The Straits Times, 30 May 1962

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 22 1 AVIIIA4.I DAILY (IKMIMU BALK BXCBCBS 100.000 Nat*** 1 fjeutpW* The Straits Times Estd. 1845 WEDNESDAY. MAY 30, 1962. 15 CENTS. KDN '036
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  • 642 1 Avalanche of selling share values tumbling AH the popular stocks are hit J^EW YORK, Tues. The biggest avalanche of selling j since the 1929 crash hit the New York Stock Exchange yesterday, wiping out between L.5.516,000 million and $20,000 million in share values. Under this Influence, hundreds
    Reuter  -  642 words
  • 473 1 VIENTIANE. Tuesday. TWO British Embassy officials flew to Saravane, South Laos, today to help arrange the release of two British doctors held by pro-Communist 1 Pathet Lao guerillas. The doctors, working in Laos under the Colombo Plan, were identified as Colin 1 Prentice,
    Reuter; UPI  -  473 words
  • 61 1 JOHORE BAHRU. Tues.— A rubber dealer. Mr. Ng Hua, 40. and his wife. Madam Chin Chee Ling. 35. were killed in a road crash at the 13th milestone. Johore BahruMasai Road here early today. The jeep in which they were travelling to Masai was in collision
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  • 516 1 Singapore is take-off point AUSTRALIAN MINISTER'S ASSURANCE ON PLANES FOR THAILAND SINGAPORE. Tuesday. SINGAPORE— and uol liullmvortli— will be the .Like-oil" point lor Australia's Thailandbound air Force. This firm assurance was given here today by visiting Australian Minister for External Affairs. Sir Garfield Barwick. before he flew to Saigon. To
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  • 96 1 Eichmann appeal is rejected JEKISALKM. Tiie:-.— lsraels Supreme Court today unanimously rejected Nazi mass murderer Adolf Kichmann's appeal against his death sentence. Only an appeal for clemency to the President of Israel now lies between Eichmann and the gallows. A presidential rejection of a clemency appeal would automatically act as
    UPI  -  96 words
  • 70 1 SAIGON. Tuc.-, -Fifty South Vietnam Air Force planes dropped 100 tons of bomb.s and strafed the Communist guerillas headquarters of Zone Five, in the Northern part of South Vietnam, last I Sunday. General Nguyen Khanh. Chief of the Army Stall, told the press today. He said: "This was
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 69 1 SINGAPORE, Tuts. Marine police and Reserve Unit troops were called out tonight to search for an es- caped prisoner, who jumped into the sea off Clifford Pier, while being transferred to Pulau Senang from Changi Jail. The man, a detainee under the Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions
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  • 29 1 NEW DELHI. Tue.s. India has lodged an "emphatic protest' 1 with China against '.he setting up of a new Chinese outpost on the disputed SinoIndian border.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 168 1 RUSSIA today exploded a bombshell at the disarmament conference here, in effect rejecting the draft declaration condemning war propaganda to which it had agreed last Friday, an authoritative Western conference source said. Mr. Valerian Zorin. the chief Soviet delegate, said the draft declaration in its present
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  • 350 1 GO-AHEAD ON U.S. N-TESTS IN 'SPACE' WASHINGTON. Tuesday. THE U.S. Atomic Energy Commission announced 1 today that a series of high altitude nuclear tests were scheduled to begin over Johnston Island in the Pacific in about four days. The A.E.C. said the first '.--pact'" b^mb tested would be the sub-megaton
    Reuter  -  350 words
  • 99 1 SINGAPORE. Tues— A big welcome it the airport awaits the Singapore Prime Minister. Mr. Lee Kuan Y'-\v. when he returns tomorrow evening after his 40-day tour bl neutral countries Mr. Lee and his entourage are expected to arrive Irom Hong Kong in a Japan Air
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  • 23 1 SEOUL. Tues. Police >aid today they had detained two newspaper reporters for questioning on suspicion of having divulged an official .secret.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 150 1 An OAS offer to Algerian leaders ijaris. Tues. Secrtt 1 Army Organisation (0.A.5.) leaders in Algerla have made a firm offer to the Algerian Nationalists to ne»otiate an agreement, excluding France. "in order to pull Algeria out of chaos." it wai reported today. The ofh i was made in a
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  • 42 1 ECONOMY SOUND \s IBHINGTOM i»■ Pr< Mil. -lit K> Bpedj di rrt stork nurkit leaders <>f Senate and of Kiprt srnt.itiw t.irv <>f ri»— tj Dillnu <N<> v«u K. and nikJ Liter Wl SCC tnv p-ason for selling Economy I
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 105 1 MODERN RINGS of DISTINCTION FOR ALL OCCASION rtifefS GOLD ri\fen.]!aa white gold [r^pl^SS PLATINUM. P. H. HENDRY Jewellers 71 North Bridge Rd., Adelphi Hotel Sinfopore t Ku«lo Lumpur 3U JniLiJLUP in aWUUr JUN Jr ILfLI JbK AL W AJr 1 1 AL <— ISaCK Jraige NOW J Sydney 8 BY
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    • 115 1 OWN YOUR HOME ON EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS LORONG STANGEE. KATONG PRICE: &22.900/- DOWN PAYMtNT 51, 700/ or Le» To Bi MONTHLY: $134.90 SIN CHEW REALTY LTD. 132 Roctiorc Rood. S'porc 7 Tel' ***** S ink ■Si MSk^^^^^^ IF YOU WAHT REAL VIGOUR, YOU WANT SHAMROCK There's no better wav to
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    • 358 2 HONG KONG, Tuas pOR Singapore to compete in the industrial market, it "needs nol merely to pull up its socks but to make an agonising reappraisal of its whole government-industry-labour situation." the Hong Kong Slandard said today. The Chinese-owned newspaper
      Reuter  -  358 words
    • 75 2 Joan— all by herself now... CONTENTEDLY sucking her fingers in Hammersmith Hospital, London, is surviving Nigerian Siamese twin Joan Adamu, shown here in a picture taken by the Department of Illustration at the Postgraduate Medical School, Hammersmith. Five-month-old Joan who has started teething was successfully separated from her sister Jennifer
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    • 102 2 The whole thing is a <9 pack of lies. It is a political vendetta, a smear campaign. My wife C/nthia. who is an accomplished pianist, has a piano of her own worth three times this damned little piano. Mr Eric Oalry. Chief Minister of Grenada,
      Reuter  -  102 words
    • 134 2 BRITAIN WILL AID CHINA IF ASKED LONDON, Tues. The British Government Indicated yesterday that it would help China with rood and other assistance IF ASKED by the Chinese Government. Mr. Peter Thomas, Foreign Under.secretary. answering questions about the exodus of Chinese refugees to Hung Kong, told the House of Com.
      Reuter  -  134 words
    • 148 2 DURBAN. Tuesday. A STATEMENT by the two leaders of a United Nations special committee on SouCh-West Africa •'whitewashed apartheid practices repeatedly condemned by the UN. General Assembly." Mr. Albert Lutuli, the Nobel Peace Prize winner, said today in a cable to the U.N. Secretary-General. U
      Reuter  -  148 words
    • 72 2 SKEGNESS I England.! Tues. Britain's reluctant peer. Mr. Anthony Wedgwood BennfLord Stansgate) .--aid la.^t night that "within -i matter of months sabotage and flsshting will have broken nut in South Africa. Thin might not be confined to South Africa." Mr. Benn told a meeting that the
      UPI  -  72 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 311 2 now flying the Orient skies! ffo^^^gc^^^g^ggggggHP^lT* J|<7igW"y g«^ ~^^^^^l. d^g^^fc _^^ggg«gg^^^^ *^g|^ggggg^k^ igggggS^^ldKMi^V^^ggggggggggggggggggflg^gggHggggggg^^' CATHAY You have never known service so sumptuous, so thoughtful! This is the fastest p^ m H m Cathay Pacific's huge fleet of modern airliners operates through sevtntMn jet service through the Onent-with the most fabulous foods
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 262 3 Quick look round WASHINGTON: The F-l rocket, which the U.S. hopes will power a threeman shot to the moon, has been successfully groundtested in California. BRUSSELS: A meeting to speed up talks on Britain's entry Into the European Common Market will be held soon. ROME: One man was killed and
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    • 36 3 TOKYO. Tues.-The Light for the Blind Society here, established last August following a campaign by an American said today 104 sightless people throughout the country had recovered their eyesight through medical treatment U.P.I.
      UPI  -  36 words
    • 25 3 NICOSIA. Tues.— Classical drunken orgies are depicted In magnificent mosaics unearthed In a field near Paphas. West Cyprus, the Antiquities Department announced. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  25 words
    • 47 3 A CLENCHED FIST— MAC STYLE... \|R. Harold MaciTl millan. the British Prime Minister, raises his clenched fist in a vigorous gesture as he addresses a meeting of women Conservatives at the rtoyal Albe t Hall. London. The rally concluded the 34th national conference of the women Conservatives.
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    • 92 3 INDIA FACES $700 MILLION CUT IN AID FUNDS \yASHINGTON. Tues. The international consortium of countries as■Utlnc in financing India's second five-year plan adjourned its meeting in Washington yesterday without being able to decide the extent of final advances to India. Grave results It was earlier reported that the non- American
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    • 267 3 Strict security for Reds in British civil service LONDON, Tuesday STRICT Government security regulations against Communists in the British civil service will begin to operate from next Friday, it was announced yesterday. Union leaders of Britain's 6.">0.000 civil servants were officially Informed at a London meeting that from June 1
      Reuter  -  267 words
    • 34 3 WARSAW, fues. Mrs Hartini Soekarno. wife of the President of Indonesia, arrived here yesterday by plane on a four-day visit as the guest of Mrs. Stanlslawa Zawadzka. wife of Poland's President.— .U.P.l.
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    • 311 3 'KILL JOUHAUD' GENERAL QUITS INSTEAD PARIS. Tuesday. i FRENCH general said last night that he had ask- ed to be retired because he had been ordered to detail the firing squad to execute former general Edmond Jouhaud. deputy leader of the Secret Army Organisation. Gen. Francois Partiot, 55, commandant of
      Reuter  -  311 words
    • 89 3 'Ban sexy clothes' call pAIRO. Tues— A law should be passed to prevent women from "wearing sexually exciting clothes, showing arms, lees and other parts of their bodies." a member of the U.A.R. National Congress said yesterday. The remark— by Sheikh El Ghazali caused a roar of laughter. while women
      Reuter  -  89 words
    • 37 3 MIAMI. Tues.— The Cuban Premier. Fidel Castro, yesterday demanded payment of <US> $3 million owed him for release of 60 war prisoners, and started shipping other invasion captives to an island penal settlement. U.P.I.
      UPI  -  37 words
    • 26 3 BERLTN. Tues.— The Western commandants In Berlin today protested to the Soviet commandant. Gen. Soliviev. against the repeated shooting Incidents at the Berlin border—Reuter.
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    • 268 3 LONDON. Tues. A public controversy has flared In Britain over publication of a book attacking Queen Elizabeth,' Princess Margaret and other members of the British royal family. The rormer editor of the New Statesman. Kingsley Martin, criticised royalty in a book titled "The
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    • 26 3 PARIS. Tues- A 12-hour pay strike by power workers brought the Paris Metro, the city's underground railway. to a complete standstill early today— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  26 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 59 3 is So SofTAiR:PuFFed( >; Jl Only Waldorf D&tjroom ~~~^>. gentle strength anaN. absorbency. And you *s**" get 650 sheets in every >»^_ .ySw? thrifty roll. See if you "^3(s^ don't think Waldorf is 'afigfe^ V the thriftiest, softest- :Jll||h^lc£SQ ""m"- (•wsiuu niwui) 4^k^k I I I^K The better the paper,
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  • 168 4 SINGAPORE, Tues. Pay increases to about 80 clerical and non-clerical monthly rated employees of the engineering firm of Gammon (Malaya) Ltd., in Bukit Timah Road, are to be back-dated to July last year. The Increases, from $15 to $30, follow an agreement signed yesterday
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  • 103 4 REFITTED TEGELBERG IN STORE SINGAPORE, Tue*,. The 14.300-ton Tegelberg. recently reconditioned passenger ship of the Royal Interocean Line, arrived here today from Hong Kong. The ship filled with tourists from America, Australia and South Africa Is on her first round trip from Japan since being refitted In Hong Kong. Now
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  • 301 4 50 'L' motorcyclists will be off the roads for a year SINGAPORE, Tuesday. piFTY scooterists and motorcyclists all learner-riders will be off the roads for a year starting today. The Second Traffic Magistrate, Mr. C.S. Tay, imposed the ban on them today, and also fined them $100 each. The 50,
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  • 368 4 LET'S HOPE GOVT. MEANS TO HELP NANYANG: TAN SINGAPORE, Tuesday. THE chairman of the Nanyang University Coun--1 cil, Mr. Tan Lark Sye last night referred to the Government's readiness to nominate three representatives to the new 28-man University Council by saying: "I hope that this sudden change in attitude, and
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  • 121 4 SINGAPORE. Tues. —An expert from India will arrive here next week to help the Singapore Government set up a planning economic unit. Dr. D. H. Malhotra. deputy secretary of the Indian Planning Commission, is due here on June 5 for a stay
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  • 66 4 SINGAPORE, Tues. The editor of the Pacific Travel News, Mrs. Shirley Fockler. tonight said she was fascinated by the different ways of life to be found In Singapore. Mrs. Fockler spent today visiting the tourist spots of the island, including a cruise in the harbour. Tonight, she
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  • 14 4 SINGAPORE. Tues. The Balvation Army will hold a flag day on Saturday.
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  • 59 4 BINGAPORE. Tues. Soh Ah Lye, 17, was convicted at the Assize Court today by Mr. Justice Chua on a charge of robbing Yap Ngian Chlng, a salesman of a wrist-watch, valued at $93. and $59 in cash in Kirn Pong. Road on Mar. 26 last year.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 280 4 IC ADIT i\ I SINGAPORE PHONE ***** V.ArIIUL om\s i nnrw ST j; Th ftor y° fw^ KIRK V four men did to nAII«»l R A t>rl >«i what the UUUCLAS M TOWN 1 WITHOUT PITY ABSORBING COMPELLING DOCUMENTARY BASED ON FACTS! obtained from GOVERNMENTAL PRIVATE ARCHIVES FILMS I ok>m:xs
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    • 938 4 €J\t\fXJ) 6ALA PREMIERE!! jCATHAYS* vJULM w tonight at 9.15 p.m. :E|||||ggg: itodem. Award winner' BEST SONG! "MOON RIVER'1 1 Last Day! SXi'?,. X^ I i a. 20th Century-Fex Pr*«.cr-t% RODGETS and HAMMERSTEINS M& south pacific BSB|kk Rostano IRAZZI Mitxl GAYNOR K!ran CINEMASCOPE TECHNICOLOR W^^* SPECIAL MORNING SHOW 2 TODAY AT
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 390 4 AIR ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES THE following is today's sche- Qanla*: Prom Delhi <QP London <BA 711* 9.05 p.m. dule or civil aircraft move- 152) 8.10 a.m. from London. Thai International: To Kuala menls at Paya Lebar Airport: Athens. Cairo. Karachi. Cal- Lumpur. Bangkok. Hong Kong ,i.,.|, cutta. Bangkok <QF 732)
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  • 638 5  - Around Hong Kong FRANCIS BOEY STARTS TODAY from DRAGON boats are already out at Aberdeen and Stanley as preparations get underway to celebrate this annual festival, one of the most colourful in Hong Kong. The festival, celebratefl on the fifth day of the fifth moon of the lunar calen- dar—
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 285 5 Straits Times Crossword Hi fill'" fl HHP HP bV~ Hf H3 \< ROSS 6. Someone inclined to make an 7 Mere womanly he&itauon? arbour? (s>. is>. 11. Record one without upyeuing S. Reiurnlii? to snare bird on another then stop (11). (he temple .9. 13. "So all day long the
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  • 244 6 KUALA LUMPUR Tuesday. THE president of the World Assembly of Youth Mr. Ravindra Varma, today made a call to help youths in Asia to reorientate their outlook and tc participate in youth organisations which are in the interests of their countries. Mr.
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  • 32 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuev A sum of $221,642 was paid out as workmen's compensation involving 1.170 cases, of which 15 were fatal, last month, said the Ministry of Labour monthly report.
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  • 114 6 KUCHING. Tues. Nineteen Sarawak trade unions have sent a joint memorandum to the labour adviser to the Colonial Secretary in London protesting against the Trade Unions Ordinance passed by the Council Negri early this month. The protesting unions include the Sarawak First Division Trades
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  • 33 6 KANGAR. Tues. The Mentrl Besar of Perils, Dato Sheikh Ahmad bin Mohamed Hashim. Is due to return from his pilgrimage to Mecca next week. He will resume duty on June 15.
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  • 57 6 Youth gets rotan PEN'ANG. Tues.— P. Senthiagu. 18, was today ordeied to be sent to the. Henry Gurney School for three years and given six strokes of the rotan for stealing a table clock from the officers' quarters at Minden barracks here on April 28. Senthiagu, the prosecution stated, had
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  • 118 6 KOTA BHARU. Tues. A farmer. Zalnal bin Senik, 28. was slashed to death yesterday evening by a man using a long knife at Kampong Kadeh seven miles from Pasir Puteh. Zalnal was standing v. front of his house at 6.30 p m. when
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  • 55 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.A tapper, K. Santhanam. 45. was today sentenced to six months' Jail In the High Court here for attempting to rape a 13-year.old girl. Santhanam was originally charged with rape but the charge was reduced by the Deputy Publle Prosecutor, Inche Harun Hashim. after
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  • 384 6 Anti- Malaysia Sarawak man full of praise for plan now 'FEDERATION GOVERNMENT SHOULD HAVE HELD TOURS EARLIER' SINGAPORE, Tues ALTHOUGH he belongs to the antiMalaysia Sarawak United People's Party, Mr. William Hardin was today full of praise for the Malaysia plan. This, as he explained, has been due to the
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  • 168 6 ITUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Jardine Waugh (Singapore) Ltd. has donated $10,--000 to the National Monu ment Fund bringing the total now to $447,864. A British singer. Cliff Richard, who recently entertained a large crowd at the Merdeka Stadium here, contributed $1,000 towards the fund proceeds from
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  • 88 6 KUALA KANOSAR, Tues.— Mr. Yeap Yeen Kool. 50. a broker, riding a scooter, was waylaid by three youths who robbed him of $900 in cash and a cheque for $400 at the Junction of Manong and Kuala Kangsar roads here yesterday evening. Mr. Yeap reported
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  • 241 6 KUCHING, Tuesday. MR. JUSTICE HARLEY has quashed the conviction and sentences of four girls, who had earlier been found guilty, of assisting in managing an unlawful society— the clandestine Communist organisation and being members of it. The girls are Hii Al Huong. 20. Wong Ai
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  • 50 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The Minister of Health of Western Samoa, Mr. Tufuga Fatu, will arrive here tomorrow for a brief visit. He Is returning to Western Samoa from the* annual meetIng of the World Health Organisation in Geneva, and will leave for Singapore on Thursday.
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  • 26 6 KLANG, Tues. Rotarian Goh Tian Chin and his wife, have left Klang on a world tour. They wilj be away for three months.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 76 6 Sleep and dream in perfect harmony with the Dunlopillo Bolster It's cool and restful... such a soothing effect So soft... so cuddlesome and it never loses its shape. Dunlopillo Bolsters allow fresh air to circulate through them all the time and are dust-free. Be rest-assured with a Dunlopillo Bolster always.
      76 words
    • 308 6 ■IB U B M Bpi^j^l^l w^j^3l pyrex WSm MOWFUII FA7TMM veoiTAILI oi»m goes from oven Beautiful English Pym it beat- COOitMMV ATt M tttisturi You cm btke wth MIXIN6IowIIIT it. row* with it tteaiD in it. boil '■if&&&b\ h wrthorrt (ear of breakage. So fS?S^C^ pnttv it goes right from
      308 words

  • 3059 7 3-33 CHAMBER CHIEF: CAN'T I AIR MY VIEWS? AM I NOT ENTITLED TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH? Merits of the 4-2 system? Tm only a rubber trader' SINGAPORE, Tuesday THE president of the Singapore Chinese Schools Staff-Com-mittee Association, Mr Ko Teck
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 286 7 Those Horrid AGI SPOTS* -WRINKLES Fads ThemOmt! Weathered brown spots ond They tell the world you're getting old perhaps before you really are. Fodt them out with ESOTERICA, new medicated cream that breaks up mosses of pigment on the skin mokes hands look white, smooth, and young again. Equally effective
      286 words
    • 155 7 STOVE ■LOW-UMP (CAMPING GAZ A motcK turn on the top r«9«»J«t« H«« M«m« and thty'r* ready tor me! AH thr«€ appliances opcott on Supvr BLEUET butane got cartridge*. A tourct of inttont tnargy ready to %'ne hoot and light immediately. Singapore Price*:— Stove: $25.00 Lamp: $32.50 Bio- Lam*: $25.10 Sport
      155 words

  • 179 8 BLOWPIPE IS THE KINDEST KILLER KUALA LUMPUR, Tues.— The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals here today agreed that the use of blowpipes to kill unlicensed dogs was as good as, if not better than, the gun. A member of the society s committee said this In comment
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  • 57 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Noor bin Abu Osman who has been transferred to the FedeInche Shahari bin Ahmad Jabar has betfn appointed the Registrar of Selangor Nationals In place of Inche Mohamed ral Establishment Office. Inche Shahari is also the private secretary to the Mentri Besar of
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  • 22 8 BANTING, Tues.— lnche Tahir bin Abdul Majld, a State Assemblyman, has been elected president of the Morlb branch of the UMNO.
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  • 194 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues 4 TOTAL of 48.936 man-days were lost due to strikes and unofficial stoppages of work in the rubber planting industry in Malaya last year. Despite the increase in the number of strikes and the "intransigent and unreasonable" attitude of some
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  • 135 8 Public holiday for King's birthday KUALA LUMPUR. Tu«s. rtNE thousand six hundred people have been invited to a garden party on June 6 in honour of the birthday of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong. There will be celebrations throughout the day. which has been declared a public holiday. At 8 a.m.
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  • 170 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. THE Minister of Labour, Inche Bahaman bin Samsuddin, announced today that a committee had been appointed to look into the question of Introducing a five-day week in Government service. "From the point of view of the Government the five-day week
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  • 61 8 THREE BOYS DISAPPEAR FROM SCHOOL PENANG, Tues. Three boys have been reported missing from the Telok Ayer Tawar Camp School, Butterworth. One boy is from Penang and the other two are from Perak. They had been in the school for over a year. They returned from their homes recently after
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  • 55 8 KUALA LIPIS. Tues. A verdict of death by accident was recorded by the coroner. Inche Hamzah bin Mohamed Saileh, yesterday at an inquest into the death of a vegetable gardener. Lam Fatt 63, of Kampong Johol, who was knocked down by a passenger trian near here
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  • 24 8 KUALA LIPIS, Tues— The annual Pahang Contingent Police Dance will be held at the Pahang Club here on Saturday at 8.30 p.m.
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  • 41 8 TELUK ANSON. Tues. Inche Ahmad Ka.sul has been elected the district chairman nt the National Union of Daily Paid Workers. Teluk An son. Other office-bearers are: secretary. Inche Badaruddin bin Hamzah and treasurer, Wan All bin Wan Sulaiman.
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  • 122 8 INCREASE IN NUMBER Of STRIKES REPORTED KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. There were 12 strikes in the Federation last month the highest figure for four years, according to the monthly report of the Ministry of Labour puolished today. Five of the strikes were In Selangor, three in Perak and one each in
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  • 65 8 KLANG, Tues.— The State Financial Officer, Inche Aziz bin Hajl All, was today appointed acting State Secretary, Selangor, In a simole ceremony in the throne room of the Istana Alam Shah, this morning. Inche Aziz will act in the absence of Inche Lokman bin Yusoff, Selangor's State
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  • 37 8 KUALA LUMPUR Tues.The Minister of Health and Social Welfare, Dato On? Yoke Lin, will open the Kalumpang sub-health centre, the Kerllng midwife climn and the Bnkit Rasa midwife clinic hi Ulu Selangor district on Friday.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 309 8 ft. Give me a man... who dresses in TEIJIN Tetoron! because his shirts of fine, pure Tetoron suit any mood, any occasion. ...because, casual or formal, his shirts have a pleasing to the eye, pleas ng to the touch texture. because his handsomeness is increased by complete freedom from wrinkles,
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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  • STRAITS TIMES Special Feature
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 75 9 I Hi HHI I I I J II I I I rilTlH TIPPfO CIGARfTTtS \.t\y IF M 111 v Jivy.'! f M. a Consulate pure white filter gives you aWWlWl l>Willl>lll<l^^ W y tne f |avOur of fine tobaccos enhanced it»f v^li^ W1 by a touch of refreshing menthol m
      75 words

  • 73 10 7* UordM 110 I Minimum, MRS. CHEW CHENG LIAM < ne. Tap Kin Neoi age 81. pint daughter-la-law of late Mr. Chew Joo Chiat. passed away peacefully at 73 Joo Chlat Road on 2"! 5.62 leaving behind her •umhter. Chew Poon Neo. sons Chew Ann Sioac and Cnew Ann
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  • 121 10 10 Horrf. (If (Minimum i THE FAMILY of the late Mrs. Tan (Theng Yen. thank frleada and rela•i\>« for their donations, wreaths. a»- istanre. attendance etc. at the funeral. MR E. A. FERNANDEI and ihild■en mi Sentul Pasar 'hank relatives and friends for their kind assistance, attendance, wrratha and
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  • 56 10 20 Words ll* (Minimum, IN LOVING MEMORY Of our k*> ined Katber Tay Geok Swee wtto departed thla day 195 A Gone but never forgotten By his family and relatives. IN EVER LOVING memory of Mercy CheJlama Blranjeevi who fell asleep in Jrsu* on :10th May !!>.«. Always
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  • 358 10 10 Hart's SJ« (Minimum. PRESS A BUTTON of an AkrarMß M agataaWf and \ou II be »iua/e.| how bad odours vanish like mafic. PROTECT AND BEAUTIFY n.ion and furmtuie with Kirn Kvik. Wax It on fast gives a ahltie that BMti THE SINGAPORE MUSICAL iMaW) hnai competition will be
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  • 24 10 1$ H'ordt ti.;» (mm.) JOhore BAHRU Holy Light Oburch A»cen».on Day Service Thursday p m Hurst Preacher Rev Derek Oil!. All welcome.
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  • The Straits Times Wednesday. May 30.1962.
    • 702 10 The special meeting of the International Tin Council seems open to two interpretations The London theory is that consumers arc divided, with thr smaller members of the group tending more towards the producers' position. If so, it is remarkable that the Councfl'a communique did nut reflect what
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    • 359 10 Mr. Tan Lark Sye, chief sponsor of Nanyang University, did not put himself in the most gracious of moods when he commented, at a graduate's reunion dinner, on the Singapore Government's recent decision to appoint representatives to the university council. By accepting only three seats against twenty for
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    • 218 10 The Hongkong Standard does not think much of Mr. Lee Kuan Yew's explanation that Hongkong is knocking Singapore out of the industrial market because of its cheap labour. There is little question that wages in Hongkong in general are lower than in Singapore, whatever the Standard may say,
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  • 343 10 UOLLANDIA, Tues. The Indonesian paratroops who have landed in West Irian and the Netherlands forces opposing them are skirmishing in one of the toughest theatres in the world. Formidable neutral hazards were ranged against them before they fired a shot at each other. They
    Reuter  -  343 words
    • 48 10 ■pHE simplest way to end ragging is to capture one of the offending baboons and then for the VlceChancellor to give him. in the presence of all those In statu pupillari on the campus, six of the best on the rumpus R- O. TAN Sarawak
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    • 259 10 Stockpile: Not a whimper of protest- why? I HEARTILY endorse your views on the American stockpile as expressed In your leader of May 7. As you rightly ask: "Wherp are our tin and rubber lobbyists?" Why Is there not a whimper of protest from the leaders of the tin and
      259 words
    • 117 10 DOES the Taiping Town Council know that the public clock has stood at 11.20 for over two months and nothing has been done to put it right? The clock tower is too short, the four faces at times show different times, and since it serves no useful purpose, it
      117 words
  • 846 10  - CRIME AND PUNISHMENT IN RUSSIA MARK FRANKLAND Severer sentences are in store for bribetakers, and even hooligans... by THE Soviet Union is the only major industrialised country in the world that does not publish crime statistics. However, it is unlikely that the Soviet Government spares any effort in gathering and
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 337 10 Strain Times Malay ClattiHad adv.-rtistmenta <ns> o* handed to Ist Hoot COLO STORAGE AffCADK Orchsrtf Roao COLO STOKAOST BRANCHES AT HOLLAND ROAO-KATONO KCPFsTL ROAO-NavAL BA«C Authorised Agents CITY BOOK STORK LTD Winchester House. Collysr Quay THI NIWI FRONT Fltipatrlek's Supermarket M. as. ISMAIL S. M. ABDUL OAFFAR •> CO
      337 words
    • 21 10 Select your BATIK SPORT SHIRTS NOW! from: C. K. TANG (SINGAPORE) LTD. 310. ORCHARD ROAD. SINGAPORE. TEL: *****. *****. (4 LINES)
      21 words
    • 86 10 Lotion. If* v^S f}^^Sfc Shave a|. y| aaa^^aJMaP*"-^ J* BA\ I B^B IllßlJ^^^ !^BS~^^sW^BsMß»^^apE^^^P»»»^^**«"^^* P Enjoy the masculine freshness of Every Old Spice* product gives you a fresher kind of confidence in yourself we call it Old Spice awareness; the distinctive masculine look. SHULTON a NEW YORK LONDOM, L_ Shaving
      86 words

  • 132 11 Shooting incident witnesses sought oINGAPORE. Tues. »3 Police here are anxious to contact two men who saw a shooting incident in Carpenter Street on Sunday morning. They are a taxi driver and a motorist, both ol whom vanished from the scene before the police arrived. In the incident Liew Choy
    132 words
  • 52 11 SINGAPORE. Tues.— Of 731 candidates who sat for the Standard 1, 2 and 3 in national language examinations conducted by the Ministry of Education in April, 333 have qualified for the full certificate. Of these. 230 passed standard 1. 74 passed standard 2, and 29 secured standard
    52 words
  • 28 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Three postal agencies Labu Kubong in Perak. Tanah Merah and Simpang Tiga in Kedah— will be opened next month, it was announced today
    28 words
  • 501 11 IPOH, Tuesday SEENIVASAGAM: PROMISE OF ASSESSMENT FREEZE DOESN'T APPLY TO FOREIGN CAPITAL J*HE Ipoh Town Council last night raised the annual values of 15 petrol service stations here, thus increasing their assessment. It reduced the annual values of three other stations and fixed the valuation
    501 words
  • 265 11 FIVE-MILE-LONG PROCESSION PART OF IPOH'S CELEBRATIONS IPOH, Tuesday. A FIVE-MILE-LONG procession of floats through the main streets of the town will be held on Friday night as part of the four-day celebrations to mark the elevation of Ipoh to municipal status. I Firms, associations, clubs and other organisations are spending
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  • 97 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. A taxi-driver, Fazal Sultan, 30. of Batu Road, who was accused of speeding told the Fourth Magistrate. Mr. L. C. Vohrah. that he took a risk of being caught because his passenger was In a hurry. He said that his woman passenger
    97 words
  • 48 11 KUALA LMPUR. Tues. The Public Trustee and Custodian of Enemy Property. Mr. Hugh Shepherd, leaves in the Oranje from Singapore tomorrow on retirement. Mr. K. Paramalingam. Deputy Public Trustee for the past five years, will act as Pubic Trustee. Mr. Shepherd came to Malaya In 1949.
    48 words
  • 87 11 S. KOREAN ENVOY IN WITH A PLEDGE KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— South Korea's first Ambassador to Malaya. MaJ.Qen. Hong HI Choi, flew in from Bangkok with a pledge to promote closer cultural, sporting and trade relations with Malaya. He was accompanied by his wife and three children. He said: "I shall
    87 words
  • 36 11 JOHORE BAHRU. Tues A six-storey building to accommodate an arcade, a car showroom, some 50 offices and possibly a restaurant is nearlng completion at the Junction of Jalan Ah Fook and Jalan Trus here.
    36 words
  • 269 11 Far East forces' new chiefs arrive SINGAPORE. Tues. Britain's new chiefs for her land and air forces in the Far East arrived in Singapore in the Oranje today. They are MaJ.-Gen. E.A.W. Williams, who replaces Ma j. -Gen. G. A. Thomas as the army's Chief of Staff, and Air Marshal
    269 words
  • 44 11 SINGAPORE, Tues. The Straits Times today received a donation of $15 from "C. T." for Joseph Kang a former PWD clerk, who was paralysed after an accident at the Van Kit swimming pool in 1957. bringing his fund to $35
    44 words
  • 85 11 PIRACY CASE REMAND MALACCA, Tues. Four people were charged here today in connection with a case of piracy in Malacca Straits last Wednesday. Three of them. Tan Koon Wha. 26, a bicycle repairer. Chan Vat Sin, 19, a rubber tapper from Kuala Pllah, and Mahmood bin Osman, 26, unemployed, were
    85 words
  • 29 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Tnt Mentri Besar of Selangor. Dato Abu Bakar bin Baginda. today opened a $5,000 community centre at Bagan Teran in the Rabak Befnam district
    29 words
  • 63 11 BUTTERWORTH. Tues. Inche Hashim bin Itam, 56, a Government pwisloner, standIng on an Alliance ticket, was returned unopposed when nominations closed today for the by-riection of a vacant seat In Lahar Tabut ward in the all-Alliance Province Wellesley North district council. The by-election followed the resignation of
    63 words
  • 42 11 Her plan— to be a lawyer MISS Lucia Han. 17, a former Penang Convent pupil, who will leave for London this week-end to read law in the Middle Temple She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Han Tow Lin of Penang.
    42 words
  • 84 11 ITLI'ANG. Tues. Seven people were Injured when a IV car in which they were travelling ran off the road at Parit Raja. 28 miles from here, early today. Ng Slew Geok. 27. Sg Ah Lee, 20. Lee Kirn Char, 46. Ng Seng Yong. 19. all women,
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  • 31 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Prof Edwin Ernest Rich. Vere Harmsworth Professor of Naval and Imperial History. Cambridge, will lecture on "University Education" on June 5 at the University of Malaya.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 171 11 DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS 817 o PER Z/O ANNUM Gwent and West Finance Co. Ltd. a w holly owned subsidiary of Gweni and West of England Enterprises Ltd. 3{c The Gwent Group ratio of Issued Share Capital and Group Reserves to all Borrowings is 1 2 a|e GWENT GROUP ASSETS EXCEED £14,000,000
      171 words
    • 126 11 V B^i? or th* giving of Silverware IK/ is a time^ lonoure d custom. >* \m^ Illustrated here is our latest., an •V- Wx elegant Tea and Coffee Service with J .:Br r c^ e c decoration. The set in- eludes Sugar Tongs ond comes in a <*&■ handsome presentation
      126 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 383 11 RADIO MALAYA SB ln Sollth EaM Asltt: 100 Ntws; Mo Ra >' A'Hhony And 117 metm "^e Housewife; 2.45 Made Por E A «VS JXJBT RADI Singapore Bf<Ssri±»B»?K Signal The New 13? RnT MEDIUM WAVE SERVICE The Air; 6.30 Composer Of The fa?tClu^ 8.40 Time final' AXM 76 melrt fl
      383 words

  • 534 12 0N October, 1935 a group of prominent Chinese businessmen gathered together in the house of Mr. Wee Kheng Chiang and discussed the formation of a Bank which would give the multi racial community in Singapore a banking service to fulfil the needs of the fast growing
    534 words
  • 375 12 DURING a recent tour through tin- National Cash Register Factory in Dayton, a visitor asked where he was to be taken next. "The 'torture room' he was told. This is the room where new products are subjected to a series of gruelling tests before
    375 words
  • 293 12 PLANS FOR MORE BRANCHES THIS YEAR J'HE United Chinese A Bank Ltd. made a net profit of $1,026,466 last year and has approved a dividend of ten per cent less tax to its shareholders. The directors' report, which was approved at the annual general meeting last week, said that the
    293 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 386 12 /Hi -J mP*^B Wm**dS&*^ <m m .n-gP^T^ W V^BBBBa I rfl ■1 B» jM JO} y [^^M Sss fl^BzS ?JBBBr jb 9B r JF^B? -4-31 1' a 'ii^lT''^iußrfp < ljLji" &rL ES^n «mmw rfßßßßii^ m rjaw|jk. 1 i M Tit ißi or bt' I llbbbi m mtM tI3P!9tJLi .J| :ivl|BßMßBjh.
      386 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 695 13 NOTICES J THE BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 11) NOTICE OF INTENDED DIVIDEND Bankruptcy Nos: 391/53 Jalleh bin Badoo, Block 1, Rm. 11. P.WD. Quarters, Brahmapatra Road, Singapore. (Wireman). 319 56 Robert Chla alias Chla Poh Leng, 40-C, Bukit Tlmah Lane, Singapore. (Qusxity Inspector)--320/56 Koh Kong Swee, 168. Cmrpmael Road, Singapore. (Clerk)NOTICE
      695 words
    • 667 13 (Continued from Page 10) SITUATIONS VACANT rVerds Sj (Min.)— Box St et*. txtrm WANTKD MALI TYPIST with minim im 40 w.p.m. for East Coast Kuroptan firm. Apply Bos AMI S.T. K.L. EUROPEAN COMPANY Require Experienced Junior Technical Storekeeper. Reply mating experience to Box AMI 8.7.. K.U REOUIRED CHIEF OFFICER for
      667 words
    • 856 13 SITUATIONS VACANT Jf Word* tS (Min.)— Box St tit. tMtrm SENIOn TRAVEL ASSISTANT required by British Travel Ofßee in Kusls Usmswr. Applicant must be fully iiflitaaosl to Boa A Air rMkintt, TtskotMx Root* Pruißarsi ste. Oood saiary aad excellent coodlttoas oi work. APPLY BOX ABBS S.T. K.L. IN STRICTEST CONFIDENCE.
      856 words
    • 1056 13 ACCOMMODATION VACANT 18 Word* tS (Mm.) -Box St ett. txtrm HOLLAND QROVR KSTATK: District 10. Newly built, detached 4c semlcetached bungalows, furnished/ unfurnished, 3 bedrooms, tongbath, garden, servant's quarter, ear porch, (suitable for European A Military personal) Available sod of Juae, 1982. Contact Robert Lira 30. Ksng Cheow Street (IK
      1,056 words
    • 947 13 TUITION >6 Words $i (Min.)— Box SO eta. axtrm MALAY LANGUAGE: Guaranteed satisfaction. Beginners Intermediate Advanced- Also Malay Literature tor all exams. Apply Chinees TMCA. aelet'le Koad. Singapore. Pboae *****. LAM9JKRT6 DRIVING SCHOOL Approved by Automobile Association modern dual-controlled can. Expert, meed instructor* courses from $40. 10. Balmoral Road, Phone
      947 words
    • 968 13 VEHICLES FOR SALE tt Ward* tS (Min.)— Box St ct: txtrm SUNBEAM RAPIRR Dec 1»57 tloorshlft overdrive European owner, excellent condition 53. 333/- J. Pilaar KPM Palmer Road, B'pore. Tel. 76V-"5. MOTO CUZZI ITALY'S RENOWNED SPORT MOTOR CYCLES. Available THE STOP.NELLO SPORT 125 CC AND LOOOLA JiSCC. Low monthly payment
      968 words
    • 1376 13 VEHICLES FOR SALE tt Ward* U (Min.)— Boa St eta. txtrm not HEALIV SPRITE. Bllchelln X tyres enthusiast owned. Jotuuoo (B'pora) ***** eveninc*. VCHICLIS WANTIO tt Word* Si (Min.)— Box St eta. mxtrm WANTKD §o*l OXFORD, Minor, Slmcs. or M Wolselej IS iO. Mu*t be ssMlleat eoodltloa. Vow milsaca. Particulars
      1,376 words

  • children's page
    • 79 14 ALWAYS willing to find room in his pushchair for hi s mother's terriers is two year old Mark Bunting of Norwich, England. He does not seem to mind even if they are bit heavy on his little feet. He is pictured above with the puppies, Wheatnor
      79 words
    • 736 14 Choose Malayan pen pals from this list W.i n Roslma bt. Wan Mohamad, aged 12; 2283, Jalan Straits View. Johore Bahru. Johore; stamps. I mil' Tian Leng. a?ed 17; 126. Jalan Chow Kal. Canning. Garden. Ipoh. Perak; reading view-cards. AlderM>n Sim, aged 16; 67, Jalan Bahru, Alor Star. Kedah; iongs.
      736 words
    • 1087 14  - MONSTERS PERISH IN THE RAGING FIRE Kathleen Hickley by The scouts are making a film at the site of a tin mine partly owned by Ah Chong's father, Mr. Lee. His partner has threatened to take over Mr. Lee's share unless he can find a certain sum of money. It
      1,087 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 231 14 ra i.KAXSi Si: A SOX M I SALE I H PRICES SLASHED H U-uol rticm Sole Price HH ■9 Pick ond Pick Woollen K-M «.n»ingi 58- $21.50 $14 50 Per Yd VI 11 Woollen Burtoryt Ufc Gaberdine SB" $21. 50 $1390 I Decron Mohair Suitings 60" 51 2. 50 9.
      231 words
    • 291 14 NAME THE RIGHT I TYPE OF FOOD FOR EACH Name j Addren i Age j Sex I HELLO Boys and Girls. different. In the lower picture I Here is another picture puz- the girafle has a spot en the < zle above. Alice, the dorikey, right side of his face.
      291 words
    • 64 14 Mss PlLOT '}«>£■ liJJIJ3Jm? cartridceX REFILL super y PILOT Super "V" fills two ways PILOT "V fills from the bottlt through a detachable .fever-action pump or is refilled by the insertion of an ink-cartridge Each pen is sold complete w>th detachable lever-action pump and six ink-cartridges UNIQUE in design An
      64 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1415 15 TO UVtRPOOt ft Win COAST B.K. oMS*pan Stilt P. ma» PtaMt MENESTNEUS Have, krwrtaai, Glasgow It Pt/May 11 OEMODOCUS A rrouth. l'|aal. R'dira, Hbrg II Pt/JaM 2 Jail 1 NELEUS littrilll. Glasgow tt* 11 Jatt 2 MENEIAUS iirerptil Jaat S Jim I Jtat 7/ I laat II PYRRHUS- LivtrMtl, Dublin,
      1,415 words
    • 1376 15 THE E. A. C. LINES> SAILINGS TB CENOA, U HAVRE. UAMBUIC, BREMEN. ANTWERP. i- i ROTTERDAM. AMSTERDAM. OSLO, GOTHENBURG AND COPENHAGEN /v^""^»\ S'pori P. S'tara Ptaaat ran^CTAtl "BBRIBANA" a).... SB May/ 4 Jaaa 1/ r JaM tt lum l-l \7> I?) ASMARA" t) I 21/13 Jim 14/21 luae 17 M
      1,376 words
    • 1493 15 mfim iuiiu iv tttiooN. mtipuoi cMNimtNiAj rotu r»a»» P. rka* rmmt lENALOER (H)* H'larg. B'men, L'ttt, R'Ca» II Pt/JaM 1 lIMMMNB (U4W i.'»OM. I'oaai. Haa. H'kwt C.I /Jim 2 sengioe v.v him M'trtata. H'fcwg 6. 33/ Jim 4 Jaat 1/ I lIMUBCr I'iMi. B'ixxrtn. rtaai Mm il/il mm 1/11 laaa
      1,493 words
    • 1234 15 w^ McAUSTER tfc CO., LTD. w^ l^tH fIU Hti tStn. '■ajMaW PQU CLLKRMAM UNI Ct KLA VEMESS UNE {.CmOOm, HAMBUM ROnEROAM LM AMBCIU, UN FRANCISCO, HAVRE ft HULL SEATTLE. VtJiCoWEI ft PORIUNO. em of ripon Start P t'tuun rtmiA aaanao. 11 Mlji/ 1 JaM Ii Put/ Tally ""^ili" fmni UAVU.
      1,234 words

  • 175 16 SHIPS lying atsftgiida the Singapore wharvaa today ara: Narhlsan Maru 15 16. Torn: Hoo Ba. Anna Kakke 6A. State Of fttar Pradesh 4J V.\ Benlomood 1/2. Azuctalsan Maru ZS/iK. Orcstaa '-'S'?a. Scmanyih NW. 3. Amonea -7 li. Livenia 29/30 Outsr roads: Peraina tt. Tai Poo Loy.
    175 words
  • 404 16 From Our Market Correspondent 'TWERE WAS a moderate -I turnover on the Malayan Stock Exchange yesterday with industrial shares slightly better on the day and tin counters also a little steadier after the International Tin Council communique. The communique heart- ened local investors in
    404 words
  • 24 16 Malayan Sto k Indices May 28 May ft niJustrials: 174.93 174.5 11ns: 295.00 295.31 t rul.brrs: 191.16 191.1 Jan. 1. 1958 100.
    24 words
  • 892 16 DUSINESS on the Malayan Stock Exchange, Federation section yesterday with Uie number of deals in brackets: Industrials: Bouatetid (2.U00< $1.64: Dunlopa $1.7! OL. I2.V00) $1 73: Kaat Smelt $3.04 OL, ON. ll.iKX)> 53.04 ON. S:tOs OL. $3.03 OL. i4,<Xmm $3.03: K. 2nd N. orda d.OOU) $2..«2: M.
    892 words
  • 328 16 H7TTH the International Tin Council communique, a day early, and leaving the situation still very much in the air there was no spontaneous enthusiasm on the Straits tin market yesterday. The price rose only one dollar to $459 on an offering estimated
    328 words
  • 275 16 'THE Federation Rubber Market x opened at Monday nighl's closing level and ruled quiet throughout the morning ses&ion. The lower Malayan production and Singapore stock statistics had no effect on the market. Lower grade interest was again negligible. Sellers became more evident In the afternoon session
    275 words
  • 221 16 lUNC flret grade rubbir buyen f.e.b. J rioeed at S p.m. In Singapore yttterday at 77 J rent* per Ib.. down three-elghtha of a cent on Friday's cloKinK prtcv. Tbe tone waa qultt am) •lightly, eamr. S.C.C.R. A. rloslnj; prii e» In cent* per lb.. yesterday- Int.
    221 words
  • 134 16 May 20. Three months. (OFFICIAL QUOTATIONS) •NDUSTRIALS P. N. 12 eta Cold Store M. M. Bos 12 eta Steamship 9 eta. Breweries IS eta. 8. Time* IS eta. Roblnnoo eta 8. Traden 32 eta 8. Darby 4id Unlteers 10 eta. W Jacka 9 cts MININGS A. Araal 2/3
    134 words
  • 117 16 C MINIIC Produei tithmj., Sin- UN') n.Mi prlen ptr vicul yatttrday: CM*nut *il: bulk $3Pi «ell*r». drum 5421 Mllen. C*»ra: June I"K'Continent »2« buy«r». 129 «eller«: P*»e.r: Mtintok white SISO cellem. Sarawak white ***** Keller*. special Sarawak black »117« »eller», narhled Lampong black 1117* Mlleri. ASTA $130
    117 words
  • 159 16 MELBOURNE. Tuesday TXVKSTMKXT and industrial shares eased. influenced uy l iie .slump in New York anil sympßthetlc easing in London. Leaders particularly ere mailced down and WBTB led by B.U.P. which vas 1». 6d. lowt- 1 at 59s 9d. Oils moved variably. A.O.G. was &old down to MB.
    159 words
  • 133 16 rE Malayan Eicluns. BanKf Asiaclatlan m.-mc BBWa <>\iv.err in it* rate* to merchants jreattrday mil ratr* to Ston>: Maw Vark: hnying TT 3? 1316. air mall OD 32 If IK W) d «t :v.l :i in erwllt bills 33 516 trade r>ill*. Canarta:' hiivlnc TT 3.". II 18,
    133 words
  • 38 16 May- 29. RI'BBER PRH KS SINOAPORF: ~~,i cents ((Io m n thrrceiehths of a tent). K.L.: 78 cents (down one-righth of a rent). «ssi TIN: S4sft (up SI). Estimated unntTiriitl offrring 225 tons (down 25 Ions).
    38 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1088 16 j~ KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA. LTD. U.S.A. Pacific. Atlantic, «Jc Great Lakes Service ETA ETA ETA ETA ETA Spore P. S ram H'lulu L. Angeles N.York Cleveland "Clilki Maru 11/21 Jill 21/23 JIM IS July 25 July UAig 2lAvg -Kißtkawa Maru 2S |ul, 1 ail 21 Aig 31 Aig IS Sift
      1,088 words
    • 794 16 gj°jomEWT/ t MES ROUND VOYAGE TO JAPAN S.S. "CHITRAL" Deports. Penang 11th June 1942 Smqopor* 1 sth June 1962 for Hongkong 19th/21tt June. Japan 2Sth/29th June. Hongkong 3rd/6th July. Returns: Singapore 9th July 1962 Penang 12th July 1962 Forej from:— Penang from 5926.00 Singapore (torn $883.00 LIMITED FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATION
      794 words
    • 418 16 GAMMON (MALAYA) LIMITED Incorporated in Singapore (In Voluntary Liquidation I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a General Meeting of the Members of Gammon (Malaya > Limited (In Voluntary Liquidation) will be held at the Company's Registered Office. 9\ Milestone. Bukit Tur.ah Roau. Singapore, 23. at 12 noon on 15th June
      418 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1339 17 NOTICE I D.I.D. TENDER NOTICE Please note that Mr. Hubert Bot V^ lnl 2 r Bnklt Tangfal Wickremesooriya is no longer em- ram Boww C«nttmetl»B. j ployed by us effective 28th May TENDERS for the above Pump i 1962, and is therefore not autlio- Houses Construction have been ex- rised
      1,339 words
    • 832 17 NOTICES MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Registration of Deaf Children. With a view to planning a com* prehensive programme for the education of deaf children, parents or 1 guardians of deaf children born on or after Ist January, 1945. are mii vited to register the names and I particulars of such children
      832 words
    • 181 17 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT VACANCIES FOR TYPISTS I KERETAPI TANAH MELAYU Applications are invited from unmarried Female Federal Citi- Zens who hav> attained 'the age 'ol 17 but under 23 years and have passed the Lower CertiflI cate of Education Examination for appointment as Typists in I the Railway Administration |2. Salary
      181 words
    • 847 17 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS j BROOKE DOCKYARD ft ENGINEERING WORKS, SARAWAK APPLICATIONS are Invited lor! the post of Foreman. Grade I. with the Brooke Dockyard and Engineeiing Works. 2. The salary will be In the Scale j E4 '5— $435x20-495/525x25-625 The; i successful applicant will be re- quired to contribute to the
      847 words
    • 659 17 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT j MAJLIS PERBANDARAN KOTA MELAKA. (Municipal Council of the Town and Fort of Malacca). APPOINTMENT OF A MALAY I TRANSLATOR INTERPRETER I I APPLICATIONS are invited from serving Officers and others for ap- pointmeut as Malay Translator/ Interpreter In the Municipality hi the Town and Fort of Malacca
      659 words
    • 456 17 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT j VACANCIES FOR TECHNICAL CADETS IN P.W.D., TRENGGANU. APPLICATIONS are invited from 1 Federal Citizens or suite Nationals for appointment as Technical Cadets In the P-W.D Trengganu. Salary scale Div. II $324x14-3.i2/ Examination Bar/ Timescale $41»x 14-545 Efficiency Bar/$562x 18-652 with existing C.OLA, and Housing Allowance In lieu
      456 words
    • 422 17 TENDER TENDERS FOR DISPOSAL OF SWILL FROM GOVERNMENT WELFARE HOMES Tenders wil oe receiVfci oflice 01 the Director ot soc.<; ne. Federation ol Malay.i Kualu Lumpur up to 12 noon on I 19th June. 1962 tor the disposal ,ol Swill trom the tollowinvc Welfare Homes for Hie period lit July.
      422 words

  • 434 18 Pahang salutes 58-year-old ruler PEKAN. Tues 4 1.1. the pomp and splendour of Pahaiig's court custom was in evidence today when the Sultan or Pahang Ma laya's longest-reigning ruler entered the throne room of the Istana Kota Beram here to receive the greetings and good wishes
    434 words
  • 505 18 Honours, medals for his loyal subjects KUANTAN. TUf Eight Pahans residents today had the title of Dato conferred on them by the Sultan to mark his 58th birthday. Tnp new datos are: Mr. Tcr Bni Wah of Kuala Lipis. Mr Lee Tat of Kuantan. Mr. N^ Sen Hin of Bentong.
    505 words
  • 22 18 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues About 72 tons of rubber was stolen from estates last month, according to the latest Government stati
    22 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 54 18 Imported from England jj^^B^Sf c-i^M^^r We still lead AND NOW! THE EASTERN GARDEN at 71 m.s. Upper East Coast Road, Singapore. 2-Storey Semi-detached Bungalows Solid Construction Modern Sanitation PRICE: $20,700- and upwards Monthly payments $132 For further particulars —Please apply to:' SINGAPORE TRADING COMPANY LIMITED, 4 4-1, COLLYER QUAY, SINGAPORE,
      54 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous

    • 520 19  -  EPSOM JEEP RACING PUBLIC SHOULD BE TOLD By gINCE racing was thrown open to the public, the Singapore Turf Club has regularly issued statements to the Press on the findings by the Stewards. The club went one step further at the May
      520 words
    • 106 19 S'pore-bound horses nearly killed in storm From 808 LENTON PERTH. Tues.—Mountainous 30-foot waves in the Great Australian Bight last weekend nearly killed two valuable racehorses being shipped to Singapore. The waves smashed horse boxes with tons of water on the decks of the motor vessel State of Uttar Pradesh. Three-year-old
      106 words
    • 137 19 KIWIS WANT TO TOUR S'PORE and FEDERATION t SINGAPORE, Tuesday. ZEALAND'S international tennis players will iy here and in the Federation sometime in late July or early August. The New Zealand tennis players, who are now touring Europe and .will later play in the Wimbledon championships, have written to the
      137 words
    • 96 19 PARIS. Tues. ToD-seeded Rod Layer of Australia staved ofl a matchpoint to avoid defeat by unseeded compatriot. Martin Mulligan hi the quarter-nnals of the French lawn tennis i%ampionshlps here yesterday. Playing with an injured racket thumb. Layer survived the match point in the tenth game
      Reuter  -  96 words
    • 74 19 LOS ANGELES. Tues—Ageless Archie Moore, confident he had gained the verdict, looked stunned when It was announced he had boxed a draw with Willie Pastrano here last night in a 10-round heavyweight bout. Moore, some 20 years older than his opponent, chased Pastrano around the' ring for
      Reuter  -  74 words
    • 71 19 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— Selangor will meet Penan? in the North Zone final of th« Btralts Times Cup inter-state women's soccer competition at Penang on June 2 The Selangor team will be from: Ruby Ahmad, Dulcif Boudeville. Hong Mie Audrey Kuen, Daphne Boudeville. Joan Fernando.
      71 words
    • 31 19 SAN FRANCISCO. Tues. Eddie Machen. No. 2 contender for Floyd Patterson's world heavyweight boxing title, gained a unanimous points decision over fellow American Roger Rischer here last night.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 104 19 SOCCER PENANG DIV. 1: PCRC 10 Baharul 2. IPOH DIV. 1: Town Council 7 Dragoons 2 DIV. S. Tamil Youngsters 2 Boys Club 0. K. KANGSAK DIV. 1: Mulanas T Gsruda 1. TAIPING DIV. I: Persatuan 2 La rut 1. L. PEKAK DIV. 2 (T. Anson) DTC 4
      104 words
    • 425 19 OND O N Tues. Superb bowling by Englands David Allen (11 for 84 In the match) and Sa,m Cook (eight for 81) gave Gloucestershire victory over Middlesex by 45 runs on the second day of their match at Stroud. On a
      Reuter  -  425 words
    • 125 19 WORLD CUP GROUNDS COVERED BY PLASTIC RANCAGUA. Tues. Rain fell heavily here the last two days bat it seems UJiely that the World Cup soccer matches will be played on hard, dry pitches. The grounds are being kept covered with plastic sheeting. Official: of FIFA said there were no World
      Reuter  -  125 words
    • 216 19 M flßV^^H US, RUSSIA ALSO INVITED LONDON. Tuesday. JAPAN will send a team of seven to compete for the first time in the Britisil Amateur Athletic Association championships at the White City. London, on July 13 and 14. Announcing this at a* press conference in London
      Reuter  -  216 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 183 19 A good buy v r^ 1 II U 7 vl, F/Tl -;»l IAIM *^K lit 1 AigjUJ^P^^^ i A 1 New Lightweight nfl Hk j^ml m^t m^M m^fW^k *X\m m jk Mm mmm* m y Fed. m m $18.90 I 4lai£ Garden (Muglistan Road off Haig Road) this is what
      183 words
    • 291 19 he cut his leg aM not the kite string a/r</oua aw££. stow y i m& vovjm, sew. eiAsrovL/isr </oNG?G£r<SOU#MorH£fi£ I WU X££PTH£ Ct/rC£fJH. SO /r WONT E* TO PUT ON SOME 4^^ p~IZZ G£TWf£Cr£D.VOVCAN6OBACKrOYOU/l k &Q(//cxs£As</rou£e.&fr W^ XT'! 4- A -4r SfVf>sAumeevrB£Co*f/HG \mh r* I 3.S I"OT5l 3.S I AHASF/FESTF-fi/NG
      291 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 135 19 SPORTS DIARY SOCCER TOIR MATCH: Malacca v Lions, of Manila CKubu Stadium) SPORE BHFA LEAGI'E A err: snr Group A Cold Storage v Mercantile, Olass v Wearnes. HK Bank v Eveready (all at Farrer Park): Group B Shell v Airways (Farrer Park). Traction v Metal Box (Balestler Rd); Jnr Group
      135 words

  • 579 20  -  LOKMAN HALIM and By Xl ALA LLMPLR, Tuesday. GELANGOR police raided gangland hideouts here and in Kajang early this morning and rounded up suspects 23 .Iron) here and live from Kajang. While the police were busy, thugs in the Federal capital
    579 words
  • 56 20 SINGAPORE. Tues. The following are the winning numbers drawn at the International Bazaar for the Blind (Italian Si-all > at the weekend: Ist prize. No. 1517 (free return trip to Italy via Australia by liner Flotta Lauro): 2nd prize. No. 218 'Olivetti typewriter); 3rd prize. No. 928
    56 words
  • 84 20 VICTOR YAP ivtng panou Mr, sad Mis amm, iii« brattaen and tBC l^rni^ \.,i. Ah Shak X.1.. 3i>..Yti2 ■1 Z.3S i. in (or Holy Ro«i»ry Church. IbCDcc to Chrrns Road MRS. KOW TIAN CHUAN n.-.--1 moth.r 01 n Tin, Sun I'hlang. UvW May and Poetry pawd aw»y praccfully
    84 words
  • 31 20 DC ROIARIO STEVENS: CMrIM Alu\>lll.<. :m<l Ti r. :i Pmillr. •n KM bj l.i'.- i- I 1... ChlMnV .id.-^i y rr J.m.- I 7 IT, H LMM rfu.i Hod
    31 words
  • 164 20 SALE NOW ON i' HI tmt '"'-A Orrli.-ird Roud 1 1 dnc»**l on top rllildri'M I » 1.1 I < 8 porn PIONEER SCHOOL POLICE CADETS TAKE PART IN PASSING OUT PARADE SINGAPORE, Tuesday. I^IGHTY school police cadets were among; the J participants of a combined passing-out parade at
    164 words
  • 426 20 LONUUiV. lue.v ciice Wall i Street yesteiday London .sux-k in.ii sets had their worst day lor 1 many years and from the mo- mem business curled prices be- I I gan to slide. Jobbers' ellofUs to I protect themselves by marking j I down prices only slowed down
    426 words
  • 23 20 IXJNDON. Tues. Buyers £912, sellers £914. Forward buyers £915. sellers CBl6. Settlement £912. Turnover a.m 1.070 tons, p.m 55 tons. Tone: Steady
    23 words
  • 43 20 LONDON. Turs Soot 2Vd. July 23>,d.. August 23 l id. Sept. 23',d.. July Sept 23>,d.. Oct./ Dee 23 \d.. Jan /March 23U,d.. fpril June 23 3 16d c.(/. June 22 13/16 d.. July 22 13 T6J Aug. 22 13 16d. Tone: Easier.
    43 words
  • 207 20 LONDON. Tues.— Results of today's cricket, matches were: At Yeovil: Match drawn (no play toaay. rain). Somerset 337 for five declared and secondly 53 for four. Leicestershire 251. Somerset four point*. At Nottingham:— Match drawn (no play today, ralm Essex 194 for eight declared and secondly 155
    Reuter  -  207 words
  • 257 20 THK Bunker Plan solution to the West Irian dispute is similar to the proposals put forward months ago by the Prjme Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman, a senior Government spokesman said today. "In its broad general outline there is substantial no difference
    257 words
  • 51 20 1 17 road deaths in April JGAPORE, Tues t ateen people were killed In road accidents last month j— five more than in March, according to the Traffic Po- lice report for April. The total number of ac- cidents. however, wa.s reduced from 2.822 in March to 1 2,449 last
    51 words
  • 315 20 'LOCK-OUT PA Y' CALL REVIVES OLD ROW SINGAPORE, Tuesday. ANEW dispute today flared up between Redittusion (Singapore) Ltd. and the Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workers' Union over pay tor employees whom the union alleged were "locked out" by the company from May 9 to 12 after a breakdown in wage
    315 words
  • 75 20 Japanese plan for Singapore drydock rKYO. Tues. Japan's lshikawajima Harima Heavy Industries Co. is negotiating with the Singapore Government 1 to build a dry dork and ship rrpaic yard there, the Japan Times said yesterday. Engineers had turned in favourable recommendations on the project, after preliminary studies in Slnga--1 pore
    UPI  -  75 words
  • 111 20 lOHORE BAHRU. Tues. Local council elections will be, held throughout Johore' tomorrow. Only 396 of the 598 seats will be contested, as 202 candidates were returned unopposed on nomination day. The Alliance gained 187 of the unopposed seats, the Socialist Front eight and Independents
    111 words
  • 452 20 CINGAPORE. Tues A hattrick by Kevin ,Halo of Newcastle W United enabled the touring British Army soccer team to beat Singapore 3-0 at Jalan Besar Stadium here tonight. But this match was in many ways a disappointment to the 7.600 crowd Singapore took the
    452 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 13 20 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS PONNUOURAI: To No. .'•■\ain tiiiMll stmnim. Ntey. .ii Buoicrai H<. mini
      13 words
    • 44 20 LONGINES^Jfe j (lilft^^B AUTOMATIC MOVE- i v \flW^ Hf MENT WITH OR t=f^~=J|8B^^^B W- WITHOUT CALEN- -=mjM H y=- -^l dar sweep =r:r s= %g^. y~~ SECOND WATER- r~—I\ SHU yTnfc^^^^k PROOF SHOCK sole agents MACLAINE WATSON (IMPORTS) LTD Singapore Ku.ll.i Lumpur Ipoh Pen.iriK
      44 words