The Straits Times, 28 July 1962

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 18 1 AVEIIAGE DAILY fniTIFIFO SALE EXCEEDS 100,000 The Straits Times Estd. 1845. SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1962. if 15 CENTS
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  • 94 1 Airliner dives to avoid collision AMSTERDAM, Fri. Almost all 79 passengers were hurt or badly shaken when a Boeing 707 airliner made a steep dive over Eastern Holland yesterday, according to airport sources. The Pan-American Airways plane later landed safely a,t Schiphol airport here. Eye-witnesses said some of the passengers
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 84 1 SINGAPORE. Fri—a yonth and a housewife were stabbed in two separate attacks here tonight. Both were rushed i<> hospital and admitted In the first case, a youth. Ten Beng Kirn. 19. was set upon by five dagger-wielding times and stabbed three. times in the chest and back In
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  • 562 1 2 A.M. FLASH: M-talks 'less stormy' 'Forecast fair 9 says the Tengku From 1 LESLIE HOFFMAN: LONDON. Friday TENGKU Abdul Rahman, Malayan Prime Minister, today summed up the latest round of British-Ma-layan talks on Malaysia in these words: "Weather unsettled, less stormy, forecast fair." The Tengku's "bulletin" w;js
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  • 350 1 Macapagal proposes a greater Malaysia with P.I. MANILA. Fri. Philippine President Diosdado Marapagal today proposed the formation of a Confederation of Greater Malaysia among the Philippines, Malaya. Singapore and the three Borneo territories. Mr. Macapagal made the proposal at his weekly news conference. He said the Philippine Foreign office was
    UPI  -  350 words
  • 116 1 ROOFTOP HUNT AFTER STABBING L OF PRIESTESS SINGAPORE fireman peers into an attic in A a dawn search by detectives and firemen for the weapon used by a prowler to stab a priestess, Tan Tong Moi, 30, as she slept in a temple in a lane off Buffalo Road yesterday.
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  • 146 1 SEATTLE. Fri. A simple i pill compound taken j by women to prevent pregnancy appears to have the qualities of Increasing fertility three-fold when taken by men. Dr. Carl G. Heller said today. The compound, known to chemists as nor c than drolone and
    UPI  -  146 words
  • 1224 1 Barisan case has little or no chance' PREMIER LEE WINS OVER THE U.N. COMMITTEE ON COLONIALISM NEW YOKK, Friday. JNFORMED sources here suy thai, although Dr. Lee Siew Choh and Mr. S. Wood hull of the Barisan Sosialis quickly won the sympathy of the Soviet delegate, Mr. Valentin Zorin, there
    Reuter  -  1,224 words
  • 76 1 SINGAPORE. Fri. Mr. David Marshall, leader of the Workers' Party, will leave early tomorrow for New York to appear before the United Nations' Special Committee on Colonialism. He received a cable today from the committee informing him that a hearing had been fixed for him on Monday
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  • 30 1 LONDON, Fri. The Prime Minister of Singapore, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, arrived here by air from New York today to participate in the talks on Malaysia. Reuter.
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  • 59 1 MALACCA. Fri.— Chin Kit. 78, an inmate of the old people's home at Aver Salak. six miles from here, was killed by a pig last night. He was feeding the pig when it suddenly attacked him. A small girl saw the incident and shouted for help
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  • 20 1 RUSSIA WARNS SEATO MOSCOW. Fri Rhsmi tucl.iv w.irnrfi" pOWPT to -top pn- 1 t^ itaat Cambodia." I
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    • 235 2 Algeria crisis is nearly over ALGIERS, Friday. POLITICAL events in. Algeria this morning appeared to be moving towards reconciliation of the rival factions to avert the threat of civil war, after both sides had held separate high-level consultations. Mr. Mohammed Ben Bella, the dissident Vice Premier, is to send his
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    • 125 2 Witchdoc's spell brings spell in jail CAPETOWN, Fri— A powerful spell (cost: £35) guaranteed to brine back a missing wife, was described in the magistrate's court at East London when a 30-year-old African was charged with witchcraft. He is Mafala Ntlaba, who was sentenced to 180 days' jail. Of this,
      Reuter  -  125 words
    • 302 2 HONOLULU, Friday. AN accidental fire and intentional destruction of a Thor missile and its nuclear device on the Johnston Island launching pad caused so much damage that testing may be ended for this year, informed sources here said last night. The huge ml3Slle burst
      UP  -  302 words
    • 56 2 SAN FRANCIBCO, Frl.— America's X-1S rocket plane dived at 3,954 miles an hour In a simulated emergency yesterday. Engineers said a test pilot manually put the plane through a series of dips and rises to reduce speed as it reentered the atmosphere from the outer lonosphere
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    • 31 2 LONDON. Frt. Profits of Associated Television, the big independent (commercial) television company, fell by £800.000 last year, compared with the previous year, the company announced yesterday. Reuter.
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    • 29 2 TOKYO, Fri—A Japanese ship left here today for the U.S. nuclear testing zones In the Pacific for a survey of radiation in water near the testing areas.—U.PX
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    • 21 2 HONO KONO, Fri.—Fighting between leftist and rightist forces was still going on in Laos. Radio Peking said today. —Reuter.
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    • 175 2 CHARLES NOW NEAR THE TOP OF HIS CLASS T ONDON, Frl. Prince Charles, 13-year-old heir to the British throne, has climbed to near the top of his class at his public school at Oordonstoun in the north-east of Scotland, his headmaster said yesterday. A few minutes after the Prince with
      Reuter  -  175 words
    • 17 2 JAKARTA, Fri.—The Deputy Mayor of Moscow, Mr. E. T. Samodaev, is now visiting Indonesia.—Reuter.
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    • 263 2 Too few Jobs in schools for the new graduates HUNDREDS of trained teachers are without Jobs, according to the general secretary of the Hong Kong Teachers' Association, Mr. C. C Lav. He said that only about one-third of this year's graduates from the Northcote, Grantham and Sir Robert Black training:
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    • 214 2 THE DANCE craze here now it Hie Mashed Potatoes, and not the Twitt. It it a crom between the Twist and the OH-ieat Cha Ch» and is not as tiring as the Twist, because the beat is very much slower. It resemble* the joget modern.
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    • 215 2 THRII battered suitcaies yielded a sizeable fortune when Custom* officer* at Kai T«k airport opened them and found 1,500 tad* of gold, valued at more than HK$3 80,000. The three suitcase* arrived on board a BOAC flight from London a* unaccompanied luggage. MOST prize winners in
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    • 394 2 From FRANCIS BOEY T\R. SUBANDRIO, the Indonesian Foreign Minister, made a hurriedly arranged call on President Kennedy at the White House last night. Dr. Subandrlo has been in Washington for a week In connection with the talks being held here with the Dutch over
      Reuter  -  394 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 232 2 We have pleasure in announcing that we are now in our new enlarged premises. 3rd floor, Magnet House 2 &4 Campbell Road Kuala Lumpur which will enable us to provide expanded NCR Sales and Service facilities in line with the ever-increasing use of p| jfc equipment in the Federation of
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 59 2 THE GAMBOLS By Barry Appleby JJJt/i* mm I /•AkiV i CAV/P J s«s^s^si^»i^ii^s^^ I TUAT PVAkA BLOCVIWS C IT* t?KSuT ACHOS* f I CAN 1 Ttim EMTPAMCB J X d*« OfftCC T"^ I -l i EXPLAIN, ii/c TIJAT /i. C*" KANLC J f™ »rl QvAJc i f m 0^ imiACC
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    • 274 3 U.S. has new data or N-test detection f ENEVA, Fri. The w United States told the nuclear test ban conference here yesterday that it might put new scientific data about detection of nuclear tests to the conference next week. Authoritative Western sources said that Mr. Arthur Dean, the American delegate,
      Reuter  -  274 words
    • 246 3 rE South African Foreign Minister, Mr. Eric Louw. said yesterday that a sug- gestlon that a U.N. committee chairman had been poisoned by a cup of coffee when he was here last May is "so ridiculous that It need hardly be taken seriously." Mr. Louw%
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    • 115 3 Chaos in 10 minutes —at Mosley meeting A POLICEMAN pins a man to the flagstones in Trafalgar Square, London, during clashes at a meeting of Sir Oswald Mosley's Union Movement. Within the first 10 minutes and despite warnings to the crowd, police had to take away
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    • 242 3 Quick look round NEW *ortr».. m The Security Council has unanimously endorsed the applications of the new central African States of Rwanda and Buruandl for membership of the United Nations. They will be formally elected as the 105 th and 106 th member? of the U.N. when the General Assembly
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    • 52 3 JAKARTA.. Fri. Jakarta residents have been warned that they can be punished It they fall to keep their homes clean and painted, ana their I gardens neatly cultivated. The warning came from the "Committee for a Clean and Beautiful Jakarta" after a tour of seven
      Reuter  -  52 words
    • 24 3 CAPE CANAVERAL. Fri A Polaris missile was deliberately destroyed 90 seconds after launching here yesterday when it veered off course. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  24 words
    • 523 3 Pay pause backed with restraint on profits LONDON, Friday. \JK HAROLD MACMILLAN, the British Prime Minister, last night won a vote of confidence in himself and his Conservative Government, defeating a Labour censure motion in the House of Commons by 351 votes to 253, a majority of 98.
      Reuter  -  523 words
    • 116 3 /COLOMBO. Fri. Interpol has asked the Ceylon police for statistics of people reported missing In Ceylon. The information Is required for a world investigation into allegations of slave traffic. Interpol has particularly asked for statistics about women Police headquarters here said any possibility
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 102 3 SHARP PROUDLY PRESENTS I THE LATEST AND MOST TECHNICALLY ADVANCED PORTABLE 10- TRANSISTOR 3 -BAND RADIO featuring distortionless output from the application of the newly-designed Sharp Exclusive OUTPUT fP TRANSFORMERLESS CIRCUIT 1 TUNING RANGE M.W. 535 1605 XC SWI 3.9— 12 MC |^bllli3i?bl SW2 12—26 MC I\/ J I Hißj^Bßmjjj..
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    • 412 3 M NEW HOFNER CAPITOL SOLID ELECTRIC GUITARS. TMi t«tt«r It specially d«i*ncd with fh« latest tinal* raw mochin* heads, double cutaways, I and a trtmolo arm produces vibrato at your JWiJpl awn choice ot ipeed and depth. This ii an J^ESft u to for DO > omateun at well as
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  • 171 4 SINGAPORE, Friday. FIGHT more products have been earmarked for pioneer status in Singapore. A gazette notification lists them as clay bricks, clay hollow blocks, clay, sewer pipes, ceramic ware, steel office furniture and accessories other than tubular furniture, safes, sensitized photographic paper, and
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  • 72 4 MEMORIAL PLAN FOR VICTIMS SINGAPORE, Fri. The Chinese Chamber of Commerce may ask the Government for a piece of land in the city area for erecting a memorial to the civilian victims of the Japanese occupation forces. The Chamber's special sabcommittee, which met today to discuss the Government's offer of
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  • 115 4 SINGAPORE, Fri.— A robber, described as a "first offender," was today jailed for three years and also ordered to receive six strokes of the rotan by the First Criminal District Judge, Mr. Choor 81ngh. Tee Yeow Llm, 23, pleaded guilty to hurting Mrs. Margo
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  • 96 4 5 robbers get haul of $2,300 SINGAPORE, Fri. Police prowl can were alerted this morning to track down a taxi carrying five armed robbers. The thugs had earlier walked into the Kirn Seng Electric Company's premises in Chander Road, and held up the proprietor, Mr. Lim Seng Bock, 50. and
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  • 217 4 SINGAPORE, Fri.— A General Appeals Committee of 20 persons was formed at a meeting in the Istana Negara with a target of $100,000 to collect. The money is urgently needed, Puan Noor Aisha explained, for the Singapore Association of the Deaf to complete the
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  • 204 4 SINGAPORE. FrL The Indian Navy's first air-craft-carrier INS Vlkrant. anchored in the Singapore Outer Roads early this morning for a five-day visit prior to a short period of naval exercises in the surrounding waters. A busy programme of receptions and games has been
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  • 267 4 LONDON, Friday. q^ENGKU Abdul Rahman, Malayan Prime Minis- ter, said last night that the Cabinet changes he announced involving Inche Abdul Aziz bin Ishak, were "quite definite." The Prime Minister said that the changes he had announced would take effect. He said that there would be
    Reuter  -  267 words
  • 170 4 $3mil. GOODS ON SHOW at TRADE FAIR Minister for Health, Mr. K.M. Byrne, tonight envisaged a greater and wider range of locally-manufactured goods and products after merger and Malaysia. Speaking at the opening of the Great World Trade a/id Industrial Fair, he said this would certainly happen when there was
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 32 4 •feCEBM NOW JHOWINO 1 -A Maai la 9umj*” (Coo*.) T«nl,ht MWnltlit "A SHh Thr— 4 Manlaae" (In ManaaHa) wirti EnflrUi A CknMM SuatrHe* Tomorrow 1 1 .00 a.m. ■The Low Joke Wooe"
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    • 594 4 :#shaw. [ED phcne 284U OPENS TODAY. IV^m c W\UL GERALDINE NEWMAN PAGE V *r Tomorrow 9om: Singing Gam NOW SHOWING AMGIE DICK/tfSON >m most mischievous girl Jf Jan J MAURiCt tWAUER, J> _il Fly ALITALIA "I the WINGED ARROW SERVICE wiiT^rn i TTjR i N^RTF™to™iio i sn by ALITALIA DCS
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  • 2343 5 HIGHER PAY FOR ALL DECISION BY COURT Increments to be back-dated to June last year; No retrenchment clause 'j-^< M^^2 m 'J*? i f^^™*^^^^^7^ Wl 1 gINGAPORE, Fri. The Industrial Arbitration Court today awarded general pay increases, and a salary structure on a time scale, for Straits Times employees in
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  • 6682 5 issue... publishing industry in this country. Such position was at that time one ot quasi-mono-poly in Malaya. Singapore and Borneo. "The exercises in costing accountancy presented by the two parties were of interest but also not fully explanatory. "The union, for instance, failed
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 76 5 li^jfoWerO-rum L! "O'SLin *vcc ~3fef7&&fer —^S~-Jt&A SWISS MIiK'^HOCOLATf. gSSSS "A Chocolal Jobler BERNE-SWITZERLAND SOLE AGENTS. SHRIRO (CHINA) LTD. 24-A RAFFLES PLACE SINGAPORE SEAVIEWJ^ THE HOTEL BY f^ THE WATER'S EDGE M W M f CHICKEN \jb^ The real place (or m 1 delicious chicken specialities Manager: TELEPHONE: *****-2-3 -f\ Jr
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    • 28 5 ialeriora k comes in the new JH executive I Tt£ir»lr m yj <X kj JY ill FEDERATION OF MALAYA: 8O cents SINGAPORE: 7 O cents FOR TWENTY J
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 150 6 MITSUBISHI NIPPON "CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT" Lead you to Industrial Development! MITSUBISHI CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT ft*v^ Bulldozers, v vy j^^ Motor Graders, Tiredozers, L Tractor Shovels, l» W Motor Scrapers L TRACTOR SHOVEL (MODEL BS 13) jfl*V Engirt: 11 5 HP 1,800 r.p.m. ■^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^BJ Standard buck*! capacity: I .^V 1.8 m3( without t««»h)
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    • 192 6 Join the 1 11 HAPPYIIrtIFAMIIY Your choice of the KAPITAN REKORD Elegance is one of its distinctive marks another Splendid-looking ot all ongbH. Rugged, is dependability ond "hard-to-match" comfort. dependable performance, amoz-ng stability. Prov« it by a test-drive. Available in 2 4 door model... COUPE CARAVAN Specially engineered for the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 206 7 Here in the mountains of Malaya's central range after a WL *.^^^BP^|| nightmarish trek through the Wm^^ iunele. away from the Com"^r-- munist guerillas, British plant k j. er Robert Chrystal (now joined by another planter John Creer) Wk mt^o^ stumbled upon an aborigine Jg& settlement whose headman was that
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  • 498 8 DANCER'S LICENCE CANCELLED, BUT. IPOH, Friday. THE Ipoh municipal president, Mr. S. P. Seenivasagam, last night assured the people of Ipoh that the council was not starting any campaign to ban "yellow culture overnight. "The people can dance and sing and have
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  • 260 8 rE Mayor, Mr. Ooi Thiaiu Siew, and a stallholder, Mr. Ooh Eng Hoot, were Involved today in a heated argument A large crowd gathered at Chowrasta Road as the two exchanged words and raised their hands in a threatening attitude. After a few
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  • 230 8 RAIN HITS RAISING OF HALF A SUB DENANG, Fri. Mon- soon rains are holding up operations to refloat a Japanese submarine sunk during the war off Pulau Kendi, In the Straits of Malacca. The submarine has been cut into two. One half was successfully refloated recently but the other half
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  • 137 8 SINGAPORE, Fri. The Catholic Teachers' Movement today supported the recommendations of the Llm Tay Boh education Inquiry commission contained in its interim report on the school week. Describing the report as a fair assessment of the present situation in Singapore schools, the movement said the recommendations,
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  • 334 8 Now Sardon says: I WAS told about the change KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. npHE Minister of Transport, Dato Sardon bin Haji x Jubir, admitted today that he WAS in fact told of the cabinet changes by the acting Prime Minister, Dato (Dr.) Ismail bin Dato Abdul Rahman, before Wednesday's Government announceI
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 41 8 •iufi* Itimnft t*U It til ph livimtlahl f BUSINESS Yyfß TROUBLES N I TfHtWS YHMM... I 1J? II IP THAT DON'T ~WORK^^| J TEWWIBLB! I'PJ ISMV BuSiNES*,y fgf NNO ALMADV I Ul 'LL THY 50WfTHlN>^B > ~^jg LIKgTOENUSTV^^^iLMEg'y---^ MONEY REWEP UP/ j-\fTt\
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  • 327 9 Manpower survey: 'Educated' people won't talk KUALA LUMPUR, Fri.— Through ignorance, suspicion or just plain lack of civic sense, thousands of people were reluctant to co-operate during the flrst phase of the official manpower survey which covers 58.000 households throughout the Federation. •Educated" people living in towns including doctors, lawyers
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 153 9 PLEASE READ THIS NOTICE! Due to unusual demand for attendance and in order not to disappoint any of those who wish to take advantage of this presentation "Is Time Running Out?" it has been necessary to schedule three meetings at the Victoria Memorial Hall, this coming Sunday, July 29 at
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  • 51 10 It Mora's $l» (Minimum, LOOI in Ixin.lon on July 2*. Loot Ch»# Knc aie« 61. former headmaster, r»nu,« Uovrrnment Commercial Day R.hool and Krancin Light School, leaving behind hi.i uife Boey Neo. two hildrea Albert and l>ora*n, a ron-In-lsw. Joseph Pao. and k daughter-:a-ls» Dr. Dorothy Chua call in
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  • 54 10 I* M •rim lit i Minimum, MR A MR*. V. Rajnicopal thank all Itnr, unrt hi Ip during their recent MR R. MUTTU RAMALINCAM and ihiliren be* to thank friaods and ralativeii uho sent wreaths, menaages of rondoleme. rendered assistance aad attended the fi neral at Kuala Pilah of
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  • 59 10 Wor4s $11 (Minimum) DC silva Anthony Patrick iPati dird Js-T-M You rell asleep without good-bye but memonep of you will MM die Fondly remembered hy daddy, mummy, brothers and smtcm IN LOVING MIMORV of Francis Qerard D'aranjo uho departed this rarth 2f)th July 1961. Grratly missed hy his
    59 words
  • 185 10 2* H'ere-s Sit (Minimum) TNC COCKPIT* Java Rtjsttafel ta served evrry Saturday and Sunday lunch tlmr. Sunday. July ?")TH. Inter-atata I'W.I), nnal. Chrraa Road. Bclangor Krdah K.O. A \j f in. WITH COPPERTONE, you'll get a faster, smoother, deeper tun plua maximum minniirn protection tie roppertons whenever you're In
    185 words
  • 133 10 U Hare's St.iO (Mm.) PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH in Singapore, Orchard Road. Sunday Service 9 a.m and 6 p.m. All welcome. Fmt FILM SHOW "Voice of the Deep." Sunday 4.00 p m. Chinese Methodist Church, 235 Telok Ajrer Street. Singapore. All Welcome. WfSLEV METHODIST CHURCH. 5, Tort Canning Road. Singapore.
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  • The Straits Times. Saturday. July 28, 1962.
    • 655 10 Not the least remarkable feature of the Malaysian timetable crisis which has been j holding up agreement in 'London is that British conjcern is not noticeably shared 1 by those on whose behalf it is expressed. The British Government accepted the principle of merger from the begin
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    • 587 10 Countries achieving selfgovernment or independence are apt to be in a hurry to embark on development schemes. But the resources nowhere match the hopes or the plans, and the aid the underdeveloped countries need does not come in adequate measure —in the first instance—from the dei parting
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  • 1175 10  - A shadow falls across the Kennedy image D.W. BROGAN by IN one week P r c s i dent Kennedy has seen the Senate defeat, narrowly, his most cherished piece of domes t i c legislation, medical care for try» aged. A pronunciamento in Lima makes a mockery of the
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  • 185 10 IT is the wish of the Government that all Chinese secondary school! In Malaya should accept lull assistance ollered to them. Many schools have done so Those schools which are converted into national type secondary schools must conform with government regulations in order
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 605 10 CLASSIFIED ADS. Morrf. sit (Minimum, THI INCAOEMCNT Is announced htturrn Koony Low Son Choon and Htsj Ai.n.f H.i on 2V7 yip TAN: Bctwcrn Cham Mm iMicha... onil to Madam l-»i I'nl Van and Uir Mr Yip Cher B*ng and Poh mm iliv third 4 o Mr. Mrs Tan Chooi Iconic
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    • 75 10 jr jf J^ -^B jJSaafSrfaff 4 Jl i W*^^^^ the new Aerosol Fly spny Kills flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, bed-bugs, ants and other household insects at the touch of a button leaving Fresh air fragrance. Better aerosols through COOPER research Also obtainable: MOTH-PROOFER FRESH-AIRE ANT KILLER What You Need Is A
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  • 157 11 Aziz: Co-op societies need a theme song KUALA LUMPUR. Fri.— The Minister of Agriculture and Co-operatives, Inche Abdul Aziz bin Ishak, said today that the co-opera-tive movement should have a song to be sung at meetings and which can be used as a symbol to make the movement better known
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  • 124 11 SINGAPORE. Fri A trade union leader. Mr j F. V. Rajendra, has resign- ed as deputy general secretary of the 1.400-strong Sin- gapore Government Technical Services Union. He tendered his reslgna- tlon yesterday because, he said, the union had, at a special delegates' conference
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  • 334 11 MISSING GRANDFATHER AGED 72 TURNS UP AT LAST— IN A BED IN PRISON HOSPITAL SINGAPORE, Friday. THREE-MONTH search for a missing grandfather, Mr. Heng Ek Hong, 72, came to a dramatic end yesterday when his son, Mr. Heng Cheng Soon, an artist in the Straits
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  • 231 11 SINGAPORE. Fri.—Mr. Llm Seek Kian, ex-presldent of the Singapore Chinese Schools Teachers' Union, today gave evidence for the 22nd day before the Justice Wee Chone Jin commission of inquiry into last November's, boycott of the Chinese Secondary Four Examination. He will continue' his evidence on
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  • 271 11 MINERS' UNION SAYS: APPROACH UN ON TIN SALES PLAN KUALA LUMPUR. Friday. A CIRCULAR by the National Mining Workers A Union tells tin mine workers that it is futile to assume a realistic American approach to trade with Malaya and says that an appeal should be made to international bodies
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  • 165 11 Maigret joins the Malay Mail WHO is the most famous, t h c bestliked detective in the realm of fiction? Opinions will vary, but many people will plump without hesitation for Maigret, the creation of French writer Georges Simenon. Now Maigret is coming to The Malay Mail starting today and
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  • 166 11 SINGAPORE, Fri.—Th« 0 Shariah Court has stepped into the love life of Siput Sarawak, the v four-times-married film star. Slput ha.s been firmly told by the Muslim court that she cannot be married again until "Investigations have been made." The order has for
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  • 59 11 BINOAPORE. Fri. a receiving order was made against Belgian Trading Co by Mr. Justice Buttrose In the High Court today on a petition filed by Harold International. Belgian Trading Co. are owing Harold International $2,428,616 on a final Judgment obtained by Harold International on March 30. Mr. Abdul
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  • 59 11 PENANG. Fri. Penang firemen will fete their chief. Haji Zainul Abldin bin Abdul Rahman, at a tea party tomorrow to celebrate the conferment of the Ahli Mangku Negara on him by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong in the birthday honours. The party will be held
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  • 807 11 Gamba: Let's not have acrimony in this court TiHE president of the Industrial Arbitration Court, Dr. Charles Oamba, said today that unions and employers should consider the court "not as an instrument of punishment or a forum for the airing of personal grievances Dr. Oamba was speaking just after he
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 166 11 P^k m mm m A m f km. %^m\ rHA'I hi y 1 T W A 8 FINE AS MADE-TO- MEASURE! it In your exact H**7 collar size j£^n^ s>>^L In your exact <T|.r_ r^^\ shoulder size £&?/i\ R^A In your exact *^V^A/ V J^ sleeve length s°/>/5 °/>/ it
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    • 159 11 SMART More powerful The sports-car characteristics of the VOLVO 122S HrVCn DIOIC have been further accentuated by the lncorporation of a new, more powerful, economical and rnmlitv particularly robust engine. The surf ace- hardened yUAcuxi-j crankshaft Is carried in five main bearings to ensure quiet and fibratlon-free running. The x\c^t\
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 518 11 RADIO MALAYA RADIO SINGAPORE NATIONAL SHORTWAVE niiiyiv/ ontUHrvnt 8EBVICE 41.7 Metres SHOBT HAVE SERVICE* A.M. 6.00 Time Signal. Ncga- 4l metre Moving Ne Mel<xUp^ dlI 7 C (M) Ren- MEDIUM WAVE SERVICE dezvous VVHh Music; 7.30 Time 4?( metres Signal. News: 7 36 Brrakiasi Club: 8.00 Time Signal, News In
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  • 118 12 STOPPING IN A HURRY IN KELANTAN YOUR correspondent in Kelantan reports a witness in the coroner's court being asked whether she applied her •'emergency brake" at a point where she was. according to her evidence, five feet from the unfortunate person with whom shr collided. It would be very interesting
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  • 428 12 55j2|^^^^^E3^B!^9^^^^^^^^^E[|e WHAT LIES BEHIND THE BRITISH ATTITUDE TO FOREIGNERS... MRS. HOLT, in he.r letter (S.T. July 23) is using side-stepping tactics against Mrs. Morais's accusation (S.T. July 17) By pretending that Mrs. Morais is accusing ALL BRITAIN she would prove that there must be something wrong
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  • 505 12 rE Chief Education Adviser, Inche Aminuddin bin Baki, claims that salaries of Malayan teachers are among the highest a not the highest in Asia S.T. July 18). It may be true in the case of teachers in the higher and middle grades:
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  • 152 12 MELODY MEN OUT ON THE TILES tI ]||ORNING MELODIES" from 6.05 to 7 each Irl morning make me positively sick at times. Some of the selections are as melodious as six cats out on the tiles at night. Is the announcer allowed to choose the records: if not who is
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 292 12 1 \4ffm nf',,E«. I| GUARANTEE K^_f^^y^S fans I ■^HHHail (MALAYA) UM.TEDj SINt*fORE-KUAU LUMPUK— ftMANb— KOIA BMARU— IPOHWHOSt BAHRU. ~i)WfMm>miwwftnt7im)tiiiiiic3inniiiiiiic3iiiiiiiiiiiit3iiiiiiiiiiiic3iiiiiniiiiic:iiiii,= -%&-JI bbII bF^ H 1^ Hi IBk bt V J k a vft '-m sBBBBb £^B* lbs* t u4 hayp mm v%\ •j.»_ Put pleasure within your reach own a It
      292 words
    • 173 12 SINGH'S HOUSE OF HANDLOOM HANDLOOM ft INDIAN WOOLLEN ip LnHrb 1 S J3m" JUMP* ll 1 v.p. t.p. 12x15 $640.00 $500.00 j 9x12 190.00 '^^3 7x4 99.00 70.00 REVERSIBLE CARPETS (CHENNILE) jL 4«2Vk $10.00 11 5x3 15.00 J" ©«3 l«. 50 lED COVERS TOWELS SAREES FURNISHING MATERIAL SPECIAL DISCOUNTS LADIES
      173 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 263 12 Straits Times Crossword across 7. Spoiler got round it by w»y of 1. la one direction we Xt out hl <•>• with strict determination Votes v before despite the (7). Spanish pert in secret dis5. nevertheless, we only go dere < 2 »>. In to h«ng around (7). 1J C"*
      263 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 974 13 (Continued from Prng* 10) SITUATIONS VACANT Word* U (Him.}— Box M cf*. mstrm WANTED A GOOD Cook for a pint hoiwc muat be able to apeak him Kngllsh. Telephone (8'por*) 3..105 lor QUALIFIED ENCLISH TEACHER Requires for Jenjarom K. Langat. Apply Secretary. Board of Managers before 3rd August, 1962. EUROPEAN
      974 words
    • 805 13 ACCOMMODATION WANTED 2* W,r4» U (Min.}—M,M M eta. mxtrm T1ACMIR REQUIRE* UNFURNISHED Flmt or House 2/S Bedroomi anywh-re considered preferably District 15. Reply matins Rent to Box A5142 ST.. (Spore. UNIVERSITY GRADUATE Retire* Furnished Room ith Facilities and Oarage with decent family Including breakfast and dinner. Quiet locality, preferable District!
      805 words
    • 948 13 IDUCATION 1» Wtri* U < Mi*.)— Box M ct». extra MALAYAN C0RUIP0NOIN0I COLLEGE offers Intensive short course for 1M2 Cambridge. F.M.C Q.T., LCI etc Special Short lateMU* course for English and Malay 7O-pa«e proepectu* free. P.O. Bos Jooor* Bahru. TUITION It Word* IS (Min.j—Box it cto. UMtrm WEAK IN MATHEMATICS?
      948 words
    • 955 13 DOGS. PETS. ETC. M Wmrda U <Mim.)—B,.x M eta. axtrm bull Tinman puppibs hka Class 1 white, fawn/white, 10 waaka eM. Apply 41 Sootu Road. Spore. Telephone M147 CHIAP TO aOOO Horn*: 1st elaas Alsatian ***** puppy four moot* old with pedigree. Sees 142, LangMt Koad. Off Still Road. Spore.
      955 words
    • 848 13 VEHICLES FOR SALE i$ ITera* U (Mix.>—B<>x $0 ets. txtra 1904 rORO ANOLIA. good tyres/ paint. excellent condition, over 32 mpg. taxed/Insured *****/- cn.o. 72, Jalan Qemblm off MacPheraoe Road. (Singapore) 13. OIOIMMR 1909 BORQWARD Isabella. Bzcellcnt condition all round. Comprehensive Insurance. Hlr* Purchase van be arranged. Ring Mr. Taa.
      848 words
    • 848 13 VEHICLES WANTED 2$ W»r4i Si (Mim.)-Box M eta. a*trm AUSTIN METROPOLITAN or Realty Sprite. PIMM give detail* aad price required. To Box A5141 ST. Soon FOR SALI M WtrdM M (Him.)— Bom M eU. txtrm ROTAN tCAT WITH Dunlopilo and tables carpet and refrldgerator 8 eft. NPM flat 53O Nutmeg
      848 words
    • 649 13 MISCELLANEOUS 24 Words SS (MiH.)-Box it eU. extra JOIN THB MILLIONS who enjoy fun afloat. Come and sea bow easy, to drive and handle a boat at Spore BoeUl. Tel. Spore *****. AT YOUR SERVICE (Spore) M Words SS (Mlm.)—Box It rts. extra BLACK'S GBNUINB PHOTOSTATS 58 Robinson Road Tel:
      649 words
    • 301 13 WHERE TO STAY (S'pora) it WmrdM Si (Min.)-Box St cto. txtrm SOUTH CAST ASIA Hotel— *****/ Victoria Hotel 32.1SI/Rnr Kmtaumnt. NEW EMPRESS HOTEL, 8'pore Centrally located, rooms alrcondltioned. courteous xorvlce. moderate charge* Telephone ***** WHERE TO STAY (Fed.) it Word* SS Win.)— Box 50 eU. txtrm JOHORB HOTEL J.B. Dancing
      301 words

  • 1479 14 THE U. S. ARMY PRIVATE WHO JOINED THE PHILIPPINE WAR OF INDEPENDENCE ONK Ma> even ing in 1899, Private William Johnson of the sth Artillery Regiment, United Suites Army, which \\;is garrisoned near the (Own of Imus on the island of
    1,479 words
  • 490 14 REBIRTH FROM THE RUBBLE The penetrating eye of Patrick O'Donovan NO city in the world commands a more instant respect. And yet at iirst sight Warsaw has an air of terrible lunar desolation. The new apartment towers in the suburbs for workers start up bare and essential out of the
    OFNS  -  490 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 282 14 Fly East or West to the U.S.A. Fly Or fly westbound. Fly Pan Am Jet to by Pun Am Jet from Singapore direct Saigon, where you board a 'Round-the-to the I'.S.A. Or, choose from many World Pan Am Jet. Stop off in the most other Pan Am routes and see
      282 words
    • 78 14 iii^ ■■■■■■■<MiKiiif*V I r iaW-al Wk II UfffM DWKaI M W^m OLYMPUS AUTO EYE II jJwafa^Bfl^R Attct 40 yeors of research, is there any wonder why S^^FH^HS Olympus Auto Eye- II is today the most odvonced j^^MggM^HM '""v outomatic 35cnm camt'OS H«B PEN-EE-S Bpj^^Bl^Hi he worlcl smallest '35' camero whose
      78 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1495 15 TO LIVERPOOL a WEST COAST U Ova S'pora Mils P. S'Kaa Penant NESTOR Havre, literpeei. Gia^ftra in Pt July 29 luly 31 31 MELAMPUt A mouth L'pill. R'Oam. H'brg UPt,Aif 2 tig 1. LYCAON Li«trpeel. bia so* Cm. 31 »nf 2 MEMNON Lutrim tig 3 I taf 1/ I tag
      1,495 words
    • 1403 15 THE E. A. C. LINESSAILINGS IR GENOA. lE HAVRE HAMBURG. RREMEN, ANTWIRK. ROnEROAM, AMSTERDAM, OSLO. 60THENBURB AND COPENHAGEN. /»V-^i S'oori P I'haa Penanf 13/vfiC^Kl "FALSTRIA" I) Sailed la Part/27 Jaly 27/21 July -lIMA i) tt Jaly/ Aag 1/ Aaj 1/ I Ait VS\V2S/ "JUTUNOIA" k) 21/21 Aag 14/23 let H/27
      1,403 words
    • 1509 15 EXPRESS SERVICE It l*KstH. HWRPR4X A CONiINtNTAL PRRU. Rtara P. Itwa PMtMf BENATTOW (H) H'kirg. L'dea, R'uaa, M'bre It Pt/Mf 21 Jaly 2*/ 2 BENNEVIS (E.Uj I'Reet R'daa, Hull. Hburg Jaly 28/ 2 HPt,TiUy BENUYAi .'tjj llldla. M'MMfh, Hl»urg Ill) Xi aal Ii 4 BENLAWERS L'peil. B'men, A'iterp. R T
      1,509 words
    • 1297 15 McALISTER 6t CO^ LTD. W^ msi Ia Irj-W \FC*« UIMMAJI UMB 4ft KJUA VENEBB LIMB LONOON, RAMIURS, ROTTERDAM. RUNKIRB, IRS tHSIItS, SAN FRANCISCR, lUVRI A mil. SEATTLE. VANCOUVER A PORTLANf. Cm t> WEUiNfiTBt) Atceptiap targe ter Ceatrai A laatt u'mTm "HVart rmi% "W™ 1 iWvtt LONDON, fiAMBUHb. BOTTEHOAa la Part
      1,297 words

  • 465 16 THE slow decline from A recent high levels grounded this week when short-covering and fresh interest for September No. 1 RSS absorbed all offers at around 75 cents, state H.C.B. Co. Ltd. in their current Rubber Market Review. Turnover has been less and
    465 words
  • 121 16 July R, Three month*. (OFFICIAL QUOTATIONS) P. N. 13 CU. Cold Store 4|d. M. Box 13 cU. Steamship 9 cts. Breweries 2S cts. S. Times 22 cts. S. Darby 4td. 8. Traders 26 cts. W. Jacks 10 cts. Vnlteers 11 eta. Robinson 9 cts. MINING* A. Amal 23
    121 words
  • 104 16 rE Malayan Ixshange Banks' Ameiatien made these changes In Its rates to merchants yeaterday (all rates to $100): New v.rk: buying TT 321 airmail OD 33. 00 d'st 33i credit bills. 33 i trade bills. Canada: buyrng TT 3Si, airmail OD 351. 90 d/at 36J credit bills, 361
    104 words
  • 204 16 SHIM lying alangsld* tha Orngaswr* whar»«» arc: Raraoateln *'•>, Araaiilsan Maru 19 Kako Maru 8/9, Rothensteln 1/2, Brndoran 18, Caatd F>l!cc 44, Rod Maru 25/26. Pat.'uma Maru 38/30. Yoshlnonan Maru 47, Btrmat Van Dleraen 44, Surabaya. 27/28, Sabang 6/7. Ootsr raads: Aronda, SlgU, Bantam, Bunguran, Nlsaho
    204 words
  • 35 16 July 27 RUBBER PRICES SINGAPORE: 751 cents (up one-eighth of a cent). K.L.: 75S cents (up one-eighth of a cent). TIN: $434.25 (down 5125). Estimated unofficial offering 240 tons (down 10 tons) j
    35 words
  • 608 16 QUIET DAY ON EXCHANGE: TURNOVER AGAIN SMALL From Our Market Correspondent Fwas a Quiet day on the Malayan Stock Exchange yesterday with only a small turnover reported. Nevertheless there was a better sentiment In industrial shares and tin shares took on a steadier appearance. Not many sellers were reported in
    608 words
  • 696 16 /~«OMBINro business In the Slngapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Malayan Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of deals In bracket*: Industrials: Boußtead (2,000) $1.80: Dunlops (2,000) t1.70, (1.000) $1.71; East Smelting (1.200) $2.77 BL. (200) $2.87 SU (2,000) $3.78: F. and N. ords (500)
    696 words
  • 380 16 ♦THERE was a further drop of $1.25 in the Straits 1 Tin price yesterday to $434.25 per picul, the lowest price for Just under one month. The estimated offering fell by ten tons to 240 tons. In London overnight tin had ruled
    380 words
  • 492 16 HPHE release of the higher Malax yan production and Pan-Ma-layan stock flcure had no influence on the Federation Robber Market which opened a shade lower than Thursdays closing levels and ruled Inactive for most of the morning session. Lower sheets were neglected. Prices steadied sligntly in
    492 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1041 16 KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA. LTD. O.S-A. Ptdne, Atlaotlo 61 Crati L«k«a Sarvioa tl» tl» (1A tl» (I* S-pgn S'r«s> H'i«i* i anftiw H Tor* oM<wlt.i« KimiUwa Mm" 1/2 Am 1/4 Am 2} Am 2 Stft 17 Sept 2 Oct "Xaailuwa Man" 21 3d tut 31/ i Sepi 21 Sepi 31 Stpt
      1,041 words
    • 497 16 L ELLERMAH BUCKNALL S.S. CO., LTD. IBb SAIIINM FKOM UNITED KIN6OOM AND CQNTINCNTtL PORTS TO MHITJ I*C23 10A31N6 FOR HONGKONt. KOBE, OSAKA. NASOTA. YOKOHAMA t ITAM MiMtswrt Him Pmmt i*Ma Soor» •CITY Of NEWCASTU" *»T 1 A« -cm ot iirar nwim a/a aw tw/ t to* v %tm ■Cm OF
      497 words
    • 661 16 NOTICES NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I, NO KUANO MENG ol No. 187. Jalan Besar Singapore, have applied for a Retail Shop licence in respect of premises No. 208. Jalan Besar Singapore, and that this application will be heard m the Court of the District Judno and First Magistrate,
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 538 17 FEDERAL LAND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TENDER NOTICE Tenders will be received at the Office ol The Chairman, federal Land Development Authority, Bangunan Sharlkat Polls. Jalan Suleiman, Kuala Lumpur up to 12 noon on Saturday 11th August 1962 from P.WX). Registered Contractors (Class C. Head IV. Sub-Head I) for:— THE CONSTRUCTION OP
      538 words
    • 345 17 NOTICES NOTICE rl 1)1 CATION OF MALAYA 5160.000.00* 51% Reg*. Stack 15/_-19«7/7« 570.000.000 Re*. Stoc--15/2-1967 and 5H% Regd. Stock 15/2-1978/Sv Notice is nereby given that the transfer registers of the abovementioned Loans will be dosed from Ist to 16th August. 1963. both days inclusive, for the preparation of Interest warrants.
      345 words
    • 377 17 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS KERETAPI TANAH MELAYU VACANCY FOR TECHNICAL Cadet (Signal) Applications are invited from Federal Citizens who have not attained their 31st birthday for appointment as a Technical Cadet (Signal) in the Malayan Railway Administration. 2 Applicants must: (1 have completed the prescribed course of training as a private student
      377 words
    • 843 17 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT BRUNEI GOVERNMENT Applications are invited from qualified Physiotherapist to flu up a vacancy in the Medical Department, Brunei. salary: Will be in the Scale B (d) $940 x 40 980 1020 1060-1100-1140. per mouth. Point of entry being determined by qualifications and experience. LENGTH OF TOUR: On one
      843 words
    • 483 17 NOTICE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE FEDERATION OF MALAYA EN TUB HIGH COIRT AT MTJAB In Bankruptcy (W.E.A.0.) No. 11/61. Re: ABDUL GHAXI BOH AHMAD, Pejabat Kathi, MIH, Nottee-Server. Date of Wage-Burner's Administration 0rder.— 33.6.83. Date and place of First Meeting. —15.8.63 at 11.45 a.m at the Supreme Court,
      483 words
    • 66 17 All the BEST PEOPLE use the MAY 3< *»ft? Uk. 3456 HALATA JOHN Q. CUSTONIK V »r»~__r«__, t hi.^mi. J DINER'S CLUB CARD Enquire at 20. Nfcc Ann Bu.Minj. Orchard Road, Singapore: 3*724. UCRCISE BOOKS ADDRESS BOOKS NOTE BOOKS MEMO BOOKS fiGg AttrKtivt »rtci Mi' SKKam, m teat sutwkit meW
      66 words
    • 84 17 eagie! I brand EAGLE BRAND MEDICATED OIL It's a medicine! It's a perfume too! Dual purpose product. The pioneer in fragrant medicated oils. Free gifts with every Purchase during the period of the Trade and Industries Fair at the Great World. DEAF? ••CHICO" INVISIBLE EARPHONES Worn inside your ears, do
      84 words

    • 218 18 KOPI KOLEH IS READY TO SCORE DOUBLE THE improving Kupi Koleii has a bright chance of scoring his third successive win at Penang on Sunday. He finished strongly to score over 7f last Sunday and should find no difficulty in running out an extra Uf. Tnis morning, the four-year-old with
      218 words
    • 145 18 A-Games village is nearly ready JAKARTA. Frl.-Last-mln-ute preparations are going forward for the reception of the Asian Games teams at the athletes' village here. The Fourth Asian Games will open in Jakarta on Aug. 24, and the first arrivals, the Japanese, are expected on or about Aug. 5. The organisers
      Reuter  -  145 words
    • 1196 18 Race l: 2.00-Cl. 5 Div. 4-6 f I 2125? On Velvel 'Velvet Bt.) Heddle. 4 9.0 3 2nnn n r U w°L <B^" l J g 1 8u Bagby 6 813 <F) id.' Dra f on v 4 mom t u R °?Z Y i, Um)
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 286 18 CHANGE HORSES! A All of a'suddeu,*there's a lot of confusion about which brand i of oil you should buy. Names are changing. Claims are changing. Even the oil companies are changing. How do you know which oil offers you the. most for your money? If you're using Mobiloil, you've already
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 135 18 Alley Oop By V. T. Uamlim """""Y WE HAOTO>- "<weRUSMH>| f —--»_.*> >^*" <VES,WE WO.> >/ REAL FINE~ I IIEP^V )ll KIDS a? (BUT SEEN) INTO rlßtl l CIfiARHER6'YEH!)9AVEB (BROUGHT BEST IN VVvjVtVA^ )UI ?'"5?? 1 OURSWE.) VCXW DOUSE H0U.../ SOME ft. MOOf > XmZSj&KOAVL &2Zr5( CoJwTON ITH'FrRE.' yf' 7
      135 words

    • 887 19 THEY DISMISS SINGAPORE FOR 160, THEN GET 242 FOR 3 IN 182 MINS AND MDXE'S STILL THERE By NORMAN SIEBEL; Kuala Lumpur, Friday ONLY the first day's play in the Malayan Cricket Association's league final between holders Singapore and Selangor on the padang here today,
      Reuter  -  887 words
    • 127 19 SINOAPORB, Frl.— The Chinese Swimming Club 'A' 800 metres freestyle relay team established a new Singapore all-comers record when they won the event In 9mln s.2sec at Tan Jong Rhu today. The team comprised of Bernard Chan. Tay Lian Tae. Oel Boon Khwee
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    • 132 19 COUNTIES: Close of play scores J^ONDON, Frl. There was no play yesterday because ot rain in the county cricket matches: At Lord's (Notts 163-3 v Middlesex) and the Oval (Worcs 101-6 v Surrey). Close or play scores in the other games: At Buy ton— Northanls 90 and 175-4 (Norman 58
      Reuter  -  132 words
    • 783 19 JOHNNY Jose (Philip- pines) and lan Crookenden (New Zealand) will meet in the men's singles final in the Malayan open lawn tennis championships here tomorrow at 3 p.m. In the seml-flnals today, top-seeded Jose eliminated Serl Charuchlnda (Thailand) 8-1. 6-1 and
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    • 230 19 KUALA LUMPUR. Frl— A proposal to form an Asian lawn tennis federation la to be discussed at the annual meeting of the Lawn Tennis Association of Malaya at Ipoh on Sunday. V. Rajaratnam, secretary of the LTAM Raid. "With so many Asians nowadays
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    • 281 19 ATHLETICS MALAYAN PWD MEET (XL) FltUkto: 5,000 m: 1 M Raman (Pk) 2 8. Munlandy (B'gor) 3 M Narayanasamy (Pk) 16:11.3 'record); Lonr jump: 1 00 l Leong Seng (Pg) 2 Chin Knk Foon (Pk) 3 Nr Yeat Meng (Pit) 6.81 m (record): Hop-st<p-Jnmp: 1 S. Subramnnlam (Job)
      281 words
    • 554 19 SERVICES IN MOOD FOR SUCCESS CLASH OF CUP 'GIANTS' KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. 'THERE Is nothing better than a good victory over strong, respected and previously unbeaten opponents to boost the confidence and sharpen the taste for success of a team chasing championship honours. Singapore Joint Services had just such a
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 39 19 The Ideal Gift for all occasions. Obtainable throughout Malaya Spore. Free list sent on request Selangor Pewter Co., 219. Batu Road, K. Lumpur. Tel: ***** YOU CAN TASTE THE EXTRA FINE QUALITY TAIKOO PURE CANE SUGAR CUBE GRANULATED jLggPft
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 136 19 iiiimiiraiii iiiBHM«Mmir TOIR MATCH: Spore Selection v Formosa (Jn Besar, 7.S0). S PORK DIV. SB: Btg Bulan v Darul Allah 'A' (Jn Besar, 6>. HOCKEY FRIENDLY: Spore T Jt. Services (Serangoon Rd>. CHICKET MCA LEAGUE FINAL: S'gor V Spore second day (KL padang. 11 a.m.). FBIENDLIE8: Services 'A' v Civilians
      136 words

  • 330 20 Word* Sl* < 6IRTM TO ELIZABETH and Martin Law- I irr a d.niL-htor Marie Therrna at Aktunta Hospital PrtallnK Java 27.7.62. ENGAGEMENTS BETWEEN IK KHIAM. third son or Mr. and Mrx. Lim Tai Chuan ami Roue, dauxhter of Madam Wee Cheng Neo and tht- latr Mr. Tan
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  • Article, Illustration
    103 20 Not if you can't see the ba11. |T LOOKS an easy game, but these youths have to do a lot of groping in the dark and do it fast because they are blind. But the youths trainees with the Singapore School for the Blind workshop who were
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  • 138 20 BOMBAY, Fri.— An Alitalia DC-8 jet airliner which crashed near here on July 7 killing 94 people was not on lire when it hit the ground and there was no structural failure, a court of inquiry into the crash was
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 45 20 LONDON, Fri. Thirty-five paintings worth £400.000 ($3.5 million) stolen from a London art gallery on July 11 were recovered when police raided a house in the East End early today. Two men were arrested and charged with receiving the painting. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 401 20 LONDON, Ptl. The stock markets In London today laileu io maintain their recent linn tone and prices drifted aimlessly. The failure of the Government to announce any positive measures to brighten the economic outlook dampened the recent enthusiasm for industrials, and prices tended to drift lower in
    401 words
  • 344 20 Singapore stake Games claims by holding the champs 2-2 SINGAPORE, Friday. *piK Singapore football team's claims for participation in the Asian Games al Jakarta next month improved after their 2-2 draw with Formosa, the Asian Games champions, at Jalan Besar Stadium tonight. There was much merit for Singapore in this
    344 words
  • 296 20 SHEPPARD, DEXTER GIVE ENGLAND GOOD START "NOTTINGHAM. Fri. A second A wicket Atand of 161 in 105 minutes between -the Reverend David Sheppard, Sussex amateur, n'nd Ted Dexter, enabled England to score 310 for three in the Him mniiius on the .second day of iha louiin Test against Pakistan here
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 29 20 Pruned and Published by the Straus Tunes Press (Malaya) Lid. Tunes House. 390 Kirn Seng Road. Suigapore 9 and 111 Pudu Road, Kuaia Lumpur (Managing Director: A. C. buumuiis)
      29 words
    • 126 20 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO. LTD. CHANGE OF ADDRESS IPOH BRANCH OFFICE. Policyholders and Residents of Ipoh and district are advised that with effect from 30th July 1962 the address of the Ipoh Office of The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company will be:LA BROOY HOUSE (3rd Floor) > POST
      126 words