The Straits Times, 29 June 1962

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 23 1 AVERAGE DAILY *****11 II II SALE EXCEEDS 100,000 The Straits Times Nat*** 1 Kstd. 1845 FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1962 15 CENTS KDN 036
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  • 270 1  -  LEE 'Govt. has a duty to protect the people' -by 'We'll put them away' SINGAPORE, Thurs. —The Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, said in the Legislative Assembly today that "should wild talk lead to wild action, then the wild men will be put away." It was
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  • 821 1  -  DOUG LACKERSTEEN PASSPORT ROW: £25,000 OR A DEATH FAST From LONDON. Thura MALAYAN BORN Swaminath Venkatram Sar m a, 39, said angrily this morning: "Now it is a matter of principle. When eventually Whitehall gives me a British passport I'll burn it in
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  • 560 1 SIR WINSTON FALLS: HAS AN OPERATION Breaks thighbone while getting out of bed in Monte Carlo MONTE CARLO, Thursday. SIR WINSTON CHURCHILL had a successful operation in a Monte Carlo hospital this afternoon for a fracture of the thigh caused by a fall at the Hotel de Paris here this
    Reuter  -  560 words
  • Article, Illustration
    35 1 HONG KONG, Thurs.— The Hong Kong Government today announced a "relaxation" in immigration control over and above the normal quota of 50 immigrants a day from China irom July 8 to Aug. 31.
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  • 129 1 MANICURED TEETH— WITH CHOICE OF COLOURS TOKYO. Thurs. Manicured teeth will be offered to easterners who visit a dental beauty parlour here It offers four colours for manicured teeth pink, blue, pearl and transparent. Mr. Sukeji lino, the head physician, said the most appropriate colour for a customer with yellow
    Reuter  -  129 words
  • 39 1 LONDON, Thurs. Antinuclear bomb campaigners in Britain are planning to hold the most massive protest yet against nuclear weapons with a 7,000-strong sit-down outside the London headquarters of the British Air Ministry, the organisers said today.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 104 1 NEW DELHI. Thurs. Plane tickets to Britain are being sold but under the counter by travel agents at double the official price a« hundreds of Indians clamour to get to Britain before the bill restricting immigrants comes into force on July 1. Would-be immigrants are keeping
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  • 261 1 SPEAKER WARNS AGAINST VEILED THREA TS SINGAPORE, Thursday. WARNING against "veiled threats"* to Government back-benchers was issued today by the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly. Sir George Oehlers. At the opening of today's meeting. Sir George announced: Although I have •as yet received no j complaint from any member of
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  • 84 1 .NEW YORK, Thurs. De- j mi* nd for colour television receivers in the United States is growing so rapidly that up to a million sets can be sold I next year if production perI mits, an official of the Radio Corporation of America said today Mr. W.W.
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 43 1 TOKYO. Thurs. Prime Minister Hayato Ikeda may visit Britain in mid-Novem-ber. The Asahi Shimbun, quoting Government sources, said the Premier has received an informal Invitation to visit London this autumn, and he may also visit France and West Germany— U.P.l.
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  • 422 1 Tin: US to sell 300 tons weekly JAKARTA, Thurs. Foreign Ministry sources said tbday Indonesia had been informed of a United Statps plan to release about 300 tons of stockpile tin weekly. "The Indonesian Embassy in Washington will be instructed to observe the effects should America do this." the sources
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  • 34 1 THE RAF TO FLY CHURCHILL HOME LONDON Thurs I \ir I i»n i- .intximi' d toda; it will fl> Churchill today from Monte I i p i CRICKET Latest Pal .jii <>iii
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 214 1 MOK> BY TNE U OHIO'S J^k lO\ I I ll >| O>ll "S -^fjji at G. C. de SUVA BROS. "Manufacturing Jewellers" 3, Raffles Place. Spore-1. Phone ***** at* mm caM f^. •JBVOJ^. OJBiM OIBBW. «JBI fj» OJBeaatea M\ aaajakv tm. ■■> A a»av «a««m M eMO^aaaak .aSßft OH»av Lm^
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    • 132 1 fwcttv o'flealtk BEST SHOES MONEY CAN BUY a^^^Ha^aW^aH The chronometer of unmatched accuracy you 'ye wanted to own THE GMT-MASTER Tht GMT-MASTER is precision-built masterpiece in accurate time-keeping: a watch whose revolving rim and red 24-hour hand wer* voted by 20 out of 21 aircraft captain* as an important aid
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  • 120 2 BEAUTY CONTEST MAN FLEES lIONG KONG. Thurs. George Archer, American organiser of beauty contests to select Asian candidates for the Miss Universe Pageant in Miami, failed to show up in court today and forfeited a HK$5OO ($250) bail. Detective Inspector H.N Whiteleu. who was prosecuting Archer for allegedly obtaining funds
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  • 115 2 LONDON'. Thurs. The Foreign Office today denied a Daily Express report that Britain would offer nucleat secrets to France to help her develop her strlkiriK force. Heuter. MORE than 1.000 West Indian immigrants, the biggest single group ever to arrive in Britain, on Monday led the final rush
    Expresspic  -  115 words
  • 307 2 Soekarno: My condition for Irian talks JAKARTA, Thursday. PRESIDENT Soekarno said yesterday he was ready to resume negotiations with the Netherlands on the West Irian question but only after the Dutch had stated publicly that they would accept all the principles of the Bunker plan. The proposals of the American
    Reuter  -  307 words
  • 48 2 When a person locks his doon at night, the neighbour doesn't ruth over and accuse you of thinking that he might break in. The neighbour realises that protection it a natural a instinct. Pakistan's Foreign Minister Mohameci All Bojtra. in a spcec i de-fending pacts between nations.
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  • 48 2 SAIGON. Thurs— Fortythree guerillas were killed and 26 captured in a threeday combined operation by South Vietnamese Army. Navy and Air Force men In Klen Hoa province, 80 miles south of here, military sources said today. Government forces lost sLy meji In the operation Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 7 2 PHOTO
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  • 35 2 .LISBON, Thurs. Portuguese students shouting "go home" demonstrated outside the United States Embassy here last night as the U.S. Secretary of State. Mr. Dean Rusk, arrived for talks with Portuguese leaders. U.P.I.
    UPI  -  35 words
  • 199 2 'Omens good' for Laos success pENEVA. Thurs. Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald. British co-chairman of the 14-power Laos Conference, arrived here by air yesterday and said "the omens are good for a successful conclusion of the conference. But he declined to go into details on such problems as the question of
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  • 30 2 BERLIN, Thurs. President Kennedy's special advisor on Berlin. General Lucius Clay, will visit Berlin from July 3 to 6, an American spokesman said here to. day.— Reuter
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 254 2 V-^ Ulll JA»>LvI? JLAv^Cx when von fto B te^lß5 r 5 In the spacious, air-conditioned cabin on This feeling of confidence extends right every Qantas flight there is a pleasant relaxed through all levels of the airline operation mood. It's a good feeling, and it's helped along from engineer to
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 210 3 Red spy vanishes at start of life sentence YEW YORK, Thurs. The wife of Dr. Robert Soblen, 61, who was due to surrender today to begin serving a life sentence for espionage, has reported him missing, U.S. police said yesterday. When Soblen, a Lithuanianborn psychiatrist, was convicted of spying for
    Reuter  -  210 words
  • 356 3 UNITED NATIONS. Thursday. THE African delegations yesterday agreed unanimously to request the Philippines Government to order the return to New York of Mr. Victorio Carpio, chairman of the General Assembly's special committee for South-West Africa, who was earlier relieved of his U.N duties.
    Reuter  -  356 words
  • 41 3 BOMBAY. Thurs. Four members of the Maharashtra State unit of the Indian Peace Council yesterday began a 12-hour "vigil and fast" in front of the American Consulate-General here to protest against United States testing of nuclear "rainbow" bombs —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 113 3 Labour lets Russell stay LONDON. Thurs. British Labour Party leaders decided here yesterday to take no action against Earl (Bertrand) Russell, veteran philosopher and ban-the-bomb campaigner and three other prominent Socialists who had been asked to explain their support of the proscribed World Peace Congress in Moscow next month. The
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 30 3 BANKGOK, Thurs. The Thai Foreign Ministry today denied Burmese Press reports that 300 Karen rebels had crossed into Thailand to receive military training from Seato officers. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 284 3 Formosa Strait build-up is 'serious' Kennedy upholds Ike's line on action if offshore islands are attacked KENNEDY WASHINGTON, Thursday. PRESIDENT Kennedy told his Press conference yesterday that the situation in the Formosa Strait was a matter of serious concern and said the United States Government would take action if necessary
    Reuter  -  284 words
  • 155 3 Quick look round I ONDON. Thurs. Thousands of British cotton workers marched in procession through central London yesterday to protest against the Import of cheap foreign cloth and spreading unemployment in the home Industry. HOLLYWOOD: Film star Diana Dors gave birth to a 10 lb 2 oz boy yesterday. She
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  • 120 3 Nehru says: India won't go China way NEW DELHI. Thurs.— Prime Minister Nehru has told Parliament India would not go the way China went "whatever may happen." Mr. Nehru was answering a question about a report concerning India's permanent representative to the United Nations. Mr. C. S. Jha. In the
    UPI  -  120 words
  • 118 3 WASHINGTON, Thurs. The United States yesterday exploded what may have been the biggest nuclear device of the current series of atmospheric tests in the Pacific The Atomic Energy Commission said that a device in the megaton yield range had been dropped from
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 156 3 fmehand-shaped' suit 1 I w^^^. M r y° ur nex i if I I I The most important port J i\ I•' require vigilant i I attention hand tested j inner tailoring and re'f\if peated hand pressing I when the garment is being made accounting ,1 for rhe REMARKABLt J
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    • 140 3 I I FOR EVERY WRIST A I FAVRE-LEUBA ITHE HIGH QUALITY SWISS WATCH WITHIN YOUR REACH 9F 1 i ■MB J ■>■ I WHY IS ACCURATE TIME IMPORTANT i TO ABDUL MUTHAUFF? r "2 J*. S Because in his thriving business »/v >-Y^ as a newsvendor, he knows that he
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  • 290 4 Referendum first then the change in constitution ASSEMBLY QUESTIONS ON MERGER AND TAXATION SINGAPORE, Thursday. CONSTITUTIONAL provisions to give effect J to the White Paper merger proposals will be published after a referendum has been held in Singapore, the Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, said today. Answering a question
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  • 80 4 WOODEN LEG MAN MAY STILI RIDE HIS MOTOR-CYCLE CiLNGAPORE, Thurs. A O man with a wooden leg, John Baptist Emiie, 34, was today fined a total of $120 for riding a motorcycle with an expired provisional driving licence and for carrying a pillion rider. Emile. a chief clerk in Malayan
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  • 55 4 Mr. Boyle to be new Rotary head SINGAPORE, Fri— A retired Deputy Superintendent of Police. Mr. M. C Boyle (above), will be installed as President of the Singapore Rotary Club at an installation dinner next Tuesday at the Sea View Hotel. The Installation ceremony will be officiated by the immediate
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  • 95 4 SINGAPORE, Thurs. The public are invited to send representations to the Legislative Assembly's select committee on the Singapore Society of Accountants Bill. The object of the bill is to constitute the Singapore Society of Accountants and to provide for the registration and control of accountants. Representations may
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  • 28 4 SINGAPORE, Thurs. The Chinese YMCA and YWCA are organising a fourday recreational camp for beys and girls during their school vacation from Aug. 15 to 18.
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  • 189 4 VILLAGERS GET A NEW ROAD OUT OF THEIR KAMPONG SINGAPORE, Thurs. —The Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, disclosed In the Legislative Assembly yesterday that the Army authorities had provided an alternative way for the people of Kampong Hyderabad to get in and out of their kampong via Alexandra Terrace
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  • 180 4 i SINGAPORE, Thursday. MRS. ANNIE LEE, of Jalan Bahagia, described in court today how she and her husband, Lee Hun Nic, fought with their next-door neighbour, Edward Kok and his wife, Tan Luan Eng. Towards the closing stages of the flght, Mrs. Lee alleged. Tan
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  • 107 4 Referendum forum on tonight SINGAPORE, Thurs. Radio Singapore nad recorded the tun d ol a series oi lorums in wnich political leaders are invited to answer questions irom local and foreign pressmen on the National Reierendum Bill. The participants were the chairman of Barisan Sosialis and Member lor Queenstown, Dr.
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  • 58 4 SINGAPORE, Thurs. A City Council labourer, Tan Kai Ghee, was fined $25 in a Traffic Court today for failIng to display "L" plates on his motor-cycle while driving along Serangoon Road on the night of Jan. 2. He was fined a further $100 and banned from driving
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  • 25 4 SINGAPORE. Thurs. A large crowd tonight attended a variety show organised by the Singapore Indian Arts Club at the Cultural Centre, Canning Rise.
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  • 165 4 Robber went to cinema court told SINGAPORE, Thurs. A theatre sweeper told a preliminary inquiry today that the following night after he and his girl friend had been robbed by two men at Farrer Park, he saw one of them buying tickets at the Grand Theatre where he was working.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 374 4 fc- mmm m w Mf%^^ BILLY WILDER^ ma BrW "ho oo»e -ou SOME LIKE i%W>V < V^ k T HOT THE APARTMENT P 2 EXPLOSIVE NEW BW- \|l| 4 COMEDY ttamng CAPITOL m SINGAPORE m OPENS Tomorrow Ml aV^* i k r^^B ifv^s V" ill tL*^ FHtE COCA- 1A N
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    • 176 4 Advertisement Colognes are different! Do you know what a cologne is meant to do for you? Many people don't and that's why they are not getting the full benefit from the colognes they are using. A true Eau de Cologne is not just a pleasant scent, but a refresher as
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    • 267 4 B*«F \i f Va> TOMORROW MIDNIGHT! 7<W I A Iniaai 1 W (SINGAPORE) A MOTION PICTURE THAT WILL FOREVER CHARM YOUR HEARTH! j*a XWaat I aaavaavaa^. £aaaCfi!aaaV L^^^pjSßpW^l^pjpjpJaiU^Kfl ?*he tumultuous pjpj^JsMm 4 I jM V ew# 1 Franz-Joseph, I H^H jy^fl^j^* > I Emperor of /^M B^^B^k^^^^^^^Hßß Austria- pjAflr M]
      267 words
    • 541 4 s»w^^t^«j^^^ECS2l3iT3 Ib C*?.\ a F'Vsfl J!*J»t[ol ♦Row Showing!;^ "oV. 0 X mkW\ Th« Thriller /jTfcl or Thriller* I; TrcHNicoLOR 'lIGQiv t Alain Oelon Monc Laforet TOMORROW MIDNIGHT! Perl t FOREVER MY LOVE Homy Schneider Karl Borhm I in Tcc'"-cr':r 4. sT 1 1 «**"^TT»ai jasti 1 1 ntT :«owshowwg!V3 o
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 219 4 IN AND OUT BY AIR THE following is today's sclie- dule of civil din-rail movement* at Paya Lebar airport. Singapore: ARRIVALS Oarnda: Prom Medan, Kuala Lumpur (OA 992) 3.55 p.m.; from Bangkok iGA 803) 4.05 p.m.; from Jakarta (OA 802) 8.50 a.m. Cathay Pa«tfle: From Hong Kong. Bangkok (CX 731)
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    • 218 4 fun, Beirut, Karachi, Calcutta, Kuala Lumpur <BL 710) 5.55 pjn.; from Sydnej 1 Danun, Jakarta (BA 719) 10.50 p.m. Alitalia: From Sydney, Darwin (AZ 771) 6.05 p.m. DEPASTURE 8 Cathay Pacific: To Kuala Lumpm. Bangkok. Hong Kong (CX 730) 8.20 a.m. Thai International: To Jakarta (TO 401) 8.30 p.m.; to
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  • 3285 5 SECOND DAY OF THE REFERENDUM BILL DEBATE fHK lender of the Singapore People's Alliance, Tun Lim Yew Hock, suggested in another midnight sitting in the Legislative Assembly tonight that three questions could be posed in the referendum on merger with the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 52 5 STAR COMEDIAN 1 NT* Y^L nightclub and revue joins the international star line-up at the Gondwooa. F*- < Eddie is one of America's great comics whose lively acl you're sure to enjoy C I I jpm\ Every Saturday extension to 1 o.m. Dodo and His Band provide the Music Sundays:
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    • 319 5 II SAFE If AND II SOUND Q A rjCTV Your funds are undirected by OH I LI I economic changes. CrpiipiTV Your money is earning the best OLOUIAI I I sale and sure rate of interest. I Cfil I M HIM L~OO The Capital and Reserves of the OUUINUINLvO Bank
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  • 382 6 watch your step ADVERTISERS' ANNOUNCEMENT THE business of being attractive is not a some--1 time or a someplace thing. We have to think about it in long-time terms and on an all-over basis. Correct me If I'm wrong. but I find that women here are very neglectful about beauty from
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  • 662 6 How to live very well on a plastic card! itffY husband and I iTI have recently joined the Diners' Club, and I must say life has been very pleasant since we received our membership card. First of all rm a terrible accountant. The Diners' Club does away with bookkeeping altogether
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  • 330 6 11-HKX we think of a supermarket, we usually think of food fresh fruit and vegetables, canned poods, pastry, gourmet items, even pots and pans and things. But the modern supermarket, such as Cold Storage, is more of shopping centre. gathered under one air-conditioned roof, than a plain
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  • 693 6 fHRISTMAS in July or rather June? Why not? Men may scoff at the Idea, but we women know for this festival we really need a lot of time for preparation. Every year I say to myself, this time I am going to keep the
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  • 358 6 NOW ITS IN KEDAH AND PERLIS YOU know, the Esso people tell me that their main function is to "serve Malaya" ...and by what I see, they are certainly trying to live up to their aims. Not so tong ago, they introduced Esso Gas, the most wonderful cooking fuel a
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  • 216 6 A WONDER RICE SEED FOR BUMPER CROPS Discovery after 10 years of experiments If U ALA LUMPUR, Thurs. The recent discovery of a new rice seedling after 10 years of experiments will boost rice production by 11.380,000 gantangs in Kelantan each year, enabling farmers to earn $6.8 million more. This
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  • 114 6 Mystery letter puzzles Miss Singapore rUGHT witn the puzzled look is Malayan Airways hostess Nancy Liew Miss Singapore 1962. The scene: Singapore's International Airport. Cause of the puzzled look? A mystery letter, addressed to her, c/o the Straits Times. Stopped while she was hurrying to her waiting plane, Nancy looked
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  • 57 6 LONDON, Thurs.— The Rt Rev. James Chang Ling Wong, Anglican Assistant Bishop of Borneo for the past two years, has been nominated first Bishop of the new diocese of Jesselton, it was announced here today. The inauguration of the diocese and enthronement of the Bishop is due
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 129 6 ITUALA LUMPUR. AY Thurs.— The Federation and Singapore Governrrent have contributed a total of $20,000 to buy equipment to check radiation. Tests are already being carried out on milk. tap water and other materials at the University of Singapore laboratory. Joint project A sDokesman
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  • 59 6 JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs Mr. K. Raman, vice-chairman of the Socialist Front (Johore Division), leaves by air next week to attend the World Socialist Youth Conference at Copenhagen, Denmark. Mr. Raman. 27, is a town councillor here. After the conference, he plans to visit Britain. France, Italy, West
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  • 77 6 Banned a religious pamphlet KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. The Minister for Internal Security, Dato (Dr.) Ismail bin Dato Abdul Rahman, has banned a pamphlet containing sermons on Friday prayers, marriage and divorces and funeral services. The author of the pamphlet is Sheikh Abdul Kadir Abdul Mutallb Al-Mandlll. It is printed in
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  • 43 6 SINGAPORE, Thurs. The Yang di-Pertuan Negara. Inche Yusof bin Ishak, and Puan Noor Alshah will be guests of honour at the annual dinner and dance of the Canadian Association of Singapore at the Adelphl Hotel on Saturday eve of Canada Day.
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  • 32 6 PENANG, Thurs. The Nightingale Melodlans will stage a variety show at the Penang Chinese Girls' Hlgfi School at 8 p.m. on Sunday to raise funds for the schoors building project.
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  • 31 6 KUCHING. Thurs. One hundred and four members of the Sarawak United People's Party have announced their resignation from the party. They include 97 Dayaks and seven Chinese. UPI.
    UPI  -  31 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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  • 1060 7  - A6A KHAN -the myth that outgrew the man JAMES LEASOR by BEYOND the upturned green feathers of the palm trees, past the bougainvillea's purple flame, a slim young man lies at ease on the shining tiles of his swimming pool at Golfe Juan in the South of France. To the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 127 7 _~*^^^^^^MiMKi^^ -Bfc» tH Bk.*^^t^ M miff k^BSmmM* *"> Br'l 3^ W/ ■i«s?«^ <^^H lO)VI T PROTECT YOUR VALUABLE INVESTMENT WITH ESSO EXTRA MOTOR OIL Esso scientists developed a revolutionary way to test motor oil in actual use. After mor» than two million miles of testing under all driving conditions, engines
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  • 225 8 2* Word* tit (Minimum) THE STAOE CLUB presents at t P m tonight "A Sleep of Prisoners" i>y Christopher Fry In Bt. Andrew's cathedral. No tickets required. DRUMMER AIR FRESHENER U must in every Douse, it controls unwanted ***** Inauntly, effectively. Insist on Drummer Air Freshener. BETTY'S EXPERT STYLING
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  • 26 8 Ji Ware's S2.i« f.Hisu) COD LOVES YOU. For further particulars, and free tracts write to Malaya. Evangelistic Fellowship Pay* Lrbar. Box 23 Singapore 19.
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  • The Straits Times Friday, June 29, 1962.
    • 652 8 Recent Indonesian statements on the paratroop operations in West Irian and on U Thant's efforts to get the talks with Holland going again are so contradictory that it is impossible to tell what policy is uppermost in Indonesian minds occupation by conquest or by negotiation. There is evidence
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    • 399 8 In a written Parliamentary reply, the Minister for Labour has said that the Government "is contemplating measures on the lines of a dock labour board" in Penang port An unmeasured gap still lies between promise and fulfilment, for the Minister is not as yet certain when the board
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    • 169 8 Sensibly, Singapore's Housing and Development Board has decided to relax qualification for tenancy of some of its newly -completed housing. Under the old Improvement Trust system, only families oi five persons were eligible for public accommodation. But since the latter part of last year, the Housing Board
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  • 948 8  - WELCOME IS WEARING THIN IN MIAMI... HAROLD JACKSON THE CUBAN EXODUS from 100,000 have already fled to the U.S.— and the end it not In sight EACH day, throughout the year, two flights leave Havana and set down at the international airport here. Thro» times a week an extra flight
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  • 867 8  -  DENNIS BLOODWORTH by VIENTIANE, Thurs. Now that Laos is to be unified under a coalition Government and peace has been restored, the wives of the Meo tribesmen of the north Laotian uplands will once more be trekking down to the markets in the
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  • 341 8 THE BICKERING. THE SQUABBLING I THINK the time has comt when the Federal authorities should seriously consider the question of the State Government taking over the running of the Malacca municipality. The idea Is nothing new A few years ago the Malayan Party, which
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  • 44 8 WHAT has happened to our postal service? A letter postmarked Tarnpin. June 18 was actually received in Petaling Jaya on June 21. This delay is fantastic especially when Ta^-'n. is only about 70 miles away from the Federal capital. DELAYED Kuala Lumpur
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 661 8 Straits Tines Malay Mail Classified advertisements may be handed to: Ist Floor COLD STORASB ARCADS Orchard Road COLO BTORACB BRANCHBB AT HOLLAND PIOAD-K AT O NO> KBPPBL ROAO-MAVAL BABB CITY BOOK STORE LTD Winchester House. Collyer Quay THB NIWI FPJONT Fltxpstrlck's Supermarket M. M. IBMAIL 1 Admiralty Road. Naval Base
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    • 101 8 The Small Man v. Big Business A survey of the lives of some of today's millionaires proves that there is a fortune waiting for any man with a bright idea and energy enough to see it through. Although the big business organisations seem to monopolise most of the trade, it
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    • 126 8 2nd At the National Day Commemoration Sprint, Upper Thomson Road, on Sunday 24th June 1962. Ridden by Mr. Lian Guan Song. Event— Motor Cycles 51 CC 125 CC bbbhbh ITALY'S FAMOUS ■pEtfPH STORNELLO Ijjtljli"! SPORT ESSam LMbsII BBssf^^^ BBssl/ SBbOiAlbsl I BBsW I w Alm available LODOLA 2SO CC STANDARD
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  • 217 9 VI ALACCA, Thurs. A iT magistrate. Mr. Ramanatha Iyer, today told a consumer engineer of the Central Electricity Board: "You have no manners. Go and sit down." The C.E.B. official. Nik Mohamed bin Yusuf. had been called as a witness in a summons case
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  • 24 9 BENTONG, Thurs. The Control of Rent Ordinance, 1956. has been extended for another 12 months from July 1. a gazette notification announced today.
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  • 73 9 Man dies in scooter erash SEREMBAN, Thurs. Mr. Thamboo Somasundram, 38, of the Telecommunications Department, Kuala Lumpur, was killed and his wife injured when their scooter collided with a military truck here today. Mr. Somasundram died on the spot. His wife's condition is reported to be not serious. The accident
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  • 419 9 Partnership was bought on profits 'misrepresentation' SINGAPORE, Thursday. fHE Court of Appeal today entered judgment for Madam Annie Yeo Siew Cheng, a former employee of the sharebroking firm of Sena and Goh, in her claim for the return of $20,000 which she said she
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  • 308 9 India's C.J. advocates greater scope for lawyers SINGAPORE, Thurs.— Common wealth lawyers trained in the English common law system in their own countries should be allowed to practice in other Commonwealth countries where similar laws are used. This view was expressed by Shri Bhuvneswar Prasad Slnha. Chief Justice of India,
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  • 72 9 US Marine music on July 4 SINGAPORE. Thurs. The USS Eldorado, of the Seventh Fleet, is due in Singapore on July 2 for a six-day visit The Eldorado carries 86 officers and 600 men under the command of Capt Partee Crouch Aboard the ship will be a 25-piece band of
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  • 66 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. -The Social Welfare Services Lotteries Board has donated $100,000 towards the building of a mosque at the University of Malaya. The 250 Muslim students at the university now have to go to a mosque at Kampong Kertnchl. a mile and a half away. Muslim
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  • 32 9 BANTING. Thurs. Mr. D.N. Welch, of the Drainage and Irrigation Department in Kuala Langat. will go on transfer to the D.I.D. head quarters In Kuala Lumpur, next week.
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  • 193 9 Lucky-to-be-alive Aras 1 14 DAYS ADRIFT,! 48 HOURS WITH A DEAD MAN t rV)R 14 days, Aras Chelibu. F 18 (above), an Indonesian seaman, was adrift in an open 6ft-sampan with nothing to eat except a few raw fish and only rain water to drink For the last six of
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  • 95 9 pENANG. Thurs. To check the present spread of diphtheria in Penang, the City Council will suspend all its Infant welfare ante-natal and public dispensary services tor the next two weeks and set up anti-diphtheria inoculation centres 1n stead. Announcing this today the Mayor. Mr.
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  • 156 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. J'HE Federation Government has decided to withdraw the system of licensing importa»of sugar on July 1 little more than months after it imposed. A Government statement said today that the licensing has achieved Its purpose and the sugar trade had returned
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  • 35 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs.— Senator T. H. Tan has been appointed chairman of the Social and Welfare Services Lotteries Board. He takes the place of the late Dato Mohamed Seth bin Sa'aid.
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  • 44 9 BENTONG. Thurs. A new bridge connecting Perting New village and the town here ii now open to traffic. It replaces a temporary one built by the MCA. youth section after the old bridge had been washed away in a i.ood in March.
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  • 24 9 SINGAPORE. Thurs. Two North Bcrneo men will arrive here tomorrow for training in letterpress printing and ancillary crafts under thm Colombo Plan.
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  • 27 9 KAJANG. Thurs. The Ulu Langat District Welfare Committee will hold a food and fun fair on the Padang here on Aug. 11 and Aug. 12.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 120 9 w^fc^' %m IT ■mmL &r m Outdoor sports and hot weather summer activities can so easily result in offensive body odour. And though you can't help perspiring, you can play it safe uith Amplex. Safely and surely stopping odours at their source, Amplex leaves breath tweet and body free of
      120 words
    • 114 9 Iff Bm*^Ußß BSK '^***** Wt ■^E. w^ ;;,v.;. mk Ibtoifi m Sanderson Fabrics are chemically treated and always remain fresh and brilliant ,-J despite sun and laundering. Hr 1 Whatever the furnishing scheme, «ji there's a Sanderson Fabric which is mk exactly right florals, contem- F^ porary styles and designs
      114 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 153 9 RADIO MALAYA NATIONAL SHORTWAVE SERVICE 41.7 metre. A.M. 6.00 Time Signal. Nc gara-ku. News Headlines; «.O5 Morning Melodies; 7.00 Rentiti vous With Musi". 7 JO lime Signal. News; 7J6 BreakldM Club; 800 Tims Signal. News In The National Language; 8.(13 Top Of The Morning. 8.30 Housewives' Selections; 8.66 News Headlines;
      153 words
    • 275 9 News: 9.40 Newstalk/ Interlude: 9.45 Sludio Orkes Puspa Sari: 10.00 Old Time Favourites: 10.30 Yours And Mine. 1100 Close Down RADIO SINGAPORE SHORT WAVE StKVICK 41 metre* MEDIUM tVAVE SERVICE 476 metres A.M 6.00 Good Morning; 6.01 Morninr Prelude: 7.00 The News: 7.06 Breakfast Bulletin: 7. ik Melodies At Sunrise;
      275 words

  • 192 10 Charges 'wild and false': Roolvink /featf of Malay studies welcomes inquiry KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. pROFESSOR R. Roolvink, head of the Malay Studies Department of the University of Malaya, today described as "wild and completely false" the charges made against his department by 13 graduates. This afternoon, at a meeting of
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  • 41 10 SINGAPORE. Thurs. A Singapore People's Alliance leader, Mr. N. S. N. Nalr. will lead a discussion on the trade union movement at the SPA current affairs forum at the party headquarters in Short Street at 7.30 p.m. tomorrow.
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  • 33 10 PENANG. Thurs. The Chung Hwa School Union Band, under the baton of Mr. C. Montano. will give a fjerformance at the Botanic Gardens from 5.30 to 7 p.m. ->n Sunday.
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  • 86 10 The letter, besides calling for a commission of inquiry, also referred to three charges against the department made by the former president of the university's Malay Language Society, Inche Hassan bin Ahmad. Briefly, Inche Hassan charged that the department had not given enough encouragement and co-oper-ation to the
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  • 355 10 Malaysia a factor for peace, says professor OINGAPORE. Thurs. Count Arnold Keyserling, the eminent German philosophy professor and lecturer said here today that the proposed Malaysia was "a factor of integration for peace in South-East Asia." The 40-year-old Count, a descendant of Prince Bismarck said "Malaysia will be able to
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  • 117 10 Nehru's years of power HAMLET was noble but vacillating. Nehru has often been described as India's Hamlet. He is noble. But is he vacillating? An assessment of Nehru the man and Nehru the force appears in Asia Magazine, the supplement that is issued free with The Sunday Times. Next week's
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  • 40 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs.— Mr. Lai Kam Khul. a first year University of Malaya science student, has died here. Mr. Lai fell ill on Saturday evening and was admitted to the General Hospital. He died on Sunday.
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  • 77 10 FAKE MYC FUND RAISERS: A WARNING KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. —The Malayan Youth Council drew the attention of the public today to tricksters posing as M.V.C. representatives and collecting money. In a Press notice, the MYC said "It has come to the knowledge of the MYC that persons unknown to *he
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  • 46 10 IPOH. Thurs. Two men with daggers went to the Lien Fatt tin mine In Gopeng Road at 3 a.m. today and took away a fuel injector pump valued at $900. They tied Lien Keow, the engine driver, before escaping with the pump.
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  • 152 10 JUNE IS OFF ON A ROUND THE WORLD TOUR SINGAPORE. Thurs—Lovely Malayan singer. June Mok above i left Singapore yesterday on a world tour "to fulfil my fondest dreams". The dream: To meet r<o r singing Idols like Nat King Cole and Shirlev Bassey. But first she will travel for
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  • 124 10 SINGAPORE. Thurs.— The Finance Minister. Dr. Goh Keng Swee. told the Legislative Assembly yesterday that Post Office Savings Bank securities Inside and outside Malaya on Dec. 31. 1961. were valued at 537.515.318. according to market Driers Of this amount. $23,542,024 '63 per cent>
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  • 230 10 Alliance win 27 more seats TPOH. Thurs.— Alliance 1 won 27 out of 59 seats and gained unopposed control of three local councils when nominations for the seven remaining local councils in Perak closed at noon today. In another council. Batu Dua, the Alliance is assured of six of the
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  • 110 10 17 SEATS FOR ALLIANCE WITHOUT OPPOSITION gEREMBAN. Thurs.—Seventeen u.icontested .seau went to the Alliance today when nominations for a total ol 124 Local Council seats closed There are 13 local councils in the state with 42 wards. On July 21. a total of 202 candidates will contest the remaining 107
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 443 10 THE INCOMPARABLE UNDERWEAR Feel fresh in Aertex K.P.C, the cellular-knitted underwear that 'air-conditions' the body to keep you comfortably cool. There's a fine range of Aertex K.P.C freedom styles in this incomparable bent-the-heat fabric. See them at your usual Aertex store. MADE BT THE CELLULA* CLOTHINO COMPANY LOOTED la SAVILE
      443 words
    • 68 10 H H OLYMPUS AUTO EYE-II v After 40 yeors of reseorch, n there ony wonder why r Olympus Auro Eye -II ii todoy the most odvonced .'T^**, I of oil fully automatic 35mm comeros PEN-EE-S The world's smoliest '35' camera whose large outomatic electric eye surrounding the D. Zuiko F
      68 words

  • 2374 11  -  Mr. LEE KUAN YEW P.A.P. Do not misuse the troops." The Prime Minister replied: "If the rules are cast aside for stones and Iron bars, then peace-loving though we may be. the overriding interests of peace, security and well-being of the
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  • 89 11 STRAITS TIMES ASSEMBLY TEAM Singapore, Thurs. THE Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, told the Legislative Assembly today that those who had no intention of aiding invaders from outside or subversives from within need have no fear of the martial qualities of a second battalion being raised for the Singapore
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 121 11 SPECIFY <^NAMQ)«j^> STONEWARE GLAZED PIPES SPECIALS for your SEWER CONSTRUCTION, and be assured of the best pipes MADE IN MALAYA by GOH BAN HUAT POTTERY WORKS LTD Koala Lumpur P.O. Box 29V Phone ***** Telerrams: "POTTERy COOKING >^=^^ for Quality Buy 1 1 1 1 It I A USHA SEWING
      121 words
    • 534 11 Not everybody can afford a BULOVA ACCUTRON, the world's most modern, most accurate watch. This is because such a precision instrument, guaranteed 10 times more accurate than normal fine quality watches, costs money to make. Yet Accutron is freely available for those who want only the best. Study the advantages
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  • 201 12 TRACTOR COMPANY HOLDS MEETING A three day sales A convention was sponsored by AllisChalmers International in Singapore last week to co-ordi-nate sales activities of the company's dealers in South-East Asia. Forty delegates from South-East Asian countries took part in the convention which was held in Singapore for the first time.
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  • 55 12 Mr. Casto E. Antonio from the Manila office of First National City Bank, who was granted one of the bank's travel awards to visit Singapore and Hong Kong, arrived here last week. These awards are to give the staff of the bank's overseas branches a better
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  • 65 12 Nippon Kokan Kaisha. one of Japan's three big steel producers which has a branch office In Singapore, celebrates its 50th anniversary this month. In his anniversary message, the president. Mr. Shige Kawata. expressed confidence In the future of the company and pledged that NKK stood ready
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  • 64 12 The new prices for Datsun Bluebird cars as announced by the Nissan Motor Co. of Tokyo do Dot apply to Malaya. These prices, publish Hi on this page on June 19. are only for cars sold In Japan. They are $4,887 for the Datsun Bluebird 1.000 cc. and
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  • 508 12  -  CHAN BONG SOO 'Everyone can be an importer in Singapore, but... By PLAN TO FORM COMMITTEE OF EXPERTS TO SCRUTINISE SALES AND SERVICE FACILITIES AS the operation target date for Singapore's television service draws nearer, importers are going flat out to ensure that a high standard
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  • 128 12 T*WO directors of a Singapore aerated water 1 manufacturing company last week left on a world tour to visit West Germany, Britain, the United States, Japan and other countries. Messrs. Chlng Kwong Yew and Yap Neng Juan, of the National Aerated Water Co.
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  • 107 12 BROKER TO JOIN K.L. FIRM Tlifß. GOH KHENO HOCK I*l on Monday joins the staff of Seagroatt and Campbell, stock and share brokers, Kuala Lumpur. Mr. Goh was formerly with Fraser and Co., Singapore and during his ten years as a broker has seen the local market develop from the
    107 words
  • 165 12 PREPARATIONS for tbe 1 entry of commercial aviation into tbe supersonic era are now well underway. A German airline, Lufthansa, recently gave 20 top New York aviation editors a glimpse of what its aircraft of the future will look like. Displayed to them waa
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  • 152 12 New cargo ship on Far East maiden trip rnHE Ellerman Lines, which has been serving the Far East for over 50 years, has added another ship to its fleet the City of Eastbourne which called at Singapore last weekend on her homeward journey after her Far East maiden voyage. A
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  • 62 12 CHIEF MECHANIC TO STUDY IN GERMANY J\ mechanic on the staff of the East Asiatic Co. Ltd. In Kuala Lumpur. Mr. Chan Thean Hock (above), leaves for West Germany tomorrow to take an advance course at the Heidelberg and Polar factories. Mr. Chan, 41, who has been in the trade
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  • 100 12 T*RADE between Denmark and Malaya deveA loped satisfactorily during the past three years, according to the latest issue of Danish News-Letter. The News-Letter says that Malayan imports from Denmark in 1959 were valued at $22.7 million which rose to $23.8 million in 1960 and to
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  • 133 12 A USTRALIA-MALA YA PHONE TRAFFIC IS INCREASING traffic between Australia and th« A Malayan territories is showing an annual increase of 13 per cent, writes Keith Hooper from Sydney. The rise with Japan is 20 per cent and Hong Kong 25 per cent and is regarded as indicative of Australia's
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  • 55 12 The U.S. imported 34.450 long tons of dry crude rubber in May. 1962. according to Commerce Department statistics issued today. This compared with 28.942 long tons in April. Latex imports in May amounted to 3.393 long tons (4.261 in April), while consumption of imported synthetic totalled to 1,050
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  • 100 12 MR. M. Colilngwood Price.! principal of C.P. Trading House. Melbourne, is visiting several Asian centres during June. July and August to investigate markets for a number of Australian primary and manufactured products. He Is promoting export sales of Australian livestock, including racehorses, dairy products, cattle, sheep
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  • 47 12 Imports from Denmark comprised mostly milk product worth $12.7 million, meat product $3.7 million and beer $2.8 million. The News-Letter says that Denmark believes, as Malaya, in free and unrestricted trade. A growing number of Danish and Malayan firms are participating in developing two-way trade.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 158 12 A. C. Electric MotorS...for all over 3 million BROOK Motors have been *^<r su PPle d to every jJLbiP part of the world. From 1/25 H.P. To 600 H.P. I SOLE AGENTS:— R. E. MORRIS Co.. Ltd., 18, Battery Road, Singapore. Tel: *****/8 174, Boru Rood, K. Lumpur. Tel: *****
      158 words
    • 95 12 EAGLE ENGINEERING KM FOR ALL MARINE AND GENERAL ENGINE REPAIRS EAGLE ENGINEERING CO. 6. KUNG CHONG ROAD. SINGAPORE. TEL: ***** I j JJI W OU Theie remarkable Pentax Cameras are fitted with I automatic lens, internally controlled diaphragm. B"^^^ Focal plane shutter. Flash synchronisation, instant return mirror. Fresnel lens with
      95 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1456 13 I, ll^^*^*^*^*^^^^^^^^*^22^^^^^^^2 TO LIVERPOOL t WEST COAST UK. Due S'pori Sails P. St-am Penant MACHAON Havre, Lirerpael. Glasgow Im/Jhi M LAOMEOON A mouth, L'pMl. R'dani. Hbr| ll Pt/Jily 2 Jlly 1 DULIUS Lilirpill, Glasgow Gin. 33 Jlly 2 DIOMED Liverpool III! 4 Jlly I Jlt| 7/ I flty II PELEUS
      1,456 words
    • 1375 13 THE E. A. C. LINESSAILINGS TO CENOA, IE HAVRE. HAMBURG. BREMEN ANTWERP, ROTTEROAM, AMSTEROAM, OSLO, GOTHENBURG ANO COPEWHAtEH. yP^S^gV S'pori P. Sham Penang WfViG\Vn "AYUTHIA" I) 21 Jiii/ 4 July 1/ 7 Jill I Jl|l |3f Va>\ja -rALSTRIA" I) a/23 Jill 24/2S Jill 21/27 Jlly YgOTV&r "I0MA I) M Jlly/
      1,375 words
    • 1490 13 EXPRESS SERVICE TO LONOON. LIVERPOOL. t_CONTIHEHTAL PORTS. S'pori P. S'hara Penani BENLARIG (HU H'lint, L'laa. Havre, M'bro ll Pt/Jily 1 BENREOCH H.Lp.) L'pael. H'lirg, Hull, fc'daoi ll Pt/lll| 2 lENVIACKIE (E.L) LlilM Hamburg. ll Pt/Jlll 4 Jill 1/ I o.Kiumcr L-pMI. b mwi. H'bui|. R'O*i Jill 11/14 Jlly 7/11 Jlly
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  • 498 14 From Our Market Correspondent MUCH the same pattern was observable on the Malayan Stock Exchange yesterday there being very little business after the first wave of initial buyers. Tins if anything, were slightly easier, but observers feel the worst is now behind
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  • 23 14 Malayan Stock Indices Jane 27 Jane 28 Industrials: 163.14 Tins: 265.13 262.62 5 rubbers: 177.12 177.12 Jan. 1 1958 100.
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  • 761 14 BUSINESS on the Malayan Stock Excange. Federation section yesterday with the number oi dealt; In brackets: Industrials: ttnstern Smelting (2.70 OU M Container* SLI7 OL,, (4,000) Sl.ll. $1.18 OU Malayan Tobacco (2.000 52.4.!, 52.41J OL, $2.42 OL. Metal Box (1,000) 52.52; Rothmana 51. 17 OL. (4,000) SI.
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  • 269 14 STRAITS tin in Singapore, after its rise of nearly $9 in the two previous trading days, yesterday fell by $3.50 to $438.75 on an unchanged offering of 250 tons per picul. Local market observers described the fall as a natural reaction
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  • 33 14 June 28. RUBBER PRICES SINGAPORE: 751 cents (up one-eighth of a cent). K.L.: 75& cents (up a quarter of a cent). TIN: 5438.75 (down $3.50). Estimated unofficial offering 250 tons (unchanged.
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  • 216 14 SHIPS lying iiongiidt the Slniapere whirrti today are: Pleasantvllle 2S/2S. Selyo Maru 30. Tugela 13/14. Charon 28, Ma me Lloyd 42/43, Ferogate 1/2. Schwabenstein 6/7, Yarden 45, Chefoo 35/36. Bombay Maru 40/41. Outer read*: Krap Klttlwake. Ardroaa, Tugela,, AJax. Elenl, Hoi Houn, 80l Wod(. Letonc, Anji. Slndh.
    216 words
  • 121 14 June 2*. Tlire* month* (OFFICIAL QUOTATIONS) CAN 12 eta. Cold Store 4d. M. &>\ 12 cts Steamship 9 eta Breweries 25 S. Timm 19 rta. Robinson 9 cv. 8. Traders ?2 eta. S Darby 4td Unlteera 10 eta. W Jack* 10 eta. MININGS A. Amal 2/1 1 Putian*
    121 words
  • 140 14 b|^| Malayan Eichanss Banks' A* •••latlan made thene rhansea In its rate* to merchant* (all ram to ttoni New V«rk: huytnn TT 22 1S'1«. air*"-" OD 32 1.V16. M d/nt 33 3/16 credit bills. 33 R/16 trade hills Canada: buying TT 3S«. airmail On XI 1/8, M d/(t
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  • 300 14 1 VTITH better tlian expected lon 1 don advices July No. 1 Rrad« I was traded in the Federation Rubber Exchange at half a cent higher than Wednesday's closing i levels. The marßet tnen beenme unrerI tain with aellent predominant and prices were marked down by
    300 words
  • 203 14 JULY first grade rubber buyers f.e.b. J closed at 0 p.m. in Singapore ■*■> terday at 75i cent* prr lt>. up onerlghtna of a rent on ytMerday* closing prtce. Thr tone »a< uncertain. C C.B.A. closing prices in crnta per Ib. ye*terday: Int. 1 R S.S. Prompt
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  • 158 14 MELBOURNE. Thurs. TNVESTMKNT and Industrial x shares continued their nim firm trend today and improvements were shown over a wide range. Drug House moved up 2s to 66sand led some good gains among the key stocks. Kangaroo Petroleum featured among second rank stocks with a jump of Is.
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  • 118 14 /■■MINESE Produce Exchange. $in«apore noon prioes per picul ye«ter< day: Coconut ell: hulk $31 J sellers drum I4H sellers. Copra: July $271 buyers, !2»a acllers. Pepper: Muntok white tIS7« sellers. Sarawak white HAS aellera. Sarawak black |117s arllera. garbled Lampong black Jl2O sellers, ASTA $130 sellers. lln«apore Coconut
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1045 14 KAWASAKI RISEN KAISHA. LTD. U.S.A. Pacific Atlantic a. Great Lakes Mrvtoa n« fiA n* cv tv rpora f, S'hair H'lulu i Mgtiai x vo>t .i«veis*o "CakskM Maru la Psrt 11 July 21 Jlly 14 Alt 11 Alt tmikawa Miiu' 21/31 Illy 1/ J Asp 22 Alt I Sept II Sepi
      1,045 words
    • 921 14 NEDLLOYD LINE GREAT LAKES SERVICE fASI SAILIMS fNM SINGAPORt MAUTI OIRECI 10 CAMBA AND 0 .4 CKAI UKES PMTI rovt 8*Ba» »enani «n Montrta "ItWEtN" (Nl) Is PartM2 Jil» 13/14 July IS lII} 12 Aaf •7EEUNO' (II) IllT/il *M 13/14 Asg 15 Aat 12 Sapt BAND*' (NL) S/U Seal 11/14
      921 words
    • 121 14 Orient mid— east lines Great Lakes Service USI BIBfCI SAILINGS fBBU) jmSAPOM MB MMJU IB C»««0HN tKB US BBfal LMIt *BBTt «-ao» »•■»<• 'mam >vnmt ORIENT TMftll »ug 2«'2) Alftt/It lug 31 Oct ORIENT MERCHANT Septls,2C Sipt 11/27 Sept ?3 Oct 27 Vesseis Mil at MONTREAL. TORONTO. HAMILTON CIEVti»NO lOUBO
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    • 167 14 SHIPPING NOTICES M.V. "CITY OF CARLISLE" KROM IMTED KINGDOM The above vessel is scheduled to arrive in Singapore on 2nd July, 1962 and will discharge careo alongside the Singapore Harbour Board Wharve.v The General Survey will be held on 9th July, 1962. No other survey will be held. McALISTER CO..
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 478 15 NOTICES NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Mr Robert Wee Soon Bee of our I Technical Division is leaving our j employ on 30.6.62. SIM LIM CO., LTD.. I 94, Robinson Road. Singapore. 1. GURU NANAK INSTITUTION IPOH All the old students of the Institution are cordially Invited to the
      478 words
    • 524 15 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT PUBLIC APPOINTMENT CITY COUNCIL OF SINGAPORE CITY WATER DEPARTMENT: Required lor tne SCUDAI RIVER SCHEME, ilie following temporal y appointment*: (A) 3 TEMPORARY DRAFTSMEN -DESIGNERS: Qualifications: Cily Guilds Final Examination in Structural Engineering or equivalent plu-s good site and diawmg office experience. Salary: Wlihm ihe range of $600-1800
      524 words
    • 1931 15 IM^W^W^BMW^BBWBIhWBWMIWBWiWPfcwI (Continued Iron* Page 61 SITUATIONS VACANT :o Words SS (Mlm.)— Box St ett. txtn SECRETARY STENOGRAPHERS BOOKKEEPERS Account* Audit Clerk* Trainee Recepttonm Kxpe-rieno-d Typist n Female Sain Clerks Interviews Guaranteed, City Employment. T4B Robinson Road. Spore. CONFIDENTIAL FULL TIMI LADY SECRETARY, required fer Alien eitcutiv* el Csmmercial and Milling
      1,931 words
    • 1164 15 TUITION Wtrdt SS I Mi*. Box it ctt. txtrm i LONDON ORIVINO SCHOOL charges only for the necessary leetoas re- I quired to paaa your driving test 04, Be- I lesie Road Spore. Phone *****. EXPERIENCED LAOV ORIVINO instructress. Teachra only necessary < leewms to pass driving teat. Moderats chsrges.
      1,164 words
    • 920 15 VEHICLES POR SALE 7* Wardt SS (Min.)-Box St ctt. txtrt I IM2 VSIOX •700-, 1937 Victor »IMO/-. 1951 Oxford tTM/-. 1*54 < Standard '10' 11.100-. *a»y payment i arranged Bc«n \i Hamilton Rd. tf'pore. VOLKSWAGEN INI unite OM I owner leOOm, acent serviced. Ring j Wln« Commander Birch <S'i>or*> B'J2JI
      920 words
    • 734 15 FOr SALE tt Wtrdt V Mi*.)— Box St ctt. txtro FO« FIRSTCLAtt TAILORING at competitive prices. Winter Tropical I <ui!s. dinner su.'s. «riirt.i. military i uniform*, riding iireeclwa, ladles cos- I [umes dresses— knitting wools Java Bateks, pleas* visit always Natn Tailors 4/10 Tsaglln Rd Singapore— la rue selections, (irslclass
      734 words
    • 213 15 WHERE TO STAY (Foe).) 29 Wordt SS (Mln.)-Box SK ctt. txlra CTRAITSVICW Moorrn Hotel J Rir rvodilionrd roams ddncius ol(bll*. Hnonr BUB JONORE HOTEL J.I. Knull-h. CamoniKc Kood. /Micondmonrd Kuoms Hbone 2393 6 WHERE TO EAT (Spore) 10 Wordt $i (Mim.)-Box it ctt. txtrm MUI FONC RESTAURANT:— I. 'in cticon
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    • 308 16  - Tough but Pal to make one more vault bid L. FRIDA, By DOLE VAULTER Pal 1 Singh and his wife, Indra Kaur, may form a husband-and-wife team in the shot-put event. It all depends on how Pal fares in the pole vault at the Singapore Police meet on Saturday Aim
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    • 238 16  - Jolly Scout goes well on a soft track EPSOM JEEP By KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs.— There was little activity on a soft track at Kuala Lumpur this morning. Jolly Scout, a course scratchIng on the first day. went attractively over 3f In 42 1/5 with Laurie Johnson up. Jet Plane a
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    • 541 16 WEIGHTS for ten TT race* on Sunday, last day of the Selangor Turf Club July meeting: Cl. 4. Oiv. I— 6f Teh mi Su v in. t'hor-Pavonc 8.13 Mori 8.11 Highland King Director II 8.09 Jet Plane B.UM Befini Begitu B.OM 8.07 Shamrock II 8.06
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    • 24 16 TAIPING. Thurs. Chinese Recreation Club. Taiping. will hold their annual oi>en tennis tournament here from July 7 to 15. Entries close tomorrow.
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    • 210 16  - Hong Kong HA keen on visit FRANCIS BOEV From HONG KONG. Thurs.— Hong Kong Hockey Association wants to Dlay a series of matches in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur after the Asian Games in Jakarta. Mr. Krishnan Lall. vicepresident and team manager, said the association would write to the respective bodies
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    • 50 16 SINGAPORE. Thurs.— Joint Services team to meet Singapore In the southern zone of the Malaya Cup competition at Jalan Besar Stadium on Sunday will be selected from: Collins, Moseley. Platford. Newton, Pettit. Edward 3. Simpson. Ashworth, Tebbutts. Atkey. Tromans. Stringfellow, Davies. Long. Coates. Mlddlemas. Urquhart. Patrick.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1764 16 1 ikHlkLU^^jJ MALAYAN CHAMBERS OF MINES. MR. E. D. SHEARN'S ADDRESS. The forty-fourth annual general mreiing of the Malayan Chamber 01 Mme.s was held on June 20, ai j.t. London Wall, London, E.C. In the course cf his speech, Mr. E. D. Snearn, the Cnairman, said: j I am happy
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    • 1441 16 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT 1 FEDERATION OF MALAYA GOVERNMENT VACANCIES 1. Applications are invited from Federal Citizens and from serving i °5^5J or a PP° intme nt to vacancies in the FEDERATION LEGAL SERVICE, which includes Judicial and Legal appointments on the S!, ar^ s( le *««*34-934/Efflciency Bar/982 x34 1.254 per mensem!
      1,441 words
    • 709 16 NOTICE THE MALAYAN EXCHANGE BANKS' ASSOCIATION All members of the above Association in the State of Singapore will be closed for business on Monday 2nd July 1962. which is a Gazetted Bank Holiday, for the purpose of closing their books (or the half-year. TENDERS TENDERS from Contractors registered with P.W.D.,
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 331 16 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS ters for retirement (6). 1. They claim to foretell event* 7. Direction on festival wa* welof a large sort, so It might corned by Rlngsley (5-6). appear (11). 9. He Is In charge of goods of 8. Capital coming In too slowly? various race groups (10).
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    • 334 17 YOUNGSTERS DO WELL IN NATIONAL TENNIS PENANG, Thursday. promising young players, 21-year-old Ronny Soon of Penang and 19-year-old Kok Wai Lam of Selangor stole the limelight in the first Malayan National tennis championships which began on the Penang Sports Club courts today. Ronny Soon
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    • 189 17 RINGAPORE, Thurs. Tan Thuan Heng and Bernard Chan. Singapore's likely swimming representatives at the Asian Garni-? in Jakarta in August, will compete in Singapore Combined Schools" colours at tho Malayan open swimming championships in Kuala LumDur this weekend. Both swimmers won silver medals for
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    • 27 17 DUBLIN. Thurs. Sicilian Prince pulled up sotc after a training spin yesterday and will no run n ttie Irish Derby at >he Curragh on Saturday.
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    • 182 17 Top British hurdler to run in Singapore AAA meet SINGAPORE, Thurs,— One of Britain's best hurdlers, Max Boyes, will run in the Singapore A.A.A. championships at Farrer Park on July 21 and 22. Boyes was Britain's 440 yards hurdles champion in 1960 and competed at the Olympic Games in Rome
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    • 241 17  - TEN COUNTRIES FOR M-SOCCER TOURNAMENT KEN FERNANDEZ By I{UALA LUMPUR, Thurs. 1 Ten countries have already accepted the Football Association of Malaya's invitation to take part in the Merdeka soccer tournament to be held here from Sept. 8 to 18. They are Indonesia. thP champions, Israel, Iran, Korea, Japan. Singapore,
      241 words
    • 325 17 Record-breakers contest 400-m boys' final today SINGAPORE, Thursday. 4 GREAT battle is in prospect tomorrow in the "B" division 400 metres final in the Singapore Secondary Schools inter-district athletic champion- ships at Farrer Park. Today all the winners, of the heats bettered the 1961 record of 54.95 ec set by
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    • 108 17 HINOAPORE, Thurs.— Two first- 1 O half goals in two minutes helped Indian Recreation Club to beat RAF. Seletar. 2-0 in a s.A.F.A. league first division match at Jalan Besar today. But the airmen had the chances to save this match. Though they had an even share
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    • 31 17 KOTA BHARU, Thurs. Nineteen cyclists from Kelantan and Belangbr will take part in the 60--mlle race here tomorrow. The route will be from Kota Bharu to Mnchana and back.
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    • 162 17 PENANO. Thure. Apart from the Malayan national tennis championships, which started today, highlight of a crowded programme of sports activities In Penang this week-end will be the Malaya Cup clash between Penang and Perak at the City Stadium here on Sunday. By mutual agreement, Penang and Perak
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    • 53 17 KUALA LUMPUR, Trains SH Qadlnf Estate, Johore won the MacGlUlirray Cup when they be»t SIlUu Estate, the holders. 2-1 In the soccer final at Merdeka Stadium today. Ontre-foward A. Majld scored both goals for Sri Oading. who led 1-0 at half-time. Nagan notched the only
      53 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 43 17 SO 225 WE Powerful stereogram 10 valves-14 watt push pull output-Medium Shortwave reception-fully tropicalized. lh i y|f SO 342 WE Unique cabinet styling- 10 valves 14 watt push pull output -4 loud speakersMedium Shortwave reception-fully tropicalized. l<jjjf SOLE AGENTS: KIAN GWAN (M) LTD
      43 words
    • 377 17 Lm Jr W tJmmH m I mx rl W Cool 1 it *M V d fm Jr And yet so quiet! This summer X^Jbßl^^ breeze without moving the let a Mitsubishi fan change hot, kwSl km base, or set it automatically humid weather into perpetual ijFSSB Wj\ oscillating back and
      377 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 551 17 SPORTS DIARY TEN'VIS MALAYAN national championships (Western R<l. Penang 3 pjn I BADMITON S'GOR Junior and Veteran championship* fSBA hall, 5.30 >. SOCCER SPORE DIV. 3D: Bt Panjang v Ha'kowyu (Balestier Rd>: Friendly: Btg Bulan v Gurkha Rifles 'F.irrer Pk). KLITAN'G DIV. 2: Elaeis v Bt B;i dak (padang). S'GOR
      551 words
    • 383 17 (iIRLS 'A' lt»m: D.OolcUng, Ta.i MenK Choo, Chua Choon Chin. Yeoh Saw Cheng. SharifTah Noor, Soodendra Dcvi, Koh Heng Neo (best 14.3 by D. Ooldlng): tOm hardlea: Yeoh Saw Cheng, Tan Mong Chew. Hablbah Rahman. Gloria Kang, Goh Ai Un, Molly Llm (best 14.1 by Saw Cheng). GIRLS 'B lOftm:
      383 words

  • 500 18 Resistance by O.A.S. ends in last bastion CALL TO SPARE EUROPEANS FURTHER MARTYRDOM ROCHER NOIR, Algeria, Thursday. jyjß. Christian Fouchet, French High Commissioner in Algeria, said in a communique here tonight that "the situation is returning to normal throughout the Oran region" where O.A.S. resistance collapsed today. The communique came
    Reuter  -  500 words
  • 113 18 Fox film chief Skouras resigns NEW YORK. Thurs. Spyros P. Skouras (above) resigned yesterday as President of 20th Century Fox Film Corporation. Skouras's resignation was announced during a long closed session of the film company's board of directors. It said he was stepping down because of his health. Skouras recently
    UPI  -  113 words
  • 54 18 SINGAPORE, Thurs. Water will be cut off tomorrow in Upper Serangoon Road between 583 AH. 585. and Shift Engineers' Quarters from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and in Reserve Road Kheam Hock Road between Lots 9 to 12 and 12A to 16 ending at G.H. 3228 from 9
    54 words
  • 52 18 Zainol nets 5 SINGAPORE, Thurs. Army Depot Police qualified for the final of the Singapore Base District's M.O.R. Cup Final when they routed Engineers Base Oioup 7-0 today. Zainol scored five goals, including a hat trick, and Ismail two. The other finalist m Singapore Guaid Regiment wlio beat 221 Vehicle
    52 words
  • 39 18 SINGAPORE. Thurs. A stenographer. S. J. Mallya. was grante.l a decree nisi by Mr. Justice Ambrose in the High Court today dissolving his marriage to his wife. Gool Daarabshuw Mistry. on the ground of desertion.
    39 words
  • 182 18 MOTHER OF TWO WINS GOLDEN VOICE TITLE AGAIN IPOH, Thurs. A mother of two who was transferred to Ipoh two weeks ago from Kota Bharu, Kelantan, today won her third "Miss Golden Voice" title. Mrs. Ellena Abrahams. 23. wife of an Air Control Offcer, Ipoh, took the first priae In
    182 words
  • 41 18 SINGAPORE, Thurs.— Tan Teck Yak, manager of a trading firm, was today fined $75 by Mr. John Dorai Raj, the fifth Magistrate, after being convicted of gambling In a lane off Moulmein Road at 10.15 p.m. on May 26.
    41 words
  • 20 18 MANY PEREIRA t*lovrd mother of A!r\ P. \*rr+* r n |w?<se«l nwriy peaceMilv o-i T-i^ii.iv .'6.6.62 .it Chrriiittijrml. Trlvnndrum.
    20 words
  • 272 18 LONDON, Thursday. "■REWITCHED, bothered and bewildered". This is the Statist's description of the reaction of the tin metal and share markets to the conflicting pronouncements made during the preliminaries leading to the release of 50,000 tons of tin from the United States stockpile. The
    Reuter  -  272 words
  • 37 18 SINGAPORE. Thurs. Puan Noor Aishah. wife of the Yang di-Pertuan Negara. will declare open an exhibition of arts, handicrafts and hobbies by the Chinese Women's Association at the Victoria Memorial Hall at 9 a.m. tomorrow.
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  • 31 18 SINGAPORE. Thurs. The Spastic Children's Association of Singapore will hold a jumble sale at the Presbyterian Church Hall. Orchard Road, on July 4 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon.
    31 words
  • 353 18 LONDON. Thurs-— The advance |in stock sections here today gathered momentum and gains were widespread and In some Instances, quite sharp. Sentiment was helped Iby Wall Street's ability over the 1 past few days to resist the downward trend and by President Kennedy's hint that he would take
    353 words
  • 22 18 LONDON, Thurs.—Buyers £864. tellers £865, Forward buyers £470, sellers £871. Settlement £871. Turnover ajn- 386 tons, p.m. 55 tons Tone. Easier.
    22 words
  • 38 18 LONDON. Thurs—Spot 22\d.. August 22' id., sept. 221-.d Oct. 22 9/lfld, Oct/Dec. M=S,d.. Jan. March 22% d.. April/June 22\d.. July/Sept. unquoted, c.ii. July, 22 3/16 d.. August 22>»d. Sept. I 22 3 16d. Tone: Steady but quiet.
    38 words
  • 533 18 WIMBLEDON LONDON. Thursday. DAMANATHAN KRISHNAN. India's toj) player and No. 4 seed, made a dramatic exit from the Wimbledon lawn tennis championships today. Krishnan, who went on to the court wilh a heavily bandaged left ankle, retired with the score 5-2 and deuce
    533 words
  • 396 18 LONDON. Tnuus. An attractive 112 by Saeed Aiimed helped Pakistan fight back well after early reverses on the second day of their match with Northamptonshire today. At tea an imere&tlng struggle for first innings lead seemed likely, wun the tourists 281 for seven in
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 40 18 :o Word, $1$ (Minimum) DAUGHTER to Siva aod Kodl. SunKd Hulob L*pro«anum. No presents pit J.M ETWISN ALBERT K. SEBASTIAN, ron ot Mr. SehiMlan Anthony of Klanc nud Ktmlv Row, daughter of Mr*. T. Row of SliikiPo.c. IT 8 62.
      40 words
    • 215 18 DOT PUBLICITY PRESENTS MISS PERSONALITY 1962 PLUS AMATEUR STARS SHOW Music by: THE LATIN-JAZZ COMBO with supported guest artistes: Shirlty Noir Th* Midnightcn Th* Rainbows Janet Antonio Cynthia Hay Rahtm Hamid Patricia Pcstano The Blue Trio The Crexendot Alias Cenggo, Tha Troubadours *air» Blackout, ond Mabel Somy Kina Go<»dob«l Tha
      215 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 42 18 The weather HIOHEST and lowoa temperatures for Malaya and Singapore for the period 8 p.m. Wednesday to 8 p.m. yesterday: Hiffhnt Lowest Kuala Lumpur 84 72 KoU Bharu 88 75 Penang o4 75 Ipoh 84 73 Malacca 86 73 Singapore 84 72
      42 words