The Straits Times, 25 July 1962

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 100,000 The Straits Times. Nat*"* 1 Estd. 1845. WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 1962. 15 CENTS KDN 036
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  • 271 1 Amok slashes whole family, boy dies SINGAPORE, Tues. An amok armed with a vegetable chopper slashed a four-year-old boy to death, and injured five other members of the, boy's family in a house at Changi village this afternoon. The boy. Toh Han Chuan. died on the spot. All victims werr
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  • 838 1 2 A.M. FLASH: It's yes or no— Tengku Premier leaves talks dejected LONDON, Tuesday. fENGKU ABDUL RAHMAN, Malayan Prime Minister, said today the Ministerial talks with the British Government here had reached a point where a decision "one way or the other" had to be made on
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  • 422 1 U.N. MOVE SHOULDN'T BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY' SINGAPORE Tuesday. gINGAPORE People's Alliance today challenged the claim by the Council of Joint Action that it represents the majority of the Opposition a few hours after a council deleWith election statistics to back its challenge, the SPA. declared that
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  • 128 1 30 PINTS OF BLOOD TO OFFICER KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Army doctor., were still striving tonight to save the life of Capl. L.B. Shannon, 34. a New Zealand officer lying critically 111 In the British Military Hospital at Klnrara near here. He is bleeding internally and has so far received more
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  • 70 1 HONG KONG. Tues. The Royal Air Force in the Far East will In the next few months start switching their Beverley transports for the faster Argosys. Air Chief Marshal Sir Edmund Huddleston said today. 81r Edmund, who Is Air Officer Commanding InChief of Transport. Is here
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 52 1 WASHINGTON. Tues.— A high altitude nuclear explosion, due to have been set off tonight over Johnston Island, has been postponed for 24 hours because of weather conditions, the Atomip- Energy Commission announced here. The test has been re-scheduled for 1609 GMT (1 30 p.m. Malayan
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 486 1  - ASP dead beside critically wounded widow RODERICK PESTANA: By DAUGHTERS HEAR SHOTS AND FIND DODY OF A 'FAMILY FRIEND' LYING BY THEIR MOTHER ON BLOODSTAINED FLOOR OF BATHROOM SINGAPORE, Tuesday J^S Assistant Superintendent of -Police, Mr. Cheah Kirn Swee, 43, was found dead this morn ing with a single bullet
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  • 174 1 Hong Kong cooks in Scottish 'mines' HONG KONG. Tues. An explanation today was forthcoming for allegations by some young men that they had been lured to work in London restaurants and found they had to take on miner's Jobs at £4 a week instead of £24 a* promised. It was
    Reuter  -  174 words
  • 55 1 SINGAPORE, Tuea. Singapore police yesterday arrested three men suspected to be connected with the kidnapping of Kuala Lumpur "cycling" millionaire, Mr. Tai Chet Seng. Police declined to reveal details, but said that they were arrested in Singapore on suspicion. All three are now detained under the
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  • 48 1 JAKARTA, Tues.— A motorship carrying 100 passengers from Sourabaya, East Java, to Ambon, in the Moluccas, has been posted missing. The Jakarta-built coaster Pulau Sjafi left Sourabaya on June 21 and was due to arrive in Ambon last week. A search is under way.
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  • 154 1 Millions wiped off gold shares F ONDON. Tues. Millions of pounds were wiped .off the value of gold shares on the London stock exchange today. The plunge followed President Kennedy's dramatic pledge not to devalue the dollar, beamed to Europe on last night's historic Telstar broadcast watched by 200 million
    Reuter  -  154 words
  • 37 1 TSHOMBE NO TO UN I.LISABETHVILI.t twt* Pro *idr nt M Ishmnbr has Njeefc p it I nited NatteM pbn> to tax Bataags'i ■toeral revenue*. t«> h<-lp tun in <• the rest of C— g» Reuii r
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 39 1 Finest Selection of DIAMOND EL GEM SET A ENGAGEMENT P. H. HENDRY 78, North Bndqc Rd.. Adalphi Hotel, Spora. Head Offic*: KUALA LUMPUR jSejamat] i pagi! ZZLmJ i i I Start your j day the MALAYAN j I way!
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    • 105 1 f^ 4s>Hp4*^^b^^*nß^ VbbV *I*W^P M^^r Wm 9Jp aA^aaaWvaaav^av w B I IF YOU WANT REAL VIGOUR, YOU WANT SHAMROCK There's no better way to real SB he-man strength. Shamrock give* I you the vigour to enjoy all the fun in life. It improves your appetite ML JL *•"—^v and helps
      105 words
    • 34 1 READY FOR OCCUPATION LORONG STANGEE, KATQNG MONTHLY J134.90 DOWN PAYMENT: 55.700/ upward* or L«it Te Bt Arrant** Wid* Frontage 2 1 '6" SIN CHEW REALTY LTD. 133 Rothorf Bond %'ooH I Tal- 3 300"?
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    • 506 2 CHEN-YI: NO-ONE ORDERS US AROUND 'We are equal partners with Russia' GENEVA, Tuesday MARSHAL Chen-Yi Communist Chinese Foreign Minister, last night said China took orders from no country and negotiated differences on an "equal partners" basis with Russia The Marshal was speaking to reporters at an Impromptu Press conference during
      Reuter  -  506 words
    • 71 2 Chinatown: A judge's tribute IJONG KONG. Tues. n "Chinatown" is criminally the cleanest community in the whole New York area, according to the State's Supreme Court judge. Justice Samuel Leibowitz. He told reporters yesterday this was because the Chinese were an Inherently homogeneous people and were bound by strong family
      Reuter  -  71 words
    • 142 2 Outburst of shooting kills 4 in Algiers ALGIERS, Tues.— Four ix Europeans were killed and three wounded as four Muslim soldiers fired bursts of sub-machine-gun fire last night in the first serious shooting incident in Algiers since independence. The three wounded Europeans and one wounded Muslim were treated at Mustapha
      Reuter  -  142 words
    • 44 2 MADRID, Tues.— Mr. Pierre Lagaillarde and other leading French right-wingers (Ultras), who had been held on Spanish territory in forced residence since last October, were freed today. They would be returned to Madrid as a first move, a spokesman added. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  44 words
    • 32 2 SYDNEY, Tues. The Thai Government has chartered a Qantas Electra for the Kin* an 1 Queen of Thailand to use during their tour of Australia and New Zealand. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  32 words
    • 81 2 SHILLONG. Tues.—Laboratory tests showed that a poisonous chemical was in wheat flour given through the American Friendship Society which caused Illness and paralysis among Assam school children. It was officially stated here yesterday. I Food poisoning affected 180 of 193 pupils of a school at Sutopukhuri
      Reuter  -  81 words
    • 44 2 TWO TYPES of oysters pinctada and pteria are being cultivated »t the Government Culture Research Station in the New Territories for experiments of value to the Colony's infant •earl culture industry. Edible oysters are also harvested from sis beds in Deep Bay.
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    • 656 2  - BUTTONER-UP IN A FACTORY PUZZLES CENSUS TAKERS FRANCIS BOEY IfliUiUlfiliSittlfiiSKS&SQ I From i Television tosses REDIFFUSION Hong Kong incurred a HKst.2s million loss in introducing television closed-circuit only to the colony said Mr. C.H. Oldridge. managing director, of the company. It was not expected to wipe out this loss for
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 332 2 y Goddards give a special touch to y I <<T the home you love jB^KF »^gv ii^^^^^^^^^^^^ jAyMtk A For cv r X thln I that thins* and glistens in your AWL ™L.*^^^^^^^^BwGi homt. th«re'i a spacial Goddards polish. A <f {Kg Pol*" that protect* your precious furniture, 3 4
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 372 3 SPACE TV SENDS JACK'S PLEDGE ACROSS THE ATLANTIC WASHINGTON, Tuesday 'pWO hundred million television viewers in Europe and on the American continent last night saw and heard President Kennedy declare that the United States would hold no more nuclear tests, "unless our security is threatened."
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    • 390 3 Big 3 meet again for disarm talks WEST BEGINS WITH TACTICAL ADVANTAG QENEVA, Tues. The Big Three Foreign Ministers attended the 17-nation disarmament conference here today for the first time in four months. Mr. Andrei Gromyko (Soviet Union), Mr. Dean Rusk (United States) and the Earl of Home (Britain) came
      Reuter  -  390 words
    • 173 3 Quick look round MOSCOW. fues>. Russia's Northern Fleet will hold Joint exercises with rocket and air forces in the Barents and Kara seas, off North Russia, from August to October the official Boviet news agency Tass said. The agency said that "various types of modern weapons" would be used during
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    • 215 3 A 'FRIENDLY WIGGLE' FROM WINGS OF A CURIOUS MiG BERLIN, Tuesday. SOVIET jet fighters flew close to an American airliner and a U.S. Air Force fighter in separate incidents within the Berlin control zone yesterday. A U.S. spokesman said later that the U.S. representative at the four-power air safety centre
      Reuter  -  215 words
    • 34 3 BONN, Tues.— Six young East Germans fled to the West near the Bavarian town of Lidwigstadt early today. cross ng the closely guarded three-mile deep border strip In two groups.— Reuter.
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    • 46 3 PARIS. Tues. Thirty-six people were killed and 48 injured when five coaches of the Paris-Marseilles express ran off the rails near Dijon today Most of the casualties were In one coach, which plunged 160 feet over the parapet of a viaduct.— Reuter.
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    • 99 3 Cambodia: U.S. aid would feed tiger' BANGKOK. Tues. The Thai interior Minister. Gun. Prapart Charusathien, commenting on the reported Cambodian request for American military aid. today said: ■Arming Cambodia is like feeding a tijter. "When the tver has eaten and become strong it will bite the hand of the feeder
      Reuter  -  99 words
    • 169 3 BELFAST. Tuesday MR. Lan Fraser. president of the British Medical Association, forecast last night that in 20 years cancer would be curable, nurses as known today would have disappeared and excessive leisure would be a social problem. Mr. Fraser. a leading British surgeon, was giving
      Reuter  -  169 words
    • 137 3 VTEW YORK, Tues. 11 Mr. Victorio Carpio, Philippine chairman of the United Nations Speci a 1 Committee on South-West Africa, arrived here by air yesterterday with the appeal to reporters; "Please give me a chance to collect my thoughts." The committee postponed its
      Reuter  -  137 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 254 3 it's DALSON again with the latest in barbecue novelties! fl-k APRONS: &^^^k attractive and humourous to odd fun to outIbV door living. BBi^^^ spore Price: $4.70 (Alto available in gift sat pocks ot Hot, Apron Mitt. S pore Price: $9.75) MITT: in attractive If" colours for lift- Cj\ *V I
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    • 249 3 INVEST $10 PER MONTH TO GET M.C.I.S. POLICY FOR $5,042 3wl\L Y ou are 20 years of age, you can get an M.C.I.S Career Policy fd 55.042. Fc the same premium of $10 per month you car get our Career Policy for $4,225 if you are 25 years old or
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  • 304 4 TOUR STOLEN CAR' JEST— AND SO IT WAS! SINGAPORE, Tuesday. DISTRICT court here was told today, how a car, stolen in Johore Bahru on May 27, was recovered in Singapore under what the prosecution termed as "a set of strange coincidences." Senior Inspector M.C. Jacob, prosecuting, said that Chai Tze
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  • 183 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. pONTRIBUTIONS continue to pour in for Penanß's "most devoted" father, Mr. Lee Ah Cheang, 82. and his bed-ridden daughter, Phalk Kirn. 58. Today more than $300 was rpppivAH frnm fltroite TMrruw readers. The following Is the list of donations received In Kuala
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  • 39 4 BING APORE. Tues.— A "Kathakalachebam" by Rev. J.T. Jesusagayam of Ceylon, who Is here on a lyrical preaching mission, will be held at 630 p.m. tomorrow and at 7 p.m. on Thursday at the Ceylon Tamils Association.
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  • 246 4 SINQAPORC. Tut*. rnHE Housing and Deve--1 lopment Board housing programme has hit a record high of a flat completed In every 45 minutes, or less than four days to complete a ten-storey block of 120 housing units. An official statement today making this claim said:
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  • 359 4 THE following Is today's schedule of civil aircraft movement* at Paya Lebar Airport. ARRIVALS BO AC: Prom London. Rom? Beirut. Karachi. Calcutta. Kuala Lumpur. (BA 708) 4.36 p.m.. from Sydney. Darwin (BA 711) 8.15 pm. Garnda: Prom Jakarta (OA 804) 8.40 ajn. from Bangkos: (OA 803) 6.30 p.m. Japan Air
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  • 412 4 SINGAPORE, Tuesday. THE first phase of the Government's $4.5 million scheme to provide the means for direct employment of nearly 2,000 people by reclaiming land for farming and fish and prawn ponds will be completed before the end of the year. The Minuter for
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  • 98 4 INCNE YUSOF ENDS TOUR OF FINANCE DEPARTMENTS, SINGAPORE. Taea. The Tang di-Pertuan Neirara, Inche Ytnof bin Ishak. completed his two-day to-ir of the departments under the Ministry of Finance with a one and a half hoar visit to the Jurong Industrial estate site this morning. Inche Yusof was accompanied on
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  • 35 4 SINGAPORE. Tues— lnche Baseron Jumat has been elected president of the Department of Broadcasting Employees' Union. Other officials are: Inche Hassani Solelman (vice-pre-sident). Mr. Thampoo PanJacharam (secretary) and Mr M.T.R. Arasu (treasurer).
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 16 4 Rffißnnnnr™^** 7 opens IOULuIuULIuj r^-'{!T? today ±**0X Xt/MAX HltoP* »W fjfjf mm t/muA/ 1 ntufn mmmi*
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    • 574 4 A STORY OF AN ORPHANED GIRL dl9n CAIGHT W THE COBWEB OF FATE! i 1' A SILKTHREADMARRIAGE Jprtj^jr and CHINESE Subtitles MA JaXq TODAY ONLY! !*}%,^^B i 1 1 am-1 .30-4. 00-6. 30-9. 30pm MM J| W%± GALA CHARITY PREMIERE WW-* I f-\ m TONIGHT at 9.30 p. m. (SINGAPORE)
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    • 501 4 tLAST 4 SHOWS!: I" 11 a.m. -1.30-4.00 A 630 p.m. 4t "MEIN KAMPF" !I X GALA CHARITY PReMIERE! X TONIGHT AT 9.30 P.M. IT in aid af V M C A Fund I J P IBI —r ~S»«tTJU*» I -4 I? UMETNWIUJMU-lINIITH COMOR f IMFMIM OIIYS im-ESIU CtMON unce ntcim
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  • 1811 5 STRAITS TIMES SPECIAL FEATURE 21 died in newspaper bomb horror EARLY on the morning of October 1, 1910, the four-storey Los Angeles Times building was blown up by the explosion of a bundle of dynamite sticks each containing 80 per cent nitroglycerine. Inside the building rescuers found 21 dead pressmen
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 85 5 ■Kj3S jSr* f i sMotE*^^ MUm^^^^^ —I" t i \V; v I^^ Come over and enjoy V V XW-***^ «M«Pi' ,^^^^k lew the new idea in smoking.* ■ik!^! VipKhl Cool, clean Consulate. V RPii^ji^fl Pure white filter. cfufr Fine tobaccos. Menthol fresh.. .V cr 1 o*^ cool as a mountain
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  • 138 6 Talks on a quick drive to end border Red terror BANGKOK, Tues. Thai and Malayan officials conferred today on a quick campaign to eliminate Communist terrorist remnants along the jungled border of the two countries. They also reviewed the progress of border police in tracking down the elusive terrorists led
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 36 6 PENANG, Tues.— A sundry shop assistant, Law Han Chuan, 20. was today fined 55.000 or six months' Jail In default, for knowingly possessing uncustomed goods on which $796 duty had not been MM.
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  • 172 6 penang turn PtNANb, TUH. -H rE Second Magistrate's Court here was agaiti packed today when seven men were produced for the second time on a tentative charge of murdering I'r. Benjamin Simmons, a senior lecturer in English at the Malayan Teachers Training College at Buklt Glugor
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  • 334 6 INFORMANTS ASSURED OF BOTH REWARDS AND SECRECY pEDERATION customs authorities are offering big rewards to defeat smuggling both into and out of Malaya. Recently the authorities i paid $30,000 to one man K UALA LUMPUR, Tv««. for "valuable Information.' I j but they have refused
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  • 79 6 'Mao Tsetung' accused of assault UENANG. Tues. A labourer accused of assaulting a policeman was nicknamed Mao Tse-tung. a magistrate's court was told today. "I havi- heard some people calling him by that name." Constable Yeow See Kong said at the trial of Ng Kok Heng. Jointly charged with two
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  • 116 6 I have been stupid, says airman BUTTERWORTH, Tues. Leading Aircraftman John Warman McKay, of No. 1, Field squadron. Royal Air Force, of the RAAF Base here, was today sentenced to 72 days' detention by a district court martial sitting at P«"*matantr Kuching. The conviction and sentence are subject to confirmation.
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  • 29 6 BUTTERWORTH, Tues. Two masked men with daggers robbed a housewife, Tan Slew Gai, of a $150 gold chain and locket at Telok Telegar Ayer Road here yesterday
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  • 174 6 CABLES TAKE-OVER TROUBLES ASSEMBLY MEMBER PENANG, Tues. —The proposed take-over of Cable and Wireless operations by the Federation Government on Aug. 31 has posed a problem for Mr. C. Y. Choy, a Socialist Front state assemblyman. Mr. Choy, who represents Tanjoiiß Selatan in the State Assembly, is an office assistant
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  • 23 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Mr. Leong Hoe Yeng was re-elected chairman of Malayan Industrial Development Finance Ltd. at Its annual meeting today.
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  • 255 6 SINGAPORE, Tues. Renuk Ltd.. British manufactures of Panda brand steel wool used for cleaning pots and pans, applied to the High Court today for an order to have the Bear brand trade mark expunged from the Register of Trade Marks. Sin Thye Hin and
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  • 56 6 Two women from Malaya attend a palace party TWO MALAYAN women were among more than 8.000 guests who thronged the lawns of Buckingham Palace in London to attend a garden party last week. Mrs. Thcan Lip Thong (left) of Kuala Lumpur and Mrs. T. Koh of Penang are seen in
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  • 250 6 Selangor parties protest over extra council names NOMINATIONS TO END DEADLOCK IfUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The Peoples Progressive Party and the Socialist Front are protesting to the Selangor State Government against the appointment of nominated councillors to local councils. The Socialist Front and Alliance had six members apiece returned to the
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  • 42 6 WASHINGTON. Tues. Dato Ong Yoke Lin. Malayan ambassador to the United States, will present his credentials to President Kennedy today. T..3 White House announced yesterday that the formal ceremony had been set for late in the afternoon. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 196 6 "CHIPBEE GARDENS" FREBiOLD LAND Junction of sth mile Holland Road Buona Vista Road in the most fashionable residential suburbs of Singapore. PUBLIC TRANSPORT To and from Raffles Quay. To and from Chulia Street. To and from Eu Tong Seng St. (People's Park) To and from Hartley Road. tlwttT^^ J *«r
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 194 6 Allot, Oop Bff r. 7. Bmmlin /^^r^H^^^&ts} 00 Kl6s,VEW_l MAKING TaOSGW.NOT J KNEW OF BETTER /TMROWW ABOX MOW<SOOPOpWI )UKEi*6<iOT PROBABLY A GOOD HAVING HIS /hIMTOFOR- k SEND CT \OFCX3AR9RX »1 &AC SJit'L RE yiSKf^JSS 9 BAwr-arrwGf thing t trusty old I get that V° A*v wcki Mel* Tracy By Chester
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  • 154 7 One man fell ill— loo teachers had their pay delayed K.U A L A LUMPUR, Tues. Because one man fell .ill. at least 100 teachers of some fully-assisted Chinese schools have not been paid their last month's salary One of the teachers wrote to the Straits Times about the delay.
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  • 422 7 TERROR— BUT BRAVE BOY SAYS: 'IT WAS FUN' Only 'man' at home, just nine, tries to beat thugs By R. CHANDRAN: SINGAPORE. Tuesday THAI LAI, nine, was the only "man" at home. As nine women, including his mother and sister, stood quivering with fear before four armed robbers, Thai Lai's
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  • 111 7 Tues.— Doctors here have been receiving threatening letters and telephone calls demanding money, bnt so far none of them has been harmed. Some of the calls came from Kuala Lumpur, they said today, commenting on reports that doctors in the Federal capital have been subjected
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  • 54 7 IPOH, Tues.— Two drums ol sodium arsenlte weighing 1121 b each were stolen from the Changkat Kinding Estate storeroom in Tanjong Ranibutan yesterday. Mr. V. Arumugam. chief clerk of the estate, discovered the loss when he opened the storeroom. Two pieces of planks had been
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  • 242 7 6 cents more an hour for 215 at Ford SINGAPORE. Tues. A flat wage increase of six cents an hour to each of 215 hourly-rated employees of Ford Co. of Malaya Ltd. is provided for under an agreement reached between the company and the Singapore Motor Workshops Employees' Union. The
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  • 141 7 KUANTAN, Tuesday. TWO houses were wrecked and 16 others badly damaged when a freak storm struck the fishing village of Tanjong Batu. 18 miles south of Pekan last night. Seventy people escaped without injury. A two-day ole child received a slight cut oi the forehead. No
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  • 164 7 PENANG, Tuesday. classes and schools for deaf children living in both rural and urban areas may be set up by the Ministry of Education. Whenever possible, says an official statement, arrangements will be made for deaf children to stay with their families during the
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  • 15 7 MTJAR, Tues. The Muar District Welfare Week will be held from Aug. 1.
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  • 32 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.^ The King and Queen will attend the premiere of "The Guns of Navarone" at the Capitol Cinema on Aug. 21 in aid of the National Monument Fund.
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  • 71 7 Kidnapping: Another man held JOHORE BAHRU. Tues. Police yesterday evening arrested a man on suspicion of having been concerned with the kidnapping of "cycling millionaire" Mr. Tal Chet Seng, 53. of Kuala Lumpur. He was arrested when C.I.D. officers made a surprise swoop on a h air dressing salon in
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  • 55 7 KLANG. Tues The District Officer Klang. Mr. M. R. Read, will be given a farewell dinner by the Speaker ,of the state Legislative Assembly. Dato Abdullah bin Haji Hassan, who is al.-,o chairman of the Klang Central Alliance, at his home, on Thursday at 7.30 p.m. Mr. Read
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  • 415 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues Vf ORE donations have been received for Mohamed Jedi bin Ya'acob, an Alor Gajah boy who lost his hands in a grenade accident last year. The fund now stands at more than $2,500. The Selangor Chinese Welfare Committee and the Federation of Selangor
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 184 7 PERFECT PARTNERS FOR DELICIOUS SALADS AND COLD PLATES fl Heinz Mayonnaise and Heinz Salad (.ream in your kitchen. ..lor the tastiest salads sandwiches and cold plute*. Try Heinz Mayonnaise as a sauce for fish. a creamy salad dressing or sandwich spread .-bring out the tantalising flavour of all your dishes.
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    • 161 7 STARTS TODAY A REAL BARGAIN ONLY ONCE A YEAR vj| A VISIT PRJ WILL CONVINCE YOU j^ g& usually NOW Latest Girls' Frock $7.50 $3.50 Ladies Fancy Blouse $6.50 $2.90 Men's Pyjamas $5.50 $2.75 Wooden Trolley $1 7.50 $9.50 B^fc^^ V II lIITI Illltt 1111 SUCiriK 111 1)111 \vj^ 7
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  • 2to Straits Sinus
    • 579 8 The Cobbold Commission's report has dealt very fully no doubt with the problem ot Federation citizenship for residents of North Borneo and Sarawak. It is to be assumed that any recommendations the Commission has made have taken appropriate notice of the views expressed by the Malaysia Solidarity
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    • 436 8 The latest issue of the Johore Government Gazette contains a distressingly familiar feature, a list of landowners in trouble with the Land Office. Page after page is covered with their names and details of their holdings that are to be auctioned next month to recover arrears of rent
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    • 196 8 The trans-Atlantic exchange of live television programmes, with Telstar's aid, has opened breathless new vistas. In Europe a hundred million viewers had an inside seat at President Kennedy's weekly Press conference. And in America a hundred million viewers, though they had a less exciting programme from Europe, watched
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  • 1511 8  - A perilous new drift to anarchy in the Congo COLIN LEGUM by LEOPOLDVILLE Tuesday THE Congo lies in a twilight between uneasy peace and the menace of resumed violence. Two years after independence its future as a single, undivided country is not assured. While 4 concerted efforts are being mad©
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    • 602 8 THE POSITION OF BRJTISH SUBJECTS IN THE BORNEO TERRITORIES rANK YOU tor commenting In your editorial "Problems of Merger" (S.T J TO) on my letter concerning citizenship in Malaysia Accorilnj to you when the 'aluyslan Solidarity Consultative Committee recommended Federal citizenship f c every British subject 11.1
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1036 8 Straits* Malay Mail Ciassmtd advertisements may b* handad to: lsi Fleer COLO SJTORAaC ARCADE Ordiard Read COLD STORAGI aUtANCHCS AT HOLLAND WOAD-KATOM* KaTPpci. ROAD-NAVAL BASS Authorised Aisnt. CITY BOOK •TORI LTD Wincftae'ar House. Collyer Quay TNK NB«vs pwoNT FtttP»irlck'a Supermarket M. M. ISMAIL 3 admiralty Road. Naval Bass aY
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    • 29 8 SPORT SHIRTS At Reduced Prices $2.25 To $8.75 ▲■ai^issaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw V' aL 1 a^aW-iCfl-X*M -«i^ii^[^B^^^^B»aaaaßj^^'' from: C. K. TANG (SINGAPORE) LTD. 310, ORCHARD ROAD, SINGAPORE. TEL: *****. *****. (4 LINES)
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    • 125 8 MUnt SheatS ln every roll of WoldoH Bathroom Tissue. 650 in all. Far more than other leading brands. MURE SoftneSS in Waldorf bccous. it's Air-Puffed soft extra soft tor gentle strength and absorbency. |>U>ltl|l T.<(|11...| More for your money with Waldorf Footnote i Waldorf, for a price no higher than
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  • 243 9 Dr. Lee and party off to UN: Mr. M may join later SINGAPORE, Tuesday. Council of Joint Action team of four, led by the chairman of the Barisan Sosialis, Dr. Lee Siew Choh. left for New York by air this morning. I They are expected to present their case against
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  • 149 9 TOWN COUNCIL PAYS BACK $2,200 IN ASSESSMENTS mA I P I N G Tues. The 1 Taiping Town Council is refunding assessments to landlords whose houses have fallen vacant as a result of the departure of the Commonwealth forces from here. I For the first half of this year, said
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  • 56 9 SINGAPORE. Tues. A R.N.V.R. electrical rating Kiang Long Yen of H.M.S. Laburnum who has been undergoing sea training in H.M.S. Ark Royal was flown ashore to the Royal Naval Air Station. Sembawang, today by helicopter suffering from acute appendicitis. An ambulance met the helicopter and
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  • 348 9  - His rare talent began to show at the age of four VIC NAYAGAM PHOTONEWS ITiHbifcib^laßLMcl^MW^Jr^J By KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. A shy, soft spoken 14--year old schoolboy artist today spoke of his ambition "to study at the London School of Art and hope God will answer my prayers." Dzulkifli Buyong, of
    Harold Teo  -  348 words
  • 279 9  - KIDNAP CAR MAN DOES NOT WANT IT BACK NOW GAULDIN MIRANDA By Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday A MAN who lost his car six weeks ago does not want it back now that it has been found. Mr. N. K. Slnnadural, 45. lost his car on June 6. It was parked in
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  • 170 9 NOW MRS. B WANTS A WOMAN M.P. AT U.N. COMMISSION V U A L A LUMPUR, Tues.— The branch of the Women's Teachers' Union of Malaya here wants a woman Member of Parliament to be appointed to sit on the United Nations Commission. The proposal will be discussed at the
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  • 72 9 $1 .2m. water scheme JOHORE BAHRU, Tues The Mentrl Besar of Johore. Dato Haji Hassan bin Haji Yunos, today opened a I $1,220,000 water scheme at I Kulal which give pipe water to nearly 10.000 people In Bcudai Senal. Saleng and Kulai He planted a casuarina tree at the reservoir
    72 words
  • 96 9 Job survey in 30,000 homes KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Three hundred and thirty men will be employed hi the second phase of a job survey to be undertaken by the Government In September. The first phase was conducted in April. The Chief Statistician, Mr. C. 11. Harvle. said today the second
    96 words
  • 140 9 SINGAPORE, Tuesday. THE Labour Department today took a barber shop owner, Kwa Choon Tong, to court for giving a "free hair-cut" to another barber whose name was not given. REASON: This happened in Kwa's shop at Upper Serangoon Road on a Friday in March a
    140 words
  • 67 9 KUCHING. Tues. A combined Dollce and military exercise will be held In Kuchlnx from Aug. 15 to 17. There will be considerable police and military activity In the Kuching town area, "Incidents" will be staged. Motorists are warned to give way to police and military vehicles during
    67 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 100 9 just right s<{f\ The II shoe-making .^l2l 3.000,000 pairs a Jm£ made by JOHN WHITE means made Just right MADE IN ENGLAND V A NSW HOHNER MELODICA A <up*rb modern wind instrument, .-irtuoll/ a "Ptkt H»n»" for all musicions. 26 Piano K«y», in hromotic sequenct. Rust-proof mttol r««<n highly polnhtd
      100 words
    • 105 9 iCAI ON jzsM^L MOMLUIi J* TREATMENTS \J£y~\ FRESH BEAUTY FDR ■Un When you Tinrr n I/I II simply long TIRED SKIN gass i ment at the Elizabeth Arden Salon on the first floor at Robinson's. On Saturday 28th July Miss Arden's repreand on Wednesday Ist sentatlves will disAut»stf r 2.3o
      105 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 425 9 RADIO SINGAPORE RADIO MALAYA SHORT WAVE SLKVICt NATIONAL SHOKTWAVE 41 metres MEDIUM WAVE SERVICE SERVICB 41.7 metres 476 metre* AM 6.00 Time Signal, Ne■v.M 6.00 Good Morning: 6.01 gara-ku. News Headlines; 6.05 Morning Prelude; 7.00 The Morning Melodies; 7.00 RendtvNews: 7.05 Breakfast Bulletin; vous With Music; 7.30 Time 7.15 Melodies
      425 words

  • children's page
    • 168 10 V. A. Harding, aged 20; c/o Post Office Cameron Highlands. Pahang; dancing, reading. Jeffrey Lee. aged 18. 11 -A, Moaque Street. Singapore; swimming, stamps. R. Sagar, aged 20; 142-4. Jalan Salleh, Muar, Johore; general. Dicky (ion. aged 21; 2040. Jalan Teck Kee. Singapore 19; general. Tajudran
      168 words
    • 1061 10  - Mat's latest idea is to run a newspaper KATHLEEN HICKLEY By Since Mat Mousedeer gave up the farm he is being a nuisance to his friends' by interfering in their lives. The animals call on AH and Rukiah for help and Ali suggests that what Mat needs is a hobby,
      1,061 words
    • 595 10 Choose pen pals from this list S. V. Bajaaegar. aged 17; TBO. 605. J. Meru Road. Klang. Selangor: football. Frederick Lee. aged 17; 18. Pengkalan Rama Pantau Malacca; general. Lacy Yapp Slew aged 17; 72. Convent Street, Singapore 3; dancing, swimming. K. l handran, aged 17; 51. Watson Road. Port
      595 words
    • 82 10 THE GIRL WHO CUDDLES WHO CUDDLES HOW would you like to get this close to a 550-lb lion? That's what 11-year-old Pamela Franklin (picture above) had to do for the film "The Lion," in which she stars with William Holden, Trevor Howard and Capucine. Shot entirely on location in Kenya,
      Reuter  -  82 words
    • 123 10 'Diane Snmrer, aged: 24. Roker Street, Shreydon. CM** tochiych. New Zealand: swimming, stamps. Goel JJoen Siong, aged 25: Keprabon Dor •/•>• Sala, Indonesia; general. D. S. Namla. 27. Punkabl Market. Naya Bazar. Saharanpur. UP., India; general. Takako HiroU. c/o HironnMachi, Futaba-Gun. Puku&hi-ma-Ken, Japan; general Fnmiko Takahashl. 45.
      123 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 116 10 NEW! Deliciously Different Peanuts 10WER-IN-CAIORIES GREASELESS You've never tasted anything like the new dry toasted Frank* tin Peanuts with their tantalizing, deliciously different flavor. Lower calories. Greaseless. Easier to digest. The perfect party snack. NO FAT, NO OIL, NO SUGAR used in processing f RAN KLIN PEANUTS \l H^<^ f(
      116 words
    • 311 10 I ENTRIES CAUSE SURPRISE Name Address Age Sex HELLO Boys and Girls, sar, Perok; Neoh Hor Lye, 10-J, Perak Rood, Penang, Last week's picture com- Malaya; Tong Kok Yee, 53 1 j petition brought in about 50 Balestier Road, Singapore 12, entnes only. Normally I re- and Beverley Smith, 14
      311 words
    • 79 10 Come to another variety hit! HORLICKS RADIO SHOW Victoria Memorial Hall 6.30 p.m. July 27, 1962 RAD EN J URIAH (Singapore's top nightclub singer) By courtesy of the Prince's Restaurant HENRY SURIYA (The golden voice of Radio) 3 BAMBINOS (Star smging-swinging trio) PLUS!! Larry FENTON and the TWO KETUPATS from
      79 words

  • 888 11 15 WORDS THAT CAUSED 'LOSS OF FACE' AND LIBEL SUIT Case fails: Nothing defamatory, no allegation of malice, rules judge "By right, this application should have been approved. I lost face in my community. IPOH. Tuesday fWO officials and a founder member of the now defunct Perak Kwongsai Association, who
    888 words
  • 197 11 Castaways from Indonesia wait for official If UANTAN, Tues. Nine Indonesian ornamental shell traders, who were blown off course by a storm, were today relaxing at Beserah, a fishing village near here, and recovering from their 13-day sea ordeal. They were waiting for an official from the Indonesian Embassy in
    197 words
  • 26 11 SINGAPORE, Tues. Two anonymous donors today sent $26 to the Straits Times for crippled school boy Johnny Ang. bringing his fund to $4,674.20.
    26 words
  • 628 11 Lim denies trying to use Mr. Ko's association as a tool' in 4-2 row SINGAPORE, Tues. lyiß. LIM Seek Kian, ITI ex-president of the Singapore Chinese Schools Teachers' Union, today appeared annoyed when it was suggested that he had tried to make use of the Singapore Chinese Schools Staff-Commit-tee Association,
    628 words
  • 69 11 BENTONG, Tues. The chairman of the Bentonf Town Council, Mr. Ton Wai Tens, escaped unhurt when a stage on which he was sitting collapsed during the council's first anniversary celebrations yesterday. Mr. Ton was watching the Bentone Youth Club band play, when the stare
    69 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 290 11 Tli6 UltilTlStß TEUIN Tetoron fabrics, assure you day long I comfort, day long smartness. Ever cool Tetoron 111 ClimStß COntrOl keeps you permanently well dressed. All the TFIIIU T I wanted shades in gentlemen's suiting— TEl JIM ItIJIN letOrOfl SUlting! Tetoron blended With wool or with rayon. <_4^ mmsm^^ xeijix
      290 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous

  • Article, Illustration
    1524 12 LOST CITY 0F... The soaring ruins of a legendary civilisation and its shock discovery STRAITS TIMES SPECIAL FEATURE ONE day in 1860 two exhausted men, the French naturalist. Henri Mouhot. and a local mission my, the Abbe Silves tic slashed their way through a thick rain forest in
    1,524 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 278 12 THE CAR FAMILY THATHAS REVOLUTIONIZED DE LUXE SUPER SEVEN COOPER PICK-UP VAN COUNTRYMAN The de-Luxe Saloon is the ideal smallcar. Real luxury here, with attractively For the man of sport, for the man of This little utility is the ideal answer to the Grocers, bakers, florists, all agree this is
      278 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1398 13 TO LJWBPOQt > WEST COJjST U.K. Ova Score <*.>• P rtajr* Paaant kttSTOR Ht»re. utarpaal. Glasgow Gin. IS TtAay Jily 21/71 Jaly a/31 MEUMPOI Amovth L'paai. R'dam. H*ftrg Gaa. 33 /uly a laly 22/ 2 aat > LYCAON Ufarpaal. Clatgow Jaly 2) Am t MEMNON L.»*-iai Am I Am Am
      1,398 words
    • 1469 13 THE E. A. C. LINES- SAILINGS II SEHOA, Ll HAVRE RAMBURS, tREMEN, ANTWERP. ROTTERDAM. AMSTEROAM. OSLO. GOTNtNIURI ANO COPENHAGEN. /jF~ Spore P t'kam Peaam ranSRoVMI "MLSntA" k) Sailtl 25 21 July 27 ,28 Jaty frl ipLysl ■soMA- t, it NHy/ a/ i a.i i/tArn 1 Yvsjl_AV -juiunoia" *> a/a An*
      1,469 words
    • 1526 13 mew^SJljime EUPRESS SERVICE 10 LONOON. LIVERPOOL CONTINtNTU PORTS. roar* p S'haai Panann lENATTO* irt) N'kart. liaa, R'aaa. Mtra la Pt/Jnly 21 Jaly 20? 2 lENHEVII (E.Lpj I'pai" R'oaa), Hall, H'aurt Jaly a/ Ila Pt a lENLOTAI ?EJJ laaaaa, M'OoMh. H'Doa vii m a< 4 ■ENUWEKS L'aaai, B'men, A'werp, Roam
      1,526 words
    • 1133 13 |k MeAUSTBR tJt CO.. LTD. W. Vbjn m, Ma BUI fCaaW Sl.liSaHaKtM UMB Ok ftULA VEMJCSS UMB uaaoaj. naiuijm Rotterdam, oomhh. us anmles. San irtANeiseo, NAVtt A BBU. UAnil. VANCOUVER I PORTUIit, tin OJ> BmiUHBTOa Aataataap can* tar Caatral A S-tt *»f net i^a/aj-, a^», fiß* mjuinviu. cm m NomiCß
      1,133 words

  • 534 14 From Our Market Correspondent rE Malayan Stock Exchange was quiet again yesterday with prices steady. There were two features In the market Tongkah Harbour and Malayan Breweries. Tongkah Harbour Improved again being done up to 84s. 6d. with further buyers at 84s. 9d. Delayed
    534 words
  • 23 14 Malayan Stock Indices: July 2S Jolt 2« IndostrieUa: 167.44 169.55 Tins: 277.1! 279.41 t rubbers. 173.34 173.34 Jan. 1 IBM IN.
    23 words
  • 567 14 pOMBIKKD business dona ye»terday In the Singapore and Kuala TJ""r* lr trading rooms Of the Malayan Stock Exchange with the number of' deals In brackets: Industrial*: Dumps (1,000) $1.60 HU (2.000) tI.TO. (6,000) $1.68, (1.000) $1.69 8M; Eaat Smelting (300) $2.78 BLs 811. (1.000) $2.79. (2,000) $2.80.
    567 words
  • 228 14 rvESPITE the drop in London overnight the Straits Tin price yesterday only reacted by 25 cents falling to $435 per picul on an offering estimated at 230 tons or 30 tons less than on Monday. After moderate tin dealings, prices in London
    228 words
  • 246 14 SHIPS lying alennside ths tmgaaer* whsrvsa teday ars: Somali 44, Straat Clarence 10/11 City of Wellington 35/36, Bougainville 45, Olenfinlas IA Bantam 18, Burma 42/43. Batjan 27 -2S, Melbourne llaru 40 41. President Garfield 13/18 Nlchlrel Hani 6A, Robert alsersk 47, Sachlkawa Maru 25/26. /.ynanin 8/fi, Slgll
    246 words
  • 123 14 CHINCH P>r«duc* Bsehsng* tingspert n—n »rt*«* per »i*ul yttisraajri ChmM all: bulk $37 1 sellers, drum »40f/ sellers. Ceare: July $Ml buyers, ITI sellers, Pi— n i Muntok wblte $150 Milan. Sarawak white $147* sailers, special Sarawak black $110 sellers. Lampong black $107* sellers. AJJTA $110 sellers B
    123 words
  • 113 14 MELBOURNE, TUBB. GENERAL InTnrtment anl Industrial shares drifted mostly lower In dull trading conditions. The market still lacks any overall buying Interest. Oils followed a similar pattern. Mount In Improved, but Western Mining lost 6d. to 245. 6d. In a quiet bane metals' section. Loans closed firm Con.
    113 words
  • 37 14 July 24 RUBBER PRICES SINGAPORE: 75 cents (down three-eighths of a cent). K L.: 75* cents (down a quarter of a cent). TIN: 5435 (down 25 cents). Estimated unofficial offering 230 tons (down 30 tons).
    37 words
  • 295 14 TTOTTKD Kingdom synUirUc rubber price rvdewttoas csuued name selling at the opening of the Federation Rubber Market yesterday and first business done wm naif a cent lower than Monday's closing levels. The selling waa well absorbed at the lower level* and ihe market thereafter ruled very
    295 words
  • 210 14 AUGUST nrst grade rubber buyers I.c. a. closed at 5 p.m. in Singapore yesterday at 75 irnt* per Ih., down three-eighths of a trot on Mondoy'a closing price-. The tone waa In. aetltre. S.C.C.R.A. closing prices in cent* per Ib. yesterday. Int. 1 R.S.B. prompt f.o.b. buyers
    210 words
  • 124 14 July 14. Three month*. (OFFICIAL QUOTATIONS) F. N. 12 cv. Cold Btorage 4*d. M. Box IS cts. Steamship 9 cts. Breweries 25 cts. 8. Times 20 ct* 8 Daroy 44<1. 8. Traders 26 .is. W Jacks 10 rts. Uolteer* 11 cts. Robinson 9 cts. MININCt A.. Amsl 2/lt
    124 words
  • 150 14 THE Malayan Eichanxt Banks' A»o- ciatUn made these change* In its rate* to merchants yesterday (all rates to 1100): Ni« Vsrk: buying TT 82 13/18. airmail OD 32 15/16 90 d/at 33 3/ IS credit bills, 33 5/16 trade bills. Canada i buying TT 30 7/16, airmail OD
    150 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1083 14 B*T^^^^^^^^j^Bßl^^a^7^^^^^^»^^^f^^^^^^^^at^B*^^^J^^^l^^l^^^l^'^Bl y^— KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA. LTD. U.S.A Paelilc. AUantic «k Great LaJcas Servlee 11* [U (1* ll* tl* S'pon S'Ka* M'luia k sneeici n York ;i*»*ianr "tiaastie Mars" 11 Jury 2 Aat 1/ At; 2) Aat 2 Stpt 17 Stpt i Oct "Rsoiijiri Man 21 31 Aat 11/ 1 Scat
      1,083 words
    • 925 14 I*°IORIENTI LINES I SAILINGS TO O.K. Dec. S'pof c Dap- Penong Arr. U.K. 'CANTON" 2 Au, S Abc 26 Au, 'CATHAY" S S**tf 10 Seat 2 Oef 'ORION" S Oct 29 Oct 'CHITRAL" 11 Oct 12 Oct 3 No* "CHUSAN" 8N», 9 No, 29 No* 'ORCADES" 9Dk 31 Dec CATHAY"
      925 words
    • 102 14 \mm THE BURMA FIVE STAR LINE LTD. uSSHbY From Jopo". Shonghoi and Hong Kon 9 Ports. Loading for Penang and Rangoon. Spore Punong "PAGAN" 17/2« J«»y »/»0 July From Rangoon and Pcnong Ports Loading to* Hong Kong, Moj.. KotM, Osaka, Mbbocsi A Yokohomo. PcnooQ S pof c "VARDA" 27/ M
      102 words
    • 171 14 SHIPPING NOTICES EVERETT ORIENT LINE M.S. "RUTHEVERETT" VOY. 11 A Arrived 13-7-1962. A General Survey for damaged cargo ex above vessel will be held on 25-7-62 at godowns 31/32 from 830 a.m. No further survey will be held after this date. For appointment pleaae ring ***** EVERETT STEAMSHIP CORPORATION S/A..
      171 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 791 15 NOTICES NOTICE This Is to notify that Mr. Ng Poh Tuck Is now no longer In our employ and he has therefore no authority to transact any business or collect any monies on our behalf. OETZ BROS. AND CO., INC.. 178-1 Sungel Best Rd. Kuala Lumpur. NOTICE GAMMON (P.T.M.) LIMITED
      791 words
    • 1355 15 l^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^i (Cvßtlnaed from Page 8t SITUATIONS VACANT Word* M (mi*.r—Bam It tta, aatra APPLICANTS TO BOX A 1427 thanked. Vacancy Oiled JAPAN AIRLINES CO. Limited. Singapore. The post ot ground noaiesa has been filled. Applicants are thanked. REOUIRBD AN AGRICULTURAL advisory officer with a diploma from Berdnn. to work in
      1,355 words
    • 1114 15 HOUSIS (V LAND POt SALI 16 Ward* ti (Mim.)-Box tt eta. txtrm DISTRICT 111 2-*torey 4-bed roomed House, 4-bathroom. Parquet/mosaic Boonns Area 12.000 sq ft. PrMa SBO.OOO/- T*l. *****, B'pore FOR SALS elevated lana, appraa 77.0U0 sq. ft. at 81. SO 0.n.0 par sq ft. smtabls for asMslas estate, ao
      1,114 words
    • 958 15 TOWS 4 EXCURSIONS M Word* U (Mim.)-Bmx M et*. axtrm VISIT KASHMIR 'PARAOIBB jt Earth' the land ot beautiful laaes. Picturesque nouseooats aad scenic splendour. Tow departs Tta Bsatsmbei 196X writ* for details of all in elusive package O.C. Nanda Boa* Ltd IS* A Raffles Place Singapore TOUR MALAYA 7-Days
      958 words
    • 1031 15 VEHICLES POM SALE tt Word* M (Mtn.r—Box M cts. extra IMB PIAT SOO 53.100/-. Excellent Coodltloa. Taxed August. Insurance Comprehensive March IIM3 View 10-C, Urn Ltak Street B'pore. after 5.00 p.m. No Dealer please. SBCONOHAND FUCM MOTOR CYCLES Perfect Condition from JIM. OO. Hire-Purchase Term* Available. Kee Boat's. 134 Orchard
      1,031 words
    • 808 15 KM SALI to Word* U (IHi*.)— Box M et: axtrm •A«V C A MIR A ro, Youngsters SS/ only Including bandllog Uses film 137. i Bend address, money to Alexandra P.O Bam 4« Singapore. SILVER PLATED AFTABAS, Rose I Bowls and hundreds of other Items I available at Orient Craft.
      808 words
    • 569 15 SHOPPING GUIDE (Spore) tt Ward* U (Ml*.)— Box it ett. txtrm HALF-CARAT to Five-Carat diamond nogs, Lrr Onn Uoldsmun. Blncapore. WILLAFORM IS TNI Profrssions.l halrdrruins: cream used in International Salons Try a tube today and rou'll *cc the sparkling chant* to your LADIES DRESS SHOPS tt Ward* U (Ml*.)— Box
      569 words

    • 710 16  -  LEE FOO SAN and JOE. MIRANDA; By Ipoh, Tuesday First round results QNLY two Malayans, Davis Cup players S. A. Azman and Billy Yap, moved into the second round of the men's singles in the Malayan Open tennis championships which began on the Municipal
      710 words
    • 142 16 SINGAPORE, Tues. Bernard Chan, the Singapore teenage swimming star, beat the Asian Games qualifying mark for the 300 metres butterfly stroke for the second time when he won the event in the SASA senior championships at Tanjong Rhu today. Pressed on by Tan Thuan Heng.
      142 words
    • 52 16 SINGAPORE, Tues.— Singapore Combined Schools Sports Council today named a team of threv and one reserve to meet Federation Schools in the annual tennis match at Kuala Lumpur on Aug. The line-up will be: SinglesTun Seng Chye and David Shepherd; doubles Shepherd and Wee Boon Chin. Reserve
      52 words
    • 127 16 MALACCA, Tues. Work on floodlighting the Kubu Stadium is expected to start soon, with the donation last week of $10,000 from the State Government. The entire project, costing S4o.oo(tv is expected; lo be completed By the end of this year The Malacca Municipal Council nas
      127 words
    • 257 16 Services get HK trip as reward SINGAPORE, Tues. For their 2-1 win over Singapore, which put them in the Malaya Cup soccer competition semi-finals. Singapore Joint Services will get a trip to Hong Kong as a reward. Fit. Lt. W. Bangay, the Joint services F.A. secretary and coach, said: "The
      257 words
    • 396 16  -  TEOH ENG TATT: US COACH IS IMPRESSED By Singapore, Tuesday AMERICAN athletic coach Stanley Wright, who A has Just completed one month of his fourmonth coaching tour of Singapore, has been so impressed by athletic potential here that he wants to come back in the
      396 words
    • 138 16 9 Olympic men in India side KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— The Indian hockey team to the Asian Games at Jakarta next month, will arrive in Singapore on July 29. They will play seven matches, tn\Judine four internationals, two against Singapore and two against Malaya. The schedule is: July 30, First Test
      138 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1191 16 (■^••^^■■^■•^^^^^^■■^^^■^^^■'■J^^pWßW^JJJ^'lll NOTICE PAHANG J.K.R. TENDER cieace note that af loiunouuu* NOTICE and Leaving Certificates slgneo Tenders from rwristprpd and Issued other than by the p., "J? wj* 81 t S- Director Mine Manager will not Class E and above JJC.R. be recotrnlsed by this Company. Contractors will be received the
      1,191 words
    • 801 16 TENDERS MINISTRY OF EDUCATION TENDER NOTICE Tenders from Class M E" and above registered Contractors mill 1 be received at the Offlce of the Chief Architect. Ministry ol Edu- cation, Young Road, Kuala Lum- pur up to 3 p.m. of the 30.7.62 for the erection and completion of 1 Classrooms
      801 words
    • 182 16 A WORLD LEADER ALLIS CHALMERS Winching, hauling, loading, hoisting, spreading Alhs Chalmers can bt seen on the job everywhere, for Aids Chalmers is a world leader the machinery field. Its name on any product is a guarantee of de> pendability, and quality in material, workmanship and performance. <*5> <$> Al'is
      182 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 332 16 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS shloned as of old (6). Nothing cultured about the 6. Unusual virtue ln Insect's old fiddler— crafty in a using stealth (9). troublesome way! (9). 7. Extra velocity contributes to 10. Scion of the powerful Rlchto- pragma (6). fen family? (5). >■ Like Cole's entertainers, col--11.
      332 words
    • 103 16 Sports Diary MMMM MALAkA.N Open chainpionstup^ dpoh Municipality courts. 3 pjn.h FRIENDLY: BCC v Combined Schools (Spore padang) SOCCER SPORE BH>'A League Cup Senior Group 'A': Mercantile Bank v SCS; 6 pore Glass v Eveready; Wearnes vHK Bank (all matches at Parrer Pk); Group 'B: Metal Box v NTS (padangt;
      103 words

    • 947 17 RACING with Epsom Jeep £ADET ROUSSEL put up a brilliant performance on Sunday when he won over 6f. Outpaced in the early stages, he came with a terrific late run, sweeping past the leaders half a furlong out to win
      947 words
    • 989 17 Race lx 30-C1 5 Dlv 2~sst 1470 M Faaitetoa (T8 Bt.) E. Breukelen, 4 9.0 Donnelly 7 3 ***** SUnhlne (MS St.) Oaman, 5 8.13 (F) *Snblan 5 3 ***** Bt. Henere (Venl Vlcl St) Allan. 4 8.10 Smith 4 ***** Sondark (Mr. A Mrs. A. C. Simmons)
      989 words
    • 775 17 TPOH, Tues. Thirty- four Class 1 sprinters have been entered for the Sultan's Gold Vase to be run over 5Jf straight here on Aug. 12. But only 16 will be handicapped. The othe-s will run In the lower division The Gold Vase entries
      775 words
    • 77 17 AUG. S Mrht rae«s) Claa* 1 Dft* 1. 2, 3 and «f Dtra 1 and t— *f. Claa* S Ohm 1 awd t— «Uf. AVO. t (nrren raeVs) Has* 1 IMth I. S and 4— «Hf straUht ClaM S l>hm 1, t. I and «f. AVC, It
      77 words
    • 273 17 'SECRET TRAINING FOR JOE HOCK WORLD OF SPORT JAKARTA, Tues. InJ donesian badminton star Tan Joe Hock is training behind closed doors for next month's Asian Games. Joe Hock returned last week from Texas looking fit but heavier than when he helped retain the Thomas Cup for Indonesia last year.
      Reuter  -  273 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 90 17 Please Visit Our Stalls at Happy World Trade Exhibition t You Save 25% on Purchase of 7 yards Material by getting FREE GIFT of 3 yards of Your Own Choice! Plus a Special Packet as present too CHOP HWA KEE 28. South Bridge Road, S pore Stills Not: A 33
      90 words
    • 278 17 WORLDS^**WW*^ nRST IIHUn FLIP OVER BODY SEKONIC ZOOM 8 SWPIOHAT wodel 100 A him chamber that piroU around the leas, permitting firat one aide oi a Double 8 roll to b« exposed, and then the othor this la the daring new concept built In to the Sekonlo BIMPLOMAT- the first
      278 words

  • 366 18 Hear both sides our case is good, Lee tells UN NEW YORK, Tuesday. THE Singapore Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, said last night that he would insist on appearing before the U.N. Colonialism Committee if it decided to grant hearings to a political minority group from Singapore. "We have
    Reuter  -  366 words
  • 58 18 SINGAPORE. Tues.— A mil-lion-dollar trade exhibition at the Happy World will be opened by the President of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Ko Teck Kin tomorrow evening. More than 100 foreign and local manufacturers and business houses will be represented. The highlight of the month-long exhibition
    58 words
  • 89 18 SINGAPORE, Tues. Miss Mary Nesbitt, Irish born pianist and violinist, who arrived in Singapore for the fourth time in her fourth world, tour yesterday said" "I shall never miss Singapore from any of my world tours. Singapore is one of the best places in the world. There
    89 words
  • 21 18 K. PONNAMPALAM I'l. of Trlok Fulal Road. Klanit expired at Klann Hospital .ifu-r uo accident. Funeral at .1 p.m. tixi.iv.
    21 words
  • 20 18 NfW ARRIVAL from Italy vnd> v.innv of lndir> ihorc 'nandaU avail-.-■M» at ••■Ma's" Cold Storage and (mi-a Orchard Road.
    20 words
  • 47 18 LONDON. Tues. Sir Winston Churchill looks "very well indeed" but there is no indication when he will be able to 'cave Middlesex hospital. Lady Churchill said today. She spent 40 minutes with her husband this morning and came away from the hospital smiling. U.P.I.
    UPI  -  47 words
  • 326 18 —IN A TRANCE, A DAUGHTER PERFORMS THE FINAL RITUAL IN A TRAGEDY THAT BROKE A FAMILY SINGAPORE, Tuesday LITTLE Winnie Lee eyes brimming with tears clutched an urn to her bosom and walked unsteadily, as if in a trance. For in the urn were the ashes of.
    326 words
  • 288 18 LONDON, Tues— The outstand- I ing feature of stock markets today was the weakness of gold shares as a result of President Kennedy's reiteration to maintain the dollar. j Closing middle prices of selected stocks not Including stamp auty were: i. II. TH>(. I li Consol
    288 words
  • 45 18 LONDON, Tues. Spot 22' id.. August 22 3 16d. Sept. 22 5 16d.. Oct. 22 5/16 d.. Oct Dec 22 5 16d.. Jan. Mar. 22 5 16d.. April June 22 5 16d.. July Sept. unquoted, elf. August 22',d. Sept 22d., Oct. unquoted. Tone: Hesitant.
    45 words
  • 23 18 LONDON, Tues. Buyers £861, sellers £963, Forward buyers £871, sellers £872, Settlement £861. Turnover a.m 310 tons, p.m. 80 tons. Tone: Steady.
    23 words
    • 506 18 Choon Seng wins Singapore singles crown TWENTY-ONE-YEAR-OLD Wee Choon Seng x won the Singapore Badminton Association's national singles title when he beat Gan Kok Peng 7-15. 15-1. 15-10 in the final at the S.B.A. Hall tonight. i Kok Peng. 18, started Impressively and took the first set 7-15, but the
      506 words
    • 186 18 T ONDON, Tues. The ■1-i Pakistani cricketers drew their match with Middlesex at Lords here today. Final scores: Middlesex 294 for seven declared and 257 for six declared. Pakistan 352 for seven declared and 143 for five. Results In other cricket matches were: At Worcester: Worcestershire beat
      Reuter  -  186 words
    • 109 18 400 m TRIAL FOR THREE KUALA LUMPUR, Tues.— The FM.A.A.U. will hold an Asian Games trial at the Merdeka Stadium on Friday for three runners over 400 metres. The trlalists are P- Ganesan (Penangi, Majld Embi iKedah) and Samsuddln bin Jaffar (Pera:;i. The first two wHI be Included among the
      109 words
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    • 6 18 VMlvllll IfttiW zn Wor4w Sl» minimum)
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    • 177 18 ff\ KIKUKAWA j\ f The, Mark of Quality 1w I I Higher Production 'GjjSJ^ 'Jm Q ml Z* LoDCMf Automatic Roller Heavy enclosed from* ot cloie grained cost iron for high ip««d 91 tionlcti running. Special top wheel of Hie Due type, luitoining lest oir resisfancc for toying of power
      177 words