The Straits Times, 10 February 1963

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES I Veti Sate* in NO. 1,428 S.UNDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1963. 20 CENTS. KDN 355
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  • 457 1  - Final Nair appeal ALEX JOSEY By BUT irS UNLIKELY MOSHI CONFERENCE WILL LISTEN TO HIM MOSHI, Bat— Mr. Devan Nair told me this morning he had made a final appeal to heads of delegations not to pass an anti-Malaysia resolution at tomorrow's windlng-up meeting of the Afro-Asian solidarity conference, without
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  • 68 1 Nasser: Well done A COLONEL, WHO WAS SENTENCED TO DEATH AND FREED FROM PRISON BY KASSEM, EMERGES AS THE NOW STRONGMAN pOLONEL Abdul Salam Mohamed Arif, 41, yesterday emerged as Iraq 's new strongman. His forces were well on the way to gaining full control London
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  • 334 1 2^ jj TRAQ's fallen leader, General Abdel Karim Kassem, and one of his top aides were executed by a firing squad this morning, according to a Bagdad Radio broadcast picked up in London. With Gen. Kassem died Fadhel Abbas Mehdawi, who headed the court
    Reuter; UPI  -  334 words
  • 259 1  - A school and 69 homes gutted in village fire CHAN BENG SOON: LOST: $160,000 WORTH OF HARVESTED PADI By ALOR STAR, Sat J^ FIRE completely gutted 69 houses and a school in the remote village of Kampong Tualang, 12 miles from here, this afternoon. Also destroyed were 16 padi store-houses
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  • 746 1 Curfew and a radio victory claim AN ARMY colonel, freed from prison by General Abdul Karim Kassem, is Iraq's new President, according to Bagdad Radio. The revolutionaries were reported to have captured 600 of General Kassem's soldiers. The new President was identified as Colonel Abdul Salam Mohammed Arif, 41, Kassem's
    Reuter  -  746 words
  • 32 1 CHICHESTER. (South em England). Sat.— Twenty people were injured, none seriously, when two trains collided in thick fog near here yesterday. The injured were taken to hospital.—Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 31 1 International president of the Printers Union, joined the negotiations at City Hall in New York where publishers, union officers and city officials attempted to setUe the «3-day-old newspaper strike.
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  • 275 1 Dance hall cracker row ends in one death FNANG, Bat.— One man was killed and two others were injured during a "Chap Goh Men" fight, over fire crackers, between two gangs early this mornIng. The fight started In a ramvong hall at Waterfall Road shortly after midnight. After a short
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  • 25 1 HOLLYWOOD. Sat— Shirley Macclaine was admitted to Mount Sinai Hospital here yesterday for treatment of a pinched nerve in her back. UJU.
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  • 631 1  -  ALEX JOSEY Indonesia will be first to recognise Aza By MOSHI. Sat, Indonesia will be the first foreign country to recognise Azaharl's Government, Mr. Abdullah Sallm Mohamed. head of the "Kalimantan Utara" delegation to the Afro Asian conference here, revealed to me in an exclusive Interview
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  • 56 1 ATHENS. Sat— Rocks and earth thundered down the slopes of Mount Pindos in Central Greece last night, completely burying the small village of Myriopnillon— the third Greek community to suffer such a fate within a month. The 800 Inhabitants had been evacuated earlier in the
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 41 1 NEW YORK. Sat. For the girl who fears evt-ry thing: A palm-sue squeeze bottle which shoots a fluid op to 2t ft. "stop* man or beast instantly, temporarily blinds and disables for about an hour." Coat: About $9.
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  • 95 1 NEW DELHI, Sat.— Police dragged a badly burned young woman from her husband's funeral pyre at Banda, south of Bombay, the Indian Express reported here yesterday. The paper said the incident happened on Tuesday and the woman told police that villagers had forced her to go on
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 75 1 CAPETOWN. Sat. A white businessman. Mr. Armando Delia Torre, aged SO, was hacked to death last night by a group of Africans in the Afr.can township of Langa near here. Delia Torre, who had been collecting debts, was eeen running to his car
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 55 1 LONDON. Sat. Britain Is asking Indonesia übout a report that 10.000 tribesmen armed with blowpipes have decided to enter North Borneo to fight with the Brunei 'rebels' against the British. A Foreign Ofllre spokesman said here today that Sir Leslie Fry, Britain's ambassador in Jakarta,
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  • 54 1 LONDON, Sat.— Louts threw rotten eggs last night at Shane Penton, 19 British pop singer when he substituted (or recording star Jess Conrad at a rock and roll concert here. Fen ton. whose suit was splattered with eggs, had a Mt parade record last year callea "I'm
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 32 1 MACAO. Sat. Communist patrol boats this morning fired on and captured two sampans rtylng to reach Macao frcm Red -held Ma Lav Chau Island, three miles from here— UPl.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 120 1 CYMA U A FINE SELECTION J&L^ Of CYMA |^?IW Ladies' Watches Zjr Including Diamond X^^|^ Ones are always Available at Wm w »c»joo^a> co 1 «..a««ui n«ct w^Ur^i Tib nst* MSMtf Shelltox Aerosol is so easy m_M_ to us& ust P ress tne button mm mmm^ f or instant results
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    • 83 1 this is pleasure !*"h too good to miss! <»» You will enjoy the good taste *a^S» of the vintage tobaccos In Chesterfield cigarettes— the best In smoking pleasure from the U.S.A. These tobaccos are grown mild, aged mild, blended mild. This is tobacco too mild to filter j pleasure too
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    • 12 1 Beautifully fashioned of exceptional /01/f/i/ cfesnns I all of select BRILLIANT QM.UITY
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  • 189 2 Brown refuses to withdraw from party poll J ONDON. Sat— The Acting Labour Party leader Mr. George Brown, last night declined to withdraw from the election battle for party leadership and said he would continue his fight with Mr. Harold Wilson In the current balloting. Mr. Brown rejected suggestions that.
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  • 240 2 'NO HONEYMOON' STAR SAYS: I HAVE A PICTURE TO MAKE I AS VEGAS. Sat. Tony Curtis and 18-year-old German actress, Christine Kauffman. were married In a brief veil ceremony that confirmed months of speculation that the couple would marry. CurtLs, 37. was formerly married to actress
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  • 35 2 New York newspaper columnist has been charged with ruling to register as a publicity axent for the Dominican Republics Trujillo Regime. He is accused of violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938.
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  • Article, Illustration
    86 2 HAWAIIAN university student Shirley Fong, who visited Singapore last September as the 196*2 "Narcissus Queen," has been elected "Miss Chinatown 1.5.A." in the annual pageant in S.\n Francisco. According to a report from America, 20-year-old Shirley's vital statistics are 34-24-35. On her arrival in Singapore last year, she
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  • 82 2 NOTTINGHAM, (England), Sat, Robin Hood, legendary outlaw who robbed the rich to help the poor, is to get police protection. Too many vandals have been stealing the bow and arrow from his bronze statue beside the wall of Nottingham Castle. The arrow, which costs £25 to replace,
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 16 2 Cambodian Head of state. .arrived in Communist China on Friday for a State visit
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  • 27 2 73-year-old Social Democratic (Opposition) Member of the West German Bundestag, died in Bonn suddenly after being found unconscious in his office in the Parliamentary buildings.
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  • 479 2 Mrs. BANDA GETS TOUGH Compensation talks called off following aid cut COLOMBO, Saturday. THE Ceylonese Government last night responded to the United States suspension of foreign aid with a toughly worded note and announced that it is calling off negotiations for compensation payments to two American oil companies. A two-hour
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  • 193 2 Waist vp and why OHOTONEWS presents today filmland's two most celebrated invalids actress Elizabeth Taylor and her co-star, Richard Burton. The couple are making "The VJ.P.'s" at Shepperton. near London, and both have "handicaps" before the camera* In the picture ABOVE taken frci the film Miss Taylor is seen clutchine
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  • 212 2 SURGEON'S MERCY DASH ACROSS THE IRON CURTAIN SAVES LIFE BERLIN, Saturday. FIFTY-YEAR-OLD East Berlin factory worker is alive today because of a mercy dash by two surgeons from West Berlin carrying a specially fine wire used for delicate stitching. During an operation at St. Hedwig's Hospital, an artery burst. The
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  • 33 2 KLAGENFURT (Austria). Sat. A three-minute quake shock Kiagenfurt. capital of the province of Carinthia. early yesterday afternoon, rocking furniture and knocking pictures from walls, but causing no serious damage. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 90 2 PAGES OF FOREIGN NEWS TODAY mm AIR-INDIA BOEING 707 H JETS Every Masidsy Aar »■■<■'« Mvtwpajafc WMM leaves Singapore at 6.05 p.m. tor Sydney via Part*. Asr-todis, Asia's fint eJHe* ■ii4im wit* Kmr nwlfcon-imU pilot* *»d Western know-bow offers you Ewtiw charm and hospitality plus the smiling attention of their
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    • 33 2 I Pace I Comics It I Doctor 14 Peatona U hrWMM IS I Jane Vet It I Ks»w AJfet A ...i 17 »*•<•«■« 5 I rhoto I FnsH g Serial 14 Stan 11 L-EEBj.j
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  • 238 3 NO LONGER A I PROBLEM BY THE NEXT I CENTURY jVf ANILA Sat. PreventIn^ cancer in the 21st century may simply be a matter of taking an immunising vaccine, according to an American scientist here on a Fulbright Grant. Dr Howard Sengbusch. Fulbright Professor of Biology at Central Philippine
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  • 32 3 the British and Canadian newspaper magnate, and about 160 top British businessmen arrived in Moscow on Friday night lv the nrst Soviet TO- 114 to fly from London to Moscow
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  • 33 3 of Katanga arrived In Elisabethville from Angola and left again later He was said to be going to a farm in Rhodesia to rest while he has an eye complaint treated.
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  • 21 3 Vice-President of the Philippines paid courtesy calls on President de Gaulle and the French Prune Minister Mr. Georges Pompidou.
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  • 180 3 I VERTICAL LANDING I AND TAKE-OFF FROM AIRCRAFT I CARRIER LONDON, Sat.— The Hawker Siddeley P 1127 vertical take-off and landing strike fighter yesterday became the first supersonic aircraft to make a vertical landing and take-oft* on to and from an aircraft carrier, a spokesman for Haw-ke-Slddeley Aviation said.
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  • 35 3 Deputy U.S. representative to the United Nations told a Senate sub-committee on Friday that special funds raised for UJ* peace-keeping operations in the Middle East and Africa probably will be exhausted by July
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  • 26 3 the British Prime Minister. held talks with senior Cabinet Ministers and Armed Services chiefs today on long-term aspects of Britain's defence policy and expenditure.
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  • 192 3 CHINA CAN BEAT THE U.S.— GEN. LO rpOKYO. Sat.— Red Chinas X top military commander said he is confident China could defeat the United States In a new war "no matter whatever nuclear teeth, rocket teeth or any other teeth the imperialists may have," Peking Radio said today "Final victory
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  • 395 3 Wolves besiege couple for 18 days QUICK CABLES ROME: Armed police rescued a couple besieged 18 days in a mountain-top hotel near Areszo, Italy, by packs of hungry wolves. Adone Plomboni and his wife Nerina said the wolves kept moving in closer each day. They tore apart two huge watchdogs,
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  • 109 3 WASHINGTON, Sat— A young Soviet teacher Is reported to be still In the protective custody of Guinean authorities who prevented Soviet officials at Conakry from sending her back to Moscow, diplomatic sources said here on Thursday. They said the teacher, Miss Svetlana Ussopova,
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  • 34 3 President Kennedys portly Press Secretary, said be planned a marathon hike up the Chesapeake and Ohio canal towpath here next Friday lo prove he is as at as a battle trained marine.
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  • 28 3 Greek Foreign Minister, flew back to Athens from India where he had accompanied the Greek King and Queen during the first part of their visit there.
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  • 235 3  -  KRISHNA MOORTHY 3y RANGOON, Sat. Brigadier Aung Gyi, the No. 2 man in Burma's military government, Is going into retirement for what is described as "health reasons and taking a rest" in Kachin State. Brig. Aung Gyi has been Vice-President of the Revolutionary Council
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  • Article, Illustration
    123 3 HIS SOLE SURVIVING FIANCEE FAILS TO STOP HIS FILM 1 JifME. Ferande Segret sole surviving fiancee of Landru, the French "Bluebeard, guillotined for the murder of an unknown number of women in 1921, has failed in an attempt to stop the showing of a film about Landru. In the
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  • 476 3 RESCUERS GET THERE A DAY TOO LATE GRENADA. Saturday EVERYBODY in the humble Santa Ana district here remembered the day when 58--year-old bootblack Manuel Reyes vowed he would have nothing more to do with human beings. It was a cool evening in December 1961 when Manuel jumped on the old
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 123 3 New PLAYTEX Bras in the new Miracle NON-RUBBER, STRETCH-EVER Spandex "SHEER" elastic SO LlGHT— weighs only ounces.. ..SO COOL— because it's sheer and air can circulate freely STYLE 171 Piovtn »Hn*, STYU 179 Ptoyta Nvtnt Bond*— bra with cotton- Bontfoou bra with nylon docron cap* and Spondea loc« cap* and
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    • 1 3 !3S3HHiH
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    • 756 3 (4« MECABLITZ 106 a»— I EXCEPTIONALLY LOW-PRICED HIGH PERFORMANCE TRANSISTORIZED FLASHCUNS INSIST ON GUARANTeTcARDS Sea Master SHIRTS I Are uw available in four qualities FRESHER KOOLTON DE LUXE SETRON H Available in I H S*naopofC frowi i-. I Aurora I Chanrof, Hi Wf I Mclwani't 91 W Liberty I Molocco
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  • 436 4 R.1.-MALAYA RELATIONS WORSE AFTER ATTACK BY HARSONO KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. DELATIONS between Malaya and Indonesia are now at its lowest level, following a scathing attack on Tengku Abdul Rahman personally, and on his policies made earlier this week by the Indonesian Foreign Ministry spokesman. Mr. Ganis Harsono
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  • 145 4 PRECAUTIONS DURING FEAST: POLICE ADVICE JOHORE BAHRU, Sat Police here today appealed to the public to cooperate with them during the three-day Chengay festival featuring processions through the principal streets here beginning next Wednesday. On Wednesday the colourful procession, which Is being organised by the Johore Bahru Chinese Association, will
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  • 419 4  -  Embun back with husband and a son to start life afresh By MOHAMED DIN bin YAACOB I Penang. Sat. A BRITISH Muslim convert and his homesick Malay wife have returned to Malaya with their 3-year-old son, Zainal, to start life afresh in this
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  • 173 4 Trip to HK, ang pow for a queen PENANG, Sat.— Six prizes Including a free retarn trip to Hong Kong await Penang's first Press Queen to be crowned at the big dance which the Journalists' Union of North Malaya Is holding at the EandO Hotel on March 2. With the
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  • 32 4 BANTING. Sat. Dr. Pung Wye Poh. the Kuala Langat Medical and Health Officer, is to take up an appointment as assistant lecturer in clinical medicine in the University of Singapore.
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  • 58 4 PENANO. sat. Ung Hock Chye. 18, was fined $25 in a magistrate's court here today for throwing firecrackers at a man, Cheah Suat Ban, in Light Street last night. The magistrate, Mr. Ng Mann Sau. told Ung. who pleaded guilty, that he should not abuse
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  • 180 4 SUBVERSION: WHERE DO YOU CROSS LINE, ASKS MR. 001 PENANG, Sat. The chairman of the Penang division of the Socialist Front, Mr. 00l Thiam Slew, today urged the Alliance Government to give in definite terms Its Interpretation of the "dividing line between what is subversive and what is not." "We
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  • Article, Illustration
    190 4 Pahang gets women PCs for duty I^UANTAN, Sat.— For the first time women police constables have been posted to Pahang. The policewomen, Including five constables and a corporal, will deal with juvenile control and duties connected with women. The OSPC here, Inche Azzizul Hassan bin Hajl Abdul Rani,
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  • 89 4 SINGAPORE. Sat.— Tay Choo Neo. a waitress, who brought divorce proceedings against her husband. Wee Tian Chye, on the grounds of desertion, was granted a decree nisi to be made absolute in three months by Mr. Justice Tan Ah Tali today. Tay said she married the
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  • 63 4 IPOH. Sat. The Ipoh Coroner. Mr. L. C. Vohrah, returned a verdict of death by misadventure due to asphyxia on Lee Sek Wang, 60, in an inquest here today. Lee, an Inmate of the Contral Mental Hospital In TanJong Rambutan near here, was found lying
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  • 287 4 CINOAPORE. Sat. Combined business in the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur Trading Rooms of the Malayan Slock Exchange today, with the number of the shares traded In brackets: INDUSTRIALS: Boustead (2.000) $1.66. (2.000) $1.57; Dunlops (' $2.61 D. (2.000) $2.62 D. (8.000) $2.60 (3,000) $2.61; Fitzpa
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 161 4 44/ER/62 THERE'S MORE TO MAC THAN 1000 JET ROUTES! INCLUSIVE TOURS ?tf£* iiO lpS^^« (>l I WORLDWIDE BOOKINGS 4, A^ 0 r**" Xt co*» Book from anywhtri to IB 9mkS>%sm l^ I fcO* C 4e anywhert throufh your I }HVv bSac S^ aftnt or I £Mm mm 4i <ou VP
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  • 781 5  -  JEFFREY FRANCIS AN example of a modern "dream" haute for young or old. Be sure of your chosen district before you build. THAT HOME IN THE COUNTRY FOR RETIRED PEOPLE By KUALA LUMPUR MOST of us have fairly set ideas on retirement. But often
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  • 614 5  -  PETER LIM" MOTORING... By I ROAD TEST OF VAUXHALUS 1963 CRESTA BY THE WAY: I hear San Diego polka blinked as the car went by. No driver just a passenger in Hie back. Than they found tha "passenger" was the driver. Car accessory salesman Robert Kromer had
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  • 382 5  - Just to warn you BOB PERIES THE FUN By loving German woman was a good cook, but she was always short of meat at the table. So she sought the help of 12 of the long-haired toughs who hang around streets In a residential estate. Her friends brought In the
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  • 149 5 "THAT'S MY UOME" (above, submitted by Than Ton* Soon, of 218, Jalan Chun* Ah Ming. Ipoh, win's this week's $30. Mr. Than used a Bronica "S" ramrra and Saknra 88 fffm. Settinf f 5.6, 1/M second. The prize-winner will be paid by post The cheque will be
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 272 5 (THE NICEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO YOUR CAR)/ gs<f^ 'Happy' the friendly Esso Man is no ordinary oil drop He's an oil drop with a mission He's issos cheerful tymbol of service. He tr»ej to do what his name implies: Bring He works with your Esso Dealer to bring
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  • 36 6 Ma SI 2 (Minimum) hill-RCIO. Alan. ("Peter") Happy Memories of a devoted brother aaa dear companion, on this the annl-M-rsary of bis death. Remembered with affection by his sister Violet. "Thy will be done."
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  • 81 6 20 Words S2J« (Mtn.) PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH la Bute.i pore. Orchard Road Sunday Service <j a.m. and 6 p.m. All Walcoma. CHRISTIAN BCI6NCI SOCIETY 8 Grass* Qrova Road. Sunday ttarvtc* v.W a.m. Sunday Bebool 10.45 a.m. •dnesdajr meeting 7.15 p.m. watcn includes testimonies of healing by praysr. Everyone welcome.
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    • 626 6  -  JUNION KLAI CHUN By Students who will take these scholarships ARE you in a rut? Do you feel bored, frustrated and neglected? If your answer is "yes," what you probably need is not a dry martini, but a change of scenery. Go to America, perhaps. Impossible? The chances may
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    • 1025 6  - Your money— and mine TAI SING ONN NOW THAT THE TAX FORMS ARE GOIN6 OUT: FRESH with the New Year come tax worries and saffron-coloured forms from the Department of Inland Revenue. Today Sunday Times staffer TAI SING ONN explains the tax structure of the Federation of Malaya. THE LAST
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      • 209 6 11/ITH reference to your Tf news item "Mother's love for 20 long years." (Sunday Times. Feb. 3). I sympathise with Mrs. Padma Shlvam but I must correct the statement that nine out of (en cases of meningitis die and the sole
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      • 142 6 SHAME on Che Zabe (Sunday Times, Feb. 3) for those caustic remarks about poor old Buldt Mertajam. This town Is no painted harlot. She does not pretend to be what she Is not. Buklt Mertajam Is an agricultural town. The vegetable and fruit grown on the land
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    • 59 6 WHY talk about equality for women. I was canvassing during the recent bye-election and everytime I asked a woman to vote for my candidate her reply was: "I must ask my husband first." I was flabbergasted and after a while saved a lot of precious time
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    • 480 6 Pointless but so pleasant... By Christina Dirckie MISS DIRCKZE, of Singopore MALAYA'S NEW WRITER No. 67 shores the $50 prize fer: "Is Tkera Any Point In Holding Beauty Contests?" The other essay will be published next Sunday. The writers win $25 each. IVVi.K since a young shep-■*-J herd boy was
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    • 703 6 ABU bin ADAM latishooi "PEOPLE who come 1 from temperate climates get a big surprise when they ilnd out that In Malaya we have as many coughs, colds and sneezes as they do. The other day, I met an American gent newly arrived In the USIS library. His eyes and
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    • 446 6 JUST WHAT DO THESE PEOPLE WANT? JUST what can they want the 114 men and women of the left who were arrested last Saturday? What can their quarrel be with the Singapore Government? Do they disapprove of the policies pursued on land and housing, education and social services, industry and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 266 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. 20 Word* $12 Minimum > GWEE TAN: William Thlaa Back. eldest m of Mr. Mrs. Gin Pans Kvm to Rosie Chwee Neo. eldest uxntir of Mr. ft Un Taa Teck Urn on 10.263. SITUATIONS VACANT :n Words Si (Min.)— Box SO els. ezfre READ the Senior Appointments Var.nt
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    • 282 6 GtessFUL futmS:.. I C.S. training can develop your knowledge and skill and fit"\on for a more responsible job and more exciting future. You learn at home, in your own time and at your own pace. Experienced instructors give you individual tuition that's dear, easy-to>folloW and practical. a— TAKE THE RIGHT
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  • 337 7 Those fire crackers (not smuggled) were pre-crisis stocks J^UALA LUMPUR, Sat. The thousands of dollars worth of firecrackers let off yesterday and to^ay legally for the first time in 14 years by Chinese celebrating Chap Goh Meh, were pre-Emergency stocks. This was stated by senior officials of the Customs and
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  • 41 7 IPOH. Sat. A scooter was reported stolen after It had been parked m Leach Street here yesterday. The owner. Chew Hock Hoe. 27. salesman, left the acooter hi 2 30 p.m. and return 20 minute* later, It was missing.
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  • 45 7 PENANO. Sat.— Oo! Seng Poh. 25. today claimed trial before thr First Magistrate. Mr. N* Mann Sau. to a charge of stealing a sold chain belonging to a woman Chuah Lew Kee. Ooi was granted S2OO bail pending hearing ou Feb. 16.
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  • 220 7 India will not be caught napping again'— l SINGAPORE. Sat. The W Assistant Indian Commissioner here, Mr. G.J. Malik, today spoke of India's "more realistic foreign policy" after the Sino-Indian border war last year. "We do not intend to ue caught napping again," he told members of the Ys Men's
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  • 53 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. Participants in the International Koran reading competition Mom India and Pakistan arrived by air here today. They were Abdul Satin and Zia Ahmad Usman from India and Mr. Mohamed Yusof and Mr. Oulan Raul from Pakistan. The competition begins on Wednesday
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  • 64 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Bat.— The American Ambassador. Mr. Charles F. Baldwin, was the guest-of-honour today at the annual luncheon of the American University Club of Malaya held at Le Cog dOr Restaurant. New officers were elected at the luncheon, and they were: Mr. Austen Zecha, president;
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  • 74 7 CHAP COH MEH FLOATS SPECIALLY MADE BY EXPERT FROM CHINA The Chap Coh Meh festival was celebrated with a colourful procession of paper floats at the Happy World Park in Singapore list night. Thousands watched it. The floats were built by an expert specially brought out from China who spent
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  • 117 7 PENANG, Sat.— The City Council's finance committee has agreed to pay an ex- gratia payment of $3,500 to the next -of -kin of a woman, V. Logambal, who was electrocuted when she slipped against a "live" clothes line at the City Council quarters in
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  • 188 7 Indonesian Army ship here— with our Congo force vehicles KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. J^N Indonesian Army freighter, the ADRI XV (Angaktan Darat Republic Indonesia) was in Port Swettenham today discharging 80 Federation Army vehicles which it had brought from the Congo. The ship Is operating: un- i der the United Nations
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  • 291 7  - Malaya stands firm on SEATO: No move to join AUSTEN ZECHA: Borneo's defence a matter for the British Govt., says Tun Razak by Kuala Lumpur. Sat fHE Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, confirmed this afternoon that in spite of strained relations with Indonesia, and reports that 10,000 tribesmen have
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  • 299 7 MissWong sends Tm happy message' -on tape— TPOH, Sat— A tape recorded message from Melbourne flown to Malaya, today brought happiness to a family living here. The message: "I am happy and getting well" was from Miss Wong Kam Thye. 22. to her parents, brothers and sisters. Miss Wong who
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  • 138 7 Is men's wear getting too sexy? SUNDAY TIMES fashion writer Evelyn Tv said last week that the clothes men wear are much too gaudy and sexy. Do you agree? Would you say thai the growing trend in men s fashions makes them appear less masculine? Give your answer in 500
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 462 7 TH and STRENGTH I I V^» Prices SMASHED iL> m^ on this COMPLETE HOME GYM ■•■■^■■■■■■•■■■■■■■■uuuuuuuuuuubbbbbbmbmbbbbmbbmbbbb^^m Women want hei I men for their husf WllJ-^Pw, I °ands and sweet- LXv I hearts none of r I this chorus man I stuff Tor the real |Bsfifc l I girl Rlie wants
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    • 213 8 Armed thugs escape with $5,00- KLANG, Sat.— A five-man gang, two of them armed with revolvers, today held up the chief clerk of a rubber dealer's shop outside the Lee Wah Bank and robbed him of $5,000. The victim. Mr. Gan Kirn Kee, had earlier drawn the money from the
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    • 178 8 HSC students attend union seminar TPOH, Sat. For the first time, a trade union seminar organised by the Perak branch of the Malayan Trades Union Congress here was attended by the final year higher school certificate pupils of the AngloChinese School. Ipoh. The seven boys and five girls from the
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    • 74 8 SINGAPORE. Sat.— Five members of a family, accused of grieviously hurting their relative with a changlcol. were yesterday acquitted by a district court at the end of a three-day trial. They were alleged to have attacked Quck Scow Poh. a farmer, following a family squabble
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    • 314 8 Call for White Paper PROPER PERSPECTIVE NEEDED ON MASS ARRESTS, SPA SINGAPORE. Sat. Th« Singapore Government was urged today to publish a White Paper to help the people understand why Uie recent mas arrestj were nencessary Mr. a.P. Rajah. SPA, whip in the Assembly said that this would prevent misinterpretation
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    • 45 8 SINGAPORE, Sat.— The Malayan Indian Congress, Singapore, passed a resolution at delegates conference yesterday congratulating Tengku Abdul Rahman on his 60th birthday and pledged him continued support. The conference further resolved to support the Tengku in the formation of Malaysia.
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    • 862 8  -  LAKSHMI NATARAJAN Kuala Lumpur, Saturday b> TLL HAVE YOU STRUCK OFF REGISTER FOR UNETHICAL CONDUCT A GOVERNMENT medical officer, Dr. J. C. K. John, told the Sessions Court today in a corruption case that the accused person, Dr. S Si v asithamparam, a dermatologist at
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    • 225 8 Barisan Sosialis call for second thoughts on Malaysia SINGAPORE. Saturday. fHE Barisan Sosialis— many of whose top leaders have been detained for security reasons— today called for "second thoughts" on Malaysia. A statement by the party said: "Without the support of the majority of the people in the region, it
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    • 85 8 PENANG. Sat. American Bishop Walter C. Gtun is expected to arrive here next week to vi,lt schr>>ls run by the Methodist Mission in Penang. Accompained by his wife. Bishop Gum episopal head of the Louisville and Kentucky Conferences of the Methodist Church, will be entertained to dinner
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    • 89 8 TODAY: Sedill Kechtl 10.06 a.m. (6.Bft) 11.45 pjn. (8.1 ft); Singapore 12.30 a.m. (B.7ft) 11.44 pjn. (9.Bft): Port Dickson 7.46 ajn (B.Bft) 7.58 p.m (8.91t>: Port Swettenham 7.00 a.m. (12.8 ft) 7.25 pjn. (13.4 ft Penane 1.36 a.m. (B.lft) 2.02 p.m 7.lft). TOMORROW: Sedill
      89 words
    • 183 8 $50,000 IN 6½ HOURS: MCA CHIEF LAUDS MALACCA COLLECTION MALACCA, Sat. The national president of the Malayan Chinese Association, Mr. Tan Siew Sin yesterday praised the Sin, yesterday praised the raising $50,000 in six-and-a-half hours for the coming municipal and rural district council elections. The money was raised on Wednesday
      183 words
    • 572 8 I [NCERTAINTY has V always been the markets worst enemy, and the week just over had little else to stimulate business, which has been relatively quiet. Most investors have rightly adopted a "wait-and-see attitude. Prices are still too high to attract
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 544 8 i^ajMMa^^^^MMH^^^^^MftMajj^i^i^ija^^^^M^^ia^ij^^Baa^aßaa^aaa^B^ik^aafe^fcfc^aaft^^^aßHaa^a^i^MM^M^a^^^^^^^^M^^rt I ARE YOU FEEDING THEIR HUNGER FOR KNOWING? JH The age of learning i* a wonderful time. A time you can't bring back. A time when it is almost impossible to satisfy the need to know. i I This need for knowledge is as important to your children's future
      544 words
    • 148 8 Whitens Your Skin Secretly and Quickly No k>nqm rwad you odmif* otsxr wish that your tkkt wos ot light and attractive o» thair*. On* jor of r 'illmon's will mak« you equally 'J arming. Continued applications will surprise you, convince you that them it only one beoutifier, only one whrtener
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 30 8 Lw^aW JM you amrv wuhq b'you ihmlc you ha& fiou ewouLP > srz- C^ U/'Af ecus coyess. /C^voo pe^ ™^2\ 7JMfsjust How would V Bo%OFTue nidson... mXcStij r Wettings •-'Roy Dewor
      30 words

    • 386 9 Of guardian angels, temptations and vanishing halos CROOKS ANONYMOUS Lesli« Philip*, Julia Chrutie, Stanley Baxter, Pauline Jameson, Wilfrid Hyde White. Rank Organisation IT is somewhat un- fortunate that a society like Alcoholics Anonymous, dedicated to the reformation of habitual drinkers, should become the basis for Joke and cartoon about other
      386 words
    • 1343 9 Ken Hammonds AT THE NEW FILMS AND AN INTERVIEW WITH A TOP SINGER I WANTED TO BRING HER WITH ME, BUT... 1 I HAVE just been talking to a girl who must be the Far East's most cosmopolitan and successful singer. We sat
      1,343 words
    • 352 9 I OFTEN wonder tf music-loving Singaporeans realise Just how much work our impresarios put In, and how much risk they take, when they arrange for foreign celebrities to appear here. These famous musicians are generally bii .Is of passage on their way to Australia, which is
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 531 9 ■i Bfc fa im 1 1 i nfl&^&^&^&^&^&H EM LAST FEW DAYS 11 om-l 30-4 00-6.30 4 930 pm. b B Tony Curtis Yul Brynner b "TARAS BULBA" (UA) Ponovmon 4 tpsimoncolor NEXT CHANGE! LIN DAI 4 Peter Chen Ha a "LOVE PARADE" Guest Stars: P. Romlcc 4 Salome SHAWSCOPE
      531 words
    • 346 9 For Increased Virility. Imprived Appetite. T3-^^ TCT T riUJCILL I Oral Liquid! \^bß B^r Modern science hot revealed that royal |elly to a N^" > B^r natural tonic and health stimulant which contain* eleven different vitomini, fourteen ammo acids, tow minerals, five porysaccherides, and In addition, Satin (jravHl accelerating agent)
      346 words

  • 321 10 Room at the top for Siti Norma By TAI SING ONN KUALA LUMPUR, Sat yOUNG and attractive Che Siti Norma Yaakob, Malaya's first Malay woman barrister, is likely to add another feather to her cap the first woman to hold an executive post in the Government legal service, I understand
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  • 46 10 SINGAPORE, Sat.— The Army Civil Service Union will hold a special delegates conference tomorrow to dlscuts action "to force" the War Department for an early settlement of compensation for retrenched employees. The conference will be held at the Cultural Centre hall.
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  • 206 10 WHY H'VE I BEEN BANNED? THE secretary -general of the 1,800 strong Siam-Burma Death Ballway Association, Inche Mohamed bin Daud, (above) who has been banned permanently by the Singapore Government from entering the State. The order was signed by Singapore's Minister for Home Affairs. Mr. Ong Pang Boon, on Jan.
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  • 519 10 GOVT TO START WORK ON SATELLITE TOWN by CHIA POTEIK: Singapore, Saturday jnE Singapore Government will go ahead with its multi-million dollar scheme to develop Toa Payoh now free of Communistfront activities into a satellite town. A Housing and Development Board spokesman said today that
    519 words
  • 77 10 SINGAPORE, Sat A poiitlccal study course, which has just concluded at the Singapore Political Study Centre, was attended by civil set .-pnts from the Federation and North Borneo for the first time, a Government statement disclosed today. Each of the past 10 courses had been
    77 words
  • 139 10 SINGAPORE Sat. The Social Welfare Department has paid out $740 to 74 victims (16 families) of the Kampong Tiong Baharu Fire which broke out on Wednesday, a Government statement disclosed today. Each person received $10. The statement said that of the $10 received by
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  • 232 10 SINGAPORE, Sat. The Singapore Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. will open the week-long seventh international conference on planned parenthood at the Victoria Theatre at 430 p.m. tomorrow. More than 300 delegates from 38 countries are already in Singapore for the conference, which will
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  • 224 10 Airways to use Taiping instead of Ipoh SINGAPORE, Sat.— Malayan Airways announced today that from Feb. 27 to approximately April 30, it will operate from Talping instead of from Ipoh as the Ipoh airfield will be closed for runway extensions. The extensions are part o f a Malaya-wlde airfield development
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  • 93 10 ALOR STAR, Sat.— The Sessions Court President. Inche Abdul Manan bin Othman, today discharged a padl planter accused of kidnapping a woman at Kampong Tok Kallng. Oajah Mati in North Kedah on Dec 24 last year. Zakaxia bin Ahmad, 22. was granted a discharge
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  • 86 10 SINGAPORE. Sat.— A seaman, just out of prison after serving a two-year sentence for extortion, was jailed by Mr. Justice Buttrose for eight years in the Assize Court yesterday for robbing a tailor at the point of a knife. Tan Chal Cheng, alias
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  • 55 10 SINGAPORE. Sat. Two hundred underprivileged children from the Deaf and Dumb School. York Hill Girls Home and Girls Homecrafts Centre will be i entertained to lunch and refreshments at a picnic at Ponggol tomorrow The picnic is organised by the Community Service Committee of
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  • 35 10 SINGAPORE. Sat— A theatre watchman. Huguanvolll Ral. was today fined $100. In default one month's jali for causing grievous hurt to a schoolboy Chi" Chee Cheong on Oct 17 last year.
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  • 182 10 Abolished post: S'pore City Council workers vote to strike SINGAPORE, Saturday. TWELVE branches of the Amalgamated Union of Public Employees, representing workers in the City Council, have agreed by secret ballot to go on strike to back the union's demand that the council reinstate an employee whose services were terminated
    182 words
  • 175 10 Sl. sm NEW SHOE FACTORY FOR SINGAPORE BY JULY SIN GAPORE, Saturday. y±n. Ihomas Bata, head of the world-wide Bata shoe organisation, flew into SingaSfSiftSK 1155 plans for settin S U P a $1,500,000 factory here. He was accompanied by his attractive wife, Sonja, a style adviser to the Bata
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  • 100 10 TPOH, Sat. While thouX sands enjoyed the police relaxation of the ban on fire crackers yesterday. a group of children playing In a vacant lot in Laxamana Road here, found a very different form of flre cracer. It was a 6-lnch long cannon shell. It was
    100 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 255 10 Enjoy all the colour and excitement of my new magazine j A%l I "^%LiCn says m Armand j iMkkL Jtk je, Denis Price > VJI it jm^ mm m \\\\W^ $1.00 IM»alwV:, i i' I "May of the world's greatest naturalist-, will write for Animals', and *c pktwes wfll be
      255 words
    • 467 10 Late CLASSIFIED I MVEMISEMEm 20 words $12 tMintmum) ENGAGEMENT WEE— NO: Kum Choon s/o Mf. and Mrs. P. O. Wee and LI Lian d/o Mr. and Mrs. Ng Foon Koo. NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that I. Neo Nam Cheng of No. 101-A, Jalan Bahagla, Singapore, have applied for a
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous

    • 1568 11 SIR OJAM AND MISTY BOW SAFE TO FOLLOW FOR A DOUBLE Best bets are Sir Ojam and Misty Bow. The going it fast. CIR OJ AM in Race 4 and Misty Bow in Race 8 should make a safe each-way double at Bukit Timah today. Both are on the upgrade
      1,568 words
    • 141 11 EPSOM JEEP CALL BOY POINTER BUI 1 BLUE MIRAGE Both Qnoea On Trust BLUE MIRAGE On Trust Hi Society WINORO Hi Society Windy WUUes BMW t DARK DUET Jolly Master KaiTere KAITEBE Paragon PmUuGtm DARK DIET KaiTere Preclona Gem Raoe TUIXYRTAR Bistro Jet Plane TLTXYaIAR Fait Back MiMDeUwan BISTRO
      141 words
    • 407 11 Williams and Hadley-Jones steer Changi —to victory- SINGAPORE, Sat.— Joint Services and South scmmhalf Williams completed a brilliant season In Singapore Rugby when he and Had-ley-Jones teamed up to win the SCC seven-a-side championship for RAF. Changi for yet another year. These two outstanding players gave RAF Seletar a harrasslng
      407 words
    • 125 11 LONDON. Sat. British football suffered it a eighth successive weekend of chaos today. With 57 of the 64 scheduled league matches in England and Scotland off, it was the blackest Saturday in the long hi.story of British football. Here are the results of matches played today:
      125 words
    • 79 11 MANILA. Sat. Singapore beat Malaya by five matches to two when they clashed In the men's team event In the Asian table-tennla tournament which opened here last night. But this was their only success In four outings. Singapore and Malaya are now In joint fifth place
      79 words
    • 49 11 HAARLEM, Sat. Oon Cheng Jin, of Malaya, reached toe men's singles quarter-finals la the Dutch badminton championships here today. After a 15-3. 15-3 first-round victory over P.S. Paul of Holland, he defeated Tony Jordan i England i 15-8. 15-6 In the second round. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 34 11 SYDNEY. Sat. Past bowler Alan Davidson said yesterday he was confident he would be fit to play In the Fifth Test against England, starting here next Friday.
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    • 20 11 DUBLIN. Sat. Ireland ana England played a scoreless draw In the Rugby Union International here today. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  20 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 65 11 Malaya's Book of facts m Wlf FEDERATION r**Sswt YEAR BOOK 1962 Contains hundreds of useful facts concerning all aiparta of Ufe la Malaya. CompreheuU authoritative. The book 70a need to answer you rtea. nenw include information Ineem. Ta«, Oemmeree ft Indnstry. Maeattan. I-«4M>»^p«.l^ A*rte*llw.. Ptaanoa, Lab..,, geeial We!£* \S£E £2nJSTr!Z^,.'
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 1351 11 n #m ni w 1 ***** Clever Dick (Loyang Synd.) Daniels. 6 8.11 *S«bUn 18 RaCC One: 2.0— V.1 3 iWV 5— Ofc 8 98 034 Entertainer III (Shaw St.) Martin. 0 84 Johnson 11 1 BamboHna (Ooh 8t.) T]oa. 3 9.0 B. WUsen 7 10 qqj^ fja^hM (Malaysia St.)
      1,351 words

  • ski-ing..
    • 303 12 Asian table-tennis SINGAPORE ARE RIGHT AT THE BOTTOM BUT JAPAN AND FORMOSA CONTINUE THEIR SWEEP WITH THREE VICTORHiS Thais routed 5-7 in team competition MANILA, Saturday. lAPAN continued their sweep of the men's team J competition of the sixth Asian table-tennis championships here this
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    • 200 12 CSC edge Malacca XI 1-0 SINGAPORE, Sat.—Singapore hockey league champions Ceylon Sports Club put up a fine display to beat the Malacca Hockey Association President's XI 1-0 at Farrer Park today. Ceylonese were unlucky not to have won by a bigger margin. Their fast, smooth-moving attack gave the Malacca defence
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    • 87 12 Tlie Malacca team will play two matches tomorrow. In the morning (bully-off 8 a.m.) they will meet SHA President's XI at Serangoon Road, and at 5 p.m. they will take en the Singapore state side at Farrer Park. Singapore's teams are: President's XI: Kong Chee; D. de
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    • 441 12 SINGAPORE, Sat. Thirteen year old Terry Hale and Alex Chan were the star performers in the S ASA's second age group swimming championships at the TanJong Rhu pool today. Besides winning all four events for boys from 12 to 14, Terry bettered Tan Thuan
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    • 254 12 lOC SHOWS THIRST FOR POWER -MALADI JAKARTA, Sat. The International Olympic Committee had revealed its "thirst for power" and shown that it was influenced by "Formosa and Israel stooges, imperialists, capitalists and colonialists" in its decision to suspend Indonesia from Olympic competition. Minister for Sport R. Maladi said this today
      Reuter  -  254 words
    • Article, Illustration
      50 12 LOOKING exhausted. Karim Aga Khan is pictured after finishing the men's downhill skiing race at Kitzbuchel, Austria, in which he competed for Britain. He was not placed in the event which was won by Austria's Ks;on Zimmermann, who also won the Alpine combination of the 1963 International Hannenkamni races here.
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    • 80 12 BOSTON, Sat.— Rod Layer, the 1962 "Grand-slam" amateur cinampion was beaten by American Barry Mackay when he made his first appearance as a professional in the United States here last night. Layer was beaten 9-7 in a one-set match by Mackay who used a powerful service
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    • 271 12 LAUSANNE, Sat. INTERNATIONAL Olym--1 pic Committee chairman Mr. Avery Brundage last night outlined a sevenpoint plan designed to keep politics out of international i sport. Mr. Brundage stressed the plan recommended by yes- terday's meeting will be t further
      Reuter  -  271 words
    • 290 12 DUBBO (NSW), Saturday. A FINE display of controlled hitting by Tom Graveney, who scored 106 in 81 minutes, was the highlight of M.C.C.'s two-day match against a New South Wales Country XI which ended in a draw here today. M.C.C. hammered 208 in two hours
      290 words
    • 94 12 r»H. Sat. colours beat Whites 3-2 in the first Perak state hockey trial on the Municipal padang today. The match was keenly contested with all the goals coming in the first halt. Outside-left Mohinder Singh scored a hat-trick for Colours, while centre-forward M. Sockalingam got both
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    • 296 12 $7,000 boys' venture NESTLES SPONSOR STATE AND NATIONAL TOURNEYS Kuala lumpur. Sat.— The inaugural schools badminton championships to be held in March and April will be an important venture in view of Malaya's bid to recapture the Thomas. Cup. Mr. KCM. Price, advertising manager of Nestles Products t Malaya Ltd.,
      296 words
  • 38 12 ARULANANDOM JAME3 SWARTZ, s/o Mrs. Arulanandom, late Mr. S. P. Arulanandom. brother of David, Ross, Victor. Rajammah, Fred. Lily. Grace <»nd brother-in-law of T. J. John, Rajaltngam passed away noon 9.-2-63. Funeral, Cheras cemetery 11 a.m.-** 10.-2-«3.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 120 12 Ui—» ■■-i *M .j i, |HH v mwmiMti iHHMiimmtH _Z_^^^^^^ SAILING TO SAN FRANCISCO FROM HONG KONG MARCH. 9. SSffMSSKSSS! ETUrttaSfuSlßS HOOVER. Your fare Includes US$745. and 350 lbs. free bag- President Roosevelt Mor. 9 everything from spacious accom gage allowance is included. On p te*'dent Hoover Mor. 33 modations
      120 words
    • 6 12 Straits Times 18-1-63 fl^^j^^A HOTOR DIVISION
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 38 12 SPORTS «A«Y; BOCCER MCFA CUP: Malacca v Spore fKubu Stadium, 5); Penang v Perak (City Stadium, 5). HOCKEY FRIENDLIES: Spore HA President XI v Malacca HA President's XI (Serangoon Rd.. 8 a.m.); Spore v Malacca (Farrer Pk. 5).
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