The Straits Times, 28 February 1963

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 20 1 AVERAGE DAILY CEBTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 100.000 The Straits Times fjeffir Estd. 1845 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1963. 15 CENTS KDN 352
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  • 46 1 > Sarawak to get 24 seats and North Borneo 16 seats in Malaysia Parliament First Heads of both States to be nominated by King and Queen Elizabeth LORD LANSDOWNE Chairman of InterGovernmental Committee, whose report is published today. See also pages 5, 10, 11.
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  • 769 1  -  FELIX ABISHEGANADEN: By FULL safeguards for the special interests of North Borneo and Sarawak are recommended by the Inter-Govern-mental Committee whk:h has drawn up constitutional arrangements for the two states to join Malaysia. These safeguards rover religious freedom, education, parliamentary representation, the position of the indigenous races ;m<l
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  • 424 1 IPOH, Wednesday. ]'HK National Mining Workers Union decided here today to call a strike of its 14,000 members from the Europeanmanaged tin mines in the country. Earlier in the afternoon talks here between the union and the Malayan Mining Employers' Association broke down on
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  • 72 1 JOHANNESBURG, Wed. About 2.000 Africans have been compulsorily moved from their homes in a township at Vryheld, Natal, and housed in two tent camps, the Johannesburg Star reported today. Originally the town council of Vryheld, a small country town on the borders of Transvaal and Natal,
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  • 64 1 NEW DELHI. Wed.— Mr. Nehru told Parliament today that reports that China plans to explode an atom bomb in the Gobi Desert were so far "unconfirmed." The Prime Minister said in a written reply to a question that periodic tests of air. water and soil samples from
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  • 262 1 ifUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Film Star William Holden (above) and Lewis Gilbert, a Hollywood producer, have arrived to make a film about the emergency. Mr. Holden will play the leading role in the film, based on the novel. "The Durian Tree" by Michel
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  • 75 1 Pr.KAN. Wed.— Temcku Haji JaafTar bin Tengku Muda Ali, 63, a cousin of the Sultan of Pahang. was today nominated a Socialist Front candidate for the Pahang Tua constituency of the State Assembly. Other candidates no- minated were Inche Mohammed Moktar bin Haji Daud. 43. (Alliance) and
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  • 123 1 6 pirates captured in North Borneo SINGAPORE. Wed— Six pirates were captured and their boat seized in a joint operation by HMS Barrosa and the Green Jackets in North-East Borneo yesterday. While the Barrosa. under Commander P. F. R. Corson, covered all escape routes by sea, the Commandos rounded up
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  • 72 1 NEW DELHI. Wed The United States is considering supplying India with Sidewinder air-to-air missiles which could be fitted to sub-sonic aircraft now in use by the Indian Air Force, according to usually reliable sources here today. The decision will be taken after leaders of the Joint
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  • 25 1 ISTANBUL. Wed.— About 8.000 to 10.000 prisoners are being released throughout Turkey after Parliamentary approval last week of a general amnesty. Reuter.
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  • 285 1 Aussie envoy's secret trip to Jakarta JAKARTA, Wed. Australia's High Commissioner to Malaya, Mr. T. K. Critchley, today discussed the proposed Malaysia Federation with President Soekarno and Foreign Minister, Dr. Subandrio. Mr. Critchley arrived here unannounced last night from Kuala Lumpur on a 24-hour visit on his way back to
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  • 13 1 PARANG ATTACK \runv.i D lUilii >y four I j-h mil M
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 41 1 Newest Trifocal lenses Supplied exclusively by: DAM SIN OPTICAL HOUSE, 325, North Bri4f M.. S'porc •7. KUxt door ODEON Phon« 34*71. Branch Office: Trt« Ptnai<9 Optical Co., 13 Forquhor SI., Penono.. .you can alwaysV sT \COLD STORAGE J CHAIN OF SUPERMARKETS
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    • 66 1 HH H I Recording Tape THE ORIGINAL-AND STILL THE BEST PHILIPS ALL-TRANSISTOR PORTABLE RADIO 3 wavebands M.W and 2 S.W. Powerful output; clear reception. Excellent selectivity too, thanks to detachable telescopic aerial. Modern polystrene cabinet, complete with leather carrying case. BPEa L Ask your dealer today! OFFER: J J H,
      66 words

    • 148 2 21 TIBETAN CHILDREN BEGIN A NEW LIFE ON DON, Wed. Twenty-one Tibetan children arrived here by air yesterday to begin a new life at Pestalozzi village in Sussex, southern England. At the airport to meet the eight girls and 13 boys, all refugees, were children of 14 nations who live
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    • 143 2 Indonesia sinks 3 smuggling boats JAKARTA. Wed. An J Indonesian Navy patrol boat arrested 32 alleged smugglers and sank their three vessels in territorial waters off East Borneo last week, according to reports published here yesterday. The patrol confiscated cargoes of copra, damar and rubber. The official newsagency Antara said
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    • 275 2 Red China accuses Khrushchev of tearing up hundreds of contracts concluded with her Apologise and sit down for talks demand right in waging a necessary struggle against the reactionary policy of the Nehru Government of India. "The surprising thing is that when a fraternal Socialist country
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    • 928 2 New blast on Nik from Peking People's Daily £OMMUNIST China today blamed the Soviet Union for causing the rift in the Communist camp and launched a vigorous new attack on the Soviet Premier, Mr. Nikita Khrushchev PEKING, Wednesday The Peking regime said publicly for the first time that Russia had
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    • 185 2 Heal-rift talks— a Berlin warning BERLIN (Eastern Sector), Wed.— The international Communist magazine. Problems of Peace and Socialism, ■aid yesterday that a conference to discuss the ideological dispute between Russia and China could only deepen the differences if it were not carefully prepared. An unsigned article in this authoritative monthly
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 142 2 be fm m f Br^B sf iJlTIi' "SiJHIm ifiT—^isWiiiiMi 1 J m^— m I I ANGLIA ESTATE CAR IAIITiI mm mm uf 1 yf" 1 1 fc ANGLIA SUPER BBS" BB^BBBBh^* BBBEV ibV^S fet II m W \\(.U\ 250 VAN $4,665. W rop^^^ for Quality, ■C I J Ele 9
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    • 55 2 Remove UGLY HAIR in minutes Nair removes every trace of unwanted hair under arm, or the face and legs, in minutes. Eliminates stubble caused by shaving, leaves skin smoother, lovelier. Nair proved in hospital tests. NAIR CREAM America's largest selling hair remover Available at all leading store* I ENGLISH ELECTRIC
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    • 37 3 WASHINGTON, Wed. The U.S. has told Russia it Is ready to resume exploratory talks on the Berlin issue. It was reported here today. The decision was conveyed to the Soviet Foreign Minister Mr. Gromyko. by
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    • 307 3 'COME AND GET HIM' CALL TRAPS ARGOUD PARIS, Wednesday. pOLICE yesterday found ex-Colonel Antoine Argoud, a leader of the extremist underground movement against President de Gaulle, lying in a car bound hand and foot, the Interior Ministry announced. The announcement said he was arrested on the He de la Cite
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    • 145 3 France to have a flying fire brigade PRIS. Wed.— France Is building her own instant-readiness military "fire brigade" similar to tbe U.S. Marines and British combined operations forces, official sources said here today. It is hoped to have the force in operation by the end of the year, and it
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    • 29 3 LONDON. Wed. Ration books for use in "a war emergency" are being printed and stored away at a cost of £240.000. the British Government has disclosed.
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    • 41 3 the U.S. Ambassador to Russia Mr. Foy Kohler. Diplomatic officials said they expected the talks to be resumed early next month In Washington between the Secretary of State Mr. Dean Rusk, and the Soviet Ambassador Mr. Anatoly Dobrynln.— U.P.l.
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    • 43 3 LONDON. Wed.— Doctors should ye free to operate and give other j reatment to save a child's Jife tven if the parents object on re- 1 igious or other grounds, a loint egal and medical committee re- ion said yesterday— UP.l
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    • 190 3 'Shadow' chancellor calls for tax on wealth f ONDON, Wed. Mr. James Callaghan, the Labour Party's "shadow' 1 Chancellor of the Exchequer, last night suggested thab all capital over £20,000 should be subject to an annual tax. Saying such a taxable minimum would not affect the average householder buying his
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    • 46 3 ATHENS. Wed. Twenty, one crew of the Greek cargo ship Algll froze to death when they leaped into Ice waters after the vessel capsized and .-lank In heavy seas, authorities said last night. Only the wireless operator survived the accident.— U.P.l.
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    • 198 3 WELL DONE, U.S. TELLS SUB THAT BROKE HER DEFENCES LONDON. Wed— The Daily Mail reported today that a Royal Navy submarine recently penetrated United States anti-submarine defences. The newspaper said the vessel Orpheus surfaced "cheekily" off a giant U.S. submarine base at New London, Connecticut. An Admiralty spokesman said: "We
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    • 56 3 SANTA MONICA. (California). Wed— Gary Merrill, the actor has filed a petition in the Superior Court here accusing his former wife, actress Bette Davis of contempt of court for allegedly refusing to let him see their son. Miss Davis and Merrill were divorced in 1960 after
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    • 35 3 LONDON. Wed.— Queen EUaabeth. the Queen Mother, yesterday opened the University of London's new Commonwealth Hall near King's Cross. The hall will provide residential accommodation for 400 British and Commonwealth students. Reuter.
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    • 34 3 LONDON. Wed.— Britain's Medical Research Council haa agreed with several pharmaceutical firms to try and find a vaccine against the common cold, it w.i.n announced in the ttouse of Commons.— Reuter.
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    • 227 3 Venus is smoggy, but she's warm at heart WASHINGTON, Wed. Venus is a dead dark desert hidden from the rest of the universe by clouds of only smog. Scientists yesterday pieced out this picture of the brightest of planets from millions of bits of Information supplied by rapid, ra and
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    • 92 3 LONDON. Wed. Two Plm Street Journalists yesterday ap-i piled to the House of Lords ap-i penis committee for permission to! appeal against a High Court rullug that they be Jailed for refusing to give Information to a security tribunal. The two men, Mr. Brenadan Mulholland
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    • 163 3 f ONDON, Wed. A I committee of leading Anglicans and Methodists yesterday urged union between their churches to end their 219-year-old quarrel. The plan, if implemented, would involve changes in worship for millions of people. The committee said more than six years of joint discussions had led
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    • 210 3 NEW YORK. Wed. Die 82-day-old New York newspaper strike will result In a temporary shutdown of Bowater's Newfoundland Pulp and Paper Mill Ltd. operations, It was announced yesterday. The company, which normally sends 300 tons of newsprint a day to New York, has lost sales
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 155 3 Go for a GALA washing machine The GALA SUPERMATIC washer spin dryer with Auto Control Wf IJ^Sai&ii&S^jjfc i KSSP»s^<^. JUST SET AND GET fflffS WStß^sS^B^SS^ A PERFECT WASH Look wbat you get in tbe fabulous new Gala Supermatic washing (A colourcast /_VJ machine: JVJK __JWjKL Automatic control of water temperature
      155 words
    • 271 3 SKINNY PEOPLE! C read this f AMAZING WEIGHT GAINS WITH V. WATE-ON Wate-M it a new pteaunt-to-t*ke »houkirn. bunt. «rm». hipi »n<l U-r*. •übtunce ihit't pacltrU miih weight- Your fice look* younger, prettier' building c«lor«*. bone-huildiruj Vit»- Skinny M»— incrra*e your weight mm D. blood-building Vitamin Bit. and your Mature
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • 254 4 from Geoffrey Gcldard KUCHING. Wad. THK terms worked out for Sarawak's entry into Malaysia were "very satisfactory," said the Resident of Sarawak's Third Division, Mr. A.F.R. (Jriffin at the opening today of the Divisional Advisory Council meeting. Mr. Griffin was commenting; on the report of
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  • 480 4 SINGAPORE, Wad rIE chairman of the Adult Education Board. Mr. C.V. Devan Nair said tonight he hoped there would be more effective public participation in the adult education movement in future. Mr. Nair, who was speaking at a ceremony to pre- sent award certificates and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 135 4 Advertisement sssssssssm Lemons That Bring Beauty Give your complexion radiant loveliness with a special type of beauty lemon. It has remarkable properties for beautifying the complexion as it clears, refines and tones the skin to youthful loveliness. It melts out plugged pores, closing them to a beautifully fine texture and
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    • 465 4 t OPKXS TODAY! Horn 1.3 C 400- 6 30 4 9 30pm* Alfred Hitchcock's 4- the men who .1 I knew too much; James STIWAUT Doris Doy Technicnlor Poromount. j- SATURDAY 1 X MYSTERY MIDNIGHT I OF AN OUTSTANDING i I HOLLYWOOD PRODUCTION J c*j k N^is^Tfn I opi >s
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  • 1089 5 MALAYSIANISATION' PAYMENTS WITH TOP LIMIT OF $100,000 RECOMMENDED FOR CIVIL SERVANTS IN BORNEO TERRITORIES Kuala Lumpur, L Wednesday— J A RETIREMENT benefit scheme with a maximum compensation of $188,080 free of tax has been written into the Malaysia report of the Inter-Govern-mental Committee released here today.
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  • 210 5 ENVOY ON ROLE OF SMALL NATIONS IN PREVENTING WAR KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. DEOPLE today lived in "the most highly armed state of peace" that the world had ever known, Mr. R.A. Woolcott First Secretary at the Australian High Commission, told Rotarians at their weekly lunch here today. He added: "The
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  • 116 5 Group will unite all Indian sections JOHORE BAHRU, Wed. The main task of the Johore Bahru Indian Association is to unite Malayan Tamils. Sikhs. Malayalees, Bengalis. Andhras, Oujerails and Anglo-Indians to help the growth of the community. Dr. Lalltha Sambandam. president of the association, said In an Interview today. The
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  • 24 5 SINOAPORE. Wed Sir Edmund Hillary, joint conqueror ol Mount Everest, will arrive ;n Sinig.iixnv Airport al 7.66 p.m. on I Prtdav
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  • 459 5 ]£UALA LUMPUR, Wed. Provision for the "progressive Borneanisation" of the public services in the Borneo States will be made in the States' and Federal Constitutions when Malaysia comes into being. A report of the Malaysia Inter Governmental Committee, published today, warns that the
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  • 69 5 SINGAPORE. Wed— R.R.B. Gray, an engineer, was charged In a magistrate's court today with causing the death of a man, Scow Chin Heng. by a negligent act not amounting to culpable homicide. Gray was alleged to have driven a car which, knocked down Scow
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  • 115 5 MANILA, Wed. The Philippines must push through her claim of ownership to North Borneo for security reasons, military authorities here said yesterday in an army briefing for members of the Philippines Congress. Informed sources said the military authorities told the congressmen that should
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  • 40 5 PENANO. Wed— A girl. Toh Swee Enat. 20. c* Rope Walk today pleaded not guilty to a charge of attempting to re-sell seven tickets at the Cathay Theatre last night. She allowed ball until April 3.
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  • 118 5 Kuala Lumpur, W«d. 1 QIX men, one with a pistol k and the others with daggers, raided the house of a tin miner. Mr. Tan Kirn Ting, at the 3rd mile Ipoh Road here last night and took $1,208 in jewellery and rash. They entered the
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  • 113 5 PENANG, Wed— The families of the three missing Penan* fishermen who fell overboard in the Indian Ocean on Feb. 21 after a collision between their junk and a steamer, have given them up for lost. Mrs. Loo Leone Ann. wife of
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  • 39 5 SEREMBAN. Wed. The Se-| remban branch of the People's Progressive Party Ls to be reorganised and strengthened. At a meeting on Saturday tin secretary general. Mr. D. R. Beenivasaeam. will be the main speaker.
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  • 44 5 KUALA KANGSAR. Wed. Mohamed Rashid bin Kulop Ismail. 26. was seriously hurt In his right eye, chest and hand after lighting a big cracker which he found on the road. The cracker exploded before he could throw It away.
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  • 235 5 OUT OF WORK AND IN DEBT, —THEY NEED JOBS BADLY PENANG, Wed. A British Muslim convert who returned to Malaya from England recently with his homesick Malay wife and their three-year-old son is lookins: for a job desperately. Mr. Joharl MacWellson. 35, a
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  • 49 5 BRUNEI TOWN, Wed. The police recovered a rifle and quantity of ammunition In an operation In the Kuala Belaii area here on Monday. An army spokesman said that almost all rides stolen by the rebels in the first days of the rebellion have now been recovered.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 47 5 MORE IMPORTANT TODAY THAN EVER The CAR that starts ahead and stays ahead SUPBRLATfVB MGB WITH 1800CQ. ENQINI ■i MAGNETTE and the MW ©1100 I II MONTHS' I WARRANTY I SERVICE MALAYAN MOTORS LTD. 14/20 Orchard Road, Singapore Represented in the Federation of Malaya: WEARNE BROS. LTD.
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    • 38 5 FOR LADIES OF FASHION! Him. TRAOC MARK /<tf^S?»%*«*»*'*«*«*«*»*»*«*«*«*»*»*»*«*«*!*l*!*l*!*l*l*!*!*! > l*! > > > Nothing better for a lady than to look smart. Fashioned and tailored to suit you for all occasions UNIONFORM will provide that smart look Available at all leading stores.
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  • 217 6 SINGAPORE, Wed. A former bar waitress, Josephine Bournaparte. who sued a corporal in the British Army, Ronnie Johnson, for damages for breach of j promise to marry, was awarded special and tioncral damages of $6,645 with costs by Mr. Justice Tan Ah Tah in
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  • 66 6 SINGAPORE. Wed. Three 1 men pc.sing as re.'rlgerator repair-' men entered a house in Slang Llm Park and stole $1,500 cash and $600 In Jewellery yesterday afternoon. The thugs, two armed with daeaan, tied up the Madam Neo Yoke. 71. who was alone and ran- 1
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  • 56 6 .SINGAPORE. Wed.— Radio Singapore will broadcast an interview wiih Dr. B. R. Sirenivasan. VlccChancellor of the University of Singapore over the English service on Friday at 7.15 p.m. Dr. Bresntvaaan will rlvo details of the Uuivi ratiy'i ezoanaion plan and will also rfveal how the Idea of
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  • 573 6 SECOND DAY OF THE BATTLE OF THE 'GOLDS' lIIMIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIiIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIII gINGAPORE. Wed. Code names were used for Gold Leaf cigarettes before they were introduced to Malaya, the High Court was told today. The names used were "Weston" and "Middlesex." Officials of British American
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  • 559 6 NO RACE TO GET GOLD LEAF OUT FIRST' was handed to the printers on April 7. Mr Dull asked how many people outside Players knew of the design by June 1961. Mr. Gunn said the outside firms and agencies were Mardon Son and Hall, who had a design on April
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  • 176 6 'Stop this ramp' warning to TV set dealers CINGAPORE. Wed— The government will take strict action if dealers cash in on the demand for television sets, Mr. Howe Yoon Chong. Permanent Secretary to the Finance Ministry, said today. He told officials of the Radio, Electrical Traders Association of Singapore that
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  • 65 6 JOHORE BAHRU. Wed. The staff of the Johore Bahru courts bade farewell tonight to a colleague Wan Chile bin Mohamed Rouse, 49. who leaves tomorrow to take up his new post as Registrar of the Ipoh Sessions Court. His friends and colleagues gave him a dinner party
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  • 40 6 SINGAPORE. Wed. The Second Industrial Arbitration Court will hear an application for an interpretation of a clause In an agreement between the Ford Motor Co. of Malaya Ltd. and the Singapore Motor Workshops Employees' Union on March 11.
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  • 64 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. —Shell Refining Co. (Malaya) Ltd. today announced the appointment of Dato Nik Kamil and Mr. Lee Kok Chee as directors. Dato Nik was formerly Malayan Ambassador to Washington. Mr. Lee, who has interests in tin, rubber and poultry, is a keen sportsman. He is president
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  • 131 6 LECTURER CLEARED OF 'FRIVOLOUS' CHARGE OINGAPORE, Wed. A lecturer at the Singapore Polytechnic was today acquitted of a charge which was stated to have caused him "great embarrassment and hardship." Paul Toby Fourie had been accused of using criminal force on Llm Ah Nol. a maidservant In the employ of
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  • 37 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Prof. Robert Ho, head of the Geography Department at the University of Malaya, left for Germany by air today on a twomonth visit at the invitation of the West German Government.
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  • 176 6 Rashid, 65, (I saved 10 cents a day) goes to Mecca PORT SWETTENHAM. Wed. A man, who saved 10 cents a day lor 20 years for his pilgrimage, was among the 167 people bound for Mecca in the liner Kuala Lumpur today. Muhamed Rashid bin Muhamed Salleh. 65. a labourer,
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  • 57 6 SINGAPORE. Wed. A public lecture on "Roosevelt the Revolutionary" by Mr. George Thomson. Director of the Political Study Centre, will be held at the United States Cultural Centre Library tomorrow at 5.30 p.m. The talk will be about President Franklin D. Roosevelt's social and economic experiments
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  • 38 6 SINGAPORE. Wed.— The Minister for Pinance. Dr. Goh Keng Swee, will open the Singapore Gold and Silver Merchants' Association's new building in North Canal Road on Sunday. The ceremony will also mark the association's jubilee anniversary.
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  • 384 6 Pll have to close shop if I meet claims boss SINGAPORE. Wed. INCHE A. A. Edrus, proprietor of Qalam, a printing firm in Geylang, said today he would have to close down, his business if he met the claims of the Singapore General Printing Workers' Union for higher pay. annual
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  • 256 6 Tricia is so disappointed she has only 2 days in S'pore SINGAPORE, Wed. Tricia Reschke, 20, daughter of a farmer who captured the '•Miss Australia 1962" title, is now in Singapore on the last leg of her world tour. Tricia flew into Singapore last night from Bangkok by Qantas in
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  • 33 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Tengku Abdul Rahman has received "Han Raya" message* from President Nasser of the United Arab Republic, and the Prime Ministers of Kuwait and the Federation of Nigeria.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 162 6 f n COMPACT, COMPUTE UNIT READY TO INSTALL L Yes/ world-famous Pleuger assures constant, trouble-free water supply! 4 Pleuger, with \\s electric motor and centrifugal pump I ill direct-coupled, forms one complete, compoct unit. Entirely sub=s* merged in your well or bore Pleuger eliminates costly installation, S[ gives reliable performance
      162 words
    • 132 6 The V^ m loveliest i ride on X i the worlds y most beautiful X^^i scooter! A ambnolla 1^ 'Slimstyle*lsO-li It's top value for your money and way ahead of >^ all the others in DESIGN POWER COMFORT ECONOMY And hare's why: Th» LAMBRETTA 'S4itmtyi«' 150-U has bun ptonrwd and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 249 7 A MAJOR INCREASE IN TOTAL POM Ed FROM Not since the original Supershell with iCA came to Malaya has m^ m Ifi F™ Ik I f*"|J|f mNo more knocking -re-formulated NEW SUPERSHELL there been such a dramatic increase in the total power of petrol. J p* |\l I** WW evenly
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  • 415 8 (INETHICAL CONDUCT, INSPECTOR TELLS MAGISTRATE SINGAPORE, Wed. A prosecuting inspector, Eugene Wong, said today it was unelnicai for defence counsel to "peep" into his in vestig.a tion papers, while he was conducting a case for the prosecution. Inspector Wong made this charge against Mr. John Tan, counsel
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  • 169 8 SINGAPORE. Wed. Nine faittiUes from the huge multi-million dollar Toa Payoh development site today moved from their squatter huts into new homes. Seven shifted into new terrace houses in Kirn Keat Road, while the others were given accommodation in prefabricated homes
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  • 125 8 BINGAPORE. Wed. For the convenience of the public attending the television and radio exhibition at Robinson Road. the Singapore Traction Company is extending its bus services to Shenton Circus from 6 p.m. to midnight for the duration of the exhibition. The extended bus services will
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  • 127 8 SINGAPORE, Wednesday. HALF of Shenton Way and Robinson Road will be closed to traffic between 6 p.m. and midnight daily from March 1 to 21 for the Retas TV-Radio exhibition. No motor vehicles other than buses will be allowed to enter Shenton Way from Bh«mton
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  • 135 8 230 Cathay workers on strike SINGAPORE. Wed. About 230 employees of Cathay Organisation Ltd. and its three subsidiary organisations today went on strike following an alleged deadlock in negotiations over wage claims between the firms and the Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workers' Urlon. The subsidiary organisations are Cathay Hotel. Ltd.,
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  • 36 8 SINGAPORE. Wed.— A French lecturer and journalist. Mr. Andre Blanchet. will give a public talk in English on "French Speaking Africa" at the Alliance Francaise. 23. Chatsworth Avenue, at 6.30 p-m. on Friday.
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  • 32 8 SINGAPORE. Wed. Officers and men of the "D" Division. Police Nrtrura Sinmtpura will hold a Hari Raya party al the Havelorlc Road police headquarters. Chancellor Road, on March 3.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 354 8 HAVE THE ITALIAN WAY! are on a fabulous floating Italian Riviera j^|^s^ the moment you step onto a Lloyd Triestino liner Your most extravagant dreams seem pale by comparison Kg&X g& when you travel Lloyd Triestino. Every trip is a luxurious Tf> pleasure cruise of rest and enjoyment. 'r§^^sA> i*
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 110 8 Alloy Oop By V- T. itantlin IP irk Tracy By Chester Goultl r*jw hf a E trailer rrfe twe one mE c rest mep^> mps grazer. 1 mou. Li I Abnor By Al Capp W'lfc a»( *tfaa2X3£tt 3 I (-ANDTHAT-&JL&?- /S I I f -TO PUTOUR PARTNER- SI i I
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  • 289 9 More water now but still not enough to waste SINGAPORE. Wed. The Frime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, said today water supplies here had greatly improved in view of the "welcome break" In the dry spell in Singapore and the Terbrau region of Johore. From last Friday to yesterday, he
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  • 70 9 PENANG, Wed— Uo Kirn Seng. 26. was charged In a magistrate's court here today with attempting to murder and causing grievous hurt to a couple in the Penan* Botanic Gardens on the night of Feb. 23. Lio is accused of attempting toj murder Tan
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  • 48 9 IPOH. Wed— Lam Lai Kirn. 10. who went to the Majestic Theatre to book tickets ye-aerday morning.: had her gold chain valued at $301 snatched by a youth. She went home crying. Her aunt. Madam Yau Tit Ping. 28. reported to the police.
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  • 896 9 Seized notes tell inquiry witnesses how to reply, says counsel gINGAPORE, Wed. Crown Counsel Mr. Tan Wee Kian today produced a set of cyclostyled notes which he alleged laid down the line of evidence to be given by witnesses appearing before the commission inquiring into the Chinese Secondary four examination
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  • 102 9 $7300 TV quiz prize for Adeline VfISS Adeline Tan. 20. (above) of Kuala Lumpur. who won a 57.300 jackpot on Westward Television's general knowledge quiz "Treasure Hunt" in Plymouth. England. Miss Tan. who has been teaching music in a Plymouth school for four months, hopes to use the money to
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  • 142 9 FLOODED AREA BACK TO NORMAL lOHORE BAHRU, Wed. J Royal Marine Commandos worked until 3 a.m. today at the flood ravaged housinp estate in Jalan Waterworks here digging a deep channel to take away excess water in case of future floods. About 250 people evacuated their homes on Monday night
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  • 60 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed A British expert In radiography, Mr. E.J.W. Quick, will arrive here early next month to advise and assist In the establishment ol a School of Radiography here. A British High Commission statement said Mr. Quick would also make arrangements for conducting locally the Part
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  • 38 9 SINGAPORE. Wed. The Fifth Magistrate, Mr. Richard Laycock. will be trantferred to the Second Civil District Court on Friday. He succeeds Mr. K. T. Alexander, who Is to become the Second Criminal District Judge.
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  • 41 9 PENANG, Wed— Loo Cheng Leong today pleaded guUty to a charge of stealing a motor scooter valued at 1800, belonging to Mohamed Adnan bin Abu Bakar Sentence was postponed to March 4 and Loo was remanded In custody.
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  • 47 9 SINGAPORE. Wed.— Four more cars were reported stolen in Singapore yesterday. An Austin A5O was stolen from Loron* 25A, an Austin A4O from Balestier Road, a Morris Oxford from Alexandra Road and a Ford Prefect from Tannlin Halt. None has has been recovered.
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  • 181 9 BANKRUPT TRYING TO KEEP UP WITH JONESES K"UALA LUMPUR, Wed. Twenty-five Government servants became bankrupt last year because "they tried to keep up with the Joneses." The Senior Assistant Official Assignee. Mr. M. Rajendram. said today the 25 had over-spent by $235,--358. j "They tried living on the same level
    181 words
  • 52 9 PENANG. Wed.— A house painter. Low Haw Loon. 27, was charged today with robbing Ooi Ban Swee and Neon Suan Pin of $585 in cash and property while armed with a dagger in Kuantan Rohcl on Dec. 22. Low pleaded not guilty and was remanded for
    52 words
  • 373 9  -  TAN TOCK SAIK from DRDNEI TOWN. Wed. About 200 rebels are still in hiding in small scattered groups in Brunei and the Fourth and Fifth Divisions of Sarawak. Major-General W. C. Walker, Director of Operations, told a Press conference here today: "They will not be
    373 words
  • 58 9 BRUNEI. Wed The" Oomm. mem hire ha-i given $7,000 for relief of flood victims In Urn i Tutonß District. With $3,500 doi nated by the Brunei Flood Relic! Committee, flood victims in the fiistrict have so far been allocated $10,500 A balance of $2,000 has
    58 words
  • 220 9 ITUALA LUMPUR, Wed. —The president of the Malayan Association of Youth Clubs, Tengku Abdullah, today called on the youth of the j country to unite and be < prepared for any sacrifice that might be de-j manded of them. In a statement, he said that
    220 words
  • 60 9 PENANG. Wed.— A lorry attendant. How Vat Chow, today pleaded not guilty to a charge of committing armed robbery in Jalan Dharma on Dec. 14 last year. It was alleged that How. 32. held up the occupants of the house and robbed them or $6
    60 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 133 9 if v\ 1/ sssssai ,>^t Rt" PLANNING PI AN INDUSTREAL PROJECT? |J Come and discuss it with us. *p^g SOUTH ENGINEERS LTD >* Perhaps one of the following plants may be I of interest to you: I .'-f ,^J (1) Roofing Tiles Bricks ft i Tl <Clay or Concrete). F^-»'-
      133 words
      246 words

  • 28 10 it Wort, Sit (Minimum) r.ABLE RECEIVED I Arumaaaiyauin. ton of late V.X.D. Tbllliam- palam and aon-m-law of Allen Abra- i ham paaard away on l'A-V-63 In Jaffna.
    28 words
  • 66 10 Wnt*% $10 Minimum > MRS. RITA PEREIRA Children Celeae, Cedru Harry thank all rrlatlvta frtenda for thrir wreaths, artrndanr* A aaalstance at in* funeral cf Victor. MRt. JEStIE MONTEIRO and her children wish to th< >r gratitude to all ttaone ho attended the funeral j of the late
    66 words
  • 23 10 It H-nrWl Sit (Minimum) DOLLY KHOO MM 10 r» Witt th* lord on Hi-J-59 Stili rrmimbi-rrd hy all who lovm feat
    23 words
  • 27 10 in n.,rW« IM I Minimum) WOULD Mitt Dolly Toby, trcdrd Singapore Id ISMb, or anyonr who ran Ktv» information. plrj,«r vrMl Box A.v.>»» S.I s |K>n-
    27 words
  • 143 10 M Ho.W< HO (Minimum i TOWN AMD COUNTRY S Sal* now or. I>r***r* tirlou coat: Pool mill 'hi* opportunity. MULCH ANDI Bal* Now On at 3rd .ii Sinth Klrtc S porf. I I«v«ly Cvsktail Dm am at Draatically i Rtdurrd Mm PIOIHAL MUttLIIAMON* LTll tavlt* all TrHuoert nn<! book
    143 words
  • 34 10 3» Wnrit (Mm.) YOUTH FOR CHRItT .S:ns»plration Victoria Mrmorlal Hal) Saturday 2nd March, 7.30 pm. 'Our grnrratloa In, *<*rtl Rprikrr E.N. Poulson. Sololtt narothy L»r. and Ttrnag* Choir All oarmly Krlcomr.
    34 words
  • 312 10 The Straits Times Thursday, February 28, 1963. Safeguards For Borneo With the publication of the report of the Inter-Govern-mental Committee on the Malaysian constitutional arrangements for Sarawak and North Borneo, only two major Malaysian questions remain. These are the matter of Brunei's entry and the problem of the proposed Malaysian
    312 words
  • 500 10 Hero is the answer to the opposition expressed by neighbours of Malaya and the Borneo territories, a hostility developed out of the Brunei insurrection. The communities of Sarawak and North Borneo were fully reDresented in the Inter-Governmental Committee. What has been agreed crushes the criticism and exposes the
    500 words
  • 346 10 Immigration remains on the Federal list, but entry into the 1 Borneo territories will require the approval of the State concerned. Citizenship, which was hardly a problem, is dis- posed of by retaining the present provisions. Everyone who whs born or naturalised in Sarawak or North Borneo will be
    346 words
    • 84 10 IT is evident that a more serious water shortage than the last one has developed. The writer has had twenty minutes of water a day for the last three days from a kitchen tap with no water whatsoever In the bath and lavatory connections. This must apply
      84 words
    • 159 10 THERE k no sense in Dr. Subandrio accusing any neighbouring country of trying to expose Indoneslas economic weakness Such news and much more come from Indonesia itself through Antara news agency. This news channel has been keeping the world well posted with news of the chaotic conditions prevailing in
      159 words
    • 92 10 T WONDER If the Ministry of Education can clarify the situation regarding the payment of college-trained teachers holding the Higher School Certificate. In some schools, those who assumed duty In January. 1962 were paid according to Grade II of the I unified teaching service i with almost Immediate
      92 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 616 10 anTaß*MHsß^Mtm*sM*jßjsj»*jß>jßjW*»s»^ Straits Tiaet ft Malay Mail Cmaitu* *iiv.rii*«m*nt» may to hand** tat lat ft*** COLD STORASS ARCABB Orchard Road COLA STOPtASB SnANCHSS AT HOLLAND DOAD-KATOIM KIPML ROAD-NAVAL BASS Authona»« Agants: eiTT SOOK STONB LTD Wlnchaatar Mouaa. Coiryar O"*Y THI NlWt ntOMT Fltspsirleks (uvarmarwM M. M. ISMAIL 1 Admiralty Road. Naval
      616 words
    • 46 10 ghoul" The Renowned CUSTOM TAILORS Styles Cat to the Latest Fashions Hand Tailored Best Workmanship Alto Impoftsd Ei porters Of High Clou W.i M _i_ i_ JL WMOAKMtE 21, CMit SfTMt, Tal: t1431. MOHfiKONC: r^"W"WBB»J»C r*lO ■BMOVI 1« Floor, Room No. I. S4-64, NoHmh Ho**, Kowrtooti.
      46 words
    • 104 10 P RICOH AUTOZOOM Ricoh Autoioom. Spool loading double Bmm Rica* Auto Zoom Zoom l«ns f 10- 30 mm 1/1! lan*. Ring focus Motor driven by 4 ponlifht bartanas. A.«i*aala 1 t" <;d -<o p*etcfl'*»M* aW'sr*. «Rrt- KIAN CWAN IMHTO SMCAPOKt-KUAU UlM>ljn OBbWRI INDIAN QUALITY PRODUCT D.N.SINGHA&CO. CAST IRON FOUNDERS. MECHANICALENGINEERS.
      104 words

    • 674 11 THE DELEGATION OF CERTAIN FEDERAL POWERS TO STATE GOVTS /CERTAIN Federal powers V should be delegated to State governments daring the early years of Malaysia, according to the report by the Inter Governmental Committee tm Malaysia. The committee also said that as few changes as possible should be made in
      674 words
    • 115 10 THIS is the report of the Inter-Governmental Committee on which the British, Malayan. North Borneo and Sarawak governments were represented. Its task was to work out the future constitutional arrangements for Malaysia including safeguards for the special interests of North Borneo and Sarawak to
      115 words
    • 3439 10 Malaya agrees to $300m. figure for Sarawak DEVELOPMENT ESTIMATE IS $500 million $63m. British aid for Borneo States over next five years THESE are the committees recommendations on the proposed Constitutional arrangements; they include finance, national language, emergency powers, immigration, education, citizenship. Federal Legislature, State Constitution, land matters, elections, the
      3,439 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 152 11 SO MUCH MORE Afj FOR rou MONEY FROM THE 0. K. W. JUNIOR deluxe THE NEW CAR WITH LUBRIMAT FUEL CONTROL MORE space, more comfort and an enormous boot. MORE economy, tough, trouble-free engine; routine service only every 4,500 miles. MORE engine life— up to 100,000 miles before major engine
      152 words
    • 172 11 •^HPP^^ ANNOUNCING fMw 000 m %W> (fjpf>#^ FIRST MAJOR M± Z-i TOOTHPASTE ADVANCE < By 111 i BS^ 10 YEARS THE PROI^E OF ipOflO FLUORIDE... "The dentist was so pleased with me. MUM. He didn't have to use the drill once!" That's the result of regular IPANA flourlde care. Ipana
      172 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 519 11 Radio, TV programmes cimcababc gara-ku; 6.02 Mornlna Melodies; i tracu Prom Tae Editorials: «.5O RADIO SIIMGAPUHE 7.00 Time Signal. The Newt: Pederatlon And Singapore Btoclc «unsT utvt vi »v 1/ 1 7 -W Ne*« Commentary: 7.16 Exchange Report; 7.00 Time SHORT WAVt SERVICfc. g,, T ,2Q Bnm)tl)U>t CUlb: signal, \he
      519 words

    • 581 12 rE rise of women's clubs and associations in Singapore and Malaya show that leaders are taking an increasing interest in furthering the emancipation of women. These women, by their strong sense ot duty and dedication, are showing younger members the way for a fuller
      581 words
    • 389 12 NEW SILHOUETTE NOW EMPHASISES THE SHOULDER MARC Bohan at Christian Dior and Yves St. Laurent bring back the shift and the chemise for spring and summer in two of the most exciting collections shown in Paris early this week. Peggy Massin reports that these newest versions of the fashion Intellectuals'
      389 words
    • 65 12 Beach team comes in vivid colour UOLIDAY partners for 1963 are the beach bag and swim cap pictured above. The beach bag is in hard wearing rubber proofed sailcloth with two outsize pockets. It comes in firecracker red, lightening blue and xonthme yellow. Like the cap, it is trimmed with
      65 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 167 12 the secret of a flawless skin U A lorajy complexion a truly elaar at h a< b* M baaed on regular deep eleanmng. Et*b th* moat expensive ooamatics, if not thoroughly removed. o*o clog porca, ooareeo skin texture. In 'Ami French* Deep Ooanaing Milk you ha*« the ideal nlnaiian M
      167 words
    • 246 12 BBVaHI ML M Tm 1^ Real medicated help for troubled skin by DOROTHY GRAY Special Offer rnrr medicated rIxLE scrub soap WORTH $2.00 Buy one DOROTHY CRAY VELVETEEN PACK. containing Cleansing Grains and Clearing Cream, at the regular price of $4.00 (S5 00 in dutiable area) and you get the
      246 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 309 12 Straits Times Crossword WKP WK* IE 1 fc 4 IH^ aHT 6 IHf^ Ha! ACROSS 4- Possibly let the others iio ln8. Poor Eric is put to rout un- aide to give support (7) fortunately— toy a flatterer. 6. Time in which to wa»h ourperhaps (B>. selves? (4k 9. RInRS
      309 words

    • 1021 13 SINGAPORE, W.d. MR. T. T. Rajah began his final submission for the defence today in the closing stages of the trial of Jamit Singh and Yeow Fook Yuen on charges connected with union funds. In a three-hour submission, punctuated by attacks against
      1,021 words
    • 44 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Anoilter 137 members of Vietnamese civil guards will arrive in the Federation this week for a 12--week jungle training course in the Armed Forces' School of Instruction in Port Dickson. About 150 completed their training in November.
      44 words
    • 53 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Inche A. M. Ismail, orthopaedic surgeon in the General Hospital here, left for America today on a sixn.onth study tour of the surgical V clinics and orthopaedic centres under the Eisenhower Fellowship grant. Inche Ismail is the first Malayan to receive
      53 words
    • 158 13 MALACCA, Wednesday. OOLJCE are out to smash a gang of teenagers responsible for series of extortion cases here recently. The Offlcer-in-Charge of Criminal Investigations, Malacca, Deputy Supt. Yap Thien Chin, said today that some teenagers committed extortion "just for fun. knowing that their
      158 words
    • 178 13 Bottle attack on student home from HK KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Tay Kirn Pong, 23, an architecture student at Hong Kong University, was attacked with a broken bottle near Stadium Negara last night. Tay returned to Kuala Lumpur last week to visit his parents, who live at Suleiman Court, off Batu
      178 words
    • 26 13 TELUK ANSON. Wed. Th« K.iuni Ibu Telulc Anson branch will hold its annual meeting at the Chinese Association hall bere on March 5.
      26 words
    • 77 13 KANGAR. Wed.— The Mentri Besar. Dato Sheikh Ahmad bin Mohamed Hashlm, today appealed to the people of Perils to contribute to the Malayan Patriotic Fund. Dato Sheikh Ahmad, who Is also chairman of the State Alliance, has asked the State Umno, MCA and
      77 words
    • 27 13 PENANG. Wed.— The Malayan Dental Association will bold Its 20th pan-Malayan annual dinner and dance at the E. and O. Hotel here on April 13.
      27 words
    • 509 13 SINGAPORE, Wed r fHE University of Slngapore today announced the results of the examination for the degree of B.A. with Honours held In January this year. Also announced were the results of the final examination for the degree of B.A. The following candidates
      509 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 254 13 Retread Rubber II ft! HH Now made in Malaya ft I in Petaling Jaya. i > GREATER SAFETY |lil>"HK AND MORE MILEAGE llkH FOR MALAYAN MOTORISTS f|flf*HJ DUNLOP MALAYAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED RTR/l>E/l FREE! PERSONAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE for you when you have a Savings Account with THE CHARTERED BANK Every one
      254 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 27 13 Bugs Bummy By Balph Bmimdmhi j-gn^y^" hcccs tv moose call r Tfv itout-blcw^ (satisfies?) A Right mow -so il/arJMQnTPLeAS!! TV /this is >v am Vf/{ I J~\
      27 words

  • STRAITS TIMES Special Feature
    • 605 14 A harder hitting army of the future... NEW LOOK FOR BRITISH FORCES LONDON. Wed. Sritain is to place important arms orders in Belgium. Sweden and the Inited States as part of th«- re-equipping of her conventional forces. The centre sections of Britain's projected Polar-iN-c;irrviiiK nuclear submarines will be bought m
      605 words
    • 1448 14 The Night Riders who struck terror through the South 10,000 MEN CAMPAIGN OF MURDER AND ARSON JUST before midnight on March 2, 1906, a band of 150 riders wearing sinister red hoods galloped into the sleeping township of Princeton, Kentucky. In their hands they carried flaming torches which they flung
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 319 14 j. *^^B HI I ;^HMM|WUVV| 1 —but his training never stops with Qantas This man is a Qantas pilot. He has flown several is intelligent and immediate. He has the stuff of million miles. He has known all flying conditions leadership needed to be a pilot of the Qantas fleet;
      319 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1527 15 TO LIVERPOOL li WEST COASI U.K.. Oue S'pori Still P. S'haa Pining MENESTNIOS liftnuW. CU<|ow II Part MENELAUS Avonmouth, UttrMal la Pt/Mar 1 Mar 1 CALCNU Liftrpttl. Gltsgow Gdt. 38 Mar 2 Mar 1 BEKODOCfS Liftrpttl, Ha<e. Haakarg Mai > Mm i Ma 8/TO Mat I) PELEUS ofwrtMi. t.D'.ri. tkwgati
      1,527 words
    • 2868 15 H^^^^^^^«^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^E THE E. A. C. LINESSAILINGS TO GENOA, IE HAVRE. HAMBORS, BREMfRL ANTwEI/. .<£■#«». BOTTEROAM. AMSURBAM. OSLO. GOINtNtmtO AWB CWHIUhtN »V_*^s\ J ha-n Ptrang raMKiNMI "PRETORIA' SuMrd II Pt/2 Mai Sa.lM nV3LJ-<l -BASRA a) g. 47/ 4 Mar 1/ 7 Mir 1/ I Mar WJ_/5/ "MALACCA" 12/}* Mar 2S/27 Mar
      2,868 words
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  • 91 16 T<HE Federation Minister of x Finance baa fixed these prW« for wiiwlKtirwr fit Man duties for the week berfamlnc on Feb. 28. Robber 77*4 cento Ib. Copra $444 a too. Coconut oil $736 a, tan. PaJm oil $595.50 a ton. Palm kernels S3CS a ton. Iron ore $16
    91 words
  • 100 16 /'MlNtie Product Kienangs. SMga- pere neen prieet per stcul ysttarday: Ceeenut ell: bulk $43 eellen, drum $4t svllers. Cepra: Keb. /March I :k Continent $27 J buyara Pepper: Muntok white $182» aeller*. Sarawak white $160 aellera, tpeclal Sarawak black til 2l sellers. garbled Lampong black $107* sellers. ABTA
    100 words
  • 88 16 TMI Malayan Exchantt Bank!' Association made these chances In In ratea to merchant* yesterday (all rmtea to (100) Canada: buying TT 39|, air mail OD SSI. BO d/at 36 credit bllla, M 1/1* trade bills. ■alllni TT or OD rtarty: Canada W 1/18: Belgian Francs 1620; Italian Lira
    88 words
  • 237 16 SHIPS lying alangsMa Mm tlinia»ll NirkMr (rtiarvas er toasts* taday art: Cnaroo 27/28, Nikkei Mara 10/11, Slettar N.W. S. Panainlwa 47. Agaunemnoo 4«. Catenas 38/39, TJI--kampek 15/ I*. Hanoi 42/43. Doneverett 19. Brastoe 8/*). Andea Man 35/JS. rentfase U, sßlea Bast Irs 16/JS. Bemantan N.W., 2, Bentonc
    237 words
  • 143 16 (OFFICIAL QUOTATIONS) Feb. 27. Thrc* months. Ounlops 14 eta. 8. Darby 4d. r. N. IS eta. C. Btoraca 4M. Gammon* 11 eta. B. Traction 13 J. Wausta 15 eta. Bnell 14 cts. U. Brew 24 eta. Btcamsntp 9 eta. M. Cemrat 18 eta. S. Ttmea 22 eta. Containers
    143 words
  • 540 16 From Our Market Correspondent WHEN full operations were resumed on the Malayan Stock Exchange yesterday after the Hari Raya Puasa holidays industrials were still quietly steady, but very dull. The nervousness regarding the recent deterioration of IndonesianMalayan relationships is beginning to recede a
    540 words
  • 23 16 Malayan Stork Indices Feb. 26 Feb. 27 InCMtriftto: 97.49 97.78 Una: 1M.56 100.47 9 rubber*: 1*5.39 105.12 Dec. 29. 1J«2.= 1OO
    23 words
  • 577 16 COMBINED business in the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Malayan I Stock Exchange yesterday, with the number of the shares traded in brackets, was: INDUSTRIALS: Dunlsps $2.00 SL. (1.000) $2.52 D, (13.000) $1.30, (10.000) $2.31: Cast Smalt (4.000) $2 72. (2.00O) J2.73: FlUpatrlek* (1.000)
    577 words
  • 289 16 rnHE Straits tin price yesterday fell 25 cents to -L $426.62} on an offering estimated to be increased by 15 tons to 260 tons. I In London on Tuesday more trading Interest was apparent in tin at prices which generally showed hardly
    289 words
  • 29 16 February, 27. MALAYAN RUBBER PRICE: 751 cento (down a Quarter of a cent). TIN: $426.62 i (down 25 cento). Estimated unofficial offering 260 tons (up 15 ■tons).
    29 words
  • 125 16 MELBOURNE. Wed. npHE share market traded on A steady levels with moves about in balance. I.A.C. improved to 12s. 6d. on its report of a solid lift In profits in 1962. Most *Ua eased with Associated Australian sharply down 6s, to 20s. alter a further report of a
    125 words
  • 58 16 Further January rubber crop.? included: London Asiatic (irejop 2.894 000 Ib.. Petaling Greap 2.310.000 Ib.. Golden Hone lironp 1.743.000 Ib.. Caurttefield (Klanf) Rubber Estate Ltd. »09.000 IbHasrete Rubber Estates Ltd. 372.000 Ib.. Dtndings Ruober '■> tates Ltd. 147.242 Ib.. inrhe Ken Beth Kajanc 221.000 Ib.. Keuiasal 68.000 Ib..
    58 words
  • 252 16 AIAPtCH Nrst grade rubber buytrs l t.e.k. closed at sp. in pore and Kuala Lumpur jrmirrrt.ijr wt 7J| ceau p»r Ib. down a quartrrTtr a cent. The tone was sjulst. a CC.PI. A. anal P.M.R.I. elenns: prises an eenta par Ik. yesterday: Int. 1 R. 8.8. prompt fob
    252 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1159 16 ssam sbbbbbbb^sbbbbbbSbbbbbbbbbbsbbH k^WStV. K^W^sUa,KKEN A KAISHA, i LTIX i U.S.A. Pacific, Atlantic, a* Great Lakes Sorvie* Loaaa Loaca EIA H» tl* kl» fTA S'poia S'haai Monoiuii S. F'cisco l- Ane.eiaa n York cioeiino •Caktka Mara" Jl Mar/1 Apr 1/ 3 Apt Apr 4 May 7 Ma? M May lint -RiaHcava
      1,159 words
    • 674 16 THAI LINES rreej: Hsaitee. «c» Otitsej, Battiiwa a Hat) Tart ru Sect. 'an Us Batatas. U.J. Calf, tea Tark. PtilaSalpkia ma Bas(ka*. (ten mat- Yor» f. S'asej riera v Aimiai n »o<"IMCIBTaFF»" 11/13 Mat 14 kat 17 aai -sai sukoimii" 't fei iB-n «ir U/M *•< imo j ise. -WOIDPOI'
      674 words
    • 427 16 THE TOWN BOARDS ENACTMENT CAP. 137 Notice under arctlon 137. Notice is hereby given under Section 137 of toe Boards Enactment that Draft Layout Plan No. CB/3262 for KuaU. Rompln, Pahang has been prepuied and Is open to the Public Inspection In the Office of the Assistant District Officer,
      427 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1477 17 NOTICES The Board o! Trustees. Kelantan Oovemm-it Higher StudlM Scholarship BoarO. lnvit* application for Scholarships for the followins Courses: Quantity Surveyor Architect Town Planning Surveying BA. Hons) Degree plus Diploma in Education (University of Malaya)Agriculture (University of Malaya) these Scholarships are tenable lor the duration of the Courses at
      1,477 words
    • 942 17 SITUATIONS VACANT Word* U (Mi*.)—Bax It ef. txtrm REQUIRED UROBNTLV Far Work on Nsw Kuala Lumpur International Airport Ist Orade Operators for Scrapers DW 30 aad 631, Dragline 24R8, Bulldozers. Ora4era and «228 Front End Loader. Apply Uasamoo Hawaiian Dredglag Pomeroy. P.O. Box 67. P Jaya. SENIOR METHODIST CIRLS School
      942 words
    • 964 17 HOUSES LAND WANTED Wersfs SI <Mi*.)—Bmx 5* r«s. 'xlrt SHBPHBPD'S HILL BUNGALOW la Singapore required with vacant possession. Apply Box A 1467 B.T. K.L. MOUSING DEVELOPMENT CO. requires land or compound house »ithm 5 miles from Town. Write to Mr. T Don. G.P.O Box lt>64. Spore. EDUCATION TS Wmrdt SS
      964 words
    • 921 17 PHILATELY it Wardm SS (Mt».>—*mx It tt: txtrm PHILATELIC COLLECTION giving up. Malaysia, Hongkong J2BO 00: China J.'OOOO; Japan 525.00: each oontalna stamps, f.d. cavers, books. China. Malaya SIS. OO each unit. World mixture $5.00 each unit. K.s. Cboy. PO. Box 2003, Singapore. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES M Wmrdt SI <Mlm.)~Bax St
      921 words
    • 950 17 VEHICLES FOR SALE ore's SI (Ml*.)— Max St rtt. txtrm tOBO F/ANGLIA, M'MINOR 1000. V/Karmann Obta, Chevrolet!!. 1959 Flat 1100. I»s* O/Rrkord Flat 1100, 1954 M-O-A. ISftS F/Prefect, 1952 M/Mlnor. 3> Bencooieo Street. Spore. Tel SBSS3. FOR SALE U Ward* SI (Min,}—Bax St ttt. soetre FANCY ritMlt aquarium accessories. Come
      950 words
    • 599 17 GENTS HAIRDRESSING It Wmrdt M (Mim.f— Box It tU. txtrm "COSMOPOLITAN" The Best Indian Hairdresser. 23 Eng Hooo SI reel. (TloaiC Bahni). Spore. Tel TSSSS. MODERN YOUTH HAIRDRESSINC Baloa. Super Claaa Courteous Bar** c 261 Orchard Road. (opp. Cold Storage) B' pore. Tel: 39d57. LADIES DRESS SHOP >• Word, SS
      599 words

    • 1256 18 Zodiaque (Moses up) makes it four-in-a-row PENANG, Wednesday. VENI VICI Stable's Zodiaque. with Moses Lee up, scored his fourth win T off the reel when he beat a Class 4, Div. 1 field over s}f here today. Tin Invest, ridden by Laurie Johnson, sprang a surprise in Race 2 to
      1,256 words
    • 161 18 ■TENNIS PENANG. Wednesday. INDIA has expressed a wish to play the Davis Cup 1 eastern zone semi-flnal in Malaya in April. Disclosing this today, the president of the Lawn Tennis Association of Malaya, Mr. Soon Cheng Sun, said this would depend on the result
      161 words
    • 160 18 HOCKEY IPOH. Wed. Chua Eng Kirn will make his farewell appearance for Perak at the quadrangular hockey meet on the Municipal ground here this weekend. Eng Kirn, 39. who Is going on transfer to Kuala Lumpur next week, has been one of the stalwarts In
      160 words
    • 37 18 SINOAPORE, Wed. The Far East Training Centre will hold the first inter-Services aeven-a-slde rugger competition at Nee Soon on Mar. 2. Teams from the Royal Navy, Annj- and RAP will compete for the Winston Cup.
      37 words
    • 26 18 LONDON. Wed. Results of football matched played yesterday: tnrliih Dlt. S: Coventry 2 Colchester 2: Bristol Rev. 1 Readme 0 (postponed from Dec. 29
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    • 25 18 SINGAPORE. Wed. Sixty- 1 four teams from various Army units In Singapore will compete in a six-a-side hockey festival at Dover, Road on Sunday.
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    • 315 18  -  JACK FINGLETON I By CANBERRA, Wed. —In the Sydney Sun today. Neil Harvey. Australia's vicecaptain in the recent Test series against England, says that in 79 Tests he played over 14 years in seven countries he had never met any- body as moody and
      315 words
    • 224 18 AUCKLAND, Wednesday. ENGLAND swept to victory by an innings and 215 runs in the First Test against New Zealand here yesterday. New Zealand, who began the final day's p'.ay at 42 for four in their second innings, were all out for 89. David Larter (four for
      224 words
    • 204 18 England beat New Zealand by innings and 215 rum. ENGLAND Ist inns 562-7 dral. (Parfltt 131 not out, Barrington 126, Knight 125. Cowdrey, 86*. NEW ZEALAND Ist Inns 258 (Yuile 64, Motz 60, Reid 59). K. ZEALAND 2ND INNS DOWLING b Illlngworth 14 PLAYLE c Dexter b Coldwell 4
      Reuter  -  204 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1233 18 THE ASIA LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY LTD. (Incorporated In Singaswre). having been informed that Annuity Bond No. AC 1001 issued to the annuitant. Master Loke Howe Tat. has been lost, hereby xive notice that if no claim in respect of this bond is received by the Directors within 21 days from
      1,233 words
    • 767 18 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS VACANCY FOR SCHOOL CLERK-CUM-STORE KEEPER. Applications are Invited lrom Federal Citizens for the above post. Applicants must have attained their 17th but not their 23rd birthday and must have parsed the School Certificate or the Federation of Malaya Certificate of Examinations and the London Chambers of Commerce Examinations.
      767 words
    • 17 18 INDUSTRIAL DIESEL ENGINES for Industrial, Agricultural and Contracting Equipment Marine Conversions ORD MOTOR COMPANY OF MALAYA LIMITEI
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    • 1885 19 SINGAPORE OPEN CHAMPION BROOKES AMONG TOP TEN-UNDER-PAR 64 CAPDS By LESLIE HOFFMAN Jnr. and LIM KEE CHAN Kuala Lumpur, Wednesday piVE pairs returned cards of ten-under-par 64 today and tied for first place in a very close finish in the Professional-amateur tournament at the Selangor
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    • 248 19 CINOAPORE. Wed. Singapore Joint Services F.A. have appealed to Mr. Woon Wah Slang permanent secretary of the Ministry for Culture, for the retention of representatives from tbe three branches of the Services on the Singapore Amateur Football Association council. Mr. Woon headed a
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    • 241 19 Howe Liang will train on with Govt help By ERNEST FRIDA SINGAPORE. Wed.— The Singapore Government today announced that it would give weightlifter Tan Howe Liang. 1960 Olympic Games silver medallist and gold medal winner at the Commonwealth Games in Perth In November full encouragement and facilities to train for
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    • 547 19  - YAMAHA WORKS PLAN SWEEP IN MALAYSIA GP TEOH ENG TATT MOTOR-RACING By SINGAPORE, Wednesday. FASTER machines, a more representative interr national field and better riders^ that is the prospect in the motor cycle events in this years Malaysia Grand Prix to be held in Singapore during the Easter Holidays from
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    • 80 19 YACHTING Results of RSYC Races (Spore): Sunday: Osprey class 1 Chop Puteh (B. Harris) 1:24.20. 2 My Girl (Mrs. A. Chapman) 3 Drifter <T.A Runt); Skiff 1 Ruth IV (M. Dlmoline) 1:35.30. 2 Athene (J. Marriott); Dragon 1 Valmal (J. Snowden) 1:22.04. 2 How Come <H. Pfrunder); Firefly 1
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 337 19 I^^ I During rha last daead*. 111 Industry In India has taken I Iff flant strides. Tn« •nflln>«rlng goods manufactured in India today compare with th« baat produced In any part B of tha world. Thtr* it no eompromiM on quality. Latest Q|M machine* and technique ara amptoyad for production.
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous

  • 487 20 UNITED NATIONS, Wednesday UTHANT, the L.N. Secretary-General, received a first-hand report yesterday from his Chief of Cabinet, Mr. C.V. Narasimhan. on the tensions that have developed between Malaya. Indonesia and the Philippines over Malaysia. Rut a spokesman emphatically denied that U Thant had enunciated any
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  • 145 20 FROZEN-BOY HERO WHO STOOD ON THE BURNING DECK ANTWERP, Wednesday. yHE boy who stood on the burning deck, was the 1 hero of a blaze aboard the British tanker Abadesa after a collision in the River Scheldt here today. For 90 freezing minutes, solidly covered in ice. Maxwell Fletcher, 17,
    Reuter  -  145 words
  • 105 20 MANILA, Wed— President Macapagal said yesterday he would welcome alks with Tengku Abdul Rahman on the North Borneo issue. But he stressed the talks would have to be informal. Speaking to reporters during his visit to Catanduanes Province, 225 miles from Manila, he said
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 24 20 ELIZABETHVILLE. Wed.— Four people died la.<t night in shooting incidents here between Central Govrrnment troops and Kutangese. it was stated today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 27 20 SINGAPORE. Wed.— The Minister for Home Affairs. Mr. Ong Pane Boon, will visit the Bukit Ho Swee Creche and Queenstown Police Station site tomorrow.
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  • 200 20 OINGAPORE, Wed. Detectives were tonight scouring the Tanjong Rhu area for a wounded thug who was stabbed during an attempted robbery. The knifing took place in a coffee shop in Tanjong Rhu. near the millionaires' club. The injured man was in a gang of
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  • 37 20 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed.— The Sultan of Brunei and a party of four arrived here by air tonight from Singapore for the final rounds of talks with the Federation Government on Brunei's entry into Malaysia.
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  • 151 20 HOBART, Wed. The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh sailed into Hobart today to begin a twoday visit to Tasmania and ran straight into a slight hitch with the welcoming red carpet. The large crowd which had gathered on the wharf to
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 390 20 LONDON, Wed.—The buoyancy of equities provided the outstanding feature of stock markets today. Buyers were out in force encouraged by the flow of good company statements in the past few weeks. Leading stocks were particularly favoured and ICI rose 7* pence to 60/1J following a good Investment demand
    390 words
  • 340 20 King lays foundation of $10 mil. national mosque KUALA LUMPUR. Wed The Yang di-Pertuan Agong placed a picture of the model of the SlO-mil-Uon National Mosque into a vault of a marhh- plaque at the site of the project in Victory Avenue here today. lie then put a Koran and
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  • 180 20 Expansion plans for Queenstown SINGAPORE. Wed. The Singapore Government plans to develop Queenstown intu a big satellite town with provisions for markets, shopping centres, theatres and schools. This was stated by the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Finance. Mr. S. Ramaswamy tonight when he declared open the new Hua
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  • 73 20 SINGAPORE. Wed— The Singapore Entomological Society's programme of activities for MarchMay this year includes two insect collecting field excursions and a members' meeting each month. 1 The first excursion, on March 3. will be to the Labrador nature reserve. The other will be on April 7 to
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  • 311 20  - But th| ballerina was only making a speech... EVELYN TU By SINGAPORE, Wed. Thunderous handclaps nlled the Cathay Restaurant today M Singapore ballerina Goh Soo Khim. waif introduced to RotatJ ians. But she was there not :o show off her talent as a dancer but as an orator And when
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  • 29 20 SINGAPORE, Wed. V k trtct Governor A.W.S. Theviu san will speak on "The Rou Anniversary" at the Rotary C of Singapore-West luncheon the Prince's Restaurant tomorri
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 132 20 STATEMENT OF FACT (and B.T.U. figures) Buyers of air-conditioners usually refer to their various "sizes" in terms of "horse-power". Actually, this basis is quite inaccurate. For instance, a "one horse-power" unit can vary from 5,000 to 12,000 B. T. U. (British Thermal Unit) because of differences in the motor. BTU
      132 words
    • 92 20 til \^BUbA /^H «?*5 (R^ 'Vk. T^k Sensational Avon "C-L-I-N-G" SAFETY Ar^^^L tyres give you 23!'. more grip on wet, slithery Awmmi _.^tV. roads. Avon High Hysteresis rubber— a a4Wa lyij f rubber which will not bounce! clings to W** a m^^L^m. the road like a leech, providing contact at
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