The Straits Times, 4 May 1962

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 AVin\(,E DAILY CERTIFIED J^SPe\€EEPS 100,000 Hot*"* 1 fie**"?* The Straits Times l.stil. 1845 FRIDAY, MAY 4. 1962 13 CENTS KIIN 036
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  • 210 1 World alert follows Belfast haul 'Search these ships' order gINGAPORE, Thurs. Six Royal Navy ships have been black-' listed as possible drim carriers. Singapore customs and naval authorities here have been asked to search the vessels three warships and three fleet auxiliaries when they are in port.
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  • 99 1 NEHRU TO MAO: WE'LL FIGHT... NEW DELHI. Thurs. —Mr. Nehru today rejected Chinese Communist demands that India withdraw from two outposts in Northern Ladakh. and warned that if the Chinese attempted to use force "we will meet them." i Referring to the Chinese ultimatum of April 30 demanding that India
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  • 51 1 SINGAPORE. Thurs. Marshal of the R.A.F. Sir Thomas Pike. Chief ol" the Air Stall, accompanied by Lady Pike, flew into Changi this evening. In Singapore. Sir Thomas and Lady Pike will be the guests of tlic Commander-in-Chiel. Far East Land Forces. Sir Nigel Poett. and Lady
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  • 495 1 BELGRADE, Thursday. I*l IK Yugoslav Communist Party's official newspaper, Komunisl. today described the proposed Malaysia Federation as "an artificial political creation," "an instrument in the fight against the nonaligned political orientation" and "a neo-colonialist act." The comments appeared in an article entitled "strengthening colonial positions."
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  • 15 1 Peace March" leader Sato
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  • 80 1 A 'state of war' orders Soekarno JAKARTA. Thurs. President Soekarno last night proclaimed the East- em Lesser Sundas. facing West New Guinrc. as being in a "state of war." The islands, formerly governed under a "state of military emergency." were also placed under the control of the New Guinea "Uieacre
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  • 65 1 VIENTIANE. Thurs. Pro- i Communist rebels were reported today to have captured Muong Sing a town seven miles from the Chinese border where the late "jungle doctor" Tom Dooley had his hospital. This reported capture raises the possibility that the attackers were based in China
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  • 136 1 Troops sent to quell terror in Algeria yl LGIERS, Thurs. Extra troops reinforced security forces in Algiers today and curfew measures were tightened after yesterday's wave of terror i attacks killed 110 people and wounded 147 in Algerian towns, according to semi- i official figures. This was the biggest total
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  • 60 1 WASHINGTON. Thurs. President Kennedy will see Soviet cosmonaut Gherman Tito* at the White House to- i day. it was announced last night. J The White House announcement .added thai Major Tttov would have his first meeting with American astronaut John Glenn, and the two spacemen would
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 164 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs T^N industry leaders 1 in Malaya are waiting to see how America will carry out its Dlan to release 50.000 tons of tin from its national stockpile. Approval ol legislation to the release was given yesterday by a subcommitte' 1 of the armed
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  • 431 1 Hiroshima peace marchers arrive gINIiAPOHK. Thurs. Four Japanese who embarked on l h e "Hiroshima Auschwitz peace march** arrived here today on the fust leg of their peace mission .round the world. They are led by the Rev. Gyptsu N. Sato. 44. a Buddhist priest and a former major in
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  • 319 1 ANOTHER STOCK OFFER FOR THE PUBLIC IfUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Malayan investors are being given another opportunity to put money into local industries backed by an international organisation. Malayan Industrial Development Finance Ltd. has announced that just over 48 per cent of the capital of a newly-formed company. Malayan Containers Ltd..
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  • 135 1 Equal pay: Seven picked I/UALA LUMPUR, Thurs. A committee of senior Federation Government officials has been appointed to go into the question of equal pay for women. The Principal Establishment Officer will be chairman of the seven-member committee, jne Government 1 announced today. Implications Other members of the committee are:
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  • 29 1 SINGAPORE. Thurs. Farltla bintc Midin. 12. u.ts knocked down by train at the ninth mill Bukit Tlmah Road, today. She died on the -pot.
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  • 7 1 DEAD IN CRASH i p
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 73 1 *orv by the jn B oridn Elllllllll.M WOMI\ <O ftfl fr A| at G. C. de SUVA BROS. "Manufacturing Jewellers" 2, Roftlcs Place. S pore-1. Phone ***** STRIKE TODAY AT SINGAPORE REDIFFUSION: Back Page Rlnm 2Q The quality of Tolley's flpStr^ft Bintang Tiga and Bintang *j Lima V.S.O.P. is widely
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    • 132 1 fwan o'Healtk' FINE SHOES FOR MEN The chronometer of unmatched accuracy you 'ye wanted to own THE GMT-MASTER The GMT-MASTER is a precision-built masterpiece in accurate time-keeping: a watch whose revolving rim and red 24-hour hand were voted by 20 out of 21 aircraft captains a* an important aid to
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    • 277 2 Biggest S-E Asian air foree with Russian aid JAKARTA. Thursday. JH'SSIA is helping Indonesia to build the strongest air force in Soulh-East Asia today. N<\\ Soviet aircraft are arriving in a steady flow in this country- provided under a multi-mil-lion dollar arms treaty signed as part of Indonesia's campaign of
      Reuter  -  277 words
    • 89 2 DONN. Thurs. The Communist Warsaw Pact countries have about 165 army divisions on active service in Eastern Europe, the West German Government said last night. The official bulletin said the Soviet Union. Poland. East Germany and Czechoslovakia had between them i'bout 57.000 tanks. 61.900
      Reuter  -  89 words
    • 45 2 TOKYO. Than. Thr Maiitimn Rafpf Board today said two Japanese freighter* p ame intc collision off Shimonzsekl on ■he southern tip of Honshu. Japan's main island. The 2. 187 -ton Hoeyoku Maru sank All 31 crew were 1 1 -cued.
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    • 406 2 HORROR RECORD IN ALGERIA 110 killed and 147 wounded in one day by OAS: Curfew is extended to halt Muslim revenge Thurs. Casualties from yesterday's violence in Algerian towns 110 dead and 147 wounded is the highest total ever recorded since the outbreak of the Algerian war in November 1954.
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    • 92 2 THE £139,000 POOL WINNER: MY FRIENDS WON T KNOW LONDON, Thurs. A tlO-a-wcek craftsman in Lanarkshire. Scotland, won 1 139.248 on last Saturday's Littlcwoods Football Pools, it was announced. The 40-year-old winner who wants to remain anonymous told reporters: "One of the things I shall do will be to give
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    • 96 2 Mrs. BURTON SAYS: I DON'T READ THE PAPERS ROME, Thurs Mrs. Sybil Burton, wife of British actor Richard Burton, flew to London j'estcrday after spending a few days here with her hu?banri She said she hoped to return to Rome next xeek. Burton saw her off and kissed her before
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    • 18 2 JAKARTA. Thurs. The Jakarta Military authorities have banned the Communust Party orsan Harian Rakiat.
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    • 277 2 NEW YORK, Thurs PAKISTAN said yes- terday that it would comply with whatever plans the United Nations might lay down for the withdrawal of Indian and .F^kistan troops from tne dispute d territory of Kashmir. Sir Muhammad Zafmlla Khan, winding up a six. hour presentation
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    • 37 2 PRAIS, Thurs.— Ex-General Raoul Salan, chief of the Secret Army Organisation, will stand trial for his life before the hig'i military court in Paris on May 15, it was reported today.— Reuter.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 267 2 now flying the Orient skies! CATHAY You have never known service so sumptuous, so thoughtful! This is the fastest H^ mm m mmg^ am Cathay Pacific's huge fleet of modern airliners operates through seventeen let service through the Orient— with the most fabulous foods and wines aboard jjß B^l I
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 35 2 THE GAMBOLS By Barry Appleby i i /I DO MV BE6T T©\ SAVE MONEY AND V VDU WASTE IT VPLAVINSPOtfEej/ /mow much (^DAOLINGf WMAT A WONDERFUL The Sunday Mail— a "musf for your week-end reading.
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    • 212 3 Women are more suited to space, says Titov MIASHINGTON. Thurs TT Soviet cosmonaut Gherman Titov said here last night it was a "historical Injustice" that a woman uoi the first human to' orbit the earth. He told a press conference at the Soviet Embassy that women were more abl« than
      Reuter  -  212 words
    • 159 3 WASHINGTON: Secretary of the Army Elvis Stahr Jr. has asked Congress to aoprove a Bill allowing General Douglas Mac Arthur to accept the award of the Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun with Paulownia Flowers from the Emperor o; Japan. KHARTOUM: The Sudan
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    • 22 3 SAN FRANCISCO. Thurs Mr Robert Blum, 51. is to resign from the presidency of the Asia Foundation in midJune.— U.P.l.
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    • 54 3 ROTTERDAM. Thursday IB Duke of Edinburgh led a big gathering of royal guests in dancing the "Twist" in a glittering ball aboard the liner last night. The Dukp l.r the way to the music of an Italian dance hand, but reporters did not see Queen Elizabeth
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    • 165 3 Space bomb will not harm us— expert WASHINGTON. Thurs DR. James Van Allen, discoverer of the radiation belt named after him, said last night that a big nuclear explosion in space would shatter part of tbe belt. "But I expect that it would be healed or repaired in a few
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    • 47 3 ROME, Thurs. Italy's Parliament voted three times yesterday to elect a new President, but none of the candidates was able to gain the iwo-thirds majority needed. The election is for a successor to President Oronchi. whose seven-year term ends on May 11.— Reuter.
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    • 209 3 LONDON, Thursday. DRITISH nuclear disarmament groups are searching for a yachtsman prepared to sail into the United States Pacific Ocean nuclear test- ing area in June. The "Christmas Island Project," which combines British anti-nuclear groups, said in a statement that a 30ft. boat Is
      Reuter  -  209 words
    • 303 3 WASHINGTON, Thursday. THE United States yesterday carried out the third and biggest nuclear test of its current series, in the atmosphere over Christmas Island in the Pacific. The bomb was In the "low megaton yield range" equal to over a million tons of TNT.
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    • 138 3 7 killed in a case of mistaken identity MANILA, Thurs. A Philippines Army officer and seven other people were killed in a town 200 miles north of here while Investigating the assassination of the town's Mayor yesterday. Reports received here today said Lt. Col. Dominndor Dawa. the provincial commander, had
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    • 99 3 Spinster's suicide an 'atomic protest' LONDON. Thurs. A 70--yrar-old spinster killed herself to protest against "atomic warfare." a coroner ruled yesterday. An inquest on Miss Gladys Maiiass heard that she left a note saying: "I am responsible for taking my life and I do so as a protest against atomic
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    • 38 3 TOKYO. Thurs. Japanese now worry about beinp run over in bed. Several cases have occurred here ln recent weeks v.iiL-i heavy trucks crashed through the flimsy wooden walls ol homes bordering streets.— Reuter.
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    • 40 3 HONG KONG. Thurs. Radio Peking last night reported that rain, falling in the important wheat-gn w'ir; areas of Shansi. Hopei. Llaoing. Hunan. Kweichow and Anhwei provinces and Inner Mongolia, was helping the growth of the wheat crop. —Reuter.
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    • 25 3 TOKYO. Thurs— Mr Frederick Erroll. President of the British Board of Trade, today visited Nikko. a scenic spot north-west of Tokyo. Reut«»r.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 165 3 v End •%SIR^ indigestion agonies... 'Bismag 1 tablets bring fast, safe relief Now you can eal whatever you '•ke witiiout worry of after-meal ■■■■^■■■B agony, fcavv-10-take 'Bisroac' _uom±. jl^j^^^al Wblets act in second* to bring you -=-^|U^ <^i I sure relief from inditesdon. *itw| I d > s P«P sla
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    • 563 3 comb it through-it tints and sets -or Brunette or Blonde— for Fair, Mid-Brown, Mousey or Grey as we! ICS6h Nowvouc.n %rt <our hair md vT*- AJJSfa ttk »P«rk it with colour, too. With WL Hjndh'ix iistn <»-r you do both > jf'y j Oft once. Not 1 runr. not prrm*.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 418 3 RADIO MALAYA RADIO SINGAPORE NATIONAL SHORTWAVE SHORTWAVE SERVICE SERVICE 41.7 metres MEDIUM WAVE SERVICE A.M. 6.00 Time Signal. Nega- 476 metres ra-lcu. News Headlines; 6.05 A.M. 6.00 Good Moving; 6.02 Mcrnlng Prelude: 7.00 The News; Morning Melodies i.OO Rendez- 705 Melodies At Bunrtse; 8.00 vcus With Music: 7.30 Time Slg-
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  • 775 4 SINGAPORE, Thursday JHE Adult Education Board's mass literacy campaign has reached "stagnation point," the Lim Tay Boh Commission of Inquiry into Education was told tonight. "We have done what we could and are now petting to the point where researchers and sociologists must find
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  • 41 4 ALOR STAR. Tnurs. Mr. RM. KP. Kuppan Chettiar has been elected secretary of the Kedah Nattukkottai Chettiars' Chamber of Commerce. The president is Mr. S. RM. u-halam Chettiar and the vice-president is Mr. 8.8. SV. Meyappa Chettiar.
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  • 307 4 SINGAPORE. Thurs. The Rowcrof t Theatre Club presented Elizabeth Addyman's "The Secret Tent" at the Ayer Rajah Foad Theatre last night. This !>• a domestic drama-cum-thrllier wherein a wife's wayward youth is exposed and a murder committed but never solved. Despite the final reconciliation one is
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  • 114 4 SINGAPORE, Thursday. A FATHER of seven, charged with housebreaking and theft of seven bottles of brandy, told i district court today that he committed the offence to raise money for books for his school-going children. Syed Hussain bin Syed Idris, who pleaded guilty,
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  • 101 4 ROUTES OF ANIMAL AMBULANCES SINGAPORE. Thurs. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals will have its animal ambulances on the following routes weekly: MONDAY: Katong. Bedok, Changi and Tamplnes. TUESDAY: Serangoon. Serangoon Garden Estate and Paya Lebar. THURSDAY: Yto Chu Kang. R.A.F. Seletar and Serangoon Garden Estate.
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  • 32 4 BINGAPORE. Thurs. A seaman. Low Boon Hong. 48. was fined $600 or three months Jail by Magistrate Mr. R. 8.1. Pates for possession and 2.5 lbs of tobacco worth $91.25.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 321 4 TICKETS ON SALE TODAY for SEASON FROM THURSDAY 10th MAY at shaws LIDO THEATRE s pore A Story of The Christ. The Glory of His Spoken Words. Metm-Gotd*yn-Ua\rr f fsJl^S. Production JUH fA in 70MM SUPER TECHNIRAMA Technicolor PRICES: $3.50, $2.50 SI 50 NO FREE LIST! OAILY 3 SHOWS at
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    • 257 4 WFR^tCTACLE/ AT THI j^Ss '.rs! CATHAY RESTAURANT <TyP TONIGHT AND TOMORROW Jjg *~—~»ALSO APPEARING NIGHTLY! 1 EQUILIBRISTS KISII and V AI.AIKI. with Jose DAKOTA'S BAND V-.*-~#-^.«nd Fabulous RUBY WAN at the mike ».^».Ji Comer*: ANME SEPHTON Admission 525.00 per person inclusive of Dinner FOR TABLE RESERVATIONS RING ***** BOOK NOW
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    • 497 4 i tmkrw t I OHfIANHATIONp t DEFINITELY t LASI 4 DAYS! t TODAY 4 SIOWS ONLY Horn 130 400 1630 pm I fc MY GEISHA': Shirley MocLain* T»«» Montond Tecrintramo T^c^r* COlo< (Poramoont Picture! t ALL MALAYSIA PREMIERE J TONIGHT at 9.30 p.m. f IN ATTENOANCt AS COIST Of f
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  • 158 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurh.— The Prime Ministers Department is organising a competition open to all artists in the Federation and Singapore for designs lor two murals for the National Museum now under ron.struction at Daman.sara Road. Two prizes of $2,500 each are offered for the
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  • 45 5 FENANG. Thurs.— A young man .-.till on a year's bond lor theft was today Jailed for one year for -snatching a gold necklace from a child. Tang Sek Choon. 24. had been bound over for a similar offence in February.
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  • 192 5 IF YOU WANT TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN LIFE, WORK HARD FOR IT, MENTRI BESAR TELLS THE MALAYS KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. THE Mentri Besar of Selangor, Dato Abu Bakar bin Baginda, today appealed to the Malays not to trust to luck if they wanted to
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  • 59 5 SUNGEI PATANI. Thurs.— Mi. Hoe Boon Cheong has been elected president of the Kuala Muda Chinese Recreation Club here with Messrs. Chin Chin Cheang and Tan Kee Seng as vicepresidents. Mr. Tan Hock Hin secretary and Mr. Ooi Chool Lum treasurer. In recognition of his services to
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  • 24 5 BATU GAJAH. Thurs.— The District Officer. Klnta. Tengku Syed Abdulla bin Tengku Syed Omar, was elected president of the Brewster Club here.
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  • 92 5 Mayor's car is splashed: A complaint follows IM.N \M.. Thurs. The Mayor Mr. Ooi Thiam Stew, was annoyed today when some City Council lab o v rer.s inadvertently .splashed mud on his new official car. an Austin Princrss. When his driver pointed this out to him. Mr. Ooi complained to
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  • 48 5 IPOH. Thur.x.-Yeung Yun Wan. 50, managing director of the Lai Wah Glass and Lamps Factory, was today fined a total of $350 here on two counts of failing to furnish within the prescribed period his income tax return> for 1960 and 1961. He pleaded guilty.
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  • 112 5 Airline is improving booking facilities SINGAPORE, Thurs.— Malayan Airways will further improve its booking facilities with the introduction from next Monday of a multi-line telephone system in its passenger reservations office in Kuala Lumpur. Under this system, when a travel agent or passenger dials the new number '***** >. any
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  • 87 5 A MONTH AT OXFORD FOR LEVERS MAN LIM KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs Mr. Lim Joo Jock. 33. market research manager of Lever Brothers (Malaya), who left for London by air today for a one-month management course it Oriel College, Oxford. Mr. Lim. the first Malayan business executive to attend the British
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  • 96 5 A LOR STAR. Thurs. The Alliance has gained control of two more local councils making a total of five, in Kedah. All its 18 candidates for the Sungei Kechil Illir and Padang Serai councils were returned unopposed yesterday. The other three councils to which aU the
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  • 26 5 IPOH. Thur.s.— Police picked up two boys aged 1 1 and I nine years who were found wandering in Ipoh this I morning.
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  • 78 5 A missing estate girl is found BUTTER WORTH. Thurs. Police here have traced a 15-year-old girl reported missing from home yesterday. The girl. K. Letchemee. a weeder at Bertam Estate, Kepala Batas, was found in a house at Bagan Ajam. about nine miles away. Letchemee's brother, Arumugam. reported to police
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  • 39 5 BATU GAJAH. Thurs.— Two U.S. Peace Corps nurses. Miss Ruth Clarice and Miss Joyce Miller, who were posted to the Batu Oajah District Hospital here on their arrival, have now been transferred to the Tapah District Hospital.
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  • 161 5 ROBBERS CUT HAND AS WARNING KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Five men with daggers robbed a servant and a clerk of about $500 in cash and jewellery at the Selangor Chinese Import and Export Association in Church Street here yesterday. Tho robbers, two wearing masks, arc believed to hav# entered the promises
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 40 5 the cigarette that goes with success bYb^B^BEQ&X* 3c53v ■^B"''"^ss Jc^MrS3^JvtJ^g!^^Ma*^B^Bßß^Bs^tfifeoMß^B^BTsl*^P^^^^B^Bl B^Bf f '*^»*mBBB^B^l B^W^B^B^oßmOTi* B^blßßS^^ -■I'MBB l3f 8 W^Whiiißßl^BHWß^B^B^B^Bß^Bßß^B^B^B^B^fffi^^Wi' *i« BH»&&§i&&-: ,j^^sH|| >■ S. J£^SBHK^n^^ifW^^Sß^^^^^^^^^3^^Sßß^BWßßßßte Bb^ ■-'^Sf'to^^™™jllP''Bt FILTER ivlJN(jrb *5P FILTER KINGS State Express... the best cigarettes in the world b^B__
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 261 5 Straits Times Crossword P r| r I I 3 I j* j is I b ~H|^HHHp r ACROSS 1 Method ot writing a -1017 1. What happen* to meuphori when fuddled with sleep (5. r«i molehills In one's orgies' 5). •10). y. Navigated imperlecUy from a. Is 2 wenkrr ves«*]
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  • 187 6 IJUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. More than 200 picture^ depicting the life of the people In East and West Berlin will be on display at the three-day German photographic exhibition at the Town Hall here which begins next Monday The exhibition— 'Berlin and the Wall"— will
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  • 156 6 THE happy five above, temporary government service clerks, are reading a report in the Straits Times which said that Government clerks who did not have a credit in English could be put on tli permanent establishment if their work was viisfru ton They
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  • 134 6 BOY STOLE FROM HIS MOTHER, COURT TOLD SINGAPORE. Thurs. —After O a woman concealed money under the mattress on her bed. her son stole It. a court was told today. Tan Choon Toh. 17. pleaded guilty to stealing $80 from his mother. Ng Mien. 48, at their Buklt Panjang village
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  • 23 6 TAIPING. Thurs The Taiping Town Council ha> now an engineer of Its own He Is Mr Ho Yoong Soong. of Penan?.
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  • 115 6 Carrying knife— for what purpose? I ALOR STAR, Thur». *pHE Alor Star Magistrate. Inche Manan bin Osman. said today that carrying a knife was In itself no offence, because no licence was requested for this. "It only becomes an offence when it Is proved the weapon Is to be used
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  • 510 6 REDS AIM TO CONTROL THE UNIONS Warning given by Sarawak's Deputy Chief Secretary... KUCHING. Thurs. gARAWAK'S Deputy Chief Secretary, Mr. G. A. T. Shaw, warned yesterday that the Communists were trying to obtain control of a number of trade unions in Kuching and Sibu with the eventual aim of complete
    UPI  -  510 words
  • 276 6 Court told: Lover tied me to bed, robbed me PENANG, Thurs A YOUNG woman alleged in court today ihat her A lover tied her to her bed one night and robbed her of a gold necklace and a pair of earrings while a masked man wearing sunglasses stood guard with
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  • 28 6 SUNGEI PATANI. Thurs Mr. Chen Hock Ylng, formerly of Hwa Lian High School. Taiping. has been appointed headmaster of Sin Mm Middle School at Suneel Pafp'ii
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 435 6 E^^Here's your chance to exchange your old JL ©refrigerator r 1 for a new one! HI ;J&f: HkV **"4^^a^^a^tl^Ha^a^a^al ANY ONE OF THIS SUPERB 1962 RANGE OF REFRIGERATORS CAN BE YOURS LiOsL r> VER SEVEN MILLION GENERAL I -^^^mm^lth ELECTRIC Refrigerators have been &^s*— —___>'*^^(f 111 111 Iw{ n use
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • STRAITS TIMES Special Feature
    • 1716 7 DESCRIBED AS A BRAGGART, A HAM AND A HEADLINE- HUNTER -THE UNABASHED EXPLOITS OF REPORTER FLOYD GIBBONS IN THE spring of V.YI'A, a strange-look-ing camel train left Algiers to cross the Sahara Desert on one of the most fantastic missions in the history
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 141 7 [^^H^VI (tsso)? ■|hH| your new sign of energy is up> ifcfct MSP ■■■■^■HIMHMHIii i "^W r I I FROM THE WORLD'S LEADER IN RESEARCH IN OIL am* ft* for sOpS VtP lf»¥ !^ff S^^l^^^^^^^^^^lBk H *nd lighting The Esso kerosene products Etto Blue Kerosene and Esso Kerosene people > *^lfl
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  • 85 8 2* Word, $10 (Minimum) MOKHTAR BAHAUDIN and aUtera thank friends, re'atlves for assistance, wreaths, donations and attendance at funeral of their mother at Talplng. MRS E.D. LEMOS and family thank all Relatives, Friend*. Staff Lima Bias ~o<-fln Company for their help, rondoMnces. wreaths and attendance at funeral of the
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  • 345 8 20 Word, I/O (Minimum) ROLAND OF CORAL thanks all hit friends and audiences who help to make hi* Spring and stammer Collection* a great success. CONVAIR MO QUISN congratulations to Evelyn and Rita first and sxrond. 2 more winners from toe Singapore Model Academy. and also •o our 7
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  • 768 8 The Straits Times Friday, May 4, 1962. Playing It By Ear The Americans are still groping towards a decision on sales from the rubber and tin stockpiles, still in sympathy with the producers and still likely to upset them. The recommendations of the subcommittee of the House's Armed Services Committee
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  • 326 8 The Government has done the sensible thing by agreeing to waive a condition that has kept some hundreds of clerks in the unsatisfactory situation of temporary civil servants. They were recruited at a time when it was not easy to find enough candidates with a credit in English
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  • Article, Illustration
    194 8 Belgrade is not going to be one of the high spots of Mr. Lee Kuan Yew's tour. Had Mr. Lee visited Yugoslavia a month or two ago he probably would have found a somewhat different outlook, a readiness at all events to appreciate the dangers of Chinese Communist
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  • 1067 8  - CHINA BOWS ECONOMIC NECESSITY DENNIS BLOODWORTH A year of the great leap backward puts the Chinese on the very edge of disaster By —the first of two articles AY A ILABLE detai I s of Premier Chou Enlai's report to the National People's Congress in Peking have led political experts
    OFNS  -  1,067 words
    • 176 8 \f AY I refer to the report m 'B.T. April 26) of the speech by Mr. Vlttachl. Asian representative of the International Press Institute, at the Rotary Club luncheon. I would like to submit some facts about newspapers in India in order to correct the impression
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  • 435 8 MAN'S BEST FRIEND BECOMES A WOMAN'S STATUS SYMBOL ONDON, Thurs. The average dog in Britain today is less a man's best friend than a woman's status symbol. Pampered and immaculately groomed, the dog is the centre of a new luxury industry dedicated to canine welfare
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 589 8 CLASSIFIED ADS. JO Word, $10 (Minimum) OOD'I BLEStINO to Chek Slan Kneng a son. Tlmorthy on J<S/«2 Thanks to 8»a«t at Paglax Memorial Hospital. It Word* tlO (Minimum) RAVNBH: TUWNBULL— Recently »n Leodon Leonard Adrian Rayner of ■logapore to Constance alary Turnbnll •i Coventry, Warwickshire and Kuala lAimour. RELIGIOUS ANNOUNCEMfNTS
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    • 95 8 BEFORE HE SLEEPS Dr. Tom Dooley allowed himself no rest in his self-appointed task of relieving suffering and ignorance. Today, though he himself is dead. Medico, the international organisation for which he gave his life, is doing wonderful work in previously neglected areas. In a moving, full-length book condensation entitled
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    • 124 8 TRUST SWANSON the best in FROZEN CHICKEN Chicken that's specially selected when it's young, tender and flavourful. Quick-frozen by Swanson at the very peak of freshness and tenderness. This freezing permits Swanson Chicken to retain all its original fine quality and delicious flavour until the moment you're ready to cook
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  • 107 9 Lotteries: No decision needed, say Rulers KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. The Conference of Rulers has agreed that no decision need to be taken as to whether or not money derived officially from the Social and Welfare Services lottery can be used for religious purposes. This Is because the money is paid
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  • 283 9 Happy landings on lake Vive la more feminine look AIR CHARTER COMPANY PLANS AMPHIBIANS TO BEAT LACK OF AIRSTRIPS IN HIGHLANDS KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. JOURISTS may soon fly to the Cameron Highlands in amphibian planes which would land on the lake formed by the hydro-electric scheme, the Minister of Transport,
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  • 97 9 THE FIVE inttrnational beauties Miss France is modelling a wedding dress; Miss Switzerland a ball gown of gold lurex; Mis* Paris, an evening gown in dark green silk; Miss Belgium, a black satin empire line gown printed with red flowers, and Miss International,
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  • 479 9  -  ESME BAPTISTA: -by- SINGAPORE. Thurs. THE outstanding colour is burnt orange... the fabric, straw silk jerse y...the look, snugly fitting bodice, was p-waist and a twirling skirt. These were the fashion highlights seen last night
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  • 64 9 H.K. DOCTORS TO STUDY HI SINGAPORE SINGAPORE. Thurs Two Hone Kong doctors will fly into Singapore tomorrow to undergo a year's study at the University of Singapore for post-graduate studies for the coarse of diploma in public health. They are Dr. Lee Shin Hang and Dr. Lo Cho Yuen, who
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  • 155 9 MALACCA, Thursday. THE president of the Malacca Municipal Council, Mr. Tan Tuan Boon, said today that it was easier to get an interview with Tengku Abdul Rahman than the State's Chief Minister. Mr. Tan, a Socialist Front member, was speaking at last night's meeting of
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  • 44 9 SINGAPORE, Thurs. A schoolboy Elwyn Goh, 8, was killed when he was knocked down by a car at the Junction of Tanjong Katong and Mountbatten Road today. Goh was returning to his Sennett Close, East Coast Road, home when the accident occurred.
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  • 45 9 JOHORE BAHRU, Thurs.— Inche Abdullah bin Abdul Rahman, 40. who has nerved as Clerk of Councils, Johore. for the past three years, has been promoted Assistant District Officer, Johore Bahru Inche Hussein bin Ahmad has replaced him as Clerk of Councils. I
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  • 23 9 VATICAN CITY. Thurs Pope John yesterday received Dato Wong Pow Nic, a member of the Cobbold Commission, in private audience.
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  • 145 9 198 WIN POLLS WITHOUT A FIGHT lOHORE BAHRU. Thurs.— A total of 937 nominations were received by the Johore Supervisor of Elections. Incho Adam bin Mohamed. for 598 seats in the local council elections to be held in eight districts on May 30. Of these. 198 candidates were returned unopposed
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  • 35 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs.— The Assistant Minister of Labour, Mr. V. Manickavasagam, left here by air today as leader of the Federation's delegation to the 46th session of the International Labour organisation in Geneva
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  • 228 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs A "HUGE gambling network" in Muar has been brought to light by a High Court judge from his study of the Muar Supreme Court's records of prosecutions for "tikam ekor' (three-digit) lottery, which he described as an "astonishing document."
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 163 9 I Fr '■■♦<*' J Outdoor sports and hot weather summer activities can so easily result in offensive body odour. And though you can't help perspiring, you can play it safe tcith Amplex. Safely and surely stopping odours at their source, Amplex leaves breath sweet and body free of smell. Just
      163 words
    • 146 9 N to kindle housewives I Ia eyes... 7|> Household Linens of the finest quality, Cannon Combspun Percale Sheers and Pillow-cases give added luxury, smoothness and longer life. Colours Pink, Blue, Yellow and Lilac. Size 72" x 108" With flower pattern all over Each $15.50 With flower border only Each $12.95
      146 words

  • 640 10  - Hey what makes a big strong he-man tick?— lucv Jiiiang by ]I«E.V urc such vain creatures. They are no proud of their strength and health and manhood, and are so careful to protect these things that they make me laugh. The woman next door to nhere I live is an
    640 words
  • 336 10 IT'S been a long standing juke that women have no head for figures, that they can never balance simple house-keeping books. Well. I hate to admit this, but there might be some truth in all that. We women are pretty capable people and all that, but
    336 words
  • 259 10 YOUNG DREAMS THAT CAME TRUE WHEN I was first married and quite, quite broke. Bill and I used tc window-shop a lot. We would walk down the street and decide what we would buy when we became rich. He used to oggle sports ears and speed boats and expensive leather
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  • 584 10  -  pEOPLE who diet are 1 usually those who love food, not wisely, but too well. And the worst thing about diets is not so much the hunger as the memory of rich sauce? ■md creamy desserts •oiling on the tongue. That memory
    584 words
  • 723 10 SALES OF U.S. TIN TO BE IN MALL LOTS —G.S.A. to get authority to dispose of 50,000 tons of stockpile metal at 'best prices' r*j WASHINGTON. Thurs. A MERICA is to sell 50.000 tons of its stockpile tin "over a period of years, in small lots, perhaps monthly,'' Mr. John
    Reuter  -  723 words
  • 121 10 Sarawak and Greater Malaysia LONDON, Thurs.-i-Mr. CUve I Bossora (Tory) asked in the House of Commons last night what the <iovernment of Sarawak had done to publicise the concept of Greater Malaysia in Sarawak. Mr. Reginald Maudling. the Colonial Secretary, replied: 'Before the arrival of the Commission of Inquiry under
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 361 10 FILM PREVIEW SUMMER and Smoke" is Tennessee Williams In one of his quieter moods, though we are still wading through the private lives of the old South. It Is the story of a spinster burdened with a crackpot mother who fails to land her man
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 335 10 ADVERTISERS' ANNOUNCEMENT y^{ X -r^k=BEAUTY BE AUTY- C A R E, ing suitable to all skin with an egg yolk daily, you readers often write s caJ keep your skin young to me. is fine for Rub a little pat into the and f«sh until you are people who have
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 199 10 m Abnor By At < <h>* v'i^-^b-c •\l\j|£Ltt|flfc5 vv Jf :J KIMYOoSE. SCEKTAINItf I V C^uCkLe.'.'- THEVVE T JtH AT'S fT MOS ap*» inßr-GeeevXi^\ babes spare. mot» never seen rf= L -^-i 165 :.'-mcs living I HAS EVERYONE GOME MAD I A OOUPLA JVOUARE. T MYOAD^f- *M **~fr Jr PROOF
      199 words

  • 291 11 SINGAPORE. Thurs. The Deputy Superior General of the Christian Brothers. Brother Lawrence O'Toole. today spoke of the role of mission schools in emergent nations in combating the influence of Communism. He said: "The mere fact of giying a Christian education immediately fortifies the youths in the
    291 words
  • 239 11 'Serious trouble ahead union warns bank TAKING NEW STAFF IS PRO VOCA TION, SA V WORKERS SINGAPORE, Thurs. The Singapore; Bank Employees' j Inion tonight des-i tribed the United Commercial Bank's i determination to recruit new staff to replace the 30 employees it had dismissed so far jis "clear provocation."
    239 words
  • 133 11 SINGAPORE. Thurs. Air India's remaining Super Constellation left Singapore airport for the last time today. When it landed at Madras seven hours later, the Super Connie was withdrawn and is being replaced by a Boeing 707 Rolls Royce Intercontinental jetliner. The inaugural Boeing flight will
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  • 107 11 SINGAPORE Thurs. Kandiah Sivabalaretnam. a male nurse employed at the Woodbridge Hospital. who sued his wife. Flora Pavalam Ayadural. for divorce on the ground of adultery, was granted a decree nisi by the Chief Justice. Sir Alan Rose. In the] High Court today. On a counter-petition. Sir
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  • 104 11 TEMPORARY POSTS BEING ABOLISHED SINGAPORE. Thurs. Twenty temporary rural organisers in the Ministry of National Development have been dismissed to make way for permanent workers. All were with the Department of Primary Production and have served from 18 months to three years. Cyclostyled dismissal letters signed by the department's acting
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  • 97 11 Gurkhas from Kluang leave today for Britain SINGAPORE. Thurs. About 800 Gurkha soldiers who have been stationed in Kluang will leave for Britain by the troopship Nevasa tomorrow. They are from the Ist Battalion 6th Queen Elizabeth's Own Gurkha Rifles, the 68 Independent Gurkha Field Squadron and 30 Company, Gurkha
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  • 213 11 SINGAPORE. Thurs. Bonds of friendship severed by trade union rivalry were renewed with a handshake by two labourers in a court here today. The Seventh Magistrate's court was told that allegiance to their respective trade unions had caused the rift between these two City Council
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  • 136 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Several last-minute donations were received today for Miss Lai Yoke Heong. the girl who lost both her arms in an accident. One donation of $250 came from Australian and British airmen serving at the R.A.A.F. base at Butterwurth. Another donation
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  • 413 11 T»HE following is today's achex dule of civil aircraft movements at Paya Lebar airport, Singapore. ARRIVALS Garnda: From Medan. Kuala Lumpur iGA 992 1 3.55 p.m.; from Bangkok 'GA 803) 4.0j p.m from Jakarta (OA 802 > 8.50 am. Cathay Pacific: From Hong Kong. Bangkok <CX
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 253 11 It's always good morning with delicious NESCAFE and the wonderful clean flavour that never varies! NESCAFE RPS is made right in the cup— instantly! Dissolves ffe,, completely no waste, no messy washing up. Buy a large tin today it's even more economical 1 ItTIM-TT^r^B don't just say coffee say Ik
      253 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 94 11 Singapore alary... IV I I MOR SKCOXDAKV < 111 IN II WOMr.V s \^<> SCHOOL DEBATE: Raffle* Otrh MATION: Clothing >hop ope.i UK. 2.30 p.m from 10 mm. to noon. US Cultural V\\.(.\. fßatfta Quayc EnnM Reiiearsal- YSV lish for beginners 9.30 ajn.: •NiKht ot Entertninment 7 p.m Malay
      94 words

  • COMMERCIAL news and views
    • 43 12 French exports of passenger cars outside the franc zone in March rose 8.720 units to 39.075 units over February, according to the French Motorcar Industry Federation in Paris. Exports of lorries and other commercial vehicles totalled 2,617 units against 2,045 units.
      43 words
    • 544 12  -  HENRY PAUL Chairman on Malaya's most urgent problem By THOUGH the Federation of Malaya is still the world's principal tin producing country, "it should not, and must not, be assumed that this happy state of affairs will automatically continue." This undertone of warning was
      544 words
    • 287 12 A RUSH for television sets is expected at the end of the year when TV comes to Malaya, according to several company representatives. They base their forecast on the growing prosperity In Iya. and the rising living lard of her people. B.
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    • 142 12 More motor graders arriving for PWD LEAVING AvelingBarford Ltd. for Birkenhead and shipment to Malaya are two 99H motor graders, part of a £170.000 ($1.4 million) repeat order for 31 units for the Federation Public Works Department. Originally for 28 machines the contract was negotiated last November through the sales
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    • 64 12 KODAK MAN STUDIES FILM MART MR. ROBERT M. Corbin, assistant manager of Eastman Kodak Co.. New York, spent a week in Singapore and the Federation studying market conditions. He said that the introduction of television locally would provide another outlet for his company's films in this region. Mr. Corbin has
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    • 115 12 ESSO P.R. ASSISTANT OFF TO NEW YORK A PUBLIC relations assistant of Esso Standard Eastern Inc. in Singapore left for New York last week to attend the 1962 Esso public relations training course. Mr. Kenneth Scan Cheng Liang, 34, will attend the course at the Jersey Standard (Esso) Headquarters. This
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    • 130 12 A FATHER and son sales mission from Queensland, Australia, have introduced to the Malayan market what architects and merchants claim to be revolutionary sliding door hardware. They are Messrs. Frank and Erwin Spork of Brisbane, who have just completed a market study in Singapore
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    • 224 12 JAPANESE KEEN TO INVEST MORE LOCALLY MORE Japanese capital will be invested in Singapore and the Federation in the coming years. This prediction was made Jn Singapore by Mr. M. Furuyabu. executive director of Hayakawa Electric Co. Ltd.. manufacturers of radio, electrical and domestic appliances. Mr. Furuyabu. accompanied by Mr.
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    • 79 12 Production of rubber articles in Japan totalled 21.783 tons in March compared with 20.829 tons in the previous month, the Japanese Rubber Manufacturers' Association said in Tokyo. Breakdown figures show that output of car tyres and tubes was 10.504 tons, bicycle tyres and tubes, 713 tons, rubber-soled
      79 words
    • 76 12 Anew manamr has boon appointrcl for Campagnic Des MessaReries Maritimrs' branch nffit •<■ in Singapore. He is Mr. Paul Bontoux who Miceeds Mr. F. Borteele. Mr. Borteele. 63. retired last month after 40 years with the company. .Mr. Bontoux (above), who joined the company
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    • 29 12 The Volkswagen car company has decided not to cancel its price Increases on ita 1,200 cc models imposed a month ago. a spokesman said in Wolfsburg.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 284 12 Fu battery nit iifewjth f|p/ F.S.C stands for Factory Sealed Charge. Every Crompton car battery it dry-charged at the factory, but the charge only becomes effective when acid is added at the garage. No deterioration, no delay. Your car gets all the life of a great battery. ASK YOUR GARAGE
      284 words
    • 53 12 The world famous Werra I Camera a price wlWrl $62.00 nett including case l|^PX3LkXi^Bj Features: 50mm f/2.8 Zeiss Tessar lens Synchro Prestor XVM 1/750 shutter Selftimer Filmcounter 2 years guarantee Available from all leading photographic dealers Sole Agents and Service Station: PATERSON, SIMONS CO. LTD., SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR IPOH PBNANG.
      53 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1374 13 bY 'l J A. J I I -i 10 LIVtRPOOL ft WtSI CIMUI U.K. Uw» b 0O'» Sail* R S'tif lIUM aChilies LutriMi May S May t May 7/ I May It 'EISEUS L.xrpa.l, Oublin, Glasgow May II May 13 May 14/11 May l) 'OItDORUS v leuici. imtrpMl, OuOli* May
      1,374 words
    • 3015 13 I ml ml m w im\ I I M I I 1 I 1 Mk. Vf M Lw srs7 a I w nm fsjjJJ f f **Aym \\llJLLLlim THE E. A. C. LINESSAIIINtS 10 tENBA. IE HAVRE HAMBUBS, ANTWERP lOITERDAM, OSLO EOTNENIURt AND COPENHAtEN J&iiiSJZS. """"^"^^""TporT^^fTTKam" ><«n*nt II jfiJl-jAai "tUSUANGA-
      3,015 words
    • 1277 13 w. McAUSTER *5c CO.. LTD. W VM>i (LLCRNAM LINE 4St KLAVENCSS LINE IOROON NAMtURS ROnEROAM iOS ANCdtS *AN fKANCiSCII HAVRE ft NUll iIAITLE VANCOUVER A PODIIANb CITY OF RIPON Acrt.hat aRHM •*< Ct.lrM SMI* Spot* y. Sham Pfia-g \u£*l't\t 1/27 Ma, 11M*,/IJM. 21 31 Mn po "<»' •aMMOMi. AOBC OS*»»
      1,277 words

  • 251 14 Ships tytnc alengslde the Sinister* whamss teday ars: Melnam 42/43. Main Lloyd 15/18. Steel Traveler 8/W. OverUsel U/14. Tboragaard 40/41 Turifa 44. Troubadour 29/30, Canara 15/16. Selat Ball 21/23. Petallnti NW 1 Bemenym NW. 1 Beudai NW i. tflanc Ann NW 2. Bbunko Maru. Outsr rsads:
    251 words
  • 560 14 From Our Market Correspondent rIE fifth public offer of stock for sale to the Malayan public in the past eight months is announced this .morning. Australian Consolidated Industries Investnents Pty. Ltd. is offering on May 38 $5,750,000 worth of one dollar stock units at
    560 words
  • 21 14 Malavan Stock Ind May 2 Industrials: 183.66 rins: 315.4S rubbers: 191.93 Ian. 1. 1958=100 May X 181.23 311.41 191.93
    21 words
  • 805 14 BUSINESS on the Malayan Stock Exchange. Federation section yesterday with the number of deals in brackets. Industrials: Dunlops (> $1.76, $1.77 OL: East Smelt $3.07 OL. ON. (1.000) $3.07 ON. $3.05 OL. (1.000) $3.06: K. and N ords (1.000) $2.W ON: M Banking (3.000) $7.40: M. Tobacco
    805 words
  • 229 14 THERE was a further drop of $1.37* in the tin price in Singapore yesterday which took it down to 5471.12 J. The local market say In the drop was the result of the first impact on price of the announcement that
    229 words
  • 97 14 MELBOURNE. Thurs. GENERAL INVESTMENT shares continued dull, but were slightly steadier on the day. Oils were active and closed Irregular. A.O.G.Most 3». to 775. Base metals were barely steady, while loans continued firm. N.B Hill 14/8 B ITUB Ampol 12/7 Mount Ilia 74/8 A.C.I. 70/9 Con. Zinc 63/6
    97 words
  • 114 14 May S. Three month* (OFFICIAL QUOTATIONS) INDUSTRIALS c N eta Cold Storace M M Box 13 et> Bt«unahlp 0 eta Brewcristj Zt eta 8. Tiroaa 14 eta Robinson 9 eta 8. Tndm S8 eta B Darby U. Unltears U eta W Jacka 9 eta «MNtNi3S A Arrwl 23
    114 words
  • 222 14 MAY first grsds rubber buysrs f.e.i>. closed at S p.m. In Kual.i Lumpur yenterdar at 781 cent* per Ib.. down half a cent on Wednesday's closing price. The tone \vi« quiet. FEDERATION OF MALAYA RUH BBR EXCHANGE nosing price. <n cents per lb. yesterday: Int. 1
    222 words
  • 226 14 MAY first grade rubbsr buyers r.e.k. closed at 5 p.m. In fttngaporr yesterday at 74 eeays per lb down fiveelghthr of a cent on Wednesdays closing price The closing tone w»« quiet. S.C.C.R.A. rloslni prices In rentr per lb. yesterday: Int. 1 R. 8.8. prompt f.o b.
    226 words
  • 122 14 CMC'IISP Praduc* liehangs, Stngas*ra n—n avtee* per plcul yesterday: Ceeemit all: bulk $40 sellers, drum $43 ocllers Costs t April/May L'K/Cootln»n:: $28 buyers, $29 sellers. rtlHr: Muntok white $1574 sellers, Sarawak white $IBS sellers, special Sarawak black $1221 sellers Lnmpoog black $1224 sellers ABTA $130 nellars. Slnnaaws Csssnut
    122 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1095 14 Wm I f «/Bv7 asW <m J\jL miisßsssi I Bb>BSß^H^PPs^Bbsß^S>^^S^^B^^S^^^S^B KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA, LTD. U.S.A. Pact Sic, Atlantic tft Gnu Lakes Servio* S'oote P S't^am H'luiii I *njeie» h vorl Halitsj Citveiaae ETA n* ETA CIA ETA ETA "XinikMa Mart" 21 II May 22 .laa Italy II Jsry 22 Jaly
      1,095 words
    • 750 14 KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA. LTD. Great Lakes Service UST OIKECI SAILINGS FROM SINCA*O»i *H» MAUY* TO CANADIAN •ND US 6M«T UKES 'NTS C» fit fU CM S'por* S'htft H*hf» loronte cimitM "Imtam Mm" ?i/m May n Joi» n Jii? II Mi ••snui* m«i n/nMM him w am a *if n mi
      750 words
    • 793 14 CLOSING PRICES May 3 RUBBER PRICES SINGAPORE: 78 cents (down flvc-elgiitns of a cent). K.L.: "JK: cents (down balf a cent!. TIN: M7LIU per pirul (down SI3:M. Estimated unofficial offerine 240 tons (unchanged). EXCHANGE RATES THE Malayan Eicnsngs Bantu' ciatwn raadr tbea« rnan(«s lo its ratrs to m.Tduint» ttrrnimy lull
      793 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 742 15 NOTICES NOTICE We «Ish to lniorm all our friends and clients that Mr. A.B. An. has left our employ on the 2nd of May. 1962 South Engineer* Limited, South Branch. KERETAPI TANAH MELAYU TENDER NOTICE Tenders are Invited from registered contrsvetors Class "A" for the construction of traasit shed behind
      742 words
    • 323 15 'Continued trom Pbk<* *> SITUATIONS VACANT !0 Word, Si (Mm.) Box it ett. extrm CANTONSSE JTUOtNt REQUIRES Assistant lor Conversation pn Must be Cantonese. Writ* Boa A4I&S 8.T., B'pore. BNGLISN SPSAKINC «ener»l •»«n mull rcqulrrd by Engllsa family with n-o chiMren. 6 CbeUea Road, Island View. K pore b. FIRST
      323 words
    • 1071 15 SITUATIONS VACANT ?t Word, Si (Mm.)— Box St ett. txtrm PUBLISHING FIRM RRQUIftfl office ooy'advertimng canvasser!' artist reporten Call personally with doniments at V-A, Uoions 104. Changi Kr. i today INTERNATIONAL MANUTACTURINC OROANISATIBN requires two A»«istart Cost Accountants Singapore and Kuala Lumpor. Only fully earvrienced applicants ooastdered full details of
      1,071 words
    • 1018 15 ACCOMMODATION WANTED Wordt Si (Min.)— Box St ett. txtr; OEFIEO to real promptly several Souses Port Dkiuob or Seremban area for one to Iwo years period Hcun must be at least 3 bedrooms aad fairly ne* constructions. Interested party direct reply P O Box SOI Kuala Lumpur. SMALL OJHE7 CHINESE
      1,018 words
    • 955 15 COUCATIOH it Wmrtt SS (Min.}— Box St ett. txtrm SBCINNBRS CLASSES: Mormn«s/ Kvenlniis Booakeeping Type" riting. Hhorthaod Accountancy Becretanal Courses Cimnridge Certificate/If. B C Individual Bunjects. full Courses) Arta 4 Bciercc. City School of Commerce. Wueeo K'reel Store (Tel' '.':<Sl3) POSTAL TUITION Maiityan Correspondence Collage offers guaranteed courses for H.BC.
      955 words
    • 1026 15 ■OATS. YACHTS FOR SAL! tt Wort, SS (Min.h-Bmx St cfs. txttm FOUNTSEN POOT naif oabia lawort 10 up. motor, remote control, teood working order. Tel' (B'pore) J4lO eat 634. \> a m 12 0000 VEHICLES fOR SALE tt Wmrtt Si I Mm., —Box it ett txtro j CHEAP SAwE IV«6
      1,026 words
    • 1098 15 FOR SALE WHERE TO STAY iFcd.) »-»rsJs Si (Him.}— Box it tit. txtrm Wor *> v Dmilm I month, lv Hare's ».'_SO (Mi-.) PO SIANC JOHORE HOTEL: JR. English. S7, TANCLIN ROAD. NEAR POST V" OFFICE. SINCAPORE. STRAITSVIEW MODERN HOTEL ssaaß n... >.« J air-conditioned r.*.:. Hig« Class tafli.i
      1,098 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1198 16 NOTICE NOTICE PuLsuam. to Section 29 of In the Matter of Ordinance (Chapter 34 the Estate of •II persons interested in or having WONG SANG HAM alias aKJinM. the E.sutrs ol an\ N'l Shang Hai deceased o! the deceased persons undrr- n( j mentioned whether as creditor beneficiaries or next-of-lcin
      1,198 words
    • 1716 16 NOTICES PUBLIC APPOINTMENT NOTICE OF QUARTERLY I J.K.R. KEDAH SESSION OF THE HOTELS t £gg^J?g»Sa LICENSING BOARD, j Plant Operator Instructor. ctkirtDADC T le mstnictor will be requireo MnuArUKt. l 0 teach trainees in the operation R.,..i>i. nn un ik. °f bulldozers and tractor shove--NO I ICE ts hereby given
      1,716 words
    • 642 16 TENDERS KERETAPI TANAH MELAYU TENDERS are invited lor 'h< supply of 6.630 units thermit rai welding portions for 60 lbs. O.S and BS.SR flat bottrn rails 2. Tenders close at 12 NOON or 28th May. lyu. l at the otbee ■> the Pf-ngeruM Juwatan KusiPembuka Tawaran DA. Ketui Juruktra. Kerrtapi
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    • 382 16 I TENDERS MILITARY CANTEEN TENDER Tenders are invited for the J Canteen Training Centre (TA). i Erskine Camp. closing date 25 May 62. i Pull particulars obtainable from l'O I/O Training Centre <TAi. I Erckine Camp, Kuala Kubu i Bharu. M TENDER NOTICE i r Tenders from bona-flde con- j
      382 words
    • 352 16 TENDERS TENDERS Tenders are invited to cater tor the Tuck Shop at the MOS Raub as of June Ist. The enrolment is 400 Primar\ und 100 secondary The lenders should be in the office of the Principal by the 21m M.i.v P.W.D. TENDER NOTICE Tender irom Class 'E' and abov?
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    • 122 16 "KUALA LUMPUR" "J.K.R. TENDER NOTICETENDERS from Class "D" iand above registered ConI tractors will be received by the Jurutera Penguasa. Ja~ibatan Kerja Raya, Kuala Lumpur up to 3 p.m. on 11th iMay. 1962 for THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF THREE BLOCKS SEMI-DETACHED CLASS "G' QUARTERS AND THREE BLOCKS SEMI DETACHED
      122 words

    • 732 17  -  NORMAN SIEBEL, HE ADVANCES TO LAST EIGHT WITH THREE-SET VICTORY OVER TEAM-MATE YEE KHAN By Kuala Lumpur, Thursday IMLLY KG confirmed his position as second-in-command to Teh Kew San in Malayan singles when he beat team-mate Tan Yee Khan 11-15, 15-7, 15-5 in the fourth round of the
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    • 223 17  - Hotelier goes smartly in 3f workout -as ma with pENANG, Thurs. Hotelier, Chanluckter, Fuji and Altese Royale were the "stars" on the track this morning. Hotelier (apprentice Suhramaniam) outpaced Flyine Hand (Ken Smith) over 3f in 39 2/5. Fuji (Merv Posner) and Chaoluckter (Chris Dragon) matched strides over 3f in
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    • 48 17 SINGAPORE. Thurs. The Evergreen Weluhtlltting Parly will hold their championships tomorrow and Saturday at the Broadway Hall. New World, at 7.30 p.m. In conjunction with this, there will be the 1962 Mr. Evergreen" "Miss Evergreen. 'Mr. Iron Man' contest and exhibitions. Admission U $1 a person.
      48 words
    • 174 17 SOCCER STORE DIV. 3A: RAF Tengah -A' 2 Alexandra 'A' 1. MOR Cop 2nd rd: Army Depot Police 9 32 Coy RAMC 0. KH'AXc; LGE: Indians *B 6 Sembrong Est. 0. PENANO DIV. I: Chinese Wanderers 5 RAAF 0. MALACCA DIV. 1: Yew Llan 7 2nd Inf. Workshop
      174 words
    • 595 17 MEN S SINCLES THIRD ROI'ND: Johnny TJoa bt Vaqimoudn 15-10. 15-5; Shaari Abdullah bt Chavlert Chutnkum 15-9. 4-15. 15-12; Tine Oei Hie bt Oscar Yania 13-4. 15-1; Khoo En( Chin w.o. Armando Yanra; Liem Tjenc Kianc bt Nr Boon B«e 13-2. 15-10: Mohamed Iljisndv bt
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    • 175 17 BENFICA RETAIN CUP WITH GREAT RALLY PUSKAS HATTRICK FOR REAL BUT... AMSTERDAM. Thur* Benflca of Lisbon, the Portuguese soccer champions, staged a great second half rally to beat Real Madrid 5-3 to retain the European Cup here last night. Real led 3-2 a half-time but the €5.000 crowd saw Benifica
      Reuter  -  175 words
    • SOCCER
      • 280 17  -  MOK SIN PIN; Singapore, Thursday By B (-class touring soccer teams will play in pore this month. They are V.F.B. Stuttest Germany and the British Army XI. V.F.B. (Vereln Fur Be we gungs-splele) Stuttgart are expected here on Tuesday They will play two matches —against Singapore
        280 words
      • 94 17 Barnsley to stay in Division 3 I ONDON. Thurs.— Barnsley escaped relegation from the English Third Division last l.iKht when they won 4-2 at home to Torquay— who go down Instead. Bert Tlndlll. who wa£ making his appearance before retiring from soccer, .scored two of Barnsley's goals. Results International:
        Reuter  -  94 words
    • 55 17 BADMINTON ASIAN open championships (Stadium Negara XL, 9 a.m.). BOXING STORF open championships (Happy World i SOCCER CHARITY MATCH: Spore v Joint Services (Jn Besar Stadium). SPORE DiT. 3: Serangoon v Rangers (Balestler Rd); STB v Mt Emily (St. George's Rd); Amicables v Soccerltes (Geylang). WEIGHTLIFTIXG Evergr-en Party
      55 words
    • 269 17 Pakistanis make a poor start v Worcs I ONDON. Thurs. The Pakistani touring cricket team made an indifferent start in the opening (Irst-class match of their tour at Worcester yesterday, finishing 78 runs behind Worcestershire with six first innings wickets dewn. Having dismissed the county tor a moderate total of
      Reuter  -  269 words
    • 219 17 TEAM OUT TO BREAK MYTH QJINGAPORE, Thurs.— A Singapore soccer myth— that Joint Services will always b« beaten at Jalan Besar Stadium by Singapore may be exploded fcnmorrow when th# teams meet in a match in aid of the St. John Council Fund (kick-off 7 p.m.) Services, who are determined
      219 words
    • 15 17 IPOH. Thurs. Heavy ratal caused all games in Ipoh this evenIns to be postponed.
      15 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 105 17 V I I ifSL I QUICK \jT 1/ ACTION SCOURING POWDER 1L removes dirt P^N grease like magic i XA Cleans faster' and better than I -^dfl/>'lm ordinary scouring powders Fra- I "z~yjjfr\J I grantly fresh. Magico makes mUUm/Si I your home cleaner and brighter ilffKwus in next to no
      105 words
    • 218 17 E/rerybody perspires. At any time, anywhere, you may offend with perspiration odour and never realise it Why take the chance when you can protect yourself with ODO-RO-NO deodorant quickly, effectively! The handy stick PWMfiPll •mooths on your deodorant. Instantly |}]![|Wil|]|j dry, soothingly cool, it leaves a pleasant U|l*l|j fragrance while
      218 words

  • 411 18 Strike today at Redif fusion I NION CALLS OUT KEY EMPLOYEES AFTER DEADLOCK IN SALARY, BONUS NEGOTIATIONS trie union .strike decision as an "unnecessary pressure" put on the management which had adopted a "very generous" attitude throughout the negotiations. Mr. Snowden said: "We had ofiered what we thought were the
    411 words
  • 83 18 NEW DELHI. Thurs. Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru today branded as incorrect Communist Chinese allegations that 3.000 Tibetan refugees have been sent to Formosa to be trained as future leaders of Tibet. He told the Upper House 'of Parliament that all TibeI tan refugees were being settled
    UPI  -  83 words
  • 352 18 DECISION TO LET MALAY PEARL MEN STAY IN AUSTRALIA IS WELCOMED KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. I I MALAYANS today ifl hailed the Australian Government's decision to allow two Malay pearl workers to remain in that country. The pearl workers Zainal bin Hashim and Darus bin Saris went to Australia as indentured
    352 words
  • 154 18 BELGRADE. Thurs. Singapore's Prime Minister. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. and his wife were guests of honour yesterday at a lunch in Belgrade's biggest hotel. The Metropol. gtvea py Mr. Rodoljub Co'.akovic. one of President Titos four VicePn ..idi-nts. Other guests included Mr. Komar. Mr. Punisa
    Reuter  -  154 words
  • 181 18 TEARFUL FAREWELLS AS STUDENT NURSES LEAVE KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. There were tearful farewells at the airport today when the first group of 29 Malayan student nurses eoinß to England for training left in a Malayan Airways aircraft for Singapore, where they caught a
    181 words
  • 71 18 SINGAPORE. Thurs. Mr. Chan Wing Khoon has been re-elected president of the Old Victorians' Association. Other officials elected are; Messrs. Yeo Khee Huat ana Cheong Hock Hai (vice-presi-dents); Mohamed Amin bin Mohamed Taib (secretary). Kumar Lai 'assistant secretary); K. Sutheyvall t treasurer); Yeo Hock Hye (sports secretary) and
    71 words
  • 26 18 SINGAPORE, Thurs. Water will be cut off along Loronj; 24. Geylang, between Geylang Road and Guillemard Road tomorrow from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
    26 words
  • 328 18 LONDON. Thurs. Generally unsettled conditions were seen in stock markets here today. Buyers were reluctant to extend commitments and although selling was Ugbt it was sufficient to depress prices. However, .some firm features were sprinkled throughout most sections, helped by a mixed bag of company statements. Closing middle
    328 words
  • 24 18 LONDON. Thurs. Buyers £925'j. sellers £926' 2, Forward buyers £934. sellers £935. Settlement £926'-j. Turnover a.m. 440 toes p.m. 105 tons. Tone: S.beady.
    24 words
  • 38 18 I LONDON. Thurs.—Spo: 23',;. I June 23 \A.. July 23-d.. August: 23.d.. July/Sept. 23\ii.. Oct. I Dec. 23' id., Jan., Mar. 23',d.. April/June 23',a.. c If. May; 23d, June 22 la 16d.. July 22-»d. 1 Tone: Quiet.
    38 words
  • 146 18 Letter ends 20-year search of a widow SINGAPORE, Thurs A letter which left here today will soon end a Bangkok widow's 20-year search for two lost nephews. The tetier Is addressed to Madam Chia Lye Kee. 67. whose quest spanning two il;---i ad •> was revealed in the Sunday Times
    146 words
  • 135 18 PARIS. Thurs. Detectives of the Political Affairs Branch of the Surete yesterday spent 10 hours questioning Madame Georges Bidault, wife of a former French Prime Minister who has joined the Secret Army Organisation (0.A.5.). Informed sources said the i questioning, at the In- i terior
    Reuter  -  135 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 240 18 Word* -in (Minimum, BIRTH TO NICKV .lid lloh McLroti. 2 .'i 6J mftmr, I mVmtMtt. Limiip. moUMT iti.l .l^ui^htcr well. DEATHS COM ELWVN WVLUN .i^.-rt 7 younß:.i I>rnfu> Goh Chin ..n :i (V.'. Knnfril on 4..V6:!. .1 :it 4 i-.ui for W«alt) Churcll i'hi'ut-e to ad bom b» Ood! MAIAM
      240 words
    • 109 18 \t „;M® i %mmmWßm tfwJfeM^Ta^Bir^laßr x SfcHwk v T^^a^^awQftjL. *<% fey*' .^^^HB IF YOU WANT REAL VIGOUR, YOU WANT SHAMROCK There s no better way to real fej he-man strength. Shamrock gives Ltfr] you the vigour to enjoy all the fun in life. It improves your appetite Jt BJL and
      109 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 43 18 The Weather HIGHEST and lowaal tures for Malaya and Bii .pore for t!if pi-riml 8 p. in Weonesuay to 8 p.:n. yesterdaj llislu-Nt Lawcat Kiiida Lumpur M "i Koia Bnaui M Pennng 88 I > Ipoh M Malacca 88 73 7 i atngapon 86
      43 words