The Straits Times, 19 June 1963

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845. WEDNESDAY, JUNE IS, 1963. 15 CENTS KPN 352
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  • 1448 1 No doubt about resignation MAC: NOW IT's WHEN j WIDE BELIEF IN PARLIAMENTARY QUARTERS THAT TORY GOVT MAY FIND ITSELF WITH A NEW LEADER IN AUGUST LONDON. Tuesday THE crucial question posed by British politicians today was not whether Mr. Macmillan will quit his job as Prime Minister but how
    Reuter  -  1,448 words
  • 140 1 My profound remorse —BY PROFUMO LONDON, Tues. Air. John Profumo, former War Minister and central figure in the present British political crisis, issued a press statement here today expressing "profound remorse" for his actions. The statement Issued by his solicitors, said: "Mr. Profumo appreciates that the press, radio and television
    Reuter  -  140 words
  • 507 1 Bykovsky (4 days in space) sets new endurance record MOSCOW, Tues. Lieut.-CoL Valerian Bykovsky's spaceship Vostok V set up a new space flight record at 6 p.m. Malayan time when he had been in space for four days and was still in orbit at 8.30 p.m., when he appeared on
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  • 39 1 BANGKOK. Tues. Thailand welcomes the propoxed formation of a Confederation of Malnv States and Is Interested In watuhln? its orogres* and development, Prinoe Wougmanhtp Qhayangkur. spokesnun of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said here today. Reuter.
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  • 266 1 THE CABINET WILL DECIDE ON BRUNEI KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. A Cabinet decision on the financial terms of Brunei's entry into Malaysia will be officially conveyed to the Yang di-Pertuan Agon? and Sultan Sir Omar All Saifuddin tomorrow. The Cabinet, which will meet in the morning, will hear a report on
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  • 99 1 HONG KONG, Tuesday. THE Governor of Hong Kong, Sir Robert Black, is recovering from an overdose of chlorine. A Government spokesman said today, in answer to questions, that a servant had allowed sea water to flow into the wrong pipe at Government
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  • 44 1 From KEITH HOOPER SYDNEY. Tues.— A steward in the Dutch liner Oranje, Toh Hon Wah. 22. of Singapore, fell 60fi. to his death into the hold. He was running on the rainswept deck when he lost his footing and slipped.
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  • 85 1 KITIING. Toes.—lndependent candidates have so far won more seats than any of Sarawak's political parties in the L district council elections which will lead to the selection of the members of the Colony's first elected government. A total of 429 district council seats are being
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  • 455 1 LONDON, Tuesday. A DECISION is expected tomorrow on Whether Dato Sir John Hay remains chairman of Guthrie Estates Agency. Four directors of the agency, who resigned last week, have called a meeting of directors of companV*s in tWe O\ithrte group. These
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  • 98 1 TOKYO, Tues.—Fighting today threw the Japanese Diet (Parliament) into confusion after Opposition Socialists tried to prevent by force the approval of it Bill concerning employment for day labourers. They tried to stop the Liberal Democratic chairman of the Social and Labour Committee from entering a
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  • 25 1 BANGKOK, Tues. Distilled water from Thailand is being flown by air dally to the Tung Wall Hospital in Hong Kong— Reuter.
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  • 246 1 Freedom for detainees who promise to change KUALA. LUMPUR. Tues. The Internal Security Council ha 3 agreed to release certain detainees who have promised to turnover a new leaf. The council, which met here today, issued this statement: "The ISC had received undertakings from certain detainees that they had no
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  • 31 1 IWINS WIDE APART MANCHESTER Tw IVo Soviet spacecraft now 'widely senai Sir Bernard Utvell, dircttor tt BriUin'v Jodrell Bank radio astronomy M.ition. vtid t'ul.i Rru'er (Sre til iv pi|
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 53 1 FOR Agt THE STORE [.in J/a WITH TH€ MOST **> \Un//<F\ GOLF EQUIPMENT V^V^\\l#^|lV you« van r» wtucowit "^L^*-^ THIS BOLD AND ELEGANT DESIGN... THIS MASTERPIECE IN PRECISION A new concept in watch *->. design of strong masculine i V«^ feature to compliment your f SffT manly personality. y /l\
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    • 63 1 I Jft they now say >, it's time for a JSg 5 More people know when it's time for a Tiger because Tiger Beer is now enjoyed in twenty-five countries throughout the world. Drink fresh, golden Tiger Beer, manufactured in Asia's most progressive breweries— the Tiger Breweries in Kuala Lumpur
      63 words
    • 24 1 SIGLAP PARK PALM DftlVE eft Upper Eart Cowt Rood, S >or. %ykm"V?!i $142.50 < i^g&THMV REALTY LTD. 1 "s""tK. Rocbor* Rd.. Spore -7. T.I: 2300«.
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    • 288 2 That word again ...and it's Nasution who says it JAKARTA, Tuesday. pENERAL A. H. Nasution, Indo- nesian Defence Minister, said again yesterday that Indonesians must continue building up forces "to face any confrontation." Speaking at Bukit Tings!, south Sumatra, he added: "We must consolidate our unity. "Indonesia is encircled by
      UPI  -  288 words
    • 164 2 UNITED NATIONS. Tues. The Pakistani chief of the security force, which maintained order In former Dutch New Guinea when lt was under the U.N. administration, said yesterday that the large number ol Indonesian troops now in the territory were there mainly to
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    • 40 2 HONG KONO. Tues. Serious crime in Hong Kong is still on the increase, the Commissioner of Police. Mr H. W. E. Heath said today. He reported an 11 per cent Jump to 1.314 cases in April. Reuter.
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    • 222 2 SO RAJAH CAN NOW GET RID OF HIS WHITE JVEW DELHI, Tues. 11 The Indian Government has reached agreement with the Maharajah of Rewa to save his unique stock of eight white tigers from exMnction. Bred by the Maharajah in his palace grounds from a single white cub captured in
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    • 46 2 JAKARTA. Tues. Harrisons and Crosfield has settled a labour dispute by more than doubling the wages of its plantation workers In Medan. North Bumatra, Antara said today. The Increase ls retroactive to June 1961. The company is considering paying family allowances.
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    • 20 2 JAKARTA, Tues. The proCommunist newspaper Bintang Timur reappeared yesterday after being suspended by the Oovernment for four days.
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    • 210 2 WASHINGTON, Tuesday. Vl n. DEAN RUSK the Secretary of State, said IJI yesterday the United States had asked its Seato allies to step up their efforts to end the guerilla war In Vietnam. He told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee the Unl- i ted States
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    • 84 2 NINETT-FOUR-ycar-old leader of the revolution for Philippine independence GEN. EMILIO AGI INALDO (centre), is helped in his wheelchair by the Philippine Security and Education Secretary MR. ALVANDRO ROCES (rieht). as he attends the 65th anniversary celebration of the proclamation of the country's independence. June
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    • 80 2 MANILA Tues. Two Philippine Senators lunged at each other In the Senate last night after exchanging hot words over the government's alleged persecution of Opposition politicians in the southern province of Davao. They were Senator Alejandro Almendras of the Opposition Nationalista Party and Ser.ator
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    • 55 2 JAKARTA. Tues. The redli;ht girls of Somaranu. Crnuul Jiiva. have donated 20.409 rupiahs to the Ball volcano vir Ma;or Ttondrokusumo told a neighbourhood delegation of the girls that he was very touched by their contribution and hoped they would soon resume an honorable way
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    • 35 2 NEW DELHI. Tues. India has protested to China that a force of 200 men wiili 80 horses penetrated into Indinn territory at Rezangla, Ladakh. on June 3 and carried out a •■provocative demonstration."
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    • 286 2 IZING BHUMIBOL of Thailand yesterday lent a royal and ceremonial flavour to the South-East Asia Treaty Organisation's big military exercise Dhanarajata. In the first of an extensive two-day tour of exercise areas, the Kine visited American and Thai troops stationed at the exercise headquarters
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 619 2 HJK ofiS BBhA' '^^r i 11 1 I Hill 11 1 1 in ItlilllfiTltllii r*^^sS Kf, LUU rniTTiti Hi til Omega Constellation Chronometer with calendar. The accuracy of each Omega Constellation is officially vouched for by one of Switzerland's 6 Testing Stations. "Chronometer with Especially Good Results" is the highest
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    • 263 3 LONDON,'Tuesday. (JHRISTINE KEELER will testify at the trial of society osteopath Dr. Stephen Ward, who introduced her to Mr. John Profumo, police said yesterday. Chief Inspector Samuel Herbert named her as a witness when Ward, 50. appeared on remand In court
      UPI  -  263 words
    • 36 3 ASHTABULA. (Ohio). Tues. Six girls aged 18 to 21 were killed when they drove into the path at a speeding goods train on their way home from a swimming party here yesterday. Reuter.
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    • 32 3 WELLINGTON. Tues. New Zealand is to spend an additional £21 million on defence in the next five years, making a total of at least £163 million for the period.
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    • 189 3 REDS BLAME 'A VENGERS' BERLIN, Tuesday. A BOMB damaged th^ East German Trade Minis■f* try in Last Berlin yesterday. The East German news agency A.D N blamed West German "revengeseektrs." Other planned bomb explosions were prevented by the vigilance of the East Berlm population, A.D.N. said. The explosion occurred "early
      Reuter; UPI  -  189 words
    • 128 3 BERLIN, Tues.— West Berlin police last night used high pressure water cannons to disperse about 1,000 young demonstrators near Checkpoint Charlie, the border crossing point for loreigners between East and West Berlin. Yesterday was the 10th anniversary of the East German revolt A police spokesman
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    • 195 3 'Mrs. K not under husband's thumb' NEW YORK. Tues.-"-Mrs. Tlina Khrushchev is "not by any means" under her husband's thumb and exercises considerable influence over him in matters outside politics, author John (iunther said in an article in Mc- Call's magazine today. The Soviet Prime Minister, usually referred to by
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    • 95 3 Charles sees Jayne movie C TORN AWAY (Scot- land), Tues. Prince Charles, 14-year-old heir to the British throne, went to a cinema here last night and saw bosomy Jayne Mansfield in "It Happened In Athens" The Prince went to the film show with four other boys and a detective after
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    • 23 3 WASHINGTON. Tues. .The Supreme Court ruled yesterday that use of the Lord's Prayer and Bible reading in state schools Is unconstitutional.
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    • 21 3 CANBERRA. Tues. The Australian Immigration Department has refused a visa to a correspondent of Pravda. the official Soviet newspaper.
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    • 273 3 Alanbrooke (Winston's right-hand man) dies at 79 TONDON, Tues. Viscount Ala n brooke, who died yesterday aged 79, was Chief of the Imperial General Staff from 1941 to 1946. As such he was one of those chiefly responsible foi Britain's wartime strategies. Lord Alanbrooke had a heart attack at his
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    • 46 3 MIAMI (Florida), Tues.— A Cuban exile publication here claimed today that Dr. Fidel Castro, the Cuban Prime Minister, escaped an assassination attempt last March. It published a "letter from Cuba" which said the attempt was made In Matanzas province.
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    • 119 3 KANSAS CITY, Tues. Former President Harry S. Truman yesterday launched a $4 A million appeal to bring a 17th century London church to Missouri as a memorial to Sir Winston Churchill. The church, .built by Christopher Wren, was bombed by the Germans in
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    • 204 3 RACIAL TENSION: A KENNEDY APPEAL TO CHURCHMEN WASHINGTON, Tuts. President Kennedy told 250 American religious leaders yesterday they should set up an inter-faith committee to help ease Negro- White tensions. A Protestant leader said alter the private meeting that the President's proposal met witti a "very enthusiastic response." The White
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    • 112 3 WASHINGTON. Tues.— Bolivia yesterday formally withdrew from the 20-natlon council of the Organisation of American States. The withdrawal was described as permanent The Bolivian Ambassador. Mr Emlllo Sarmiento. said the withdrawal was prompted by the organisation's failure to settle the long-standing dispute between Bolivia
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 89 3 Modess "Trod* Mark" aY a>W I H|H| Today, the modern girl has every op- portunity of living a full, active life in the world of high fashion, commerce I or industry- And she knows that she I can be at her best every day of the I year with new
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    • 276 3 NO down payment FIVE YEAR GUARANTEE a LEONARD fridge can be yours < for as little as -It] $22 a month JS@f^| for 26 months *S&M ~A* list price $550/- 13.1t ,3.1<».M. PHONE ***** OR VISIT 161, ORCHARD ROAD KHOON SEAH ELECTRIC CO., LTD. This picture shows on y_7^lp* Indonesian
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 36 3 THE GAMBOLS By Barry Appleby /pivoe rr tcro\ r ee.."nutte »no.?\ %ZZ>\ the Tweee <* I *S^2SS- ce rt IT J TtASJ V us. OMfts \ooestnao^y *»<**+- II /fXMKSOOy WILL UM/t TO\ I WAVE AMOTUffi GAVE I *r*
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  • 325 5 Govt to get tough on 50,000 'pirate' listeners KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. pOUR more radio licence inspectors are to be employed soon by the Department of Broadcasting to help track down an estimated 50,000 "pirate"' radio owners. The campaign against "pirate' radio listeners was intensified on June 1. Since then Radio
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  • 48 5 IPOH. Tues— Chong Slew Ying. 44. v lioi.sewife, was today lined SlO for allowing her dog to bite a m;in. She was also ordered by the magistrate. Wan Mohamed bin Haji Mustapha. to pay $10 compensation to P Thungayah. She pleaded guilty.
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  • 46 5 MUAR. Tues. Police today warned the public here not to buy .second-hand bicycles from unauthorised dealers. A police spokesman said five bicycles were stolen every week in the district. A well-organised gang i.s believed to be responsible for the thefts and their disposal.
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  • 152 5 BARRISTER CHE NORMA TAKES UP NEW POST KUALA LUMPUR, Tues.— Malaya's first Malay woman barrister, Che Siti Norma Ya'akob, has added another feather to her cap she is now an Assistant Registrar in the Federation Registry at the Supreme Court here. She becomes the first woman to hold an executive
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  • 116 5 35 held in 1 a.m. gangland raid by police PENANG. Tues. The police today detained 35 suspects in connection with the armed s&ng robbery in Prangin Road on Sunday night, when five men raided a house after a wedding feast and stabbed the bridegroom's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lim Bok
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  • 74 5 Body of missing man found KUALA KANGSAR. Tues.— Police investigating a report of a missing rubber dealer found his body In secondary jungle seven miles off the Kuala Kangsar-Grik Road, near here yesterday There were 10 stab wounds on It Buah Soo Keat. 30, had been missing from their house
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  • 264 5 Malays in trade: Tengku rto be asked to lead council KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. THE Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, is to be asked to lead the National Council for Promotion of Malay participation in Commerce and Industry. This Is one of the main recommendations to be made in the blueprint
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  • 102 5 BANDITS SCARED AWAY BY PLANE— I KUCHING, Tues. A "voice" aircraft scared off 30 bandits who had surrounded an Iban longhouse in the Lubok Antu area of Sarawak's Second Division yesterday morning. They were dressed in jungle green uniforms and carried arms including a Bren gun and a Sterling submachinegun.
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  • 66 5 IPOH. Tues.— Mawl bin Haji Yusofl. 31, from Singapore, was charged in the Magistrate's Court here today with trespassing into the Perak branch office of the National Union of Plantation Workers. He was aliened to have committed the offence, "having made preparations tor causing
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  • 39 5 PENANG. Tues. Lim Lean Chye, 21. was today remanded in custody for two weeks after being charged with kidnapping a girl under 16 from the lawful guardianship of her father at Farquhar Street on May 4
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  • 27 5 PENANG. Tues— A student of St. Xavier s Institution. Cheng G.iik Klioon. today reported the loss of his scooter from the school i last night.
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  • 28 5 PENANO. Tues.— The Penang chapter of the Junior Chamber will hold a "Tropical Night" dance at the E and O Hotel at 9 p.m. on Saturday.
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  • 29 5 PENANO. Tues. The Salvation Army Band will celebrate Its first anniversary with a concert at the Salvation Army hall in Perak Road at 8 p.m. on Saturday.
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  • 252 5 Prisoner's daring freedom leap from train- QJUNGEI SIPUT, Tues. A young man's daring teap from a train to escape from a police escort ended seven hours later today at a bus stop a few miles away. Tan Plow Khiam. 25, was being taken from Kuala Lumpur to Bagan Serai for
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  • 84 5 Two RMN ships for commission SINGAPORE, Tues. Two new additions to the Royal Malayan Navy's patrol craft, Uie Sri Selangor. &nd the Sri Kedafi, will "be commissioned at the Uniter Engineers Shipyard at Tanjong Rhu tomorrow. The Sri Selangor, 27 -knot Vosper craft, arrived on board the Ben Line freighter,
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  • 111 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. A draft agreement on the avoidance of double taxation between Malaya and Britain is to be submitted to the two governments for appro\al. A Treasury statement today said this was the outcome of talks held here between representatives of the Ministry
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  • 42 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Eighty-six officers of the Federation Territorial Army will attend a three-day course on various aspects of military duties and general administration at the Training Centre of the No. 6 Royal Malay Regiment in Kluang on June 30.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 167 5 Advertisement wmmmr To nd your home of cockroaches, set this simple trap in all rooms where they are observed. If jam is not readily available for the saucer, use food bait. The powder must not have an insecticide poison smell ci-nerwise the insects will become suspicious and It must have
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    • 576 5 $10,000 MUSTBEWON no slogan to write easy to win HUDSON'S EUMENTHOL JUJUBES SpONTEST KULfcb: i. Each entry must be accompanied by the manufacturer's leaflet found in all HUDSON'S "EUMENTHOL" JUJUBES Bottles, Tint or Cartons. You can send in as many entries as you wish provided each entry is ACCOMPANIED BY
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 283 5 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 3. PUy-group curbed glib cont. Indigestion In Dover due to '""p 11 (6 4) -being consumed with hMte c successful Ulce-over (8) bid, talcing trouble to reorgan8. In advanced maths its usually small department (7). out for the count! (6) rllw Prophecies are rrequently 10. Holy
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  • 28 6 SINGAPORE. Tues. Professor George Hare, Professor of Endodontics of the University of Toronto will give a lecture when he visits the Faculty of Medicine tomorrow evening.
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  • 116 6 The 'Sweet Dolls' to perform in Spore MISS Rhee Kuans Ja (below). 22, and her cousin. Miss Kirn Sung Ok (above), :J5. known as the "Sweet Dolls" from Korea, who will perform their son^'-and-dancc cabaret act in the Cathay Restaurant. During a demonstration yesterday. Miss Rhee first peeled off a
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  • 131 6 SINGAPORE, Tuesday. THE main attractions of the 1963 Happy World Trade Exhibition to be held from July 26 to August 18. will be a "Birds' Paradise" display and a miniature zoo. The Happy World's manager. Mr. Lee Choon Eng. said the bird display would
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  • 50 6 SINGAPORE. Tues. The Lions Club of Singapore East will hold us installation meeting and dinner at the Cathay Restaurant on June 25. The new officials to be Installed will be: Dr. Chen Chi Wei (president): Mr. Jimmie Suseng Wong (secretary) and Mr. D. K. Patel (treasurer).
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  • 350 6 Plea for an RAAF plane AUSSIES ASKED TO FLY OUT RAIN EQUIPMENT TIIK Public Utilities Board has decided to ask the Australian Commission here lo make available a I)C--,'i aircraft of the Royal Australian Air Force for ram-mak-ing in Singapore. It has also asked the Commission to help fly out
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  • 312 6 SINGAPORE, Tuesday. A LIGHTERMAN, under an Assize Court sentence of death for the alleged murder of a young hawker, has been saved from the gallows. Low Chwee Guan, alias Oh Lang, 27, who had been sentenced to death on a jury's unanimous
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  • 30 6 SINGAPORE, Tues.— The Singapore Chin Woo (Athletic) Association will mark its 16th anniversary with a variety concert at the Happy World Stadium on June 3C at 7.30 p.m
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  • 26 6 SINGAPORE. Tues— The Singapore Polytechnic Cultural Society held a 'Cultural Night" tbto evening at the Cultural Centre In conjunction with thl» year's Orientation week.
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  • 104 6 SINGAPORE, Tues. K. Ramachandran, 22, a Naval Base labourer, was today convicted in a district court of dishonestly receiving $4,135 worth of stolen Admiralty property, including submarine parts. Ramachandran was driving a borrowed car, containing the stolen goods, and was leaving the Naval
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 325 6 5 Capitol" "p"«" '°"s'J¥''- n IT WASITT THAT BOYS HER AGE DIDN'T LIKE HER... ■j It was something else. .Something g about on older, married man thot JP I stirred her ond then it was hard to B |pf I believe thot she was only sixteen !1 1 IT? -ife
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    • 12 6 1S19I0P) Today Only: 2.30-7.1 S-9. 30 p.m. "ESTHER t THE KING" Scope/Color.
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    • 140 6 HARD TO GET HOMES FOR 'TIGER' BABIES: REPORT SINGAPORE, Tues. The chairman of the Singapore Children's Society, Mr. John Lloyd, revealed in his annual report today that the Society encountered special difficulties in trying to place Chinese baby girls born last year in homes. He explained that last year icas
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    • 174 6 lad their roots ai home normally manifested themselves in school. To develop this form of cooperation he called for more staff as the society was facing an acute shortage at the moment. He raid there was an increasing demand for services of the skeleton tuff during the year. He added:
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    • 426 6 GANISATION" LAST 2 WAYS" g 11 am, 1 45, 4. 6.30 ft 9.15 pm| I W^SPiM I I r^^ryjr^j^ intr ducing SUSANNAH YORK EASTMANCOLOR (Columbia). Tomorrow 9.15 p.m. MGM_ iX/ PiNtVISION >. MIIOOCOIOB (Friendliest Girls in tho World) Dolores HART Pomelo TIFFIN m Hugh O BRIAN Korl BOFHM "BrS^S LAST
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  • 1780 7 Two Souths— one world NADINE GORDIMER, THE DISTINGUISHED SOUTH AFRICAN NOVELIST The Negro's struggle for equality in the United States I BELONG to one South; in the oilier I was a casual visitor. From the one I brought Hie subjectivity of a lifelimc, a film that forms over even the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 89 7 lliflilla^^B nA A I ii r/y/yyv/Tx/ 1 ts\xv^v^>^jS^vo y"v |*j 000 000 ////2//z////// '///m/jV/////* d U J JO///// j*~ I m These spectacular sales -m. increases prove that look for the T~ The P ublic booooo two gold leaves is the best judge in the f I of[ l ualit
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  • 103 8 rfi, 5/« Himimum mr t A MATHEWS Formerly of >' w[> loborc i»«.-,-d away peacefully on l« n-ti.i .it KurUopoor Kerala. KHOO 800 LEIK of sorieta Comroisslonarla passed away at 4.25 a.m. l«-S-«3. rorten. leave* Singapore CBssM io at 1' p.m. 19-6-B3 STEWART. Or John Stewart MB. 0k late
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  • 62 8 Ware's fit Cmmimumt MR a MRS. T.C Perreau than* friends relatives for their \alnable Kißa. aefisun<-e. A a'tendenre at their we<l<lin« i>n *<S-63. MR. A MRS. LAWRENCE Thank rnenda and r.l.illvn for their attendance, well wt*hea and valuable preisota on the ocrasion of their wedding. MR. A MRS- Sheltoo
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  • 1303 8 2Hu Straits ©mes Wednesday. June~l9. 1963. Mr. M. Holds On Mr. Macmillan has survived ihp reek of the Profumo scandal. The Conservative Party and the Conservative j Government have been saved. The question is, for how long? The vote at the end of Monday's critical debate was not as reassuring
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  • 1343 8  - HOW THE TORIES GET RID OF THEIR LEADERS ROBERT McKENZIE AS YESTERDAY'S COMMONS VOTE APPEARS TO QUESTION MACMILLAN'S FUTURE STILL FURTHER: by ONE of Mr. Macmillan's most engaging predilections is his fondness for, and aptitude at, finding historical parallels to current events"We might, as it were, be discussing the Central
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    • 493 8 Water in Malacca. I REFER to a report in the Sunday Times of June 16 which states among other things that the Municipal Council should have tried to Improve the water supply instead of spending $20 million during the past 12 months on low-cost houses, roads and markets. The Water
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    • 141 8 11TORD has now reached Tf Port Dickson from a number of sources that the Army is lifting Its ban on swimming from the beaches In Negri Sembllan. But no official statement has yet been made that the sea is now considered .safe from any risk of cholera Infection.
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    • 54 8 rpRAINED teachers who beX gan their career at the beginning of this year were paid with effect from the day schools re-opened. Where did these teachers officially stand during the period they qualified to the day they reported for duty after having waited for nearly a fortnight for
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 764 8 StrirU k Malay Mail CiiiiWK •evertlewnaatt sacv I*4 *te*» COCO STODtSI AKCADC OieHaK cch-d arronACM minchu AT HOLLAND tOAOHUTONC MPPIL MOAO-NAVAI. BAM Aentiinii* A#en«e: cmr book trrotcß ltd W>n i Meae*. CMyoQwr TMC NlWf PROMT FWxßwtvtcti s Seawks^Met H M lIMAIL 1 AefffllVcYtVJV ttSAafl IVOWI B. H. ABO4M. •AfPAW
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    • 106 8 HOHNER MELODICA Made by M. Hohxer, Cerroenv. LmJ Four models are now available from Singapore stock' MELODICA SOPRANO Tone ronoe. 2 chromotic octovev with Green Cordboord Box. 51 5.00 MELODICA ALTO Tone range, 7 chromatic octaves with Red Cardboard Box $17. 50 MELODICA Piano-26 "Packet Piene", with 26 p'osfic Piono
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    • 79 8 My ROAMER my pride..! Outstanding quality. Perfect styling All practical advantages (guaranteed 100°. wafer-proof. self -winding, data, etc.) Available at exceptionally attractive prices. EGGS ARE GOOD FOR YOU! EGGS ore delivered fresh everyday from SINGAPORE'S poultry forms to markets and groceries throughout the STATE. EGGS are a vital part of
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  • 261 9 Singapore people told: Get used to homes in sky— SINGAPORE, Tues. The Singapore Hous- ing and Development Board today urged the people to get used to ••high life" in its towering skyscraper flats. A spokesman said: "There is a healthy breeze 24 hours a day and a wonderful view of
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  • 61 9 KUALA LUMPUR Tues. Eighty-six officers ot tne Territorial Army will attend weekend course. «t i ho training centre of the 6th Bn. Mhl.iv Regiment, at Kl'ittng from June 30. The officers will receive traming in various aspects of military duties and eeneral administru tiou. They
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  • 70 9 From CEORCE LIU HONG KONG. Tues. Actress Grace Tine Ning will marry Victor Shaw, seventh son of Hong Kong rral ••state and theatre magnate Runde Snaw. in London on June 28. There will be no elaborate ceremony and the couple will exchange vows in the Registry of
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  • 125 9 Preparing for Jakarta post— with golf, shooting lessons SHOOTING practice i coached by the police who have also issued him with I pistols; PRACTISING his joget steps. GETTING a song lyric writer to write pantuns in praise of President Soekarno "which I will sing t to the tune of Rasa
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  • 34 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— The Peninsular Artists League will I hoM a nine-day art exhibition be~ i pinning from August 30 at the j British Council Hall here to mark Malaysia Day.
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  • 331 9  - Khalid Umno hits rumours DAHARI ALI: 'New job because of his efforts to help Malays in trade story mischievous 1 by Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday 'J'HE Umno official weekly Malaya Merdeka today denied that Haji Khalid bin Awang Osman is being sent as Malaya's Ambassador to Jakarta because of his efforts
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  • 328 9 mlir MALACCA, Tuesday. JHE Minister of Health, Inche Abdul Rahman bin Talib, today called for a "crash programme" as an immediate solution to Malacca's water problem here as he did not want to see another outbreak of cholera. He said though
    328 words
  • 59 9 THE Yang di-Pertuan Agon* signing the visitors' book after opening the new $110,000 premises of the Old Frees Association in Penang on Monday. He is a patron and life member of the association. Looking on is the president of the OFA. Mr. Saw Choo Theng. In the
    59 words
  • 151 9 SINGAPORE, Tuesday. TELEVISION Singapura will present a panel dis- cusslon en "A Common Market for Malaysia" at 9.35 p.m. tomorrow On the panel will be Dr Albert Winsemius. leader of the United Nations Industrial survey mission to Singapore. During the discussion. Dr. Winsemius will answer
    151 words
  • 81 9 SINGAPORE. Tues— Mr. Justice Chua in the Assize Court today told a man with five previous convictions that he could not give him another chance as he had been given several chances in the past. Oh Mcc Kian. 24. was jailed for 10 years for
    81 words
  • 36 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. —The Sultan ol Selangor today opened a five-acre Rida rubber processing centre at Klang. This is one of the 13 processing centres already established in the Federation by Rida
    36 words
  • 322 9 Student and his girl who made love in the I— gardens— KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The story of a high school student who made love to his tapper girlfriend in the Lake Gardens here was related in the High Court today. The girl got pregnant and gave birth to a son.
    322 words
  • 77 9 IJ ANTING. Tues. The majority of the people of Kuala Langat support the Alliance party, the president of the District Alliance Mr. D. Jayaratnam. said at a meeting. He added that Inche Abdul Aziz bin Ishak. the ex-Minister ol Agriculture and Kuala Langat Member
    77 words
  • 42 9 TELUK ANSON. Tues. Mr. V. Shanmugam, of the Clifford School, Kuala Kangsar, has assumed duties here us headmaster of the Sultan Abdul Aziz School in place of Mr. Soh Kal Choo, who has been transferred to Sultan Sulalman School. Kuala Trengganu.
    42 words
  • 84 9 DUTTERWORTH, Tues 77 Malaya Cup footballer Pang Siang Hock and his girlfriend were robbed last night as they were sitting on the beach off Pantai Road. It was about 9.30 pjn when two men came up and pointed knives at ther£ Warning them not to
    84 words
  • 69 9 PENANG. Tues. About SSO officers and men of the Ist Green Jackets took part in a Battle ol Waterloo oommemoration parade at Minden Barracks here this morning. The troops, drawn from :,ix companies, appeared in battie with full weapons and equipment Lt.-Col.
    69 words
  • 58 9 KUALA KANO6AR. Tues.Oeputy Supt. Anan bin Yeop Abdullah Sanl has taken over as th« 0.8.P.C.. Kuala Kangsar. from Deputy Supt. C. M. Roberto, who has gone to India on leave. Inspector Shamsuddin bin Ayob has been transferred to th» Serembun Special Branch and has been
    58 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 127 9 Irl Wk -^■IPjOCTOR M* ENGINEER... Pt awy You can't toll what he's going to be when he AIrCA grows up, but you can make sure he gets the very best nourishment now to equip him for B, mi ceiehs' J lhe future FAREX! BPj' -fl FAREX is a fine blend
      127 words
    • 119 9 fe J| (jAieh£aMto> (**J7:. V Paris 2^-i 10 Days... an d y° ur s^ n In 10 days, Hydroserum, a special blend of nutrients from Paris, will moisturise your skin, rejuvenate your complexion and make it noticeably young. After 10 days, you will have a refined skin texture, tingling with
      119 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 481 9 Todays Radio, TV programmes 11.00 Music Festivals; 12.00 Close RADIO SINGAPORE SHORTWAVE SERVICE RADIO MALAYA 41 METRES MEDIUM HAVt SERVICE NATIONAL SHORTWAVE 41% METRES SERVICE 41 7 METRES A.M.; 6.00 Tiiur Signal. NcgaA.M.— 6.00 Good Morning; ra-ku; 8.02 Prelude To Brtak--6.01 Morning PieUide.: <id fast: 7.00 Time Signal, Tho News;
      481 words

  • 426 10 SINGAPORE. Tuesday. Singapore People's Alliance has charged that there are still a number of known Communists and fellow travellers in the People's Action Party and unions and organisations controlled by it and, therefore, the fight to rid Communist elements from
    426 words
  • 109 10 A new form i of artPaintings on mats- SINGAPORE, Tues. A Singapore teacher is to introduce a new form of art—paintings on straw mats. Mr. Tan Seng Ann, 30, will hold an exhibition of 20 such paintings to be opened by the Political Secretary to the Ministry for Culture, Inche
    109 words
  • 85 10 SINGAPORE, Tues.— The Singapore Importers and Exporters Association is considering the possibility of sending a delegation to the Hong Kong trade fair at the end of the year. An official of the association said today they had received an Invitation from the
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  • 21 10 SINGAPORE, Tues.— A motorcycle, belonging to Lam Khon Fan was stolen from his house In Kirn Keat Avenue yesterday.
    21 words
  • 224 10 ADMIRAL Sir Varyl Besg. the British Far East Commander -in Chief, distributes books and writing materials to children in a village school near Amnor Chereon. Thailand. He was visiting units taking part in "Operation Dhanarajata," a Sea to exercise. In addition
    224 words
  • 45 10 SINGAPORE, Tues. Police detained seven men and screened 127 suspects in anti-secret society checks during the past. 24 hours. Five of the men are being detained under the Societies Ordinance and the other two under the Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions' Ordinance.
    45 words
  • 24 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Mr. Mcl Goonting will speak on "America as I auw it" at the Rotary Clubs weekly luncheon here tomorrow.
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  • 157 10 ALLIANCE, SUPP GET 7 EACH K.UCHING. Tues. —Sarawak Alliance and Sarawak United People's Party candidates won seven seats each in the Binatang District Council election. A lone Independent, Jimbak anak Ingan. won the other seat. The Binatang District Council will elect, three representatives to the Third Divisional AdvisoryCouncil and whether
    157 words
  • 18 10 KLANO. Tues. Donations to the Klang District Boys Scout Headquarters Building Fund l&>t month totalled 518.432.
    18 words
  • 133 10 SINGAPORE. Tuesday. pEPRESENTATIVES of the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Amalgamated Union of Public Employees will meet at the Labour Ministry on Friday in an effort to settle a strike by 100 police civilian staff. The meeting will be held under the supervision of
    133 words
  • 203 10 INHERITANCE— THE NEW LAW A BILL conferring powers on the court to vary unreasonable dispositions of property if the court considers that reasonable provision has not been made for the maintenance of certain dependants of the deceased, was published today. The Inheritance (Family Provision i BiU was given a first
    203 words
  • 76 10 Orchids big business today SINGAPORE, Tues. The Prime Minister Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, last night praised the ingenuity of Singapore businessmen in turning the orchid hobby into a profit-makine industry. Mr. Lee was speakine at the opening of ;he 535.000 Duxton Plain community centre in Neii Road. He said: "Everyday,
    76 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 163 10 BLACKCURRANTJUICE Hiiiiuaipil OWin Vitamin C tjk IILTRHOW il i fe^prioe for this /-f| £^j VITAMIN Cto combat tiredness, 'WJ fi?^ >>^^^^^f^l<t \^l\ J^-/ build body tissue and fijjht infection. .11 *Htfv A I' I 3v7^4 contains Si's of actual blackcurrant ll i^ I' V> s\ M^J^IJ juice a standardised source
      163 words
    • 102 10 One sweepand all 3-factor problems solved with the FACIT CM2-16 With 16figure capacity and directback transfer, specially designed to solve 3 factoi problems accurately 'with one sweep. Simple 10 key operation. Sturdy Swedish) steel construction and beau* tifully designed. Dirttt ttttlnm lor dintion Simple la Iran ami u>; Small. Itmhiuriahi
      102 words

  • 359 11 Praise, warning from ICI chief RISKS IN TOO RAPID INDUSTRIAL GROWTH: 'STEADY PROGRESS BEST' ]yjR. PAUL CHAMBERS, chairman of ICI, today praised Malaya's industrialisation programme for its 'steady progress, rather than undue haste." "I do not thhik a much faster rate of growth is possible," he told a press conference
    359 words
  • 60 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The Straits Times Group today received $548 for the National Patriotic Fund to boost the group's total to 5130.044. The latest donations came from staff of the Institute for Medical Research, Ipoh, $100; staff. IMR. Kuala Lumpur $187.50; senior officers', clerical and uniformed staff
    60 words
  • 66 11 pENANG, Tues. The Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, has promised to raise $20,000 for the Old Frees Association building fund. This was announced by th«? chairman of the building fund committee. Mr. Tan Chon? Bee at a dinner last night in celebration of the
    66 words
  • 27 11 SINGAPORE, Tues. Kwa Buck Kee. 40. unemployed, was jailed for a year for stealing eight zinc sheets from Tyershall Camp. He had two previous convictions.
    27 words
  • 22 11 TELUK ANSON. Tues. Teluk Anson Rotary Club will hold Hi installation dinner at the Lower Peralc Club on June 25.
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  • 62 11 The King, a patron and life member of the association, was present at the dinner with the Queen. Mr. Tan also announced that Mr. Saw Choo Teng. who started the building fund with a $10,000 donation, had made a further contribution of «10.000. while Mr. Yeap Hock Hoe,
    62 words
  • 267 11 Further cut in water supply if -no rain— SEREMBAN. Tues. The present eighthour water supply a day to Seremban and Port Dickson will be further reduced if no rain falls into the catchment area in the next day or two. The warning came from the Senior Executive Engineer (Water Supply),
    267 words
  • 42 11 BATU GAJAH. Tues. Mr. N* Pah Yam has been re-elected chairman of the Batu Gajah district welfare committee. Other office bearers elected were Mr. Ng Yen Eng. vice chairman. Inchc Ismail bin Ahmad, secretary, and Mr. Tan Meng Yong. treasurer.
    42 words
  • 138 11 A GRADUATES' association official admitted today that there were guidance officers whom Malayan students could consult at Melbourne University, but he likened them to stepfathers. "And stepfathers are not as good as fathers." said Mr. Tony Ng. secretary of the Australia and New Zealand Graduates
    138 words
  • Article, Illustration
    162 11 Mr. Ng was commenting on a report from Melbourne today that guidance officers were available at the university to help foreign students. He continued: "We have 5.000 students In Australia. lie wants a "real father" for Malayan .students in Australia. If a Malayan officer is sent j there,
    162 words
  • 75 11 EXCHANGE GIRL BARBARA FLIES IN KUALA LUMPUR, Tues.— An American schoolgirl arrived here by plane yesterday to be "adopted" by a Malayan family for 10 weeks. Barbara Helmcke, 16, (above), from Oceanside New York will stay with Inche Rahmat Hussin. a lecturer at the Language Institute. Her trip is organised
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  • 52 11 In 1961 Inchc Rahmat's daughter Jamaliah, a lower Form Six student at the Methodist Boys' School, stayed in the United States for a year. During her stay he-e Barbara will attend the Methodist Boys' School for a few weeks anil will later spend some time at the
    52 words
  • 73 11 CINGAPORE. Tucs Llm San. 26. a loodstall [Mlttur died after a fight with Mohumed bin Oman. 21. but his death was duo to heart failure, a preliminary inquiry was told today. Senior Inspector T. S. Zain said this at an inquiry into a charge of manslaughter
    73 words
  • 57 11 SINGAPORE. Tues. Six hours after a car was stolen yesterday police found it abandoned at Dunman Road with Its wheels, a spare wheel, radio, battery and tools missing. The owner of the car. Henjj Cher Chia. of Keng Lee Road, reported the car missing from the
    57 words
  • 179 11 A LOR STAR, Tues Three padi planters were today discharged on a Joint charge of kidnapping a 15-year-old girl because police could not trace the girl's mother, a key prosecution witness. Din bin Saad, 22. Mat Daud bin Jartln, 16.
    179 words
  • 5 11 Govt gesture on citizenship deprivation
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  • 274 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday. AS "a gesture of goodwill," the Government today told 1,403 people who surrendered their citizenship certificates under the amnesty that it is prepared to let them re-apply for registration under Articlo 17 of the Constitution before July 1, even though they
    274 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 10 11 MORE THAN PENS Wi SOLD 111 Mj every! X.'M DAY!
      10 words
    • 112 11 MILK Just try to name a mother, any mother, who doesn't «njoy seeing her family full of fun, happy and healthy. You can't Then it's no wonder modem mothers five their families lots of wholesome Milkmaid, finest-quality milk with extra vitamins for extra-good health. Vitamin A actively fights infections and
      112 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 172 11 I #/#f/ O., P Hy V.T. Uatnlin "t**^* n cm XT t '^s "SKmS outfit J I *ortf^AM. /vJ^m^2st| iti* li Travy Hy i h*>\i<i Gould PW ¥3SS* Ti'i/Si I -tESS o*oX9* lum>? Jl/ -BAO TM, S TM,»< FOB ta DarTE tti I -n£r" £-^f~L' Tf**^ MMjO»D. kONCKONCA oveo 22
      172 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 517 12 (Continurd from Pace 8) SITUATIONS VACANT M Word* SS (Min.)— Box St et*. txtrm COOK GENERAL AMAH Wanted. Must speak English. Telephone Slngal«re 5219 L WANTED A CASHIER and tew Waitresses. Come personally to Lice Bee Restaurant Bar, No. 261 Joo Chlat Koad, Singapore 15 from i'.OO p.m. tt.uO p.m.
      517 words
    • 493 12 SITUATIONS VACANT 29 Word* SS (Min.)— Box S9 et*. txtro WANTED TYPEWRITING TEACHERS. Preferably Indian Ladles: Usual office hours: State qualification, salary required, age, etc. Box A 6670 S.T. Spore. CLERK WANTED. Qualification: Form IV or V uith knowledge of Malay. Typing and Book Keeping. Apply to Secretary. Board of
      493 words
    • 450 12 ACCOMMODATION WANTED Words Si (Mm.) Box SO cl*. extro REQUIRED SOONEST. 2/3 Bedroom Bouse/Flat. Unfurnished. Modern sanitation. Reply details Box A 6672 B.T. B: pore. THREE BEDROOM HOUSE wanted for Army Officer. District! 9, 10, 11. Max Rent SSOO from mlddJe July Box A666S B.T. Spore. WANTED FURNISHED UNFURNISHED Bungalows
      450 words
    • 1069 12 j HOUSES. LAND FOR SALE Word* St (Mtn.)—*** St et*. txtrm ANOTHER 200 MODERN Semidetached Bungalows at 10th Mllea Upper Changl Road. Enquiry; Ouan Soon Transport Co., Ltd. Tel: ***** ***** Spore, C.N. WILLIAMS Valuer Estate Agent, B-9 Hongkong Bank Chambers, Collyer Quay. Singapore. Tel: *****/9. Margollouth Road: District 10.
      1,069 words
    • 988 12 BOOKS 4 PUBLICATIONS TELEVISION SINCAPURA PROGRAMMES June 17th— 23rd run details In this week's. RADIO WEEKLY. O*t your copy ttdayi Price 30 eentsl from all newsagents. FEDERAL PUBLICATIONS LTD. nave a wide range of Pan Books on display In the Cold Storage Arcade, Orchard Road, In conjunction with B.P.C.K. TOURS
      988 words
    • 1035 12 VEHICLES FOR SALE it Word* Si (Min.)— Box St ets. oxtrm FOR SALE Ford Zodiac Convertible in' good condition Tel. (B'pore) *****. M.G. MAONETTB I*s*. Good Condition $2,600 0.n.0. Phone (XL) ***** after 5.30 p.m. IMI MORRiS MINOR 1000 travel' excellent condition $4300/-. Kttg XL 8322 J. PACKARD: In »cry
      1,035 words
    • 1151 12 VEHICLES FOR SALE 2t Word* SS (Min.}— Box tt et: txtro SPECIAL SALE IMI Ford Consul Deluxe one owner well maintained. New Insurance (3.690 H-P terms arranged. Phone (Spore) ***** office hours. CARAOE MANAGER'S nSO Borg-w..-J TS. Excellent condition w /radio extras Comp. Insurance January 1964 $„0«0/. 0.n.0. Tel.
      1,151 words
      838 words

  • Article, Illustration
    0 13
    0 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1573 13 It nVtRPOai A WESI COASI U.K.. Ug, yiwt Mll| s-r>t» '•nan* CYCLOPS Livtrptll ll Pt.'JlHil 21 JMI 21 CALCHAS Vars., A'moutV." 'iKtrplll. li Pt/JIM 21 •chiilei iimp^^iifo."":::::: >™v swum >.»u UWm* Ma7».7^"rnSiilr uVtiiwa*. Jute 22 Jute 21 Jiat27/1 MENESTNEW IWM^tlts'tlw' >«•' J W POLYOORUS LmtrpMl. Havre J»^ »«l B/" »«ly
      1,573 words
    • 1470 13 THE E. A. C. LINESSA.iInuS 10 GENOA, IE HAVRE HAMBURG, IREMIN, ANTWtRP. t^TTtBLAM, AMSTERDAM. OSIO. GOTHENIURG ANO COPENHAGEN. /®™«A Sport P. S'harn Pi drg fsAKrAn "JUTLANDIA" I) 20 23 Junt 24 27 June 21/21 Jill 1 2 ()elJ<I 'BuMA' ej II June/ 4 Jily 5/ 7 Juiy 1/ I July
      1,470 words
    • 1462 13 EXPRESS SERVICE TO I (ERPOOL I CONTINENTAL PORTS. Sport P. S'htm rtmn| lINLARIG iptat, H'oa«, H'Wg, C'aMMI >R Pt/JIM 22 Jilt 21/21 ItNAVON (M| H .rg, L IM. Ha.rt>»'wp,Hott G. 31, Junt 23 June 24 21 Jult 21/ I ■ENIEOCN IE lav I'lotl. B'Oa*. Hull. «IM JuM 25,21 Juie 21/
      1,462 words
      1,363 words

  • 1065 14 1 ("OMBINED business 111 tne Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Malayan Stock Exchange yesterday, with the number of the shares traded in brackets: INDUSTRIALS: Beustaad (1.000) 51.71 D. (2.000) $1.64; Dunlepe S3 BL, (1.000) $3.08 D, (5.000) $3.02, (2,000) $3.05. (7.000) $3.07, (1,000) $3: East Smtlt $3.54
    1,065 words
    3 words
  • 403 14 I^OLLOWING London's drup F of £2 per ton the StraiU tin price yesterday fell $3.37 i t> $464.62) per picul on an offering up 5 tons to 250 tons. Tin took on a steadier appearance In early dealings In London on Monday
    403 words
  • 627 14 </MIM lywif aisnitide tm Sintapsre President Taft «A. Halldor 3073«. Mlkumo Mara 23/24. Kuaaß 2V26. l.arut NW. 1. Troubadour 38/39, Knatin Bakke 8/9. Llple N.W. 4. Velehtt 4/5. Norway Mani 33/34, Btnavoo 31/32. Kanclwn 13/14, Btraat Ball 6/7. Kaloekoa 21/23. Soon B«« 3, Surusa ataru 47. Oerlna
    627 words
  • 23 14 Malayan Slock Indices .'une I? June 18 Industrial<i: 116.09 117.13 Tins; r.'O.s; 121.13 S rubbers: 114.24 1M.16 Dec. Hi I lUO
    23 words
  • Article, Illustration
    218 14 PME Malayan Eiehange Banks' Am* 1 elatien made tiese changes In ita ratoa to merchants yejterday (all rates to $100): Ne» Verh: buying TT 82 11/18, alrmall OD S3 13/16, M d/at 33 I/IS credit bills. 33 3/16 trade hllK Canada: buying TT 35 5/16 airmail OD 39
    Wan Sen Yip  -  218 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1163 14 KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA. LTD. U.S.A. Pacific, Atlantic* 4V Croat Lakes Service laid LuJQ- li* EIA ETA tl* EIA S ram hot v y rrancnco t. AnfelM N. York Cllveiartc •lei ma Mara" 21 30 Juae 21 lei, 21 Illy 11 Jll) II Af| 1 ieli •■kamkawa Man" 2b 2« Jaly
      1,163 words
    • 917 14 TO AUSTRALIA S.S. "CHUSAN" Deporting PENANG 26»h June 1963 SINGAPORE 28»h June 1963 For Fremantle, Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney. Limited First CloDs accaminodsrtior avarlabla Apply to your Travel Agont or: ISLAY KERR ft CO. LTD.. SINGAPORE. HARRISONS CROSf lELD (F of M) LTD, KUALA LUMPUR. HARPER GILFILLAN ft CO. LTD.,
      917 words
    • 885 14 AUSTRALIAN STOCKS MELBOURNE. Tues. A FIRM Industrial section tnclud- ca some solid rises while (alls in minority were mostly small. New Zealand Forents highlighted with a jump of 2s. 6d. to 635. <Jd. following the announcement or a one-fop-elght bonus Issue and record profits. Tflerldon shares continued in demand and
      885 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 767 15 NOTICE NOTICE This :s to inform our customers In accordance with a resolution that Mr. Yeoh Oon Hock in no passed at the Emergency Meeting J..iger in our employ and that of the Executive Committee of the tie is therefore not authorised to Liberal Socialist Party held on receive payments
      767 words
    • 504 15 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS THE SINGAPORE HARBOUR BOARD VACANCY Aplicants are Invited from locally domiciled persons (Federal or Singapore Citizens) holding the necessary qualifications to fllll the vacancy of a Dresser. Applicants must possess a Grade I or II Hospital Assistant or Dresser's Certif cate. In addition applicants must be able to
      504 words
    • 668 15 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS STATE OF BRUNEI VACANCIES IN THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT Applications are Invited to fill the following posts In the Telecommunications Department, Brunei. (a) ASSISTANT CONTROLLER OF TELKCOMMUN ICATIONS: (I vacancy) QUALIFICATIONS: Candidates must noi be over 45 years of age and must be Corporate or Graduate members of the
      668 words
    • 797 15 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT LEMBAGA KEMAJUAN KAMPONG DAN PERUSAHAAH RURAL AND INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY APPLICATIONS are invited from Federal Citizens for appointment as Assistant Rural Industries Officers. Applicants must be under 27 years of age. physically fit, and should possess a Very good knowledge of the Malay Language and able to read
      797 words
    • 449 15 NOTICE NOTICE While every endeavour is made to publish advertisements on the dates requested it is not always possible to adhere to specified dates for Insertion due to pres- 1 sure of space. The Publishers therefore reserved the right to arrange alternative dates lot insertion without reference. All copy is
      449 words
    • 78 15 Announcement Be Our Guests at the official opening of THE ORIENTAL ROOM at 5 p.m. sharp on Wednesday, 19th June, 1963 Cocktail Reception 5 6.30 p.m. The Oriental Room No. 48 Middle Road Singapore 7 wire mope; fgSk /mi I V-^-L--lV_x -TV ar y Approved by: Lloyd's Register of Shipping
      78 words

  • 301 16  -  Norman Siebel By There is, in my view, a much better chance of getting the right answers by this method than from an unwieldy committee of say five on the FAM side and three from SAFA— which '.n any case would give one side a majority— and which almost
    301 words
  • 18 16 TENNIS 'Wimbledon rehearsal' opens with shock by Crookenden Pari Passu sprints 3f in 372/s from a standing start
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  • 69 16 IPOH, Tuesday. gUNGEI WANG (late French Empire), a Perak Derby prospect, stepped out in fine style on a fast track here this morning. Ridden by Mickey Donnelly, he went over the Derby distance, running the last 4f in 53 1/5 (3f in 39! 2/5). A well performed stayer in Australia.
    69 words
  • 400 16 I. EEP an eye on Benatu (late Rare Wine), a newcomer in Class 4. at the Perak Derby meeting. This Australian three-year-old gelding by Faux Tirage out of Innesfll won three sprint races in fast times as a two-year-old in South Australia. He won a 5f
    400 words
  • Article, Illustration
    61 16 BALTIMORE. Tues. Ralph J DtlPfta won an unanimous points decision over Denny Moyer here la*l night to retain the World Boxing Association Junior middleweight title. There were no knockdowns in the 15-round fight.. In Belgrade. amateur liglr middleweight boxer Joslp Mazar died as a result of an injury
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 732 16 BACK-ROOM BOYS PLANNED SERVICES —V-DRIVE— i SINGAPORE, Tues. One week of centralised training for the players, planning by the "back room boys" and the determination to win are main factors listed by Joint Services officials for their team's 3-2 triumph over Singapore in the Malaya Cup soccer tournament on Sunday.
    732 words
  • 4 16
    UP  -  4 words
  • 123 16 rpOKYO. Tues. The Tokyo X Olympic organising comnuttee said today it would withhold an Invitation to Indonesia for the 1964 Tokyo Olympic Games until the current dispute between Indonesia and the International Olympic Committee had been solved. The organising committee, at Its general meeting today, decided
    Reuter  -  123 words
    7 words
  • Article, Illustration
    287 16 I ONDON, Tues.— The LonJ don lawn tennis championships at wjueens Clubcon&dered the •"Winbledon rehearsal" got underway yesterday and provided an early shock when Australian Martin Mulligan, runner-up at Wimbledon last year was beaten 3-6. 7-5, 2-6 by New Zealander lan Crookenden in the second round. Mulligan's compatriot Roy Emerson,
    Reuter; UPI  -  287 words
  • 495 16 J ONDON. Tues. Cham- j \j pion jockey Arthur (Scobie) Breasley of Australia is way out in front again in the riders charts with 72 wins to his crtdit already this season. Next best is Lester Piggott with 41. followed by Australian Ron Hutchinson with 33. There are
    495 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 173 16 m m*^ 1. l\ 9 *> km ofl |J J&*2ZmM mmM M when you have fuel pumps to service you must have r(Q^ZrAc^jl attention" Noulr Hol<W« |-*j J T^Z^ZZSBr/ Fuel Filler MulU-Cyllnd., Lnrlo*d No Pump with Mfch»nic«l. Hydraulic nozz» and Pneumatic Govtrnori and Fuel Multi-Hole trt4 Pumps houle JBt
      173 words
    • 56 16 Keep your hair well-groomed all dayuse i HAIR CREAM Now, Old Spice Hair Cream take* a controlling B interest in your hair, neatly and naturally. Keeps your hair lively all day lo&g well- S&*> groomed without gloss. And one jar gives months of regular daily use (BBHt% I -A Illp
      56 words

  • 2 17
    2 words
  • 3 17
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  • 562 17  -  KEN FERNANDEZ By V II ALA LUMPUR, Tues.— Kilat Club today took over the mantle of Selangor hockey's king pins from Tamilian Physical Cultural Association, Last year's SHA league and cup champions. Kilat beat TPCA 2-0 in the final of the
    562 words
  • 362 17 IPOH, Tuesday THE Centra! Electricity Board will have to go all A out for victory against Federation Armed Forces in their return match in the Federation of Malaya Government Services soccer competition, at Stadium Perak here tomorrow. In two other government services matches tomorrow Negrl
    362 words
  • 73 17 SINGAPORE. Tues. The Malayan Thomas Cup trainees Una Wei Lon, Wee Choon Sang. P. Ounalan. George Yap and Billy Ng will give exhibition matches at the Singapore Badminton Association hall tomorrow at 8 p.m The ties are: Single*— Wei Lon v Ot'orge Ynp; Choon Seng v
    73 words
  • 49 17  - THE OLD TROUBLE AGAIN Dissension hits Singapore team JOE DORAI By Singapore, Tuesday CINGAPORE'S state soccer team have once aeain been afflicted by their chronic ailment—dissension among the leading players which has contributed to Singapore's Malaya Cup defeats within a week by Malacca and Singapore Joint Services. r 1
    49 words
  • 133 17 CRICKET SRC women in action on Sunday SINOAPORE. Tues. After t*n years women cricket returns to Singapore on Sunday when Singapore Recreation Club Ladies XI meet the men in a match on the padang. Mrs. Shirley Martens, wife of State cricketer John Martens and secretary of the women team said
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  • 143 17 CEYLONESE BEAT EURASIANS IN FINAL SEREMBAN. Tues. Negri Ceylonese won the Van Geyzel trophy today when they beat Negri Eurasian^ 2-0 in the flnai of the Negri Sembilan Hockey Association's senior knock-out competition on the Negri padang. The Eurasians had earlier won the league. Ceylonese scored their first goal in
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  • 140 17 SOCCftt Tm Matches: Penang v Yuen Long. HK (City Stadium, 8 p.m.); S*pore v HK Chinese (Jn Besar, 7). Fed. Govt. Service* tourney: S'gor v Fed. Prisons (Merdeka Stadium. 6>: Negri v Mai. Railways (Beremban Station padang i CEB v Armed Forces (Stadium Perak, Ipoh) Ipoh Dlv. 2:
    140 words
  • 284 17 CINOAPORE. Tues.—Unpredlct- able Joint Services, who scalped Singapore two days ago, added another feather to their cap when they beat Hong Koni( Chinese. th«» Ho Ho Cup champions. 2-1 at Jalan Besar tonigh. Services, without their skippeJimmy Coates who led them magnificent lv to
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 85 17 PA2860 BAD DIGESTION ~but you quickly STOP the pains spoonful of DGW itt S ANTACID POWDER ■r* i e i I i j9UhHJP%I This world-famous medicine soon > Jr^l7r=Gn st °P s stomach pains and helps your 1 v digestion You can always eat what J indigestion you ljke ,f
      85 words
    • 310 17 A New Pen from Parker! that Adjusts to Your Very Own Style and Angle of Handwriting THE PARKER VP* 8 •Very Personal Like your fingerprints, your handwriting is L r «l' distinctively your own. The way you hold your pen, the amount of pressure you apply, the angle at which
      310 words

  • 229 18 Gurkhas beat up CO., court martial told— J BRUNEI TOWN. Tnes.— A court martial was told that six Gurkha soldiers had beaten their Nepalese commanding officer unronscious at Brunei military c ;jmp on April 16. The six inrn. including two N.C.Os.. have pleaded not Kuiliy to a charge of having
    Reuter  -  229 words
  • 47 18 SINGAPORE. Tues— The YWCA International Women's Club will hold two talks during the last two weeks ot the month. They will be: "People and places" by the Rev. D. A. Harris on Wednesday, and "The Hans Anderson Club" by Mrs. Rose Mlnie on June 26.
    47 words
  • 408 18 Fire guts two houses: $10,000 damage SINGAPORE. Tues.— A sudden flre tonight gutted two shophouses near the Pulau Saigon Circus. The damage is estimated at about Si 0.000. The first shophouse was occupied by the Sim Boh Lee timber merchants and the other was stored with gunny sacks. The blaze
    408 words
  • 414 18 LONDON, Tues. In view of the still very uncertain political situation, the stock markets have given a creditable performance today. Although business contracted somewhat, a selective demand was going on. Early nervousness, which brought lower quotations, later gave way to more confident conditions. Oiltedgeds were looking quite firm
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  • 68 18 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. INITIAL pride of place during the Malaysia celebrations will go to the Borneo territories, it was learned today. On Aug. 31, the Prime Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman, his Deputy, Tun Abdul Razak, and other high officials will fly to
    68 words
  • 210 18 I ONDON. ruei. The W«,t Indian tourists, set to male* 113 runs to beat Sussex here today, scored the runs for the loss of lour wickets and so won by si* wickets. Earlier in the cay Ted Dexter (70 overnight* went on to 103
    210 words
  • 1 18
    1 words
  • 33 18 AISUP. EDWARD WILHELM <\ yiari* of IM K irnj-oni. I: ihm Road pamrd away peacefully n< Burial took |>la< at r.hluiarl Omrtery th<- samp iliv. Ba kM| IM-hlnd hi* hHov.d I UK CRICKET
    33 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 17 18 RIIQ.T Free offer valid in Malaya-Singapore-B.N.Borneo-Sarawak Good News! Oltf.' WILL BE GIVEN \S &^i every bottle of
      17 words
    • 152 18 tate CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS j ?O Morrfv S/» I Minimum) SWAMPILLAI: To S.ti KM BW a oon Tinner on L'l-.'.-tii it Mi pltal. Thank* to Doctor ann Raff. MURPHY To Shlrlrv <• and Frank, a daUKhUT L>ym> COftaaa, on Im!i Junr at the Maternal) HoiPMaL IVnanK. f CAMY GENEVA SWISS SPECIAL
      152 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 42 18 IJIGHEST and lowest temperatures in Malaya ;ind Buga pore for the period 8 p.m. on Monday to 8 pjn. yesterday: Highest lamest Kuala Lumpur 93 73 Kou Bharu 93 75 Prnanc 90 75 Ipoli 91 73 V 90 72 Sitißuporr 90 73
      42 words