The Straits Times, 14 July 1962

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 100,000 The Straits Times Nat**" 1 Estd. 1845. SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1962. 15 CENTS. KDN 036
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  • Article, Illustration
    6130 1 Midnight 'No confidence' vote fails 8 abstain in 24-16 victory for the Govt By CHIA POTEIK, EE BOON LEE, JACKIE SAM and MUSHAHID ALI THE PAP Government tonight crushed a strong Opposition attempt to oust it from power, defeating a no-confidence motion in Assembly by 24 votes
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  • 392 1 LEE: I AM READY TO GIVE U.N. ALL THE FACTS SINGAPOKK, Friday *J*I 1 1-1 Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, suid tonight his Government was prepared lo place all the farts before the I'nited Nations to vindicate its stand on merger, Malaysia and the referendum. And the facts, he
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  • 74 1 THERE were joyful family reunions when the latest batch of Malayan soldiers to return .from duty in the Congo arrived back in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. Lance Cpl. Hamzah bin Mohamed of the Ist Federation Reconnaissance Regt. happily hoists his little daughter high in the
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  • 75 1 LONDON. Fri. The chair- man of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, j Nigeria's Mr. R.A. NJoku. said yesterday that the people he had met in Malaya and Singapore were in favour of the Greater Malaysia Federation. He said: "It seems to me that the people I met were
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 27 1 NEW DELHI, Frl.— China has set up nine new outposts In the Ladakh area of Kashmir in recent weeks. It was officially disclosed here today.
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  • 66 1 BANGKOK.. Frl. The Thai Prime Minister. Marshal Sarit Tkanarat. said yesterday that Thailand was worried aboul the establish nent of a neutral Laos. "Not only Thailand but the whole world questions the possibility of a neutral Laos." Marshal Sarit said. "A neutral country must be self-supporting
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 330 1 SINGAPORE, Friday. ♦PHE Federation Defence Minister, Tun Abdul 1 Razak, tonight pledged that the armed forces would continue to take orders from the Federation Cabinet as long as the Alliance was in power. Tun Razak made this i point before leaving for Lon- 1
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  • 110 1 Stockpile: ITC agrees on a scheme for U.S. to follow f ONDON. Fri.— Agreement Lj was reached at this week's International Tin Council meeting on a set of principles to be recommended to the U. S. Government for adoption in the disposal of tin from the stockpile. This is
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 31 1 NEW DELHI, Fri.— The last of the 94 bodies from the Alitalia DC-8 airliner which crashed near Bombay last week are due to be removed today to Poona— U.P.l.
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  • 30 1 MOSCOW. Fri— A Soviet pilot has set up a new world air speed record of 1.664.3 miles an hour, the Soviet news agency Tass said today. —Reuter.
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  • 75 1 Algerian talks a 'failure' rpLEMCEN (Western Alsex geria). Fri. Mr. Ahmed Boumendjel. a former Information Minister in the Provisional Algerian Government, said today talks earlier this week in Rabat between dissident Vice-Premier Ahmed Ben Bella and envoys of Mr. Ben Youssef Ben Khedda. the Prime Minister, ended in "complete failure."
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  • 238 1 2A.M. FLASH Mac changes his Cabinet I ONDON, Fri. Mr. Harold Macmillan, the Prime Minister, today announced a reshuffle of British Government posts. Mr. Selwyn Lloyd. Chancellor of the Exchequer, leaves the Cabinet. Mr. R.A. Butler. Home Secretary, gives up the Home Office to take up a new post First
    Reuter  -  238 words
  • 27 1 RUSSIAN NT! MOSCOW In Rawia too iv i n'l An frit free t" cnndll' t ni"lln r Ol nj< 1< ir IcStl I I' I
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 35 1 I YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO tFmKi BP ~fL ESS THE BARISAN ATTACK ON THE GOVT-See Page 8 > GENERATIONS ■Hun HBSffi^^S Wk I I »m vn m L~^B^ of m BRAND'S essence of strength-since 1835
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    • 30 1 ROLEX J^^S is marking M* if time l^7^^/Je C.C. dt SUVA A tROS., '^P^^^'r 3. RoMI« Plcc. f «O H_ fi£L_L_ OVALTINE %J^ a cup of energy brimful of health
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    • 279 2 Asian Games Press House corruption case opens JAKARTA, Fnday. fHE Jakarta District Court has begun hearing charges of corruption and maladministration of funds among people engaged in building Asian Games projects. Abdurrahman M v k ri, deputy director of construction of the Press House, being built to accommodate foreign journalists
      Reuter  -  279 words
    • 272 2 SO MANY RED FACES L DURING CINDY'S 'FRIEND WINNING' TOUR... WASHINGTON, Fri. TT American politicians now regret sending comedian Joey Adams on a friend-winning tour of South-East Asia which turned out, it was revealed, an off-stage flop The 25-member troupe— it included Mr. Adams' wife Cindy— left behind a trail
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    • 167 2 ALBANY, (Georgia), Friday. integration leader, the Rev Martin Luther King Jr. was released from Jail yesterday after serving two days of a 45-day sentence. The fine that had been imposed on Mr. King in connection with an integration incident last year and which he had
      UPI  -  167 words
    • 71 2 JERUSALEM, Fri. Tel Aviv District Attorney Mr. Jacob Baror who took part in the trial of Adolf Eichmann will stand trial on a charge of falsely posing as a qualified lawyer, a Justice Ministry spokesman announced last night. German-bom Mr. Baror. 46. was suspended from office
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    • 51 2 LISBON, Frl.— Thirty people, including women and children, were drowned when a passenger launch capsized off Bissau, Portuguese Guinea, the Portuguese Lusitania news agency reported. The launch was carrying 35 oeople on a regular service between Bissau and the island of Pelxe, a few miles away.—
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    • 44 2 WASHINGTON, Fri.— The Secretary of State, Mr. Dean Rusk, told his news conference yesterday that indications in Geneva were that an agreement has been reached there which would be acceptable to all those concerned with a solution of the Laos problem. U.PI.
      UPI  -  44 words
    • 97 2 Indonesian pilot goes on trial JAKARTA. Frl.— The Indonesian Air Force has begun the court martial of Jan Harry Rantung, an airman who flew as observer for the American soldier of fortune Allan Lawrence Pope, shot down in a B-28 bomber In April 1958. Pope, who was flying for the
      Reuter  -  97 words
    • 38 2 TOKYO, Frl._ The Japanese Foreign Ministry said today Japan would probably p. 'sent new proposals at the talks to open here next week for the conclusion of a treaty of commerce and navigation with Britain. Reuter.
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    • 449 2 The ABC way to making a million dollars OWNERS of private English schools in Hong Kong have bee o m c millionaires after running this lucrative business for a few years. And the Education Department admits, it is beyond their power to do anything about it. With a student population
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 275 2 'tis true. Scottish Highland air helps make Black and White so smooth and mellow Jmjjßßßmjlß b^USbI H 4JH B^BS View ot Cien Lochy Scotland And in a way you'd never suspect. After A Highlands. This marvellous air works on distilling the Highland whisky that will the whisky whilst it slumbers,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 257 3 Christmas Island tests are ended WASHINGTON, Fri The United States has ended its atmospheric nuclear tests at Christmas Island in the Pacific, it was announced here last night. Officials indicated that any further tests at the other Pacific site. Johnston Island, would be comparatively small. Restricted The Atomic Energy Commission,
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    • 156 3 PARIS. Friday. TWELVE right-wing extremists, headed by a Mar- guis, have been arrested on charges of plotting a "spectacular operation" in Paris, the police said yesterday. The gang's plan was to form a command for the Council of National Resistance. This is the antiGaullist
      UPI  -  156 words
    • 41 3 SAIGON. Fri. -Communist guerillas yesterday overran a Government military post in Klen Giang Province about 150 miles south-west of Saigon. Three guards were killed, four wounded and 11 missing, military sources reported. Guerilla casualties were not known. Reuter.
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    • 27 3 MIAMI BEACH. Fri.— Some 50 anxious blondes and brunettes, but not a single redhead, compete tonight and tomorrow for the title of Miss UnlvPi-p -Reuter.
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    • 415 3 WEST WANTS QUICK WORK IN GENEVA Disarm talks resuming on Monday may break into detailed study groups LONDON, Friday. West wants the 17-nation disarmament conference resuming in Geneva on Monday to get down quickly to detailed discussions in working groups, an authoritative source said here yesterday. The source said the
      Reuter  -  415 words
    • 84 3 Berlin: New Red threat MOSCOW. Fri. R usthe West a solemn warning over Berlin, saying she wouW 'fulfil to the end her duty on the conclusion of a German peace treaty. An "authorised statement" by the official news agency Tass said Russia had made a serious step towards meeting the
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    • 207 3 Quick Look round LONDON. Fri. British and American scientists early today carried out the first trans-Atlantic telephone conversation beamed via a space satellite. A spokesman for the GPO said the conversation was held "about midnight" when the U.S. Telstar satellite was passing on its 24th orbit around the earth. "The
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    • 179 3 T ONDON, Fri. The Conservative Party took another beating last night when the Labour Party retained its Leicester parliamentary seat and the Liberal Party swept into second place. The Liberals din not even contest the seat in the 1958 general election. But a Liberal candidate.
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    • 57 3 WASHINGTON, Fri. The U.S. agency for International Development yesterday announced the grant US$B7 million In loans to Pakistan to purchase goods in the United States. One loan, for US$45 million, will go to purchase American iron and steel products. A second loan of US$42 million will
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    • 244 3 WASHINGTON. Fri. President Kennedy won a solid bi-partisan victory yesterday when the House of Representatives authorised a U554,600 million foreign aid programme and voted him power to continue helping Yugoslavia and Poland. The vote was 250 to 164. The decision of the House was far
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    • 63 3 TOKYO, Fri. Japanese dogs will be able to chew their own brand of chewIng gum this summer. The gum. shaped like a bone, is made of buffalo meat, medicine, albumin- ous substances and fat. The manufacturers say that they believe that the boneshaped gum will prevent dogs
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 342 3 B^^^^B Without doubt rhp world's moit famoui trumpeter, 5R[~ I^B^Ajl HARRY JAMIS «fti hii BF^^ l "und on a KING. Good Bf^ j' 4^T^flfl reovon why you ihould drop ÜBM>wVi in and heor yoonrlt on a nMh *^L»fmmYL^m\ KING. Now avoilablc In mm^^ mm W^/^^^f^M Stcrlmq Silver Bell, for o
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  • 110 4 SINGAPORE. Fri— A few $3 tickets are still available tor the charity premiere of' the Columbia film "The Guns of Navarone" which will be held at the Sky Theatre on July 17 in aid of the St. John Council Fund. The Singapore Harbour Board Pipe Band will
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  • 58 4 SINGAPORE, Fri.— Rev. IT. Yesusahayam of the Ceylon Christa Seva Ashram, will be preaching in all Tamil churches here and will also conduct a lyrical sermon l Kathakalachebam > at the Ceylon Tamil Association. Those wishing to meet him may do so by telephoning
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  • 24 4 BINGAPORE, Fri. The Ministry of Culture will present an Aneka Ragam Ra'ay. at the Kallang Airport Estate at 7.30 p.m. on Sunday.
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  • 376 4 RUBBER FROM MALAYA FOR INDIA -15,000 TONS NEW DELHI, Friday. JNDIA plans to buy 15,000 tons of rubber from Malaya annually, Dr. Yama Varma, chairman of the Indian Rubber Board, indicated this today. Dr. Varma will head a six-man delegation from the board which will visit Malaya in September. In
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  • 125 4 pETTING rid of multi\J millions is not quite the child's play it sounds. Spending needs a very special flair. Only a few have succeeded with any lasting brilliance. Theirs was a strange wayward genius. Beginning today the Malay Mail brings you yet another exclusive series "The Fabulous
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  • 295 4 Public invited to state views on five Bills SINGAPORE, Fri. fHE Select Committee of the Legislative Assem- bly today invited representations from the public on five Bills. The Bills are: Public Utilities Bill, Local Government Integration Bill, Planning (Amendment) Bill, Pensions (Amendment) Bill, and Housing and Development (Amendment) Bill. The
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  • 118 4 SINGAPORE. Fri.— A taxidriver. Tan Hong Meng, 33, received a deep head wound after being attacked with a meat chopper by a gang of three thugs, who trapped him on the sixth floor corridor of Forfar House in Queenstown today. Tan was coming
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  • 95 4 SINGAPORE, Fri. Mr. Justice Buttrose In the High Court today awarded Madam Poh Swee Neo, 61, a married woman, damages of $4,000 with costs for personal injuries suffered by her in a road accident 16 months ago. The award was made against Yeo Teck Kwang,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 418 4 tfTTTTTTfrJOHORE BAHRU No Froe Ltd. DAILY 3 SHOWS AT 3.00-7.00 c> 9.30 p.m. Showing to FULL HOUSES since Opening! DON T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY! SEE IT WHILE YOU CAN! PEARL S. BUCKS ELECTRIFYING DRAMA OF WILLIAM HOLDEN innocence courage FRANCE NUYEN es Siu-Lon, thi Chinese maiden CLIFTON^ WEBB J% fj\
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    • 218 4 11 a.m.. 1.45. 4.00. 6.30 9.15 p.m. |8%4% Jf% oi'hxs ion it LIDO UTRO-GOIOWYN-lIAYER s.ngapore^ f presents *Sjf The Maddest IfMAAy MALE you'll W^M WW W^ 1 ever get! W^E A MULTI MILLION U.S. DOLLAR PRODUCTION! I .1 YEAH I.X iiit MAKtXG! THE BOX-OFFICE PHENOMENON! The greatest high adventure ever
      218 words
    • 602 4 IaSHAvV; Op(»nloatloii 1 QQQQ Phone ***** i OPENS TOBAY'LTVV,, 4 j Km tMWI K»ta pmM Tomorrow 9 0.m.: Morning Show: 'IP A Y F THE OUTLAW color I ACT fliVI U. 1.45,4, LAS I UAT! ».3O 4 9.30 fej Burt Lancaster Audrey Hepburn B "THE UNFORGIVEN" 3 Ponovision Technicolor (UA).
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 280 4 IN AND OUT BYTIR T<HE following Is today's scne- Lumpur, Malacca (ML 149) 7.1S dule of civil aircraft move- p.m.; from Penang, lpoh Kuala menta at Paya Lebai airport, Lumpur, Malacca iML 149) 7.15 Singapore: p.m.; from Kuala Lumpur (ML ARRIVALS 173) 8.46 p.m.; from Penang BOAC: Prom London, Rome,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 149 5 Utmost comfort at raatonsbl* ratal ORCHARD HOTEL LTD. W ..V) fully Alt -ccnditionao $&> RAHIM HAMID BARBARA SING B^ /f^ Extension to 1 a.m. «very Soturdav JH Wmc, dint and donee at the wall-known ■Ik .^fcw tIS'AUIANT _^^^B SEAVIEWJ£ THE HOTEL BY THE WATER'S EDGE M M f CHICKEN \JL^
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    • 297 5 dfsTERS JAPAN /Tx/^CJX m mfll 1^ DAYBREAK Oysters arc fresh from the pure waters of the Inland Sea of Japan! DAYBREAK Oysters are specially packed in polythene to preserve their freshness! DAYBREAK Oysters are ready to eat straight from the pack. They're delicious! Ask for DA YBREAK Oysters from your
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  • 403 6 A WARM WELCOME, BUT ONE SERGEANT WAS SAD AND LONELY... KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. ]y|ALAYA today welcomed home the fourth batch of troops to serve under the United Nations flag in the Congo There were happy moments of reunion with families and friends for all
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  • 176 6 WOMAN IN BED TIED UP AND ROBBED JPOH, Fri. Madam 1 Chong Kirn Mooi, 47, was awakened, threatened with daggers, tied up then robbed of her life savings this morning. Two of three masked men who woke her at her home In Ampang Bahru new Tillage, were armed with daggers.
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  • 43 6 IPOH. Fri.— Miss Harwanth Kaur, the first Malayan Sikh girl to qualify as a barrister in England, returned by air yesterday. She is the daughter of Mr. Deleap Singh, supervisor of the Central Mental Hospital In Tanjong Rambutan.
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  • 37 6 SINGAPORE. Frl. The seventh magistrate, Mr. Richard Laycock, moves on Monday to the State Advo-cate-General's chambers as Crown Counsel and Deputy Public Prosecutor He has been traffic magistrate and second civil cLsulct judge.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 342 6 I^jfl^D U dihEjTrr 0 M The Most Im P ortant Case Development In More Than 400 Years of Swiss Watch History i^= "yr Afl For the first time, you can get a lifo-time guarantee on this ETERNAL BEAUTY of undymg. docree* radiance —<* i r^Q Ifj STrM jII^BbVbVbVb scratch-proof case
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  • 579 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Friday VETERAN PLANTER TELLS CONFERENCE OF NEW METHOD OF REPLANTING UNDER SHADE FOR TAPPING IN 4'A YEARS 300 planters were told today of a new system of replanting which would cut down the unproductive period between the destruction of old rubber and tapping of
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  • 67 7 SUNGEI PATANI, Fri.— The first of the annual retreats of the Catholic clergy of Singapore and Malaya has started at Port Dickson. The second, also at Port Dickson. will be held from July 23 to 27. This will be followed by three other retreats at Tana
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  • 524 7 Pool your knowledge for benefit of all the Minister urges planters KUALA LUMPUR. Friday pLANTING standards could be raised considerably by pooling the experience of the managers of Malaya's 2.300 estates. This was stated by the Minister of Commerce md Industry, Inche Mohamed Khlr Johari. when he -piMied the second
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  • 149 7 SINGAPORE. Friday. TiHE Housing and Development Board has launch--1 ed a pilot reclamation project at Bedok to increase the land area of Singapore island by 48 acres it a cost of between $15,000 and $20,000 per acre. I A .spokesman for the board today said that
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  • 54 7 P E N AN O, Fri— The Penang State Government expects to spend $I.' million to complete its plan for the electrification of all rural areas in the state. The scheme will be extended to other areas both in Pen ang Island and Province Wei le*ley
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  • 28 7 Xt ALA LL.MPI R Kri— The latest list of registered mrdical practitoners in Malaya shows there are 1.174 doctors. The list was gazetted yesterday.
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  • 87 7 10-storey building named after King pENANG. Fri— The new 53.2 million 10-storey Government offices building in Downing Street has been named after the Yang di-Pertuan Agong. Inche Aziz Ibrahim, the Chief Minister, announced today the building would be known as Bangunan luanku Syed Putra. "His Majesty, through the Prime Minister.
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  • 117 7 JAKARTA A-GAMES: MORE FLIGHTS SINGAPORE. Fri. Malayan Airways will increase its services between Singapore and Jakarta to five a week as from Aug. 1. Two of these flights will leave Singapore for Jakarta in the afternoons, while the other will depart in the mornings At present the company operates three
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 4052 8 PAP Government on last legs, Dr. Lee tells the House 'NO CONFIDENCE 9 BARISAN PRESSES THE ATTACK AMID JIBES AND LAUGHTER STRAITS TIMES ASSEMBLY REPORTERS: Singapore, Fri. 'Even open talk and encouragement to troops to take over the country* Dr. Lee J)R. LEE SIEW CHOH, leader of the Barisan Sosialis,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 95 8 \^^><K\&F ss* co „I.llxl* fyl*«*^* l V you can n I ___i^tfl^^fl^H jB^R I I HARPER, GILFILLAN CO. LTD. j > I Phone, write or call our Singapore or Penang Office v^Lf&&BGmLm^ m l^^ m j^L dai i rpc 3 WHEEL, TANDEM, TOWED VIBRATORY, PNEUMATIC TYRE ROLLERS 6 models normally
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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  • 1612 10  -  HOWARD BYGRAVE A PHONE CALL.. .A WALK OF 159 PACES. ..AND FATHER BORYNSKI DISAPPEARS- NEVER TO BE SEEN AGAIN BY Among all the unsolved mysteries of missing persons in recent years, none has more sinister undertones than the case of Father
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 162 10 wT^^wHß FWi 8188 You sec him everywhere, in the best restaurants, frequenting the most exclusive night spots, always well-dressed, always the pivot of activity, commanding respect and attention wherever he goes. That man can be you. A-> a member of the Diners' Club, every door is opened wide to you;
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    • 260 10 ONLY ON mil Jnillii®®© 13 JETS^ ACROSS THE PACIFIC TO THE U.S.A. AND YOU CAN CHOOSE FROM 4 DIFFERENT PAN AM JET ROUTES Pan Am's exclusive Great Circle route Francisco, Portland and Seattle. Or If lets you fly to California via Tokyo. San you like, you can fly one of
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  • 344 11 EEBa AFTER DINNER, A PANTUN ON MALAYSIA... SOON THE GUESTS WERE ON THEIR FEET, CALLING FOR MORE... Tun Razak meets the Ko Dancing Sisters SINGAPORE, Friday. Singapore multi-millionaire, Mr. Ko Teck Kin, was uneasy. The dinner had been hastily arranged. And his guests of honour were
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  • 120 12 -BY THE MAN WHO TRACKS DOWN THE 1 OFFENDERS KHALWAT, or "close proximity," is Malaya's latest household phrase. It refers to illicit relations between unmarried couples an offence under Islamic law Who is the man who tracks down the offenders and brings them to book? How does he operate?
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  • 192 12 SINGAPORE, Friday. RESTRICTIONS on rice export from Singapore imposed in May were relaxed yesterday because of the "improved rice stock position" in the state. Announcing the relaxation, the acting Controller and Registrar of Imports and Exports, Mr. A. V. Cordeiro. said in a
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  • 110 12 Two unions boost membership KUALA LUMPUR. Fri.— A big Jump in the membership of the National Union of Plantation Workers and the National Mining Workers' Union of Malaya by 13,000 and 5.00Q respectively in the vast three months has been recorded. The Trade Unions Registry report for the second quarter
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  • 1400 12 SEOW: YOU MENTIONED ALL THE BAD POINTS, NONE OF THE ADVANTAGES SINGAPORE, Friday 'You're a dictator surrounded by a general council of union yes-men* TROWN Counsel, J Mr. Francis T. Scow, today told Mr. Lim Seek Kian, former president of the
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  • 49 12 SINGAPORE. Fri Lim Chwee Poh. whose husband. Hu Chine Swee. a clerk, left her soon after their marriage, was granted a decree nisi In the High Court dissolving her marriage on the grounds of desertion. The decree is to be made absolute in three months.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 157 12 SMART (VOLVO) '^T__S^^^r^^^^^^_9More powerful The sporus-car characteristics o! the VOLVO liJZb Ii*VCH HIOTC have been turther accentuated by the incorporation ot a new. more powerful, economical and nno ]Jf.. particularly robust engine. The surface-hardened ...LJUaillN crankshaft Is carried in rive main bearings to ensure quiet ai.d vibration -free running The
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    • 355 12 'YOUR TOUR OF EUROPE WILL START <$%%&** w%w mm m lr«l I TO EUROPE,^ MUNICH VIENNA r ZURICH GENEVA ISTANBUL ANKARA ATHENS MADRID BARCELONA LISBON New Orly airport is equipped with the most oiy |CT Cl IPUTC modern restaurants, snacks, and bars. Air Hotel bIA Jtl FLIbHId for transit passengers
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  • 60 13 2n W»r4m lit (Minimum, THE FAMILY OF the late Chen Hua Yeow thanks friends and relative! for condolences, wreaths and presence at his funeral on <>;-i>2 In Muar. MRS. TAN AH HUNG and Family thank all relatives and friends for their messages of condolence, wreaths, ssslstance and attendance at
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  • 34 13 U Horrf. lit (Minimum) IN MEMORY of Isaac P. Jesudlan died H 7 til You fell asleep without good-bye but memories of you will never die. Fondly remembered by wife and children.
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  • The Straits Times
    • 634 13 A year ago when the Rubber Research Institute sponsored a conference of planters we remarked that there was probably no R.R.I, official who could remember the last occasion of this sort. Of course the planters are in touch with the R.R.I. in one way or another all
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    • 396 13 Discussion of the expansion of the Federation's armed forces has been proceeding quietly since the Tengku's visit to London last year for a first exchange of opinions on the Malaysian concept. Agreement was reached on the future of the Singapore naval base, or rather on its continued
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    • 195 13 Danger has not left Algeria, but it is possible to say that the situation is better than it looked a week ago. The clashes in Or an two days after independence, in which nearly a hundred Algerians were killed, could easily have set the torch to emotions elsewhere.
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  • 1191 13  -  NORA BELOFF POLLS SHOW 40 PER CENT AGAINST from BRUSSELS, Fri. ALTHOUGH official London is solemnly approving 4ast week's demonstrative cuddle between de Gaulle and Adenauer as a Happy symbol of Franco-German reconciliation, there is no doubt that at the lower level
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 994 13 CLASSIFIED ADS. ore's Sill (Minimum) HOBBS To Anne and .Neal a touchier, Pauline Lesley, at Kuala Lumpur on Uta July. Both well TAN To Lilac and Beng Lew on 13th July a son Brother for Rentier and MKhelle. Thanks to Doctor and Btan° at Gleneaiile* I* Hor**! Si* (Minimum LIVESEV
      994 words
    • 85 13 Technical Books Principles of Refngerotion by Dossot 543.00 Modern Refngerotion Air Conditioning by Althouse Turnquist 37. 50 Modern Air Conditioning Heoting ond Ventiloting by Corner etc. 40.00 Fluorescent Lighting Manual by Amick SO.OO High Quality Sound Reproduction by James Moir 37.00 Electricol Power by Storr 15.00 Mam Practice by Corr
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  • 499 14  -  CHANG YEN FOOI AN APPROACH TO WORLD BANK, BRITAIN, OTHER' COUNTRIES— AND NO PROBLEM ABOUT INCOME TAX, SAYS MINISTER TAN By Kuala Lumpur, Friday r p HE World Bank, Britain and other countries are to be asked for "substantial' financial assistance so that the proposed
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  • 54 14 ALOR STAR. Fri. T h c president of the Kedah Muslim League. Mr. M. S. Abdul Salam. has sent a letter to the Prime Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman, wishing him "luck and every success in your Malaysia mission." The letter pledged the league's unanimous supoort
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  • 36 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri Professor Robert Ho of the University of Malaya will speak on "Environment, man and development In Malaya' 011 July 20 at 8 15 p.m In the Arts Lecture Theatre "A
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  • 122 14 Assistant steward deserts navy ship SINGAPORE. Fri Norman Andrew Claxton. an assistant steward of a Royal Fleet Auxiliary ship. Dleaded guilty in the Ninth Magistrate's Court today to deserting the Tldesurge. at the H.M Dockyard yesterday The charge was framed under the Admiralty Ordinance. Claxton. the court wa* told, collected
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  • 35 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. The Minister for Labour, Inche Bahaman bin Samsuddln, will be guest speaker at the July luncheon meeting of the National Union of Journalists, Malaya, at the Federal Hotel on Monday.
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  • 115 14 SOLDIERS HOME FROM CONGO COOL OFF THE aftermath of yesterday's "welcome home" ceremony in Kuala Lumpur for the latest batch of Malayan soldiers to return after completing their tour of duty in the Congo. The official parade at the Merdeka Stadium is over, and some
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  • 187 14 KUCHING, Friday. 'PHE Sarawak Government has rejected claims foi A pay increase put up by the Sarawak Government Asian Officers' Union on the ground that the country cannot afford it. I The union has asked for a minimum Increase of $50 a month which
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  • 43 14 SINGAPORE. Fri.— A -ttle village school on Pulau Tekong, an Island three miles off Singapore, has been destroyed by fire. The sfhool comprising one room with 38 primary student*— is a branch of the Island's Chung Kwang School.
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  • 35 14 SINGAPORE. Fri.— Dr. Yeo Chwee Kirn. a veterinary officer at the Ministry of National Development, left today by air to attend the FAO/WHO International training centre course in slaughterhouse management at Copenhagen
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  • 26 14 SINGAPORE, Fri. The Legislative Assembly today passed without debate a resolution to exempt from income tax all contributions to .the Federation's National Monument Fund
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  • 57 14 SINGAPORE. Fri. Police raided a house in Jalan AM. off Paya Lebar Road, last night and rounded up seven men believed to be responsible for a series of burglaries. Two of the men are to De charged In court tomorrow The other five h»v> been detained
    57 words
  • 28 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri Mr. T. Ariarajah. 27. formerly a Singapore magistrate was admitted today to the Federation Bar by the acting Chief Justice. Mr. Justice
    28 words
  • 336 14  -  KRISHNA MOORTHV From Nam Delhi, Fri. r IKE peanuts being poured frojn a can by a grocer. hundreds of watches were poured out from a tin by customs men a New Delhi court wab told yesterday. i The watches were exhibits! In a smuggling case
    336 words
  • 134 14 rKYO Fri.— A spokesman for the Japanese Foreign Ministry said today Japan had "no legal obligation" to comply with demand for compensation for Malayans who worked on the construction of the Siam-Burma railway during World War Two Toe spokesman was commenting on reports
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 219 14 BANK AND STAFF AGREE ON BONUS OINGAPORE, Fri.— The Singapore Bank Employees' Union and the Lombard Bank (Far East) Ltd. and Lombard Acceptance (Malaya) Ltd. have settled a dispute over the terms of bonus payment to the staff. The dispute arose after the union applied to the Industrial Arbitration Court
    219 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 69 14 Jai i^^^ FLY W p THE AIRLINE OF SWITZERLAND F WORLD-WIDE 5 y WEEKLY CONVAIR 990 CORONADO JET FLIGHTS in co-operation with SAS from BANGKOK TO THE FAR EAST. MIDDLE EAST EUROPE with e«»»«ni«nt connections from all key cities in South lost Asio. Contoct Your Trovel Agent or: SWISSAIR Sinaapore:
      69 words
    • 150 14 FINE FOODS It's Simply Wonderful fc-.i%L^ ftr those or SALT-RESTRICTED l^*f?^| 2 Nntradiet Labels to choose from -1 RED LABEL BLUE LABEL U»dtr Nytrjdut «ed Nutr*d<ct Blyc Üb«< i»Lilml «r* flMIt «ujl.ty {lud f .,.b1.». frails md juicn »o which Suorrl. PW.I.M «O«. m MW <»lor.c WHtaMr, it jddtd lie*
      150 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 502 14 RADIO MALAYA RADIO SINGAPORE NATIONAL SHORTWAVE SHORTWAVE SERVICE: SERVICE: 41.7 metres 41 metre* A.M 6.00 Time Signal. Nega- MEDIUM wtvr rfrvi™ ra-ku. News Headlines; 605 4-s "1 f, ICB: Morning Melodies; 7.00 Rendez- b metre voile With Music; 7.30 Time Sig- AM 800 Qcod Mornmg, tt.ol nal. News; 7.35 Brenlcfast
      502 words

    • 585 15 ORAN. Friday Oran gives a hero's welcome to Ben Bella fUMULTUOUS crowds yesterday gave Mr. Mohammed Ben Bella, the dissident Vice-Premier in the Algerian Provisional Government, a hero's welcome to Oran. About 100.000 Muslims cheering and clapping amid a forest of green and white Algerian flags
      Reuter; UPI  -  585 words
    • 49 15 JAKARTA. Fri— The Inhabitants of Tanah Merah in West New Guinea forced the gates of their loral prison and freed captured Indonesian guerillas held there. Jakarta newspapers reported today Tanah Merah i.s on the Digul River, close to the border of Australian New Guinea. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 198 15 NEW DELHI. Friday. 'PHE Indian Cabinet held a special session yester- day to discuss the position of the Indian Army outpost in the remote Galwan valley of Ladakh. which is surrounded by Chinese trooDS It Is understood the Cabinet discussed possible steps to defend
      198 words
    • 32 15 People My the stjrt have taken over. They're not stars, they're not even professionals. They're personalities pretending to be star*. actress Joan Crawford (Hiking in Hollywood ut the film capital's troubles.
      32 words
    • 27 15 HONG KONG. Fri. Hong Kong will be the site for the first Asian Festival In which musicians from South East Asian countries will take part.
      27 words
    • 105 15 PRETTY COPS— A TOURIST DRAW PLAN IN JAPAN rnOKYO. Fri. tourists to JL Nara, one of Japan's ancient cultural centre* and former capital, may be led about by pretty policewomen if the Nara Prefectural Police Agency's present recruiting campaign succeeds The authorities decided to recruit 10 policewomen who, they said,
      Reuter  -  105 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 370 15 AKAI TAPE RECORDER Rtf>cO rcte^ \WW^F F maWW M 4& .fl3 MODEL IVI-S ■r x Versatile 4 track stereo^H H tape recorder with a Ki* lMiui2l i multitude of advanced I < .^TmBMJ[ I features: '4 track stereo I* i ft record play. 4 track —I j monaural record play
      370 words
    • 161 15 the world's completely automatic calculator FACIT CAI-13 B^B^^Tr^ißfT^BfJt^^^^&^BM J You'll find one in tha most efficiently-run offices. Sotvea all arithmetical problem* with only 10 setting keys. So silent, you can calculate* while you phone. Beautiful design. Made of the finest Swedish steel. East ant-hand oprrntinn Leaible. eata-10-nnd tlamrtt FaHam»w*n.HaUtlmm tatter
      161 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 361 16 VAUXHALL VICTOR continues unchanged for 1963 VAUXHALL MOTORS HAVE ANNOUNCED Examine the Victor carefully as soon as possible. THAT THE CURRENT VAUXHALL VICTOR Then get behind the wheel and let good design and MODELS WILL CONTINUE IN THEIR PRESENT quality speak for itself. FORM THROUGH 1963. And the high performance
      361 words

  • The Straits Times SATURDAY FORUM
    • 420 17 MR. OGLE, in* his capacity as headmaster of Anderson School. Ipoh, expressed concern and is nonplussed as to why qualified and experienced teachers continue to leave the profession in such alarming numbers. As a member of the teaching profession. I might perhaps be able to enlighten Mr.
      420 words
    • 513 17 DESPITE THE PERKS, IT IS HARD NEROUS WORK MR. OGLE'S speech on "teachers and the lure of double pay" (S.T. July 7), certainly demonstrates that the teaching profession is not what it used to" be. Mr. Ogle is surprised that even though a person has undergone a period of training,
      513 words
    • 185 17 I>r is hoped that we are going to get the Cobalt Bomb, promised by Canada for free, and as soon as possible. I have known cases of cancer needing deep Xray therapy or radiotherapy to have waited for up to two months for their turn when
      185 words
    • 67 17 I FINISHED my training as a teacher in December 1960. I am still waiting to be paid the arrears of salary due to me for the period January 1961 to March 1962. The long delay is causing me untold hardship as I have many commitments to meet. It
      67 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 173 17 A -pp T7rY| 1 M Bj aflSpaal fel^^^' I wSfm Vjt^ B^BM^kV ■KSR& aaaa Baaav aaaV aaam. \l I Nil fco V B^tft l4 %iakV aaaaaa»^^*M .^aaaal laaaM -XJ V ~r "V B^^H^am laaaW^f A /^^^a^ SaaaaKfi ft aaiM iaaVm B^liaaaaaaa/aV I »^#«pß paaaaaaW ibbbbEl- BBBBBBBBaaI pbbbUT S* J"dl '^aaal
      173 words
    • 288 17 I WON'T WAIT A MINUTE LONGER FOR A G.E.C. CEILING FAN Whan the weather is hot and humid. lt's a simple job ie «c« your nearest electrical shop and ask them to Install a CEC Ceiling Fan. Make sure it's a CEC lan— top quality, proved reliability- the Can you'll
      288 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 263 17 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 7. Jashmyd gloried and 1. Be withdrawn from 23. (He's deep (Fitzgerald) (I). fit for It!) (6). 8 All-male set heading for in5. The pieasure-ground Is In- ertia (10). eluded in the display (8). 12. Dwindle to nothing in front 9. Sea-pilot resolved to loot (8).
      263 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1530 18 l^aii^B^Bß gf^^ga^gt^it^a^iaH <Wsl- a^LftißH Tf UVERPOOL I WEST COAST UK. Dm Sport Sail P. Sham Pinang PELEUS liverpeal, Dublin, Glasgow li Pt Jiiy it Mly 17 ANTCNOI M semes. Lftai, Oubhn Urn. 11 Mly II Jily 11/10 Jaty 20 NESIOR Havre, liftrptai, Glasgow Mly 21 Jaly 24 Jlly JS/21 Jlly
      1,530 words
    • 1389 18 nlfrJmfl''{ VH t y f\ m l i'({'lwM THE E. A. C. LINESSAILINGS 10 GINOA, U HAVRE. HAMBURG, UEMEN, ANTWERP, i ROTTERDAM, AMSTERDAM, QUO. GITItENtlUrG AND COPENHAGEN. /^~>m\ S'pora P. S'ham Penang KAfiCXiM -falstria- i) n/n iiti m/umi 21/27 mii niai|^ "MMA a) M Ml/ 4 tat 5/ J Aa|
      1,389 words
    • 1543 18 5© W IST mXT^W If Tf 1^ W M Jta i\y JL li Jlsil Jtj EXPRESS ttRVICE TB LBHBBO). UVERPBBL ft CONTINENTAL PORTS. S'oori P. SIMM Pmaag BENVORLICH- L'pMl, B'men, H'burg, R'daa MPf Jlly 10 Mly 17/11 DEHATTBH (H) H'aarg. L'Oaa, R'daa. M'bro Mty 10/21 Jaty 24/21 Mly 20/ i
      1,543 words
    • 919 18 McAUSTER <k CO., LTO. W«w FCrU Bl.t.BßigalAM UMB fj> BXAVBNBJM UMB HAVRE. LJXODON, HAMOURG, ROTTERDAM. LOS AHBELES, SAN FRANCISCO, MIOCtESBROUCH. UATTLE. VANCOUVER 1 PORTUNO. CHI SF LEERS Acceptioi cjrjo tit Ceitral 1 Soatl S*pon P. Sham Pining «nnc»iiiiiiiir S.4MI/Tfltff IVUMy II Mty P sUii IW.I I«WML ROTTERBAJI. MPMIBf, 14/21 Jal.
      919 words

  • 216 18 AUGUST first grade rubber buy*r* f.a.l). closed at 5 p.m. In Singapore yesterday at 77i cents per Ib.. up 1| cents on yesterday's closing price. The tone \va» *t*ady aunt S.C.C.R.A. cloning prices In cent* par Ib. yesterday: Int. 1 R. 8.8. prompt t.o.h buyers 78). sellers
    216 words
  • 76 18 THE Malayan tiahange Banks' Aimeiatlen made these changes In its rates to merchants yesterday < all rates •i $100): Sailing TT sr 0O ready: Swim Franc* 140|: Franoh Franc* IS9I: ■•Igian Franc* 1616: Holland CulMsrt IIT: Dauticn* Mark* 12VJ Italian Lir* *****. On tbe fxthann* m jrhtt in
    76 words
  • 384 18 From Our Market Correspondent r\NCE again yesterday U the Malayan Stock Exchange was characterised by a dwindling amount of business. As the week has passed there has been a daily constriction in business most probably due to the uncertainty overhanging the market as the
    384 words
  • 22 18 Malayan Stock Indices July 12 Julvl3 IndnstriaU: 168.21 168.34 line.: 282.54 281.62 f rabbers: 172.16 172.16 Jan. 1 1958 100.
    22 words
  • 916 18 .UUSINESS on the Malayan D Stock Exchange. Federation section yesterday wlih the number of deals in brackets: Industrial*: Dunlops $1.73 OL, (1.000) $1.73, (1.0O0) $172; CTS. ords. (1.000) 80s.: Eaat Smelting (1 000) $2.<«3: P. and N. Olds (3,000) $2 80- Gammon (1.000) $1.87 D: M. Cement
    916 words
  • 237 18 HTOE Straits tin price continued to advance and x with a further gain of $2.75 was taken up to $442.75 on an offering of 255 tons. In London overnight tin prices rose about £2 per ton In moderate dealings. Sellers are reserved and
    237 words
  • 276 18 llflTH better than expected overTT seai advices, the Federation Rubber Market opened a shade higher than Thursday's closing leveis and moved higher as trade buying lound sellers scarce. September widened slightly and was done at three-quarters 01 a cent discount to August. Lower sheet interest was
    276 words
  • 94 18 AUSTRALIAN STOCKS MELBOURNE. Prt. T^HE firm trend In quiet trading industrial share.. A..0.G. Improved In an Irregular Oil section. Two new oU lssue^-Amalw-mated Petroleum and Farmont Drillrrs-first quoted today opened below their issue price of 2s. Baae metals were Steady and loans were Steady. r>«^ 7i.» «-..,n» v. ni^ urn
    94 words
  • 156 18 SHIPS lying alwigiHf* HM SlnCts«r* wharva* tttlay art: Cambodi* 42/43. Horyu Maru 6, Brad* 4/8. lielwa, Maru 13/14. Hoko Maru 8/9. Mcanhlsan Maru 15/16 Telko Maru 25/2«. Nlcooline Maenk 29/30, Van 2 2im- BmM *°/n- Leton« rt«ii! Arooda. sapum, con*Ardenode. Kulangsu. Tails. Be. Asa- satona. Aniok. Kunak,
    156 words
  • 137 18 July 13. Three months (OFFICIAL QUOTATION!) F. at N. 12 eta. Cold Store «id. M. Box 13 ct* Steamship 9 rli. Breweries 26 eta. 8. Times 20 ets. 8. Darby 4 id. 8. Traders 25 ct*. W. Jack* 10 it*. Uniteera 10 eta. Robinson 9 cti. MININGS A.
    137 words
  • 119 18 CHINISI Produe* EMhang* llnjipor. n«on pricit per ploul ytlUrday: Csesnut til: bulk $37 •ell«r«. drum (40 sellers. C*pr«: July S29i buyers, |28| tellers Pateer: Muntok white Jt.VJ nellem. Mnwak white |147| .idlers, apcclml Sarawak Mack fllO teller*. umponi buck SII2J sellers. ABTA SL22t Mllcra Sinaatwr* Capra Aiiicntitn 4
    119 words
  • 31 18 July 13 RI'BBER PRICES SINGAPORE: 771 cents (up 12 cents). K.L.: H| cents (up 11 cents). TIN: $442 75 (up $2.75). Estimated unofficial offering 255 tons (up 5 tons).
    31 words
  • 449 18 T"HE last dealing day x for July passed without fireworks and although the premium held at one cent, pro-fit-taking predominated rather than shortcovering, state H.C.B. Co. Ltd. in their current rubber market survey. The Russian purchases for July were confirmed at around 23.000 tons and
    449 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1039 18 HBESH y\ KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA. LTD. U.S.A. Pacific. Atlantic tit Cretl LattttM Strvio* El* £U fla El* S'oori I" S'»*m H'lui* i. Anttftt N.York Clavtlano "Utjikjjm Mart" H/11 Jill 1/1 U*M I Sttt IS Stfi I Bet "KtarUwa Mara" M 1 Stti 4/ S St»T 14 Stpt 4 Oct II
      1,039 words
    • 752 18 Penani P. Sham S'oor* ETA/ETO EU HO ETA/ETO FBOM CALCUTTA. MABBAS, BAN6BON 1 BJAMRTAi S.S. "ARIANA" for Hongkong, Osaka. Naioya a Yokohama 14/1* FRBM BOMBAY, KARACHI I COCHIN: M.V. "STATE OF BIHAR" (or Hong Hong, KoM. Moji, Osaka. Nagoya I Yokohama July It/11 My 11/11 >*1 1*717 FROM JAPANESE PORTS:
      752 words
    • 335 18 ROAD CLOSURE It MILESTONE SEMPAN ROAD RAUB The timber bridge No 2/7 at H Milestone Sempan Road will be closed for repair from 18th to 25th July 1962 between the hours of 7.00 pjn. each night and 6.00 a.m. the following morning. STATE ENGINEER. PAHANG. V SUNDRYSHOP AT TRAFALGAR HOME
      335 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1076 19 NOTICES I NOTICE BANKKI PT( V ORDINANCE (CBAPTEK 11) IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE STATE OF SINGAPORE ISLAND OF SINGAPOREIn Bankruptcy No. IN of 1962 RE: TEO ENG TENG 1 1- ormrrly a partner of Chop Eng Huat). EX PARTE: CHI'A KIM SAN trading as Chua Kirn San C«.
      1,076 words
    • 548 19 (Continued from Page 12) SITUATIONS VACANT !0 Worda SS (Min.)— Box SO eta. axtrm BOX A494S S.T. Spore position ailed. Applicants thanked. BOX ASB2 8.T., K.L. Position filled. Applicants thanked FIRST CLASS LADIES Hairdresser and beautician for European Salon. King 3V963. (Spore) DRAFTSMAN REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY preferably with some experience. Write
      548 words
    • 1008 19 SITUATIONS VACANT 2* Word* SS (Mi*.)— Box SO eta. mxtrm SWIMMING INSTRUCTRESSES Required. Morning Clsssos in August. Early Afternoon Classes later. Apply P.O. Box No. 2474 S'por*. TRAINED LADY TEACHER for Lower Secondary Classes tn Aided Girls' School Third Term. Moat be able to teach Maths., g»«»i aad Art. Salary
      1,008 words
    • 929 19 HOUSES LAND FOR SALE U Wmrda SS (Mi*.)— Box M cts. extra OVERLOOKING ORCHARD ROAD new freehold doable storey terrace bouse four bedrooms Ideally located high elevation Mount Elizabeth Behind Fitxpatrlck Superman. *****. (Spore). DISTRICT TEN Largo Modern Bungalow partly furnished Large garden, large lounge and dinging rooms, seven bedrooms,
      929 words
    • 1060 19 TRAVELS TOURS M irersts U (Mi*.)— Box It eta. AUTUMN JAPAN OVERLAND Tour leaving 16th September 1982 by ■Banthla' 8870 Anglo French Travel Bureau. Adelphl Hotel. Telephone *****, Singapore. JAPAN CNERRV BLOSSOM Overland Tour April 1983 rousdtnp by folly alrcondiuonad famous luxury liner. Book now Anglo French Travel Bureau, Adelphl
      1,060 words
    • 1146 19 VEHICLES FOR SALE M Word* $S (Ml*.)— Sox SO eta. txtrm WOLSELEY 4/44 1954 with radio and fan used as spare car only 51.800.U0 0.n.0. Telephone (Spore) SCS2O Lee after 2.30 p.m. MARVIUITTI (1*80) Teacher owner food condition $1100.00 0.n.0. View at 174 Joo Chiat Terrace B'pore (IS) between 2.00
      1,146 words
    • 1070 19 VEHICLES FOR SALE 20 Wmrda SS (Ml*.)— Box SO et*. txtrm 1941 F/TAUNUB 12M, Flat 600. 1980 Minor 1000, IS3* Borgward T.S. 1968 BUnea. V/Wagen, F/Prefect 1957 Austin A6tf 1966 K/AnKtla, AM Verkia UmmmL 0/ Rekord, 1955 F/Prefecl. M/Mlnor, Austin A3u. Vauxhall. 1954 Fordaoo/8/ Wagon, F/Zepbyr, F/Popular, 1963 M/Uxford, iwa
      1,070 words
    • 763 19 AT YOUR SERVICE (Spore) M Wsras U (Mi*.)— Box M txtrm LADIM CHILORINB Hats la Stock or masi to ordrr. Blocking. dyeing, cleaning a speciality. Salon Nsvr Yorker, 37, Stanilunl Koad, B'porc SHOPPING GUIDE (Spore) Word* S* <Ml*.)—t/mx tO el*, txtrm JEWILLERV from Lea Onn, a better value for your
      763 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 881 20 ANNOUNCEMENT The United Arab Republic Broadcasting Service irom Cairo lihm the pleasure to draw the at- < teutlon of its listeners in the Feueiauon of Malaya that DroKrammes In Malayan language is> broadcasted from Cairo at present on a short wave service of "16.75 metres: XC *****" from 11 a.m.
      881 words
    • 205 20 NO I ICE FEDERATION OF MALAYA S6U.OOV.UOU CM Registered Sleek Sll'-IWH/"*. Notice us nereoy given that the rransier Register ot the abovementioned Loan will be closed from 18th to 31st July. 1962. both days inclusive, for the preparation ol Interest Warrants. Registrar of Public Debt BANK NEOARA TANAH MELAYU KUALA
      205 words
    • 816 20 NOTICES I NOTICE Malayan Commeicial Agencies, Ltd. (Travel Agenu.). federal Hotel Building. Kuala Lumpur announce the appointment of: Haji Abdul T. Jalany bin Hajl Hassan a.s Sales Manager, wltn efiect from 16.7.62. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that with effect from 6th July. 1962. the following salesmen:— MR. S VBNU
      816 words
    • 952 20 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS j APPLICATIONS are Invited i from Federal Citizens lor appointment as TEMPORARY MALAY 'TRANSLATORS (Division III) on I 1 1 a month to month basis in the office of Parliament Salary scale: S3lO x 14 464 484 x 19 636 pm 1 1 plus Cost of Living Allowance
      952 words
    • 454 20 NOTICES NOTICE i Mr. Yap Ngan Chew alias Yap Male Kok u> no longer in our employ and is not autnoiised to transact business or collect monies on our beoalf. SOON TECK FINANCE CO. <M» LTD. NOTICE SHARIK AT PERMUUALAN KhBAMiS VAN LIMITED It is hereby notified that the SECOND
      454 words
    • 457 20 TENDERS 1 J.K.R. PERLIS TENDER NOTICE Tenders from Class 'E' and above J.K R. Contractors will be received at the office of the Jututera Negeri. Kedah dan Perils at Alor Star up to 3.00 p.m. of the 23ED July. 196'! for the construction of a Fisheries Quarters-Cum-Office and a Store
      457 words
    • 327 20 TENDERS WAR DEPARTMENT TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited lor RUBBER TAPPING RIGHTS over approx. 140 acres at AIRFIELD CAMP. SUNGEI PATANI. KEDAH. Further particulars and Tender Forms can be obtained from War Department Lands Office c/o O-P-O. Taiplng. Closing date for Tenders will be 27th July. 1962. PAHANG J.K.R. TENDER
      327 words
    • 401 20 TENDERS TENDERS from Contractors registered with P.W.D. Singapore in Class "E" and above under Head IV will be received at the Public Works Department. High Street, Singapore In Tender Box No: I up to noon of me 27tn .Jim INK, Supply, Delivery and loloadlnjr of Granite Dust during the year
      401 words

    • 351 21  -  EPSOM JEEP BY Singapore, Friday JAZZ SINGER, Woodcote Lady and Cheers did outstanding gallops at Bukit Timah this morning on a track softened by rain in the small hours. Jazz Singer (apprentice Pat Phoon) did 3f in 37 2/5. A noted mudlark he
      351 words
    • 182 21 TENNIS Layer in Irish tourney final DUBLIN, Fri. Rod Layer, Australian bolder of the Wimbledon title, reached the final of the men's singles in the Irish open lawn tennis championships here yesterday. He beat Chris Crawford (United States) 6-1, 13-11. 7-5 in the semi-finals. Layer took only 11 minutes to
      Reuter  -  182 words
    • 247 21 K^nHHH THROON, Fri. Arnold Palmer, 32, American holder of the title, took a clear two-stroke lead at the halfway stage of the British Open golf championship here yesterday. Palmer added a recordequalling 69 to his nrst round 71 to total 140. The pace he has
      247 words
    • 131 21 New World wins again for Shaw CLNGAPORE. Fri. Mr. Ruume Shaw's New World, the former Amusement Park, champion sprinter in Malaya, returned to a racecourse at Salisbury on July 10 tor the first time fti two years and was an easy winner at 7 to 1. New World now nine-year-old.
      131 words
    • 257 21 I ONDON. Fri. England v Test men Ted Dexter and Freddie Trueman were the stars in the first-class cricket matches yesterday. Dexter gave a great allround performance for Sussex at the Oval, and paceman Trueman was in devastating form with the ball for Yorkshire against Nottinghamshire
      Reuter  -  257 words
    • 39 21 HONO KONO. Fri. The Japanese table tennis team whicli toured China, last night beat a Hong Kong selection 8-3 In their first match here. They won l») in the men's events and 3-1 In the women's. Reuttr.
      Reuter  -  39 words
    • 1590 21 CCEPTORS and riders at Bukit Timah tomorrow: Race l: 2.o— Class l Div. 2— 6£ 1 Civic Centre <K.Y. Lim) Daniels. 4 9.0 Maynard 10 2 0 UK dv \ent iVcnl Vici St.) Allan. 5 8.13 Smith 4 3 ***** Marigold <Pil St.)
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
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    • 395 22 NEWRECORDS BY ANWAR, GANESAN AT PENANG PENANG, Friday. piVE RECORDS were broken and another equalled 1 on the first day of the Penang Amateur Athletic Association championships at the Technical Institute today. There was keen competition in the' sprints. Anwar Bakar of the Georgetown Secondary School equalled the record of
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    • 422 22 Two records on heavy track A LOR STAR. Pri.— Two records were bettered at the Kedah A.A.A. championships held at Stadium Darul Aman today. Soft ground caused by heavy rain yesterday and this morning made record-breaking impossible in the track event.*. Schoolboy Majid Embi. who *ns expected to set records
      422 words
    • 501 22 gINGAPORE, Fri. M. Jeg a t b esan, Malaya's medal hope at the Asian Games in Jakarta next month, will make a final record-breaking assault at Farrer Park tomorrow before he goes to Kuala Lumpur on Sunday to join the other members
      501 words
    • 198 22 Subra breaks Malacca record YTALACCA, Fri.— Three new i»x records were established on the first day of the Malac f, a A A -A- championships which began on the Kubu Stadium today. R. Subramaniam of Prisons clipped 14.9 sec off the old mark when he won the 1.500 metres final
      198 words
    • 32 22 LONDON. Fri.— Colin Cowdrey. a candidate for the Engand Test captaincy in Australia, was admitted to hospital at Canterbury today fcr observation. He has been suffering from stomach trouble.
      32 words
    • 545 22 OATO PAHAT, PrL Muar were the champion district at the Jotiore A.A.A. meet held at the stadium here today. Runners-up were Batu Pahat. A total of 11 new records seven in the men's events and four women "s was set up during the afternoon.
      545 words
    • 525 22  - Malacca may be 'spoilers' again in south zone NORMAN SIEBEL MALAYA CUP By THE MALAYA Cup competition moves to a high x point of interest this weekend with the south zone match between Malacca and Singapore Joint Services at Kubu Stadium, and on its result may hang the Cups destination
      525 words
    • 111 22 They will certainly need to take their chances well to beat Lourde.-. and their defence, too. will be under pmn io deny uo.ils to the ke n. fast attack which Malayan international Robert Choc leads .so well. SinKaporc meanwhile nirpi Johore at Jalan Be.snr Stadiun'
      111 words
    • 487 22 IPOH. Frl— Malay College of Kuala Kangsar won both the relay events at the sixth annual Perak Combined schools Inter-zone athletic meet on the Anderson School ground here today. Nine records. Including two by the girls, were established at the meet which
      487 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 328 22 3BDBH^ tl till' 1V» Hr pm t«SBl^ Wh"s a iif^irit'MlriTii Mtib*^^w jm^^ IPV V •i_» Put pleasure within your reach own a 11 Lambretta. Use it for business and town cliP9r)£*r travel. No parking problems. ..and have r fun with it on weekends and holidays. Get S3.f Cr tnose P
      328 words
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 186 22 SPORTS DIARY I sioccn MAL.WA Cl P: Spore v Johore (Jn. Beiar. 5.15) Perils v Perak (Kangnr, 5.15 > CORONATION CIP: Ulu Sgor v Kl. ne DFA <R.i\vuiig>. STORK UIV. 3B: Star Sooceritcb 'A' v Customs <PaiTcr Pki. CRICKET MCA LEAGLK: S gor v Penanß 'XL padang. 11 1; Malacca
      186 words

    • 141 23 COLIN IN S'PORE SIDE FOR MALACCA CINGAPORE. Fri.— Singapore will not be at lull A. strength In their vital south T zone match in the Malayan Cricket Association League at Malacca tomorrow. All rounder John Woodhouse has withdrawn Irom the side and batsman Richard Carless was not available for selection.
      141 words
    • 140 23 Trials for lifters today SINGAPORE, Fri.— Simapore weiichUifters will attempt to qualify for the Asian Games at the New World Park tomorrow (3 p.m.). Two trialists who are expected to Qiialif y are Tan Howe Liang and Chua Phung Kirn. A SAWLF official said: "We have provi ionaliy fixed a
      140 words
    • 545 23 JAKARTA, Friday. PLEVEN countries have so far registered for events in the Asian Games here next month. They are Malaya, Singapore India, South Vietnam, Iran, Burma, North Borneo. Thailand, the Philippines. Formosa and Indonesia. Malaya athletics, football, tennis, tab* tennis, cycling, basketball, volleyball,
      Reuter  -  545 words
    • 60 23 MALACCA Fri.— H. Sequerah will captain the Malacca XI against Singapore In the MCA League match at the Malacca Club pa dang tomorrow. Malaccas team: H. Sequerah. Major Pike. U M. J. Dudman. M. C. Sethupathy. Capt. Marshall, dpi. Harrington, B. Nlthianan than, M. C. RuUirapathy, O.
      60 words
    • 113 23 MALACCA, Fri. India's hockey team to the Asian Games will arrive in Sinf apore on July 29 and leave for Jakarta on Aug. 12 after playing series of matches in Singapore and the Federation. A C. Durairatnam, vice* president of the MHF, said today he had
      113 words
    • 134 23 TOLANDA BALAS (above), the world's most speotacular woman athlete, after setting up a British all-comers record of 6ft at London's -White City, hopes to become the first woman to Jump two metres (nearly 6ft 7in). But there is no one else anywhere near her class to provide
      134 words
    • 344 23 IPOH. Fn. MALAYA'S "miniature Wimbledon' to be held here for five days beginning on Tuesday, July 24. will cost about $20,000 to organise, including transport and hotel expenses of visiting stars The Malayan open tennis championships, organised for the national body by the Perak
      344 words
    • 28 23 BANQKOK. Prl. Eme«rto Miranda (Argentina) won a unanimous decision over Chartchai Laemfapa (Thailand), world flyweight No. 6 contender, in a tenround non-title bout here last night
      28 words
    • 23 23 i-tnAnu, ra. Mr. 8. M. Khalld was elected president of the Penang AU-Bluea Rugby Foot, ball Association h»i» last nl«ht. i
      23 words
    • 178 23  - Hoe Beag is home for 'crack' it Games MOK SIN PIN By SINGAPORE. Fri. Fong Hoe Beng, former Singapore freestyle swimming champion, Is training hard in a bid to gain a place in the Singapore team to the Asian Games at Jakarta next month. Hoe Beng, 20. who Is undergoing
      178 words
    • 34 23 WELLINGTON, Frt. New Zealand* team for the world amateur golf team championship for the Elsenhower Trophy In Tokyo nntt October will be Walter Oodfrpy. Stuart Jones, Rose Newdtek and R C. Murray.
      34 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 335 23 PLUMROSE COMPETITION PRIZE WINNERS SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR MAS. Mrt. M.M. Hemng. 33 j o on S^nton, 484, Broddell Rood. mD j Rood. Leong Kwong Meng, Mr*. Ton Kong Hong, 65, Won Tho Avenue. 9 Jalon Kamuning. Mr*. R.A. Rodrigues, PENANG FloJ 38, Posir Poniong v c V Power Station, Stoff
      335 words
    • 73 23 AfOW if GUARANTEE ils^l^fe^Jsl FANS 2 ML WITl\*J^J[H (MALAYA) LIMITED, J WA Sm&APORt-KUAUt LUMPUH-PtNANS— KOU BHABU— IPOH- lOHORE BAHRU iiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiiiiitJMiiiiniiiicjiiiiuiiiiiKJiii iitMiiiiiiiiiicjiin intiimi.After Childbirth take It has no •qual. It la the BEST todsy. PHILIPS L<g\ V 7 r <n F^s*W* i ALL-TRANSISTOR PORTABLE RADIO COMPLETE WITH LEATHER CARRYING CASE POWERFUL
      73 words

  • 38 24 ARRIOLA At Om-ral Hospital on U-T-tt, Carman, l>< -iuvi <1 wife of Cornello It Arrlola. CortcKe Iravra 6-4 K.-»mnonK Kudo* 4.30 p.m. H 7.62, for Church of our Lady of Perpetual Succour, SlKl>P. and thence to Hidaduii.
    38 words
  • 69 24 THE FAMILY OF the late Mr. Ooh K*M Kunit thank Rev. Lav. relatives an<l friend" for tntir mcmtuice* of condolence, wreaths, scrolls donations, loan of cars, nlKht-vlatts assistance and attendance at the funeral on MR. R THAMPIPILLAV 4.P. and nHi'ill.iv tliank tnrir relative* :ind friend* for their kiml .itt.-nrt'incr.
    69 words
  • 63 24 I FIRST TO BE BOUNCED BACK BY ORBITING TELSTAR THIS amazingly clear glimpse of the American flag wa.s the first picture to be relayed by the Telstar communications satellite. The experimental picture was received and relayed by the satellite as it whirled over the United States on its
    UPI  -  63 words
  • 103 24 NEW DELHI, Fri. The Indian Government has concluded an agreement with Russia to make Soviet supersonic jet engines in India, usually reliable sources said here today. They said an Indian Air Force team which visited Moscow recently was now back in New Delhi after
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 281 24 LONDON, m. StocK markeu ended a generally uninteresting week on a quiet note. There has been a complete absence of Incentive and with buyers holding off, prices moved irregularly. Closing middle prices of selected stocks not including stomp duty were Jonsol 24% £42>4 +1/16 "undlng 4% £90*+ 13/16
    281 words
  • 23 24 LONDON, PYi. Buyers £872. sellers £873. Forward buyers £880. sellers £881. Settlement £872. Turnover a.m- 130 tons, pm. 100 tons Tone: Steady.
    23 words
  • 49 24 LONDON, Frt Spot 22 \d August 22 11 16 d. Sept. 22% d.. Oct. 22 13 18d.. Oct. Dee 32% d. Jan. Mar. 22 3 .d. April June 22\d.. July /Sept- unquoted, cJ.f I July 22',d. August .22 9/ 16 d. Sept. 22 s d. Tone: Slightly easier
    49 words
  • 177 24 KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. REPRESENTATIVES of Malayan newspapers and other mass media today decided in principle to form a national news agency The agency will be a cooperative, non-profit making and independent organisation to promote the free flow of news within the country and true understanding
    177 words
  • 113 24 LONDON. Frt. The Pakistan cricket tourists drew iheir match with Lancashire at Old Trafford today. Final scores: Pakistanis 303 and 193-6 dec. Lanes 161-4 dec. end 126-3. Results in other matches: At Bath Worts bt Somerset by 7 runs Wore* 187 and 133. Somerset 106 and 187 Worcs.
    113 words
  • 23 24 HOLLANDIA, Fri. Eightyfive Indonesian paratroopers surrendered to Dutch forces on the New Guinea south coast yesterday, the Dutch command announced today.
    23 words
  • 179 24 Winston rallies: Coughs less I ONDON. Fri. Sir Winston Churchill rallied during the night, and today his temperature had returned to normal and he was coughing loss, his doctors said here. Yesterday a Middlesex Hospital bulletin said hv had developed a bronchial infection and a temperature the third complication in
    Reuter  -  179 words
  • 224 24 KLANG, Fri. Fisherman Karpani bin lla.ii Sarwajis. £4. is in hospital here, the victim of a fish be had caught It nearly choked him to death. Karpani was brought to hospital in a police van from Bukit Badon. a village 40
    224 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 30 24 Late CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 20 H'ortfa Sin (Minimum) ANNOUNCEMENT LAOIES: Cimihl Morn nc and Hernoon frocks exclusively d>«i>mt-d hy Ktrto, TnagKn Ro«d. T>l»phon<- M*M. -Mmi l.idlM 8»l«s Straw Bat* Jum imparted
      30 words
    • 78 24 H MGM'S "BOYS' NIGHT OUT W|K§s§^~^gt: HI-FI TRANSCONTINENTAI 10 TRANSISTOR RADIO J Attroctive Plastic Casing i H&# 3 Band All Wave r I Tone Control fj Dial Lamp w^3^^r*nr^jTTrw better product for [^9 j| A BRIGHTER TOMORROW Available at all leading Radio Dealers. SANYO (MALAYA) SINGAPORE CO., LTD. 27, SOUTH
      78 words