The Straits Times, 12 March 1963

Total Pages: 20
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 19 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 100,000 The Straits Times Estd. 1845. TUESDAY. MARCH 12. 1963 15 CENTS. KDN 352
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  • 1019 1  -  FELIX ABISHEGANADEN Tengku: It is our only defence 'WE POSE NO THREAT BUT 'INDONESIA CAN ATTACK ME PEOPLE ARE BEHIND US' I BUT NOT MY COUNTRY' Dy Kuala Lumpur, Mm. MALAYSIA is an accepted fact. Tengku Abdul Rahman told the House of Representatives today. The only opposition comes
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  • 308 1 Subandrio 'reacts favourably to talks suggestion I)K. SUBANDRIO, Indonesian Foreign Minister, has reacted favourably to a call by President Macapagal of the Philippines for ministerial talks between Indonesia. Malaya and the Philippines to seek a solution to "problems" posed by the Malaysia scheme. Dr. Subandrio however limited his comment MANILA,
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  • 436 1 'Don't side with Soekarno' advice for Macapagal "THE Manila Evening News today advised against any Joint manifesto by the Philippines and Indonesia opposing the proposed Federation of Malaysia. The newspaper said that President *Macapagal "has seen fit to express on at least one occasion the Philippine opposition to "Malaysia, thereby
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  • 62 1 MANILA. Mon. Mr. Peter Thomas, British Parliamrntary under-secretary to the Foreign Office left here by air today for Jesselton. North Borneo, on the way to Singapore ang Kuala Lumpur. Mr. Thomas, who headed the British delegation to the Ecatc conference now being held here, will spend
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  • 187 1 Mr. K and all that JaZZ... he wanted to hide AM OSCOW, Mon. Mr. Khrushchev said in a speech published today that he wanted to hide when three jazz bands played at once at a Kremlin concert "but there was nowhere to hide." He told a conference of intellectuals last
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  • 220 1 rrUE Australian Gov- eminent is em- r barrassed by a statement by Tengku Abdul Rahman that the British and Australian Gove m m ents had pledged to support Malaya in the event of war resulting directly from the Indonesian policy of confrontation, the Sydney Sun's i Canberra correspondent
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  • 101 1 ORISBANE, Mon. Australia is spending A£700,000 ($4,760,000) to improve airports and landing strips in East New Guinea, the Minister of Civil Aviation, Senator Paltridge, said here today. The Minister had returned to Australia after inspecting 11 airfields in New Guinea. He declined to comment when reporters
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  • 201 1 PARIS, Mon. Lt.-Col. Jean-Marie BaslienThiry, 35 leader of a terrorist plot to kill President de Gaulle, was executed by firing squad at dawn today. He was sentenced to death last week by a special military court after a six-week trial. President
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  • 161 1 New status for Malayan Railway WUALA LUMPUR, v Mon.— The Malayan i Railway administration is to be turned into a j corporation before Jan. 1 next year, the Government announced today in a White Paper tabled in Parliament. This will put an end to the problem of the status of
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  • 56 1 STOP PRESS BIDAULT LETTER NOT ACCEPTED STEIAEBAfII fH (,r r mmv Mon i>t Vifdiu« r has ri f>i d to *<-ccp» kttei (i a m Mr Ridault jnii-'. MilliM l< i>J akin foi p >">lum, disclosed In B"na today. Spok^mjp bowever, <h»« this d"l not mean a»>lum lidri been re.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 29 1 A Quick Shin*" in Quicfc Tmik with MrPOJ AUTO POLISH and CUANEft ROSKOPF j iftfr I flkkt- *^^F ROSKOPF A MOOUCT OF THI NATION It WATCH CO. LTD. SWITZERLAND.
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    • 342 2 \|R ANDREI Gromyko, the Soviet Foreign Minister, questioned here yesterday about reported Chinese territorial claims in Siberia, said: "I have nothing to say about that, nothing." >lr. drnmyko said ho had only read about the limcM- claims in British newspapers.
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    • 260 2 Big split: China, Russia agree on need for talks Chinese and Soviet Communist parties have agreed on the need to hold bilateral talks on important questions concerning the international Communist movement at present, the official New China News Agency reported last night. The agency said this had been confirmed in
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    • 52 2 WASHINGTON. Mon. U.S. officials were reported yesterday to believe that China was overcoming the threat of famine and other economic difficulties. The Washington Post quoted officials as saying that China, thought to be on the verge of starvation a year ago, had begun to make a good
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    • 157 2 19 HELD IN KOREA MURDER PLOT SEOUL. Mon.— A plot to assassinate General Chung Hee Park. Chairman of the Supreme Council. Supreme Council members, Cabinet Ministers, and leading politicians had been uncovered, it was announced today. Maj-Gen. Chai Choon Kirn, Director of the Bouth Korean Central Intelligence Agency, said retired
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    • 76 2 JAKARTA. Mon. The Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces. General A.H. Nasution. has begun a troop inspection tour of south and east Indonesian Borneo, and East Java. An official announcement said he would visit naval bases at Bandjarma.sin. Tarakaan and Sourabaya. He will also
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    • 28 2 BANGKOK, Mon.— The ruins of Phimai In north-east Thailand are to be restored with French assistance. It was announced today. The work will take three years
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    • 146 2 Jomo stoned, then police step in VTA I ROB I. Mon. 11 Police yesterday used tear gas to prevent large-scale fighting between supporters of Kenya's two major African political parties after a rally at Kitale, about 250 miles from here. Trouble started when Mr. Jomo Kenyatta and Mr. Tom Mboya,
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    • 130 2 THE United Arab Republic has decided to resume Its activities with the Arab League. Mr. Mohammed Abdul Khallq Hassouna. the league's secretary-general, announced last night. He said he had received a note to this effect from the U.A.R. Foreign Ministry yesterday. The note added that
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    • 246 2 PRO-NASSER SYRIANS STONE TURK REFUGE OF EX-PREMIER DAMASCUS, Monday. ABOUT 3,000 pro-Nasser demonstrators marched through the streets of Damascus yesterday and stoned the Turkish Embassy where Khaled Al Azem, the oustted Syrian Premier, has sought asylum. The demonstrators were carrying pictures of President Nasser. They tried to approach the embassy
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    • 184 2 Dalai Lama gives a new Tibet constitution YEW DELHI, Mon. a1 The Dalai Lama, now in exile at the Himalayan health resort of Dharamshala in the Punjab, has issued a new constitution for Tibet which he said "will come into force immediately on Tibet gaining independence." The Dalai Lama has
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 63 2 AN OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT M. V. GLENOGLE* on her second outward voyage from London to Singapore has completed the journey in only 17 days 17 hours! fifCf GLEN lEB LINt One of the four new 'Glenlyon' Class gien F^^* joint rwc£ 20 knot Cargo Liners Agents in Malaya and Singapore
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    • 684 3 Police guard ex-Premier but he is not 'under arrest' QERMAN police were last night guarding the twostorey house here where Mr. Georges Bidault, 63, former French Premier and now a sworn enemy of President de Gaulle, is staying. The house is on a
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    • 227 3 PARIS, Mon.— Priests in .;iany churches in the coalfields of Northern France yesterday handed over their collections, to help the strike of 240.000 miners, now in its second week and with no sign of either side weakening. The Government, worried that wage rises might bring inflation and
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    • 211 3 Millions in America living on fringe of poverty' WASHINGTON. Mon. —President Kennedy said today that 32 million Americans are on the fringe of poverty. He said this in a report to Congress on unemployment In which he again urged support for his proposals to cut taxes and take other steps
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    • 38 3 When we rule...' BERLIN, Mon.— Mr. Lan Mlkardo. left-wing British Labour M.P. said in an interview yesterday with an East German Communist Party newspaper that his party would win the next British election and then recognise East Germany.
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    • 23 3 TUNNEL CITY Wisconsin V Mon. Six people were killed yesterday when their car was struck by a passenger train. UPI
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    • 218 3 How to keep capital happy I\EVELOPING counu tries would find it easier to attract foreign capital if they adopted an internationally ace c p table code of behaviour to govern their treatment of foreign property, a leading Britisn banker said today. Mr. V. A. Grantham, chairman of the Chartered Bank,
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    • 280 3 WASHINGTON, Monday. itlß. ROSWELL Gilpatric, Deputy Secretary of iTI Defence, said yesterday it was conceivable that four or five countries would have the power of veto over the firing of Polaris missiles by the proposed Nato multilateral nuclear force. Mr. Gilpatric. questioned during a television
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    • 96 3 WASHINGTON. Mon Mr. Roswell Gilpatric. Deputy Secretary of Defence, said yesterday the Soviet Union probably had the greatest military defensive system anyone has known. He estimated that the Russians were spending bttween U. 5.5300 and 400 million a year on developing an anti-missile missile system.
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    • 130 3 Sentences on silent newsmen 'too heavy' LONDON, Mon. Spokesmen for Britain's chief opposition parties said yesterday the jail terms imposed on London's two "silent reporters" were too heavy a punishment. Mr. Jo Grimmond. leader of the Liberals, end Mr. George Brown, deputy leader of the Labour Party, discussed the journalists
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 26 3 oneMT fctwsP BIG VALUE BIG FLAVOUR BIG REFRESHMENT TRADEMARK REGISTERED Bonled by V N I O LIMIT I) \jn4er appointment \rom Pepu-Cuia Co. Aov 1 uik
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

    • 119 4 ifUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Tengku Abdul Rahman said today that wage conversion from dailyrated to monthly-rated tin the basis of 27 times was a fair one. He was replying in the House of Representatives to a question by Mr. V. David
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    • 59 4 SINGAPORE. Mon.— The Hans Christian Anderson Club will take more than 600 children to attend i iie dress rehearsal of a comedy. -Charley's Aunt. 1 to be presented j by St. Joseph's Institution at the Victoria Theatre on Thursday. The children are from Pasir Panjang Secondary
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    • 122 4 I^UALA LUMPUR, Mon. The Importance of using the Rumi script for the national language was stressed in the House of Representatives today by the Deputy Prime Minister. Tun Abdul Razak. He successfully moved the adoption of the National Language BUI which provides legislation
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    • 323 4 Question on text-books: Assurance by Minister THE MINISTER of Education, Haji Abdul Hamid Khan, assured the House of Representatives today that his Ministry was looking into the whole question of text-books used in Malayan schools. He was replying to a question by Mr. V. Veerap* )en iSF-Seberang Selatarr j who
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    • 210 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Monday. >PHE Speaker of the House of Representatives. Dato x Haji Mohamed Noah bin Omar, today rejected a request by a Socialist Front M.P., Mr. Karam Singh, to discuss an "urgent and public matter"— the detention of another Socialist Front M.P..
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    • 163 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon.— The House of Representatives today passed a Bill designed to bring into a corporate body. Merdeka Stadium. Stadium Negara and any similar buildings erected in Kuala Lumpur in the future. The corporation will have 16 members appointed by the Prime Minister. who will be
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    • 207 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon The 1.500 farmers of Bertam Estate new village. Province Wellesley, will ultimately own land now held by trie Province Wellesley Co-operative B a n k 1 n g Union. The farmers are made up of 1000
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    • 66 4 PENANO, Mon— Charged vith attempting to resell 12 cinema tickets at the Paramount Theatre on Jan. 30, Supplah Oovlndasamy. 32, explained In court today he had bougjt the tickets for hi* mother and some friends. "I did not mean to resell them." he told the
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    • 41 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. A military parade to mark the ceremonial presentation of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong'» Colour* to the Royal Malay Regiment and the Federation Reconnaissance Corps, will be held at Merdeka Stadium here at a.m. on March 23
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  • 47 4 SINOAPORE. Mon. —The Minister for Culture. Mr. 3. Rajarnt- nam. will be chairman of cele- brat ions of the 128ih birthday of j Sri Ramakrlshna And the birth centenary of Swam; Vivekananda to be held at the Ramakrlshna Mission Hall at 6 p.m. on Sunday.
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  • 44 4 SUNOEI PATANI. Mon. Senior Inspector Sarain Singh from Alor Star is to take over at the end of this month, as Asm. OCPD, Sungel Patanl. in place of Senior Inspector Tan Khik Sen? who left here last Saturday on transfer to Bentong.
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  • Article, Illustration
    215 4 Stephens: No good reason for it, but we will consider any suggestion TESSELTON, Moo. J The North Borneo politician, Mr. Donald Stephens, does not favour a IV supervised referendum or plebiscite in the territory in connection with the Malaysia issue. He feels that there la "no good reason" for
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  • 113 4 New system of education for blind children KUALA LLMPUR, Mon— Parents of blind children were asked today to register them with the Chief Education Ofiicers ior a system of education to be launched this year. The plan Is to integrate 200 blind children into schools for those with nor- I
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  • 239 4 A TWO-PARTY SYSTEM FOR POLLS URGED PENANG, Monday. ALL Opposition parties should join together so that there would be only two main parties contesting future elections. The suggestion was made by Mr. D. S. Ramanathan. chairman of the Kelawei branch of the Labour Party of Malaya when he addressed the
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  • 105 4 $18,000 damages tor tapper in accident KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Liew Fook Hah, 26. a tapper, was award ed $18,000 damages by Mr. Justice Gill in the High Court here today. He had sued Wong Kong Yong, a lorry driver, and Chen Hock Khion. the vehicles owner. Liew on a motorcycle
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  • 66 4 PENANG. Mon. A flbhmoiixer. Tan? Hee Wa. 22. was tod.-y committed to stand trial at the 'next Penang Assizes on a charge n( murdering Hoh Ah Ba, 23, on Oct. 4. 1961. Hoh. a preliminary lr.quiry was told, was killed In a Market, Street coffeeshvp
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 316 4 THE BIG DEBATE: See Page Nine FLY iunPTuui/rQT F**^ "Sk D j lA/ g— 2P" r ■■■(■■inim j -~w V^3 /^r^^^ IS NEW YORK I >4 r^ i I /V\ i^^^M V^^HL j^^m ly/~ .^^^^gip^^^ liS mCH/CAGOm^K^ ffflSnr tk MJ\A 1 A 'ii i <**m I X 1 r/jJv^ A^^PyV
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 422 5 HE WON LOTTERY ...THEN A PHONE CALL Court told of a gang's demand for $10,000 and a threat of death KULIM, Monday. BUSINESSMAN, Tan Bak Tuah, 51, told the Sessions Court here today that about one week after he won a $60,000 prize in the Social Welfare Lottery he received
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  • 179 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. The Federation Armed Forces will bejrin recruiting young men for the expansion programme on Wednesday. A recruiting team will tour various centres to interview candidates for various services in the Federation Army, the Royal Malayan Navy and the Royal Malayan Air
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  • 186 5 Off with the ban and on with the dance KOTA BHARU, Mon. The PMIP-con-trolled Kela n t a n State Government has decided to lift its ban on all Western dances in public places. Dancing is now in full swing at all the three nightclubs here, but the ban on
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  • 50 5 SINGAPORE. Mon.— The Education Minister. Mr. Yoag Nyuk Lin. will present valedictory letters to five retired ministry officials at his office tomorrow. The recipients will be Mr. S. C. K. Markus. Mr. M. Samy, Mrs. J. A. Rayney. Miss V. Govindasamy, and Mr. H. D. Hochstadu
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  • 121 5 SINGAPORE. Mon. Six members of the New Zealand Parliament spent a busy day today keeping official appointments, shopping and sightseeing. In the morning they called on the Speaker, Sir George Oehlers, and the Minister for Culture, Mr. S. Rajaratnam. Two. Mr. B. V.
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  • 43 5 SINGAPORE. Mon.— An office iiianiiKer, accused of misappropriating $4,000 belonging to Climate Enftineertni? Ltd.. was discharged today by the Second Criminal District Court. Leonord Leo. of Lim Liak Street, was told that his dischargr did not amount to an acquittal.
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  • 77 5 MALACCA. Mon.— The Minister of Transport, Dato Sardon bin Haji Jubir. ve-terday visited the lighthouse at Pulau Undan. 10 miles oil the Malacca coast. He was accompanied oy vie Malacca Harbour Master. Captain Michael Eland. Dato Sardon climbed 150 steps to reach the lighthouse, which is 150
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  • 76 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. —Mr. N.G. Gussing, representative of the United Nations Secr«taj-y-General in Thailand and Cambodia, arrived here from Bangkok today to meet the Prime Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman. He was greeted at the airport by the Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of External
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  • 29 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The Selangor Girl Guides' Association will hold a thinking day rally at the Railway Recreation Club, field. Brickfields Road, at 5 p.m. on Saturday.
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  • 331 5 David Marshall to form new political party? SINGAPORE, Mon. Is Mr. David Marshall, Independent Assemblyman for Anson, going to form another political party? This is the big riddle in political circles here with the despatch of letters to numerous professional men by Mr. Marshall during the last few days. To
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  • 560 5 PENANG, Monday baby's feeding bottle was missing and accused Ah Yee of having thrown it away. "Then Ah Yee started banging cutlery and crockery in the kitchen until it got on my nerves I told her if she uas not
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  • 113 5 4 SWANS SET AN AIRPORT POSER SINGAPORE, Mon. Four swans set Singapore Airport officials a problem at 2 a>m. today. Their cages were too hie to pass through the door of a Malayan Airways Dakota, which was taking them to Taiping. The swans, gift from Britain to Malaya for the
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  • 42 5 SINGAPORE. Mon.— Burglars broke into the home of Wong Siew Chong in Jalan Bangsawan yesterday and stole jewellery and a watch, altogether worth $2,500. Mr. Wong and his family were at an evening show at the time.
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  • 127 5 SINGAPORE, Mon. A Bugis Street bar, which' was stated to have allowed prostitutes to congregate in its premises, was today ordered to cease business for three months. The Liquors Licensing fioard suspended the licence of the Lam Seng Bar at a quarterly session held in the
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  • 35 5 SINGAPORE. Mon.— Another $20 from Sgt. Yahaya Abdul Manaf of Police Holding Centre. Bcrakas Camp. Brunei, received by the Straits Times today, has brought the fund for Jurlah binie Haniicl to $148.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 281 5 Look for this "Mark of Quality" on 1 I your tyres /K WT -J- It is your assurance of Extra Safety and Dependability M/KH^ and only I j2M\\|m tyres Have it I Smj^KffMSS^^. Fmm slarf to finish in the bljild n of W(>r y Firwtone \^SKj[i/XpS%vk tyre. Quality is the
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
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  • 126 6 SINGAPORE. Mon. A live Jazz programme, under the direction of Ed Barbier. and utilising three different combinations of jazz musicians the "Basin Street Seven." the "Swing Four." and the "Manhattan Modernaires" will be presented In the U.S. Cultural Centre Library, Armenian Street, at 6 p.m.
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  • 432 6 Detective ran from scene of robbery, court told SINGAPORE, Monday A POLICE learner-driver, P. C. Omar bin Osman, today told a preliminary inquiry, how he was shocked to see a detective run away from a scene of robbery with two baps in his hands on the morning of Feb. 14
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  • 201 6 1,000 FIRE VICTIMS TO MOVE INTO NEW HOMES SINGAPORE, Mon. About 1.000 victims of last week's Bukit Ban Kee fire will be rehoused tomorrow in another fire-site. Newly completed flats at Bukit Ho Swee have been allocated them and 230 families are expected to move in, starting at 8 a.m.
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  • 41 6 SINGAPORE, Mon. A 19--year-old Swedish sailor, Sven Olof Carlsson, was today fined a total of $600 by the Ninth Magistrate, Mr. RBI. Pates when he pleaded guilty to two charges of assaulting three police officers on March 9.
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  • 117 6 SINGAPORE, Mon. Work will commence this month on a new post office at Fairer Road to meet what the Government said was "a much felt need" in the district. An official statement today said the post office would be designed to
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  • 333 6 'THE following is today's sche- dule of civil aircraft movements at Paya Lebar airport, Singapore: ARRIVALS BO AC: From Hong Kong (BA 961) 2.45 p.m.; from London, Frankfurt, Zurich, Tel Aviv, Teheran, New Delhi, Rangoon (BA 700) 5.50 p.m.; from Melbourne, Sydney, Darwin, Jakarta (BA
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  • 340 6 SINGAPORE, Monday fpHE Deputy Public Prosecutor, Mr. Sachl Saurajan, today submitted that although two Sikh brothers must have been subjected to humiliation and taunts by members of their community because of their mother's adulterous behaviour, they should not have taken the law into
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  • 136 6 Lee opens safety first game SINGAPORE. Mon. Forty Singapore school children from the Junior Safety First Council took to the "roads" today as cyclists, motorists and pedestrians to demonstrate how traffic rules should be observed. The "roads" were at the Kallang Park safety first playground. The occasion was the opening
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  • 82 6 The no-water areas SINGAPORE, Mon. Water will be cut off in Boon Lay Road from 16 m.s. to Tanjong Kllng tend of main), tomorrow from 9.30 a.m. to 6 pm Water will also be cut off in Tampines Road 6'^ m.s. 6 k m.a.. Jalan Hock Chye and Kampong Lorong
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  • 64 6 FIVE children, on their way to school were injured when these two cars collided today near the junction of Alexandra Road and Prince Charles Crescent One of the children. Lee Pek Chim, 11, a schoolgirl, is now in hospital in a critical condition.
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  • 136 6 SINGAPORE. Mon. Ail first-class bars in Singapore should be airconditioned, Mr. Choor Singh, chairman of the Liquors Licensing Board, said today. He said this when he permitted the Salome Bar In Oeylang Road to resume business till June. Mr. David Marshall, for the Salome, said that
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  • 248 6 Fact-finding tours to boost tourism SINGAPORE, Mon. Mr. Morris Sexton, a well-known New Zealand hotelier and former world president of Junior Chamber International, today urged local tourist authorities to step up efforts to bring Australian and New Zealand travel agents to Singapore and Malaya on fact-finding tours. He said: "One
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  • 320 6 LONDON, Mon.— lt was a disappointing start to the Stock Exchange new account and although there was still selective buying of equities, the market generally lacked direction. Recent comment regarding the future of sterling which dipped to below parity today was an unsettling Influence particularly in the
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  • 50 6 LONDON, Mon.— Spot 22 11/16 d., Apr. 22\d.. May 22 13/16 d.. June 22 13/16 d., Apr/June 22 13/16 d., July/Sept. 22"4 d., Oct. Dec. 227« d.. Jan./ Max. 22 T ,.d., Apr./ June unquoted, July/Sept, unquoted. c.i.r. Mar. 22 ',d., Apr. 22 5/16 d., May 22\d. Tone: Idle.
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  • 25 6 LONDON. Mon— Buyers £858' i. sellers £859, Forward buyers £861, sellers £862. Settlement £858. Turnover am. 160 tons, p.m. 45 tons. Tone: Very steady.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 188 6 if?«liB >•— -~JMfI dries' EVERY MOMENT A GREAT ACTION THRILL! f\ £1 J Nominated for 2 ACADEMY AWARDS! I BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY (B W) BEST SONG (Another Chance) ■S ROBERT. SHRIEY MiTcHIM Mi c LfIiNE lt > usX #IP^ "til /Ft th'iT- fl& D-iP they Q tli V* would... "Tiic that
      188 words
    • 380 6 4.+ now snow i m. 11am- 1.30 -4.00 -6.30 9 30pm T 4- DyoliScopc i Eottmon W^^ T Color 'Mm f ATTHI t <. COUXTofSPAIH 4 George Ardisson Nadia Morlowa J 1, (with Chinese Subtitles) J X NEXT CHANGE! t JACKIE 61EAS0N X NOW SHOWI t f DAILY 4 SHOWS
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    • 1962 7 The siege of Singapore begins AS YAMASHITA MOVES TO AN ESTATE BUNGALOW IN JOHORE TO PLAN CAMPAIGN: CHAPTER FIVE OF THE STORY OF THE "TICER OF MALAYA' IN bright moonlight the jungle became alive with ijiins firing, men yelling and cans clattering. The Japanese were making a fullscale attack to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 209 7 GIVE Usrwii) A MAN V^^ A LUCKY l=== There's nothing like a Lucky You taste and enjoy the man-size flavor that comes from the world's finest tobaccos the full, smooth satisfying taste that's brought world fame to this modern American smoke. Taste a Lucky It's everything you want in a
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  • 21 8 Wmr4» $10 (Minimum) I SETH: Mrs. Josephine passed away M peacefully 9th March at Mill Valley. California Funeral 12th March
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  • 44 8 ?0 Word* 51* (Minimum) THE J H H. BERCKMAN Family ex- |l presses deep gratitude to Youngberg Memorial staff and other friends for kind services, visits, flowers, < contributions, messages, assistance dur- inK illness and loss of their helovtd i husband and father.
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  • 49 8 Word* $1$ i Htnimmm > ROZAMAL Beloved wife of 3. B.iruch Loving mother of Iris Francis j and Paulina 11-3-53. "The Lord Is my Shepherd.' I IN LOVING MEMORY of Mr. Llm Baxsi Ki.-ine M.8.1 »ho passed away I on 19/S/19SS. Inserted by loving wife j and children.
    49 words
  • 203 8 M Word» $1$ (Minimum) I < air CONDITIONING for only S3O c m month hy Carrier. Ring Singapore •5121 1 or Kuala Lumpur ***** for full l ■Malta. •RING OF TRUTH" at RowcroM Theatre. Ayer Rajah Road, 14th. 15th 16th March. Ring Cold Storage or Tang's for tickets. r
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  • The Straits Times
    • 741 8 The confrontation resolution which Parliament debated yesterday was far too anaemic to serve its mover's purpose, but it was a good enough opportunity for the Government to mark once again the ground whereon it stands. Malaysia menaces noone, it meets the wishes of the Malaysian people and
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    • 296 8 With the formal service of strike notice by the National Mining Workers Union and the Malayan Mining Industry Staff Union, a definite date March 23— has been set for the beginning of the tin strike. Not the whole of the industry is involved; the threat of stoppage is
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    • 215 8 Relief for the victims of the Bukit Ban Kee fire in Singapore has been organised with commendable efficiency and speed. The 3.000 people made homeless have been found temporary shelter. offered Housing and Development Board flats on a priority basis and promised rent subsidies of up to
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  • 625 8  -  PETER DUNN by T ONDON, Mon.— Outside London's Hoare Memorial HaU last week, the black official cars, all made by Ford, stood at kerb. Inside the lone and bitter dispute which has threatened to close the big Ford car plant at Dagenham
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  • 666 8 A GOVERNMENT WHITE PAPER ON RAIL DISPUTE COURT OF INQUIRY Corporation status from January 1 will guarantee future of all employees THE Federation Government intends to turn the Railway Administration into a corporation before January 1 next year. A White Paper tabled today in Parliament
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  • LETTERS to the Editor
    • 359 8 Fis heartening to read that the civic-minded members of the MAPTB a*e working hard to eradicate tuberculosis. Their present insurance scheme brings to hand some rather salient points which the general public and the powers-that-be would do well to consider. There is at
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    • 138 8 T APPEARED in the 1962 O.C.E. advanced level examination conducted by the Associated Examining Board, London, and was successful in gaining passes In three approved subjects, two of which were law subjects. I also possess a Cambridge School Certifldate with credits In English, Mathematics etc. I applied for
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    • 92 8 mHE Government cannot X be asked to accept a "secretaries diploma" (S.T. March 5) for the simple reason that the Corporation of Secretaries Ltd. London does not issue diplomas to its members. Article 15 of the association's rules says only that "every member shall be entitled to a
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    • 106 8 WE refer to a letter by J. Lee complaining about unattended roof leaks In a Housing Board flat. Mr. Lee's first complaint about roof leaks at No. 878, Strathmore Avenue was received on July 30. 1960 and repairs were completed by August 13, 1960. The tenant confirmed that
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    • 202 8 MY husband and I are returning to England after spending two years In Singapore. We have I never met with such a i wonderful people In all our travels (I might say we are grandparents). We have found Singapore a delightful place and we are both very sorry
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 708 8 SlniuTiaatllaiulha CKusHis* aa.sttlisisiwn* sMy >■■<—) IM Pssew COLO ITOstai ABCABS COLO STOBABK BNAMCMBS AT HOLLAND BOAB-HCATBSSB KIPPIL BOAO-MAVAi. BASS Authorised Agents CITY BOOK STOBS LTB WlndtMtar Haute. CoNyw OK* TMB NIWS ntONT 'iiiMtrkck's SuparmarMt St. St. ISMAIL Admiralty Rood. Mavai S. M. ABDUL SArfAB CO S7S-7 Changt Point. -17 V.
      708 words
    • 24 8 MALAYAN BANKINC LIMITED I is rh« Largest Fackrarion incorporate lank with 67 Branches over The Federation, Singapore, Brunei, North Borneo, Hong Kong and London.
      24 words
    • 110 8 ■sssssssL 'wF^svY 'VY' *A m TtH ■sssssssT mmW^r \r^ ■■^■■i I 3«dLsil)BT\Tm *P9 1 Wi^ivt When your child Is In pain... Doctors know that aspirin is best for treating fever and relieving pain in children, but only in small, exact, safe doses. That is why they recommend Angiers Junior Aspirin.
      110 words

  • 2265 9 THE BIG DEBATE ON CONFRONTATION Cheers for Seeni as he declares 'We must be ready to fight back' BURHANUDDIN QUOTES TWO PROVERBS AND SAYS: IF IT REACHES THE CRISIS STAGE, GO TO U.N. FOR SOLUTION STRAITS TIMES PARLIAMENTARY i REPORTERS: Kuala Lumpur, Monday OPPOSITION leaders expressed conflicting views in Parliament
    2,265 words
  • 59 9 I SINOAPORE. Mon.— The Bri- tlsh Minister for Public Buildings and Works. Mr. Geoffrey Rippon. flew here today from Hong Kong for a four-day visit 10 British military establishments and build- Ings in Singapore and Johore. His programme will Include visits to army barracks. RAF Changl.
    59 words
  • 292 9 Malaya expresses regret at Manila's charge gCALA LUMPUR. Mon. —The Malayan <;overnment has expressed its rerret through diplomatic channels to the Philippines Government over President Macapagal'i charges that Malaya ■wante to kteWM "a new rolnniV j n nf Borneo territories. Tencku .iahman said this in his reply to a Question
    292 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 193 9 Automatic zooms at the touch ofa button With the Sankyo 8-Z Auto Zoom you A built-in electric-eye system sets excan zoom smoothly from wid»angle posure automatically right for every to iclcphoto shots, by merely pressing focal length under all conditions. To a button. An ingenious mechanism add dissolves and overlaps
      193 words
    • 122 9 AN INDIAN QUALITY PRODUCT f± are you fp^fc a victim of \T\ jT executive /^V/Y fatigue I jtjr at the end ofa working day wP^^. -^r?^—^* I are you ire( l' 9tless *^J completely done-in? /M i lII] If»o, you are p«s«Wy» victim ofe»ea«to*e *W ■111 frtigue and you need
      122 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 514 9 Todays Radio, TV programmes RADIO SINGAPORE RADIO MALAYA SHORTWAVE^EBVICE NAXIONAL SHORTWAVE Ml 1)11 M WAVE SERVICE SERVICE: 41.7 Metres A.M. 6.00 4 aoSlr t^rnin B: 6.01 A f 6°° S nal Morning Prelude; 7.15 News; 7.20 r K 4i. 602 Morning Melodies; Breakfast Bulletin; 7.30 Up And ™2 V me
      514 words

    • 153 10 Simple dish with fried beef DO you want to try a simple but tasty dish? Here is a recipe for Fried Beef with Tomato Sauce given by cookery expert Miss Chan Sow Lin. You will need lib. fillet steak, cut into thin slices, 1 dessertspoon thin strips of ginger. 2i
      153 words
    • 68 10 HERE are two items that will be seen in the market soon. Now a steam iron with a built-in light that illuminates dark areas around buttons and collars. Other features include water-level line, spray nozzle and fabric selector A new styling brush that brushes or teases
      68 words
    • 375 10 JAPANESE influence emerges as the leading fabric trend in the Paris couture collections for this year. Each year a growing number of top Paris fashion designers turn to the East as a profitable source of inspiration, as well as trade. Peggy Massin reporting from Paris
      375 words
    • 430 10 Home decoration in your leisure hours ARE you planning to decorate your own home someday? At the moment you may lack confidence in your own judgment or taste. Of course, you can always get an expert to visit your home and plan the interior decoration, but it would be much
      430 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 184 10 m the secret of a flawless skin m A lovely complexion—* truly clear akin mart b* haaed on regular deep cleansing. Evan the nxwt ex pensire coametics, if not thoroughly removed, eaa rlog porea, coarsen akin texture. In 'Anne Fronrh' Deep Cleansing Milk yon have the ideal cleanser; eoft, smooth,
      184 words
    • 548 10 Banish all ]Hr unwanted w hair with j gentle new 1 Imfttaci f •fa ruo< ham n HAIR REMOVING CREAM V Wk Now, end embarrassment caused by V unsightly hair— without the worry H |LW. )"^i of soreness or after irritation Spread genue new Immac cream on underarms, arms, legs
      548 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 333 10 Straits Times Crossword H ~&flH aalaV^ 1 2fc M~~ U H ACROSS 7 Masters not in th« right form 1. Cut some firewood in a Chi- of variety UOi nese restaurant? (10). 9. Determining when the last 8. Fruitless dates (4). letter goes giving an appro--10 Mathematically speaking. th« priate
      333 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1391 11 TO LIVERPOOL A WEST COAST U.K.. Ova S'pora Sail* Sham Ptnaaj PELEUS iiverpiol Dublin Glasgow Gtn. 47 Mar 11 Mar 14/18 Mar IT ASPHALION L pool, Oubln, R'dam. Ham. Mar 11 Mar 18 Mar 17/28 Mar 21 COLIUS L.ttipooi. biastow Mar II Mar 22 Mar 21/28 Mar 21/21 L .iOMID
      1,391 words
    • 2539 11 f^S33l^SS^l^^^KS[^S[3tt THE E. A. C. LINESSAILINGS 10 GENOA, LE HAVRE. HAMBURG, BREMEN, ANIPJUir, ROTTERPAM. AMSTERDAM. OSLO, GOTHENBURG AHO COPENHAtEN. /Sr^&i S'por* P*nang ftfV£i\Y!a 'MALACCA" I) 21/24 Mai 25/21 Mat 21/21 Mar \Z\ XpSliil -SONGiiHU' a) 18 Mar/ 4 Apr S/ 7 Apt t/ 8 Apr 'POONA' 28/24 Apr 25/28 Apt
      2,539 words
    • 1355 11 MB2ALISTER <Sc CO., LTD. fLttU BUJniMAII UMS <Jk KLAVBMKSS UNB *W|| LBT4WPI, rtMBWRG, ROTTERDAM, IBS AttEIES. SAN FRANCISCB. NAVRE. NULL A MIOfUSBRSUtU. ftATTIE. VANCBMVER t PBRTLANB. CITY Of LEEDS' Accaptiig cart* for Ccatral t Stutt S'oor* f S'harr. (>eti*ng »auc^:,,t IVISMat 18/28 Mar 21,22 mm ff pVi™ Calls Natra Mfar*
      1,355 words

  • 559 12 COMBINED business in tUe Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Malayan Stock Exchange yesterday, with the number of the shares traded in brackets, was: INDUSTRIALS: Beuitlld (1,000) t1.50: Dunlops (4,000) »2.65; F. and N. erdi (7,600) 53.50: Gammon (5,000) SI.S4: M. Centainers $1.67 BL, (12,000)
    559 words
  • 611 12 THE interest on the Malayan Stock Exchange, which has steadily been getting thinner during the past two weeks, yesterday reached a new low point. It was one of the quietest days that the Exchange has had for many a day and the turnover
    611 words
  • 23 12 Malayan Stock Indices March 9 March 11 Industrials: 100.59 100.70 Tins: 100.30 100.30 S rubbers: 105.16 105.16 Dec. 29, 1962 100.
    23 words
  • 368 12 T*HE price of Straits tin declined by 50 cents yes- terday to $430 per picul while the estimated offering was up 10 tons to 250 tons. Following a hesitant openIng doubtless because of the softer tone at Penang, demand for tin on
    368 words
  • 251 12 MARCH first grade rubber buyers f.e.b. closed at 5 p.m. In Singapore and Kuala Lumpur yesterday at 75} cents per Ib. up a quarter of a cent The 'tone was quiet. S.C.C.R.A. and F.M.R.t. eleilng pricei in ctnti per Ib. yesterday: Int. 1 R. 8.8. prompt f.o.b. buyers
    251 words
  • 143 12 (OFFICIAL QUOTATIONS) March 11. Three montha. nun lope 14 eta. 8. Darby 4d. F. N. 16 eta. C. storage 4-id. Gammons 11 cv. 8. Traction 1/3 J. Waugh 15 eta. shell 14 eta. M. Brew 24 cv. Steamship 0 eta. M. Cement 18 eta. 8. Times 23 eta.
    143 words
  • 210 12 SHIP* lying ilon»>ia« tht Sinxapori HirDour ■hlrltl or !iwtt«) tlday an: F:»iitern Musr 44, Coromandel 13/16. Thoncapc 40/41. Woaonobo 8/9, Kyoto 6/7, Java, Mall 1/2. Tapah N.W 3, Pcrabay SS/S4. Tchlbtnsa, 35/36. Uti»cht 1«, Brittany 45, Olraogle 38/39, Yamanaahl Mara 46. Jesenlce 10/11, Star Alcyone 13/14, Segamat
    210 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1079 12 [vAV-Sr~" J KAUar^Ajq A iQSEN 4 KAISHA^nX U.S.A. Pacific Atlantic <V Cimi LmMmm lag»laa loaot lo«o» HA tU tu tv tl* S'pora Sham Honoiuii k. F'citco k- Anftcet N Yon Oie.elanf. ••Ciliha Man" 27/31 Mai 1/ 2 Ml 27 tat 4 May Mai a May I Jim "Kiaikawa Man" MAar/IMay
      1,079 words
      918 words
    • 714 12 PRODUCE PRICES para nssn prices p«r picul vctttr> day i Coc.nut sll: bulk $421 sellers, rtturn $451 sellers. Cspra: March/ April CK /Continent (27) auyers. Piaoari Muntok wnite SI6O m-l'rr«. Sarawak white ***** sellers. Kiwi* IpSarawak black fll2 sellers, garblnl,' Lampong black $107» wllers. AST*. *117| sellers. Slngaaars Coconut Oil
      714 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 902 13 UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE Applications are Invited tor the following vacancies: Tost No Designation Department 1. Draughtsman Geography 2. Nurse Secretary Healthy Service 3. Typist Education 4. Laboratory Technician-in-Tralnlng Physiology Applications must be made on prescribed forms obtainable from 'lie Registrar of the University. Cluny Road. Singapore 10. by sending 1
      902 words
    • 614 13 r— (Continued from Pace Ml SITUATIONS VACANT IB Word's SS (Him.,— Box It ett. txtro WANTEO SALESGIRLS SALESMEN, t Oood t.rma and condition. Please apply l*-r!<on;j|iy at No lii-A. Lorong 19 Spore 14. RECOMMENDED COOKBOY, AMAH r.-i|inr.-d Army family Pulau Branl no small children good quarters. Kre* I' rry live
      614 words
    • 746 13 SITUATIONS VACANT ■H H-ofQ si IMIh.) Box ri» rit.; WANTED— Licensed Plumber— For Housing Project. Good Prospecta: Box A 5450 S.T. Spore. ACTING OFFICE 'FACTORY Clerk 3rade II wanted Immediately for la months. Must be experienced and well recommended. Preferably aged 33/46 rears. Apply Manager, Cairo Estate. Nllal, N.B. Tel.
      746 words
    • 768 13 HOUSES k LAND FOR SALE M Wirdt Si i Vim.) Box it tt: asjtra DETACHED BUNCALOW. 3 bedroom* tuo-batbrooms servant's room etc. on lI. HOO comparatively elevated freehold land In Kraddcll Htigbts Bnquirie* to C.H. Williams. Valuer A Estate Agent, Trl: ***** (S'pore i MODERN LUXURY FLATS (Fog Tai
      768 words
    • 699 13 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES It Wordt SS (Ml*.}— Box II cto. sjcfr* W« UNDERTAKE TRANSPORTINO heavy loads ln Johore Stats and Singapore. Please phone 2921 Jobore Babru or contact P.O. Boa 639 Singapore. OFFICE EQUIPMENTS Wordt SS (Min.t—Box It et*. txtrm CERTIFICATE DOCUMENTS PHOTOCOPIED at special price*. O.D.C. 1-5. Cross Street, S'pore
      699 words
    • 816 13 VEHICLES FOR SALE Word' U <Mln.)— Box St ett. txtr. VOLKSWAGEN IM3 MODEL Im- ported duty free excellent coodltlon Contact i K.L. *****. 1 ISM RENAULT DAUPHINI COOdi- tlon exotlleot 1 owner ttuuranc* comp August 1963. Tax July 12.700. 0.n.0 Wong Tel. (Spore) ***** r*fore i.'M I P.m EXCELLENT 4
      816 words
    • 633 13 BEAUTY CULTURE "artf* Si (Hin.h-Box it Hi. txtrm SALON PMOINIX BoMsr of R'or.l Chimuionship Diplomas la Baaut* Culture 'Hairdfliai facial. HCISBtiBo Jelly Ptellnt. Post-Naui Blimnmc, Bust flrmmt. tpllatioo. Maoictira. Beaut* A HalrdreMlnc clatae*. Trl. Rosalie Herooo *****. ISA Amotr Mansion*. Urcbard Road. S port V LAMM Ml Why rw doubt
      633 words

  • COMMERCIAL News and views.
    • 545 14 DECEMBER REGISTRATIONS SECOND HIGHEST IN 1962 jyjOHK new companies are being started in Singapore and in December last year, a further 'M concerns with a total nominal capital of $58.6 million were registered to cany on I various commercial and industrial undertakings.
      545 words
    • 131 14 Top post for NCR depot manager rE National Cash Register Co. has appointed Mr. Wee Kent Teck (above), supervisor of Technical Depots in the Federation of Malaya. Mr. Wee, 34, joined NCR in February 1955 as a cash register and accounting machine technician. In May of the following year, he
      131 words
    • 289 14  - 3 OFF TO STUDY TOBACCO GROWING LEE FOO SAN By THREE representatives of cigarette manufacturers in Ipoh left for Southern Rhodesia last weekend to see for themselves how tobacco is planted in the various plantations. They are Mr. Tan Kirn Seng, managing director of Joo Lan Tobacco Co., Ltd. Mr.
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    • 80 14 About 50 Nfestle distributors from Selangor. Negri Sembilan and Malacca attended a dinner at the Mandarin Palace. Federal Hotel. Kuala Lumpur recently. This was the first of a series of three dinners arranged for Nestle dealers throughout the Federation. The second group, from Johore and Pahang,
      80 words
    • 67 14 Pan American World Airway* announced a preliminary report •or the 1962 net income or $43.5 million, up 82.6 per cent, over thr 1961 figure. Total revenue were $1,504.4 million, the first time in the company's history f t revenue* have exceeded *1.500 million. Pa* senger revenue at 11.095.3
      67 words
    • 358 14 GEC director retiring after 35 years in Malaya A LEADING figure in the electrical trade and civic circles in Malaya is retiring after an active 35 year association with Singapore and the Federation. He is Mr. P. H. Steed, the managing director of General Electric Qo. 'Singapore) Ltd.. and General
      358 words
    • 113 14 Lightweight blanket manufacture From KEITH HOOPER in SYDNEY AN Australian manufacturing company of blankets is now producing lightweight blanket not seen previously in this country thanks to an inquiry from Singapore. It is also applying the production knowledge into the making of a baby blanket it will market shortly. The
      113 words
    • 46 14 The quantity of milk produced by each Danish cow has increased 15 per cent since 1939, according to Danish News-Letter issued in Sln/apore. quoting Danish Dairy Statistics 1962. The average yield per cow was 6.591 lb. in 1939 and 7.594 lb. in 1961.
      46 words
    • 112 14 COPRA: BIDS TOO LOW SAYS REPORT ARRIVALS of copra for thrf week from all origins were estimated at 1,400 tons the bulk of which is said to be part fulfilment of outstanding contracts for sub-, stantial quantities, say.s Lewis and Peat s weekly produce report. Business on t.o.b. terms was
      112 words
    • 61 14 Aluminium Ltd. announced; in Montreal a preliminary net income for 1962 of $113.4; million compared with $$1.8 million for the previous year. On the basis of unaudited figures, consolidated sales and i operating revenues are estimated at $1,677 million against $1,551 million the year before. The company's
      61 words
    • 119 14  - Formosa sugar machines for K.L. T.S. TAN By MACHINERY worth $2.7 million is on the way by ship from Formosa for a sugar refinery project at Batu Tiga. 14 miles from Kuala Lumpur. Dr. Thian Sen ling, managing director of the refinery, United Malay States Sugar Industries Ltd.. said that
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 780 14 OLYMPUS MICROSCOPE The evolution of 28 years of continuous improvement. Trade enquiries to P.O. Box 293 |TTOHt3 Singapore. Mil I MALAYSIA'S x «^Lr X br|LL|A nt Then place a small ad in our classified columns. Wfur Straits Times classifieds fkjJo^g£ L U "-^^^K^kU brint BIG results. JIHI •—^-Al^aTaTaTaTaTaS.Tatfr^d' DKUNInI ii
      780 words
    • 129 14 MOBILCO MATCHLESS I j Ly«|Ha(Pi^ SAW VALUE THAT MONEY CAN BUY Never before has such outstanding Chain Saw Value been available to you. Within our economically priced range, there are models which are suitable for the enthusiastic gardener whilst others can be used to tackle even the toughest logging job
      129 words

  • 324 15  -  FIRDIE SALAHUDIN SAFA ROW By Singapore, Monday TWO INDEPENDENT members of the Singapore Amateur Football Association walked out of a council meeting today when their right to attend was questioned. The two members were Ang Soon Hoe and Ibrahim Isa. They were Immediately
    AFP  -  324 words
  • 235 15 Tang urges: Don't pull out the youth team SINGAPORE. Mon— A call to SAFA not to withdraw Singapore's youth team from the Asian junior soccer championship ln Penang next month was made at today's council meeting by Tan Tuck Wan, secretary of the Singapore Amateur Sports Council. Mr. Tan made
    235 words
  • 142 15 SINGAPORE, Mon. R^.P. Tengah owed their success to Joint Services stars. Edwards and Davis when they defeated Khalsa 3-1 in their opening match in the SAFA league second division at Farrer Park today. Airmen, with another Joint Services player. Long, at left half,
    142 words
  • 30 15 HONG KONO. Mon. The visiting Singapore University hockey team today drew 1-1 with the Indian "Navy Bharat" Club in a friendly match here. George Sandosham scored for Singapore.
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  • 747 15 WORLD OF SPORT I^EIL Harvey, Australia's vice-captain before his recent retirement from Test cricket, launched a new attack today on Ted Dexter, the MCC captain. He said Dexter was not the man for the captain's Job. Harvey, who made a
    747 words
  • 63 15 pENSACOLA (Florida): Arnold Palmer surged from four shots behind to win thr Bth annual I SS2S 000 Pensacola PGI Oven yesterday with a 15-under par 373. "I haven't hit my irons so strong in two years." Palmer Mid as he finished his 67-stroke round for a
    63 words
    • 284 15  - Strong Asian challenge emerges GEORGE LIU GOLF By HONG KONO. Mon.— One of Britain's top golfing correspondents Intends to "go home and preach the gospel of the Far East crucult" and see if he can persuade Britain's finest golfers to make their mark ln this part of the world. Henry
      284 words
    • 261 15  - UK HILL CLIMB CHAMP ENTERS LIM K£E CHAN MALAYSIA GP By CINGAPORE, Mon. Arthur Owen, Britain's 1962 hill climb champion, will race in the Malaysia Grand Prix sponsored by the Ministry of Culture over the Sembawans circuit on April 14 and IS. Owen, who will be passing through on his
      261 words
    • 58 15 SINGAPORE. Mon. Ceylon Sports Club will be out for a hat-trick when they meet Singapore Recreation Club ln the SHA League Cup fl^al at Farrer Park tomorrow (bully-off 5.15 p.m.). Ceylonese have beaten SRC 1-0 ln the League Div.' 1 final and won the slx-a-sldc championship
      58 words
    • 24 15 SINGAPORE. Mon— The Singapore Hockey Association senior and Junior knockout quarterfinals draw will take place at Farrer Park tomorrow at 6.15 pjn
      24 words
    • 38 15 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon.— Kilat Club beat Young Eaglets 3-0 in a Selangor Hockey j»-sociaiiou league division tv.o match at PanUi today. In another match Employees Provident Fund beat Camp Mindef 1-0 at Rifle Range Road.
      38 words
    • 120 15 HOCKEY Spore junior ke: SIR 1 CSC B 0. SOCCER Inter-schools (Penang); l'nder-20 Shang Teh 3 PFB 1: Under- 15: PFS 6 K. Batas English 0. BADMINTON King's Cap (Penang) Han Chiang HS bt BXI 3-2. CRICKET Friendly (XL): RMAF drew with XL "V" Teenagers. RMAF 123 (Bakar 43.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1736 15 NOTICE THE AUTOMOBILE estate of ASSOCIATION OF SINGAPORE Sona Savanna M A.y Un t™™*^"™™ 22SZ Store Meera also known as of Members of the Association will s v shaik ah drensrd be neld in the Roof Garden. S.V Shaik All deceased. Adeipn, Hoteli 6 ingapore. at 6.15 PURSUANT to Section
      1,736 words
    • 843 15 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS COCHRANE ROAD (SECONDARY) SCHOOL KUALA LUMPUR. APPLICATIONS are invited from experienced teachers (preferably graduates) for the post of Senior Assistant, Cochrane Road School, Kuala Lumpur (large secondary School). Application forms (obtainable from the school) should be completed and sent, by registered pott, to the Secretary, Board of Governors,
      843 words
    • 690 15 TENDERS TENDER NOTICE TENDERS are Invited from registered contractors ln Class "A" for the construction of one Senior Staff bungalow, six Junior Stall quarters and six double-unit labour lines on Ulu Remls Estate, Layang Layang, Johore. Specifications and plans are available (or inspection at the office of the Director of
      690 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 79 15 HOCKEY SPORE LGE CUP FINAL: SRC v CBC (Farrer Pk. 5.15. S'GOR DIV. 1: Depot v Kilat (R. Range Rd>: Levers v Club Recrio (Brickfields* University v Tech. College (Princes Rd> SOCCER TRIAL: Penang Malays v FAT Selection 'City Stadium. 5.30 >. SPORE OIV. IB: Ketoeneran vK. Raja (Farrer Pk>;
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  • 56 16 ONLY FOUR MINUTES OF FILM FOR A DAY'S WORK I II K first mi-etint (right) between the hero William Holden and the heroine Susannah Yorke ABOVE: A scene during a rehearsal break involving William Holden's standin. Keith Peacock, and extra Siti Baizura binte Hussein. Straits
    Lim Yaw hong  -  56 words
  • 384 16  -  AUSTEN ZECHA By KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. More than ,100 Malayan extras were initiated today into the topsy-turvy world of film-making by going i night-clubbing in a hotel here at 7.30 in the MORNING. For the day's shooting— for the film "The Year
    384 words
  • 52 16 MANILA Mon. Delegates to the 19th session of Ecafe today adopted unanimously a draft resolution estatiliahing an Asian Institute for Economic Development in Bangkok in January 1964. The Institute would provide adequate training facilities for personnel from Ecafe countries in economic development processes and t
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 39 16 SINGAPORE. Mon French nctrivw Capuctne will arrive In Singapore by BOAC al about 6.50 p.m. tomorrow enroute to Kuala Lumpur for the filming of Unitrd Artists "Year of -tw Dragon" ulth William Holde.i and Susannah York
    39 words
  • 231 16 MOGADISHU, Mon. V 1 The Somali Prime Minister. Mr. Abdi Rashid A1 i Sharemarke, announced in Parliament this morning that the Government had decided to break off diplomatic relations with Britain because of its policy on the northern frontier district of Kenya. The announcement was greeted
    Reuter  -  231 words
  • 297 16 MPs QUERY THE ENTRANCE EXAM RESULTS HP H E MINISTER of 1 Education. Haji Ab- dul. Hamid Khan, said today 76,952 pupils failed in the Malayan secondary schools entrance examination held last year. He told Parliament that only 51,413 pupils passed out of the 128.365 who
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  • 333 16 TIN FIRM GIVES $2,000 TO P-FUND ITUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Two Royal Malayan Air Force officers today made a "humble" Joint contribution of $100 to the National Patriotic Fund. They are Flying Officer Lim Heng Lip. a son of Senator Lim Hee Hong, and Flight Lieutenant Chal Kal Woo. They wrote
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  • 22 16 RANGOON. Mon. Marauding Karen rebels attacked the town of Bllin. 130 miles east of Rangoon, and killed six people.
    22 words
  • 193 16 40 warships take part in sea-air exercise PENANG. Mon.— One of I the bifgest-ever Commonwealth sea-air exercises began "somewhere in the Indian Ocean" today. Taking part in the exercise are 40 warships of Britain, Australia, India, Ceylon and Malaya. Also in action are four RAAF Neptune maritime reconnaissance aircraft based
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  • 70 16 MANILA. Mon. The Philippine Navy announced last night that some 2,000 Indonesian illegal lnmlgrants in in the province of Mindano. 550 miles south-east of Manila, had been rounded up and were ready for repatriation on Saturday. Commodore Juan B. Magluyan. the navy chief, said
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 75 16 BERLIN. Mon— West Berlin police said today that a 22-year-old student, killed In a bomb explosion In a flat here last night, might have belonged to a group responsible for the bomb attack against the Soviet Intourist Travel; Office last Tuesday. The police found 13
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 30 16 CANBERRA. Mon. Australia will increase to tw million pounds ($13.5 million > its military aid to India, the External Affairs Minister. Sir Garneld Barwiek. announced yesterday.— U.P.l.
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  • 365 16 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday, OPPOSITION parties in the House of Representatives under the leadership of tip former Minister for Agriculture, Inche AbM Aziz Ishak, have formed a common froritMb oppose Malaysia in its present form. Representatives of the Socialist Front. Peoples Progressive Party. Pan-Malayan Islamic Party.
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  • 117 16 Filipino President to visit Borneo MANILA, Mon. Mr. Lai En Kong. North Borneo's chief delegate to the current U.N. Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East conference, said today that the Philippines President, Mr. Diosdado Mac a p a gal. plans to visit North Borneo. Mr. Lai told reporters
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  • 101 16 CABLE RECEIVED from Ceylon on 11.3.63 Mrs. Muthutharnpy. mother of Mrs. Thllllampalam fit Sentul. Kuala Lumpur, and M. 1 Maniam. Tampin. JOE MORRIS passed away peacefully at G. H. Cortege leave* 115 Tiong Bahru Road 12.3.63 at 4.00 p-m. to St. Theresa's Church. MR. M. A. MENON, formerly of
    101 words
  • 56 16 NICE. Mon.— King Saud of! Saudi Arabia has reserved 90 rooms j In two hotels on the beachfront i of this Riviera city for himself and his staff, hotel officials said. The King and his aides are expected to arrive In Nice on Thurs- day for
    56 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 238 16 Your Choice of 4 ATTRACTIVE INCLUSIVE TOURS to EUROPE and the U.S.A. TMir Operator: EURTRAVEL ROME Spontor.ll9 Carrier: X.L.M. ROYAL DUTCH AIRLINES rr/AIA/01 M ***** par P«'»on, 22 Day* EUROPE TOUR. IT/ Al A/02 M ***** p.r person. 33 Doyi EUROPE TOUR. IT/AIA/03 Mssso4.p«r person, 22 Day* EUROPE 14 Days
      238 words

  • 18980 1 SINGAPORE, Mon. The following arc the full results of the joint examination for the Cambridge School Certificate, the Federation of Malaya Certificate and the General Certificate of Education held last year. The Cambridge School Certificate is awarded to candidates who have passed in at least 6 subjects,
    18,980 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 551 1 STAMFORD COLLEGE A^4jpg^A (Malaya's College of Postal Education) —I '7^^ The Principal and Staff of the College extend their heartfelt conHk fj gratulation* to Stamford Collegians throughout Malaysia who were 111 > i/S successful in the Cambridge/F.M.C./ C.C.E. examinations. 1963/1964 Examinations r L— k. """""s*^^ Your further educoticn is sate
      551 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 195 2 ST3 CITY SCHOOL OF COMMERCE, SINGAPORE The City's leading College at Further Education otters the soundest training in Arts, Science and Commercial subiccts tor, c Cambridge Certificate b Higher School Certificate (c) General Certificate ot Education and similar eiems; d London Chamber of Commerce and provisional Accountancy/Secretarial eiemt MORNINC/EVENING CLASSES
      195 words
    • 122 2 "THE PRIVATE TUTOR" (Correspondence College) KATONG P.O. Box 90— Singapore- 15. pj POSTAL EPUCATION SPECIALISTS provide Scientifically B Prepared tutorial courses for the following examinations. Cembride.e University Higher School Certificate, (HSC) Cembrieite University Oversee School Certificate, (Senior) Qualifying Test, General Certificate of Education, L.C.E., F. of M. Certificate of Educotion.
      122 words

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  • 6070 4 JOHOHH BAHRU, Mori. The following are the full results of the joint examination for the (Jain bridge School Certificate, the Federation of Malaya Certificate and the General Certificate of Education for English schools in Johore held last year. The Cambridge School Certificate is awarded to candidates
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    • 210 4 MALAYAN CORRESPONDENCE COLLEGE (The foremost college of postal education In Malaysia) The Directors, Compilers and Tutorial staff congratulate M. C. Collegians who were successful in the Cambridge Examination. 1963/1964 Examinations. Courses Available tor the Main features ot 1963/1964 Courses follows Examinations The coultM or eom|>UN in lß mi#w-t> Few te»t
      210 words