The Straits Times, 11 June 1963

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 26 1 aviham; daily <i htii ii i» sale ex tee as IOCKOOO The Straits Times Ma™* fort**** Estd. 1845. TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1963. 15 CENTS KDX 352
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  • 151 1 Dr. Ward may face -more serious charges 9 I ONDON, Mon. Dr. Stephen Ward (above), society osteopath who introduced Christine Keeler to Mr. John Profumo, was remanded in custody for a week today on charges of living wholly or in part off the earnings of prostitutes. He did not enter
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  • 36 1 NOTTINGHAM. Mon. Siamese twins born In hospital here were stated today to be In a satisfactory condition and feeding. The twins, born on Thursday, are believed to be joined at the head.
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  • 561 1 Singapore studies two new ideas to end the deadlock PERCENTAGE OF TAXES, OR $50 MILLION IN FIVE YEARS $75m. for defence is accepted SINGAPORE, Monday. THE Singapore Government is considering two proposals which may solve the deadlock in the merger financial talks. The Prime Minister. Mr. Lee Kuan
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  • 502 1 Mac back to face Profumo storm LORD CHANCELLOR ASKED TO INQUIRE INTO SECURITY ASPECTS ONDON. Mon. Mr. Macmillan returned to London from a Scottish holiday this morning to face a political crisis of the first magnitude over the Profumo scandal. fletore levins for his ifcnSSy* iV*«%«Y<*ted> .today, he adWßd Lord
    Reuter  -  502 words
  • 224 1 Brunei oil cash talks put off KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. yALKS on the financial aspects of Brunei's en- try into Malaysia were adjourned until Wednesday after a three-hour session this morning at the Tengku Abdul Rahman Hall. I Dato Neil Lawson. QC. constitutional adviser to the Sultan of- Brunei, said after
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  • 32 1 LONDON. Mon. Spot tin on the London metals market today i fell £6 to £916 with the middle quote for three months metal down I £5% to £918 V
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  • 49 1 NEW YORK. Mon President i Kennedy has sold world televUton iichts to his Pulltwr Prbe-winiiiiip book "Proflles in Courage" to the National Broadcasting Company. The sum involved Is not di*clo&ed. but is believed to be abou USS3SO.0OO. which the Presidrm will donate to charity —Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 83 1 At last -rain in HK lONO KONG. Mon— Hong Kong this morning had its heaviest rainfall (1.19 Ins.) In recen* days, but the critical water shortage that has plagued the 3.500.000 people here continues. Vatcr authority officials said the ground was so parched they only expected this would give the
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 44 1 Papuans for Japan JAKARTA. Mon.—The Oovernor of West Irian. Mr. E. J. Bonay. laid his administration planned to I I send 20 Papuans (or vocational I training In Japan, the official news 1 agency An Lara reported today. TEXT OF STATEMENT IN PAGE 8
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  • 146 1 SINGAPORE. .Mon Tengku Abdul Rahman said tonight that the Manila talks were going on very well and he was optimistic that the way would be cleared for a happy summit meeting. Speaking at the airport before returning to Kuala Lumpur after his overnight private visit
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  • 481 1 MANILA. Monday. ]y|ALAVA, Indonesia and the Philippines today explored the prospects of a compromise solution to the Malaysia dispute, informed sources reported. The three foreign minteters concentrated their discussions on tbe controversial Malaysia plan during a two-hour 40-minute private meet- ins at tp& Forejgn
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  • 221 1 Big 3 agree to test talks WASHINGTON, Mon. Russia, Britain and the United States have agreed to hold high-level talks in Moscow soon "looking toward early agreement on a comprehensive test ban treaty." This wa.s announced here today by President Kennedy, who .said the United States. to demonstrate its good
    Reuter  -  221 words
  • 41 1 NIK: NO MORE BOMBERS AND WARSHIPS MOSfOW. Mon. Khru>hchcv today told Wilson. Britain's. OppoM tion Labour leader. Rubad stopped m .1 k i n strateait bombers and warships brc.iiiN- of thnr "total vulnerability." British leader SftM IMW ni?ht Reutrr
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 64 1 Re/yott KfilWi KETTLES At QUlCMJjoiling Other miuirU —m^^^^^^^ Handsomely chromium-plaied, this keltic i> designed for convenience In 3 or 5 pint sizes. it.uorks fast and pours comfortabl) the handle keeps cool and current culn mjiic.illy if the »«lcr boils away. Attvtrtlftt'iuvnt of Tim Ctnvrai Electric Co.. (ftinga#*rt) lid. mj
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    • 24 1 You can trust PHlLlPS— their telephone equipment is backed by years of experience PHILIPS c For further details consult J MALAYA <^lACK^> BORNEO *INGAPORC
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    • 211 2 Cambodian monks join in protest UHNOM PENH. 1 Mon. Buddhist monks demon tra ted last night at Kane, seat of the Supreme Head of the Thammayutt Order, against alleged religious discrimination in South Vietnam, the Cambodian Press agency said After prayers in memory of Buddhists killed at Hue in central
      Reuter  -  211 words
    • 162 2 Droughts, floods, storms hit Asia— Trial put off ItOKYO, Mon. Droughts. floods and tropical storms have blighted SouthEast Asia and the Far East with freak weather in the past fortnight. A winer of drought in Japan has given way to an early summer of flooding and death-dealing rains Tropical storms
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    • 77 2 ON GUARD: TROOPS WITH RIFLES AND FIXED BAYONETS BAYONETS fixed to their rifles, these Iranian troops patrol streets in Teheran after martial law was declared following anti-government rioting. Riots broke out last Thursday after the arrest- of a religious leader. Rouhollah Khomeini, his assistant and
      UPI  -  77 words
    • 163 2 Martial law is declared in north Iraq BEIRUT, Monday. THE Iraqi Government has declared the northern part of the country under martial law, according to Bagdad Radio. The area includes the dis- tricti of Mosul. Kirkuk. Sulaimaniva and Erbil. where the Kurdish population is < concentrated. Meanwhile, the Military Governor-General
      Reuter  -  163 words
    • 99 2 TWO KOREAN 'SPIES' HELD IN TOKYO TOKYO, Mon.— Two North Koreans were arrested in Tokyo today as suspected members of a North Korean spy ring. The Director-General of the Japanese National Police Agency. Mr. Toshio Eguchl. said here today that tighter coastal security was needed to guard against infiltratinß "spies."
      Reuter  -  99 words
    • 85 2 But after days of private consultations, the chief Soviet delegate. Dr. Nikolai F\>derenko, called for a meeting of the 11-member council to consider the question. Although the U.A.R. Saudi Arabia have agreed to share the estlmat?d UBs--400.000 cost of malntalnhm the mission in the Yemen, the Soviet Union
      Reuter  -  85 words
    • 28 2 I HONG KONG. Mon An Asian- Pacific science information conference attended by representative* from 13 countries, was opened today bv the Governor, Sir Ror-rt Black.— Reut«r.
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    • 112 2 T\AMASCUS, Mon. a Syrian Government spokesman said last night that two Israeli Jet planes and a gunboat attacked a Syrian outpost and a village on the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee yesterday morning. Tt»e .spokesman said the gunboat opened fire with machlneguns and
      Reuter  -  112 words
    • 87 2 CAIRO. Mon.— The authoritative newspaper Al.Ahram said today there had been ao "arrests campaign all ove Syria" in the past 24 hours. In a despatch from its Beirut correspondent, the newspaper reported that Brig Fawaz Mehareb. a member of the Revolutionary Council and a signatory of the
      Reuter  -  87 words
    • 93 2 UNITED NATIONS, Monday. IT THANT, the Secretary General, yesterday delayed plans to send an advance party of UN military observers to the Yemen pending formal instructions from the Security Council. The council Is scheduled 10 meet today at Soviet Insistence to consider proposals for keeping
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    • 502 3 PRESIDENT TELLS MAYORS: IT IS THE NATIONS JOB TO ENSURE THAT THEIR VICTORY IS PEACEFUL l' HONOLULU, Monday PRESIDENT Kennedy said today that America's Negroes will win their fight for civil rights, and the nation should help ensure that the victory is peaceful. "We fare a
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    • 132 3 Vice in low places: Jail for three— LONDON. Mon. A railway worker was jailed for two months at Hull for keeping a brothel. The court was told that two prostitutes. Barbara Ostler, 23. and Joyce Trammer, received clients in a British Railways house occupied by Frederick Priest. 48. They pleaded
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    • 49 3 SYDNEY. Mod.—More than 200! people were left dangling In a snowstorm up to 100 feet from the ground when a chairllft broke down at Thredbo villaße in the Snowy Mountains of New South Wales during the weekend. They were rescued with aluminium extension ladders.—Reuter. I
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 26 3 PARIS. Mon The 102 police dogs in Prance helped to arrest 550 criminals In two months during 1962. according to an official report.—Re'itcr
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    • 80 3 COPENHAGEN. Mon. A Danish Royal Navy spokesman said last night that the British submarine Roqual was caught In the trawl of a Swedish trawler during an AngloDanish naval exercise off the Skaw In Jutland last week. The submarine and trawler were undamaged but the trawl was
      Reuter  -  80 words
    • 280 3 IN TUSCALOOSA, ALABAMA TUSCALOOSA. Moil. ABOUT 500 combat- equipped National Guardsmen and a sprinkling of civilians armed with firearms and cotton baling hooks began arriving in this tense college town yesterday for Governor George Wallace's showdown with Federal authorities tomorrow. The civilians, farmers and workers,
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    • 112 3 WASHINGTON, Mon At least 20 African diplomats have complained to the State Department in the past 18 months about discrimination in Washington* barber shops, a department official said yesterday. .Mr. Pedro San Juan, of the department's special protocol services. was quoted by the Washington Post
      Reuter  -  112 words
    • 182 3 NEW YORK, Monday. RICHARD Cardinal Cushing, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Boston, has proposed that many of the churchs' restrictions on marriage between Catholics and non-Catholics be abolished, particularly the religious promises required of the non-Catholic partners. t His comments. In an interview DUblished In the
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    • 53 3 PARIS. Mon. Police have smashed a' highlyorganised rice network which shipped French (h-ls to Africa with promises of clamorous jobs and then forced them into prostitution. More than 100 women were involved in the one-way traffic to Abidjan, capital of the Ivory Coast Three people have been
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    • 23 3 REYKJAVIK. Mon.— Pirn results in Iceland's general election indicate there will be no change in the island's coalition government. Reuler.
      Reuter  -  23 words
    • 84 3 FIGHTING COCKS RAID NETS '—$9,000 MADISON (Indiana). Mon. Police last night raided a rarm near here, arrested 143 people watching cock-righting, set up a I court on the spot and levied more than US$3,OOO in fines. The prosecutor said about 50 others fled Into the surrounding back woods < country.
      Reuter  -  84 words
    • 15 3 PARIS. Mon—The French cubist painter Jacques Villon died here today, aged 88.—Reuter.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 127 2 »"*&Hf v J BE FIRST WITH A li^^^Kk I .^AV Those who recognise quality will test, tr y aa d decide on the new ZODIAC m I'lFI k^.^.. with confidence. Not only for its aesfor Quality, Elegance, Lconomy J i O I the precise reliability of its engineerJoffm Ssk ing-
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 191 3 Mi M^^^^. THE ULTIMATE IN I CffwTl iT^TfW Hi-Fi Stereo %^^J2Al^^*J^ Reproduction! (MADtjrrjffij^^ A Model 9150/ STEREO > ■jE^* I iI I I "it *jpg som "< '*>««! and ofh.r Mofeh J0& ~5~jM »V^<rjl I {>'« °l»o availaM* HI^LVAWJIVJHhV J FM VMF I 0~~ JUI I w CARUSO/STEREO IQ^k^>^ K>
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    • 370 3 ysp* pSB* «***N*V A JJV*****BT**i "When I grow up I'm going to get my dad a yacht, a Rolls-Royce, a palace." Until then, young man. come tn (2Xj£i~m4 We've all the other things your dad likes. and you don't have to own a fortune to afford them. Snoop around; ask
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  • 226 4 Gosh, your girls are pretty says Adam Faith i SINGAPORE, Mon. ■h3 Hardly had he step- ped off his Jet at Sinai gapore airport tonight when British singing a sensation, Adam Faith, spotted a group of pretty teenagers rushing at him, and remarked: "Gosh, Malayan girls are certainly attractive." As
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  • 290 4 CJINGAPORE, Mon. AusI tralian rainmaker Mr. Edward James Smith, who flew in last night to help solve Singapore's water problems, today started a iullscale study of local weather conditions. I In the morning he met officials of the Meteorological Department and discussed with Mr.
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  • 110 4 OSAKA. Mon.—The Selcisul Chemical Company said today it was planning to Mi up a joint venture in Singapore for the production of polyvinyl chloride pipe. The company, which is a leading plastics producer In Japan, said the joint venture would be with the Nlchimen
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 38 4 SINGAPORE. Mon.—The Singa- pore Anti-Tuberculosis Association's mobile X-ray unit will be stationed at 221. Joo Chlat Place and the comer of Mangis Road from a. I Wednesday to June 18 between 4.30 pm. to 7 pm.
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  • 2070 4 MUST BE FAIR TO BOTH SIDES SINGAPORE. Mon. •JHE Legislative As sembly, in a sitting hich lasted past midnight, called for an early settlement of the financial arrange ments on merger l>etween Singapore and the Federation which is fair to both sides. This was
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  • 617 4 SINGAPORE, Mer ffHE Legislative As- sembly tonight approved a total of $17,687,607 for the Government to push through a number of projects within the next few months. The projects range from the extension of shortwave transmissions to Malaya and the Borneo territories, participation In
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 288 4 WIdies "ree'to all "attending" I H SA MPLE KLEENEX TISSUES B AUfV I by courtety DietheJm Co., Ltd. V/1LI NESTUM DRINK by courtesy Nestles 'nDCI/ICU/ SAMPLE STARRY JAMS P/|t VlL Vf by courtesy Star Corporation I inO Saturday 15th June 8.45am LILVV STALLS $1.00 I CIRCLE $2.00— NO FREE LIST«
      288 words
    • 97 4 MYCIL 111 ll 'lll Medicated Powder HUB A modern remedy for foot infections. If *tf MyCl Vel qiJ Cll ln*VT_ri'| relief and poiltlv* V Soothej Prickly •llf MID POW»« L (oor y^ I Heat »nd Sorenew umiW due cc exceitiva Wfnen 4uf M I "cut perspiration. Will t— y^Ly* not
      97 words
    • 451 4 MBiJI t n t imT^jjB (OPENS TODAY t 11am 1.J0 -4 00 -4. 30 9.30pm Toshiro Mifune t iEST ACTOR «*f X X Venice Film *»^k X I J IN TOHOSCOPE !*YOJIMBO'j (THE BODYGUARD) 7 Mondann with English Subtitles X COMING! (ta CINEMASCOPE SWORD «r ISLAM j IUBIIA ABO El
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  • 206 5 Tengku's holiday 'away from it oil' SINGAPORE, Mon. Tengku Abdul Rahman, who arrived in Singapore yesterday for a short private holiday, played golf this morning and went shopping in the afternoon with his wife and children. The Tengku is taking a rest here after his hectic activities in the last
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  • 43 5 SUNGEI PATANI. Mon. Dr. A. L. Dunlop. medical officer. B<>dong group hospital, will leavo Malaya on rciircment this week after more thiui 30 years' service in thi.s country. He will be succeeded by Dr. Seow Wcnc Sim.
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  • 48 5 ALOR STAR. Mon. Chan Kam, 36. unemployed, was robbed at Baling yesterday by two men who had earlier promised to get him a job. They took Chan to Kamponc Ketumba where one of them caught hold of him while the other stole $100.
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  • 28 5 PENANO, Mon. The Governor. Raja Tun Uda al-Haj, will inspect the St. John Ambulance Brigade's parade at the esplanade at 5.30 p.m. on June 29.
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  • 314 5 Youth in court on kidnap charge Modern restaurant plan for gardens KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Bryan Godfrey St. Aub y n Jeremiah, 19, was charged in the Sessions Court today with kidnapping Stella Kok, 14, a minor, from the lawful guardianship of her father, Mr. Kok Hock Leong, of Jalan Mentri.
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  • 372 5 BRITISH CASH FOR MALAYAN F.P.A. WORK DOUG LACKERSTEEN LONDON. Monday. VIALAYA and Singapore may expect a generous lT1 share of the £500,000 the Family Planning Association in Britain will be raising here for work overseas, it was officially stated here. An announcement said 'he campaign will be I from i
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  • 165 5 CINGAPORE. Mon. An official of the ruling People's Congress in Uganda, Mr. A Kirunda Kivejinja, has suggested that AfroAsian peoples should pool their efforts to help stimulate their economic growth. Mr. Klvellnja. secretary of the Research and Information Bureau of the Congress. left Singapore after a
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  • 288 5 EX-MAYOR'S ATTACK 'ELECTION STUNT' SAYS 001 PENANG, Mon. Mr. D. S. Ramanathan. former Mayor of George Town, was accused today of trying to make his dispute with the Labour Party of Malaya appear a personal quarrel with Mr. Ooi Theam Siew, the present Mayor. Mr. Ooi said in a statement:
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  • 17 5 Highway patrol IPOH, Sat—Perak police will put Into service a mobile highway, patrol next month.
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  • 53 5 SINGAPORE. Mon. Two men, arrested at a race meeting here yesterday, were fined $500 each today by Mr. R. B. I. Pates, a magistrate. Quek Song Huay, of Her.- derson Road, and Vivian Ernest Klass. of St. Barnabas Road, pleaded guilty to charges of acting as
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  • 26 5 IPOH, Mon.—The Junior Cham ber of Commerce will hold its Bth national convention in the Kuala PUah Town Hall on Oct. !2 and 13.
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  • 151 5 SINGAPORE. Monday. A 17-YEAR-OLD criminal law supervisee, told in court today he could be jailed for a year, said to the Judge: "I would rather serve three years at the reformative training centre." When the judge, Mr. K.T. Alexander, expressed surprise, he said: "I
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  • 103 5 Big airlift of vaccine, but no new cases of cholera KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. A further consignment of 250.000 doses of anti-cho-lera vaccine arrived iiere by air from Thailand today. At the height of the cholera outbreak Thailand sent 100.000 doses of vaccine. A spokesman of the Ministry of Health said
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  • 45 5 SINGAPORE. Mon Detectives from Tanjong Pagar police station raided gangland htrti twin in "D" Division and oeiamed seven gangsters suspects .esterday. Six are being held under Uir Secret Societies Ordinance and the other under the Criminal L.iv (Temporary Provisions i Ordinance.
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  • 97 5 ALOR STAR, Mon—With two babies in her arms, a housewife. Lim Swee Eng. 27. today Dleaded for lent ency for possessing dutiable liquor and a manufacturing still. The Sessions Court presidem, Inche Abdul Manan bin Othman, fined Lim $665 lor having IS calloiii
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 127 5 .dwß M 8» BHHHLLI I m 1 I H. ROGERS CO., LTD., S'por* Kuala Lumpur P.nona (IERAo W C7P W7 \Hy W LJ o \I/o var j jjl lit __^^^tk I I MitiMii (J OUT IMflMllltt M-iwuT automatic 10 CMANNIIS C.C.I.■. iov*ivi».»oiooii «I»H OIOIJ WOMIN CAMNIf niwcuividmiotictioniaii t»o» Ait List
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    • 112 5 Advertisement Beauty mt Remarkable results In complexion beauty are being achieved with a tropical oil that brings youthful loveliness to the skin. It smooth; out wrinkles, checks dryness. refines the skin and gives it a pretty peaches-an d-cre am bloom. Known 'n tropiI cal countries, as oil of ulan, your
      112 words
    • 435 5 k Jr .sssxr a «Mf-:=— visits:— rir-uvk A YOU *^tfft^ ~»w«»L^ l 7giil "iXz] SMOL/I.D MMMWHMSrSHfIiIKMft VOIA^O OWNER1. Called "The most robust car on the road today." They 11. Exceptionally good road-holding qualities Volvos art have all-welded integral steel bodies which are extremely designed with a view to maximum safety,
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  • 101 6 DATO Setla Marsai bin Maun (centre). Brunei s Mentri Besar and leader of the delegation, with Dato (Dr.) Ismail oin Oato Abdul Rahman (left). the Federation's Minister of Internal Security, before the talks on Brunei's entry to Malaysia at Tengku Abdul Ranman Hall
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  • 151 6 'Father to 5,000' to be named soon KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. The post of "Father to 5.000 Malayan students in Australia," which has been vacant for the past two months, is to be filled soon. The official title is Director of Malayan Students —In charge of the Malayan Students Department. The
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  • 21 6 SEREMBAN, Mon. Dr. A. S. Sandhu from Perak has taken over here as Chief Medical and Health Officer.
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  • 106 6 Arbitration court case postponed SINGAPORE, Mon.— The Second Industrial Arbitration Court today adjourned hearing of a case involving the Singapore Telephone Board and the Amalgamated Union of Public Employees, following an application by the union's general secretary, Mr. O. Kandasamy. Mr. Kandasamy gave two reasons for seeking an adjournment: FIRST,
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  • 55 6 TANAH RATA, Monday. rnHE Cameron Highlands Tourist Promotion AssoclaX tion is planning to hold an agri-horticultural show on a hi* scale in December as another step to woo more visitors. Twenty-two directional signs have been made by the Town Board to be placed as guide* to interesting
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  • 234 6 A new plan to boost Malays in business KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. J^ PLAN to further boost Malay participation in commerce and industry was announced today by the outgoing Assistant Minister of Commerce and Industry, Haji Khalid bin Awang Osman. The plan includes; Organising Malay retailers In every district Into a
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  • 327 6 IZUALA LUMPUR, Mon. IV world fishing experts will meet here next year for the eleventh session of the In-do-Paciflc Fis h c r ies Council. The Minister of Agriculture and Co-operatives, Incha Mohamed Khir Johari. extended the Invitation at th« opening of the council's
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  • 22 6 rPOH. Mon.—A coffer owner. How Chin Vat. 47. was fined $300 here today for assisting in running a characters lottery.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 127 6 ,^^MM^Bf*^^^^^^**^*^^mm^ V g ggftl 1 1 M •11 •••••■■■^^■■■■^^^^■■BJBBBBS^i^ m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 tmdSBHBJBHH^BS^BJBS^B^S^BSJ^B^B^^^^^^^J I n^r^^ i^ i^ M SS l^ ***^^H^^^i ••api anAMOv moouci o'f'-;ijiiy^t S •o«'lil SOUSTtAO C.*. .Lr.Tii). The NEW bottle is important but it's the name that means most
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 171 6 Alley Oop By V.T. II ant lin ucav T cjt r»a Tvtl -x. uav rOULDWT s^~ -~s*S~ '^X WW€*/ MXI WffE UP V, Vietnam A.WR.TE:.' rfS if SCId nbthbr S OOP/ I N/— -*VT °°oJ SS^ 1 1 IHrk Tracy By Chester Gould H^^^^^^^^H^^HH f THANK YOU. JACK OF \IKBBBBB9^
      171 words

  • 1853 7  - The sea-killers who won their spurs of war... The Londonderry blunder RAYMOND FOXALL PART THREE OF THE STORY A PATTERN of precisely-placed depth charges pummelled U 47. Shedrifted upwards, her propellers twisted and out of action Desperately P r i c n Idea to dive again. Wolverine planted another set
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 228 7 PA w aT^aT^^^^a^^Bßßfafl BBaBBBBaBBBaWH S BBBtaBBBBBBBBaBM mZ^^^^^^l iSBaBBBBBafI BBBBBk_*^^BBaBBBBBaI QUALITY. ..EXTRA LENGTH... Now also available in packets of ten, King Size SOLENT gives you the clean, wide awake freshness of natural menthol plus real smoking satisfaction. Like a sea-borne breeze... like the cool sparkling spray of the sea SOLENT REFRESHES
      228 words

  • 44 8 20 Word, tit rMM«M) ANNA VtO CNCNO NOV. wlfa ot A r. Glam, ivter, i>a***d away r tati fully on JO.« «J Oort««» leave* 2S Ancullla Ko»>l for Church of Salmi I". t>-r and Paul 4 p.m. 00 It 663 thrnrr to Ridadarl
    44 words
  • 98 8 f» Hora1. tit 'Mimimum, MR. AND MRS Th.nimratnaja. am.. arid daughter of Mr. and Mr* Ram* 'inuam or Buklt afertajam and Mr •md Mr*, ftolvanayaxam ot Kajanx rr« •wetlvely thunk relative* friend." for kind attendance, good wiabaa and valu hi* prrwnti on the occasion of thr;r marriage on 2
    98 words
  • 109 8 Word* tit (Mimtmmm) YOUR RECIPE I* Incomplete If you mia.i out Thatcher a Mint Bauc«. At all food (tana, in 21 oz. bottle. FEDERAL PUBLICATION* LTO. lnviu- all tearhera and book addict* to brow** In their abowrooro at Time* Hou»e, River Vallrjr Road. Singapore. ANOTHER VANITY'S EXCLUSIVE! ittrrOy coats
    109 words
  • The Straits Times
    • 744 8 There is no reason why the Singapore Government should be too modest about its efforts to provide a sound inf rastructu re for industry, and very little chance that it will be. Because of the driv* it has Mimarted to industrialisation there is much more likelihood |of the
      744 words
    • 317 8 The call for a commission of j irquiry into the affairs ol Malayan students in Australia and New Zealand, made by returned graduates, will suggest to most people that a I serious state of malaise is believed to exist. Of this there |>s no evidence. The record
      317 words
    • 174 8 The payment of rates by the j Federal and State Governments (and quasi-govemmenr authorities) to the Capital < Commission has at long las', been rationalised. The practice has been to make a lump sum J contribution every year to the municipal authority on an j arbitrary basis, without
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  • Article, Illustration
    2161 8 MR. LEE ON INTER-GO VT. DISCUSSIONS Big snag is 1961 j 'prosperity yardstick 9 he tells House SINGAPORE Monday TH Prime Minister of Singapore, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, made the following statement in the Singapore Legislative Assembly today on the Malaysia finance talks between the Singapore and Federation
    2,161 words
    • 494 8 r THE last three paragraphs In column eight of page six of the Straits Times of Saturday, June 8. says: "On allegations by the Barlsan Soslalls and Mr. Ong Eng Guan, leader of the United Peoples Party, that the Government was attempting to stifle the Opposition. Dr.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 647 8 Strait. Times k MIII 7 Ms.U Claaaffted advnlownma way b# wanda^ t*M 1*« ftmor COLD ITOtt««l AMCADB Orchard Head COLD «TONA«K MANCMM AT HOLLAND HOAD-KATOM* KIPPIL ROAD-NAVAL BASS Avtfcortaad CITY BOOK iTOH LTO WVtct»a««ar Mom*. CaWyr Q—y tnk newi raowr Fllatp#tTiCk •avfjpOHßSrtaßQ M. M. ISMAIL Admiralty Hm> SMa* M. ABDUL
      647 words
    • 26 8 j m it's NEW it's here it's the NEW Vent-Axia Switch out stuffy air unpleasant smells with the sgrSSf^L elegant ftljl'ljK^ 'OR BETTEH Am CONDITIONS i
      26 words
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  • 216 9 Tengku to have 'heart to heart' talk with Rulers KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The Conference of Rulers, which begins on Wednesday at the Istana Negara here, will be significant for two reasons: IT is the last one befor-* Malaysia; and IT WILL be a session where Tengku Abdul Rahman will have
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  • 29 9 KUALA TRENOGANU, Mon. The Mentri Besar of Trenggnmi. Dato Ha'i Ibrahim Fikri bin Mohamed. yesterday opened a 56.000 community hall at Kampong Puntai. Bh'.u Riikit. here.
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  • 68 9 SINGAPORE, Mon. 0 The Singapore Business Houses Employees' Union has called off a sit-down strike by about 85 employees of Singapore Oxygen Ltd. in Bukit Timah Road following an agreement with the company. Under the agreement, the dispute over the management's change of job of
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  • 73 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The La Salle School at Petaling Jaya will put on a charity show, "Serenade." at the Lido Cinema here on Wednesday and Thursday. The proceeds will go to the La Salle extension fund. There will be five shows daily at 10.30 a.m..
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  • 24 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. A hawker, Man bin Bukar. was robbed of $10 by two armed youths in Circular R,oad last night
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  • 525 9 Kuala Lumpur, Mon. NO OBJECTION ON ONE CHARGE BUT JUDGE IS ASKED TO IMPOSE HEAVIER SENTENCE ON OTHER OBJECTION was raised in respect of one of two charges when Dr. S. Sivasithamparam, dermatologist at the General Hospital here, appealed against a conviction for corruption today. But
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  • 166 9 Many young Chinese over border to join —bandits— kUCHING, Mon. Quite a substantial number of young Chinese had got across the Indonesian border from Sarawak to Join the bandits or to get military training, a Government spokesman here said today. "More have gone across than we have caught anyway' 1
    166 words
  • 66 9 SINGAPORE. Mon. The Industrial Arbitration Court will hear a bonus dispute between Transport and Storage Ltd., and the Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workers' Union tomorrow i The Second Arbitration Court will hear an application for variation of a schedule in a collective agreement between the Singapore General
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  66 words
  • 46 9 SEREMBAN. Mon.—Forty members of the Negrl Sembllan Petty Traders' Association were urged today to learn Malay to understand the country's administration and customs. They were auendln? a two-day civics course opened by Mr. Lirh Kirn, a member of the Siate Legislative Assembly.
    46 words
  • 35 9 SINGAPORE, Mon. Mr. Chaucer C. F. Yang, a member of the Nanyang University, has been awarded a fellowship at Stamford I University. California, to study teaching of business administration in developing countries.
    35 words
  • 167 9 PARENTS FEAR FOR MISSING RAFFLES GIRL, 15 SINGAPORE, Mon. 0 The parents of a 15-year-old Singapore schoolgirl, missing for a week, fear she may have been lured to the Federation. Poh Gek, 15, a Secondary Two student of Raffles Girls' Secondary School (Afternoon), was last seen outside the school gates
    167 words
  • 136 9 UUALA LUMPUR. 1V Mon. The former Minister of Agriculture and Co-operatives, Inche Abdul Aziz bin Ishak, is to launch a new political party soon. Datuk Kampo Radjo. a Selangor State Assemblyman, who is one of the sponsors oi the new party, said today
    136 words
  • 63 9 Entry without permit: Jailed SINGAPORE. Mon.—Two young men from Palembang were today jailed for two months by a magis- tratc's court here for entering the state without authority. c Haris bin Malisin and Piitra Windiaia were detained in East St. John's Island by a penghulu. Inche Krmtran bin H. Hamid
    63 words
  • 59 9 SINGAPORE. Mon. Four men armed with daggers held up a housewife. Oh Chwee Lin, 45. a> she left lier house in New Bridge Road this morning to go to a market. They forced her back into the house and took away $120 in cash and
    59 words
  • 43 9 BXNOAPORE. Mon. A strike by about 100 police civilian workers teleprinter operators, clerks and other office staff entered Its sixth day today with no prospect of a j settlement. They are plcketting, peacefully outside CID headquarters and Central Police Station.
    43 words
  • 40 9 ALOR STAR, Mon. Burglars yesterday broke Into the Jalan Sen iota home of the Kedah State Financial Officer. Inche Mohamed Khlr bin Hajl Awang, and stole j $1,400 worth of jewellery and matches kept In a bedroom drawer.
    40 words
  • 32 9 KUCHING, Mon. Sarawak and North Borneo have each promised to donate $5,000 to the United Nations scheme for an Asian Economic Planning Institute to be set up In Bangkok. UPI.
    UPI  -  32 words
  • 29 9 PENANO. Mon. The Chief Minister. Dato Wong Pow Nee. will open a three-day refresher course for officials of youth organisations at Ihe Penan.- Civics Centre on Friday.
    29 words
  • 45 9 SINGAPORE. Mon An action filed by Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corpn.. against Po Guan Co.. on April 4 this year, claiming i 523.733.79 as acceptors ot two bills of exchange, has been dis-, continued following a settlement I between the parties. I
    45 words
  • 68 9 SINGAPORE. Mon. Tan Chai Teok, unemployed, was charged with using sulphuric acid to cause hurt to Ooh Llan Hock, 23. a butcher, and two others in front of a temple in Kallang Road at 7.30 a.m. yesterday. Tan was also charged with being with two others, armed
    68 words
  • 197 9 k OTA BHARU, Mon. The 1.500 strong Kelantan branch of thej Malayan Indian Congress warned today it may leave the State Alliance if it continues to receive "unfair" treatment from the State Umno. It complains that since It was formed in 1960 it has
    197 words
  • 24 9 I ALOR STAR. Mon. Superintendent JoKinder Sawn has returned from leave and resumed duty as Offlcer-in-Charge. Criminal Investigations. Kedah and Perils.
    24 words
  • 116 9 ITUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The Straits Times group today received another 51.277.70 for the National Patriotic Fund, j bringing its total received up to date to 5124.400.36. Contributions came j from:The labourers of St. Andrew Estate. Batang Ber juntai. Selanior. $524.20; the Commercial Press Ltd.. Kuala Lumpur. $200:
    116 words
  • 179 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Five armed thugs who entered the Majestic Theatre in Petaling Jaya at 3 a.m. today were routed by the Jaga. They are believed to h<w» been after the weekend takings. The jaga. Shangaran Singh 42, sprang from his charpoy,
    179 words
  • 69 9 SINGAPORE, Mon. In a renewed campaign against pirate taxis. the Traffic (Police arrested six pirate I taxi operators in the Havelock Road. Alexandra Road, j Margaret Drive. Bencoolen 1 Street and Victoria Street areas In the past few days. All ot them were charged In court
    69 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 178 9 CHEAP SALE SIN MAY SILVERWARE 376-C, Changi Village, Singapore. Tel: *****2 We Stock: WORLD FAMOUS CUTLERY TEA SETS SELANGOR PEWTERWARE WEDDING DIAMOND RINGS ENGLISH JEWELLERY FOR LADIES Experienced Cutter For Men s W*ar At KIAM SIN TAILOR 376-A. Changi Village, Singapore. Fltzpatrick's Supermarket, Orchard Road. Spore. 70 For Sale 'l»_jH\
      178 words
    • 48 9 ♦REGISTERED TRADE MARK r*~Sy'^'- r I |UvU LD tfi^ S/l/7 I 8200,000B 200,000 LBm BJ9 B ::s^^§l£/ 9jß Efficient BB^ service mS^^^ f Large stock Jj •tT~Br\ s P ares Jm THE ENGINEERING DEPT. THE BORNEO CO. LTD. Singapore Kuala Lumpur Ipoh Malacca and BMCD Sandakan BMCD Kuch.o^
      48 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 492 9 Today's Radio, TV programmes RADIO MALAYA SS 8ST A d You: n NATIONAL 8HOR1HAVE RADIO SINGAPORE SERVICE: 41.7 nicl.cs SHORTWAVE aLKVHK A.M.: 6.00 Time Signal. Nega- metres ra-ku. 0.02 Prelude To Break- MEDIUM WAVE SERVICE fast; 7.00 Time Signal. The mef/rs N C n 7 1 wii!? ng A T1
      492 words

  • Esme Baptista MAINLY for Women
    • 567 10 fKN pretty girls and most of them bespectacled beauties will be appearing on stage for the first time to model some of Singapore's high j fashion outfits. And the beauty of it they are not one bit scared. The reason? They will be modelling with
      567 words
    • 250 10 CONDITION HAIR FOR HOME WAVING IF a home wave is on 1 your beauty calendar, guarantee yourself a lovely result by starting now to condition your hair for waving, with the help of oil treatments. Hair *hould be fre» of nil just before permanent waving solution is applied, so space
      250 words
    • 441 10 DISCIPLINE OF CHILDREN MUST BE A COMBINED EFFORT F|ISAGREEMENT over *J the discipline of children often creates a tense scene in the family between the father and mother. And causes for these disagreements are because of the different backgrounds of two parents. As a mother of five children put It:
      441 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 305 10 W/wk *^____t* J r __v-^_iß l__r/_i *_f V_\/T__3 ___r^^a ■L new maidenform' bra SCROLL New SCROLL features the pellon Hug-and-Hold band under the cups to keep the bra in its fitting and proper place. The flexible elastic inserts allow easy breathing, bending and twisting. Twosection circular-stitched cups are over-stitched with
      305 words
    • 36 10 b&^Ab bmJH oneMH ■I 2SI^ f/ _-^^^fc^_ _^B^ri i\ bf' BIG VALUE BIG FLAVOUR BIG REFRESHMENT /d^mia VbbPW BW TRADEMARK REGISTERED Bottled by V N 1 0 .V LIMITED Under appointment from Pepsi-Cola Co. Sew York
      36 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 307 10 Straits Times Crossword ACKOSS 4 Attacks Dy DruUl men? (7). Mark* one gains in contest 5 This free O*el (4) 8, 6. Al home, the road worker la 8. Is ingenuous, able, and accom- llkel y i 0 «*ve you a demonstrapllshed i6> tion of hal-Nelsons without a 10. 16
      307 words

    • 195 11 From KEITH HOOPER in SYDNEY AUSTRALIAN industries have been told by the Trade Department that they have no hope of selling their products to Malays, Chinese or Japanese if the goods are packaged in a white container because that colour in Asia
      195 words
    • 57 11 The Union Oil Co. of Callforna has completed the purchase of a 32 9 per cent interest in the Marusen Oil Co. of Jap#n for $45 million. The American company of which Dnoco (Malaya) Ltd. Is an overseas subsidiary, reports that the transaction Involves 108 million
      57 words
    • 368 11  - Formosan, HK group forms $30m. projects MOK SIN PIN Overseas investments in Spore By GROUP of leading industrialists from Formosa and Hong Kong have founded three large companies in Singapore for the manufacture ot chemical, plastic and rubber products. The companies are: Camel Chemical Co. Ltd., Camel Industrial Corporation and
      368 words
    • 85 11 Mr. Tan Siak Kew, a leading Singapore produce merchant has again been elected president of the Singapore Chinese Produce Exchange. He has held the office since IMS. Other offlce-bearers are: Mr. Tan Tiow Phuang (vice-president), Mr. T. K. Teng (secretary), Mr. Tan Cheng Klat (treasurer), and
      85 words
    • 252 11 T<HE Malayan Industrial Development Finance x Ltd. has increased its issued share capital from $15 million to $25 million to which the Central Bank (Bank Negara) has subscribed 25 per cent This is disclosed in the 10th annual report and accounts of the Commonwealth Development Finance
      252 words
    • 298 11 $400 m. TO EXPAND ALITALIA SERVICE AVIATION ALITALIA, the Italian airline, is 10 spend $40u munon in the next tnree years ior tne expansion oi its world jet air service. mis was announced in Singapore lasi week by General Aldo Urbani. deputy chairman, who was here for a short holiday.
      298 words
    • 98 11 (°<HENO Jong Radio and EJecv trical Co. of Geylang. Singapore, opened a new branch office at Middle Road last Saturday. The shop deals in a wide range of G.E.C. domestic appliances, and also Osram lamps, Kenwood food mixers, Xpelalr extractor fans. Sharp and Hitachi transistor radios
      98 words
    • 151 11 THE House of Sanderson, blenders of Vat 69 Scotch Whisky, celebrated their centenary last month. The business was founded in May 1863 by William Sanderson. Setting himself up as a wine and cordial manufacturer, Sanaerson at first produced what he called his "mixture whisky" and
      151 words
    • 319 11 PLAN FOR MORE BUSINESS IN MALA YSIA BANKING A LEADING Indian bank, the United Commercial A Bank Ltd. of Calcutta has plans for widening its sphere of activities in the Malaysia territories. This was disclosed by Mr. |S. T. Sadasivan, the bank's general manager after a 10--day visit to the
      319 words
    • 164 11 Newhousing firm set up in Ipoh By HENRY PAUL A NEW syndicate known as Hock Aun Housing Scheme has entered the booming building trade in Ipoh. The proprietors are the owners ol Hock Aun Brickworks in Tanjong Rambutan, one of the largest mechanically operated plants in north Malaya. The manager
      164 words
    • 42 11 Messrs H. Kageyama and T. Ohishi, engineers from Suzuki Motor Co. Ltd., Japan, are now In Singapore to train their Malayan agents on the servicing of Suzuki motorcycles Suzuki Is said to be the world's leading maker of twostroke motorcycles.
      42 words
    • 36 11 With copra Imports dropping to a mere 350 tons last week, Singapore remained virtually without supplies and loose values rose to varying levels, according to the urgency of need, says Lewis and Peat's report.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 336 11 TO-DAY'S DESIGN is the LYNX This modern cistern Is handsome, hygienic, and efficient in operation. It flushes at a touch, wi t h a quiet yet powerful action. The shell Is made or black Duranlte and the i Kingfisher syphon mechanism of poly thenft-non-corrodlnr. rustless, non-aging* and unbreakable. Conforming to
      336 words
    • 66 11 UI6SGIS MS 4 mtttt \m Watercooled 4-stroke diesel engine developing 150 b.h. p. at 1800 r. p.m. continuous rating Available from stock. For details of larger engines for mining purposes, please contact @rnTT ft lliixrnT tqh m roa UUI 1 U VPfilULflOli KUALA LUMPUR TEL: 69 9 9 2/4. r
      66 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 824 12 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS SINGAPORE GOVERNMENT VACANCIES Applications are invited from candidates who SATISFY THE USUAL CITIZENSHIP AND RESIDENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS tor the appointment schedule hereunder: APPOINTMENT: TEMPORARY DRIVING TESTER Vehicles Registration. IM\K V SCALE: $446 x ISA 550. Variable allowance at current rates is payable. \(.E: 25 —45 years. QUALIFICATIONS KXPERIENCE: Applicants
      824 words
    • 612 12 TENDERS J.K.R. PAHANG TENDER NOTICE TENDERS from Class 'ET and above PWD, Registered Contractors will be received at the offlce of the State Engineer, Pahang, Kuantan up to 3.00 pjn. of the 13th June, 1963 for the Supply and Delivery of Metal from a Quarry situated at 124V£ b>.& Kuantan-Benta
      612 words
    • 508 12 TENDERS TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT TENDER Tenders are Invited for me r. nning of a Staff Canteen at inTelecommunications Training Centre. Si mile Stone. Ipoh Road. Kuaia Lumpur. for resident trainees. Further details may be obtained at the office of the Assistant Controller o: Telecommunications, Telecommunications Training Centre, during normal offlce hours.
      508 words
    • 647 12 I Continued Iron Pace 8) SITUATIONS VACANT Word* SS (Mm.h-Bma St eta, amtro WANTED LADY TEACHERS, Clerk, for kindergarten, Kuala Lumpur. Apply Box A 1839 8.T.. K.L. REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY an experienced Stenographer preferably with knowledge of bookkeeping. Bute details of experience and Salary required. Apply Box A 8562 S.T. B'por*.
      647 words
    • 747 12 ACCOMMODATION VACANT Word* Si (Min.)— Box St cts. extra TO LET sinKle room in new bungalow at Onan Road near Katong Odeon Rental MA/-. Ring (Spore) ***** during offlre hours. FURNISHED ROOMS. quiet surroundings, attached bathroom, modern conveniences, own separate entrance, including W/L, Tanglin District 10, Telephone ***** 6.00 p.m.—
      747 words
    • 648 12 EDUCATION it Word* SS (mH».)—Bax St eU.amtrm MOMC-STUOV COURSBt •When only the b«at will do In Postal Education" Write to H.U Lov*ll Hewitt. M.C.. Principal. "Tbe Private Tutor" K.itong P.O. Box M (Spore 15) Tel: *****. Prospectus Free! Ask for detail* of VNo P«»i No Fee" guarantee Today! STAMFORD COLLSCI,
      648 words
    • 1097 12 DOGS, PETS. ETC. f Wm4t U (Mtn.}—m»M eta. «*>• WANTED GOOD MOMI for nice looking on* year oM female dog. good watch dog. marvrilous with children Ring (Spore) ***** after 10.30 a.m. IMPORTED PEKINCNESE and bull terrier puppies. Champion BloodHnri View 3 Maple Avenue. 6 m/stone. Bukn Tm.ah Rd.. Spore
      1,097 words
    • 919 12 FOR SALE tt Word* SS Mm. y— Box it ct*. etstra WORLD'S ONLY COMBINATION Refrigerator 'Alrcon<lltlonrr 2 traya full ice tunes with 722 eu. Inches of atoraxe spare. Lm A Kletcher H>» Orchard Rd. Hpore. SPECIALLY MAD! door Visors Sun Visors number il.itrg including ftxini; all model." avalluhlc. Ana Electro
      919 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1464 13 10 LIVERPOOL ft WESI COAST OJL« Om S'pora Sana r. f'naa -tnam EUMAEUI Mars, L'PMI, Havra. M'bur| Jmi 11 PYRRHUS L inf. Oublm. Slasfsw Ml. 47 Juii 13 JaM 14/18 JaM 1? CYCLBPS LivarpMl J"M 12 Jill IS JMI It 28 JMI 21 ACHILLES LIMHM4. ClasfOW Jum II JMa 22
      1,464 words
    • 2798 13 WD^SE^W^tlm^MSSm^M THE E. A. C. LINESSAILINGS TC GENOA, LE HAVRE HAMBURG, BREMEN, ANTWERP, jf~?*^ ISHERPAM, AMSTERBAM. OSLO. 88THEN8URG ANO COPENHAGEN. £9* HHi S'pora P. Sham Pinanf PrVCjAll "SIBONSA" a) S«lil Saiiil la Part/11 JaM PIYSzaJ?) "JUKANOIA" I) 21/24 Jill 25, 27 Jim 21,21 Jill V\jL_a>y "BOMA" I) 18 JMa/ 4
      2,798 words
    • 1310 13 fe MeAUSTER tfc CO., LTD. w^ IMi Ma. ***** \*«mL KI.I.B«M<m UMS BJB KLA VKMKSS LINE LSWBB8), kuUMMN MnUBAIL US AAMUUS, UN FBANCISCB, ■AVBf, mjU 8 MIBBtIIJMBBi I ATTIE. VANCOVVEI B PBRTUIIB Cm 8F BUBMAM t*caatiM Mrfajler^CMtral ft Saatk S'POII P. S'hM) Per.inf BONNtviLLf 13/24 JMe S'parn P. Shan f
      1,310 words

  • 594 14 From Our Market Correspondent rpilE Malayan Stock Exl change resumed trading yesterday with a tired look and both the industrial and mining sections of the market were quiet Ten industrial shares showed marginal losses and 7 slight gains, but in the general disinclination to deal
    594 words
  • 23 14 Malayan Stock Indices: June 8 Jane 10 .Industrials: IU.IB 113.86 Tins: 121.59 121.17 S rubbers: 114.16 114.16 Dec. 29, 1962 10*.
    23 words
  • 703 14 COMBINED business in the Stngapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Malayan Stock Exchange yesterday, with the number of the shares traded in brackets'. INDUSTRIALS: Boustead (9,000) $1.68 D; Dunleps $2.87 BL, (5,000) $2.88 D, (1,000) 52.88; Bast Smelt (3.000) $3.48 cd: Eno 13.50 81* $3.49
    703 words
  • 208 14 SHIPS lying alon»nd« the Sin^a»er« Harbeur arharvit or expecUd Uday art: North Vlcountrm 45, fcrak N.W. 4. Dollui 33/34. Tyton Lykes 8/9, BcnUrlK 33/36. Klyinn Cloud 13/14. Pyrrbua 47. Amyanaji 4«, Ra«na Bakke 10/11, 8tatc of Travancorrcochtn 18. BenaMer 4/5. Hozul Maru 6/T. Prei. Grant 1/2. Tatiana
    208 words
  • 15 14 Further May rubber crops 'ncluded Bukit Kmtil 43.4381b. and Aver Molek 32.955 1b.
    15 words
  • 435 14 npHERE was a further, but X smaller drop. In the Straits tin price yesterday of 75 cents which took it down to $467.87} per picul. Yesterday's and Saturday's drop have wiped out $3,374 of the gain of $12.87$ made on Thursday
    435 words
  • 139 14 THE following list of selected Malayan Industrial yields ;s based on prices ruling yesterday morning: -r. -U.I T« Sold Store 7/- 10.6 7.1 1.S0 B. SraelKri 3.47 14. 8 6 1 70 f. N. 4.02 6.7 5.7 1.18 Hume ord. 2.23 10.0 5.8 1.73 I. WauKh 2.65 9.9
    139 words
  • 18 14 Melbourne Stock Exchange was closed yesterday for the Queen "s Birthday holiday. It will reopen today.
    18 words
  • 254 14 yUNE first (rail* ruMer f.e.b. ciessd at S p.m. In Imu ■*rt and Kuala Lumpur yesterday «t 73 J cents per Ih. down a quarter of cent Tba too* was quitt. R.A.I, and F.M.R.E. slettof ptic» in c«ntt per Ib. yesterday: Int 1 R.K it. prompt f.o.b.
    254 words
  • 133 14 (OFFICIAL QUOTATIONS) June 10. Tbree moatiii. Dunlops lw its. Smelter* Lo eta Esso 21 cts. K. N. 18 c-s. Gammon 14 eta, i).,,r, V ia Hume prefs 10 rtj-c. 4id M. Brew J3 cts. Shell cv, M. Cement is ct.«. steamship eta. Container! 11 cts. 8. Times
    133 words
  • 69 14 /HINESe Produce Eichirm.. ln|>. posr noon prices per pnul yostsrday: Coconut ell: bulk J43i sellers, drum M6t sellers, June/July UK/Continent J27J buyers. Pepper: Muntok white *142e sellers Barawak white *140 Mllers. special' Sarawak black »92a setts**, garbled Lampoos black $95 aellen. ASTA'SIOS sellers. Smgiper. Coconut Oil Millers' Ass.cution
    69 words
  • 70 14 TM Malayan MM Bank's *i. 1 seelstion made Hktat changes in its rates to merchants yesterday (all rates to JIO0): Bellini TT or OO ready: Holl. nrt Guilders 116 7/8: Italian Lire MIM On the free eiehams msrkst m Hong Kong yesterday the U.I dollar was quoted at
    70 words
  • 28 14 June 10. MALAYAN RUBBER PRICE: 73; cents (down a quarter of a cent). TIN: 5467.87J (down 75 cents). Estimated unofficial offering 255 tons (up 5 tons).
    28 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1083 14 KAWASAKI RISEN KAISHA. LTD. U.S.A. Pacific, Atlantic. <* Great Ukts <>«rvie< IOM> UNO* tIA |M tl» tl» III S'pore I". S'hea Honolulu t fence i Angrit> it Tore iMatwx "Bolivia Mam- Z12SJuae 2» July II In; 31 July It Alg 1 lift "KMikawa Mara" 25, 21 July 21 31 Jety
      1,083 words
    • 914 14 Peiwng r*Shom S'pora CTA/ETD ITA/ETD CTa/ETO FROM CALCUTTA. KAKINADA VISAKHAPATNAM M.V. "STATE Of GUJARAT" tor Moll. Kobe Osoko. Hirohoto. Nogoyo Yokohomo June 14/14 Juneli/17 FROM CALCUTTA CHALNA M.V. "STATE OF TRAVANCORE COCHIN' for lownsviiie, »»ort Almo Bnsbane, Sydney Melbourne June 9/10 Jun* 11/13 FROM JAPAN >.i NALANDA" tor Calcutto dirtct
      914 words
    • 106 14 *m aaes aatvrra aeturlaat tsislerua, HaatHrg saa Matta. S'oofi S'lwin Paaana "BiaUrta" tt/14]Mt swam Atnts. CF.SIUaVICCdDLTI. nm. P.Btea. us), nmr nm fir: BaejMt HUftmm. ■mniag. J*aas aa« Csiu ParU S'oori P. S'nam Penang "Ceiaral Sikirtki" Csa 31/32 '■Jwrt kasMM" 24/MJmm m an mmm ca. in, *>**. *.uaw« m, nm PMiaailt
      106 words
    • 224 14 SUNGEI BIDOR TIN DREDGING LIMITED (Incorporated in the Australian Capital Territory) REDI'CTION OK CAPITAL The reduction of capital wa« approved by the Supreme Court oi the Australian Capital Ternlory on the 14th day ol May. !963. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Register of Stockholders of the Company will be
      224 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 924 15 ■T^l r_A^^_^r__w NOTICE THIS IS TO INFORM our customers suppliers and general uubiic that K.E. Mohd. YusofT and K.E. Abdul Rahman have ceased to be employed by us as from the Ist. June 1963 and they are therefore not authorised to transact any business whatsoever nor are they allowed to
      924 words
    • 963 15 J.K.R. PAHANG TENDER NOTICE Tenders from Class 'D' and above PWD. Registered Contrac- tors will be received at the office of the State Engineer. Pahang, i Kuantan up to 3.00 p.m. of the 13th June. 1963 for the supply and I delivery of metal from a quarry {Situated at 18
      963 words
    • 929 15 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA FACULTY OF MEDICINE APPLICATIONS ure invited for the post of Cbief Laboratory As- slstant (Medical Museum) on the •alary scale $630x25-830. In addition, variable allowance at current rates Is payable; also University Provident Fund. Candidates should possess considerable skill and experience in mu- scum techniques
      929 words
    • 900 15 TENDERS I TENDERS STUDENTS' UNION HOUSE Applications requested for gen- 1 eral cleaning contractor, cleaning Including washing and polishing of all surfaces, including panelling, floors, trophies, furniture etc., to be done once a month. Contract for one year. Applications to The Secretary at Students' Union Secretariat. University of Singapore by
      900 words
    • 760 15 NOTICES NOTICE This Is 'o notify our suppliers and customers that Lvi Ye Chan resigned from our Company on the Ist June. As from 2nd June he Is not authorised to transact business on our behalf. KHOON BEAH ELECTRIC CO. LTD.. 161. Orchard Road. Singapore. In the Matter of HOTEL
      760 words
    • 369 15 NOTICES NOTICE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE FEDERATION OF MALAYA IN THE HIGH COURT AT KUALA LUMPUR Civil Salt No. IS* of IICE Between Molly Chua Plaintiff And Urn Chwee Defendant To the abo\enamed Urn Chwee. TAKE NOTICE that an action has been commenced against you in the High
      369 words
    • 739 15 UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE Applications are invited to- tlie following vacancies: Fest No. Desifnatiea Department 1. Laboratory Technicians In B< any Training Pathology Biochemistry 2. Clerks Various DepartmenU 3. Despatch Rider Registrar's 4. Secretaries (Grade III) Various Department* Applications must be made on prescribed lorms obtainable Irom the Registrar of the
      739 words

  • 159 16 Only six delegates can attend, says Lee OPPOSING rldva on hnu many representatives two rival unions were entitled to bring alone to a scheduled meeting; yesterday with the Primp Minister Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. prevented any headu.i> brinK made for an early M-ttjemenl of the nurses' strike. This Straits Tnnrs
    159 words
  • 194 16 QINGAPORE. Moil. Closer links between Australia and SouthEast Asia were predicted by a leading Australian businessman when he passed through Singapore during the weekend. Mr. F. W. Mann, new chah man of Lever Brothers (Thailand i Ltd., and the former marketing director of Lev>;
    194 words
  • 533 16 Singapore to get third refinery: $39m Mobil plan SINGAPORE, Monday. A NEW $25 million company incorporated here today, the Mobil Refining Company Malaysia Ltd., has submitted an application to the Singapore Economic Development Board to construct the State's third oil refinery at the Jurong industrial estate. This was announced today
    533 words
  • 115 16 AUTHORITIES KEEP AN EYE ON K.L. GROWTH KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. —The planning authorities are keeping an eye on the growth of the Federal capital so .that the progress of the town j does not create new pro- blems. This was stated today by the Commissioner of the Federal Capita: Hall
    115 words
  • 58 16 36½ hours on a bicycle KLUANG. Mon. Mr. P. Krishnan. 35. or S'.mgei Siput. dirt non-stop 36 i -hour bicycle ride at the basketball court here during the weekend Duriiiß the ride, winch started at 9 ajn. on Friday and ended on j Saturday evening, he danced, had i his
    58 words
  • 136 16 J^UALA LUMPUR, Mon. A corruption case against Mohamed Jamil bin Diman, 52, a clerk at the Registrar and Inspector of Motor Vehicles office in §atu Road, continued in the Sessions Court today before the president. Mr. Chan Slew Yoon. Mohamed wa> charged with corruptly
    136 words
  • 26 16 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The Kuala Lumpur Municipality Workers' Trade Union will hold Its biennial general meeting in the Town Hall here on June 23.
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  • 141 16 SINGAPORE DATES FOR JAPANESE XYLOPHONE PLAYER SINGAPORE, Mon. Japanese xylophonist Yoichi Hiraoka will give two concerts at Singapore's Vict oria Theatre this weekend. Hiraoka is being presented by Singapore impressario, Mr. Gbh Soon Tioe. by arrangement with the Im- pressarlos Association of the Far East. i Tokyo-born Hiraoka went to
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  • 45 16 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Tht Ministry of Commerce and Industry has extended the closing date for tenders for the construction of a $5 million pineapple cannery at Pekan Nanas, Johore. from today to June 24. Tenders have also been extended to contractors In Singapore.
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  • 279 16 Alliance man draws gun at rowdy rally k OTA BHARU. Mon.— The Speaker of the Penang State Assembly, Haji Sulavman bin Haji Ahmad, last night drew out his pistol when more than 40 people rushed to the platfor,m from which he was addressing an Alliance rally. The Incident occurred at
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 106 16 2" XL— HUMW Jet .^r h w 4ztt —say the women lifwui set out to find the answer I W* facts. ,^^^V Read what these findings are in A in the June issue of- iff b<v fl| H JkJß^JdKJppp''*^^^^^ D V By _~ifn VV \J [VI t iM m (fill
      106 words

  • Sportsfront
    • 229 17  -  KEN FERNANDEZ TO E4LL SOON ON 'MUSHROOM' ORGANISATIONS By J£UALA LUMPUR, Mon. The Federation of Malaya Olympic Council wants to weed out "passengers" from the Council. A rule to this effect will be introduced by the Council at its meeting on June 21. The
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    • 167 17 MHF SAY FINAL ROUND VENUE STAYS KUALA LUMPUR, Mon.— Negri Sembilan Hockey Association's offer to stage the final rounds of the inter-state hockey championship at Seremban will not be accepted by the Malayan Hockey Federation. MHF secretary G. Vijiyanathan said that the venue for the final rounds of the championship
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    • 611 17 WORLD OF SPORT FLORENCE Monday jL| ANUEL "Little Bird" Garrincha, Brazil's bril- liant outside-right, seems certain to join the Italian first division side Internazionale of Milan this week for probably a world record transfer fee Signor Gerardo Sannella, the Internasionale club official handling the negotiations with
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    • 91 17 TPOH, Mon. Kllat. Club sprang a surprise by beating Cheng Wan. league champions 2-0 in the opening tie of the Ipoh District knockout hockey competi- 1 tion on the Municipal padang today. Cheng Wall, who were playing I with ten men throughout, did well to hold
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    • 105 17 gINGAPORE. Mon. Star Soc- 1 cerites 'A' took over leadership in the SAFA League Div. 3 when they edged Windsor Rovers 2-1 in their match at Fairer Park today. Soccerites' scorers were Andrew Yip and Sanl. while J. Fernandez netted for Rovers. Centre-forward Ungku Adam made an
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    • 333 17 BADMINTON Lindy Lin, a University student, won the Singapore Badminton Association Junior men's singles championship when he beat Ismail Ibrahim 18-18. 15-13 In the final. Other finals Men's doubles: Johnny Leow and Khoo Kng Teck bt Lim Kirn Kwee and Kwok Woou Hup 18-13, 18-14. Women's singles: Cbua
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    • Article, Illustration
      65 17 BRENDA BEATS HER OPPONENT BUT HER AIM WAS NOT TRUE Rahim Bee. Penang outside right (white shirt) is just too late to prevent Brenda Boudville. of Selangor, from taking a shot at goal in the final of the women's inter-state soccer compe tition for the Straits Times Cup.
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    • 321 17 SINGAPORE, Monday. THE Prime Minister of Singapore, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, in a message published in the SGSFA s Agong Cup programme, said that the association's annual inter-territorial football matches will be extended to the government servants of Borneo, Sarawak and Brunei. Mr. Lee
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    • 156 17 Cycle torch relay to Manila suggested IJLALA LUMPUR. Mon. The Philippines today proposed that an Asian cycling relay should be organised by Malayan, Cambodian, Vietnamese and Hong Kong riders to carry a torch to Manila for the opening of the Second Asian .Cycling Championships ten- I tatlvely to be staged
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    • 267 17  - Dearth of Class 2 stayers in training EPSOM JEEP RACING By SINGAPORE, Mon. —in his first attempt over lii. Manikam put up sterling staying performance to win the Buklt Tlmah Cup yesterday. Out of nearly 120 Class 2 horses, only eight contested the $15,000 race, once again exposing the dearth
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    • 239 17 T)ENANG, Mon. Weight* tor X the Penang amateur no* meeting here on Saturday: MARA Class I—S'J: Picturegoer II 13.0, Take Easy 13.0, Filibuster 12.13, Pizarro 12.12. Tun Brl Lanang 12.10, Pagan King 12.7, Sureshot 12.5, Golden Ram 125. Ma Folie 12.3, Colza 12.2, i>er Tranquil 12.1. Sayang II
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 21 17 OLYMPUS MICROSCOPE The evolution of 28 years of continuous improvement. Trade enquiries to P O. Box 293 HIP Singapore. W Wl*
      21 words
    • 167 17 A STYLISH HR SETTING I^^^^SS FOR REAL /a LLtbANbt p_p^ r^[a The wm of fh« best materials £f manufactured with the utmost 1 ■>■ jfr care and precision, and the per- fection in form, rejulf in beauty \^^^toL^^^lf?*^*\l that needs no artificial decor. tejßß WmA EBEL-Automatic Calendar Waterproof Stainless Steel:
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 72 17 SPORTS DIARY SOCCER S'pore DIt. 2*t Arsenal v Windsor Rov. (Parrer Pk>: Dlv. 2B: Police v RAP Changi A iParrer Pk); Dly. 2C: CA A' t Star Soccerltes (Parrer Park). Ipoh Dlv. 1: Municipal v Cheng Wah (Coronation grd); Div. 3: Kinta Indians v PTCSC < lower Coronation grd). Talpinc
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  • 362 18 SINGAPORE, Monday. MEETING scheduled between the Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, and representatives of two rival unions in the nursing profession to end the four-day old nurses strike was called off lliis morning because the unions could not agree on the size
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  • 80 18 JOHANNESBURG, Mon. An African was shot dead at Standerton. about 100 miles from Johan- J nesburg, after an argument with I young whites outside a cafe last I night, police said today. Another African, a night watchman, who tried to intervene, was also shot
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  • 61 18 CHRISTINE KEELER pictured on her way to the Old Bailey to give evidence against Jamaican jazz singer Aloysius "Lucky" Gordon. He was jailed three years for wounding her. Last week Mr. John Profumo resigned as War Minister after confessing he had lied to Parliament and misled
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 173 18 JAKARTA, Monday. •THE general chairman of the P.N.I. (National A Party) in Indonesia, Dr. Ali Sastroamidjojo, today expressed dissatisfaction at the reasons put forward by the Government for raising the prices of several groups of commodities recently. The Antara news agency quoted him as
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  • 149 18 Sad end of dog disguised as baby SYDNEY, Mon. An attractive Hungarian blonde became hysterical and had to be restrained at Sydney airport when she- was told that a tiny Japanese spaniel she tried to smuggle in disguised as a baby would have to be destroyed. When the woman and
    Reuter  -  149 words
  • 309 18 LONDON, Mon. The stock markets suffered a sharp setback today on Increasing nervousness regarding the political implications of the Profumo crisis. Prices tumbled in almost all sections to close at only a little above the lowest levels of the day. There was some substantial selling in the
    309 words
  • 46 18 LONDON, Mon.—JSpot 22 5/16 d., July 22" ,d.. Aug. 22' id.. Sept. 22'« d., July/Sept 22'4d.. Oct./ Dec. 22"ad., Jan.. Mar. 22',d.. Apr./ June 22>,d.. July/Sept. 22',d.. Oct./ Dec 22',d.. c.i.f. June 21 13/16 d., July 21 13 16d.. Aug. 21 13/16 d. Tone: Quiet
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  • 24 18 LONDON, Mon Buyers £916. sellers £818. Forward buyers £818';. sellers £919. Settlement £822. Turnover a.m. 290 tons. p.m. 1 150 tons. Tone: Easy.
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  • 499 18 MANCHESTER. Monday. TME West Indies beat England by ten wickets nfl 1 the first Test with a day and a half to spare ufl Old Trafford by mid-afternoon today. This was t.h <M West Indies' first victory over England since
    499 words
  • 120 18 WEST IVDIES 1st .nns: Ml-I dec. ENGLAND 1st inns: 2*5. ENGLAND 2nd inns: STEWART Murray b Gibbs 8' EDRU'H c ilunie b Worrell 31 AX DREW c Murray b Sobers V, HARRINGTON b Gibbs COWDRKV Hunte b Oibbs l; DEXTER c Hurray b Gibbs 3; CLOSE c Sol-ers b
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 105 18 Yorkshire score 312-2 off Derby LONDON, Mon.— Tea scores in todays cricket matches were: At Chesterfield: Derbyshire 238 Yorks. 312 for 2. At Lords: M'.sex 326 for a dee. Essex 258 for fa. At Portsmouth: Lanes. 340 for 1 dec. Hampshire 32* for 6. At Oxford: Oxford U. 304 for
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 1 18
    1 words
  • 85 18 APPAVOO, Malayan K*ui« Kttmcica. passed away. Corirge Imvra 28 A. Road 47 Petallng Jay* for Loka \>« Road 5 p.m. lor cremation 11.6.63. JOSEPH TOH KIM WHII axe 71. paiMd away peacefully on 10.6. (3. Cortexe leavinic for Bidadari from bn residence Ihs-B t'pper Serangoon Road on 12.6.63 at 5.00
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 51 18 lrS **A 2, Ne Jill SHARtI» THE LATEST AND MOST TECHNICALLY ADVANCED PORTABLE IQ-TANSISTOR 3- BAND RADIO I n Srv Agents- Obtainable at All Dealer s" \®L ROXY'mai.aya) (DO. LTD. tuM. M 1«5-B, Clcmtnccoo Avcnut, Singapore -9. Tel: *****/***** 1A Yeow Kirn Pon ld 9 Jolon Botu. K. Lumpur. Tel:
      51 words
    • 133 18 Wfd* Sit (Minimum) BARKER: To LrtiH and Kill* a dautthtrr dawn Mfi-Lian. at OentnU HmiplUI K.L. on H1.6.M. Thank, to doctors and staff. SINGAPORE TURF CLUB MOTICE J Our auditors have reported as follows: "We certify that the Big Sweep tickets withdrawn B from sale in the sweeps held in
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 42 18 UIGHEST and lowest tempera- tures in Malaya and Singapore for the period 8 p.m. on Sunday to 8 p.m. yesterday: Highest Unrest Kuala Lumpur 95 73 Kota Bharu 91 72 Penang 90 77 Inoh 91 72 Malacca 90 72 Singapore 90 75
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