The Straits Times, 21 December 1962

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 20 1 AVEBACK 1.A11.V CKBTIFIEH SALE EXCEEDS 100,000 lie**** The Straits Times Estd. 1845. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1962. 15 CENTS. KDN 036
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  • 394 1 Brunei Sultan acts 2 A.M. FLASH HE SUSPENDS CONSTITUTION BRUNEI TOWN, Thurs. Sultan Sir Omar Ali Saifutidin today suspended the September 1959 written Constitution, under powers granted him under the Constitution, 1J.P.1. reports. The Sultan at the same time dissolved the State's 33 member Legislative Council and the State's four
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  • 33 1 But U'ren is convinced tomorrow's strike will go ahead as planned THE YANG di-Pertuan Agong and Prince Norodom Sihanouk at Kuala Lumpur airport yesterday. Straits Times picture. MR. ITREN
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  • 255 1 VIC NAYAGAM. By Thursday RAILWAY union leaders will meet here tomorrow for strike decision. The strike, called by the 14,000 strong Railwaymen's Union of Malaya, is due to begin at midnight on Saturday. Telegrams have been sent out to all 41 RUM executive council members to attend tomorrow's
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  • 863 1 rebels SINGAPORE. Thursday A MESSAGE, dropped in a bottle into the Limbang River, led a party of 20 Sarawak Rangers to a rebel hideout near Danau, British Army authorities here said today. In an armed assault on the hideout an Isolated house In the jungle one
    Reuter; UPI  -  863 words
  • 555 1  - Thousands wave to the Royal visitors AUSTEN ZECHA: by KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday MORE than 10,000 people were at the airport and approach roads to welcome the Cambodian Head of State, Prince Norodom Sihanouk, and Madame Sihanouk, when they arrived this morning for a State visit. An hour before the arrival
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  • 22 1 KIM. A LUMPUR. Thurs. After a 13-day debate, the House of Representatives tonight passed next year's estimates totalling 51.08*.--768.2%.
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  • 29 1 LONDON. Thurs.— Prince Micheal of Kent. 20-year-old cousin of Queen Elizabeth, became an army officer today after a passineout parade from Royal Military academy at Sandhurst. Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 465 1 'Special duty' man Meadows to work in Brunei SINGAPORE, Thurs. Former Chairman of the Rural Board in Singapore, Mr. P.H. Meadows, is now In Brunei assisting the High Commissioner, Sir Dennis White. He left Singapore for Brunei two days ago, after he had agreed to a request to help in
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  • 27 1 ROAD DEATH MM.iAPORt. I Motor-ryc1>>» Out Stngr. 29, Mini earl rl»y )tt collision with rmil di\idcr Drir the of Kimpon? B-jhru R and Blair RojH
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 128 1 High Class Diamond LADIES' WRIST WATCHES in 1 8 CT WHITE OR YELLOW GOLD G. C. DE SUVA BROS. MANUFACTURING JEWELLERS. 3. RAFFLES PLACE. SINGAPORE!. TEL: *****. Tolley's TST Brandy Competition 3 $8280!!!! I in cash prizes! I I plus 153 bonus prizes! of /ourold favouritejJlff Brandy! the exciting new
      128 words
    • 153 1 The choice of the world's most famous men "■•I A GOLD ROLEX 'DATE-JUST' w \fl m\Q M ~iE^l The rich. gold, water* y 'IM F roo c( Oyster cos* '\\'-J? I protects the inecniou* S l&K J IIV J? W M Rolex Perpetual "rotor* Bfeifc'' fyf^™ telf-windinc Chrono* Hk X
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    • 273 2 'Treachery' cry as Nyasaland gets quit go-ahead I ONDON. Thurs. Bri- tain has accepted in principle Nyasaland's right to quit the Rhodesian Federation. Mr. R. A. Butler, Minister for Central African Affairs, announced in the House of Commons here yesterday. Sir Roy Welcnsky. Federal Prime Minister, announcins this simultaneously in
      Reuter  -  273 words
    • 428 2 \ASSAU, Thurs.President Kennedy and Prime Minister Mac millan, alter a lengthy discussion of the AngloAmerican conflict over the Skybolt missile, last night decided to extend their summit conference an extra day. After a meeting which went from morning to evening with only
      UPI  -  428 words
    • 61 2 33 die in Viscount crash WARSAW, Thurs A Polish Airlines Viscount airliner, carrying 33 people crashed and exploded last night during a landing attempt at Okecie airport. All the 28 passengers and the crew of five were killed. The plane, en route here from Brussels via East Berlin, hit the
      UPI  -  61 words
    • 104 2 rOBLENZ (Germany), Thurs— A Polish Jew. walking to his death in a Nazi mass execution, turned and slapped S.S. Capt. Jacob Oswa'd as a final gesture of defiance, a war crime court was told today. The Jew was promptly shot, a witness, Josef Skowronek. told
      UP  -  104 words
    • 157 2 LONDON, Thurs. A Methodist church in Leicester displayed a Nativity scene triay in which Joseph, lviary and the Christ child are shown as Negroes. The three Wise Men are shown as an American, a Russian and a Nigerian. THE AMERICAN. Stepping from a fur-lined
      UPI  -  157 words
    • 35 2 HONO KONO, Thurs.—China last night issued her 223 rd serious warning against what a Peking Foreign Ministry spokesman described as "a military provocation" by a United States warship oft the China coast—UPI.
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    • 34 2 LONDON. Thurs. A Soviet patrol boat has boarded and towed into port a schooner which entered Soviet territorial waters near the Kurile Islands north of Japan, Moscow Radio reported todaly. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 400 2 JAKARTA SETS A MAY 1 DEADLINE JAKARTA, Thurs. PRESIDENT Soekarno said yesterday h« had never cancelled his "People's Command" of last year ordering the Indonesian people to prepare for general mobilisation and invasion of Dutch-held West New Guinea (West Irian). Addressing an open-air
      Reuter  -  400 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 238 2 EVERYONE OF THESE VAUXHALLS WON A MEDAL AT THE LONDON MOTOR SHOW HHEBH|H|^HHH^|HH|BBHfIBH^HHH|||^H^HHHH|HHHHH^HB^^HHH^H^^HB^BHBP^HHHfIMHIH^I| Five Vauxhalls at the 1962 Motor Show «H ?^^C^^*^^pf^^|f^r tK^^BJ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ were awarded gold or silver medals in 9FJf BtH^v the tt^chwork competition organised by A'fo* **k W^ 1 Wm the Institute of British Carriage and nit* W
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 71 3 TOKYO. Thurs— Red Chinese writers met in Peking yesterday to pay tribute to two famous British and American writers, Peking Radio said today. The meeting was held to commemorate the 150 th anniversary of the birth of British novelist Charles Dickens and the 100 th anniversary
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    • 59 3 COLOMBO, Thurs. It will be a bleak Christmas for Ceylonese this year, according to shopkeepers. They say that most of the good things which make for Christmas cheer are out of slock, and particularly those needed most for the cake "Whatever is available, is only half
      Reuter  -  59 words
    • 332 3 UN rejects Russians' secretariat troika plan UNITED NATIONS, Thursday. General Assembly yesterday rejected Russia's "troika" demand and agreed that the Secretary-General, U Thant, should have reasonable freedom in choosing his secretariat staff. The Assembly voted 79-11 with two abstentions to approve a resolution giving guidance to the Sec-retary-General for obtaining
      UPI  -  332 words
    • 50 3 HONO KONO. Thurs.—Communist China yesterday released at Dirang Osong. in the Tibetan region, another group of 368 Indian Army personnel captured during the recent Slno-Indian border fighting According to the New China news agency, the Chinese also delivered to the Indian side 11 bodies. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  50 words
    • 150 3 Special UN meeting on financial crisis TTNITED NAT lONS, Thurs. The General Assembly's budgetary committee yesterday agreed to a firepower draft resolution to call a special session of the assembly next spring to resolve the world body's financial crisis. After the Soviet Union voiced objections and declared it would abstain,
      Reuter  -  150 words
    • 86 3 LONDON, Thurs>— Television and movie actor John Dillon announced yesterday he is giving up his career to work without pay among 500,000 starving refugees in western Algeria. Dillon, 29, who appeared in the film El Cld, said he would work with the International Voluntary Services
      UPI  -  86 words
      • 85 3 rvAKAR, Thurs.— PresiU dent Leopold Senghor sealed his victory in Senegal's bloodless political showdown by presenting a new government to the Assembly with himself at its head. Tuesday's unanimous Assembly vote merged the jobs of premier and president The new govern- ment will hold office
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      • 101 3 'Co-operation Year' NEW YORK. Thurs. The U.N General Assembly authorised a 12-nation committee to study the advisability of designating 1965 20th anniversary of the United Nations as "International Co-operation Year." was signed for more U.B. Peace Corps volunteers to work in Ghana. ROME: Italian dockers began a 48-hour strike. BANGKOK:
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    • 127 3 pAIRO, Thurs. Cairo newspapers today gave banner headlines to United States recognition of the Yemeni Republican Government. In CANBERRA, the Australian Prime Minister. Mr Robert Menzles; announced that Australia had granted recognition to the Yemen Arab Republic. Mr. Menzles has sent a message to this
      Reuter; UPI  -  127 words
    • 103 3 HELLO GIKL MIO FINDS NEW HUSBAND ADELAIDE, Thurs. Japanese "mall order" bride Mlo Isawa. who arrived here on Nov. 16 was married yesterday but not to the man who had "ordered" her. Mlo a Tokyo telephone operator answered an advertisement In a newspaper from Valentine Petrenko. an Adelaide widower. They
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    • 202 3 UN approval of Aussie trust territories YEW YORK, Thurs.— 11 The United Nations trusteeship committee yesterday approved a report of the Trusteeship Council taking a largely favourable view of the Australian-run territories of Nauru and New Guinea. It thus concluded its work for the session. The vote on a Brazilian
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    • 119 3 POINT MUGU (California). Thurs.— A Nike Zeus 'killer" anti-missile missile, the West's only weapon against an enemy rockft attack, was again test-fired successfully yesterday, armed with simulated nuclear warhead in Its nose cone. The Army said the engines of all three missile stages ignited as scheduled.
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    • 70 3 WASHINGTON. Thurs. Ariel Britain's first earth satellite, i showing signs of trouble and somi of its Instruments are not work lne well an American Spaci Agency official said today. Aerial was launched by a Unit ed States rocket from Cape Ca naveral on April 26 and
      Reuter  -  70 words
    • 36 3 UNITED NATIONS, Thurs. The U.N. economic and social council has rejected an AfroAsian bid supported by the Soviet bloc members to eject South Africa and Portugal from the economic commission for Africa. —Reuter.
      Reuter  -  36 words
    • 150 3 LONDON, Thurs. Gloria Sayer (abovt one of the 15-year-ol hole in the hear twins, has tc her home from hospital. Her operation a month ago to mend a gap has been a success. i But Gloria, who throughout her life has always shared
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 118 3 GOOD COMPANIONS "_T- .l^V^ta^l ■■>«■ J vOGMIIfffTT X^Pi^^^^^^^^^^r^^^ iw per ao We've hundreds thousands of shirts ond fies, And, if you aim at a reol surprise. We've dressing gowns, links and studs or pins. We've reolly got so many things; We just don't know quite where to start. Why not
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    • 255 3 Shoppers Paradise, with gay night V| j life, superb food and 398 square I miles ot amazing "colour film" B scenery. t^ I Climate is variable but September to j December is usually delichtfuily sunny, fl dry and cool. December-February: rather cool to chills so take your woollies' March-April: pleasantly
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  • 101 4 HE HELPED POLICE CATCH A THIEF SINGAPORE, Thurs. A Form Three student of the Gan Eng Seng School. Santana Krishnan. 17 (above) was commended by the Commissioner of Polire today for helping to identify a snatch thief. Santana was outside his home in Cantonment Road on Sept. iii when he
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  • 450 4 SINGAPORE. Thurs TU-IH Singapore (ioveminent luis provided schools lor 24 per cent off the total p o p illation and houses for 17 per cent of the population, revealed the chairman off Singapore's Housing and Development Board, Mr. Lim Kirn San, today
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  • 55 4 SINOAPORE. Thurs. The management of T. Kishen and Company of High Street are anxious to contact a Chinese woman who left her handbag on the counter after shopping in the store four days ago. She should get in touch with the company's managing director, Mr.
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  • 131 4 'Bubbles' here to study fall-out Singapore, Thurs. 3 Sister Enid "Bubbles" Trigg (above) a state-registered nurse in Britain is now in Singapore on a factfinding mission to study radioactive fall-out and muscular atrophy in polio. She has collected samples of rainwater in Singapore and has sent them back to Britain.
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  • 244 4 SINGAPORE, Thurs. The Amalgamated Union of Public Employees today offered *1,000 to charity if the rival Singapore Business Houses Employees' Union could prove its claim that a majority of members of the AUPE's Telephone Board branch had switched over to it. The deputy general secretary
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  • 221 4 SINGAPORE, Thursday. LIM KIM POH, 20, found with a gunshot wound six months after a rioting incident was acquitted today at his resumed trial in a magistrate's court. He had pleaded not guilty to a charge of armed rioting at Tiong Bahru Road
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  • 34 4 SINGAPORE. Thurs. The VS.IS. Library and the U. 8.1.5. motion picture service in Armenian Street and Loke Yew Street, will be closed on Dec. 24 and 25 for the Christmas holiday.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 304 4 5 Shows at I^P^UT SINGAPORE SIMULTANEOUSLY 5 Shows ot 0.V30 KtA OPENS TODAY bK I 5 COLUMBIA Pictures p-esents JULES VINE'S MOST FANTASTIC STORY for CHRISTMAS! P^j/^^H B^^B ■H^^'lHiiifl^ m£ ,^m%^^m%%\\ m%%Wm&^m%%%%Wh in SUPERD YN AMATION EASTM ANCOLOR Michael CRAIG -Joan GREENWOOD 'MichaeI CALLAN 'Gary MERRlLL 'Herbert LOM I llir
      304 words
    • 64 4 TODAY f SPECIAL LUNCHEON I HOT OR COLD f CONSOMMI 1 I or FISH VEGtTABLf i RUSSIAN^SH PIRO i M Steamed Pototott JK m Orange Jelly 7 Assorted Cheese rarnnnnnn i/^Li 2NO BIC I'ffln.fl^lHlU HumJ WEEK! INDIA'S NOMINEE AT VARIOUS INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVALS! M4O* Todnr 1 J00Tj0.700.».30 pm James Srewort
      64 words
    • 348 4 OPENS rADITAI FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS ■TOMORROW VMrIIUL A HAPPY NEW Yttllfi fc f*\ %mm mm SWINGING! Vf^fn >.\ MIRISCH COMPANY |l J^if t LVlh \l Pnesiev: WJLOR m If^k^k) song hits S OTNb LOLA ALBRIGHTjo^BLACKMAN charlesE ON ■Q Rfin RCA-VICTOR 45rpm RECORDS vOywUU GIVEN AWAY FREE during season BY
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    • 516 4 f "SHAW 4 VOriißDlaklioiil II J Phone 2^\4 NOW SHOWING" I llom-1.30. 4.00, 4 30, t.9Mpm. For XMAS NEW YEAR JOY! Mtrwo OOU3WW mßr-iwwi^-. m I (r'bQßis:BTDND<:JiMMv;Msraa-^ i (NO FUEE LIST). g LAST HAY!!! J^ 11am 1.30 4.00 6.30 4 9. JOpm "NO MAN is an ISLAND" I Jeffrey Hunter
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 305 5 YAWATA IRON STEEL CO., LTD. presents "CREATION OF NEW WEALTH" a documentary film in colour 1961 Grand Award Winner of International Film Festival. r j|ra| .Bfßf^Vpajfl Paft 'iM L I Aig^^f fl B^SHH^^ B^L BBi? B^^K^h '^^tra J^ki /AJm ||P»t!SbJ HKlli^wl BbblblbhS i m ar Bk^^A^^bVHlS^B9Cb3MC_» fIPSB^^^^B^B^B^B^B^^BK W^KS&Ht) itt Am
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  • 53 6 CAMBODIA'S First Lady, Madame Sihanouk, receives a bouquet of flowers from Mazita, six-year-old daughter of the Minister of Agriculture and Co-operatives, Inche Mohamed Khir Johari, at Kuala Lumpur airport yesterday. On the right is Mariam, daughter of Tengku Abdul Rahman. Looking on, smiling, is the
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  • 492 6 Malaya s royal guests: First day's pictures ~The programme for the state visit the state drive from Kuala Lumpur airport to the Istana Negara yesterday morning, Prince Norodom Sihanouk and Madame Sihanouk retired to their pc n t ho use suite at the Hotel Merlin, where they lunched privately. At
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 174 6 Kodak SOUND RECORDING TAPE unexcelled fidelity iki /jo%\ in Singapore Photo Company Ltd, Wah Heng Co., ltd. j \Xv^^—^^Vyy 17/J9, Hi|h Street. »5, North Bridge Road, ~7 v Ij^^l S ML Singapore. Singapore. ■^^B^l ><^S^^S. W S lyon Photo Company, C R o d (Penang) Ltd K^fl /f((ulBfl))) M^Kll I
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 191 7 Satnam's Cheap Sale Is Now On! Carpets At Lowest Bargains Now is this year's LAST CHANCE for you to buy the BEST CARPETS at rock bottom prices. BELGIUM COTTON RUGS in a variety of beautiful designs: 12ft. x 9ft. $75. 9ft. x 6ft. $35. 6ft. x 4ft. $18. sft. x
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    • 206 7 International Jet Captain. New York to London— 3,500 miles in 62 hours. One hundred and forty passengers— crew of twelve— a five million dollar aircraft. A highly responsible job. A successful man. And his cigarette— the cigarette of i^^^^^^^^H^Byi <- h Ail U '■■Hi KING SIZE m^ L^^mi FILTER KINGS
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  • 311 8 ADVERTISERS' ANNOUNCEMENT WE have come a long T way, you and I. We have lived nearly two vpars toppth«»r in this years logemer in mis shopping column. We have talked about babies together, studied the problems of marriage together. We have had fun ownparing the idk*yncracfc» of our
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  • 697 8 nr*HE first Christmas you 1 spend, together is very, very special. It will most prooably be the only Christmas you nave witn ]u,st the two of you for a long long time. By this season next year you will most probably nave a
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  • 314 8 (CHRISTMAS is entirely too commercial these days. The practice everywhere seems to be... walk into the first shop, buy the biggest and most expensive thing you see and then send it. It doesn't seem to mat ti-r whether the person will like this pretentious jift
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  • 296 8 EVERY GIRLS DREAM COME TRUE EVERY woman's dream come true is Haute Couture the perfect gift at Christmas or any time What is Haute Couture? As its name suggest, Haute Couture by Favre Leuba is a high fashion watch that was made for the woman who wants and deserves the
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  • 636 8 JUST a few days more and it will be Christmas. I can't begin to tell you of the excitement in our house. Each time Bill and I come home from the office loaded down with parcels, the kids' eyes grow as big as saucers. Every
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  • 98 8 LIBRARY SCHOOL GRADUATES TWO librarians from the Singapore National Library —Miss Kee Yeh Slew and Mr. Chan Thye Seng were among the graduates of the New Zealand Library School's 1962 professional course. They received diplomas from the Minister of Education, Mr. W. B. Tennent, at a ceremony at the Alexander
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  • 199 8 KUALA LUMUPR, Thurs. Mr. P. P. Narayanan, the Asian region president of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, said today that 1963 would be a momentous year, particularly for the workers. He said In a New Year message to workers In the region that
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  • 127 8 All set for Yoke Heong to return ITUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Arrangements are being made for armless schoolgirl Lai Yoke Heong to return to Malaya next month. Yoke Heong, who lost her arms in a motor accident here in March, has had artificial arms fitted at the Roehampton Artificial Limb Centre,
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  • 233 8 E. COAST FLOODS STRAND HOLIDAY MAKERS ITUALA TRENGGANU, 1V Thurs. Kelantan and north Trengganu were today cut off by road from the rest of the country as a result of the closure of the ferny across the Dungun River, which has been swollen by heavy monsoon rains. Hotels at Dungun.
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  • 70 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs.— A lecturer at the Muslim College, Klang. Inche Nile Muhammad Mohyideen. has been awarded a travel grant by the U.S. State Department to tour the United States. Inche Nik Muhammad. 36. who was born in Kota Bharu. graduated from Al-Azhar Unl Cairo,
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  • 39 8 PENANG, Thurs.— One case ot polio was reported here last month. Official statistics issued today show 894 births in November against 179 deaths. Sixty-one new cases of tuberculosis were notified during the month.
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  • 51 8 SINGAPORE, Thurs. Officers and men of the Orchard Road police station will hold a Christmas party for 230 children from community centres in the "A" division at 2.30 p.m. tomorrow in the Great World Amu.s«ment Park. The Commissioner of Police. Mr. A. E. O. Blades, will be
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 573 8 aOO Jazz ala combo; 9.30 Time rice; 12.00 Mid-day sertfi&de. RADIO MALAYA signal, news; 9.40 Newstalk/ P.M.: 12.30 Friday (are: 1.30 mmm Interlude; 9.46 Nusantara melo- The news; 1.40 Perry Como NATIONAL SHORTWAVE les: 10.00 Old time favourites: sings; 2.00 Portrait of Jennifer; SERVICE 10.30 For bachelors only; 11.00 2.15
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  • 2020 9 The gift machine for one really affluent Russia's new men get a brave new image... THE NEW TYCOONS OF SOVIETAGRICULTURE AND INDUSTRY from MARK FRANKLAND MOSCOW, Thurs YORK Ttaurs I New Yorkers' have found a painless way to do their Christmas shopping. It dispenses with the agony of list-making and
    OFNS  -  2,020 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 138 9 NEW Tiei hj WemLley Even the most particular man will be delighted with our vast Fall collection subtie stnpings. handsome panels, all-over patterns and smart underKnots, all designed to partner Fall's newest clothing. Your choice is easier, thanks to Wembley's Color Guide* that tells the right tie to wear with
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  • 168 11 Rape confirmed in jungle murder case IPOH, Thurs.— A post 1 mortem has confirmed that pretty tapper Miss Ngai Lin Ching, 20. was raped before she was strangled. Miss Ngal's body was found in blukar about 50 feet from the main road halfway between Parit and Kuala Kangar on Tuesday
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  • 49 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Mr. R..i/. Piracha, nrst secretary of the Pakistan High CommisMon here, will be transferred to Hong Kong in January as Pakistan Representative there. He will leave with his family on Jan. 6 for a holiday in Pakistan before going to Hong Kong.
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  • 66 11 DANGKOK, Thurs. Police reported yes- terday six people in Betong in the southern province of Yala have been detained as suspected agents for Communist terrorists in the Thai-Malayan jungles. The arrests were the result of investigations following a clash last week between a Thai border
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 226 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. MR- G. F. Brickenden, 43, a television expert from Canada, will arrive here next month to help the Federation Government establish a television service. He was one of two Canadian experts who came to Malaya in September to make recommendation
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  • 42 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Tai E alias Tek Ens Khen. 35. manager of Soon Sens and Company. Malay Street, was fined $250 here today for importing 102 drums of sodium hydroxide < caustic soda; worth about $7,000 without authority. He plraded I
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  • 105 11 AN ALL-GIRL TEAM TO BRING CULTURE KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. An all-girl Japanese dancing team comes here next month "to promote Japanese culture and dancing." The Nichigeki dancing team will perlorm at the Pavilion Theatre here on Jan. 16 and Jan. 17 under the sponsorship of the Federation Arts Council. A
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  • 69 11 PENANG. Thurs. The Minis- ter of Health Inche Abdul Rah- man bin Haji Tulib. will not be, abie to attend thr graduation cc- remony of the Federation School of Nursing to be held here next Monday. Wm Ding Line Sing, sister tutor in charge of
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  • 48 11 SINGAPORE. Thurs— Thr secretary-general or the Singapore Party Rakyat. Inche M N. Yahya. has resigned from his post, reportedly over policy differences. The party's chairman. Inche Wahab Shah, said the resignation had been accepted by the executive committee. Inche Yahya was not available for comment.
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  • 178 11 Crew of ship on reef saved OINGAPORE, Thurs. •3 The Royal Australian navy frigs. .c Quiberon has rescued part of the crew of the 10,000-ton Tuscany, trapped on Ladd Reef in the j stormy South China Sea since Dec. 1. and also delivered food supplies to those remaining I on
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  • 22 11 PENANG. Thurs— New fluor scent lamps in snrmah Road, from Penang Road to Panskor Road, were switched on tonight.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 248 11 ADELPHI GRILL S NELLO TURCHETTI and his Famous Italian Show Band |2* ALITALIA airlines to give you outstanding entertainment. !w OPENING GALA J?V iW $p«et«l Italian (?§>s. Js^ Dimicr $12/- >»w f^X^r^L jff itr^»Tn"c.°rf. v^TJ^i^A V s i^^^l^ 5$ 2*rh Dec. GALA DINNER ft tAl< ft X'MAS EVi SIS/. PER
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    • 321 11 3 steps mEm TO BEAUTY If r J' POWDtR BASE (Hr Sol* Agents: WING ON CO., 7J-75. SOUIH BRIOGE RD SPORt Those who really core for elegance ond comfort always insist on CROCODILE BRAND SHIRTS 65^ Tarion 1 35^ Cotton Collars ore always pcrfeo* Tarion docs not turn yellow, sh
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 315 11 Straits Times Crossword IH mM 111 Hi ißi^ b^l HH RBI HB~"iB^^l"~'""^^ i ACROSS out a tall, somewhat in de1. Near.s horrid building in mand (6). Waies (11). 7. Sufficient reason to get rope 8. On retiring, peasant appears used in camping? (Hi. to steal about overhead (4). 9. Try
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  • 56 12 M ITereis ill I Him.mmm, CMSONO. AH PENC- LM am. ■Wedswwli-. 011 F infrnl l»«vin» IJC Boon T'obc Road at 10.00 a.m. on Hundav for P«k Ran Teog OmmUty Tfte family wlehes to thank Uoctors msten, Num>-ii »nd man* of Wavd 218 fnr their ifn kind Hwlatanee daring trie
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  • 16 12 ACKNOWLEDGMENT 7" Sl* iV.nimmmi TMC rAMILY OP Mr NO ssaisa kfenoa. Tpoh thank relatives, fnend-
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  • £hc§trnit.«s (Limes Friday, December 21, 1962. Fog On The Line
    • 776 12 Last mylit there \\;is fog on the line. The railwaymen's •strike notice still stood, overtime was still banned and the i Saturday midnight deadline looked very ne;n. Strike instructions have gone out to [all union brandies, with the emphasis on orderly behaviour. The court of inquiry
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    • 314 12 Inche Khir Johari has reminded Malayans once more that agriculture is the mainstay of the Malayan economy and that diversification and modernisation are the watchwords. The new note in the old song is his announcement that the Government expects shortly to receive the report oi the Ford Foundation
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    • 193 12 Malaya is anti-Communist; Cambodia is non aligned. From this difference many others flow. Both countries, however, hold their beliefs honestly and have governments which enjoy overwhelming popular support. This provides a basic for mutual respect and opens the way for what Prince Sihanouk has called "extraideological co-operation'". The
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  • 1250 12 The steady decline of Communism in the West by A SPECIAL WRITER Three million supporters have been lost to the party singe the war THE Communist parties outside the Soviet bloc have lost nearly three mi I lion supporters since th© end of the second world war. Approximately 1.750.--000 paid-up
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    • 133 12 ANOTHER London firm has published the story of Islam with an Imagined picture of Prophet Mohammed in one of their weekly magazines. There is no real portrait of the Prophet in the world. The story of Islam, in this magazine, is not told without mistake. This is
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    • 84 12 QOME people obviously think they have reached the peak of civilisation because they have been to England (at Government expense) so a s to be better equipped to teach and to look down upon a part of their own motherland. On the East Coast there are no head-hunters,
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    • 212 12 T CAN understand now why car insurance companies in this country are running at a loss and had to Increase their premiums. Early this year my car had the misfortune to go into a skid on a rainy day. It landed in a ditch. Apart from some scratches
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  • 345 12 New path for Africa's newest republic J).\R -ES -SALAA.M. lhurv— Tancanyika. now a republic exactly one war after winnine ils irulrpendencc from Britain. promises to make some significant chances. In spite of a vigorous policy of Africanisation. only 38 per cent of (he senior "and middle-grade Civil Service posts are
    345 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 743 12 Straits Times Malay Mail Classified edveMitemente an> ke handed t*r. let Hoof cold sroatai a«cao« Orchard Road COLD gTORAaI MANCHM AT HOLLAND HOAO— «ATO»>SI K»P>*>a?|_ SfOAD— NAVAL BASt Authorised Agents CITY BOOK 1TO»I LTB Winchester Home Collyer Qoay THE NfWI FRONT 'Ittpatraca's Supermarket M M. ISMAIL 3 Admiralty Road. Navsl
      743 words
    • 99 12 THE RISE OF THE ROTHSCHILDS Mayer A m s c h e 1 Rothschild was a poor Jewish orphan in Frankfurt, Germany, in the 18th century. He had five sons, all financial geniuses, who conquered the world more thoroughly and more lastingly than did the dynasty of Caesars. I redero
      99 words
    • 104 12 tiiiiicaiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiiiin3iiiiiiiiiniciiiiiiitiiiiin"iiiiMniic3iiiiiiiiiiia Ig- NEW %l II REDUCED PRICESfi i^if»ira»>^^ 1 g l^jjs^js^sjsjSjsjajsjgaMsßSsWsJ ■■■KMflßeMiaiamMHN All round reduction Lower down poyment with following imlolmonti j reduced as low os $15/- monthly! I Elegant furniture of all designs, including your j own designs W r niRNiTURE dept. j R JAAs&AAmAsAsBs^sW. ■4B UNUAr-OKt-KUALA LUMPUB-f INAM
      104 words

  • 117 13 JOHORi: BAIIRI. ThnrvPropnscd expenditure of next yeir to buy a new Rolls- Rover for thr Sultan of johore was queried by Mr. Lee Ah Lens (Socialist Front) at the Johorr Legislative A% sembly's continued budget meeting today. Mr. Lee asked why the Snltan
    117 words
  • 44 13 SINGAPORE. Thurs BabCOCk and Wilcox Ltd., boiiermakers. have signed an agreement with the Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workers' Union, representing its srven employees. Under the agreement, thr workers will pet salary inertbetween S2O and ?4.> retrosoecMvr tiom Aua. 1
    44 words
  • 39 13 SINGAPORE. Thurs. A writ has been filed in the High Court Registry on behalf of Ban Hin Lee Bank Ltd. claiming 1195,296.38 from Eastern Amusement Park Ltd. The writ whs taken out by Messrs Donaldson and Burkinshaw.
    39 words
  • 41 13 SINGAPORE. Thurs.— Terence Rodrigues. a bank clerk, pleaded not guilty today to a summons charge of causing hurt to Vincent Armstrong, a colleague. In Orchard Road on Dec. 7 The case will be lienrd on Jan 31
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  • 332 13 HOSPITAL SPECIALIST APPEALS TO GOVT TO SET UP A MATERNITY HOME FOR THE UNWED jy|R. LEAN TYE HIN, consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist at the Kandang Kerbau Maternity Hospital, today strongly urged the Singapore Government to set up a special maternity home for unwed mothers-to-be in
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  • 315 13 BAR GIRL TELLS OF AN ABORTIONIST, THEN DIES I7IVE hours before she died on the operating table at the Kandang Kerbau Maternity Hospital, a bar waitress. Llm Ah Choo, 21. i told police that a woman I called "Missy" had performed an abortion on her. Her statement to the police
    315 words
  • 81 13 Raja Uda and family end visit to S'pore SINGAPORE. Thurs, The Governor of Penang, Raja Tun Uda. and his wife. Tengku Puan Nor Sa'adah. and their three children left here by train tonight for Kuala Lumpur after a three-day private visit. Just before their departure, they attended a dinner In
    81 words
  • 126 13 WOMAN ON $150 THEFT CHARGE IS ACQUITTED SINGAPORE, Thurs. Elisabeth Fletcher Moir, wife of a serviceman, was today acquitted. without her defence bring called, on a charge of stealing $150 from Mrs. W. E. M. Brown. a school teacher. Mr. Donald Yeo Hock Chwee. the magistrate, said that though there
    126 words
  • 38 13 TELUK AKSON. Thurs.— An aborigine. Banurt. 43, died two hour* after he was bitten on the leg by a snake in the compound of his house at Changkat Plring, 15 miles from here yesterday.
    38 words
  • 110 13 SINGAPORE, Thurs.— Five men appeared in a Singapore Court today in a case connected with the Customs' seizure of about 3,000 lb. of raw opium from a Singapore-registered fishing vessel in Federation waters yesterday. Charged with Importing the opium were Ong Kok Choy.
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  • 62 13 JOHORE BAHRU. Thurv A Government pensioner. Inclio Hu yonsr bin Auanß, 66. died In ihe General Hospital here tliis morning after his bicycle war; lnvolvod in a collision with a lorry outside the Overseas Chinese Bank buildIng at Jalan Sepßpt. D. Lachumi was Injured ttiit afternoon
    62 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 178 13 THE BEST CAMERAS FOR BEST PICTURES YASHICA FEATURES FEATURES Roior sharp 4 rltwtnt 10mm Built -in Expotur* M*t«r and »el» tlnwr Voshinon »3.S l«n» Mlor fh-r> 4 etom#Bt so mm Yo«h»i»o« Fully automatic 4-hi 1 OM'atiMM UJ lam. Fully automatic 4-hi 1 one turn ot crank transport* film, oporotioiw ono
      178 words
    • 6 13 RADIO, TIDES in Page 8 today
      6 words
    • 101 13 **wKB y STORE VJKv LIILL7L V>^ h^WJF illCCfcC f ALL IN THE k SAME DISH >^ ;w*^r IN ovenware FOR LUXURY IN RANGE TOPcOOKING: CORNING (shortly Corning ware will arrive at C.X.TANG (S) LTD., and all leading PYREX dealers.) THE CORNING V WARE OUARANTK J^ B»V <=>; Corning Glass Works,
      101 words

  • 55 14 ORINCESS Norodom Bopha Dcvi (standing) gave an exquisite ballet performance Cambodian style on Wednesday night. The occasion A reception in Raffles Hotel given by her father. Prince Norodom Sihanouk. It brought to an end the three-da,v Singapore visit by the Cambodian Head of State. Straits
    Ali Yusof  -  55 words
  • 94 14 1950 THEFT CASE 'RECORDS LOST' KLANG. Thurs. A man accused of stealing two tons of rubber was discharged in the Sessions Court today after it was said the police had lost all records of his case. Heng Thuang Yong, GO. a fisherman, had pleaded not guilty to stealing the rubber
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  • 20 14 TELUK ANSON. Thurs.— The official opening of the new $70,000 Town Council will be held on Jan. 12.
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  • 226 14 RIVER FERRY CAPSIZES: BOY DROWNS, TWO MISSING KUALA KANGSAR, Thursday. A BOY of five was drowned and another boy and a girl are feared to have drowned when a ferry boat with 14 aboard overturned in the Perak River, about 16 miles downstream from here. The dead boy is Salam
    226 words
  • 36 14 I BANGKOK. Thurs. The fli nance Ministry is considering ap--1 plications from two Malayan banks to open branches here. The banks i are the United Malayan Banking I Corporation and Malayan Banking Ltd.— Reut«r
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 132 14 Christmas doll out of the blue for Azizan PENANG, Thurs.— A doll from Tasmania has brought Christmas cheer to three-year-old Azizan binte Shaik Daud, daughter of a messenger at RAAF Butterworth. Miss F. M. Woodfleld. 83. of Longford, Tasmania, last month sent some stamps to the RAAF fighter base at
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  • 79 14 SINGAPORE. Thurs. A gold medal offered by the Singapore Chamber of Commerce for distinction In English In the London Chamber of Commerce examination has ftnallv been won after 11 years. The name of the go i d medalist, along with 21 other prize winners In commercial
    79 words
  • 67 14 SINGAPORE. Thurs.— Four robbers armed with daggers surprised a sleeping family of five in their flat in Hock Lam Street early today. They tied up Ow-yong Wing Hong, 19, his mother, brother and two sisters, and covered them with blankkets They ransacked the flat and stole
    67 words
  • 271 14 Up goes the estimated postal revenue |{UALA LUMPUR, 1V Thurs. The estimated revenue for the postal services in 1963 is $19.6 million $1.5 million more than this year, the Minister of Works. Posts and Telecommunications. Dato V. T. Sambanthan, said today. Speaking In the House of Representatives, he added that
    271 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 186 14 Jfl^H^^ Toys that will be a thrill to own this Christmas S WfW jut 17 r* c* 2k "M O W' «Hl^^^ Here's loads of fun for girls and boys of all ages. For young engineers and architects, there are hours of endless joy with ra» JM toys that are
      186 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous

  • Johore promise fast, open rugger
    • 211 15 SINGAPORE, Thursday. JOHORE Asians, with their speed and experience, should beat Singapore Asians in their All Blues Cup match on the padang on Saturday, but they will be made to fight hard for victory. Singapore this year are not a.s strong and experienced a.s in
      211 words
    • 120 15 Trueman fit, takes four for nine FRT LINCOLN. Thurs. MCC completed a ten-wicket victory against a South Australian Country XI here today in three hours MCC dismissed their opponents a few minutes after lunch for 55 and Peter Parfltt (21) nnd David Sheppard (35> scored 56 without being separated in
      Reuter  -  120 words
    • 561 15  -  LEE FOO SAN: PENANG REACH FINAL By IPOH. Thursday SELANGOR ROUT KEDAH 9-0 pENANG beat Perak 6-3 in the zone semifinal of the Foong Seong Cup competition here tonight and will meet Selangor, 9-0 winners over Kedah in the other semi-final, in
      561 words
    • 101 15 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs.—Penang women gained a decisive 4-1 margin over Singapore womrn in the Heah Joo Seang Cup intrr-zone badminton flnal at the SBA Hall here tonight. Penang will now challenge holders Selangor for the Cup on Saturday. Scores: (Penang mentioned first > Singles: Tan Gaik Bee
      101 words
    • Chinese tighten grip on title
      • 230 15 CHINESE 3 MALAYS 1 Singapore Thurs. rpiTLE-CHASING Chinese put themselves very x much in line to win the S. A. PA. Premier League title after this 3-1 victory for which they did not have to fight hard. The disorganised Malay defence virtually gave the match
        230 words
      • 126 15 OINGAPORE. Thurs. Pi?e O Stales— Singapore. Selangor. Perak. Pcnang and Ncgri Swnbilaji—will compete In the Malayan Sikh.s hockey tournament which will start here on Sunday. The tournament will be played over three days at Thomson Road and will end with a North v South match on Tuesday.
        126 words
    • 122 15 SPORTS SUMMARY SOCCER Klanc KO (final: Wan Yew 3 ACS Old Boys 0. Ponrrol Cop (T. Anson) L. Perak Indians Asm 4 Flemington Est 1. Friendly (Malacca): New Market 1 11 Ind. Fid. Squadron 1. HOCKEY Ipoh Div. 2: La Salllans 3 Samuel's Club 0. SEPAK RAGA JARING Friendly (K
      122 words
    • 123 15 GERMANS ACCEPT INVITE FOR KL MATCH KUALA LUMPUR. Thors. The U>st Berlin City soccer team have accepted the Football Association of Malaya's invitation to piny one match in Kuala Lumpur in January. The match will be olaved between Jan. 15 and 22. The West Germans arr a strong side. They
      123 words
    • 33 15 SINGAPORE, Thurs. Headquarters Singapore Military Forces will meet 61 Company RASC in the final of the Armed Forces liaison committee badminton tournament at the Nuffleld Hall at 7.30 p.m. on Saturday.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 178 15 you can be SURE-...if>Ts Westinghouse i^^ nBEEDIHESni \9i Slll Hl4tiß i ij Sir^_JJ Liundromat If < Cl~~~ i^ (washinj michlne) ELECTRIC OEHUMIDIFIER I Protection (or your I Home I Business II > D WATER COOLER] Provides Pun, Cold Drinkinf water utm.nii'rriiflm"! 1 FREEZER [IBSbN 1 400 lbs I^^SSI ffg~ njnp
      178 words
    • 368 15 VALUABLE GIFT r i 3 WILL BE GIVEN FREE fpVSsf^<Y% EWLT mKt K'^U SALON fc^J^ NEW JAPAM Af/||| V\! \j*yi JAPANESE SUPIRVISIOM I 7 NEW HAIR STYLING Toy» 20 cH. Shirt* 3.00 TtxtiU 0.6 C Kimonos $15.00 Bloums 1 .90 Chino Tea Set $11.50 Judo Dram 519.50 50 p«. Stoinlett
      368 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 42 15 Sport, diary MO( KKV 1POH OIV. i: Anderaonlans v Irish Hussars (upper padang): Div. 2: 2 FIB v Medicals (lower pa <1anc TAIFIXG LGE: 2 Workshop FEME v Malays (Esplanade). SOCCKK MLAR KO: Lok Hwa v Bella Ayer Hltam il Council padang).
      42 words

  • 385 16 Railway assures; Workers will benefit MEETING was called by the acting Minister of Labour, Inche V. Man i c k a vasagam on Tuesday in connection with the improved offer submitted by the Malayan Railway Administration for consideration by the Railwaymen's Union of Malaya. The meeting,
    385 words
  • 253 16 Appointment Present scale Improved scale offered by Railway Administration 1. Shunters, Asst. SBsxs 100 $95x5 110 111 $Lloxs 120 $120x5—130 II $130x5 140 $140x5—150 I $150x5—160 $165x5—175 Spl. $170x7.50—185 $185x7.50—200 Yard Foreman II $200 x 10 220 $220 x 10—240 2. Sleeping Car $102x3 108
    253 words
  • 635 16 INDUSTRIAL PEACE: BETTER PAY, WORK CONDITIONS improves under the Five Year Development Plan, the profitability of the railway will also Improve, and so enable gradual improvements in salaries, wages and conditions of service The Railway plays such a large part in the transport system of the country that any stoppage
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  • 74 16 T^HE general manA ager of the Malayan Railway, Dato Ahmad bin Perang, said today that employees of the Malayan Railway who went on strike would not be paid wages and salaries for the pe- riod during which they were on strike.
    74 words
  • 740 16 THE Railwaymen's L Union of Malaya has rejected the Railway Administration's final improved offers Dato Ahmad bin Perang, general manager of the Malayan Railway, has appealed to railwaymen to reconsider their "go slow" action. He said that he was only given less than 24 hours notice
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  • 1159 16 Railway explains case: Every effort made to meet union's demands The general manager of the Malayan Railway, Dato Ahmad bin Perang, issued the following statement in connection with the railway dispute on Dec. 8. npHE Railway AdminA istration has, throughout the negotiations and discussions, maintained silence as well as refrained
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  • 622 16 RAILWAY MAKING MONEY? AFTER meeting full working expenses, contribution to renewals, and interest and re- demption on loan funds, the Malayan Railway has shown the following accumulated deficit on its Books At the end of i 1957 $391,159 (accumulated deficits): 1958. $4,973,726: 1 $5,040,670: 1960. 52.475.775: 1961. nil: 1962. $1.--000,000
    622 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 798 17 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS UNILEVER— NORTH BORNEO Senior Overseer. Grade 1 wanted by rapidly developing oil-palm rotate in Labuk Valley near Sandakan. Applicants must be rarnlng not less than $400.- at present and must be experienced in Jungle development and oilpalm work. Up to $500. per month basic will be paid to
      798 words
    • 951 17 (Continued from Pate Is) SITUATIONS VACANT 20 Words SS (Ml*.)— Box St ets. txtra WANTED AMAH "Janet" please call at No 8, Buklt Sedan, (Spore). WANTED A SECOND grade estate clerk for an estate in Selangor. Applications to Box A 1246 8.T., K.L. WANTEO EUROPIAN SALESMEN immediately. Interview at Princess
      951 words
    • 1072 17 SITUATIONS VACANT J» Worsts U (Ml*.)— Box tt ets. txtra WANTIO Energetic and bard working Chinese or Indian lady typist with knowledge of correspondence, simple Book-keeping and General Offlce routine. Please apply Box A 4594 s.T. B'pore. PENANG MERCHANTS Require Lady Clerk. Essentials Quick and Accurate at Arithmetical Calculation* and
      1,072 words
    • 938 17 EDUCATION tt Wards SSJMl*.)—Box tt ef. txtrm 1 REGENT COMMERCIAL INSTITUTE, 66A. Cast Coast Road. 81nga- pore-15, (between Roxy ft Police Bta- i tion). Enrolment Now Open between < 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. Shorthand/ Typewriting Book-keeping Com- i merelal Correspondence Private < Secretarial Course/Stenography. POSTAL TUITION. Prepare ay*- terns
      938 words
    • 1022 17 VEHICLES FOR SALE tt Words U (Ml*.)— Bax it eU. txtra 1 WOLSELIY 1500 model 196 a Mlleige 32.000 miles. Tyres very good all I round Cost 13.500 o n.o. Ring K.L. i J9331 Ext. 212 Capt. Lopez. LATE ISM LAMBRETTA Scooter, I lew engine, excellent condition $490/- < n.o.
      1,022 words
    • 865 17 MISCELLANEOUS it Wards SS (Mim.)—Box SO ets. txtrm CORONA Announce tbe Opening of their new Toy Shop at No. 7. Nges Ann Building. Spore. CARACE SPACE REQUIRED la Holland Road/Queensway area for privateowned ear. Willing to reimburse. Apply Bos A 4603 ST. Spore AT YOUR SERVICE (Spore) :u Words SS
      865 words
    • 393 17 LADIES SHOES >• Words SS (Ml*.)— Box in ets. txtra VENUS STORE (oi Quality souea/ Handbags ot Latest OealgDS. aft 81am ford Road. S'pora. TaL 29W63 WIDE SELECTIONS ot latest shoes handnagi are obtainable at: Kiat Sboes Co.. 41/43. Stamford Road. (Spore). "ADELK** new arrivals at -»td» selections Evening material
      393 words
    • 140 17 WHERE TO STAY (Spore) it Wards SS (Ml*.)— Box St ets. txtrm HOTEL AMBASSADOR BcasM* <« Meyrr Rd. Dancing nisblly. Pb. 4730U MAVFAI I HOTEL B'por*— Rooms Atrcondl:iontd Popular Bar Court•ous Service. AIRCONOITIONED NON AIRCONDITIONED lloom: modrra'* Cbartcrs. Tiook Roa Hotel. Tel: MMX STRAND HOTEL Central mostly aircondltloDed rooms mourrn
      140 words

    • 187 18 BORER TO CUT OUTPUT COSTS ANEW machine designed to speed up work and cut costs in the furniture industry, has been developed by an Australian engineering firm, Jeffwood Bros. Ltd., of Brisbane. Called the Jeffwood double borer, it is made of cast iron p.nd embodies infinitely variable air operation for
      187 words
    • 93 18 Over 2.500 people in separate shows at the Lido Theatre on Tuesday and Wednesday saw the film Eastern Sisters screened by The Ben Line Steamers Ltd. The Him showed a voyage of the Ben loyal from London to Hong Kong through the eyes of a
      93 words
    • 66 18 The net working capital of VS. corporations, other than banks and Insurance companies, increased by L'S.SI.OOO million in the third quarter of 1962 to a total of $142,100 million, according to estimates published by the Securities and Exchange Commission. This compares with increases of $2,100 million In the
      66 words
    • 394 18 Consumption up 3* per cent TIN consumption in the U. S. is running about 3£ per cent, above the 1961 figure. In the first nine months this year, (>O,OBO tons were consumed, compared with 57,980 tons last year. Detailed figures reveal an increasing
      394 words
    • 112 18 WORLD v. c of fertilisers today is 14 times as great as at the beginning of this century —an estimated 28,500,000 metric tons in 1960/61 compared with about two million tons in 1904 05, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has announced. Increase
      112 words
    • 79 18 NEW DISTRICT MANAGER FOR AIR FRANCE MR. BERNARD PAQUIER (above), has been appointed district manager of Thai Airways International/ Air France In Singapore, Malaya and Borneo, to succeed Mr. F. Legrand who has returned to Paris for a five-month holiday prior to another appointment. Mr. Legrand had served here for
      79 words
    • 104 18 Japanese toy makers have reported that their vinyl toy designs are being pirated by makers in Hong Kong reports Japan Trade Bulletin, published by the Japan External Trade Organisation. This, protests the toy industry in Japan, is posing a threat to Japanese overseas toy markets, notably
      104 words
    • 216 18 Formosan material on market A NEW TYPE of woven A upholstery for motor cars has been introduced into the Malayan market which will enable drivers to dispense with rotan or plastic back rests and thus obtain the comfort of better ventilation. Known as "Vinyl" a woven product of Formosa, the
      216 words
    • 104 18 F)LJLOWING completion of modification work on Swissair's Convair 990 Coronado HB-ICE. test flights have shown that this fourengined jet is now the fastest and one of the world's most economical commercial airplanes. With new leading edges, additional Kruger flaps, aerodynamically Improved fairings of the
      104 words
    • 92 18 rE picture above shows Mr. Herman Goh (right) receiving a Ther-mo-Fax Century ruby pin from Mr Harold L. Broun, the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co's regional marketing manager for the Far East, for having sold 100 ThermoFax machines in Singapore in one year. The 3M
      92 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 167 18 I'nr rancr. a i tmmam s.iivoo NWII fIK^VP^9M ttaiui info«M omrtoi ■■crai t BottuciM BENVALLA /\v BENGLOE Fastest to and from Y\ Europe rfniilY BE^ZINE/J \PUSEKGER ACCOMMODATION'^// AVAILABLE BENLOYAL Xy^ISTER BUILDING JI^IOLE AGENTS: MARTON ft COMPANY LIMITED. |g "SPEEDWELL" wire ropes I M ,,^.J I Atdnufacturert MARTIN. BLACK Co. (Win
      167 words
      77 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1499 19 10 LIVERPOOL a WESI COASI U.I. uv« vim Mn< S'Kf* *afiaM MEMNSH luecpul. Glasgow Gin. 48 Dec 22 Dee 23 27 Dec 28 AJAX Atonri.outn. literpttl Die 23 Dec 28 Dtc 27/ 2 Jai 3 LAERTEI Literpeil. Glasgow uct i) lai 1 IM 4 MARON IiMIRIII 11* 3 IM I
      1,499 words
    • 1481 19 THE E. A. C. LINES- SAILINGS 10 GENOA. IE HAVU. RAMBURG, BREMEN. ANTVEBP. IOMEIIOAM AMSIEROAM. OSLO. GOIHENBURB ANO COPENHAGEN JW^WI rpori v Shaa riara raVS\)M *»AISTRIA" 8) 23/27 Ok 28 BtC/2 111 28/21 Otc VA. V^V-I "kiiuHUA" ai IS Bac/ 4 mi V J jm I/I W VNi-^^r -JUTLAMBU- H
      1,481 words
    • 1529 19 EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONDON. tIVERPOOL 8 CONTINENTAL PORTS. S'pori P. S'haa fining BENLARIGI L'pitl, H'kirg, H'oim,G'in«iutti ll Pt Dec 22 BEN VALLA I'll), H'kon, R'dam, Avar* C. 35 Oec 23 Otc 24/24 BENMACOHOI (HI H'kurg, L'lm. G'mouth C. II Dec 23 Dec 24 28 Dec 21/ 3 I IENBORAN (E.Lp.)
      1,529 words
      1,288 words

  • 206 20 SHIP'S lying altfiKtids tht (innipsrt wiarvst today ars: Uikumo Maru 10/11: Ranella 42/43, Bencruachan 47, Panama Maru 46. Btntons; K.W. Jetty. Thor«capr 19 Qlenoxlt-- 33/34, Bruas N.W. 1/2,' Bcnmadhul 18, TJlkampsk 29/30, Madison Lloyd 3S/ 39, Memnon 44. Bra Exprrst 2S/'.'6, N«l.r HbS Btntong 46. Pulau
    206 words
  • 509 20 From Our Market Correspondent DWINDLING business continued on the quiet Mal-yan Stock Exchange yesterday and price movements in industrials and tins were very narrow. Industrial 'prices were inclined to be irregular, while tins were slightly easier. Among the new counters Dunlops passed from $2.41
    509 words
  • 22 20 Malayan Stock Indict* Dec. 19 Dec. 20 Industrials: 193.15 193.87 Tins: 286.27 285.18 S rubbers: 179.67 179.87 Jan. 1, 1958=100.
    22 words
  • 588 20 MALAYAN STOCK EXCHANGE (COMBINED business in the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Malayan Stock Exchange yesterday, with the number of shares traded in brackets: Industrials: Bousttsd (6.000) 51.68; Dunlop (1.0O0) $2.42 D, (l.OOO) K 41, IS.OOO) 12.42, (1,000) $2.40 ON: Fltipatrick! (3.OOO) $1.92: F. and N. ord».
    588 words
  • 144 20 MELBOURNE. Thurs. YESTERDAY'S firm trend was fully maintained today for (teneral investments. but moves were mostly narrow and some leaders did not follow the general trend. Colonial Sugar gained 2s. to 545.. but B.H.P. and A.C.I, barely held their levels. Oils mostly improved tlir exception being C'Urrnrr River.
    144 words
  • 95 20 THE Malayan Exchangs Banks' A«iocistion made IItPM chances In Its rate« to merchaats yesterday: (all rates to $100): Csnada: buying TT 3il. airmail 331. 90 d/st 361 credit bills. 36 3/16 trade hills. Rolling TT or OP rrady: Canadlsn (lollari 3.11. Owist Francs 1411. Belgian Fran.i 1623 J.
    95 words
  • 252 20 'THE Straits tin price fell $2 yesterday to $426.25 on an offering estimated to be increased by 20 tons to 250 tons. In London overnight helped by the good recovery at Penang London tin prices ruled fully steady at the outset of
    252 words
  • 97 20 CHIN E*C Product Eichjnm Blngaa«r* noon prices per plcul yesterday: Cocenut Oil I btilk $43 rwllers, drum 046t nellera. Cora: Dec. UK/Cootlnent: 529 l>uyer«. $30 sellers. Psppwr: Muntok white $1371 Heller*. Sarawak white $135 sellers. special Sarawak black $t>7t sellers, garbled Lamponit black $92i sellers, ABTA $IO2J sellers.
    97 words
  • 251 20 JANUARY flrit graoo rirobor buyers J f.o.b. closed at 6 p.m. in Sinic.ipore and Kuala Lumpur yesterday at SI cents per lb. down thr.i.-1-iKlitris of a cent. The tone was barely steady. S.C.C.R.A. and F.M.R.E. closing prices In cents per lb., yesterday: Int. 1 R.B.S. prompt f.o.b. buyers
    251 words
  • 27 20 December 20. MALAYAN RI BBKR PRICE: 81 cents (down three-eigbtns of a cent). TIN- $426.25 (down S2). Estimated unofficial offering 250 tons (up 20 tons).
    27 words
  • 141 20 (OFFICIAL QUOTATIONS) Dec 20. Three mootbi. Dunlopi 14 cU. B. Darby 4Jd. r. A N. 16 eta. C. Btorapje 4id. OammoD 11 cti. 8. Traction 1/1| J. Waufh IS eta. Bhell 13 eta. M. Brew 25 eta. Steamship 8 eta. It. Cement 18 eta. 8. Times 22 eta.
    141 words
  • 53 20 M.V. "MADISON Lloydarrived: 20.12.62 Consignees are hereby notified that the general survey of damaged packages ex the above vessel will be held on 31.12.62 at godowns 38/ 39 as from 8.30 a.m No 'urther survey will be held. hOYAL ROTTKRDAM LLOYD. Singapore Ofttrr. 2nd Floor. N.T.S. Bide.. Tel.
    53 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1056 20 nA\^ KAIVASAiU.KISEN^KAISHA. LTD. Express U.S.A. PaeUie «3» Atlantic Coast Service tl» IM tiA tl» Scon r I H roii >ian:isco i Angelas Von ■Kimkawa Maru 25 29 Dtc U 31 Dtc i Jas 23 Jin 2b Jaa 11 Ftl "Katjikm Maru" 2*/2t Ma 38/31 JM a Ftl 23 Ftl 2)
      1,056 words
    • 807 20 wtSTBOUND tUBOft ÜBTICt ypori f T*TT""™~"T7nani MamilltS. Ml»rt. DMkirk. SsBBINH 18/12 Jaa 13/14 Jia IS Jll Aatwtra, Ritterdam. H'lurf, Brmti. SOUTH I WEST AFIICa SEBVICI. Spore UTim 8/ 8 Jia Ourtin (71/1), Port liinnetti <«'D, doetowi (18/11, Mitifli (M/1), Port Harcourt, Lagos (1/2), Cotonou (8/2). Lome. Tima. Tikondi. Freetown. Dakar
      807 words
    • 815 20 CHAPTER 195 (Pawnbrokers.) I'nrrdrrmed Plrdfrd Goods «nd JrwrllrrT from ttar folicnrtnc Pawnbrokers' Shops. No. 135 New Bridge Koad, Lam Joon Stong (Cbop Sem Ptob). No. 255 South Bridge Road, Ho Van Kee (Chop Heng Fatu Yong Kee. No. 287 South B.idge Road. Scow Kian (Chop Nam Cheong). No. 103 Tanjong
      815 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 600 21 SUPPLY OF BROADCASTING EQUIPMENTS TENDERS are Invited for the supply, delivery, installation and rotnmlMtMiinir of three H.F. 50 KW AM Broadcast Transmitters witb awtiUtoi feeder and aerial systems. Tender documents may be obtained from the Head of Broadcasting Division, Caldecott Hill. Singapore during normal office hours. Tenderers are required to
      600 words
    • 521 21 SINGAPORE GOVERNMENT VACANCIES ONLY candidates with stipulated Qualifications need apply. Applicants must satisfy the u-sual 'olrth and residential qualifications. 1 TEMPORARY PRIMARY PRODUCTION OFFICERS (Rural Development). QUALIFICATIONS EXPERIENCE: (Must possess a University Degree. Candidates must have experience and background knowledge in Agriculture, Animal Husbandry or Fisheries. Ability to speak fluent
      521 words
    • 404 21 NOTICES TANJONG TIN DREDGING LIMITED The Board of Directors regret to announce that dredging operations have been temporarily suspended due to the unexpected discovery of an ancient burial ground Immediately ahead of the dredge Action is now being taken by the Local Authorities to define and survey this area but
      404 words
    • 326 21 NOTICES THE MALAYAN EXCHANGE BANKS' ASSOCIATION All members ot the above Association in the State of Singapore will oe closed (01 business on Tuesday 25th December 1962 being Christmas Day SELANGOR TURF CLUB THREE DIGITS FORECAST POOL PENANG X'MAS MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that three digits tickets will only
      326 words
    • 339 21 NOTICES CLOSING OF PRIVATE ROADS NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN t!i;it the prtvmta roads between 304A/K and 304L/V. entrance from Orchard Road aiiri the road behind these two blocks of buildlnti•ruding out to Mount Elizabeth will be closed to the public on the 35th December, 1962 (Christmas Day* from 7.00 a.m.
      339 words

    • 582 22 ON THE TRACK with Epsom Jeep; Penang, Thursday RATIONAL JOY, the early favourite for next week's Penang Gold Cup, stepped out in grand style on a good track at Penang this morning. With Garnet Bougoure up, the five-year-old stayer ran 4f in 54
      582 words
    • 1394 22 ACCEPTORS FOR tomorrow Race 1: 2.0-C1 4 Div 3-5 f I 4800 Tin Invest (Lucky St.) Teh. 5 9 0 'Mamat 5 t 7069 Siau-Kunianit (Low tt, Ng St.) Heddle. 5 0.0 Boucoure 4 3 ***** Olive Vixen (Thio St.) Sullivan. 5 8.13 (F) Pouter 2 4 ***** Trknah (Souna
      1,394 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 135 22 ITS HERE AT LAST! spear "Truf ast 100/. COTTON Vmmi water replaces ironing the shirt THAT DOES '^tjilM~ THE "twist" I t f W* J While being wash y —it twists vTv into shape f \without ironing Available at all 1 I leading Departmental Store* THE CAMERA YOU HAVE BEEN
      135 words
    • 51 22 Towkays give I♦ I to their sons who give to their favourite girl friends who give It I a to handsome playboys who give to their rich aunts who give to their prominent husbands who give to well, frankly, anybody who's anybody gives PL* JbvWtl ($lO to $10,000) the.most gifted
      51 words

    • 50 23  -  MANILA. Thurs. An Asian table tennis tournament will be l.i d In Manila sometime in January next year, according to a spokesman of the Philippines TTA. The spokesman said some 12 countries including Malaya, Singapore. Japan, India. Indonesia, Cambodia. South Korea and Formosa mieht send ir;ims. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  50 words
    • 1671 23 ACCEPTORS FOR Sunday Race 1: 1.15— Cl 5 Div 2-7* 1 ***** Intuition (Leong Huat St.) Zaln, 6 9.0 (F) M. Lee II 2 U2Hi.> Krppel Harbour (Star One St.) Mawl. 6 8.13 J. Wltoon C A Wtitii Hongkong Currency (Sin Pin St.) R.S. Breuk.. 5 8.13 (F) Mitchell 9
      1,671 words
    • 360 23 JACK FINGLETON, By ADELAIDE, Thurs. fpHE Australian selectors have been careful in choosing the Second Test side to meet England at Melbourne tomorrow week. They have retained all 12 who did duty at Brisbane and it is likely again that Barry Shepherd of
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
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    • 205 23 BE SURE YOU STOCK 1 /^Ckg*[| FERNLEAF I ||f/ During Christmas and New Year, m th^ pasteurised milk will be in short m XjfTfe^^«^j| supply and refrigerator space will m 7 be at a premium. m Be assured of regular supply and M c^flHr spare space in your refrigerator by
      205 words

  • 198 24 ELISABETHVILLE. Thurs. TWO HUNDRED students, protesting against U.S. support for sanctions against Katanga, stoned the U.S. Consulate building here today and set fire to a shed. Katangese police were heavily outnumbered in the early stages of the attack and could not stop the mob from
    UPI  -  198 words
  • 81 24 SINGAPORE. Thurs. The Education Minister, Mr. Tong Nyuk Lin. today continued his visit to newly-built schools, which will be opened next month. He visited three schools the Aroozoo Integrated School in Charlton Road, the Ponggol Malay Primary School and the Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary Integrated School in Sembawong.
    81 words
  • 49 24 TENGKU Abdul Rahman offers a bowl of fruit to Madame Sihanouk while the Prince looks on. This picture was taken during the royal guests' visit to the Petaling Jaya Development Corporation office. It was Madame Sihanouk's first taste of the rambutan. Straits Times picture.
    49 words
  • 202 24 Malaya-Cambodia ties of old by the King KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. The Tang dl-Per-tuan Agong tonight expressed the hope that the ties of mutual interest and understanding bet- ween Cambodia and Malaya "will grow and blossom in the sunshine of friendship and goodwill." He was speaking at the Royal banquet for
    202 words
  • 69 24 LONDON. Thurs. The Christmas spirit penetrated the solemn precincts of London's Stock Exchange yesterday when friends of one member tried to get a donkey named Fifi on to the floor. They tried at three entrances but were stopped by top-hatted officials. Only members and clerks are allowed
    69 words
  • 387 24 LONDON STOCKS LONDON, Thurs. Stock markete bad another day of unsettled conditions and prices in the main moved against holders. Brightest spot wag gilt edged, where a good demand brought gains of up to seven-sixteenths. War Loan |U per cent put on three sixteenths to 60 It was felt that
    387 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 176 24 20 Worrit SIO (Minimum) LIM WEE Between Ken Sin. eldest ■on of Madam Tan Hee Chew and the late Llm Km ThooK and Kwan Lee peventh daughter of Mr. and Mr«. We* Chentt Kobk. THE WORLD IS FULL OF I INTERESTING SOUNDS.. ?nd they are all yours with the new
      176 words
    • 12 24 I Fraser&Neave's ytV o Ww-FUvi- _#^^^*^___i_t l^ Have a gin and. /gSm^
      12 words