The Straits Times, 5 May 1963

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 THE STRAITS TIMES in NO. 1.440 SUNDAY. MAY 5. 1963 20 CENTS KDN 355.
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  • 469 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat PAIN fell in many parts of Malaya today but not in the worst drought areas. Kuala Lumpur nad two inches this aftprnoon. This morning rain fell In Ipoh. Singapore and Penang. The Meteorological Station hrre predicted dry weather with afternoon thunder
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  • Article, Illustration
    89 1 AS every growing girt knows, there are a number oi social accomplishments she must acquire. But in Transvaal, South Airica, the list reads somewhat strange. For liow can a girl to troubled African contitroubled African Continent without being a crack pistol shot? These girls (left to right:
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  • 48 1 So good to see you LONDON. Sat. Three brother*, after not meeting for five years, today had their second reunion within two days in court. The brothers, aged 69 to 75 had a reunion yesterday. Today they were given an absolute discharge after pleading guilty to being drunk.
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  • 12 1 wishes all Its Muslim readers Selamat Hari Raya Haji.
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  • 336 1 Govt acts on two detainee citizens SINGAPORE. Sat. The Government has taken action to deprive two political detainees. Chok Koh Thong and Chang Chan Chuan. of their citizenship. The Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Home Affairs, Mr. S.T. Stewart, has served notices on the detainese informing them of t&g
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  • 33 1 and her husband. Angus Ogilvy. were reproved by .six British Labour M.P.s for deciding to honeymoon in Spain ?o soon nf:er the Franco Government had executed Julian Grtm.m. Spanish Communist lender
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  • 149 1 Pinched by a birdie: 4,000 golf balls MELBOURNE. Sat. K black crow has stolen about 4.000 golf balls from Sydney's Lakes Golf Course in the last four years, golfer Peter Thomson said today. Thomson, four times winner of the British open, said in a story under his byline In todays
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  • 33 1 17-year-old daughter of iTunwHat Billy Gra.iam. was married to Steplian Ychividjian. 23. son of an Armenian-bom financier, at Monireux. Switzerland. Her f.ithrr officiated at the ceremony and also gave her away.
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  • 19 1 British Drpuly Foreign Sccirtary arrived in Berlin by air ywirrday from Hanover lor a two-day viml.
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  • 42 1 NEW YORK. Sat.— The U.S. Pickle Packers' Association yesterday picked Dill L. Pickle as pickle packer of the year, because he was to introduce Dill Pickle ice-cream at Pickle s Dairy Bar in Hollandale, Mississippi. 'RESPONSIBLE— TRIBUTE BY ZAID!
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  • 465 1  -  YAP CHIN KWEE: Exclusion attempt made at MTUC conference lost by 109 votes to 11 Kuala Lumpur, Sat By A MOVE to expel the Press from the MTUC special delegates conference here today was overwhelmingly rejected. The voting was 109 to 11. The move to
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  • 132 1 RAZAK TOURS CAPE CANAVERAL CAPE CANAVERAL. Sat Tun Abdul Razak bin Huss*ln, Deputy Prime MirOstw nf Malaya. ye,sterterday toured the Cape Canaveral space installations, including the launch pad from which America's next astronaut is due to be launched later this month. Tun Razak. who 15 also the Malayan Defence Minister,
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 2 a.m. NEWS
    • 469 1 Malaysia can't be a threat, says Lord Lansdowne LONDON. Sat. Lord Lansdowne. Minister of State for Colonial AifairsKtold a Conservative Commonwealth Council conference here today that any suggestion thai the proposed Federation of Malaysia wa.s a to Indonesia *.v, plete rubbish Lord Lansdownr speaking during a d
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 118 1 CVMA U A FINE SELECTION jL OF CYMA Ladies Watches vl^ v _y Including Diamond T^jt—^ajF Ones are always Available at H »CMOOLJ> FO M i,li«l« Ftoc* Vm^m'i'i T*k 77M« MfMIM Shelltox Aerosol is to easy JT/// to use. Just press the button mmm mmmmmmm tor instant results against all
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    • 81 1 DELUXE j^^* 0 Smmm EXCLUSIVE Famous Mix-Finder dial LARGER places 12 Mixing^ BOWL-FIT speeds at the user's BEATERS fingertips i INSURE EVEN Available in White. Red. UNIFORM MIXING Chrome and Cream Automatic Beater Ejector lets user remove beaters eawly without tugging or twisting Automatic 1,,.^ 4 qt bowl-speed control tnd
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  • 352 2 NEW ANGLE A_HAPPY FATHER THANKS TENGKU The shy quad PRIME MINISTER SENDS HIM AND HIS BROTHERS $100 FOR HARI RAYA BUT OMAR (6) WONT ACCEPT GIFT SINGAPORE. Sat. Happy Inche Kasban bin Sabaet. father of Sineapore's well-known quadruplets Abu, Omar, Osman and All today said "thank you" to Tengku Abdul
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  • 954 2 Dr. SIVA: 'A TIMID MAN WHO DIDN'T KNOW WHAT HE WAS SAYING' Counsel and DPP make final submissions in corruption ease: Judgment on Tuesday KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday T)R. S. Sivasithamparam, who faces a corruption charge, was today described as a "little man, timid and shy" who wanted to tele phone
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  • 31 2 BATU GAJAH. Sat— The Yuk Kwan Public Chinese School here will hold ;i food and fun fair in aid of 1U building fund on May 35 and 2*.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 124 2 K m JOP\ T Pn ICC f" P\ I Q '^^W^ /Or f~* f^ /"""N I *^v I /-^v f f x-N r- lI7iiTRA^C/l mJ a ]|_J| I I ill L 3 r Hit* ||lll»' r M Nl \v/ ffar* f JBb&&'. .«ln£: olnui /^m'l^B pill bllaoc Ullc UULLIC Ul
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  • 316 3 A PENANG INVITATION FOR STAR pENANG, Sat. Film star William Holden, now on the "Year of the Dragon" set in Kuala Lumpur, is to be invited to help pick "Miss Penang" at a beauty pageant at the Penang Chinese Girls' High School or May 31. "We
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  • 34 3 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat.— The Ex-Services Association of Malaya has been made an affiliate of the World Veterans Federation. Its presideut, Haji K. Mushlr Arlff is now attending the W.V.P. conference in Copenhagen.
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  • 87 3 TN startling contrast to her appearance as chief bridesmaid at Princess Alexandra's wedding when she wore her hair "up," Princtss Anne wore jeans and her hair down when she went with the Queen to Smith's Lawn. Wind- sor, to watch
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  • 49 3 SINGAPORE. Sat.— The Sunday Times today received SSO from Madam Nis Wah Khan for Mrs. Mok Koh Cheee. widowed mother of eight, bringing the total of her fund to $418. In let'.rr. Madam Ne said: "I hope mv little contribution will help to cheer Mrs Koh
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  • 166 3 SINGAPORE, Saturday. 'pHE Government and the Photographic Society of Singapore are working together on the production of an "album" before Ma- laysia emerges. This was announced by the Prime Minister. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, when he opened the society's 14th International Salon of Photography
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  • LEiIES
    • 97 3 Ramlee may sue., 'but is it worth while?' If UALA LUMPUR, Sat.— Actor P. Ramlee is thinking of suing a Medan newspaper for its "vicious" report that Tengku Abdul Rahman had "taken away" his singer wife. Saloma. Ramlee, who met the Tengku last night, said: "Saloma and I are seeking
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    • 62 3 IPOH. Sat—About 10.000 people were X-rayed free by a Ministry of Health unit which visited Ipoh last month. Thrv included hawkers, food handlers and schoolchildren. domestic servants and housewives. The Ipoh Municipal Council had hoped that all the hawkers In town would take the opportunity for free X-rays, but "over
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    • 55 3 MALACCA. Bat. Another mass X-ray campaign will be held in the State for people above 15 years from Thursday to Saturday. The X-ray unit will be at the Government dispensary. Alor Gaiah. on Thursday. and on Friday at the Ujong Pasir Malay School, and on Saturday at •the Government outdoor
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    • 57 3 IPOH. Sat—The Ipoh Municipal Council's $40,000 traffic playground In Coronation Park will soon get its own miniature vehicles costing about $5,000. Having created the six-acf playground to instil road sense Into the youths of Ipoh. tt\* council has placed orders for 12 chain-driven tricycles, six junior bicycles for boys and
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    • 56 3 PENANG. Sat. Penan* UMNO has planned an elaborate programme for the party* 17th anniversary celebrations to be held in UMNO Hall. MacAllster Road, at 8 p.m. next Saturday. The Minister of Agriculture and Co-operatives. Inche Mohamed Khir Joharl, a vicepresident of UMNO, and Syed .la a far Albar. UMNO Publicity
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    • 45 3 MALACCA. Sat.—Pour mm were produced in court here today on a charge of committing armed robbery with the use of a revolver on Tuesday at Jalan Bachang. They were alleged to have robbed Teo Kirn Yam of $30 in cash. They were remanded until Thursday.
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    • 57 3 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat.—The Thai Ambassador. Nai Thitinant Na Ranong, will open an exhibition of 100 paintings and drawings by five well-known Thai artists at the National Art Gullery here oYi May 13. The exhibition, sponsored by the Arts Council, will be open to the public from 10 a.m. to 6.30
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  • 108 3 SINGAPORE'S RECREATION PLAN PRAISED SINGAPORE. Sal— An American recreation expert 10--dny described Singapore's expansion on recreation laciliues as "extra-ordinary planning." "I am very much impressed In- your >rJiphnws *n leadersliio training." ±a\A Dr. Thomas E. Rivers, Olrector-General and founder of the International Recreation Association in New York. Dr. Rivers, who
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  • 57 3 Killed— in crash with hearse KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Police today appealed for eyewitnesses of a motor accident in which a scoot erist was killed in a head-on collision with a hearse a the Junction of Malacca Street and Church Street this morning. Kuang Boon Yong. 20. a shop assistant, died
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  • 402 3 IT HAS always been a source of puzzlement to me that such a talented team as the Naval Base Singers should restrict their repertoire to Gilbert and Sullivan. I would be the very last to denigrate the two Grand Old Men of the Victorian musical theatre (for
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  • 197 3 'MAKE K.L. A CITY ON MALAYSIA DAY' CALL KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. \JALAYSIA Day August 31 is being suggested as the day on which Kuala Lumpur should be granted city status. The suggestion is made by the Federal, Capital Commissioner, Haji Ismail bin Panjang Aris, who is taking up the matter
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  • 80 3 BLAZING CARS: WAS IT A FIRE-BUG? QINGAPOKE. Sat Firebugs are believed to be responsible for the $5,000 damage caused to three cars, two motor-cycles and two scooters near the City Council quarters in Clemenceau Avenue yesterday A passing motorist found the vehicles on fire at 3 a.m. Prompt arrival of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 249 3 £ea Master SHIRTS ON GUARANTEE GUARANTEED all Stomottcr Shirts ore mod* tram Sonromed or pre ihrunk fabrics thus ernurinq tomi fit uft9t constant wear. GUARANTEED all SHmailir Shirts or* mada in perfect American silt style standards thus •nsurina prrtact Jit. GUARANTEED all Scamastar Shirts art batter <>itchtd than any othtr
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    • 201 3 Pages Comics 19, 20 Features 13 Films 9 I I For Women 14 I Leader Page. 6 I Jane Lee 15 Know Alls U Motoring 17 I Photo 15 I J Profit 8 J Stars 18 Serial 16. 17 fW! sarong* CRISS-CROSS STRAPLESS^^BRA \j^M^^ matter x^__^x how active you
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    • 90 3 </<9u Can't wait jft^/A^fr to 4A&W dO HVfIILHBLE (IT LERDING PHOTO DEftLERS 1 X x f I w Tne only toothbrush witra L j* I "Germ Fighter" action wnicn I g T ll repels and destroys germfl ■ll\-^*"~" 1 r> West's is the largest selling toothiIIy"" ll brush in the
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  • Article, Illustration
    490 4 pREQL'ENTLY. in my correspondence, on dealers' signs. in newspapers and so on. I find (he word •"Aquarium" being spelled incorrectly, with a "C m it. as "Acquanum." Tim, you will tay. is understandable in a place where so many lan.'w«i«j are spoken and among 'hem English is the
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  • 836 4  -  ROY MACK Territorial reserve comes in to train By TOMORROW they will be working: in shops and factories in Britain, driving buses and trains, putting the finishing touches to accounts or, perhaps, laying electric cables in holes in the road. Until :i lew days ;igo, they
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 213 4 w < World knowledge, World experience, leads to World trtst, life ||t is why Malayan mothen feed their babies on LACTOGEN with "Jiis c complete confidence that only the name Nestis can give tlwn. f^ LACTOGEN develops fine healthy infants, with strong bones and teeth, healthy skin texture and good
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    • Article, Illustration
      78 5 Burton so angry? 'I' HE play: Real life. A The scene: Platform 8, Paddington Station in London. Enter film star Elizabeth "Cleopatra" Taylor and Richard Burton separately. They meet, and'they The waiting camera flashes and a very angry Burton turns round to glare at the cameraman. Miss Taylor,
      Mirrorpic  -  78 words
    • 190 5 Nikita's heir has a stroke MOSCOW. Sat. A brain haemorrhage apparently has ended Mr. Frol Kozlov's hopes of becoming Premier of the Soviet Union when Mr. Khrushchev steps down, diplomatic! sources here said today. The 54-year-old second secretary of the Communist Party central committee the final and supreme authority in
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    • 50 5 31-year-old Jamaican, was sent for trial to the Old B;uley. London, charged with causing grievous bodily harm to model Christine Keller, the "ousting witness" at the trial of her former boy friend. Johnny Edgecombc. also a Jamaican, who was -ailed for shooting at the door of her flat.
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    • 34 5 Mark and Michael Genovrve. of Winston-Salem. North Carolina, were six months old and 101 b 6oz. heavier yestrrday. They are loined at the top of the head and arc still in hospital
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    • 24 5 Canada's new Primp Minister, has been appointed a member of the Privy Council. 1: was announced from Buckingham Palace. London, yesterday.
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    • 401 5 SOEKARNO: NO MORE TERRITORIAL AMBITIONS FROM THE WORLD'S CAPITALS J£OTA BAKU (West Irian), Sat. President Soekarno told a mass rally today Indonesia wants to win the respect of the rest of the world and has no more territorial ambitions. He arrived here this morning in a Russianbuilt cruiser, the Irian.
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    • 26 5 Britain's Chief of Derence Staff, left New Delhi following "talks with all those concerned with the problems of India's defence against ihe Chinese threat."
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    • 42 5 said in Nice he Is being plagued by dozens of telephone calls daily from would-be inventors, who want to take him up on a poking remark that h» would save a lot of time if lie could paint by machin*.
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    • Article, Illustration
      66 5 'THEY meet and they kiss. This was the scene on Platform 8 that Burton and Miss Taylor didn't want photographed. Until the camera flashed, no-one else seemed to have noticed who the fond couple were. The pictures were taken recently when Miss Taylor met Burton on his arrival from
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    • 41 5 the former S.S. colonel who rescued Mussolini from Allied hands in 1943. denied in Madrid that he had ever sold arms to Egypt or was recruiting former Nazis for service in Nasser's armed forces and on experimental rocket sites.
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    • 39 5 a 23-year-old girl of mixed race, was Jailed two years in Durban for attempting to have sexual relations with a Dutch sraman. Under South Africa's immorality laws, whites and non-whites are forbidden to have sexual relations together
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    • 98 5 MORE THAN 40 DIE IN PLANE CRASH SAO PAULO. (Brazil). Sat. —A crippled twin-en-gined Brazilian airliner crashed into a number of houses and set them afire last night soon after taking off from Sao Paulo on a flight to Rio de Janeiro. Estimates of the dead ranged from 41 to
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    • 25 5 former British Ambassador to France, told a meeting m Norfolk that only in Alliance with the U.S. could Western EuroDe defend her independence.
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    • 21 5 of Denmark, accompanted by Queen Ingrld and .Princess Benedikte. arrived In Teheran for a seven-day state visit to Persia.
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    • 176 5 WORLD BANK AND NINE COUNTRIES OFFER $1,275 MILLION LOANS WASHINGTON. Sat.-The "aid-to-Paktstan" consortium yesterday pledged a total of $1,275 ml.lion in foreign assistance for the fourth year of Pakistan's current five-year plan. Ending a two-day meeting here, the World Bank and the nine countries lnclud-ii'-K Japan,
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    • 350 5 -Millions throughout Asia are hit by drought BANGKOK. Sat. I I \IALAYA is not the only country hit by drought. The livelihood of millions is threatened as freak weather continues to bedevil large area from Japan to Pakistan. But while South-Esst Asia awaits an apparently reluctant monsoon, Asia's two giants.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 198 5 ****~m Advertisement— IfflK When you return irom your holiday your home will be absolutely cock-roach-free if you powder the floors before you go* away. Pea-Beu non-poi-sonous, odourless cockroach powder should be used because cockroaches will roam around in it unsuspectingly and be wiped out. Speedy relief wH and all paint
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    • 382 5 HHfc--t H tJ I p^l H tP^ x I _!._*>.-■' i RBBS TVI ETHYL BENZINE THE POWERFUL FUEL USED IN AVIATION PETROL, AND IN SUPERSHELL BY WORLD-CHAMPION RACING DRIVERS* You can really feel the major increase Now, New Supershell contains Methyl quicker acceleration, prompt overtak in total power when you
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  • 42 6 H Muids (11 (Minimum) FREE MAKE-UP TwmtVl At I Kr.mty Kar at Aurora. in kits and ad- HIM Doiuthy Kllduft. DOROTHY CRAY BaaMJ Bperlallrt Mis Ann. Sun ill ba in attt-ndam it Rabiaai to Hive ir>e Can and Muki-Lu from utii.
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  • 362 6 DON'T WASTE WATER rWILL be June before our fields of padi will bend again before the fury of the monsoon rains. A dull, dirty brown has settled on land and if the met men are to be believed it will stay there all this month of May. The drought in
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  • Letter from Helen...
    • 664 6 ABU bin ADAM IT takes a fly guy to catch old Abu. Mat Jampok: May his tribe increase. The other morning, on my day off. I was parked on my verandah reading "Lady Loverley's Chatter" when happening to glance up I saw two girls and a boy approaching. The mrls
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    • 140 6 WOMEN AND DRINK rfHANK you very much for Tai Sing Onus "Women and Drink" (Sunday Times. April 28). 1 did not know what an old fuddy duddy I was till I read that article. High days and holidays, -weddings and christenings I have been refusing anything stronger than
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    • 101 6 T*AI SING ONN'S discovery M. is no discovery. For 35 years I have worked on a rubber plantation and there is nothing in the evening that the women, both Indian and Chinese, like better than a Ion? pull at the arrack The idea that only the sophisticated women of the
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    • 195 6 IN THE AIR DESTINATION Asia" by Ken Hammonds. (Sunday Times. April 28 > performed a most useful service to the public. As you so rightly say. Hong Kong is one of the favourite places for a visit by Malayans, and as one concerned with Malaya's own national airline. Malayan Airways,
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  • Article, Illustration
    866 6  -  K. BASKARAN REMEMBER LIFE LOOKING BACK TO DAYS BEFORE PROGRESS WENT INTO TOP GEAR •How life has improved By KUALA LUMPUR TIME flies, it is said. So fast that 10 years ago seems like yesterday. How long does 10 years seem in your life? Look around and
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  • 214 6 IN THE chart on the left, you see how four different pec t of life have developed over a period of 10 years and how these developments reflect the riae in the standard of living that is taking place in Singapore today. Though the figures given refer specifically to Singapore,
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  • 389 6  - A SOFT HEART. BUT THAT'S NOT ENOUGH By MABEL KONG Malaya's N«w Writer Mo. 77 Of Kuala Lumpur, who Mant the SjO priic lor the be*l e*M> on the subject: "Should Mala a M I p A Uiaatt* r I und?" The other pti/r-«mnn was published last Sunda>. jyiALAYA Mas
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 620 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. I You emn hand in your clntiijiod ad, to any onm of COLD STORAGE SHOPS throughout MALAYA ««</ SINGAPORE CAMERON HIOMLANOB Cold Stortf* (at) IX, SB Tanalt rUta. ■TON Cold Storac* (M) Lt«_, 1» Clara StrML ■UsM CoM aursaa laf) LiMVt IU Naw Rom. «OTA BHAP»U Cold IHWII
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    • 99 6 'NJDA^; BliiTmTTimß^ I flilll J* TELLS YOU WHAT MALAYANS MjjdIUIIUI,/ llijfljy ARE THINKING AND SAYING ®TV RECEIVER u«u its* Featuring a wide »cretn lhat it brighter and easier to watch I Tti« Avt*«i«*c (rightf Cwrtrsl (AIC) Wimn iK» knfklnttl •< Iht t«* KrMK |im »hi«a it J«u«««rf >lfWm ik. wh.l.
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  • 543 7 A chief clerk jailed BREACH OF TRUST -OF $1,500 rTELOK ANSON, Sat. A former chief clerk in the Health Office here with 22 years' service, Jalaluddin bin Mohamed Aroof, 45, was yesterday sent enced to a total of 13 months imprisonment and a fine o $1,759 or another seven months
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  • 214 7 British bride ollows old China custom PENANG, Sat.— An English secretary from London offered her I hinese mother in law the traditional cup of tea at a formal introduction ceremony which followed her marriage to a Penang chartered accountant today. The bride. formerly Miss Rosemary Angela Fitzsimon. 23. (above) of
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  • 70 7 BRUNEI TOWN. Bat The Government here has approved a ■rant 01 $14,000 to enable the Boy Scouts Association to send eight members to the 11th world Jamboree in Oreece In July and August this year. The State Commissioner of Scouts. Mr. P. A. Coatee, said
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  • 236 7 Gamba: Our fair deal labour system CINGAPORE. Sat. Dr. Charles Gamba. president of the Industrial Arbitration Court, has praised the State's protective measures to ensure fair and equitable treatment for all. Dr. Gamba. now on a lecture tour of the U.S., told Harvard University law students yesterday: "It Is doubtful
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  • 112 7 DEMOCRACY: A CONTEST BY THE USJS CINGAPORE. Sat. Th« U.S. Information Service here is holding an essay contest to mark the 175 th anniversary of th* signing of the American Constitution. The essay In English, of not mote than 1.000 words and will be on "What Constitutional Oovernment Means to
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  • 50 7 SINOAPORE. Sat. Three 18-year-old boys were accused today on a Joint charge of stealing a car belonging to Lee Kiat. of Henderson Road, on April 12. Quek Cheng Wah, Le* Han Poh and Liew Hong Kiang, who pleaded not guilty were allowed $2,000 bail.
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  • 27 7 KUALA LUMPUR. S«t.— The Embassy of the United Arab Republic here will be closed for four Oays from tomorrow in view of Hari Ray* Haji.
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  • 106 7 Ex-master is now airline's secretary CINGAPORE. Sat Mr. Gerald Fernandez, a former master at the Victoria Institution. Kuala Lumpur, has joined Malayan Airways as its secretary and legal officer. Mr. Fernandez, a Klrkbytralned teadier. has a B.Sc (Economics) degree from London University and has been called to the' Bar. He
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  • 106 7 TODAY— Bedili Kechil 7.44 a.m. 6.3 ft i 7.51 pan. f 6.4 ft Singapore 8.04 a.m. i 7.3 f t) 9.43 pjn. (7.6 ft): Port Bickson 4.84 a.m. (7.oft > 5.06 o.m. < 7.Bft Port Swettenham 3.48 a.m. < 10.9 ft i 4.05 p.m.
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  • 77 7 IPOH. S«t.— The Perak Adventurers' Club, the first of iv kind In the Federation, wag formed at a meeting in the Young Women's Christian Association here last night. Mr. Andrew Lock May Wah was elected president. Others elected are: Mr. R. K. Peter, vice-president: Miss Marls Llew,
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  • 38 7 PENANG Sat.— Death kept off the road*, in Penang in April the first death-free month this year. There wa» also a general decrease In the number of accidents, compared with the preceding months.
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  • 214 7 THE VASSALL AFFAIR r PHE publication of Lord 1 Radcllffe's report in Britain last Thursday is unlikely to mark the end of the Vassall Affair. Two many critical Issues have been involved. There was Vassall himself, yet another spy In the British Admiralty, now serving an 18-year sentence. The questions
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  • 30 7 SINOAPORE. Sat.— Thr Acting Chief Justice. Mr. Justice Tan Ah Tah. has apporued Mr. M. Karthlgesu and Mr. O. S. Hill, members of tie Supreme Court Rules Committee.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 130 7 A WEDDING IN HONG KONG TO KEEP A VOW \Jmr JC^Jfc W >&^. rvvo Singaporeans. Mr. Albert Lo Thau '^■JtaK hM Chung and Miss Wong Choon Hwa -•e^-w WeiU t0 HOnR KOtlg last WCek tO < et married at the Civil Registry to keep a *^B V»JH five-veor-old vow. They
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    • 471 7 I A Nl y one power controls your I destiny— a strange force sleeping I in your mind. Awaken it! Com- I JiF? mand it to obey you! Push I Vj^ fl obstacles aside and attain your I JHt fondest hopes and ideals. Lrt I fl the Rosicrucians show you
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  • 68 8 MR. Acker Bilk wearing a Malayan sohtfkok, is met by members of the Maori Hi-Five, a showband from New Zealand, on arrival at London airport from his tour of Singapore and Australia. The* Maoris, in lull native costume and with painted
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  • 215 8 TEAM FROM CANADIAN COLLEGE SEEKS FACTS ABOUT MALAYA KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. A 17-man Canadian National Defence College delegation arrived here today In a Royal Canadian Air Force Comet on a fourday study tour of the economic, political and defence set-up of this country. The visit which
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  • 179 8 Boon or blot: What do you think A NEW Malaya, architectA urally speaking. Is taking shape before your eyes In Singapore the heart of the city is being rebuilt. In Kuala Lumpur new buildings constantly spring up to alter the capital's skyline. The same Is true of our smaller towns.
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  • 55 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat.— Mrs. James Puthucheary has given bir'.h to a baby boy at the Bungsar VVard of the General HosDltal hero. She Is the wife of the Barisan Rostaiis adviser now under detention nwe. The baby has been named Juares The Puthuchearys already have a
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  • 46 8 PENANO. Sat. Mr. D S. Ramanathan. leader of the Opposition in the State Legislative Assembly and a fonnei Mayor of George Town, will speak on "A Christian and his role in politics" at the monthly dinner of the Penang Methodist Men's Fellowship on Monday
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  • 42 8 SINOAPORE. Sat. Police Inspector E Mahadevan will marry Miss Elizabeth Linus, a London-trained midwife at the Life Church in Oilstead Road on May 11. The reception will be held at the P and N Hall in River Valley Road
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  • 122 8 PENANG, Sat—Penan k Old Frees entertained Mr. J.M.B. Hughes. retiring headmaster of the Penang Free School, to a farewell dinner last nieht He and his wife were the first cucsts to he feted at the association's new building In Northam Road "We are
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  • 291 8 Tin leaps up— but once burnt, twice shy I 0 DO voi have a query or doubt? Write lo: The CM) Kdifor, Sunday Tfm*v Times Ilousr, Kivcr Valley Road. Singapore 9. ITP AND UP went the Straits tin price last week. On Friday it stood at $461.50 the highest for
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  • 52 8 SINGAPORE. Siit— Ding Siau Ngong, a youth from Sltiawan, Perak. was tentatively charged in a magistrate's court here today with making preparations with six others to commit robbery at the Queensway Secondary School In Margaret Drive at 10.30 a.m. yesterday. He was remanded for
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  • 304 8 SINGAPORE. Sat.— Combined I business in the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of ihe Malayan stock exchange today. with the number of the shares traded in brackets. I INDUSTRIALS: Boustead (4.000) $1.59. Dunlops (1.000 1 13.77. (2.0001 $2.78: East Smelting (1.000) $3.28. (I.OOOi $3.30: Esso (1.000) $3.59:
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  • 44 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat.— The president of the Sessions Court here. Syed Hassan Al-JeSil. today requested that all those required to appear in courts on Monday to come on Tuesday. Monday has been declared a public holiday for Harl Raya Hajl.
    44 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 268 8 ELEGANCE UNSURPASSED ghpAf l^ M •<*-!■ rtn CO*»v—. n.scCN**. J There are more expensive gifts than this, but none quite so impressive! This is the remarkable Parker 61.. .a gift of beauty and elegance'that will be cherished for years. Its tine quality is recognized immediately.. .apparent in the buperb
      268 words
    • 69 8 SKY SCRAPER TWO BLOCKS (11 Storey) jf£ bothroomi attached H NJfr~floW ft Rk I I I MORE THAN Wj Ij j nLJI^^V Safe and fast electric lifts Telephone Gas Water Electricity Large Car Parking Space PILING. WORK HAS COMMENCED: CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS PRICES: Frta $28,500/- ni upwards TERMS: CASN ir
      69 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 171 8 rises df^L r^>m^^s^m in 4 /i-Uf P t^\*?^\ B*vStr 111 3 /C? 7 I Wi«. WCCKI Tse AfMt iM Iggrty [-re-uc a Now at JSr'jfT&ri&t'tf&h m year On your TV today CINGAPORE. Sun. Here's the Petulant Partner: 1 10.15 TV programme for today: 7.15 p.m. Opening and program- laciory. a
      171 words

    7 words
  • 69 9 I HAVE been talking to David Niven about exQueen Soraya. the capital of whoso ambition now seems to be Hollywood. He said: "I think she should have a bash if she's really got the urge. But somebody should warn her that starting a movie career Is like
    69 words
  • 104 9 Mri'. Khoo Tionc Lip nrr MMMI Chun Linn NM urcrd 76 years passed away pracrfullly on 4-0-63 at 31-A Kun PonK Koiid leaving behind 6 «on«. 3 tfaughtrri, 3 nons-ln-lmw, 8 dauich-tfrs-in-la« and 43 Krandrhlldrrn. Kuneral on v...«.i at 11 m. MRS. CUI SOO ANN nrr Mant.irrt died
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  • 924 9  - The two words I HATE... KEN HAMMONDS WENDY, WOLVES AND WEDDINGS Candid talk by a singer By CURVY, redheaded singer Wendy Todd and I made ourselves comfortable in the assistant manager's office, and discussed men and why she thinks marriage and a show business career don't mix. We were at
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 519 9 t WISH ALL TMIIR MUSLIM I PATRONS t SELAMAT HARI RAYA HAJI g i Tfc 'K,mr% t OPENS TOIlAi: 4 Ham 1.30 4 00 6 30 A 9.30pm 4 MYLENE DEMONGEOT GERARD BARRAY V^Bl^aaf am> :of the musketeers: I Fl copr Technicolor I with Chin««e Subtitles 4 I Plu*' Special
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    • 65 9 MM| Miss Elizabeth Taylor is anxious to imHCjfl flnd another film to do in England ma\WammmM to earn her style of pocket money while Mr. Richard Burton makes "Becket" there. I predict she'll settle for Penelope Mortimer's "The Pumpkin Eater" the story of a housewife's nervous breakdown, which was serialised
      65 words
    • 66 9 SELAMAT HARI RAYA HAJI! All Free Lilt. Cancelled Today 11 a.m.: (MGM) WHERE THI »OY$ ARI" Tomorrow I I 0.m.: (UA) •Shok« Hands With Tha Devil" For xV^N^ Jewellery m Pearls and Diamonds SB LEEONN JEWELLERS 206-208, South Bridge Road. Singapore. Tel: *****.***** iSialaa) Today: 3 30-715-130 a.m. "•AK »OH
      66 words
    • 350 9 i HPU SINGAPORE SIMULTANEOUSLY C.\*f"\af KCA NEXT CHANGE slvT 4 SHOWS DAILY llJji 3 SHOWS DAILY 10 JO, 1.45. 530&8 45 1 .45, 530&845 p m. aj I I N.B. Opening Day ft Sunday Extro 10.30 om Sr- ow at SKY I N °W AT NORMAL PRICK! "t^^kaaW X
      350 words

  • 164 10 GIANT-KILLERS DANIEL AND NICHOLS WILL CLASH TODAY SXPORE. Sat. n.miPl Lim scored the Lionel upset in the Singapore Lawn Tenni> Association's hard court championshlDB when he Pllminated lourth-seeded G. T. ir 1-6. 6-3. 6-1 in the quarter-flnali at Tangliu tod:i\\ Dasitel will meet John Nichols who toppled top- TS Kirn
    164 words
  • 333 10 lONDON, Sat—Everton J remained at the top of the First Division table when they beat lowly Rolton Wanderers I—o1 —0 today, r.vrrtnn lead with .">7 points from 40 games. Tottenham Hotspurs. 4 —l winners at home to Sheffield United. are three point. behind
    333 words
  • 101 10 BRISTOL. Sat. The W«M Indians were shot out for 89 here by Gloucestershire toda;-. but hit back to claim five of the county's wickets for 35 runs by tea. Past bowler Charlie Griffith, top scorer for the tourists with 22. claimed all five Gloucestershire wickets which
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 82 10 Darshan and Perera —shine OINGAPORE? Sat —Civilians took a 63-run lead at the end of the first day's play in the annual SCA match for junior tournament players j against Services at Net' Soon 1 today. Civilians, batting for 135 minutes, were all out for 134 with Darfthan Singh (54>
    82 words
  • 72 10 SOCCER TOl'R MATCH: Stno-Malay* v Customs, S. Vietnam (Jn Bebar. 7 p.m.). SAFA DIV. 2C: T. Kurau v Haikowyu (Jn Besar 5.30 > Maxwell v Stable Boys (Farrer Pk»: Div. 3D: Katonc v Airport (Far- rer Pk): Amicables "A" v RAF Tengah "A" (Ferrer Pk): Reformative v Kpg
    72 words
  • 2047 10 Young Nawab and Legis Lass land shocks DAY OF CLOSE FINISHES AND GOOD DIVIDENDS AT PENANG RACES npWO big upsets highA lighted the racing here this afternoon when Young Nawab and Legis Lass won to pay three-figure dividends. Young Nawab. well ridden by Kitson Leong, took the last race over
    2,047 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 193 10 twtvfat \bu get 17 flights every week by B/% A J* ROLLS Oaf ROLLS-ROYCE R JE I S M W RQYCE 8 EASTBOUND 9 WESTBOUND %Skttkltt Mr* Fly jn the supreme comfort and reliability of Rolls-Royce Comets or 707s EAST BOUND I WEST BOUND ALL OVER THE WORLD ARR DEP
      193 words
    • 208 10 i2-> WOntsSi2 Minimum) CHIANG— LEE: Between Lone Bu. second I o Mrs. Chianc J, on Tianu and Nancy Ah Moy. only d o the late Mr. and Mn. Lee See Teo on 5.5.63. ACKMMVI.I IH.MEXT MRS TAN CHONG BEO aid family thank all relatives and friends for their condolences, assistance,
      208 words
    • 368 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS KEMKNTERIAN PERTAIIAN AN MIMSTKV Off Dl RNCEI .1. The Federation Army, tIM Royal Malayan Navy and ilia Royal Malayan Air Force require .suitable candicates for short Service Commissions. The RMAF require only potential pilous. 2. Applicants mu.'-t have the following qualifications: a. Federation Arrm U) Be aced between
      368 words

  • 1500 11 Go nap on Pasir Puteh— K.L. form is above Class 2 PENANG, Saturday. DEST bet at Penan? today is Pasir Puteh in the 13 Class 2, Div. 1, 7f handicap (Race 7). This Smokey Eyes five-year-old has all the makings of a topflight sprinter. First time out at Kuala Lumpur
    1,500 words
  • 178 11 Epsom Jeeps best bets arc Noble Gesture (Race 1). Honey Bee (Race 4) and Pasir Puteh (Race 7). The. going is fast. V. GESTURE K. GESTURE I CHOK PAVONG Kwel rirtrrni-l Httnri Ni.hle Gesture Chor I'avonc lior l'.i\onc I'irternel 11. CHANCE 11. < HAM I D. CHANCE Race
    178 words
  • 1527 11 Race One: 2.0— Cl 3 Dlv 1-5-^ 1 Depth Charfe (TNT St.) R Breuk.. 3 fl.O 3 2 i;iclio Prince (PC St.) Ahmad. 3 90 B. Wilton 4 i Oaja Mada (C L St.) Ahmad. 4 9.0 < »J; 4 (Mrs. O. M. Noordin) Noordin. 4 9.0
    1,527 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 868 11 CLASSIFIED ADS. AT YOUR SERVICE (Spore) M arsis SS <*ti».y— Box U rfe. exfre PHOTOSTATS BY PHOTOMATIC. SS. Ronlason Road lei NM PHOTOCOPIEU DOCUMENTS. Can he reduced or Bmksrßß*— Baafl !>M«9 TanK'e. SHOPPING GUIDE (Spore) S* Werde Si (Mlm.y—Box SO rfs. exfra distinctive IN DIIICN, Jewellery from Law Onn 206/8
      868 words
    • 898 11 EDUCATION t* W ereto li I Mim.t—Box S* rU. txtrm LtARH SANSKRIT Tbe Way For Perfrct Peace and Prosperity ai>eolute BBtinftctKW. Qualification Atteeied. Apply to Huperviaor 4C Chat*l Road. SlDKapore IS. CVMA COLLBCB (CORRf tPONOENCE) for scientifically divined botneatudy coumea lor r'.JJ C. School Cert., H SC. L.CX, Q.T. Secondary
      898 words
    • 296 11 The sign of the big difference is /&8\ Wv. <$i*^| Hr AiTj^k F <P 4BBmw*^^^Jm^^Bt&^^^^r .afeel Lb^bS V 1 ►i 9 -^J .^W k I ICSSOJ aBmVaBH b^b^BbbK sbkl J fV/hmTm^L^KF BFj B 1 Ibbb AjV"BSlHhMMbgaW^-J I Jti» aVO JiEr BWBtimmm VBBBBT ***^tf7KS a^ar *> t, ■aaTee^H «B ir^ I
      296 words

    • 181 12 Stone KO's team KEDAH CLAIMING A WALKOVER AS PERAK CAME LATE PENANG. Sat. I/EDAH today claimed a walkover from Perak who tailed to field a team against them for their north /one tic of the inter-state hockey competition for the Rank Cup. Halt the Perak team arrived at the Minden
      181 words
    • 180 12 were confined :o a 2-0 i of victory over Johore by the brilliant goalkeening of Austin d'Cn:/. In the South /one triangular (or tin Cup. Despite Hvcn pressure by the Singapore forward*, V I Cruz •refased to be beaten until late in the came when Kartar
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    • 41 12 I TOKYO. Sat.— lndia aained 2-1 lead over Japan in the Davis j Cuo Eastern Zone final when Jai- 1 rtei p Muker.iee and Pram jit Lai beat Av-ushi Mivagi and Michio I Putil 6-4. 6-2 7-5.
      41 words
    • 57 12 DAVIS JUMPS HIGH TO HEAD GOALWARDS Joint Services insideleft Davis (10) outjumps Combined Services' defenders to head goalwards, but goalkeeper Hunter (not in picture) brings off a good save. Looking on is Reilly (No. 8) of joint Services. The Singapore team won this Malaya Cup match 5-1 at |alan Besar
      Kok Ah Chong  -  57 words
    • 199 12 Xl ANT AN, Sat. Johore led Pahang on the first innings at the end of the first day's play in a Malayan Cricket Association inter-state league match on the main pa dans here. Close of play scores were: Pahang 91. Johore 109-9. PAHANG IST INNS—BaUkrishiuii
      199 words
    • 662 12  -  TEOH ENG TATT JOINT SERVICES SCORE THEIR SECOND MALAYA CUP VICTORY By SINGAPORE, Sat gIXGAPORE Joint Services' lon eh for a goal-scorer appears to have en Last Sunday at Seremban 18-year-old Jonn Warwick, playing his first Malaya Cup soccer match, sored the goal to beat Negri Sembilan
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    • 515 12 IPOH. Sat— Malaya's Davis Cup pl-tyer, S A. Azman. the No. 2 seed, was surprisingly extended to three-sets by Tori Boon Theng. of Penang. a former badminton star, in the men's singles of the Perak opst) tennis championships here today. The games
      515 words
    • 267 12 NS protest against refereeing in Malaya cup match J^UALA LUMPUR, Sat Negri Sembilan do not entertain any great hopes of victory for their south zo:.e Malaya Cup soccer competition match against Singapore at Jaian Besar Stadium on Wednesday. The match was scheduled for tomorrow but was postponed at. the request
      267 words
    • 29 12 LONDON. Sat— Football results: English div. 3 Bristol City 0 Wrexham 2. Scottish div. I— St. Mirren 2 Dundee United 1. Third Lanark 4 Dunfermline 0.
      29 words
    • 74 12 SINGAPORE. S.i'. Jim Air rj 'scratch i broke the Keppel Golf Club course record of 67 set by D. H. Clendon in 1955 when tie lmd a grass 62 in the Div "A" medal stableford competition today. Airih's nett score of 48 won him the
      74 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 165 12 EXTRA STRENGTH... TO MEET f I EVERY ROAD. LOAD AND I I CONDITION OF SERVICE Muu^OTT*"'' Tj T Jmf/^Rm fir ton truck (yrnarr especially engineered to (iwt Jftfll Zfflk^H brttn wrvicp on every hauling job. They are taJlorIfeM^^liP^W" made (or long mi lean? or lor traction The Shock~ExsS)&ssrffill> -jm^^^/^BAf Fortified
      165 words
    • 142 12 A glorious chance to own your own home. "PUDU HEIGHTS' ~fl[ L Scenic spot In Koala Lumpnr flf Town Approx. 550 feet above JH Jk sea level. Ideal Sites for Idea* Bomes. Reservation for BUNGALOWS/LAND Deglns now. Closing on 30th APRIL. 1963. FREE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES ON APPLICATION. Enquiries cordially welcome.
      142 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous

    • 543 13  -  K. BASKARAN WHY NOT? By KUALA LUMPUR EVERYDAY $41,000 worth of fresh importJcd fruits into the marketing basket of the Malayan housewife. That In hard figures, means that the affluent Malayan society eats something like $15,000,000 worth of fresh imported fruits a year. It
      543 words
    • 689 13 Why I say this beats the cheongsam ■M 9 AS o costume, the que hao hoi been cunningly devised by the devil to fit an angel. How can modesty find affront in the complete encasing of I II^Pl the emo c form from the neck to fingertips and down to
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 19 13 *"M W H PROFILE of Felix Bondoronoikc. the man halfway up the stairs: See ASIA Magezine Page 12. fc~
      19 words
    • 82 13 NEWCOLOURS FOR YOUR I CD [^HOME.r.WITH ICI PmTALITEJ hjMi ™XZL\ H 1 ftiwtfcnioallfl-oufsM* I fT Vok\ fayA ICI DUIWX (]ss j^CSSEII^ I G\oqq Finish for doors, 1 ~\£g^ f^-r^^ =^T fSc east/ to eppkj uJith kweh. roller or I sprayer -teases no'pairity'gm^ll l C -'-*'NTS,MALAtA>"||j IJmJDEU T A I I
      82 words

  • 64 14 (JOST ol living it up in America I* up. A survey into ihr cost of a night out on the town —Including baby-sitter, cocktails. dinner, theatre tickets, and m«ht club afterwards thova that entertainment comes high. In New York such a night, the survey shows, would cost 81
    64 words
  • 549 14 Propping drudgery To housekeep with the times... EVEJLYN TU REPORTS ON NEW-WAVE DOMESTICITY WRITE TO: Mitt Evelyn Tv, The Sunday Times, Time* House, River Volley Road, Singapore 9. A stamped and addressed envelope mutt accompany your query. FRANKLY, do new ideas in the home frighten you? Or are you the
    549 words
  • 289 14 MALAYAN girls are as conscious of their complexion as they are of their clothes. Yet they face skin-care problems galore. A frequent query In my mail is: "How can I cure open pores?" I have received so many letters on the subject that It would be
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  • 136 14 "CTROM America today, good news for wives if not for all husbands. It concerns those American businessmen who go out of town on business. The hard -hit hotels and restaurants are planning a terrific fight to beat the new U.S. Government crack-down on expense-account living. And industry
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 300 14 g^jM^i New Beauty M without shine! JLvll New smooth finish without dryness! M Helena JiL Rubinstein introduces Paris-born I 1 I Coverfluid J For the new matte o I and flawless look :::1 -no shine c and no dry skin QJ r>Aßts went wild about Helena Rubinstein's sensational new Coverfluid.
      300 words
    • 497 14 ESOTERICA has earned the coveted USE TESTED SEAL IN McCAU'S TEST ROOM we icm products and services for the qualities and features you will iind important when you use them. Thafs why. after we have tested a product in the laboratory and in practical use and like it. we believe
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  • 850 15 Lost boy to her sister Broken dates Just one drink 0 WHAT'S your problem? Write to: Misi Jane Lee, The Sunday Times, Times House, River Valley Road, Sinaapore 9. No replies by posf. J)HAH Jane Lee: I introduced a hoy with whom I was in love to mv sister. Now
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  • 408 15 PHOTO CONTEST Expression of gratitude by an ex-patient \fV father received such good treatment at a certain hospital that now he wants to pay for the cost of upkeeping an extra bed ill hospital, as an expression of gratitude. How much will it cost to put
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  • 408 15 MY mother sent me a parcel from Penang recently, but unfortunately my address was wrongly written Where will the parcel be now and how can I claim it? P.K.S. the address cannot be found, the parcel will be returned to the sender. You can ask your mother
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  • 220 15 LARRY dropped into a little country shop and found it piled high with salt. There were boxes, barrels and bags of It everywhere. "You certainly must sell a lot of salt." he said to the owner. "No." said the owner. "I I hardly sell any salt
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 193 15 Lasting Value In A Temporary House See ASIA Magazine (Page 8). Children's Britannica AM i <** m t* i| v h JW^H C OH «8i J»,l» at I v !W L..-U..-Ukf^ ftffffK I Mttt* < I I f I 13 3 i>v Jf^wL. i i~ w J5 K 5 5
      193 words
    • 22 15 DROP IS A LINE. Our address: The Know All. Sunday Times, Times Houw. River Valley Road. Singapore 9. No replies by post.
      22 words
    • 692 15 For quick promotion, better pay, and a career you could put your heart into OJjJOM Ojjff of THESi Vr% NO COST OR VI »3 iFWIFIcII OBLIGATION OF ANY KIND!** IF YOU are ambitious, forward-looking and keen to I w^..«, m m make the most o( today's opportunities, here is a
      692 words

  • 852 16 'POINTER' on training..* j In passing lialk oi a law u> prevent iar> and notor-bicycles irom making < t notM will be ve:y unpopular among the jrouni is three quarters of their pleasure It gives a MBM of power, and the driver comes to think that it is
    852 words
  • 1476 16  - Case of the cat man' Dr. L John Glaister ENDING THE STORY OF A iitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin By QUOTE: of court*, ore ols3 greet pmrt of our work. I Hove dealt with hundreds of rktm. Offences against children hove, unfortunately, been o large part o» them, but unfit housing conditions ore further
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 155 16 Butterflies, The Neglected Beauties Of Asia See ASIA Magazine (Page 3). ARE YOU A Mggg^SlgggP^^gl ggW V "'ggpisA v gg^Ji m fl ggigW MHLVHggggggggHgggflgflggg^^ Jb then you must read DON T STRIP A MAN OF HIS SELF-RESPECT idPVH Frank and intimate advice from a Malayan w« mother to her daughter
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 258 16 {POPULAR CROSSWORD j ACROSS: 1 Awful failure! (4>; I DOWN- 1 Uproa. i6>. I^.v 4. Talks childishly <8p; 11. Fabu- tiny <3> :t Sea- reature lous bird <3» 13. Card <3>: 14. More willingly i6>: ti Tumblers as hnssr ;v a k ™v^£ Knocks <4>; 29. Employing isr 21 Awkward
      258 words

  • 609 17 SCIENCE DETECTIVE AND THE DEATH PENALTY JOHN GLAISTER <* wanted to go on the stage as a comic. Ho was already a star in local amateur shows and his ambition was to be a top of the bill light comedian. His fatner did not approve so
    609 words
  • 614 17 Do you take a gamble with health? ■i'l'M'iiHM.fl WHENEVER Matthew Frost took a deep breath, he felt a pain In the right side of hN chest. He tried to Ignore it. and continued workIng at his office. Borne of his colleagues remarked to him that he did not look well.
    614 words
  • 90 17 COMING nrxt month: The Alfa Romeo (iiulia l(iOO Spider sport* car. with a reputed maximum speed of more than 104 nip h The Singapore agents for Alfa Romeo, wbo have been selling only the $8,750 Diulietta saloon, say the sports model is now available because the factory
    90 words
  • 574 17  - There is method in this L-test madness... PETER LIM MOTORING By BY THE W\Y: omplaint from Mrv Yeroni<* I luise U> police at New Briuin. Connecticut: fang of high -rhool bow keep picking up m> SBf and walking off uilli it' Mri. Chue has a lin\ Italian car. ol course.
    574 words
  • 198 17 ASK YOUR DAD This is the column that helps you answer those questions the youngsters lire: WHY DO HEALTH sVLTS FIZZ* WHEN you've bern teeliriK under the weather. you ye often, no doubt. taken a spoonful of white health wits, dropped it into a fiats til water and wondered what
    198 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 110 17 jP; > &S *^^T '^Mft3sflß^BV^LsMLs^^VV>^^ji^^B^ Tff s?^!^b^^^^^^ M^Lm. ■■la^^V '*a^^ r y^^^—M B^B^bV JBaStt Wl^^r 9*Js _^MMMB?4MHWBViajWSt<b^* Ib^B^B^Lbk!^ S^BB^BrV BY' IB J IBS—^**y**'"*' SS^lW^f myf>*« 'Bu ?fii '?.V V V| Sgj^. iFg^ JSMPBF?Sbb^'BbI B^BBf~ 4-T^ "Y*\ j~\*TA T Aircroft Courtesy ot IjXAv^ JL-Lt^ W Moloysio Air Chorter VAUXHALL VELOXICRESTA The
      110 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 362 17 Your Sunday radio RADIO SINGAPORE g%ff l^nT, %^r SoT S S AM U0 lime Sunal. Nega.a- ig™™%, Th All Star Festival 3o rllio am* Ku. bOi Morning Melodies. 7uO rl^, of J *f 830 Hour; i gapore Concert Orchestr" lime Signal. The Neus. 1.10 Hen- T******, The Newv 7.10 1
      362 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 616 18 aVsV RQ HB iQa^gl Bar aHatl \f.^A gV_ laiW^i^a^faOjal Sictitn if cempwirnti >■ g^^MsaiifaMH kl>> You can start your own Radio-Television busmctt without capital. The A R.T C Practical Radio and Television Course gives you training and your tools of trade at the same time. A.R.T.C. will tram you. m
      616 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 1647 18 ,^^p^g^l AiJC •7^'La. «V^ r t/^C EN(&bANif AhUf laj^s^sfck^^ I W.*™--^*^^^>^^a™f^a2B«'^^a^a^a^a^. -a^a^a^a^tfala^a^a^B^Ba^a^afc^ 1 "-'^a^^'^a^aM^a^a^attai^aj li^^| I rHEHOVEYMOOV TflP TO EKKSLAMP WAS A HAPPY I I >^5 LOZ? AN? LAPY GZEYSTOKE THEY WEZE I »V/ 5 rV/A"£^ HAPPINESS WI^H THIS WAY OF LIFE j OA/f £"0e JcJW 4A/^ J4A/£ CLAYTON- AN?
      1,647 words

  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 179 19 uo «MO M o Cit|l H »'6uai«i 6u;ai6 i»piwg HfU I I 4 W^BKRl S x^^J^I X f wi«i HI »1% "p-" M |o" J .'id iQN-/gjyggg x'nom 3H y di /HZAjfaaxyoi wh hum |^s<kl 0601 jivh gang i y i I III Xl R I Sm^mm/ va/tiJ^ —^'gW^^X j
      179 words