The Straits Times, 15 July 1962

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES in No. 1401 SUNDAY, JULY 15, 1962 20 CENTS KDN 010
    14 words
  • Article, Illustration
    365 1 Nehru: No war But he admits there's the 'risk 1 of a clash at lone outpost YEW DELHI, Sat.— A The Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Nehru (above), said today he did not think there would be any major clash between Indian and Chinese forces in the Gahvan Valley of Ladakh.
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  • 545 1 Life as a cliff-hanger is my dream: See P. 3 THE CAPSULE OF LIFE* IN THE FIGHT AGAINST DEATH: P. 10 STEPPING OUT AS THE BELLE OF THE BEACH: P. 8 AND THE ASIA MAGAZINE TOO Natural rubber will be tops for some time United consumer
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    • 36 1 MOSCOW. Sat.— lmally reliable Soviet sources said here today that Mr. Khruxhrhev has told the Austrian Chancellor, Dr. Alfnns <>oroarh, that Russian troops would inarch into Austria if it joined the Common Market. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  36 words
    • 57 1 lOHUNM, Sun A detective and a man were shot in a gunfißht outside tin- White House Hotel, .lalan Besar, at I -it* a.m. today. The detertivc was hit on t'.ir shoulder, whilr the man was shot in the stomach. B«ith were admitted lo (ieneral in serious, condition.
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  • 282 1 Gunn gives an assurance to rubber industry KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. A two-day conference of Malayan planters, sponsored by the Rubber Research Institute here ended with the chairman ol the Rubber Producers' Council. Dato Gunn Lay Teik. appraising the <ndu:strv"s prospects tor the rest ol this decade. Dato Gunn. who HttenCod
    Reuter  -  282 words
  • 25 1 Were reported missing yesterday when two passenger boats were turned over by strong waters on the Tama River in Knmumoto Prefecture.. Japan. U.PI
    UPI  -  25 words
  • 39 1 Former L" S Hi evident has asiefd lo a coast -to-cohat .set of i (impawn mipratanro In an etfort to help Republican* win control of the US House of Rr pre>eiii«nvea in the Nov. 6 elections. U.P.I.
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  • Article, Illustration
    100 1 JAPAN'S entry far the Miss Universe contest lit Miami. Gamin-girl Knznko Hinmo, who won honourable mention in the costume competition. Miss England*i costume wns chosen ms the best native dress in the show. She wore a red velvet shortskirted suit and a pillbox black hat a beefeater's
    100 words
  • 27 1 .20-year-old Hollywood actress, has iiled suit for more than 51. 500.000 against Howard Hughes, charging the industrial-ist-producer with fraud and breach of contract.— U P.I.
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  • 28 1 One-time candidate for the Presidency of Portugal, has been given a suspended sentence of 20 months in Lisbon for conspiring against the Government. U.P.I I
    UPI  -  28 words
  • 48 1 > AN DIEGO. Sat. A "minibus' blew a tyre here, skidded broadside for 100 yards, turned over twice, rolled off the road and stopped upside down. When patrolmen arrived they found two nuns and seven junior high school firls kneeling in prayer. None was even scratched.
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  • 713 1 LONDON: Saturday LfcADIiHS of Britain's Opposition parties last night greeted Mr. Macmillan's dramaIk reeonslruclion of his Cabinet, in which seven senior Ministers were (hopped with irony mid called for a general election Mr. Hugh Gaitskell leadder of the Labour Party said: 'This is a
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  • 34 1 Bodies from the Alitalia DC-8 airliner which crashed near Bombay last week were expected to be removed today to Sasoon Hospital. Poona. a police spokesman skid in New Delhi UJ».I.
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  • 25 1 Visaed Sir Alnslon in London hospital for an iioui yesterday and on leavme Mild with a smile: "I think he is better today."—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 67 1 I IMA iPerui. Sat. —BO AC KJ pilot Pete: Dou^Uu, Elliot saia he "unwillingly" killed a piostuute when she demanded more money. Elliot said tins when the murder mal slatted here yesterday. He said that lie slapped the woman on the fate when iJh demanded more
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  • 353 1 Nuclear bang plan to dig Kra canal OANGKOK. Sat. Officials of a development company planning to dig the Kra Canal told a news conference here that they hoped to get Thai Government permission soon to begin the project. Mr. K. Y. Chow, managing director of the Golden Peninsula Development Company.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 149 1 Elmo my BSS Sftw HOW HAS 'I**)/ 6NEW t 0 FEATURES Ss-j §:bcimco:l.p co U 1 1 w 1 rcm 6. RoHlei Place S.nqaporel Tel: ***** DEVELOPING* PRINTING ALSO UNDERTAKEN AGOLDROLEX 'DATE JUST* IS THE NATURAL CHOICE OF SUCCESSFUL MEN* sjJ^)Sp>»jw_sS^^!J^^ Water-proofed by J virtue ot th«- ingenious BMI BMmWMM&
      149 words
    • 62 1 WITH JUSTIFIABLE PRIDE WE ANNOUNCE THAT OUR ARE THE BEST IN SINGAPORE MALAYA SINGAPORE IPOH ASS. CO. S.P.H. DE SILVA (H.K.) LTD. HONG KONG. I ti ITTtMY ~.»cc.e*] and the "3™j]l^ smoker! W^'[) Two tar*«rit«i from ih. plj||^ jj 1 u.s.A. h»ewn th. (JIGARKTTES -odd o>ir tot thair V> FRESHNESS
      62 words

  • The News
    • 98 2 TENGKU ABDUL RAHMAN look his daughter Meriain, son Suleiman all d granddaughter Sharifah to the Singapore Airport on Friday night to give a family touch to the send-off of two of his Cabinet Ministers. Th c Ministers, Mr. Tan Siew Sin 1 Finance) and
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    • 74 2 DENANG, Sat. Jailed for ■I two years today for not remaining indoors while under restricted residence. Hoe Swee Kirn. 27. told the Sessions Court he would prefer to be sentenced to death. "I would rather die than go to prison," Hoe said, after the Senior Sessions Court
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    • 480 2 Sultan's tribute to More officials PAST 12 MONTHS SAW PEACE, PROSPERITY IN THE STATE By ROY FERROA, JOHORE BAHRU. Saturday CULTAN Ismail of Johore told the Legislative Assembly here today that during the past year the Government had run the State firmly, smoothly and had maintained justice, peace and prosperity.
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    • 218 2 NAAFI WORKERS TO GET PAY INCREASES SINGAPORE, Sat. About 1,000 employees of NAAFI in Singapore are to get wage increases ranging from $20 to $30 a month backdated to Jan. 1, this year. This follows a final agreement reached this morning between the management and the Industrial Workers' Union of
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    • 56 2 SINGAPORE, Sat.— A 14--year old schoolboy. Tan Llan Ann. won the 1962 Singapore Chess Championship for the "Lim Boon Keng" Cup from a field of nine. He beat two of his brothers, Lian Seng (run-ner-up Lian Quee 'fifth) and Dr. S. Gellie (third), and Is
      56 words
    • 146 2 KUALA LUMPUR, Bat. Overseas experts are due here in October to attend a Leprosy Seminar the first of its kind to discuss problems affecting the social life of inmates and former Inmates. This was disclosed today by Senator T. H. Tan, president of the Malayan
      146 words
    • 431 2  - Creative future for £irls in dress designing, Ken Hammonds CAREER CORNER SERIES 2: NO 4 n-Bv ALL girls have at some time or other doodled dress designs in an idle moment. And clothes are usually uppermost in their minds. Yet few Malayan girls seem to make a career of dress
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 216 2 S^'l -i^P w^ If WbSM Ssl^BlSr San vpA t «Skt »m 9 Be Ail < -.-JuMs^^iv'--' Tl of sLc i, ■:*-&s*s#«^BßsP pfc x» j^BL&i^ xssShf xfk Bbjknv .jßßt"* J^ jBW^ vJftt H U 0 All Girard-Perregaux Starlight Sapphire watches are handmade by expert Swiss craftsmen for distinction, superb >* i*
      216 words
    • 133 2 Whitens Your Skin Secretly and Quickly No longer need you odmire other wish that your skin was a* light and attractive as theirs. One jar of Stillmon's will moke you equally charming. Continued applications will surprise you, convince you thot there it only ont beoutifier, only one whitener that words
      133 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 384 2 8 >PQWTER on training j SO far we have worked on follow the hand, the eyes only two of the dog's will have a keen and game senses with the object of expression, but more of this harnessing them for show- next wee<c. manship response to touch ¥T Is not
      384 words

    • 537 3 HOME FORMISS CLIFFHANGEK Mb OF SPOREMALAYA S NEW WRITER NO. 44 BEING THE DIARY OF A GIRL AT LARGE IN MALAYA 0-1 r. 11l I •Suppose >ou had 525.000 what sort of a home would >ou build." This article by Mi** Virginia Bassf is one ol t«o selected to win
      537 words
    • 821 3 Would YOU ever have guessed HE IBH was THIS and THIS THE man is a delightful fraud. With a knowing leer he flounced about the set, his legs hidden by < ing skirts, his voice vibrationg with falsetto. And looking at him you never would have thought that the lovely
      821 words
    • 297 3 rthe other girls at the office she never stopped talking about her dates, once she met a new beau, and after me third date with him she described the evening at interminable length to the other girls. "I. wonder." she finished, "if Bob loves me?" "Of
      297 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 109 3 V)l NMII'i 3 1N I T>2S IV >JV 100', EGYPTIAN I COTTON r with scintillating Texture richness et Thai and Henan silk. THE ONLY MATERIAL FOR ROUND THE CLOCK WEAR Available in colour range from cool to Dark shades i_ At all leading stores FOR KEEPS" r^v mm V SHsHmH
      109 words
    • 216 3 AT REDUCED PRICES Singapore price CT\ Q 20 exp M$7 25 lO 36 exp. M.59.75 OT O O Movie film L I OO 50 fee. PROCESSING AIRFREIGHT -SERVICES EVERY MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY Note Airmail/Handling charges: M.s 0.30 per CT 18 M.s 0.50 per CT 88 PROCESSING SERVICES ALSO IN KUALA
      216 words

  • Sunday Times
    • 3350 4  - IN HONEYMOON MOOD AGAIN.. LINDA CHRISTIAN By DUTCH-BORN American film actress LINDA CHRISTIAN today concludes the story of her life and the men who shared it with her the frankest love story ever told. Linda is now Mrs. Edmund Purdom. The day my heart said Yes...' THE DAY 1 returned
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 189 4 FINEST ACROSS THE PACIFIC P'U'A'ljET BRIDGE^ TO U *yV ""il^7?§r HONOLULU SAN \flf>— and on around the world b» BOAC Jetliners FRANCISCO tßtt^rk Fly in style BOAC Rolls-Royce 707 style across the Pacific lUftYy fSk\ KS m Jm s*A and the USA, and on to Europe in the same speed
      189 words

  • The News
    • 467 5 MALAYSIA: IT'S NOW OR NEVER... By NG YOOK YOON: K. LUMPUR. Sat. THE Federation's Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, leaves Singapore for London tomorrow night with this one mission: "Malaysia now or never." According to informed sources, the Tengku would vigorously oppose any "little by little" attitude towards the setting-up
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    • 66 5 MALACCA Sat. News was received here yesterday of the death of the Malacca postmaster. Mr. Jagper Singh. 52. at his home in the Punjab. Mr. Jageer Singh left for India on July 2 on a twomonth holiday. He was to have returned at the end of
      66 words
    • 343 5 flsh has external ears. There are structures in the head which bear a striking resemblance to our inner ears (which Is hardly surprising as we have Inherited ours from the fish) but they are not organs of hearing. These structures, each in a special bony cavity, lie one
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    • 33 5 SINGAPORE, Sat. A party of detectives raided a house in Geylang Road last night and seized seven parangs, three iron poles and a bottle of acid. No arrests were made.
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    • 66 5 Oil palms estate clerk marries Singapore student MR. AND MRS. Koshy ITI Samuel who were married at the Orthodox Jacobite Syrian Church, Topaz Road, Singapore, yesterday. The groom is an office assistant on Oil Palms of Malaya Ltd., La- yang Layang, Johore. The bride, the former Miss Mariamma Joseph, daughter
      66 words
    • 199 5 Rising star Orchid acts in a new Malayan film SINGAPORE, Saturday. SINGAPORE'S rising young actress. Miss Orchid Wong, 22, was very excited today when she stepped into a studio here to make her second Mandarin film, "Black Gold". "This is a very good film and I am determined to do
      199 words
    • 141 5 Black rain mystery: It was soot SINGAPORE, Sat. The MeCJ teorological Department here said today that it had analysed a .sample of the "black rain" water that fell at Jamalu■BC, near Merslng. on June 26 and found that it contained "essentially vegetable uebns." A Department .spokesman said that the black
      141 words
    • 207 5 Mass rally for Tengku's send-off SINGAPORE. Sat. Fresh from his victory over a no-confidence motion In the Assembly. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew will appear with Tengku Abdul Rahman and Borneo political leaders in a mass rally tomorrow night on the apron of the Singapore Airport. The two premiers and the
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    • 55 5 JOHORE BAHRU. Sat. The posts of President, Religious Affairs. Mufti. Assistant Mufti. Chief Kathi and Inspector and Registrar of Religious Schools will no longer come within the jurisdiction of the State Public Service Commission Amendments to the State Public Service Commission Enactment 1962 were approved by
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    • 33 5 SINGAPORE. Sat The United People's Party will hold a rally tomorrow on the forthcoming national referendum on merger, between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. at the Phillip Street car park.
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    • 74 5 QEREMBAN. Sat The Negri Sembilan Mentri Bcsar. Dato Dr. Mohamed Said bin Mohamed. yesterday urged Malay villagers to plant "anything that can increase your income" on their land. Dato Dr. Mohamed Said was opening a $5,000 community hall at Kampone Suneei Jai. about 15 miles north of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 259 5 WORLD'S LARGEST SELLING KING SIZE VIRGINIA WmjF Ift^ ALL f OV ER THE WORLD Step off a plane or a ship almost anywhere in the world and there you'll find ROTHMANS KING SIZE always fresh always friendly always dependable. At home or abroad ROTHMANS KING SIZE gives you a smoothness
      259 words

  • Foreign News
      • 329 6 Market: Green light for 30 colonies gRUSSELS, Sat. British and Common Market officials agreed here last night that some 30 British dependencies should be associated with the six-nation European community if Britain becomes a member. Sources close to the negotiators said that the officials have prepared a report to this
        Reuter  -  329 words
      • 296 6 Russian woman scuffles with ban-bomb men MOSCOW, Saturday HANDFUL of Western bnn-the -bomb demonstrators staged a "silent vigil" protest against big power nuclear policies in the Red Square yesterday, but had two of their banners yanked away from them by a Russian woman. The woman, wearing a green dress, acted
        Reuter  -  296 words
      • 149 6 PARIS. Sat. Police arrested the deputy leader of a gang of O.A.S. terrorists who plotted to assassinate President Charles ac Gaulle during his tour of North-east Prance at the end of June, police sources said today. The man was Identified as Henri D'Armagnac. deputy leader of
        149 words
      • 76 6 The It Girl 9 comes out again FORMER silent screen star Clara Bow came out of 10 years' seclusion recently to attend the last rites for her husband. Nevada's Lieutenant Governor Rex Bell. Miss Bow. one-time "It Girl" of the silver screen, married Bell, a former western movie star In
        Reuter  -  76 words
      • 81 6 WHY DO FISH HAVE SCALES? SCALES have two important Jobs to perform for the fish. First the obvious one of protecting the fish's tender skin from damage as It darts about under water. Second is to keep the liquid in the body of the fish apart from
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      • 95 6 Hunger in Rio knows no law as 63 die in food riots RIO de JANEIRO was in the grip of panic last weekend. Food riots and wild looting in four suburban towns caused 63 deaths and injured at least 1 ,000 people. In the city centre, supermarkets, gunsmiths, jewellers and
        95 words
      • 212 6 Row over burial of heir who died suddenly IPSWICH (Massachux setts). Sat. A hearing has been set for Monday in Suffolk County Superior Court, Boston, on an order forbidding the burial of multi-mil-lionaire Cornelius Crane. Mr. Crane was burled on Thursday before the order could be served. He may be
        212 words
      • 123 6 HOLLYWOOD, Sat. J-rry Wald, one of Hollywood* most prolific and outspoken film producers, whose pictures ranged from the lusty "Peyton Place" to the poignant "Johnny Belinda", died on Friday night at his home. He waa 61. Wald had been In poor health, for more than a
        UPI  -  123 words
      • 30 6 ....Might \iiit, Malaysia next year, according to reports in Kuala Lumpur. But a Buckingham Palace official said In London yesterday that he had n# knowledge or it Reuter.
        Reuter  -  30 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 186 6 NOW FLY WITH. SACHIKO TO DJAKARTA Beginning July 16, Japan Air Lines extends Discover the pleasure of flying JAL Wrierit* Southeast Asia services to Djakarta. Now ever y OUr travels take you, enjoy the calm the fastest Jetliner in the Orient, the 880 M beauty of Japan at almogt the
      186 words

  • More foreign News
      • 382 7 MANILA, Saturday. 'pHH independent newspaper Manila Times said today the offer of the Malayan Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, to mediate in the Philippine-British dispute over North Borneo was welcome news to the Philippines The English-language paper in an editor ial siiid "The
        382 words
      • Article, Illustration
        62 7 PHOTO NEWS Three weary British mountain climbers arrive in Pokhra, Nepal, after completing three months of successful trekking. I The women were part of a six member all-female British team, which climbed six peaks including Mt Kanjiroba < alt. 22,500) in West Nepol. They are, from the left. Dr. Nancy
        UPI  -  62 words
      • 306 7 Sunday in America UNREHEARSED-BUT IT COULD NOT HAVE BEEN BEATEN! HAROLD LLOYD, the great comeaian of the silent screen, could not have bettered the performance unrehearsed of painters Mike Merren and Walter Palmer. They were working on a cradle at the 18th floor of the Empire State Building when Walter
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      • 190 7 U.S. OFFICER KILLED IN COMMUNIST AMBUSH IN SOUTH VIETNAM SAIGON*. Sat. An American captain, an adviser to the Vietnamese paratroopers, was killed and 16 Vietnamese paratroopers were wounded this morning in an ambush laid by guerillas at Bau Long, about 40 miles rorth of S a i s o n.
        190 words
      • 138 7 SPACE EXPERTS INTRIGUED BY BOY'S 'FLYING SAUCERS' FILM LONDON, Sat. British space experts are reported to be interested in the snapshot taken in Mosborough, Derbyshire, by 14--year-old Alex Birch of what are claimed to be -flying saucers." The Daily Herald today reported that the Air Ministry are so interested that
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 158 7 OUT NOW ofik/ A fascinating new aid to g/*ff IA/(*^ scientific knowledge. /tj/^ FULLY ILLUSTRATED IS COLOUR THROVGHOIT. mm tm^ttmUf^m^^^y jT n -«^^lb*^^»!\^jM |^^'^^bbb\ i S^^^ £X' YBBB>fj^BBS •rI9S *J^k T 4 J 13 Hi .T^6fyyiwßßS^Bw f *$&4et< f k<tl^k^\ MIN OF SCIENCE fi Illustrated digest* of the i, lives
      158 words
    • 23 7 FOR BACKGROUND turn to Asio Magazine Paradoxes, Realities And Values In Asian Education (Page 3) and Forest Dwellers Face Industrial Revolution (Page 15).
      23 words
    • 310 7 W- J^ w Bn-xv M-- iB^BL sttmr BBbBBBJBBBfiSEX'fIB t bVhhT 1? mmmmmmW^ BBBBBBm mt. *^H 2bBBBBb9M^bT v iKmmmrimmV BBMx^BhL*/ MmWjmmr mm\J!mmwL> mmW^mmmw She's preparing* to be a Beautiful Lady... All tlirough her life, this little girl will bo grateful to her mother for wisely choosing Fears. She has tin- lot
      310 words

  • Woman .Jane Lee
    • THE Juliet Ang PAGE
      • 595 8 Comfort on a picnic By THE GIRL WHO MAKES FASHION MAKE SENSE FOR your short story, turn to ASIA Magazine (Page 16) "The Open Door," by Vicente Rivera Jr. FRESH IDEAS FOR ALL YOU BEACH BELLES LET'S go for a picnic! What could be more fun on a sunny Sunday,
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      • 527 8  -  Jane Lee advises his wife QEAR Jane Lee: I am 34; I married 16 years ago after eloping with him. We were happy for four years, but after that my husband began going out with other girls and spending about $100 every night. Life is
        527 words
      • Article, Illustration
        130 8 INSET ONE: A picnic set In a suitcase for (our, with plates, beakers, two vacuum flasks, two small bottles, two large bottles, and two boxes all in polythene. Price: $45. INSETS TWO anc THREE: Picnic set within a bucket, with two vacuum flasks, two small and two
        130 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 275 8 Real Silk Cosmetics ML vbl' ™^M w d^^^^^K^ r^^WJ^^ j|^|k| v ~s-«^* Be a Real Silk girl yourself beautiful! Wear Silk next to your skin., .clinging, glowing, glamorous. Only Silk covers so beautifully clings so lovingly and lets your skin 'breathe' as it should. SILK-TONE SILK-TONE FOUNDATION LIQUID ROUGE pure
      275 words
    • 306 8 health* *.^ou need a refryeratori Electrolux You need only kcrOMne to run this Electrolux refrigerator. So wherever you live, you can cnioy a healthier, more pleasant life with Electrolux. You'll have plenty of fresh, dean food always in store, a ready supply of ice-cubes, iced drinks galore and housekeeping costs
      306 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 75 8 i} and Answer... HHELL me how m*ny yards of Maureen Koh- nylon trinkel satin Is required MARY ONG for the gown (Sunday Times, Ipoh. July I), how many yards of Six yards for the full-length corded lace for the train, and sheath dress, and seven yards whether the veil reaches
      75 words

  • Serial,Photo, X word
    • 233 9 < PICTURE CONTEST WINNER of the weeks TOP TT PRIZE of $30 is -Danger' i above i. from Yee Sik Wee of 511 Batu Road, Kuala Lumpur. Mr. Yee used a Rolleiflex camera and P. P. 3 film. Setting: fB, 1/125 second. The SFXOND PRIZE of
      233 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 99 9 ENERGY ESSO EXTRA Wtom WONDERFUL NEW LIFE FOR YOUR CAR ai* much WMP nd *^'^3 T<orc mileage per gallon because Esso Extra releases smooth, clean power. TStt makes >n J |Ob eJser And dean-burmng Esso Extra fights the formation of deposits. r. i HPRpi™' Annoying stalls arc i thmg of
      99 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 89 9 CROSSWORD SOLUTION ■«ts se iiun >c dais "8C iin it. atioa sg aun«imups 'ZZ vis TE 3imv '0£ J*usdo LI "SE unjs EC »ns "ZE »JV "IE 'iuv woD»»a ns •»|BuBds ?z oijiunid or ideaa '6J daajjdn '8C pooia 'EZ id.Oo 'ir lodaa 0Z asg •<« >Xum tz ssajj tZ
      89 words
    • 193 9 {POPULAR CROSSWORD) ACROSS: 1. Diviae into thiee leno lot prize lit (T>: 7. Earliest If); 12. Old let- DOWN: I. Great achievement ter (4>: 13. Mineral <3i: 15. The 7 > 2. Races l4t: J Making driver will change tM| 14); 16. insertions (II); 4. Germ '4 1 5. Sagaciously
      193 words

  • 53 10 20 Words $12 i Minimum) IN IVIR LOVING tnrmory of Pfrrivm KiiMratnam I'rorior who d> partrd thin hfe on July 1.1961. for th« tnui'h of his vnnlnhrd hand. And the aound of hia voicr that la sttl! I>.-i|.lv mournrd l>y Mum. Mavis. Oaiy, Kitty, (jawald. Paul Jo, n»mi,
    53 words
  • 91 10 ?n Hard, $2.50 (aWaVJ WESLEY CHURCH lERIMIAN. ■unday Worship Bervi.* 6 30 p.m. All Waicaaai PREIBVTCRIAN CHURCH In Sln(aporf. UnluM Rond Sundiiv Brr\ l< c V a.m and i. p.m. All Weiromr. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY t Oranup Urovr Koad. Sunday Hcrvlce t M Sunday Meboal 1K.45 am.
    91 words
  • 52 10 20 Words $12 i Minimum i *mi on skin care Oaotaa, inciudInic ni.ik,-up tiiu.uu Chnrm Court**. Tai PaiaMai Way. OoaaMaai aaanai HlO.imi. hnrolmt-nts now acrrptrd Rlnu Loui.«e Ktrrk, mfilicallv tr;nrnil B<-auiy iptelallal with Partaiaa guahfuMtiona. SinKiiporr's only Charm A Tii.miv Culture School JaaaaaM »t 'J2 Nsaa Ann Kulldini;. Sinsarori'.
    52 words
  • Leader Page
      • 343 10 OPINION ONENESS IN MALAYSIA r.NGKU Abdul Rahman is wl.-,e in his anticipation that "headaches and teething troubles" will mark the first stages of Malaysia. Initial tensions of course there will be and this morning on the eve of his departure for London it Is well to analyse these tensions and
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      • 484 10  - TO HELP US HELP THE LITTLE ONES T.S. TAN i -By Counsellors for our schools fPHE Federation Gov- ernment has taken a vital step to insure that the children of Malaya will grow up to be loyal citizens with a proper place in society. The move was made under the
        484 words
      • 667 10  - Blood (E=) versus finding Death DAVID KRAAL BOTH Singapore and Selangor have blood donors associations, a unique example for the world, that may well lead to similar organisations in other lands. The associations' aims are to register new donors; to provide an emergency list of donors; and to publicise the
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        • 184 10 TALKING oi intuition and coming danger I had a frightening experience three years ago when I nearly went on a car ride wnich ended in the death oi three friends. Just as I was about to join them I seemed to sense a sort of shadow hanging over
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        • 161 10 IS THEPE really anything in it—UiL> thing we call intuition. A man ha> hunch. He igndres it and ton ott on a flight. The plane crashes and he la killed I remember Rupert Brooke In one ot hi.- poems r-lcrrlne to temale intuition as "wisdom in women." But
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        • 144 10 NOW that Malaya and Singapore have chosen their representatives lor the Miss Universe contest perhaps your readers might like to know something about the almond-eyed Japanese beauty Akiko Kojlma who In 1959 scored an upset win to become the first Asian maid to win the title. She
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        • 112 10 WHAT a tragedy that the Pakistanis should be so completely outclassed In the current tests with England. The same happened when the Indians took the neld against the West Indies. And now there is humiliating talk of expunging from the books all records set by English batsmen
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        • 48 10 ISN'T a courthouse a place of dignity and honour? And is it right and in keeping with this dignity to hold a joget party on the premises? Don't you think this unpardonable even if the party was held after office hours? RANNY ING Baling.
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      • 605 10  -  ABU bin ADAM SAYS GAVE it up, just like that. No trouble, no liother. no great effort of will-power; I gave it up «i month ago. Mind you, it's taken a long time. I first started smoking I had bought my lathe
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      • 142 10 DONORS ARE WELL TAKEN CARE OF THF gtTini a blood tfoos net cause advene effect* The Blixxi TraMfa«ion Service sees to It. First the teller's flaw Is pricked and a drop of Weed drawn for testing: If he la found laekiaf in iron content, for example. the donor la sent
        142 words
        9 words
      • 197 10 FROM CORPSES IN RUSSIA JN the United States, there are privately-own-ed blood hanks entitled by law to buy and sell blood. Donors are paid about $lo a pint; the banks sell it for $.")0 to $60 to hospitals. The drawbacks are severe It is
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      • 78 10 BLOOD is divided Into four main groups AB. A. B, and O. However, there are other factors, one being the Rhesus. A Rhesus-negative cannot be given a transfusion of Rhesus-posltlve blood I although at first It does no damage). In Europe, 15 per cent of the people
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 691 10 'WaW Straiti Times Malay Mail Ci4tsift«d advertisements may be handed to: It* Moor COLD STORAGE ARCADE Orchard Rnad COLD STORAGE BRANCHES AT HOLLAND ROAD-KATONA KEPPEL NOAD-NAVAL BASK CITY BOOK ITORI LTD Winchester House. Coliyer Quey THE NtWI FRONT Flttpetrlck's Supermarket M. M. ISMAIL 3 Admiralty Road. Naval Baee a M.
      691 words
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    • 22 10 NOW turn to ASIA Magazine The Beach Is His Vegetable Plot (Page 6) and Razzle Dazzle In The Tokyo Sky (Page 7).
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    • 255 10 Improve your PAY... I POSITION... I PRESTIGE...! An ICS Course can help you to achieve a better position, more influence in your community and a higher standard of living. You study at home, in your spare. time, and fees include all textbooks. Put yourself on the road to better things
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  • Malayan News
    • 438 11 Rubber struggle with synthetic: Dato's warning KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. I I riiHE Chairman ol the 1 Rubber Producers' Council, Dato Gunn Lay Teik warned the Malayan ruober industry tuday that It would In the remaining years of this decade face a "crucial struggle" between natural and synthetic in
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    • 44 11 SINGAPORE. Sat. A donation of $200 from Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Morgan to Mr. Tay Seng Lye. who was robbed by two thugs of his Social Welfare relief allowance of $180 last week, has brought his fund to $GRB
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    • 210 11 Unwanted deities to be sent off in style PENANG. Sat. Three roaming deities blamed for the present crime wave in Malaya are to be "sent home" in a paper boat at a special ceremony in Penang next week. The boat, now being built at the Chooi Bee Keong temple in
      210 words
    • 62 11 SINGAPORE. Sat. For the second time a Singapore Traction Company ticket inspector. Hashlm bin Idrls. was adjudicated a bankrupt in the High Court yesterday. Hashlm's total liabilities amounted to about $1,200. He filed nls own petition. Hashim, who is paying $7 a month under his first
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    • 66 11 SINGAPORE. Sat. Colonel K. R. G. Coleman. Commanding Officer of the Ist. Bn.. Royal Australian Regiment stationed at Holsworthy, near Sydney, has been appointed Colonel of the General Staff. Far East Land Forces G.H.Q., Singapore. Col. Coleman is expected in Singapore on Sept. 3. when
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    • 44 11 SINGAPORE. Sat. Soon Eyu Huat, 20. was acquitted and discharged in the Assize Court yesterday on a charge of attempting to rob Kor Foo On. a bicycle shop owner, of $10.80 on Dec. 30. His defence was not called.
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    • 376 11 SINGAPORE. Sat. Today's business on the Malayan Stock Exchange. Federation section, with the number of deals in brackets: InduMn il<: Dunk-pei f 1.000 1 $1.73; 1-nzpatrick 1 1.000 1 S-; F. ai:d N ords d.OCO' »2 81; Gammon i^.OUO) $1 51 D, 1.000 1 «i ot>: J. Waugn
      376 words
    • 112 11 Snatch thief is caught— but no victim SINGAPORE. Sat. A detective who caught a snatch thief after a quarter-mile chase in Chinatown, was set a poser when he returned to the scene and found the woman victim missing. The policeman was on a bus travelling past the junction of New
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    • 83 11 SINGAPORE. Sat.— St. Andrew's School, assisted by St. Margarets and St. Hildas Schools and friends, will present the opera "lolanthe." from Aug. 30 to Sept. 1. at the Cultural Centre theatre, to celebrate the St. Andrews School Centenary Year It is being presented here for the first
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    • 111 11 TODAY: SwHIl KecliU yoo m 10.1 ti i 151 prn < 6.5 ft >: t-uiuapore 65 a.m i 6 9 ft i !»06 pm (8.2 ft); Pin Dlckson 429 am '7 Ift i 516 pin 8.5 ft i Pm i BwMtcntam 317 am i
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    • 354 11 Housewife, 27, dies clutching seriously injured 7-month baby after she, husband and his mother are brutally attacked By HO SAI KONG PENANG. Saturday HOUSEWIFE, Lim Kirn Khuan, 27, was hacked to death and three others of her family, including: her seven-nionth-old-babv, were seriously injured when they were
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    • 233 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. —A British Army captain, who wishes to remain anonymous, has started a fund to help a 10-year-old deafmute in Malaya The officer spotted Mustapha bin Hussein while visiting Kampong Telok Nipah at Kuala Muda. on the Kedah coast. In a letter to the Sunday Times,
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    • 111 11 Union official fined for obstruction SINGAPORE, Sat. A union official. Kamarudln. was fined $50 or three weeks' jail by a magistrate today for unlawful picketing and causing obstruction In front of the strike-bound Sincere Department Store in North Bridge Road on May 17. The court was told that Kamarudin. a
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    • 60 11 SINGAPORE, Sat.— N. A. K. Mohamed Abdul Rahman. 30. found with 42 gold coins worth $505 while leaving the wharves last week, was fined $1,000 or four months' Jail yesterday by the First Criminal District Court. He pleaded guilty before Mr. Choor Singh, the Judge, to
      60 words
    • 148 11 Do beautiful girls make aood bridge?' yOL/'VE read Malaya's new writers in the Sunday Times. Today you are Invited to Join them to write for profit lor the Sunday Times will pay S5O for the be>t contribution You are invited to join Malaya new writers by writing on a subject
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    • 235 11 FNANG, Sat. A house wife told the First Magistrate's Court tuday that her nephew, charged with stealing his cousin's bicycle had been treated by 17 ioctors for a mental illness. "But he is still not cured." the aunt added. The Magistrate. Mr. Ng Mann
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    • 24 11 SINGAPORE. Sat. A further donation of $10 from an anonymous Straits Time's reader today brought the Johnny Ang Fund to $4,131.20.
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    • 203 11 Marriage within the tribe sets a poser KUALA LL'MPUR, Sat An exclusive little group of jungle dwellers in Johore U causing grave concern to the Aborigines Department here with its clannish attitudes and tribal taboos. The tribe's refusal to intermarry with other groups is endangering its future and ruining the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1038 11 BE A QUALIFIED ACCOUNTANT: Then you will enjoy tha esteem arm re-scecf ct your triendi en •ell at rncreas<K) opportunities for promotion to executive positions. It It now possible tor Asian students to obtain tr« riighiy-prlred degree ot tha Austrolion Society ot Accounton-s 1 the Notional Institute ot Aecoun.antt, both
      1,038 words

  • The News
    • Article, Illustration
      541 12 An American girl writes home f THIS is the third letter home ol American' high M-hooi student Nanrv Louise Bart>. of Whitewater, Wisconsin. Nancy is in Kuala Lumpur on a twomonth visit under an American Field Service exchange scheme. |)HAH Mother Last Wednesday 1 had a delightful experience.
      541 words
    • 293 12 CONTROL REMAINS IN HANDS OF ONE FAMILY UMNO: FATHER CASTS DECIDING VOTE TO ELECT DAUGHJER By TAMINUODIN KARIM SEREMBAIM. Sat. JHE 1,000-ustrong UMNO division in Rembau is to continue to be controlled by a local family. At its Annual Delegates' Conference last night the chairman o\' the division's Kaum Ibu
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    • 297 12 Comings and goings at Singapore airport T^HE following is today's schedule of civil aircraft movements at Pay a Lebar Airport, Singapore: ARRIVALS BOAC: Prom London, Zurich, Beirut. Kuwait, Delhi. Bangkok iBA 704) 5.30 p.m.; QANTAS: Prom Sydney. Penh iQF 739 i 8.05 p.m.; from London, Rome. Istanbul. Teheran. Delhi. Bangkok
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    • 65 12 A LOR STAR. Sat. Another secret society man said to be an "overall" leader of the 08 Gang operating in Serdang. South Kedah. has been ordered by the Minister for the Interior to stay within a restricted area for five years. Kedah police today gave his name
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    • 320 12 THE KNOW ALLS... 'NIGHTMARE OF A BACHELOR' HOW can I find a Kirl who will marry me? I am 28. I work on a dredge, and I have nobody. My two brothers and a sister died during the Occupation. The Perak Social Welfare Department Is not prepared to help. Because
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    • 137 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat Australia's singing idol. Tony Brady, received a warm welcome In the Federal capital today from his fans who formed a scooter cavalcade escort through the town. More than 50 scooter riders met Tonys car at the 2nd mile Cheras Road. They escorted him
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    • 120 12 Nanyang Council has first meeting rjINGAPORE. Sat. The ■O new Nanyang University Council, constituted 15 months ago under the provisions of the 1959 Nanyang University Ordinance, held its first meeting today with three government representatives attending. Multi-mililonaire rubber magnate Mr. Tan Lark Sye was elected chairman of the new council
      120 words
    • 203 12 Tan backs Goh on market SDiGAPOBE, Sat. Mr. Tan HH Mb, Ui. Irdrration* I iiiaiui Ministrr, dealt with Hi'- question oi a ommoii Market brtwern tin- I nli .ition and Singapore mi lik arrival here last night M route to London for the M.ila\M.i talks. Hr backed a rerent «l.itrment
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    • 508 13 Timely advice from Minister of Commerce DO YOU have a query or doubt? Then write to: The City Editor, Sunday Times, Times House, River Valley Road, Singapore-9. yERY timely advice was given the other day by the Minister for Commerce w and Industry, Inche r Mohd. Khir Johari when he
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    • 65 13 SINGAPORE. Sat— A general clerical officer. Mohamed bin Jallani. was adjudicated a bankrupt for the third time in the High Court yesterday. Receiving and adjudication orders were made against him on his own petition. His liabilities amounted to about $2,100. Mohamed. who had been discharged from
      65 words
    • 111 13 A BLACK SHADOW TERRORISES NEIGHBOURHOOD KLANG, Sat. Hundreds of residents along Telok Pulai Road 1"j miles from here are living In fear of the swarthy mldnipht caller who has terrorised two households on four occasions during the past five days. He turned up at one household on three successive nights,
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    • 68 13 SINGAPORE. Bat.— While a housewife and her two children slept two feet away, a burglar ransacked a cupboard In the bedroom early today and stole $5,000 worth of Jewellery and $300 in cash. The woman. Madam Wee Cheng New, 43, of Crescent Road, woke up at
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    • 282 13  -  TAI SIN ONN By KUALA LUMPUR. Sat THE FIRST big step towards getting the 46,000 teachers in this country into one trade union was taken here today. Executive officials of the National Union of National School Teachers (Kesatuan Ke bangsaan Guru 2 Sekolah
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    • 301 13 Coroner to police: One relative must be at inquest LPOH. Sat. The Coroner here. Mr. Chew Kok Chooi. ruled today that at least one relative of the dead person should be present in court when the inquest is being held. He then recorded a verdict of death by misadventure due
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    • 249 13 IP by some miracle a traveller from ancient Greece were to visit Singapore this month, and wander around the City reading the various playbills on display, he would be forgiven for concluding that our tutelary deities were Euterpe. Melpomene, Erato, Polyhymnia, and
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    • 104 13 5 ways to get low-cost komes JOHORE BAHRU, Sat. The method of allocating low-cost housing to the public is by points system. Mr. C.C. Yong (Socialist Front Tanjong Petrle) was :old in the Johore Legislative Assembly. Mr. Your was further told that applicants must fulfil tne following conditions: They must
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    • 35 13 SINGAPORE, Sat. The monthly statistics issued by the Registrar of Vehicles Office today showed that 470 motor cars were registered last month. There were 540 new motorrvcles. and 91 new scooters.
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    • 283 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat jyjH. K. PARAMALINGAM, acting Federation public trustee, said here today that he had received a letter from London about Lai Yoke Heong's busy but happy first week there. Mr. Paramallngam said that the London activities of the Kuala
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 277 12 Let's tak:' you around a I l#yy swimming pools £^k i w^ for you to laze away J AO AAA l/^_ <** AMIpWV 1/ Restaurants UmP&O-Orientliner-so f V unique, so modern and I £m libraries- \sucn fun I t0 write i etters make noles I and catch up on your
      277 words
    • 217 12 JUST OUT Your Favourite JAPANESE Fashion Magazine "DRESSMAKING STYLE BOOK" (Overseas Edition No. 3) Always top in Value Patterns and Styles most Alluring for Young Simple and Charming Styles for Young women Specially Designed by:TOP JAPANESE DESIGNERS Supervised Edited by:- YOSHIKO SUGINO In this issue No. 3 keeping pace with
      217 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 70 13 Jj( soft skin with yf "'HAZBIINE' ».^> >• *m TftADI MARK jc—^jjpss^g^/ ~f"*\ O° c CTCim beautifies, lightens; j[vjo coftens and protects that's lv li^r^^iH JL^r 'Hazeline' Snow Love its, ■^nFoVV {i T^*lSn coolness, and fed so confident, I rM ff js»**\[ I j l^^fl in sun> ust Ask for
      70 words
    • 215 13 /^§T]f|>rferfor& ©lass i r^^^ First choice for giving is i/if-ink^. Crystal Cut Glass but Bp** vvaste t^ lere arc so man y Mf *fNt< ifltfßyflP^!s» :i acclamation and admiration. Hand Cut Lead Crystal by waterford class limited waterpord Available From sole Agents:- B. P. de SILVA LTD. (Incorporated in Singapore).
      215 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 39 13 y LOOKING AHEAD FOR PROFIT m^K^t/juAito^/ /^rr is roua y£A(?s^ Afc»y lo*q have »c <o<ied V Bwt..^/ \Tc p nvKg. amp. the oeeseie^ Til tell ya/- A*d another /"!*< somY-f&m)^ '-ft Twenty -two J7/^ n^g- s,nee i o*nt uwcwstand r
      39 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 153 14 nwvU COOKING'S SO EASY WITH SHELLANE An instant flame you can see and control... with no messy soot. Shcllane cooks quick and clean the modern gas way. Ami Shcllane dealers bring this liquefied gas right to your kitchen in strong, safe cylinders. Shellane for water heaters, too, in kitchen and
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 1166 14 I 17 Ev E f^ 7 v,-°* S A -i ///.J^li^VL/. ST v S 4 f gl- S u T O S VJ^S WLL SO S.WJOTMLY- 5 M4OTH« _ESS KA.vE, WwO FOLLOWS SLOWLY Ui? SSMMppVJ9KMHBHHHMPHBMpHIH^MpMSHBfI| you on top of the uorld late in point of view m well v your
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 434 15 The Sunday Times July 1&1962 TUZ CiSCO XIV, yourUfUct West fAirauVite Jfjf PZATTEP BOARP/ *WY POESI K WHAT'S LET'S FINP I MEAMWHtLS. I Tf <BB C OW A^ OUT E **V jV^KjJJ^J" K£EP OUIET LIKE MC/ THAT 2/ AMRSHALT j- 7^'jj^./ WMEN fl^ LETyWE TRY TO RECOLLECT, PIPVIT jBHj^B (^6RAOAS,
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
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  • For your Pleasure
      • 280 17 No growing pains for this child star PETER LIM* SEES THE WEEK'S NEW FILMS HOLLYWOODS famous child stars of the 30's were mostly golden-haired and golden-hearted. Odd girl out was Bonita Granville, who specialised in playln? really repellent children. In one memorable scene she ground her chewinggum Into the pigtail
        280 words
      • 1244 17 OF MEN, WOMEN AND TWO GUNS THE GUNS OF NAVARONE Gregory Peck, David Niven, Anthony Quinn, Stanley Baker, Anthony Quayle. Columbia release. "»T<HE Guns Of Na- varone" almost 2J hours long, in Cinemascope and Eastman Colour is unusual in more ways than one. It is not a film you would
        1,244 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 551 17 >-♦♦♦♦♦♦ \m\ y_^ rJ I W **ti>B I <•] H'];ii^lb j ♦Now Showing! »J O -J 'K&.V 4- Rory CALHOUN Yoko TANI. T MARCO POLO CmcmaScope Technicolor (with Chinese Subtitles) < Plus Special Shorts in Color "2nd SEAP GAMES in RANGOON" 4 and "ROUNDABOUT No. 2" {PLUS Ol\ STACK!? TOMORROW
      551 words
      286 words
    • 305 17 SKY-CHARITY PREMIERE Tuesday 9.15pm )n oid ot ST. JOHN COUNCIL Under the distinguished— i potronoge of H.E. The YANG DI-PERTUAN NEGARA. A 816 STAR CAST in the GREATEST ADVENTURE ever... SATURATED with ACTION GRIPPING with SUSPENSE! CmUUBA PCIKOS pititnu fll^j' J^ ~\W ANTHONY QUINN^HIm CmLNHMNIS w^jli l^ l il\ fi*r
      305 words

  • The News, Motoring
    • 506 18 PENANG, Saturday. SEVEN more records making a total of 12 in the two-day mcct were broken in the final day of the Penang Amateur Athletic Association Championships at the City Stadium today. Schoolboy Oaneton of the Technical Institute ran his best race when he
      506 words
    • 404 18 Eleven new marks at Malacca meet ILf ALACCA. 6at. A total of 11 I itx lecO rds were broken and two < equalled wnen the two-day cnam- pion.ihip» of the Malacca Amateut Athletic Asbocianon ended here louay. Cyril Pereia won the "best per- formance awaid tor i\u> con&isient j form
      404 words
    • 335 18 PETER LIM'S MOTORING THE land that has treated the world to Brigitte Bardot now presents something ALMOST as delightful for the motorist. It is the Simca 1000— an. entirely new. full-size "baby" by Chry- sler's French division. Tne Simca "baby gives 8.8. motoring m the
      335 words
    • 257 18 ROAD TESTING SIMCA'S 1000 BABY' lmpres&ion I got unconfirmed was thai the Suuca 1000 would hold Its own vim other one-line cars. Top gear did not give much low ->peed torque: the third oi tue four full-!>ynchroinebh gears had a potent range (or overtaking on me open load, or dodging
      257 words
    • 746 18 Three run-outs and doubtful le^before f By NORMAN SIEBEL Kuala Lumpur, Saturday MALAYA'S badminton champion Teh Kew San might have been ait, All-Malayan batsman of the best class had he given his full time io* cricket. Even with the occasional
      746 words
    • 162 18 T'ROON. Ayrshire, Sat. Arnold Palmer. 32-year-old Master golfer from Pennsylvania, ed the scoring record for the BriI tish Open Championship when he 1 retained the title on the Old 1 Course here yesteraay with a bril- lianl aggregate of 276. Palmer's score for the 72
      162 words
    • 33 18 SINGAPORE. Sat —Tan Sen* I Chye of St. Joseph Institution won tne' Singapoie Schools Open singles tennis championship when he beat Wee Boon Chin oi St. Patricks 1 6—3. 6—4 yesterday
      33 words
    • 180 18 Sll. \\(.<<i; Ist INN. Ranjit Singh c WiLson b Milner 3 Tharumagnanam low Teow Keat 1 C. Shepherdson b Teow Keat il M. Snepherd-son b Delilkan 50 Klassen c Teow KeaL b Milner 20 Christie b Teow Keat 44 Gurucnaran b Delilkan n Kailasapathy c Lang b Walton U
      180 words
    • 131 18 TPOH. Sat. Four Slate records x were bettered on the opening day of the Perak A.A.A. championsips here today. The meet, ends tomorrowThe Central Zone 4x400m relay team of K. Selvaratnam. Lee Tak Koiik. V Sangaran Kuuy Nair and A. Victor set a new record ot 3
      131 words
    • 57 18 BRISBANE. Sat. Samson, a I 12 to 1 chance owned by Mr. L G. MaCleod. won the £8.160 Merlin* Doomben Cup race today o\er on* mile three lurlongs. Ridden by Arthur Ward. Samson finished strongly to beat E.S. Miller's Dalriada <12 to one.). W. Bradel'.s River
      Reuter  -  57 words
    • 52 18 MELBOURNE. Sat—Mr. M. I digram's Prince Chantry, a 40-1 outsider, today won the Melbourne Grand National Steeplechase over three miles one furlong at here. Jockey R. Cook brought Prince Chanty home by five lengtha ahead of 8-1 Rea Braid iR. Holti. Third another half length behind was 33-1
      Reuter  -  52 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 158 18 PHILIPS ALL-TRANSISTOR PORTABLE RADIO COMPLETE WITH u:\niERC \rr\im,( :\si: POWERFUL VOLUME CEEiRRECEPTIOS 3 WAVE BANDS J^^\ phll i p s J *^^r-::::::::::::::::::^"-"v!?!^!i::::::::::: f\ mrm rnrTT^K^^ mun PHILIPS QLalmv c SERVICE GUARANTEE MALAYA <^W'KV> ■OINEO SINGAPORE m COMMER 7he First Name hi TON COMMERCIAL VEHICLES! Ist > because of all these
      158 words
    • 53 18 S Yorktown Vg. Crafted in the finest American tradition. ..designed with \i the smart »implicity that appeals to men of flood K^r^zTy^n '^sb-LL taste. A perfect gift .an indispensable accessory. g t=CQS=g^F^- I <■ ■■jn 'TB '/<" Saddle Leather Belt with initial Buckle 4 1 Elastic Belt with Initial Buckle
      53 words

  • Race ,Card,Prospects,Selections
    • 1208 19  -  EPSOM JEEP Salamat Stable's useful stayer rarely runs a bad race and deserves a break Mickey Rooney will be his keenest rival RACING. ..WITH BEST BETS Nashor and Water Scout. THE GOING Is likely to be SOFT. gALAMAT STABLE'S useful stayer, Water Scout, is
      1,208 words
    • 1513 19 Race 1—2.00: Class 1, Div. 2—6 Furs. 1. Civic Centre (K.Y. Urn) Daniels, 4 90 Mmynard 10 2 0 Flla dv Vent (Veni Vlci St Allan. 5 8.13 Smith 4 3. ***** Marigold iPil St.) Tjoa, 9 811 West 11 4. ***** Memo (Result St.) Daniels, 5 8.7
      1,513 words
    • 151 19 EPSOM JEEP CALL BOX POINTSB Race I TIBA TIBA Fawination Obedient Son FASCINATION Obedlrnl Son Tiba Tiba TIBA TIBA Fascination Obedient Son 2.M. Imc t FLASH TIME Roi D'Atout BU Noiae FOREST BEAU Roi D'Atont Hoi Houw FLASH TIME DenUnluriut No Fluke 1.J5. iMt I YARDARINA Sandman Cinerama L.
      151 words
    • 369 19 M7TTH the Porky Donnelly stable bang In form Nashor can be backed with confidence in the 7F "Williamson." This nicely-bred four-year-old by Orgoglio was running on stoutly at the finish when third with 9.0 to the brilliant Peak of Perfection In the 6f Summer
      369 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 829 19 ADS. AT YOUR SERVICI (S'pera) M Word, U < Min. t— Box M eU. txtrm BLACK'S PHOTOSTAT SERVICI fotomatlc, 08 KoMnaon Road Tat: BIMO REQUIRE PHOTOCOPY SIRVIOBf— Telephone *****) Tang'a 10, Boat Qua*, ■tncapor*. TAILORING H WordM ti (Min.)— Box M rta. mwtrm KINO KHEONC Expert Outflttsn and cutter. 748
      829 words
    • 207 19 OOTT"RM"ET i luxuriously VJ KJ U JVLVI JL J. JL APPOINTED FOODS AIRCRAFT M. Matti, our internationally acclaimed Swiss chef, makes There's a delightful blend of Oriental a gourmets' paradise of every Cathay Pacific flight. tradition and jet age efficiency on Piccatta of Veal Milanaise, Tournedo Rossini, Chinese Cathay Pacific
      207 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous

  • Sport
    • 309 20 SINGAPORE SET FOR A BIG WIN MALACCA MALACCA. Sat. Singapore are well placed to forcr a big win over Malacca i at the end of the first day': play today in their MCA League match here. Alter dismissing Malacca for iii. Sinyapon replied with 205 for eight declared aim then
      309 words
    • 25 20 KANGAR. Sat. Perak beat Perils 4-0 in their return Malaya C.ip match here today, scoring through Oiinaseuaiaii (I), Daniel and Mahat Ambu.
      25 words
    • 194 20 Chua and Howe Liang, make the grade SINGAPORE, Sat. Singapore weight-lilting silver medalists. Tan Howe Liui'g i Olympics) and Lhua Phung Kirn (S.E.A.P Games i, boih qualified lor the fourth Asian Games to be held ai Jakarta next month. Bum inters reached the minimum pouiulu^e^ required at the A»ian Osdms
      194 words
    • 20 20 RUNNING with dark ulasscs for first time. Jega pufTs his, way to a orw m record yesterday.
      20 words
    • 522 20 JEGATHESAN RUNS FASTEST 200 (21.5) IN ASIA Malayan sprinter puts himself in the £old m^dal picture for Asian Games at Jakarta with best-ever performance By ERNEST FRIDA Singapore, Sat I JJ JECJATHESAN put himself right in the gold medal picture lor the Asian (James in Jakarta next month when he
      522 words
    • 101 20 CINGAPORE. Sat.— Popular Ame-k-J ncan athletic coacn Stanley Wright, who is doing a lot for Singapore athletes and coache.v will address the Association of Track and Field Coacnes at Teachers Training College at Patterson Road tomorrow at 7.30 p.m. For the past few week* Wright
      101 words
    • 372 20 SINGAPORE, Saturday. CINGAPORE, with Rahlm Omar and Kirn Swee in top form, beat Johore 4-1 in their Malaya Cup soccer match at Jalan Besar today. Each of them scored two goals, and they deserved all the praise for
      372 words
    • 65 20 IN LOVINC MEMORY of CMS Tlun NjM iM.8.E.1 who died hv# years axo to-day still remembered by wife and children. IN LOVINC MEMORY or a dear colkague Percy Proctor who passed away on IMb' July. IHI. "What sadder sons is tlu-re In life, than bringing to an end.
      65 words
    • 115 20 ONDON. Sat. Ram curtailed AJ piay in most of the country crickei matcnes today. ,lea scores w et c At Sheffield: Norlnar.ipton 99-1 (M. Noiuian 57 no i. I Yoilt>; A» <; low-ester: Gloucester 128, iP. Loader 5-32 G. Lock j-43> v Su»ley; At Burton
      Reuter  -  115 words
    • 487 20 "A" DIVISION 100m— 1 M. Jegaihesan 2 Ho Sim Lim 3 Wong Fey Wan 10.8 sec uecordi; 200m 1 M. Jegathe.san 2 J. Fernandez 3 Ounesena 21.5.5ec. (record): 400 m hurdler— l Gunesena 2 H. Hill 3 Zalnal 57.25er (record): Hammer 1 O. Mane 2 Hassan
      487 words
    • 167 20 Unaffected Griffiths outfights Dupas to keep title LAS VEGAS. Sat.— Emile' Grillith. apparently unaffected by the tragic drcumstai of his last fight with unanimous points decision over Ralph Dupas last night to retain his World welterweight title. Griffith. 23-year-old KM Yorker, had the crowd of more than 5.000 on thr:r
      Reuter  -  167 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 451 20 See P 18 and 19 PAILLARD-BOLEX The trusted camera L In HI of explorers, reporters, scientists and JT-ji accomplished amateurs J^S l f|Hp' d' i< j-" Hi U Ife^K^^^sllW^ These are the 10 features that J^?,^S I TURRET places three I— 1 THE HKRX FEATURES 3 set REMOVABtE VIEWFIHBER is
      451 words
    • 86 20 CLASSIFIED ADS. 20 Words $12 (Minimum) DHARMALINCAM .son to Juliet hml Dhnrma on 13.7.62 Mother and child LINO- KOH:— Thr engagement la announced between Soon Hee. eldest ran of Mr. Mrs. K H. Ling of Hltiawan and Fee Fee eldest daughter of Mr. and sirs C P. Koh of Singapore.
      86 words
    • 422 20 I I it's 7f*/iJufJi— R For high quality and perfection k huy one today and mLook for a genuine piece with Jf VV SYMBOL on Clip CHINESE INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION jW? P.O. Box 426, Sinqoporc. Coughing, Strangling Asthma, Bronchitis Curbed in 3 Minutes Do you have attacks of AMlima or J.
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 98 20 SPORTS DIARY CRICKET: S.C.A. sei.ioi tournament S.CR.C. v Police. Snenton Way: C.S.C. v S.R.C. Balesuer Road: I.A. v University, Balestier Road- R A.F. v Army. Chaugi; Junior "A"--R.A.F. Seietar Polytechnic v Naval Base, Seietar: RAF. Tengah v C.S.C. Teiiftah; H.Q. Peaf v S.C.C., Changi: Prisons v Combined Schoo.'s. Changi: Junior
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