The Straits Times, 12 May 1962

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 25 1 AVERAGE DAILY < I It 11 1 II I) TiALt EXCEEDS 100.000 The Straits Times Ik*** Estd. 1845. SATURDAY. MAY 12. 1962. 13 CENTS. KDN 036
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  • 418 1 Hammering from Liberals and Labour Lost: 531 council seats LONDON, Fri. The Conservative Party took a heavy hammering from Britain's resurgent Liberals and the Labour Party in town council elect i o n s yesterday throughout England and Wales. The contests were followed with especial keenness this year
    Reuter  -  418 words
  • 19 1 VIGIL BY THE TELEPHONE lIWEE BNG "there was always music in the background. MADAM lI.W sleepless mights since Monday.
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  • 482 1 STRAITS TIMES CRIME SQUAD: SINGAPORE. Frl IJKh hands trembled as 19-year-old Sec Hwee Eng, sister of kidnapped schoolboy See Lye Woo. 11, reached Tor the telephone. "Call your mother." ordered the voice at the other end. Madam Chan Seok Cheng she's
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  • 94 1 SPOTLIGHT ON MORALITY IN SAIGON SAIGON. Frl. All bars, teahouses and restaurants must be brightly lit so that police officers may see from outside the whole of the premises, under the terms of an edict of the Mayor, published today. The Mayor said that the owners of these premises would
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 192 1 Not so deep in the heart of Texas... NEW YORK. F A RETIRED British couple. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wood, left here yesterday by air for Dallas (Texas) confident they would make it th*s time. Mr. Wood. 65 and his wife Marie. 62. arrived here on Wednesday in the Queen
    Reuter  -  192 words
  • 229 1 Now 'no gifts' by Royal command PROBLEM FOR YIP WEDDING GUESTS KUALA LUMPUR, Fri.— The Yang diPertuan Agong has requested that no presents be given on the occasion of the marriage of his eldest daughter, Sharifah Salwah, to Tengku Suleiman of Johore next week. A Government statement said today: "Inquiries
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  • 326 1 'Don't let your kids go to this meeting' SINGAPORE. Friday. fHE Minister of Education, Mr. Yong Nyuk Lin, 1 today appealed to parents of Chinese secondary schools to advise their children not to attend a meeting to be held at Bukit Timah High School on Sunday. In an ooen letter
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  • 73 1 STUDENT TERRORISTS HELD ALGIERS. Fri. Mr. Christian Fouchet. French llr-.ii Commissioner in Algeria, today announced the dissolution of the Algiers Students Association, the dismissal ol civil servants whose loyalty was suspect. and a large number of expulsions from Algeria, including several well-known people. In a statement, lie said that four
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 43 1 NEW DELHI. Fri. Dr. S. Radhakrlshnan. who had been Vice-Presldent since 1952. was today elected President of India, and will be sworn In on Sunday. He suceeds Dr. najendra Prasad who decided not to seek a third five-year term of office.
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  • 32 1 COLOMBO. Frl— The State- i owned Ceylon Petroleum Corporation today took over the operation of 35 more filling stations and 16 kerosene deputs belonging to British and American oil companies.
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  • 14 1 LONDON Fri. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew arrived here from Geneva today.
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  • 173 1 Laotian Reds on Thai border BANGKOK. Fri. The Thai Prime Minister. Marshal Sarit Thanarat. said today that Laotian leftist forces had advanced to within 12 miles of the Thai border after capturing Houeisai. The Government is con. irlerine sending troops relnforcemen s to the border, he toid reporters. About 800
    Reuter  -  173 words
  • 18 1 EIGHTH N-BLAST WASHINGTON I i I iut< ti Si ilei tun. it'ii another dv I utor
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 52 1 Jl^fmff\ (refund Hi nu i" ¥*WktJl 6 per I 'l hi c >«IP^ f" NO. 5 GfitMON IABURHOHIES HO FLAT ROOF WATERPROOFING SCHEMES CLOUET A. CLOUET CO., (K. L.) LTD. 2nd Floor, Yew building. K.L. Tel Mm il. A CLOUET CO.. (S) LTD. \^J 33 36 Wjllich Stieti. S "S^pcrc
      52 words
    • 179 1 &'Healtk* BEST SHOES MONEY CAN BUY 4 reasons why ihe burglar cant get m Chubb security for home, shop or office doors— for $18. You've seen if in the newspapers 'Burglary up by 64^'. Or 'Public asked to aid police' You run a greater risk than ever of being burgled
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    • 159 2  -  Mr. Mackay 'Great to be alive' says LONDON. Friday. MR. ROY MACKAY, 36, went home from Whiston, Lancashire, hospital yesterday where he "died" four times, and said he was "feeling fine." His four "deaths" 1 came on the operatin» table at the local hospital
      Reuter  -  159 words
    • 98 2 I ONDON. Fri.— Thousands of women in the north of England are to be a&ked to help the British cotton Industry by boycotting foreign textile goods. The Textile Action Group, an unofficial body In the northern cotton town of Oldharh, Lancashire. flchtlng the "flooding of home
      Reuter  -  98 words
    • 64 2 LONDON. Fri. Cigarette advertising is to be banned from the British edition of the magazine Readers Digest, the directors of the Readers Digest Association .stated. This decision will take riled a.- soon as existing contracts have been fulfilled. The directors .»aid that this action was in keeping
      Reuter  -  64 words
    • 149 2 LONDON. Friday. THE cabinet met yesterday to discuss emergency plans and an urgent round of meetings was scheduled for the Labour Minister, Mr. John Hare, dockers' union leaders and port employers as Britain headed towards a national dock strike starting at midnight on
      Reuter  -  149 words
    • 40 2 PARIS. Kri— An O.A.S. band of plastic bombers were sentenced to terms of imprisonment ranging from life to four years by a military court here yesterday. Leader of the band, Claude Jean Sokolovitrh. received the life sentence. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  40 words
    • 44 2 PARIS. Fri. King Hassan of Morocco conferred with President de Gaulle yesterday after arriving by air for a private visit. It was believed he would raise the question of the situation In western Algeria, during his stay here.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  44 words
    • 92 2 DRIVING leg room can become something of a problem when you are nearly eight feet tall. Said to be the tallest man in Europe. Erhard Weller, 37, of Erlangen. Western Germany, found a car to flit his 7ft 9-3/4 inches frame— an Auto Union Coupe.
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    • 46 2 JAKARTA, Frl— A Foreign Office spokesman. Mr. Alex Alatas. said yesterday that A.-soclated Press correspondent Peter Arnett was ex- < pelled for persistently filing "teno itlous reports which s presented a distorted pic- I ture" of the Indonc '211 situ- 1 atlon— U~ T 1
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    • 29 2 BELGRADE. Frl— A slight carth 1 tremor lasting 10 sec or.ds was registered last night at Tltograd. capital of Montenegro, south Yugoslavia. No ca-u..:.'es were reported.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 100 2 NAPLES. Fri.— Carlo Corbi siero. 52. who served 18 years of a life sentence for a murder he did not commit. \esterday withdrew a claim against the State for work done while he was a j convict, after the Justice Mini.siry offered
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    • 169 2 US foreign aid that went the wrong way WASHINGTON. Friday. CONGRESSIONAL investigators were told yesterday that the United States gave Cambodia a big, new transformer to put in a Russian-built hospital when it was found that the Communist-built power plant did not work. Mr Porter Hardy Jr chairman of a
      UPI  -  169 words
    • 57 2 QUOTE Falsifiers of history arc frying ro ascribe to the c.-.A. and Britain the dcci*ive role in the defeat of Naxi Ccrmany. They played almost no part at all. Russia, thanks to the masi heroism of its soldiers, beat Ccrmany single- A handed. —Marshal Rok In a Moscow ten-viM,... broaden*!
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    • 39 2 JAKARTA, Fri. Buying tailor-made suits may shortly be declared a luxury here. A tax committee of the Jakarta City Council Is at present considering Imposing a tax on the sale of tailormade suits— Renter
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 43 2 LUJ U IiiLuLUJ/AiU Sweetened Condensed l\/]ilk, W jNf gjf Jl jy?J| j![_ MILKMAID MILK ALWAYS FIRST IN H Jjgjill W QUALITY AND THE FIRST CHOICE OF SP*~ MALAYAN FAMILIES FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS Milkmaid r/]ilk is fortified Cuith £XTRA l/ITA/^INIS A-.6i D NESTLE
      43 words
    • 100 2 rick flavour 0f HHPHB^I Prodin is r>f Blue .tlli TV.-i r%nir jm from (.'.micron I li^lil.* nda. ~W Available in 1 lb Ih \H McSfefe J^mm an( 4 f M(kc|v liont B^l^tSfc- mm a l«'-<fl"»g store"*. I)isiributors' iaH -/^-j-^' McAlmct Co. Ltd.. ojinillf Singapore Kuala Lumpur d|Hra^*WWß»»> lpoh Penang Kuching.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 168 3 Quick look MOSCOW. Friday. MR. Khrushchev said last nisht that the Soviet pennant on the moon was "lonesome" waiting in vain for an American pennant. Mr. Khrushchev, addressing Soviet railway workers. .said the Americans "proclaimed for all the world tv hear they were shooting a rocket at the moon, but
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    • 120 3 Back Jack, says Ike ADEN: At least 21 people have been killed in recent fighting between Yemeni tribesmen. JAKARTA: Indonesian police force intends to breed a "national dog" for the republic TOLEDO: A series of explosions ripped one .->ide out of a three-storey chemical plant here, killing at least eight
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    • 94 3 Boxing death inquiry VII OKI A i Brazil*: Twentvlour bodies were removed trom the charred wreck■>x a Brazilian Airline Convair which burned and cxDlodtd here. DAMASCUS: Syrian authorities seized yesterdays issue of some Syrian newspaoen for tailing to obey orders "to keep away from Dfess campaigns exchanged unong Arat) countries."
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    • 91 3 France to cut her army PARIS: France Is to reduce her army strength by 200.000 men in the coming year. KARACHI: President Ayub Khan promulgated an ordinance prohibiting unregulated activity of political parties throughout the country. JAKARTA: Police have reported a rising crime rate among adolescents. Antara news agency reports.
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    • 185 3 W. IRIAN: R.I. WILL NOT RETREAT JAKARTA. Fri. The J Chief of the Operational Staff. Maj.-Gen. Achmad Jam. said yesterday that Indonesia will never retreat and Ls ready to face whatever risk there may be in the struggi? to regain West Irian. He was commenting on the statement by tne
      UP  -  185 words
    • Article, Illustration
      62 3 NEW YORK. Fri. A New York firm said today It had offered the U.S. Government U.S. $2,100,000 for Ellis Island, the former Immigration centre In New York harbour, to build "a completely self-con-tained city of the future."— Reuter. THERE is a feeling of considerable disquiet among many officials
      Reuter  -  62 words
    • 49 3 P»RENCH troops on guard at a barbed wire barricade in a street in downtown Algiers when troops surrounded a 12--block area and cut it off from the rest of the city in a new hunt for Secret Army Organisation terrorists and weapons. U.P.I, picture.
      UPI  -  49 words
    • 222 3 Adenauer sets fears adrift in Washington WASHINGTON. Fri. I— Chancellor, on Berlin and Britain's application to join the common market. This disquiet has been only partly calmed l>> the later denial that the Chancellor I'"'! vi:ic -cl opposition to full meinbcrshio for Britain of the Commo'i Hstkel ar President Kennedy's
      Reuter  -  222 words
    • 162 3 YEW YORK. Fri.—Australia told the U.N. Colonialism Committee yesterday that it was •inappropriate and unnecessary to nave the General Assembly takp up the question of Southern Rhodesia The British Government "must be given a chance Mr. James Plimsoll. the Australian chief delenate. told the
      Reuter  -  162 words
    • 99 3 LONDON. Frl. A London magistrate told four antinuclear oornb campaigners who demonstrated outside the U.S. Embassy that they should consider holdIng their next demonstration In Moscow. After fining the three women and one man £1 each, with two guineas costs. !or obstructing the
      UPI  -  99 words
    • 48 3 NEW YORK PH.— I S stocks, v! gold fell h> I ss:{u million in the past week to the lowest level since Auk. 16. 1939 On May 9 the> totalled Ufttt.MS million. So far this year cold stocks have declined bj USHU million. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  48 words
    • 67 3 NEW YORK. Fri- US Steel Corp.. Bethlehem Steel Co two smaller producers and a trade association pleaded not guilty In Federal Co.rt her? to charges of price. fty !i2 and bld-riaging in the sale of steel forcings t th? Covprn. ment and oth-r cv<' *«fi Federal Judge
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 58 3 flfc THE g p jM H F 9HH|Kh enjoy Edinburgh today... the King Size Filter cigarette made by Dohn Cotton of Edinburgh. So much more enjoyable-so much more to enjoy Edinburgh taste better are better SURIRO (CHISA) l.lMllT.n. RAFFLES PLAC.V.. P.O BOX n*>. SIXGAPORF. i. <■<«■ |O UN COT T*
      58 words
    • 109 3 each and every suit carries our GUARANTEE. A 'Chanrai' tailored suit is cut by expert cutters and made to fit you by craftsmen. Afar Childbirth take It has no equal. It is V^*~.^ still the BEST today. r F i E U? F L ES FLAVOUR SV r WORLD WiDt
      109 words

  • 194 4 'J SLAPPED RUDE YOUTH TO TEACH HIM A LESSON' SINGAPORE, Friday I A SERGEANT with j 22 years service In the Police Force today told a court he slapped a youth "to teach him a lesson." "I wanted him to treat me with more respect in future," said Sergeant Vivian
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  • 148 4 HIGH COURT INCREASES LAND AWARD BY $38,000 SINGAPORE. FTi. —An award of $57,799 made by the Collector of Land Revenue in I respect of 19 acres of I land belonging to Bukit Sembawang Rubber i Estate, was increased to i $95,984 by the High Court today. The land was acquired
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  • 28 4 SINGAPORE. Frl. The Singapore Indian Film Society i.s giving a film show and musical entertainment at the Christ Church School assembly hall at 5 p.m. tomorrow
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  • 193 4 SINGAPORE, Frl.— The President ol the Singapore ochool for the Deaf. Dr. Alfred Chee. today appealed to retired or married women teachers to help the association run classes for deal children. The association is planning to run such classes for children aged
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  • 23 4 SINGAPORE. Fri. The Singapore Polytechnic Stu-dt-ni*' Union will hold its annual dinner at the Peking Restaurant at 8 p.m. on Sunday.
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  • 191 4 SINGAPORE, Fri. A *3 cinema manager, Willie W.C. Teng. today admitted in court that he had "provoked" Doris Lim Siew Keo w, his cinema ticket-seller and union official, in a strike incident resulting in the arrest of Lim and her seven other workers. Teng was the
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  • 82 4 PREMIER'S UK VISIT TO BE BROADCAST SINGAPORE. Fri. Radio Singapore today announced plans to rebroadcast the extensive coverage of Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew's visit to London by the General Overseas Service of the BBC. The broadcasts in Malay. Mandarin and English will be recorded off transmission, and re-broadcast by
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  • 70 4 SINGAPORE. Fri. Tay Cheng Slan was charged in the Ninth Magistrate's Court today with causing the death of his nine-year-old son. Tay Kirn Chua. by negligent driving. He pleaded not guilty to the charge, which stated that Tay committed the offenc* at 93 Miles Jurong
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  • 45 4 SINGAPORE, Frl.— Gerald Francis Pinto, a clerk employed at the Telecommunications department. was adjudicated a bankrupt In the High Court today. Pinto's total liabilities amounted to $4,000. He was ordered to pay the Official Assignee 557 monthly from June 1.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 93 4 IMMMjaMMMMmMNMMMaNMKf Trrt*9JE^3 N w smo^wing l ■PHINCESS PHOfNIX- (Cant.) I plu* on »tag« Chang Lai Sh«Hng I Mai Yun TONIGHT MIDNIGHT! Murder in the Car" Tomorrow 11 a.m.: "Franktmtaln 1*70" SEAVIEW HOTEL TEL *****-2-3 ACTING MANAGER: T. TRINCA MAY Singapore's ideal spot I j for the most delicious QBlkiriAV Chicken
      93 words
    • 312 4 '"Special ONE-DAY ONLY PREMIERE! £s&s>n^ TOMORROW j 5 SHOWS; 11 o.m. 1 .30, 4, 6.30 9.30-NO FREE LIST j AM Cl It I/*S»H DDAHIIfTIiMJ E r 9ST Pt r ES^tDiUY u/ii t 1111 iiipr AN tllA KAZAN rKUUUUHUN mm k» m swein n WILLIAM INut JL SPZ£Nl>dK>4i? E GfASSf ACADEMY
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    • 579 4 CATHAY* X I QgQANiSA-rioisi) X '1 low "<""-' 30-4 co j row onowing! 6 30 1 930pm t STEVE REEVES in J theTROJAN j if vvhmcom w¥Mfv X w«th JOHN DREW BARRYMORE Xt TONIGHT MIDNIGHT! X -MARN LAY CHEUNG SENG' (in Mandarin) :Tomorr< v» 9om: Cnopter 2 19 RIDERS' (Mpndorm)
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 63 4 IN AND OUT BY AIR THE following Is coday's bi-hi-dule ol civil aircraft movements at Paya Lebar airport Singapore. \RKIV\I.» BO AC: From London. Rome. Beirut. Karachi. Calcutta. Kuala Lumpur (BA 714) 5.35 p.m. from Sydney. Darwin. Jakarta (iBA 71 j' 9.50 pjn Thai Intrrnatlonal: From Jakarta (TO 402) 10
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    • 249 4 tur\. Atneno. Cauo. KAiaclu. Caicutu. (QF 736-> 9.25 p.m Uaruda: FYom JalcarU (GA 800) 7.50 a.m. Pan -American: FYom Los Angles, Honolulu. Saikon (PA 817) 12.10 p-in. Cathay Paoiflc: From Hong Kong. Banttok (CX 733) 6.50 pm Malayan Airways: From Kuala Lumpur (ML 171) 10 a.m: (rom Peuang. Ipoh Kuxla
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  • 315 5 SINGAPORE. Fri THE number of Singapore candidates taking the Cambridge Sfhool Certificate examinations formed 10 per cent of the total number from all parts of the world, showing the thirst for education in Singapore. The Minister for Education. Mr. Yong Nyuk Lin. said this today when
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  • 460 5 HELP OFFER FOR 'DEATH RAIL MAN' PENANG, Friday. A SINGAPORE, church minister today offered to stand surety for a man who admitted cheating and who was stated to have worked on the Siam "death railway."' "You are very fortunate to have a minister to look after you." the senior Sessions
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  • 156 5 Han Suyin in the Sunday Mail this week AUTHORESS Han Su- via discusses in this week's Sunday Mail a problem that has lately been the subject of much controversy among Malayan writers. The problem Is frequently posed in terms of opposites- "Self-expression" versus "the masses." Han Suyin argues that, this
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  • 49 5 1 SINGAPORE. Fri.— Another $130 was received by the Straits Times today for Johnny Ang, the student who was paralysed after a diving accident, bringing the fund to $2,192. The donations are from Mr. M. Mercy $100. Serene Chla $25 and Mrs. A.T. Vergis $5.
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  • 35 5 IPOH. Fri. A newspaper photographer Chan Sam Lock. 49. reported to the police here today that his car valued at $3,000. was stolPn last night after he had carked It in Brewster Road.
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  • 157 5 KUCHING, Fri. The Dayak National Union. at a meeting here today, expressed dissatisfaction with the Government decision to declare June 1 U Sarawak Day Reason. The Dayak community wants a day to call its own a Dayak Day or a Dayak Festival Day.
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  • 137 5 A LrfKV Singapore st w.ont in Aiu- tralia. Anthony K.F. C h i a (left), is seen discussing with Radio 2 IE Sydney disc jockey Bob Rogers what he Intends to do with S10.500 he won in a competition the station ran
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  • 20 5 IPOH. Fri. Photographic enthusiasts, including Government servants, school teachers and students. have form d the Inch Camera Club.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 48 5 Buys Bunny By Halph Itvimdahi I, -mM KhOLP IT, ELMER O I fvEWY WELL. BUT "N llf THIS'LL fiIVE YA AN IDEA MOW W *£La* i i sot a joa T 1 r V wwydipn'TvouuseJ v heavy E se bricks set this A B pouwairYl/ the 0' PAvy
      48 words

  • 135 6 CINGAPORE, Fri. Officials of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation and the Singapore Bank Employees' Union, which claims to represent about 500 employees of the bank, today reached a deadlock on terms for a collective agreement. After the meeting, Mr. O. Kandasamy. the union's cdvlser
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  • 130 6 'THESE four Malay film stars were all a-flutter with hope as they left Singapore by air yesterday for Seoul to attend the ninth Asian Film Festival each wishing she could win an "Asian Oscar." Waving goodbye (from left) are Cmmi Kalthoum. 35.
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  • 199 6 SINGAPORE, Friday. INDONESIAN Professor Slamet Muljana, who left Singapore today after 18 months as head of the National Language and Cultural Institute, predicted the flowering of a Singapore national culture in two decades Prof. Muljana said: "Singapore's multi-cultural activities can develop Into the world's
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  • 38 6 LONDON, Fri. Commodore J.O.C. Hayes, who survived the sinking of the battleship Repulse off the east coast of Malaya in December 1941, has been promoted Rear-Admiral and becomes Naval Secretary to the First Lord of the Admiralty.
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  • 115 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. Th«Federation Government has been urged to place the 487 temporary clerks, who will be retrenched at the end of this year, in new commercial enterprises which have been granted pioneer status The appeal was made by the Civil Service Clerical
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  • 26 6 KUALA LUMPUR. *Yl A motorist. Yap Poh Hong, 46. was fined $20 today for failIng to stop at a traffic light. He pleaded frailty.
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  • 108 6 CEDRIC HAS 'MATE' OF ANCIENT COIN SINGAPORE, Fri. Cedric O Goh. 19, a student, today produced an old coin similar to the 2.000-year-old relic which an RAF. pensioner. Mr. AP. Morris. 57. plans to. sell to help towards the cost of an operation that mxiv save his eyesight. Cedric, of
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  • 31 6 SINGAPORE. Fri. Thai International's Convalr 990 Coronado. reputed to be the fastest jetliner today, will land at Singapore Airport for the first time on Thursday on a familiarisation flight.
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  • 138 6 They fooled the world raced to .fight the invaders people prayed in the streets monsters were reported moving in on New York It sounds like something out of a war story, but it is not. It Is an excerpt from a gripplne new series which begins In the Malay Mall
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  • 34 6 PENANG, Fri. The Chief Minister, Inche Aziz Ibrahim, will declare open an agricultural fair at Bayan Lepas, near the village market, on Monday at 5 p.m. Tt will last a week. *s
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 464 6 'tis true. V v Scottish Highland air helps make J No Black and White cJ so smooth and mellow j o 050 And in away you'd never suspect. After B Highlands. This marvellous air works on distilling the Highland whisky that will l i e u 'hisky whilst it slumbers,
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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  • 127 7 BUT FOR THESE MEN SO FAR. A British Commando operation has been mounted against HydroNorsk, the Norwegian power station which the Germans hope will provide them with enough heavy water to make an atomic weapon. The Commandos cra,sh. and the whole operation is wiped out by the Germans. Col. Wilson
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  • 1978 7 THE WAITING'S OVER THE RAIDING PARTY GOES IN At the gates of A-station CHAPTER FOUR OF THE STORY BY JOCK DRUMMOND Til K Norwegians, trained to concert pitch, waited impatiently at Avicmoie for the attack to be launched and counted the days till the lull moon. But yet another disappointment
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 182 7 -|frfrj|Hoj|MJ^^B^^^^ m'imMi A. M em n^ tk r^^^^*^ v i wn, m Sm\ 1 1 L^a^aV^a^L^la^. L^B^a^aVwH L^L^aV WAW bbb^|K|bß laaatV Hi llke d real Cl fi arette Lttß L^aafl one can rea "V taste and thoroughly enjoy That's I^^^^BBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaßaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaß^^Ba^Baaam vßlwHbt' why amels nave Deen m V I^^. a^s '^^bbbbßt
      182 words
    • 6 7 ON MONDAY First flash of fear
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  • 22 8 in Hordt I/B (Minimum i Mn and mrs. Cfeaa Mt tmt atfendinre and valuahlt :>rm«nt« on nn of their marriage :»(-6!
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  • 658 8 The Straits Times Saturday. May 12. 1962. Milestone In Borneo There seems little joy in North Borneo at tne prospect of political advance. True the meeting of the Legislative Council which considered the modest but important bill for the first local government flections was also confronted by treasury demands for
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  • 330 8 The recent murder by a gang of kidnappers in Kuala Lumpur and the abduction of a boy for ransom in Singapore have foeussed attention anew on the means by which anti-social elements can be put out of mischief. In a letter published elsewhere in today's paper, correspondent
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 8 I understand that our satellite, launched by the Americans, and now whining around, hasn't solved the problem of re-entry yet
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  • 219 8 Whon Mr. Le« Kuan Yew left Belgrade it was far from clear what Marshal Tito thought of Malaysia. An article in the journal Komunlst, too well timed to be purely coincidental, was unflattering to say the least of it But one of Mr. Let's heats managed ti nod
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  • 1039 8 DRUG TRAFFICKERS THE HUNT THAT NEVER ENDS 90 NATIONS WORK TOGETHER TO ENFORCE CONTROL ■y A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT THE discovery on board a British Cruis«r in th« Pacific recently of illicit opium and heroin vividly indicates th» size of the international trafficking problem. The temptation to find some sort of
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  • Untitled
    • 142 8 \VITH reference to the letter signed "Licence Payer" and published In your paper on Tuesday. Bth May. I wish to point out that:— <a) Although Radio Malaya did not relay the Malaysia Grand Prix commenttarles "live," we did arrange for a wide coverage of the events by
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  • 301 8 THEY G.H.S. OR G.H.M. TOKYO. Fri. The ■I expression "GHQ is once again catcning the attention of Japanese people. During occupation days after the Paclilc war. it meant the General Headquarters of General Douglas Mac Arthur. the occupation commander. Now. in a modernised and increasingly westernised
    Reuter  -  301 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1012 8 Straits Times Malty Mi 3 ClntilM iOwiliMTOnll atar tM im«m taa l.t nw COCO tTO***l »ajc»O« Orcltar* Road COLD •TOI»A«« naNCMIt AT HOLLAND HOAD-KATOnO) I'PtL IOAB-MaVaL Mil AulhO'lsafl CITY BOOK ITORI LTD ■taatJMOMl houm. Colhra* Oust TMI Nfwl FRONT ■Vtavatrlck'a Suaarmarkal M. M. ISMAIL. S Admiralty NawM. Naval faaa M.
      1,012 words
    • 36 8 EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. oHeri the most complete professional vision core service, including (1) Eye Examination atf *MaßaaaaaaaA> (2) Visual Training am^M^Uafat*— a Baal (3) Glasses, if needed. C. S. CHONG. O. D., 19. Chuiii Street, Singapore.
      36 words
    • 78 8 J§> 3dßtonte BARGAIN f/3£3v OFFER Y*-\ 7th Moy ro 21st M,y, 1962 %<i kjir (Offer applies •nly in Singapore) FREE.' Pi A TIN OF DEL MONTE B^E4 17 oz SLICED PEACHES g^g^rfjjß Buy on« 18 ot tin ot DEL MONTE Orange Juice one 17 oz tin of DEL MONTE Fruits
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  • 177 9 Crime wave: Lazy parents blamed KUALA TRENGGANU. Fri. The genera) sec rotary of the National Union of Teachers. Mr. K. V. Thaver. said today the "tidapathy attitude' of parents was the root cause of the present crime wave in the Federation. Speaking at the annual conference of the Trengganu branch
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  • 48 9 MUAR, Frl— About 38 cases of typhoid have been reported In Undang Ulu village, about 20 miles from here, and all have been admitted to the Muar hospital. A spokesman for the State Medical Services today said: "Thf situation is now fully under control."
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  • 116 9 Arrests cut strength. Socialists allege KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. —The Socialist Front claims that just when the party grows strong in a State, the Government "looses its powers"' by arresting its members to cut down the effectiveness of its leadership. It makes this contention in the annual report, published today, to
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  • 11 9 In a democracy everyone has his rights even a junior
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  • 391 9 A warning against ragging by Vice -Chancellor FIRST LESSON FOR FRESHIES: HUNAN DIGNITY KUALA LUMPUR, Friday SIR Alexander Oppenheim. Vice-Chan-cellor of the University of Malaya, today warned "all those senior students who are anxious to show off by ragging freshmen" to think again He was speaking at a cere mony
    391 words
  • 146 9 SINGAPORE, Friday. pRESHMEN at the University of Singapore are stJW being ragged despite an official ban and an appeal by the Undergrad. the organ of the students' union. Ragging started on Monday Orientation Div rv continues In the canteen and parts of the campus. Some
    146 words
  • 35 9 QUOTE »Ye think we are fairly *w progressive here (in New *.ujlandi, bur the progress fgt in Malaya is tremendous^ —Prof. K. B. Cumberland of Auckland, who attended the recent Asian Geographers' conference in Malays.
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  • 45 9 KUANTAN, Frl. A quarrf worker, Lam Yee Chong, 50, was Injured today when a dynamite charge he had placed into rocks at a quarry near here went off prematurely. A flying rock knocked him unconscious as he ran for safety.
    45 words
  • 380 9 Radio in high places, too 'GET ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE LAW WARNING TO 300,000 KUALA LUMPUR, FrL AN estimated 300,000 "pirate" radio owners in Malaya were warned today by the Deputy Director of Broadcasting, Inche Murtadza Zaaha, "to get on the right side of the law while they
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  • 133 9 New ruling on 'over the Causeway' brides CINGAPORE, Fri. Muslim men in Singapore are going to ttnd it more dirncult to marry girls across the Causeway. All kathis in Juaore have been Instructed to notify the Singapore Shariah Court before marrying local girls to men from Singapore. This arrangement follows
    133 words
  • 60 9 fTI'ALA LUMPUR.FrI Two single-engined Pioneer aircraft arrived from Scotland today after a 20-day journey to join the Royal Malayan Air Force tlrrt They were from an order of 14 (four singlernirined and 10 Twin Pioneers) with the Scottish Aviation Limited of Preswlck. So far seven aircraft
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  • 84 9 GRANDMA Mrs. HODGKIN NOW M.A. MALACCA. Fri.— An Australian grandmother, Mrs. Mary Hodgkln, liaison officer for Malayan students In West Australia, recently obtained her Master of Arts degree— her fourth academic award. Last year she spent eight months travelling throughout the Federation gathering data on the reaction of Malayan students
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  • 37 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Fn. The Japanese Ambassador nere, Mr. Wataru Okuma, left oy air for Tokyo today to attend a week-long conference of Jananesc Ambassador f rom Asia. Australia and Ne Zealand which begins n Tuesday
    37 words
  • 150 9 MALACCA, Friday. ANE of the greatest factors in Malaya's national v unity and harmony is the spirit of tolerance Malayans of all racial origins show for the religious oeliefs of their fellow-men. 1 T..' Prime Minister. TenKku Abdul Rahman, states this In a message of good
    150 words
  • 41 9 SINOAPUKE, Fn. i,., Yang di-Pertuan Negara Inche Yusof bin Lshak, lofSingapore tonight lor the Federation to celebrate Hai Raya Haji and also to attend the wedding of Tengku Sharifah SaJwah. daughter of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.
    41 words
  • 22 9 SINGAPORE. Fri. The Singapore Chinese Chamber >f Commerce Is to amend it* constitution to "keep Darr •itv> '■hintrintr tlrr>°«
    22 words
  • 46 9 SINGAPORE. Prt -borne I.W employees of the Par East Oxygen and Acetylene f\j Ltd. In Paslr Panjang Road went on a protest strike at 2 p.m. today following a deadlock In negotiations betwern their union and the firm on pay scales and working conditions.
    46 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 283 9 n<me*» wecen is frequently menured by the a pr»cticil yard-*ticW of weekly income. A home of your own, money for emergencies, car ihfNe «re tome of the tangible rewards of tuccetn in accountancy. The Hemingway Robertson Institute, the mo<t experienced busine** training organisation in (he southern hemisphere has, since IBv7,
      283 words
    • 99 9 EFFECTIVE and ECONOMICAL T00... decorative COLORCEM cement based paints manufactured from special Portland cement are ideal for use both indoors and outdoors and can best withstand (he extremes of tropical rain and tropical >^. sunshine For greater coverage and economy specify w COLORCEM paints, available in fifteen l^ different attractive
      99 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 463 9 RADIO SINGAPORE r »S SSSST- SSTjuS J^S SHORTWAVE SERVICE rb O"f 11 00 Saturday Blr 4 „<, Fu^y"^,; 4 15 41 METERS nl 6ht rhythm; 12.00 Clow down Continental cafe; 4.45 Just for MEDIUM WAVE SERVICE DAnIA MAI ava laughs; 6.00 Time signal, news; 47« METERS RADIO MALAYA 50 5
      463 words

  • Untitled
    • 291 10 A MATTER NOW FOR THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT SOME few years ago in London I recollect tnat the very severe death rate from lung complaints was quite directly attributed to the heavy concentration of diesel fumes in tbc London fogs. In Singapore and Malaya we do not have London
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    • 248 10 COME weeks ago I happened to visit a New Village in South Selangor where I met two young men under the Restricted Residence Ordinance. Both confessed that they had led a vicious life and that they deserved punishment. But their new surroundings, so they told
      248 words
    • 91 10 UEFORE a person Is pro1' vided with a new identity card of "Warga Negara Persekutuan" his birth certificate. Federal Citizenship Certificate and finger prints are carefully checked. When the same person applies for a border pass through Thailand this "Warta Negara Persekutuan" Identity card Is not good enough
      91 words
    • 385 10 MAbf I oe ahu*ed tv con-.-inent on the remain a^ributed to Mr. Jonn Croston, "tin expert 1 of the G.S.A. contained in the issue of May 4. What exactly does Mr. Croston mean when he suggests that If tin sales from the G.S.A. caused
      385 words
    • 339 10 \\'ITH reference to the evidence given by the officials of the Adult education Board to the Commission of Inquiry Into Education that the Further Education classes suffer from lack of qualified teachers at higher level I would like to know why the allowances of second
      339 words
    • 63 10 IT is very frustrating indeed that Radio Malaya must stop the commentary on such an Interesting game as the A.B.C. final just for the sake of the next routine programme. Is it not possible to arrange for a non-stop full commentary in future for such important matches? Surely
      63 words
    • 299 10 I HEARTILY echo the letter written by "Orang Johore" and he has voiced what is a crying need In the State of Johore. Many other parents have worried. In the past, and are still worrying about what the future will promise for our children.
      299 words
    • 69 10 RAGGING is officially prohibited yet a minority or students in thr University of Singapore practise it with extreme vigour and apparent pride! Do they not know that friendship cannot be obtained by torturing the newcomers of the family? This ragging will go on for five weeks: unless the I'niversUy
      69 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 192 10 C&Mftkr '(■™r#* 'J| t, s k J JlrC it y I Vy\ /SP a day and you have... Super-energy! New appreciation of life 1 Wonderful appetite 1 Vigorous mentality! Youthful vitality! New powers of endurance! Super Plenamins for Super Living! AVAILABLE Al ALL CHEMISTS AND URUI> KWRM Traae Enquiring Joseph
      192 words
    • 189 10 r L___-— TO-DAY'S DESIGN the LYNX This modern cistern is bandsome. hvrlenlo, and amcl«a* In operation. It flushes at a touch, with a quiet yel powerful action. The shell Is mads of black Duranlta and tba Kingfisher synhon mechanism of poly thene— non-comxnnt. rustless, non-aclng and unbreakable. Conformlnr t* BSS
      189 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 303 10 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS Its Deuor. I uunk. to inciuae 1. Oreek tr»der-m«n in I* Kentish town (5). vegruab 1 r ilms m fci Note m v wa V to W inside UM 9 Ekk ll— ll if Witt! wit «7> P° w r f" imaginative -xiwi--10. One BtUfttUina into
      303 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1438 11 10 IKERPOOI A WES) COASI U.I *i mm S'iim -mint 'ERSEUS mtriMi OuOi.n (,'litow SB*. II TMay May 11 Ma) 11 'OLTOORUS M sniiet, liatrßMt. Oupln n i"arl May tl May 17/2* May 21 MENESIHEUS mi.ii IitHMII GHt|O* Miy II Mat 11 May 24/ M May M/Ji •(MOOOCUS Am»',ir I
      1,438 words
    • 1326 11 W£Sj^^S33SM£ESE£MIi THE E. A. C. UNESUHiMS 10 »tnut it natal n*Mt«l» ANIWtRP MllkMaM OSII COlNlntßßa AM COPENHA|EII /SiSX. 'MM* -fer__V«i "MALACCA t) 1 21/21 May 24 IS May M/ 2 7 May WlV 12 ASMARA' t) 17/11 MM 12/21 ISM 14/25 MM V^kt^S/ »iuiHi* I Mil I' I Mlt
      1,326 words
    • 1508 11 ■*aaaaaaBMMa«BMMBMaaaIMMBMaMMM^ tAftm atßfHlk IB itNIIH UVIRfWI tUNIHKIttt rMI> t'»*ri S'na* Mata iLHRiNNEa .itaraaai. raKwi* 1. 11/M*y II May 17/11 IENAiDER- Im* nW| Baa* R'oaa G. M/May 11 May 14 II May M/ 21 lENVANNOCN^j 4 kill IBM N*>r* M Or* Ma* it/fl Mn 24/1* Mlt 21 •ENIOMOND (E Le. iiul
      1,508 words
    • 1254 11 HoAUSTER <Sc CO.. LTD. \»pm. W** ILLSHMAN LAME KLAVENEM LINE IONIMi MlMtUMfc IUIURIAM tOT ANtEIIS SAN FRANCUCO NAVRI t NUll tIATTII tANCOUVER t PORTIAIIO CIM B 4 lir-OM lltMtiM <W|l i|i Cllllll 1 Stall ri B*u" t »'."u I'll Mat MM- MM lIM MM I PWI riUXr •^Mflt NAVtlt IONOOk
      1,254 words

  • 452 12 f\ NC E again price v movements during the week have been very restricted report H.C.B. Co. Ltd. in their current rubber market review. Overseas business has been limited by the threatened dock strike in U.K. and the lack of any clear decisions
    452 words
  • 122 12 CHINESE Produce Exchange. Singapore, noon prices per plcul yesterday: Coconut oil: bulk JTOi sellers, drum $42i Kellers. Copra: May t'K 'Continent $2H buyers. $29 sellers. Pepper: Muntok whit* $147 f sellers. Sarawak white $143 seller* special Sarawak black Sll7t sellers, Rarbled LamponK black $llft fellers, ASTA $129
    122 words
  • 115 12 «i. II Thr»« month* (OFFICIAL QUOTATIONS) INDUSTRIALS K N. 12 ct» Cold Storage .'VI M. Box 12 flu Wnmshlp 9 i-in Hr»vv<rirn 2ft rti S Time* 13 <t*. rtohiiiKonK <> ct* 8 T'.^fn V> rtt 8 Darhv .VI I'nltwn 13 L-t» W lurk* t> rt* MININGS A Ainxi
    115 words
  • 570 12 From Our Market Correspondent P RICES in both the industrial and mining sections of the Malayan Stock Exchange yesterday were depressed. There was a general lack of interest and this combined with profittaking fu'llicr pared industrial prices. Tins, although sellers were not predominant,
    570 words
  • 22 12 STOCK IDICES Malayan Stock Indices May 10 May 11 Industrials: 180.54 179.73 Tins: 302.1? 300.46 S rubbers: 191.74 191.16 Jan. 1. 1958=100.
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  • 937 12 MALAYAN STOCK EXCHANGE DUSINNESS on the Malayan Stock Exchange, Federation .section yesterday wuh the number of deals in brackeu: Industrials: ltounttad (1.000) $1.60: Dunluim (2.000> $1.7U: East SmeltinK »3 OL. ti.ouui $2.»ai: K«-d. Uicptn>.iry (1,000) $1.33; Gammon (I.U<JO) »1 MJ: J. Wuuifb tl.OOU) $2.10. (I.UUO) 52.U9: M Tobacco $2.75 OL,
    937 words
  • 199 12 THE Straits tin price is still declining there be--1 ing a further drop of $1.62£ yesterday to 5 1 $458,374 per picul. This new depression which I began on Thursday has taken I prices down to their lowest I levels since mid
    199 words
  • 37 12 May 11. RUBBER PRICES SINGAPORE: 78; cents (up three-eighths of a cent). K.L.: ~8; cents (up three eighths of a cent). TIN: 5458.37J per picul (down 51.621). Estimated unofficial offering 225 tons (down 5 tons).
    37 words
  • 99 12 MELBOURNE. Frl. f NVESTMENI shares held steady x on a slightly improved turnover •Oil* mostly moved narrowly around yesterday's levels gained" Is. 6d to 68s while Baw mrtals closed steady and loans firm Amnoi IS .1 Mount l«a 'f, 3 A.C.I 744» Con y.ini M,68 A.l' M
    99 words
  • 194 12 Ship, lying al.nmidt the Singaport 40-41. Ruvk 1/2. Walrata tl). Cathay 42 13. lU-nrlnne» IH. RwpHt 31 32. Soon (V<- N\V 4. Mlkaaa Maru tf 7. iii-nvorlicb 10 11. 7.r\--r 9 Outtr r.adt: Ton* Hun. Kenmnau. M..i Lw, Corola Krlth. Shorvu Haunt, Wmwar Ana Can. Mvi
    194 words
  • 202 12 IJAV first grids rubier buytrs ■y "<»•<•<! «t l>m n I Kuala Lumpur vrnterday at >. per lb.. up mrrr-eiKhth* of a cent on was sttady but quiet FEDERATION OF MALAYA RUB SCR IXCrIANCE clrxint; prtci-a in cents per lh. yesterday: Int. 1 I prompt fob.
    202 words
  • 211 12 LJAV flrit grade rubber buyers f ok. cloj. .t M ft p.m in Singapore) yentenlny at 7SJ cents per Ih.. up three-elKhihn of a cent on Thursday closing price The closing tone I iouletly ftsadier. S.C.C.R A. closing prices In cenrs per Ib. yefler.lay: Int. 1 Rss,
    211 words
  • 79 12 THE Malayan Cichanut Banks' A>t*ria(ion ■Ml (I h:int'-< In l[s ratps to mgrcbant* yean (all n-tcs to $100): Ntw Vsrk: huyinK TT 32;. airmail OD 33 00 dat 331 rrcrlit hillx. SS| trade ulllx Sellin: TT er OO rtsdy New York HI: Swisn Frano 1IH: (wmlkli Krinir ISJIf.
    79 words
  • 52 12 Benta Rubber produced 99.500 lbof rubber in April, Jaram Kuantan 74.000 ib.. Kundoii" Tnnioi)^ Pau 159.103 lb.. Mentakab RubVr 67.000 lb., Sungel Bagan 153.000 lb.. Amalgamated Malay 66.100 lb Bassett Rubber 35.000 lb.. Borelli Rubber 124.000 lb Bukit Kepon*; 13.400 lb.. Kuala Sidlm 150.000 lb. and New Serendah
    52 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1063 12 KAWASAKI RISEN KAISHA. LTDU.S.A. Pacific Atlantic tit Great Lakes Sarv )M s do" S'sat m iui» 1 *r,gsis» at tod nanta* oit.eisoc fli (1* [II [U til tU ssiliwa Mirr- It 'M Mat UMM I )•■> II latt Q islt II l«i> tUWu Mars" 11/23 itse Him lb Mtt 15
      1,063 words
    • 591 12 OESIBOUNb HHOPE SERVICI HHN P"<"» Marseille*, mvre. Oun»if». SAIRINA la Plrt 11.11 Ml) 17 Mi) *nt*er ß Rotteidam. HDurg. pajajM SOUTH S WEST AFRICA SERVICI S'BO't TABOA II I itst Ou'ban (21/1), Port Elirabeth {73 SI. ClDdown (2S'I). Matadi (31/1). ligos (*7). Cotonou (ST). Tema, Takotidi. ABmiin. Freeiosrn Co-?«'T. Ca-O'
      591 words
    • 407 12 ***sssssM»aiii«fJ«s>a^t>^K^M ESTATE OF YAP POW YIN, DECEASED. All persons hawne olatDM against the estate of the abovenamed deceased who died at Kuala Lumpur on 28ih June. 1961 me required to .submit their claim.s in writuit; to tiie undersigned not later than 17th July 1962. after which the estate will be
      407 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1418 13 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE B\( TIRIOI (M.V APPLICATIONS are lmlted for appointment to an Assistant Lectureship in the Department of Bacteriology. Candidates should be medical graduates with some teaching and lesearch experience tn Bacteriology. Further particulars may be obtained from the Registrar, University of Singapore. Bukit Timah Road. Singapore
      1,418 words
    • 925 13 (Contina«J from Pa»» •> SITUATIONS VACANT **> Ward* Si (Min.)— Box St efa. exfra I BOX AIM S.T.. IPOH. position filled 1 Applicants tbanked. BOX A 364 S.T. X.L.— Vacancy fllled Applicant* tbanked. BOX 464 S.T. K.L. Clerk Trainee position filled. Applicants thanked. GOOD COOK and Amah Cnmese preferred wanted
      925 words
    • 1050 13 ACCOMMODATION VACANT Wars!* Si (MUt.) Box St cts. extra COMPOUND MOUSB on i/]| acra, good tor u<Bo» *od retideaea. Pa*ir Pvtea, Iport Apply.. C U CS>o*« 52. Hume Mtreeu Ipoa. TO LET. Houaa at No. 8. Jalaa I Vaaia. Two bed-room*, oa* irttias room Near mis-stops, schools, aad tnrket Hmtaoor*
      1,050 words
    • 1081 13 EDUCATION It Ward* SS (Min.)-Bax St rfs. txtra CAMBRIOCE SOrtOOL OSHT., -no ■igaar B.C. Wolsey Hall Oxford (Kst to 1894) provide* seccessful Tunton ttf Poet Cor these examlaatloa*: (or Londoa ÜBtrer»it» L»e«r»e»; A.O.P. Diptatna tor teacher*: Law; oh*» Exaaa. 20,000 succeste* since 1V44. Prospectus mention exam (rum E. W klbao
      1,081 words
    • 1195 13 VCHICLfS FOR SALE Ward* SS (Mln.}—Bax St cfs. »«fr» AUSTIN METROPOLITAN LATE I»M Rood condition radio etc Vle» 11 Jalan B*ns:**waa Opera Brate 18'porei afte. i p.m. •PANOORA" SCOOTER IHI Model with oar-l>pc tall h^nts Coe owner. Mr. Cyril 4!iSl4 tS'poret. LAOONtW Vl2 SALOON Bodrwork recently Reno\ated. Mecßaolcall* Bus*. HaiM
      1,195 words
    • 890 13 FOR SALE 79 Ward, Si fMin.)—Box St rfs. rxtrm STtftSO AMPLIFIERS: l~lUlll. Trio. Harmon Kar.loo. Scott Kic Recorder*. Aknl. Sony Ktr Tall lor Demonstration at Hwee Si-nt: I Hracn Road. Sport Tel: 3.VMS I MIW IMOUIM PIANOS, cnall-n. CtaPOei. Wrlmtr. Marsnall-Sose Ba> Chang* your*. Reasonable Trade n Valu* N*n«hen| Piano
      890 words

    • 253 14  - Tennis tourney at Stadium Negara move KEN FERNANDEZ Kuala Lumpur, Friday By \f ALAYAN tennis may go indoors for the first time if the Lawn Tennis Association of Malaya agree to a proposal for an invitation tournament to be staged at Stadium Negara here in September. The proposer is V.
      253 words
    • 57 14 A SMILE and a handshake of congratulation from Queen Elizabeth for Danny Blanchflower, right-half and captain of Tottenham Hotspur, as she presents the F.A. Cup to him at Empire Stadium Wembley. Behind the cup is Sir Stanley Rous. Spurs retained the cup for a second
      Reuter  -  57 words
    • 165 14 BOXING BAN BILL GETS THE K.O. I ONDON, Fri.— A bill to ban professional boxing In Britain. Introduced by Baroness Summersklll, received the K. O. In the House of Lords lsust night. Her views, based largely on the risk of brain or other injury, cemmanded consideraole support in the debate,
      Reuter  -  165 words
    • 45 14 SINGAPORE. Fri. Uoiu football team of Manila, who are due to play here on Friday and Sunday, have called off their tour The Manila team wanted to oostpone the tour for a week but S.A.FA could not acced 1 to thp reouest.
      45 words
    • 76 14 SINGAPORE. Fri. Ceylon\national hockey team want to play a series of matches In Singapore and Malaya on their way to the Asian Games In Jakarta in August. In a letter to the Singapore Hockey Association, the Ceylon team, who are due here on Aug. 9. have
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    • 35 14 SYDNEY. Fri.-Thc Lawn Tennis Association of Australia are sending a team of four— two men and two women—to the Indonesian invitation tournament to be held in Jakarta from May Io to 20.
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    • 193 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Friday. FiESPITE warning by the Selangor Football Re- ferees Board that stern action will be taken against players who resort to rough play, the spate of incidents continued today in the Selangor Government Departments and Business Houses F.A. I League competition. At Princes Road
      193 words
    • 43 14 Two changes in S'pare XI SINGAPORE. Fri. Ernest Wicks and John Woodhouse have withdrawn »rom the Singapore team to travel to Kuala Lipis to meet Pahang In the MCA League tomorrow and Sunday. They have been replaced by Abdul Razak and p. Gatha.
      43 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 827 14 NOTICE NOTICE F I 1)1 l; I lON oi HALATA II Id RATION OK MALAYA IMM ,V/; "T^ 1 1 StO€k »!.MMM 3»,', RntMrrrd SUck 1/6 IS.B/Kl. M 11 1961/71. MSMnr Pl ">l.c Dep. r^s.,*,- of PuUUc Dept. BANK NEGARA lANAH BANK NEGARA lANAH MEI.AYI'. MBLAYV Kl'.M A ILMPIR KUALA
      827 words
    • 571 14 NOTICES IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE STATE OF SINGAPORE. ISLAND OF SINGAPORE. Companies Winding I p No. 4 of 19(3 In the Matter of THE Liri; ASSI'RAME COMPANIES (CoßipuUorv I iquidatioci ORDINANCE, INS And In the Matter of THh COMPANIES ORDINANCE (Chapter 174) And In the Matter of TONG
      571 words
    • 780 14 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS THE EMPLOYEES PROVIDEN I FUND BOARD U'.vltes applications lor poos Aa clerks, machine operators and ivpisu, vi UM Boatii's offite.s at Petaling Java. Applicants tnouid have the ioilowing qualifications: Applicants BWt be Federal i Cltizen!>. should have paaaed then 17 n birthday but not nave leached
      780 words
    • 72 14 B*i 111 PV^I B Is PILOT {yfiß f 1 \m E/ CARTRIDCE\ REFILL super y PILOT Super "V" fills two wjys PILOT "V f .Ms from the bottle ihr,ougn i detachable Jtvar-actioN pump or i$ redlled by the insertion Of an ink-cartridge Each pen is sold complete with detachable lever-action
      72 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 101 14 SPORTS SUMMARY SOCCER PEXANG DIV. 3: TYBC 1 Ramblers 'B 0; Prisons B 1 1 Elango 0. IPOH DIV. 1: Town Council 1 PCRC 1: Dlr. 2: PWD 6 Ramblers 0; Tamil Youngsters 3 Telecoms 0. BATU C. UAH LGE: Urano Ycuins 7 Petrua Melayu 0. L. PERAK DIV. 1
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    • 127 14 Amin 2 Natahar Bava 3 S. Raeupathy: SOtm: 1 Natahar Bava 2 Chang Jooh Yone 3 Muthiah Rajah; 1.500 m 1 Natahar Bava. 2 Chung Jooh Yone 3 Muthiah Raiah; high Jump: 1 Sharlman 2 O. N. Alagappan 3 Kwolc Onn Senc: lonr Jump: 1 Shariman 2 Lim Jew Chan
      127 words
    • 156 14 MH r.K FAM CUT Fls.lL: Penan-. > Sgor .City Stadium. 8 p.m.) SPORE DIV. 1: CA v TTP Hospital (Jn Besar. 5.15 k Div. 2B: Durul Aflah v Blue Rover* (Jn Besar. 4i KHIR tTP FINAL: Kislmu Dial v Jubilee Sch. Klan* iT p.m.); For 3rd place: Cochrane Rd Sch
      156 words

    • 623 15 A FLAW— BUT S'GOR ARE NOT WORRIED |£LALA LUMPUR, Fri. Selangor go to the FAM Cup final against Penang at Penang's City Stadium tomorrow (8* p.m.) with a flaw in their record this season that lucky 2-1 victory over Malacca in the south zone final at Kubu Stadium on Apr.
      623 words
    • 137 15 (GLASGOW. Fri.—Atle*f tico of Madrid and Fiorentina of Italy, the holders, drew 1-1 after extra time in t h c i r European Cup Winners 1 Cup final here last night. Both goals came in the first half. Atletico went ahead in the 11th
      Reuter  -  137 words
    • 286 15 S,pore hopeful of 5-in-a-row SINGAPORE, Friday. OINGAPORE. who have held the Guillemard Cup since the series started four years ago. are determined to retain the trophy when they meet Malaya in their international tennis match at Bras Basah Road on Saturday (9.30 a.m.). Said Sulaiman. the SLTA secretary, said today:
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    • 32 15 SINGAPORE. Fri. The Singapore Amateur F.AAs commission of Inuulry today postponed till Tuesday the hearing of charges of insubordination against the Singapore Youth team during the Asian tournament at Bangkok recently.
      32 words
    • 114 15 BRANTFORD 'Ontario. Fri. The crack of the start Ing gun that sent the miters of Brantford Collegiate Institute away from the starting line In a race here also brought an unscheduled entry out of the crowd. The unidentified run*"" 1 raced after the field, v t went out
      Reuter  -  114 words
    • Mm •.^ Jgf-P
      • 1297 15 ACCEPTORS and riders for the roeu A final day of the Summer meet- ing at Penang tomorrow; I orw Race l: 2.15— C1. 4 Dlv. 2-6£ 1 Leo i Lucky Star fat > R. Breuk 4 9.0 1 Shaari 2 ***** Minapen iCapt. H.F. Bloxham> Rodgers. 9 8.13
        1,297 words
    • 137 15 Golf Mike in the last eight MOOR TOWN <Leeds\ Fri. —Michael Bonallack. the 1961 British amateur champion, needed only 26 holes to sweep through two rounds Into the last eight at the English Amateur closed championships here yesterday. Bonallack. who if he wins will be the first golfer to hold
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    • 256 15 ON THE TRACK: Penang. Friday O ADIANT Fair and Wat Glung, both trained by Wally Bagby, were the "stars" on the track here this morning. The going was good. Wat Glung (Bob TavloD.j was particularly impressive when he went better than Arifato (Laurie Johnson
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    • 86 15 JAKARTA, FrL— The Indoneslan Government has fixed ticket prices in U.S. dollars for the Asian Games to be held here in August. Tickets for all events, excluding soccer (prices for which have not been announced) will cost $150 for first class seats, and $75 for second-class Cheapest
      Reuter  -  86 words
    • 257 15 CABLES IN BRIEF BADMINTON TOUR MATCH (Balclutha. NZ>: Malayan Students In Australia bt Otago provincial team 4-1 (Onf Eng Hong bt Lee Tuck Chew 10-15. 15-0. 15-1; David On* Eng Pin bt R. Reid 15-6. 15-3 Andrrw Ong Chong Sing bt V Anderson 15-3. 15-8; Andrew One ■md Khoo Boot
      257 words
    • 53 15 rRJN, Fri— John Charles, the Juventus Club's cen-tre-forward, left Milan on a hectic 6.500-mlle air dash today for Rio de Janeiro where he hopes to play for Wales against Brazil tomorrow. Charles only received permission from the Juventus directors to Join Wales's three-match South American tour
      Reuter  -  53 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 89 15 jp \^^^^v */^^BH Ib^^^Bt B^B^BSB r-rV STEREO BRINGING THE 1 W^ WONDER OF ■*^*^B^B^B^M M«HblßblMb^BS£*« f •Vl MV* RIGHT INTO YOUR WUKIy Th* plu« Inlifti *T Mi <uprrh >.ilvt AC Maim KRKIS ■IUM udi.i BM Iht pmrrlul uulpul at l«t BBBMMft Ihf rxrllrnl »»lrclivli> mi j> rh.iml«. with Rt «l;igr.
      89 words
    • 181 15 0 It =s 5 =5 3 5 3 r 5 2 *a 2 i m J 9 BE TALLEIT H«* amaiinij fyttaai, iiKtHi*i rour height quickly, eoairy ond tecretly. Suit* both him. Many >ofiified clients. Sand no monmy. try tint. To: PIN ON MEDICAL HALL, P.O. BOX 307. IPOH. PtaoM
      181 words

  • 190 16 Stonehill key witness slain VIANILA, Fri. Menhart Spielman, the Government's star witness against American businessman Harry S. Stonehill, was murdered on Easter Sunday on a tiny island in Southern Philipoines. it was learned today. Stum-hill, a former G.I. who settled in the Philippineat the end of World War 11. made
    UPI  -  190 words
  • 338 16 Redif fusion drops offers MANAGEMENT URGES UNION: LET'S SUBMIT WHOLE CASE TO ARBITRATION SINGAPORE, Friday. RKDIITI SION (Singapore) Ltd. Uxlay withdrew iis offers ol wage increases, bonus and more provident fund benefits and suggested thai the whole dispute be submitted to arbitration. But the Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workers' Union,
    338 words
  • 134 16 LONDON. Fri. RrMilts in todays cricket matches: \t TIM Oval: Warwick bt Surrey by 6 WfctS. Surrey 185 and 61 Wark'wick 166 and 81-4. Warwick 12' pis. Surrey 4. \t Bristol: Match drawn. Gloucs. 207-9 dec. and 108 Hunts 154 and 126-8 <Marslmil 45). tiloucs. 4 ptt.
    134 words
  • 25 16 LONDON. Fri.— A commode, believed to have been used by Louis the Sixteenth, was sold for £23.000 $280,000) at Sotheby's auction rooms today.
    25 words
  • 35 16 THE DEATH is announced ot tne OUMT ol Mr. Tco I^nK Boon on 11/5/62. The funeral will take plact trom Jalan Übi on Sunday 11.30 a.m. Published l>v Mr Tan Pin PMt T.I: 03*13.
    35 words
  • 28 16 MR AND MRS. Hforsr S. David thank all tri.-n<l^ art! r.latur.- ft" i-tniH'i. Kixnl WMIMBi alt.ndmi; and pnaeota on ttx i,: iii.-ir aaMlaa m Kk Hay. IMI
    28 words
  • 84 16 TH I. Danish Ambassador to Malaya. Mr. Frederick (lotfred de Dompierre de Jonquieres. presented his credentials yesterday to the Yang diPertuan Agong at the Istana Negara Mr. De Jonquieres was accompanied by the Senior Protocol Officer. Ministry of External Affairs. Incbe Jamal bin Abdul
    84 words
  • 118 16 Farewell soon to last troopers LONDON. Fri— Mr. Harold Watklnson. Defence Minister, said today there was no strategic need to continue operating Britain's two remaining troopships. They are the Nevasa. owned by British Steam Navigation, and the Oxfordshire, owned by the Bibby Line. They carry servicemen and their families to
    118 words
  • 389 16 LONDON STOCKS LONDON, Fri. Stock market.ended a depressed week on a somewhat better note man s>eem- j ed likely earlier today. Further i losses were recorded in inuiai j clearings 'ins morning following I Cue local election results and the fresh slicie on Wali Street last night, but in spite
    389 words
  • 24 16 LONDON. Fri. Buyers £903. i seUer.s £905. Forward buyers £909 sellers £911. Settlement £909. Turnover am 305 tons. p.m. 55 tons. Tone: Weak
    24 words
  • 37 16 LONDON. FVI. Snot 23 VI June 23.d.. July 33>id.. August 23',d.. Ju.v Sept. 23Ui. Oct. jt, 23i!d.. Jan. Mar. 23id.. AprilJuiip 23id. r.i.f. May f>3 1 16rl June 23 1 16 d.. July 23d. Tone Dull
    37 words
    • 311 16 Stuttgart too good for Sino Malays CINGAPORE. Fri. Stuggart Football Club of West Germany followed up their 6-3 victory over All-Singa-pore on Wednesday i with a 7-1 rout of Singapore Sino-Malays at Jalan Besar tonight The teamSinu-Makiv* llclded was very much below full strength and the only entrri tainment for
      311 words
  • 313 16 OELGRADE. Fri.— An v article In the official Yugoslav newspaper Borba said today that, if the proposed Malaysia Federation became a part of "bloc plans," it could dangerously worsen the already extremely explosive situation in South-East Asia. The article addjed: "Acceptance of the Idea Itself of
    Reuter  -  313 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 116 16 Late classified advertisements 11-nrrf. Ml/ Winim«m) OR CMAN KMYE MENC only *oi <,i Mr. and Mrs Ah Kook am; M,~, TM Oh.-Pi: Ni-o ildist dauirht.r M i.latri T;.n Wntt Ni-o Ud UM Mr. TVn TM MUM M II I H'l.-:it»r.. IST. ANNIVERSARY IN r.i:, in hl>:h ii. iin will
      116 words
    • 77 16 ANNOUNCEMENT MILLVS SALON, 5 Plane Baaa* wvniM off Tm Thong Crmcent Chehind Mncpherson Road MmMI Sinu.iliorr. Til: M 362. London Qualilu'd ll.nrdr.--iT in att.-ndanrr. Close Krl- <! M Sunday.-. OVERSEAS LEAVE VISITINC BRITAIN? ApU Synchro Car Hire Ltd.. Petemham New.«. South Kensington, London, s.v. (or self-drive three-way tariff of Kord
      77 words
    • 15 16 MONDIA TWINS One of the Most W^m^t^^~j£ /mOnDia\ v """■.'*>' |Al AT ALL GOOD WATCH DEALERS.
      15 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 38 16 The weather HKiHEST and loweM. iempeiaUum lor Malaya and Singapore for the period 8 pin Tlniisdav to 8 p.m. yesterday: IlijChct Lonrst Kuala Lumpur Kb "8 Kota Bain i !1 Penanu Ipoh 3? Malacca J-? SinuaiHiie 90 W
      38 words