the period 8 p.m. on Monday to 8 p.m. yesterday: Highest Lowest Kuala Lumpur 88 73 Kota Bhaiu 88 73 Penang 86 73 j Ipoh 90 72 Malacca 84 72 > Singapore 87 74
      44 words

  • 9 1 CAMERON HIGHLANDS HYDRO-ELECTRIC SCHEME Nation's largest source of power
    9 words
  • 1182 1  -  RONALD KINSEY lZ BY TN just over a span of 60 years the iirst flicker *of electric light was introduced in Malaya and the lirst phase of the giant Cameron Highlands hydro-electric power project has been completed. In that short space of time, the country has emerged
    1,182 words
  • 81 1 WATER surges out of the crest gates of the 128-foot high Ringlet Falls reservoir, which is 4,000 feet above sea level in the Cameron Highlands. The dam. which is 375 feet across the narrow neck of the valley, has a maximum storage capacity
    81 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 186 1 LEMBAGA LETRIK PUSAT yJ PERSEKUTUAN TANAH MELAYU JHh^i^S^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H power for SP^^HBBBBBBHI^BB the nation fc^ 4 Supplies Power to your home, office and factory ligi^^^ m X^ Jbß :j^^' mt tariff rates that you can affordl \^A *mMm siiW or details of special tariffs applicable to indust- rial and commercial installations,
      186 words

  • 585 2  - $129m. LOWER STAGE WILL BE READY IN 1968 STAFF WRITER Telom and Bertam rivers will do more work By •pUK restless water of the Telom and Bertuni rivers will be harnessed for another cycle of work for Malaya's prosperity before it is finally freed to flow into the Straits of
    585 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 150 2 (£SSO) FUEL OILS V^ _^S AND LUBRICATING OILS Ml fl^» •£*4i '-'A- "1 W^o^^ H. m^f <W "~~~t M/ 'Jk f^&dA ft if I JJrX ■fcx J f\ fi^H« PROVIDE YOU WITH ELECTRICITY More people buy (£sso) products the world over than any other brand BAN GUAN HIN CO., LTD.
      150 words

  • 204 3 .40OVE: The Sultan at Pahang telephoning the "blast off" signal to engineers deep inside the Telom tunnel to clear the remaining three feet that separates both ends of the 6 1 2-mile tunnel in July last year. BELOW: Mr. J. F Copping, a resident engineer
    204 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 107 3 |Bt|l BROWN BOVERI BBC HH PRODUCTS Famous throughout the World orgj POWER GENERATION j n ##B' .ind Casturbincs. Compl. m &ff' Equipmi nt )cr hydro and dicicl power POWER DISTRIBUTION ffoS* \^> Transmission Lines. Transformcrj. Hit;h- Votnije Switchgear. Electrical-System Pro- "*M •cction Equipment. I V W POWER UTILISATION
      107 words
    • 178 3 GilkeS WATER TURBINES GOVERNORS SELECTED FOR C.E.B. CAMERON HIGHLANDS HYDRO ELECTRIC SCHEMES Robinson Falls Power Station Kampong Raja Power Station Hl^^^^ 1 Kuala Terla Power Station Generation Voltage 440-***** Volts Total Generated Output-7700 K.W. GILBERT GILKES GORDON LTD. KENDAL ENGLAND AGENTS: ALLIANCE (maIaya)ENGINEERING CO. LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR IPOH PKNANG
      178 words

  • 1323 4  - POWER for a nation STAFF WRITER W^I2!EK, DIESEL, STEAM STILL MAIN SOURCES OF ENERGY-N-STATION NOT FOR ANOTHER 20 YEARS ■y 'pHE Cameron Highlands project and its second phase, when completed in 1968, will boost the nation's present energy resources by almost half. The total power generated in the Federation last
    1,323 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 128 4 CONGRATULATION k JOINT VENTURE* CONTRACTORS on the opening of the C/^\]_^/ J j Photo copyright-. Perak. Flying Club Exclusive suppliers to the Joint Venture Contractors: SHELL Petrols. SHELL Diesel Fuel. SHELL Diesoline. SHELL Lubrication Oils and Greases. Crown Kerosine. SHELL Bitumen Products. YOU CAN BE SURE OF ISHELLJ ww Kb
      128 words

  • 319 5 FIRST HYDRO STATION NEW FIELD OPENS FOR MALAYAN ENGINEERS THE first hydro-electric power station in the Cameron Highlands was opened nearly three years ago. It was opened by the Sultan of Pahang in November, 1959 about eight months after work on the Cameron Highlands hydro-electric scheme began. Costing $1.5 million,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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  • 36 6 THE MOVING OF HEAVY MACHINERY SOLVED THE special 110-ton capacity road trailer negotiating the twisting Tapah Cameron Highlands road with its load of heavy machinery during the construction of the Cameron Highlands project.
    36 words
  • 630 6 GIANT ROAD TRAILER, RAIL WAGON WERE USED Tllli pharaohs who built the pyramids of Egypt might well marvel at the complexity of problems which confronted the builders of the Cameron Highlands hydroelectric power pro ject. Although separated by thousands of years, the ancient Egyptians and the modern builders shared problems
    630 words
  • 284 6 14 men died working on the project 4 N undertaking on such a gigantic scale as the Cameron Highlands project inevitably involves dangerous hazards for the men who work on it. Fatal aeddante an not uncommon, even In advanced oounirltsi with yean of technical experience. In such work as tunnelling
    284 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 135 6 HUMPHREYS GLASGOW i LIMITED* j Habu Power Station Main contractors for mechanical and electrical plant Cameron Highlands' Hydro-electric scheme Central Electricity Generating Board of the Federation of Malaya 9|s Also In Canada, Australia 22 Carlisle Place. London S.W.I AWe"'i!*J.p«° Ulh TELEPHONE VICTORIA 8454 TELEX ***** South America BROWN BOVERIV \/X*jM^
      135 words
    • 86 6 CONGRA TULA TIONS j TO C.E.B. Cameron Highlands Hydro-Electric Scheme on the completion of the above. We are proud to have been associated with the C.E.B. on this occasion CHUNG YEW CHO Ift, JALAN SUNGEI BESI, PUOU RAILWAY GATE, KUALA LUMPUR Tfl: ***** Mechanical Earthworks Registered Plumbers Wrought Iron Furniture-Works
      86 words

  • 173 7 Ringlet's waters now drive Jor's giant turbines THE Ringlet Falls dam is the main reservoir in the first phase of the Cameron Highlands hydro electric scheme and its impounded waters are used to drive the turbines in the Jor underground powerhouse. Taking three years to build, the
    173 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 188 7 9d¥lU Id II ONVOF THE LEADING ITAIIAN\mN»AC^ JRERS OP EQUIPMENTS FOR ELECTRIC SCHEMES j \j ft Sl\ I'll -^JqqL^^ j» 1 H kjb^r, I V< < 1 11.x V* One of the giant 250 kV transformers manufactured in the Turin Factory, as those for CAMERON HIGHLANDS SCHEME (Jor and Connaught
      188 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 104 8 JOINT VENTURE CAMERON HIGHLANDS HOCHTIEF AG PHILIPP HOLZMANN AG ESSEN/WEST GERMANY FRANKFURT/WEST GERMANY ■HBHHB«B«HMBa«aBHBaaaaBBaaaa^ In Malaya employed with Tunnelling and all Civil Engineering Works of the Cameron Highlands Hydro Electric Scheme Experienced In: Tunnelling Now under construction Industrial Buildings KT~ BATANG PADANG HYDRO-ELECTRIC SCHEME Harbour Construction Dam Structure D'«lging WOH
      104 words

  • 1073 9  -  SPECIAL WRITER By Work quality of Malayans on scheme exceptionally high pOR three years, day and night without stop, the tunnels of the Cameron Highlands hydroelectric scheme were driven into the granite hills of the Cameron Highlands until the 16 miles of tunnels
    1,073 words
  • 216 9  -  STAFF WRITER mm Cameron Highlands L project has vastly added to the tourist attractions of the cool. 5.000-foot-hißh mountain resort. To the established lure of a cool climate, golf links and Europeanstyle lodges complete with log fire, are an added improvement to the
    216 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 104 9 MALAYAN RAILWAY are pleased to have been associated with The Cameron Highlands Hydro-Electric Scheme in the transportation of cement, iron and steel works The Malayan Railway carries your goods HUME INDUSTRIES (F.E.) LTD. •t mi. Bokit Timah Road, P.O. Box 297. Singapore. proudly announce that they SUPPLIED for the CAMERON
      104 words

  • 372 10  -  STAFF WRITER 400 tons of Keruing, Changal for pylon's crossarms to decrease lightning blackouts By VfALAYAN wood plays a vital part in the link between production of electric power in the Cameron Highlands and its use In the lowlands. More than 400 tons of Kerning
    372 words
  • 291 10 PONSTRUCTION of the Vj series of steel transmission towers through dense jungle from the Jor power station down to the Central Electricity Board's central network. near Kuala Lumpur, was a tough and dangerous job. Three men were killed and seven injured when one of the
    291 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 138 10 r— S-W Electrical Equipment=i Head Office: 32 Cours Albert Ist Paris VIII France. Electrical equipment complete for hydro-electric and steam power plants. \mM I Transformers of all ratings. x:i\"*"* Rotating machines of all type*. (Synchronous and asynchronous typet). S^V jggs&m Silicon rectifien and ignitron rectifiers. D.C. specialized switchgear of the
      138 words
    • 180 10 If you ore o user of electricity you vwll be glod of the foresight ond engineering skill thot hos reached fruition in the opening of the Cameron Highlands Hydro-Electnc Power Scheme. You know thot it will help supply the Notion's need for electric power for mony years to come. Your
      180 words