The Straits Times, 31 March 1962

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 AVEBAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 100,000 The Straits Times tfotie** 1 Estd. 1845. SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1962. 15 CENTS. KDN 036
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  • 401 1 MINISTER ON N ANYANG'S POSITION- Page 11 'We cannot keep Causeway open indefinitely' Johore barrier by end of year if... STAR, Fri. The Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, said here last night that the Johore Causeway would be closed "at the end of this year" if Singapore did
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  • 28 1 MR. FELIX DX WELDON (right) and Dato Nik Ahmed Kamil, retiring Malayan Ambassador to the U.S., stand before part of the completed statuary group.
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  • 189 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. TLf R. Felix De Weldon. American sculptor commis--ITI sioned by the Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, to design Malaya's national monument commemorating the end of the Emergency, will visit the Federation on April 10. He will be accompanied by his wife.
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  • 88 1 Big alliance in offing: MCA leader SINGAPORE. Fri. The Vice-President of the Malayan Chinese Association. Mr. Cheah Theam Swee. who flew back from Jesselton tonight, revealed that the Alliance and four major North Borneo political parties would "work together In close liaison on problems of mutual Interest. Irrespective of whether
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  • 326 1 SINGAPORE, Fri. A "cover up" call has gone to wives and daughters of British soldiers here. It was made by Brigadier C. H. Stonely. Deputy Commander. Singapore Base District. In a circular to all commanding officers. The 0.0.0.. Major-Gen. I. C. Harris, was
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  • 48 1 Commonwealth and India NEW DELHI. Fri. Mr. Nehru said in Parliament today Britain's Immigration Bill was found to be based on colour, but it would not drive India out of the Commonwealth. "If we leave that may be due to wider reasons, not this particular matter," he said.
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  • 34 1 PARIS, Fri. France carried out, six successful missiles test shots in the Sahara last week, a Defence Ministry bulletin said today. Two "Agate" missiles were fired from the Hammagulr testing base.
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  • 34 1 HAVANA, Fri. All 1,179 prisoners being tried here for their part In last April's abortive invasion attempt have pleaded guilty, an official statement published in Havana morning newspapers said today. Reuter.
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  • 382 1 Now the real job of the ASA leaders lies ahead XL ALA LUMPUR, Friday. TIIK seven-month old Association of SouthKasl Asia will move into action after next week's meeting of foreign ministers of Malaya, Thailand and the Philippines at the Cameron Highlands. Up to now. mem Der countries have been
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  • 105 1 NAIR in 35 ft. CAR PLUNGE: CUTS ONLY KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. Mr. C. V. Dp van Nair. chairman of the Singapore Adult Education Board, escaped with minor injuries when his car skidded and plunged 35 feet into a ravine at the .V mile Cheras Road at 2.30 p.m. yesterday. It
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  • 122 1 A pledge on racial harmony lESSELTON. Fri. J Leaders of three political parties in North Borneo met here today and reaffirmed their desire to maintain racial harmony at all costs. The leaders were Datu Mustapha. president of the United Sabah National Kadazan Organisation, and Mr. Khoo Siak Chiew, president of
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  • 28 1 U.S. AID TO INDIA NEW DELHI, FRI United Mall berc today .innmin. two new loans totalling I million (S360.000.noO) to India repayable u\n IH years. Reuter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 68 1 MORGANS POMADE GfUfTON LABORATORIES HO hJti SSSH til s<..'*'5 <..'*' \Wkk—m* I TO PLEASE ANYBODY... ANYTIME... GIVE A PILOT A modern pen for modern people is the PILOT, an age old name in fountain pens. PILOT pens are not only for gentlemen. There are models for lodies too. And the
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    • 19 1 FINE SHOES FOR MEN CADBURYS MILK TRAY CHOCOLATES fgt your favourite Jr jB with the /Vj 3"70 to^ HBh^^^^^^^^^^*^^^^
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    • 651 2 British 'leaks' to France threatened atom accord Washington, Fri. Anglo-Ameri-can agreement on atomic co-operation during and after World War II was threatened after the liberation by British "leaks" to France, according to a book being published here today. "The New World, 1939--1946" Is the first volume of a history of
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    • 79 2 CEYLON GOVT. TO SUE NEWSPAPER COLOMBO. Fri— Mr. Felix Dias Bandaranalke, Ceylon's Finance Minister, has filed an action in the district court here against Associated Newspapers of Ceylon for recovery of 150.000 rupees (about $92,000) damages. The action arises out of publication in the leading morning newspaper, Ceylon Dally News,
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    • 131 2 Blue eyes and skin cancer: By a doctor SAN FRANCISCO. Fri.— A New Zealand doctor said yesterday tha,t people with blue eyes and light skin were more susceptible to skin cancer from exposure to the sun than those with dark eyes and dark skin. Dr. David Eastcott told newsmen he
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    • 71 2 NEW YORK, Fri. The United States yesterday Invited Russia and the other members of the 28-nation U.N. committee on the peaceful uses of outer space to visit Cape Canaveral, the launching site for U.S. space vehicles, early next month. Mr. Francis Plimpton, the U.S. .deputy chief
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    • 76 2 DURBAN, Fri- Two men who gave a lift home in the rain to exChlef Albert Lutuli. the 1960 Nobel Peace Prize winner, were discharged by a court yesterday on a charge of entering Lutuli's home reserve without a permit. The men, 19-year-old Peter de
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    • 80 2 NEW YORK. Fri. The U.N. General Assembly's committee on colonialism yesterday decided to break off its work until after a sub-committee discusses the future of Southern Rhodesia with the British Government in London. The committee hopes to dispatch the deputation within a week and
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    • 33 2 NEW YORK, Fri.— The 21Member United Nations Commission on the Status of Women has decided to call for a U.N. study off worldwide measures taken to help the working mother.— Reuter.
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    • 209 2 True age revealed, so she committed suicide |>ARIS, Pri. Tall, r y o v t hful-looking model Anna-Lisa Cameron, has committed suicide here because a scene with frontier officials revealed her true age as 40, Paris police said yesterday. Mrs. Cameron retained Swedish nationality after her wedding here in 1954
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    • 133 2 BANGKOK, Friday. »pHE South-East Asia Treaty Organisation cholera research laboratory in Dacca, East Pakistan, has found better ways to diagnose the disease, it was announced here today. The laboratory's deputy director. Dr. J. K. Stockard. said his staff had developed a new culture medium
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    • 212 2 GENEVA, Friday. •JHE United States intends next week to propose a plan to eliminating the world's national armies in nine years and replace them with a United Nations force, it was learned today. 1 The plan will be
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    • 171 2 COMMONS PASSES S. AFRICA BILL ONDON, Fri. The House of Commons last night passed a BiJl to legalise Anglo-South African relations in British law now that South Africa is outside the Commonwealth. Under the Bill. South Africa will continue to get the equivalent of Commonwealth tariff preference. One of the
      Reuter; UPI  -  171 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 17 2 ml M > ~i~'^L x-r mm Mk Ik MWm A. I\ mU I iV 1 w^ Lot i
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    • 118 2 4ft&& II ||Pm«« I) A BU^ GUARANTEE WAffE^^EM FANS ii Mt:::ejMr:::::: rrr:::rr::::::i fl W] Ijmaiayai limited. J ttmttnu wmu immm-nnim-wank mum iw. MMM lim YEE LOONG TAILOR 223, Selegie Roarf, T 2399 *Ji (Near Rex Cimwa) Siigattrt. jgfl f* ~M Hfc TAILORING IS OUR jR^^H SPECIALITY MB UMDOI TRAIMED CUTTER
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 495 3 Military conditions include a ban on Peronists BUENOS AIRES. Fri ARMED FORCES AGREE AS AN OLD FRIEND OF FRONDIZI TAKES OFFICE •JHE new President of Argentina, Mr. Jose Maria Guido, ''in agreement with the armed forces." will formally take office in a public ceremony at
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    • 68 3 PERTH I Western Australia", Fri.— Dame Margot Fonteyn, first lady of ballet, arrived here today full of praise for a dance she loves— the twist. Interviewed on her arrival from London for an eightweek Australian tour. Dame Margot was asked about the twist and replied: "I
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    • 172 3 McGregor named Far East Air C-in-C T ONDON. Fri. A 52-year-old New Zealander, Air Marshal Sir Hector D. McGregor, will become Com-mander-in-Chief, Far East Air Force, from June 10, it was announced here yesterday. Born at Walroa. New Zealand, and educated at Napier. Sir Hector joined the Royal Air Force
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    • 71 3 SAIGON. Fri.— Gen. Lyman Lemnitzer, Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, left Saigon today "pleased by everything I saw" in South Vietnam. Gen. Lemnitzer. who was scheduled to land in Taipeh later today, said winning the war against Communist guerillas here will be a long
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    • 296 3 U.S. put on escorts for Russians in retaliation for a shooting incident BONN, Friday. §IX armed U.S. military policemen were keeping a vigil outside the Russian Army compound in Frankfurt through the night to make sure that no Russians left without an American escort, an army spokesman said today. The
      Reuter; UPI  -  296 words
    • 157 3 D.S.O. for the Congo 'swagger stick' hero T ONDON, Fri. Major Richard Lawson. the sft sin tall British army officer nlcknajned "the swagger-stick hero" after his rescue last year of a priest in the Congo, has been awarded the Distinguished Bervice Order, it was announced here yesterday. The 34-year-old Major
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    • 113 3 WEST GERMANY CALLS FOR A NATO 'NUCLEAR PARTNERSHIP' DONN. Fri.— Mr. Franz- Josef Strauss, West German Defence Minister, today called for Nato "nuclear partnership without national control" at a conference here of 200 West German generals and Defence Ministry officials. But Mr. Strauss told the two-day conference that even under
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    • 91 3 Indonesian tin deal with Russia JAKARTA. Frl. Indonesia has started paying oil credits owed to Russia with tin. Col. Rudy Pirngardie director of the board of management of State Tin Mines, announced today. He said 400 tons have been shipped to the Soviet Union since November, and Indonesia was committed
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    • 30 3 MANILA. Fri. President Diosdado Macapagal of the Philippines yesterday discussed with his top economic advisers ways and means to raise funds to Implement his rive-year socio-economic programme.—Reut ar.
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      • 144 3 BRUSSELS, Frl.—Belgium may claim 247,000,000 Belgian francs (about $15,168.--000) compensation from the United Nations for damage to her citizens and goods during the U.N. military action in Katanga in September and December last year. Mr. Paul-Henri Sp?ak. Belgian Foreign Minister. said here last night. The
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      • 27 3 WASHINGTON: Senator Stuart Symington, chairman of the Senate Stockpile Subcommittee, announced that public hearings in the inquiry into the status of U.S. stockpiles would resume on Tuesday.
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      • 30 3 JERUSALEM: Five Judges of Israel's Supreme Court rejected Adolf Eichmann's requests for hearing of new evidence, then adjourned to consider their Judgment on his appeal against conviction and death sentence.
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      • 29 3 PARIS: Scientists from 25 nations have drawn up a scientific programme for observations during the international "quiet sun" year in 1964-66 when there will be a minimum solar activity.
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      • 25 3 HONG KONG: Communist China and Finland signed In Peking a 1961-62 Trade agreement, according to the New China News Agency which did not give details.
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      • 45 3 NEW YORK: Eddie Fisher, singer husband of film star Elizabeth Taylor, has left a New York psychiatric hospital to stay with a friend, his manager, Mr. Milton Blackstone said. Fisher entered the hospital "for rest and relaxation" following reports that hia marriage was breaking up.
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      • 40 3 LONDON: General Maxwell Taylor, military adviser to President Kennedy, who Is touring Western Europe, had a 70-minute meeting with Mr. Macmillan. British Prime Minister in a day of talks with British leaders, includ. ing defence chiefs, on basic defence problems.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 114 3 nek flavour 0f... Blue Valley Tc* Estate. from Cameron Highland*. V W Available in I lb. lb. < #«"g»» > «^2* and 'A P ackf rs trom all leading storei. a^ J Distributor* <mk McAlister Co. Ltd 3wr Singapore Kuala Lumpur R**vnßto» Ipoh Prnang Kuching. hn t% €a TEH BENDERA
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 495 3 RADIO MALAYA t»uiuir Otter: 10.45 Drtam nMUIW WMLMTM Dhlc>] noo cl j^ NATIONAL SHOBTWAVE DAmrt esnuj~ V rabp SERVICE 41.7 metre* RADIO SINGAPORE AM 6.00 Time Signal. Nc- mmiii \i bim ji garu-ku. News Headlines: C.05 MtDIU U M-.RWGfc Morning Melodies: 7.00 Rendez- siiortuau s%virr vous With Music: 7.30 TUuc
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  • 551 4 'WE HOPE LIM WILL BE ABLE TO SEE TENGKU PERSONALLY' SINGAPOR, Fri PARTY IS HAPPY REDS IN BARISAN' HAVE DECIDED TO MAKE PEACE WITH TENGKU I'H K People's Action Party said today that it was "happy to read that the Communists in Barisan Sosialis" and
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  • 206 4 SINGAPORE. Fri. For the r second year running, Mr. George C. C. Chan, an amateur horticulturist, won the Championship Cup at the 14th Singapore Flower show, which opened at the Happy World Stadium today. Mr. Chan scored more than 20 Class
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  • 269 4 SINGAPORE, Friday. T»HREE hunters out shooting flying-fox one night last year were seriously injured when a car deliberately rammed into them, on a pathway off Sembawang Road, a Coroner's Court was told today. As a result of the crash, i one of them died of
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  • 105 4 Che Yusof opens Army mosque CJINQAPORE. Fri. The IO Yang di-Pertuan Negara, Inche Yusof bin Ishak congratulated the British Army authorities here when he opened the Army's first mosque in the Far East, at Clementi Road today. The mosque, which cost $100,000. Inche Yusof said, "will prove to be a
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  • 69 4 THREE-DAY ULTIMATUM BY UNION SINGAPORE. Fri. The Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workers Union today gave the management of Sandilands Buttery and Co., Ltd. a three-day ultimatum to continue negotiations on the union's wage claims, or face Industrial action as from Monday. The company's general manager. Mr. C.E. Goodrich, confirmed he
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  • 31 4 MERSING, Fri.— Seven unexploded bombs, relics of the second world war, were yesterday exploded at the seaside here. They were found by a gardener behind the Assistant O.C.P.D.'s bungalow.
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  • 353 4 LONDON. Fri. The stock markets finished a quiet and uninteresting week on a .satisfactory note today. Business continued to be restrained by Budget uncertainltles but very little selling developed and a modest demand brought gains in many sections. Dated gilt-edged securities recorded small gains in response to modest
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 250 4 rss* ODEON-KATONG TONIGHT at MIDNIGHT The Untold Story Of Moloyo'i Own Herein*. Maria MENADO Noordin AHMAD A Cothoy-Keris Film With Superimposed English Subtitles Directed by SALLEH GHANI v— -TONIGHT at MIDNIGHT v SIMULTANEOUSLY AT L ODEON KUALA lumpur CATHAY Malacca J THE^srORY THAT~HAD TO BE TOLD... Of The Day PEARL
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    • 309 4 THE IA TIN AMERICAN "CIRCUS BRAZIL" NOW SHOWING AT SIGLAP 1 (In Front of Frankel Estate) Today 2 Shows:— 7 9.30 p.m. Tickets: $1. $2 $3 Special Shows on Sunday ■t 1 0.30 a.m. ft 3 p.m. 50 cents to all seats See the first ever performances of zebras camels
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    • 600 4 OBOANItATION I r^^-^ x U CHINTAI-LAH )t X s BAH AS A > t t i KEBANGS AAN I M Mlal Cknuiiitirt P>*OU Net* 4- Hiw snowing! Chonq of Tim# 11 a.m..2.15-6.15 9.15 p.m. F. SCOTT FITZGERALD i "TENDER IS THE NIGHT" J Jatmrfar Jonat Joan Fontaln* 4. CinamoScope Color
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 43 4 The Weather JIIOHEBT and lowest temperatures for Malaya and Singapore for the period 8 p.m. Thursday to 8 p.m. yesterday. Hlf heat Lowest Kuala Lumpur 91 73 Kota Bharu 86 79 Penang 85 77 Ipoh 93 73 Malacca 88 73 Singapore 84 75
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  • 720 5 SABAK BERNAM. Fri pOLLOWING a collision between a passenger launch and a motor cargo junk in the Bernam River on the night of Sept. 4 last year, as t result of which 21 lives were lost, evidence
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  • 192 5 FIVE ARRIVE TO STAFF COLLEGE KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. Five Canadians arrived here today to staff Malaya's first technical teachers' training; college. The group, all experts in technical teachers' training in various parts of Canada. Is headed by Mr. B. F. Addy. director 01 vocational education of Manitoba Province. The others
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  • 137 5 Appeal in Penang for blood donors DENANG. Fri. The Penang and Province Wellesley Blood Transfusion Association has appealed for blood donors. Thp association's (secretary. Mr. M. Rethinasamy. in a letter to the Mayor. Mr. Ooi Thlam Siew. explained that the bank required an average of 250 pints of blood a
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  • 65 5 SUNGEI PATANI. Fri. The Prime Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman, was present last night at the religious marriage ceremony of his nephew, Syed Zainul Khodhi. son of' the Kedah Mentrl Besar. Dato Syed Omar Shahabuddln The bride was Tengku Asiah binte Tengku Haider, step-daughter of Syed Irus Al-Idrus.
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  • 144 5 SINGAPORE. Fri— A school teacher. Yee Tar Swee, 30. who was on trial in the Assize Court here today on a charge of raping a schoolgirl, was acquitted and discharged by Mr. Justice Tan Ah Tah without his defence being called. The offence
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  • 262 5 Tester denies ever asking money to pass L-drivers PENANG. Friday. A BUTTERWORTH ariving tester. Hassan bin Ibrahim, today denied in court that he had ever asked money for passing L-drivers. I "It Is not true that I would fai: people taking teats If I was not paid certain sums," I
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  • 101 5 MALACCA. Kri. Pintables and fruit machines have been banned in .Malacca State. The ofticer-in-charge of criminal investigations. Deputy Supt. Heng Soon Poh, said today that letters bad been sent to all those known to operate these machines warning them that if they continue
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  • 39 5 SEREMBAN. Frt.— Mrs- J. Lorkin has been elected president of the Inner Wheel Club of the Seremban Rotary Club. Other officials elected are Mrs. Nancy Tan (vice-presi-dent). Mrs. L. Bruce (secretary) and Mrs. Gaye Cheah 'treasurer).
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  • 84 5 Malaya for Tokyo talks KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. Malaya is one of 10 countries in Asia sending representatives to a survey of audiovisual aids research and experimentation In Asia and the Far East at Tokyo from April 1 to 9. The survey is a project .sponsored by the VS. Office of
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  • 199 5 PENANO. Fri— The Mayor of George Town, 'Mr. 00l Thlara Slew, said today that eradication of the mosquito menace could be "100 per cent successful" only if the people would co-operate with the City Council. Citizens he said, should see that empty tins, flower pot.*
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 118 5 m J t^m^*#^J mm *tJ AJ Wine, dine and dance JtJwW at the well known jH Q |v> BAR RESTAURANT 9^l RAHIM HAMID MARY Sing Afl Bflt> Extension to 1 a.m. every Saturday CHEAP SALE Now On MORNING DRESSES from SI 2.00 to $29.00 COCKTAIL DRESSES $29.00 to 554.00 CAPITOL
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    • 154 5 SUPERKEMTONE DE LUXE LATEX WALL PAINT gives you more for your money it is Guaranteed washable remote finger prints and smudges with warm soap water no fading or patchiness. r I j it dries to touch in half en hour without brush or lap marks. you can paint in the
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  • 368 6 SHE MAY BE ABLE TO EAT, DRINK AND WRITE A LITTLE WITH ARTIFICIAL ARMS KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. LAI YOKE HEONG, the 18-year-old schoolgirl who lost both her arms in a motor accident last week, will have a chance to eat, drink and write a little with
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  • 50 6 MALACCA. Fri The Deputy Chief Police Officer of Malacca, Supt. Yunus bin Talib, is leaving here on three months' leave. He will tour Europe before going to Mecca on a pilgrimage. The officer-in-charge of Criminal Investigations. Malacca. Deputy Supt. Heng Soon Poh. will act in hiplace
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  • 649 6 Donation* received today from straits Times readers In the Federation amounted to $1,917.70 and in Singapore $806 making It a total of J2.723.70. KKDt RATION Anonymous. K.L. $10; Miss A Lee. Seremban. $5; Mr. and Mrs. Chuah Poh Kuau, Penaiift. $20: Baby Chuah. Penang. $5:
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  649 words
  • 72 6 PENANG. r'ri. A former house painter. Koay Wah Poh. 42. was today fined $20 lor using insulting words to an engineer, Mr. Bryan Tsou Chin Chia. at Downing Street on March 1 Woman Insp. Loh Kuen Chow, prosecuting said that Tsou was inspecting the Gorernment building
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  • 82 6 IPOH. FTl— Dr. Goh Telk Wah was elected president ol the Ipoh Rotary Club at Its annual meeting here yesterday. He will assume office for the year 1962-1963 in July. The new vice-president? are Dr. Ng Yok Hlng and Inche Ibrahim bin Hajl Moham ed Yassln. Other
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  • 56 6 JOHORE BAHRU. Frt. A Benut trader. Hajl Klchak bin Daene Betomba. 55. was rushed 50 miles to the General Hospital here this morning with buckshot In his face His family were wakened by a shot at 4 am. and found him outside his Parit Abdul Rahman
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  • 112 6 OFF GOES CLAY: RUBBER'S TOP JOB VACANT KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. §IR GEOFFREY CLAY, Malaya's first Controller of Rubber Research, left for SinganAro X in Uof <rt M soon afler completing This three-year term. Sir Geoffrey will leave for London by ship on Sunday. He turned down an offer last year
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  • 93 6 Black-out hits the capital of Perl is IfANGAR. Fri— The capital of Perlis was blacked out tin whole of last night as the result of a powrr failure. The electricity supply broke down at 3.40 p.m. yesterday. This morning an expert from Butterworth. Mr. L. Bein. arrived here to supervise
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  • 130 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. —Dr. Wolfgang Franke. visiting professor in Chinese studies from West Germany, dropped in at the University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur today to have a chat with university officials. He will return in April next year to join the
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  • 100 6 Hatta pays a visit to Penang PENANG, Fri. Dr. Mohamed Hatta, former VicePreside nt of Indonesia, arrived In Penang today for a two-day private visit. Dr. Hatta was met at Bayan Lepas airport by the State Secretary. Inche Abdullah bin Udl. and the Indonesian Consul. Mr. Zahar Ariffln. Dr. Hatta.
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  • 139 6 BUTTERWORTH. Friday. A LABOURER, Ibrahim bin Arshad, 23. was today sentenced to three months' jail for slapping a policeman and biting finger. Ibrahim was alleged to have assaulted Cpl. S. Nathan on March 4 at 12.50 a.m. at PraJ police station. Cpl. Nathan testified that
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  • 42 6 BATU GAJAH. Fri Miss Ruth Clark and Miss Joyce Miller, the American Peace Corps nurses whu were posted to the District Hospital here, have now been sent to the health centre in Jltra (Kedah) for a special threeweek training course
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  • 141 6 The Malayan scene npHIS week's Sunday Mail once more takes you behind the Malayan scene to explore the significant and the strange. Malayan features include: SAVINGS THROUGH STATISTICS the story of 1.2 million well-spent dollars A TOWN GETS THE WATER TREAT MENT a Dutchboy and the dyke drama in Malaya's
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  • 79 6 Naafi man is jailed BUTTERWORTH, Fri A Naafi salesman. Tan Teng Seng. 31, was today sentenced to five months' jail fur criminal breach of trust of $614 between Jan. 21 and March 8 this year. Inspector Ng Yoke Wens, prosecuting, told the Magistrate, Inche Ahmad Hanafi. that on March 9
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  • 100 6 PENANG. Fri. One man died early this morning and another was seriously wounded following a stabbing affray in a Chulla Street hotel la>t night. Police have detained two men for questioning. The dead man, Hablb Sved Ibrahim, and a companion. Syed Abdul Tahlr, It la
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  • 29 6 SINGAPORE. Fri. A Singapore magistrate. Mr Edward Lam Pin Poo. was admitted to the Singapore Bar by the Chief Justice. Sir Alan Rose, In the High Court today.
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  • 51 6 RUALA LUMPUR Fri —The Federation Government yesterday sent 10.000 c.c. of anti-cholera vaccine to North Borneo for use in the anticholera control campaign there. Up till the middle of this month, it had been reported that 60 people had died of the disease in North
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 135 6 Serving Malaya and the World UNITED MALAYAN BANKING CORPORATION LTD. (Incorporated in the Federation of Malaya) Head Office: 11 Ampang St., Kuala Lumpur Announce the OFFICIAL OPENING for business of their KULIM BRANCH at No. 44, Jalan Raya, Kulim, Kedah On Saturday 31st. March 1962 All Types of Banking Business
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  • 175 7 CHAMPAGNE PARTY IN SINGAPORE FOR DAME MARGOT SINGAPORE, Fri— Dame Margot Fonteyn, prima ballerina, passed through Singapore early this morning on her way to Australia for an "experimental" performance. With her were her troupe of eight members of the Royal Ballet Company of London and a complete portable set of
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  • 118 7 DATE OF ROYAL WEDDING IS FIXED KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The wedding of Sharifah Salwah, eldest, daughter of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, and Tengku Suleiman ibni Almarhum Tengku Abu Bakar, of Johore, has been fixed. for May 17. Elaborate plans are being prepared fjr the big occasion the first wedding of
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  • 53 7 SINGAPORE. FTi. A Bill amending the Motor Vehicles (Third Party Risks and Compensation) Ordinance, published today, provides that, although sums ordered by a court to compensate for personal Injuries are payable to the Publice Trustee, the right to enforce such judgments will vest in the persons benefittlng
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  • 699 7 PENANG, Friday pHEE JOO TEIK, former deputy chairman of the Butterworth Town Council, denied in the Penang Assize Court today that he had ever discussed parking spaces for buses with Cheah Ah Chee, managing director of Central Province Bus Company, before the
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  • 132 7 IPOH, Friday. 'PHE Social and Welfare Lotteries Board has given 1 $38,000 to save two ancient temples (Chinese and Hindu) and a mosque from being washed away by the sea. The Chinese temple at Paslr Pan jane Laut in the .south coastal area of the
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  • 93 7 AMENDMENT TO CUSTOMS DUTY LAW SINGAPORE. Fri The power to prescribe Customs duties for the protection of local industries will be transferred from the Yang diPertuan Negara. Inche Yusof 1 1 I>hak. to the Minister concerned, under the Customs (Amendment) Bill published today. The Minister will consider the report of
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  • 21 7 KOTA BHARU. Fri. The Party Rakyat leader. Inche Ahmad Boestamam, addressed a ra'.ly at Padang Merdelca here last night.
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  • 64 7 SINGAPORE. Fri— An elecirlcian. P. P. Sundaresan. 27. of Dunlop Street, was killed yesterday when his car travelling from Johore Bahru to Singapore collided with an oncoming car at Woodlands Road Two passengers in his car. 3. P. Arulnachalan, 29. and O. Nathesan. 39. were admitted
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  • 63 7 Examiner in ballet for S'pore A WELL-KNOWN ballet examiner Miss Jean McDonnell 'above), who is due to arrive in Singapore on April 3 to examine more than 200 ballet students from the dancing schools in the State. Miss McDonnell is an examiner from the Royal Academy of Dancing and during
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  • 86 7 PENANG. Fri.— Five men were today tentatively charged with armed gang robbery at Batu Hltam. Baiik Pualu, last Sunday. Loh Ah Bah. 21. Toh Foon Choon, 2S, Goh Foh Hee. 22. Rahim bin Ahmad. 28. and Ahmad bin Don. 30, were alleged to have held
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  • 61 7 KUALA LUMPUR Fri Chov Chong Mun. 23. and Thlan Thar Kian. 22. alias Ah Choo. were yesterday acquitted, without their defence being called on a charge of attempting to extort an undisclosed sum of money from Mar Sen at the Seng Heng Hotel at Pudu
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 144 7 A TRUSTED SYMBOL... We are pleased to announce, on behalf of SOCONY MOBIL OIL COMPANY, INC and Mobil Affiliates worldwide, the formation of MOBIL OIL MALAYA LIMITED, serving the Federation of Malaya, Singapore and the Borneo Territories. The "Flying Red Horse" and the "Mobil" emblem have long been familiar and
      144 words

  • 548 8 Citizenship appeal by educationist RUALA LUMPUR. Fri. Chinese educationist L i m Lian Geok has taken his legal battle to retain his citizenship into the fourth round. He has been granted conditional leave by the Federation Chief Justice, Dato Sir James
    548 words
  • 211 8 IPOH. Friday T<HE American InterA national Assurance Co. Ltd. is spending more than $12 million on constructing new buildings in various centres of the Federation. Mr. O. M. Hughes, president of the company, which has its headquarters In Hong Kong, told the Straits Times while
    211 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 439 8 Precision fully automized n a Undisturbed by any outward influence Eterna-Matic remains reliable year JUmstratJmoM: IS ct. goU. Mtf\+x)*t. waterproof, with A •> vm+.*u*~.k-,M*~Mvui*c*imdfi»*d«* astez yzzx. Entirely on its own accord, muomatie nitnim(Ktf. 7061 VTBI 136-1438): 1.130.00. rr j ±l is c. tou wu, I**** ura,: 433.00. w *v, it
      439 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 184 8 Buys Bunny By Baiph BeimdaM ~^PK /CARE TO |J/)f *N' WHY DON'T > LM Abner By 1# Capp WOULD MO'KJNELV BE^ />• f NAMELY, THET X WESEEN TH'SKONK X ODES "lO', Lit ABNER, KMMOI«W? > WITNESSES 7D MAH *>.( o N p IV MABRVIN-6^'.''- J FIGHT ME REFEREED TAKE THET
      184 words

  • 24 10 W»r4i tU (Minimum) IN MEMORY OF our Dearly beloved stMr Amy Illovsky nee Wong who .:,y on the 31st of March 1951.
    24 words
  • 45 10 Word, SU (Minimum) FRANCIS HENC contact Perry Imv regarding booking of Ponggol uunicalow. MR. R. RAMALINOAM, father to I: Vasantha Dcvi alias Annie Keah. <m on 5.4.M at District Hospital. Klang. Please contact Lee Chlew Sin .■His Judy at T227 Pengkalan Rama, Kowi. Malacca.
    45 words
  • 243 10 Jo Word, $10 (Minimum) THE COCKPIT'S Java Rijattafel Is served every Saturday and Sunday uinrn time. GO AHEAD! Oive her Lingerie by Van Raalte' 'cause she loves nice things. Moderns. 34 High Street, B'pore. V.I. SPEECH DAY. Wednesday 11th riease apply Headmaster for II you wish to attend. Tele;
    243 words
  • 111 10 20 Word, S2.SO (Milt.) PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH In Singapore. Orchard Road. Sunday Service 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.—All welcome. WESLEY METHODIST CHURCH, o, t-nrt Canning Road, Singapore Telephone ***** Services Sunday 7.30 ■i m., 10.00 a.m. and 5 30 i> m. Sunday School 8.45 a m Everybody Welcome. BIBLE-PRESSVTERIAN
    111 words
  • The Straits Times Saturday, March 31, 1962.
    • 641 10 When seven witnesses testifying in a preliminary enquiry into charges of the utmost gravity give evidence in court entirely at variance with statements they are said to have made to the police, the public mind must be profoundly disturbed. At the conclusion in a Kuala Lumpur
      641 words
    • 382 10 There are no consolations at all to be discovered in President Frondizi's worsting by a pack of benighted military officers in Argentina. Dr. Frondizi's rather appropriately named intransigent liberals have certainly not launched Argentina's golden age since they were swept to power in the 1958 elections (the first
      382 words
    • 209 10 The extra six hundred square feet of show space cunningly squeezed out of the nooks and crannies of Kuala Lumpur's National Art Gallery was badly needed and can be put to good use until and if— tentative plans for adopting the present Istana Negara when it has been
      209 words
  • 1015 10  - The boom that changing the face of Borneo NELSON RUTHERFURD by THE Sabahborn Chinese businessman took the packet of cigarettes courteously opened for him by the coffee, shop waiter and said mildly: "I know we don't have a single cabaret in the whole of Borneo and only one set of
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 555 10 Straits Time* Malay Mail Classified edverthjemems mey be handed to: Ist Floor COLO STORAGE AMCADB Orchard Road COLO STORAGE BRANCHES) j AT HOLLAND ROAD— KATOW KKPPCL ROAD— NAVAL BASK Authorised Agents: CITY BOOK STORE LTD Winchester House. CoUyer Quay THE NEWS FRONT FHip.Mrfck-* Supermarket M. M. MMA!L 3 Admiralty Road,
      555 words
    • 20 10 1-mmi wm straw* mi sifftrfcg tfcTMgfc oiUaM spectacles. C. S. CHONG, O. D., EVERBRKHT OPTICAL CO. 19, Chun*) Street, Singapore.
      20 words
    • 108 10 I a \W SOCIAL uniicc 3o m\M r-*MTM*Ar\ a r MALAYA 41 see. MENTHOL SARAWAK 40 a*. tTery asm Mi kaows a eood Vlroioio cloorette h mode up ef lemon-yeltow colour tobotto of s»oet-sotitryiii« to.ts. "SNOW HOUIE" Mantfcelettd clforertes have) last these superb quoltriee lam— ysWew ulsur. sweet smofcis* and
      108 words

  • 1002 11 'The old attitude of hostility is no longer valid today' TAN SPEAKS OF VARSITY AS 'A WORTHY CRADLE' OF MALA VAN CULTURE SINGAPORE, Friday fHE acting Minister for Education, Mr. S. Ra jaratnam, today appealed to Nanyang University to treat its problems as wholly educational. He
    1,002 words
  • 200 11 SINGAPORE, Friday. EVERY child under a year old in Singapore must by law be immunised against diphtheria from today. This Is the first of three stages by which the newlyamended Diphtheria Immunisation Ordinance will come Into force to ensure compulsory protection against the disease for all
    200 words
  • 51 11 SINGAPORE, Frl.— TWO French warships with more than ISO sea cadets on board which arrived at the Naval Base on Monday, will »cave Singapore tomorrow morning for an undisclosed destination. v^.ie of the ships Is a cruls»r. Jeanne d'Arc, and the other is a frigate, Victor
    51 words
  • 53 11 MALACCA. Pri.— R. Jalambah. an lft-year-old mother of a child, was found dead with her head almost completely severed in the labour lines on Gadek Estate In Pulau Sembang, 20 miles from here, early yesterday Police recovered an axe and a man was detained in TarnDin
    53 words
  • 21 11 KLANO. Fri— Mr. John C. Ling has been elected president of the Rotary Club of Klang and Port Swettenham.
    21 words
  • 149 11 Satellite tracking unit to leave varsity cjINGAPORE, Frt. The satellite tracking unit at the University of Singapore is being movea to the Koyai Naval air station at Sembawang. Improved performance can oe expected from It at the new site, where it will be free from interference from car ignition systems.
    149 words
  • 45 11 MALACCA. Fri. The Malacca Police Contingent administrative Officer. Asst. Supt. Ooh Swee Chiang, Is going on transfer to Pasir Mas. Kelantan. on April 9 aa 0.8. P.C. there. He will be succeeeded by Asst. Supt. Nulh Soon Hock, of Kuala Lumpur.
    45 words
  • 360 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Frt. rpHREE Of the four J- people discharged in a magistrate's court yesterday on a kidnapping charge were produced before two magistrates today and remanded in custody under the Prevention of Crimes Ordinance. They were Kong Peng Lam. 38, Urn Peng,
    360 words
  • 78 11 SINGAPORE. Frl. More than $2,000 worth of records and $190 cash were stolen by thieves who broke into two adjacent stores in Orchard Road last night. From Art Furniture Store, they took away the records and $65 which belonged to Miss Wong
    78 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 131 11 '•y.-y.-y.-y.'yyy.-'.'y.jKmr.-'. x-x-x-i-iv.'-x-JjMi-jm^K-f; gfci^x-ivXvXvx-x-xvXvX-x-x-x X'X*XvX*X'X***XßaF»X-X-y ■'■X"'"'"'''"X*'m'aJvfcvw^Br I' X*y iffljl KOLYNOS I £ON NT TI **U2&E I DENTAL. CREAM KOLYNOS ""^•^^r Concentrated Kolynot assures long life for your teeth because of its contiwmt high quality. It it reliable and unchanged. Concentrated Rolynot gi»e» sure protection against decay. It has been protecting teeth
      131 words
    • 229 11 For Quality insist on #f\ son VVA Shirts \s^^ in over 100 varieties t* LONG SLEEVED SHORT SLEEVED HAWAIIAN STYLE Outstanding for Smartness and Value Sola Agents: GLOBE SILK STORE Kuala Lumpur Segamat. Pa— MTV, •^■■^ittgsJEWtimtnt TvyW9^MJiMMfetoaalriflaEatßff<t '^MMF^ BUY SEMI-DETACHED BUNGALOWS AT NEW PASIR PUTEH, IPOH. Modern design for oomfort*
      229 words

    • Article, Illustration
      46 12 Fourth most iiiiiiiMMiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiim highly motorised MllMllllllMllllllilllMllllliHUilllMllllllinillllllllllllllllllllllllKllllllllMll iii'iimiiiiiiiiiimiiiiMuiiniiiiiiiiiiHiiMiiimiMiiiMiiiiiiiiiii AUSTRALIANS are the fourth most carconscious people in the world with a ratio of 3.5 persons to a vehicle. Here cars steam down Pacific Highway on the northern approaches to the Sydney Harbour Bridge during the morning peak period.
      46 words
    • 636 12 INDUSTRY CAN MEET ENTIRE DOMESTIC MARKET— AND EXPORT TOO VAST expansion pro- jects undertaken in recent years by the Australian motor industry have resulted in a production capacity of 350,000 vehicles a year. In 1948 there was virtually no production of wholly Australian -made motor
      636 words
    • 171 12 MOTORISTS living in Sydney,* capital of New South Wales, can now leave their cars in a huge underground $7 million parking station and travel on the world's longest moving footpath to and from the city's main shopping and business area. This footpath, consisting basically of
      171 words
    • 61 13 LEFT-HAND DRIVE MODELS POPULAR IN MID-EAST VISITORS aboard the Australian trade mission ship m.v. Chandpara before its departure from Fremantle, Western Australia, on Feb. 20 for a tour of 10 South-West Asian ports, inspect one of the Australian-made motor vehicles on display. Left-hand drive Australian cars
      61 words
    • 216 13 Manufacturers are following the trend on seat-belts A USTRALIAN motorists are becoming more safety conscious than ever before with attention on the use of seat belts as an important safety measure. Increasing numbers of motorists are fitting seat belts In their oars and using them even on short distances. This
      216 words
    • 84 13 $4 MIL. FACTORY TO PRODUCE DIESEL ENGINES A ROLLS-ROYCE dlesd engine factory is to be established at a cost of $4 million at Banks town. Sydney. New South Wales The chairman of RollsRoyce of Australia Pty Ltd.. Mr. G. C Remington, said recently that the factory would produce engines for
      84 words
    • 133 13 Car battery operates new pump rpO provide a self-contained 1 pneumatic tyre Inflation service for the ever-growing fleets or motor vehicles, farm tractor and earth moving equipment In use In Australia, a Sydney engineering firm has developed a new type of air-compressor unit. This Is a compact and efficient pump
      133 words
    • 227 13 Petroleum products find markets overseas DESIDES being a big D consumer of petroleum products on which the nations three million motor vehicles depend, Australia is also a regular exporter to many countries. 1 These exports of petroleum products during 1960 61 rose to 1.728,000 tons, an Increase of 434.000 tons
      227 words
    • 128 13 rE Australian Commonwealth Railways, which operates the trans-contin-ental service between South Australia and Western Australia, and other services, uses a vehicle that can travel on a roadway or a railway line. It b t motor inspection car which has completed ■early 60.000 miles in
      128 words
    • 534 13 Spare parts? Australia has them all IT MAKES THE WORLD'S LARGEST RANGE— SOME 400,000 TYPES MORE than 400,000 types of replacements and accessories arc manufactured by Australia's highly developed automotive parts industry. This enormous range the most extensive In the world covers vehicles of about 40 makes and goes back
      534 words
    • 369 14 Australia's first petrol driven car, the Tarrant, sold in 1897 gI'ILDING cars is not new to Australians. They have long had the urge to do so. In fact they gave way to this urge as far back us 6."> years ago when Herbert Thompson of Victoria, constructed a steam vehicle.
      369 words
    • 212 14 Marking of highways the easy way in Queensland rE Department of Main Roads in the Australian State of Queensland has overcome the problem of economically and efficiently painting small stretches of white dividing lines on roads with low density traffic. The marking is done by a small. three wheeled motorized
      212 words
    • 28 14 PEOPLE IN 45 COUNTRIES DRIVE AUSSIE-MADE CARS. THE 1961 Model "FK" Holden station sedan THIS Australian -built Ford Paieon coupe utility can take rough punishment and heavy loads
      28 words
    • 652 14  -  LAN DAWES By pEOPLE In more than 45 countries are today driving cars that have been made in Australia. The two largest, car manufacturers in Australia are General MotorsHolden's and the Ford Motor Company. Q.M.H. recently shipped Its 32,000 th Holden overseas, to bring the
      652 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 138 12 buy tough, tested Australian automotive products Australia builds the vehicles for your sort of roads cars that can stand up to every type of road surface smooth highways, tortuous mountain roads, bush tracks and congested city streets. Because Australians build for the most extreme conditions of climate and terrain, Australian-made
      138 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 240 13 FOR HOT DRIVERS Enjoy true driving comfort with the new improved "Wibroc" De-Luze Car Fan! Harmless plastic blades circulate cool, refreshing air. For demisting, too! A touch of the button and your silent-action "Wibroc" fan demists the windscreen. Choose colours to tone with your car. A^PaaVa^f^-^ s«pp4M cm*m> rift «s%
      240 words
    • 141 13 -A. js£^»- ujs* ,^Baw7 /ySHKml_\ I i all jyiriyii V .it ni^i ii* -jamVw T /~~A^HBm^HBa *2T"^^\ /i v£% STh» _>^i 3 I I As well as serving the automotive ML// *Aot\ industry throughout Australasia, W/^^M^L aV^/ precision made high quality genuine fel I J9% I fit Wy Repco products
      141 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 115 14 meHOLDEN WITH HYDRA -MATIC TRANSMISSION* VmmmS^mmmm^mmlmJfrU V"^ K^J Ji* y. HBtVL- 1 '<-\i i- ■^TjWMBBBMMMWMMMBfc«^L^3iS^^i^^^WHmHWHW^^^^^ H^^^^^WBMBMlfc^x^L!. Mr KP^ *^iß^^H 'jL mmmmm¥9mm |MHMH^^^^^^^^^^^MKtiMK£_^ > —the best value in fine family ears! Powerful, spacious, rugged *Gives you automatic styled for lasting admiration gear changing with S p EC|AL HOLDEN SPECIAL fluid smoothness.
      115 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1483 15 TO LIVERPOOL I WEST COAST UK Due S'Bcre Saill S'*a« p f-il CITTONCM Htvf literpeal. G'atgo* »'l'Xl| lAFRUS me". L'peal. R aim. H'fcrg HPt Apr 7 >i> 3 MEIAMPUS luiffMl. 6 asgow til. I Apr 7 AIAX l»trpo«l Apr 4 Apr I Apr 7 1 Apr II PATROCLUS li«erpeol. DufT.
      1,483 words
    • 1387 15 THE E. A. C. LINES--OSAIHNBS TO MtOITtRRANtAN, CBNTINtNTII t SCtNDINIVIAN PIRTi JUTUHOIA" II t Slilll ll Pt 11 Mar Suit! If IRA" SM IS-1I 4 Apr 5 7 Apr I I Api ■■SUAHIIA" l)t 21/13 Apt 2127 Apt ?l Ipr "lUSUAHCA" I) 71 Apr/ 4 May 5 J Mi, I;
      1,387 words
    • 1535 15 THE BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. «iii*N tHiiliM SINGAPORE tit, oo> t UPRESS SIRVICI II I*HION LIVtRP**l A CORIININIH f*ITS r*ar* P r«M -—1 lENMACIHUI (N) Hatrj. L'Mt Hlvn. M'bra >i iNAVuN K v littraaal, Hall. HamMrf W Pt/Mr 1 Apt 4/ 4 HHVMCIIE (I I.) laatM. RMtaart I. M/An 4
      1,535 words
    • 1261 15 »|-1-«mm-m UAVUBM U«k iIMII MMMM laitiMAM IM AMlilt lit FIANLItku MVM *«LL lliniE VAHCOVVII I POITUNk «I1» f CAM.SU c i U^, M Ci t itPart/'j":,, r !T t MMlln taat j»»W Udlt II Put/ 7 Apr 4 I Ipi 3 Ipr ••IMAMA IIII* 1/7 Api cm w npe» mjmwimi
      1,261 words

  • 96 16 4ELBOURNE. F*rl INVESTMENT SHARES closed 1 barely steady with trading widened by a moderate turnover. Oils were mostly lower. A.O.G. was active and closed at 90s. 6d. and rights at 745. Base metals were firmer and Loans firm. N.B. Hill 16/- Mount laa 73/Arapol 12/81 Con. Zinc. A3/-8
    96 words
  • 111 16 March SO Three monies (UNOFFICIAL QUOTATIONS) INDUSTRIALS r. N. 12 eta. Cold Storage sd. If. Box la eta. Steamship eta. Breweries 35 eta, is. Times 13 eta. Robinson 9 eta. S. Traders 25 eta. s. Darby Sd. Cnlteera IS eta. W. Jacks Ota. MINING! A. Amal 2/4» Pahanc
    111 words
  • 116 16 CHINESE Preduco Exchange tmgapera neon prloos per picul yestorday: Coconut all: bulk $3Ss sellers, drum $42 seller*. Copra: March UK/Continent $2? i buyers $28 sellers. Pepper: Jtuntok whit* $1671 sellars, Sarawak whit* $183 sellers, special Sarawak black $130 sellers, garbled Lampong black $130 sellers. ASTA $140 sellers. Singapore
    116 words
  • 358 16 From Our Market Correspondent rPHERE was little of inA terest on tbe Malayan Stock Exchange yesterday which was generally dull. The under-lying nervousness about the American stockpile intentions still persists and tin share operators are nervously holding- off. Some detected a better
    358 words
  • 22 16 Malayan Stork Indices March 29 March 30 Industrials: 178.67 170.57 Tina: 335.53 325.33 S Rubbers: 194.83 194.g> Jan. 1 195S»100.
    22 words
  • 611 16 RUSINESS on the Malayan Stock Exchange. Federation section yesterday with the number of deals in brackets: Industrials: Boustead (t.OOO) 51.68; Dunlop $1.47 OL. ON: (1,000) J1.4«. (1,000) $1.47: Gammon $1.80; J. Waußh (2.000) S2.IS Mai. Bank (1.000) »7.60 ON; M. Brew. (1,000) 13.53: M. Cement 12.60 OL.
    611 words
  • 32 16 March. 30. RUBBER PRICES SINGAPORE: 801 cento (np one-eighth of a cent). XL: 801 cents (unchanged.) TIN: 5482.37} per picul (down $1.50). Estimated unofficial offering 220 tons (up 10 tons).
    32 words
  • 212 16 APRIL firit grade rubbar buyart f.e.lj. closed at 5 p.m. In Kua!* Lumpur wrrdn? at Mi cenU par Ib. unrhntiKCd on Thursday'a closing price. The ton* was idl*. Federation of Malaya Rubber ■>■ change < lowing piicea In centa par lb. yesterday: Int. 1 R. 8.8.
    212 words
  • 216 16 APRIL EMI grade ruaaer buyart I c.c. > losed Rt 4. 50 p.m. In Singapore yexterdar Ht SOI centu p*r Ih up one-eighth of a cent on Thursday Honing pri<r. Th» i losing ton* wan Idle. S C.C.R.A. closing price* in cent« per lb. yesterday: Int. I
    216 words
  • 511 16 I npHE week was remarkI able for the complete change of pace that occurred report H.C.B. Co. Ltd. in their current review of the Singapore Rubber Market. The trading pattern of recent weeks was obliterated and the market has languished in listless indolence, adds the report.
    511 words
  • 206 16 SNIPS lyinn alengtlde »n. llnitpwi >mm tod«y «r»: Mem; Uord 46. Klkuko Maru 88/39. Prea. Oarfleld «2/43. Chuprn 89/3*. Ooaal 4S. Anas Maersk 27/28. Boaaalovltle 59 SO, Van Cloon 21/23, Ferabrook 44. Asiao IS/16. Anil N'W. S Omar midi: betlrt, Almoo. Pusparssjam. Aktmrrasan. Angkor. Tone Hoo.
    206 words
  • 196 16 'FHE price of tin in Singapore yesterday fell by x $1.50 to $482.37 J per picul on an offering of 220 In London overnight tin presented a basically steady appearance. As the session progressed, the market had to contend with rather freer
    196 words
  • 138 16 rpME Malayan Encrtania ■snkt' Atte- ciatien made inrs* cnanses la It* tates to mercbaui; vesierda* (all r»t»- to $HKI> New Vsrk: huyint TT 3:' Tt. arf. mail OD 33. WO d st 33 1/4 credit bills. 33 trade bills. Canada: buying, TT 34 9/IS. airman OD 34 6/ft.
    138 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1008 16 BaY ati^. T^m\ H^sb^^sb^^^sb^S \Y- KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA. LTD. Ixpraia UJi^V. PpMtfltj tit Atlafltto G*)tMM B— etaja ti* da fia tia rtert n-ient mi»i» a. F'otet aommm n. van «»ni- n/J« Apt ft Apr 14 Mty 21 Mty O sfiy law Kstttawa Mart" 25 27 May 31 May Mjstt 21
      1,008 words
    • 585 16 m 1 \gOLP STAR ITnTI South 6c West Africa Service PAN nadin Sintapon 21/21 Apt rtm n 21/2) Mil Fit L. MIRQUU. OURBtN, CArETOWN, kUUDI. UCOS/»P»P». P. MtRCOURT. 4CCU hsU. uktMUDI 4IIOMH. MONROVU a FREETOWN •JTMgj ITM SOUTH I WESI AFRICAN POBTS. TAPPUZ UaTng fir H«t toaf/IM/Osaka/YtMau 21/23 Mr Agent,
      585 words
    • 741 16 UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE DIPLOMA IN HIBLIC til M ill The University invites application* for ucimi-wioii to the iau:.-e lor (he Diploma in Public Healtlt in the session 1962-3 which commences ci Id May 1902. Applications must ho Minmituvt on prescribed lorni> wi.vii m..v oe obtained from the Hi > «iMr..r.
      741 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 764 17 (Continued from Pace lt) SITUATIONS VACANT BOX A 6756 S.T. Position filled. Applicant* thanked. WANTED GENERAL COOK Amah live in for European couple with on* Child. Apply Box A6X47 S.T. B'pore. POSITION OF Laboratory Trainee AsM-tant in The Royal Singapore Cbest Clinic now tilled. Applicant* thanked. TO THOSI who answered
      764 words
    • 745 17 ACCOMMODATION VACANT Words to (Mln.) Box it eta. a*tn AIRY ROOM trurnished at district 10 suitable erortdns girl, bachelor or couplrs without child Pfoase Pbone is porei »2hib rturinK offlce hoars. UN FURNIIHID ROOMS Quiet Res-I d-nttal Area, near bu* routes. View 2 Jalan Mania off 8L Michael Road Bar*
      745 words
    • 960 17 HOUSES m LAND FOR SALI M Word, (Mln.) -Box It eta, astro TO LIT or mi* two new double storey bouses three bedroom* modern sanitation carporch Malacca. Loan available. Repl> Box A 327 S.T.. K.L. KINO ALBERT PARK. Vacant residential land on elevated position, approxlmatsly 37,000 sq.ft. ill conveniences. Very
      960 words
    • 1011 17 EDUCATION M Word, to (Mln.}— Bom ft eU. txtrm CAMBRIDOI SCHOOL CERT., and ITsrhai H.C. Wotasy Hall Oxford (Eat. ta 1884) piovtd** soeeessful Tuition oy Post tor these e"mnf— aitftMT for Loo* don University Pag-***; A.C.P. DipMOM lor tea on an: Law; other Exams 20.000 soeeisasa smce 1044, Prospectus raasßoa
      1,011 words
    • 861 17 VEHICLES FOR SALE It Wurit to (Mln.}— Bom M cts, matrm RINAULT 7.5 HP. 4 door saloon with auto-clutch. First registered 56. Phone 2*496 or ***** (Spore) NSU PRIMA 111 1060 model regularly serviced good condition price $750 0.n.0. Ring Andrew TB6M-S5 (Spore). VOLKSWAOIN TMI 8.000 miles $4,600. Phone *****
      861 words
    • 884 17 VEHICLES FOR SALI It Ward, to (Min.)— Bom H ets. txtrm CHEVROLET Imnala/radlo. 1061 Austin 850/ radio. lt*6o Triumph Herald faioon/rad.o. lyiP Ford Qalaxle 000/ radio, airconditioner, Kord Anglla. IM7 Ford Consul. Austin Cambridge 1086 Standard Ten. Volkawagrn, 10U Standard eight. MO Magnette, 1084 Austin Homerset Convertible. 10M Minor 4-doors
      884 words
    • 741 17 FOR SALE M Word, to (min.}— Box it eU. «*tre XXXMI OOUBLI DICKER Beds. Metal FoMtac Beds. Wrought Iron Standard Lamps, Bookcases, Ola** Cabinet*. Heat Safes. Double and single Sramberland Mattresses. Sitting Koora Seta. Blaokwood Chairs and Tables. Carapborwood Cbests. Opium TaMes. Cocktail Caoineu. CoU. Play Pen* Prams, Carpets, Ross,
      741 words
    • 279 17 WHERE TO STAY (Feel.) fs Wer*. IJf Minimum) Dalit I month. U Word, StJ* (Mtn.) JOHORE HOTEL J.B. Dancing lontgtat 12 Air-conriitlonrd Room* Pnon* 2385/6. STRAITS VIEW MODERN Hotel room 512.00, air conditioned plua (2.00. Phone J.B. ?I.U'«. WHERE TO EAT (Spore) M Word, Ut (Minimum) DaOm I month. In
      279 words

  • The Straits Times SATURDAY FORUM
    • 437 18 Merger and Malaysia THE PLAIN CHOICE FACING SINGAPORE AM a plain man, an ordinary officeworker, unskilled in political art. But I am learning fast from the squabbles of our politicians. Particularly enlightening is the way in which certain politicians twist the meanings of the words of their opponents to suit
      437 words
    • 105 18 LOVE OVER THE AIR... CINCE when has it been 0 the policy of Radio Singapore for an announcer to make love over the air? In the case of one announcer, I can practically feel him breathing down my neck with his "sexy." breathless whispers. Breathing that Is more audible than
      105 words
    • 298 18 The Barisan Sosialis: A quote out of context IN their reply to the Tengkus "close the causeway" threat the Barisan Sosialis on March 27 quoted me from the PAP "Tasks Ahead" Vol. I, page 23, as follows:— "It would be foolish in the extreme for on* territory to take temporary
      298 words
    • 596 18 Tax liability: Does Singapore face a heavier burden? MR. CASEY'S letter (S.T. March 27) is remarkable for three things. First, its failure to provide the clarification which was its alleged object; second, the choice, for Mr. Casey's examples, of cases which are not materially affected one way or the other
      596 words
    • 54 18 r seems that the health authorities are not aware of the conditions of Bridge Btreet Packing of cotton from bales into small bundles is done In the street between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. You can imagine how irritated we are when tiny bits of cotton get into
      54 words
    • 118 18 IHAVE "peeped into the future" (the proposed Trade Union House) and am very disappointed to notice yet another lump of concrete purporting to be a modern building in Singapore. Why can't Singapore, like Kuala Lumpur, be noted for fine buildings with an Eastern architectural design? However, no
      118 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 225 18 Wttlinitlllllllll!lllC31llllllll!!ICJIMIIIIIIIIIC:illlllllllllC3!llllll!lllltlllMimillltjmiUI1i Modern, striking flooring f enhances the beauty of your home! '1 1 < 5 B t ieVssi :r m^ tr 4B*" Aitii g^tft jtZ7 < E Jo*^^—d LUXURY STYLINGI EASY CLEANING! LONGEST WEAR! The modern home today i* never quite perfect without a beautiful f100r... a Kentile floor, Economical
      225 words
    • 116 18 EFFECTIVE ana ECONOMICAL T00... decorative COLORCEM cement based paints, manufactured from special Portland cement are ideal for use both indoors and outdoors and can best withstand the i extremes of tropical rain and tropical sunshine. For greater coverage 1 and. economy -specify COLORCEM paints, available in fifteen A different attractive
      116 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 332 18 Straits Times Crossword ACBO6S about a penny (8). 1. Wrltar oa« a quarrml about Come round again for m* ior-ged note*, right In a flre curtains (5) London thoroughfare (11, 9>. 7. Surpass public work. In *ort I. Ifwda a number to carry a (7). broken crate or fruit King
      332 words

  • 586 19 CALJI (late IJ BJf Turf Cfl ing. A formß previous gymraH At Ipoh in V Salji scored a rV 8 length win In 12th Royal LancerM with 12.12. W His win in the onH Pensioner's Cup with l^H Bukit Timah in January even more impressive. Oivin|| Whiz Pah and
    586 words
  • 112 19 CINGAPORE, Fri. Honda Factory of Japan will send one more rider to represent them at the forthcoming Malaysia Orand Prix on April 22 and 23. In a cable to their Singapore agent today, the factory stated that they have decided to enter an
    112 words
  • 39 19 KTJALA LUMPUR, Pri.— The opening matches in the women's Inter-state soccer competition for the Btraits Times Cup will be played on Apr. 8. Johore will meet Malacca at Kluang and Negri Sembilan will play Singapore at Seremban.
    39 words
  • 396 19 LONDON. Fri. BY the form book, Tottenham Hotspur and Burnley should win their Football Association Cup semifinals tomorrow and provide what has been hailed as potentially the best Final of the eenturv. But it Is a time-worn adage that notning is certain in the FA.
    Reuter  -  396 words
  • 373 19 Nicolus Silver is 13-2 favourite LIVERPOOL. Fri. Visitors from all over the world will be trekking to historical Aintree just outside this no led seaport tomorrow to watch what is generally regarded as the world's greatest steeplechase, the Grand National. This tough chase with its 30 formidable obstacles, win be
    Reuter  -  373 words
  • 99 19 T^JEW YORK. Fri. Officials ll at Roosevelt Hospital announced today that there has been no improvement In the condition of stricken boxer Benny 'Kid Paret during the past 36 hours. "He continues In a moderate coma." the hospital bulletin read. "He occasion ally makes purposeful movements
    99 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 652 19 Mook^l pany. Telus^H from 31.3 62 and^^^Bl'authority to collect any nHey or goods or transact any business on behalf of the said company. P.W.D. NOTICE The roadway at the level crossing at Telegraph Pom No. 91/5 on Jalan Plntu Oerbang. Sungel Siput, will be dosed to traffic for repttrs to
      652 words
    • 159 19 WB^^^^m^^^^Bi I rENERAL CONTAINER COMPANY LIMITED i S4. Jalan ScwaaL Jektere Bahr*. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN j that as this Company will be under new management, all credltors of the Company are requested to send tn their claims or debts against the Company on or before the 6th April 1962
      159 words
    • 880 19 NOTICES SZE UAI TONG BANK LTD. SINGAPORE 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Extraordinary General Meeting of the share-holders ot tbe above Company will be held at the i See Hal Tong Bank Building. No. 1 67 Chulla Street, Singapore, OB i Saturday. 31st March 1963 at Is o'clock
      880 words
    • 842 19 TENDERS J.KJL TENDER NOTICE TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY OF PALLET RACKS AT WORKSHOP PERSEKUTTJAN. With reference to the advertisement of 26th and 37th March 1962. Inviting tenders for the sapply of pallet racks by Jurutera Jentera Penguasa. Wokshop Pertffiitu*". Jabatan Kerja Raya, Jalan Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, on 10th April. 1962
      842 words
    • 615 19 JJUL KED4H Applications are invite* for the post of Quarry Supervisor in the Scale $488x30-*5«B. Applicants should have had 15 years' experience in quarrying of which 10 years should have been In a responsible supervisory capacity. Applications for appointment should be submitted on Form PjB.C.I (obtainable from any Government office)
      615 words

  • 311 20 p re go ahead ■VERNMENTAr^ROVES KALLANG PLANS the track. He added, however, that belore work could begin representatives of the Kartlng Club and Singapore Amateur Cycling Association will have to n.eet the Oity Architect to work out details of the track. Ultra-modern Regarding the ultra-mod* em swimming .stadium. Mr. Tail
    311 words
  • 49 20 F.A.M. goalkeeper Wona Ming Khing makes a daring .save from the feet of Sporting Cristal centreforward Alberto Gallardo in the soccer match in Ipoh on Thursday. Behind Gallardo is right back Yee Seng Choy. The tourists won 4—l.— Straits 'Hmes picture.
    49 words
  • 72 20 PENANG. Fri. Mr. Soon Cheng Sun was elected president of (he Penaiii; Liiwn Tennis Association at the annual general meeting held in the Sports Club la.'t night. O.P Pallot and Oh Lock Heng were elected vice-president with J. Rajendran as hon. secretary. Ronnie Soon asst. Hon. secretary,
    72 words
  • 124 20 MGA opens tourney to all amateurs J£UALA LUMPUK. Fri— The Malayan Golf Association has decided to open its annual amateur tournament, hitherto confined to players in Singapore and the Federation, to all amateurs. Invitations have gone out to India. Burma, Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippine*. Singapore. Vietnam and Australia. The four-day
    124 words
  • 69 20 PORT OF SPAIN. (Tr.nidadV Fri. Indian Test cuptain Nari Contractor is making good propres> after his recent brain operation, says t«am manager Giuliani Ahmed. Contractor, who is in a Burbadas hospital, may come to Trinidad for further TPatment if doctors feel lie it fit to travel. Contractor
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 36 20 KLANG. Fri. Klang Hindu Youth OrKanisation are champions of the Klang District Hockey League, having won all their matches. High School Old Boys Association, who los their only match to H.Y.0.. tire runners-up.
    36 words
  • 219 20 schools sc WANT TO SEND TEAM TO ABC MEET SINGAPORE. Fri. Slnga- pore Combined Schools Sports Council is seeking approval from the Ministry of Education to send a team of six players to the Asian Badminton Confederations Individual championships at Kuala Lumpur from Apr. 21 to May 7 The players
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  • 102 20 CEREMBAN. Fri. Kegri will hold a stale cricket trial here tomorrow and Sunday in preparation for their M.C.A. match against Pahang on Apr. 7 and 8. The tnaliMv an: Gunendran XI: Dr S. Ounendran (cnpti. C. Riimanath.m. C. Navaratnam. Baldev Singh, W. P. Dethoit Lakb-.r Singh. A.
    102 words
  • 138 20 SINGAPORE. Fri. Singapore Combined Schools ■od i v named 18 players to travel to« Itimpur on Sunday to meet Federation Schools In the school* soccer international at Mprdeka Stadium on Monday. Among th»-ni are etfrht olayers .^elected to represent Singapore in the
    138 words
  • 69 20 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri.— The Stlungor women soccer team left hen- tonight for Singapore for their friendly match agaiiiM Singapore women at Jalan Besar Siodium at 7 p.m. tomorrow. The Sehtngor line-up will be wtaotH from: Dulcie BoudviUr Ruby Ahmnd. Hone Kel. Audrcv" Keun. Daph:ne Bond v
    69 words
  • 30 20 IN Proud And Loving Memory of our dear Mother. N« Kwee Kee (Mr*. Lav Cliaik Tonpi wlin Dasv*<i away suddenly on 31 3.1961. Inter ed by her children
    30 words
  • 321 20 This weekend WOMEN'S SOCCER THRILLS in STORE KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Soccer, hockey, cricket and golf dominate the sporting scene in the Federation and Singapore this weekend. Chief interest will be centred on the visiting Peruvian soccer team, Sporting Crlstal. who play their third match against F.A.M. Selection at the Merdeka
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  • 27 20 SINGAPORE. Fri. Singapore Amateur Fcotball Association will hold a picnic for its players at Wyman's Haven on Sunday from 9 a.m. to 3 p m
    27 words
  • 575 20  -  F. SALAHUDIN ri7 Singapore, Fri. AS Singapore Civilian^ appear to be stronger in A batting and Services better equipped in bowling, this weekend's annual cricket match on the padang should be one of the most keenly-contested in the series which started in 1949. Civilians
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  • 79 20 SINGAPORE. Fri. The SiUßapore Joint Services Bide to meet Sporting Crtstal, the top Peruvian soccer team, at Jalan Becar stadium on Friday. April 6. will be selected from: BAC Collins. Marine Mosely. L' Cpl. Bateson. SAC Etfwards. L/Sea. Atkey. L'Sea. Ashworth. CT Harrhy. Gunner Pettit. Cpl.
    79 words
  • 126 20 SOCCER RAHMAN LIP <Penang): Penang Combined Schools 4 Kedah-PerliK Combined Schools 1. SPORE DIV. 2D: RAP TefiKah 3 CA A' 0. HOCKEY MALACCA KO. High School 8 26 Field Regt. 0. CABLE SPORT BADMINTON: Canadian Ooen. Momrp*l— Men's singles MUnals: P. Sonnoville (RI) bt B. tJahlfbent <S»etl. 15-12.
    126 words
  • 351 20  -  LIM KEE CHAN By Singapore, Friday A YOUNG Singapore sportsman has decided to sacrifice a chiuice of representing Singapore at tennis at the Asian Games in Jakarta in August in order to play cricket— his first love instead. Twenty-six-year-old
    351 words
  • 144 20 AUCKLAND. Fri. Peter Snell. o£ New Zealand, said on Thursday he is willing to match strides with American champion Jim Beatty either in the mile or half-mile race in the Los Angeles Coliseum relays In June. Snell plans to compete in the Modesto (California) relays during Mis
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 40 20 Lilt 4* CLASSIFIED AOVERTISEMENTS 20 icords $10 < Minimum) SIOW: To Yvonne and Watt Choon a daughter Pamela Su Lin on 29th March 1962. NO CHONO: Chin Choy to Lam Ylu< at the Registration Office Kuala Lumpur on 31 3 fi2.
      40 words
    • 31 20 MONDIA TWINS El. Aj "VvL^^K a Quality Timepiece. f r f L Bf dill o iJ AUTOMATIC DAY-CALENDAR MfS^lßj Ifi/l SEETHE lkiK4jLj3i I FABULOUS MONDIA TWINS AT ANY GOOD WATCH DEALERS,
      31 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 169 20 SPORTS DIARY SOCCER TOIR MATCH: FAM Selection v Sporting Cristal < Merdeka Stadium. 8 p.m.). STORE DIV. 3A: RAF Teneah A 1 v STB <O«ylanr». Friendlieii: Spore Youths v RAF Seletar (8 p.m.): Spore women v S'Ror women c 7. both mutches at Jn. Besar) Dunman Pioneers v 42 Commando
      169 words