The Straits Times, 7 November 1962

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 100,000 No** 01 The Straits Times Kstd. 1845 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1962 15 CENTS KDN 036
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  • 661 1 At the front: Chinese build-up near airfield In Delhi: Congress MPs come to decision Visitors with a request: 'Resign' fIEW DELHI, Tues. Three senior members of India's ruling Congress Party in Parliament are expected to call on Mr. V.K. Krishna Menon here today to ask him to
    Reuter; UPI  -  661 words
  • 226 1 Teachers in fear, want transfers ASSAULT THREATS, ONE MAN IN HOSPITAL ■OENTONG, Tues. The headmaster and five of the eight teachers of the Leban Chondong Malay school in Rompin, Pahang, have asked the State Education Department for "immediate transfer" after threats of assault by the villagers. One of them, Inche
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  • 427 1 UN call for a N-test ban NEW YORK, Tuesday. r[E U.N. General Assembly's main political committee today called for a ban on all nuclear tests in the atmosphere, space and under water from Jan. 1, accompanied by an interim suspension of underground tests. i It adopted a resolution containing these
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  • 106 1 Boac stops Chinese air girls for India HONG KONG. Tues. All Chinese stewardesses employed by Boac have been withdrawn from their routes to Indian cities as a precaution against antiChinese feeling now running high in India. A spokesman for the airline said this was a temporary measure taken "in order
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  • 88 1 FIGHTER ON GROUND ROCKETS TWO MORE PLANES WASHINGTON, Tues. The Defence Department announced last night that an F-84 fighter plane accidentally fired its rockets on the ground, destroying one plane and damaging another. The plane, one of the 12th Tactical Fighter Wing at Macdill Air Force Base, Florida, was parked
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  • 562 1 AERIAL PHOTOS SHOW NO WORK ON CRATING IL-28s IN CUBA WASHINGTON, Tues (SOVIET jet bombers in Cuba may turn out to be a stumbl-ing-block in negotiations for removal of offensive weapons from the island, t\S. officials said here today. These officials said there were "strong
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  • 45 1 NEW YORK, Tues. Fidel Castro was not allowed to visit the Russian missile bases in Cuba, Newsweek magazine reported yesterday, quoting U.S. intelligence sources. Other Cuban officials were ordered away from the Russian bases by Soviet technicians at bayonetpoint, the magazine said. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 230 1 Premier Sacked: in Bulgaria purge QOFIA, Tues. Mr. Anton Yugov (above), Bulgarian Prime Minister since 1956, was expelled from the -Government and the Communist Party central committee in a number of expulsions announced here yesterday. Mr. Todor Zhivkov. party First Secretary, said Mr. Yugov had oeen expelled from the central
    Reuter  -  230 words
  • 48 1 COLOMBO, Tues. Twenty ships are waiting in a queue outside Colombo harbour today because five of the six British pilots in the port are on strike. The strike is in support of their demands for tax exemptions and facilities to send more money home. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 69 1 rpOKYO, Tues. Mr. A Nikita Khrushchev's retreat in Cuba was described by Communist China today as a "policy of appeasement on a par with Munich." The Peking Government's sharp criticism of Moscow's Cuba policy was contained in the editorials of two of its leading official newspapers. Peking radio,
    UPI  -  69 words
  • 215 1 Surplus 900 to lose jobs OINGAPORE, Tues. The War Department announced today that about 900 locallyengaged civilian employees would have to be retrenched. The Army Civil Service Union, which represents the workers, has been told that the move is •"unavoidable. An official statement said the War Department very much regretted
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  • 26 1 REDS PROTEST TOhlO. Tu*;- lotfsy lodged ver» jr ,->t. .r v-itfa mdi* Celling "f Cbmcjf I to tbr W< stern >in'<-fu' border T P
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 89 1 Finest Selection of DIAMOND jflHflV^ JP Wk*&* GEM SET ENGAGEMENT P. H. HENDRY 78, North Rridge Rd., ft Adclphi Hotel, Spore. Heod Office: KUALA LUMPUR. MKQlfl' uHr i VWt'^> >^JMMI ■p^_wP' fIH V\\ w^ Hk \^\v^^wv^ TO#|^7flB i 51 9 1 I p'""' One of a Limited Edition Created 'or
      89 words
    • 157 1 St. FRANCIS/ St. MICHAEL ROAD, AND LORONG STANGEE, KATONG. MONTHLY: 5142.50 DOWN PAYMENT: $9,900/--upwards or Lett To Be T r2)lfc^^-” Arranged Wide Frontage ll'i" SIN CHEW REALTY LTD. 132. Rochore Road, Spore 7. Tel: *****. WJB ♦T^P I H^ itr' I* "seme 9 WSa WL HI 1 <■» 01 -\jKk
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  • W i
    • 40 2 LONDON. Tues. Mr. Percy Cudlipp. former editor of the Dally Herald, died suddenly at bis home here tonight, aged 57. Mr. Cudlipp was the eldest of tnree Welsh brothers who became famous In Fleet Street. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  40 words
    • 32 2 SEOUL. Tues. The South Korean ruling Supreme Council yesterday officially announced a constitutional amendment Bill which would Rive the country a powerful President and a weaker National Assembly.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  32 words
    • 28 2 HONO KONG. Tues. Fire last night gutted two rows of houses on opposite sides of Qough Street. Central District, making more than 650 homeless. Reuter
      Reuter  -  28 words
    • 579 2 The sister-in-law of Or. Casters last night gave birth to a baby with deformed arms, it was announced in court today. The announcement by Maitre lean Muttard caused a minor «ensation at the second day of the trial. LIEGE, (Belgium), Tuesday. J*HE mother and
      Reuter  -  579 words
    • 102 2 AVA DROPPED FROM FILM 'SHE WANTED TOO MUCH' ROME, Tues. Ava Gardner (above) has been dropped from the cast of an American film being shot In Rome, "The Pink Panther," because she made "excessive demands." A spokesman for the film company said Miss Gardner was being replaced by the French
      Reuter  -  102 words
    • 60 2 MEDAN, Tues. Police here have arrested a swindler who set up his own savings bank and insisted on monthly advances from depositors. The man, a Marine Corps non-commissioned officer named M. Alwl, operated his bank under the title of "Indonesian People's Movement Savings Bank."
      Reuter  -  60 words
    • 105 2 WAVINC goodbye to friends and relatives at the new Kai T.ik air terminal now costs 10 cents per person. Three coin-operated turnstiles have been installed to collect the waving toll. Ed she had been unfaithful to him. THE Kowloon-Canton Railway authorities are planning an improved
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    • 131 2 DATELINE Hong Kong From FRANCIS BOEY iuu-uuukse Han Dynast., dinner, which beA gan last Tuesday evening and ended early on Friday morning, was washed down with rare Chinese wines by leading Hong Kong businessmen, film and operators. With suitable intervals, the 64 guests sat down four times for the gastronomic
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    • 143 2 rpHE police have stepped X up their campaign against jay-walkers at the junction of Pedder Street and Queen's Road Central. Surimonses are being Issued to people who cross the street against the traffic lights. BLACK MARKET ticket seller Chow Blng Chong, 27, was fined HK$l,OOO, or three
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    • 105 2 WAGE increases for the rank and file in the Hong Kong Police Force have attracted more applicants and cut down the number of resignations. Eleven police officers who resigned have applied to rejoin the force. THE Hong Kong and Yaumatl Ferry Co. Ltd., is considering
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    • 197 2 BONN, Tuesday. CHANCELLOR Konrad Adenauers coalition government tonight survived the political crisis caused by police action against the outspoken weekly magazine Der Spiegel. He and leaders of the Free I Democratic Party, Junior partners with the Christian Democrats In his coalition, spent four hours discussing the
      Reuter  -  197 words
    • 35 2 QUOTE Working at the War Office W is like sleeping with an elephant. Either you are overlain or whatever you do takes two years to produce a results. Mr. John Profumo, War Minister, at Shrewsbury.
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    • 86 2 CAPE CANAVERAL. Tues.— An advanced version of the Polaris missile exploded in flight yesterday soon after it was launched on a test flight over the Atlantic the fourth failure in as many test flights for the new model, called the A3. A malfunction occurred during the first
      Reuter  -  86 words
    • 21 2 RABAT. Tues. King Hassan has signed a decree calling for a referendum to approve a constitution for Morocco. UP.I.
      UPI  -  21 words
    • 91 2 DETENTION AND FEAR MEAN NO QUORUM EOPOLDVILLE Tues. L* Both Houses of the Congolese Parliament failed to muster a quorum for the session, scheduled to re-open yesterday. They were due to meet again today. A simple majority of the 83-member Senate and the 137-member Chamber of Deputies Is required for
      Reuter  -  91 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 494 2 \V^\V\XvVVVVV\VV\VvC' X?^^^^^^^^^^^gl gi^g^™'™^^^^™™™™"""""'""^^™™'^™—™"™-"^*"sEHS^i^Hin *^^r^^^-^ ill Ik- liPPslLi' 1 t^^ggp^ 1 i |l=^r ■nsH g vv'^gisggßS^^^'^^v^^^'^^gf^gf^gf^^t^ J -_j|B ftlk^gf^gf^ tS^^^^- //••■'•^■Li Es?sss^v* •\V\\\\\\\\\\ *///l^gf^gW.^^gHbv^ii hsh^O ■oS^» a ''WWWWWW'W/^^gf^gi^gßfc^B I r*"^*^i^*^*r K*J W W*+^MW/'/^^=^^^^Mu'///////f/lfinflllll///ll!ll, It's a man's l/i^ personal pride to own good things... to possess the best he can afford because
      494 words
    • 89 2 Suitable for any occasion j tDj "WOODLAND" Braziers I 1 Model li tor the I d *l*JT /Mode. 47. 18" top with 13" diameter 3 Jj 3 potif diameter, 3 position position spiral grill and fjon b spiral grill. Has tubular ♦«>>••'•' d l a ll Wt U-i and
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • I fcJ
    • 382 3 CHEERS FOR NIKITA ON CUBA— BUT NOT FROM PEKING »notmir PAOt op ronciaN nidi in hoi to SOFIA, Tuesday. jy|R. TODOR ZHIVKOV, Bulgaria's Communist leader, claimed here that the Soviet Union's peace-loving realistic and flexible policy had won an "outstanding moral and political victory" in the Cuban crisis. Mr. Zhivkov's
      Reuter  -  382 words
    • 102 3 TWO MILLION DEMONSTRATE IN CHINA TO BACK CUBA PEKING, Tues. Nearly two million Chinese took part in yesterday's mass demonstrations in support of Cuba in eight Chinese cities, according to the New China news agency. It said that in Peking: alone, about 400,000 marched past the Cuban embassy to demonstrate
      Reuter  -  102 words
    • 189 3 Sir Hugh: Now I know I was right to resign SOUTHAMPTON, Tues. The British diplomat, Sir Hugh Foot, said here yesterday that he felt far more certain now that he had been right in resigning as Britain's representative on the United Nations Trusteeship Council. He gave up the post last
      Reuter  -  189 words
    • 154 3 T ONDON, Tues. Seven Ij policemen were injured in chaotic scenes in Trafalgar Square last night as an estimated 10.000 people celebrated the defeat 350 years ago of a plot to blow up the King and the Houses of Parliament. A police spokesman
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    • 202 3 THE fantastic dreams of science-fiction writers of 10 or 20 years back are now proven realities, and it is hoped that international conferences will fead to co-operation in the continuing conquest of space. One such conference on "Man in Space"
      Expresspic  -  202 words
    • 32 3 OXFORD. Mississippi, Tues. Pour white students at the University of Mississippi were expelled yesterday as a result of a charge arising from campus demonstrations against Negro student James Meredith.
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    • 36 3 PARIS. Tues. The Hawk ground-to-air missile has been successfully tested In France's Sahara missile testing grounds at ColomBechar. the Army Information bulletin said. The missile destroyed Its target at the first try.— UP.l.
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    • 294 3 Red bloc leaders in talks for a new world policy WARSAW, Tues. The round of top level private talks between Soviet and Communist bloc leaders in Moscow in the past few days has led to speculation here that the Kremlin is canvassing individual opinions over the future direction of Soviet
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 307 3 ■Mm mT' JiV^^BwIPE iLSurryaod Cytutcrnauc A daring new concept in watch design!! IM The slim -trim ZODIAC OLYMPOS introduces o l/i triking new < principle in 'wotch design;.; as functional 0%.\ it is fashionable i\] Years t oheod in 'engineering ond styling, it features a stlf-ocbiting dial -.the dial itself
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    • 401 3 M, There are few thing* •aY BmJB K—T drier to drink thaa EFsCHWEPPES DR.Y GINGER ALB J*sy*^ PP^/ Throughout the world disL'wtffl criminating people mix f&S Schweppes Dry Ginger Ale with yßfjSi^^2it J c^ e r Brandy. Always insist on Jschweppes DRY GINGER ALE Also Tonic Water, Soda Water, Ginger
      401 words

  • 383 4 Inquest on boy who tried to repair fan SINGAPORE, Tuh. THE State Coroner, Mr. S. R. Chapkhana, today warned the public against the danger of tampering with electrical appliances if they had no knowledge of electricity. In recordinfl a find* intf of death by misadventure on schoolboy Kwek Choon Eng,
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  • 227 4 FINED FOR SPITTING AT SALESMAN SINGAPORE, Tuesday. A WOMAN striker, Choy Sow Thim, 23, who thrice spat at a salesman at the entrance of the strike-bound Lam Soon Cannery in Jurong Road was fined $50 in the Sixth Magistrate's Court today. The magistrate. Mr. Khoo Hin Hlong, convicted Choy on
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  • 131 4 Pickpocket team: 31 convictions SINGAPORE, Tues. Two O pickpockets, who worked as a team to steal a plastic bag containing $50 from a carpenter had 30 previous convictions between them, the Fourth Magistrate's Court was told today. PICKPOCKET NO. 1: Low Keng Kirn. 35. had 17 previous convictions; six for
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  • 214 4 TEXTILE INDUSTRY: EXPERT OFFERS AID SINGAPORE, Tues.— A lead>3 ing British textile expert today offered his company's assistance in the way of technical knowhow to the Federation Government if it should set up a textile industry. He is Mr. Harry Field, director of Bradford Dyers' Association Limited, which claims to
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  • 147 4 SINGAPORE, Tues— The remarkable Mills family went swimming and waterskiing in Loyang today despite the stormy weather. While dad famed British actor, John Mills and mum— authoress Mary Bell Mills watched, actress daughter Hayley Mills, tried her hand for the first time at skiing,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 366 4 J STORE K*T f|VP TEL: ***** 0 THRILLING £m WEEK! YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN A MORE MAGNIFICENT ADVEHTURE! I rrtt in rt ►•art I j^A i I r*'i">»*o I •^f^WTW /'id C^j3 I inianmr law I LaaU^^r C^iak. aaaW I kanaMrluwo* flaW PARAMOUNT miTouNTEmiT j Q TRAITOR Technicolor A J
      366 words
    • 77 4 mi-Vi-poSnjl Rffreih youn«l» by using arm-pi-powdtr, guarantees to rifflovt adouri •M«triv«lv in a minult, Simple to apply simply dust it o«w tht armpits. $a«« end comfortable to UM by anyone Afantt: JOO SIANG ft CO., 77 South Bria«« M. Ttl. t5367 Alto obtainable at Change Allay $tort«. Reporter R/uulrfo Naxt
      77 words
    • 301 4 SIMULTANEOUS PREMIERE TONIGHT! 9.30pm REX SKY 9.15pm FANTAsnc^wf (tuMm J ADVENTURES A% L IKfWf LOVES OF ftV -^sß MIHUTIPQT 2 fniunlltol C^ft MORTAL! c2ES\ mm womis L vL^- jijßjprr^^i; fa U\on Hi» fe^^ Mfc*" ;*> Starring BJ^^^tf' t?^ BRIGITTE TJtAmk H COREY >to^| A SUPERTOTALSCOPE EASTMANCOLOR Ibh.^"*"* I Metro-GoMwyn-Miyer presents
      301 words
    • 466 4 J Phone ***** B LIST DAY!!! Z Warn lAi 4 00 6.30 9.15pm H "GIANT of METROPOLIS" Gordon Mitchell liono Ortei Supercinescope Color (MGM). OPENS TOMORROW! The TnaudLg SafieAwK B d«d the /WiuouA (Weil limjj .-WSJ] MSI 2 MAYS! 11 a.m., 1.45. 4, 6 30 9.30 pm. SCHOOL CHILDREN in
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 385 4 IN AND OUT BY AIR THE following Is today's sche- (ML 173) 9 p.m. Prom Kuala dule of civil aircraft move- Lumpur (ML 171 > 10 a.m.; menu at Paya Lebar airport, from Kuala Lumpur (ML 119) Singapore: 11.30 p.m.; from Jesselton (ML ARRIVALS 441) 720 P m BOAC: From
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  • 476 5 TWO LOSE APPEALS IN $54,000 CASE: COURT PRAISES POLICE KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. TOE theft of tin ore was today described by the Chief Justice, Dato Sir James Thomson, as "a deadly menace" to the prosperity of the country. He dismissed the appeals
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  • 166 5 Soldier burned in mock war KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. A member of the Senoi Praak. playing the part of a bandit: was burned by a blank cartridge fired at close range during a mock battle today. Pte. Isap bin Long. 22, of "C" Co.. was among 60 members of the Senoi
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  • 63 5 SINGAPORE. Tues— A woman. Pang Gwek Ngoh, 22. was in the bathroom of her home in Campbell Lane when she was held up yesterday by three robbers armed with bearing scrapers. She and two other women were later herded into a room and tied up. The
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  • 36 5 MUAR. Tun. Mr. Lav Kirn Beng. former chairman of the Labour Party in Sasil branch, has resigned from ihe party over what hi' described M "undemocratic practices" in the organisation. He did not elaborate.
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  • 27 5 MUAR. Tues.— A total of 128 women are now attending courses in domestic science organised by youths clubs at Bukit Gambir. 18 miles from here.
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  • 57 5 SINGAPORE. Tues. Miss Patricia Licuanan. 18. a winner of the "most outstanding student" award in the Philippines in 1961. will fly into Singapore on Thursday from Bangkok in the course of a tour of South-East Asia. Her trip is her prize for winning the award which
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  • 34 5 SINOAPORE. Tues.— A cofTeestall keeper. Abdul GafTar Nasarullah, 34. was held uo early this morning by three thug*, who robbed mm of 5125 near the junction of Orchard Road and Pcnang Road
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  • 37 5 SINGAPORE. Tues— The Minister for Education. Mr. Yong NyuW Lin. will give away prizes and certificates to 820 graduates of the Teachers' Training College at a graduation ceremony in the Victoria Theatre on Nov 14.
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  • 122 5 Fewer ships but tonnage a record SINGAPORE. Tues. More than 39.000 ships called at Singapore last year— a drop of 280 ships, but an increase of over 7.000,000 net tons as compared with 1960. Giving these figures, the annual report of the Marine Department oublished today said that the decrease
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 75 5 by CytKcJricny^ I C6P6A I POTTEKS 1^ %M rww 3 '^Htfii A g A For fabuloos fashion ijlr fabrics, look for the three names of distinction Grafton. Cepea and Potter's. Specially designed for this market are lovely Rayons. Cottons, New Tried and BriNylon all ideal for your fashion fancy exquisite
      75 words
    • 421 5 WC Without doubt the world most tomout trumpeter, X*''-^^6\^bl I MARRY JAMES ««t< his tm fp^ sound on o KING Good BU V ■^'l9fef&'jH reoion why you ihould drop ■T*vv*^ mt Mtifr V in ontf n > nn<ll n p£ I KING. Now available in Jfe^ «H I Sterling Silver
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 335 5 Jtnif.s llunntj Hy Ralph Heimdahl i /GLAPLV.SigtIM lAH-W /£7/7/7 A 1 /WITH r/Z/^TVPE OP SERVICE. YOU MAY «T f X I WISH TO flllllS~\ A ii\ /BE ASSUREP THAT I SHALL j- /MURKY AN' CLOSE TM'N NEGOT! ATE A \Y\ [L/XV^] BECOMMENP YOUR /-v —^p»«^> M* I DOOR.SVLVESTc*: I LOAN
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  • 18 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— Mr. L T. Oomis has been re-elected president of the Malayan Sinhalese Association.
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  • 332 6 Mr. Wong's statement in H.K. incorrect' KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. THE Ministry of Commerce and Industry today described as "completely incorrect and misinformed" a statement alleging that prospects of Hong Kong investments here were dim because of red tape and inefficiency in Malayan Government departments. The Ministry was replying to a
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  • 113 6 DISOWNED MAN IS REFUSED BAIL PENANG, Tues.— An exSingapore soldier, Francis Cuah Kirn Hock, 26, who, police said, had been disowned by his parents, was today further remanded until Nov. 1« on a cheating charge. The Senior Sessions Co art president, Mr. K. Somasundram, reiected an application for bail. Chuah
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  • 159 6 MYSTERY OF THE MISSING DEER SOLVED SINGAPORE, Tues. The mystery of Tengku Abdul Rahman's deer which never arrived from India was solved today. The pair of deer, a present from the Madras State Government to the Tengku, are still in India. A cable received by the Malayan Airways cargo office
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  • 54 6 SINGAPORE. Tues.— A threeman United Arab Republic trade delegation WiO arrive here tomorrow for talks with the Government and businessmen to find ways and means of promoting more trade between the two countries. The U.A.R. mainly Imports tin, rubber and rice from Malaya, and exports textiles,
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  • 20 6 PENANG. Tues— A mechanic. Joseph Fred Martin. 41, was admitted to hospital this morning with suspected poisoning.
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  • 21 6 BANTING. Tues.— Mr. A. Kanapathy has been elected chairman of the Tamils' Cultural Festival committee, a new organisation here.
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  • 18 6 PENANG, Tues.— The Penanß City Council Recreation Club will hold its annual meeting on Nov. 17.
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  • 193 6 VI ALACCA, Tues. —A lfl British soldier said in the Sessions Court here today that he took a motor-cycle for a Joy ride to relieve himself of his misery. It was. however, his intention, he added, to return the motor-cycle to its original place. The
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  • 40 6 TANJONG MALIM. Tues.— The District Officer of Ulu Selangor Tengku Abdullah has been transferred to the Ministry or Works. Posts, and Telecommunications in Kuala Lumpur. The new District Officer is Inche Abu Mansor bin Haji Hassan.
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  • 43 6 IPOH. Tues— Two Administrative Service officers in Perak hay« been promoted to the Malayan Civil Service. They are Inche Abdullah Azizi bin Mat Som, Assistant District Officer, Orlk, and Inche Kamarulzaman bin Abdul Rahman. Assistant District Officer. Taiwli
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  • 233 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Tu«s. SETTLERS in the Federal Land Development Authority's oil palm scheme ;it Kulai Two in the Kola Tinggi district of Johore will be able to buy $50 worth of shares in a factory there for every acre of land they hold,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 358 6 HAVE J g' THE ITALIAN WAY Jy^SsV^^. You are on a fabulous floatin g Italian Riviera A^^g^v the moment you step onto a Lloyd Triestino liner Your most extravagant dreams seem pale by comparison Z, Wj]\ when you travel Lloyd Triestino. Every trip is a luxurious T\ pleasure cruise of
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 124 6 Alloy <><>p Bff VT Bmmiim wiILBE DO?SG(°wF M wfu Cc I vrn^A 1 j PONT BE ALAPMED.TWIS>^ YES. REMARKABLE fiBFATTHMsS i J HOLYCOWi IS ONLY EUNICE... YOU /OH, TH' OWE HOW SHE LOVES Dieh Tracy j^ CUm**r Gomid l^^"" I T^^ v In^Tv^J T cI^ ISS(NO BONE IS M r
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  • 1387 7 Six loaded bombers circle New York then a deal is made Burdick and John Harvey Wheeler by U.S. H-bombers, missing a call to return to base, are about to bomb Moscow. Inexorably, despite frantic efforts to stop them, they fly on. Mr Khrushchev has evacuated to safety. The U.S. President
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 60 7 CONTINUING... a MM cigarette with more tobacco -finest imported bright Virginia we put more tfH^H you get more TOBACCO IMPORTERS 4 MANUFACTURERS LTD. \^s^ Demand exceeds supply so please be patient. SINGAPORE :30 CENTS FOR TEN FEDERATION: 35 CENTS FOR TEN voio/M|| TOMORROW: DEADLINE FOR DISASTER CdpniKht by Kutmr Bordirk
      60 words
    • 40 7 Tea you can make in a moment! NESTEA JUST ADD HOT WATER to NESTEA— a perfect cup of tea in seconds. fr NO BRfcWING ft NO STEWING NO WASTE, and no mess/ tea leaves either IIMFSIXFAI 7H£ MOMENT Wl/mff TIT
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  • 260 8 20 Hora-s $19 (Minimum) R V. MEVER OPTICIANS %ad Cor naaj Micro l^ans Consultants Raffles ixapore. Tsl: 934 1S SALE NOW ON at Hilda > Cold Mania, Orsat Reduction on Dresses. Bhoes Handbags. Textiles, and Children s Wear. Tel. |8 pore). 270.17. BREATHE GOOD AIR Get a bottl* of
    260 words
  • 31 8 M Word, $1* (Minimum) MR. loonc LEN YEW A Family thank all relatives and friends for their of condolence, night visits, wreaths and assistance rendered Yap Kirn Neo. r
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  • The Straits Times Vednesday. November 7. 1962. Accord On Tests?
    • 622 8 It might be thought that a proposal to ban all nuclear tests in all environments for all time would muster at least «i majority vote in the United Nations. Not a bit of it. Less han half the U.N.s members voted in favour. It is true the
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    • 353 8 The Federation Government committee set up last July to study social security measures has gone about its work so unobtrusively that most people must have forgotten all about it. That Mr. Maniukasavagam should choose to remind them may mean that the committee is about to report. The committee
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    • 256 8 The possibility of a higher i rate of interest on Central Provident Fund accounts has I been brought to the Singapore Government's notice with year-end regularity for some time now. The flush state (4 affairs disclosed in the Fund's annual report for last year now makes this possibility
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  • 454 8 Lingua Latina and an ache in the head VATICAN CITY, Tups. Latina lingua dolore caput mourn afficit. That is the motto of many bishops attending the Ecumenical Council these days. It reads simply: "Latin gives m«. a headache." Latin is the official language of the Roman Catholic Church and all
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  • Untitled
    • 531 8 me to comment on the Inaccuracies of a report in the Straits Times on the sessions change of Batu Road School I and 11. In the first paragraph the report stated that the teachers of Batu Road School II were up in arms over the "unprecedented
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  • 1175 8  - Making the most of Asia's manpower P.P. NARAYANAN THE ROLE OF LABOUR IN DEVELOPING AND UTILISING HUMAN RESOURCES by FROM FRCK LABOUR WORLD ASIA has app r oximately 1,700 million people, or 55 per cent o* the population of the entire world. Moreover, this figure is growing by more than
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 643 8 Str«iuTi«e.4MtUy Mail ci«.«ui«« •dvcritMinwn* n»*y to harts'** tm lit Floor COLO STOWAOB ARCAOS Orchard HtM COLO (TORAII I»«KCHII AT HOLLAND ROAD— KATOM. KKPPCL ROAO-MAVAL MM Authority* >|>nti CITY BOOK STORK LTO MrlnchMtar Hmm. Cettytr Quay THE NBW« FRONT Fltipatrlek't Suparmartwt M. M. ISMAIL S Aarnlralty R*M. Naval Im M. ABDUL
      643 words
    • 95 8 HOHNER GUITAR AMPLIFIERS AMMIQft REVERBERATION L MO Hohfisr Amsleco Ri.trtxrat.on Echo Amaliri**, with built-in tremolo. Twin ornphfiacs, revarbcrotion echo/ one tremolo, two 8 high tlux loud sptakars; full controls tor normal ngnol and echo, 12 watts oi.tput two-ton* Portobl* Case SStS.OO PoMibl* "300-T" IS watts output. with Goodman "Audiom 60"
      95 words
    • 125 8 The Best Soup you've ever had! HEINZ W rßiitvß' ll -HII___jRJSJSJSJp So easy to serve So tasty and rich Heinz Cream of Tomato Soup has all the wholesome goodness everyone love*. Filled with the wonderful flavour of pure tomatoes, it is the key to countless tempting recipes. Get several tins
      125 words

  • 200 9 Extortion plot foiled: A year's jail KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Or.c of two men who conspired to extort a total of $19,600 from six wealthy TanJong Maliai residents was arrested last week before, their plans could be carried out. Chin Hong Kai. 22. of Jalan Raja Laut. pleaded guilty in the
    200 words
  • 46 9 SINGAPORE. Tues.— Nanyann University will set up a Department of Chemical Engineering next year. For a start, the new department, will be in the Faculty of Sciem-r. When more courses in engineering are set up. a Faculty of Engineering will then b« created.
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  • 154 9 SINGAPORE. Tues. Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald former British Commis-sioner-General in SouthFast Asia, Hew into Singapore today after a month's tour of China and politely refused to comment on the border conflict between India and China. He said it would be a "mistake" if his
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  • 39 9 PENANG. Tues.— An opium addict, Ang Boon Hoc. 52. was today Jailed for six weeks when lie could not pay a $150 line for possessing prepared opium and smoking utensils at McNair Street on Oct. 26.
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  • 36 9 IPOH, Tue«.— Mr. E. S. Sim. Senior Asistant Registrar of the Ipoh Supreme Court. Is on a month's leave before taking up similar position In Kuala Lumpur Supreme Court on Dec. 1.
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  • 91 9 SINGAPORE. Tues. Workers of the Sea View Hotel in Meyer Road today returned to work after their six-hour "protest" strike last night over the management's alleged refusal to settle their wage claims. This morning the Singapore General Employees' Union. which represents them. sent a letter to the
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  • 118 9 TOUCHING. Tues. Seven members including five municipal councillors, have resigned from the Sarawak United People's Party after their joint anti-Communist resolution was rejected from discussion at a special party delegates conference on Oct. 27. They are Messrs Teo Kui Seng, Wee Chong Hong.
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 321 9 Beware HYPNOTISM PLUS SLICK TALK USED BY CON MAN WHO PREYS ON WOMEN IPOH, Tuesday. A POLICE spokesman today warned the public, especially women, to watch out for a confidence trickster who mixes hypnotism and a convincing line of talk to make people part with their cash. So far, the
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  • 56 9 JOHORE BAHRU Tiies.— Fatimah blnte Abdullah. 18, has been reported missing from her home In Kuala Sedili. Kota Tinggl. since yesterday afternoon. The police described Fatimah as being five feet tall, has long wavy hair and Is dark-skinned. She was last seen wearing a blue baju
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  • 67 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Tue«. There are no restrictions in the 1 Islamic religion for non-Muslim I -wtn.- i 0 circumcise Muslims, the Keeper of the Rulers' Seal. I Inche Abdul Rahini bin Rauf said In i statement today. The question of clrcumelrion of I Muslims by non-Mu*lim
    67 words
  • 27 9 IPOH. Tues.— lnche Mohamert bin Yaacob. former President of the Sessions Court. Muar. has as--nmed duties as Deputy Public i Prosecutor. Perak. In Ipoh.
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  • 252 9 A conditional discharge for woman P.C. guilty of bigamy SINGAPORE, Tues WOMAN Police Constable G. Santha Sagubai. 22. was today convicted on a bigamy charge after a threeday trial. the district Judge. Mr. Choor Singh, granted her a conditional discharge for 12 months under the Probation of Offenders' Ordinance. He
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  • 377 9 200 listen in as the Tengku fixes a golf date PREMIER-TO-PREMIER CHAT OPENS DIAL-02-FOR-SINGAPORE LINK KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Tengku Abdul Rahman today officially opened the new dlalyourself trunk system to Singapore, with a call to his counterpart across the Causeway Mr- Lee Kuan Yew. About 200 people listened in on
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  • 42 9 SINGAPORE. Tues.— Dr. K. K. Kumar Sen of the Department of Physics In the University of Singapore will give a public lecture on "Stars and Their Communities." at the university's Lecture Theatre 3 at 8 p.m. on Hoy. 14.
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  • 271 9 DOOR-TO-DOOR TREE GIFT' SWINDLE SINGAPORE, Tues. £3 Confidence tricksters using "free gift as bait are swindling housing estate residents in a new door-to-door racket. Their victims are mainly housewives and domestic servants. A Straits Times reader revealed in a letter received in Times House today how his two maidservants were
    271 words
  • 35 9 More for San waifs SINGAPORE, Tues. The Stn.its Times today received M 0 from the staff of Harper Gilflllan and Co. Ltd., Accounts Department, for the San children whoae father was killed in an accidem
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  • 53 9 ALOR STAR, Tues— Police are looking for a "Peeping Tom" who watched a 18--year-old girl bathing in Simpaiig Ampat near here last night. The girl reported that a youth tried to molest her by putting his hand through an opening in the bathroom When she shouted
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  • 191 9 Committee will probe strike at religious school IPOH. Tues.— An inde-. pendent committee is to be set up to investigate the strike by pupils of the Izzuddin Shah government residential secondary religious school in Tiger Lane here This was announced by the president of the Perak Religious Affairs Department. Dato
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  • 63 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— The Japanese Government is offering three scholarships to Malayans for study In universities there in the 1963 academic year, beginning in April. The subjects are: Humanities and Social Sciences, which Includes literature, education, law. economics, fine arts and music; and. Natural Sciences. Including
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 128 9 i With Best Wishes Congratulations to NANCY BEAUTY SALON H. M. Naval Base Singapore 27 on the occasion of their opening All hair dryers installed by us or* the World Famous German Kadus. MILLION COMPANY 41, Upper Pickering Street, Singapore 1. Tel: ***** ***** r"~JP^I HI-FI STEREO PjN RECORD PLAYER
      128 words
    • 104 9 Jn No need for sorccryl fing beauty preparations will enchant your eyes with their subtle flattery. OMBRES POUR LES PAUPIERS eye shadow cream and sticks at $3.30 to $5.25. in ten shades. FARDS POUR LES CILS .eye mascara at $4.10. in Bleu, Chatain Fonce, Noir and Vert Fonce. CRAYONS POUR
      104 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 438 9 RADIO MALAYA RADIO SINGAPORE NATIONAL SHORTWAVE SHORT WAVE SERVICE SERVICE 41.7 Metres 41 metres A.M. 6.00 Time Signal. Nega- MEDIUM WAVE SERVICE ra-ku. News Headlines: 6.05 47s metres Morning Melodies; 7.00 Rendet- Ann m mn vous With Music; 7.30 Time M n 1111^ 1 Z£l Sisnal Th* Npvc 7V, Rrpaic-
      438 words

  • I E3J
    • 199 10 Bishop suggests vernacular Mass open to all yATICAN CITY, Tues. A German-born Roman Catholic bishop from the Philippines today urged the Vatican Council to create, in addition to the present Latin rite Mass, a "Ecumenical Mass" spoken in the. vernacular and open to nonRoman Christians. The Ecumenical Mass would be
      Reuter  -  199 words
    • 69 10 LONDON, Tues.— A man was remanded In custody here today charged with breaking into the home of Sir Winston I Churchill at Hyde Park Gate. Leonard Powell. 32. unemployed, of no fixed address, I was remanded for a week. The police were called to
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 283 10 A quick look round LONDON, Tues.— Mr. Edward Heath. Britain's chief Common Market negotiator, has promised the House of Commons "a very full account" of the Brussels Common Market agricultural negotiations in a twoday debate. LONDON: A major trade union last night rejected a pay rise offer from the chiefs
      283 words
    • 425 10 SOUTH AFRICA TOLD AT FAO: GO, OR WE QUIT TUNIS, Tuesday ]tf R. KROBO Edusei, Ghana's Agricultural MinisXTX ter, yesterday asked the South African delegation to "leave immediately" the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) conference here Mr. Edusei said that otherwise "our delegation will leave the conference r and
      Reuter  -  425 words
    • 348 10 Car tax cut a boost to industry LONDON. Tuesday VfR. REGINALD Mautiling, Chancellor of the Exchequer, yesterday announced a A£l7s million boost for Britain's economy by cutting the tax on cars and encouraging industry generally to invest in new plant Telling the Rouse of Commons of this "definite, new stimulus"
      Reuter  -  348 words
    • 154 10 'Life of prayer' for man who bombed Japan MILAN. (Italy) Tues. Leroy Lehman, a former U.S Air Force sergeant who was on board the B--29 Bomber which dropped the first A-bomb on Hiroshima. Is spending a life of prayer In a Carthusian monastery in Southern Italy, the weekly magazine Oggi
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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  • 275 11 Court: Wolves and how a girl invited them YfALACCA, Tues.— The Malacca magistrate. Mr. Ramanatha Iyer, told a 15-year-old girl that there were many "wolves" around trying to prey on girls like herself and in her case she had more or less invited them. He acquitted David Ong Sam, 21,
    275 words
  • 53 11 KUCHING. Tue». A Bailey bridge over the River Tampasuk at Kota Belud In North Borneo has been opened by the Governor. Sir William Goode. The bridge was built by British army engineers and the P.W.D. It Is 360 ft. long and can take loads of ud
    53 words
  • 25 11 KLANO, Tues.— Klang Junior Chamber of Commerce will have Its first annual meeting on Nov. 20 at the Civil Defence Club here.
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  • 108 11 rpHE laughing girl you see above is Miss Pamela McCarthy, pretty singing star (nightclubs, 8.8.C. and TV) and polio victim. The picture was taken at Singapore Airport on Monday night. when Pamela. 29, stopped over on her way to Perth to be the sole
    108 words
  • 181 11 SET UP A SCHOOL OF JOURNALISM, TENGKU URGED KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The newly-formed National Union of Journalists has recommended in a report to the Prime Minister that a school of journalism be established in the University of Malaya. Such a school, the NUJ feels, will "raise and maintain a high
    181 words
  • 201 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues.— The installation of parking meters is expected to rid the capital of the jaga kreta nuisance, the Municipal Secretary, Haji Mohamed Din bin All, said today. But the meters, of which 100 have arrived, cannot be installed until a few "minor
    201 words
  • 29 11 MUAR, Tues. A sum of 112,000 has been set aside for the replacement of road signs here. The new signs will be in the national language.
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  • 132 11 SINGAPORE, Tues. The new Flag Officer Commanding -in Chief. Far East Fleet. Vice-Admiral Desmond Parry Dreyer. assumed duties today in Singapore. At a ceremony at the rival base this morning, he was received by Admiral Sir David Luce, who was relinquishing his appointment as Commander-ln-Chief. Far
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  • 148 11 MCA alters charter for Malaysia IPOH, Tuesday. "DIG changes in the constitution of the Malayan Chinese Association are to be made soon to enable the party to operate in the new Malaysia territories. A party source here explained that the "proposed amendments" will be of fax reaching importance. "They are
    148 words
  • 55 11 JOHORE BAHRU. Tues Four schoolgirls were robbed on their way home from their school examinations yesterday in Jalan Mahmoodiah less than 30 yards from the residence of the Chief Police Officer, Johore, Haji Kadlr bin Haji Hassan. Three men held up the girls, and got away with their
    55 words
  • 32 11 KUCHINO. Tues.— The deputy! Director General of the Ovi Audit Service in London, Mr. P. E. L. Carter, h«s arrived in North Borneo. He will carry out a 10-day Inspection
    32 words
  • 170 11 KUALA LUMPL'R. Tues —A former Politburo member of the British Communist Party. Mr. Douglas Hyde, 51, is now in Malaya to collect material for a book on the Communist rebellion in South-East Asia. Mr. Hyde, who has been hrre often before, has been invited by
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 364 11 GIANSINGH'S GRAJVD IVVJI/. SALE HUGE REDUCTIONS Usual Sol. Price Price GtowH» White Cotton Stiirt To Cleor 53. 90 e«ck (with plastic hanger) GI»wH» White Coloured Tetoron/Cotton Shirts (with plastic hanger) To Clear $6.95 each Manhattan Coloured White Shirt $15.30 $7.00 Anoel Fish Towelling Sport Shirt To Clear $3.90 Arrow Manhatton
      364 words
    • 145 11 ft] is^^^^^a Whiik fj^mii sls^M 9^l B^T r~" 7 Sl c>r lnd LfT^SM I 'T 1 I ■^■T^l I 111I 1 1 I I hr »< l<( r The Kenwood Chef is more than just a mixer. With its special attachments it g o)l*» liquidises, minces, chops, cuts, slices, I
      145 words

  • children's Page
    • 456 12 \ik(k'w (her I'heow Leone, aged 15, 76-B. Cecil Street. Singapore l stamps, reading. Jiimiu. l.ian. aged lti; 17, Bukit lungKal Roau. Singapore 11; M I.M-ph imi <hun Kong, aged 15. nii4. Kampong Bahru, bu;;ll Mertajain. Province Wel-let-ley; stamps Felicia Wong, aged 14; 218, Medan Imui, Kuala Lumpur;
      456 words
    • 1548 12 The jungle folk ponder on how to launch the magazine KATHLEEN HICKLEY by_ Mat Mousedeer is pl.iming to start a magazine called The lungle Post. All his friends are helping him in this in various ways but what with one thing and another they do not seem to get on
      1,548 words
    • 149 12 Larry Grasel, aged 19; Tra Pac (Bldg. 501>. NATTU, Naval Air Station, Jacksonville 13, Fla-, U.SA games. Anthony Tjhie. aged 18: 54, Diponegoro Street, Kalisat, Djakarta. Indonesia; stamps. Salitn Dawoodjee, aged 19; P.O. Box 1094, Rangoon. Burma; stamps, view-cards. Cboo Chin Kong, aged 19; 38. William
      149 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 120 12 Fj}EE f*<%*% ImE E CHICKEN ESSENCE t^lg uirio Keep complete sets of empty bottles, lids and J- €sst^!i« cartons of Yeo Hiap Seng Chicken Essence and V^gH^^ exchange them for these gifts. Sr—^tSf-^ 3O sets for /^t£t£l T 5 SETS E/fvff^fy/ 1 "PARKER' ballpoint^P for 2 -Y.H.S. iji^ C)Cs£/ <T
      120 words
    • 37 12 i.-. 1 HI n aH| TAKE CARE WITH TEK! Day after day your teeth run the risk of infection and decay. Regular cleaning after meals is important use a good toothbrush I Xrl_kj —a TEK toothbrush. Jfr
      37 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 236 12 j FLIPPER HEARS j ABOUT A SHIP Same Address Age Sex J HELkO Boys and Girlb, brought his ship. Puffin, to the Island," he soys. Tom is Here ore the winners of so pleased he does not notice B last week's picture competition something odd on the toble. mK. Shyan,
      236 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1483 13 10 LIVERPOOL wist CIASI U.A mm S'Mt* > na* -tn«<«| OOLIUS Uttrptel in Port Today Ntt 1/11 Nit 12 PELEUS LitHllM. DtiOIK GUIgOB Nev 11 Niv IJ Niv 14/11 Ntt 17 UUMLDOtI iiMipiu Dublin net II II Nat 11/1* NM tl AENEAS, I'pttl. *mouth. ('go* Nat II mt II
      1,483 words
    • 1424 13 ft'**'**"*^^^ W THE E. A. C. LINES- lAiuftb* Ik .l«#V U NA«W tMMftOM, MkMU, AHIMtNr tortußin >MSnROAM. asu iitninibw ai iCopiniiagin /§P^®L ¥mm I'lVS^lil "BUSUAN6A" a)c) Sailtl la Part/ I Nt* 1/ I Na* }T\ \pLJ«I "siMOA" I) 17/20 Na* 21/21 Nt* 24/25 Ntt V»XA yj/ tivint v mmi *om
      1,424 words
    • 1415 13 bem/^Jleme EJLfREU SERVICE 10 LONOON. u*ERPOa<, ft CONTINIaTTAi PITY I'aara I'taai mtm OENCIEUCO lpul. Hatra. H'Drg, 6'oioutk Nat 11/U Nat 14/ IS Ntt M/ 21 BtNMHOR llitit. HBurg, Rott- A»p. Nat 10/11 UMSOPE (mm H ktig. i an, Hall, fi'moutu mm 11/21 aw* M/n «m ay HNNf VIS (f tt
      1,415 words
      1,300 words

  • 25 14 Punj-ah Tin. produced 211 piculs of tin ore In October. Bevere flooding caused the dredge to be out of production for 7 days-
    25 words
  • 492 14 From Our Market Correspondent THE Malayan Stock Exchange was again quiet yesterday with no features. Industrials remained very steady, but the turnover was small. The disappointing feature is the tin share section which is practically stagnant and it is most difficult to "marry" buyers
    492 words
  • 23 14 STOCK INDICES Malayan Stork Indices Not. S Not. t> Industrials: 189.32 189.15 Tln»: 278.J3 27R.X5 5 rubber.: 173.87 179.40 Jan. 1. 1958 ion
    23 words
  • 559 14 /COMBINED Dufine.v- in the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Malayan Stock Exchange, Federation section yesterday, with the number of the shares traded in brackets: Industrials: Dunlops (500) $2 BL, (1.000) $2. (1,000) $2.01; F. and N. orti (5.000) $3.16. (4,000> 53.15: Gammon (5.000) $1.67
    559 words
  • 364 14 »THE price of Straits tin continued to decline in A Singapore yesterday and in the past three consecutive trading days has lost nearly $5. Yesterday there was a further drop of $1.62* to $428.75 per picul on an offering of 265 tons. In
    364 words
  • 25 14 November 6. MALAYAN RUBBER PBICE: 79* cents (down 2i cents). TIN: $428 75 (down $1,621) Estimated unofficial offering 265 tons (up 20 tons)
    25 words
  • 212 14 SHIPS lying alongside ttie Singapore wharves teday are: Taboa 46, Bombala 44. Ctiuun 1/3 Auby NW. 4. Benlaiig IS. afarcell Nowotko 8/9. Outer reads: Avlnfalth, Prosper, Benowakl. Doll. Wenatchl. Dorcol, Straat Muzamblque, Inanatuard, Heanensteln. Vityaz, Kaloekoe, Flying Eajcle Mlneahlma Maru, Hoi Wong. Lang, Arlana, Memnon, San Fernando,
    212 words
  • 148 14 Nov o Three month* (OFFICIAL QUOTATIONS) Buiiiwk dene. Dun lope 13 eta. Rothmana 11 eta. F. N 16 ct*. 8. Darby 4M. Oammon 10 eta. C. Storage 4 id. J.. Waugh 14 eta Steamship Seta. M Brew 25 eta. Shell 13 eta. Containers 9 ct». 8, Time* 22
    148 words
  • 132 14 rE Malayan Exehanca B«nm «i >oelati»n madr these change* in Its ratei to merchant* ycaterday (all rate* to 1100) Nt« V»rh: buying TT 821, airmail OD 33, M d/it 33J credit bill.. I3| trade bills Canada: buying TT 35 7/16, airmail OD 3S 8/16. 60 d/«t 36 1/16
    132 words
  • 9 14 TaUna Minn produced 217 piculs In October.
    9 words
  • 231 14 NOVEMBER Hrit grade rubber buyer* 1.0. b. closed at p.m. in Slnna pore and Kuala Lumpur yesterday at 791 cent* per Ih down 24 centa. The tone w:i« nightly iimi S.C.C.R.A. and F.M.R.E cloamc prlrea In centu per Ih yesterday: Int. I P..R.S. prompt f o.b. buyer* 79!.
    231 words
  • 92 14 CHINESE Product Eicnange Slntaport noon prioa cht picul yenterday: Coconut oil: hulk 14 It srllrrK, dnim J«4» nellers: Copra: November I H buyers, $2S| m-ilera; Poppor: Muntok while $I.*i2i Milan, Sarawak whim SISO spllcrn, gpceiiil Barawal Mack SII2J M-ll.Ts. K.irhlrd I.impont; Muck *i! 7» aaMafa, ast UM -<-utm.
    92 words
  • 13 14 Melbourne Stock Exchange woa closed yesterday for the Cup Day holiday
    13 words
  • 9 14 Will— Rubber produced 67.U00 lb. In October
    9 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1019 14 >^ KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA, LTD. Express U.S.A. Pacific dc Atlantic Coast Service ETA ETA ETA ETA Spore P. Sham H'kong S.Francisco L. Angeles N.Ycrk G«»slw Mart 21/21 Ntt 31 Na«/ 1 Oec I Dtc 2S Otc 27 Btc 14 Jai Kiaikavi Mara" 27 21 Dec 31 Dec 1 Jaa I
      1,019 words
    • 931 14 SAILINGS TO IK. Dep. Spore Dep. Penong Arr. U.K. "ORCADES" 9 Dec 31 Dec "CATHAY" 10 Dec 1 1 Dec 2 Jan 1963 "CHITRAL" 10 Jan 11 Jan 2 Feb "CHUSAN" 31 Jan 1 Feb 21 Feb "ORONSAY" 10 Feb 3 Mar "CATHAY" 11 Mor 12 Mar 3 Apr "ORCADES"
      931 words
    • 37 14 Wm THE BURMA FIVE STAR LINE LTD. From Japan Ports and Shanghai I^^^^^^^ Leading for Rangoon. Coleutta and Chittogong Spore "ELENIC" 18/19 No. Agents:— INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING AGENCY 11-E-l Asia Insurance Building Singapore 1. Tel:— *****. *****, *****.
      37 words
    • 482 14 NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I, FOO TEE HOMO ol No. 511-E, Paya Lebar Road, Singapore, have applied for a Retail shop licence in respect of premises No: 511-E, Paya Lebar Road, Singapore, and that this application will be heard in the Court of the District Judge and First
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 597 15 NOTICES NOTICE I. the undersigned. LOKEKWOK SANG, alias K.S. LOKE. has on my own accord resigned as Managing Director from THE MALAYAN MEDICAL SUPPLIES LTD. of 47-B North Canal Rd. on 3rd. Nov. 62. LOKE KWOK SANG 9. Scotts Rd. Spore, 9. PESUROH JAVA IBU KOTA KUALA LUMPUR +4 ASSESSMENT
      597 words
    • 603 15 PUBLIC APPOINTMLNTb UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE APPLICATIONS are Invited for appointment to the following pasts: (1) DIRECTOR OF THE FISHERIES BIOLOGY IXIT Candidates must have an Honours degree or higher degree in a biological science and, preferably, experience in fisheries research, development and administration(2) DEPUTY LIBRARIAN Candidates should have a University
      603 words
    • 1056 15 i Continued from Pace 8) SITUATIONS VACANT 19 Wordt SS (Min.)— Box SO ctt. extra SCHOOL CLERK WANTED: Qualification (minimum) L.C.E. Apply before 13th Nov. Chung Hwa (N.T.) Primary School Kuala Llpis. WANTED SMART WAITRESSES, any nationality. Top salary plus bonus available. Apply in person Central Bar, 624 Scrangoon Road,
      1,056 words
    • 1017 15 ACCOMMODATION VACANT M Wordt SS (Mln.)— Box SO ctt oU*rm UNFURNISHBD AIRY ROOM of new Flat available. Suitable Chinrae coupl> without children. Apply 6SA Guillemard Road, (Lucky House >, B'pore. alter 6 p.m. SO. STEVENS ROAD. Telephone B'pore *****— Large Double with small room annexed. Board. Laundry. Modern Facilities. Bus
      1,017 words
    • 902 15 TUITION I Hi Wordt 55 (Min^y—Box SO ctt. txtrm I CU'TAR LESSONS for beginner* by quickest methods. Theory and practical. Hofner Oultara tor sale are available 105 Bencoolen Street, (Spore) Tel. *****. ASIA ORIVINO SCHOOL Experi" need English «pca»lii| instruct ora Dual-controlled can. Complete course (30/-, Guaranteed (73-. 67 Orchard
      902 words
    • 952 15 VEHICLES FOR SALE !9 Wordt SS (Mln.) Bom tt etm. mxtrm WOLSSLBY 4/44 WS4. Tuts, Insured mid/end 1963. Excellent eondltior. Engineer owner 1 faring, $2,000/0.8.0. Ring (Spore) *****. Must sell Bargain VEIP* SCOOTERI viipi Bssatata reseodltlened witfi original V*«bs Spar* Part* Mir* ourchii* ttrm* available IME EAST fSIATIO CO.. LTO.
      952 words
    • 1508 15 FOR SALE It Wmrdt SS (Min.y-Bmx SO ctt. txtr,, TRADC-IN ACCEPTED ror 2nd hand Refmentora/AJr-corHlitloner* Maintenance ft servicing ot air-condl-tionrri. refrlgrrstors: Central ReirlCrraUOD, Pbooe 42ASS (a port) or 2847 (J. 8.) X'MAS OPPORTUNITY Stretchablc Nylon Sock*, Best Quality Neckties Now Clearing BOc Each. Also Clearing KumLiblnß*. Lace Curtains. Prices Guaranteed
      1,508 words

  • UJ
    • 98 16 lOC TO EXPEL INDONESIA SAYS JAPANESE JAKARTA, Tues: Indonesia's Minister for sport. Mr. Maladi, today declined to comment on reports that the International Olympic Committee had decided Ak c\pel Indonesia from membership. The reports from Tokyo quoted Mr. Shingoro Takaishi, Japanese delegate to the recent committee meeting in Mexico City,
      Reuter  -  98 words
    • 363 16  -  JACK FINGLETON; Match ends in draw after 135 minutes of play was lost By Adelaide, Tuesday J£AD light and drizzle nine minutes before stumps prevented the MCC from beating South Australia in their four-day match which ended today. The captains agreed the conditions were bad
      363 words
    • 122 16 MATCH DRAWN S. Australia Ist innings 335, MCC Ist innings 508-9 declared. S. AUST 2ND INNS (174-5 overnight) Fsvell b Statham 36 Cjusby b Statham 7 Lill Ibw Illingworth 19 Sobers run out 99 McLachlan c Gravenely b Illingworth 27 Oansie c Parfitt b Tifmus 8 Chapped Ibw Statham
      Reuter  -  122 words
    • 48 16 SOCCER Spore Junior Cup: Indian Bros 4 SCC 2; SRC v Dockyard postponed) Llm Cop (Ipoh): YMCA v Ramblers (postponed, rain). HOCKEY Spore Div. 1: SCC 1 Prisons 2. Malacca League: Police 7 Yorks I; Hq Brigade 3 Alor Gajah 2. Taiping League: Tigers 4 Kilat 0.
      48 words
    • 175 16 Asians will get every chance says SRU chief SINGAPORE, Tues. Singapore Rugby selectors will pay special attention tomorrow to the threequarters when SRU holds its first trial to pick the state team to play Johore In the Malaya Cup at Rengam on Nov 17. Ken Gillett. the SRU president, told
      175 words
    • Untitled
      • 507 16 By NORMAN SIEBEL |tf R. OH BOON TATS A chef -dq mission's report on Malaya's particiaption in the recent Jakarta Games at Jakarta is the best document of its kind by a Malayan team leader. As a faithful record of Malayan performances set against the background
        507 words
    • Untitled
      • 143 16 Ferry may be Asia's delegate to IBF KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Ferry Sonneville, Indonesia s veteran Thomas Cup captain and coach, may be nominated a .vice-pre-sident of the International Badminton Federation. Oon Choiiß Telk. Malaya's representative to the IBK, has asked the BAM whether they favoured Sonneville being nominated as Asian
        143 words
    • 837 16 iPOH. Tues.— The Turf Club announced today that 204 entries— 94 in Class 4 and 113 in Class s_have been received for the November meeting here. There will be nine races on the first and last days and eight on
      837 words
    • 87 16 FIRST DAY (Nov. 18): CUm 4 Dlv. I— «f and B'^f. (Urn 5 Dl w 1, t. 3. 4 and 5— 51 straight; Diva. 1 and 2— «',f. SECOND DAY (Nov. 21): rim 4 Dlv*. 2. S and 4— Sf: Div. 2— 8 HI. CUm 5 Div.
      87 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 636 16 PENANG P.W.D. TENDER NOTICE Tenders from registered P.W.D. Contractors Class "E" Si above (WORKS) will be received by the State Engineer, Penang up to 12.00 noon 'on 26th November, 1962 for the PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO PSYCHIATRIC [UNIT, 'r BLOCK KITCHEN AND DioPENSARY, GENERAL HOSPITAL, PENANQ Plans specifications may ;be
      636 words
    • 1412 16 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE APPOINTMENT TO CHAIRS Applications are invited for appointment to the following Chairs: I. Chair of Law < 3. Chair of Muslim Law I 3. Chair of Oral Surgery 4. Chair of Applied Chemistry. The Chair of Law is being vacated shortly by Professor L. A.
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  • E t2^
    • 748 17  - Nearco Myth nap EPSOM JEEP LEO LOOKS A 'GOOD THING' This sprinter improves with each run By J^EARCO MYTH showed his quality when he went down narrowly to Native Kingdom, the King's Cup winner, over 7f. at Bukit Timah last month. I nap him to win the main sprint (Race
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    • 128 17 - STRAITS TIMES SELECTIONS Epsom Jeep's best bets are Nearco Myth (Race 3) and Leo (Race 4). The going will be heavy. EPSOM JEEP CALL BOX POINTER NAT. PRINCESS Olympic Flag OLYMPIC FLAG Native Princess OLYMPIC FLAG Western Plains Race 1 Race 2 FOREST BEAU Kian Tock Bowdler
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    • 861 17 Race 1: Z.45-C1 1 Div 3-6 f 1 ***** Olympic Flag (Olympia SI.) Ahmad, 5 9.0 (SF) B. Wilson 4 2 ***** Marigold (Pll St.) Tjoa, 9 8.13 West 5 3 ***** Flying Phoenix (K.Y. Lim> Daniels. 7 8.11 Mitchell 2 4 ***** Putli (AS St.; Osman, 6
      861 words
    • 296 17 THE MELBOURNE CUP Burton hurt in fall 3f from home YIELBOURNE, Tues. The New Zealand Horse Even Stevens, starting favourite at 3 l, today score a runaway victory in Australia's biggest horse race the A£20,750 Melbourne Cup. Even Stevens won the two miles race by four lengths
      Reuter  -  296 words
    • 63 17 CABLE IN BRIEF SOCCER— F.A. Cup Ist round replays: Mansfield 9 Hounslow 2: Barrow 3 Buxton 1. BOXING Featherweight (Leeds): Leroy Jeffrey (US) bt Howard Wlnstone (Br> r.s.f. 3nd rd. Amateur International (Wol- verhampton): Soviet Onion bt England 8-2. BILLIARDS World amateur meet (Perth): W. Jones (Ind) bt W. Harcourt
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    • 71 17 NEW YORK, Tues. Valeri Brumel and Igor Terovanesyan of the Soviet Union, holders of the world high and long jump records, will visit the United States this winter, the AAU said today. Three Russian athletes had been invited to compete In a series of
      Reuter  -  71 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 66 17 My daddy's an architect and we've got STORMLINE LOUVRES because Daddy says they nev«r go wrong. So simple, yet so efficient. I Must be because they are designed jj properly and made of really stronga materials. Mummyiikes them toorl We have themwideopenonhotdaysa to catch every breath of wind, and y
      66 words
    • 142 17 FAMILY y^t\ OV V v^^i and sure —to all in \v ••^-r-Si^tfSJ^ A the famil y- Take jt in >v TgP l iv Coo^ fruit drinks, cups jMm of tea or sprinkled on fresh fruit and cereals y^jL Mad. by: Glaxo-Allenburys (Malaya) Ltd. I Aa«m» THt ANOIO-THAI COtPORATION ITO. M
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 62 17 HOCKEY STOKE DIV. l: Ceylonese v Khalsa (Parrer Pic); DIV. 2: University v PWD (Bt Tlmah Rd). RUGGER STATE TRIALS: Singapore (SCC Padang) and Perak (Ipoh padang). FRIENDLY: Padang Invitation XV v S'gor Asians (XL Padang). CLUB MATCHES: Spore— RAP Seletar v RAP Chanui; Nee Soon v 18 Signals. SOCCER
      62 words

  • 98 18 TWO CHARGED! WITH THEFT OF $12,000 SPEED BOAT SINGAPORE. Tues. Two men. Ng Peck i.i ii 14 and Saw Keng Kah. were charged in the ninth magistrate's court today with breaking into a boat-house and stealing a $12,000 speedboat. They were alleged to have stolen the speedboat, belonging to Paul
    98 words
  • 95 18 lAKARTA, Tues. A leading Indonesian nationalist, Mr. Ruslan Abdulgani, newlyappointed Minister for Information, said yesterday that Indonesia's acquisition of West New Guinea next year could lead to trouble from "surrounding c ountries." He said he did not consider Indonesia s estimated 700.000--man Army
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  • 5 18
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  • 199 18 FIRST CHANGE IN 80 YEARS, AND SMOOTHER, FASTER, SAFER LONDON. Tues. A revolutionary new British bicycle with small wheels, front and rear springing, and an open frame suitable either for men or women, has just made its appearance. The new cycle is claimed to be the first major change in
    199 words
  • 57 18 SINGAPORE, Tues. The Deputy Prime Ministers office announced today that as from next Monday the paid car parking scheme will be extended to the following areas. Phillip Street, Circular Road. New Bridge Road between Upper Pickering Street and Boat Quay, South Bridge Road between Upper Pickering Street
    57 words
  • 41 18 MUNICH, Tues. The International Basketball Federation have called off the world basketball championships, scheduled for Dec. 1 to 16 in Manila, the Federation's headquarters said here today, because the Philippines Government refused entry to the Yugoslav team. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 33 18 SINGAPORE. Tues— A striker at the Rendezvous Bar, Sldek bin JafTar, a kitchen boy, was taken to the General Hospital after bein? assaulted by three men at about 7.30 tonight.
    33 words
  • 304 18 TAN: LOANS NEEDED to keep up Preserves KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The Finance Minister, Mr. Tan Siew Sin, said today that to avoid a "rapid drawing down" of its reserves the Government will have to increase its borrowing. It will borrow both from domestic and foreign sources to implement its development
    304 words
  • 294 18 LONDON STOCKS LONDON, Tues. There was no wild upsurge in prices or marked expansion in business on the London stock exchange today following the Chancellor of the Exchequer's moves to stimulate Industry. The capital gains tax tended to restrict activity to some extent and the buying which aid take place
    294 words
  • 47 18 LONDON, Tues. Spot 23 .d., Dec. 23 '.jd. Jan 23 2 d.. Feb 23\d.. Jan./ Mar. 23 \d. Apr./ June 23d.. July/Sept. 22' K d., Oct/ Dec. 22*, d.. c.l.f. Nov. 23' id Dec. 23 3/16 U. Jan. 22 15/16 d Tone: Steady at the decline.
    47 words
  • 23 18 LONDON. Tues.— Buyers £867, sellers £868. Forward buyers £857 sellers £857"... Settlement £869. Turnover a.m. 335 tons, p.m. 10Q tons. Tone: Steady.
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  • 121 18 RAWALPINDI. Tues. President Mohammed Ayub Khan of Pakistan said here yesterday that arms aid to India might prolong and enlarge her conflict with China and would increase Pakistan fears that the weapons might be used against Pakistan. In a statement on the Sino-Indian
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 65 18 SEOUL, Tues. The Malayan Deputy Prime Minister. Tun Abdul Razak bin Hussein, who arrived here yesterday on a four-day State visit, today called on the Korean Islamic Society in Seoul. Earlier today Tun Razak paid a courtesy 'ail on the Chief of Staff of the
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  • 173 18 UNION ROW OVER A REBUKE SINGAPORE. Tues. A fight between a union employee and a non union employee has led to a strike by some 30 workers of the Tithes Dental and Photo Supply Ltd. in Middle Road. The light \va.s reported to have occurred m tho thins premises (taring
    173 words
  • 65 18 2 policemen acquitted SINGAPORE. Tues. Two Naval Base policemen attached to the Traffic Branch were today acquitted without their defence toeing called in second district court, on a charge of corruption. They were Sulalman bin Nuah and Omar bin Pantas. who were alleged to have obtained a $28 bribe from
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 170 18 Late CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS</< <11l I Minimum) CHEN To Su fin ;ind CM W«l a •on Frank Jr.. Etajrmata for Sharon. on Nov.mtHT 6 at QtakMgto'l Hoa- 5 MILLION HAPPY HOMES GET BOILING HOT WATER FROM A u-— ffa— ....l SIREN KETTLE Kettle) W'kV/'^F' >^»]VI Plated Copper Trigger
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 41 18 "LIIGHEST and lowest tempern- tures for Malaya and Singapore for the period 8 p.m. Monday to 8 p.m. yesterday: Highest l.ou i Kuala Lumpur 88 Ii Kota Bhaiu 8:< 75 Penang 88 73 Miilacca 88 72 Ipoh 72 Smsapoie 88 72
      41 words