The Straits Times, 5 July 1962

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 22 1 AVERAGE IIAMLY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 100,000 The Straits Times tfafio** 1 tie***** Estd. 1845. THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1962. 15 CENTS. KDN 036
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  • 395 1 Reply will decide date of his London trip Malaysia: Few snags still to be settled KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday TENGKU Abdul Rahman has cabled the Federation Government's views on the Cobbold Commission's recommendations for Malaysia to the British Government. As soon as a satisfactory reply is received from
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  • 30 1 JERSEY CITY. Wed. A cache of almost $2,500,000 has been found hidden in the boot of an o)d car by workmen renovating a garage here.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 79 1 New cars to have belts for safety LONDON, Wed. All new cars in Britain will soon have to be equipped with safety belts for the driver and front seat passenger, Mr. John Hay, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport, said last night. The Government is to make a regulation
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 1151 1 SINGAPORE, Wednesday, 'put! Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, today told Opposition parties in the Legislative Assembly that if they could defeat the Government, the Peoples Action Party had "nothing else to do but constitutionally to go back to the people." Even as the
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  • 52 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Yang dl-Pertuan Agong. who is also Raja of Perils, celebrated his birthday quietly at the Istana Negari here today. In Perils, however, there were celebrations on a wide scale. His birthday as Yang diPertuan Agong is officially celebrated throughout the country on
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  • 24 1 KARLSRUHE. Germany, Wed.—Persons sterilised during the Nazi regime are not eligible for monetary compensation, the West German Supreme Court ruled today. U.PJ.
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  • 87 1 KUCHINO. Wed. A dead pig "shot" an 18-year-old Kayan hunter in the Tinjar area of Baram, in the Fourth Division of Sarawak. Mastl Oayu had shot the pig and reloaded his shotgun, thinking it was still alive. As he did this, the pig fell dead. Masti
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  • 677 1 'I could not stay just to pay lip service...' THE HOUSE IS TOLD THAT THE LAST STRAW FOR MADAM HOE WAS CLAUSE 29...ALL MY OBJECTIONS WERE RIDICULED, SHE SAYS SINGAPORE, Wednesday. MADAM Hoe Puay CUoo* .Member for Bras Basah, disclosed today that it was clause 29 of the National Referendum
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  • 85 1 A sleeper speeds over the sleepers mOKYO, Wed.— A Japanese X citixen was dozing on a bridge when he feU 18ft. on to the roof of a speeding electric train. He was carried four miles at a speed of 30 m.p.h. An engineer found the man still sleeping on the
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 53 1 TOKYO, Wed.— Sixhundred students of the Shaseido (Union of Socialists Youth) today demonstrated in Tokyo in opposition to the Government's plan to control university management and to revise the Japanese Constitution. One policeman was slightly injured when police tried to stop the demonstration getting out
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 53 1 NAIROBI. Wed. A lourman Japanese Government survey team has arrived here to look into the possibility of Japanese technical help in' creation of a small industry^ research and training centre for Kenya. The visit arises 1 out of Government discussions with a Japanese econo- i mic mission
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 119 1  - Big Red spy hunt in Canton FRANCIS BOEY From OONG KONG. Wed.— n Tension mounted in Canton today when the Communists pushed ahead with a citywide anti-spy drive among residents, said an arrival from Canton. Overseas Chinese returning from Hong Kong and Macao were the centre of attention in the
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  • 34 1 NIKS NEW CALL MOSCOW Wed. Mr ihrushchev tonight called nt on Cit' Ulemrnt "in mrr* .md waned if pri-MK ittons' asmn^t I t'-rmanr wrnt on world >nuld hr nrar "milii.iry atistr.iphr." Rrutrr
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 66 1 TOMORROWS BIFOCAL TODAY! C fl J for wide field close vision comfort Supplied exclusively by: DAH SIN OPTICAL HOUSE, 325, North Bridge Rd.. Spore 7. Nent door OOEON Phorra 34*71. Branch Office The Ptnanq Optical Co., 13 Forquhar St., Panang. JOYFUL RETURN OF ALGERIAN LEADERS— See Page 3 'bC b^bm^"^^
      66 words
    • 91 1 at l^^^SSll For Quality for Economy there's nothing to beat 'DOUBLE WIDTH 9 Corrugalad llgtitwalcjtit asbestos cimtnl shael ROOFING Only ArdeX 'plot' has the GENUINE fungus-resistant finish wmtar doatn't fade -2;4C4^B^^^^^BP 4b» ■•w»r« of imitation Un and INSIST on ■h»|, S 4 7 or I mark.d Ard.X 'plus* DoubU width
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    • 282 2 CABINET ACCEPTS WOULD COURT DECISION ON FRONTIER SHRINE BANGKOK, Wed 'pHE Thai Government last night announced it would comply under protest with a World Court decision giving the disputed frontier of temple Phra Viharn to Cambodia- The Government said it would comply under protest because
      Reuter  -  282 words
    • 128 2 A walkie peepie puts Mike in court LONDON. Wed. Michael Russell, 29, an engineer. Invented a telescopic device for looking at women's legs. Yesterday he appeared In court at Newcastle for using it. Police said that Russell's use of his li.ventlon amounted to conduct likely to cause a breach of
      UPI  -  128 words
    • 32 2 TOKYO. Wed. The police today said that 19 people were killed, three missing and 16 others injured in a rainstorm which swept Northern Kyushu In the last four days.
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    • 35 2 NAIROBI. Wed. For the first time in history an African, Alderman Charles Rubia, was last night elected Mayor of Nairobi. He was unopposed. Another African, Alderman John Kasjroka, became Deputy Mayor. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  35 words
    • 66 2 Miss Fancy Pants PHOTONEWS THIS picture of Brazil's Maria Bueno. in action at the Wimbledon tennis championships, shows why she is nicknamed "Fancy pants." A former champion, Maria has eptered the singles semi-finals in which she meets Mrs. V. Sukova of Czechoslovakia. She is pictured going up for a high
      UPI  -  66 words
    • 29 2 LONDON, Wed. The Prime Minister, Mr. Harold Macmillan. yesterday told the House of f jmmons that Britain was not obliged to defend Quemoy. Matsu or Formosa. U.P.I.
      UPI  -  29 words
    • 241 2 NEW SOUTH WALES VARSITY TO TAKE IN MORE ASIANS SYDNEY, Wed. The University of New South Wales will increase its intake of Asian students next year. Press relations officer for the university, Mr. G. Caiger, said today the. university could accommodate more Asian students in engineering and science. But, he
      Reuter  -  241 words
    • 302 2 MOSCOW, Wed. Th« Soviet Government has rejected British allegations' that North Vietnam is "a source of disorders" in South Vietnam, the official Soviet news agency Tass reported yesterday. The Soviet note Is a reply to the Bci'.ish note on June 14. which tried to Justify
      Reuter  -  302 words
    • 42 2 Soviet oil production would give Rumi in mother V 4mc»4* or two an industrial capacity that could nwka economic vatsali of Europe and Japan and undermine the £)t taeurity ef the Unitad States. 7 Prom > report at a, US Senate Sub-commltte*.
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    • 275 2  - Driving licences to raise one's i social status FRANCIS BOEY by A DRIVING licence Is the most sought-after A piece of paper in Hong Kong. It raises the social status of the possessor, irrespective whether or not he or she owns a car. That is why there is a backlog
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    • 82 2 A SALESMAN. Fong Yuk Tong. 24. danced for 1 1 hours in j ballroom from 1.30 p.m. to 12.30 the neat morning. When he had enough, he mockingly thanked the proprietor then taid he had no money to pay tha HKS4 5.10 bill he had run up.
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    • 204 2 DEVELL ERS have welcomed the introduction of late Hong Kong-Kowloon fer ry services by the Star Ferry Co., Ltd. now extended to 3 a.m. daily, Instead of 1.30 a.m. The last ferry from Kowloon leaves at 2.50 a.m. and the last departure from Hong
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 54 2 E' m ..Prr N B^B^2alDH*'!^B^BFe^rVH|Mj^ B^4Mj^ju^^'^^Mj&^^^^HßHkß^fl^RßH Bh^^^ i IPI^LH rrr> Pv Kj\^M ',«S-^_*» J^M- JbSlbldlb^bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbl 1 ~^B^ iM^mt^Ki^^m t SHELLS v\\ SSl^l^SSSMbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbS V WllhlMh^ i lll^fl bbbb\ V -^^X^BH^^K^b^B^Lbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbl wj^tf Motor o' 1 S^^^^^VF^S^^^^HHj^^H imWi f '^^Ibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb^lbH^^lbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb Sn j u^ m^x ilß^l^l^HHi^l^l^l^l^l^l^a^l^l^l^l^l^l^l^l^l^l^l^l^l^l^l^l^l^l BTaBBBBM IT^B^bBB^—BBBBBb! MULTIGRADE SEALED FOR SAFETY YOU CAN
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    • 145 2 DOT PUBLICITY PRESENTS MISS PERSONALITY 1962 PLUS AMATEUR STARS SHOW Music by: THE LATIN-JAZZ COMBO with supported guest artistes:— Ihlrltr Nak Th« MMntahtara TM Rombo.i J«n«t Antonio Cynfhio Hay Kohim Hamid Patrtela Tht ilu. Trl* Th. CrMCMtoOf All" Contto. TM TrouNloun loin Blackout, orvo Mafc.l liar Kin, Caa*aM The D.-dto»«
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    • 290 3 Remark on common market Minister apologises f ONDON. Wed. Mi. L* John Hare. Minister of Labour, today apologised for a weekend speech in which he said Commonwealth countries were "behaving in some respects like children" over Britain's common market Droposals. In a personal statement to the House of Commons the
      Reuter  -  290 words
    • 618 3 Looming struggle for power is ignored as a new nation celebrates with a delirious welcome Ben KHEDDA THE STRUGGLE FAR FROM OVER ALGIERS, Wednesday. ALGERIAN nationalist leaders returned to their newly-independent country yesterday, touching off wild demonstrations of joy among Muslims who ignored for
      Reuter  -  618 words
    • 194 3 A quick look round HONG KONG, Wed— The Hong Kong Government is to show to its employees a film., to hjilp teach them how to behave as "Your obedient servants The film deals with the trials and tribulations of a Post Office clerk. LONDON: Britain is to convene a constitutional
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    • 39 3 JAKARTA. Wed. The Australian Minister for External Affairs, Sir Oarfleld Barwlck. today presented the city of Jakarta with 50 more Leyland buses under the Colombo Plan. Australia has already given Indonesia 200 buses.— Reuter
      Reuter  -  39 words
    • 183 3 Army chief assails 'plotter Khedda Wed— The commander of the Algerian National Liberation Army In the Aures Mountain region of Eastern Algeria, where the revolution began In November 1954, yesterday denounced Mr. Ben Youssef Ben Khedda and his follow ers as "counter-revolution-aries and plotters." In a statement to repor ters
      Reuter  -  183 words
    • 54 3 NEW YORK. Wed: The acting I.N. SecretaryGeneral, U Thant, last night hailed the independence of Algeria as "a victory for the forces of law and order in both France and Algeria." He said in a statement that he hoped it would herald a new era of
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    • 84 3 £1,000 for the one that got away' LONDON, Wed.— Frank Cowles, 44, is overjoyed about the bit flsh that rot away. It earned him K. 1.000 Trying to get a Riant roach into his net, Cowles let the flsh slip back but he managed to hold on to a red
      UPI  -  84 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 203 3 10/MRADft c reatest chain saw B%wlwll##llmlr" ever developed With "BALANCED DESIGN" And "DYNAMATIC ACTION hsJT^ wmmSt m£Sr3Br^K Foresters Fury 683. 6 Months Factory Warranty. 1. On* piece, longer Spike Bumper, oddt 9. Every Model 81 is Test Run Before Shipmore gripping power. men*. 2. Diaphragm pump type carbureter for all
      203 words
    • 293 3 Spore/Penang $255 00— $320.00. Federation $318.00 $400.00. GENERAL IMPORTS DIVISION ■^kta-^i^W^M JIKAMM KUAU LWMfUI rfNMC Remarkable ..the way the Parker 61 creates its own ink control! amffHßL^La^LHLßtc- -iSilflJLllTf/ Pf"™^^^^»WBJBJBJBJBJ|aWBBiWC^--. W^^an™— al^l^—>— l^— W— Miy 111 nBBaWM Inside this pen is enough ink to write over 7,000 words, yet the only
      293 words

  • 215 4 WORKER STOLE $10,000 OF MEDICAL HERBS SINGAPORE. Wed, 4 FTER removing more than $10,000 worth of medicinal herbs from his employer's firm at about 12 a.m. on June 30. Cheong Kum Chuen, 24, returned to the firm's premises in South Bridge Road to spend the night. The loss of the
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  • 83 4 SINGAPORE, Wed.— Police were called in to control a huge crowd of bargain hunters who had flocked to the Presbyterian Church Hall where a Jumble sale was held in aid of the Spastic Children's Association of Singapore. Within an hour all items were sold out.
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  • 167 4 SINGAPORE, Wed. The fourth annual photo contest of the Pacific Area Travel Association is now open to entries from Singapore. Participants in the contest must bear in mind the PATA ideal that travel Is an approach to peace on a person-to-person level and the
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  • 223 4 OINGAPORE, Wed.— Two Dutch seamen, B. Pluymers, 21, and J. Masren, 21, who each appealed against a sentence of six months' jail, and a fine of $10,000, or in default, another six months' jail for attempting to export gold bars without a licence or permit,
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  • 59 4 SINGAPORE, Wed— A local harmonica player. Mr. Yew Hong Jen. will give a recital of classical music at the victoria Memorial Hall on July 9 at 6.30 p.m. Presented by the Singapore Musical Society, he will be accompanied by Miss Cheung Mun Chit at the piano. Tickets at
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  • 35 4 SINGAPORE, Wed. Mr. N.G. Raju has been elected chairman of the Singapore Harbour Board Employees' Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society, Ltd. Other officials are Mr. Joseph Edward, secretary, and Mr. Abdul Mutalib. treasurer.
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  • 111 4 2 DEATH FALLS IN SEPARATE INCIDENTS SINGAPORE, Wed. A shop assistant and an unemployed man fell from Housing Board flats to their deaths in two separate cases today. At 9 a.m. Lee Chai Hock. 44. visited a friend living on a third floor flat in Kirn Pong Road. Minutes later
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  • 93 4 Mechanic chases car thief SINGAPORE, Wed. A motor mechanic chased and arrested a thief who tried to steal his car In Middle- Road this afternoon. The mechanic, Loh Seng Huat, 34, was working In his shop when he saw a man reversing his car parked a short distance away. Loh
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  • 124 4 VSC PRAISED FOR CATCHING A SNATCHER SINGAPORE, Wed.—Magistrate Mr. Sathl V. Kandiah today commended Henry Wee Beng. Whatt, a Volunteer Special Constable, for his prompt action in catching a snatch thfef at the Junction of Upper Hokklen Street and New Bridge Road on April 12. Henry who chased Ang Cheng
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  • 44 4 SINGAPORE, Wed. Chen Kin Cho, the employer of a sundry shop, Chop Hlap Joo, In Plantation Avenue, was today fined $50 by Magistrate Mr. John Dorai Raj for falling to close his shop on March 9, a closing day. He pleaded guilty.
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  • 32 4 SINGAPORE, Wed. Mrs. E.M. Boswell has been elected president of the Singapore Federation of Boys' Clubs. Messrs. Harry L. Wee, Ong Boon Tee and Tan Yam Song were elected vice-presidents.
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  • 103 4 SINGAPORE, Wed. The Yang dl-Pertuan Negara, Inche Yusof bin Ishak, and his wife. Puan Noor Aisha, today were guests of honour at a reception marking America's Independence Day held by the U.B. Consul-Oeneral, Mr. Bam P. Ollstrap, at his Orange Road residence. Among the many guests were
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 387 4 JVfXr CHANGE! simultaneously at REX REX 1 Singapore Johora Bharu DUE TO THE LENGTH of FILM NOTE TIMES 11.00 2.30 6.15-9.15 3.15-6.459.15 IT'S NOT MERELY AN ENTERTAINMENT IT'S AN ACHIEVEMENT THAT WILL HANG ON TO YOUR Sltaws Malay Film Productions with superimposed Jg\ Tf*l English subtitles. -tf'Vj^^ ibC- yn. m
      387 words
    • 514 4 Wr *.aB«aW M. „v.. -^^Bp I c 1 *^»^^HBp Jr "Bf !< aflK I SEL.. J f I JERRY LEWIS as J ■i W& "THE ERRAND BOY" 1 j p CATHAY SATURBAY MIDNIGHT! i A W J IOPENS TODAY! m. J W A-\. Jkal (SINGAPORE) I aT^^BMaAa^^^ ■9^ HHf^ I
      514 words
    • 469 4 gj I|| MMMM t OPENS TODAY! DAILY 4 SHOWS AT T tlaai tHIH a 9 is p.m. X HOMY SCHNEIDER K§ karl boehm IBalXVb SATURDAY MIDNIGHT! V, JERRY LEWIS M I "THE ERRAND BOY" A Poromount Picture. :OPEIIS TODAY I sS,°:| j In AOiens m 4 COlO* ft* DC LUxfi
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 174 4 1 IN AND OUT BY AIR j THE following Is today'* schedule of civil alrcral.t movemenu at Pay* Lebar airport Singapore: ARKIVAI'S BO AC: From Hong Kong <BA Ml) 1.15 P-m from London, Dusseldorf. Beirut. (BA 716) 5.20 pjn.; from Tokyo. Manila (BA 941) 5.55 pm.; from London. Zurich. Beirut.
      174 words
    • 177 4 151) pjn.; from Penang Kuala Lumpur (ML 107) 5.50 pjn. DEPARTURES BO At To Kuala Lumpur, Colombo. Bombay, Abadan, Belrut, Zurich, London (BA 789) 2.05 pjn.; to Jakarta, Darwin, Sydney, (BA 716) 6.10 pjn.; to Calcutta, Karachi, Bahrein, Belnut, Zurich, London (BA Ml) 6.45 p.m. to Manila, Tokyo iBA MO)
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    • 3964 5 THE AGA FLEES TO SAFETY. As the war clouds begin to gather swiftly over all Europe IN June, 1942, newspapers in Britain and Germany reported that the Aga Khan was in Paris at the invitation of Hitler. A report in one British newspaper claimed that "the Aga Khan's house in
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 254 5 ENJOY THE COOL FRESH TASTE OF Mqfterhorn MENTHOLATED Are you worth WM^^ta^^ surveys mc Jwjp^* s w crpnp on 3 ■Hy 3\* I I wII CJ ■nSsCr'S ttJm P"J Singapore beautician Rosalie Hernon gives iL/W|BBy you secrets to a perfect figure <MH§ i\ mi july issue ar!'.j| BEAUTY: V/alk Like
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  • 46 6 KAMPAR. Wed— Labourers of the Kampar Town Council have formed a National Language Club, where they and their children can redeive instruction in the national language. The club was declared open yesterday by the deputy chairman of the Council, Mr. Gilbert Fernandez.
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  • 188 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. ]yjORE than 180,000 students attend adult education classes throughout the country under the Government's drive to wipe out illiteracy. The end-It literacy campaign, which began a year ago, was launched in conjunction with the Second Five Year Development Plan. Now there are:
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  • 25 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Mr. Yeoh Guan Yew. the Cathay Organisation theatre supervisor for Central Malaya, has been promoted to circuit manager.
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  • 24 6 PENANG, Wed— The Chief Minister, Inche Aziz Ibrahim, will open a new road named after him at Sungei Nibong on Saturday.
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  • 117 6 pENANG, Wed. The Malayan Railway launch Violet was stopped between Penang and Prai yesterday evening when a passenger fell overboard. The man was saved by another boat which was passing by. He has been admitted to the mental hospital. His identity has not yet
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  • 22 6 MUAR, Wed— The Sultan of Johore will officially open the new $350,000 Town Council building here on July 26.
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  • 163 6 Contractor, technician aid jobless victim of robbers SINGAPORE. Wed —A Koala Lumpur contractor and a technician today donated $185 to an unemployed father of six who was robbed on Monday. Both donors had read the pathetic story in today's Straits Times of Mr. lay Seng Lye. 47, who was robbed
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  • 49 6 IPOH. Wed. A tractor driver, Llew Sook 32, who was pinned under his machine, died two hours after admission to the hospital here yesterday. He was working the tractor on a vegetable plot at Kledang Sayong, near Chemor, when it overturned on a slope.
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  • 19 6 PORT BWETTENHAM, Wed. A Russian ship, Bogdon Khmelnilsky. today loaded 2,100 tons of Malayan rubber for Russia.
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  • 33 6 PENANG, Wed. Penang co- operative organisations will celebrate International Co-operative Day at Pratt's Park. Butterworth, this Saturday. The Chief Minister. Inche Aziz Ibrahim, will declare the festivities open at 2.30 p.m.
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  • 256 6 A 'CRIME' TO TIP NEEDLESS DRUGS DOWN A CHILD'S THROAT SINGAPORE, Wednesday. THE University of Singapore Medical Society has -L criticised patent medicine advertisements as "anti-social," particularly those dealing with constipation. "It is criminal to ruin a child's health by insisting that it must have a laxative," it says in
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  • 92 6 SINGAPORE, Wed. Tht second batch of Singapore men who have volunteered to fight for the liberation of West Irian will leave here for Jakarta tomorrow mornlnc. The party of 15, including a Chinese youth, will leave in two chartered Garuda Airways planes, with 63 other
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  • 65 6 1,800 MORE PILGRIMS RETURNING PENANG. Wed. Another batch of 1,886 new Hajls are due to return here In the Kuala Lumpur this weekend. The pilgrim vessel U scheduled to berth alongside Swettenham Pier this Saturday to disembark 763 returning pilgrims. It will proceed to Port Swettenham the same afternoon to
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  • 322 6 KUANTAN, Wednesday 'PHE Mentri Besar ol A Pahang, Dato Wan r Abdul Aziz bin Ungku Haji Abdullah, denied today that the Federal Land Development Authority schemes were "a flop." Speaking at the opening of the State's Progress Exbltion, Dato Wan
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  • 94 6 We look to Malaya: Team leader DENANO. Wed. North r Borneo would look to Malaya for guidance, assistance and advice in the new Malaysia. Mr. Shelley Yap, leader of the North Borneo Democratic Party, said here last night. "We are grateful to the Malayan Government for inviting us here and
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  • 47 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed.— A tailor, Yee Hal Yuen, of Campbell Road, was fined $80 today for falling to renew his business registration certificate after Its expiry three years ago. He was also fined another $80 for falling to notify his change of business addres*.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 284 6 We're enjoying a Dry hands washday so^can you with the new space-saving* Parnall Splnwasher fl|A Do a complete family wash without even 4 wetting your hands. With the Parnall \^j i^Ajw Spinwasher you don't have to lift or j&£* handle heavy wet clothes. Washing and spin-drying are all done in
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 114 6 til Abner By At Capp Dick Tracy By Chester Goutd H^HHHH^HHj y^^T-nji^ nuc i<=. am m n I/" tviat WOUL& BE MAPV "1 T mFVT jNO STEVE* I th*Ts Twe picture iJrtiv ano step-patweb k bea*. rascac catesT! Jme mavb Died op a WE PE SENOWJG OUT TO AU. wff((.VMw
      114 words

  • 2819 7 Govt. triumphs over Opposition move by 24 to 17 votes AMENDMENT TO TREAT BLANK, UNCERTAIN BALLOTS AS REJECTING REFERENDUM PLAN DEFEATED SINGAPORE, Wednesday 'J'HE three-day debate in the Legislative Assembly on whether blank or uncertain votes in the merger referendum should be counted as being in favour ended tonight with
    2,819 words
  • 214 7 SINGAPORE. Wed. The Singapore Government tonight replied to an allegation by the Council of Joint Action, representing five political parties, that It had to cancel three public rallies this week because police had refused permits. An official statement to- night agreed that
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 203 7 Advertisement Lemons For Beauty To keep your skin clear and fair you need the natural, cleansing and bleaching tonic of lemons. Ask your dispensary for a bottle of lemon delph, the latest-type skin freshener used by beautiful women throughout the world Lemon delph makes the complexion, neck and shoulders fair
      203 words
    • 157 7 mm WITH EVERY 6 OZ. JAR OF Vaseline HAIR CREAM V IEE~~ ■THADE MARKB ZIII" 1 EEE BRAND IZ--' M BIHU I pDipr ""====?^==s==i== FROM YOUR YV _^r] REGULAR DEALER V^^^^d. m Malaya and Sinjipore A wonderful combination for the bathroom a 6 oz jar of Vaseline Hair Cream and
      157 words

  • 26 8 M Wcrd, tit (Htmlmmm) tn LOVIMO MIMOftV of Re(ft* aftyer who died 5m July I»SJ. Sadly misstd t>y bis wlf* Ray and son Keo.
    26 words
  • 107 8 I* Wori. tu (mtmtmmm) TO MIOMT FASHION SHOW at Ro**e dOr Mannequins from Louis* Klerk s Charm Beany Culture Pchool Jeunewe el Rraute. FIAR OP CONSTIPATION' Ryvlt* helps to ovareome this. Ryvlta rrtspbread provides rousbace necessary for healtby functioning of tb* body. FIDHAL PUBLICATION* LTD. tnvlt* all T*are*r* aad
    107 words
  • 58 8 J* W*r«t* UM (Mi*.) YOUTH FOR CHRIST 3rd anniversary Rally, Saturday 7tb July. VM> toria Memorial Hall 7.30 p.m. film ■how: "I Bebeld Hl* Ulorv" Plea** oome earl*. Alt welcome WESLEY METHODIST CHURCH, Singapore. KvangellMlC Meeting at 11.00 p.m Topic: "What Shall I Do Then With Jesus Which
    58 words
  • 862 8 The Straits Times Thursday, July 5, 1962. Selling The Rubber It needs a Lewis Carrol to do full justice to the visual grading system by which natural rubber is sold, remarked Dr. L. C. Bateman, in perhaps the myst important paper read at the Washington meeting of the International Rubber
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  • 373 8 Three times in three years July has dramatised internal differences within the P.A.P. It was in July two year? ago that the party executive decided to expel Mr. Ong Enq Guan. In the same month last year Dr. Lee Siew Choh led the defection of eight Assemblymen (later
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  • 1035 8 THE MEN THE MONEY THE MACHINE AS U THANT FLIES INTO LONDON FOR VITAL TALKS ON THE CONGO behind Tshombe of Katanga THE main problem which con fr onts U Thant who arrives in London today is the reunification of the Congo. Last week negotiations once again broke down, and
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    • 454 8 I"'N his letter concerning the Philippine claim to North Borneo, Mr. T. O. Thomas refers to the possibility of the matter being referred to the International Court of Justice. He points out, rightly, that the compulsory jurisdiction of the court only arises in so
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  • Article, Illustration
    545 8 The shop window of Malayan rural life NO ZOO, BUT IT'S STILL A BUMPER -SHOW KUALA LUMPUR, Wed.— One of Malaya's ancient customs will be revived at the annual Malayan AgriHorticultural Association exhibition to be opened by the Prime Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman, at the Stadium Negara
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 611 8 Straits Tines MaUy Mail ft* h.naeo to: Ist Floor COLD srONACK AHCAOI Orchara Re** COLO ■TOftAaC MANCHKS AT HOLLAND IK>AO-*r ATONS KIPPIL ROAD-NAVAL BASK Author!*** Agents: CITY BOOK STORK LTD Wlneh**t*r Hou<*. Collyd Quay TMI NKWS PHONT Fltipstrtck's Supermarket »t. M. ISMAIL S Admiralty Mead. Naval B*a* S. M. ASOUL
      611 words
    • 34 8 I iii ni ii I m If It l>rt-».s»-«l in SUITS hy MM Better M ATI-RIAL M HIM. TAiiom\4; Plus %TYLK ill go into every suit by 21, Chilli* Str**t. Singapore Telephone: M 431
      34 words
    • 207 8 RHEUMATISM^*, FIBROSITIS /^£\s LUMBAGO Q^»j&/ get wonderful AT" ViJl RELIEF \lk\\k;M& iirrF m MmM m Wf Do ptople suffer from > rheumatism, fibrosilis, lumbago, mnhricis and J MSKr other muscular pains in t i K *H\ I ftl tropical weather? An I »V amaring number do -A% without realising it.
      207 words

  • 262 9 Alliance HQ takes up case of 'eat grass' punishment ITUALA LUMPUR, Wed. —The case of schoolchildren being forced to eat grass in a Gemas school was reopened today when a petition, signed by 18 parents, was received at the Alliance headquarters here. Bpeaklng at a Press conference, the Alliance Party's
    262 words
  • 44 9 KAJANG. Wed. -Election of members to three local councils In Ulu Langat district will be held next week— the 9th Mile Cheras Village on July 11. the Balakong New Village on July 14. and the 11th Mile Cheras Village on July 15.
    44 words
  • 70 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed— A further $92.50 was donated by Straits Times readers today for 15-year-old Mohamed Jedi bin Ya'acob. who lost his hands after a grenade accident earlier this year. This brings the total amount donated by Straits Times readers to $468. Today's donations were from:
    70 words
  • 325 9 GRABS WEAPON AND BREAKS IT: YOUTH THRUSTS IT IN HER MOUTH KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday 33- YEAR-OLD mother of eight children last night fought two thugs and grabbed one of their daggers and broke it into two. Madam Wong Siew Ying, owner of a coffee shop, then
    325 words
  • 71 9 Swoop on illegal immigrants I/UCHING. Wed. The oollce are having a touch time rounding up illegal immigrants from Indonesian Borneo who have been pouring into Sarawak by the dozens. At least 40 illegal Indonesian immigrants are caught along the SerlanSimanggang Road alone each month and sent back. Many were girls.
    71 words
  • 140 9 KOTA BHARU, Wed A padi planter. Zakaria bin Mohamed. accused of murdering another padi planter. Awang Deraman bin Puteh. told the Assizes here today that he did it in self-defence. "I hit him once with a stick when he tried to hack me with an
    140 words
  • 26 9 SINGAPORE, Wed.— Thieves broke Into the Cinetech Co. in Serangoon Road early today and stole more than $5,000 in cash, radios and electrical appliances.
    26 words
  • 172 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Wad. A NOTHER new Assocla- ■<■» tion of South-East Asia project will be realised soon when Malaya and Thailand exchange officials to study progress in the two countries Thai officials will come to Malaya to study rural development projects while Malayan officials will
    172 words
  • 340 9 PETER, 18, OF PENANG, PROVES HIS TALENT AT ADELAIDE SCHOO L Blind youth, top of his form, may soon go to university pENANG, Wed. A former student of the St. Nicholas School for the Blind, 18-year-old Peter Chin Peng Kong, may Join Adelaide University this year to do an arts
    340 words
  • 169 9 STAFF OF C.E.B. TOLD: 'BE POLITE' I^UALA LUMPUR, Wed. —Employees of the Central Electricity Board have been told "never to answer rudeness with rudeness" when dealing with customers. The latest issue of Power, a staff magazine of the board, says that it Is up to every emoloyee to enhance the
    169 words
  • 220 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed A $500,000 blueprint has been drawn up to supply the expanding industrial and rural areas around Johore Bahru with electricity. Under this plan, a total of 150.000 rural people will for the first time enjoy lighting by electricity Factories
    220 words
  • 24 9 BANTING. Wed A Government medical officer. Dr. K.R. Rathnaswami. who has been serving the 65.000 people of Kuala Langat district has retired.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 163 9 AMERICANS PREFER GEVAERT over 70% of ALL ROLL FILMS imported into the U. S. A. in the first half of 1961 were (gevaert) MADE IN FOR QUALITY i BELGlU^p<gjHafc^ FOR ECONOMY •^^^mi&^k Available ■P^q3 in Singapore I pjvjl Malaya Borneo Ul^^ Siie 120 for 2Vi a 2'/i end 2.. «3'
      163 words
    • 305 9 DON'T MISS THE 9 TONY BRADY! ji? SHOW k..p I TONY BRADY 9 dates free! Australia s Golden Boy JOHORE JUBILEE HALL 10th July, 7 p.m. 9^o p.m n a great Variety Show 11 412 July Each day at /S/ w 7 H 7 pjn. k 9.50 pjn. I SEREMBAN
      305 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 391 9 RADIO MALAYA 'nierlude. 10.00 Organ Selee- Mood; 1.30 The News; 1.40 m, uona; 10.16 In Mood For Clas- Percy Paltti And His Orchestrr NATIONAL SHOKTWAVL sica: 10.16 Soft Lights And 3.00 Girl On The Run 216 SERVICE Sweet Music: 11.00 C\orc Down Calling The Housewife; 245 The A*. eoTT^Xal. Neg.-
      391 words

  • CONVERTIBLES for today's BRIDE
    • 77 10 HERE is a household hint from Miss L. Spencer who believes in economy. She advises: Don't throw away those old bedsheets and cotton dresses. Cut up the sheets to make pillow cases and edge with a strip off a colourful old dress about 3 in. wide and 19 in.
      77 words
    • 375 10  - CONVERTIBLES for today's BRIDE JOHANNA MORAN by 'J'HE wedding dress, once destined to be treasured for sen timental reasons after the Big Day, today goes on being part oi the bride's everyday wardrobe. Convertibles are now beginning to show in bridal fashions. Gowns for brides are being made with removable
      375 words
    • Article, Illustration
      69 10 YOUNG and GAY CIMPLE and gay these are fashions- for* the young. The girl wears a screen-printed Sudan cotton with pink tulips on a China blue and white background. The sleeveless bodice has a white pique vest to match the pique bows on the front. The young man's outfit looks
      69 words
    • 340 10 Do you have a strong and dominating personality? A FURNISHINGS manufacturer says most people are afraid to express their preferences or rely on their own judgment and good taste when buying furniture. The manufacturer from Chicago provides the following gui? to help you determine how much faith you have in
      340 words
    • 174 10 j^fRS. Anne Everett iTI of New Zealand is in search of a long lost friend who is in Malaya at least that is what she thinks. The friend she Is Interested In tracing is Miss Lew June Fong. In a letter appealing to the Straits
      174 words
    • 162 10 Son setting example for father LEATHERS must stop wearing crew cuts and teachers must cease to be among "the dullest dressed people" in the 'world. They are having an effect on youngsters, an expert on men's fashion said in London recently. Mr. John Taylor. Editor of Tailor and Cotter, said"
      UP  -  162 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 316 10 just wear a smile and a lillltZOll if Enchanting, scalloped bikini suit with matchf^^ jlj£\ ing coa, complete I i\ i Tailored in bewitching I Ml P aste l shaded cotton, to iFj*! $f\ compliment the youthAvailable from most leading departmental stores. NEW DOUBLE ©ACTION TOOTH BRUSHES Gentle White Nylon
      316 words
    • 473 10 k j£#£ MmmmmlSmmmV^ The gentle do-it-yourselt hair |B ■r\^s^sß^BW brightener— contains no ammonia. m ST Lighten your hair at horne IB Ij gradually, safely, simply. I f I 11^911 Obtainable in two sizes at ail /■■mHHst^ l/lizji leading stores and dispensaries. WEAR 1T... Advertisement AND HELL SAY (Juestions Oand Answers
      473 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 318 10 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 6. 21 pui alfierently (4i 1. Carbon monoxide with 7. False ;dea of the end of weed's a source of heat (4. I). Patxoclus In Troy <8). S. Logical beginning before s 8. South-eastern .sort of silk <8) girl appears! (7). 13. A Hitler act on
      318 words

  • 236 11 A school makes Miss Lai a queen KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. VIORE than 3,000 students and teachers at the ITI Kuen Cheng Girls' School here interrupted their lessons to welcome Lai Yoke Heong, 18, when she visited her old school this morning. Miss Lai, gravely Injured) In a traffic accident, was
    236 words
  • 141 11 JOHORE BAHRU. Wed.— The ASA cultural troupe, comprising 100 dancers and musicians from the Philippines, Thailand and Malaya, arrived here by bus today from Malacca. They have been touring major towns In the Federation. They will give shows at the Diamond Jubilee Hall.
    141 words
  • 39 11 MALACCA. Wed. The chairman of the Malacca Socialist Front, Mr. Yeoh Ho Huat, today described the decision of the Municipal President to close all committee meetings to the Press and the public as "repulsive to democratic principles."
    39 words
  • 33 11 TAIPING. Wea. Talping Town Council will celebrate Merdeka Day this year on a grander scale than previously, plans include a Pesta and water sports in the Lake Gardens on Sept. 1.
    33 words
  • 239 11 HOME FROM TRAVELS TO FLAG-WAVING WELCOME KLANG, Wed. Thousands of flag-waving children from schools in this district lined the two-mile route from this royal town to the Istana Alam Shah this morning to welcome the Sultan of Selangor and his Consort home from their two-month tour
    239 words
  • 28 11 IPOH, Wed. Mr. Llm Thlam Poh, legal secretary of the Ipoh Municipality, has been selected to attend a four-month local government course In England from August.
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  • 76 11 PENANG, Wed. A hellcopter of the No. 110 Squadron, Royal Air Force, today made a mercy flight to rush a 10-month-old Australian Kirl to the British Military Hospital at Talplng. The girl, Deborah Wood, daughter of Leading Aircraftman Harry Wood, of the R.A.A.F. base at Butterworth,
    76 words
  • 133 11 A CAR FINANCE PLAN BY NAAFI SINGAPORE, Wed. Naafl has introduced a scheme to help servicemen in Singapore and the Federation to buy new cars. Since the scheme began two days ago, many Inquiries have reached Naafl's Singapore headquarters and its service station at Malacca, according to Naafl's public relations
    133 words
  • 55 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The secretary to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Syed Zalnal Abidln. left here by air today on a two week tour of West Germany. He will join the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Dato Haji Mohamed Noah bin Omar,
    55 words
  • 124 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Two lecturers from Malaya will attend a course at the recently established Regional Centre for Teacher Educators in Manila. They are Che Esah binte Syed Bahaldln. of the Malay Women's Training College In Malacca and Inche Mohamed Ismail bin Abdul Hamid of
    124 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 419 11 the new baby ifcp/^ SMAiL PAR \\\v^ f\ iL v_? I VI r-\ L.L- V^MPv M mill 1 wft\ I f /it i I Wl "HP I I N^|£ BM g |^^Mgfl//a Bl^^__^_ The SIMCA 1000 is an entirely new car—a real "^SSfeS^^i family car with sports car performance the
      419 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1413 13 TO LinOPBOt ft WEST COAST >JL Out S'por* Snli P. S'hen Penang MBHtO LJieraaM S**. 1 Jaly 7 Jily l/il Kty 11 PILAUS Liiirpeal, Diblia, GllSgow laly 11 laly 13 Jlly 14/1* Jely 1) ANTLNO* M semis, L peal. Ovbun lily 11 Jaty 10 Jaly 17/20 Jily 21 HUTOB Havri,
      1,413 words
    • 1374 13 9 "^jSSp L W_J_mmf___^^ H^*t______j___: Hrn .-!^PQ- .^t_ Tt eafl aaaai lir THE L A. C. LINESSAILINGS T8 GENOA. U MAVII. NAMftUM. BREMEN AHTWERP, ROTTERDAM, AMSTERDAM, OSLO. GOTHENBURG AND COPENHAGEN. /®-^4fl\ *'P«" r S'bani Peeanf fc/rKr^\t\ "AYUTNU" a) Ma. 15-11/ 5 Jaly 1/ 7 Jiiy 1/ I Jail 3 lYJ2ij3j
      1,374 words
    • 1524 13 EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONDON, LITERPOOL ft CONTINENTAL PORTS. "Tpora^P. S'hara Panaitf BCMVUCKIE (E.L) Liaeee. Hamlwrf Jily I I BENVORLICH- L'peel. B'men, H'burg, R'dam Jlly 1/12 Jiry 13 IS Jaly 17 II OEPJATTOW (H) M kiri. L'in. Ha«n, M'bro Jaly 11/23 Jaly 24/21 lily 21/ 1 KNNCVIS (E.Lp.) Lpiil, R'dam, Hull,
      1,524 words
      1,172 words

  • 9 14 RWerriew Rubber produced 190.--000 lb.. In June.
    9 words
  • 467 14 From Our Market Correspondent npHE earlier enthusiasm 1 shown on the Malayan Stock Exchange this week seems to have spent Itself temporarily and yesterday conditions were generally quieter. Tin shares opened steady, but fell off on pro-fit-taking Industrials were quietly steady. Generally It was
    467 words
  • 19 14 Malayan Stock Indicts laiaatHsto: 1«5.3« 1«5.49 rttm: n%jn 275.74 S rakken: 178.11 172.11 Jaa. 1 1>U 1M.
    19 words
  • 969 14 OI'STNESS on the Malayan Stock Exchange. Federation section yesterday with tbe number of deals in brackets: Indus t rlslt: Dun lops $1.71 OL. $1.73 OL. (2,000) $1.71: Fed. Dtarp. (1,000) $1.33: F. and N. ords (2.000) $2.77 ON, (6.000) $3.77: M. Containers (6.000) $1.20 ON. (3.000) 11.21
    969 words
  • 322 14 T»HE price of tin was declared in Penang yesterL day at $439 per plcul an advance of $1.50 on an offering decreased by 10 tons to JJ3O tons. Since the current rise started on Saturday nearly four dollars has been added to
    322 words
  • 219 14 SHIP* lying aleflgiMe Mi* linimo'i whirTM today are: Ban Florentine) 42/43. Hermes 38/39. Laertea 13/14, Olomed 1 '2. Kyozul Mam 44 Master iirortt 33/34. Breconshlre 4S. Flrtilll 23/24 Antenor 15/18, Norway Maru 40 4l! Burna 18, Caltex Sydney 45. Outer raadi: Hamilton. Pathadlaa, Oemma, Brrta Maerek Hal
    219 words
  • 124 14 CHINIII rrttfuH liehani* «m--gaswrs r>e«n sirleee ps» P'«" yesterday: Ceeenut ell: balk (371 sellers, dram 1401 sellers Cee»a Joly fMI buyer*. 5271 saltcre Haiirt Muntok white »1M sellers. Sarawak white Il r >2» sellers, special Sarawak black li'S sellers, garbled L»mponi black (117 i eellera. AaTTA $127» seller*
    124 words
  • 264 14 IX7ITH overseas advices disapTT pointing the Federalism Rubber Market opened slightly lower than Tuesday's cioslug levels, but held steady in Uun trading. Traae selling and me reiuctante of buyers Drought prices down. Lower sheets wer; neglected. During the afternoon session the market eased slightly, but .us
    264 words
  • 214 14 |ULV flrit srada rubber Buyers r.o.e). J clo»rd at !> p.m. in Bliwapore yeatenlay at 76t cents per lb., down fiveemhthn or a ctnt on yrilerday's closiriK pricr. The tone IM oneertaln. I. CCR. A. closinx pnera In centa per lb. jrraterday Im K.s s Prompt r.o.b
    214 words
  • 36 14 July 4. RI'BBER PRICES SINGAPORE: 761 cents (down five-eighths of a cent). K.L.: 76* cents (down three quarters of a cent). TIN: 543» (up 51 .50). Estimated* ofTeripg 230 tons (down 10 tons).
    36 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1026 14 KAWASAKI RISEN KAISHA. LTD. U.S.A. Ps»(4tl«. Attentt* Grsat L«k*a S«rvie« ETA ETA CU ETA HA Sport P. Shim N'luii l_ Anteln N.York Clevtiina laikiwi Mm" 71 31 lilt 1. tArn 12 *St 1 I«Bt II Sill 1 Oct •1 MkUM Man 1 1 S^t S Sift 14 $I*l 4 Oct
      1,026 words
    • 1087 14 GAZEHED EXCHANGE RATES THI Malayan licMnm Banks- A»« PPIPITC slstlsn mads tbeaa ehansts In Its I MkULw ratas to mercbanta ytaterday (ail ratas to »10O): O^HE Federation Minister of Ytrti buymg TT S3 13/ is. airx Finance has Axed these maJI OD 53 13/16. SO d/at SSS/16 price, for calculattn,
      1,087 words
    • 197 14 NOTICE BULK SURVEYS (MALAYA) LIMITED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the first annual genera) meeting of the company will be held at Bung&ar Estate. Kuala Lumpur, on Wednesday the 18th July, 1962. at 12.00 noon, for tiie following purposes:— 1) To receive the Directors' report and accounts for the year
      197 words
    • 354 14 NOTICE MALAYAN UNIT TRUSTS LIMITED LOSS OF UNIT CERTIFICATES The following Unit Certificates registered In tne name of Benedict* de Leon have been reported lost and are declared null and void. Certificate No. 3040 covering 5,000 units of the Third Malayan Fund and Certificate No. 0277 covering 3,000 units of
      354 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 568 15 NOTICES NfITITF nisi lie Our SalM lUaajnllUn Mr Tnnnl h«Tv2l«l2l I!' f««. tZ 7, r^*? e<l ltOm 4th July, 1982. He Is no more authorised to transact any busla?, •srssxvA CAMERON HIGHLANDS ROAD The road between Tapah and the 19th mile Cameron Highland, swr;.ri.r-"-•« Traffic will be permitted to pass
      568 words
    • 287 15 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS FEDERAL LAND nrijrinnuruT inTiiAniTu UtVtLUrMtH I AUIHUKITY AppllcaUona are lnvlttxl from 7^^ Citizens for DObte of Aaskltm Marawrs to Land DevrlonrfS^™^ supervisory capacity on an Oil paUn estate, or rubber estate whlch has new planting or replanting carried OUt by contract Applications with testimonials Klvlng full details and
      287 words
    • 485 15 r~=^^^_____________^^_______________=====^ l«_^J^E^l^l^^n^^^^g^^^^^^^^a^^^i^^^^^^^l^L^B_ll IM V>V I] I 3 I 3 <ll'i '1 j"^IBIK] 3 i I 1»H lEß^^-^^^^U^X-g—^Bß^^^^^X^Mgk^g^AU—lAA^gMl !>~i»~»~s»"~B~*»^'»w~'~»y^»~»~»~s~B»»~a^BBBBE^BBEBBlBBBBBBBEBBB^BBilB»| mm^^^^^^—^ (Cantlaacd from Pat* >l SITUATIONS VACANT Sov^r, ScSol^Sala J%£S£ Mm™*l B**°0 MALAY APPLICANTS Passed SC/ KMC "In." ur «T« Tmporw SSSnutna and lodging found. State age. a»perience and salary required. Apply
      485 words
    • 576 15 SITUATIONS VACANT TT'-T^ »t^W.-ls U (mim.)-»,x it da. ejrtr. a&ar a ground Slo^he'r deuS to TheTet Jono^T Deot. Shell House Tom Rlw Road? KuaULumpur APPLICATIONS^ are invited from a.Tsa'S'SK 'erance will ba glvee to Normal/College T"^*< l •*«ch«rs with administrative tt^*ttS^SS ap,l^ u tat^J«^^«rS£: p^S.^ Tifi?Nio.u *5 S S-Si w,
      576 words
    • 627 15 houses t land for sale Wor4t W (Mm-l—Box it et*. txtr. WINDSOR PARK: tlevated Vacant Land 2U.881 sq.ft. Sewerage arallable M.850 per aa, «t. Real tttau Agents ln»e.Unent Co.. 53. The Arcade. s pore fc«64». Stevens road: very attractive freehold vacant land 1«.54« sq. ft. at »e awsr-r.JSi CHANOI ROAD.
      627 words
    • 565 15 travels tours 2t Wordt %i (Mi*.)— Box it ct: txtra ENJOY A WONDERFUL Weekend at Kota Tlnggl Waterfall. H7 03 Wnoleday Including luni.n packet J12.50 Reaervation Telephone (Spare) »57t)9 Malaysia Tourist Bureau. FOR HIRE u....^....«. AT NO EXTRA CHAROE! NATIONAL CAR RENTALS LTD. GBOROE LEX CHAMBERS Tel:-*****/205»5. tor ooly 527
      565 words
    • 335 15 vehicles for sale it Word* U (Mlh.>—B»x St cfs. *tfra -RIAL BAROAIN 193S Humber. ccllenl oondltlon. one owner, done 17.000 miles Byce driven 6 new tyre, $4,800/-. 258 OrehanJ Road. 3ZOSI. Singapore. i»»s Plymouth Two^soiour 56.0W./-; 19M Kleven Beater Bua. gt. wg-sta ssss automatic car under »i.OOO. Try It now
      335 words
    • 232 15 at your service (S'a*™) Wfdt M (Mln.)—Box it eU. txtrm FARIDA MAItON MARCtLLE H/8lyli»t. Manicurist facial muka up Phone (Spore) 9274 M. eunoDikir /-tune le- SHOPPING GUIDE (S por.i mw^ tS <Mtm.)—B»x it dm. txtrm w w '«'"->-*<« ■SPvsr PCJZ from Lee Onn. 20«/iJ. South Bridge Road Blntapore. JUST WONDERFUL
      232 words

  • 1158 16 LIM KIT SIANG By SINGAPORE. Wad. £ROWN COUNSEL, Mr. Francis T. Scow, suggested today to Mr. Lim Seek Kian, former president of the Singapore Chinese School Teachers' Union, that he was afraid to disclose the fact that one of the union's committees
    1,158 words
  • 565 16 «il your concrete proposals you had been talking so much about." Before Mr. Lim could reply Mr. Justice Wee suggested a 20--mlnute adjournment as the Interpreter appeared fo be "in distress." After the adjournament Mr. Scow repeated hi.^ question. Mr. Lim replied: No.
    565 words
  • 184 16 KUALA LUMPUR, W*d. MALAYAS economic development would create an important demand for the supply of all types of goods and services from Australia. This was stated here today by members of a threeman Australian trade delegation They belong to the Australian Perso nalised Trade Mission which
    184 words
  • 882 16 Text books from China not allowed in-a difference of opinion... Mr. Llm: "On the other hand, there are many Chinese text books on science which are not allowed to come Into Singapore." Mr. Scow: "You are referring to those text books published in Communist China?" Mr. Llm: "We are not
    882 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 833 16 JUNIOR TECHNICAL (TRADE) ML TJa\\° F iwuI NCE SCHOOL JOHORE BAHRU. tender NOTICE (E»tenri«n of citing date f.r TENDERS are invited for imden to supply Electrical the supply of material and Kquipment to the Junior I ihe making UP Of 126 cushion Technical (Trade) School I covers for the Royal
      833 words
    • 700 16 THE BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 11) Re: CHIA CHENG LEONG also known as CHIA HOCK LEONG. Bankruptcy No. 442 of 1955. j TAKE NOTICE that the Court i has Ordered that the Public Exam- lnation of the abovenamed Debtor be held at the Registrar's Cham- 1; bers. Supreme Court, Singapore, on
      700 words
    • 47 16 Only one Super Plenamins a day and you have... Super- energy! New appreciation of life! Wonderful appetite! vigorous mentality! Youthful vitality l New power* of endurance! 5 PWMB IM _^L LMngl AVAIUILI AT J-^A ALL CHtMMT* ■_t^V l and onus rroßca \fcsP^'_ik Tmd* Enquiries: JOSEPH TRAVERS AaEMCIff
      47 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous

  • 200 17 THEATRE IV REVEALS TOP FORM SINGAPORE, Wed THEATRE IV, with Merv Posner up, revealed top form on a soft track at Bukit Timah this morning when he drew away from stable-mate Cinerama II (apprentice Nawari) at the finish of a 3f tryout in 37. Cash Box, ridden by ap- prentice
    200 words
  • 157 17 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The Malayan Hockey Federation's second centralised training in preparation for the Asian Games will continue at Batu Cantonment from tomorrow. The Ministry of Defence has permitted M.H.F. use of the ground and the barracks for the period of training. Fifteen of
    157 words
  • H. Melody as good as ever
    • 316 17 H. Melody as good as ever TEN-TO-FOLLOW jjiffY ten-to-follow at lfl the Singapore Turf Club July meeting areHAPPY MELODY: Still as good as ever; went down by a short head to UsahaSetla In a fast-run 6f race at Ipoh last month. PREDICTION: Ran a good fourth with 8.11 In the
      316 words
    • 98 17 LEEDS. Wed. Imtiaz Ahmed, the Pakistan wicketkeeper, has a feverish temperature and influenza, and is very doubtful for the Third Test against England starting here tomorrow. This was a further blow for the touring team, for Hanlf Mohammad, their leading batsman, fractured a finger against Nottinghamshire
      Reuter  -  98 words
    • 25 17 MERSING LEAGUE: Hoo Kuan Assn. bt Sri Merslng Secondary School 31-18, 21-10; Teachers bt Hoo Kuan Assn. 31-16. 31-13: Police bt PWD 21-B. 31-2.
      25 words
    • 82 17 INTER-PWD (Dungun) Pahana 3 Trengganu 1. KLL'ANG DIV. 1: OASC 3 BOMBS 1 IPOH DIV. 1: Cheng Wan 3 Municipality 0; Dlv. t: Kilat 1 2/8 PIT 1; Hospital Employees 3 H.Q 33 FIB 0. B. GAJAH DIV. 1: Royal Bng. School w.o. Klnta Kellas. PENANG LGE: Penang Indiana
      82 words
    • 44 17 GOLF Bowntaker toumej (Sunnlngdale, Berkshire): 1 K. Nagle (133) 2 D. Reet (134) 3 B. Charles and J. Panton (138), over 36 holes. SOCCER—lnternational (Trondhelm): Norway 5 Malta 0. BOXING Welterwt (Fresco. Calif): O. Terront (US) tx>. J Kid (PI). 7th rd
      44 words
  • 376 17 SINGAPORE, Wed SINGAPORE'S racing mo--1 tor-cycllats are out to make Malaya's first Grand PrU for motor-cycles on July 15 a gnat success. Practically all the top riders here have entered tar the meat. Twenty-two riders. Including K C Wong, Boh Ouan
    376 words
    • 385 17  - S'pore Games team may be 1 00 TEOH ENG TATT JULY 12 MEETING TO DECIDE By SINGAPORE, Wednesday SINGAPORE may enter a team of approximately 100 competitors in 14 events for the Fourth Asian Games in Jakarta from Aug. 24 to Sept 4. The breakdown, according to tentative figures available
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    • 404 17 KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. L AST-minute hitches which may have prevented the Perak athletes from taking their Asian Games trials at the Selangor A.A.A. championships at the Merdeka Stadium on Friday and Saturday were cleared up this evening. Two of the Perak athletes, A.
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    • 275 17 MOVE BY MALAYA TO LEGALISE WOODSHOT FAILS j^ONDON, Wed.— A move to legalise the "woodshot" in badminton one of the most controversial aspects of the sport failed at the annual meeting of the In ternational Badminton Federation in London yesterday. The proposal by the Badminton Association of Malaya called for
      275 words
    • 231 17 2 players sent off, match is abandoned SINGAPORE, Wed. —Rough ,T I l lay marred the S.B.H.F.A. Junior League and Cup match between Bata and Bramtoco which was abandoned 20 minutes before time on the padang today without any score. Referee Basil de Zouza had earlier sent off two playen
      231 words
    • 46 17 JOHORX BAHRU. Wed. Johore Bahru District AAA Is reviving its annual championships after a lapse of five yean. Athletes from the Royal Malayan Navy and the Johore Police Contingent are expected to compete at the meet on Friday startIng at 3JO pm. 1
      46 words
    • 139 17 IPOH. Wed. The Perak Amateur Football Association has named 20 players for training In preparation for the ruturn Malaya Cup match against Kedah on the Chinese Assembly Hall ground here on Sunday. Players residing In Ipoh will train every day on the Coronation ground with
      139 words
    • 52 17 BERLIN. Wed— Karln Beyer, of Bast Qermany, yesterday broke the women's world swimming record for the 110 yards breaststroke with lmln 19.2 sec In Lelpeig Miss Beyer clipped three-tenths of a second off the record of 1:10.6 set by Barbara Ooebel, of Bast Germany, at Blackpool In July.
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1227 17 NEW HOPE FOR MEN AND WOMEN PAST 40! (ALSO FOR THOSE BELOW 40) ROYAL JELLY TNE AMAZING "MIRACLE" QUEEN MES SPECIAL FOOD MAY CHANCE YOUR WHOLE LIFE SAYS DOCTORS AND SCIENTISTS How would you lik* to waka up one morning to discover yourself pouetsed with on incredible tense of youthful
      1,227 words
    • 149 17 ROOTES PRESENT A NEW HILLMAN SUPER MINX This great Super Minx has all these features! Tha performance you want. A thrusting 1.6 litre engine prepared to deliver over 80 m.p.h. The safety you want. Padded Facia, dished steering wheel, superb brakes, all-round vision, all-steel unitary construction for great strength. windscreen
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 128 17 SPORTS DIARY SOCCER STORE DIV. SA: Arsenal v Serangoon (Farrer Pk): Dtv. SC: RAP Changl 'A' v Kampong Kapor (St. Georges Rd>: Bawean v Reformative TC (Oeylang). KH'anc; DIV. 1: Wah Chlng v BMH (padang). Ki.ANO DIV. 1: Rovers v Malay Youths: Div. 2: Highlands v Combined Youths (padang). THOMPSON
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  • 328 18 REPORT OF IMPORT RESTRICTIONS FROM CUSTOMER NO. 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday LEADING members of the timber industry today expressed "great anxiety" over information received from Canberra that the Australian Govern- ment intends to restrict timber imports. The Federation of Malaya Timber Exporters Association
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  • 52 18 SINGAPORE, Wed. The Paya Lebar Methodist Church celebrates its 30th anniversary on July 22 and has drawn up a weeklong programme as part of the anniversary celebrations. Highlight of their activities falls on July 23, when they present a variety concert at the Victoria Theatre from
    52 words
  • 205 18 U.S. troops moving out of Thailand OANGKOK. Wed. Helicopters yesterday began ferrying 1,000 Marines back to the U.S. Seventh Fleet under close security precautions. Military sources here indicated the Marines were being airlifted to the aircraft carrier Valley Forge, believed to be cruising in the Gulf of Thailand. U.S. officials
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  • 72 18 SINGAPORE, Wed. Four Nanyang University undergraduates. Including a girl, began a six-day stay at the University of Singapore campus yesterday under an exchange programme. Earlier this year, four University of Singapore students spent a week at the Nanyang University campus in Jurong. The four Nanyang students
    72 words
  • 53 18 SINGAPORE. Wed.— Mr. S. Jayakumar has been elected president of the University of Singapore Law Society, and Mr. M. Sivalingam vice-presi-dent. Other office-bearers are: hon. secretary, Mr. Eugene Phoa: asst. secretary. Mr. V. Punidanathan: treasurer, Miss Rosalind Chua. committee members. Messrs. Tay Chin Chye. William Chia
    53 words
  • 155 18 NEW YORK, Wednesday. PRESIDENT Soekarno of Indonesia today informr ed acting U.N. Secretary-General U Thant that he was sending an envoy to Washington to obtain IU clarification" 1 the Dutch Ambas•r about the terlands' interpre>n of proposals for est Irian settlement, p-eement on this point
    Reuter  -  155 words
  • 417 18 LONDON. Wed. Distinctly blighter conditions developed In London stock markets today but business remained at a low level. The fresh overnight rise on Wai 1 Street and the fact that the June gold reserve figures would have shown a small Improvement had it not been for the United
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  • 791 18 LAYER V MULLIGAN IN FINAL AND FOR ROD IT'S 4-IN-ROW LONDON, Wednesday. WITH a majestic display of controlled power tennis, defending cham- pion Rod Layer swept into the men's singles final at Wimbledon today when he beat fellow-Australian Neale Fraser, 14-8. 6-1, 7-5 in 85 minutes. Layer's opponent in
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  • 127 18 LONDON. Wed. Tea scores In today's cricket matches were: At the Oral: Cambridge University 144 (R. White 42. P. Loader six for 42) v Suriey. At Hove: Sussex 210 (or two, (R. Langridge 48. Rev. D. Sheppard 05, K. Suttle 62 not out), v Northamptonshire.
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 39 18 KUIt MARIC axed 57 jmn beloved wife of Francis Walter Klaus paised away peacefully on 4th July. Cortege leaves 212-K Rangoon Road at 4.30 p.m. on Mh July (or Churcb of St. Joseph P.M. and thence to Bldadari.
    39 words
  • 71 18 MRS. PHANC MINO NO and family wish to txpress their thanks to friends and relative* for the condolence*, wreath*, scroll* and assistance on their recent bereavement. THUM Vl« and family. 15, Muntri Sireet, Penanf. tender tbelr heartfelt thank* to tlwlr friend* and relative* who have *o kindly presented Jos*
    71 words
  • 74 18 IN MEMORY OF Un Ten*- Chew died 4.7.61. You fell asleep without goodbye but mrraortet of you will never die. Jenny and Daisy. IN LOVING MEMORY of Mr*. V. Nadarajah. departed 3.7.60. Ipoh "Bh* »ho triumphed over toilsome lif«. who tended with love the many calls of mother
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 207 18 Late classified advertisements if) Words H» (Minimum) BURTON: To Carol and Victor on Tuesday 3rd July at Send. Surrey. England a ton. OATILV— On 24tb June 1962 at Klimarnock Maternity Home, to Elizabeth (nee Murphy) and Charlea Oately of 77 Kilmaur* Road, Kllmarmock, Ayrshire a daughter (Fiona Katberlne). GREETINGS CONGRATULATIONS!
      207 words