The Straits Times, 4 February 1963

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 19 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 100,000 KDN 352 The Straits Times Estd. 1845. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1963. 15 CENTS
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  • 768 1 THE BIG RED PLOT The aim: Safe base for all-out offensive against Federation 'Cuban' role planned for Singapore KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday pOMMUNISTS in Vj Singapore intended using the island as a "Cuban" base for a political offensive against Malaya. The Internal Security Council said this in a document giving the
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  • 185 1 SINGAPORE, Sun— Lim Shee Ping (above), the Barisan Sosialis' lone delegate to the AfroAsian Solidarity Conference opening in Tanganyika, tomorrow, is being flown back to Malaya. believed to be on the black-list of the Internal Security Council, left Singapore on Friday, one day before the
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  • 85 1 Why should we foot the bill?— M. P. SEREMBAN. Sun.— The general secretary of the United Democratic Party. Mr. Chin See Tin. M.P., today asked why the people of the Federation should foot the bill of maintaining some of the people arrested in Singapore yesterday. Mr. Chin warned in a
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  • 1412 1 Lee: Reds were ready for violent agitation SINGAPORE, Sunday. OPEN-FRONT Communist organisations were ready to mount violent agitation to coincide with events outside Singapore when the big crackdown came yesterday, the Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, said today. On his return from Kuala Lumpur, where he had attended the
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  • 81 1 JAKARTA. Sun.— lndia will be the only one of 18 Afro-Asian countries declining an invitation to the journalists' conference preparatory session trom Peb. 10 to 15. The organising committee said 17 other countries Invited would attend the preliminary conference, but the Indians had declined because it
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  • 95 1 MADRID. Sun. Otto Bkoneny said here today "if charges arc brought against me I shall counterattack" when told the Austrian Justice Ministry had issued a warrant for his arrest on war crimes charges. The burly, scarf aced former S.S. Colonel, who rescued Mussolini from Italy after
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  • 45 1 BORDEAUX. (Western France*. Sun. A mother, aged 103. saved her- son of 74 from death here last night. The man fell forwards into the fire In their horne and the centenarian mother pulled him out by his coat tails.— Renter.
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  • 145 1 We haven't sent volunteers: Subandrio BANGKOK, Sun. The Indonesian Foreign Minister, Dr. Subandrio, said here that Indonesia has not sent volunteers to the Borneo border to join rebels against the British. "There are no volunteers," he said. Dr. Subandrio, who arrived here yesterday from New Delhi, said: "nobody wants war,
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  • 22 1 LONDON. Sun. The World Peace Brigade is to sponsor a Delhi-to-Peking friendship inarch, the Brigade Office announced here today.— Reuter.
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  • 538 1 UN WILL RELEASE CONGO TROOPS KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The United Nations is duty-bound to release the remaining 718 Malayan troops in the Congo following an official request for their recall from the Federation Government, Mr. C.V. Narasimhan. the U.N. Undersecretary, said on arrival today. Mr. Naraslmhan will give this assurance
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  • 32 1 KNIFED BY THUGS SINGAPORK Sun ,held up I Fab 25. of I nn.r Id and knif<"l bim twice \U .falan Eunos tomch' '<n •km <<» li"spi» «l but r<>n<iiti»n not •.•>ri"u
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 68 1 3*TEK PHILIPPE Is etyl only watch masufacturer f^whoM entire collection of men's wal<nes carries, engraved on eveW movement, the official stamp of the State of Geneva vUuf authentic guarantee of old "GENEVA •^QUALITY." H. SENA, LTD. HIGH CLASS JEWELLERS ft Penonq. FULL LIST OF THE ARRESTS: See Page 9 TMCT
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  • 148 2 2,000 HELD FOR 'DOWN WITH MAO' SHOUT AFRO-ASIAN DESK MACAO. Sun. Visitors from Hong Kong and Macao are among more than 2,000 Chinese being detained by the Communist authorities in Canton for Questioning, it was reported here today. An arrival from the mainland said Communist security police made the mass
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  • 365 2 Indonesians want Aza to stay and talk JAKARTA, Sunday. fHE Indonesian authorities are pressing the Brunei rebel leader, A.M. Azahari, to remain in Jakarta longer than his originally scheduled two days, it was authoritatively learnt. They want to gain more information from him about his independence movement in northern Borneo
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  • 47 2 HONO KONG. Sun— An average of almost 60 fresh cases of tuberculosis a day came to official attention In Hong Kong In the first 19 days of this year. Of 69 deaths from Infectious diseases In one week 46 were from TB.
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  • 33 2 NEW DELHI, Sun.— lndia's export of iron ore to Japan will rise to seven million tons annually from the present five million after the Klrlbura mines In Ortssa begin production.
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  • 35 2 SAIGON. Sun. Two Australian frigates, here en a four-day goodwill visit, were escorted by Vietnamese navy craft and fighter planes during their cruise up the Saigon River to prevent guerrilla attacks— UJ».l.
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  • 24 2 SAIGON, Sun. Klghty-flve Communist guerillas surrendered In Long An and Phuoc Tuy pro* vlnces last month, the army reported today.
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  • 167 2 PELAEZ: WE KEEP UP OUR BORNEO —CLAIM LONDON, Sun. The Philippines Vice-Pre-sident. Mr. Emmanuel Pelaez. said yesterday that Manila will contin v c pressing its claim to North Borneo. Mr. Pelaez, In an exclusive interview following the completion on Friday of a week's discussions with the British, said: "We are
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  • 240 2 PEKING, Sunday. a BRITISH Communist Party delegation headed by its general secretary, Mr. John Gollan, arrived here by air yesterday for a surprise visit to China. The visit Is believed to be connected with the Ideological dispute between the Chinese and Soviet Communist parties
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  • 57 2 POONA, Sun. Prince Norodom Sihanouk, the Cambodian Chief of State, told cadets of the National Defence Academy near here that his country "fully understood" India's policy on the border Issue with China. "We are convinced of the sincerity and determination of the government and the people of
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  • 59 2 NEW DELHI. Sun— lndia yesterday denounced Pakistan Foreign Secretary K. Dehlavi. who was reported to have told a Stockholm audience that India should release the 'Lion of Kashmir". Sheikh Abdullah, who is under trial for allegedly conspiring with Pakistan. An official statement said this was
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  • 73 2 JAKARTA, Sun. Soviet cosmonaut Major Andrian Nikolayev said during his recent visit Here he felt "no change at all in my sex feelings in space". He was replying to an Antara news agency question: "How is the sex behaviour of a man in space? Does he experience
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  • 102 2 BANDA: This means the end of the Federation BLANTYRE. Sun. Dr. Hastings Banda (above), Nyasaland's Prime Minister, said yesterday that for all practical purposes his country's attainment of self-government meant the end of the Rhodesia n Federation. Dr. Banda, bitter foe of the Federation, became Prime Minister on Friday when
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  • 44 2 SEOUL, Sun. General Chung Ree Park, chairman of the South Korean Supreme Council, has cleared 275 former politicians, including the former prime minister, Mr. Chung Huh, from a political blacklist and allowed them to run In the forthcoming general election.
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  • 48 2 HONO KONG. Sun. Tho colony's fire brigade has answered a record 1.000 calls so far this year. The I.oooth alarm In 32 days rang yesterday after a hawker lighting a kerosene stove set on lire floral decorations on a nearby shop— UPI.
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  • 32 2 NEW DELHI. Sun.—Major-Oen-eral S P Irwtn. Britain's Civil Defence Inspector-Oeneral. yesterday submitted to the Indian Government his report on air raw precaution* in Indian cities and Industrial areas.— Reuter.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 463 2 food s^ Sir Earle Page's /A\ memoirs; The Fall £%|B^ Singapore"^^^^ This third instalment from the late Sir Earl* Pogt'i memoir*, "Truant Surg«on," covers the Australian V Government's disputes over Winston Churchill's conduct of th« war against the Japanese, flit fall of Singapore, H and th» decision to recall all
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 254 3 Blizzards tear again at icebound i Britain US-EUROPEAN DESK LONOND, Sunday. gLIZZARDS swept down again on a winterweary Britain yesterday, isolating many country areas and leaving main roads treacherous with ice. The worst-hit county in the south was Kent, where powdery snow blasted by icy winds blocked many roads including
    Reuter  -  254 words
  • 111 3 ROME, Sun.— The Pope is sending specially blessed candles to Catho lies behind the Iron Cur tain to "awaken hol> and renewed energies md a movement of ever increasing love toward' lii- Church." The 81 -year-old Pontift in an annual candlemas ceremony yesterday, said
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  • 175 3 Praise for Nik's effort in war OSCOW, Sun. Marlfl shal Rodion Malinovsky, Soviet Defence Minister. yesterday joined the chorus of praise by Russian military leaders for the part played by Mr Khrushchev in the battle of Stalingrad during the war. He did so In an article In the Communist party
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  • 66 3 WASHINGTON Sun.— Mr Dean Rusk, the Secretary of State, said yesterday that the weat lines of policy" (or European and North Atlantic unity would go forward despite the French veto on Britain's bid to loin the Common Market This wa» his assessment when asked at
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  • 37 3 Award for Kennedy WASHINGTON, Sun. Bnal Brlth. the anti-Semitism and civil lights educational arm of the Jewish Service Organisation, last light gave President Kennedy its .963 Democratic Legacy Award for giving the United States "new moral leadership."
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  • 80 3 France and Russia sign pact MOSCOW, Sun. France and the Soviet Union have signed a three-year trade agreement providing for an increase in trade of 10 to 15 per cent. A French source said the agreement, covering 1963, 1964 and 1965. provided for a two-way Increase In trade. The trade
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  • 49 3 PRAGUE, Sun.— Roy Budway an American YMCA official, has been freed by Communist Czechoslovakia after being held four months on spy charges. He was arrested In October on charges of collecting Information on Czech defences, obtaining samples of uranium ore and disseminating hostile leaflets.
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  • 222 3 ]tfR. HAROLD Macmillan said today 'it would be ''folly as well as ingratitude for Europe to try lnward lo <*^ group ference after two days of talks with Italian Government leaders Mr. Macmijlan said there had been times in history when one man and
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  • 49 3 WASHINGTON. Sun.— The Defence Department reported last night that the Russians are believed to have close to 600 antiaircraft missiles. 400 tanks and 2.000 artillery pieces in Cuba. It said there was no evidence of Soviet offensive weapons or warheads in Cuba.— U.P.l.
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  • 31 3 SAN FRANCISCO, Sun. The 45,000-ton aircraft carrier Coral Sea ran aground In heavy fog In San Francisco Bay yesterday. Ten tugs were summoned in an effort to refloat her.
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  • 89 3 BOARS FIGHT HUNGER-MAD WOLVES LONDON, Sun. Hunger maddened wolves driver down from the mountain* by one of Europe's worst winters in history yesterday attacked wild boars in a spectacular battle in woods near Accettura, Italy. Two forestry agents said they went into the woods near Accettura when they heard animals
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  • 235 3 T ONDON; Sun. A I former chief of Britain's Air Staff, Marshal of the Royal Air Force Sir Dermot Boyle, yesterday criticised the Nassau agreement between President Kennedy and Prime Minister Macmillan. The agreement provided for the replacement In Britain's nuclear armoury of the Skybolt
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  • 51 3 RIO DE JAN uUKO. Sun -four jeeploads ot men. believed to be paratroopers, staged v commando raid with machine guns and hand grenades on a night club In Rio's red-light district The raiders killed the doorman of the Club Domino and wounded a waiter.— U
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  • 98 3 'Chinese victims only gang held NEW YORK. SunFour youths accused yesterday of 50 robberies with violence— one of hem fatal told police they chose only Chinese as their victims because 'they often carry large sums of money with them." Police said the "takes from the attacks ranged from $96 to
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  • 43 3 WASHINGTON. Sun. The Secretary or State, Mr Dean Rusk, announced that toe U.S. will delay cutting off aid to Ceylon because of negotiations between ttie Ceylon Government and two American oil companies whose assets were seized six months aao. U.P.L
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  • 26 3 HAMBURO. Sun.— Three workmen were injured yesterday in an explosion that rocked West Germany's most modern new destroyer, under construction at a Hamburg shipyard.
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  • 27 3 VIENNA. Bun. The Austrian Justice Ministry issued a warrant yesterday for the arrest of former B.S. officer Otto Skorzeny on war crimes charges.— Reuter
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  • 95 3 On the lighter side... LONDON, Sun. For Nicholas Mettis it was a racegoer's dream come true: A tip that paid off to the tune of $140,000 at Kempton Park last year. But within minutes nu> dream crashed around him. An objection against his winner was lodged and upheld by the
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  • 50 3 LOURENCO MARQUES: Matibzane Cossa returned to Mozambique from South Africa today with the $3,300 he has saved to find a bride and build a house for his parents. Cossa who has worked In a South African coal mine for 50 years, is 72.
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  • 95 3 LONDON. Sun. Mr. Hubert Birkinshaw, 60, collapsed and died in court at St. Albans while giving evidence for his son on a theft charge. He fell to the ground after saying: "Mv son has never been in trouble before and this has come as a great shock."
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 177 3 oL *a k. I 21 -"> t IN THE LATEST MEN'S WEAR **f^£) Here at Singapore's most up-to-date tfm\\\\V store y° u f* n d the. latest in men's wear ■Lj^y ranging from shirts, belts, ties and accessories to suits ready made or H made -to measure for the fashion
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    • 523 3 GIRLS LOVE ill TALL MEN! /h8 SENSATIONAL RESULTS OF NEW HEIGHT INCREASE TREATMENT II i Ir. your own home It 1* now^J* I 1 possible to increase your height \LJ, §by a Simple. Natural Method i I^3/ Tnere are no drugs, nothing it to get out of order; there is
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  • 64 4 SINGAPOr". Sun. Puan Voor Alsha will be guest ot lonour at the Singapore Y.W.C.A. .nternational birthday dinner on Wednesday. The dinner, to celebrate the 88th birthday of the association, will be held at their Outram Road premises. The President, Mrs. E.V. Davies, who has been on a
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  • 237 4 Houses to have 100 pitches in basement SINGAPORE, Sun.— The Housing and Development Board is to launch a new experimental plan to solve the hawkers problem in housing estates. The experiment is the new $1,650,000 Cantonment Road project, which will provide lowcost housing for 2,100 people, as
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  • 231 4 SINGAPORE, Sunday. rnHE Central Council of the Singapore National Union of Journalists is to study yesterday's mass arrests with a view to urging the Government to set up a public Inquiry into the action. The council decided this at an emergency meeting called today
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  • 134 4 JOBS FOR DENTISTS AND DOCTORS SINGAPORE, Sun. The Government is looking for doctors, dental surgeons and executives to fill post* in the medical, general executive, and departmental higher services. Doctors and dental surgeons are offered salaries in the scale of SB2O a month, rising to a maximum of $1,429 a
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  • 51 4 SINGAPORE. Sun. People of Buklt Panjang district can pay their pvoperty tax at the following centres from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuas Community Centre, Jurong Road. 18 m.s. (Peb. 4-5); coffee shop, 39-1, Jurong Road. 13 m.s. (Feb. 6). coffee shop. 53-C. Ama Keng, 17J m.s. (Feb.
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  • 91 4 SINGAPORE, Sun. Some 1,476 people donated blood l«at month. of whom 523 wan recruited by those taking part In the blood donor competition for January. The first prise of $700 In the competition was won by Mr. A.W. Belletty of the Reformative Training Centre. Ulu Bedok. with
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  • 163 4 SINGAPORE. Sun. Filipino soprano. Nobleza Pilar will make her debut on Tuesday night at the Victoria Theatre. Her recital, sponsored by the Singapore Chamber Ensemble will be under the patronage of the Philippine Consul-Gen-eral. Miss Pilar, a graduate of the Phllipjjine women's University
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  • 134 4 KUCHINO, Sun. The chairman of the Sarawak United People's Party. Mr. Ong Kee Hul, declared yesterday his party would give all-out support for Malaysia If Sarawak was granted adequate safeguardsMr. Ong said he was waitIng for a full Inter-govern-mental committee report on Malaysia before
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  • 23 4 SINGAPORE. Sun. Singapore's Director of Posts, today announced there would be no delivery of correspondence or parcels on Thursday. Thaipusam Day.
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  • 135 4 Wages row: Union accuses SATA of adamant attitude SINGAPORE, Sun. The Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workers' Union today accused the Council of SATA of adopting an "unreasonable and adamant attitude" in the negotiations on the union's claims for better wages and working conditions. In a statement the Union said the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 328 4 I hu^ry"wjrry"bu,\our"tick"sn^^^ I! The Greatest Show Ever Brought To Town! Electrifying Dancing by a Troupe of 28 TOP ARTISTES... direct from SPAIN! SHAW ORGANISATION proudly presents Sfiwhfowvuik SKY LIMITED ENGAGEMENT From WEDNESDAY 6th Feb.— For ONE WEEK only NIGHTLY 2 PERFORMANCES at 6.30 9.15 pm Thurs 7th, Sat. 9th Sun.
      328 words
    • 29 4 RAVES FOR—-— ROCCO™ lIUUUU Syptrb tilm malting aaw.rhil moments savog. truth" Doily Eipr.M (Landau) %aia;i.'.M.i.M:.n:i:.M»i>y M€fifl SHfll fl fi»(tr* "til" IV SEifCO Hi*i<.±)l.>, I romoTroT~ I ™'TTRTAT' P ™TR
      29 words
    • 365 4 vw IV w^r Hk. S. □go mm W\ \k I MB I PI \tX "T" Be) ■isCr^' va. '^-^f'"* t^JMjb Pj RW. ir r~ X*^l PL* .*T.~ Hong Kang'i fascinating and much travelled ting.r, who '.t.W r.turn.d rr.m a lucc.situl tour at Europ. will entertain you with a ot
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    • 511 4 :#SHAirVj> pj OpcanUatio*' ,[2223] 5» mill lli|{ DAY Ifj It a.m.. 1 30. 4. 30 1 9.30 p.m. B ITOire uui i; fflusmnm IWW Phone jg4U;; 12.1 Iliii DAY 11 om-1.45. 4.00. 6 SO 9 I S om. 1 £££t. STEVE REEVES ■TheSOXOFI^ "SR%RT%CUS- in SCOPE EASTMANCOLOR. COMING SOON! pj
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 373 4 Huffs Bunny By Balph Hvimdahi V 1 IN AND OUT BY AIR THE following Is today's 487> 7.2S p.m.; from Kuala schedule of civil aircraft Lumpur (ML 179) 9.00 pjn.: movement* at Pay* Lebar air- from Bangkok (ML 307) 11 M Btog *ARJUVAL« DEPARTURES BOAC: Prom Melbourne. Byd- BOAC: To
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  • 129 5 v BONUSES: UNION GETS MANDATE DENANG, Sun. The Penang branch of the National Union of Bank Employees today gave a full mandate to its national executive council to take industrial action including strike, over the bonus issue. More than 600 members of the union unanimously passed a resolution to this
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  • 40 5 IPOH. Sun.— Mr. Chen Hoong Cheong (Alliance) won the Liman Kati New Village local council byelection yesterday It was held to 81l the vacancy caused by the resignation of the Socialist Front councillor, Mr Ong Chool Hup.
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  • 26 5 PENANG Sun. The colour of the conical buoy at Sungei Muar has been changed from red to black, the Department of Marine announced today.
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  • 540 5 Four parties hit arrests, 3 back move SINGAPORE, Sun. DR LEE: LETS NOT PRETEND THERE'S PARLIAMENTARY DEMOCRACY HERE PO U R opposition parties, hit by yesterday's security action have condemned the Government move, while three other parties came out in support of the arrests. The four parties which condemned the
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  • 87 5 'KHALWAT' DURING FAST: TWO FINED K.LANG. Son. Alias bin Yusoff 24. of Watson Road. Port Swettenham and Mall binte Marznki, 20. of Bukit Kapar. 10 miles from here, were fined $50 each yesterday for committing "khalwat" at Port Swettenham on the night of Jan. 30. They pleaded guilty before Haji
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  • 43 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Sun.— lnche Ahmad bin Haji Shamsuddin and Che Rahman blnte Haji Abdul Rahman, both from Muar, will represent Johore at the finals of the All-Malaya Koran reading competition to be held at Kuala Lumpur on Feb. 10 to 14.
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  • 245 5 DENANQ, Sun. Malaya is going through a critical phase this year and there are many "trouble makers" trying their best to prevent the formation of Malaysia. Mr. Lim Cheng Poh, chairman of the Penang M.C.A. Pengkalan ward branch, said today. Addressing members at their
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  • 366 5 pressive action could not dampen anti-colonial fervour of the people. On the contrary, they could only strengthen the resolve of the people to eradicate colonialism and oppression In all their forms. The Party Rakyat oondemning the 'Britlsh-unperial-ists-directed" mass arrests, said they bared
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 417 5 ADVERTISERS ANNOUNCEMENT Health, Vitamins and BOVRIL A well nourished and healthy body is not ■ia mt ained by large q nan titles of food alone. One can eat a lot and even grow fat, yet still suffer from (a lack of vital minerals or vitamins. A shortage of these vitamins
      417 words
    • 130 5 Bovril Is one of the greatest known stimulants of gastric secretion, thus ensuring that we get the best out of the food we eat. Explorers, athletes, mountaineers, men of action everywhere have relied on Bovril and have not been disappointed. There are occasions In everyday life too, and In convalescence,
      130 words
    • 289 5 C'est Bon" j*d& PEUGEOT THE YOU Q, vx Asia Motor Co., Ltd. 1-3. NCEE ANN BUILDING. ORCHARD ROAD. TEL: 3*741 2 MMCMS ASIA MOTOR CO. (K.L.) LTD. 17. Mai la** t*i. KmU I™*.- M *****') ASUHOTOaCO.OtX.)LTD.I n ci» n lH M .,E 4 -«< &> *> "Will fetoU,!.,. Stli««o.-Ki.Ttl W
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 351 5 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS might be a pity to breik it 1. Lament about the fool's (4-4). drinking-bout (7). 8 Asks to wait makes us crosi 5. Roman coin appears substan- (8). tlal to us (7). IS. Crowds of dullards round a 9. Some person who teaches to doctor gives
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  • 78 6 CHE KALTHO'T binte Haji Hamzah. vice-president of the Railwaymen's Union of Malaya, is carried should-er-high by enthusiastic members during a dinner given by the union in Kuala Lumper on Saturday in honour of Mr. Donald I'rrn, president of RUM. Mr. Iron is on the extreme
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  • 128 6 Education: Women top the late demand IPOH, Sun. When it comes to acquiring an education late in life, women completely outdo the men in th« rural areas, according to statistics comuiled by the Adult Education Department. Perak. The trend is most pronounced in Malay areas where only about a fourth
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  • 40 6 BINOAPORE. Sun.— Rev. Father Lea Sheridan, editor of the Malayan Catholic Newt, will give a public lecture on "An Introduction to the Chinese Theatre" at the United States Information Services' Library, at 6.30 p.m. on Wednesday.
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  • 51 6 SINGAPORE. Sun. The War Damage Commission, Malaya, recovered more than $38,660 in overpayments, said its chairman. Inche Abdul Jamil bin Abdul Rais, in the accounts for 1961. published today. Recovery of overpayments had not yet been completed and had delayed the presentation of legislation to wind ud the
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  • 32 6 TELUK ANSON. Sun. The Rev. V. A. Chelliah. headmaster of the Methodist Afternoon School here, has been elected chairman of the Teluit Anson branch of the Red Cross Society.
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  • 86 6 BRUNEI TOWN, Sun— A rebel suspect—released last week from a detention camp in Brunei Town area is back in custody after applying for his old job. He applied for reemployment with Brunei Shell, and was promptly recognised by the personnel supervisor, Mr. J. Hillier. as one of
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 152 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The Mentri Besar of Brunei, Dato Setia Pengiran Ali, said here today that since the collapse of the recent revolt the people of Brunei were more anxious to join Malaysia. Dato Setia was speaking at the airport after his arrival as
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  • 17 6 SINGAPORE, Sun.— Mr. S. A. Dural has been elected president of the Singapore Tamilian Association.
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  • 288 6 TB danger if birth control drive fails SINGAPORE, Sun.— The Medical Journal of Malaya predicted in its latest issue today that if family planning did not succeed in reducing the rate of increase in Malaya's population, "there is little hope that we will ever see a Malaya that is well
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 232 6 Crepe De Chine Super HJI lilt Ef I When you buy Acetate. S^WBK//B^ ask for teijin Acetate. PmLf*'* W < TEIJIN Acetate "Crepe de Chine Super M 1500" is most suitable for tropical j*j| mk i wear with its up-to-date designs and J| B, vivid colours that will make you
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 82 6 1//*^ Oop Bff V. r. Hnntliwt \MTW THK HIGH /BOUGH, BUT \OU|tT IS.BOY. O^ C ?S°/PBOPE6^BvSSr^ s ""^B OBEAt\ LQ9rTTJFP,rx)C_/CAMEOUTeiGHT\ANOA6roBMS^ <: 'fT .HE "VISJ OOP RW-EONTOLOQIST, U/7 IVE HAD U/ XSOE UP ANOTHAT^V MEJ« iWSKSiTL^ J^tl-BbL 2 2 BO<XA BOOLA J 1-I ##i>A Fr«sr«/ ff f/ Chv*t*r Gomtd ~UtE^S^ml^^3m r
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    • 1302 7  - Sidelight on the great drama of frontier war ALUNGTON KENNARD By Malakand, Sudan, S. Africa... FRONTIERS AND WARS. By Winston S. Churchill. (Eyre and Spottiswoode 425) FRONTIER wan are the su r i which marks the edge and advance of Ihe wave of civilisation. A characteristically Victorian fancy, and the
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    • 407 7  - Hong Kong from unpromising and treeless beginning DAVID SZE By HONG KONG. By Martin Hurlimann. (Donald Moore Gallery $15.) FRAGRANT HARBOUR. By G.B. Endacott and A. Hinton (Oxford University Press $5.40) WITHIN six months of Hong Kong being declared to have become a permanent colony it will be a vast
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    • 201 7  - HORRORS OF NUCLEAR WAR Walter Warwick By POWER POLITICS IN THE NUCLEAR AGE. By Commander Sir Stephen King-Hall. (Gollancz 255.) COMMANDER King Hall sub- titles his book "Policy for Britain", a policy which assumes, as we must, that the world will continue to live in a climate of power politics.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 354 7 maHufaciurer of the famous GRIPE WATER introduces 1/1,1 P^kH fITjHIH I lall Bl I' v%_— I IV Ii M&W Cough Syrup for the whole family! il/itHiffite (iiTOftixiliift deliciously flavoured IllNlrS I Nil MIS WITH BLACKCURRANT JUICE iKIUjM^II' IMIIHmIIIIMAw contains vitamins a.d and c. At Hit t cough -f'ufi for alt
      354 words

  • 20 8 rVoras tit (Minimum) McCOWAN LOUIS ALIXANDIR aged S3 formerly Chief Acrmntant Malayan Railway In Umdon on 31at January IM3.
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  • 125 8 2* W»r4t tit Minimum i EBBV onW sod of the late Klla D'Aranjo and daughter-in-law Maureen thank all prieatx. nuns. relationmeada for their sympathy kind asais'ance attendance at her funeral on MRS. OAT CUNNINGHAM thank* who aent floral tribute." and dft.i la Mount Alvcmta on the occasion of I'layfair,
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  • 222 8 it Words tit (Minimum) SALE STARTS TODAY Genuine Rareauu 2u<~, discount oft all marked piieaa Antoinette. 314 Orchard Road. S port CORNEAL <*ontact I^em Consultant —Star Optical Co.. riifford .House. Collyer Quay. Knqultieii and apnolntmenta. plea.w Tel: Rlncapore *****. SINGAPORE BALLET ACAOIMV The school will be starting a tap
    222 words
  • The Straits Times Monday. February 4. 1963.
    • 905 8 The Communist front orIganisations in Singapore have had a good run for their j money. From the time the leftwing of the People's Action I Party broke away, to form the Barisan Sosialis Party, from the time a pro-Communist group composed mainly of former detainees
      905 words
    • Article, Illustration
      346 8 The granting of internal self-government to Nyasaland carries a stage further the disintegration of the Central African Federation. Dr. Hastings Banda, the Premier, is unlikely to pause long before demanding the full independence he has virtually been promised. That date, when it is fixed, will mark the Anal
      346 words
  • 1720 8 Communist conspiracy in Singapore Behind Saturday's arrests THE Communist Party of Malaya, foiled in its attempt to win power by armed revolution which caused thousands of deaths, has for some /ears been conspiring to attain its aim of establishing a "dictatorship of the proletariat" throughout the Malayan peninsula through the
    1,720 words
  • 1279 8 THE FULL TEXT OF A GOVT. STATEMENT ISSUED IN KUALA LUMPUR YESTERDAY As in the case of the 1956 committee the activities of the 1962 Singapore Trade Union Working Committee were in no way connected with legitimate industrial grievances In fact, no industrial grievances were ever taken up, for both
    1,279 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 608 8 StraiuTiaM** Malay Matt Claeeified aflvertlaetnenta may cc henaee rat IM Floe* COLO ITOattl ARCADB Orchard Rosa) COLB wTOKAB}. •NANCMCS AT HOLLAND aiOAD-KATOftM KST*~«(. BrOAO—MAVAL -ABB Authorised Agenta CITY BOOR STORE LTD Wtnc*ieete< House Callyar Ouay THI NB-WS FHOMT ntipa»rtes-s Suaorenarkal SI. M. ISMAIL S Aamlratty Mood. Noval Base s. m.
      608 words
    • 26 8 THE MAGNEFON BY Monut. twui n Bskk^Rflals! mmmW/T MP424 SEND FO« UIUSTtATEO UOCHUtE Whllt n»»? Atk ALLIED RADIO CORPORATION SO. CINCULAN NOAO SlN«as>o-B. 1. TIL: *****
      26 words
    • 132 8 Royal Rotterdam Lloyd "WILLEM RUYS" AIR-CONDITIONED THROUGHOUT AROUND THE WORLD SERVICE II 1863 ROTTERDAM SOUTHAMPTON BUCZ COLOMBO SINGAPORE 5/4 21 S/11 MELBOURNE 14/4 30/1 14/11 SYDNEY 17/4 2/t 17/11 WELLINGTON 21/4 21/11 CALLAO (PERU) U't 3/12 PANAMA 5/5 22/« 7/12 PORT AU PRINCS «/12 MIAMI 9/5 26/9 12/12 RtRMUDA 11/5
      132 words

  • Article, Illustration
    1049 9 FULL LIST OF THE SINGAPORE ARRESTS BARISAN TO RESUME ACTIVITIES' TODAY Also held: Linda Chen and sister gINGAPORE, Sun.— Police today released the names of 111 people arrested so far in the campaign to clean up an-ti-Malaysia elements. In addition to the names released on Saturday, the
    1,049 words
  • 43 9 PENANG. Sun Tip Penana Port Commission »ill extend MM normal workings of us ferrr aer vice on Peb 6 and 7 for Thaipu urn. The last ferry will leave Penang for Butierworth al 1.30 ajn on these two day*.
    43 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 303 9 c LABORATORY CHEMIST Shall (Eostarn) Limited require o CHEMIST to raka charge in due course of their Laboratory on Pulou Bukom. It is not a research post. Applicant* should have an Honours degree in Chemistry and 3 5 years Laboratory experience. Some administrative experience is desirable. Age should preferably be
      303 words
    • 270 9 Itirali'lHl fff 1 shows you the way r^^-^| to a successful career! G»n»r»" Cartiflemto In this fomout book, («nt absolutely fre« uc* ion on rcqunt, you will find the answer to C«rti«c» C i«°° your future. You will \e* how you con Accountancy, Law hoy« a wall poid, responsible job
      270 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 441 9 RADIO SINGAPORE RADIO MALAYA MEDIUM SHORTWAVE SERVICE Wm 476 METRES NATIONAL SHORTWAVE SHORTWAVE^IVICE SERVICE «1.7 METRES A.M. 6.00 Good Morning; 6.01 A.M. 6.00 Time Signal. NegaraMornlng Prelude; 7.15 The Newt; ku. News Headline*; 6.05 Morning 7.20 Breakfast Bulletin; 7.30 Up Melodies; 7.00 Rendezvous with and About; 8.15; The News; 8.20
      441 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 152 10 LONDON TO SINGAPORE IN 19 DAYS 0 v* HF- tip ifi^ m //I I\\lK I 1/ lvi W Fw \Jr >v y Ii I JJC'Ic y^H/ 1 1 1/ a /'i}?\\. u\y\ Now, the third of the new Glen Line fleet of fast cargo liners in ffnnr? fwwv7 a r^n
      152 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1425 11 TO HVtRPOtI ft WEST COAH U.K.: Out Spar* Sail* f. S'hM Penaei AORASTUS liverpeel, Clttgsw FM J ACHILLES Liierptei, Hivre FH I FH 7 FM I'll FH 11 PYRRHUS livtraeel. Otttlin. Slattow FH 11 FH 11 FM 14/11 FM 17 POLYOORUS LivtrpMl. Dublin FH 11 FH It FM 17/21 FH
      1,425 words
    • 1419 11 »*//j«f///L^AY«ffff/7yai THE E. A. C LINES- SAILIHU TO GENtA, IE HAVRE. HAMIURG, IREMEN, ANTWERP >^g>kv ROTTERtAM AMSTtROAM. t|lO. t*TNEN«UM AIM CUtHHAGIN, gtfrty—^Wi Sl>orl p S'naa Penang Si V»\l^l OM It/ 4 Fal 1/ 7FM 1/ I Ft* CVV^y^/ "MOREUA" Il Part/ 4 FH WjUjt-V "PRETORIA" 11/21 Ftl 22/24 FH 25/2*
      1,419 words
    • 1342 11 bmn^/leme EXPIESS SERVICI Tl LUTtON imifttt ft WHTHtENtAL PIRTS. fMrt P. Stiaa -tnang (ENLOMONO (E.LPj IPMI. MulL Hamburg li .!l /frt lINLOTAL .E.U L *M. Mbnx, Hamburg iE^N°NE, IXj riiMsij Z%* mmm g|j KNVRACkII (E.LP, LrftrJML luil, MaaMrg MM 21/ 1 Apr 1 I ItHVAiiKEI) iMaTMbrB. U>*art Mm 20/ 4
      1,342 words
    • 1298 11 w_ MoALISTER «Sc CO.. LTD. W__ Wrix 111. Na. mn WtlaW ypPk «tliß«M*lli LIWE tk KLAVCMEM UM* em tf CAJLItU lit ANGELES, lAH FRANCISCO, UVrOOkJ HAMIUM. ROnERtMM IIATTIt. VAHCIUVEI ft POITLAH* HAVRE, mill t MIMIESIIOOCR AccttMl cargi rw Cttlnl ft |mj*> S-pori r T*m 'tnani aaaSflSVi liNrt/ltan 1/ 1 FM
      1,298 words

    • 34 12 RI'BBER TIN (perlb.) (prrplcsJ) Jan. 28 90% cts. $***** 2* 80^4 eta- $426.37 >4 30 M% cts. S42&S7H SI 80^4 Cts. $427.37 V 4 Ft*. 1 19% eta. $427.37 H 2 $427.75
      34 words
    • 1512 12 Industrial shares are now easier From Our Market Correspondent WELL it happened last week; industrial shares came down from their inflated prices as soon as the market reopened after the Chinese new year. During the week they steadied at times but at the end of the period still looked top
      1,512 words
    • 63 12 DIVIDENDS ANNOUNCED Austral Amal Austral Malay Kamunting PetaUn* Southern Kinta Kepong Plant Con. Salak Sungei Chinoh t Interim. Current payment Is. 2s. 7J% 10 cts. Is. M.+ 3% l« 2| r. Date of payment March 15 March 22 March 8 March 22 Feb. 15 March 8 March 27 Total for
      63 words
    • 394 12 Tin price very steady rE price of Straits tin La&t week was very steady and on Saturday morning closed at $427.75. the highest for the period. The lowest price was $425,874 on Wednesday. The offering for the week was estimated to be 1,495 tons compared to 1,080 tons in the
      AP  -  394 words
    • 60 12 THE Malayan Eichang* Bantu 1 Aiioclatitn made these change* la Its rates to merchant* on Saturday (all rates to $100): Canada: buylnf TT 85 7/16, airmail OD 35 9/16, M d/st 36 1/16 credit bills. 36 1/fi trade bllla. Silling TT or 0D ready: Canada 3»«: Belgian Franet
      60 words
    • 1010 12 MALAYAN SHARE LIST THIS table of shares on the Malayan Stock Exchange shows last business to January 26 (A) and last business since that date (B) with H and L standing for Highest and Lowest business for last year and this year to date. M I Alex Bricks 2.3S JO
      1,010 words
    • 43 12 Industrials: I in. I Rubber* Jan. 2A 10S.H0 107.77 1M47 Jan. .'H 103.78 hi; 101.05 Dec. 29. Jan. M Jan. SI 103.90 103.18 107.44 108.05 1*2.49 102.49 19«2 100 Feb. I 10.'. IX 108.38 102.88 Feb.? 101.07 108.62 10*41 .1
      43 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1081 12 sOtV insa^isasas^aaai^^aasn?! ■™k\ vff Isal BsJsßblsbl ItsßfcJsUaaJfcMi U.aVA. Pacific, Atlanta** <* Great Lakes I*m»U« Loads Load* EIA ETA ETA ETA ETA Sport P. Sham Honolulu S. F'cisco L. Angelas N. York Cleveland "Kiimtawi Mm" 11/20 Frt 21/22 Frt 14 Mar 21 Mar 24 Mar II Asr 27 Apr "Grtrts Mars"
      1,081 words
    • 1025 12 I*°iORIENTj rTiaKK l TO EUROPE AND THE UNITED KINGDOM S.S. k ORIANA(42,OOO tons fully oircooditioned stabilised) Departing SINGAPORE 19th April 1963 Arrivirifl SOUTHAMPTON 6th Mar 1963 via Colombo, Aden, Pert Soid, Naples A Gibraltar. Limited TOURIST CLASS Accommodation Available (First Class fully booked) Apply to your Travel Agent, or to:
      1,025 words
    • 97 12 THE THIRD MALAYAN FUND Application Form and full details available by sending this oupon to: Th. Mtneotn, P.O. lei M, llsn»p«r*, P.O. 80. IM KaMts Lamatwt P.O. Bos 30, Ipoa P.O. 277, >iss«» Na*Mi (Mr./Mr*./M»a») AMrm TRUSTEI: THI CHARTERED lANK (MALAYA) TRUSTEI LTD. 4.2.63. IsnimTmTj JfclJE^H S'por* Ps—M ETA/ITD CTA/CTO
      97 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 802 13 SHARE MART REVISED QUOTATIONS 'THE following Is a complete list of revised quotations issued hy tbe Malayan Stack Exchange on Friday, Peb. 1. INDUSTRIALS a. a. Alex Ords. S.SU 5.40 8.8 Patrol M/V W/S B. M. Trust*** IS/V 41/S Boiutead 1.36 L.SS Con. Tin Smtlt, »f«t 17/ a IS/S Ord*
      802 words
    • 1065 13 (Continued from Pace t) SITUATIONS VACANT it Wordm tt (Him.) Bmm tt rts. matrm WANTRD a dr***making lady teacher wltb a diploma tn dressmaking Those i interested pleas* apply to PO. Box 743, Penang. I A VACANCY for comptometer op*- < rator exists In tbe district works offlc* i Bsramban.
      1,065 words
    • 728 13 SITUATIONS WANTEO JOAN TOOKE'S AGENCY. Secretarial and Otflc* Staff of all grades readily availabl* to fill vacancies with leading firms Telephone Singapore ***** or Kuala Lumpur ***** for prompt and efficient service. CLERK. STENOGRAPHER BEGINNER obtained Certificates of O.C.E. ordinary level and L.C.E.. acceptance ol University of Ottawa. Senior Chinese
      728 words
    • 691 13 HOUSES LAND FOR SALE :o Word* tt (Mil.)— Box St els MSas POR SALB freehold. 2 adjacent Modem Brick Bungalows. Eacb on 1 acre lot in Kuala Lumpur. Apply Box AI39S 8.T.. K.L. TWO VALUABLE BUILDING Hues left at Leedoo Park ***** and 23.000 eg ft. going cheap at $1.10
      691 words
    • 629 13 EDUCATION tt Wort* t* (Him.)— Bom l» ets. sstr*) LEARN AT HOME to oak* your own clothe* and say* money Enrol now for world famous postal course with I.D.A. (OSBC BT) P.O. Bos 1918 Hlngapore. VACANCIES! Ssemartal. stenography, rxxjk keeping, shorthand, typewriting. corr**poodence, Englkob (presenlor) Success guaranteed register today Raja*
      629 words
    • 615 13 TUITION It Wort* tt (Mjm.>—Box tt Htx. QMtro 1 UILO YOUR UHILB'S rutux* on firm foundation. Consult ITniailanissa OeaSnalss. Tuittoo: Individually, Oroup* of 2/3. All Subfacta 211S1 rssas> PIANtPORTI TUITION by ex- perienoed teacber. prepares for all R.B.M. Qrades. including gaaaral muslclanablp. Moderate fees. Bos A494S BT B'pore. ASIA DRIVING
      615 words
    • 623 13 FOR HIRE U Wmrta tt (IHn.y—Box $t) ft*. «xtre RBFRIOIRATORS M v.rtoos sttSS from SS monthly Consult I<m 4a Pletcber. 102 Orcbard Roai (Spore) r*L ssaas. PEST CONTROL FOR FUMIGATION A PEST CONTROL Always Rins THOMAS COWAN 4k CO. LTO. th* Oldest and Best Whit* Ant Sinn. lINOAPORI KUALA LUMPUR
      623 words
    • 620 13 FOR SALE It Wort* U (mituy—Box $0 et*. tmlrm MARI-RAVA BARGAINS 8. Sblrt* from »I.WO. Himalaya a 3. Selegl* Road. B'por*. WHY PAY MOREI Ramoband s Dollar Store offera 1001 Varieties of Textiles all Dollar per yard. 89, Arab Street. B'pore. THE LATEST hearing aid -allin- tb*. ear flnger-tip volume
      620 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 722 14 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from Page 13) MISCELLANEOUS Word. $S <mi».)—B»x 5» tta. *Xtrm REOMIRC POOL the moot enjojrI.l Itahlns «pot Ylo Chn Ku* Ko>d. lit m.». Spaetal dlwoont aUowad for H.M.P. croup fUhinie competition SHOPPING GUIDE (S'pere) :a Ward* SS (Miit.)-Box M eU. extra ONLY ONI SHOP Mil* Mitjns* only
      722 words
    • 1063 14 IB^Ls^*a*^ft*H*BM*iaM^M^^£S^^AA«m*mAJ^^^^^^Ss*2) THE MALAYA* EXCHANGE BANKS' ASSOCIATION All members of the above Association in the State of Singapore will be closed for business on Thursday 7th February 1963 for Thaipusam. DISSOLUTION of ENGAGEMENT The engagement between William Tay son of Mr. Mrs. Tav Mock Chwee and Doris Tann daughter of Mr.
      1,063 words
    • 842 14 NOTICE M.S.S.E.E. and L.C.E. special tuition classes at Ipoh Tutorial Institute. Gurwarad Road. Ipoh from 3.00 P.m. to 5.15 pjn. Monday to Friday. Well qualified and experienced staff. Classes commence on 4th March. 1963. Apply Principal. PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS RAJA MUSA ESTATE NATIONAL TYPE PRIMARY TAMIL SCHOOL KUALA SELANGOR Applications are
      842 words
    • 785 14 NOTICE CAMBRIDGE SCHOOL CERTIFICATE ft HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATIONS 1963 Entries for Science PrlvaU Candidates Entries r the above examinations from Private Candidates who can furnish proof that they have followed a proper course of studies vi Science will be received from 4th February' to 16th February 1963 inclusive by
      785 words
    • 896 14 TENDERS TENDER NOTICE Tenders will be received up to 3.00 pan. 12 Feb. 63 at Headquarters Australian Army Force OHQ FARELF Singapore for the purchase as a whole lot of eight Lee Refrigerators which have been used and are In reasonable condition. Inspection Is Invited at 9.30 a.m. to 12.30
      896 words
    • 821 14 TENDERS CITY COUNCIL OF SINGAPORE TENDERS ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT: Tenders for the supply and Delivery of 6.6kV Switchgear The closing date for the receipt of the above tenders has been extended to 19th February. 1963 at 2.15 p.m. JABATAN KERJA RAYA PERAK Tenders for the Supply and de livery of Metal
      821 words
    • 515 14 TENDER TENDER NOTICE T D.I.D. KELANTAN Sale of Unserviceable/ Obselete Store. Tenders from licenced secondhand goods dealers will be received at the office of the State Drainage Irrigation Engineer. Kelantan, Kotc Bharu, up o 12.00 noon on Mth. February. 1963. The items for sale Include Lorries, Light Rails, Typewriter. Tools.
      515 words

    • 1604 15 JOHNNY WILSON LANDS A 'TREBLE' KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday WINNING Stable's Dark Romance 11, with Johnny Wilson op, came from last 11 to win the first running: of the Tengku's Gold Cup over lOf here today. T Hot favourite National Joy (Garnet Bougoure) was shouted
      1,604 words
    • 82 15 SINGAPORE. Bun. Current Singapore hockey league champions, Ceylon SC. clinched another title today when they beat Singapore Recreation Club by a short comer In the slx-a-slde final at Naval Base for the Paranjottiy Cup. The scored a goal and a short corner and SRC a
      82 words
    • 42 15 SEREMBAN, Sun Negrl Sembllan emerged champions In the friendly triangular hockey tournament when they held Selangor to a scoreless draw on the Negrl Sembllan padang this evenIng. Negrl finished with three points to Selangors two. Malacca gained one point.
      42 words
    • 33 15 WATERPOLO Van Daateelaar Shield (Spore): Champions (Chinese SC) 9 The Rest 3. SOCCER Friendly (Malacca) Malacca Chines* 3 Johore Chinese 2. HOCKEY Friendly (Penang Penang Ladies HC 11 Australian Women HC 0.
      33 words
    • 349 15 I ONDON, Sun. The Big Freeze continued to cripple British football yesterday when only four League matches could be played in England and three League and one Cup game in Scotland. The tremendous backlog of fixtures threatens to throw organised football into chaos
      349 words
    • 302 15 J ONDON. Sun. Ten draws were included amonji the results of 54 postponed soccer fixtures assessed yesterday by the panel of experts appointed by the Football Pools Promoters Association. They selected 34 home •'wins," ten aways and ten draws. Including the eight games played, there were 37
      302 words
    • 229 15 Women to help run Selangor —athletics KUALA LUMPUR, Sun.— Women will have a say in the running of the Seianfor Amateur Athletic Association in future. The ■wscUtlon. at iU annual general meeting today, decided to allow two women to ait on the executive committee. It m also decided to register
      229 words
    • 571 15 f AHTI (Finland), Sun. Lt Pentti Nikula, of Finland, gave probably the most outstanding exhibition of pole vaulting ever seen here last night when he became, the first man to break the five-metre barrier. Nikula, the world record holder, achieved 5m (16ft 4 7/8). 5.05
      571 words
    • 81 15 LONDON, Son. Lee Kin Tat of Malays, who is studying physice in London, won the men's singles title for the third saccesssire year in the Middlesex badminton championships here yesterday. In the final he beat David Rowe (Essex) 15-10, 15-8. Kin Tat won a second
      Reuter  -  81 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 267 15 r if you [suffer] K FROM A ASTHMA Ireadthis^J EPHAZONE tablets are available to all sufferers from asthma, bronchitis, bronchial catarrh, phlegm on the chest, hay fever and allied —fT** 4 EPHAZONE is easy to take, safe to use and give* qwok relief and sureneu of effect. The properties of
      267 words
    • 151 15 cheating your family. its I It VMk 'my, Wtmr^MM h^^^hlvl^v F-' >" *^H m ■^H ft 9x' Hkmml I mHT Ami mmW V !.># do they eiyoy 24-hour health? J&23 /L Horlicks is made from full-cream cow's milk /<^W\ and rich malt sugars. It is easily digested and "«S?s| i^
      151 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 32 15 soccm SIX-A-SIDE: Spore youth tourney final: Combined Schools v Windsor Rovers (Jn Besar). RUGGER SEVEN- A-SIDE: BCC tournament (Spore padang). TABLE-TENNIS FRIENDLY: Queenstown CC v The Rest (Spore Peoples Assn. 7.30 Djn.).
      32 words

  • 405 16 THE chairman of the Singapore People's Alliance Tun Lim Yew Hock, today described as "utterly irresponsible" a press conference statement by the Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, that the Singapore Government would not on its own have arrested the anti-nationalist subversive leaders. Tun
    405 words
  • 133 16 'Free them' say Brockway, Eber LONDON Sun. The Movement for Colonial Freedom today described the Singapore arrests as "the last refuge of terrified men who have lost hope of mass support." It called for the release of all those detained and for the British Labour Party to oppose the formation
    133 words
  • 45 16 MOSCOW. Sun. Astronomer Nikolai Kozyrev has discovered hydrogen on the moon, indicating the core of the earth's satellite may be extremely hot. Tass said Kozyrev had compared a spectogram of the lunar crater "Aristarchus" with a laboratory spectogram of hydrogen.
    45 words
  • 39 16 Benaud out to a 15-year-old SYDNEY. Sun.— Richie Benaud. Australia's Test captain, was dismissed yesterday by a 15-year-old bowler who was playing his first major grade game. David Paul), bowling mediumpace, had Benaud caught at legslip for 17. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 94 16 CONTEST IN KORAN READING SINGAPORE, Sun. Some 10,000 Muslims last night packed the Jalan Besar Stadium for the finals of the Singapore Koran reading competition. The Yang dl-Pertuan Negara, Inche Yusoff bin Ishak, who opened the competition, said that this would be the last time Singapore would hold its own
    94 words
  • 90 16 SVME ATHOL OAVID. beloved hunhnnd of Slune nnd fiither of Suzanne. f-.i.Mrnly 3rd. February. 1963. Kuneral Chernn Road Cemetery •1.30 p.m. 2.6:1. MRS HENC SOO CHOON (nee CMhartM Urn ttm Kirn) Aged M paxM-d away peacefully on 3-2-83. Leaving behind 1 von, I daughters. 3 Minx-in-law. IS ,-r.ivn hlldren.
    90 words
  • 351 16 One day in Fiji then Royal tourists sail for Zealand SUVA. Sunday QUEEN Elizabeth and Prince Philip sailed from here in the Royal yacht Britannia this afternoon for New Zealand. They waved from the afterdeck, with a Royal Marines band on board playing "Isa Lei" until the Royal yacht had
    Reuter  -  351 words
  • 78 16 SINGAPORE. Sun.—lndonesian Foreign Minister. Dr. Subandrio. met Lord Selkirk. British Commissioner-Gene-ral for South-east Asia, in Singapore tonight. They arranged to meet tomorrow. Dr. Subandrio flew in shortly before midnight on his way back to Jakarta from talks with Indian Prime Minister Mr. Nehru, in New Delhi. A
    78 words
  • 26 16 NEW DELHI. Sun. VlsitinK Khik .md Queen of Greece were entertained at luncheon today by Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru at the Premier's residence. U.P.I.
    UPI  -  26 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 155 16 20 Word! $10 (minimum) MURPHY: To Lronora and Kevin. (laughter. Mario* Georgette, a ("inter lor Michael and Btrphrn at Mount Alvemla on 3.2.63. Thank* to Dottor and Bisters. AX IXDIAX QUALITY PRODUCr are you a victim of V V executive A n fatigue? at the end of a working day
      155 words
    • 114 16 INDIAN QUALITY PRODUCTS Gleaming Stainless Steel and TO MODERNISE Clean, sparkling pots. pans, containers for cooking and storing count for a lot In good health. Use Stainless Steel and Aluminium Ware made by one of India's leading manufacturers. LALLUBHAI AMICHAND— established over 50 years ago. Today's wide, modern range is
      114 words