The Straits Times, 23 July 1962

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 23 1 AVERAGE DAII V CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 100,000 The Straits Times fitalrtr* Nat*?* fie**** Estd. 1845 MONDAY, JULY 23, 1962. 15 CENTS KDN 036
    23 words
  • 142 1 CAPE CANAVERAL. Sunday. fTHE United States today failed in its bid to probe Venus when a rocket carrying a spacecraft towards the planet was destroyed less than five minutes after launching. The Atlas agenda rocket was destroyed when It went off course 290 seconds after
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • 102 1 THE TYCOON WHO SHINED HIS WORKERS SHOES NEW YORK. Sun. Mike Graziano, cigar in hand, glanced in approval at his shoes and tossed a coin to the man who had shined them his boss. More than 100 top executives of the F.W Woolworth store chain applauded the ceremony organised to
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 36 1 NEW YORK, Sun. Four-yoar-old Joey Gatis repeatedly came home empty-hand-ed when his mother gave him money for sweets. Then I she discovered that he had mistaken a parking meter for a sweet machine.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 674 1 UN stop on way to join Tengku Lee and Goh fly to London SINGAPORE, Sun. —The Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, and the Minister for Finance, Dr. I Goh Keng Swee, flew j to Britain this afternoon for what Mr. Lee described as "the countdown" in the
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  • 185 1 British power in Malaysia 'can stop the Red tide' LONDON. Sunday. A STRONG British "presence" in a united Malaysia might be the only thing that could stop Chinese Communist penetration to the shores of the Australian continent in the next 20 years, the Sunday Telegraph said today. The newspaper commented:
    Reuter  -  185 words
  • 57 1 BALTIMORE. Sun. The United States Navy is to anchor the first nuclearpowered undersea navigational beacon at the bottom of |the Atlantic Ocean, about 700 miles East of Jacksonville. j Florida, towards the end of this month. It is claimed that the three-mile-deep beacon may pave the way for
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  • 42 1 ROBBER SHOT DEAD UNGAPOW Detective l»<" "f luo robb«T- <t 1 •< »i wbea Hi< v h«W him up «o Beat O'l.o bull* i Hi stnmacl hall i-mifc r r »U«P» mz in Philip Street ru-ii'«i h««pttal W l> hr tlt-l
    UP  -  42 words
  • 54 1 'KOPI SUSU' DANCE 'A T CAMPFIRE CHINESE school members of the Nursing Cadet Division of the St. |ohn Ambulance Brigade, Perak, perform the "Kopi Susu" dance in Malay national costume at a campfire in Ipoh at the weekend. The dancers are pupils of the Hsing Chung Chinese Middle School, Sungei
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  • 346 1 Picketing AS Mr. Khrushchev watched the firing of nuclear Polaris-type rockets from submerged submarines, Russia announced that the latest American atomic tests would force her to start a new series of her own. A statement issued last night by Tass, a week after the close of
    Reuter  -  346 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 142 1 PATEK PHILIPPE is the only watch manufacturer whose entire collection of men's watches carries, engraved on every movement, the official stamp of the State of Geneva. the authentic guarantee of centuries-old "3ENEVA QUALITY" H. SENA, LTD. HIGH CLASS JEWELLERS Singapore t, Penonq. m i i L Mpl W IF YOU
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  • 154 2 Russian aid for Irian struggle: Pledge by Mikoyan JAKARTA. Sun. The Russian Deputy Premier and Trade Minister. Mr. Anastas Mikoyan, launched a fiery wide-ranging attack on the West in a speech before an estimated crowd of about 35.000 Indonesians here yesterday. Mr Mikoyan with President Soekarno was taking part in
    Reuter  -  154 words
  • 53 2 All abo VA3 service in the world A STRIKING aerial view of the Vickers VA3 Hovercraft, which went into service last weekend between Hoylake and Rhye across the Dee estuary. The service operated by British United Airways is the first in the world. The 24--seater hovercraft is capable of 60
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  • 143 2 Now Tory shake-up te around le country CAITSKELL: DISCREDIT AB LE CONDUCT LONDON, Sunday. fONSERVATIVE leaders yesterday launched a nationwide shake-up of their party's elec-tion-fighting organisation as a follow-up to Mr. Macmillan's ruthless reshuffle of his ministries I Emulating the shocktactics of the Prime Minister, Mr lain Macleod, party chairman
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  • 156 2 f ONDON, Sun. StirJk ling Moss, British racing driver, badly injured in a crash at Easter, left London by air yesterday for four weeks' convalescence, water-skiing and driving in Nassau in the Bahamas. Moss, who was limping slightly at the airport said he
    Reuter  -  156 words
  • 93 2 He told thousands attending a miners' gala that the British people would "neither forget nor forgive such conduct." This was the first time such a thing had happened in Britain. Hitherto when things had gone wrong the Prime Minister had taken the blame. Meanwhile Mr. Frank Byers, chairman
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  • 68 2 SYDNEY. Sun.— Some nagging wives were driving their husbands to death on the road, a road safety expert said today. Mr, J. L. Carter, secretary of the Road Safety Council fn Tasmania, said in the annual Australian Road Safety Council's report that a wife's kiss
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 106 2 SAIGON, Sun. Three prominent oposltlon leaders here have been arrested, questioned and are being detained In conn«ctlon with the attempted coup d'etat In Novemoer 1960. The sources said the South Vietnam government is preparing evidence for the openIng of the trial of the three leaders of the
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  • 221 2 NASSER'S SPACE ROCKETS 'PUBLIC pAIRO. Sun. Tht United Arab Republic publicly entered the space age yesterday by successfully launching four single-stage rockets. B f U K reslt lent Nasser, who watched the tests, said they c no l the flrst rockets this nation had launched H e sai d the
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  • 82 2 The rockets were launched from an Egyptian base built in the desert 50 miles northwest of Cairo. Yesterday's launching Involved two kinds of singlestage rockets the 12-yard long Al-Qahlr (Conqueror) and the smaller Ar-Zaflr (Victor). The government said the Al-Qahlr had a range of 372 miles and
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  • 111 2 Order for deportation: Girl freed T ONDON. Sun. The Home Li Secretary, Mr. Henry Brooke, yesterday ordered the release from prison of a 22-year-old Jamaican girl under order to be deported. The decision to release her followed heated scenes in the House of Commons on Thursday when Mr. Brooke defended
    UPI  -  111 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 753 2 Yahagi Siren Manufacturer; products of reliance /fQ*\ and durability yjy YAHAGI'i r.liob.lify in siren monufac- iq^q luring h baied on over 40 yean of *iperience in fhit specialized fleld; experience gained through improvement in techniques ond years of enperimental development. Expanding and modernized facilities plus system- i etic management have
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    • 27 2 GREATER love h.ith no man than this, that lie lay down his friends for his am life. S —By Liberal MP Jermey Thorpe, on the Cabinet reshuffle.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 30 2 THE GAMBOLS By Barry Appleby f\ ReMEMsecz i mao rrX I /ano i remcawgb j V—-T\MMeN I CAME OUTV I I MAO IT AT TH»f>— ■> >I|Hof the wags^ eu» qoP/Zttu,,
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  • 242 3 Young thugs sentenced to 30 days in skirts (JRANGE, (Texas). Sun.— A judge who sentences boy juvenile delinquents to 30 days in girls' dresses said yisterday that be got the idea from his own mother. "It sure worked on vs me and my brother,'* Judge Sid Caillavel. 69. said. "I
    UPI  -  242 words
  • 107 3 EUSABETHVILLE, Sun. Mr. Jean Back, U.N. deputy chief representative In the Congo and chief representative In Katanga, announced yesterday that he had been succeeded In the latter past by Mr. Eliud Mathu. 52, of Kenya. The announcement came a few hours after the Katanga
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  • 282 3 BUT INDIA CLAIMS THE CHINESE FIRED FIRST PEKING, Sunday. Chinese Government today protested against Indian armed attack on Chinese frontier posts in Sinkiang. It sent a note to the Indian Embassy here, the contents of which were published today on the tront page of the
    Reuter  -  282 words
  • 154 3 MOSCOW, Sun. Four Soviet textile industry officials ar e to be shot for misappropriation of state property, currency speculation and bribery. Izvestia announced yesterday 'Izvestia said that four million roubles (about U. 587.000) in cash, more than 501 b of sold. 661 b.
    Reuter  -  154 words
  • 219 3 Quick look round rpEHERAN. Sun.— The Shah of Persia has ordered his new Government to prepare for general elections for both houses of Parliament which were dissolved by the Shah in May last year. This was announced here after the new Prime Minister. Mr. Assadollah Alam. had presented his Cabinet
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  • 50 3 Vv'ASHINGTON, Sun.— An 18-man American team will try to plant the Stars and Stripes flag on Mount Everest next year. The expedition plans to leave for Nepal next January to challenge the 29.002 ft. peak which was conquered by a British expedition nine years ago. U.P.I.
    UPI  -  50 words
  • 31 3 CCEUR DALENE .Idaho". Sun. Police used tear gas and water hoses to break up a 90-minute riot involving about 100 youths here early today. Forty teenagers were arrested. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 97 3 Bella lauds Europeans of the new Algeria A LGIERS. Sun. The dissident Algerian Vice-Premier, Mr. Mohammed Ben Bella, has paid a glowing tribute to the Algerian Provisional Executive, particularly the European members, a Press conference was told here yesterday. The Europeans had shown themselves ready to face all obstacles and
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  • 75 3 Mr. Ben Bella said the executive had performed an enormous and thankless task in complicated, difficult and sometimes dramatic conditions. In their talks the two men had "particularly examined decisions to be taken immediately to assure the general treasury of Algeria, to avoid a bleeding away of capital and
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 33 3 WESTPORT (Massachusetts), Sun. A holidaymaker sitting in a deckchair here was killed when a gust of wind flipped her beach umbrella over and a sharp spoke pierced her throat, police reported.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 30 3 CLEVELAND, Sun. A British scientist has proposed that rocket powered space ambulances should be used for ferrying injured astronauts from the surface of the Moon to orbiting spaceships.
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  • 201 3 FORMOSA ENVOY WINS RECOGNITION SCRAMBLE IN LAOS yiENTIANE. Sun. Communist China's Ambassador to Laos, Liv Chun, yesterday flew to the Laotian leftist headquarters of Khangkhay after learning that his Nationalist Chinese rival had beaten him in their race to receive royal accredition. Liv was- beaten out by Natlonaiist Ambassador Han
    Reuter  -  201 words
  • 306 3 T<HE agreement reachx ed by British and European Common Market Ministers on annual reviews for agriculture and assurances- for farmers has given a much-needed stimulus to the stagnant talks on Britain's application for membership. The agreement was reached early yesterday morning after a
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  • 84 3 CAMBRIDGE, Sun.— Prof. George Macaulay Trevelyan. an eminent British historian and author, died at his home here at the age of 86. His best known work was "English Social History, a Survey of Six Centuries" which was first published in the United States in 1942. The book
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 199 3 THE VOICE Of PROPHECY PRESEHTSTTT-^ 0^ M'CHTLY B O'CLOCK IS TIME RUNNING OUT? Humanity is sitting on a nuclear war capsule. Scientists, statesmen, and religious leaders are frantically attempting to keep civilization from being destroyed. WILL THEY SUCCEED? ARE BETTER DAYS AHEAD? IS PEACE POSSIBLE? Come and hear the answers.
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    • 477 3 EARN MORE for I YOUR MONEY MALAYAN FINAHcT offers you fur O or 12 months Fixed l)«'|io«i(WITH ABSOLUTE SECL KIT V The Corporation is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Malayan Banking Limited. Crouo Assets as at 30th lune 1962 Exceed 5200.000.000 HEAD OFFICE: 16 18. Old Market Square. Kuala Lumpur Tel:
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  • 545 4 fHE LAND and Housing Development Association of Singapore is dissatisfied with the outcome of negotiations with the Government on the removal of several obstacles facing housing developers. The opinions of association members arc expressed in the report of its annual general meeting held
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  • 278 4 SINGAPORE, Sunday. SYMBOLIC burials for Mr. Lee Chew Kuen and his daughter Dorothy, 16, who were killed in the Alitalia crash near Bombay, will be carried out here on Tuesday. Their bodies were never Identified and were burled in a common grave with 30 others
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  • 154 4 Ministry free film shows SINGAPORE, Sun. The Ministry or Culture will give free film shows at the following places during the week. All shows will begin at 7 p.m. Tomorrow: Slglap Road End Chinese Kampong; Lorong Chuan, Teng Kong Tua Wayang stage; Buklt Tlmah 6 m.s. 6th Avenue; RAF. Seletar
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  • 384 4 THE following is today's schedule of civil aircraft movemenu at Paya Lebar airport, Singapore: ARRIVALS BO AC: Prom Tokyo, Manila, (BA 943) 6.65 pjn.; from London. Zurich. Istanbul. Teheran, Karachi, Bombay. Colombo, Kuala Lumpur (BA 712) 5.66 p.m.; from Sydney, Darwin, (BA 713) 9.15
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 341 4 Tel: ***** AWWW** WTNfv^BV No Free SINGAPORE m^fjßX LmjijP Llstl! I -GALA CHARITY PREMIERE 1 WEDNESDAY 25th JULY at 9.30 p.m. in aid of V M C A Fund Under The Distinfluith«d Potronogc Of HE. The YANG DI-PERTUAN NEGARA r Admiii.on: $3.00 $3.00 $2.00 ti nn That "CARRY ON" CREW
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    • 278 4 S lf NEXT CHANGE j *jh£. She lives it up saucily in Italy! u \l\ V MAURICE CHEVALIER TrS»«9 ANGIE DICKiNSON NOEL-NOEL <i NEGULESCO'S "JESSICA" aghes h*oo«eheao MARCEL MUO GA8RELHERZETT1 SYLVAKOSOfM MNIeLLE DE MET7 ■wnaiKMntn SrSfSToco eothsomo «~-< uwtedButists N.B. Don't forget to got o FREE ENTRY FORM at the
      278 words
    • 505 4 MEINKAMFT: GALA CHARITY ■MMIIMI Wednndor 25th at 9.30 p.n. In aid of V MC A Fund i jpar Wl» W6«S mn H X CfKRRV ON j x LcRUISWG J X "A- 3 r rr-'T tr gt ii Sidney iamct Ktnnath C«MMr'* plus on stage- FASHION SHOW «.Prle«i: $2/- ft $1/-
      505 words

  • 171 5 AIRSTRIP EXTENSION, MORE UE2" BOATS TO BOOST A PAHANG TOURIST AREA SEREMBAN, Sunday. RADIO-TELEPHONE service is being installed to link the Taman Negara (National Park) in Pa hang with the "outside world" as part of a drive to improve the facilities there
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  • 179 5 An alert angler saves a boy from drowning KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. —An unemployed 17-year-old boy's keen ears and quick sense saved a student from drowning in a mining pool in Petaling Jaya today. Salleh bin Shukor dashed 100 yards, dived into the pool and swam for about 10 yards. He
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  • 277 5 APPEAL TO GOVERNMENT: PENANG, Sunday. y HE National Union of Teachers today urged the Federation Government to refuse to recognise "splinter unions" of the teaching profession. "As long as the Govern- i ment continues to recognise I them, then so much more time would It take
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  • 32 5 BENTONG, Sun. Inche Mohamed Noor bin Ismail has been appointed acting District Officer here in place of Inche Mohamed Shah bin Hassan, who is away on a land administration course.
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  • 103 5 Two youths take $900 in raid KUALA LUMPUR. Sun.— Two youths armed with daggers entered a house in Perak Road here last nigh-. and got away with $900 in cash and jewellery. The occupants of the house were out. When a servant came to the door to tell them that
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  • 29 5 KLANG, Sun. About 350 delegates from Umno branches in Selangor are expected to attend a two-day political course which begins at the Dewan Melayu here next Saturday.
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  • 29 5 RAUB. Sun.— The Raub District Medical and Health Sports Association will hold a social and dance in the Town Hall here on Saturday at B JO p.m.
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  • 164 5 pENANG. Sun Six more suspects making a total of seven have been picked up by Penan*, police investigating the mnrder of Mr. B. Sim mons. senior lecturer in English at the Malayan Teachers College here. The six men were rounded up from various parts of
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  • 153 5 New laws in Capital: Massage girls start to move east ITUANTAN, Sun. The tightening of massage parlour laws in the Federal capital is apparently forcing some operators to move east A massage parlour employing 10 girls from Kuala Lumpur has opened at GaHng Besar, a residential area here More such
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 249 5 tTel: ***** ***** 60-62, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, SINGAPORE. KM f ENGLISH ELECTRIC 1 RED SPOT rUSEBOARDS with built-in CIRCUIT SWITCHES AtßKuJiiin mitt, fcit»re of J ■•^sbbbMH^ «Btrfft-a«.»UJBb.h* B/ RED SP« T mil ft' nnii^,,, L mmtrmmtt m *>t KFW onifa I I ciR CD r A^iiiMi boa s^«v Pov .JRyW
      249 words
    • 322 5 Starts TODAY 6th ANNIVERSARY SALE 86, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD (NEAR ADELPHI HOTEL) BARGAINS FOR BARGAINS FOR )*>» HIM HER Arrow, Capri, Jayton, Manhattan, Assorted cotton blouses in various Tulano and many ether U.S.A. ty and Crttnanta. .port shirts. FROM ONLY $1 80 Many other blouses Swiss emFROM ONLY $4 50
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  • 164 6 Student failure rate and too kind hosts From 808 LENTON Perth, Sunday THE relatively high failure rate of Malayan students at the University of Western Australia might be attributable to the people of this state "killing them with kindness," according to the Malayan High Commissioner in Australia. Dato Suleiman bin
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  • 75 6 IPOH, Sun. Two schoolboys were robbed here yesterday. Chan Choon Kong, 18, of St. Anthony's Institution, was cycling In Jalan Bendahara when two men assaulted him and took SlO from hlrn^ Chan Woon Tat, 15. of St. Michael's Institution, was robbed of $2 and a $30 gold
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  • 233 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. More doctors are needed by the armed forces In Malaya to fill the present shortage and also to provide the probable expansion of medical services when Malaysia comes Into being. Thl* was stated today by Lt-Col B. Devlin, Principal Medical Officer of
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  • 42 6 TAIPING, Sun.— The Government has allocated 50 sit?* to the Taiping Co-operative Housing Society. Ltd. for its building scheme. The society is expected to discuss the project at its annual meeting at the Kwangtung Association on Wednesday.
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  • 35 6 T A I P I N G Sun. The Taiping Town Council is organising a pesta, to be held at the Lake Gardens here, to celebrate the anniversary of merdeka on Aug. 31.
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  • 42 6 P.W.D. surveyor weds a journalist STRAITS TIMES reporter Miss Valeric Ng was married yesterday to Mr. Yon? Ming Sang, a P.W.I), quantity surveyor, in Kuala Lumpur. The wedding reception at the Federal Hotel was attended by about 900 people. Straits Times picture.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 425 6 fS^ftiwjl 1. Iff 41 k^Sm HIGHER PERFORMANCE a^ M CHEAPER MOTORING A When you use Molyslip, your car (any type, new or S^^Maiaa^W^v m^Am old) responds with all the signs of better lubrication. $9PPPtPaV/7^J BUB Most noticeable are more power, greater acceleration, .^^H^^^ easier starting, quieter and smoother running and
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 108 6 AtUff Oop Bff V. 7. ttmmMm Writ Irart, Bff CW**imr GomM LM \bn<>r Bff \i Cmpp Uno doupt 'bout rr.y-A T^<r-d lah gotta redout jM-Homs^rjr UUMeonA>dNQMP A f EVIL SPIRIT 16 ATTACK/N' JV^^l I WWAR ITS OOMIM* GONNA PIND •UP A VISION I MAKE! I AMERICAN PRESIDENTS/? l&fg^A I RJM—
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  • 213 7 C.E.B. TO EXTEND SUPPLY TO TAMPOI JOHORE BAHRU, Sun The Central Electricity Board announced here today that $500,000 would be spent to extend the elecricity supply to new factories in the Tampoi industrial zone. This scheme would also benefit more than 15.000 rural people in Johore A coir factory and
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  • 44 7 KUAJLA SELANGOR, Sun.— Inche Zahari Rashid has been elected president of the Kuala Selangor Youth Club, recently revived after a lapse of two years. Other officials are: Vicepresident, Inche Ahmad bin Othman: secretary, Inche Ismail Ahmad; treasurer. Mr. Ong Hock Seng.
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  • 275 7 ARMY SWIMMER BEGINS TRAINING: NOW HE NEEDS A DOCTOR AND A GOOD NAVIGATOR £APTAIN Michael B. Nanson, 28, has started early training in preparation for an attempt to swim the Straits of Malacca from Sumatra to Malaya in May or June next year. He is
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  • 332 7 PENANG, Sunday. ]V|ORE Straits Times readers, touched by the story iTI of the devotion of an 82-year-old father, Mr. Lee Ah Cheang, for his bed-ridden daughter, Phaik Kirn. 58, today sent donations totalling $104 to the Penang office of the Straits Times for Mr. Lee
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  • 102 7 Territorial Army seeks volunteers KUALA LUMPUR. Sun.— The Territorial Army is to launch a recruiting drive in Kuala Lumpur and Kajang next month to enrol volunteers in its infantry battalions. A recruiting; team will be at the T.A. Centre in Gurney Road here between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. on
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  • 24 7 KLANG. Sun Work on the $100,000 Indian community hall, at Jalan Kota. which began early this year, will be completed in September
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  • 68 7 SINGAPORE. Sun. Air Vice-Marshal F. Headlam takes over as Air Officer Commanding. No. 224 Group. Royal Air Force, from Air Vice-Marshal R. A Ramsay Rac on Tuesday Air Vice-Marshal Headlam recently arrived in Singapore from New South Wales, where he was Air Officer Commanding. Operations Command ffhi.s
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  • 73 7 TELUK ANSON, Sun. A health centre costing $118,872 Is being built in the coastal town of Bagan Datoh. 28 miles from here. The centre will have a dispensary, a clinic and 12 units of quarters for the staff. It will be staffed by a doctor, a
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 257 7 W If you suffer J from A BRONCHITIS I read this I EPHAZONE übiets are available to all sufferers from bronchitis, asthma, bronchial catarrh, phlegm on the chest, hay fever and allied complaints. EPHAZONE is easy to take, safe to use and Rivet «uick relief and sureness of effect The
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    • 137 7 the nicest things happen to our customers<yj tliey save for the car they want with a savings account maximum safety for your funds interest to make your savings grow convenience of other banking services at one place fast and friendly personal service systematic savings plan two offices in Singapore.
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  • Monday. July 23, 1962.
    • 555 8 "Irrevocable" was the word Singapore's Minister for Education once used to describe his decision to introduce the sixday week into the schools. By last November the Government nevertheless had relented sufficiently to announce its readiness for revision. With this in mind, it may be expected that
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    • 393 8 The virtual secession of Katanga is still the key problem in the Congo. Mr. Tshombe is almost, but not quite, as obstructive as ever. And obviously he has got well under U Thant's skin. In venting, however, his exasperation so publicly and in the form he has, the
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    • 240 8 Moscow's announcement of a forthcoming new Russian series of nuclear tests was not unexpected, although it is a little surprising that these tests are to be held so soon. And there is a certain cynicism in the timing of the news exactly a week after the peace conference
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  • 1363 8  - 72 years too late inS. Rhodesia JACK HALPERN AS THE 'BUILD A NATION' CAMPAIGN FALTERS. by SEVENTYTWO years after emp i re-builder Cecil Rhodes led his white settlers into Africa the leader of the descendants of those settlers decided to build a new nation. The rallying call went out in
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    • 375 8 IN defence of Mrs. Morais's accusations (S.T. July 17) I would like to say that she tends to condemn ALL Britons on her experiences with a few unenlightened and Ignorant waitresses and landladles, the like of which exist the world over. Does not
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    • 85 8 \\AY I suggest that Hie Taiping Town Council widen that it retch of Simpang Road between Kota Bridge and the railway crossing. There has been a considerable increase in population in this area, and the present road is inadequate to cope with the extra traffic. During peak hoars
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  • 339 8 LEAP FORWARD THAT MAS FAILED HONG KONG, Sun— Social conditions In Shanghai. China's largest industrial city, are causing the authorities considerable anxiety, accord. ng to travellers who have arrived here recently from the area. They have brought with them tales of high prices,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1010 8 Straits Ti»e« Malay M«U riniW.l ■ovsrtlsasjwm My i m nw coco mratukum mmdi Orchard ROM colo rromi ■a»»iicna» AT HOLLAND a»H»O K*TOM KfaafL KOAO-MAVAL BAM *utxnrts«4 Aa***as CITY BOOK »TOW« LTO omctustsr Nausa. Coffyar Quay THE NEWS FWOHT Fltzpatrtcr* latmmsrtiM. M. MMAIL a Admiralty Mood, Nml Baaa M. ABDUL BArFAB
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    • 68 8 news! NEWS!! NEWS!!! First in Malaya to install complete suspended illuminated ceiling with formed translucent diffusers. We manufactured in Singapore and supplied to the MODERN FIAT SHOWROOM Illuminated Ceiling Lighting Fittings Signs Alliance Plastics, 270, Tanjong Rhu Road, Singapore. Tel: ***** *****. Congratulations to EAST ASIATIC COMPANY on the opening
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  • 696 9 Firm's modern showrooms a new landmark in Orchard Road THE new Fiat and Vespa showrooms in Orchard Road, Singapore, were officially opened on July 16, 1962, by M r P.E. Berner, head of The East Asiatic Company Limited in Singapore. The opening of these modern showrooms
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 225 9 17^1 ASIATIC PtiTTTTm LIMITEITPiBfiI Laauffl^^BHßal TEST DRIVE YOUR NEW FIAT AT SINGAPORE The East Asiatic Co.. Ltd. 545, Orchard Road. Singapore. 9. lOHORE BAHRU Wing Ming S Co.. 59A. Jalan Ah Fook. Johore Bahru. BATU PAHAT low K-i Joo Motor Co.. 2A. Jalan IdrusBatu Pahat. MUAR Neo Fnterprises Company. HT7
      225 words
    • 162 9 Three cars a minute Fiat's Mirafiori plant, Torino I I vSfS^** StEf^SKk' t J^a^aHHa^a^ _i| laH* Giant marine diesels Fiat's Grand! Motori plant H^Hr£k^< vf B^Ht^^BH ■^B^^^Ka^Hp^a^Hr* vaaa\&Ba^^Bi ■HP'aaa bbWW\-i2s^P^^^ BaaF^^^Bßßßl^^^*A. "vIb^BBI »^wßßaf :^^^^^^^^^^^s B^T^^^^^^^ j£\Bjm Eißßaat mt* "mM^t'^i m Wk^X i W/mm**''' t*~ '^P^Baaaa Checking out Fiat Q 91
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  • Article, Illustration
    314 10 MR. L. T. VKIANO (left). Manager of the Motor Division, is st-en here with two Fiat executives Mr. Mariani. Uenivi resident factory representative, and Mr. E. Colli, resident t echnicil inspector. MR. P. E. BERNER, Head of The East Asiatic Co., Ltd., in Singapore, hoists the company's flag to inaugurate
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  • 260 11 THE EAST ASIATIC CO. FEATURE THE Kuala Lumpur office of The East .Asiatic Co. Ltd. is housed in their own magnificent building in Ampan? Road— DENMARK HOUSE. THE wide range of Fiat cars needs no Introduction to local motorists. Here are two outstanding models of
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  • Article, Illustration
    185 12 THE EAST ASIATIC CO. FEATURE T"HIS Vetpa showroom in Kuala Lumpur (top loft) has an imposing display of the leading scooter in the world. The best in servicing facilities are available here. The "Vetpa Commercial" delivery vans (left centre) are becoming increasingly popular in Singapore and the Federation. Three
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 139 12 ""%*_jf i^;. NEW HIGH ENERGY ESSO EXTRA Bfl^B. i n'll ii "i >lltfM>jMilfct%lMmji^ ituM'iin Yiniiijttifrhi A II »»no»t 1 lk^k?l < It 1 •^HH^sJK^IIfHi.^HnK^iMHH^ WONDERFUL NEW LIFE FOR YOUR CAR a m. with much i« engine and more mileage per gallon because Esso Extra releases smooth, clean power. That makes
      139 words

  • 196 13 Large armed forces 'slowly' 'I' 111-:I II-: acting Minister of Defence, Inche Mohamed Khir Johari, today said that despite the clamour for the expansion of the armed forces, the best policy was to "make haste slowly." He was speaking at the annual conference of the Ex-Services Association o2 Malaya at
    196 words
  • 82 13 On employment of exservicemen, Inche Khlr said that the association should consider submitting draft designs of a badge which in co-operation with the Government would be Issued to and put on display by commercial firms which employed a certain percentage of ex-servicemen. On hospital concessional charges in respect of
    82 words
  • 56 13 •'For this reason the best policy is to make haste 610w1y." Inche Khlr also touched on the Malaysia talks now In progress In London. He said: "While I do not wish to say that Malaysia is already In the bag. I think It Is quite safe for me
    56 words
  • 95 13 Malaysia jingle to 'sell' the idea on radio SINGAPORE, Sun. Radio Singapore is now broadcasting a commercial jingle to "sell" Malaysia to listeners. Set to a simple tune, the Jingle Is broadcast throughout the day In four languages English, Malay, Chinese and Tamil. It first went on the air on
    95 words
  • 56 13 The slogan Is: "Equality, special rights and freedom are yours with merger and Malaysia." Meanwhile, the Ministry of Culture Is reported to be receiving many inquiries about Its song and drama competition on Malaysia. Lately, another slogan has been on the air. It Is: "Merger and Malaysia
    56 words
  • 45 13 IPOH, Sun.— Dr. Haji Megat Khas bin Megat Omar was yesterday re-elected president of the Perak Family Planning Association. The Dato Bendahara of Perak, Dato C. M. Yusof, was elected vice-pre-sident Mrs. T. H. Wlnsor Is secretary and Mr. Dltt Singh, treasurer.
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  • 26 13 KUALA SELANGOR, Sun.— A Miss National Language Month beauty contest is to be held at tne Tan Jong Karang cinema hall on Aug. 10.
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  • 68 13 Well done!— after 3-0 victory -yC 1 J focus on women soccer champg (North Zone) ANTI-REFERENDUM CASE FOR UN Mrs. G. Fonseka, manageress of the Selangor ladies soccer team, congratulates Joan Fernando, the captain, after their victory over the Penang ladies at the City Stadium on Saturday. The Selangor ladies
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  • 41 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun The acii.:g Minister of Health and Social Welfare. Inche Mohamed Khlr Johari, will visit the Sungei Besi Boys Home at 5.15 p.m. on Tuesday, to present certificates to students who have completed a rubber instructions course.
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  • 139 13 Borneo plants new rubber —strains— fESSELTON, Sun. Modern clones from Malaya will soon increase North Borneo's production of rubber, which is Its largest crop. The clones produced by the Rubber Research Institute In Kuala Lumpur are now being propagated In the Rubber Fund Board nurseries at Tuaran The clones, Nos.
    139 words
  • 106 13 A trade fair in Kuching KUCHINO, Sun.— A thousand balloons were released today when the Resident of the First Division, Mr. Lloyd Thomas, opened the 1962 Jaycee trade fair In which commercial firms, Industries and government departments are taking part. A crowd of at least 100.000 Is expected to attend
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  • 254 13 Joint council delegation will fly to New York SINGAPORE, Sunday. COUNCIL OF JOINT ACTION delegation to present its case against the National Referendum Bill before the United Nations will leave for New York, probably on Tuesday. Mr. John Tan, secretary of the council, said today that a delegation to represent
    254 words
  • 85 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun.— The University of Malaya is to appoint an official who will, be responsible for maintenance of its buildings, grounds, lake, furniture and stores. His post will be that of resident engineer. He will also be required to give lectures in th* Faculty of Engineering. His
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 60 13 Congratulations to the EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD. on the opening of their new Fiat Showroom. All architectural aluminium work including doors and windows were supplied and installed by DIETHELM CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Switzerland) SINGAPORE, KUALA LUMPUR, IPOH, PENANC ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦4 Main Contractor for the FIAT/VESPA SHOWROOM ORCHARD ROAD, SINGAPORE was
      60 words
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 409 13 RADIO SINGAPORE RADIO MALAYA SHORT WAVE SERVICE NATIONAL SHORTWAVE 41 metre* SERVICE 41.7 metre*. -IEDIUM WAVE SERVICE gar^u.'Xwl^HeadE;' 6*ol 478 metre* Morning Melodies; 7.00 Rende*t\M. 6.00 Good Morning; 6.01 vous With Music; 7.30 Time Morning Preluae, 7.00 The Signal, News; 7.35 Breakfast. News; 7.06 Breakfast Bulletin; Club; 8.00 Time Signal.
      409 words

  • 1125 14  - THE MYSTERY MISSION OF RUDOLPH HESS ALLINGTON KENNARD FUSTY mystery still clings to Rudolph Hess, once Hitler's deputy and the second most powerful man in Nazi Germany, today a morose prisoner behind the red. walls of Spandau Jail. Did Hitler know In advance of Hess's flight to Scotland, the bid
    1,125 words
  • 275 14 MY TWO WORLDS. By Prafulla Kumar Sircar. 1 1 ii u;n iiMin 215.). THE Reverend Prafulla Sircar's parish is a Yorkshire mining village. His other world is India, where he has served the church in Benares, Dehra Dun and Lucknow, names that evoke British memories. Mr. Sircar
    275 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 324 14 There's always a KAT«yN||jltep/steriliser -■Is INDUSTRIAL ft (A r installation In i i» trial iy S DC C I PMnM'JBBiB^i Water Filter S t c r i I ise r Guaranteed to produce BB W,^M m fcv instantaneously potable water BP^^— l^^^ as per British or American Standards. M//c>potradio ltd.
      324 words
    • 92 14 One sweepandall 3-factor problems solved with, the FAOIT CM2-16 t aiggnai > -**m With 16 figure capacity and direct back transfer, specially designed to solve 3 factor problems accurately with one sweep. Simple 10 key operation. Sturdy Swedish steel construction and beautifully designed. Dirtrl tsflttf for diciiion Sim fir lo
      92 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 298 14 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 7. Bubble tune (or a nnger .3. 1. Sound sleepers who break 4). flints (S). 8. A faint insinuation can be 5. Is being so called the draw- heard: let it fade out (10). back of being a pacifist? (6). 12. Jump that's faultless brings 9.
      298 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1404 15 r= BsaTmBBBBBaTMsaaBBBBBI TO LiWRPvBL I WEST COAST t) ,g, Om S'pon *«iit P. Sham Ptnant RESTBt Htvrt. LutrfMl. Glasgow CM. IS Jlly 24 Jlly 25/21 Jlly 14/11 MELAMPtM Amoirth L'fMl. R'dam. H'brg MB. 13 July 21 July 27/ 2 Atg 3 IWm LiMTftM. CUSgOW July 2i A«f 1 MEMNON LiiaratM
      1,404 words
    • 1383 15 THE E. A. C. LINESSAILINGS 10 SENOA. ll HAVRE. HAMBURG. BREMEN. ANTWERP, ROTTEROAM, AMSTERBAM, OSLO. GOTHENBURG AHB CIPEHHAGEN. iW^TO Sport P. rhtm Pintnf raf^o\li| "fALSTRIA" I) It Part/21 Jlly 24/21 Jlly 27,21 Jilj YXXpLJ*! "SOMA" a) so Jary/ 4 Aag VI am S/ lam rajT^y "JUTURJU"!) 21/23 AM 14/25 Aif
      1,383 words
    • 1500 15 EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONOON, LIVERPOOL t CONTINENTAL POUTS. S^ort P Shim Ptr»n| BENAHOW (H) H'kirg. L'lM, R'dam. M'bro S. 21/TMty Jlly 24/21 Jlly 21/ 2 BENNEVIS (E.LD.I Lpml, R'dam. Hull, H'bvr| Jal) 21, 2 lily 25/21 BENLOYAL (E.U iMili. M'brougti. H'Durp, Illy 21/4 At| I lENWYVIS Lulu H'burg. G'mouth Aag
      1,500 words
    • 1045 15 l|-w HcAUSTER A CO., LTD. U,. IkV^V Til> a 1 EULEHMAJI LIMK <S> KLATKMKSB UXM MAVtC. LONOON, HAMBUtC, BOnEJU>AM. tm nti'l Tt. BM raAwTlfrn MIOOLESBSOUGH SfATTU. VAJKVBVCfI 1 PtBTTLAJBi Cm Of NOtwiCß *«aj»aji aaajajN«liaaM two 14*77* IS/« W A^ Tim .w "Ts^ 111 vm j £fc, hUTam JTMiS&Tium vl V
      1,045 words

  • 1047 16 From Our Market Correspondent "MESSY", "confused" and even "gloomy" were all epithets that could be applied to the Malayan Stock Exchange last week and in all probability will be just as applicable in the current week. Not for a long time has the market been so quiet
    1,047 words
  • 579 16 »o Maitu oi. l»uA a««a.»l «^> pei Ml, in* dividend is payable oo October 1. The net prof.t lor to* year n> 16U.J26 against t4SI,lis liter lax ui Jaovi-meuia ui .mare prices Dtiaed on a coniiMu ibun uetv ceu lui sales in Ulc BinkdiHjn' trading rouin on Uunuu)
    579 words
  • 154 16 Backwash of ITC hits mart 'THE Straits tin market A last week, in common with other world markets, suffered from the backwash of the International T i n Council Communique at the end of the previous period. On second thoughts dealers said that although the Council was negotiating with the
    154 words
  • 208 16 COMMODITY REVIEW I month rose from 2.229 tons to 3.241 tons and were the highest In the first two weeks of the month since April. Shipments to the U.S. rose from 342 to 1,179 tons and those to the Continent from 948 to 1.276 tons. Trading conditions were quieter on
    208 words
  • 1032 16 THE state of glares on tbe Malayan Stock Exchange show last butrfneas to July 14 (A) and last business since the date (B) with H and L standing for Highest and Lowest business this year to date were: INDUSTRIALS ML Alex Bricks ix m U'os t-» Alias
    1,032 words
  • 49 16 Induilnali: TNm: raMtni July It July II July 11 July 1* July 70 July 21 Id*. X-, 1««.33 IHVI9 IhT.VJ 187.49 1«7 ■>• 2«:t 44 2«0*2 27*.3' i 27« 4« 275.2-J 277 71 172 H1 172 1* 17-J 18 171".* 173.12 ITJ 2» Jan. 1. i»M wo.
    49 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1055 16 U KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA. LTDU.S^%. PaelSlo. Atlanta* 6. Creait Cakes Service t t l« H» t i» (U S'porr S'Mi» H'lma I antelet N Uiotuno "(Naikava Mara" miy 1 sat J/ J «a| 73 (Of Sept 17 Sapt 1 Ott "«aank*wa Mara" 21 la *■< 31 i Sapt It Sapt
      1,055 words
    • 930 16 t™!oRIENTl LINES l SAILINGS TO O.K. Oep. Spore Oep. Penong Arr. U.K. I ORONSAY" 25 July IS Aaj 'CANTON" 2 Aug 3 Au 9 26 Aua 'CATHAY" 8 Sept 10 Sept 2 Oct ORION" 3 Oct 29 Oct CHITRAL- II Oct 12 Oct 3 No. "CHUSAN" 8 No* 9 No.
      930 words
    • 195 16 IMMIHMIS \<M \< I U Current Date of ToUl ToUl for payment payment for year prertont year Kent Tin 4s"'t 6ept. 7 *V,% Kinta Kellas Rubber 121*,% Oct. 1 \*l'» 25% Talpinr Rubber 4 1 Aug. 31 British Tin 6 2/3^t Aug. 31 26% Windsor Rubber 16 2/3% Aug. 31
      195 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 792 17 SPORE SHARE MARKET QUOTATIONS THt following is a complete 1 list of revised quotation* Issued by the Singapore section of the Malayan Stock Exchange oa Friday. July H. INDUSTRIALS a S. Aiom Ord* 1.00 8.8. PVAiol i SB/9 IS/S •.M. Tract*** XUU ».<* 1.88 I.SO 000. TU Saaalt 15/ Of«*
      792 words
    • 559 17 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT! ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD APPLICATIONS are invited for the following vacancies in tbe Jurong Industrial Development Division: (a) THREE experienced Land Surveyor* who should have had at least four yean of experience In Land SurveyIng and Civil Engineering works survey; 'b) FIVE Draughtsmen for work of Civil Engineering and
      559 words
    • 531 17 bsksjsV^MaaLsHflAMßHflMß^^MtlMß^H i (Continued from Pace S) SITUATIONS VACANT Wordm Si (Ml*.)— Bma tt eta. extra OOCTOR WANTED for well established Dispensary in small town la Johore Bt«t*. Male/Female. Oood prospects to right person. Apply Box AAOBO 6.T., Spore. WANTED CHINESE SALESMAN for Indent'nK General Merchandise. Salary, Commission. Reply stating Age,
      531 words
    • 1108 17 SITUATIONS VACANT tt Word* M (Mlm.)-Box tt eta. txtrm TRAVBL OPFICI Senior Assistant 'Female) Receptionist Typist* (Senior Cambridge) Secretarial: U Clerk Experienced Office Routine: Salesman City Employment. 748 Robinson Road. 8 pore. PART-TIME CLIRK. Two hour* dally for Co-operative Society 400 members. Apply Secretary, R.R.I. Co-op. Society, Kuala Lumpur stating
      1,108 words
    • 1070 17 GODOWN SPACE VACANT to Word* SS (Mi*.)— Box tt eta. txirm JOHORE BAHRU 1,000 aq.rt. brick built ator*. main service* and toilet. Available 1/8/62 for eleven month* Rent 8280 p.m. Enquiries to P.O. Box 4 Jobor* Banru. HOUSES LAND FOR SALI to Word* U (Min.)— Bo* tt eta. txtrm POR
      1,070 words
    • 1020 17 TRAVELS ft TOURS tt Word* H (Ml*.)— Bo* tt eta. tatrm VISIT KASHMIR PARALMii jfi Earth' th* land a* beautiful lakee, picturaaqu* houMboaU aad *o*ntt splendour Tour departa 7th September 1962 Writ* for detail* of all inclusive packags. O.C. Naada A Son* Ltd.. 33- A Raffia* Place. Singapore TOUR MALAYA
      1,020 words
    • 936 17 VIHICLIS POR SAL! M Word* U (Mt*>—Box tt *x«r* SLACK MOA Twin Cam, R**l>t*r*4 Jon* 1960 21.000 mile., MlctMltn X Tyre*. Unraced, and vary ear* fully maintained. In *ac*ll*nt condition, and exceptionally fa*t. Available lat* August (S.UOO 0.n.0. Boa AT32 8.T., K.L. POR SAL! SECOND-HAND International Harvester TD9 Tractor Snoval
      936 words
    • 519 17 AT YOU! SIRVICI (S'm**> tt Word* U (Mim.h-Bom tt H*. mmtwm •LACK'S OSMIUMS PHOTOSTATS 08, Robinson Koad Tel *****. KWOK'S PHOTOOOPT tSRVICS 22 TtM Arcads, Ist floor Ti. 9ftalS. LADIES DRESS SHOPS it Word* U (Mi*.)— Bo* tt eta. omfrm CHIONCIUM Mad* for you by expert Hongkong cutter* and reasonably
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1216 18 [>^LJ^M^UBj^Mi^^^fcw^Bi»^^^ij^^BUPJLJlLJ^^^^^^^^BJ JACKSON'S MALAYA LTD., IPOH Chant e of Address note that our address Is now: Godown No. 5. La Brooy Stdinj. Maxwell Road. laoh. Thr Kttate of HAM ABDILLAH BIN HAJI MOHAMKD TAIB alias H\ II \KIH II BIN HAJI MOHAMED. TAIB alias HAJI DOLLAH BIN HAJI MOHAMED TAIB.
      1,216 words
    • 777 18 NOTICES REMINDER AURORA AUCTIONEERS LTD. will sell the following properties by public auction at their saleroom No. 11. 111 i I STREET list fl.l TO-DAY at 2.3 i P.M. No 87, Waterloo Street No. 36. Emerald Hill Road No. 25. Carpmael Road. SHERIFF'S SALE IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE
      777 words
    • 822 18 NOTICE NOTICE Pursuant to Section 29 of .the Trustees Ordinance (Chapter 34) all persons interested in or having claims against the estate of any of the deceased person* undermentioned whether as creditors. beneficiaries or nexi-o(-kin are required to send particulars of their claims or interests to tht undersigned Solicitors for
      822 words
    • 863 18 NOTICE CHAPTER 195 (Pawnbrokers.) Unredeemed Pledged G««da aad Jewellery from the following Pawnbrokers' Shop*. No. 135 New Bridge Road. Lam Joon Stung i Chop Sem Poh). No. 255 South Bridge Road. Ho Van Kee (Chop Heug Fatt) Yong Kee. No. 28? South Bridge Road. Scow Kian iChop Nam Cheong). No.
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    • 740 18 TENDERS TENDER NOTICE MINISTRY OF DEFENCE Tenders have been despatched to Armed Forces registered contractors in the following groups: IK. IL, 2A. 7A, BA. 9A. 9C, A OPEN Tenders close at 2.30 p.m. on Friday 10 August 1962. The Government of the Federation of Malaya does not bind itself to
      740 words
    • 714 18 I TENDERS JABATAN KERJA RAYA PERAK Tenders for the Construction of One Class "F" and Five Class 'O' Quarters for Police at Port Weid. Larut Matang District, will be received at the office of the Juru- tera Negeri. Perak. Ipoh up to 3.00 p.m. on 30th July. 1962 from Contractors
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    • 176 18 CENTRAL ELECTRICITY BOARD TENDERS will be Invited fran Contractors Registered Class A or B with the Architect for Construction of Senior Officers' Quarters at Johore Bahru. Deposits of $100/- should be paid not later than the 30th July to the Comptroller and Chief Accountant, Central Electricity Board. P.O. Box 1017.
      176 words

    • 1572 19  -  EPSOM JEEP By Penang, Sunday a. TOTAL POOL— 890,560. 1ST— No. *****9 ($40,282). 2ND— No. *****2 ($16,112) 3RD No. *****5 ($8,056). STARTERS (SS.222 each): No». *****4, *****7. *****2, *****9. *****5. CONSOLATION ($1,000 each i: Nob. *****1. *****2. *****1, *****4. *****2. *****7. *****1,
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    • 190 19 Rich Ascot race to Match III LONDON. Sun.— Yves Saints Martin, 20-year-old French jockey, rode Match HI to a brilliant victory in the King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Stakes over 12f at Ascot yesterday The race was virtually a European championship, with five classic winners In the starstudded field
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    • 1012 19 cjTANDFORD (Califor»3 nia), Sun. Hal Connolly, the American Olympic champion, broke his own world hammer record yesterday with a throw of 231 ft lOin (7.863 m). Hal, who set his previous mark of 230 ft 91n in 1960, was competing In the United States-Soviet Union
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 52 19 if you can afford «p4i) per month you ..can afford family sized isP DU 1 1 ill ISSpL niLvv I refrigerator •in Singapore $53 in Federation HV^I see THfM AT YOUR Df ALtR \^£jLp HOMf APPLIANCES 304, ORCHARD ROAD StNCAPOM CLEVER PEOPLE CHOOSE Uietet TRADE MARK FOAM RUBBER MATTRESSES, PILLOWS.
      52 words
    • 127 19 ■BK .i^S*. S*^- -*SrJ»- >■*■» A-^ -*VJ»- m Hbß mQbE JKmL vfifla («Hbbm ■HLK jDHC 7* A 4 Tttt ik FIGER Oli^M^iWWbY^ TIGrR 0 nGEROn^J^W^OIL 9KTffiEß<ft{wAUn. <{tL-M b~~ TIGER BALM 2r Mt..*J {U~l 4M Quality pays! SWALLOW PETROL KEROSINE DIESEL OILS •FUEL OILS The Swallow emblem is a sign of
      127 words

    • 478 20 SPORE 1 SERVICES 2: Singapore, Sunday. JOINT SERVICES shocked a crowd of more than 10,000 at Jalan Besar Stadium tonight when they beat Singapore 2-1 to enter the semi-finals of the Malaya Cup soccer competition. Today's victory enabled Services to finish level on points
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    • 166 20 MALACCA WIND UP WITH 3-1 WIN MALACCA 3 JOHORE 1 MALACCA. Sun.— Malacca wound up their Malaya Cup (South zone) campaign with a 3-1 win over Johore at the Kubu Stadium today. All the goals came in the last 13 nnnuie-s a fitting end to a stirring match. The Choc
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    • 43 20 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun—Nashatar Singh broke the Malayan record for the javelin with a throw of 56.91 metres at the Federal Police athletics championship* here today. Na.shatar's throw beat the record of 55.98 metres set up by Tan Huck Chiang in 1951.
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    • 141 20 ...NEGRI 4 FORCES 4 SEREMBAN. Sun.—Federation Armed Forces were lucky to draw 4-4 with Negri Bembllan in their Malaya Cup (Central zone> match here today. Man who saved the day for them was inside-right Abu Bakar, who scored the equaliser three minutes from time. Determined to
      141 words
    • 322 20 MHF picks 18 for the Asian Games By CONRAD NG ifUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The Malayan Hockey Federation executive committee this morning approved the selection of 18 players and four officials for the Asian Games- at Jakarta next moi\th. The team announced by MHF vice-president Mr. A. Durairatnam today is: GOALKEEPERS:
      322 words
    • 246 20 KLEDANG CLIMB Kirn Thiat breaks 4 records —and wins FTD IPOH. Sun. Saw 1 Kirn Thiat (Selangor)'broke four course records and won the F.T.D. award at the Kledang Hill Climb here today. Driving a Lotus Coventry Climax 1.080 c.c. Kirn Thiat won the events for racing cars, sports and racing
      246 words
    • 104 20 ITUALA LUMPJJR, Sun.-Selan-x gor won the Chua Choon Leong Cup for the first time when they beat Singapore, the holders, 3-2 in the Inter State tennis competition final here toaay Selangors victory broke Singapore's nine-year •monopoly" of the Trophy, which they had won since the Inception
      104 words
    • 178 20 PERAK 6 PENANG 2 rpAIPING. Sun. Perak L avenged their 5-1 defeat in the first round when they whipped Penang 6-2 in their return Malaya Cup (North zone i match here today. Penang. who had already assured themselves of a place in the semi-finals, were
      178 words
    • 136 20 MALAYA CUP RESULTS, TABLES NORTH Perak 6 Penan* 2 P W D L V A PT> r. 5 138 11 U IV, ik 6 4 215 11 > Krdah S 3 U 313 13 t. P.i h- i. H II b II! CENTRAL Negri 4 Forces 4 Selangor 6
      136 words
    • 33 20 SOCCER: SAFA. Dlv. 2—Marines 'A' v RAF Tengah i Fairer Pk>. BADMINTON: Spore National Championships S- Finals <SBA Hall. 7.30). RIGGER: Inter-School: St. Andrew's v BeaUv (Woocsvlllei Monk's Hill v Raffles.
      33 words
    • 783 20 SINGAPORE. Sun. —Army, champions in 1954 and 1960. scored their third chamI pionship success in the S.C.A. i Senior tournament when they I beat SC.R.C by five wickets lat Gillman Barracks today to win the pennant. Army have one more match against S.C.C. to
      783 words
    • 242 20 CEREMBAN, Sun.— Negrl SembiI lan beat Johore by six wickets 1 In their MCA. League match here today. Final scores: Negrl 215-8 declared and 123-4; Johore 152 and 182. 1 Johore made a good start In 1 their second Innings with opening bat P.G de
      242 words
    • 705 20 BORNEO'S DILBAGH MAKES GRADE FOR ASIAN GAMES SPORE RELAY TEAM FAIL- By E.FRIDA and MOK SIN PIN S pore. Sun. 2nd DAY RESULTS DILBAGH SINGH KLER of North Borneo qualified to represent his country in the Asian Games with a record-breaking victory in the 5.000 metres at the Singapore A.A.A.
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    • 130 20 CINGAPORE. Sun. Ausimrs- became the S.C.A. junior "B" league champions when they beat S.R.C. by seven wickets at Dover Road today. Au.-tsi«.s. who have .so far lost two games will play iheir final matcn agaiivst closest ilvals. the S.H.B.R.C. next week. S.H.B: have lost two with one
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 85 20 IS YOUR FIRM LISTED IN THE BUKU MERAH* the widely recognised reference work tor all businessmen The Straits Times DIRECTORY of Singapore Malaya 19.63 IF NOT, FILL IN THE ATTACHED COUPON FOR A FORM TO BE SENT TO YOU AND YOUR NAME WILL APPEAR IN THE 1963 DIRECTORY m Please
      85 words
    • 142 20 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Word* SID l.Minimum, 1 TO LUCY ANO PHILIP ..n 7-»g*^ a daiiKhtcr Hat-Ltßg Give them "vLj#& the m. start t^jy. Re wise. Give your children Lp^^— S Seven Seas every day. lt helps r^^rt^Jr!^l t<> make them fit and stroujf. IB f/w^^rV 1 to give them the boundless
      142 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 85 20 SUMMARY ii mm Penang SC Champloaships Men's Singles final Johnny Heah bt. R. Pflugrath 6-3. 6-2: Men doubles .s- final: Johnny Heah and Urn Say Chuan bt-. J. Rajendmm |and Jitander Singh 8-6. 6-3: Mixed doubles final: Mr. and Mrs. R. Pflugrath bt. Johnny Heah and Mrs. Audrey Oh 6-3.
      85 words