The Straits Times, 13 May 1962

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES in Mai*** No. 1:392. SUNDAY, MAY 13, 1962 20 CENTS
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  • 513 1  - End prejudice against LOCALLY made goods' By JEFFREY FRANCIS: KUALA LUMPUR. Sat MALAYANS were urged today to discard their "unhealthy prejudice" against locally made goods. The appeal w;is made by liuhc Mohaned Khtr Johan, Minister of Corameroe and Industry, when he opened the first •\\lade-in-Malaya" trade lair at the Hnkit
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  • 53 1 LATEST U.S. PRESIDENT KENNEDY... Has ordered units of the Seventh Fleet, iiu lulling an aircraft carrier task tun < to »tation itself in thr South-Last \ area, according to widespread reports in Washington last night (ouplrd with thr rrports was Ulk of possiblr direct I.S- military mi. i\ in tK.ii
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 22 1 President Kennedy's Preu Secretary had talks with Soviet Premier Mr. Khrushehrv yestrrday at a Dacha Icountry villa) outside Moscow Krutrr
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  • 37 1 And his principality ol Monaco received their 'third major blow when President de Gaulle orcered that from June 1 all residents will be treated as foreigner* it they want to go to 1 France.— U.P.l.
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  • 276 1  - Father of missing boy says 'I am not rich' K. NATHAN KUALA VRENGGANU. Sat Mr. XC Ah Wane An. fattier oi the Singapore schoolboy Lye W(K) who was taken away lrom hi.s mother by three armed men on Monday. ■aid today be had no news of the mlwrtni boy. Mr.
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  • 62 1 NEW YORK, Sat. It was a pretty sneaky way to 1 steal a *nake. Especially sft African python named Buster who lived in the San Diego Zoo. "1 just wrapped it .i round my waist under my jacket." explained 14-year-old Jack Kiilhk r when he was finally
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  • 207 1 EXAMINATION BOYCOTT JUDGE WARNS AGAINST CONTEMPT SLMiAPOHK. Saturday jy|H. Justice Wee Cboag Jin. the (.'oininissioner inquiring inlo List December's Chinese Secondary Four examination boycott, today warned the public against contempi. He said that, under the Inquiry Commissions Ordinance, any person guilty of contempt by showing disrespect or Insult or threat
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  • 62 1 MOSCOW. Sal. Leningrad si/ieiuiMs have designed an automatic factor', loi ->lei;lisliig male Insects who wtll parachute into action against farm pests, according to la>s news agency The theor\ i> that (ht insect commandos, sterilised b> radiation, will displace the potent male insects in the affections of the females
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 35 1 Senate Foreixn Helatunus Commit tee. rellecung du>pie«sure over India's position on Go«. KaMimir and oilier issues, has \oted eijjiii to -even to cut U.S. aid to India by 25 per cent. Ren ci
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  • 25 1 ....Indonesian Foreign Minister. vpm* .i •p- a i f in i Sukarno in Jakarta on his recent arms bmlng mission to Moscow. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 35 1 Minuter ol Slate Development In Victoria Australia, •uid in Hong Kong ye:>ieru;i\ he thoimht nis country shoula «lye financial aid to' the re- i fuviees flooding across the Chine.-* Cominuntsi. border. I Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 24 1 The South African Premier, yesterday propeseo the ueath sentence for sabotage in a General Laws Amendment Bill Introduced in the Parliament.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 261 1  -  TAN TOCK SAIK j By KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. A pretty amateur actress whose last performance was in an Oscar Wilde play today inspired a Wildean type epigram at the University of Malaya campus here. T.:e senior students describe Miss Lee Wee Phun
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  • 26 1 The Congo President, yesterday declared a state of emergency Kivu Province following attempts there last week to overthrow the provincial presiaent Jean Mihuro. U.P.I.
    UPI  -  26 words
  • 28 1 Was lound alive ami conscious, in Derbyshire. England, three days after falling 200 ft. dovn a quarry. TW**K»-yT-old Graham was found Injured in the bushes. Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 33 1 Of America will not make his attempt to orbit the ein-th three time- bet ore May 19. because of difficulties In the spacecraft altituue onntro' astern. It was announced in Washington-
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  • 171 1 Tax case is settled on payment of $200,000 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. An income tax evasion case involving Selangor Motors (Malaya' Ltd. of Kuala Lumpur ended in a magistrate* court here today when it was announced the company had agreed to compound the rase on payment ol S2oo.()iiu lo the Controller
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  • 31 1 ...Oran police chief, has annouiiced (hat fresh troop reinforcement are on their way to Oran We will set in motion a veiitHble ttsamroUtr to cruao the O AS."— Renter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 21 1 ..Has decided to accept 1.000 Chinese relimee> from Horn; Koiik and Macao (or settlement on Formo-sa each year.— U.P.I.
    UPI  -  21 words
  • 288 1 Back on the air STUDENT TROUBLE EXPECTED, REDIFUSSION TOLD SINGAPORE. Sat. The Rediilusion strike was called off at 5.30 p.m. today. Transmissions re sumed half an hour later. Thfl strike ended in response to an appeal by Mr Wee Toon Boon. Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Labour, at .i
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 94 1 /^^^O ij marking m si time I'^ 441, North Bndar Road, N^jS^ fYjmimlS^^^ orcund J n «°^"<>"* '/MfllmmVi typewriter. It c Sm>tkiKmmi i ammv c 0 -on O skyriter M ok, I M &Sfl no mistake okout Ihn Wf gff machine Tht liqhr catv gJP #B gVA >ouch fhc SKTRtTER
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    • 86 1 EXQUISITE RINGS in DIAMONDS EMERALDS SAPPHIRES U. S. de SUVA SONS. Jewellers 25 Raffles Place Tel: ***** Something wonderful 1 plfe New Liquid make-up I p-p££ byMAXFACTOR 555?-^ J ol 'Surer Gtn.uj' th«t At last a MtimrMnj make-up lhat jr££. M pampers and protects, gives >ou a soft finish but
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  • 264 2 UP FOR SALE: A FABULOUS BLUE DIAMOND SINGAPORE. Saturday. CL'LTAXS, mulli-millionaires and business tycoons in Malay:i have v iluuuv to buy j fabulous blue diamond owned by Royal families of Europe for hundreds of pears. Called the "Great Blue Diamond' MM '>i the thiee deep blue diamonds known in history
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  • 239 2 'Tec cleared of using force on murder case suspect SINGAPORE Sat De-tectlve-Con>table Chua Soi Hon. 28. of Joo Ciiat police .station who adnuiied punching Goh Seek Lai. 21. an ex-Work Bnyad>' member was acquitted at hi* trial or a charge of voluntarily causing hurt to Goh in a kampong oil
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  • 142 2 HAPPIKST boy in Pro\inc«- Welleslry h 11--year old 1.- !i.m (altove). a polio victim paralysed from the waist. .1 i^.m.u li m son of I Murucasu. a labourer at tin Butterworth Air Basr. will soon have the use of callipers (Ire
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  • 287 2 INSTITUTE WAGING WAR' ON PLANTERS' No. I BOGEY-WEEDS Chemicals being tested to determine optimum methods KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday 'pHE Rubber Research Institute is now carrying out a big probe into methods of chemical weed control in estates to help solve one of the biggest problems faced by planters A number
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  • 153 2 PENANO. Sat.— The leader of a Japanese "ban-the-bomb" team now in Malaya today expressed concern over the U.S. plan to station 1.400 m.p.h jet fighters capable of carrying Hydrogen bombs on Okinawa. "This is very disturbing news." said the Yen. Gyptsu N. Sato, a
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  • 281 2 POINTER' on training II is nn.-, time [pi oni dog 1 to start retrie\iiig the real thing You must, iir-t engine the bird is cold and there ts no o.ood on v. The latter ta mo.-.!, important M the dot may *>"P and lick at the blood or e\en t»te
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  • 225 2 Europeans plan big stall at bazaar for blind SINGAPORE Sat The British community In Singapore, both civil aid the ttrrfctt is plunntng to set up one of the largest stalls at the forthcoming International Baiaar lor the Blind, thanks to the efforts of a band ol women led by Lady
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 258 2 now flying the Orient skies! CATHAY You have never known so sumptuous, so thoughttul! This is the fastest p^ m m m_ pa Cathay Pacific's huge fleet of modern airliners operates through seventeen let service through the Onent-with the most fabulous foods and wines aboard PI W I major
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  • 446 3 WaSnaVi VTnala-Ch^Ti OUR CIRLAT LARCE inmalaya is on leave this ndonan vinMld'v^nen WEEK> SHE WILL BE BACK ACAIN N£X t sunday SINGAPORE. Sat. 'JMIK I'niversity of Singapore Students' In ion has suggested four ways to give general arts students a
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  • 76 3 OINGAPORE. Sat. Siamese woman. Mm;,. 30. wa.s under the influence of liquor when she threw stones at passers-by In a backlane off Johore Road yeslerday morning. the Ninth Magistrate's Court wa.s told today. Shi' pk'i'.di'd guilty, and was fined $25. ur a «Mk'i jaii. She was
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  • 123 3 PRESIDENT OF MALACCA MUNICIPALITY FACES LIBEL ACTION MALACCA. Sat. A civil suit has been filed in the Malacca high court by Mr. S. S. Velu. former water works superintendent of the Malacca Municipality, against Mr. Tan Tuan Boon. Malacca Municipal President, for damages arising out of alleged libel. Mr. Velu.
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  • 48 3 KUALA LUMPOR. Sat A mafi ll being made to [oral a Jaguar owners' club here. Over 200 circulars arc being sent to these owners to inform them that the inaugural meeting will be at the Cycle and Carriage Co. Ltd. on Friday at 3.30 p.m.
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  • 75 3 A BRIDE GETS HER FIRST TASTE OF WEDDED BLISS PICTURE of a happy couple. Mr Teo Kens: Hoe, a Singapore company director, and his bride, the former Miss Nf Foonj Yin, seen at their wedding reception at the Shanghai Restaurant. The bride is the third daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
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  • 362 3 ALOR STAR. Sat THE Sultan of Kedan on behalf of the Yang di-Pertuan A»ong. today presented new colours to Malaya's crack bandit fighters, the 3rd Battalion. The Royal Malay Regiment, with this stirring call: "Protect and resorct them. Never surrender." colourful 90-minute parade of 270
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  • 159 3 MALAYA LEADING COUNTRY FOR RATE OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT kl ALA LL'MPI'R, Saturday. MALAYA is the I c*^i< l i 1 1 <4 tounliv in SouthKasl Asi;i For selling up new industries, according to Mr. John Pox, director of the Asian field oflfce of the International Labour Organisation. Mr. Fox. who
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  • 313 3 4 SMALL o.i> in a clitlua\ ren s hospital was askea oy a fellow patient: "Are you medical' or "surgical' I 'I don't know what that means. he replied "Well." said the other child "Were you sick when you came in. or did they make you
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 635 3 THE WOR ID NEEDS TRAINED MEN «J 7 Pj> b^b^b^^^^^^^^^^^b^b^bHbHb^B^^^^ hy i BBaHBBBIBVBfV Nr-^ g Canada^^^y \n^ Singapore! POSTAL EDUCATION-^^^^BnSFwe, lndl »B BRANCHES THROUGHOUT THE WORLD I TUT WORLD is desperate lor men lo till OVER 300 COURSES key industrial positions. We arc entering Leading authoritiat consider "British Institutss' courses
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    • 75 3 comes i^*?^Jff tPue PHOTOGRAPHY ""PROJECTION £^^*>S^ Rollei PROJECTOR fOP a S tle S ZeS FULLY AUTOMATIC TROUBLE FREE OPERATION [nsist on guarantee cards &(omaiiat Piiy st ps fa||jng hajr y^J. definitely grows new hair. Available frorr all leading .tores. > ||H^ I KAI i I MJI IKII.> k^^TINTERNATIONAL CORPORATION X*-^
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  • 4243 4 Trapped by a redhead THE DAY CICERO STOLE CHURCHILL'S BALKANS PLAN FOR THE GERMANS A MASTER STROKE AS THE NET CLOSES MOST of the famous spies of history have been lone wolves, working strictly solo. But not Cicero. I needed an admiring audience preferably female. My sweet little 17-year-old cousin
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 500 4 i HeG R.E C t3fc tt ==~J pHURCHILL had a plan !or invading Greece and the Balkans by bringing •^■^■wjj^w^^^^ Turkey into the war and using her as a base or tn e attack (see above I D U T Cicero the spy itole the plans and 4 sold them
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    • 67 4 111 MM -s l^n T m Alia m £I I I■ J 1 StlS b sVH ..Mm Mm fl 1 1 1 1 [1 Bjyj :!:*ili DENTAL "CREAM WITH IRIUM l^^r r .^^r^». fee/ how /ts bracing flavour r'y.T'i'S freshens your mouth/ 36 M^t s ee no wjf hghts up
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  • 293 5 NEW POLICE PLAN TO BEAT THE MINE GANGS IPOH, Saturday pOLICE announced today a new scheme to protect tin mines from members of secret societies and robber gangs who have forced some mines to suspend operations temporarily. In circular, the Ipoh OCPD, SupL R.G. Baxter, has offend miners in the
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  • 242 5 May 11 -a day all should celebrate, says Albar FNANG. Sat UMNO publicity officer. Syed Ja'aJar Albar. urged nere last night that May 11 the day UMNO was founded should be observed by all "true and loyal Malayans" as a great national day. Spriking at the 16th UMNO anniversary celebrations
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  • 56 5 ENDAU, Sat. The Minister for Works. Posts and Telecommunications. Dato VT. Sambantham. yesterday opened a new 545.000 post office here which will serve people living on the east coast of Johore. Dato Sambantham said two more post offices would shortly be opened at Pekan Nanas
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  • 106 5 SOLDIERS raced to fight the invaders people prayed in the streets monsters were reported moving in on New York. It sounds like something out of a war story, but It is not. It is an excerpt lrom a gripping new series now running in the Malay
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  • 414 5 CCALES Are the outer armoui of fishes, toi iiuug a more M lesss hard covering that at ■lie .same ume allows bending of the body. Theoretically the oody should be protected by a complete covr: inu of thin bone, and 1:> a tew lushes this Is the ease;
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    • 155 5 EB m3K%&'' I I I II > wm HM a^L^LH a^LHH aW ''jsji£ ■.*-'*.'«"*V\v I J I VaAaV I■ B M I I Ufc vs& '^f IriL Off IliU 10 111 C^i WSJ^MS I I LI LII j^Llr L^%^^^K^m This is the cigarette which turned the world to king size
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  • 272 6 Queen's scholar named first engineering prof. KUALA LUMPUR. Sat 'JMIK University of Malaya today announced the appointment of Mr. Chin Fung Kce, 42, as its first Profeaor of Engineering. The Vice-Chancellor, Sir Alexander Oppenheim. said that Prof. Chin had also been appointed the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Born
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  • 174 6 No more bomoh cures for 2,000 IPOH. Sat.— For the tirst time, people living In ihe vast Parit rural area have the benefits of modern medical science available at all times, right on their doorsteps. "We do not now have to depend on bomohs, pawangs and the old-type kampong bidans
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  • 353 6 REASON FOR POOR SHOWING IN CAMBRIDGE EXAM-BY YONG BIG INFLUX OF PUPILS AND STAFF TRANSFERS... SINGAPORE, Saturday. 'J'HE Minister for Education, Mr. Yong Nyuk Lin, yesterday blamed the greatly increased number of pupils and the transfer of experienced teachers for the poor Senior Cambridge examination results in some Government schools.
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  • 30 6 KUALA LUMPUR. SatThe Prime Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman, will broadcast a Hari Raya Haji message in English and Malay over Radio Malaya on Monday at 10 a.m.
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  • 156 6 Mr. Leong gives modern Malayan touch to an ancient love song SINGAPORE, Saturday. gINGAPORE'S multi-lingual composer. Mr. Matthew Lcong, Ikis now "Malayanised" a daaaical Chinese narrative love poem "The Peacock's South-easterly Flight" (Rung Chue Tung Nan Pel), whicH was written over 2.IUH) yean ago. it will be presented by the
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  • 70 6 SINGAPORE, Sat. The Minister for Labour, Inche Ahmad bin Ibrahim, today directed two trade disputes to be referred to the Industrial Arbitration Court. The first dispute is botween the Singapore Bank Employees' Union and the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. The second one involves the union
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 180 6 fl*ll*fl*f flight to London aß#3 M Lvtra enjoyment, extra value are yours with BOAC Especially if you are going on leave. >f^ W M tßt nt il vow h;nc ;t few days holiday during a business trip you can take advantage oi BOAC F^^ stopover facilities to sec exciting new
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 429 6 Your Sunday radio RADIO MALAYA |33 Melodies and Memories; 4.oo 'Club Session; 9.00 Programme :Four O'clock Date; 4.30 Tea Summary; 9.03 The Choir Slugs; A.M.: Kuala Lumpur. Penang. Dance; 5.00 The News; 505 930 Whack-0; 10.00 Irama Pagi; Malacca and National Shortwave Songs From The Stage and 10-30 Played to
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    • 59 6 Radios from Singapore PERTH. Sat. Two men were each fined £25 (about Msl7s) in the Frem an tie Police Court this week on smuggling charges Involving transistor radios from Singapore. They are Lawrence Frederick Freedman of Claremont and Enreco Bruuinl of Highgate b6th Perth suburbs. Friedman was caught leaving the
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  • 734 7 Advice to applicants go for the minimum DO YOU hove o query or doubt? Then write to: The City Editor, Sunday Times, Times House, River Valley Road, Singapore 9. ILL UtOM who arc A thinking of applyuii; lor the Malayan Containers Limited shares are advised to jio for the minimum
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  • 577 7 54 (including 9 women) new doctors graduate from Singapore University SINGAPORE. Sat. rFTY-FOUR new doctor*, nine of them women, graduated from the University of Singapore today. They passed the final part 111 professional examination for the degrees of M.8.8.5. in medicine, obstetric* and gynaecology, and surgery. They are: Miss Savithiri
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  • 205 7 MORE PAY TO WOO EXPERTS from ABROAD NEEDED FOR RURAL DRIVE PROJECTS-TUN RAZAK KUALA SELANGOR, Saturday. PROFESSIONAL men to be recruited overseas are to receive "slightly higher salaries," the Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, announced today. These men would be recruited to help case the IWV.D's temporary shortage of
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  • 273 7 Bikinis are out in Miss Penang, beauty contest PENANG, Bat.— Local lovelies who are too shy to enter this year's Miss Penang contest sponsored by the Shaw Organisation have been assured vital statistics will not be an important factor In the judging. This was stressed today by the organiser. Inche
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  • 55 7 KUCHING. Sat. A Kuching Chinese newspaper, the Sarawak Times. has ceased publication. This paper is closely associated with views of leftist Chinese newspaper, the Sin Wen Pau. Sarawak Times was first published in 1958 and reached 2.000 circulation. Kuching now has only one leftist Chinese newsnarjer,
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  • 45 7 SINGAPORE. Sat— Chief Electrician E. F. Toner of HMS Woodbridge Haven was reported today to be In a 'reasonable condition" at the British Military Hospital He became seriously ill last week. His wife flew here from Britain to be with him.
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  • 35 7 BINOAPORE, Sat.— The Shipping and Port Clearance Office and thp Imports Exports Office will be open for one hour only— from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Monday. Hart Raya Hajl
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  • 62 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Sat. A labourer working on the new $1.2 million Johore Bahru central market In Jalan Ah Fook was killed yesterday morning when th? heavy wood-and-iron cushion on top of a pile crasher; down and hit him In the neck. He was M. Kathukutty. 35, who died
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 161 7 Fiver The fastest relief you can I Ret is ASPRO' tablets. Safe for all the family ASPRO —used in over 1 00 countries. Famous for nearly half a century. Whitens Your Skin I Secretly and Quickly No longer need you admire othc wish that yOur ikm wos Ob light ond
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    • 299 7 PO^^playtex Ik /[p7x\ strapless bra §Rl^v\ Vu playtex fit and comfort $12-50 (Spore. Pg.) /;I/M^>>^\ (Federation) This wonderful new Playtei Strapless bra give) you the tit and comfort that all Playtex Bras i arc famous tor It won't slip down oi ride up no matter how active you are. The
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    • 577 8 State of emergency in Laos as (mother town alls to Reds i VIENTIANNE. Sat THE Royal Laotian Government today declared a "state of siege" throughout the country as pro-Communist forces swept unopposed into the town of Ban Houei Sai, the last Government stronghold in north-western Laos. The state of sfeflt
      Reuter; UPI  -  577 words
    • 206 8 DEATH-FAST- SO BABS IS NOW IN HOSPITAL LONDON, Saturday. BRITAIN'S marathon walker. Dr. Barbara Moore, f>B, has been taken to hospital from prison where she was "fasting until death**, the Home Office said today. Dr. Moore, who has tramped across Britain and North America to prove her vegetarian dietary theories,
      Reuter  -  206 words
    • 168 8 1,000 held at Lisbon University agitation LISBON, Sat. About 1.000 people were detained in Lisbon University yesterday. Including 500 students. relatives and others, an official spokesman said last night. He said police were called after students last night Ignored an order by the university authorities to leave the university building
      Reuter  -  168 words
    • 30 8 British Prime Mlnistei has said the greatest threat tc the strength and stability of Britain would be a return to the Socialist rule of the Labour Party. UJ>I.
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    • 34 8 The first In the new Pacific series, went off on Friday, in what may have been the test of an anti-submarine rocket designed to be fired from the decks Of ships.— U.P.l.
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    • 169 8 After eight years in Darwin, Malayan faces deportation DARWIN. Sat. A Malayan, who has worked in Australia for the last eight years, has been told by the Immigration Department that he is to be sent back to Malaya. He is Mohamed Nasir bin Wahab. 31. He has lived and worked
      Reuter  -  169 words
    • 214 8 Now NASA plans a craft to come after the successful X-15 A MANNED research airplane follow-on to the highly -successful X-15 has been proposed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of America. The new craft will takeoff under turbojet power, switch to ramjet propulsion at high speed, then accelerate
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 250 8 T¥7 r r f Wisdom M is the brush tt\ f d Mml Hard-wearing I IOT* *\fOU MM Flextron tu/ts i J %y W/wA specially shaped mW/ A f 0 thorou ?h V ('Any old toothbrush' mf^LX deaning just worit do!) mfMm\ s' if// container J. L. Morison, Son /•'ll/l/l:
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    • 114 8 New Brownie fieSta O-mera Y $12.00 (Spore) Takes beautiful snapshots and slides you'll be proud to show just press the button. This little wonder has no frills, no In /our pocket. Made by Kodak, so extra knobs, no complicated instruc- you know it's good! tions. It simply gets the pictures
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    • 767 9  - WHAT IS MACMILLAN LIKE AT HOME? STELLA KING By- UNFLAPPABLE imperturbable immovable. Over and over again these words are used to describe Harold Macmi I lan. Tory Prime Minister of Britain for the past five years. His son can criticise him in Parliament The chairman of the Stock Exchange can
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    • 72 9 These are dark days tor Mr Harold Macmillan's Government or so the political commentators are saying Whatever the by-election results may mean, they certainly do not mean comfort for his party Will he take emergency acfion to avert unpopularity? The answer to this question lies in an
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    • 148 9 Couldn't Princess Margaret pay more? LONDON. Sat. The back-bench critic of royal spending, Mr. William Hamilton (Lab.. West Fife) found support from his own Front Bench in the Commons when he queried the cost of work being carried out on No. 1-A Kensington Palace, future home of Princess Margaret and
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    • 368 9 HOW TO COPE WITH THE AMBITIOUS CAREER WOMAN SUNDAY IN AMERICA From NEW YORK UN D ERSTANDING Women" is the ambitious title of a booklet put out today by the U.S. Government's Small Business Bureau. Its aim: To help men cope with their women workers. It advises: Get to know
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 130 9 "That's right try it, taste It!" THE I niled Slates recently announced they 1J I A I Mill soon explode a hydrogen bomb over Johnston r LAA I |^l Island in the Pacific which, they aay. may prove to be "the greatest show in scientific history.'' m m And I
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    • 152 9 E^EROSOL g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^gH i^g^g^g^i^gß M B Factory sealed to guarantee full measure lUsHi^F^^^^^^MiSwMg^P ""i i"*"*" ill ::z: SSS SO EFFICIENT u L r^^^mmm! t m^^SS[ 151 B »1~ W^^^^^?g^^g^^^g¥ .^gig^k f l^^^^g^glg^g^^gVHgs^^^glgVs^sSg^g^g^g^gV i^L^MgKi^^gl iSlvr^gX g^H 85 |S I "^^^^l *r*'t?**° A MS^^^DmWm^ ll^ H fr^S^^M Ell SSS SO ECONOMICAL HBSUTLY PEIFJMID
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  • 242 10 OPINION PERIL OF AN ISOLATED SINGAPORE WHEN Mr. Lee Kuan Yew meets Mr Harold Macmlllan tiu» weeK lie will have little cause to repeat charge.^ he made In October last year that 1 Britain was lukewarm in its attitude to the proiwsed Malaysian tederation. Inaeed he may hua a distinct
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  • Speakings Personally..
    • 168 10 LETTER OF THE WEEK CROWS OF KLANG IAM surprised to find that MU>s Hasnah VlmaiaChen <Bunda> Times. May 6' does not *eem to have heard the story of the crows of Klanx 1 do nut Know what the Talping crows 1 were There are two crows native to Malaya, the
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    • 160 10 Whether It ate the caterplliars is not recorded From what I know ot in.-oct outbreaks the caterpillars will have disappeared of th.Mr own. and everyone who haci tried >>ut sonu little .scheme will have said thai It was Uie MWM Ol that However, the crows have been there ever
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    • 137 10 rUR little note about tough new toys (Sunday Times. April 22> BureIv It Is better to have Ingenious toys than Just durable ones. To my mind the best toy Is the type that stimulates a child's thinking processes. That Is why I think that meccano Is one
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  • 48 10 that the people of the Federation and Singapore pay almost 200 per cent tax on imported alcohol and tobacco and that this tax easily tops the list of purchase taxes, accounting for more than 14 per cent of the total revenue in the two territories?
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  • 608 10  - DO YOU OWN A JALOPY? TRY ONE FOR PERSONALITY ABU bin ADAM By DO you have a Jalopy? Or a new gleaming car? If you have never owned an old car, then you don't know what you are missing. A Jalopy has a personality It has lived and got experience.
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  • 270 10  -  A SUNDAY TIMES By REPORTER WITH so many visitors to Malaya these clays, it is surprising that our young men completely ignore a specialised career. A career that otters lots of opportunities, glamour and excitement. I reter to the hotel and catering business and
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 888 10 CLASSIFIED ADS. I ENGAGEMENTS It *.rt. Sim rWmawai NC -LCI. Kf'.rw H| *ik Cbaoc. ttuilH' »oa oi Mr Nc Ttik »»a» and lh« Ut» »la<tam Haw Bca Las. aad IjM (Svat >ooi.». aarond dauicntrr o< Mr. aod Un ut K« Chianc or i.s 1 Ipob TAN WIHC wim Kuc- Mj
      888 words
    • 15 10 A CLEAN SHAVE ANYWHERE tINIC SWISS. MADE BATTERY SHAVER llaaaaari: tit •a. «t 11l Ml
      15 words
    • 276 10 GOOD ENGLISH gives you Confidence How you can gain poise develop your personality achieve success Hundreds of ambitious people have discovered a fascinating, simplified way to improve their English, gain selfconfidence, and develop their personality. iThey tell how this unique method, studied in the odd minutes of the day. has
      276 words

  • 264 11 Tengku will be installed Varsity Chancellor at ceremony Lee to seek cash for war victims' families r'KYO. Sat. Singapore Prime Minister. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew Is scheduled to visit Tokyo lat* this month to seek compensation from Japan lor Japanese World War II massacres In
    264 words
    15 words
  • 27 11 SINGAPORE Sat The Strain tic price here today was $454.37 > 3 a picul. down (4. and the offering was 230 ton*, dotrn five tons
    27 words
  • 24 11 SINGAPORE. Copra Associatiou noon price: May $28', nominal i. Singapore Coi-onu: Oil Millers' Aw-orlaUuti. bulk S3ST sellers, drum MM| sellers Tone quiet
    24 words
  • 306 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. THE Minister of Education, lnche Abdul Rahman bin Haji Talib, will be made Honorary Doctor of Laws by the University of \lhlm%*2! in q oluiirt ul crri'inon ripvt month He will receive the honour at the same time as the
    306 words
  • 139 11 Sleeping woman robbed of jewels KUALA LUMPUR. Bat An audacious thief walked Into a woman's bedroom while she was sleeping yes- terday and gathered up her Jewellery from the dressing tabl«The thiei. armed with a dagger, entered the house i ot Mr. D F Vlssenga. ma- nager of Uie Far
    139 words
  • 215 11 A good wife is one who can cook says the Tengku FNANO. Sai The Prime Minister, Tengku Abiul Rahman, said In Penang today a good wife Is one who can prepare good food for her husband no that he would be so lazy that he would not want to go
    215 words
  • 114 11 rOUAV: tiedilll Kechil 6 27 pm <6 5 ft. i. Singapore 453 a.m >6.5 to. 7.38 pm i 6 3 tt). Port Dlckson 110 a.m .j 9 It > 140 pm (6.1 ft). Port S' eiienham 12.42 a.m l(:l Hi; Penang 930 am (6.0 ft i 851 pm
    114 words
  • 158 11 SINGAPORE Sat Mr David Marshall (Work ers Party Ansoni has submitted five questionfor reply at the next mer* ln« of thp Legislative Assembly the date of which has not vet oeen announced I'U ai'p«tlonB are: Will the Prime Minister make a
    158 words
  • 219 11 Equal pay: World teachers to hear case PENANG. Sat. EducaI ttonlsu attending the biennial conference of the world confederation of the teaching profession at Stockholm In July will hear of the fight for equal pay by Malayan women teachers. Their case will be presented by Mr. D.S Ramanathan. national president
    219 words
  • 250 11 Pianist Chiu Yee-Ha in fluent recital SINGAPORE. Sat. Chiu Yee-Ha. a gifted 24--year-old pianist from Hong Kong, gave a recital in the Victoria Theatre toniaht under the aegis of the Far East Impresarios- Association. Miss C.uu pos&ebsea a tluen. and eminently .terviceable techmque in which the pnme ingredlents of noiauonal
    250 words
  • 182 11 Thugs BUDDHA GANG MEN PLACED UNDER RESTRICTED RESIDENCE AFTER IPOH SWOOP IPOH. Sat. Nine active members of a secret society, the Buddha Gang. i have been placed in restricted residence under the Prevention of Crimes Ordinance In various parts of Perak. The gang operated In Buntong. Sungel Pari. Kampong Tal
    182 words
  • 23 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. An Alliance Member of Parliament. Inche Dahari All. has been appointed sec-p-t>-v of the Selangor UMNO liaison committee
    23 words
  • 349 11 BUSINEES ON THE MALAYAN STOCK EXCHANGE oat.—BUSl--»3 ness un the Malayan oiock bxenange, Singapore section, today with tne nuiuoor ol deals in brackets. Industrials: Uunlop (500) $1.7u UL, (5.000) (1 68, (2.000) <2.U00) $1.69 0M; East Smelting U. 000) $3. U. 000) »2.t>B; F. ana N. orui> (2.00U> «4.U2
    349 words
  • 25 11 SINGAPORE. Sat. All sections of the Master Attendant's Office and the Imports Exports Office will be closed on VflMkk Div mxt Friday.
    25 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 651 11 MINISTRY OF DEFENCE VACANCY FOR A LEGAL STAFF OFFICER Applied! ion.-- ,>rt invtiec trom Federal citizen* »ho nave the VMHmMm tm out »n paragraph 2 below lot appointment to Uie poi-t ol ai;ii! Officer lo the Aimed Forte* Legal Service ot Uie Ministry of Deience l|U4UAraU*nfc 2. The minimum quaiincuiiofi
      651 words
    • 79 11 S mtk v J lICCDDAV \9^^^ At home or in the office, milk— jy nature's finest food sees you through I pull creaM NESPRAY is Full Cream Cow's Milk. IOWDFRPD1 O WDFRPD HltK enriched with Vitamins A and D There's kT* 10 wi vitamins aa^ none finer! Next time, take
      79 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 29 11 Welfare chairman KI.UA.NO Sat Da to Teoh Chic Chong has been re-ol rted chairman of the Klua-u District Welfare Committee Inche Bahatuan bin Hail Mohd Shah Is the secretary
      29 words

  • 991 12  - Cutting a caper on the campus Juliet Ang THE GIRL WHO MAKES FASHION MAKE SENSE AND A LOOK AT THE 'NEW LOOK' IN THE HOME f'Voiti MESSAGE TO PARENTS WITH DAUGHTERS IN COLLEGE... MALAYAN parents are ever willing eager, 1 should say to lavish thousands of dollars on their daughter's
    991 words
  • 38 12 SEVEN POINTS TO REMEMBER FOR THE GIRL WHO IS GOING AWAY TO UNIVERSITY The theme it simplicity with versotility (see "What mokes a campus curie" in Page 13). All pictures by Kok Ah Chong. See "Campus cutie" below.
    Kok Ah Chong  -  38 words
  • 596 12 TO THE RESCUE -A TALL STRANGER WITH THE SWEET SMILE QNE day while travelling with my mother in a bus, I slipped and fell. A tall, handsome man helped me up, and smiled very sweetly at me. I now* meet him quite often In the bus. I wonder if he
    596 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 206 12 ■■■^"■■■P^ bbb»t^ IV^BsssKssssaswl tjt&L.- isbbbbbbbV' StfVsssss V -•^^■■l %t 'fl^BßasaW 4sssssssfP^^assssßsi 'I^r*^St. ■BsHsBRsK *^W bs»^^ •...s^ I*'"1 v «w Hi Jsr s.mi Ik ww W J* 0^ It^aaW -JK U 0 Jtm sbbWVbs/ JsW Jifl it si I She's preparing to be a Beautiful Lady All through her We, this
      206 words
    • 388 12 Jk^^ fig Xyfl^ BREAKS PRECEDENT. 1 1 Lgjk CREATES THE HRST RADICALLY HEW LJPSTItt g IN YEARS! 1 C^ 5 *1,3 Achieve* sever-before, lustre Reveal* vibrant colour, that la»tt and last* Ultra moist, feelf cream-drenched yet turpriiingiy light on your tips Change* 'ju»t lipstick' into today* great new fashion for
      388 words

  • 221 13 What makes a campus cutie rptIESE Sunday Times pictures by colleague Kok Ah Chong show what the campus cutie of 1962 should be wearing. PICTURE ONE presents One C.rnk llua in a pair of corduroy slacks and attractive linen over-blou*e in diagonal panels Sleeves are medium length. A long, narrow
    colleague Kok Ah Chong show what the campus cutie of should be wearing  -  221 words
  • 911 13 DESIGNS FOR GOOD LIVING NEXT WEEK: The Sunday Times will let its readers into some of the secrets of interior design and decoration which have come along as a result of this revolution in the Malayan home. By A SUNDAY TIMES REPORTER The revolution that is &oin& on in homes
    911 words
  • 314 13 JLIY name sounds very naughty. How can 1 change my name and avoid all future embarrassments? Singapore. C P. ft By deed poll. Consult your solicitors Incidentally, what is it? MY friend, who Is 14, hasn't got an Identity card. Her parents applied for
    314 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 284 13 aj s am f < B as air use Tampax— and forget there's a difference in days of the month! Tampax never lets its presence be felt. Imparts a sense of sureness in everything you do. For nothing can show. No one can know. With- m—— out odour without MM
      284 words
    • 367 13 BqSSSSSSwvt *****88?? for everybody —everywhere Electrolux new compressor refrigerators The Electrolux new economy line offers you a full range of electric refrigerators Htta with extremely economical cooling unit, Elegant models, beautifully equipped, with plenty of space for food and large bottles. You'll find exactly what you need —in the size
      367 words

  • 2 14
    2 words
  • 252 14 WINNKR ol tin- OTSfc'l lOF Pltl/.i. ..I SM hi "Se.ilcd l-i^iirc' (above) submitted b\ Voni; Kuk Fuo. 88 China Street. PenansMr Yoni; urn-(I a As.iln Panlex i.imera and Ado\ film Setting M. 1 M second The SECOND PRIZE vi s.n is won b> Where i> in>
    252 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 232 14 ■I A W^^ m^J -Am reel 4*\\\>c WcUeAx uiih springlike B g "1711- Kau de Cologne cod an.l .-(.arklin- fiS)!>) m> invigoradng! Me k always! Ss^a^a^^ /<^ )Vj EAUDE COLOGNE Your Wonderful Baby RemcniDcr bis skin is in your art. Make sutc v ■•••taa »tty» healthy, coo! »nd tree imm
      232 words
    • 160 14 i. #> Jaa^Lr^^aV 9F HEALTHY HAIR MEANS «J f BEAUTIFUL V HAIR i With dandruff in her halt, her hair spoilt her beauty. She then went to 1 her hairdresser who told her to I shampoo with Scbbix. She did And sure enough. Sebbix cleared up her dandruff. Now she
      160 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 450 14 The Neverwells talk about I a| «j and cloon K I 2 I 3 "BFH I f 9 I 6 I 7 6 actually puts her baby I 1 1^ I j" ptt J throats. At KOSS. 1. Chance oi loss <4<: DOWN: 1. Uenuwi >*>: 4. Stubborn <8>: 9.
      450 words

    • 1011 15  -  RODERICK MANN Stanley Baker: An affair can buck up the ego By MR. STANLEY BAKER has just returned to London from Rome where he has been putting the finishing touches to a new film and when we met he had some intriguing intelligence to impart.
      1,011 words
    • 172 15 YIX Brynner, a shaved pate and a frying-pan gang up to fight the searing sun in Salta. Argentina, where he is on location for United Artists' 521.000.0U0 spectacular. "Taras Bulba' which is to be released next year. Taras Bulba" is the story
      172 words
    • 76 15 ON THE BTAGE as the title indicates "Two For The Sea-Saw' has a cast of just two Inevitably, for the film version, a further 24 characters have been added. Influence of the wide screen? VLADIMIR NABOKOV, author of •Lolita." left It to his wife to arrange the deal
      76 words
    • 264 15 THEATRE University to stage 'Electra' "^EXT month the company that brought you "Sergeant Musgraves Dance" will be presenting "Mourning Becomes Elecira" by Eugene O'Neill. Jim Francis, the well-known producer and advocator (or the New Theatre In Singapore ulii be In charge of lighting and The play Is one of the
      264 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 563 15 :f|/SHAW. RBBlTigoorglr^sJ? b SPECIAL ONE-'OAY ONLY b PREMIERE TODAY! S Skew*: 11, 1.10. 4. 6 30. 9)0I»4J Academy -Aoard Winner™ &*st Ongtnol Story Screenplay m (NO FREE LIST) m v 6m «ai*KWJwnwoßcnMi f splendot m JBL wßinih er wuiam inge Pfl fa^^B> ncMMC(xor > «w°«« uurs |BJ B Notolie Wood
      563 words
    • 216 15 I Special ONE-DAY ONLY PREMIERE! ..'ttkyj'.rsiirr TODAY' ■BHHHuNOAPoctflßlßlflp m _5 SHOWS: 1 1 a.m. 1.30, 4, 6.30 9.30 NO FREE LIST B AM aiA KAZAN PRODUCTION WILUAM INGE J^ 1962 ACADEMY AWARD WINNER JL for BEST Original Story Screenplay S^ I W mU^^m I H Bfc^^..' Up I I r^Jrexrc
      216 words
      598 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 691 16 T-E v.cvs^ tEi:-K A I ...iv»7 TANTOg, f«ASi" C-~ Mav.s h _=c sa n 'uSs= SC.^7f *<&&/ THIS WEEK FOR YOU CAPRICORN 'Dei. 21— Jan TAl'Rt'S (April 21— May 30. 19 Some matter of great ma- You begin the we«k with a few terial importance come.' up earU personal complications.
      691 words
    • 599 16 \IK«;o <Aug. 22 -Sept. 22> st OKPIO KM, W Hi. J- 1 rtus could be a fwry happy week By Uie end of Oils week >ou If you are prepared to relax. muat face a decision about You find you are more popular verr persona! matter. Maybe it i* than
      599 words
    • 331 16 -STAR of theWEEK' f| BORN on May 11 you hue innate strength W*5^> of character and a good deal of quiet ambition. In 1962 and early 1963 you jT will be able to use one to P further the other. <-w Opportunities will \m- \gf. put before you and you
      331 words

    • Article, Illustration
      75 19 WITH the Asian Games )ust around the corner, there is one man who is more qualified than most to tell us all about our chances and hopes. This man is Tan Eng Yoon. He is coach to the hopefuls who dream of that trip to Jakarta. He
      75 words
    • 1869 19 Looking toward Jakarta —and the years that lie beyond TAN ENG YOON SPEAKS HIS MIND IN A REVEALING INTERVIEW Q It was recently decided that you were to go to Jakarta only as coach and not as a participant, but do you feel that it is possible for you to
      1,869 words
  • Letters
    • 25 19 OWING to pressure of space vnur letters have been held over for a week This and next Sundays winninc letters will be published next week.
      25 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 317 19 MOTORING WITH FASHIOHABLE FLAIR Peter Lim >. %\> I km^mmmmhmmmmmmmmm| Introduces Z«* I J s?^Jfyl if I't'mM^g^wf '^Mi^lß to Ford's m W^Mtf^Stk VBl^V new 2nd j«t^ aiiraciive x* l w mia m jam mnHpk- SBs*L£T '.iM iiiaiMf Wt muueia. -jM <^ _^«_^^^M^stm^ Right— the jßh -^M zephyr 4 I LEARNED
      317 words
    • 411 19 behdmiredA IN YOUR/ H*NBSB«E/M|dl\ N EW p. V 4 SsmKl ■'■if $m "^^Sh. mTf^fctl "^sH^ y# *>■ "I'iw <mm ■w^^^— asjifciii^Kß. \^sV ITB tt "nSI i 1 1 itliii^iiiisiiit^iMi'iMiii.iiiiisi i If Admired.. because here's the perfect family car with the dual personality that fits so admirably into your business of
      411 words

  • 236 20 KEDAH FACE INNINGS DEFEAT IN THE MCA LEAGUE All-rounder Incler Sin&h puts Perak in a strong position with bat and ball IPOH, Saturday. PERAK are set for full points in their M.C.A. inter-state league match against Kedah here tomorrow. At close of play today Kedah needed 116 runs to avert
    236 words
  • 203 20 Jockeys protest so races are off SYDNEY S;< A iate mee:--in at Sydney's Wai wick !;,iin < ijandoned ton:u alter one race luid been run Tiie action ni taken MjM i"cke\s. who rode m tnc lace. inld siewaids. Ilia, me Hack .i dangerouk ;*:t^i beuv; drenched by nearly an mcli
    Reuter  -  203 words
  • 222 20 II I! \K Ist INNS Arul Dos.s LBW b Doial.aj 14 Pek Hoe c C. Augustine b Balan 19 Chet Singh b Shanmugam 30 Ransome b Shanmugam 19 Inder Singh s Doralraj b Satkunathan 41 Abdul Aziz c Shanmugam b Dorairajah '-'5 Letchumanan c Balan b Dorairajah 0 Ke>avan
    222 words
  • 779 20 Champion Douglas Gomes has the promise E. FRIDA FINDS A POTENTIAL STAR AT SJI MEET sec i record > 200 m 1 D. Gomez. 2 Wong Kirn Hong. 3 Clioo Sik Lam. 24.65ec i record 400 m 1 D. Oomes. 2 J. Fernandez. 2 B. Pracaittm. 3 J. Conner. 2n;in.
    779 words
  • 49 20 Singapore, sat. sa.f.a. of Rnquuy into charges of mlsconduc. by a number of Singapore Youth piayers at Bangkok had its first sitting today. After hearing the evidence of oflicials who accompanies the team. :he Commission aujourned further hearing to May 18. Totiay's sitting lasted si\ liuuis
    49 words
  • 45 20 BARI. Italy. Sat Hungarj England's lust opponent in (lie World Cup .>oct-er linaU m Chile. were beuten 3-1 by Hal- s B side here tuday m a 'wanning up" match for their World Cup campaign The Italian team led 2-0 at i..tlfiuiit- neuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 36 20 I.OS ANOELfco. Sal. UUlimnio i Sugar i Kamo> of Cui>a moveu a .step closer to a featneiueignt tale bout BagM WtMB lie sicored a seventn -round knockout over Kanny Valdez oi Lo& Angeles.
    36 words
  • 95 20 CINCiAPORE. Shi Dr. Goh KeiiK Swee. Singapore s Min-l-ter for Finance, entered the semifinals oi the Eu Tonu St-n Cup In- HHttM MBjaV W D. B.^:lk^ one up*u: Thomson Road toda\ Other qiiHiterlinal resuiu were D Vel.iM.-u bt C.O.H. Fi yatt 2 up. C G:een bt
    95 words
  • 109 20 LONDON. Sat— Tea scores In today's cricket matches were: A: COVENTRY: Kent 118-4 iCowdrey 40 n.o > v. Warwicks. At BKADrOKD: Yorks 189-5 iP. Sharpe 51 n.o. R. Illlngworth 63 1 v. Gloucester At CAMBRIDGE: Glamorgan 220-2 iW. Parkhou&e 120 no. J. 220-2 iW. Patkiiouie 120
    109 words
  • 178 20  -  FRANCIS BOEY by HONG KONG. Sat. VsJr East Air Force from Malaya beat All Hong Kong last night by 19 points to 14 in their boxing match at Southorn Stadium here. The airmen meant business from the start of the match. This was evident v
    178 words
  • 103 20 F ONDON. Sat —Michael Bonal- J lack ainus for a unique i;olftaj double today when he ir.eeis Mirliitel Unit in the 36-hole tinal of the English amateur championship at Moortown. Leeds. Bonallack. 27. already hold, the BmiMi championship and vie mi y over Lunt would
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 278 20 Pakistanis make Leicester struggle for 1 86 LEICESTER. Saturday. IN wet and unpleasant conditions Leicestershire were made to struggle hard for runs by the Pakistan touring team when their three-day match began here today. Four Wickets had tumbled ;or 6K toon alter lunch before the Ciylon-born Stanley Jayasinghe and Te
    278 words
  • 61 20 SINGAPORE. .S,it— Li. Col. J. Barrett tone dowm won ;he Ron] Singapore Golf Club "B" division medal bogey i competition at Sime Road today. Runners-up were PA. Beacon and J.G.M. Price both with two down The ballsweep winner over the first nine was J. Barrett tone
    61 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 186 20 MmV J* <"' M wll< *I I ■MMMX ■mmmmmmmV^m^bQHH H ■M J ■MMH^MMT HONG KONG SSSSZ P O-Oricnt"s famed round voyages to Hong Kong, Japan and home again are as exciting as the places you'll visit. On board you can enjoy the best European or Chinese food, before you go
      186 words
    • 231 20 PIMPLES? 1 v milt sulleni'n ironi MMMtCWI I MtDAC hflps nral the ritin ClM^ ii oinmips and ncne amannwiV t»* Medai rpdue^a thf excf^ 1 i. crt-a>»- Ihal oitj ixirrftnilf antiseptic action prevpnti .r'eetion by (?rnns. Npw mit>Di»« don't «t chance vhrn you use Medac. Meda neais oiniplP.- in me
      231 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous

  • 1115 21 BEST BETS: Jolly Scout (Race 1) and On Trust (Race 5). THE GOING is likely to be GOOD This Newtown Wonder 3-year-old may be too good for Class 4 gPKED MARVEL looks set for a double in the Class 4, Div. 1. 6
    1,115 words
  • 267 21 SOUTH ZONE 'QUAD' IN JOHORE BAHRU NEXT WEEKEND JOHORE BAHRU. Saturday. •THE Malayan Hockey Federation's South zone championship quadrangular, which was postponed last month because of rain, will now be played here next Saturday and Sunday. When rain prevented the quadrangular from being completed last month. Malacca had beaten Johore
    267 words
  • 104 21 SINGAPORE, B*t Repnwenutives of MuMlm •port* bodies unsnlmoimly decided recently to revive the Murltm New Tear Sport* which ceased to bt held since 195« The meeMn*. ponver.eo or Pertubohan Muslim OrK«nts«tlon> decided that the orca«lon be railed "Olah Rags Tahuo*n Mu.-ltmin". rhe meeting
    104 words
  • 1342 21 ACCEPTORS, probable riders, barrier positions, betting forecast and Focus- r 3n-Form for today's races at Penang are °eu*-o given below: I Form^ J Race 1—2.15: Class 4. Div. 2— 6 Furs. Lea (Lucky Star St.) R. Breuk., 4 9.0 1 *Shaarl 2 ***** Minapen
    1,342 words
  • 129 21 HORSES SPELLING IN THE HIGHLANDS SINGAPORE. Sat.— Horses spelling at Veterinary Sanatorium in Cameron Highlands during the month of April were: Morning Flight. St. Honore. Courtcraft. Raluana. Joaleen Steel. King's Scholar. Apollo 111. Happy Chatter. Lightning Flash. Equity. Cash Box. Rina. Menang Lagi. Prudent Choice. Top Spec. Mandrake Sikh. Malayan
    129 words
  • 181 21 tPSOM JtLP \LL BOY I'OIMII! I PSOM JtfcP i Kace 1 1. 15. JOLLY SCOLT j JOLLY S< Ol'T i YES MASTER Minapen \\>r Wonder J Jolly Stout \'r» Master Mirzapen Mn/apcn NEVER BETTER RISING HIGH RISING HIGH Risinc High Hokci i' v. The Concrrtor Bravado Never Belter Kace
    181 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 866 21 CLASSIFIED ADS. AT YOUR SERVICE (Seere) Wt44 SU (Minimum, Oaiif 1 mmmlk. fa Ward. g]-a« f *Ji».J FOR *HOTOCOPT SINVICt— Km. B64SM Taag a la Boat Quay, biogaoorr BLACK t PHOTOITAT SKRVICk •■nonatic. SS rU>nin»on Road. lr. MMI CIOARSTTIS CANCiR: Slot "-B "Apal' UtUili mjBM Knot P.O Boa 00 a
      866 words
    • 201 21 Be FlRSTwith FORDSON vytr a a a B B^*» HJHBSHH'ItH JMaSft ga^^gajiaMgat *m-*M v 9Hg^L^la%V^^S^^Bi 1 j^^^^P ?^W^W^^^s^b^^^^>^P«^ t .r^BMH^y^J^J^^^^^^staSßHipßlgPsW Wa JsaVrSgan J^m\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ *J mm mm^* mm 4f m \%-W^m4lmm-*& f a^ B^Ba aBBBB I /j/BmmW^' i S 11^/M '^L u T^tmr^^^L m ttttW^^^^99mm\^^r^^^LK^ w^MPjMm w W **^J^^ a^a^a^a^BL^a^a^a^ga^-^-a^gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa^Bllllllll^Biv 'S
      201 words

  • 364 22 THEY TAKE A WINNING 6-1 LEAD IN MORNING SINGAPORE. Sat Singapore retained the GuiMemard Cup tor the fifth .succo.sive year when they beat Malaya by 9-2 in their International tennis natal) at Bm.s B.i-uli Road today. Singapore did not Ikivi to Walt long to know whether the
    364 words
  • 324 22 SCHOOLBOY ERIC LEE IS BEST SPRINTING HOPE says ERNEST FRIDA SINGAPORE Sat. Big disappointment today is tne news that the first tri-anj-ilur athletic meet of the MMHa, scheduled :or tomorrow between Swills. Polict and T.T.C.. has been cancelled to a new daie to Ix announced. The meet has provoktd keen
    324 words
  • 617 22 GHANI'S GOAL IN EXTRA TIME DECIDES FAM CUP Fighting, Penang, take the lead twice in a fast &ame played in heavy rain, but it was not their ni^ht PENANG. Saturday gELANGOR retained tl (ihani goal during ext Penang 4-3 in a thrillin here tonight. Selangor. playing beti i their victory.
    617 words
  • 35 22 GEORGETOWN. British Guiana. Bat, Prank Worrell will captain the West Indies on their tour of England next year. Mr. Kenne Wkhart. secretary of the West Indies Cricket Board of Control, announced today.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 70 22 HONG KONG. Sat The vlMimg British army soccer team ended a two-maim iour here today Ml a 4-2 win over a Combined Chinese after leading 2-1 at halfume. Tne visitors failed to pioduce the brilliant form they i>howeu on May 9 waen tney hiounced
    70 words
  • 358 22 SINGAPORE SET FOR A BIG WIN IN THE MCA LEAGUE KUALA LIPIS. Saturday. IIAH.Wd. with six second innings wickets stand- ins;, still needed another 54 runs to avert an innings defeat by Singapore, the champions, in their M.C.A. League match here today. 1 Pahang were skittled out 1 lor 67.
    358 words
  • 26 22 LONDON. Sat. Wakerieiu Trim v won the Engli-u Rucb> I eat; ue Cup it Wemoley here today when they beat Hudder*neld' 12-6— Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 36 22 SINGAPORE. Sa,. The S A.F.A. league ninuhe.-. between Marines and Famu. Kanb (Div. 1 1 and Maxwell SC. and Rajaji .Div 2C> scheduled ;oi play at Jalan Besav tomorrow. > lia.s been ixistponed.
    36 words
  • 155 22 IPOH. Sat— Perak Hockey As- 1 soclatlon It to make immtdl- ate arrarreements for :he Malayan Hockey Federation coarh, Nabl I Ahmad Kalat. from Pakistan, to vlut the various districts In the State during the next two weeks Kalat. a former International hoc- 1 key
    155 words
  • 136 22 ITIENNA, Sat.— The introduction of a new Formula Two in motor racing was recommended at the three-day conference of the International Automobile Federation which ended here yesterday The president. Mr. Baumgartner. said the Formula would be (or cars up to 1.000 cc with
    Reuter  -  136 words
  • 31 22 in Hi.rW, Sin i Minimum) MR. LIM TCIK KCC. lalhri of Hre H*dk. puimd xv.*y 10.'. (i'J l-unei.. I 14.182 at I p ra. Irom 6U Aboo MHM l_inr. PenanK.
    31 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 160 22 jUKss^^Hssl M-£. W'^^^Hat^. *Xi Ara^sssssssssssW V^^sssssssssssssP^^^^ _a^alsssssl rlalsssssV 9^^^ ...the logical choice FARGO -Petrol or Diesel- Fargo is the logical choice for will put your transport on a rugged, economical, continuous more profitable basis. service. The combination of Here ore 4 reasons why 1. LOWER OPERATING Fargo "know-how" and Edbro
      160 words
    • 186 22 CLASSIFIED ADS. 1» Wuri, Ml Minimum l FERNANDO lo Rltu and Rennie a daughter. Yolande Anne, at RaUkAassi Kerhau oo ll. ft B 2 sister for Uel.r.i Aone It Her«, till (Minimum, CHUAH SENC VEONC 3rd. .on nf Mr and Mr*. Chuan Ttatsg K«<>' and Betty Tan Poll Clioo younger
      186 words
    • 619 22 W ssssssf^" A^ 3f ■sValaH*'^ Ti 3 FLIGHTS ■kjeveryJ KSlweekl To and from BANGKOK every Monday, Wednesday and Friday electra 100k -9 WsWM 1,1 Floo. tonk of Ch.-o Bdq S-qopo-f I Tel ***** Ijl-nl Bar No 70 Hotel Maria*, Kuolo lumpor Trl 85°O' •r any ttovrl ogfrii in Smgoporr ond
      619 words
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 112 22 SPORTS DIARY CRICKET: S.C.A. Senior tournament S.C.R.C. v Army. Sncnton Way; CSC. v S.C.C. Baltslier Roau: Ponce v S.R.C. Thomson Road: R.A.F. v Univemtj. Ciiangi: Junior "A"— R.A.F. Seletar Poiyierhiuc v Combint-d ScnooU. Seieiai RAP Chaiiiei CSC. Changi: Naval Ba->p R.AJ r Ten^ah. Nu\al Base: j S.C.C. v Pi lxiii.-..
      112 words