The Straits Times, 17 May 1963

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 20 1 AVERAGE DAILY CEWTIFIEU SALE EXCEEDS 100,000 The Straits Times 0W* KDN 352 Estd. 1845 FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1963. 15 CENTS.
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  • Article, Illustration
    897 1 Aid offer 'fell short' BUT THERE'S STILL HOPE FOR AGREEMENT WITH BRITAIN BEFORE MALAYSIA FEDERATION IS FORMED LONDON. Thurs BRITAIN'S defence aid offer for Malaysia "fell short of our requirements." Tun Alxlul Razak s;iid lliis ;il ;i press conference here lo<h\ in answer to Questions on Ih c
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  • 302 1 n()(i()K (West Java), Thursday. INDONESIAN students stoned and smashed shop windows of Chinese-owned stores here today in a new flare-up of anti-Chinese demonstrations. Police troopers and armoured cars rushed to the scene and restored order. Eye-witnesses said the demonstration began around mid-morning alter police
    Reuter; UPI  -  302 words
  • 126 1 IT WAS ALL JUST A FIRE EXERCISE >JO. this isn't a tragedy. I But scores of alarmed villagers and motorists crowded round the perimeter fence of the Singapore Airport yesterday morning. They saw thick smoke billowing from a wrecked "plane." fire engines and ambulances rushed with screaming
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  • 35 1 BANGKOK. Thurs. Kin* Phumibol and Quern Siriktt of Thailand will fly directly from here to Tokyo on May 27 to begin their royal visit to Japan, HM Thai Airwnys International announced today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 82 1 LOMDON. Thurs— Three British Labour Party Members of Parliament. Mr. Fenner Brockway. Mr. Arthur Bottomley and the Reverend Reginald Sorensen left London by air today for Singapore and the Fur E.ini. They said they were going on a I fact-finding mission on behalf of I Mr.
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 49 1 SINGAPORE. Thurs.— A Cable and Wireless despatch rider Vellusamy Balani. 32. died In hospital tonight soon after his motorcycle .'-kidded and crashed near the junction of Dunearn Road anil Adam Road. Balani was on his way back to the office after delivering a cable.
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  • 33 1 TEHERAN. Thurs.— lndian President Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan arrived today for a seven-day State visit, during which UUortned sources said the Shah of Iran would offer to mediate In the Kashmir dispute.— :UPl.
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  • 274 1 Call for meeting between Sultan and Tengku TPOH, Thurs. Two delegates representing Perak's Rajas and chiefs are to call on Tengku Abdul Rahman in the hope of arranging a meeting between him and the Sultan of Perak. The decision was taken at a meeting, convened by the Raja Muda, in
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  • 194 1 KIDNAP CASE STUDENT: POLICE CLEAR CROWD SINGAPORE, Thurs. Extra police were called to disperse a crowd which gathered outside the Magistrates' Courts here at the end of today's hearing of the case against a student charged with kidnapping a girl who was then his fiancee. The student. Albert Soon Heng
    UPI  -  194 words
  • 52 1 WABHINOTON. Thurs. President Kennedy's three pet dogs —Charlie, a Welsh terrier. Pushinka. a gift from Mr. Khrushchev, and Clipper, a German sheep dog— will be the top dogs of Washington this year. They are to be i»ued with dog licences numbers one. two. and
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 543 1 j KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. j CELANGOR doctors, convinced that the authorities were totally unprepared for the cholera outbreak, today asked the Ministry of Health three vital questions: Is It true that the Government was suspicious of a cholera outbreak two weeks ago yet failed to
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  • 114 1 High life Soviet spy is executed MOSCOW. Thurs Russia today announced the execution of Oleg Penkovsk}. 4J-.v«'ar-old Soviet scientific, worker sentenced to death five days ago for spy in k A statement by the official news agency Tass simply said: "The spy Oleg Penkovsky has been shot." It did not
    Reuter; UPI  -  114 words
  • 37 1 BRUSSELS. Thurs. Princess Paola. King Baudouin's 26-year-old sister-in-law was slightly injured in the face and suffered from shock when her car was involvpri In an accident as she was driving home from Paris yesterday. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 517 1 Cooper gets "go" for 22 orbits f API-: CANAVEHAL. Thurs. Astronaut Gor do ii Cooper today completed 24 hours in space in such good shape thai he \\:is told to go the full 22 planned orbits of his mission. Relreshed and alert alter seven and a hall hours ol •pretty
    Reuter; UPI  -  517 words
  • 36 1 TWENTIETH ORBir C API INin rbu^ Astrooaal I >r>[ tweatietb ISIP. GMI M dr i See j\ UNITED v 1 fhur:- 6e< rei <r I Tb»nt watchin >m situation v t l7a4er-SccreUT7 hjD Mli
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 151 1 \»OII\ BY THE STJ MORI lIS IOVMIKST ««Ml> k ha at G. C. de SUVA BROS. "Manufacturing Jewellers" 3, RoWm Ploc*. Spore-1. PboiM ***** JP* really MEAN It! When uo Siamese Fighting fish (Betta Their most recent development is tne splrndens) get to grips, they leave no CHIEFTAIN, a ne«
      151 words
    • 80 1 H CROCKETT JONES 1 NORTHAMPTON ENGLAND X /-m I I SheafferS PFM* DOES THE BIG MAN PROUD Think big and bold! This all new dynamic pen from Sheaffer's is fox you! Everything about the Sheaffer's Pen-for-Men is big- the styling', the grip, the quality, the ink capacity! The Sheaffer's PFM
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    • 141 2 500,000 strike in sympathy MANILA. Thursday. NATIONAL one-day sympathy strike by about 560,660 union members was on throughout the Philippines today. Labour leaders called the strike when the Government failed to reach a settlement in the 10-day-old Manila dockers' strike. About 3,000 dockworkers struck on May 7 when the Government,
      UPI  -  141 words
    • 50 2 Reds fire off a reminder VIENTIANE. Thurs. Several artillery shells landed yesterday on the Muong Phan emergency airport on the Plain of Jars near the headquarters of neutralist Gen Kong Le. Source.s close to Prince Souvanna said the shelling was to show the Pathet Lao's strength to Gen. Konß Le
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    • 114 2 ADDIS ABABA. Thurs. The African Foreign Ministers' conference here last night decid.--l in principle that in Monrovia and Casablanca groups should merge, conference sources said The sources said this emerged from the iuanimous decision to disemm the establishment of an organisation of African states with
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    • 100 2 GEN. PARK PLEDGES 'HONEST ELECTIONS' I SEOUL. Thurs.— The Junta chairman. Gen Park Chung Hee (abovei. today pledged anew to hold "absolutely free and honest elections" this year and return the Government to civilian control. But he gave no indications whether he wou'd run for President as a civilian or
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    • 176 2 Indonesia apologises for riots against Chinese JAKARTA. Thurs. i J The Indonesian GovI ernment and people "deeply regret" last week's anti-Chin-ese rioting in west and central Java, according to a Department of Information statement quoted by the official Antara news agency. The statement said: "We must work harder at nation
      Reuter  -  176 words
    • 23 2 BANOKOK. Thurs.—The monsoon rains are expected in Thailand in mid-June —a month later •han usual, weather bureau officials said today.
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    • 118 2 REDS STEP UP THEIR INFLUENCE IN JAPAN TOKYO. Thurs. The Just Co Minister. Mr Kun o Nakagaki told the chiefs of Japan's Public Security Police yesterday thai in*- influence oi tue Japanese Communist Party was growing. "Its expansion must be carefully watched because tiiis move is aimed at establishing deep
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    • 139 2 '['HE two sons of Chief Enahoro Kenneth, aged 9 and Eugene. 7, who are at school in England thi* week joined in the fight to save their father from deportation. Helped by friends they took a trip to London where they presented
      Expresspic  -  139 words
    • 238 2 MALAYSIA: NEHRU HOPES FOR EARLY AGREEMENT NEW DELHI, Thursday. R. NEHRU yesterday expressed the hope that there would be an agreement soon about the Federation of Malaysia. "We want peace and progress In Bouth-East Asia' 1 he said. "We are friends of Indonesia. Malaya and the Philippines and we hope
      Reuter  -  238 words
    • 122 2 KASHMIR: India ready to accept a mediator VIEW DELHI, Thurs. Mr. Nehru said yesterday that India was prepared to accept "the good offices of some acceptable persons" in seeking a settlement of her dispute with Pakistan over Kashmir. This was the first time It has been officially Indicated that India
      Reuter  -  122 words
    • 75 2 ROME, Thurs.— Msgr. Agostlno 1 Casaroll. a Vatican diplomat who, has been negotiating for the re- 1 lease of Juzsef Cardinal Minds-' aenty, arrived In Rome last night In utmost secrecy. His arrival at Plumlclno Inter- j national Airport touched off a I flurry of reports
      UPI  -  75 words
    • 253 2 LONDON. Thurs. Chief Anthony Enahoro. whose last hope of avoiding deportation to Nigeria lo face a charge of treasonable felony vanished lust night, left by air for La (Os early today. The Chiefs plane, a < i.artrred DC-i, took ofT horn Ciatwirk airport
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    • 35 2 BANGKOK. Thur*.—Two huntl--1 red American soldiers arrived In Korat. Northeast Thailand iron. Hawaii yesterday as an advanc" group for some 3.000 U.S. taroopi participating in the Sou;.. Treaty Organisation exei\ next month.—U.P.l.
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    • 30 2 S ADDIS ABABA. Thurs.—Presldent William Tubman vi Liberia and Mrs. Tubman arrived her. yesterday Irom Monrovia by special jet plane on a five-da v State visit.—Reuter.
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 61 2 VIENNA. Thurs. King Baud of Saudi Arabia will spend a few days In a Vienna clinic to determine the exact nature of his current ailment. Informed sources said here yesterday. Professor Karl FWlinger, a epeclallst on Internal disorders. said a medical bulletin on King! Soud's
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 193 2 IYW>? -4»wa''''',)''''»'»*^M»^^ Ir a I Jr IM" I 3*Ai S^B^SmIB HP^^ >;: STATUS-SETTERS': The new Humber Cf PPTRF COMFORT- MASTER: Three styles (Saloon, Sceptre is i superbly-equipped sports I RE. Limousine, Station Wagon) with space, saloon built and finished to the highest comfort, quietness, practical luxury, resiandaids o\ comfort
      193 words
    • 62 2 Eskamel TREAT'S SPOTS AND PIMPLES. LEAVES YOUR SKIN CLEAR AND SMOOTH Contaim Hcxjchlorophent kilK germ- insiintly— hcalt pimples usi Prevents rimpk* from spreading— leases no HMisM) Free from oil and grea^cdocs not crack, cake or ilog the pores— «omen can apply make-up over it A wonderfully efTccu>e treat/Nor"' 4j Dolr.bu'id
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 390 3 NO MORE CONCESSIONS' MOSCOW. Thurs. \IK. KHRUSHCHEV has told Britain and America the Soviet Union has made sufficient concessions on the nuclear test ban issue, an informed source said in Moscow yesterday. The Soviet Premier made this stand in his reply to a joint
      Reuter  -  390 words
    • 258 3 CASE OF THE SCIENTIST AND THE SHOES WITH HOLLOW HEELS... O O U T HEND-ON-SEA, Thurs.— An Italian physicist, accused of spying for Russia, was alleged to have told a detective on his arrest that he had met people "who are awfully interested in what I am doing." The prosecutor
      Reuter  -  258 words
    • 40 3 DETROIT. Thurs. Three sreiphters suffered minor damape ;n h pre-dawn collision at the mouth of the St Clalr River yesterday. AU three proceeded under their own power. The Coast Guard said I n 0 one was injured.—U.P.l.
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    • 23 3 MOSCOW. Thurs.—Dr. Castro, the Cuban Prune Minister, arrived in Leningrad by air from Sverdlovsk to '-ontinue his tour of Russia^—Reuter^^^^^^^^^^^^
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    • 93 3 110 are arrested in N. Carolina i^REENSBORO (North \J Carolina), Thurs. An estimated 1,500 Negroes, and a few whites demonstrated here Hal nißht Police arrested about 175 people. Some of the demonstrators were carried bodily from a theatre when they sat down and refused to move. Hard pressed for transportation
      UPI  -  93 words
    • 28 3 WASHINGTON, Thurs. The U.S. Government plan* to ask! Turkey to pay indemnities for the less of VS. lives in a Feb. 1 plane cra^h over Animra—UPl
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    • 185 3 LONDON. Thurs. The British Government announced yesterday it accepted recommendations for reform of the House of Lords, made recently by an allparty committee. These will enable a member of the House of Lords to renounce his peerage tor life and stand for election to the House of
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    • 36 3 LONDON: Lord Trefgarae. 22. and Mr Charlrs Masrficld. 23. left Gat wick (London) airport yesterday to fly 12.0 M miles to Australia in a small single I engined Beagle Airedale aircraft.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  36 words
    • 53 3 TXJNDON. Thurs.— A disgruntled tionHCcnnrtan last night lay in his bed at home here and rest fully mad<' medical history. Mr Hennllccr Thorp, who will bo 99 new Prlday. had mumps and was believed to be the oldest person on record to have contracted
      Reuter  -  53 words
    • 76 3 Predicament of a Princess OOPS! Here's something that Princess Margaret had not bargained for when she jumped from a low wall at the Silverstone motor race circuit. As the princes* jumped DOWN her skirt, caught by the wind, went UP! The Princess received a helping hand from the man on
      UPI  -  76 words
    • 227 3 CAMBRIDGE (Maryland), Thursday. |>OLICE here arrested 66 Negroes when they marched on a jail where 14 Negroes were detained following an attempt to breach the colour bar in a local cinema. City and state police were •called In to deal with the singing,
      Reuter; UP  -  227 words
    • 243 3 ITNITED NATIONS. U Thurs.— U Thant. the Secretary General, re- i ported yesterday that 69 of the organisation's HI member govern- ments owed the United Nations a total of more than US$lO6 million for 1962 and previous years, i But he added that
      Reuter  -  243 words
    • 61 3 NEW YORK. Thurs A nonnuclear chemical explosion was, conducted north-west of the Nevada test site yesterday the first of! four scheduled tests in a joint United States-British series to obtain safety data. The Atomic Energy Commission did not elaborate, but said the experiment was not on the
      UPI  -  61 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 124 3 t3el3Honte BARGAIN j, OFFER > 25th May 1963 FREE! MONTE YELLOW CLING fty^^^jv 'J^M PEACHES and one 17 oz. lst M tin of' DEL MONTE FRUIT B -vW A>*'A COCKTAIL and get a FREE |^2£^?*^^B tin of DEL MONTE 17 oz. GOLDEN CORN CREAM =§S^ S'porc/Penong Available from m S-^—^^fl
      124 words
    • 54 3 I Pantie, bra 'parade' N O T T I N GHAM. Thurs. Nottingham worr.en whose riderwear has disappeared from clothes lines I in the pa.«t three years .'.ended an "identification parcde" On parade at police headquarters here w re 132 pairs of panttfcs. br"«sleres and other underclothing found hidden in
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    • 228 3 ll" MORE and MORE II Klk DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS I are being opened ith Lombard Bank, where capital accum» lutes steadily in the assured security of the Bank. Interest of 5", per annum is paid twice yearly without deduction of" U.K. Income Tax. Write today to the General Manager for your
      228 words

  • 312 4 SINGAPORE. Thursday. 'J'HE Solicitor-General, Mr. T. Kulasekaram. today successfully applied for another adjournment of hearing into charges against 12 Barisan Sosialis leaders. He told the magistrate. Mr. R. 8.1. Pates, that police investigations into the City Hall demonstration on April 22, from
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  • 46 4 Railman off to Tokyo KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Malayan Railway's carriage shop foreman, Mr. S.D Jeyawardena. left by air today to attend a three-month seminar on rolling stockengineering in Tokyo. The seminar is being sponsored by the Japan Naaonal Railway under the Colombo Plan Technical Cooperation programme.
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  • 64 4 SINGAPORE. Thurs. Miss Nancy Liew (above), .Miss Singapore 1962. will attend the "Asia Week" festival which opens on Sunday at Christchurch. New Zealand. To make the people of New Zealand better acquainted with Asian fashions. Nancy, a Malayan Airways air hostess, will carry a
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  • 169 4 MORPHINE 'ENOUGH TO SEND ANYONE TO SLEEP' KANGAR, Thurs. A doctor testified today that 20 milligrams of morphine which a j woman special constable Js alleged to have put into a bowl of coconut milk was "enough to put a healthy person to sleep within a hour." "But It would
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  • 68 4 PENANG. Thurs The flirt batch of Malayan liajls returning from their Mecca pilgrimage will arrive here on May 23. The pilgrim ship. Kuala Lumpur, will be making three trips to brine back the pilßrims. The arrival dates are: Penan? May 23. June 26 and July
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  • 41 4 PARIT BUNTAR. Thins. The District Officer. Knan, Inche O.Miian Kairuddin bin Monamed Sam will address Chinoe fishermen, community leaders and businessmen in Tanjontj Plandang, a fishing village near here, on Saturday at a special civics course for them.
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  • 189 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. An Australian finance company has. in partnership with the Chartered Bank, started a new $b million finance company to serve Malaya and Singapore. Known as the Credit Corporation (Malaysia) Ltd.. the new company will engage in hire purchase and other
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  • 29 4 KLUANG. Thurs. M». Chua Koon Chuan i Alliance) was M- turned unopposed for the Maclisp Barat gluang local council byelection when nominations closed on Tuesday.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 479 4 I IN\/P\T IN BE WISE ABOUT \\l PHILIPS J \_y QUALITY !§S j |g I |;tfl vjji. ji '{JliilsL As you know a television receiver is a very complex and costly IS-vSsi°' ette !i b f* e) mm i m.m r r ia r iOTAJOtn IS pNCea 31 piece of
      479 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 264 4 //<•»/ O*»p B» V.T. li ami in ■■P^™" vj I"-/ THERE NOV. AIWT THAT I NOW. tTrvTiTZJ^M I H^rSOß«rv. STRIPES. THATS fcj JUST UKE A CAT? WHEN LAPSE OP y^4B^WF- fcygf AU. THERE IS, TWERE f\ TK EATS IS GOiE SOS ABOUT A WELL. I GUBGG\ \fi T^S 1^ "-1
      264 words

  • 315 5 Hold-up car taken for servicing *VLL BE BACK LATER 9 SAW DRIVER BUT HE DIDN'T TURN UP By RUDY BELTRAN: Kuala Lumpur. Thursday rpHE two gangsters who staged the $11,506 Robinson payroll grab yesterday sent the get-away car for servicing and a wash soon after. They did not reclaim it
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  • 150 5 VJINGAPORE. Thurs. The Indian Deputy Minister of External Affairs. Mr. Din c s h Singh, who is on a fiveday fact-finding visit to Singapore and Malaya, had a busy day here today. This morning, accompanied by the Indian High Commissioner. Mr. Y.
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  • 43 5 SINGAPORE. Thurs. Inche Abdul Rahman Ibrahim, of Outram Secondary School, has won the $100 award ottered by the Singapore Malay Chamber of Commerce ba.sed on results of the London Chamber of Commerce Autumn) intermediate stage examination held last year.
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  • 47 5 SINGAPORE. Thurs. Continuing the crackdown on armed gangs, police last night raided more gangland hideouts and detained eight more suspects believed to be Involved in recent big robberies. This brings to 29 the total of those arrested since the operation began last week.
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  • 54 5 SINGAPORE. Thur.x. Police tod.iy warned motorists thai all roads leading to Connaughi Drive I and St. Andrew's Road will be closed to traffic from 6 a.m. on Sunday when a National Day rnarch-pa.-t und rally rehearsal will be held in front of the City Hall stops. Motorists
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  • 143 5 SINGAPORE. Thurs. The new Japanese ConsulGeneral in Singapore. Mr. Hiroto Tanaka (above), today declined to discuss apartheid in South Africa, where he last served. Accompanied by his wife, Mr. Tanaka flew into Singapore last night from Pretoria, where he was Consul- General.
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  • 77 5 Accused of attempted murder JOHORE BAHRU, Thurs. Abdullah Shawal and Carl Murray, both of Singapore, were charged in the Magistrate's Court here today with the attempted murder of Constable Aminuddin by strangulation at the Central Police Station lock-up at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday. They pleaded not guilty and the case
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  • 60 5 SINGAPORE. Ttntn. Urn Tcck Chye was charged in a magistate's court yesterday with housebreaking and theft of cash and jewellery worth $3,515 belonging too Khatiiah Bibi bmie Abdullah. Lim. who pleaded not guilty was alleged to have committed the offence between 8.30 p.m. on April IS and 6.00
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  • 41 5 BENTONG. Thurs.— P. Appu. 33, a Public Works Department steam-roller driver, was yesterday committed for trial in the Raub High Court on a charge of raping his .sister-in-law, aged 13. on the night or Oct. 31 last year.
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  • 217 5 Customs road chase ends in quarry IPOH. Thurs. Two 1 smugglers gave a Customs paroy a hectic two-mile chase on the main trunk road before they were cornered in a stone quarry five miles south of here yesterday evening. A road block was set in Temoh. 30 miles south of
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  • 74 5 SINGAPORE. Thurs. Koh Thian Lye, 36, with nine previous convictions, was today jailed for four and a half years by a District Court for housebreaking. Mr. N.A. DRozario the i Judge, was told that Koh broke into a house in Gallop Road on March 13. and stole
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  • 62 5 SINGAPORE Tlnirs. The Singapore Buine.s.s Houses Em- ployees' Union has signed new collective agreements with the Ford Motor Co.. 01 Malaya Lid., in Bukit Timah Hoad and United Engineers Ltd.. m River Valley Road, under which some 300 workers «et increased salaries and 1 improved working benefits.
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  • 139 5 SIX. Thursday. A USTRALIAN troops on border patrol have captur- ed two Thais trying to smuggle precision instruments into Malaya, it was announced here today. Next day they fired on a suspected Communist courier. He fled into the jungle. The troops, of the 2nd Bn., Royal
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  • 267 5 Seniors who jeered freshies by Oppenheim KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. THE Vice-Chancellor of the University of Malaya, Dato Sir Alexander Oppenheim, today criticised senior undergrads for jeering and shouting at "freshies." More than 700 new students reported to the uni- versity yesterday to begin a three-week orientation period organised by the
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  • 71 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. A former Malayan Civil Service officer. Mr. A.S. Haynes. has died in London at the age of 84. Mr. Hayne.s entered the MCS in 1901 and became the Secretary to the British Hi°h Commissioner here in 1920 In 1924 he was
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  • 131 5 JAPANESE model Masayo Takada wears a fetching strapless cocktail dress called appropriately "Leopardess at Wednesday night's fashion show at the Victoria Memorial Hall. Singapore. This outfit of yellow with hand sewn black spots was one of 50 created by some of Japan's leading designers. Masayo
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  • 470 5 THESE CATEGORIES WERE INCLUDED IN AGREEMENT' Pi KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. I "I THE Railwaymens A Union of Malaya said today that telephone and machine operators, marine crews and antimalarial inspectors were among the categories of staff whose revised conditions of service were included
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  • 46 5 SINGAPORE. Thurs. The Superior of the Vaiirarama Temple in Ceylon, the Vcn. Norada arrived here today on his way to Germany. The Yen. Norada. who arrived from Saigon after a foundationlaying ceremony for a Buddhist temple there, will leave for Germany tomorrow
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 143 5 lender Wk Touch INNOXA TENDER TOUCH Heavy mgtit creams have never been popular with wives. lOr husbands And moistunsersalthough pleasanter to useare quick to lose their own moisture. This means they dry on your lace, and your skin receives no lasting benefit NO HAPPY SOLUTION UNTH. ontil Innoia discovered Tender
      143 words
    • 157 5 Pick a pa G k of Fropax FROZEN FOODS Country-fresh vegetables and *.^r^?S. fruits, prime fillets of fish from ''-'Ssß*^ England's ice-cold seas... Frozen mmmamm Foods of supreme quality and ..^.'"r^" 00 freshness, the pick of the world's fc <*> finest is yours when you < t v PICK A
      157 words

  • 411 6 'NEW BODY TO HELP SOLVE TECHNICAL PROBLEMS' SINGAPORE, Thursday 'JMIK Finance Minister, Dr. (ioli Kentf Swee, today opened Singapore's first Industrial Research Unit which will serve the State's 2,M00 industrial establishments. He said the work of the new unit, situated in the
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  • 432 6 SINGAPORE, Thursday. commission of inquiry into the position of A Government daily-rated employees will devote itself first to the hearing of unresolved issues arising from the agreement of November 1961 between Government and the Public Daily-Rated Employees Unions Federation. The Commissioner of Labour, Mr.
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  • 44 6 SINGAPORE. Thurs. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Tan of the Archipelago Travel Service Limited will hold a dinner at the Mandarin Room tomorrow night in honour of the Japanese delegation of fashion designers and models, who, will be leaving for Manila on Saturday.
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  • 237 6 ROCHESTER (New York), Thurs.— Mr. Lee Kum Sing (above), the Malayan pianist who lives and teaches in Singapore, gave a recital in the Eastman School of Music of the University of Rochester recently which was hailed by a Rochester newspaper critic. He wrote
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  • 189 6 Vocational institute to turn out skilled men SINGAPORE, Thurs. The Singapore Government will set up a vocational institute to meet the increasing demand for skilled technicians and craftsman as a result of its industrialisation programme. A Government statement today said that the institute would be housed In the former Balestler
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  • 91 6 SINGAPORE. Thurs. The Minister for National Development, Mr. T»n Kit, Oan. will give away prizes to the 20.000 th tenant of the Housing and Development Board at a ceremony on May 38. The prizes will include television sets, household appliances and household goods. In a statement today,
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  • 258 6 Big need still to save SINGAPORE. Thurs. The water situation in Singapore was reported today to have improved slightly after yesterday's rain in both Singapore and Tebrau the State's main source of supply in Johore. A Public Utilities Board statement said that (or the first time in
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  • 144 6 SINGAPORE. Thur*. rE New Zealand Prime Minister, Mr. Keith Holyoake, has wished Singapore's Industrial Research Unit success in the role it will play in the State's industrialisation programme. In a message conveyed by the New Zealand High Commissioner Designate to Malaya. Mr. K II Wade, at the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 235 6 ■^■■m^ SINGAPORE SIMULTANEOUSLY 00 REX OPENS TODAY SKY I 4 Skews: 11, 2.30, 6.30, 30 (Note Times) 4 Shows: 11,2 30,6.30,9.15. DOUBLE VALUE for MONEY 2 BIG FULL-LENGTH FEATURES mmW M^jZm^ iMI w# Jmw f Prejents X— W In TECHNICOLOR* mf Directed b r ALESSANDRO^BLASETTI Plus! A Nerve-Shattering Thriller RON
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    • 5 6 THRILL A ZAP /fyakoA*, ZAPATA
      5 words
    • 160 6 FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE NOW RELEASED FROM 1 OF EACH MONTH MAY Rr^ I JjUC WSfpfS^ NOW AVAILABLE at all newsstands and at the CATHAY and ODEON cinemas INTRODUCING STARRY MUM REAL FRUIT JAM_-j E_ I FREE SAMPLES wUI b« siren away to all PATRONS attending j Special Ladies Only Preview
      160 words
    • 446 6 \o\v siiouix. ♦llom- 1.30 -4.00 6.30 9.30pm :CKN I RY POX >. I^l Jiannc X V m^f WOODWARD Summer Richard Beymer Carol Lynlcy IN CINEMASCOPE T Plu»! 'Berito Smgopora No. X TOMORROW MIDNIGHT! T RANK ORGAN. nti T NORMAN WISDOM in I "ON THE BEAT" t GICE3EISE) \o\v snow im.
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  • 1765 7  - The man who juggled with millions —and lost BRASH JIMMY WHITE THE TORTUOUS TRAIL OF FINANCIAL ADVENTURE LED BY ONE day in 18U5 an ambitious 17 yearold Lancashire builder's labourer resigned his poorly paid job and set himself up as a speculafive builder. 11" his capital was inadequate (he had
    1,765 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 286 7 i*-V; Or? mwhnM EXTRA QUALITY... EXTRA LENGTH,.. Now also available <n packets of ten. King Size SOLENT gives you the clean, wide awake freshness of natural menthol plus real smoking satisfaction. Like a seaborne breeze... like the cool sparkling spray of the sea SOLENT REFRESHES YOU 4O ots for 1O
      286 words

  • 67 8 2* Words Sl» (Minimum) MR. ALBERT JAM ft O'Connor ac«d •t (uMd awny peacefully at 4 45 a.m. O. Hoapilal. K. Lumpur 16.5.63. Intrrmmt BMadan rcmetery. Blncapon. MM. L(M tOO SAM ased 46 paaod way reacffuliy on 15.IS.63 learini hahtad hii brlovtd wir«. daufhttr and Ma to mourn hi»
    67 words
  • 89 8 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS TNI FAMILY OF the Iste M. P. K. Menon thank all relative* and fm-nds Mr their condolences, wreaths and assistance during their recent bereavemeat. MR. AND MRS. XI Subr.imanism thank friend*, relatives for their congratulatory mriMKi'*. Hits, and attendance at their \\Kilmt; in X.l*, and reception In Mentak&ii
    89 words
  • 54 8 IN EVIR LOVING memory of Mr. V ft, Kandiah of. 25 Telok Pulal Road. Klang woo entered eternity on 17-:,-6_\ Inserted by his loving wife and children "We miss you still and always will, these tears In our eye* wo can wipe away, but the "ache In our
    54 words
  • 60 8 MATERMTV WEAR, smocks, skirts. sjstts, dresser Guaranteed fabric*, many designs Duncan s 11 D'Almelda 9t off Ki tries Place. Tel: M 630 8 pore. LADIES::: akin cure I* your conrern and our speciality. Consult Louisa Klerk, mrdirally trained and qualified Heautv Specialist with IS yean tropical experience. Jeune**e et
    60 words
  • The Straits Times
    • 622 8 i A long standing criticism of i the developing countries I against the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) is that it devotes too I much attention to commercial relations between the rich, industrialised nations and not enough to the problems of the i poor, agricultural
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    • 369 8 I The effect of U.S. stockpile disposals on the tin price is not the>>nly worry besetting the industry. In the search for new, exploitable land the miners are frustrated by delays in dealing with applications. Security of tenure is a problem, and treatment in matters of land alienation.
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    • 223 8 The rats of the Kuala Lumpur Central Market are a fearsome breed more than a match for the pusillanimous cats employed to keep them out Traps are useless against their strength end cunning, and poison whilu efficacious is not favoured. The stricken rats, with a vengefulness that almost seems
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  • 909 8  - Can the palmy days return L for coconut..? PETER POLOMKA AS MALAYA'S THIRD LARGEST CROP FALLS INTO DISASTROUS DECLINE: by To revive their multimillion dollar industry coconut growers are being told to be more hu>i-nrss-Uke. In the past. t',ir\ have looked on their plantings too much as a way of
    909 words
    • 132 8 mHERE have been some 1 interesting reports in the Straits Times recently regarding the rodent problem in Kuala Lumpur: now the Federation's Chief Game Warden has provided his answer to the problem. We are well aware of the extent to which cats and pythons keep down
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    • 154 8 IN his talk to members of the Kuala Lumpur Psychology Club recently. Mr. Willard Weiss, a Peace Corps volunteer who works as a civil engineer in the Public Works Department, said that the Peace Corpsmen serving in Malaya did not undergo any physical hardship, were not given real
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    • 178 8 rUR correspondent Mr. Ong Tee Wah <S.T. May 8) states that a Mobile Post Office calls at the Nanyang University campus for about an hour on four days in a week and most of the residents In the university campus arctherefore unable to post their letters or parcels
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    • 85 8 AT a time when the State is facing an acute water shortage, is it proper for a person to bathe three times a day? That is exactly what my neighbour and his six children are doing every day of the week. It is not so bad if
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    • 120 8 I LIVE in Frankel Estate and have reached the end of my patience in regard to the mosquito problem. For about four months now. I have had to spray the rooms of my house and close the windows to have a fairly mosquito-free night. However by the morning they
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    • 96 8 IT was most Interesting to read the advice given by the Chief Game Warden on controlling Kuala Lumpur's rodent problem. His suggestion that pythons be used to rid the town of the rat menace sounds most promising. It Is time that an authoritative source dispelled the almost pathologioal
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    • 68 8 fTKDR the umpteenth time r power has been cut along 0»4 ms. Thomson Road without notice of any kind. I am one of the many residents affected by the cuts. The food In my refrigerator got spoiled again and had to be thrown away. The City Council must
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    • 71 8 MAY I through the courtesy of your columns seek clarification from the Housing and Development Board. Under the boards regulations, the combined Income of the family of the applicant must not exceed the stipulated amount. In the course of time the total Income of the family will certainly
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  • 302 8 China will seek a showdown in Moscow from HEDLEY RHODES HONG KONG. Thurs. Talk* between the Chinese and Russians scheduled for Moscow next month, may lead to an ideological showdown, experts here believe. It is considered likely that the Chinese will demand that Mr. Khrushchev ceases to tolerate Yugoslav "revisionism"
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 722 8 Strifes Tiant Malay Mail OassHf inirtmsintl *»ay Ist ntar •OCO •TOPJ»«« AStCAO* OllMll NM COLD ITOHtal MANCHII AT HOLLAND MAD-KATOM mPPIL KOAD-MAVAL BASB «»morm« A*j*si*«v errr book srottc lt» «m«n*ji*r h~— C— »f o— y W9C NIWS FHOMT FJ%>p»a>trtc It NH'M'tW 1. M. MMAIL AaMMraity (m*. Naval asaa H. ABDUL
      722 words
    • 78 8 TNE WORLD'S MOST ENDURING WONDER Almost fiv» tHousond years have passed since the architects and engineers of /he ancient Phoroohs built the Greot Pyramid of Egypt. Yet today it still stand's as a monument to mon's skill ond his longing for immor tolity. Reod how it was built in the
      78 words
    • 15 8 BUY 3 SINGAPORE FEDERAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES (SINGAPORE) UP ■**ssas***s*s**ai*ai*aM*a»*****»**»*****aM*aM*s*aa**a****ssi*****»ss***a*a***sa*****s***ss**a***» Th« Shorn that follow* the Fashion!
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  • 166 9 KI'ALA LUMPUR, Thurs. The Commander-in-chief of the Brunei rebels, Gen. Zulkifli, said in a broadcast over the Voice of Kalimantan I tar a radio that the people of the Borneo territories would always owe "absolute" allegiance to President Soekarno. He made the broadcast
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  • 51 9 IPOH. Thurs Sixteen women urrt charged in the magistrate's court here with trespassing mo mining land belonging to Lot) Lum Fatt at Kanthan. near here, on Tuesday morning. All or them pleaded not guilty and were allowed bail of $50 each I pending hearing on Aug.
    51 words
  • 44 9 SINGAPORE. Thurs. The Ml- 1 nlster for National Development. Mr. Tan Kla Oan. will launch a new water boat, Ayer Molek, at Keppel Harbour on May 23 at 10.30 a.m. The boat was designed and built by the Singapore Harbour Board.
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  • 20 9 RAWANO. Thurs.—lnchr Han Nor bin Hun Yusof has been reelected chairman of the Ulu Selangor branch of Umno
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  • 2226 9  - Taxi driver: He told me she was his wife and I was to do as he ordered. JACKIE SAM: THE CASE OF THE STUDENT ON HOLIDAY AND THE GIRL HE IS ALLEGED TO HAVE KIDNAPPED —the third day r— SINGAPORE, Thursday 'Soon picked up wooden bar and threatened my son'
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  • 123 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Than. Singapore's Internal security set-up is being strengthened with the transfer of 200 Federal Reserve Unit men across the Causeway. Forty of them left here in convoy for Singapore today. The other 1M will go by road and train tomorrow and on
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  • 293 9 Mother was told of pictures in nude But you did nothing about No. And you compromised by asking your daughter to go out with him? Yes. I was afraid. You were at raid and you sacrificed your daughter for onother beating from him" Yes. He asked for forgiveness. Madam Tan
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  • 70 9 SINOAPORE. Thurs. A quarrel between two trade unionists has led to a strike by some 30 employees of the North British and Mercantile Insurance Co. Ltd., in Raffles Place The strike called today by the Singapore Insurance Companies Employees' Union. Is In protest against
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 88 9 I t- W L lIHU cue Wfllll T\ Sole Agtnti Shriro (China) Ltd. BE SUCCESSFUL! with PRO-PLUS the tablets that give you GO; I Used by Businessman N"" 1 U^jj^l Stars •Taking part in sports Housewives At a buainess conference Holidaymaktrs When under emotional strain office work ers anoVenln Ut
      88 words
    • 79 9 ~*TT I £< I M Ih. 11l \\n r< /a\ telev|s|on v SA-48T-133Amodk 19 FULLY AUTOMATIC List Price $675.00 ■fi SA-59T-443A 23" Fully Automatic Price $865/- List SA-59T-263A 23" Fully Automatic -&A Price $995/- List J^^^ FULLY GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR H. P. TERM CAN BE ARRANGED. A pleasure for
      79 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 483 9 Todays Radio, TV programmes RADIO MALAYA BSSS" lut NATIONAL SHORTWAVE RADIO SINGAPORE StRVUfc 417 METRES SHORT WAVE SKRVICE AM.: 6.00 Time Signal, Ne- 41 Mflre* gara-ku: 602 Morning Melodies. MEDIUM WAVES SERVICE (.00 Time Signal. The News; 478 Metres 710 Song Time; 7.30 Learn A AM' 6.00 Good Morning: Word
      483 words

  • 470 10 SINGAPORE, Thurs j^OH Kian Boon, managing director of the Sinnan Shipping and Trading Co., Robinson Road, told a district court today of a plot to kill him. He told Mr. K.T. Alexander, the judge, that he learnt of this in
    470 words
  • 28 10 SUNOEI PATANI. Thurs.—The Sultan Abdul Hamid College Dramatic Society will stage John Galsworthy's "The Skin Game." at the Day Training College. Alor Star, on Saturday.
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  • 101 10 IPOH. ihurs. In a swoop on secret hideouts in the I poh area today, police arrested two gangsters uho were found sleeping. They had been on the wanted list for the past one year for breaking restricted residence orders. Police described the two as
    101 words
  • 181 10 CINGAPORE, Thurs. —I The Labour Ministry has decided to hold a I secret ballot to settle the 18-month-old inter-, union dispute over representation of about 120 workers of C. X.! Tang (Singapore) Ltd..i the curio shop in Orchard Road. A Ministry official,
    181 words
  • 99 10 SINGAPORE s Yang di-Pertuan Negara. Inche Yusof bin Ishak. being received by the Ceylonese Prime Minister. Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaranaike. at her official "Temple Trees" residence in Colombo. On the extreme right is Inche Yusof s wife, Puan Noor Aishah. Below, Inche Yusof is garlanded by five-year-old
    99 words
  • 39 10 KUALA LL'MPCR. Thurs.— Mr. Kingtun l.uj ha.s been elected president of thf Federation uf Malaya Society of Architects Other officials are vice-president. Mr. Wlllium Chen, secretary. Mr. Paul Fih>: imd treasurer. Inche Baharuddin bin Abdul Ka.Mni
    39 words
  • 63 10 Red Cross man visits jails SINGAPORE. Thurs. Mr. A. Durand, an International Red Cross representative, is in Singapore visiting ;l number of penal institutions on the island Among the places he called at were Chang! jail. Outram prison and also the Central Police Station lock-up. Mr. Durand would not comment
    63 words
  • 73 10 A LOR STAR, Thurs. Jitra police detained three men yesterday after stopping a car at the 16th mile of the Jitra-Kangar road The car was heading for Perils from Alor Star when it was Intercepted at a road block. A dagger was found under the
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  • 185 10 SINGAPORE. Thursday. ipOUR opposition parties in Singapore are to form 1 a united front to oppose Malaysia. Representatives of the Barisan Soslalis. the United Democratic Party, the Parts Rakyat and the Workers Party, met on Wednesday tc set up a working committee to complete
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  • 33 10 IPOH. Thurs. A woman Hoo Ngit Yoon. 30. reported to the police this morning Uiat a watch worth $30 and $19 cash were stolen from her hotel room. do /HON
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  • 187 10 Bank man tops business course list SINGAPORE. Thurs. Mr. Lim Cheng Lai, of Malayan Banking here, has secured the highest marks in a correspondence course on business administration. Mr. Lim. an old boy of St. Joseph's School, said today: "You don't have to go overseas to win a diploma. It
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  • 312 10 JUDGE: 'THE COUNTRY IS REEKING WITH ROBBERIES' SINGAPORE. Thutv Mr. Juscice Buttrose remarked in the Assize Court today in refusing 1 bail in a robbery i "The country is reeking "ith robberies." Earlier, an adjournment had been applied for an exdetective, Patrick Leong Han Kwang. who i.s accused of robbing
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  • 89 10 WANTED: NAVAL OFFICERS J ifUALA LUMPUR, IV Thurs. The fast expanding Royal Malayan Navy is looking for young Malayans keen on adventure and travel to join as cadet officers Successful candidates will Ibe sent to the Royal Naval i College at Dartmouth in September Applicants must be federal citizens betwee.i
    89 words
  • 31 10 SYDNEY. Thurb.—Tin.' map Of Souih-Eas; A.sw has become required study for cadets of the Sydney MorniriK Herald and us associated newspapers and m*» paten i I
    31 words
  • 28 10 RAUB. Thurs—The Government Servant! Co-opera-tive Thrift and Loan Society. R;<ub branch, will hold its anna ing at the Government Club her* a*. 4.30 p.m. tomorrow.
    28 words
  • 108 10 1 KUCHING. Thurs. The Sarawak Alliance has taken 10 more seats unopposed in nominations for district council elections. In 13 district councils where nominations have now closed the Alliance has 30 unopposed candidate.-. while there are 17 unopposed Independents and three Party
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 203 10 Big Work Capacity in a Compact Size Here's the 66.5-hp HD-6 a small but rugged crawler Allis-Chalmers HD-6, like the 11-ton, 99-hp HD-11 tractor that delivers up to 20 percent more draubar and larger models, features a Box-A main frame for pull than any other crawler in its size range.
      203 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 257 10 Straits Times Crossword H IB 1H ACROSS distribution of the region (6) 1. Military accommodation, but Put th caddie's lot Id Urn not a single penon living ro "S place (10>. there! (7-8) 5 Gather fruit, and come back S. •Unremembered act* of \P}° (l> and of love." (Wordsworth) 6
      257 words

    • 401 11  -  CHAM BONG SOO Fortunes changed hands in a matter of 10 days By buying pressure JTORTUNES were reported to have been lost and made last month by Singapore nutmeg traders in market operations which have been described as the most speculative since the 1956-57 period.
      401 words
    • 148 11 WINE AND FOOD FESTIVAL SUCCESS T^HE two-week Aus- tralian Food and Wine Festival which ended last Saturday was a great success, said the Australian Trade Commissioner in Kuala Lumpur, Mr. Rupert Hudspeth The festival, the second to be held in Singapore and the Federation, was organised to promote sales of
      148 words
    • 138 11 j TN a bid to draw more vlsl--1 tors to the Cameron Highlands, particularly duri Ing the off-season periods. the Eastern Hotel, one of the biggest in Tanah Rata. has slashed its room rates by as much as 60 per cent. The hotel manager. Mr. C.C.
      138 words
    • 116 11 Insurance clerk is appointed executive MR. KWAN HIN KONG (above). 29-year-old rli-rk in th<- New Zealand Insurance Co. Ltd.. has been promoted to the rank of an assistant executive in the company's Kuala Lumpur office. His promotion is in line with the company's policy of selecting and training staff from
      116 words
    • 78 11 QOAP production in Singa- t pore during January this year totalled 1 1,488 cwt. against 16.820 cwt. In December last year, while output in the Federation amounted to 31.479 cwt. compared with 33.814 cwt. Stocks at the end of January In Singapore were 10,629 cwt., (9,203 cwt.
      78 words
    • 43 11 Eleven cbefs of th« Oermaa airline. Lufthansa, wete each awarded a gold medal at the International Gastronomy and Tourism Fair held in Munich recently. Two other gold medals were also won by the airline's tourism and catering departments.
      43 words
    • 228 11 THE representative of a British engineering comL pany, Mather and Platt Ltd. of Manchester, which was recently awarded a million dollar contract in connection with the expansion of Pasir Panjang power station was In Singapore last week to inspect the site. The representative
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    • 43 11 A dinner party was held recently to commemorate tne opening of the Kluang Hire Cars Association. The association's fleet consists of 95 per cent MeicedesBenz vehicles and the pa iron is Mr. Chua Boon Unn. managing director of Cycle and Carriage.
      43 words
    • 79 11 Imports of flashlight batteries Into Singapore Increased considerably last year, reaching a new peak of 21.8 million batteries, auainsi 13.8 million In the pierious year, 9.5 million in 1960 and 1 8.4 million me year before. Exports also rose substantially. totalling 50 3 million batteries
      79 words
    • 116 11 rrHE director and genJ- eral manager of an Australian paint company whose automotive and household paints have been selling in Malaya for a number of years, visited Singapore last week to investigate the possibility of producing some of his company's products locally. Spray painting Mr W.
      116 words
    • 98 11 Union OH Co. of California of which Unoco (Malaya; Ltd. U an ovenwi subsidiary, announced that first quarter earnings this year totalled $3d million computed with »30.6 million (or the corresponding period of lasi yeai. Oil and gas production reacneu record levels. Output of crude
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    • 161 11 Deficit despite higher revenue JAPAN Ai r Lines' gross revenue for the last financial year ended March SI, hit a new high of $240.2 million, up 25.1 per cent over th c preceding financial period, Mr. T. Hirano, district manager for Singapore, announced. Despite the incrraso In revenue, heavy expenditure
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 326 11 Everybody perspires. At any time, anywhere, you may offend with perspiration odour and never realize it. Why take the chance when you can protect yourself with ODO-RO-N0 deodorant quickly, effectively! The handy stick PPNJKfVI! smooths on your deodorant. Instantly dry, soothingly cool, it leaves a pleasant UUUjj [LJ fragrance while
      326 words
    • 142 11 YOU ViEwT| fk THE NEW 23' RECEIVER IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION Rental 27.00 per month Hirt Purchase 32.00 per month List Price 725 00 less discount for cash Special rentals for Rediffusion sound subscribers Free room aerial Free maintenance replacemencs YOU DECIDE SEE THE FULL REDIFFUSION IS2 CLiMENCEAU
      142 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 303 12 superbly made with a rich, long lasting overlay of M Kt. Gold. S4NI our new .selection of fine quality men's jewelry. C. K. TANG (SINGAPORE) LTD. 310. ORCHARD ROAD. SINGAPORE. TEL: 3402S ***** (4 LINES). 1. EXPERIENCE 2. QUALITY 3. RELIABILITY Bir".h slim-line 19' and 23" screen models are nude
      303 words
    • 3379 12 ■^^^P^^^^^-^^^^^^^-^^^-^P^-^-^^^-^^^^^^^-^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-^-^,^-*****-^-^ BOOKS PUBLICATIONS M Word* SS (Min.)— Box St el: extra 1 IMPRINT is The Best ol Books I Kverv Month. April issue now on sale everywhere Yours for only SI 50. THE FAR EAST ENGINEER PubliiKert quarterly THE ENGINEER. Has Its companion velume the Honi Keng m\ Fsr East
      3,379 words
      1,034 words
    • 963 12 FOR SALE Word* SS Mm.)- Box St el: axtrm LIGHTING FITTING SPECIALISTS will call at your oltire or residence. Vim us and see our range at 101. Orchard Koad. B'pore Kbooo Srab Electric Company Ltd. Tel: ***** OPPORTUNITY.' MEN'S PYJAMAS Now »3 90 Pair, Sportsntrts Now Towrlllni; T-Shirta Now SI.M).
      963 words
    • 800 12 f WHERE TO STAY (Spore) i it Word* Si (Mix.)— Box SO eU. axlrm HOTEL AMBASSADOR. Ueaslde 4« Meyer Rd., Uancinit oichlly. Pb. *****. AIRCONDITIONEU NON-AIR-CONDITIONED Room moderate charges Tlong Hoa Hotel. Tel: MHI MAYFAIR MOTEL Central Alrcoiditiuni-' 1 Rooms with Telephone Bzrelleol '(TuiKinc/Bar. STRAND HOTEL Central mostly alrcondltloned rouirui
      800 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1389 13 TO LIVERPOOL ft WEST COAST U.K.) nut S'pora Su it p. S'naai tnant PERSEUS L'paat. Dublin. Giaspw la «/Ta«ay May II MARON l paal Dublin. R'datt, H'burf la PtVMay 2S May Jl UAX Livaitaai, Glatfow May if May 21 May 23/21 May a AORASTUS Avonmoutti. UlllßMl May 22 Miy 2J
      1,389 words
    • 1415 13 THE E. A. C. LINESSAiI.NbS 10 kENOA. LE HAVRE. HAMBURG, BREMEN. ANltJtar. ROTTEROAM, AMSTERSAM. OSLO, StTNENSBRS AND COPENHAGEN fc£l S'pori P. Shan NMi pY\s3\\ll "MISTUIA" t) 21/21 May M/UMay 23/ M l3ay frIVSZJjSI ■iitutCA" aj 31 Mat/ 4 jmi j/ 7 jmi i/ijum X^SZZSf "JUTLANDIA" a/MJttt 15/21 Jim 21/21 J
      1,415 words
    • 1540 13 b en[3^iene EXPRESS SERVICE TO LSNBON, LIVERPOOt ft CWTTiaiINTAI POtTf. S'pwa p S'ww Pacaaf I BEMVOSUCJJ L'laal. tfoara. Naarf, da la Pt TMay May 11/11 BENARII L'aat, N'Mrf, B'oaai. A'wto 6.33/Mayll BENMACONUI (It N'kiMl, I aaa. Hani. MM. May IS/21 May 24/39 BLNLUMONO.(L.LPj L Mtl. if am. Hull. I'M May
      1,540 words
    • 1131 13 6c CO., LTD. w.^ Ted Na. 133J1 itJV CLXIRMAJI LINE <k KXAVENESS LIMU LOHSOH, NJLMSURG, ROTTEROAM, LOS ANGELES. SAN FRANCISCO, HAVRE. WIU ft MrOftLESBROUGN SEATTLE. VANCOUVER ft PORTLAND. CUT SF LEICESTER Aectptiat catgl fir Ceiml ft Saatt Atwrica. I'pora Snaa. tlamviiLi la Part/a May 21 22 May rpol Ts^iT Panang
      1,131 words

  • 279 14 SHIPS lying *i*nf«<Oe tn« •incap.rr Harbaur wharves ar espeeted taday are: Mrnestheus 18, Cloverbank 33/34. Auby N.W. 1/2. Kajah Brooks 21/22. Sandra 6A. Bandung Maru 27/28. KeerkrlnK 46. East Sea N.W. 5, Shinel Mara 47 North, Oianx Ann N.W. 4. Frankfurt 42/43, Cetlsu 4/3, Nicollne Maerak
    279 words
  • 255 14 JUNE tint xrade rubber rjuyori t.o.b. doted at S p.m. In linnapore and Kuala Lumpur yesterday at 731 cents per Ib. up thrrt-elKritbs of a cent. The lone was quietly steady. a.C.C.R.A. and F. M.R.I. cloilnn pricti In cents per Ib. yeM.rdiy Int. 1 prompt t.o.b. buyera
    255 words
  • 25 14 MAY 16. MALAYAN RUBBER PRICE: 752 cents (up three-eighths of a cent). TIN: 5401.50 <upSl.62\). tMimated unofficial offering 250 tons (up 10 tons).
    25 words
  • 636 14 From Our Market Correspondent THE Malayan Stock Exchangr experienced quieter conditions yesterday and there was a contraction in turnover. An example <>f this was the highest turnover only 44.000 in Steamers. Only a mere 27,000 units were traded in Shell. Industrials were erratic and
    636 words
  • 23 14 Malayan Stock Indices. May 15. May 16. Industrials: 108.62 108.57 Tins: 115.6S 115.82 s rubbers: 111.13 111.36 9m tt, 1962 100.
    23 words
  • 810 14 MALAYAN STOCK EXCHANGE (COMBINED business In the Singupore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Malayan Stock Exchange yesterday, with the number of the shares traded In brackets. INDUSTRIALS: Dunlops (3,000) 52.83 D. (8.000) $2.81. (1,000) $2.82; E. Smeltart $3.43 BL. $3.43 SL. (2,000) $3.44. (14,000) $3.48, (2,000) $3.43: ISM
    810 words
  • 382 14 rnHE Straits tin price is now X back at its highest level for the year, a rise of $1,624 yesterday taking it back to $451.50. at which at last stood on May 3. In the last flv e trading days the price
    382 words
  • 153 14 (OFFICIAL QUOTATIONS) May 16. Three months Dunlops IB eta. K. .Smelters 20 eta. Ksso 21 cv. r\ N. 18 eta. Gammon 14 eta. Hume ords. 16 eta.B. Darby 4d. Hume prefs. 16 eta C. Storage 4 jd. J Waugb 19 cv ■> Traction 1/M. Brew 30 eta Shell
    153 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1097 14 O.JJ.A. Pacific. Atlantic. «S* Great Ukaa Service) loans Lotos EU tv ETA ETA ETA Spore Sham Honolulu F'cisco l. Argeiei N York Cievea-io «i»«i.i Mam' 22 2S Mat It 11 Ma* }1 Jaat 21 Jatl 2 Jill IS Jlly 1 Aat "Bllma Man" 25 21 Jsse TS'MJiit 21 Jiry 21
      1,097 words
    • 1053 14 assss^^^a^^jT^^l^^s^^a^^ai^^l^^^r^jr^Bssf Coll ot BARCELONA As from 25th Juno 1963 from Marseilles Outward and 10th August 1963 from Singapore Homeward our T.v. "VIET NAM" "LAOS" "CAMBODGE" will call BARCELONA evory month for PASSENGERS and FREIGHT Singapore: Tel. ***** (Passage), ***** (Freight) K.L. Tel. ***** Pt. Swcrtenham Tel. 6695 Penang Tel. *****
      1,053 words
    • 258 14 \>\\ HOEGH LINES \f FOR CANADA-GREAT LAKES HOEGH CLIFF accepting cafKO tor Halifax and for Montreal. Toronto and Hamilton with fast railage Froiii Halifax or St John N.B Spore P. Shorn Penang In Port/19 Moy 22/23 Moy ttmmm HARPER GILFILLAN 6c CO., LTD. sutissif Mrli reiau MB» SOCHU CB. Part
      258 words

  • 102 15 MELBOURNE. Thurs. THF Brmnasa of base metal* led \.rtli Krokrn Hill jumped 1 •li. belore closing at 265. 9d. highlighted the market today. Industrials continued their sieaciy to firmer trend with leaders moving narrowly around late levels Otis were easier with A.O.G. re- 455. Loans continued firm. C
    102 words
  • 113 15 1" M C Malayan Excnangs Banks' Aftts* ciatisn made these change* In Its naMi to merchants yesterday (all rates to $100): New Vetkl tiiiytnK TT 32 11/16. airmail 32 1:!'I6. HO d/st 33 1/18 credit Mils. 3.1 316 trade bills. Canada: huyini; IT M s' ln. airmail <il)
    113 words
  • 77 15 HINCSE Produce Exchange, Singa* p«ri noon pnett p*r picul yuteraa*i Coconut oil: bulk S42| sellers, drum aalBSSi Copra: May June IK Continent $27 liuyeri. Popptr: Uuntok v. hue HM "filers. Sarawak white si. Vii aellera, special Sarawak black 510.% sellers, garbled UtmpotiK black JloTi sellers. ASTA M-'U linxaporo
    77 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1204 15 NOTICE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that MX. HO KING YUE has lelt our Organisation as Sales Representative. Frlden Division. Kuala Lumpur on May 13, 1963. He is no longer authorised to transact business on our behalf or receive monies due to us as from the abovementioned date. THE NATIONAL CASH
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    • 747 15 LEMBAGA GERAK.AN PELAJARAN DEWASA (Adult fcducation Board) Registration for admission to the Commercial Evening Classes will be held at the Cultural Centre. Canning Rise from 20.5.63 to 25.5.63 during office hours. Tuition fees per month are: lypewriting $3.00 Intermediate Level $2.00 per subject Higher Stage Level $3.00 per subject Commercial
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    • 733 15 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT SEKOLAH PELAJARAN LANJUTAN, KUALA TRENGGANU. VACANCY FOR THE POST OF CLERK. Applications are invited from Federal Citizens tor the post of School Clerk. Applicants must have attained their 17th but not their 23rd birthday and must have passed the school certificate examinations. However, candidates passing the lower certificate
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    • 1609 15 COMPANY MEETING THE STRAITS TRADING COMPANY LTD CHAIRMAN'S ADDRESS AT ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING At the Annual General Meeting of The Strait? Trading Company Limited in Singapore on 15th May 1963 the Chairman, Sir Ewen Fergusson, said The Report and Accounts for the year ended 31st December 1962 having been in
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  • 252 16 SINGAPORE. Thur». I I HIT THEY ASK FOR PROTECTION soccer referees decided today to end their boycott of Singapore Business Houses F.A. League matches, writes JOE DORAI. Following the assault on I leading referee John Ferguson duriiiK a SBHFA match between Cold Storage and Honekung Bank
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  • 202 16 Swifts to hold the first Relays SINGAPORE. Thurs— Swifts, the leading Singapore athletics club, have taken up M. Jegathesan's suggestion and will organise the first-ever relay meet in this country at Thomson Road ground on Sunday 1 3.30 p.m i Jega. the Malayan champion sprinter, who recently re- j turned
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  • 443 16  -  FRANCIS BOEY PLAN TO ACCOMMODATE 250 ATHLETES^ IN XL SCHOOLS HITS SNAG-BUILDING NOT AVAILABLE' says PRINCIPAL OF ALAM SHAH By -r J(UALA LUMPUR, Thurs. The Federation of Malaya AAU are in a quandary. How to accommodate 250 athletes they have invited for the Malaya open athletics
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  • 195 16 BOXING Krishnan v Sandland in 'fight of the year' SINGAPORE. Thurs— The return fight between Kri»hr»r>n Gopalan (Police) and Signanr.-in J. Sandland in the "battle of champions" organised by the Singapore Amateur Boxing Association at the Happy World on May 24 promises to be the fight of the year, unites
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  • 26 16 SUNGEI PATANI. 1 hur> The Kedah AAA wiil hold their annual chamoionships floodlights at the Darui Amnn Stadium. Alor Star, on Frid.iy. July 19.
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  • 32 16 SIA outside-left Gulam Hamid beats Niza, the Police .Depot goalkeeper, despite the efforts of Hardy (left) in trying to clear. Timesport picture by Soong Hon Sin.
    Soong Hon Sin  -  32 words
  • 178 16 SIA fight hard for full points SIA 3 DEPOT 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs.— Selangor Indian Association had to fight hard for j full points from this FA. ol Selangor League First Division match against Police Depot at Princes Road today. Depot were a goal dowi> after six minutes but they
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  • 125 16 PENANO, Thurs. There will be no centralised training tori Malayan Chinese F.A. players who meet Hong Kong Chinese in the annual Ho Ho Cup match at the City Btadlum here on June 1 The MCFA players will assemble here on May 31 The 16 players' from whom
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  • 90 16 OINGAPORE. Thurs— A iiiiisnl- ficent performance by their international goalkeeper Pham Rang saved the visiting Vietnam Customs footballers from defeat hem tonight. Singapore BeJactlOO were dtuntuckv tonight. Twice Quah Kirn Swee headed the bar and on other v' Rang made miraculous saves. 1 Customs led 1-0
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  • 195 16 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs— The vUltlng Western Australian ,-15 schoolboys soccer team m. wed here tonight for their engagement against Selangor Com- I •bined Schools at Merdeka Stadium tomorrow (6 p.m.). Team manager Harry Thayer| said his boys had learned a lot from Malayan
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  • 605 16  - MALAYA CUP CHASTENED PERAK RISE AGAIN NORMAN SIEBEL By Kuala Lumpur, Thursd?v Forces pose new challenge in the South DENANG, the defending champions, and cup- hungry Perak. play their first matches in the, Malaya Cup competition this season over the weekend, both intent on proving the strength of their challenge
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 145 16 T^^^Jg]^§M ANSWER TO IN THIS WEEK'S ixUAjMy \f Tl ri r4 ft kV7 BH^^nA THE COURTSHIP Of EDDIE S FATHER' t^JRA. ...< keirtwarmiiig, ■irthful story it i boy who had to ehooie 9sC"^O P^"S_4_fl| bride ftr hit' bickeltr'fathtr... Reid this MGM fun-hit starring Glenn Ford Sllirl Jml Stllll Stev Dma
      145 words
    • 47 16 will you let vie dAy one (*u«6«t, ju&t J KUYWEHAVE2OCENTSTOBUYTHELATESTISSUEOFKANAK 2 MALAySIA?^ I THE MAGAZINE FOR CHILDRENllj k^ YOUR CHILDREN! M^ MMM^^ M^ MM^*"^ M^ M^g The only children's magazine I•I f L^ I ttiat educates wni c Ba*aLjM entertains. <- A PREMIER PUBLICATION FROM SCHOOLS AND NEWSSTANDS
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 120 16 INK KKY S'porr junior ko linal I rrplay): Enxineer.- Base Group 5 Police 0 SOCCm Prnanit l>iv 2: Glu ROT Club 4 Pg. Indians 0. Ipoh Div. I: Municipality 3 PCRC I; Div. 2: KilHt 3 PWD 1: Div. Borneo 3 Cheng Wan 2 L. Prrak Div. 2 (T. \nsoni:
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    • 87 16 SPORTS DIARY SOCCER MALAYA CL'P: Spore Joint .Services v Pahang iJn Besar. 5.15); Kedah v Kelantan cDarul Amar. Stadium. A. Stan. SPORE DIV. 2A: Indian Brotherhood v Amtcable.s < Parrer Pk>: Kota Rajah v Big Bulan (Parrer Pk> IPOH DIV. 2: Shaw Bros v Malays (Jn Abdul Jallli: IMv. 3:
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    • 329 17 IRISH GUINEAS 'DOUBLE' AT THE CURRAGH AND NOBLESSE WINS AT YORK T ONDON, Thurs. Irish trainer Paddy Prendergast had one of the most successful days of his racing career yesterday when his horses won both the Irish 2.000 Guineas and 1.000 Guineas at The Curragh. while his
      Reuter  -  329 words
    • 514 17  - SILVER SCREEN MICKEY ROONEY IMPRESS Epsom Jeep RACING by KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs gILVER SCREEN 111 and Mickey Rooney II were in their element on a soft track here this morning. Silver Screen 111, with Lyall Harbridge up, went easily with Enjoyment 111 (apprentice Nawari) over 3f in 38 3/5. Mickey
      Reuter  -  514 words
    • 49 17 gVERTON goalkeeper Dunlop makes a vain actempt to stop this shot by Key for Fulham's only goal in the English League First Division match which Everton won by 4-1 in London last Saturday. Everton clinched the championship with this win. Reuter picture. CRICKET I
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    • 256 17 TENNIS Knight fights five-set battle PARIs Thurs. WUhelm A Bungeru the West German Davis Cup player, was the nrst seeded player to be knocked out of the French lawn tennis championships Here yesterday. Buiigcrt, the German No. 1 who was seeded 13th, lost to Jacques Rensyand (Franco 6-4, 6-2. 5-7.
      Reuter  -  256 words
    • 282 17 LONDON, Thursday. YORKSHIRE, after losing their first six wickets for less than 100, recovered against the West Indians to total 226 on the opening day of their match at Middlesbrough yesterday In reply the tourists had scored 42 for the loss of two wickets by
      Reuter  -  282 words
    • 254 17 SOCCER ROUNDUP SPURS 5 ATLETICO 1 Rotterdam Thursday TOTTENHAM Hots--1 pur, the 1962 English F.A. Cup winners, brought a major European soccer trophy to Britain for the first time when they beat Atletico Madrid 5-1 in the European Cup Winners Cup final here
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    • 65 17 LONDON. Thurs. The much-publicised "pattern of football" by which England's .soccer legislators had hoped to streamline the game to modern needs has been shelved. The agenda for the Football League annual meeting her* on June 8 foreshadows a "marking time" period to give the players "new deal" the abolition
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    • 82 17 'DOUBLE' FOR RANGERS RANGERS 3 CELTIC 0 (:LA8GOW, Thurs. Glasgow Rangers completed a League and Cup double when they beat Glasgow Celtic 3-0 in the Scottish Cup Final replay here at Hampden Park last night. Rangers, who had already clinched the Scottish League championship and a place in next season's
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    • 221 17 T ONDON. Thurs. A penalty goal by Albert Quixall five minutes from the end earned Manchester United a 1-1 draw with Manchester City in their English First Division relegation battle last nißht. A crowd of 65.000 had seen Oeorgc Harley give City the lead in the
      Reuter  -  221 words
    • 60 17 MELBOURNE, Thurs. Mr. B. K. Thomson, secretary of the Confederation of Australian Motor Sport, said here he had been advised that Donald Campbells world land speed record attempt ai Lake Eyre had been abandoned. Mr. Campbell was today on his way from his Muloorina headquarters to the
      Reuter  -  60 words
    • 118 17 AGREEMENT ON FLAG BY 'KOREAS' UONG KONG. Thurs. North and South Korea have agreed on a Joint flag for the 1964 Olympic Games in Tokyo. Kirn Xi Soo leader of an 11-member North Korean delegation, said here yesterday. The delegation arrived from Canton to discuss with their South Korean counterparts
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    • 45 17 LONDON, Thurs Results of Rugby League matches: Div. l Featherstone 30 Oldham 8. Huddersneld 35 Hull 8; Hull Kingston 13 Wlgan 34; Leeds 3 Halifax 5: Swtnton 22 Worklngton 4. Div. 2 Blackpool 30 Bradford Northern 0: Whltehaven 12 Hunslet 4. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  45 words
    • 51 17 T O.NDON, Than. Jacqueline Harbord. 19-year-old Li London girl, who turned professional only a few weeks ago, last night won the women's world professional ice skating championship at Wembley here. Mirf «vl Carrlngton. (England) regained the men's world title which he last held In 1961.
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 45 17 PRESTINOX AUTOMATIC SLIDE-PROJECTOR REMOTE-CONTROL SYSTEM LENS F/29 100 mm ■i»^ ,1"' fn ""O op«r«tion, PRESTINOX it In «im»lici» V >tt«l«. a jj mm ma ,i c lanttrn which LJ VW* Vcrv 4 n<l1 jMd ™eticulOM« detail mi •"< tm.r colour LiSiiJ C c0l "'»"t<l It locuiiki >!<••
      45 words
    • 262 17 Excellent Opportunity for investment I KIMLIN PARK One Tree Hill off Grnnjii- Koad. Sinnaport-2-Storey Semi-Detached Bungalows tf^V Price |ll*> IJF >.-? $40,500 ttSlßlfc I ifcj^^. Freehold Land Reudy For Occupation Soon Only :i few left ENG LOK MANSION N;ipicr Koad (Noar Botanic Garden) 4-STOREY LUXURY FLATS 4 Bedrooms (Two With
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  • 264 18 Boycotted BOAC airliner overflies Jakarta SINGAPORE. Thurs.— A BOAC plane overtlew Jakarta last night on its journey to Australia from Singapore following news of a boycott ot all British airlines at Kemajoran airport. Indonesian aircraft workers in Jakarta belon'4nm to thr trade union Srrbauci had previously announced their intention to
    264 words
  • 48 18 WEERT i Holland i. Thurs. three British servicemen were killed when their ear plunged into ranal here today after a collision wiih a Dutch lasi. police ieix>rt«i. A lourth serviceman, who cstaped from the eat was taken to hospital With unspeciiied injuries Rnitrr
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  • 429 18 SACKINGS PROTEST...BUT ALL GO BACK AFTER LUNCH KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. JVMPLOYEES of three Mercantile Kank branches Kuala Lumpur. Ipoh and Seremban today went on a lightning strike over dismissal of ten fellow unionists from Penang and Kuala Lumpur branches. Among the Seremban
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  • 147 18 KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. yHREE Socialist Front members were picked up 1 by the Special Branch early yesterday, according to a statement by the party headquarters here today. The arrested are Miss Chong Woon Chin, committee member of the Kuala Lumpur branch of Party Rakyat. Yon?
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  • 52 18 SINGAPORE. Thurs. A presentation ceremony of Queens Scout badges to some members of the Chinese V.M.C.A. Boy Scout* troop will be held at the association premises in South Pier on S.unday morning. Mr. Martin Chen, chairman of ihe Student and Youth Work Department will give away
    52 words
  • 147 18 LONDON. Thurs.— The West Indv-ns were shot out by Yorkshire for 109 at' Middlesbrough I today. ihe English county champions. with 226. started their second I Innings 117 runs ahead of the Tourists and by tea had scored 72 for two. It was the first tune
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • 277 18 LONDON. Thurs.— lt has been I another .«;uuiaclorv cay In the stock markets, with prices moving up on a fairly broad front In respi rise to selective buying Closing middle prices of selected stork* not Including stamp duty were: Consol.'V, £4515/16 -3/16 Funding £93\ -t-I/16 War 3S r
    277 words
  • 55 18 LONDON. Thurs. Spot 22 1 16d..i June 22 9/ltid. July 22 9/16 d. Aug. 22 9 I(hj. July/ Sept. 22 9/16 d.. Oct./ Dec. 22 \d.. Jan. Mar. 22\ci Apr. June 22 «d. July/Sept 22 9 16d.. Oct./ Dec. 22 9'16d.. c l.f May unquoted. June 22 3/ifti.. July
    55 words
  • 27 18 LONDON. Thurs. Buyers £907-.., sellers 1908. Forward i buyers £907'j. sellers £908. Settle- ment £908. Turnover a m. 95 ton*, j p.m 75 tons. Tone: Steady.
    27 words
  • 24 18 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs Malayan newspapers today collected SI 258.30 for the National Patriotic Fund, bringing its total to date to $631,781.32.
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  • 211 18 JAKARTA, Thurs. i J President Soekarno, ii; an announcement issued here today, ordered the Indonesian press to write only contructive stories, otherwise it would be seized! or destroyed. The announcement, called •presidential decision on the preservation of the press." Mid that newspapers and magazines
    Reuter  -  211 words
  • 41 18 US $2.O4 PER ORBIT MAJOR COOPER is corning USS2.O4 per orbit and if he completes his full 22 orbits, he will have earned U5544.88 dollars his regular U.S. Air Force I officer's poy. There is Ino bonus for space flight. Reuter.
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  • 1 18
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 34 18 20 Word* --Hi i Vim mum > 3 fresh delights! FRASER NEAVE ORANGE DRINKS Made from the fresh juice of delicious, sun-ripened oranges.» Full of goodness. ..full of real orange flavour. tflßSSrew* ftj^JL L. '^■^v
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 41 18 UIGHEST and lowest temperature* in Malaya and Singapore for the period 8 p.m. on Wednesday to 8 p.m. yesterday: Highest lowest Kuala Lumpur 91 75 Kota Bli;iru 91 75 J)0 77 Ipoh 91 75 Malacca 88 73 Singapore 90 73
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