The Straits Times, 13 February 1963

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 100,00 ft 'L The Straits Times Esid. 1845 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1963. 15 CENTS. KDN 352
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  • 50 1 JAKARTA tto».— M M <jmt h Prime Mjai*»rr. i Kujn Y«w "tr- h -<i to oppose M«»»»i» a "t>ol understand* our m M '11-v.poinl th* ¥'ifiK*> W I Min<»t't D f ->u(i»fnjri*>, S I (ou c<wrf«p<>nd<»»»U to* M Hf "Sid he- h <il (iwn V
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  • 998 1 'Jakarta not anti-Malaysia as such...only against certain attitudes, circumstances' 'We must all help ease tension' SINGAPORE, Tuesday MR. Lee Kuan Yew said today that Dr. Subandrio, Indonesian Foreign Minister, had told him Indonesia did not oppose Malaysia as such. But it was against "certain attitudes and circumstances"
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  • 94 1 SINGAPORE, Tues.— The Iraqi Ambassador to Malaya, Dr. Faisal El-Samlr. who arrived In Singapore from Jakarta today, declined to comment on the Iraqi coup and execution of General Kassem, the former Prime Minister. Dr. Faisal, who is also Ambassador to Indonesia, said
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  • 36 1 PEKING. Tues. Mr. Abdul Hak Fadll, Iraqi Ambassador to China, tendered his resignation yesterday. Embassy sources said he was a personal friend of General Kasaem, who was executed after Friday's coup.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 45 1 TEHERAN, Tues. Report* reaching here today said the new Iraqi President, Col. Abdul Saiam Arlf had sent troops to the grave of King Pelsal, who waa killed in Kusem's 1958 revolution, to fly flags at half-mast as a mark of respect.
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  • 66 1 NEW DELHI, TUBS. The Chinese ComtiunlsU said today 4,067 Indian troops were captured in the two-month border war last fall. The list was published by the Foreign Ministry in Peking. A spokesman said 3,319 Indian soldiers still were in Chinese hanoa and 716 had been returned. The
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  • 32 1 TORONTO. Tues.— Dr. David WUson. an internationally-known specialist In the prevention of yellow fever and other tropical cuMSies, died In hospital here yesterday after a long illness, aged 68.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 349 1 Umno will tell the people of Indonesian hostility SPEAKERS AT RALLIES TO DISPEL FEARS KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Umno Malaya is to launch a national campaign to tell the people of Indonesia's anti-Malay-sia stand and of its confrontation policy towards Malaya. The campaign will be in the form of rallies which
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  • 62 1 MANILA, Tues. The 11-day-old strike by worker* of the Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company ended yesterday when the strikers decided to obey a court order to return to work. The strike was called on Pee. 3 to protest against the alleged unfair iHsinl— l of a
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 136 1 DES ALWI. former press officer of the Central Sumatran Revolutionary Government, who held a press conference in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. Mr. Alwi, who styles himself spokesman for former rebels, said he had been given special permission by the Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, to live
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  • 164 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. fARUDA Indonesian Airways today denied a re- port in a vernacular newspaper that they had been instructed by the Indonesian Government to tell their pilots to stay aboard the planes when they call at Kuala Lumpur. Mr. R. Moeljanto. an agent of
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  • 59 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues.— Government sources here today denied any knowledge of a possible visit to Malaya by Hajl Ahmad Zaini, former aide of the Brunei insurgent leader, A. M. Azahari. Zaini who is In "protective custody" In Hong Kong, was reported by Reuter to be leaving soon
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  • 44 1 KUCHING. TUBS. Following the weekend's invasion jcare near til* Lundu coast, south of Kuchlng, a man has been arrested for spreading rumours. This morning, two Hawker Hunter jet Ssjsters from Singapore flew over Kuehmg several tunes on a "show to* flag- visit.
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  • 37 1 MOSCOW. Tuee. The Soviet Union has ordered the Moscow correspondent of the National Broadcasting Company. Frank Bourgholuer, to leave the country and told the company to close its Moscow office, Taa* reported today.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 56 1 BANGKOK. Turn. The Thai Prime Minister, Mr. Sarlt Th*narat, announced yesterday that the Muahm weekly holidays In Thailand* southern province* would be changed to the internationally accepted weekend holidays of Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Thanarat and a group of high officials returned yesterday from an
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  • 124 1 SINGAPORE. Tues.— The Minister for Culture. Mr. S. Rajaratnam, will inaugurate the Singapura television pilot service at 5.55 p.m. on Friday. A Government statement announcing this today said a reception would be held at the Victoria Memorial Hall at 5.30 p.m. to celebrate the occasion.
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  • 73 1 THE HAGUE. Tues. Holland today announced the formation of a "peace corps" on the American modei. The first 50 volunteers are expected to leave for under-developed territories possibly in Africa in the Autumn. The Foreign Minister, Dr. Joseph Luns, told reporters here that professor Lowell Kelly,
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 187 1 Pirate made raft of friends' bodies SINGAPORE, Tues. The Royal Navy today revealed how a desperate pirate made a raft out of the bodies of his fellow cut-throats and attempted to escape capture off the North Borneo coast on Sunday. He was captured the next day and died of wounds
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  • 33 1 LEAVE ORDER TO UK MISSION LONDON. Tur*- Vrmrn Id Britain that it must rrmnu its dip 1 tir minion from RrH Republic within vpok' mia mM d a y Rtutt r
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 86 1 PRICES Id If jvsfT V-J£/ SHtVICE PERM AIR-INDIA BOEING 707 ffl JETS Every Monday Air-India's Maharajah service leaves Singapore at 6.05 p.m. for Sydney via Perth. Air-India, Asia's first all-jet airline with their million-mile pilots and Western know-how offers you Eastern charm and hospitality plus the smiling attention of their
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    • 49 1 St. FRANCIS /St. MICHAEL ROAD. AND LORONG STANGEE. KATONG. MONTHLY: $142 SO DOWN PAYMENT: S*,«M/. upwordi or L«M To >• Widt frontage 2 IV SIN CHEW REALTY LTD. 112. Rochor. Rood. Seor. 7. T«l: 2300*. TMCTY-43K T/iis is IP^JJ country ■UM TlUflir cad A CANNED AND BOTTLED BY MALAYAN BREWERIES
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    • 294 2 CHINA STANDS FIRM IN WAR OF IDEAS TOKYO, Tuesday. {'ULNA, in an oblique response to a Russian offer to talk over ideological differences, declared today that it has no intention of altering its position. The Russian offer, made through an article in thr Soviet Communist Party newspaper Pravda, has evoked
      UPI  -  294 words
    • 111 2 Sergeant killed by own gun SAIGON, Tues.— A United States Army sergeant was killed yesterday when a machine-gun mounted on an H-21 troop-carry-ing helicopter went off accidentally, a U.S. military spokesman said. The machine-gun was mounted at the door of thr helicopter and had to br swung aside to let
      Reuter  -  111 words
    • 151 2 JAKARTA, Tues. The Chief of Staff of the Royal Australian Air Force, Sir Valston Hancock, flew an R.A.F. Canberra Jet bomber into Jakarta yesterday with an escort of four Russian MIG fighters of the Indonesian Air Force. As he climbed from the cockpit
      Reuter  -  151 words
    • 68 2 RUSAPE (Southern Rhodesia >. Tues.— Mr. Joshua Nkomo, former leader of the banned Zimbabwe African People's Union tZAPU). was remanded on bail for a week when he appeared in court here yesterday charged under the Law and Order (Maintenance) Act. Three other African nationalist leaders
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    • 57 2 BANGKOK. Tues.— A boy and an army private were seriously injured when a rocket exploded while being test-flred here last weekend, according to the police. JAKARTA. Tues. Seventeen people were killed and eight hurt when a landslide flattened eight houses In the mountain village
      Reuter  -  57 words
    • 197 2 WASHINGTON, Tues. President Ngo Dinh Diem said today South Vietnam was winning the war against the Communist Vietcong guerillas. He criticised reporters who have said his army would not fight. '•I cannot see any other people involved In war for 21 years without interruption and
      Reuter  -  197 words
  • 211 2 Hong Kong A NUMBER Of car owners in T s i m s h atsui. Kowloon, plan to sell their vehicles —because of the G o v c r nment's plan to instal parking meters in front of their homes. HONG KONG police were this week Investigating a fraud case
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    • 183 2 Life sentence for boy of 15 who didn't like girls LIVERPOOL (England), Tuesday. pETER William Rix, 15, was ordered to be detained for life here yesterday after a jury found him not guilty of the murder of 12-year-old Lesley Hobbs but guilty of manslaughter. A psychiatrist. Dr. Benedict Finkelman, testified
      Reuter  -  183 words
    • 109 2 LONDON. Tues. British businessman. Mr. Whitney Straight, said here yesterday he had made a mistake when he described runaway British diplomat Guy Burgess as "patriotic" after talking with him in Moscow the previous day. Mr. Straight, deputy chairman of the Rolls-Royce car firm, met Burgess
      Reuter  -  109 words
    • 179 2 - T ONDON.Tues.—Hunu dreds of British servicemen who hoped by standing for election to Parliament to get their dicharge from the armed forces were warned yesterday that they may first have to satisfy a committee that their candidature is genuine. Under the existing
      Reuter  -  179 words
    • 142 2 WELLINGTON. Tuee. QUEEN Elizabeth today expressed to the New Zealand Parliament her confidence In the Commonwealth's capacity to cope with changing conditions without losing Its cohesion or its distinctive character of multiracial partnership. The Queen was making the Speech from the Throne when opening a special session
      Reuter  -  142 words
    • 177 3 LONDON, Tuesday. j£RrnSH research into nuclear-powered shipping was advancing to a stage w'inan order for a ship and reactor could be placed next year and trials held in 1967, a Press conference was I told yesterday. Sir William Crook, chairman of the
      Reuter  -  177 words
    • 150 3 Quick look round LONDON. Tues.-The Foreign Office has apologised to the Duke of Windsor over the publication without his prior knowledge of a series of pre-war German Foreign Office documents the Foreign Under-Secre-tary. Mr. Peter Thoma*. told the House of Commons yesterday CAPE CANAVERAL (Florida): The Navy fired its new
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    • 35 3 MOSCOW rues".— King Savang Vathana ol Laos, accompanied by bis Prime Minister. Prince Souvanna Phouma and other top Ministers arrived yesterday In Tashkent capital of Uzbekistan. the Soviet news agency Tae* said. —Reuter
      Reuter  -  35 words
    • 246 3 Commons row over a cancelled trip LONDON, Tues.— A row flared up in the House of Commons yesterday when Mr Macmillan referred to the cancellation of Princess Margaret's visit to Paris where she was to have lunched with President de Gaulle. Giving the reasons (or the cancellation, the Prime Minister
      Reuter  -  246 words
    • 58 3 MOSCOW, lues.— Soviet engineers are planning to harness the winds of the upper atmosphere with 30-ton electric power generator, suspended from a captive balloon about eight miles hlqh the Soviet news agency Tass snid yesterday The engineers estimate that such generators would produce power five
      Reuter  -  58 words
    • 34 3 LONDON roes. Newspaper magnate Roy Thomson and some 170 top British businessmen returned from a week-end trip to Moscow yesterday after being delayed 15 hours by fog at London Airport. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 438 3 MAC CALLS A CONFERENCE OF TRADE MINISTERS LONDON, Tuesday. MR. Macmillan, the Prime Minister, announced here yesterday that Commonwealth Trade Ministers would meet in London probably in early summer. Opening a debate on the breakdown of Britain's Common Market negotiations he told a crowded House of Commons that this meeting
      Reuter  -  438 words
    • 82 3 TORONTO, Tues.— The Prime Minister. Mr. Die fenbaker, said yesterday, that Britain was facing "her darkest hoar economically" and the Commonwealth "must stand by her." He told 2,000' Toronto businessmen: "I'm sorry for Britain. She stood by the Commonwealth. And the Commonwealth must stand by her." He
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 306 2 l k A iA ii Aii, A i li M M^^m^^ Economical and tough the PANHARD PLI7 B I a engine, with its brilliant performance, is Y\\ l^tf^-ri I lOlflft k I" 1 f— f 4 4 Jbik^ appreciated throughout the world and in the I I i- fc—l l
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 167 3 CASH REGISTERS ARE ECONOMICAL krrlul tN I B,g or MMN, stores all over Malaysia are RELIABLE <;<*> An j-; c f Registers. Why? BefU|Or\CDIJ cause Anker gives them mUUCIiH so many advantagesIt cuts down work, protects profits and gives an extra printed account of daily transactions. You can always rely
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • 280 4 GOVT. GIVES NEW HOUSES IN EXCHANGE FOR HUTS SINGAPORE, Tues. The Singapore Government today allotted 40 new $5,000 basic terrace houses at Kirn Keat Road to Toa Payoh settlers in exchange for their huts. This exchange is the Government's first step to clear the Toa Payoh area for development into
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  • 375 4 Premier is told: There'll be no exploitation of the mass arrests SINGAPORE, Tuesday. THE Singapore Employers Federation at a general meeting yesterday unanimously endorsed an assurance given by two of its representatives to the Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, that the federation would respect the Government
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  • 76 4 SINGAPORE, Tues. Students of the University of Singapore will undertake a 10-day survey of the economic and social problems of Pulau Takoog In the nrst week of AprU. The University's student welfare committee secretary. Mr. a Santhlran aid: "Studenta will have to do some manual work.
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  • 52 4 SINGAPORE, Tim*.— The singapore Chwtalr* Home today appealed to the public for donation* of roods for lto jumble tal* to be held at St. Andrew's Cathedral grounds on April 4. Prospective donors are requested to contact the home's secretary at 108. Chulla street (TeL No. *****) during
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  • 36 4 SINGAPORE. Tues. Threehundrea under-privileged children In various homes were treated to a special preview of Howard Hawks' "Hatarl!" at the Katong Odeon Cinema by the Cathay Organisation and the Paramount Films Inc. this morning.
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  • 203 4 THIS PICTURE of married bliss was taken on Monday night when the president of Singapore Chinese Women's Association, Mrs. May Wong (left) presented a silver dish set on behalf of the association to one of its oldest committee members, Mrs. Ruby Lee on the occasion
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  • 290 4 SINGAPORE,. Tu«s. fFHE Singapore Economic Development Board is to meet an urgent need in Singapore's industrialisation programme by training local industrial technicians. Mr. Joseph Mark, the U. N. industrial engineering adviser to the board, disclosed today that the board would begin a sixmonth Industrial technicians course at
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  • 255 4 Concert by a master of Chopin SINGAPORE. Tues. The distinguished Polish pianist, Witold Malcuzynski. gave the first of two recitals at the Victoria Theatre last night. The programme opened with an aggressive and vastly Inflated reading of Bach's Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue. The Fantasy, it is true, was not without
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  • 43 4 SINGAPORE. Tues. A harmonica recital by Soon John Kwang will be presented by The Herald's Choral Society at the Victoria Theatre on Saturday In aid of The Spastic Children's Fund. Tickets at $2 and si are obUlnable at Robinson's.
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  • 115 4 SINGAPORE. Tues— WhUe jobless. Lim Hal Lam. 28. bought a $792 refrigerator on hire-purchase from a South Bridge Road shop on Christmas Eve. He made a first payment of $33 and disposed of the property next day. A magistrate. Mr. Khoo Hin Hiong.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 23 4 "A Jtup«ndoul film I f «ll quit* lima at tfa »nd'" CHURCH TIMES—— ™hii if o film TtcCT HOT •v#rytnif¥fj EVENING NEWS (Lorn—.)
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    • 34 4 Aratk €W«h JJUrainj f«tf Hong Kong's Uo6ng Englbh Longuoge M»wipop«r PtOWM DAILY TO StNGAFOtI nmutmi sons 74 c*cma r d m> PMett M 50.50 iKAMiHBi^Mifl 4404 \9f/s^r*Zji Jj To 4«»: 1.30-3.30-7 M-9.30 p.m. (s»fl*M)
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    • 395 4 ♦♦4 c«iTjro?hiiwiiM I LAST DAY! I Mom 1.30 00 6 JO 9.30p» Wolf Disney "SIX GUN LAW": I Technicolor IJARO) X Robert LOGGIA at (LFEGO BACA X Plui! WALT DISNEY'S SPECIAL CCLOR FEATURETTE: "Til* 7 of Antoretico' 4- and "Bcrito Sinqopura" No: 3 OPENS TOMORROW! JOStHH E LEVINE presents
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 390 4 IN AND OUT BY AIR O«HB foUowlng is tocmy s British united Airways: Prom schedule of civil aircraft Stanaiedt. I&unbul Bombay movement at Paya Lebar air- (BR 662) 7.20 ajn. port. Singapore: DEPABTUEES ABWVALS CPA: To Kuala Lumpur. BOAC: Prom London, Rome. Bangkok, Hon« Kong, Manila Beirut Bahrein, Bombay, ICX
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  • 199 5 'HELP' CALL AND WIFE WITH STICK IS IN AT KILL j By CHAN BENG SOON STAR, Tues. A farmer and his wife killed a leopard after a 10-minute struggle in the jungle near the border town of Changloon yesterday. Din Liang, 44, and his wife, Boon
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  • 63 5 PENANG. Tues. A labourer, accused of stealing seven text books, explained in court today he only wanted to read them to "Increase my knowledge." Abdul Kader Dawood. 24, pleaded guilty to a charge of theft but added he did not mean
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  • 222 5 I KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Last year's Federation Koran-reading champion. Inche Ismail bin Haji Hashim, 30 (above, right;, retained his title last last night when he bea<, 10 other men' contestants, including last year's international winner, in the national Koran-reading competition. Inche Ismail, a religious
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  • 57 5 MALACCA Tues.— The Malacca Theatre Workshop will stage a variety show at Gajah Berang English School on Thursday and Friday In aid of the Children's Orthopaedic Home at Tanjong Kllng. seven miles from here. Tickets at S3. $2. and $1. are available at the
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  • 35 5 KANOAR. Tues. Two men armed with knives held up a housewife. Maria m bint* Sa'ad. In her house at Kampong Chemmunak. near Slmpang Ampat. at midnight last night and robbed her of S5O
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  • 392 5 No Govt officers in Govt-backed business firms, says official KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. HPHE Assistant Minister of Commerce and Industry, A Haji Khalid bin Awang Osman, said today he would ask Raja Nasron bin Raja Ishak for a clarification of his statement on senior Malay government officers holding posts in government-sponsor-ed
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  • 64 5 ALOR STAR. Tues.— Kedah police are investigating a report of rape made yesterday by a 15-year-old girl living at Kuala Nerang. 26 miles from here. The girl told the police she was on her way home after bathing at a well wh«n two youths accosted
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  • 43 5 KUALA BELAIT, (Bruneit. Tues.— lnche Elam Din bin Bagoo. ASP leader of the Slngapo:r Police team interrogating reb- Is nere and in the Beria district, was urgently recalled to Singapore today, usually reliable sources reported. He left by air this afternoon.
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  • 195 5 SINGAPORE, Tuesday. MALAYAN Undergrad, organ of the University iTI of Singapore Students' Union, has asked for more details of the arrests of political and trade union leaders in Singapore. The latest issue says: "It seems to us that action of this nature is sufficiently serious to
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  • 115 5 Towkay Lim funeral committee PENANG. Tues.— A committee Is to be set up tomorrow to plan the luneral of millionaire philanthropist Towkay Lim Lean Teng. who died last night. The committee will complete arrangements and choose the date for the funeral expected to be on Sunday. The burial will be
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  • 185 5 ALOR STAR, Tues. The ordeal of several families who had to sleep under trees after losing their homes in last Saturday's fire at" Kampong Tualang, 12 miles from here, is expected to end soon. The Kota Btar District Officer and
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  • 68 5 IPOII. Tues.— The Mentri Besar of Perak. Dato Shaari bin Shaffie, said today: "Whoever you are. whatever you do and wherever you are, you must always think as Malayans, act as Malayans, and work for the good of Malaya and Its people." He said this when
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  • 177 5 Ooi: Bid by police to 'buy' Front men PENANG, Tues. Mr. Ooi Thiam Slew, chairman of the Penang division of the Socialist Front, today accused the police of approaching members of the party "to buy them over as informers." Mr. Ooi. who is Mayor of George Town, said: "Previously we
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  • 152 5 KUALA LI'MPIR, Tu«s —The Labour Party of Malaya executive committee will meet here on Sunday to discuss the question of holding an opposition parties conference to study the latest developments towards the establishment of Malaysia. If the proposal is accepted at the meeting, the
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  • 16 5 SINGAPORE. Tues.— A telephone worth $60 has been stolen from kiosk in Thomson Road.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 134 5 PERFECTION IN VENETIAN BLINDS If you have an eye for ihe quality that makes better living. you will appreciate the beauty and perfection of STARLITE Gold Star Venetians. Here is perfection in smooth, silent operation... in a range of new fashion-inspired colours there is also a special Starlite patented feature
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    • 254 5 »Wi Witf»laVi''y ?-^sa|fc'-'fc -'af ''^^HHh r& ■'iJF im'W^^^ '"ifcv. \^t>. .%aL I 9 aaaaaaaaaaaaaYnay K. \^Bt vfll iH aaaT- > '2aBaT&*BBT i \i.-iBBBs ST> ib^bV .Kaaaaap aaPflF Jaat W wfet W bbbbbbßlbHL i^i^BP?!?^* i^fc^P^ilOt^ '^^H TMC nn COMPANY -JAMC^VfLLC WISCONSIN U.SJW Why this is the one ball pen you hate
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  • 603 6 Yeow agrees: When Jamit said do this or do that, it was followed 13th PAY OF THE TRIAL SINGAPORE. Tues. yEOW Fook Yuen, treasurer of the Singapore Harbour Board Staff Association, today agreed with the prosecution that "when Jamit Singh says do this or do that, it is followed. When
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  • 365 6 The DPP asks about cats and dogs, and Rajah protests: 'Very sinister external auditor to whom the statement was sent, had repeatedly asked for minutes of council meetings. But despite three reminders, the relevant minutes were not sent to Mr. Ong. Yeow said. At this stage, the DPP complained to
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  • 70 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Radio Malaya will broadcast a special feature on "ihe Revelation of the Holy Koran to Prophet Muhammad" in Its Malay service on Feb. 21 at 10.30 p.m. The Tamil service will broadcast a talk on the subject on Feb. 21 at 7.15
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  • 102 6 SINGAPORE, Tuesday. A SINGAPORE millionaire's son, Mr. Tan Keng Siong. was today ordered by a court here to pay maintenance to his estranged wife Peggy and I three children, magistrate, Mrs. Quek c. ordered him to pay c: I as maintenance for If and
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  • 310 6 A handshake from armless Yoke Heong for you KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Lai Yoke Heong, the armless 19-year-old schoolgirl, is looking forward to shaking hands again with her friends and relatives at the airport on Thursday afternoon when she returns from England. The chairman of the board of trustees of the
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  • 64 6 BINGAPORE. Tues. The Tariff Advisory Commission will hold a public inquiry tomorrow Into a tariff application for the Imposition of duties on cotton wool, sanitary towels, talcum powder and baby napkin*. The hearing will be held In the Ministry of Finance Conference Room. sth Floor. FuUerton
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  • 58 6 *INOAPORE, Tues. Chin K jii Toon wai. fined $100 or one month's Jail today for assaulting a detective with a piece of wood at the Badmlntion I' car park In Oulllemard Road. P.C. Heng SUng Kwang was trying to stop a fight In the cat park
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 180 6 nll^F j<B m .'ii KrIhII J SAYS L JFJ f J jßP^i^^^^^^^^K^l y^ film p^g|yß»j star n| f*W dffl H' m MARY LIM j^^^^^ Lovely Cathay-Keris film star Mary Lim finds Gordon's Gia ,WPsSfiuSL^ the perfect party drink. "It's so versatile" she says. "You can serve it with J? B
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 127 6 A lUf, omp *H X] r. ammlkm 1 CO<T KNOW XwCLUHMgWOFM^ TrC^TTCT »«At| KfiP^" "\tD BE A' MOOrtA»l"V^" '^.0* CXM*' about voji but accxWr menm. rnu. \rvc van I tfff or i oont put that weu_ \%nn\na »*KiwX*VtM« COU« M I OANT. /U« Jl *ÜBTA I ALLEY KM Of MOWHUtfp
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  • 1782 7 THE FAMOUS TRIAL— AND ACQUITTAL-OF LIZZIE BORDEN IN THE 1890s OX the summerafternoon of August 4, 1892, an excited croud seethed round a tall frame house in the township of Fall Hivcr, Massachusetts. Inside lay the silent sheeted bodies of two
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 304 7 il 4} *mM BH~rf"ffTi"iTJ ~"*S. In this quiet New England house (above) j < Lizzie Borden's father and step-mother STRAITS were hacked to death. Lizzie's acquittal I at her trial left the mystery still unsolved. I N MES I At left: Lizzie, the prim bespectacled q I spinster tc/io icas
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  • 197 8 ETerwS Sl» iMimimum, R W TAYLOR In Nedlands. West Australia, oo Sunday 10-2-63 Deeply mourned by hi* widow and his callRECEIVED CABLE FROM r.vlon death of Mr* Thevanai Thllllampalam. mother o' I Cumarasamy of Talplng died at Vaddukoddai on 11-2-63. THE FUNERAL OF Madam Lim Chet Nooi. aged HO.
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  • 140 8 2* Wmr4M Sl* (Minimum) MR. AND MRS. s. Vengadarafuloo 18, VetiM i K I. thank relative, (rlrads lor their kind presence, gilt* good wishe* oo <hr occasion of their wedBAHADAR SINOH Thanks sll friends and relatives Mr their condolences, wreaths. assistance and attendance durinc his brrruvement The BhoK" rrremony
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  • 46 8 2* Herds S/e (Minimum) IN EVER LOVING Mrmflrt at m» keSsvat husband John M Harper who dirrf IeVSJB, Forever wEt th* Lord. IN COVING MEMORY Of A Victor who departed on 111 B> Inserted by wife and <hildrrn. May hi* soul rest la paace.
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  • 202 8 H'orrfs 5/0 i Him mi. mi AIRWICK KILLS NASTY Smells In a liffy On a bottle or a container of Airwlrk for your home or office IT DAVIDS SOCIETV E .-t -together «t the Tanxle Inn Friday February l.Mh Tickets for annual dinner available SINCAPORE BALLET ACADEMY The School
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  • The Straits Times
    • 623 8 It is time the Prime Minister banged together the heads of Malaya's amateur confronters. Relations with Indonesia are much too delicate, and the chance of mischief much too dangerous, for these gentlemen |to be free to do their worst, yesterday one of the Indonesian rebel agents who found
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    • 618 8 The holding of the seventh conference of the International Planned Parenthood Federation in Singapore celebrates a j victory of sorts. Only in 1949, Municipal Commissioners were debating the rights and wrongs of birth control with a passion recalling the pioneering days of Dr. Marie Stopes. Today, new
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  • 920 8  - UNIQUACK ANALYSES de GAULLE JAMES RESTON by of the. New York Timos Q and A on the man of the hour—and what makes him tick A PERPLEXED lady in California wants to know what Uniquack thinks about the present state of the world, and since we have nothing else to
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  • LETTERS to the Editor
    • 547 8 INDONESIA is undoubtedly 1 responsible for the present diplomatic crisis between the two countries. For thia part of the world it Is an unfortunate state of affairs. However, more Important for Malaya, is that the policy of the Indonesian Government helps to present a moment of grim
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    • 131 8 I AGREE with Mr. Milton Tan. chairman of the Singapore Autombile Association, that the former Safety First Council ought to be revived. As members of the Singapore Junior Safety First Council, the problems facing us are:THE ABSENCE of an older organisation to work side by side with us
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    • 77 8 A WIFE in Pasir Mas complains that postal staff do not get a half holiday on Saturdays or Thursdays and that there is no early dismissal of staff during the fasting month. She should realise that the Postal Department plays a major role in the communications system of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 411 8 S'xaits T«e. 4 Malay MaU CMeelfled aevertleemenM e»ey •c handed »et let Floor COL* STODXI ARCAOB Orcherd Rood COLO ITOSMI BRANCHM AT HOLLAND MAD-KATOSM «■*>•>«. ROAD-NAVAL StiS Aettterteed Ageate: CITY BOOK •TORS UTt» Winchester House. Cewyer Quay thi Nsrwe pwomt FHapelrtefs BueoweilaW M. M. ISMAIL S Admiralty Read. Newel Beee
      411 words
    • 94 8 BASS AMPLIFIERS The reproductior reouirement of Electric Bom Guitar is ouite different from the normal type of portoble omplifier. The amplitude and tremendous air pressure produced by the loudspeaker movement of true bos frequencies v ihottenrtg to on ordinory omplifier rente* WeM kwss AmpMtiers are 1 specially constructed for trin
      94 words
    • 210 8 -JUST OUTI^FEBRUARY-* Reader's Digest Containing "i CATTtt WMVt 'DOWN UNDW: A» otttnfion focus** on Quo«fi Eliiobeth's visit to Austrolio, this vtvid tytwitnem r«port in th« February Reader i Digest tok«6 you to rh« h€ort of the Outbock. CtOWN AOINTS: iRITAIN'S GLOiAL MOSLIMSOLVIRS: An organization which obtoins toothbrushes for Fi|i scKool-chitdrtn;
      210 words

  • 682 9 CLEVER LOT WITH 'ELECTRONIC BRAINS: POLICE TO SEND OUT SPECIAL SQUADS THURAISINGHAM DISAGREES WITH BATH: NO EVIOENCE OF DUMPING By TAN TOCK SAIK: Kuala Lumpur, Tues gPECIAL police squads will soon go into action against the bookies on Malayan racecourses, the Selangor Turf Club president, Dato
    682 words
  • 230 9 Inspector and lawyer clash: Both are women SEREMBAN. Tues. A woman lawyer and a woman police t officer clashed in the M&gistrate's Court here today over the granting of bail to four men charged with kidnapping. They were Miss N S. Dcvi, who appeared for two of the accused Gan
    230 words
  • 37 9 SINGAPORE. Tues More than 800 student* have applied for entrance to the newly e»Ubllshed bl-llngual (Chinese and English) Ngee Ann College. Over 680 are from Singapore and the rest from the Federation.
    37 words
  • 53 9 JOHORE BAHRTJ. Turs —An 11 -man government committee has been appointed here to rind out the extent to which the National Language has be«n uaed In me dally work of foremment departments and In business and Industry In the state. It la also studying ways of Increasing the
    53 words
  • 100 9 SINGAPORE, Tues.— Dr. T. A. Slnnathuray. of the Kandang Kerbau Maternity Hospital, who went on a Government scholarship to England in August 1960 for higher studies, has obtained the diploma of MRCOO (Member of the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology). He was
    100 words
  • 83 9 Jewellery missing from box SINGAPORE, Toes. Mrs. C. Conner*, of Fort Avenue, kept all her Jewellery In a box in her dressing table drawer after the Christmas and New Year celebrations. Yesterday, she took out the treasure box and found it nearly empty. Gone were two diamond rings, one cold
    83 words
  • 222 9 BRUNEI TOWN, Tuesday. SPOKESMEN for four pro-Malaysian political parties today criticised the Brunei Government for not including their representatives on the Malaysian delegation to Kuala Lumpur. Hall Hasbollah bin Haji Daud. president of the re- cently-formed Alliance, said he objected "to the undemocratic attitude of the
    222 words
  • 137 9 'FRIENDLY' MEETING ON CLAIMS BY W.D. STAFF SINGAPORE. Tues. Representatives of the British War Department and the War Department Civilian Staff Association today discussed the union's claims for severance pay and the future of 900 W.D. employees in Malaya. The union's president, Mr. 8. J. H. Zaidl. and the general
    137 words
  • 101 9 SINGAPORE, Tues. The Barisan Soelalis today said that the present international tension in South-East Asia was a direct result of Malaysia "being imposed on the people against their will.'* A party statement, commenting on the failure of a Malayan delegation headed by Singapore trade union
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  • 213 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Tnes. The former Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Inebe Abdul Atiz bin Ishak (above). has been expelled from the United Malays National Organisation. The acting secretarygeneral of I'mno, Syed Ja'afar Albar, told a Press conference today that all 27 members of the central
    213 words
  • 116 9 SINGAPORE. Tues. Three Malayan Airway* captains and two first officers will leave Singapore for Amsterdam tomorrow to familiarise themselves with the Fokker Friendship aircraft which the airline will Introduce on its domestic services In May. They will be away tor two months. A second
    116 words
  • 245 9 Driver who is afraid to question passengers' identity IPOH, Tues. A police 1 driver, Abu Bakar bin Ismail, told the Magistrates Court here today that he did not usually question the Identity of police officers when instruced to drive them around in police vehicles. He was being cross-exam-ined by Zakarlah
    245 words
  • 106 9 SEREMBAN. Tues. The kathi's court at Ampangan. three miles from here, was told how a Muslim couple were seen sitting among the flowers in the Lake Gardens here one night. In the court were Jal bin Mohammed Shah, 26, and Tlmoh bint* Zakariah, 18,
    106 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 317 9 BAD DIGESTION —but you quickly STOP the pains spoonful oi DQllVltt. S ANTACID POWDER L^^^^^ I\ j J \^C^M ÜBaw^*"^Jar N naJhfa*^Ban~aM^^a^o J Thli world-famous medicine soon mTvfflECXi stops stomacn P ams and nel P s y° ur y digestion. You can atwayi eat what h. V in^ioisJl?" 1 you
      317 words
    • 49 9 GUERLAIN |K)(|K)|^) L LaitDeßeaute $9.50 W[l rjN-* 2. Lotion Calmante $8.50 _Li. I Jfc_ Vl I 3. DemaquiUant Fluide $11.85 V^Mbw 2.vJß=*m< 3.V. T J 4. Emulsion D'Ambroisie $16.10 /V~ 5. Creme Speciale 3.50 XX- •fgsV'N r3"^>l 6. Creme Acide 8.00 •fc r ls^^y WoLlII^ ■^■■■■■■■■■■1 SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR
      49 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 409 9 -».b.i*»». Night Chib; 10.80 Behind Th« RADIO SINGAPORE Scenes; 1100 Mualc Festivals: SHORT WAVE SERVICE: 12 CloM Down as*—. w SERVICE: 41.7 metres A.M. 6.00 Good Morning; 601 A.M. b.OO Tune Blgnai. NegaMornlng Prelude; 7.16 News; n tu NewB Headlines; 0.02 7.20 Breakfast Bulletin; 7.30 Morning Melodies; 7.00 Time Up
      409 words

  • 377 10 SINGAPORE, Tuesday. 'JilK answer to the rapid population increase in Malaya is to educate parents into accepting the idea of a reduction in the number of conceptions. This solution was advanced by Datin Lady Thomson, senior nutrition officer of the Institute for
    377 words
  • 154 10 Bandit war veterans: We want to return KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Several former members of the New Zealand armed forces who served in Malaya have applied to return as civilians in voluntary work. They have applied to the New Zealand Council for Volunteer Service Abroad— an equivalent of the American Peace
    154 words
  • 61 10 IPOH. Tues.—The case ol a man charged wi'li outraging tin moaesiy of an unemployed woman was struck off In the Magistrate's Court here today alter police said nc nad boon murdered. Hew Ah Kee. 20. was alleged to lave molested Cheng Slew Hock. 22. at
    61 words
  • 121 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Sir Andrew Cohen. Director General of the British Department of Technical Co-operation, will arrive on Friday for a five-day visit to the Federation. He will have discussions with the Deputy Prime Minister. Tun Abdul Razak bin Hussein, and other Ministers
    121 words
  • 185 10 THE 'RED DEVILS' TRAIN IN HOT AND COLD SINGAPORE, Tues. Men of the "Red Devils," the 3rd Bn., Parachute Regiment, are having their training served hot and cold. While one company is training in sub-zero temperatures in northern Canada, the main bocy of the regiment Is in the jungle near
    185 words
  • 50 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The former Malayan Ambassador to the United Arab Republic. Inche Ghazali Jawi. will take charge of the branch office ol the Umno headquarters in Kola Bharu. Kelantan. The office to be opened next month will help to re-organise the Umno there.
    50 words
  • 456 10 From— DOUG LACKERSTEEN ONDON, Tues.— Any future Federation of Malaysia student association in London should be based on the principle of tolerant co-existence and mutual co-operation, Che Khatijah Ahmad, president of the Federation of Malaya Students' Association, said here last night. She declared
    456 words
  • 37 10 TELUK ANSON. Tues.— Work on a sub-health centre at Chendrong Balal. about 11 miles from here. Is aboqt to be completed. It will serve about 5.000 people from seven villages In the area.
    37 words
  • 241 10 SINGAPORE. Tues r PHE University of Singapore authorities are considering plans to introduce a new degree structure in the Arts Faculty. A spokesman said today: "The matter should be decided by March." Meanwhile* the Malayan Undergrad, the organ of the University of Singapore Students' Union,
    241 words
  • 104 10 SHOTS FAIL TO STOP FARM THIEVES SINGAPORE. Tues.— Six rounds of buckshot fired by a farmer failed to stop thieves making off with 200 fowls worth $800 from Bajau Estate, at the 16} mile, Jurong Road, early yesterday. The farmer. Sze Rim Leong, 45. who had been roused by barking
    104 words
  • 91 10 DUTTER WORTH. 13 Tues.— Two British NCO's today received Queen Elizabeth's commendation for bravery in saving an 18-year-old Malayan from drowning in the Penang channel on Sept. 24 last year. Sgt. Robert Scott. 24. md Cpl. J. Blackie. 25, of 55 C mpany, RASC. Air
    91 words
  • 21 10 SINGAPORE. Tues. Data Wong Shee Pun officially opened the new workshop of Precision Engineers in Redhlll Industrial Estate today.
    21 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 125 10 Both black and white and cofor pictures are so easy with f%\ O\ NEW BROWNIE 44A CAMERA rt in Singapore D ..7.1. i. the cam era for the family! X both with Aak r pip J>gs--^^^Br--a w >- Never before such a picture-perfect camera at such a price! And you
      125 words
    • 129 10 ready Federal Mathematics Book 5 ($2.60) and Answer Book 4 Already published. Book 1 ($1.50) Book 2 ($1.50) Book 3 ($1.25) Q Book 4 ($2.35) < ■g by Winnie Tan and Patrick QoK. QC 111 CO English Today (South Emt Asian EdttlH* Books 3 and 4 ($3.00 each) Jj Already
      129 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1445 11 TB LIVERPOOL I WEST CBAST tI.K,, 0^ j^,,,, sans P. STUMS Pmmi PYRTRUS liTtrpttl D'j; Cltstjow Cta. 13 Tatar Frt 14/18 Frt IT polyoorus imrpatl. Dublin CM. IS Ftl IS Frt 18/28 Frt 11 MEHESTHEUS liftrptel. Glasgow Frt II Ftt 22 Frt M/ 17 FM 28 MEHELAUS Avonmcuth. LittrtMl FM
      1,445 words
    • 1427 11 THE E. A. C. LINES- SAtIINSS TB BEPMJA II HAVRE. MAMIVRB. IRCMER. ANTWERP. yH<*g>V ROTTIRBAM. AMSTEM)«M. OSj.O. MtKNtURt AN| CBPtHH4H» \e<kZ2Sj "MALACCA" WM Mat 21/27 Mm BV2B mw JkJR X t) M MM/ 4 Apr 8/ T Ap* 1/ 8 Aat 22&VM»£( "POONA 21,14 Apt gB/M Aar 27/21 Aar '"MA"
      1,427 words
    • 1318 11 BEM^^LEME EXPRESS SERVICE TO IBWBN. LIVERPOOL I CONTtRCKTAL PBtTS. Sport P S'riam Penane. UNCRUACNIN I'ptll. B'mM, H'larg, H'taa G. 41 Fll 14 Frt 11/11 Ft! 28/21 BnALSEI (Ml Ilrg, IMB, rlt»n.A'wp,M'ort »rtll/li ..•«/<« 'c. MpHUSCN (E.LPj i'PMI. 6'maKD. Mull. H MTt IM 23.71 »et 27/ 4 Mm 1/ I BENGIM
      1,318 words
    • 1328 11 w_ McALISTER tJc CO., LTD. ifVpa Til. Ht. UJII |SpU BLLBmMAM LIMB tk KLAV£MBSB LINE W IBHBBN. NAMBVRB RinERDAM. I US ANCELES. UN FRANCISCO NAVIE. HULL B MIBBIESMSHGH. IEITTIE. VANCOUVER t PBRTUNB city of ur tm Z!!^ m Sport P S'htm Ptrtane IROnivuii 21/21 Frt 21/23 Ftk 24 25 Frt
      1,328 words

  • 14 12 Further January rubber crops included Kluang- 125.000 lb. Lit) Bennt 73.000 lb.
    14 words
  • 620 12 From Our Market Correspondent rfIHERE was a definite 1 slide in industrial share prices on the Malayan Stock Exchange yesterday which generally exhibited an easier tendency. The index fell Lelow the 100 points level for the first time this year. There appeared to
    620 words
  • 20 12 Feb. 11 Feb. i: Industrials: Una: rubbers: 100.99 105.84 192.75 99.8 int.i 19:.?; Dec. 29, 19 962 100.
    20 words
  • 634 12 COMBINED business in the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Malayan Stock Exchange yesterday, with the number of the shares traded in brackets: INDUSTRIALS: Beustsad (1.000) tljn. (3.0(101 $1.56: Dunlsa* (1.000) $2.*0. (4.000) S2.M. (2.000) S3.M. (2.000) (2.53. (1.000) 12.54, (1.000) $2.53. (4.000) (2.57: last
    634 words
  • 197 12 STRAITS TIN again improved in' price yesterday •5 edging up 50 cents to $426.75 on an offering estimated to be reduced by 10 tons to 230 tons. In London on Monday tin was modestly traded at steady prices. Some inquiry was reported
    197 words
  • 254 12 FEBRUARY tint trade rueMr buyers f.e.b. closed at S p.m. in 810K spore and Kuala Lumpur yesterday at 79 cents per lb. up one-eighth of a ■writ. The tone waa quiet. •.C.C.R.A. and r.m.m.t cloalns prices in cent* per lb. yesterday: INT. 1 Rl.l. prompt f.o.b. buyers 781.
    254 words
  • 27 12 February 12. MALAYAN RUBBER PRICE: 79 cents (up one-eighth of a cent). TIN: $426.75 (up 50 cents). Estimated unofficial offering 230 tons (down 10 tons).
    27 words
  • 132 12 TNI Malayan Ixshangs linm AM.•latlen made Umm caaogts la iv tats* to merchants yesterday (all ratra to 1100): Me* V»r«: buylnc TT 32J. airmail OD 83. 90 d/at 33) credit (tills, 331 trade Mil*. Canada: buylnc TT 33 7/I*. airmail OD 33 9 IS. 90 d/at 3« I/IS
    132 words
  • 122 12 MELBOURNE. Tues. fIENEBAL INVESTMENTS and vr industrial shares remained steady with rises slightly shading falls. Leaden fluctuated narrowly around steady levels. At— elated Australian gained Is. 3d. to 28s. 3d. as Sunnybank Number Two approaches the zone of Interest. Other oil stocks held their levels. Base metals were
    122 words
  • 138 12 (OFFICIAL QUOTATIONS) Keb. 12. Three months. Dunlops 14 cts. 8. Darby i.i K. N. 16 cts. C. Stoi.iK. IM. Gammons 11 eta. 8. Traction 1 t J. WauKb 10 cts. Shell 16 eta. M. Bn 25 ctx. tjti'um.shlp 9 cts. M. Cement IX cts. 8. Turn* tt«U Container*
    138 words
  • 135 12 wharves today are: Pyrrhus I >b. Cathay 1/2. jlnegara 13/ M. Perils KW. 1/., Stavropol Ml Kastsea NW 3/4, Nagato llaru 27/28, Naxoyu Maru 6/7. Sapporo 10/11. Luna Marrsk 44, Kcthrnstein 4/5. Turantel 33/34. Holydor us ;i.V3G. Chandpara IH. Ajauta M .'*>. Bruas NW. 2/3. Pulau KidjaO^dk
    135 words
  • 97 12 CHINESE Prsiluce Eiottanga, Singspsrs neen priest per picul yettsrday: Cecenut eil: bulk $42i seller*, drum (4.v; sellern. Cepra: Feb. March IK, Continent S^7: Duyers. Pepper: Muntok white Jl.'^J sellers. Sarawak white $l.'<o sellers, special W Sarawak black (105 sellers, garbled Umpom black (100 sellers. AST A JII9 seller.l.
    97 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1144 12 BBsmX ass\w^ av^sssi BBBS^ssssss^^Ls^^^lfl ■■aaV VpaUsssM BB^asUaVsßßsaMll v KAUIA&rUa.KISEN i KAISHA. t LTtX O.S.A. Paeifle, AUantle. as Great Lake a ■bsTvlbb LOMt load! EIA EIA EU EIA EIA S'oort V S'hpm HOflOlDio S. P*ClsCO L. Aasettt PJ York Cievelano Kasikawt Mart" N2l FH 11/11 Ftl 14 Mtr 21 Mar 24
      1,144 words
    • 1035 12 TO AUSTRALIA S.S. "HIMALAYA" (28,000 tent fully oireonditioned stabilised* Departing PENANG sth March 1963. SINGAPORE 6th March 1963. far Fremontle, Adelaide, Melbourne Sydney. Limited FIRST CLASS Accommodation Available. Apply to your Trovel Agent, or to: ISLAY KERR CO. LTD., SINGAPORE. HARRISONS CROSFIELD V. ef M.) LTD., KUALA LUMPUR. HARPER GILFILLAN
      1,035 words
    • 98 12 fW ISTHMIAN LINE IQJb% CRKAT LAKES SERVICE ■f^lkja. »*OU SINCtPIIt MALATA asfj FOP. MONTREAL. TOPOHTO. HAMILTON. ASNTABULA. CLCVtLANI, TOlflD. BfTtBIT. CMICASO t MILWaOREI. S'pori P. Shaw Peaang Tetontt -SIFIA" 11/» MM Jl/M Mar Jl/I4 Mat 21 API "tIPA" U/» apt ii/n Apr n/M Apt M May •a vtssti" 11/ a
      98 words
    • 336 12 NOTICE IS HERE.-V GIVEN that by a Deed Poll dated the Twenty-fifth day of October 1962 and duly enrolled In the Supreme Court of Judicature In England on the First day of November 1962 KUNJI LAL TTWARI of 192 Oxford Road Kldllngton In the County of Oxford renounced and abandoned
      336 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1093 13 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS LEMBAGA PERUMAHANHOUSING TRUST PEBSEKUTCAN TANAB MELAYU APPLICATIONS are invited lor the post oftChief Architect and Executive Officer < Salary scale »1.850x00-$2,250 per month). Applicant* are required to be Federal Citizens, to be Associates of the R.1.8.A. or H.AI.A. and hold a degree in architecture of a recognised university,
      1,093 words
    • 906 13 SITUATIONS VACANT It Ward* U (Mtn.)-~Box St ets. txtrt MAN TOOKE'S ACENCV. Vacancies tor Female Junior StrnograptMr. with experience. Also personal Secretary stenographer*. Apply personally. M.C. A. Building. Kuala Lumpur. WANTID energetic young boys for part-time work. Apply personally 110 Macpbenon Road Service Station between 830 p.m./ 7.30 p.m. Wednesday
      906 words
    • 1000 13 SITUATIONS VACANT tt Wards SS (Ml*.)— Box It et*. txtra APPLICANTS replying to oox sumMrs for vacancies, are requested not hi enclose original copies of testimonials or Kfaianca* with then applications. No responsibility caa ne accepted for their loss. SITUATIONS WANTED w r **J t <'*"»•>—*«» o <**• READ th*
      1,000 words
    • 1015 13 EDUCATION •t fferds SS Ml*.}— Box It rt: txtrm LCC EXAMINATION quMtlon* and answers Aecountlng, Book-keeping, Typewriting, 194&-1962 available. Apply T. G. Samuel, P.O. Bos 173 L Singapore. MODERN SCHOOL'S BatJnners' Book-keeping, Shorthand. Typewriting. Malay startlns 15th February. 18 Battery Road (2nd Floor). Near OH Cafe. Phone *****. DRESSMAKING MADE
      1,015 words
    • 924 13 HIRE PURCHASE it Wards SS (Ml*.)— Box It els. txtrm MONTHLY 910 M r*or Tran*is'orrsdloe. Radlo-grama. Tapr-r*cord«ra, Refrigerator*. Air-coadlUooera. Fans, CooJMra. Cbaara CUctrio Co.. 290-O, Joo CMat Road. B'por* *****. TOURS k EXCURSIONS tt Wards SS Ml*.)— Box St cts. txtra REMEMBER 'MARZINS' nnd forswi tnnl ilekßcaa. This famous quickset
      924 words
    • 987 13 VEHICLES FOR SALE Words tS (Him.)— Ban S* et: »rfr* ATTENTION M.M. FORCSs Cbangl Auto Barvlca gives you th* best In used ran at moderate prieea All cars sold are re ooadittoced and baa aa after *sl* guarantee aasr terms available Phone *****3 ct call at 132 Upper Chanel Road
      987 words
    • 788 13 STEAMBATHS. MASSAGE. ETC M Wards Ji (Ml*.) Box ft rts. «sl-« MASSAGE ANO TURKISH-BATH/ ■taambatha. 37-A, Victoria Btrevt Junction Bra* Basah Road. Stasapor*. Telepbooe *****. overtimes t 1 liwiss i GENTLEMEN Por Swediaa maasac* steam bath* facial treatment "Jeans alrcotxtltiooed Salon. 28A Pcaaac Lab* (adJacJßt Peking Restaurant). Ttiepbooe (Spore) *****.
      788 words

    • 427 14  -  Norman Siebel By KUALA LUMPUR, I Tuesday I A ff.VLAYAN soccer stars iU Abdul Gfaani and Robert Choc flew back here today, sunned themselves gratefully in 90 degrees heat, and exclaimed: "How wonderful it is to return to this sunshine and warmth!" They had
      427 words
    • 274 14 Total 81 entries in S'pore Open GOLF SINGAPORE, Tues—Eightyone golfers 74 professionals and seven amateurs —representing 14 countries will compete in the Singapore Open which begins on Feb. 21 at the Royal Island Club's new course (par 73) here. A pro-am tournament will be played on Feb. 20. Australia head
      274 words
    • 209 14 rPOH, Sat. Ipoh's Stadium Perak ls almost ready and ls expected to be handed over by the Public Works Department to the stadium committee soon. I The stadium has cost about $45,000 to date, and further facilities to It are intended. A covered grandstand and floodlights
      209 words
    • 72 14 BINOAPORE, Tues. Japan's youth soccer team will play two matches In Singapore on Apr. 13 and 14 before going to Penang for the Junior Asian Cup tournament. The Japanese team will meet Singapore's Burnley Cup side on Apr. 13 and against Singapore Youth XI on Apr.
      72 words
    • 38 14 IPOH, Tiies. The Perak Cntnes* Football Federation lost $715 last sea ion, says the secretary's report to the annual meeting on Feb. 33. The season's "big match" the MCFA Cup seml*flnal against Selsngor netted only $339.
      38 words
    • 159 14 Referee Chong explains... OINGAPORE, Tues. Soccer referee ("hong Lian Sin said today that he abandoned the MCFA Cup tie between Johore and Nef r i Sembilan at Muar on Sunday because the crowd had trot out of hand. Chon* said: "There was no goal
      159 words
    • 320 14 MCC take things easy and win CRICKET j mAMWORTH, Tues. MCC X took matters lightly but always had the result well in hand in beating a New South Wales Country XI by ten wickets with 57 minutes to spare In their two-day match here today. FINAL SCORES: NSW Country XI
      Reuter  -  320 words
    • 65 14 'Profitable trip' Leburn KUALA LIMPI R. Turn— Australian professional tennis coach Gilmour Lebnrn leaves for home tomorrow after what he describes as a "profitable* six-week tour of Malara "And I hope to return every year daring- the tennis season," he added, "There was plenty of talent in Maaya bat the
      65 words
    • 198 14 Abdullah takes Ceylonese to last 4 SCC 1 Ceyloneic 2 CJINGAPORE, Tues. T w o brilliantlytaken goals by centreforward Abdullah took Ceylonese to the semifinals of the Singapore Hockey Association League Cup competi- tion today. The League champions were a goal down at half-time but Improved In the second half
      198 words
    • 37 14 HOCKEY Penan* ko q-final: IA 2 CRC 1; Ipoh Div. 2: Telecoms 6 Education Dept 4; Kilat 6 Boys Club 0. Klanj Lge: Town Council 2 Khalsa 0. SOCCER: Friendly (Penang): Ramblers 6 Seenivansan XI 3.
      37 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1212 14 TENDERS PAHANG J.K.R. TENDER NOTICE TENDERS from registered Class E" and above J.K R. Contractors vull be received by Jurutera Negri. Pahang, Kuantan up to 12.00 pjn. on 21st February, 1963 for the Construction of 2 Nos. Reinforced Concrete Box Culverts between MS 26 and M.S. 30 Kuantan /Maran Road.
      1,212 words
    • 783 14 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS The Board of The Rubber Re-, search Institute of Malaya invites applications from Federal Citizens for a probationary Research Officer post on tbe staff of its Soils Division. Applicants should possess a Degree In Agriculture or Chemistry, and post-graduate experience In Soil Chemistry would be an advantage. The
      783 words
    • 38 14 STOP r ODOUR and PERSPIRATION INSTANTLY Use Arrid daily for 24--hour protection against body odour and perspiration. Roll Arrid on and body odour and perspiration vanishes instantly! ARRID America's largest selling deodorant I ENGLISH ELECTRIC'I with I s^JfsTy
      38 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 246 14 Straits Times Crossword ACBOBB 7. No song for squares? (•>. 1. They'll put you In the pie- 8. Magnificent art gaUery offtrture— any taken? (II). ing views of the stars? (1-4). 10. Cut across 1U centre maybe 9. Feted with beer and thus looks after her man In Urn 11.
      246 words
    • 32 14 SPORTS DIARY HOCKEY FARELF FINAL: 19 Signal Regt v Gurkha Engineer's Kluang (Gillman Barracks). STORE LGE CUP: IA v Khalsa (Balestier Rd>. IPOH DIV. 2: ACS Staff v 1 FIB (lower padang).
      32 words

    • 126 15 EPSOM JUT CALL BOY POLNIKH MM 1 PEPITA Tirnn Sydbury BYDBURY Duke of Mantua Pepita D. of MANTUA 87*bw7 Tarun im a AMAZONAS Prettom Gem Anch Aye TIN RDSH Aoch Ay« Amaion«i ACCH ATI Bmmr Erer Onward ItMl JOLLY MASTER Paragon Cinerama PARAGON Cinerama Kal Tere JOLLY
      126 words
    • 891 15  - PEAK OF PERFECTION TO OUTSMART RIVALS AGAIN Epsom Jeep TOPWEIGHT WONT STOP CHAMPION EPSOM JEEP'S best bets are Another Chance (Race 4) and Peak of Perfection (Race 6). The Going should be good. UEAK of Perfection (Race 6) looks far above his rivals in the main sprint at Bukit Timah
      891 words
    • 982 15 Race One: 2.30— Cl 3 Div 5-7£ 1 ***** Straat Peter (TT St.) Donnelly, 6 9.0 J. WOtM 13 3 ***** On Trait (Ting Hon Bt.) Lee, 6 8.13 It 3 MO Shah Jehaa (Zach St Zaln. 4 8.13 M. Le* 7 4 ***** PeplU (H L. Tan)
      982 words
    • 100 15 SINOAPORE. lues Another 11 Austral an horses have been registered with Uie MRA. making total of 636 horses in training The new norces are Valala (Class 1) China Rock, late Kings Crusade General Trong, late Star William (both Class 2) iembers. late Evergreen My VIsU. Fiery
      100 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 151 15 CHANGE NOW TO EXTRA PROFIT FARGO -»rt«1F205r..-mi«witt PRIMROSE wityyttrtHhgtiU tw EXTRA PROFIT! Htf The PRIMROSE coil type trading axle has been designed and built to give an added carrying capacity of approximately 50*. The principle of operation is based upon a coil spring progressively taking a share of an increasing
      151 words
    • 372 15 world's warmest welcome Hideko Terasaki is delightfully Japanese as she welcomes you aboard your JAL Jet Courier with a cup of wanned take. You find it difficult to believe this charming JAL hostess was born in London, and spent her earliest childhood in Europe with her diplomat father. But Japan
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  • 400 16 Red failure at Moshi talks by Premier Lee SINGAPORE, Tues. The Prime Minister of Singapore, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, today claimed that the Communists had been stymied in their attempt to marshal Afro-Asian opinion against Malaysia. Mr. Lee said Singapore was better off for having sent a delegation to the
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  • 282 16 SYDNEY, Tues. British singer Shirley Bassey was today awarded damages of A£3.000 against Sungravure Ltd., publishers of the Australian pictorial magazine Pix. for defamation. Miss Bassey. from Cardiff, had claimed damages for an article on her life in Pix which, she claimed, defamed
    Reuter  -  282 words
    • 183 16 I ONDON, Tues. A noisy ghost with a taste for pop songs is rocking and rolling a haunted house trailer near Ashton Keynes, a Church of England Vicar said today. The Rev. John Johnstone said the ghost makes the trailer "dance" and throws things
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    • 65 16 PEKING: Prince Norodom Sihanouk. Cambodian Head of State, was given a colourful welcome when he arrived in Peking by air from Kunming on a state visit to China this afternoon. The Chairman of the Republic. Mr. Liv Shao-chl and other Chinese leaders and the entire Diplomatic Corps
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    • 54 16 Canada Cabinet appointments OTTAWA: The Minister for Veteran Affairs, Mr. Gordon Churchill, has been appointed Canada's new Minister of National Defence and Senator Wallace McCutcheon Trade Minister. Mr. Marcel Lambert. 43--year-old M.P. and Speaker of the Commons in the last Parliament, took over the veteran affairs portfolio. Senator McCutcheon was
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    • 86 16 BANGKOK: Court action has been Initiated here to block the purchase of shares in the Bangkok Post newspaper by the Canadian press magnate. Mr. Roy Thomson. The attorney for a local stockholder said the bylaws of the newspaper give the stockholders the right to purchase
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    • 68 16 GENEVA: The Soviet Union Invited the eight neutralist disarmament delegations to Joint private talks on the nuclear test ban issue yesterday, eve of the reopening of negotiations. The invitation, from the chief Soviet disarmament, negotiator. Mr. Vastly Kuanetsov, was regarded by Western diplomatic observers as
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    • 64 16 BOMBAY, Tues.— Four MIO jet fighters, constituting the first consignment of 12 promised by Russia to India for training purposes arrived last night. The Jets were In crates, to- gether with a quantity cf ancillary equipment. They arrived In the 8.000-ton Soviet freighter
      Reuter  -  64 words
    • 59 16 Sino-lndian negotiations PEKING: President Liv Shao-chl has urged the six Colombo Conference nations to "continue their efforts to promote Sinolndian negotiations and not be disappointed because of encountering some difficulties." He said China would like to start negotiations with India on a settlement of their Himalayan border dispute as soon
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    • 59 16 CAPE CANAVERAL, Toes. Stormy weather today forced a 24-hour delay in plans to launch America's most unusual communications satellite into orbit. The plan is to put the satellite, Syncom, into an orbit so high 22,300 miles up that it will seem to hanf like a star in
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  • 169 16 SUZANNE: I COULD NOT REMEMBER SHOOTING BOSTON. Tues. Suzanne Clift. 21. niece of actor Montgomery Clift, said at her murder trial here that she could not remember any of the circumstances of the shooting of her Italian lover. Piero Brentani. 27, whose child she is bearing. She took the witness
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  • 189 16 SINGAPORE, Tues. The Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, announced today that he would soon see the Indian Commissioner in Singapore about a new visa regulation required by the Indian Government for people of Chinese origin. He thought it was probably a "misunderstanding"
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  • 292 16 LONDON, Tues.— It has been an unsettled day In stock markets with prices moving narrowly and erratically. Gilt-edged see-sawed and staged a good recovery after falling away at the outlet War loan closed 1/8 higher. Interest In equities was small and selective and many of the leaaers had
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  • 45 16 LONDON, Tues —Spot 23>4d.. Mar. 23 9/16 d., April 23 9/16(1., May 23 9 16U. Aprtl June 23 9/l«d.. July/Sept. 23 7/IM., Oct., Dec. 23\d.. Jan./ Mar. 23Ud.. Apr. June unquoted. July/Sept, unquoted, c.i.f. Feb. 23 Ud., Mar. 23' 4d, Apr. 23'4d Tone: Dull.
    45 words
  • 21 16 LONDON. Tun.—Buyers £«52. sellers £852*. Forward buyers £854. sellers £8544, Settlement £853. Turnover a.m. 110 tons. p.m. SO. Tone: Quiet
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  • 360 16 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. TEN-PAGE memorandum calling on the Indonesian Government to prohibit any action aimed at provoking Tengku Abdul Rahman was handed by two Umno youth leaders to the Indonesian Hmbassy here today. The memorandum, which called on both Indonesia and Malaya
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  • 36 16 SINGAPORE. Tues. The Assemblyman lor Aljunied, Mr. S.V. Llngam will officially open the new MacPherson Road Post Office at the Junction of MacPherson Road and Lorong Bakar Batu at 7.30 p.m. on Thursday.
    36 words
  • 30 16 SINGAPORE. Tues. Water will be cut off in Jalan Hormat. Julan Murni. Jalan Mustlka, all off Jalan Kakl BuUt, on Thursday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
    30 words
  • 180 16 REVOLT CRUSHING TROOPS RETURN SINGAPORE. Tues. A contingent of British and Gurkha troops, who crushed the Brunei rebellion, retnrn» ed to Singapore today. The troops lined the deck of the commando ship HMS Albion as it cruised past Fairy Point in Changi, where the C-in-C. Far East Land j. >:■
    180 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 48 16 M Wards U» (lUmimmm) COLDSBROUOH.— Oo Mh February. 1903. at th* Matilda Hoapltal. Hone Kirn*, to Audrey and BUI a boy. VINCINT: To Lulu and Dcali on 12.2.63 a daughter Valeric Loula* alatcr to Loiwlla and Drnin at Mount Alvamla Hoapltal. toth wall. Tbanka to doctor mad ilatan.
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 41 16 UIOHEST and lowest temperaii tures for Malaya and Singapore for the period 8 p.m. Monday to 8 pjn yesterday. Hirheat Lawaac Kuala Lumpur 91 72 Kota Bharu 84 70 Penang 90 73 Ipoh 91 70 Malacca 91 73 Singapore 86 73
      41 words