The Straits Times, 23 March 1962

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS IIMMMIII Nat*** 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845. FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1962. 15 CENTS. KDN 036
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  • 215 1 F ■^b^^^b^Bm ißH^^B^B^Bk d^B^Bk d^B^k Wmm Am^Lm f^B^BB CB^BB VA^^ ff^BBIBV m^m^^^m^^ m^m Wmmmm^^mmH^ mmi a^a^B a^aiwßV^ aav^v m^m -w Geneva delegates to be told of failure Neither side will give way QENEVA, Thurs. Russia, Britain and the U.S. today de- dared themselves i hopelessly deadlocked over the
    Reuter  -  215 words
  • 129 1 MOSCOW, Thurs. Soviet cosmonauts will soon be landing their spaceships themselves, the Soviet Army newspaper Red Star said today. The newspaper said that Soviet cosmonauts Three and Four would probably be called upon to carry out for more complex actions than did Major Titov during his flight
    Reuter  -  129 words
  • 326 1 Rooftop Whites in Algerian grenade terror OHAN, Thursday. gI'ROPEANS on rooftops used grenade throwers lo attack Muslims in the Oran Casbah this afternoon. Twenty-two Muslims, among them many women and children, were wounded in the grenade explosions, a police communique said. Strong police forces were rushed to A machine-gun burst
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  • 99 1 SINGAPORE. Thurs— New Zealand's Defence Minister, Mr. Dean Eyre, who flew into Singapore tonight, said his Government had not yet worked out the role of its forces in future Malaysia. Mr. Eyre will be meeting the British Defence Minister. Mr. Harold Watkinson. and the Australian
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  • 68 1 COLOMBO. Thursday. pEYLONESE health officials today appealed to the world for-anti-polio vaccine to fight an epidemic on the island. The Health Minister. Mr. Alexander Jayasuriya. sent the appeal to many countries, asking for. more vaccine to supplement the stock already sent by Britain in a
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  • 51 1 MEXICO CITY. Thurs. Mexico has agreed to a fiveday courtesy call by the Dutch submarines Dolfijn and Seeleeuw to the Paclßc port of Manzanlllo. expected to start on March 24, a Dutch Embassy official here said last night. The submarines would afterwards sail for an unknown destination—
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 23 1 LONDON. Thurs.— The British Bank rate was cut by one half per cent to five per cent today.— Reuter.
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  • 18 1 TOKYO. Thurs. An Indian mission is due in Japan shortly to buy air defence radar. Reuter.
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  • 79 1 OURNLEY, Thurs. Sixteen miners were killed and 40 others were injured when an explosion ripped j through a coal pit 750 feet below ground at the i Hapton Valley Colliery near here this morning. A spokesman said there was no fall in the pit and no
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  • 25 1 HELSINKI. Thurs. President Urho Kekkonen of Finland has accepted an invitation by President De Gaulle to make a state visit to France. Reuter.
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  • 278 1 MISS LAI WINS MALAYA'S HEART KI'ALA Ll'MPl'H. Thursday. gCHOOLGIHL Lai Yoke Heoiig, 18. who had both her arms amputated this week after a road accident, has captured the hearts of people throughout Malaya. All around her bed in the General Hospital ward today were bouquets of flowers from well-wishers and
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  • 156 1 Six million offer to fight JAKARTA. Thurs. About six million 1 Indonesians have registered as volunteers for the "liberation" of West Irian, it was stated here today. Col. Sokowati, fifth assistant to the Army Chief of Staff, told a Press conference that many had already received training and a seat
    Reuter  -  156 words
  • 33 1 CAHOKIA. Illinois. Tlnirs. Joseph Fernandez was frozen to death yesterday when a valve exploded on a Mississippi river barge, spraying him with liquid ammonia. kept at 40 degrees below zero. —U.P.I.
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  • 24 1 NEW GOVERNMENT BI'CNOS AIRES,.ThurA new Argentine Cabinet will be sworn in on .Monday, the Presidential office announced m a communique today.— -Reuter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 101 1 FINE SHOES FOR MEN Rolex Day-Date possibly the most brilliant and distinguished time piece in the world The Rolex Day Date: Following m the proud tradition of the Datejust. Rolex introduce their latest creation tor men the Day-Date An Officially Certified Chronometer with ttie coveted mention Especially good results": I(XH
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  • 142 2 AVERELL, SARIT— AND RED PERIL BANGKOK, Thurs. The U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs, Mr. Averell Harriman, met the Thai Prime Minister. Marshal Sarit Thanarat. here today to discuss the Communist throat in South-East Asia. Mr. Harriman. on hl.s arrival yesterday, told reporters he would continue discussions
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  • 72 2 JAKARTA. Thurs. The whole province of West Java would be free of illiteracy "by Aug. 17 this year." according to Col. Mashudi, Governor of the province. Professor Prijono. Minister for Basic Education and Culture, has similarly announced that, in accordance with the
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  • 35 2 CAPETOWN. Thurs.— South Africa is to spend £24 million more on defence this year, the Finance Minister. Dr. Eben Donges. announced here today when he Introduced a "budget of national security."— Reuter.
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  • 336 2 U.S-Russian space talks to begin NEW YORK, Thurs. UNITED States and Soviet experts last night swiftly followed up the latest exchanges on space cooperation between President Kennedy and Mr. Khrushchev. They agreed to meet on Tuesday in New York to begin talks on the technical details. Delegates A United States
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  • 274 2 Germany checks charges against Minister |>ONN. Thurs. The West German Bundestag (lower House) yesterday decided to investigate allegations that Mr. Franz-Josef Strauss, the Defence Minister, had misused his official position. It unanimously approved a Social Democratic (Opposition > motion setting up an investigating committee to consider whether: O Mr. Strauss
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  • 24 2 OSLO. Thurs. U Thant, acting U.N. Secretary-Gene-ral, has accepted an official invitation to visit Norway. No date has been fixed.—- Reutw.
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  • 97 2 MONTY SAYS: DON'T SPEND MILLIONS ON BASES LIKE SINGAPORE T ONDON. Thurs. Field Li Marshal Viscount Montgomery, former Nato Deputy Commander Allied Forces, Europe, said yesterday that on no account should millions of pounds be spent in building barracks and shore establishments in such places as Singapore and Aden. Speaking
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  • 84 2 WASHINGTON. Thurs.— The White House said yesterday that President Kennedy would issue today a directive concerning the United States stockpile of strategic materials. The presidential spokesman. Mr. Pierre Salinger, said the Presidents directive would be linked direct- ly to Mr. Kennedy's request of last January that an
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  • 145 2 Korean head of State quits SEOUL. Thurs. Tha South Korean President. Mr. Po Sun Yun. today officially announced his resignation. Mr. Yun said In a statement that one of his reasons i.s bla opposition to the law adopted by the Supreme Council last week to restrict the candidacy of former
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  • 39 2 UNITED NATIONS. New York, Thurs.— Eight nations including Japan. Britain, and the United States, today called on the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women to press for full political rights for women in all countries.— Reuter.
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  • 164 2 NEW YORK. Thursday. nnHE U.N". General Assembly's special committee on colonialism yesterday heard two more members brand Southern Rhodesia a British colony and call for its independence. The representatives of Tv- nlsia and Yugoslavia joined Afro-Asian and Communist speakers disputing the British contention that the
    UPI  -  164 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 151 2 J^Ly >^ F° r Malaya's Most Challenging Car ■R Vltt V the Moisis \l\ f >^ MINI MINOR m/ 0 1 .'Jr.- IBi > 1 ll*^ '*m\ Greater Luxury Here's Mini-Motor*ng in the Grand Manner still with the same wonderful up-todate-50-miles-per-gallon ■INSIDE AND OUT economy and seating for four adults.
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    • 22 2 You'll be SAFER on 3 ROMA /£o&b\ BOc.c > Mm Scocfer ROBINSON CO. LTD. fin COLDS.4C*£S *W PA/MS TIGER OIL INC *M fWH
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 188 3 New war planned, says Syria TiAMASCUS. Thurs. Premier Ma'arouf Dawalibi told the Syrian Parliament last night that Israel was planning another attark against Syria. He said: "Israel has called up reserve troops for another treacherous aggression against us." In last week's seven -hour frontier battle on the eastern side of
      Reuter  -  188 words
    • 83 3 LONDON, Thursday. /GOVERNMENT estimates published yesterday v foreshadowed a jump in Britain's spending in the 1962-1963 financial year. They further underlined the generally-held Impression that the taxpayer can expect few concessions from the nations annual financial budget due to be announced on April 9.
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    • 35 3 OTTAWA, Thurs. Three Canadian NCOs have been severely reprimanded and fined $100 each for smuggling opium or gold In IndoChina. Mr. Douglas Harkness. the Defence Minister, said in the Commons yesterday. Reuter.
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    • 83 3 "T ET'S have a round of cards" now means what ir says— for the circular deck is here. Doreen Bucknell, 22. holds a winning hand of the new round cards produced by John Waddington and Sons Limited of Leeds, the world's largest ma nufacturers of
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    • 201 3 SECRET WEST IRIAN TALKS CONTINUE WASHINGTON, Thursday. r\UTCH and Indonesian diplomats yesterday con- tinued secret efforts to find a formula for a peaceful settlement of the West New Guinea (West Irian) dispute. Usually re liable sources said representatives of the two countries were going ahead with the private discussions they
      Reuter  -  201 words
    • 49 3 JAKARTA. Thurs.—General A. H. NaSution. Army chief and deputy Com-mander-in-Chief for the liberation of West Irian, has arrived in Macassar for a tour of the military establishments in the area intended to provide for the invasion of Dutch-held West New Guinea, it was announced today —Renter.
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    • 31 3 TEHERAN. Thurs. Shah of Persia and Empress Farah will pay a state vt.^lt to the United States beginning on April 10 at the invitation of President Kennedy.—Reuter.
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    • 140 3 LAGOS, Thursday. A £670 MILLION development scheme to set Nigeria on the road to industrialisation was outlined by Dr. Azikiwe. the Governor-General at the State opening of the new session of parliament here yesterday. He sard the programme drawn up in close collaboration with
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    • 250 3 Argentines crisis: Out go all Ministers BUENOS AIRES, Thursday. ALL Argentina's Ministers and the secretaries of the three branches of the armed forces have tendered their resignations in the crisis after the electoral victory of ex-dictator Juan Peron's supporters. President Arturo Frondlzl U starting consultations on 'a coalition. Banks, the
      Reuter  -  250 words
    • 64 3 JOHANNESBURG. Thurs.— The second anniversary of th< Sharpeville shooting passed almost without incident yesterday barring a «catt?red rash of signpainting and leaflet showers in parts of this city. But a strong police force was on hand in case of trouble over the Sharpeville incident, when police
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    • 45 3 GIBRALTAR. Thurs.— The British anti-submarine frigate Rothesay and a Turkish submarine were damaged when they collided in the Straits of G4braltar yesterday. Three casualties from the submarine, which was on the surface, were landed when it reached Gibraltar— Router
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    • 26 3 HONG KONG. Thurs.— The public transport advisory pommittee is discussing the possibility of Introducing non-smoking compartments in buses and trams— Reuter not odmcti d
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 158 3 The VICTA Four Star levels jungle growth quicker, cuts lawns finer. Takes care of the edges too no more back breaking hand clipping. And, x>f course, the VICTA grasscatcher is the newest and most efficient way of clippings collection! Why not invest in a VICTA Four Star to-day? Available from:SINGAPORE:
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    • 301 3 II MORE and MORE fl PEOPLE ARE OPENING BANK DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS II LOMBARD ""BANKING SECURITY Share Capital and Resent* exceed £12,000,000. INTEREST Your funds earn interest fro« the day you deposit until th« day you withdraw. SAVING No Charges, Brokerage, Commission. lees or Stamp Duties. SAFETY N° Capital Depreciation. JMMjI
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 445 3 RADIO MALAYA RADIO SINGAPORE N SHoItTWA Vt SHOKTWWK SERVICt >KK\Kt: ll.i mrtrps ii melrcs 6 Ne O ws Tlni He. B fc; '705 Morning Melodies; 7.00 Renciez- 4 6 «•>*•«*• vous With Music: 7.30 Time Sir- A.M. 6.00 Good Momlng: 6.02 nal. News: 7.35 Breakfast Club: Morning Prelude: 7.00 The
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  • 317 4 LEADERS OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY CALL FOR WIDESPREAD USE OF NATIONAL TONGUE SINGAPORE, Thursday. 'pHH Singapore, Chinese and Indian Chambers of Commerce and the Singapore Manufacturers' Association today pledged full cooperation for the State's first National Language Week beginning on Monday. Officials of the Malay Chamber of
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  • 115 4 LIONS CLUBS WORKING FOR WORLD PEACE rpHE president of the Lions 1 International, Mr. Per Gnstav Stabl (above) who was entertained to dinner last night jointly by the Singapore Lions Club, the Singapore Lions Club East, and the Johore Bahru Lions Club at the Rosee d'Or. Mr. Stahl. who flew
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  • 91 4 SINGAPORE, Thurs—Sixteen police officers of the Polls Wegara have been made Assistant Superintendents of Police, It was announced today. i he new ASPs were picked from 44 inspectors who appeared betore the Public Service Commission earlier this month. They are Messrs. J. Singh Khosa, Prltam
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  • 116 4 SINGAPORE, Thurs. Seven employees of Ford Motor Company were charged In the Singapore Ninth Magistrate's Court yesterday with rioting. Tan Hock Beng. Low Slew Kee, Ying Fok Hee. Llm Lon Tim. Chlng Ming Wei. Yong Mok Lin and Ang Ah Slah. were alleged to
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  • 47 4 SINGAPORE, Thurs.—Singapore schoolboy, Mohamed Nor bin Abdul Ohanl. 14, has been missing from hi£ Geylang home since Monday, after a quarrel with a cousin. His mother. Fatimah Bebe. yesterday appealed to him to come home, saying: "We are not angry with you."
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  • 124 4 SINGAPORE. Thurs. The University of Singapore wants to fill more than 60 academic staff vacancies of its various faculties, the Straits Times understands. The university authorities have advertised for many of these posts in professional and academic journals in several countries. Many of the
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  • 144 4 He punched engineer: Striker is fined $250 SINGAPORE, Thurs.— *3 Soh Sin See, 18, a triking employee of Malayan Textiles Mills, was fined $250 or two months' jail in the Mm t h Magistrate's Court today for punching an engineer. He pleaded guilty to a charge of using violence
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  • 46 4 SINGAPORE, Thurs.—Captain B.L. Brlnd, master of the Blue Funnel liner Gorgon today sailed on his last voyage to Premantle from Singapore. The 60-year-old mariner is going into retirement in Western Australia, after having served with the Blue Funnel line for almost 40 years.
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  • 25 4 SINGAPORE. Thurs. The Automobile Association will hold their annual general meeting at 5.15 p.m. on Mar. 27 at the Roof Garden. Adelphi Hotel.
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  • 78 4 SPORE ARTIST A 'HIT IN LONDON SINGAPORE artist, Cheong So© Pieng, whose current one-man exhibition at London's Bond Street Art Gallery, is reported to be drawing favourable comments from British critics. Cheong, one of Malaya's outstanding painters, has been described as an artist who has successfully blended the art traditions
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  • 66 4 SINGAPORE. Thurs. Snatch thieves grabbed gold necklaces from two house.wives yesterday. CASE No. 1: Asiah binte Yahaya, 36. was walking to market along Telok Blangah Road at 9 a.m. when a man snatched her gold chain and pendant worth $145. CASE No. 2: An hour later. Wong
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  • 61 4 SCOOTER SAFETY CAMPAIGN SINGAPORE. Thurs. The first Island-wide scooter safety first campaign for 1962, jointly organised by the Traffic Police and the Scooter Club of the Chinese V.M.C.A.. begins on Mar. 29, and will last until Aug. 9. During this period, scooter owners who join in the campaign are asked
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  • 284 4 SINGAPORE, Thurs. A German violinist. Denes Zsigmondy, gave a concert with the Goh Soon Tloe String Orchestra In the Victoria Theatre on Tuesday night. In Bach's unaccompanied D minor Chaconne, Mr. Zsigmondy revealed. in ppnerous measure. the structural and harmonic logic and the linear beauty
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  • 147 4 SINGAPORE, Than. A national language sons composed by Professor Dr. Slametmuljana, head of the Dewan Bahasa dan Kpbudayaan Krtwmgiwan, urges people to take the study of the language seriously. The lyrics also stresses Malay is not hard, and can be learnt quickly with the
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  • 225 4 SINGAPORE, Thursday. AN amendment to the income-tax ordinance, pro- viding separate assessment for married women, will be debated at the next sitting of the Legislative Assembly on Monday. The amendment Bill wasi introduced last week In conJunction with the Government's new policy of equal pay
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  • 132 4 Man freed on rape charge SINGAPORE. Thurs.— The High Court today acquitted a restaurant assistant. Peer Mohamed, 32, on a charge of raping a woman without calling upon him for his defence. The woman. Isah Bee, 25. was allegedly raped on four occasions at a house in Jalan Übi during
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 464 4 X I OBOANItATION 5 frf^ TO) x Mnw Shnwincrl t mw snowing 630 4 9Jopm Jk Goldfish 4 I I I TOMORROW MIDNIGHT! (JARO) i Walt Disney's J o "THE PARENT TRAP" t HAYLEY MILLS t HAYLtY MILLS v Moumn O'Horo Technicolor 7 \»W SIIOWIM.! y 11 om -130-400
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 459 4 I.s CULTURAL CENTRE: C.KYI. ANO STRAITS CHIForum at 6 pjn. NEBE METHODIST CHI'RCH: V.M.C.A.: Malay class 6.30 M.Y.F. "Friends and neighbours pjn.; International folk dance night" 8 pjn. club session 7.30 pjn. SINGAPORE SOCIETY FOR CHINESE YJI.C.A.: -Inter SPIRITUAL CULTURE: "Malay Junior school debate at U.S. weddings" talk by Mohd
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  • 500 5 IT WAS TEA-MONEY, SAYS BUS COMPANY DIRECTOR A T CONTINUED HEARING OF CORRUPTION CASE: 7 ALSO PAID ANOTHER $5,000' PENANG, Thursday (JHEAH Ah Chee, managing director of the Province Central Bus Company, today deified a suggestion by defence counsel, Mr. R. Ramani, that four cheques for
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  • 296 5 Razak and Watkinson meet to study Malaysia defence matters- KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday TVSCUSSIONS between Britain's Defence Minister, Mr. Harold Watkinson, and his Malayan counterpart, Tun Abdul Razak bin Hussein, were held here today to clear the way for the internal security and external defence arrangements for the proposed Federation of
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  • 95 5 Stranded 5 returning soon JAKARTA. Thurs. The British Embassy said yesterday that five British servicemen stranded on Pulau Samboe. an Indonesian island off Singapore, would be returned soon by Indonesian naval authorities. It said Information was sketchy, but identified the five as SAC's Smith. Wilson, Faulkner and Gough and army
    UPI  -  95 words
  • 22 5 TELUK ANSON. Thurs— A total of $3,193 had been raised in Lower Perak district for the national monument fund.
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  • 37 5 IPOH, Thurs.— Asst. Supt. Narain Singh was admitted to the hospital here with a back injury shortly after midnight last night when his car crashed into a telephone post about eight miles north of here.
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  • 70 5 TWO FROM MALAYA FOR SOCIAL CONFERENCE KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs.Malaya will send two delegates to a national conference on social work beginnlng on Monday in Bangkok. They are going at the Invltation. of the Council of Social Welfare of Thailand. The delegates chosen are Syed Abdullah Alsagoff. chairman of the Central
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  • 55 5 SINGAPORE, Thurs.— Two Sarawak men. Mr. Stephen Leon* Kam Seng and Mr. Lim Tiane Slew, have been awarded Junior fellowships by the Singapore Government under the Colombo Plan to undergo training In air area control. They are due to arrive on Monday, and will be attached
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  • 169 5 ITALIANS VIEW ASIA FOR NEW INVESTMENTS SINGAPORE, Thursday. 4 )LJTALIA airline's general manager for Asia and Australia, Mr. Carlo Ando, today spoke of the prospects of Italian capital investment in Malaya and Singapore. Mr. Ando, who arrived here last night In connection with the setting up of the airline's new
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  • 72 5 IPOH. Thurs.— A vegetable farmer. Lav Tor. 63. who lost his right leg when he was knocked down by a car. was awarded $5,565 damages and costs by Mr. Justice Azmi in the High Court here today. Lav, represented by Mr. S. A. Lingam. sued Raja
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 135 5 TRUST SWANSON the best in FROZEN CHICKEN Chicken that's specially selected when it's young, tender and flavourful. Quick-frozen by Swanson at tba very peak of freshness and tenderness. This freezing permits Swanson Chicken to retain all its original fine quality and delicious flavour until the moment you're ready to cook
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    • 393 5 I Someone isn't using Amplex I Outdoor sporti and hot weathtr summer artiviuea can ao eaaily reault in offensive body odour. And though you can't help penpiriax, you tan play it taft trith AmpUx. Safely and turely stopping odour* at their source, Amplex leaves breath sweet and body fret of
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 283 5 Straits Times Crossword Mfr~BMT~MBMBMfT~JBp~Mp~M|erTBBj ACROSS 5. Be In favour of first shot at 7. Marine song or round: "He the moon? (9). wa 8 young—..." (5). 6. Massage is a necessity, by the S. Two letters interrupting sound of it (5). marine's anti-malarial pucau- 11. Watches people trying to get
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  • 152 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. The Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, said today that it was the duty of government officer^ to work for the peace, security, and prosperity of the country and the happiness of the people. He said this when opening the annual conference
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  • 87 6 rE RAJA Permaisuri Agong. patron of the Federation Girl Guides" Association, was yesterday presented with a "friendship" badge by the World Committee of the Girl Guide movement. Picture shows Miss Eleanor Manning, Australia's Chief Commissioner or" Girl Guides and a member of the World Committee,
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  • 3095 6 SINGAPORE, Thursday Insufficient work on linotype machines to keep all fully occupied' Mr. Scott acting General Manager, Mr. R. Scott, was crossexamined in the Industrial Arbitration Court today at the resumed hearing of the dispute between the Straits Times Press (Malaya) Ltd., and the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 263 6 WE BRING EASIER COOKING TO SINGAPORE AND JOHORE sV <K?^H .^hb r m IHJI M JB^^^^hr^ i i 1 J ,-^H w~py^Mi 5^ ft M BllH9^KJfts.flY J WMF fIBBBBBBBBBb i> Jhßb JV^Bv r *^^^^j *^388 BBV 9 vJL Bhv/ 2)lifcLLANfc is a new way to cook the modern gas way
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  • 178 7 A radio quiz club to boost Malaysia KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Plans to start a Malaysia Club have been drawn up by Radio Malaya, a spokesman of the organisation told the Straits Times today. This "club" will be run on thr question-and-answer lines similar to the BBC's Asian Club series. It
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  • 299 7 $50,000 CLAIM: JUDGMENT IS RESERVED KUANTAN, Thursday. MR. Justice Hashim reserved judgment today in a case in which a Pahang State Assemblyman, Inche Zainuddin bin Ahmad, claimed $50,000 general damages for injuries he received in an accident. It was stated that he was pinned between his car and a taxi
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  • 48 7 MALACCA. Thurs.— A trishaman, Baba bin Mat, 38. wius found dead with his throat slashed in a bathroom at the General Hospital here last night. Baba. a father of four, wai admitted to the hospital on Feb. 13. Police do not suspect foul play.
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  • 75 7 SINGAPORE. Thurs.-A Singapore-based Whirlwind helicopter of 848 Squadron picked up a seriously Injured British soldier from the jungle at Buklt Batu. 12 miles north-west of Kulai. Johore. at dawn today. The soldier, a member of the Queen's Own Highlanders, was Injured yesterday during exercises.
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  • 44 7 SINGAPORE. Thurs.— The Standard-Vacuum Oil Company will give a Press lunch and a cocktail party on March 31 In connection with the reorganisation of the company A spokesman of the company said details of the reorganisation would be given then.
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  • 31 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs.— The president of the Johore Bahru Town Council, Dato Abdullah bin Mohamed. will go on long leave to Japan at the end of next month.
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  • 110 7 DENANG. Thurs. Three chartered trains carried more than 100 Rotarian.s and their guests 2.400 ft. above sea level last night for an Informal "serveyourself" dinner at the new Penang Hill Hotel. This novel party, organised by Senator Cheah Seng Khim. chairman of the State
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  • 178 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. THE $27 million North Kla n g Straits scheme will be completed on schedule in August next year. The manager of Gammon and Christlanl-Nlelsen. contractors for the project. Mr W. M. S. Houston, told the Straits Times today that a labour force of
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  • 119 7 MR. L. SUMS UP MALAYA'S PROGRESS DENANG. Thurs. Mr. A. F. 1 Lucarotti, general manager of North Borneo Railway, yesterday described the progress made by the Federation as "fabulous." "Everything here is bursting with prosperity," he said. Mr. Lucarotti is leading a four-man team of senior government officers from
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  • 255 7 UN man will brief Tengku on the Congo KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. \|K. V. Narasimhan, a United Nations Undersecretary, flew in today to brief Ihe Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, on the latest happenings in the Congo. He will thank the Tengku for: 0 THE Malayan Government's support In buying United
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  • 43 7 SEREMBAN. Thurs.— More than 2.500 people attended a rally on the Negrl Sembilan "lub padang today to welcome the National Language Month .vhich was launched last week. They included school children, government officers and ■nembers of the public.
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  • 51 7 BENTONG. Thurs.— Three hundred piculs of rubber sheets worth $30,000 were destroyed when fire broke out in a smokehouse on the Ban Lee Estate in Katari. near here, last night. Firemen and policemen fought the blaze for more than two hours and saved five piculs of rubber
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  • 37 7 JOHORE. BAHRU. Thurs.— The Mentrl Besar, Dato Hajl Hassan hln Hajl Yunos. will open a telephone booth at Kampong Bahru In Batu Pahat district on March 30. and a surau prayer hall) the next day.
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  • 179 7 PAY: TEACHERS ARE READY TO TESTIFY IPOH. Thurs.— A panel j of the National Joint Council for Teachers is prepared to appeer before the special committee to examine the request for equal pay for the 16,000 Govern-ment-paid women teachers. The "teachers' panel" would be happy also to answer any questions
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  • 35 7 TAIPING. Thurs. The annual meeting of the Perak branch of the National Union if Teachers will be h*ld at Taipine on May 5. The meeting will be followed by a dinner and dance
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 362 7 STO P! Eskamel TREATS SPOTS AND PIMPLES WHILST IT LEAVES YOUR SKIN LOOKING CLEAR AND SMOOTH Contains Hexaihlorophciu -an BH amazing germ fighter that kills germs instantly heals pimples Covers the skin with a natural r—^ rCtf^V^ VS^ flesh-tint-prevents pimples < V^V^^««^* from spreading leaves no J*-^£J^ unsightly spots. n£&t
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  • 585 8 look at this only ten a month and nothing down! (~*OOD news' Noir you MM I buy a Singer xeirinc, machine, any model. WITHOVT DOWN PAYMENT! Isn't that wonderful* A lot of us who have been coveting a Singer seiruu. machine have not been able to buy one because o
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  • 682 8 tH'ERYONE is h*vm» lj servant-trouble it seems. I was having i-offee with a group of my friends the other day and the talk went to amahs as it always does and you should have heard the tales of woe! I'm lucky:
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  • 246 8 ADVERTISERS' ANNOUNCEMENT A LWAYS on this page, ws let the ladies have their say. They air their gripes, exchange notes, discuss their husbands, moan about their children And perhaps this isn't exactly fair So we Invited a group of men and gave mem me floor.
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  • 278 8 SOMETHING NEW SOMETHING DIFFERENT EVERY MONTH s; i i i it i k KET shopping these days is really an adventure. There is so much to see, so many things to buy. Every time I walk into Cold Storage. 1 am surprised to find they have more new Items on
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  • 51 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs.— The Kew Zealand High Commissioner In Malaya, Mr. C. M. Bennett, will go on two months' leave on Wednesday. Mr. Bennett's term was recently extended for another year by the New Zealand Government. He has been in Malaya for the past three
    51 words
  • 129 8 CINGAPORE. Thurs. The University of Singapore has named the following successful candidates In the first year examination for the Diploma In Social Studies part I: Ayoub bin Zakarla. Chao Syh Kwang. Hashlm bin Pendek. Ho Juan Mul. Loo Kok Liang. Mohamed bin Mohd. Nc«. Mohd. Soffian
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  • 297 8  - CONVICTED: SIX FROM MALAYA K. D. GOTT Students found with arms 'for protection from rival clique 9 From Melbourne. Thurs £,IX Malayan students were convicted in Kew Court loday on charges of being idle and disorderly persons and having been armed with offen.i ye weapons. Police produced a variety of
    297 words
  • 126 8 Labour hits Govt's share boost decision PEN AN (i. Thurs.— The national executive of th<Labour Party of Malaya has condemned the Federation Government for allowing 50.000 Malay Government servants to buy up to $10,000 worth of shares each in the National Investment Company. Mr. Lim Kean Slew, secre-tary-general of the
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  • 22 8 IPOH. Thurs. Thirteen secondary schools In Perak yesterday began a series of Inter-school debates organised by the Ipoh Junior Chamber.
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  • 279 8 On how to bring up delinquent parents... h AMONG modern children it is generally agreed that the best w»v i to bring up delinquent parents is to be kind but ilrm. to give them love 1 and understanding and to I resort to physical violence 1 only when all other
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  • 30 8 SUNGEI PATANI. Thur.s Tengku Abdul Malek bin Tengku Kasslm. a nephew of the Prime Minister, has joined the Malayan Civil Service. Ho Is a graduate of Belfast University.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 284 8 KNOW YOUR FOOD VALUES fcK%^rOCCASIONALLY, the res- Mt "guardian of the family's v «*nr >^H health" must weigh pretty IT \l {W& heavily on any ipife and \^JL\ 1 1* I* rfv^Pß it properly, we must under- S^^^Xf^^■r^TT l^H^ stand the value of different 4^-y-^[|<y^*r-f. balanced diet means -*f n^ri*!"'
      284 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 204 8 Buys Bunny By Batph Boimdnht S~^ CCERO! WANNA I BUT JCKER HERE 99 T^Pl CAKIDV Cea*N QUARTER I WHAT FER A FEW Y y <* </ yJop I V^B M r MINU TE f^ uf t| uPj BARB£R SHOP \bnor By At Capp AunrvfTftLAMt) S "N. I /'REASON SHE UP
      204 words

  • 1950 9  -  TIM CAREW CASE BOOK OF COURAGE: PART 6 BY THE Roll of Honour of fallen Scots Guards officers in the Second World War reads like the guest list at a glittering society wedding: Captain the Hon. John Bowes-Lyon, Lieutenant the Hon.
    1,950 words
  • 56 9 ...AND HIS NAME STOOD HIGH ON HOSTESSES' SOCIAL LISTS mily motto Forti non ignavo (to the brave not to' the dastardly). And the description of the coat of arms could not have been more appropriate for Antony Lyell s last charge: "Upon a rock a dexter cubit arm in armour
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 145 9 Touch down anywhere I Pick your airport. Paris— Orly. Lima— Callao. Karachi Civil. This school set the standards 'throughout the world for Nearly anywhere in the Free World you will find it. A educating service personnel on the fueling of jet airoraft. trademark that means dependable service to airmen world-
      145 words
    • 5 9 TOMORROW: The era of prohibition
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  • 54 10 M H era-i $1$ < Minimum) MADAM KHOO KOOI KIM age 91. pas*rl away lft-3-62 In Singapore. Her remains was cremated there and her ■sties will he conveyed to Penang to be placed at the Pulau Tlkua Wat. She leave* behind two sons, two daughter*. two son*-ln-law and several
    54 words
  • 87 10 It Wmrdt Sit (Minimum) LIM PUET MUI ft family thank trteoos, relatives for their attendance, aaplstance. Kin* and specially Protestant Church member*. Upper Serangoon, during their bereavement. MRS. TAN EE LEONC, Mrs. Lira Chong Hum and their families thank all friend* and relatives for their message.* of i-ondolence, wreaths.
    87 words
  • 515 10 I* W 9 r4i 11* (Uimimum) BE THB BELLE of the Beach! Cbocwe from a wlda range of 1962 Jantr.en Bwimsoits from Town tt Country. IT'S COOD LIVING In Good Alr. Alrwick Kwectene and freshens the air ■ad banl*he« nasty smells Instantly. Oet Alrwtrk today. SALE LAST DAYS B*tek
    515 words
  • The Straits TImes Friday, March 23, 1962.
    • 594 10 There was general agreement at least on the crux of the question debated for four days by Singapore's Legislative Assembly. Industrial unrest has reached a pitch where it gives cause for serious concern. Mr. Marshall was the only genuine dissident The Barisan Sosialis Opposition did not agree,
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    • 344 10 Mr. Averell Haniman is in Bangkok to discuss with the Thai Government the implementation of 'certain agreements"' recently concluded. Whatever these may be, it is to be hoped they will have the effect of bringing the Thai Government to its senses on the question of Laos.
      344 words
    • 261 10 The border security area delineated in 1960 under the Internal Security Act was reckoned to contain something less than 600 Communist terrorists. Yesterday's Federation Government Gazette specified a new and much reduced border security area, but although a Ministry of Internal Security spokesman made the self-evident point that
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  • 1093 10  - THE PRIMITIVES OF ULU CHEKA Anthony Ratos THE second exhibition of sculpture by Malayan aboritfnes opens in the National Art Gallery, Koala Ltunpnr, on Friday. March 30. As la the first exhibition, most of the work comes from the aborigine village of Liv Cheka in Pahans, by ASSISTANT ntOTICTO* Of
    1,093 words
    • 703 10 T NOTE with interest the space you give to the letter of the Minister for Culture (B.T. March 20) principally to regurgitate what the Prime Minister Is alleged to have said In the Assembly. (I was out fcr the first part of the speech).
      703 words
    • 142 10 T AM directed by the Prime 1 Minister to refer to his speech which was published in Thursday's 8 1 ra 1 1 s Times. He is quoted as saying: "The Premier added that quite a number of the strikes In 1961 were brought about by
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 379 10 Strait! Time. AMslay Mail Ossslfled advertisements a**y be kMtded let I 9at Floor COLD STOWAGE ARCAOS Orchard Road cold •TowAoe: bnanchu AT HOLLAND ItOAD-KATON* KSTPCL UOAD-NAVAL BASK Aarhorised Agents: CITY BOOK STOWK LTD VMnchetter House. Colhrer Q*ay 1 MNC PHtWS F»OHT rTf ZpSf tvtVK S Btp*#fW •fwBH |SS. H. HIM
      379 words
    • 93 10 The Case Against Our Welfare State In an outspoken article in the March Reader's Digest (now on sale), Graham Hutton, a distinguished economist, accuses the Welfare State of sapping initiative and enterprise. It was conceived as a means of alleviating "Want, Disease, Ignorance, Squalor and Idleness"; it has been used
      93 words
    • 107 10 <jT*t*\ mfm— **V IT* M A 0 Untaßß you take definite step* to promt it, yost may at any I tiißß offend with perspiration I odour. (Everybody perspires!) I Bat oirco you've, applied IMBIpPH ODO-RO-NO deodorant, you finlI kmm rooT* protected all day iUfflliflin »«>f- Odour vanishes instantly JCw wL^JI^MjM
      107 words

  • 1863 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday BESIDE HIS BED WERE TWO MEN, BOTH WITH GUNS, HE TELLS COURT COUNSEL: DO YOU KNOW IT'S AN OFFENCE TO PAY RANSOM? j^ $30,000 ransom was paid to the kidnappers of Lee Say Thong, eldest brother of
    1,863 words
  • 34 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs P Krlshnan. 19, of 7} mile Batu Caves, fell from a 50--feet high coconut tree and broke his spine. He has been admitted to the General Hospital here.
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  • 34 11 SINGAPORE. Thurs. The Chancellor of the University of Singapore. Dato Lee Kong Chian. 70, left for Tokyo by air this morning on the first leg of a two-month world tour on business.
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  • 170 11 GUN GANG IN $1,000 HIGHWAY ROBBERY A LOR STAR, Thurs.— Five men, one armed with a pistol, stopped a lorry and took $1,000 from a cashier. The hold-up took plaoe on the Kullm-Padang Serai road about five miles north of Kulim. The cashier, Tan Ah Hor, 35, was returning in
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  • 49 11 IPOH. Thurs.— An exhibition of plans and photographs concerning town planning and developing problems in England and the United States will be held in the first floor of the Ipoh library from Saturday to Monday. The exhibition will be open from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. daily.
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  • 120 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. All is set for the Association of South-East Asia (Asa) Foreign Ministers' conference In the Cameron Highlands from April 3 to April 6. The agenda for the meeting was today finalised at a meeting of the Asa standIng committee presided over by
    120 words
  • 99 11 He'll be in charge of Washington Embassy KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. The Malayan Charge d'Affaires In Manila, Inche Hussein bin Mohamed Osman, has been transfreed to Washington to take over temporarily the job of the Malayan Abbassador from Dato Nik Ahmad Kamil, who has retired. He will be Charge d'Affaires there
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  • 23 11 PORT SWETTENHAM. Thurs. The Minister of Works, Posts and Telecommunications. Dato V. T. Sambanthan. today opened a post office here.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 109 11 t Hfr- -MB f ill Ml! HHI Warn smm nrrcir tott mm LONDON'S CHOICEST TOBACCO To smoke Balkan Sobranie is to enjoy the results of nearly a century of tobacco-making skill. Here is rare blend of finest Virginian and mystic Yenidje enjoyed by generations of London's elite a tobacco you
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    • 481 12  -  LAN DAWES By IMPORTANT PART PLAYED DURING ASIAN FLU EPIDEMIC AUSTRALIANS in medical and scientific research are fulfilling; a role that is out of all proportion to the country's population. Penicillin was Brsl extracted by an Australian, Sir Howard Florey, who worked with its
      481 words
    • 211 12 T7UFTEEN Australian firms F have combined to make small and medium hospitals for sale overseas Twelve of the firms specialise in producing equipment, one pre-fabricates the steel frames for the building, one designs and constructs the hospitals ■and another supplies Pharmaceuticals. The hospitals, which are ideal for regional
      211 words
    • 499 12 OXYGEN BOX BATTLES CANCER ANEW development in the treatment of cancer has been perfected by Australian doctors at the Peter MacGallum Clinic, in Melbourne. The treatment Involves f pressurising a patient in an atmosphere of pure oxygen I before bombarding the cancerous growth with a stream of high speed X-rays
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 174 12 buy Australian medical products ...made to the highest international standards. Australia makes scores of medical, pharmaceutical and hospital products to safeguard and maintain the health of a nation products made to the most exacting quality standards. Australia makes everything from a cough-drop to a dentist's chair... from a scalpel to
      174 words

  • 500 13 PLASTIC BLOOD TRANSFUSION SETS: BIG DEMAND Operating costs of equipment reduced by double chamber Foremost of these is the 100 per cent sterile conditions necessary in all the stages of assembly and packaging. A combination of the engineering ingenuity of production engineers and the scientific advice of world lamous Australian
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  • 26 13 HERE a woman in a sterilized mask and robe assembles disposable syringes for injecting penicillin in a modern Australian pharmaceutical equipment plant.
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  • 290 13 AUSTRALIAN scientists are carrying out highly original research programmes which are making an important contribution towards the world's constant fight against disease. One of the most important scientific organisations carrying out this research into essential drugs, vaccines and anti-toxins is Australia's
    290 words
  • 259 13 HOME-MADE REMEDY BECAME AN EXPORT AN Australian chemist and dentist who decided to "take his own medicine" developed the widely popular eucalyptus flavoured throat jube. The medicated Jubes have been selling in Australia for 70 years and overseas for 50 years including in Singapore. Malaya and the Borneo territories. An
    259 words
  • 135 13 ONE ol Ibe most unusual factories lo Australia is located at Nambour Queensland where a modern plant produces Industrial wax from a filter press at the socar cane mill at Moreton In the *ame State In most sugar factories, thrnuthout the world tnt %o called
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  • 197 13 AN Australian com pany is manufacturing a handy first aid kit that Is becoming more and more popular for use in homes, cars, factories and at sporting functions. It is extremely handy for hunters, fishermen and campers. This practical kit places great emphasis on
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 111 13 EGO In Australia this is synonymous with First Class Dermatological Preparations prescribed by the Medical Profession. Inquiries welcomed from firms interested in importing or acting as agents. 'Sof LABORATORIES VUS2&JSL The Specialists for Dermatologica! Preparations "H ERMETTE" BRAND PHARMACEUTICAL INJECTION SOLUTIONS IN AMPOULES A very large range of 8.P.. B.P.C.
      111 words
    • 165 13 PEOPLE ALL OVER THE WORLD USE REO. TRAOC MARK V and eases pain, headaches/ nVt!]7f§l li Soon after you take 'ASPRO > "pain is gone. You feel fine and fresh. You get quick relief from colds and fever, too, with 'ASPRO'. 'ASPRO 1 does not make you drowsy, and it
      165 words

  • COMMERCIAL News and Views
    • 166 14 DEMAND FOR PIPES GROWING INHERE Is a growing 1 market for pipes in Singapore and the Federation as more and more Malayans are taking up pipesmoking, said a visiting British company executive. Mr. K. R Peacock, export manager of Oppenheimer Pipes Ltd.. London, said that there was a marked increase
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    • 64 14 The Australian warship, Hobart. which made a daring rescue of passengers and crew from a blazing ship bombed by Japanese aircraft off the Malayan coast during the last war is now on her way to an Osaka shipbreaker. Hobart. last of the Royal Australian
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    • 20 14 Tin Bing Goldsmith Ltd., Singapore, celebrated its 25th anniversary yesterday with a cocktail party for customers and friends.
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    • 345 14  -  JAMES ANG By YHE economic and industrial development of the Federation of Malaya and Singapore is providing growing opportunities for Western* Australia to increase her trade with the. two territories. This was stated by Mr. R. D. Palfreyman. leader of a 12-man trade delegation
      345 words
    • 157 14 MAL to use new type of tickets next month MALAYAN Airways is to use a new type of tickets from April 1 which will help carry the company's name "far afield." The cover will be in the airline's black and white colours, while the actual ticket will conform to the
      157 words
    • 196 14 PRODUCTION of soft drinks, excluding soda water, in Singapore and the Federation continued to expand last year, according to Malayan trade statistics. Total output In both ter- rltories for the first 10 months was 2.670.7 million oz. against 2.481.8 million oz. for the corresponding
      196 words
    • 41 14 Scandinavian Airlines System will operate the 990 Coronado Jet, the world's fastest airliner, on its southern route to the Par Bast on April 30. the company announced. The plane is also being put Into service by Swissair
      41 words
    • 157 14 Fiat 1500 'launched' in S'pore, Malaya fHE export director of 1 Fiat S.A., Dr. C. Cavalli. visited Singapore and the Federation early this week to witness the introduction of the new Fiat 1500. Dr. Cavalli, accompanied by Mr. G. Mariani, Far East factory representative, said the car had met with
      157 words
    • 174 14  - PLANTERS FORM ASSOCIATION IN PERAK HENRY PAUL By RUBBER planters in Perak are to form a new 1V association to bring them in line with other states that have state-wide associations. To be named the Perak Planting Association. It will come into being formally at an Inaugural meeting to be
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    • 75 14 MAIN Lloyd, latest addition to the fleet of cargo liners of Royal Rotterdam Lloyd, arrives in Singapore tomorrow on her maiden voyage. The ship, which displaces 11,550 tons deadweight and: has a speed of 18 knots hasj accommodation for 12 passengers. Main Lloyd has six cargo
      75 words
    • 143 14 Ford cars lead in US market I TORD cars captured i two of the three top selling places in the United States last year. according to company figures issued in Singa- i pore. The company said that 744.373 of their standard Ford line of cars and 481,962 Falcons were registered
      143 words
    • 150 14  -  NELSON RUTHERFURO From NORTH BORNEO'S rich-yielding forest concessions last year produced a record 72,658,000 cubic feet of timber worth about $100 million in exports. For the Colony Government the big production figure meant a boosted revenue of $9.8 million, representing a 52 per
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    • 86 14 SWEDISHLINE ON 700TH RE. SAILING SWEDISH East Asia Co. Ltd. of Gothenburg, are operating their 700 th sailing to the Far East this month. The trip is being made by the Mtnikoi which left Gothenburg last Tuesday via Continental ports for Port Said. Aden. Singapore, Cebu, Iloilo. Manila. Hong Kong,
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    • 48 14 Ten technical executives of Colgate-Palmolive Pty. Ltd.. Sydney, gave a farewell dinner for two Colgate-Palm-olive Asian executives who had been in Australia for conferences. The two Asian executives are: Mr. D. Rajanayagam, the group's controller In Malaya, and Mr. D. Fletcher, controller in Thailand.
      48 words
    • 210 14 Property prices steady, says Lee rvEMAND for business *J premises in Singapore remained unabated last year, said Dato Lee Kong Chian. chairman of Eastern Realty Co. Ltd. in his annual statement to shareholders. As a result, prices of properties that had changed hands had been fair and steady, said Dato
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    • 53 14 The third and final sale* course for executives of Rothmans of Pall Mall 'Malaya* Ltd. was held In Kuala, Lumpur last week. Mr. R. O. Smith, a aenfcrt executive of the London company who conducted tM three courses, said he wa*j impressed with the high standard
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 257 14 0 iH. P. Qompton Parkinson A. C. Motors available from Stock conforming to the most recent electrical ond dimensloool British Standard Specifications, are available from stock at short notice. E: ■B I ■L. Enquiries to:— UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED Singapore Sandokan FEDERATED ENGINEERING CO. LTD. Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh. Penong, Malacca Serembon
      257 words
    • 47 14 111 I! J^Pi J^V STERLING COMMODITY FOND Application Form and full details available o\ tending this coupon to: n» «<■■■■■ n, P.O. *O, »m|M»", f.O. Bo* IM. KimM Lump. P.O. JO. lp*b ot P.O. Bom 277, P«noi»«. Nome: (V«./Mr»./Mu«) AddMMS TRUST!!: THf CMABTWID lANK (MALAYA) TRUSTfI LTD 23-3-42.
      47 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1502 15 10 tIVERPOn 8 WESI CBASI UK ihit I sort aa.n 9'tiM reni-» CIYTSNEUS Ha«re lurrieei Glasgow. Stall Tediy Mar 24 ,23 Mar 18/31 LAERTES 4 mouth I peel K'oiai H'Kl M*. M Mai 11 Mai 28/ An I MELAMfUS linrMtl tlasgOW An 1 AJAX ii.erpeei An 4 An I An
      1,502 words
    • 1411 15 TH£ L A. C LINES- ;1 aAUINtS 10 MtaitIRRANEAN. OHIINENTAt A tCANOINAVIAN fO>U XSErX. KJ^yw 1^ JUTLAHBi*' I) I 24/28 Mai 17/28 Mai II 31 Mai ftrVKTRKI 18 Mai/ < i|. S I A|i I' I *n H\Sz\lsl "SELANDIA' I) t 23/23 Api 2127 Apr 2121 Apr I ijr\rjs/ lusuAWk*
      1,411 words
    • 1513 15 CHE BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. ■ibji mi Singapore nuwatt CXPRESS itRVICt IB IQNOBN LIVERPOOL CONIINENIAj PORTS. raara rt>a» »^ria«i UNMACOHUi (Hi aiarg. im, BJM M'ttro C 11/Teday Mar 24.2* Mar 28/ 1 ICNAVON lE.LP.I LKirpeel. hJi. Hamburg Mar 28/ 2 Mar 21/28 An it 1 ICNVHACKIE <EU leadti. Hameurt Mar
      1,513 words
    • 1360 15 W MoALISTER 6c CO.. LTD IBa?j\ iiu imi r*** tLUHMAN LOtm «h BLAVBMBJM LINE IaaJBON. NAMtURG, ROTTERBAM LBS ANGELES. SAN FRANCISCO HAVRE A HULL. SEATTLE. VAUCbuVER A PORIUNI AxteatiM car«a tei CeatreJ t Sm» CITI VI CArtllSlt Itiiii B'Pore S-kaai 'enmi BBUSAINVIUE ll Pt/ll Mar 11 Mar/ IMr 21/38 Mar
      1,360 words

  • 392 16 From Our Market Correspondent rpHERE was a familiar 1- pattern about the Malayan Stock Exchange yesterday after the recent upswing in tin prices. Out came the usual American stockpile threat and prices subsided. The loss of $2.37 >4 in the tin price did not
    392 words
  • 32 16 Malayn Stork Indices March 21 March 22 Industrials: 170.33 170.12 ItHI 336.90 336.' I S rubbers: 194.82 194.82 Jan. I 1952 100. Tin Index peak: 366.35 (June 21. 1961 1.
    32 words
  • 980 16 BUSINESS on the Malayan Stock Exchange. Federation section yesterday with the number of deals in brackets: Industrial!: Bouvtead (1,000) $1.53: Dunlopa 11,000) 51. 46. (1.000) 51. 45: Ke.i. Dispensary (1.000) SI 42 cd: Gammon <3.000> $1.70; Cold Btore (I.OOOi Ss. S»d. Steamers (0.UO0) SI: 8. Times (1.000,
    980 words
  • 93 16 MELBOURNE. Thurs. JNVKSTMKXT shares continued linn. Most oils gained in sympathy to \.O.G. which closed at 995. and rights 82s. Bane metals closed firm and loans steady. Mount Ism 72 9 N.B Bill IB Ti Con. Zinc. 65 3 Ampol 12/31 Herald 60/10tzd A.C.I. 74/3 Humes 76/68 A.
    93 words
  • 118 16 Mann Three moninn. (UNOFFICIAL QUOTATIONS) INDUSTRIALS F. aY N. 12 tin. Cold Storage S d. M. Box 12 cts. Steamship 9 cts. Breweries 23 eta. 8. Times 13 cts. Robinson 9 eta. 8. Traders 28 cts. 8. Darby .VI. Uniteers 13 cts. W. Jacks 9 cts. MININO* Pahanc
    118 words
  • 292 16 A NOTE of uncertainty crept into the rubber and tin markets yesterday following the announcement in Washington that President Kennedy was scheduled later yesterday to issue a directive concerning the United States stockpile of strategic materials, i A spokesman said the president's
    292 words
  • 35 16 March 22. RUBBER PRICES SINGAPORE: 78~» cents (down flve-ei^bths of a cent). K.L. 79 cents (down five-eighths of a cent). TIN: 5482.12' per picul (down $2.37 i). Estimated unofficial offering 240 tons (unchanged).
    35 words
  • 243 16 A P>RIL flrtt (rid* rubber buyers f.e.». I closed at 5 p.m. In Kuala Lumpur ymtrrday at 79 crnta p»r Hi., down flve-rlk'hths of a cnt on Wednesday's closing price. The tona vai I slightly tatltr. FIDIRATIOM OF malaya rub BIR EXCHANCC ClOFinK pi ie« 111
    243 words
  • 238 16 APRIL first trad* rubber buyer* f.e.fc. closed at 4.30 p.m. In Singapore yesterday at 781 centi per Ib.. down five-elchtha of a cent on Wednesday's closing price The closing tone was dull. S.C.C.R.A. closinK prices in cents per :b. yesterday: Int. 1 K.S.B prompt f.o.b. buyers 781,
    238 words
  • 195 16 Ships lyinu aleniaida tha tin«apera) •rharvtt teday are: Oldekfrk 1 2. Rome* Mners 31 33, BandunK Maru M, Rajao 40/« l, TJunenttni; Si 30, Neder Wrser 35/36. Star Uellatrlx U/4X, Humbawa 46. Tjirwntjv; II 18. Ryuus. Maru 33/34. St.- -I Advocate 38/3 V. Baiav-ta 23, Banaanx 6/7.
    195 words
  • 116 16 CHINESE Produce Eidiangs Strataport noon prices per picul yattirdayi Coconut oil: hulk *37» neller<>, drum $41 sellers. Copra: March IK/ConU.-^ nent $28) buyer*. X27J sellers. P<«J% per: Muntok white $170 seller.t. Sara««k white $167) sellers, special Sarawak black $1321 sellers. garbled Lampong black »H2» sellers. AST* iH2» Kellers.
    116 words
  • 47 16 All Malayan Eichanns Bsnki* Atl^l locution rates v era un.binges) yesterday. On the free exehanxe market la Monn Kon« trie U.S. dollar wan quoted at 5.71 for T.T. and 5.891 for oath. Sterling «aa quoted at 15.87, anal ene taal ef geld at 253 i.
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  • 46 16 Further February rubber crops included: London Asiatic Croup 2.327.700 lb.. PatalinK t.ruup 1.776.000 lb.. Golden Hope Croup 1.073.500 lb., (astleficld 313.500 lb.. Pranjr Benar 335.000 lb.. Iloscote 302.500 lb.. DindiiiKs 11G.061 lb Inch Krnnrth Kajane 198,000 lb., Krmasul 56,500 lb.. Klnta Krllai 145.500 lb.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1083 16 >^— KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA, LTDExpress U.S.A. Pacific Atlantic Comi Swvtaja tl* fU El* CM 3*eor» rr«on« H'niik I f'ci<ct t *nntie ft iiyn "Kimkawa Man" 27 21 Mar 2 Apt II »pr 2i Apr 2» »ar 14 May -Kaaikawa Man" 22/24 Apr 21 «pr 14 May 21 Mj, 21 Mar
      1,083 words
    • 863 16 NEDLLOTD LINE GREAT LAKES SERVICE FAST SAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE, MAUTA DIRECT TO CANADA ANI OS. GREAT UKES PORTS. Soon k S'Mffl Penang An. Montreal "SARANGAN (RL) 5/13 Apt 13/14 Api 1} Apt IS Miy "lINTANG" ((NL) 5/12 May 13/14 May IS May 14Jooe "lAWEAN (Nl) 5/12 My 13/14 Jlly 15
      863 words
    • 428 16 I I S.S. GOVERNMENT Iff, LOAN 1962/72 Notice Is hereby Riven that the) books of the abovemcutioncd loan will be closed from UC to 15th April 1962. both days Inclusive, tor the preparation of interest warrants. THE CHARTERED BANK. SINGAPORE. THE WILKINSON PROCESS RUBBER COMPANY, LIMITED (Incorporated in the
      428 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1170 17 NOTICE MALAYAN BREWERIES LTD. (Incorporated In Singapore) NOTICE is hereby given that a First Interim Dividend of 10 cents per Ordinary Stock Unit and 10 cents per Management Share, both less 401 income tax, has been declared by the Directors on account of the financial year ending 30th June 1062.
      1,170 words
    • 792 17 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS Applications are Invited from Federal Citizens (or appointment as a Clerk in the Hign School. Malacca. Candidates must nave attained their 17th but not their 33rd birthday and the minimum qualification required is a Certificate in the Overseas School Certificate oi Federation of Malaya Certificate. Salary scale according
      792 words
    • 903 17 (ConUrraed from Pact Ul SITUATIONS VACANT to Word, ti (Min.)— Box tt eta. astra ■OX A 383 ST., XL pcefttoa filled. Applirants thanked. BEQUIREO MALAY OIRL copy typu Stau qualification, salary required Box A 8782 B.T. Spore. WANTED LAOV MALAY teachers B.C. or X.M.C. apply Tengku Mariam School Batu I'ahang
      903 words
    • 1071 17 ACCOMMODATION VACANT J* Word, tt (Min.)— Box It tt*. mxtro ROOMS TO LIT at 206-B. Lavender Street. Singapore. Near Bus Stop*, Modern Convenience*, preferable amflea. Interested View Wlthrn. LUXURY FURNISHBO. fully equipped Oat 2-Bedrooms. Alrcondltlonsd. Lone-Short Term. Executive Huum Oxley R:**. Pbone tSlngaporei *****. THREE ROOM PLAT above (hop modern
      1,071 words
    • 1041 17 EDUCATION tt Word* Si (MU.)—Box tt era. axtra POSTAL TUITION. Matayaa Correar«cdenee College largast cuneepaadanto Institution la 8.8. Asia. offere ruaranued oouraat for B.Bc (Boon). Uoodoo H.8.C., 0.C.E., CambrldK*. r.M.C, UC.I., Q.T.. UC.C. Pitman* txammatlona etc 78% Nattonal Language, 89% EnCIISB Credit* In 1981 L.C.E. 70-pag* prospectus frea. P.O Box
      1,041 words
    • 1041 17 VEHICLES FOR SALE M Word, Si (Mm.) Bom tt eU. oxtro IW7 FORD CONSUL Pbajw 11. Immaculate condition throughout. W.B.W. tyrea Taxed/insured. Hisbest offer ■ecure*. Part payment* accepted. T*l. (Spore) SO2U. VAUXMALL VELOX 1»S1 Kuronaan owner reborn] receoily upbolstary aod bodywork good Insured D*c 1982 •850 ono. S3 Brighton Cr**c«nt
      1,041 words
    • 321 17 SHOPPINC CUIDE (Spore) tt Word, Sit (Minimum) Doilm 1 month. It Word, StM (Mm.) BATIK IS A tntai of b**uly. Batik Shop Cathay Cinema. JAVA MOOIS |4U RMB* Vallay Road) atebayaa latmit dmicn. CMIOHG SMINC MANUFACTURCRS speclalunl In 6AB Norm Bndsc Road. DIAMOND and solitalr* rtrreny lints, buy from
      321 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1418 18 MALACCA J.K.R. TENDER NOTICE Tenders from Class "D" and above registered Contractors will be received at the office of the State Engineer, Malacca, up to j 300 p.m. of 2nd April, 1962 for* the CONSTRUCTION OF A HEALTH SUB-CENTRE AT I BUKIT RAMBAI, MALACCA. Full particulars are obtainable at the
      1,418 words
    • 846 18 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS Applications are invited from Federal Citizens or State National for the post of Temporary Assistant Supervisor for the Land Development Schemes, Negen Sembiimn. on contract for a period of three years. The Salary Scale for the post is $216 1 12 $300 per mensem plus Com of Living
      846 words
    • 741 18 TENDERS TENDER NOTICE Bon* fide Building Contractors •re invited to tender for the construction and completion of about 300 terrace bouses, etc. tor a development in Singapore. Interested parties are requested to write to the Advertiser Box A 6750 S.T. Spore, giving details of the magnitude of previous works completed.
      741 words
    • 1318 18 COMPANY ANNOUNCEMENT To the Members of LEE WAH BANK LIMITED Pajam (Malaya) Limited. .128. High Street, Kuala Lumpur, Dear Sir (or Madam). 23rd March 1962 OFFER BY TAT LEE COMPANY LIMITED As agent on behalf of Tat Lee Company Limited ("the Purchaser"), a company incorporated in Singapore and having its
      1,318 words

    • 1210 19 NOW HE IS IN LINE FOR SEMI-FINAL AGAINST THAILAND'S CHAROEN All the results LONDON, Thursday. QON CHONG TEIK, a Malayan stuaent in London, brought one-time world champions Malaya out of the shadows of international badminton after four years with a sensational victory on the opening
      Reuter  -  1,210 words
    • 403 19 Services say: S'gor can be stopped we'll do it By TEOH ENG TATT oINGAPORE, Thurs. Singapore Joint Services have worked out a plan to beat Selangor, the holders, whom they meet at Jalan Besar Stadium on Sunday (kick off 7 p.m.) in the first round of the F.A.M. Cup soccer
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    • 204 19 SOCCER \l I) HI K CLP 1ST. ED i Spore): 1/2 Ourkha Rifles 3 Quens Own Highlanders 1. INTER-SCHOOLS (Ipoh): DIt. 1 Sekolah TAR 3 SMI 2; Div. 2: Sekolah TAR 6 SMI 0. IXTER-SCHOOLS TOtBNEY iPenang): Under-20 PFS 4 Chung Ling 0; Uider-15 PFS 1 Chung Ling
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    • 205 19 By KEN FERNANDEZ Kuala Lumpur Thursday T>HE Football Association of Selangor will not field former Selangor and Federation player Rahim Omar when they meet Singapore Joint Services in the F.A.M. Cup match at Singapore on Sunday. Inche Harun bin Hajl Idris. president of the
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    • 28 19 SINGAPORE. Thurs. For the first time Monk's Hill Secondary School and Johore English College will meet In a "sports carnival" at Johore Bahru on Mar. 31.
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    • 157 19 T IBBON. Thurs. Benflca. holders of the European Cup, beat Tottenham Hotspur 3-1 in their first leg semi-final match here last night It was almost all Benfica In the first half, and they were good value for their two goals In- 1 terval lead as their
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    • 77 19 PENANG. Thurn.— Penang will travel to Alor Star to meet Ked.ih la the second round of the F.A.M. Cup soccer coniDeuuon tomorrow. The Penang .team will be selected from: Yeap Kirn Hock. Saaid Salleh. Koay Ban Chuan. Zaln Rahman. Jail] Che Dm. Bocy Cheonu Llam. Abdul Ruhman Daie,
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    • 425 19 II "I KiHTS I« r TT eight races at Ipoh on Sunday, >»*» day of the Peralc Turf dnb March mrrUng: Cl. 3, Div. 1— 6f Eskdale Chief 9.04 fride of Persia 8.13 Boobrroi B.ij Tonka ».oo Jnnrle Orchid 808 Bankdraf t 8 08 Tin Rash 8.06
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    • 197 19 6INGAPORE. Thurs.—Singapore Amateur Football Association last night told affiliated clubs it was determined to .uunp out rough tactics and bad sportsmanship. It warned them that those found guilty of misconduct on or oft the field of play will be severely penalised. It also pointed
      197 words
    • 131 19  -  Epsom Jeep ON THE TRACK with IPOH, Thursday. DEDAN 11, with Ken Smith astride, galloped imxv presslvely on a good track at Ipoh this morning. Breaking from the 5f he finished full of running clocking 53 for 4f and 39 4/5 for 3f. Fastest time
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    • 113 19 SINGAPORE, Thurs. After another hard, keen battle Singapore Combined Schools beat Royal Signals 2-0 in a third replay of their Singapore hockey Association senior knockout tournament first round match at Dover Road today. Heroes of the School's win were their halves and fullbacks, who repeatedly
      113 words
    • 33 19 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Mr. Yeoh Cheang Lee, president of the Pen* Turf Club, has been reappolntcd chairman of the Totalsator Board for a further period of one year from Mar. 37.
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    • 203 19 SINGAPORE. Thursday. DOON WENG HOE, former Singapore table tennis x champion who recently represented Singapore in the S.E.A.P. Games at Rangoon, has been suspended for one year from March 1 by the Singapore Table Tennis Association. The suspension Is for making, statements to the Press
      203 words
    • 147 19 SINGAPORE. Thurs. Singapore Amateur Football As.•lation last night made lt official that any of its affiliates wishIng to make a tour outside Singapore must first notify the association of Its intention in writing before making it public through the Press. SAFA. in a circular to all
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 150 19 STRENGTH AND BOUNDLESS ENERGY W WMH Ppi^ a*. W -i.JB' I wa /fli^^^^^^^sHy b^bl TT hen your y W^- ia pV body is fully supplied with vital mineral salts you will feel that wonderful glow all over you— the glow of radiant health. Vikelp is a natural sea plant tonic
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 77 19 SPOKTB DIARY SCXTER FAM CUP: Kedah v Penang (KFA SUdium. Alor Star. 6). PENANG DIV. 3: BAPC v TPCA; Muslim RC t Prisons (both matches at D. Kramat). FRIENDLIES: Metal Box v Police. 'A' (Woodlands) S'gor Club v Sg. Buloh Leper Settlement XI <rh padan?V BADMINTON SPORE Schools Individual championships
      77 words

  • 314 20 Many kampongs 'set free 9 SECURITY SITUATION ON THAI-MALAYAN BORDER IMPROVES, SO FEWER COME UNDER REGULATIONS KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday AN improvement in the internal security situation along the Thai-Malayan border has resulted in a large number of kampongs being freed of border security regulations. Today's Government Gazette deletes the list
    314 words
  • 215 20 GOLDEN GOODBYE FOR 22 'OLD FAITHFUL' STAFF SINGAPORE, Thursday. T^EARLY SI OO,OOO has been paid out in severance pay to 22 men and women who recently lost their jobs with 20th Century Fox Films (East) Ltd. in Peaang Lane. i Payment was made last Saturday after negotiations between the company
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  • 106 20 HAD 44 GOLD COINS IN HIS POCKET SINGAPORE, Thurs.—Fortyfour gold coins were found on Mvi Kei Teng. 47. a seaman, after he had told two Singapore Harbour Board policemen that he had nothing to declare. Senior Customs officer, Mr. L. O. Pestana. told the First Criminal District Court today. Mui.
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  • 18 20 SINGAPORE. Thurs. The National Library will be closed between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Monday.
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  • 40 20 TJIGHEST and lowest tempera- lures tor Malaya and Singapore lor the period 8 p.m Wednesday to 8 p.m. yesterciuy: ti;ala Lumpur Cota Bliuiu *rn»ng poh >lalacc« Jlneapoie 91 88 88 91 88 90 75 73 7i 73 75
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  • 66 20 SINGAPORE, Thurs. A total of 298 prints from 41 countries will be put on exhibition by the South-East Asia Photographic Society at their second pictorial photography exhibition at the Singapore Polytechnic Hall tomorrow. The Minister for Culture, Mr. S. Rajaratnam. will declare open the exhibition at
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  • 77 20 SINGAPORE. Thurs. The Ministry of National Development has just completed a total of 816 one-room units at St. Michael's Estate, next to Kirn Keat Road. A spokesman of the Board said that the new homes marked a further step ahead in the Government's efforts to provide cheap
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  • 33 20 JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs. Dr. P. Nataraja Guru of the Narayana Gurukula. South India, will give a lecture on reincarnation at the Diamond Jubilee Hall here on Sunday at 6.30 p.m.
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  • 106 20 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Syed Ahmad Jamal. 32, and Ahmad bin Mohamed, 19. both of Kuala Lumpur, have won the major awards in the Federation art competition. They have been awarded study tours of a fortnight and a week worth $1,500 and $1,000 respectively. A
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  • 155 20 A motherly kiss for loneliest soldier 9 PETER SHEPHERD, once "the loneliest man in the army," kissed his 43--year-old mother, Mrs. Hilda Shepherd, with whom he was reunited after being flown home to Britain from Singapore in February. Peter, of the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, who was brought up
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  • 316 20 LONDON, Thurs.— A further cut in the British bank rate had been widely expected and today's half per cent reduction to five per cent had only a limited effect on stock markets. Closing middle pnce6 of selected stocks not including stamp duty were (.11 11
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  • 24 20 LONDON. Thurs Buyers £9644 sellers £966. Forward buyers £966 4, sellers £967. Settlement £9664. Turnover a.m. 350 tons, p.m. 470 tons. Tone: Steady.
    24 words
  • 40 20 LONDON. Thurs.— Spot 23 s id.. April 23Ud.. May 23-d.. June 33N,d.. Apr./ June tt%., July/ Sept. 23»«d.. Oct./ Dec. 23 7 ;d.. I Jan. /Mar. 23 T id. c.l.f. Mar. uni quoted. Apr. 23*,., May 23\d. Tone: Featureless.
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  • 93 20 Three cars collide: four hurt PENANG. Thurs. Four people were injured in a triple motor collision at Bukit Dumbar today. A car driven by Miss Ltm Suan Thuan, 22. skidded in the rain. Her car and a taxi travelling in the opposite direction collided. A second taxi then hit the
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  • 41 20 SINGAPORE. Thurs. Bt. Margaret's Girls' School will meet Tanjong Katong Secondary School at the U.S. Cultural Centre at a debate organised by the Trl-Hl-Y Clubs, at 2.30 p.m. tomorrow. The subject is "Women are more practical than men."
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  • 162 20 Naval chief says 'no warheads in S'pore subs' SINGAPORE. Thurs.— Rear Admiral H.S. Mackenzie, British Flag Officer, Submarines, who flew into Singapore today, said there were NO plans to equip tht> four submarines based in Singapore with nuclear warheads. He said Sinßapoic would continue to be a very important" base
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  • 24 20 THE FAMILY OF the Lite Mr K. Vythilln»:am of Kl.ini; arlab to thnrk lor thiir kitiii ■ulstance and attendance at the runt- nil.
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 146 20 Late CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS in H,,rd> $111 I Minimum) MCLEOD d.illKKli'l Sli. on 18.*.*). TANC Ch.iiK a K>n :it K;md.m.. K r i li 22.:i.6L'. llolh EU: TO MIRANDA tad A n on 2'Jrnl Miirch IMS U the OlMI— «lri. Both motlirr tot son an- tloinv »«U. Hongkong W Ml i§9
      146 words