The Straits Times, 1 December 1962

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 22 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 100,000 The Straits Times Mo*** flat**" He**** Estd. 1845 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1962. 15 CENTS KDN 036
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  • 167 1 Rothmans OF PALL MALL gives us another first TODAY the Straits Times is proud to be iissochited with the newest thing in Malayan advertising a magazinesize colour supplement which comes to you with your king-size Straits Times. The 24-page colour supplement is a souvenir commemorating the opening of the Rothmans
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  • 94 1 Now it's official: 'Tropic' banned KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. —Henry Miller's Book, the Tropic of Cancer, has been banned by the Federation Government. An order to this effect, made by the Assistant Minister of Interior. Mr Cheah Theam Swee on Oct. 29 was presented to Parliament today. The book was on
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  • 78 1 TOKYO, Fri. A man jumped off the roof of a department store here today to commit suicide and seriously Injured two pedestrians walkIng in the street below. The suicide was the second in the last few days to choose a jump from a department .store roof. Japanese
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • Article, Illustration
    574 1 Pakistan President wants Opposition support for agreement with Nehru MPs await Govt. draft RAWALPINDI, Fri. Pakistan's National Assembly met and adjourned twice today with the Government asking for "more time" to draft a statement on the Ayub-Nehru agreement to hold talks on Indo Pakistan differences. Mr. Duncan
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  • 80 1 BLACKBURN, Fri.— A man who loved meat pies and chips so much that he ate nothing else died of malnutrition, an inquest here was told. His doctor said Thomas Dowling. 32, "seemed to be fonder of meat pies than anything else. I tried to get him
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  • 83 1 MISS BARBARA FELL 44. Acting Controller of the Overseas section of Britain's Central Office of Information, who was sent for trial at the Old Bailey on six charges under the Official Secrets Act. It was alleged she passed secret British Government documents to a
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  • 153 1 NOT GOVT. STAFF? TOP RAILMEN CONSIDER ACTION KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. THE Malayan Railway Senior Officers' Association has called an extraordinary general meeting for Dec. 9 to discuss "appropriate action" against the administration's declaration that railwaymen are not government servants. A resolution for the meeting will call on the Government to
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  • 57 1 MUNICH. Fri.— Mr. Franz Josef Strauss, the Federal Defence Minister, today renounced any Ministerial post in the next West German Government, the West German news agency DPA reports cd. Mr. Strauss announced his decision after a four-hour meeting of the Christian Social Union <CSU) Party,
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 55 1 SINGAPORE. Pri.— A labourer. A.P. Karuppiah. 60. who returned only ten days ago from India, was knocked by a motor-cycle while Ci'dssing Alexandra Road tonight. He died on the way to hospital. Eye-witnesses are asked to contact Insp. John Thien. at Sepoy Lines Police Station.
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  • 28 1 UNITES) NATIONS. Fri.— The Security Council today unanimously endorsed U Thant of Burma for election as Secreta'y-Gener-ai of the United Nations for a five-year term. Reuter.
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  • 53 1 WELLINOTON. Prl.— Health officials today tried to contact all pn Mangers who arrived here on Wednesday on board the British Immigrant ship. Strathedcn. because it is suspected some may be carriers of typhoid fever. This step follows confirmation by Australian officials that one of the crew
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  • 46 1 TOKYO. Fri.— The Ebara Manufacturing Company, a leading Japanese heavy machinery maker, said today it and two other Japanese firms had sent a -survey team of seven experts to Indonesia to explore the possibility of developing rhr sugar refining Industry in Cetam Island.
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  • 428 1 AIR FORCE SERGEANT IN NUCLEAR BASE DRAMA WASHINGTON, Friday. A SERGEANT of the United States Air Force threatened to commit suicide by firing a pistol into a nuclear bomb at a base in Sculthorpe, Norfolk, England, in 1958, a Defence Department
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  • 22 1 JAKARTA. Fri.— Prince Norodom Sihanouk told a mass rally at Bandung today that Cambodia and Indonesia were "very close neighbours."
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  • 81 1 BANGKOK. Pii.— The eighth session or the International Tin Council, which concluded its fourday meeting here today, has decided to send a delegation to Washington to discuss with the U.S. Government a satisfactory arrangement for tin releases. Mr. H. W. Allen, the new chairman, declined to
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  • 203 1 Girl tells of two hours of terror KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. An 18-year-old girl told police yesterday of two hours of terror in which two youths took turns to rape her in the presence of five others in a gang hide-out off the 4th mile Cheras Road. The girl, whose name
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  • 44 1 SANDYS: RESTRAINT i: unsiM i l)un< <> Bi CMROionwealtta today oallrd on people <-f India nnd P.iki«;t;in fa rrrisr "tHmost restl tlurinc forthconii" mir talks Reatef MAN STABBED SIM.U' rmpl n h<<k b> thur in if r. o.i Letat i'"ii' ion late tonieht.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 20 1 P^P^HfIMPJI \j BRAITHWAITE All sizes available from 400 gall* upward* FORl^"j™] GENERATIONS I MM^ FXcrurC BRAND'S essence of strength-since 1835
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    • 36 1 is marking f* for you S^ \j&W Tuck Ctfonq, 441, North Brid«c Rood, «CSl{Sd CMO .<'* Ik [pACTI 1 i tt HEALTH [I^lP* STRENGTH U^^ VITALITY OVALTI N E 3T~51f a cup of energy brimful of health
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    • 230 2  - Those accomplices OF imperialism JTOX/fcl 5F LONDON, Friday. VIK. Enver lloxha, Albanian Communist leader, told a reception in Valona yesterday that the Cuba crisis had shown up the accomplices of imperialism "who, terrified, are kissing' its feet." Ho also referred to "the revisionists of the Khrushchev-Tito group" who, he .said,
      Reuter  -  230 words
    • 41 2 TOKYO. Fri. Fivr Japanese Cabinet, Ministers, including the Forricn Minister, Mr. Musavoshi Ohir.i. today left here tor Washiiißion to aiiend the second meet- 1 ing ol the United States-Japan lomt committee on trade and I Economic IAIn,
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    • 42 2 TOKYO. Fri. Two people ten burnrd to death and three otlirix iniurcd when the dipsel locomotive of a freieht train ciiimh: lire artrr a head-on colli- 1 sion with a locomotive last niclu in Akua prefecture. northern J.ip.n:. Renter.
      Reuter  -  42 words
    • 34 2 CAIRO. Frl. The Supreme Court ol Stale Securities at Alex- 1 anclrm .sentenced 15 people ywtef.nson terms ranging [rom one year to life on charges of spying lor Israel. U.P.I.
      UPI  -  34 words
    • 169 2 Princess Alexandra to wed Scottish businessman T ONDON, Fri. PrinAJ cess Alexandra, daughter of the widowed Duchess of Kent, is to marry Angus O'Gilvy. 34. a businessman who descends from a prominent Scottish noble family. The Princes will be 26 on Christmas Day. Their engagement «a» announced last night in
      Reuter  -  169 words
    • 263 2 Deformed babies: Another drug is named T ONDON, Fri. A doctor warned yesterday that yet another drug Ancoloxin has been linked with the birth of deformed children. He cited 13 cases of women who had taken the drug and had given birth to malformed babies. Dr George Watson wrote in
      Reuter  -  263 words
    • 512 2 H DATELINE From FRANCIS BOEY A HYDROFOIL craft has set Hong Kong a A problem. The Marine and Legal Departments have been asked to decide whether the craft should be licenced to ply between Hong Kong and Macao. They have to decide whether it is an aircraft or
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 174 2 i J^^V^A. Toys that will be a thrill to own this Christmas 1 W^^ 7^ 17 f* f* Ik ItJO l Here's loads of fun for girls and boys of all ages. For young engineers and architects, there are hours of endless joy with I toys that are a real
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 215 3 Murder of Filipino doctor: Stripper held BALTIMORE, Fri. A grand jury decided yesterday that strip-tease dancer Maxine Gross, 21, should be charged with the murder of Deogracias De Leon, a Filipino doctor. Miss Gross, who was arrested shortly after De Leon's body was found, is being held in custody. Police
      UPI  -  215 words
    • 48 3 BANGKOK Pri. The King and Queen of Thailand will make a state visit to Japan next year. Gen. Thanom Klttikachorn. the Defence Minister said yesterday. The exact date has not been fixed, bu' it would probably be In May. Gen. Thanom said Reuter.
      Reuter  -  48 words
    • 74 3 THEY look like a crazy gimmick but these party pantaloons are a very practical idea The pantaloons. the very newest fashions, are made of stiff, ruffled tulle and are lined with soft nylon jersey, for comfort. They keep their balloon shape and take the place of a can-can petticoat.
      Mirrorpic  -  74 words
    • 41 3 BANGKOK, Pri The Royal State Railways of Thailand today signed a contract with General Electric of the United States for the purchase of 40 electric diesel locomotives. The contract will cost over US$7 million. Reuter.
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    • 259 3 Quick look round WASHINGTON, Fri. The United States hopes to be ready to conduct the first flight tests of a nuclear powered rocket in about live years. Dr. Glenn Sea. borg. chairman of the United States Atomic Energy Commission, said here yesterday. SEOI'L: The Hankoo Ilbo. a leading dally In
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    • 275 3 Kashmir peace move pleases Harrriman RAWALPINDI, Friday. ]yjR. Averell Harriman, Assistant U.S. Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs, said last night he was "very happy" that President Ayub Khan and Mr. Nehru had agreed to start negotiations on Kashmir. In a statement, Mr. Harriman said this was "a vital
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    • 48 3 INDIA BANS FORWARD SPECULATION NEW DELHI. Fri. India has banned forward cash on delivery trading in shares on the nations stock exchanges. The Finance Ministry said the ban, effective immediately, was to prevent "undesirable speculation." Traders will be permitted to fulfil contracts entered into up to yesterday. Reuter.
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    • 89 3 UNITED NATIONS, Fri. The General Assembly yesterday approved the convening of a third U.N. conference on nuclear development, but rejected a Communist bid to open it to all states that wished to take part. Instead, the Assembly voted that only members of the U.N. specialised
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    • 188 3 FRANCE FINDS A SPY IN ANTI-SPY WORK PARIS, Fri. Czechborn Pierre Cardot, 33, recently attached to a French counter-espio-nage service, was charged by an examining magistrate here last night with spying for an unidentified foreien power, justice sources said. Cardot who' was remanded to Sante Prison, served with the French
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    • 56 3 BANGKOK. Fri.— Repatriation i talks between Thai and North Vietnamese Red Cross delegates at Bangpoo 20 miles south of I here, are proceeding smoothly, General Prapas Charusathen, Interior Minister, told reporters yesterday. It is estimated that about 40.000 Vietnamese people remained to be repatriated from Thailand's
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    • 341 3 LEOPOLDVILLE. Fri. rpHE United Nations has warned President Moise Tshombe of Katanga that it takes a grave view of "murderous attacks" carried out by Katangese aircraft in North Katanga, the U.N. Congo mission sairt here yesterday. A statement Issued by the mission said mercenaries
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    • 196 3 NEW YORK. Fri. President Kennedy and Mr. Macmillan will co-ordinate policy for 1963 at their Bahamas meeting on Dec. 19 in a "country club atmosphere." a British source said today. Meeting Informally much of the time without an agenda— they will discuss privately
      Reuter  -  196 words
    • 30 3 TOKYO. Fri. Two men walking on the pavement wen hurt when Hlrotsuna Shioya, 30. fell on them from the roof of a department store. He died.
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  • 65 3 P.O. Box, 27, Cameron Highlands. Telephone: 381 When holidaying in the Highlands stay at the Federal Hotel 4.700 feet above sea level. Modern Bar and Restaurant with European food and special Cantonese dishes Our speciality the Federal Steamboat Modern Baths in all luxuriously-furnished rooms with hot and cold
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 94 3 TLjnatic \J The Sensational Zoom s| Bmm Movie Camera .-..d -iilfc jlfi tnat iju 5^ j^K requires cL And for your best movies, «et VASHICA sp-2 PS" V Smort modern styling, timpl«, fwo-t»ii« color positive controls, convertible powei supply plug, »or.oblt from. »p««d control. w full 400 ft. reel copocitv.
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    • 277 3 THL New Zealand Maoriland wonderland of spectacular Vjjjjjg scenery and charming people, of choice wjjjj) farm and sea food, fine hotels and some y& of the world's best fishing. Best months Waucklano to visit: September-May (spring, summer, «3L6 autumn). Winter sports in the mountains: June-December. Ji?i&«k; Book well ahead. Ask
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  • 203 4 SINGAPORE, Friday. £OME 4,500 students now attending secondary evening classes conducted by the Adult Education Board, will pay less school fees from January next year involving the Government in an additional subsidy of $120,000 a year. Announcing this today. the chairman of the
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  • 59 4 U.S. EXPERT HERE FOR MARKET SURVEY SINGAPORE. Fri.-Ameri-can engineering equipment expert. Mr. O. G. Reed < above >. began a two-day market survey here today for Dorr-Oliver Inc., an international organisation of equipment manufacturers. Mr. Reed inspected the firm's office in Singapore, dealing with tin dredges, tin treatment plants and
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  • 101 4 Six months' jail for a sergeant SINGAPORE, Fri.— MohamO ed Saneh bin Salinm, 38, a staff sergeant in the Singapore Guard Regiment, was janed for six months lor creaking into the house oi .his neighbour, a midwife. The Sixth Magistrate, Mr. Khoo Hin Hiong, was told that Salleh" scaled a
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  • 59 4 SINGAPORE. Pri— A former Minister tor Education In the State of Madras. Mr. T.S. AvinaSilingam Chettlar. will give a i lecture on education and religion at the Ramakrishna Mission to- morrow at 6.30 p.m. The meeting will be presided I over by Mr. V. Amblavagar. fori
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  • 356 4 AIR ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES THE following is today's schedule of civil aircraft movements at Paya Lebar airport, Singapore: ARRIVALS BO AC: From London, Rome. Beirut, Karachi. Calcutta. Kuala Lumpur (BA 714) 5.30 p.m.; from Sydney, Darwin (BA 701) 6.10 p.m. Thai International: From Bangkok (TO 403) 6.30 p.m.; (rom Djakarta
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 225 4 OCEAN THEATRE TEL: ***** 6> 4 m.s. East Coast Road, Today: 3-7.15-9.30 p.m. "The Magnificent Seven" Yul Brynncr (Tech.). Tonight Mid nite! "The Second Time Around" Debbie Reynold* Andy Griffith Tomorrow 10.30 0.m.: "Gorgo" (Tech.). TKH^mBBV^S Now Showing!! "THE MAGIC BELL" Cant! TONIGHT MIDNIGHT! "THE HORRORS OF THE EVIL SHADOW"
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    • 192 4 CAPITOL ftts. ags? opens today BK^ V^ fEWf^^ *^*^B/i Jk^JJ^HK^^Hp\ 6 a *J^B^k .at&^BBBJ bY he woulti HUHM^bT os fl From the v^i** I quick at iiuii HADLEY /^^"m M^2|^Bj))\bm mm 1 Hbb^mbbV v us: A Special Travel Featurette "HEW WORLD HOLIDAY" in Color His sword was x sold to
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    • 651 4 fTfjWjflP^lf^l OIM \S TODAY 11 a.m., 1.45, 4, 6.30 ft 9.30 World IN My I PoOceT ROOSTE/GER NADOATiLIfQ PETER VAN EYtK lAN 6ANNEN- JEAN SER^AIS H Plus Travel Featurette: jj'NtW WORLD HOLIDAY" Color ■J TONiGHT MNITE MGM'i "SWORDSMAN OF SIENA"" Stewart Granger Svlvo Koscina pj i Christine Koutmonn Cs.
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  • 395 5 SINGAPORE, Friday Industrial Arbitration Court held today that a collective agreement between the Singapore Business Houses Employees' Union and Montor Ltd., merely provided for retirement benefits to employees on their retirement. It did not entitle the company compulsorily to retire any of the employees
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  • 139 5 SINGAPORE. Fri—lnternational singing star. Anneke Gronloh. and the Dutch Swing College Band flew into Singapore tonight without the bandleader's suitcase and clarinet. After a fruitless search, the lanky bandleader. Peter Schilperoort. muttered: "Now I am without a spare shirt, singlet, towel and trousers. "It
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  • 107 5 SINGAPORE, Fri. Three United States Senators were today briefed by their Consulate officials here on the latest political and economic situation in Singapore.. They are senator Gale William McOee of Wyoming, Senator Frank Edward Moss of Utah and Senator Church of Idaho. The Senators flew into Singapore
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  • 92 5 MR. LEE KHOON CHOY. the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Education and Miss Eng Ah Si.un who were married at the Singapore Marriatr Registry yesterday. The bride, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Knc Yong Kow of Singapore, wore a gold threaded
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 380 5 s xmas GIFTS i vo m THE ORIENT r 1 "A w^4 JL v Jade. Pearl. Silver Jewellery, I S A Linen Handkerchiefs J jjv> g# s Tablecloths. Brocade Jackets y TiN fip>B S Dressing Gowns, Jade h gi W*. i >N' S Ivory Carvings, Jade Screens 0 Cabinets, Bronze,
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    • 1875 5 COMPANY MEETING ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF ROTHMANS OF PALL MALL (MALAYA) LTD. CHAIRMAN'S ADDRESS The following is the Address of the Chairman, Dato W.M. MacLeod, at the Annual General Meeting today of Rothmans of Pall Mall (Malaya) Ltd. at Virginia Park, Petaling Java, Selangor. "Accompanying this Address Is a subsequent
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 209 6 El ''S^ t Ip* 1 iff-.' 1^ itflBRL 11 fl m IS LJ t bf J^ a,^^bbbbm^B^»P^^ You can always tell a successful man by his Rolex Date- Just You'll meet men like him every where successful men... in big business circles or in high society. And, you can tell
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  • 279 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. THE Govei nment's Public Accounts Committee is concerned over the high cost of running Malaya Hall, London Instructions to cut down expenses have been ignored, it says- The committee'.s report, now before Parliament, also &ays: MORE THAN $11,500 was owed
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  • 53 7 SINGAPORE. Fri.— The Stnga-' pore Government has appointed .several Royal Air Force police as deputy assistant controllers of immigration to theck passports of; service families passing through i Changl military airfield, among! other things. The move has .speeded up travel procedures, said an Air Ministry
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  • 23 7 TPOH, Fri— The Catholic Association. Silibin. is staeinK a club night tomorrow and a Christmas Social on Doc. 22.
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  • 99 7 MAYOR 00I: THE ALLIANCE COPYCATS pENANG, Fri. The j Mayor, Mr. Ooi I Thiam Siew, (Socialist Front), today accused the Alliance of being copycats. "They follow what we do." he said at today's meeting of the city council. Mr. Ooi Rave three instances. 'Our council started ro-tong-royong (self-help) in 1959.
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  • 54 7 SINGAPORE. Fri.— Three Singapore Boy Scout leaders will leave for Bangkok on Monday to attend tlie third regional Scout conference there from Dec. 5 to 12. They ar*> Mr. Matthew Chandy. Scout Commissioner for Singapore. Mr. Chu Ohui Lum. Deputy Chief Commissioner, and Mr. Soh Teow
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  • 188 7 Lady C to face new jury —this time in Ipoh IPOH Fri. Lady Chatterley's Lover will go on trial again this time at the coining monthly meeting of Ipoh Municipality. It will decide whether the book should be stocked by the municipal library. Mr. Foo Kuan Sze. a People's Progressive
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  • 87 7 PENANG. Fri.— The election of a "Poppy Queen" will j be a feature of the Malam Bunga Merah to be held in aid of the Poppy Day appeal at Umno Hall here on Dec. 14. There will also be a sarong and kebaya parade
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  • 274 7 UNITED NATIONS. Friday. Vf ALAYA alleged yesterday that Portugal was iTI maintaining control over its African territories to keep the indigenous Africans "in a perpetual state of exploitation and subjugation." Dato Dr. Mohamed Said bin Mohamed, the Malayan delegate, told the General Assembly's trusteeship committee
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  • 118 7 'Let Drage stay' petition by Anglicans SINGAPORE. Fri. Anglicans in Singapore want to keep their precentor. Father Leslie H. Drage. who Is due to leave soon after three years here. The Chinese English-speak-ing congregation of the Church have sent a petition to the Bishop. Father Drage said today: "I would
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  • 66 7 IPOH. Fri A motion expressing "grave concern" at the numerous plots of *tute land and railway re- serves in Ipoh which are overgrow.i with grass and I lallang was passed by the Ipoh Municipal Council last night. The motion was moved by Inche Samsudln bin Harun
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  • 117 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. A magistrate. Tengku Zaid bin Tengku Zachariah. today postponed a case of possession of obscene books pending the result of an appeal in Penang. In the dock was M. A. Kader CU Malim. 31. manager of Arcade News Company (Malaya) Ltd.. Brickfields, charged
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  • 51 7 IPOH, Fri. Mr. M.S. M. M. Meyyappa Cheui.u. 51. a banker, planter and property owner, died in Karaikudi, southern India, on Nov. 26. Mr. Meyyappa. who had been in Ipoh for many years in charee of his firm's branch, leaves three sons and three
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  • 186 7 BRUSSELS, Fri. British and common market officials agreed yesterday that negotiations for a trade agreement between the enlarged European Community and the future Federation of Malaysia should be opened when Britain becomes a member, British delegation sources said here last night. Five stages They
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 85 7 No other KETCHUP tastes like HEINZ beciiuso Heinz Ketchup is made from REAL, full-flavoured and choice tomatoes. Heinz Ketchup therefore costs a little more but it is so rich and thick that it goes further. Knjoy the better flavour and top quality of Heinz Tomato Ketchup today. "deaf: •HMO IN\
      85 words
    • 143 7 GIANSINGHS GRAND ANNUAL SALE LAST DAY TODAY PRICES MARKED DOWN FOR FINAL CLEARANCE COME EARLY AND AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT GIAN SINGH CO., LTD. 30-1, Raffles Place, Singapore. Tel: ***** new 100k... Player's! >l AYTfI P\ AYFfI jb s H^B^r H2BS! Hflflßflfl9flHßßBflßfl.fl.iß9 HI m avcd m avp dvL *~'£w* 'mk' *C:*^|sfcf' '^$sml
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  • 142 8 CALL FOR TEACHING OF RELIGION IN SCHOOLS I/UALA LUMPUR. Fri. —The Ministry of Education was urged today to introduce In schools the teaching of major religions. The call was made by the chairman of the board oi governors of the Dharma Institute. Mr. K. Paramallngam. at the annual speech day.
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  • 106 8 SINGAPORE, Friday. rpHE Singapore Ratepayers' Association is likely to A ask the Government to follow the Federation's decision to scrap tax on annual value of owner-oc- cupied homes. "If this is done, more people will build their own homes," said Mr. G.H. Kiat, president of
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  • 48 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri.— Employers have been fined a total of $74,499 during the last 10 years for not observing weekly holidays for their shoo assistants. This was stated today by Mr. V. Manickavasagam. assistant Minister of Labour and Social Weltare. at a Press conference here.
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  • 32 8 PENANO. Fri. With the closing of Bayan Lepas airport for extensions to its runway, lmest posting times for airmail inters from Penana will be advanced by erne hour trom tomorrow.
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  • 33 8 PENANG Fri. The Sungel I Glugor bra ich of Penang Umno will hold t public rally in the J.i lun Helei Brown on Saturday M 8 p.m. IJec. 8.
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  • 84 8 rl Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahtnan, takes leave of the Indonesian Ambassador, Dr. Mohamed Razif, at a farewell reception given by the embassy to Dr. Razif at the Lake Club, Kuala Lumpur, on Thursday night. Six hundred people were at the party, including the Deputy Prime
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  • 55 8 MALACCA, Prl.— A 60ft. boat, found adrift with no-one on board. was towed back to Malacca early today by a Royal Malayan Navy vessel. X.D Sri Negri Sembilan. The boat, named "Hajari" and believed to belons to Indonesians, was found in international waters about nine miles from Batu
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  • 183 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. A vigorous campaign to promote tourism in the three Asa countries Malaya, the Philippines and Thailand will be launched early next year. The Federation tourist Promotion Officer. Inche Osman Siru. announcing this today, said Malaya would be responsible for slogans to
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  • 76 8 Woman knifed by intruder at temple SINGAPORE. Fri— A temple caretaker. Madam Tan Wah. 65. was stabbed twice when she confronted a man who broke into her temple in Geylang Road at 6 a.m. today. Madam Tan was on her way to the kitchen when she saw a man standing
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  • 275 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The situation in the Rural Co-opera-tive Apex Bank, which had an $8 million loan from the Government two years ago, is "most unsatisfactory." This is the finding of the Government's Public Accounts Committee in its report now before Parliament. The
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  • 179 8 Wahid is back from Games with an appeal SINGAPORE, Fri. Sin- gapore crippled policeman athlete. Abdul Wahid bin Baba, 33, ha s returned home after winning a medal for second place in a Javelin throw event at the recent Commonwealth Paraplegic Games in Perth. But it was not medals so
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  • 264 8 CITY COUNCIL SETS $100,000 FOR COLLEGE I PENANG. Friday THE City Council today decided to set aside $100,000 as "an Initial and first donation" towards the establishment of the proposed Univer- sity College of Penang. The council approved a motion by the former Mayor, Mr. D. S. Ramanathan, to preserve
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  • 73 8 Bandages were not satisfactory report ITUALA LUMPUR, Fri.— Plaster of Parts bandages bought in 1959 for 537.200 were subsequently found unsatisfactory, says the report of the Public Accounts Committee tabled in Parliament today. "In our opinion the chief pharmaceutical chemist who advised the tenders board which accepted the tender should
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  • 32 8 SINGAPORE. Fri. Mr. B. B. Vergthomas, 71. a temporary employee of the Shell Company, collapsed and died in the toilet of Robinson's department store in Raffles Place this morning.
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  • 36 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Training equipment costing more than $120,000 bought eight years ago for the Kuala Lumpur civil defence store has still not been used from the report of the Public Accounts Committee.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 98 8 THE BORNEO COMPANY LIMITED have much pleasure in announcing that they have been appointed Agents by Associated Electrical Industries Ltd. as from Ist December 1962, for the following products in addition to their other electrical equipment AEI Cables, Telephone Cables, Telephones and Henley /Siemens Ediswan Distribution Equipment in Malaya, Singapore,
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  • 729 9 REFORM IN ROME... At the rate things are going the Vatican Council could take 30 years to complete its agenda ROMF. Fri. Time' is no object to the Roman Catholic Church, but many a sich of resignation will be drawn by the 2.500 fathers who are preparing to leave Rome
    OFNS  -  729 words
  • 1533 9 The Fordj Man— and his Holy Grail THE MAN AND THE MYTH— SQME OF THE LEGENDS THAT SURROUND BRITAIN'S SIR PATRICK HENNESSY PEOPLE who sit facing the Ford chairman in his office at Dagenhain tfet the impression that he towers over them. Sir Patrick Hennessy is not a small man.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 82 9 The airtight packet with a difference— because W^ff^SSr W* It contains the freshness and goodness of delic. ous and wholesome biscuits manufactured by Peek Freans. makers of Famous English Bis- K^< cults. Over 30 varieties are available all equally good and tasty in the airtight packet. H j!W Give you
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    • 277 9 X IIC x Ilv/CICDO UAtlu Ply East Or West tO the U.B.A. Fly Or fly westbound. Fly Pan Jet to by Pan Am Jet from Singapore direct Saigon, where you board a 'Round-the-to the U.S.A. Or, choose from many World Pan Am Jet. Stop off in the most other Pan
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  • 1528 10 TAN TELLS WHAT THE GOVT'S TARGETS ARE STRAITS TIMES PARLIAMENTARY REPORTERS [{UALA LUMPUR, Fri. The House of Representative today approved in principal the Government's plan to spend $493.2 million next year on development works. Debate on specific items i>: the plan has
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  • 144 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. A Philippines governor said here today that a visit by the Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, to the Philippines would help bring the two countries closer together. Mr. Felicislmo T. San Luis, Governor of Laguna Province, said the Tengku's personal qualities
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  • 231 10 VIPs WILL MEET PHILIP AT AIRPORT SINGAPORE, Friday. DRINCE Philip will receive a formal welcome fol- lowed by an informal reception when he stops over in Singapore on Monday night. He will be on his way home i after opening the Commonwealth Games in Perth and will arrive In a
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  • 56 10 KITTY Tine Hao (above) a Hong Kong film star who will arrivr in Singapore on Dec. Bto make personal appearances during the screening of "A Fine Romance." in which sho stars. She will tour Malaya for a month. Miss Ting last visited Malaya during the 1959
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  • 63 10 SINGAPORE, It!. A Sing*, pore Harbour Board labourer. Chng Tien Huat. who suffered a fractured leg after being knocked down by a lorry 32 months ago. was today awarded damages toUillim? 54.062 in the High Court. The award was made against Madam Puen Ah Inn,
    63 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 180 10 HAVE FUN WITH A HONDA! YOU deserve tllC fun 3. Honda "50" I can bring you! Don't use it just for work, school or business-take yourself hunting, i| fishing, golfing, touring on it as well! We're sure, too, there's someone jA else who'd enjoy it with you-some-j*m -v one in
      180 words

  • 94 11 Rid this mistaken impression' KUALA LUMPUR, Fri.— Most members of the public and even some Government officials still have the erroneous impression that the Social Welfare Department is there to give out money to people "with hard luck stories to tell." Int'he Mohamed Yusoff bin liaji Ahmad, director of the
    94 words
  • 275 11 LONDON, Friday. A MAN said to have six aliases, who was convicted in Singapore in September, 1959, of remaining in the State while prohibited from doing so by an order made under the Immigration Ordinance, yesterday won his appeal to the judicial
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  • 21 11 PENANG. Fri. A new Umno branch will be formed in Pekan Pulau Betofig. Balik Pulau. on Sunday.
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  • 21 11 SINGAPORE. Fri. Thievi-s broke into a school in Lorone 23. Geylang, last night and removed 20 tvoewriters worth $9,000
    21 words
  • 128 11 New date for Asa Foreign Ministers' talks MANILA Fri. The meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Association of South East Asia will now take place from Jan. 12 to 17 in Manila or Baguio. it was announced by the Foreign Office today. It had earlier been expected to take place
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • 74 11 Police hold a gang of seven KLANG. Fri. Police last night detained seven men In connection with an extortion and a robbery. They were said to have extorted $30 from a shopkeeper at Jalan Chang Kee Hong last week. The same seven men are believed to have broken into the
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  • 34 11 SINGAPORE. Fri.— A carpenter. Van Yeow Chai who was caught snipping an anklet from a two-year-old child was jailed for It months today by a magistrates court. He had five convictions
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  • 27 11 IPOH Fri.— The Pcrak Eurasian Association's Christmas dance In aid of its welfare fund will be held in the St. John Ambulance Hall here tomorrow.
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  • 130 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri.— How to make this world, threatened with destruction of civilisation, a happier and peaceful place to live in? The answer, perhaps ran be found in "The Crowning Experience," now showing at the Cathay Cinema here. Produced by the Moral Re-armament
    130 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 135 11 DIAMOND BRAND DE LUXE VACUUM JAR REFILL MADE QF "HEATEX" GLASS KEEPS COLD OR HOT NO SPONTANEOUS BLAST Irrf TTT _i Obtainable from all Departmental btora* FREEZINHOT BOTTLE CO., LTD. HONGKONG CHRISTMAS BARGAINS Prices Heavily Reduced. LodiM Tetoron Pleat Skirts $7.50 eoch fancy Blouses to cltar at $3.50 fancy Slacks
      135 words
    • 457 11 ■T AOPOINTMINT TO MIR MAJESTY TMt QU(t« •uoplii«« or ham MARSH BAXTER LIMITED OF BRIERLEY HILL AND BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND. Famous for York Hams, Wiltshire Cut Bacon and the finest Sausages, Pies and Cooked Meats for nearly a century are pleased to announce the appointment of BEN -D COMPANY LTD. AS
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
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  • 37 12 M nrd. Sit 1 Minimum 1 ACNAS Beloved o >: A. Rana- ':iehe pa*ned away suddenly on LH-11-62 Cortege leaven re.idenie on l-12-<2 at 3 30 p.m. for Klim Chun h. l.per S'ranKOon. S pore theme CM*
    37 words
  • 29 12 Warit tit (Minimum) FAMILY OP LATI Madam Ng Ah Chit 14 Tan Sim Boh Road thank tiieada, relative* for condolence* ■■ollj. wreath*. ttmtmWmm, etc. and .'tendaoee at funeral.
    29 words
  • 12 12 H „,4t am (Minimum > DEAREST FRECKLES HAPPY An r. MHMV -John.
    12 words
  • 322 12 W»r4t Sit (Minimum} THE COCKPIT* Jara KlMttmfal it mnch time In th<- Nmicapurt Model Acadrmy at I' 1 men Hotel. (Spore 1. NESTEA and hot water are all you nred for nip after cup of perfect, retntttmj, iihk; pure tea EASY WAV TO Slim: Kat leta «t;irrtiy ffiodii and
    322 words
  • 732 12 The Straits Times Saturday, December 1, 1962. On With The Plan The Federation is betwixi the two key years of the development plan. Expenditure totalling $547 million was approved for this year, and the Finance Minister is asking adptoval for $493 million expenditure next year. This pace is just a
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  • 590 12 The remarkable story of the Apex Bank's loans to co-oper. atives is carried a stage further in the first report of the Public Accounts Committee which has inquired into the AuditorGeneral's disclosures. Mild as the Committee's comments are. they reflect at least some of the Treasury's concern over
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  • 1288 12 Tshombe plays Editing game by a SPECIAL WRITER tCOPOLDVILLE Friday THE CONGO: Second of two articles TO assess the balance of forces in the Congo beyond Katanga is the prime worry of President Tshombe, his ministers, the local tribal leaders, and Katanga's European advisers (both from tho Union Miniere and
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  • 321 12  -  ROLAND HUNTFORD by STOCKHOLM. Fri— Kvrry littlf Swede born into this world has an «m client ihancc of sharins the surnamr Andcrsson with 400.000 others When he stows up hr will find 15.000 namesakes in the Stockholm telephone directory alone, whom it
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 502 12 Slraitt Tines Malay Mail Im handed to: Ist Hoar COLO BTOHAOI ARCADC Orchard *)oad COLO BTOHACB ItANCNIS AT HOLLAND »OAO-ICATON« KirriL ROAD-NAVAL BASK Authorltad A|«ntt CITY BOOK STORK LTD WlnehMtar Houit. Coilyer Quay THE NIWS FRONT Fltipatrlck'a Suparmarkat M M. ISMAIL 3 Admiralty Road. Naval Bat* M. ABOUL OAFe-AR CO
      502 words
    • 86 12 45ak £fe& iff ENSIGN'S X'MAS BAZAAR J »jg Visit our Children's Corner m for the Largest range V °0 Children's Books. Toys jV and Gomes; Alto X'ntas m. V* Cards. Calendars, Wro.- 5^ *JS P ln 9 Papers, Presentation J Volumnes, Diaries, Etc. Itc g* 3 si 8 I m
      86 words
    • 48 12 .^B^B^B^B^r mWm\m\\\m\\\\^Kmmm\m\\W^^^ i^b^bMk *^L!^* yl^^/tttt ff^^^^ the n«w Aerotol Fly «priy Kills flies, mosquito*!, cockroaches, bed-bug*, tnti and other household insects at the touch of button leaving Fresh air fragrance. Better aerosols through COOPER research Also obtainable: MOTH-PROOFER FRESH-AIRE ANT KILLER A "Quick Shine" in Quick Time with
      48 words

  • 134 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri Dunlop's tyre factory in Petaling Jaya will begin production in early January. A statement by Dunlop Malayan Industries Ltd. said test production would begin in December. Record progress In the erection of the factory ha* made this possible. The factory will
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  • 42 13 KUALA LUMPUR Fri.— The Save Democracy Fund now stands at almost $300.--000. The latest list of donations issued today by Bank Negara, treasurer of the fund, shows! that another $171,315.89 was collected this week, bringing the total to $295,436.88
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  • 64 13 SINGAPORE Fri. The Singapore Government will introduce early next year increases in petrol duty and vehicles licence fees parallel to those announced in the Federation on Wednesday. The 10 per cent increase in licence fees will take effect from Jan. 1. Diesel vehicles will not
    64 words
  • 425 13 CORONER CHIDES WIFE FOR NOT REPORTING HUSBAND'S EXPLOSION DEATH AND BURIAL SINGAPORE, Friday. J'HE State Coroner, Mr. S.R. Chapkhana, reprimanded a woman today and said her dishonesty had led to exhumation of a body on the southern island of Pulau Seking and "unnecessary loss of
    425 words
  • 61 13 SINGAPORE. Fri. Sulaiman bin Kama rum was charged in a magistrate's court today with robbing Mr. B. J. Reilly of $17,235.82. at the 19th mile junction, Kuala Lumpur Kuang Road in Ulu Selangor district on Nov. 6. He is alleged to have caused hurt
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  • 201 13 Low pay a bar to Govt. jobs KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Accountants eon hard to get because the Account-ant-Oeneral offers them minimum and starting salary of only $544 a month The Accountant-Oeneral. Mr. K. Roberts, said this to the Public Accounts Committee, which discussed the problems of finding qualified chartered 'accountants.
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  • 35 13 SINGAPORE. Fri. Vellasamy Perumal was remanded in custody lor one week today after he had been charged with the murder of Govindan NagamuUiu. in Baboo Lane on Monday evening. No plea was recorded.
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  • 286 13 SINGAPORE, Friday. T<HE Industrial Arbitration Court today ruled that the Clerks Employment Ordinance 1957 or any other ordinance or written law has no application whatever to the interpretation of collective agreements entered into under the Industrial Relations Ordinance. The ruling was given by the
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  • 27 13 SINGAPORE. Fri. A housewife. Cheng Ngo Neong. 56. fell to her death from a 6th storey flat iti Red Hill Close this afternoon.
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  • 117 13 WHAT IT TAKES TO BE A 'QUEEN' SINGAPORE beautician Mrs. Rosalie lirrnon (above) set out for Europe three months ago to find the qualities a girl needs to become a beauty queen. Her travels took her to France. Germany. Austria. Switzerland, Belgium. Italy, Britain and Holland She talked to beauty
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  • 98 13 THAT IS MY CAPTOR: BOY, 12 SINGAPORE. Fri. Lee Yong Kwee was today sent for trial in the High Court on a charge of wrongfully confining a schoolboy A preliminary Inquiry was told that Lee kept the boy. See Lai Ho. 12. in an hut near Jalan Eunos from May
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  • 51 13 IPOH. Fri. An estate mandore. N. Varutharajoo. 26, wokr up In a hotel here this mornlnq and discovered that 130 and a watch had been stolen from him. He came to Ipoh earlier in the day together with a friend from Teluk Anson. Hie friend was also
    51 words
  • 187 13 Take-over— by two-man staff of a contractor KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. The Ministry of Labours monthly report today tells the touching story of the boss who wanted to turn employee to his staff of two. The report says that two labourers, who are brothers, lodged a complaint against their employer, a
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  • 178 13 Now Esso set-up is 'local' KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. —All Esso facilities and assets in Malaya would be owned and operated from tomorrow by a locally incorporated company, Esso Standard Malaya Ltd. the managing director Mr. H. L. Beemer. announced here today. Esso Standard Eastern. Inc a U.S. company of which
    178 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 408 13 Initial Trial Leads to Permanent Use I Live better work better save more with "PANFIX" Cellophane Tapes Fine transparency Good adhesion No ageing v of, 4HB if^p .It ,?g Sole Afentv Boustpad A <«.. I id.. I nion Building. Singapore. Di»tributor< Kverittoni Sports Co.. I. id 3 6. Jalan Ibrahim.
      408 words
    • 61 13 BUY I §M I F^IKKT Mi 1 PEN J Jffm\ ll 4 pocket |1 AND I] jBF fl memo for GET ffkjff any PILOT FREE Wm^Mf during period 1 GIFT y%K/U Ist1 st D ed962 to fit \W// W 315tJan.1963. ll J I A PILOT PEN M W TO SUIT
      61 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 470 13 RADIO SINGAPORE I RADIO MALAYA BHOBT WAVE SERVICE: n MIW m#"»fc.« 1 <"t 41 metres NATIONAL SHORT WAVE MEDIUM WAVE SERVICE: SERVICE 476 metres. 41.7 metres A.M. 6.00 Good Morning 6.01 A.M.: 6.00 Time Signal, NeMorning Prelude: 7.00 The News; gara-lcu. News Headline*; 6.0S 7.0S Breakfast Bulletin: 7.15 Up Morning
      470 words

    • 245 14 WASHINGTON, Friday. pi YE divisions of paratroops, infantry and tank corps were placed on the alert during the Cuban crisis ready to invade the island if such a decision had been taken. Disclosing this today, the Defence Department said that altogether 340.000 men, thousands
      Reuter  -  245 words
    • 95 14 Another debate! in Commons? LONDON, Fri. The| House of Commons is expected to hold a further debate before Christmas on Britain's bid to enter the European Common Market. Authoritative Labour sources, said last night that the Opposition was now anxious to pin down the Government on exactly what
      Reuter  -  95 words
    • 31 14 BELGRADE, Fri. President j 'id to leave here i lor the Soviet Union next Sundsv. itccordinn to reports in diploma! in circlrs here vi-stfTday Ri lit er.
      31 words
    • 24 14 AMMAN. Fri. Plans to end .slavery in Saudi Arabia are to be put into effect soon, a Mecca broadcast said yesterday.—Reuter.
      Reuter  -  24 words
    • 136 14 Refugees raise Hong Kong population to 3.4 m HONG KONG, Fri The population of the colony increased by 183.--300 during the first six months of the year to 3.409.700. the Government Gazette announced today. Statistics showed that in the first 10 months of this year, registered births totalled 90.284 and
      Reuter  -  136 words
    • 91 14 An unhappy holiday ends for Mrs, M BELGRADE. Fri. Mrs. Diana Murrell, a British woman motorist who is appealing against a 12-month prison sentence Imposed by a Yugoslav court following a fatal road accident, left here by air yesterday for London. She left behind ball consisting .of about £220 in
      Reuter  -  91 words
    • 215 14 LONDON, Fri. A LABOUR M.P. last night asked the Prime Minister to Investigate reports that thousands of Russian agents were being trained as gigolos to seduce British women sent to the Soviet Union and then blackmail defence secrets from them. The question was raised by •Mr.
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    • 62 14 A ceasefire has been called in the SinoIndian border war -but Refugees from the Indian North-East Frontier Agency hills still trek southward through Assam. These refugees, who missed government planes sent to evacuate civilians are afraid the Communists will break the cease-fire and have taken what
      UPI  -  62 words
    • 246 14 CHESHIRE HEADS A MERCY SHIP TO SOUTH-EAST ASIA LONDON. Friday. 4 COMMITTEE formed in London earlier this month is planning to send a "mercy ship" to South-East Asia to fight against disease, hunger and poverty. U.S. Navy Capt. Frank Manson said today. Capt. Manson. founder of the organisation "the White
      246 words
    • 103 14 WASHINGTON. Fri. Chao Fu. a security oilicer. who defected from the Chinese Communist Embassy in Stockholm recently, told U.S. Senate investigators here yesterday that "thoughts of freedom" influenced him to decide suddenly one night to flea to the West.. Chao. 27. told the
      Reuter  -  103 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 20 14 FROM COLD STORAGE SUPERMARKETS M^^^^^^M SSEIF^ P^^^^^Mt^KMJM H^ll^^H^H i.4k jt H3%5w18 3tGu v/itn sll tnc Cnristmss trimmings. COLD STORAGE SUPERMARKETS
      20 words

    • 779 15  -  EPSOM JEEP; Singapore. Friday By PULAU Pangkor winner of three of his last four starts at Bukit Timah, is still in great form. With crack Australian jockey Garnet Bougoure astride, this vastly improved tlve-year-old is likely to year-old is likely to start a firm favourite In
      779 words
    • 1480 15 Race 1: 2.00 CL 3, Div. 4-6 F. 1 1484 Myopic (Leong Huat St.) Bagby, 5 9.0 (F) Draron 10 2 ***** HI Society (Highland Lolita St.) Ahmad. 5 8.13 (F) B. Wilson 11 3 ***** Town Beat (Mdm Ng Gunong St.) Heddle. 5 8 13 13 4
      1,480 words
      • 288 18 AM glad "Interested' re--1 vealed in his recent letter that the secondary school he mentioned is not being run according to the policy laid down by the Government. n it was then most of the subjects would not be taught in
        288 words
      • 82 18 EVER since Sandy Lane in Singapore was opened to traffic again last week, residents have experienced a new menace. Car drivers have turned this short stretch of road into a speed track and as they speed through, clouds and clouds of dust are scattered. Doors and windows have
        82 words
      • 154 18 THE VIGIL AT THE BUS STOP |UK two Kuala Lumpur cows who have gone unmolested for months, one in Bukit Bintang Road and the other in Pudu Road, must be unique in their preference for bus stops from which to stand and stare. Malayans, especially those who use the buses,
        154 words
      • 72 18 Is there a censor at work? I HAVE just received a letter from one of my Inaunesian friends in Medan which was opened and released In Singapore. Singapore is supposed to be at peace. In such a situation is there a censor with a legal right to open correspondence in
        72 words
      • 100 18 I DO not agree with the complaints about the u.C.S. examination. I was successful in the examination recently and I did not find the questions so difficult. With a little effort a candidate should not find the examination a hard one. Government clerks should realise that the Government
        100 words
      • 71 18 I FEEL very strongly that your headline "Horror babies" In connection with deformed babies is a piece of sensationalism which will make a balanced attitude to such deformities more difficult on the part of the public and —more important—of mothers of such unlucky children. Th«» word "monster" which
        71 words
      • 68 18 ACCORDING to a time table I have just read there are 21 plane services a week to London. Why then are letters not delivered daily? I write a daily air letter to my wife in Surrey an<i on .several occasions three have arrived by one post. Mine have
        68 words
    • 516 20 Rubber: Supply, demand are evenly balanced THE week's trading 1 would indicate an almost perfect balance between supply and demand report H.C.B. Co. Ltd.. in their weekly rubber report. Consequently price fluctuations have been at a minimum and turnover smaller than that of recent weeks, adds the report. The current
      516 words
    • 111 20 THE Malayan Excftange Ranks' Atsociatien mudr thi-.«e chance* In Itl rates (o merchant* yt.iterday (all rate* to SlOOi: New Verk: buying TT 321. airmail OO 33, UU d/«t 33i credit bill*. 33« trade bills. Canada: buylnc TT 35 7/16, airmail OD 35 9/lt>, W d/st 33 1/16 credit
      111 words
    • 501 20 From Our Market Correspondent SHARP rises in both the old and new industrial counters continued yesterday on the Malayan Stock Exchange as the fresh interest generated after the details of the "mild" budget on Wednesday continued unabated. Once again rises were spread throughout the
      501 words
    • 732 20 pOMBINED business in the Sinv gapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of ihe Malayan Stock Exchange yesterday, with the number of the shares traded in bracket*: INDUSTRIALS: Beuatead (9.000) $1.71: Ounlap (2,000) $2.27 D. (1.000) $2.3« D. (2.000) $2.34. (5.000) $2.35. (1.000) $2.36: Fed. Dl*p. (1.000) $1.38
      732 words
    • 238 20 rpHE price of Straits tin yesterday fell 25 cents to $429.62$ per picul on an offering increased by 15 tons to 255 tons. In London on Thursday although tin prices lost some ground, the market nevertheless displayed an underlying steadiness. Ring dealings were
      238 words
    • 152 20 MELBOURNE. Pli/GENERAL investment and indus- trial shares closed on steady note with movements narrow and about in balance Bank of RAW. held steady at higher level of £45 and British Tobacco firmed to 28s. on the announcement oi a higher profit and five per cent final dividend. Oil*
      152 words
    • 201 20 SHIPS lying non«»nit the Singapore ■nartu teday are: Klan Ann 21 '22. I>«nbi«hshire 47. Hreildent Sort Maru 2324. Tong Ban NW. 2. TonK Hrn NW. 3, Hakubasan Maru 29/30. Auhy NW 1. Karachi «77 Outar read*: Tuglia. Bet in. TobaKO. Steel Advocate, Hhega Maru. H<ntnald Ki-rr. Jepperaon
      201 words
    • 151 20 (OFFICIAL QUOTATIONS) Nov. 30. Three month*. BimMmm dene: Duntope 14 eta. 8. Darby 4M. F. ft N. 16 eta. C. Storage 4 id. Oammon 11 ct*. 8. Traction 1/1) J Waugn 14 eta. Bh.ll 13 eta. M. Brew. 29 eta. Bteamanip 8 ct*. M. Cement 18 eta. B.
      151 words
    • 246 20 DECEMBER Mrit jrade rubber buyer* lob. clewed at i p.m. In Hinti»i<tnand Kuala Lumpur yenterdav at W| MV lb. up fly.-i ik;hth» nf cem. Ttie tone was quietly tWady I.CC RA. ana F.M RE priien in <enta pei ih. yesterday: Int. I R. 8.8. prompt Jo.b. buyers sellers
      246 words
    • 97 20 CHINEST Produce Exchanx* Slnxapor* noeo pncai per picul yesterday: Coconut oil: bulk J4IJ .••rllcrv drum $441 sellers: Cepra: Nov. UK/Continent $21| buyeni, $21»« Keller*. Pepper: Muntok white HM aellers. Sarawak white $132 i sellera. fperlil Sarawak black $9t wllerak garbled Lnmponß biack $92» aeller*. ABTA $100 nellers Slngapere
      97 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1057 15 ADVERTISERS ANNOUNCEMENT "W" "W" a particularly in soups and v m I -4- |a stews. Bovril products also 1 Vf went on the successful British M. JL V^ \Jk. A Lll« Everest Expedition of 1953. 7 Sportsmen and athletes have long been aware of the j invigorating powers of Bovril
      1,057 words
    • 83 15 Introducing the MARTELL V.S.O.P. B^B^^) i "^^BQB^k^fl 2S* j Established m 1715 in the! reign of Louis XIV I UQUEUR BRANDY I H FINE CHAMPAGNE j "M V^ PRODUCT or FRANCE I Sole Agents 111 "J^R, CILFILLAN C°. V LTD. With EVERY bottle of MARTELL V.S.O.P. purchased in S'pore 1
      83 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 82 16 BSS^ t* f^Ki ,^m BAA. ■a. M. Bj «^r Bl Bmu»»*^^* 1 BBBBk. V #jßi^ Bl I? ■^'*v iMMBa bj b^9JR V* fHi i I BM i n f I', jw 1 <jk m BS> i^al i~ i > I BKmlutt BF9BF JuMMf jJ"*^ jP* ifl Birffi Hfl M I
      82 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 779 17 (Continued from Pace 12) SITUATIONS VACANT Words ti I Ml*.)— Box M ets extrt QUALIFIED TRAINED or expenenc--1 lady teacher for private school llstrlct 10. Box A 4395 S.T., Spore. GENERAL CLERK with good know'■dee of office routine In a CommerI ial firm required Immediately. Please •■l'l'ly Box AllB2 8.T..
      779 words
    • 991 17 SITUATIONS WANTED ACCOUNTANT ADMINISTRATOR Seeks position Singapore /Malaya/ Borneo. Good credentials. Singapore Cltlsen. Available Immediately. Reply Box A434S S.T B'pore. ACCOMMODATION VACANT M Words Si (Ml*.)— Box It ets txlrm ADVIRTISIR BOX AtSl* B.T. Thanks applicants and wishes to Inform them that the bungalow has been let out. TANGLIN NEAR
      991 words
    • 791 17 EDUCATION tt Word* St (Ml*.)— Bom It et* txtrm MERCANTILE INSTITUTION 309 Queen Street Singapore Accommodation available rrom Primary to Cambridge Senior for boys and girls to all sessions. DZE INO KINDERGARTEN Enrolment for 1963. EnKllsb/Chlnese classes In morning/afternoon sessions. Ags, 4—6. 88 St. Francis Road, (Spore). Tel. *****. School
      791 words
    • 949 17 DOGS. PETS. ETC. M Words SS (Ml*.)— Box It et*. txtrm FOR SALI PIKINOISI, Maltese. Dachshund, Yorkshire Terrier, Puppies) Seen 160. Halg Road, Singapore 15. FOUND strayed In Calrnhlll Court 29th Nov. pedigree red long haired Corgi *****. Owner telephone Spore ***** or Box A 4400 B.T. Spore. BULL TERRIER
      949 words
    • 1065 17 VEHICLES FOR SALE Words SS (Ml*.)— Box 10 els. extra MINI MINOR IMS Good condition $3,900 0.n.0. Phone ***** (B'pore) HSO'Si VOLKSWAGEN. M/Mlnor 1000, Flata 1100, M Minor 1969 Hlllman S/Wagon Mercedes 190, 1958 T.R.3 1956/65 Fiats 1100 1953 Wolseley 4/44 V/Velox. 32 Beneoolen Street. Spore. Tel: ***** RENAULT OAUPHINE.
      1,065 words
    • 759 17 FOR SALE it Word* SS (Ml*.)— Box S9 ets. txtrm CHINESE ART FURNITURE SCreaas Jade, Ivory. Old Porcelain and English Hllver, inspection wetcoma, 23 Tiverton Lane oft Kllliney Road. Spore. X'MAS OPPORTUNITY? Indian Allcottoo Wnite Slnglesize Bedsheets Now Clearing 3 Pieces 56.50. Cotton Blankets Now $2.90, Also Clearing Maidenform Brassieres.
      759 words
    • 588 17 SHOPPING GUIDE (S pore) it Word* SS (Ml*.)— Box 50 cts. txlrm THE BATIK SHOP Camay Cinema only spect.ili.its in Batik Saroafi. JEWELLERY mattes most appreciated Gift. Latest Ranee at Tin BlaB Goldsmiths Ltd.. 21&-2I7. Soutb Bridie Road. 8 pore GRAND REDUCTION ONI All Item.i Reduced to Clear. B«imming Suits
      588 words
    • 346 17 LADIES HAIRDRESSING M Words ,<i (Mtm.) B*M S9 eta. txtrm CATHERINE PEAUTV SALON. 3rd Anniversary Ofln. free Kill of cosmetic will be Kivrn to all customers who Have a«-nt wave. Ton oftm valid till l.)ili DMBMH IM 630 A. Upper Serangoon Road. Singapore. SALON "TRES DWIB" for your latest
      346 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 108 18 MORE I THAN 1,000,000 SOLD EVERY DAY HERE'S WHY v.»,bl»,M»k .tupply Gmmrm»**94 10 arriia lllllli:j||lillllllllCJIIIIIIIIIIII[3llllllllllllt3llllllllllllt3IIIIIIIIIIIIC3IMIHIIIIIIC3llll^ tfffOftQ PP, YEARS I GUARANTEE •*^m C —^^^^r-T=J>'L^F^l -4 B \V I (MALAYA) LIMITED I UjpalAAA^aVamamam 'm\ SINCAPOHfc— KUALA LUMHUM HENANO— KOTA SNADU-IPOH-n JOHORE BAHRU. it lllll!IC3lllllMIIIIICJIIIMIIIIIIIC3IIIIIIIIIIIIC]IIIIIIIIIIIIC3IIIIIIMIIIIC3IIIIIIIHIIIt3lll> jAmf Fastening this authentic tab collar is a
      108 words
    • 217 18 1/1 Hnr Iff PYREX ■H^H SNOWFLAKC PATTIKN VIGfTAaLE OISH goes from oven a J to table! IJV^ <^l Beaotifd Bngfab P>m b he* co Hmn nmu MkMl Too o» bite r Ml^^" it toast w«A ft. steam hi ft. boil it withaol tear of breakage. So Y&S&l^J?*' pretty it goes
      217 words
    • 57 18 MOTHERS! Give your ihildrcn instant relief from colds, fever, headaches and sore throats! Give them Rcxall Children Aspirin. Raspberry flavoured and so pleasant to take, the tablets can be chewed or taken with milk or water. CHILDREN'S ASPIRIN METROPOLE TV RADIO CO. 314, SOUTH BRIDGE ROAD SINGAPORE GRAND X MAS
      57 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 223 18 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS without adequate furniture? 1 In the confusion, we lost tht f bathing equipment (6). nere 8 w lts 5. To perform before all th« sHfT^r-n' ™i other peop.e is qui.e a gift .8 f£ r n Pol* <6- 4 >. 9. After a spin round I
      223 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1472 19 10 LIVERPOOL I WEST COAST U K Out S'pori Still Fi Sham Penang ANTENOt r L'ptll. R'aam. H'burg InPt'Decl BtC 4 DIOMFO liverpul. Glasgow G 15 11 Tetay LYCAON liverpetl Dec i Dtc I Btc 7/ I Dee 11 PATROCLUS L'ptll. Dublin, Glasgow Dtc II Dtc 11 Bee 14/10 Baa
      1,472 words
    • 1412 19 [HE E. A. C. LINES- i SAILINGS TO fcINOA, LE HAVRE. HAMBURG, BREMEN, ANTWERP. BOIUROAM AMSTERDAM, OSLO, GOTNENBURB AND COPENHAGEN. iß&^4&\ tout P S'haa Penan| r?lvSo\lsl "ATUTH:A" a) c) G. 11-11/ 4 Dtc 9/ 7 Dtc I J Dec O VkZytJ ►AUIKUr «j 2t/U Dtc 14/2S Bee II,U uec \g\A>Sy
      1,412 words
    • 1564 19 EXPRESS SERVICE 10 LONOON. LIVERPOOL 1 CONTINENTAL PORTS. S pore P. S'tiaa Paaaaa. BENHOPE (H)l N'kirg, I 111, Hull. S'moutt la Pt Taaaj BENNEVIS (E.Lp.r L'nal, Hull, R'dam. H'lirg la Pt/Btc 1 BEN6LOE (E.L.) L dm, M trough. H'klfg fi. 11/ Dee 4 Oec 1/ I BENLARICt L'ptti, H'kmg. R'dam,
      1,564 words
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1034 20 I y^ KAWASAKI RISEN KAISHA. LTD.^ Express U.S.A. Pacific «k Atlantic Coast Service ti» ti» tit tU 9'oor* r flam X'tOOf fVKHC' i «n|«W* N forl Ctlsl* Mar* Cl* I Otc 2] Dec 27 Otc 14 JM "Klmikaaa Man" J% 2J Oec 10/31 Otc a Ml iM I] MniM/lIMI ah
      1,034 words
    • 592 20 j «t»IBUUNU timul-l HIM rtfiMt Marjtillts. St. Naiairt. LOUOIaU 11/12 Otc 13/14 Otc IS Otc Ha«rt. Dtafcirt, tatwtri, Rittera'au, Hamliri, Brtntn. south tun tfiiu unici Mm TArUCXA 1/ I Dtc Durtan IJI/1J), Port fli7>D*tti (J4/1J). Capetown (M/ 12), Watadi mm). Port Harcourt. La»os (1/1), Cotcnou (1/1), Loma, Ttmt, Imoradi, Freetown,
      592 words
    • 150 20 CLOSING PRICES November 30 MALAYAN RUBBER PRICE: S(k cents (up five-eighths of a cent) TIN: 542».62i (down 25 cents). Estimated unofficial offering 255 tons (up 15 tons). s.s. "CITY OF CARLISLE" It is regretted that conditions presently prevailing *h at Port Swettenham necessitate that the above vessel discharges her Port
      150 words
    • 400 20 WEARNE BROTHERS LIMITED Notice Is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Stockholders will be held at 45, Orchard Road. Singapore on Monday, 17th December 1962 at Noon when the Directors will recommend the pay- ment on 18th December 1962 of a final dividend of 20% less tax at
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 971 21 IBS SI OVERSEA-CHINESE BANKING CORPORATION LIMITED i Incorporated In Singapore) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Transfer Books and the Register of Members of the Company will be closed from 10th December, 1962 to 14th December. 1962 (both days inclusive > for the allotment of .share, In respect of the
      971 words
    • 819 21 TENDERS I WAR DEPARTMENT TENDER NOTICE. By order of the Director of Ordnance Services, GHQ FARJELF. Tenders are invited for the purchase of Vehicles and Earth Mo\ ing Eqpt surplus to WD requirements, comprising 16 Lots. Persons not registered with the j Director of Ordnance Services must deposit $2500 with
      819 words
    • 389 21 TENDERS TENDERS from approved Contractors will be received at the Public Works Department. High Street, Singapore 6 in Tender Box No. 1 up to noon of the 22/1/63 i for the Supply Installation of Steriliser Equipment at the extension to Thornton Road Hospital- The project drawings may be seen, and
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    • 1060 21 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE SENIOR LECTURESHIP IN THE DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE. Applications are Invited for appointment to a Senior Lectureship in the Department of Medicine. Candidates must hold a registrable medical qualification. preferably a higher qualification, and have teaching and research experience in General Medicine. Further particulars may be
      1,060 words
    • 227 21 TENDERS I CITY COUNCIL OF SINGAPORE PASIR PANJANG 'B POWER STATION j The City Council of Singapore j proposes to call for tenders for the SUPPLY AND DELIVERY ONLY to the above new Po\v?r Station ot approximately 560 tons of STEEL SHEET PILES Suppliers who ma> oe interested in tendering
      227 words
    • 1259 21 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS SINGAPORE GOVERNMENT VACANCIES Only candidates with the stipulated qualifications need apply. Applicants must satisfy the usual birth and residential qualifications. 1. AIRPORT COMMERCIAL MANAGES. Civil Aviation. QUALIFICATIONS EXPERIENCE: Cambridge School Certificate or Government School Certificate tChinese) or Government Chines Senior Middle 111 Certificate or equivalent with at least
      1,259 words

    • 103 22 SINGAPORE, Fri. Singapore's contingent of four competitors and three of_ flrials will be accorded V.LP. treatment when they return home on Dec. 5 from i the Commonwealth (Limes at Perth. SOSC is planning a reception for them at Singapore Airport. President AT. Rajah said: "The
      103 words
    • 49 22 j SINGAPORE. Fn.— Turf Club Rangers will meet Singapore Fire Brigade in the final of the Singa- pore Amateur Sepak Raga Asso- rlation 'A' division championship |at the New World on Sunday at 7.30 p.m. In the "B* division final. Siri Tanjong will meet Chahya Bahru.
      49 words
    • 461 22 ROSE GETS FOURTH GOLD MEDAL AND ANITA HER THIRD GAMES ROUNDUP: PERTH, Friday SINGAPORE'S, wonder schoolboy swimmer, Tan Thuan Heng, sh owed again tonight that he could develop into a world-class performer. In the final of the 1,650 yards men's freestyle at the Commonwealth Games,
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    • 68 22 SOCCER— Spore Police invitation tourney (Ist rd) Army Depot Police 2 RAF Changl 1. Riant DH. 1 KO: Rovers 5 P. SwettenliHin Tamilian* 2. Friendliest Ramblers 5 Sg Bernam Eat 2, at Ipoh; PWD Combined XI 2 Tangkatf Di.s.t. 2, at Tangkak. HOOKEY— Penan* Lge: Police 2 RAAF
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    • 202 22 'Mr. X' is Soh's latest rival SINGAPORE. Fri A "mystery" candidate said to he a well-known personality in Singapore and Malayan tootball will be put up by a group of players and officials against Soh Ghee Soon for the post of SAFA president at the annual general meeting on Dec.
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    • 101 22 IPOH, Pri.— The Malayan Women' hockey squad of 22 players, three officials, and a coach, were delayed for nearly 90 minutes at the Railway Station here today due to the late arrival of the southbound train ftom Prai. The contingent left 2.30 p.m. instead of 1.05
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    • 78 22 SINGAPORE. Pri. The proposed boxing match between Singapore. Pakistan and Ghana during the second week of December has been called off. The Pakistani and Ghanaian teams, who are competing in the current Commonwealth Games in Perth, could not accept the date suggested by the Singapore Amateur Boxing
      78 words
    • 269 22 SWIMMING 110 YAKUS BACKSTROKE FINAL i World record 1: 01.S by J. Mockton. Aust. 1958. Games record 1:01.7 by Mocltton, 1958). —1 G. Sykes (Eng.) 1:04.5. 2 J. Carroll (Aust) 1:05.4. 3 W. Vincent (Aust) 1:06.2. 110 YARDS BREASTSTHOKE FINAL (World 1 record 1:09.6 by C. Jasteremski,
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    • 64 22 /GLASGOW. Pri.— Moscow TorVJ pedo soccer team beat Glasgow Rangers, the Scottish First Division side. 2-1 In a friendly match here last night. There was no score at halfiime. This was the first of the Soviet side's three match tour of Scotland. Tn London, the English
      Reuter  -  64 words
    • 33 22 ATHENS, m— A 2.000-year-old Olympic gold medal, sold for about M 566.000 at an auction In Basle yesterday was bought by the Greek government, it was authoritatively disclosed here today. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  33 words
    • 515 22  - Win-for-Borrie is Selangor's battle cry today 1 1 CARROLL B KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. OINGAPORE Negri Malacca at Singapore, Johore Joint Services at Johore Bahru and SeJangor-Perak at Ipoh all these ties tomorrow make up the Malaya Cup programme for this weekend and of the three games the Northern tie will
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 479 22 STAMFORD COLLEGE (MALAYA'S COLLECE OP POSTAL EDUCATION) 1963/64 EXAMINATIONS Your further education Is safe in the hands or the famous ttam-HOMK-STI'DY A>urse which sIDCe 1932 brought astounding success to thousands of students (Over 4,<<00 Cambridge Successes Since 1962)! m.r the years, this unique method of study has been perfected by
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    • 302 22 BULOVA WATCHES ARE SOLD AT FREE PORT PRICES IN THE FEDERATION FROM TODAY Good news! From Ist December 1962 you can get Bulova watches in the Federation AT THE SAME PRICES as in the free ports of Singapore and Penang. See the Bulova range today they're the world's finest watchesl
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    • 161 23 IPOH. Frt. Forty players have been named for the Perak yoiuh soccer trial at the Chin- nblv Hall ground here tomorrow at 4 p.m. After the trial the selectors will pick the team to join the training squad in Kuahi Lumpur. The tnahsis are: Wahab b. Shahuddin.
      161 words
    • 974 23  -  JACK FINGLETON BRISBANE. Friday By AUSTRALIA PULL BACK FROM 140-5 TO REACH 321-7 BADLY missed off a stumping: at 21, 29--year-old Sydney schoolteacher Brian Booth, who is a lay preacher at weekends, made his first Test century in the First Test between England and
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    • 98 23 AUSTRALIA—IST INNS. LA WRY c Smith b Trueman 5 SIMPSON c Trueman b Dexter 50 O'NEILL c Sutham b Trueman 9 HARVEY b Statham 59 BURGE c Dexter b Trueman 6 BOOTH c Dexter b Titmus 112 DAVIDSON c Trueman b MACKAY not out 51 Barrington 23 BINAUD not
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    • 107 23 CINGAPORE, Frt. Slngapore's International goalkeeper Wilfred Skinner turned goal-getter when he scored twice to help Police enter the seml-flnals of the SAFA Junior knockout cup competition. beatIng Chinese Athletic "A" 3-0 at Farrer Park today. After a scoreless first half played on a rain soaked ground.
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    • 58 23 KAMPAR. PH.— The Kampar District Football League will mark the close of its nmoo with a Perak v Selangor veterans match on the pedang her* on Sunday at 535 p.m. In addition there will be a seven-a-side match for youths— Champlcns v Rest at 4.45 ana
      58 words
    • 35 23 WELLINOTON. Fri.— New Zealand will play In the Eastern zone of ihe 1»«3 D*vi« Cup lawn tennU rompetltlon. it wa» decided at a meeting of the New Zealand LTA here tonight.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  35 words
    • 76 23 PENANO. Fri. Malayan Tomas Cup player Teh Kew San will lead the Penang City Council R.C. team in their badminton match against Ipoh Municipality at Ipoh on Sunday. The Penang team will be: Teh Kew San. O»n Teng Seanß. Lim Tens: Tean. Cheam .Aik Sun,
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    • 30 23 IPOH. Fri— The Perak Chlne»e Pyramid Association will hold a •Mr Junior Perak competition' at the Jubilee Park here tomorrow night to celehrste the association's 37th anniversary.
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
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    • 257 23 Commonwealth games JBRRTPF, iB LONGINES was chosen because, for nearly a Century, i I 1_ i LONGINES has maintained a foremost position among the World's /"ttf! 19H I ■^■fe leod i n g watchmakers in accuracy competitions at National I Wm I I rrjiaj Observatories. f< 'illff f c nfernofiono
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  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 147 23 RIGGER MALAYA CUP: Spore V N8Malacca (S'Dore padang. 6>; Johore v S pore Joint 6enice» (CSC grd.. J. Bahru, 6); Peralc v S'gor (Ipoh padang, 5). CLUB MATCHES: S'gor Club v VIOBA (XL padangi; Language lusi. V 1 Bn. RMR (Panul Valley); Spore Police v The Blacks (Thomson Rd>. SOCCER
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  • 138 24 His health is slowly improving VATICAN CITY, FrL— Pope John, stricken with stomach troubles and anaemia, left his sick-bed today for the second day in a row because his condition "is improving." An .official communique from the Vatican Press office said; "Medical and dietetic treatment prescribed to the
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  • 64 24 ELSIE mife of Joan* IVrn StMer rf Uxirda Orego Btrnedlne Maryann and Phllo on 20.11.62 at TriVKndniro r.njuhsfn Rl(h Man 13.12.62 at 5.19 V m. Holy Rosary Church Kuala l.umpur MR. CMUA CHVE CHENG 71. pa«i«< away peacefully at hla rr- idenoe No. IS. Jookar Street. Malacca. Deeply mourned.
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  • 51 24 SINGAPORE. PTi.— Pour United State Senators and their wives will arrive In Singapore on Sunday. lor an informal three-day visit. They are Senator Michael J. Mansfield. Democrat, Montana Senator Claiborne Pell. Democrat, Rhode Island: Senator Benjamin A Smith. Democrat. Massachusetts; and Senator James Caleb Bogus. Republican.
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  • 24 24 LONDON. Pri.— Queen Elizabeth II approved the appointment of Sir Hugh Stephen.son as Ambassador to South Africa, it was announced today.
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  • 290 24 Nkrumah and Nasser hold up talks COLOMBO. Friday GUANA and the United Arab Republic have still to accept invitations to the "Little Summit" Afro-Asian conference in Colombo to discuss the SinoIndian dispute. An official of the Ceylon External Affairs Ministry said today he was uncertain whether the conference can be
    Reuter  -  290 words
  • 258 24 kiiai a hudud r.i I LU PUH rrl 'THE Malayan Trades Union Congress was warn- ed today of a move by certain groups to have it break away from the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions at the forthcoming delegates conference. Senator SP.B.
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  • 61 24 NEW DELHI, Pri.— An Indian External Affairs spokesman said today a further request for clarification of the Chinese withdrawal proposals had been handed to the Chinese Charge d'Aflaires in Delhi this a Her neon. The spokesman said the letter from the Chinese Prime Minister. Mr. Chou En-lai,
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 32 24 TOKYO. Pri.— More than 10.000 persons were arrested or given warnings for traffic violations In a police crackdown in Tokyo. Yokohama. Kobe and Nagoya. the National Police Agency reported today.
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  • 372 24 LONDON. Frl.—Stock markets, ended the week on a quiet note. There was little to Induce buyers to open new commitments In front of the week-end and with a small amount of profit-taking going on, equities again lacked a definite trend. Olltedged put up the best performance and small
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  • 364 24  -  AUSTEN ZECHA: KUALA LUMPUR. Friday By THE Indian Deputy Foreign Minister, Mrs. Lakshmi Menon, made an unexpected half-hour stopover at the airport here today on the way to Indonesia to discuss India's reaction to China's border proposals with President Soekarno. She is making a
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  • 96 24 T ONDON. Fri. Nearly Ld 6,000 bright red London pillar boxes stand in the way of 45-year-old Mrs. Julia Maynard visiting her married daughter Pamela In the United States. She has undertaken to repaint them within the next four months to earn
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 271 24 ITNITED NATIONS, U Fri. The Philippines last night appealed to "the vaunted British sense of Justice and fair play" to settle the issue of sovereignly over North Borneo at. the conference table. Congressman Godofredo Ramos, the majority Liberal Party's spokesman on North Borneo,
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 274 24 AU V fcn I Ibklntrl I O M Wm*» Sit (Minimum) 0O»— IUNO: On 1.12.62 between Kew Ror, «/o late Madam Tech Tune s. Lai and Rosalind Sheow Hln, d/o Rung Ta Plao THE TAPE RECORDER WITH THE NEW RECORDING SYSTEM Recording System: Rf'S^^^^_ '-^^'^►■'^■^■■^H I Cross field type recording
      274 words
    • 126 24 Invest in an INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER HI For Rufjged, Reliable rtrinSHkfe Transportation fjsr^^^^!:- Ranging from A ton F (Efi^l" S3?fr -20tons. Available l "vflJH(M9Hf B^ Engines. By one of «w W the world's biggest Truck Manufacturers* By McCormick International the World Famous Maker i of Agricultural, Industrial jgj^A Land-development #ggfi amfik
      126 words